Wednesday, July 24, 2019

The War That Should Never Have Been-1

Behind the much-feted victory in the India-Pakistan limited war of mid-1999 (in the Drass-Kargil-Batalik-Kaksar sectors of Jammu & Kashmir) lurks colossal blunders—bungles which had involved the top hierarchy of the Govt of India as well as the Indian Army (IA) and Indian Air Force (IAF). In a gist, had the political and IA/IAF leadership simply been more alert and alive to the situation, OP Koh-i-Paima (OP Mountain of Resolve)  need not have been launched at all by the Pakistan Army (PA). As it transpired, India plodded into a needless war costing Rs.19.84 billion, and bled itself in terms of sterling men and material, before eking out a redeeming, if costly, military triumph. It eventually took 11 weeks of bitter fighting by brave and under-equipped Indian soldiers at forbidding heights along craggy mountain ridgelines and peaks, and Washington’s considerable influence, to evict the PA intruders. More 1,200 combatants, including 519 IA soldiers, died; another 1,100 were injured, half of them permanently maimed. Yet, for all the to-do surrounding this definitive episode, it is a shame that no questions are being asked-or entertained-at the highest levels, and no answers being given even 20 years after the conduct by India’s military of OP Vijay (of the IA), OP Safed Saagar (of the IAF) and OP Talwar (of the Indian Navy), especially in terms of decision-making failures/deficiencies at the strategic-level, and lessons learnt at the operational and tactical levels. And it is due to this that India’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) till this day desists from publishing the official history of this limited war (which ought to include not only detailed reports on the various AirLand battles/campaigns, but also archival records of India’s Ministry of External Affairs and the Cabinet Committee on national Security). 
Consequently, the 20th anniversary of the limited war will be remembered across India in a celebratory manner over three days (July 25-27), with the theme being “Remember, Rejoice and Renew”, instead of “Analyse, Introspect and Learn”. This was pretty much the case 19 years ago as well when the Kargil Committee Report (KCR) was collectively drafted by K Subrahmanyam, Lt Gen K K Hazari, B G Verghese and Satish Chandra. The KCR failed to include (intentionally or otherwise) the most important lesson, which was: past mistakes that are not acknowledged and corrected due to the political more expedient craving for mass euphoria and exhilaration, always tend to repeat themselves. As the following parts of the narrative will reveal below, it was the severely flawed and executed war campaign (as a direct consequence of strategically unsound higher directions of war laid down by the then ruling political establishment) on the western front in late 1971 and the refusal to officially acknowledge it (by not publishing till this day the MoD’s official history of the 1971 India-Pakistan war) that was responsible for sowing the seeds of the limited war in mid-1999.
The following slides reveal that between October and December 1971, there was considerable disagreement between within the military establishment about the operational priorities, this being largely due to the inability of the then political leadership leadership to clearly spell out the higher directions of war/war directives. For instance, there was no clarity on whether to accord greater priority to the capture of Pakistani territory across the International Boundary (IB) or whether to go for maximum territorial grab across the CeaseFire Line (CFL) and the Working Boundary (WB) along the Chicken’s Neck area.
The following slides reveal that back in 1971 there was no dearth of tactical intelligence, thanks to the several East Pakistani Bengalis who had defected from Pakistan’s military and had sought asylum in India. However, at the strategic-level, for inexplicable reasons, no heed was paid to information emanating from several East European Warsaw Pact member-countries (that had in turn acquired the information from sources in China) which had clearly indicated that: 1) Pakistan’s military, against which a 10-year arms embargo had been imposed by the US in 1965, did not possess the resources/hardware assets required for waging multi-front offensive land campaigns on the western front. 2) The PA and PAF would take a considerable time to master the usage of China-origin weapons that were being imported since 1968 as replacements for their US-origin counterparts. 3) Consequently, the PA and PAF would undertake only one offensive campaign, most probably across the CFL against Jammu & Kashmir. 4) The rest of the PA and PAF would hunker down and brace for a defensive war of attrition inside Pakistani territory in order to conserve their war-waging resources/assets and war wastage reserves. Consequently, the IA was forced into adopting an all-out defensive posture all along the IB, WB and CFL, which clearly prevented the IA and IAF from adopting limited and clear-cut offensive joint warfighting objectives that could be quickly achieved during an all-out but short conventional war.
