Friday, June 7, 2019

And Here Come The SPICE-1000 PGMs For Punitive Cross-LoC Air-Assaults

A transformational change in counter-terror operations doctrine that originated two years is now set to be the ‘NEW NORMAL’. The Govt of India has mandated that the Indian Air Force’s (IAF) offensive air-delivered firepower replace the Indian Army’s fire-assaults (i.e. the IAF becomes the lead service-provider and initiator of kinetic operations) when it comes to undertaking sustained low-intensity military operations across the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu & Kashmir in order to raise the costs for the Pakistan Army (PA) and maintain moral ascendancy all across the LoC.
Following negotiations that began two years ago, India’s Ministry of Defence on June 6, 2019 inked a Rs.300 crore contract with Israel’s RAFAEL Advanced Defence Systems under which the IAF will be acquiring on a fast-track basis (with deliveries taking place within 90 days of contract signature) an initial 100 SPICE-1000 precision-guided munitions (PGM) kits for fitment with 500lb, 1,000lb and 2,000lb bombs. Each SPICE-1000 kit costs about US$480,000.
The Spice-1000s, to be carried by the IAF’s upgraded Mirage-2000 M-MRCAs and Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 interdictor aircraft, will be used in conjunction with the already-acquired RAFAEL-supplied RECCELITE tactical recce pods, thereby enhancing the SPICE-1000’s ability to rapidly respond in engaging time critical targets (such as rear-area field artillery emplacements and their command/control fire-direction centres) located on reverse mountain slopes) from stand-off range.
The decision to acquire the SPICE-1000s came after it was realised that the IAF’s existing SPICE-2000 PGMs that are without glide-wings can go out to only 60km-range when launched from an optimum altitude of 3km along a shallow glide-path. However, this leads to the launch-aircraft being exposed to hostile MR-SAMs (Like the Pakistan Army’s LY-80E LOMADS) over contested airspace such as those prevailing within PoK. Hence, PGMs with high glide-ratios (more than 20) are required so that the launch-aircraft can launch the PGMs from longer distances without affecting the PGMs’ ability to undertake top-attack flight profiles in their terminal stages. The SPICE-1000 will allow the Mirage-2000s to attack their ground targets 100km away while cruising at launch altitudes ranging from 10,000 feet to 15,000 feet ASL.
The SPICE-1000 guidance comprises a forward section kit that houses the sensor package, an inner small wing-kit, and the control section replacing the tail of standard bombs. All in all, the SPICE-1000 has tail control planes and inner small wings totalling six control surfaces in four tail-control surfaces and the two control surfaces shaping the small wing. The resulting weapon has a range of 100km, with less than 3-metre Circular Error Probable (CEP). This PGM has day, night and adverse weather capability because of its dual infra-red IR/CCD-TV seeker and advanced scene-matching algorithms. At close-in ranges (20km), the PGM recognises the target and correlates it with the pre-loaded imagery (acquired either by overhead recce satellites, or RECCELITE or HUMINT) stored into memory. This capability translates into the ability to overcome target location error and GPS jamming. This PGM can also choose among 100 potential targets and multiple weapons can be released at the same time, thereby providing simultaneous attack against various targets located across a given tactical battle area.
Acquisition of such PGMs using optronic sensors has acquired added priority after an appreciable increase in the availability of  HUMINT resources (informants) throughout PoK (inclusive of Gilgit-Baltistan) since 2015, when Pakistan began the forcible acquisition of huge tracts of land from the native inhabitants of PoK with paltry financial compensation for the construction of hydroelectric projects (by diverting existing river-flows) and motorways under the auspices of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) masterplan. All this has led to enormous resentment and disgruntlement among the inhabitants of PoK, who are now determined to seek revenge by any and all means.
Apart from arming the upgraded Mirage-2000 and Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 platforms with the SPICE-1000/RECCELITE combination, there also exists the possibility of arming the 40 Tejas Mk.1s with the same combination, since the Tejas Mk.1 has already been qualified to carry the RECCELITE pod. Each Tejas Mk.1 therefore could eventually be armed with 2 x SPICE-1000s for launching them from standoff distances from within friendly airspace.


  1. To DASHU: VMT, but RV sessions to delve into the past are more accurate since only 1 such specific event had taken place. RV sessions into the future are far more less accurate because of too many variables & usually glancing into the future brings in 3 sets of possible scenarios. That's why when I did such sessions back in 2016 WRT situation along the LoC & Sialkot sector, the 3 possibilities had included high-intensity corss-LoC fire-assaults by both sides, limited AirLand campaigns from the Indian side, as well as multi-directional AirLand campaigns against Pakistan from the east, west & south.