Another reason that remains unexplained to date is why the IAF was denied permission to conduct tactical reconnaissance sorties till December 3, 1971 despite the PAF violating Indian airspace and conducting tactical air recce sorties over northern Punjab and southern Jammu since November 20, and commencing tactical air-strikes inside India out of East Pakistan since November 22. Consequently, the IA was denied vital intelligence inputs that would have possibly enabled it to checkmate the PA’s gamble in both Poonch and Chammb, and the Shakargarh Bulge.
As a result, the AirLand campaigns of the IA and IAF in both Chammb and the Shakargarh were nothing else but slugfest duels with no decisive outcomes on the battlefields, instead of the manoeuvre warfare originally envisaged by the IA's HQ Western Command.
As the evidence above indicates, placing greater emphasis on offensive land campaigns across the IB in 1971 (which produced only diminishing returns) resulted in the IA being forced to accord lesser importance to the mountain warfare campaigns that would have fetched over the following years highly value-added returns. For instance, had the IA HQ authorised its HQ Western Command to allocate greater warfighting resources to its XV Corps for the sake of realising all its envisaged tactical objectives—especially the capture of Olthingthang—then the PA in 1984 would not have been able to set up its firm logistics-support base in Goma for supporting its 323 Brigade along the Baltoro Glacier, and by 1999 would have denied the sprawling firm logistics-support base at Olthingthang from where OP Koh-i-Paima was launched and supported.
Battlefield Gains & Losses of 1971
Frittering Away The Military Gains At Shimla
The then Indian Prime Minister Smt.Indira Gandhi, from a position of strength, now really turned the screws on the dismal Pakistani delegation. She would not budge from her three main demands. First, to recognise the CFL as an International border. Second, to merge Azaad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan into the main body of Pakistan and bury the J & K issue forever, not to be brought up at any international forum. And third and most important: recognise Bangladesh, which would mean accepting the complete defeat of Pakistan and the Two-Nation Theory. Only then would she release the Pakistani POWs and return the captured and occupied territory of what was West Pakistan. Needless to say, the Pakistani delegation could not and would not accept these conditions. The Shimla meeting was, therefore, heading for a total failure. No joint statement or accord was released and the Pakistani delegation prepared to return empty-handed. It was then, at the very last minute, that Zulfikar Ali Bhutto asked Indira for a one-on-one meeting—between only the two of them, behind closed doors. The two leaders were inside for an hour, and then a frowning Bhutto emerged and told the delegation to draw up a joint statement on all other matters like trade, cultural exchange etc. But to leave the main points out. The only one mentioned—and here he got a concession from Indira—was that the CFL would henceforth be termed the ‘Line of Control’ (LoC) for each side and he gave the concession that the J & K issue would not be raised by Pakistan in international forums. What had transpired inside came to light later. Bhutto told Indira that if he accepted her conditions, he would be publicly lynched when he returned to Pakistan. A vacuum would be created, a PA General would take over and start planning his revenge on India as well as the use of military force to release the PoWs. Did she really want that? Or did she prefer to deal with a democratically elected politician and popular leader? In the end he charmed her with his salesmanship and asked her to give him time, promising to recognise Bangladesh in his own way and time. He also got her to compromise on the J & K issue by renaming the CFL as the LoC (just an interim ceasefire line) rather than a permanent international border. He also committed to giving Pakistani Passports to Azaad Kashmiris, thus ending the region’s independent status and making it a de facto part of Pakistan. Now what remained was for Bhutto to make good on his promise to recognise Bangladesh.
(to be concluded)



    I don't know najam sethi read your analysis or what. But he also saying the same thing that what you said yesterday.

  2. Additional reading resources on the 1972 Shimla Agreement:

    Account of the May 1972 battle between the IA & PA:

  3. Unfortunately, lessons are still not learned probably will never be by the civilian leadership.

  4. Dear Prasun,

    I want to draw your attention regarding one issue. What I recall You were earlier enthusiastic about the future upgradation of F/A 18 super hornet aircraft stating that F-16 has limited future scope w.r.t. upgradation. After the arrival of the F-21, you are not at all mentioning about F/A-18. Please enlighten me on the issue. I mean if FA 18 is procured, then will it be a better option than F16?

  5. Hello Prasunji! Great article as always.
    Many interesting developments around here:

    1.The news is brewing about US considering sanctioning India under CAATSA.If so what should be it's implications?Would it make all US-originated hardware out-of service?

    2.On interesting point I got from a news article is "the Trump administration indicated it would consider relief for India only if the US received mega-billion defence contracts from New Delhi".Would you expect any such deal in future considering the GOI will cut other plans hence saving money for this one?If so,would it be for F-21?

    3.What exactly is US plan for future of Afghanistan?Pulling out troops while keeping Air-power in or keeping them in for strategic reasons?

    4.You earlier said that this peace deal will go nowhere.Are you still standing by it?POTUS seemed to be happy with IAKN? If yes,then do you think that he would be able to make through it before 2020 elections?

    5.Bad news is,I do have only BE in Aerospace as an option.Do you think it is lesser important or have lesser carrier opportunities then Aeronautics?BTW,I am willing to do it in Canada and not in India.

    Hope that these sudden "prahaar" of too many questions don't bother you.
    Thank you for you guidance and sharing valuable knowledge.

  6. Pakistan is like a cat with 9 lives. In its case, renewable life. Each time it looks like all over for Pakistan- they find a way out of it and starts from back to square one. Astounding really! Now India might end up in no man's land- neither Russia-China camp nor US-West camp. Truly non aligned and isolated.

  7. At last someone else has taken the trouble to explain & highlight all that i had been repeatedly stating, & what the Kargil Committee Report had totally glossed over 19 years ago:

    The political aim—restoration of territorial status quo in Kargil while not crossing the Line of Control keeping in view the international opinion—did earn us accolades. But it also showed our strategic naivety. Pakistan’s impulsive tactical operation had presented us with an opportunity and we should have seized it to make maximum territorial gains in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir. We were fighting with what we had, but it was 1999 and Pakistan had even less. Realpolitik is not about morals. Kargil once again exposed the poor state of our tri-service cooperation, when in the initial stages the Indian Air Force (IAF) dithered and wanted a separate strategic clearance directly from the central government rather than accept the directions of the Chairman Chief of Staff Committee. While we celebrate our phenomenal success, it is more important to learn lessons from the initial debacle in the Kargil War. The lessons are relevant for the conflicts or wars that we are likely going to fight in the future.

  8. Prasunda,

    Why has the test firing of the Pralay missile been delayed? It was to happen last year in September, but no news of that since.


    Security Scan - MMRCA 2.0
    It seems that panelists favouring mig 35 or Rafale .
    Without further rafale procurement assurance it will be tough for IAF to chose other aircraft after investing a lot in India specific enhancement..

    What is your view of Imran khan gladly accepting the presence of 40k sarkari jihadi nurtured by pak amry.
    In his conversation with Trump ..Trump quiet smartly mocks pakistan's bankruptcy situation and Imran khan accepting Trump's argument of Past pakistani establishment as liars...
    And why all on sudden America ..Basically trump believing that pak army and imran khan help them in dealing with Taliban where as it is pakistan that is harbouring Taliban as asset and bargaining instrument.
    When shall the additional upgraded mig 29 from Rusia going to be ordered...

  10. Finally your 40k sarkari jihadi number is confirmed by non other than their care-taker guardian Mr Niazi.
    That too in front of US, however, this admission says something substantial has been reached between the US and PA.