    PGMs will be used as soon as they become available, since their launch processes are the same as those of the SPICE-2000, with the only difference being the SPICE-1000s being launched into PoK from greater standoff distances & higher altitudes.

  2. Prasun da, in the press briefing conducted after Balakon airstrike MEA officials had described the attack as pre-emtive. Which begs the question - Will India wait for another major attack or are we going to strike before a terrorist attack happens? We already know where the camps are.

  3. Thank you, Prasun. It is good to see the military being proactive. This should also give the IAF more strike experience.

  4. @prasun, dada can you throw some light on current status of SMAW, SUDARSHAN, Bombs developed by air marshal Deo.

  5. A very bold step by India indeed.

  6. Prasun sir,

    1) When explaining about cooperative engagement in the Indian navy last month, you mentioned it is now possible to engage surface targets without the garpun radar locking on to it.
    Does that mean that till now the engagement radius of our ASCMs equipped ships was limited to the 50km range of the radar horizon of the garpun. If not can you please elaborate a bit on this?

    2) How much truth is there in this article especially with regard to increased speed and fuel efficiency?

    3) Now that cooperative engagement has been demonstrated, do you see the full 550km range brahmos being ordered any time soon for the IN surface ships?

    4) How effective are supersonic missiles like brahmos and klub against small and fast FACs like trimarans? Have they scored any hits on such vessels in exercises?


  7. To PRATAP: The term ‘pre-emptive’ then was used to refer to an impending follow-on attack by the same Jihadi Tanzeem, i.e. there first had to be an attack followed by an impending follow-on attack. The same will hold true in future as well, i.e. there will first have to be an attack, following which retaliation will follow by perhaps resorting to the same excuse of an impending follow-on attack.

    To RAVI: VMT. Have added a small bit above as the concluding piece.

    To SHRIRANGA: The SAAW is still undergoing development while the Sudarshan project has been replaced by the NG-LGB project. Good old AM deo did NOT develop any bomb or PGM. All he did was try to fabricate some fanboy scale-models of PGMs in his garage that had no connection with reality & the laws of physics & mathematics.

    To DASHU: More conspiracy theories from Pakistan:

    And this presentation confirms yet again from the lead Pakistani negotiator that Musharraf’s 4-Point Formula was meant to be just an INTERIM SOLUTION. Watch from 1.13:20 till 1.13:49:

    He is also hinting here that Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi wants to resurrect this 4-point formula as yet another INTERIM SOLUTION, i.e. to buy time of about 15 years so that Pakistan can expedite the constitutional annexation of GB--something China has been insisting upon (for the CPEC to succeed) & hence the repeated peace overtures now emanating from Pakistan towards India.

    Chinese construction activity opposite Fukche:

  8. @prasun da

    you said Chinese construction activity opposite Fukche:

    and when i said about the same saying that China was planning a new Doklam in Demchok, you said nothing like that will happen

    btw came to know a few thing

    1. Palestine will cease to exist s a state as per plans of Trumps SIL

    2. ITS China that is helping Saudi build missiles but world is silent

    3. Jordan is selling off a C130 and few HaWK AJT, I think the latter can be used by IAF after due upgrade& relifing for training, where as the former can be used as exclusive NSG transport after upgrade and relifing


    Joydeep Ghosh

  9. Hello sir, how r u these days??
    A very nice n informative thread sir...
    A big thanks for keeping us updated about India specific defence tech on latest info basis...🙂.
    Sir in d concluding part of Tejas carrying spice bomb... (1) What is SQR with 4 missiles?? What kinda 4 missiles will they be?
    2) in full air to air engagement configuration how many missiles can Tejas mk1A carry at most including jammer?? N what kinda missiles will they be?
    3) is it possible to carry 2 sets of 4 missiles each on both of heavy hard points near fuselage?? Plus 2 each on middle wing hard points??
    4) if yes then what kinda missile will they be which will b carried in such format? Range?

  10. Dada, can you tell current status of Russo-Indian deal of S400. We have sealed the agreement but has payment been made. Because some days ago I heard about modilities of payments are being finalized.
    What's do you think will happen to Indian S400 deal after Turkish Fiasco.

  11. Hi Prasun,

    How do you see the USA push to India about not buying S400 panning out.

    US also suggested helping India out with AMCA.