    My Only concern is how ominous this is for India and its plan to re-take PoK (though current thread suggest no plan for PoK anytime soon). What they offered to Mr Trump?

  11. To ARPIT KANODIA: VMT, but the real story is a bit more complicated & hence kindly let me elaborate further:

    What we all witnessed 96 hours ago was a CLASSIC stratagem to disarm the adversary through psychological warfare, i.e. only bits & pieces of matters discussed between POTUS Trump & NaMo at the G-20 Summit in Osaka were relayed with certain deliberate ‘drop-in’ twists & turns by POTUS Trump. And so far none of the ‘desi pundits’ appearing on various ‘desi’ TV channels have been able to figure it out. For instance, the key operative words in POTUS Trump’s narrative were ‘mediation’ & ‘arbitration’. While such words were sweet music to the ears of almost every Pakistani, the full consequences/repercussions of those words, after sinking in, are only now beginning to be understood inside Pakistan among those who are a bit more discerning. And that’s because Pakistan has now been induced to walk inside a perfect ambush. And this is how it works: the US wants Pakistan to not only coerce the Afghan Taliban into direct talks with the Govt of Afghanistan, but it also wants Pakistan to underwrite or guarantee the success of such talks. And if Pakistan were to be unable to deliver all that it is now promising to do thus far, then POTUS Trump as an honest broker/arbitrator can always be expected to deliver his verdict in favour of India regarding the J & K issue (especially since the US too is against CPEC). In other words, both POTUS Trump & NaMo have jointly created the perfect ambush for Pakistan under which Pakistan will end up as the nett loser regarding both the Afghan Taliban issue & the J & K issue. A bit of it—portrayed as Pakistan’s worst fears—is explained here:

    In India, such stratagems won’t be understood by most since they haven’t read the book called ’The 36 Stratagems of Warfare’. Those who wish to learn more about it can do so from here:

    Coming now to Afghanistan, here are the hard facts: 1) The Afghan Taliban has still not been able to capture & rule any major town or city of Afghanistan. 2) Over the past 6 months, a systematic military campaign to destroy Afghan Taliban’s narcotics production laboratories/facilities has systematically reduced their financial prowess. 3) Afghanistan has almost eliminated its dependence on Pakistan for economic survival by importing all its POL (petrol/oil/lubricants) consumption reqmts from Iran while its wheat/wheat flour reqmts are coming from Kazakhstan via a railway line passing through Uzbekistan. 4) All of Afghanistan’s exports are ending up at Chabahar & are being shipped worldwide from there & all the Afghan & even Pakistani trading agents catering to Afghanistan are based in Chabahar, & not in Karachi or Gwadar. And that’s exactly why the US has exempted Chabahar from its anti-Iran sanctions list.

    Such undeniable ground-realities (which the ‘desi’ patrakaars/pundits’ continue to ignore) make it almost IMPOSSIBLE for India & Iran to be excluded from any kind of ‘peace talks’ regarding Afghanistan, no matter how much any ‘discerning’ Pakistani craves for this to be untrue.

  12. To ASD: In the F-16 versus F/A-18 competition, the latter would have been an ideal MMRCA. But when it comes to the F-21 versus F/A-18 debate for the SEF reqmt, the former comes out as the cheapest & best option in terms of performance parameters. No one is now offering the F-16 to India. Only the F-21 is on offer.

    To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) They will be symbolic sanctions only & will not affect any US-origin hardware exported to India. 2) The NMRH contract, Sea Guardian UAS & additional P-8Is & C-17A Globemasters are to be ordered, along with several more items that will go on-board the P-15B DDGs & P-17A FFGs. 3) The US will be in Afghanistan for another 15 years, period. But its ground troops will be used for mentoring the ANSF, while US airpower will be used for tactical offensive air-strikes. 4) Kindly read my comment immediately above. 5) If you intend to make a one-way trip to Canada (for higher education & settling down there forever) then BE Aerospace is good, since OEMs like Bombardier Aerospace can absorb you. But inside India no such OEMs exists & hence the demand for BE Aerospace in India is quite less. But if you do a licenced aeronautical engineering course in Canada (which brings with it FAA/EASA certification/licence) & then decide to come back & work in India, then it will pay rich financial dividends. That’s because those who want to become licenced aeronautical engineers in India do not get EASA/FAA certificate/licence & instead have only a DGCA licence that is not recognised worldwide.

    To SATYAKI: That can only be answered by those ‘desi patrakaars’ who have been shamelessly claiming that the Pralay SS-BSM is ready for commencing its flight-tests.

    To BUDDHA & DASHU: Kindly read my assessment above that I had addressed to ARPIT KANODIA. It will answer all your queries. As for wrongly dubbed MMRCA 2.0 project, only the Rafale meets all reqmts. The reqmt for 114 MRCAs is for 114 single-engined platforms & IS NOT for fulfilling the IAF’s MMRCA reqmts since a twin-engined MRCA will cost far more than a single-engined MRCA. Meanwhile, the first P-17A FFG will be launched by Mumbai-based Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders 7 Engineers this October. And today is Day-2 of the FICCI-organised shipbuilding seminar & more details emerging from it will be shared by me later tonight. Meanwhile, do enjoy reading the 36 Stratagems that I’ve web-linked above.

  13. To KAUSTAV: Some interesting factoids from Bangladesh: From 1964 to 2013, around 11.3 million Hindus left Bangladesh due to religious persecution and discrimination. It means on an average 632 Hindus left the country each day and 230,612 annually. The exodus mostly took place during military governments after independence. Before the Liberation War of 1971, the daily rate of migration was 705 while it was 512 during 1971-1981 and 438 during 1981-1991. The number increased to 767 persons each day during 1991-2001 while around 774 persons left the country during 2001-2012. The government grabbed the properties of the Hindus during the Pakistan regime describing them as enemy property and the same properties were taken by the government after independence as vested property. These two measures made 60% of the Hindus landless.

    And the latest info emanating from bangladesh suggests that an increasing number of Bangladeshi middle-income natives are lapping up the narrative of the religiosity-inspired clergy of that country since they strongly believe that both the Awami League & the BNP have ditched them forever. This, coupled with Sheikh Hasina's reluctance to clamp down harshly against such extremists, have now given rise to populist slogans like "all Kaafirs leave Bangladesh". So, in case if there's no clearcut succession plan in place within the Awami League, then chances are that by 2021 or 2022 there will be a massive exodus of the remaining 1.2 crore Bangladeshi Hindu citizens of Bangladesh towards India (the last such exodus was in 1993 after the Babri Masjid demolition). But this time, the worst-case scenario envisages that while the 1.2 crore Bangladeshi Hindus are most likely to head for India, a corresponding bloody exodus of Indian Muslims will take place from areas like lower Assam & north WB towards Bangladesh. This may perhaps explain the ongoing NRC exercise in Assam & efforts to amend India's existing Citizenship Law. a few RV sessions on this subject may well be worth undertaking.


    Inference: The Myanmar Navy has made up its mid to procure 2 Type 636 SSKs from Russia, with the IN providing the technical type-training for the Myanmar navy's SSK crew complements.

    Inference: The Myanmar Air Force, which has already ordered Su-30SMs, will send its aircrew & ground-crew teams to Nashik for technical type-training by both the IAF & HAL.

  15. Prasunda,

    VMT. Hope the Pralay is tested and inducted soon. SS-BSMs are needed in large numbers for conventional deterrence against the PLA. Any idea when Pralay will be readied ?