    I guess India has no choice but to heed US demands as we are getting hurt economically and otherwise.

    How will China and Russia react if we hedge our bets with USA.

    Srinivasa Nanduri


    Dear Prasun,
    The way US is arm twisting turkey to bow to it's demand on the s400 issue do you think the US would apply the same tactics to India or India's advantage as an strategic ally to US would outweigh such demands or alternatively can India offer the US in return especially on trade.

  13. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: The videoclip only shows the Chinese strengthening the river-banks, & not construction of helipads & roads as in the case of Doklam. Hence, there’s no comparison between Demchok & Doklam. Are the RJAF Hawk AJTs the same as Hawk Mk.132s? What’s the commonality percentage in terms of LRUs? And why should a C-130 be procured for the NSG when IL-76MD is available from the IAF? And of what use are such transport aircraft when they are parked at Palam in Delhi & not in Manesar?

    To ASHISH GAUTAM: 1) SQR stands for single quad-rack for housing 4 x SAAWs with EMP-generating warheads. 2) That depends on how many underwing & underbelly fuel tanks are reqd by Tejas Mk.1 for a strike sortie. 3 & 4) If it is the SPICE-2000 or SPICE-1000, then the answer is no. If two underwing SQRs are carried, then 8 SAAWs can be carried.

    To SHRIRANGA: It is a done deal & contract implementation is now underway.

    To SRINAVASA NANDURI & ADITYA KAMBLE: The US offer of THAAD is definitely far more superior if the intention is to use the THAAD as a BMD interceptor system. But if the idea is to use such interceptors for targeting both inbound BMDs or AEW & CS platforms flying 300km away, then the S-400 becomes the optimum choice. However, India unlike Turkey isn’t a NATO member-state & therefore the US cannot exert the same type of pressure on India as it is now exerting on Turkey. And this is because if Turkey opts for the S-400 then the entire NATO airspace protection system will be jeapordised, since the US will not allow its IFF protocols to be integrated with the S-400 LR-SAM network. Hence, the US cannot allow Turkey to set a precedent by deploying advanced military hardware that is not compatible with comparable hardware available to NATO.

    To DASHU: Discussion on problems in North Waziristan:

    Discussion on the Durand Line:

    Hadith of Ghazwa-e-Hind Explained:

    BLF's Ambush Attacks inside Balochistan:

  14. Dada request you to do a detailed analysis on India's upcoming ATGM like spike, vem atgm, nag variants.

  15. Sir,

    India to buy US missile system to shield Delhi

    Fake News???

  16. Prasun,

    Can you pls share your analysis on the following

    Computer failure or HAL’s botched upgrade — what caused Mirage 2000 crash. If it is HAL then HAL director needs to be arrested along with all those responsible for the upgrade

  17. There is a media report that India is going to buy NASAMS-II. Is it true? As of my knowledge NASAMS is equivalent to SPYDER & QRSAM. Isn't it duplication of assets just to please USA.

  18. Dear Prasun,

    Recent news if are to believed, then Pakistan is going to be blacklisted by FATF. So it will be a double edge sword for India. Earlier Masood Azhar has been declared global terrorists. So what are the probability that Pak would be black listed? If yes, what would be the implications?

  19. To ANUP & SUDIPTA PATHAK: That news-report came from only 1 national newspaper, with another stating that India MAY procure the NASAMS. And none of the broadcast TV channels carried that story. Consequently, as of now it is FAKE NEWS. Only after the US defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) formally notifies the US Congress of an impending sale can such news-reports be considered credible, as of now.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: You must be referring to this report:

    It is unlikely that the HAL-built flight-control computer malfunctioned or had software glitches, since these are already flying in those upgraded Mireage-2000s in service with the IAF. The flaw is therefore most likely related to either of the two FOG-equipped yaw/pitch gyrometers located on the portside & starboard side of each Mirage-2000. This is what such FOG-equipped gyrometers are all about:

    It is now widely suspected that one of these two gyrometers was not properly installed & came came off from its bulkhead or got loosened from its bulkhead fixture-wall, which in turn led to the gyrometer feeding false attitude-related inputs to the flight-control computer. That’s where matters now stand.

    To CHOLA: These are all reciprocal measures & when the Pak PM flew to Malaysia he too had to seek permission to overfly Indian airspace. Hence, in such matters, no one wins & no one looses. But, on the other hand, why send Tejas Mk.1s & the IN’s warships to take part when LIMA-2019 aerospace & maritime expo when India gets this in return:

    To ASD: It will be known this October. Meanwhile, on June 10, 2019, it was reported that Pakistan has shut down terror camps in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) due to pressure from the international community and fearing retaliation from India. There were 11 terror camps operating in Pok—five camps each in Muzaffarabad and Kotli clusters, and one in Barnala. A few camps that were being run by the LeT have been shut down in the Kotli and Nakyal area in the region opposite to Sunderbani and Rajouri. Terror camps close to Muzaffarabad and Mirpur have also been shut down. Terror camps run by the JeM have also been shut down in the Pala and Bagh area, while another camp run by Hizbul Mujahideen has been shut down in the Kotli area. So where have such camps been relocated to?

    They have been relocated to the Frontier Corps’ (FC) forts in Chitral, Drosh, Mirkhani and Timergara in KPK; Kuli Camp & Hanna Utak Valley, Quetta; PAITHOM (Pak-Austrian Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management), Swat; Fizaghat, Swat; Lakki Marwat; Kohat, Malakand. Ghalania, Mohmand Agency; Fort Slop, Khyber Agency; Landi Kotal, Khyber Agency; Alizai, Kurram Agency; Parachinar, Kurram Agency; Khar, Bajaur Agency; Miramshah, North Waziristan Agency. Most of these installations also serve as internment camps housing the captured combatants of TTP, where such combatants are re-oriented for staging terror attacks inside both Afghanistan & J & K.

    So, there’s no need to worry & my situational awareness-levels remain high, thanks to my on-going long-range recce sorties as a ‘Chowkidaaron ka Chowkidaar’.

  20. How the FBI Caught China's naval intelligence agent Chi Mak:

    Inside the Mossad

    The Mossad: Imperfect Spies

    Story of Eli Cohen

    Israel’s N-Bomb

    India's National Security Doctrine

    PA COAS Performs Umrah

    India Releases Water in Sutlej


  21. hi prasun

    can the wso of the su-30 mki use his HMS to designate and fire missiles independantly , that would make it deadly??

    i feel the recruitment of RAW candidates including the pot bellied IPS officers who man them should be replaced by military personnel who will die for the country like the mossad agents. I believe they undergo a 10 year training period ,the toughest in the world before they are deployed?? your view ??

    Congrats your another idea will see the light of fruitful reality....

  23. What a timing !! time to test the "NEW NORMAL", though they already manufactured a perfect alibi - i:e non availability of Rafale in inventory.

    Need to give credit to PA for showing exceptional courage that too in this economic hardship, they are needling at will, may be to avoid bombing they vacated old camps just in time.

  24. Why would we need NASSOMS-II if we already have the SPYDER?

  25. Prasun,

    -what's with IAF refusing to support HTT40. is IAF being duplicitous here given the pilatus support agreement controversy (as I recollect there were allegations that the IAF diluted its own specs for it)
    -While HTT40 makes sense why is HAL wasting money on HJT36?
    - Your comments on the scramjet test pls
    - what is the status on Safran trying to support Kaveri .. looks dead for now


  26. hi prasun
    there is news about your venture to integrate the ak -630 to atruck , but its seems to be be for air defense rather than fire support fr the army.

    It also mentions that we have been able to make 95% of the ak 630 ,? is that true .
    The radar is ancient, cant we have a pesa or aesa radar now?

    is the report of india choosing the korean biho SPAAG true?

  27. Another Fidayeen attack in J & K, this time by a Pakistan-based Tanzeem AL UMAR MUJAHIDEEN led by Mushtaq Ahmed Zargar, who was released along with Masood Azhar in December 1999 after IC-814 was hijacked. So, this incident too calls for swift military retaliation, since one of the slain terrorists was a Pakistani. More Spice-2000s need to be used against already identified sites within PoK, although Zargar resides in Rawalpindi. No wonder the Indian PM has decided against overlying Pakistani airspace while on his way to Krygyzstan.

    1. This govt has blow hot and then blow cold policy rather than consistent blow hot can we really expect some air land campaign in PoK in this term of doval baba

  28. Prasunji if possible can you help me with these queries?
    1) When explaining about cooperative engagement in the Indian navy last month, you mentioned it is now possible to engage surface targets without the garpun radar locking on to it.
    Does that mean that till now the engagement radius of our ASCMs equipped ships was limited to the 50km range of the radar horizon of the garpun. If not can you please elaborate a bit on this?

    2) How much truth is there in this article especially with regard to increased speed and fuel efficiency?

    3) Now that cooperative engagement has been demonstrated, do you see the full 550km range brahmos being ordered any time soon for the IN surface ships?

    4) How effective are supersonic missiles like brahmos and klub against small and fast FACs like trimarans? Have they scored any hits on such vessels in exercises?


  29. After the induction of apaches , what's the scope of existing Hinds in IAF???OR THEY WILL BE RETIRED??

  30. Dear Prasun,
    It seems that unless we have our own FCR, it's not possible to integrate our choice of western missiles in our fighter fleet. What is the status of our Uttam radar? Will it be GaA based or GaN based?

  31. 1 )Sir why aren't we going for longer range R77 variants? Or are they waiting for Astra (will it be a worthy 1 for 1 replacement?) Or distant SFDR.
    2) Any capability differentiation/degradation in Reccelite and litening?
    3) what exactly does sky shield do and different from elta escort jammer?
    4) are there any integration issues with self protection jammer, I derby ER and multi ejector racks (other than SAAW) on Tejas mk1?
    5) can we not go for Meteor on mirages and jaguars considering their origin?
    Most importantly, how many mirage trainers are left since the third crashed and we lost two pilots?

    I was hoping we could buy 4-8 trainer units in addition to 2 upcoming trainers, if any second hand ones have life remaining, add meteors. Few were sold as aggressors to private firm.


  32. what is the necessity for India to disclose the S400 agreement to the world?
    can't such deals done in secret?

  33. To RAD: The WSO on the Su-30MKI does not handle aerial engagements of any sort & therefore the WSO does not have HMDS. AK-630M has always been for air-defence while the MiG-27M's 30mm cannon can be used for ground forces fire-support.

    To MURTHY: And exactly how can such contracts be kept secret? Unless you are ASSUMING that the rest of the world are buffoons & Indians are the only ones blessed with all-knowing wisdom.

    To VED: That's right. But the Uttam AESA-MMR is another decade away from entering service, rest assured.

  34. To AMIT BISWAS: The Mi-25s & Mi-35Ps will be decommissioned & will be donated to Afghanistan.

    To AVI: No NASSOMS-2 or NASAMS-2, rest assured.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: Then the IAF will gain the dubious distinction of operating 2 types of same-generation BTTs. Hence the procurement of HTT-40 should be avoided. Let HAL export such BTTs to Afghanistan.

    To VINAY: 1) Yes, that is the case as of now. 2) It is FAKE NEWS. No one fires ASCMs out to such long ranges because it is impossible to achieve positive target identification, especially in the seas surrounding India where civilian maritime traffic is quite high. 4) The BrahMos-1 back in the previous decade had destroyed an ex-IN Nanuchka-class FAC-M.

    1. So in the present case if IN platforms need to be within 50 km distance from enemy ships to target it with brahmos with own FCR?? That's too dangerous I believe... In case enemy launches ASCM before IN ship gets into advantageous position it will hardly get max 1 minute time....

    2. Any possibility of IA getting Mi28UB /Ka52 alligator helicopter to beef up its aur assault strength for the three strike corps ???

  35. Prasun,

    -How does Varunastra compare to F21, blackshark, DM2A4 & the US Navy MK48 latest version in terms of range, sophistication & speed
    - How long for a sub launched version
    - any updates on the indigenous lightweight torpedo
    -why are the IN & Coast guard ships/OPV/boats so underarmed vs those from other nations (was watching euronaval videos & the ones displayed seem to be decades ahead)

  36. Sir,
    1. With regard to the mig 29 purchase by IAF, do you think the numbers will be increased to 50 after the new budget is announced or will it be capped at 21? Also will the new mig 29 upg will sport maws?
    2. When do you think the dhanush mgs will be entering service?
    3. do you think India will order considerable number of f 21 fighter planes in order to appease US in the light of recent report that usa is concerned about Indian S-400 purchase?
    4.If super sukhoi project commmence this year when do you think the definitive super su-30mki will be entering service?
    5.with regards to the tejas mk1a project, is HAL developing tejas mk1a out of its own funds or does it need any approval from the defence ministry?
    6.When do you think the qrsam will be entering service? it possible to develop a nuclear powered scorpene submarine?

  37. @Prasun K Sengupta : With regards to your reply to JUST_CURIOUS at 6.46 am. I am against the suggestion for avoiding HAL HTT-40. Having a dubious distinction of operating two different types trainer aircraft doesn't mean anything or make us look bad. If HAL trainer aircraft is bought then 106 number for indigenous aircraft is very good. Maybe HAL gets few more orders down the line from IAF and able to sell few to other countries e.g. as per your suggestion to Afghanistan. If number rises to 150 that I believe makes a very good case for building trainer aircrafts in India itself.

    By choosing Pilatus PC-7 mk ii we are just sending all the money outside India with no tangible benefits other than may be save some money initially cause I think if HTT-40 is bought then long term support cost could be brought down and we will have one more platform that is built in India even if it has imported components. Now HTT-40 may have a lot of foreign components and even if it is more than 50% by cost imported in form of components, I still believe some money still stays in India, in addition to that we have got an aircraft to our name with possible local replacements from foreign components in future. Now I am an amateur in this field. May be I am missing some or a lot of details in this case. Kindly enlighten me what is downside in the whole process or what I am missing?

    Thanks & Regards,

  38. To DASHU: Indian commentators on international affairs are now at 2 distinct polar opposites. On one hand we have those ‘desi patrakaars’ who are perpetual bleeding hearts & hence out of their way to manufacture FAKE NEWS, like this:

    One can also add the likes of Karan Thapar to the list of such delusional ‘desi patrakaars’.

    On the other hand, there are those (NaMo included) who have firmly concluded that Pakistan does not need to be ENGAGED or MANAGED, but CONTAINED. It is now all about reading the writing on the wall & planning for the ultimate contingency, i.e. the day Pakistan fails as a sovereign state:

    Meanwhile, the closure of Pak airspace till June 28 & NaMo’s decision to avoid overflying Pak airspace are ominous & could perhaps be an indicator of things to come (like a follow-on air-strike but this time within PoK) if the following is true:

    To KAUSTAV: This should answer a vfew more of your queries:


  39. To AMIT BISWAS: Eaxctly how many types of attack helicopters you suggest the IAF & IA should procure? The ones from Turkey & China as well?

    The ‘enemies’ too have 50km range limitation because their shipborne target acquisition radars have the same limitations as Garpun-Bal. In crowded seas, if one is willing to take the chance of destroying both civilian vessels & naval warships, then ASCMs can be fired from longer ranges. This is what had happened back in 1971. If the intention is to fire ASCMs against static coastal industial installations, thrn too ASCMs can be fired 550km away or 290km away.

    To VSJ: 1) Read this: 2) Capabilitiers are the same. Mission usage is different. 3) They do the same job. 4) ASPJ is not specified for Tejas Mk.1. For the rest, they can be integrated with ease. 5) Meteor can easily be integrated with the upgraded Mirage-2000s. Jaguar IS is not an interceptor or air-superiority combat aircraft or MRCA.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: Had already explained it all several times before. Varunastra is an autonomous HWT whereas all the others launched from submarines are wire-guided.

    To BENO: 1) Yes. MiG-29UPGs & Super Su-30MKIs & Tejas Mk.1As will all sport MAWS when the underwing-mounted MAWS-carrying attachments are developed. 2) They have already entered service. 3) Not if additional Su-30MKIs, MiG-29UPGs & rafales are ordered. 4) Two years after prototype rollout. 5) All funds are coming from the MoD. 6) By early 2021. 7) It has already been developed for Brazil.

    To AMOL: I had explained it all several times before, especially in the Post titled ‘The Multi-Phase Castration of HAL’. Kindly read it up.

    1. I believe BENO asked details of DHANISH BASED MGS On BEML tatra induction rather Dhanush baseline towed howitzer

  40. Hi,
    "To BENO: 1) Yes. MiG-29UPGs & Super Su-30MKIs & Tejas Mk.1As will all sport MAWS when the underwing-mounted MAWS-carrying attachments are developed"

    Just a point of clarity - are such MAWS attachments being developed for the IAF?

    Are the new orders for R-77s and R-73s of the most recent and upgraded models? I thought the baseline models were out of production and the R-VV-AE has been replaced by the R-77-1/RVV-SD?


  41. To SBM: The question was answered before here:

    Baseline AAM models are i8n production only in Ukraine. Russian AAMs are all of latest production standard.

  42. I like the "counter terrorism" exercises. Considering all terrorist activities are unconventional - it is most likely special forces and commandos of the military will be called in to attack terror camps only. For all other terror related activities such as bombings, kidnapping, hostage taking - it will be the police, para millitary and SWAT teams that will be involved. So why waste time doing these so called exercises for instance with Pakistan which will send IN terrorists than combating them? How could such exercise even help in covert and unconventional tactics used by the terrorists?