  16. Prasun

    guess the following article talks about govt plans for DPSU's on the lines you have been proposing for a lomg time..

    still there are elements in the proposal which state bias towards them ..pls share your view on this

  17. Prasunda

    That would be extremely worrying for India & a political hot potato, specially in the North East. Why do Hindus in Bangladesh not convert en masse' to Islam? That way, they get to keep their property and citizenship. And India does not have to bear a new headache. All said and done, most religions while being fairly silly only serve as a means of social acceptability to groups. People know very little about their religions anyway. I apologise if I seem cynical. But, I sincerely believe Bangladesh & India too would progress faster without the millstone of religion retarding development. Of course, given human stupidity in South Asia people would find new ways to create divisions as most of these disturbances have more to do with economics & land grabbing. I know Hindus from Bangladesh who have crossed over fairly recently to West Bengal after exchange of Land assets, with family members still residing across in Bangladesh. But they are the lucky few. Most lose everything, including loved ones and hope to just begin a new life in West Bengal which is pretty hard. In the North East, Bengalis are hardly welcome whether from Bangladesh or West Bengal.

    Thanks for mentioning this. Please do Remote Viewing for the next decade or more, but even otherwise, the situation is grim. Global warming and rising sea levels will only make the situation worse.

  18. The Bangladesh gov must be held accountable. This against basic human rights.

    What are the number arriving from pakistan sir? Over 3 million reside there.


  19. Dear Prasun,

    I believe for SEF requirement only Gripen and F21 are in fray as there are no other possible contenders. Hence I believe F21 will be the choice unless ..... Tejas.

  20. Prasun da

    1. few clarification about DRDO projects

    a. the 'Supersonic Missile Assisted Release Torpedo' (SMART)

    b. S-Band High Power Microwave weapon

    2. C-17A Globemasters line is shut then how are we going to get even 1

    3. is it true that SLBMs cant be more than 12 mtr in length, i believe russian SLBMs are much larger i think

    4. what happened between SKorea Japan & Russia China few days back, why they want to boil up east china sea

    5. Olthingthang or Skaru which was/is more important

    6. learnt that Venezuela Mi26 frames are fairly new, they cant service them bcoz of cash cruch but we can so why not get them

    7. with regards to answer you gave to KAUSTAV i figure it will become all the more imp for India to negotiate with bangladesh deal to widen the chicken neck/siliguri corridor as well as get more land from dinajpur and rajshahi areas of bangladesh as well as kumilla and sylhet

    8. i have a feeling something is very likely going to happen in gilgit baltistan & aksai chin area in next few months


    Joydeep Ghosh

  21. Hello Prasunji!
    Thanks a lot for clearing my doubts.
    1.Meanwhile some very interesting development is about to come(apparently):

    GOI is deploying 100 companies of CAPFs.Looks like something is about to happen.Rumors are circulating that NaMo might announce something related to 35A and 370 on his 15 August speech.If true,do you think that Global community will condemn it or try to stop it?

    2.Does this mean MDL solved the issues which were found:

    Eagerly waiting for your updates of the seminar.

    Thanks sirji....

  22. Sir, why can't we make important procurement decisions in record time like we did with S-400? Has the order for Israeli EL/M-2090 long range radar to be integrated for use of 77N-6N and 77N6-NI been placed yet?

  23. Dear Prasun, a couple of questions:

    1) Is the order for S-400s for 5 regiments? If so, do these each have two battalions of eight launchers each? Can each battalion be deployed into two four launcher units linked by a command centre?

    2) We know the Akash squadrons have two flights each with four triple launchers. How are the MRSAM squadrons organized? Into two Firing Units with eight octuple launchers each?

    3) Finally, the ASAT test: does it demonstrate, at least nominally and of course in ideal conditions with no complications, the ability to intercept a missile at 300km altitude as well (yes I know there are huge differences but I am speaking of a baseline theoretical ability)?

    Thanks for any clarity. Much appreciated as always.

  24. To SATYAKI: Pralay SS-BSM should be ready for deployment by 2025 & will be used by the IA’s Composite Rocket Artillery Brigades (which already have BrahMos-1 SS-BSMs) of the existing 3 Artillery Divisions of the IA.

    To JUST-CURIOUS: The key to real/genuine autonomy is FINANCIAL autonomy. Without that, everything else becomes useless, just as has been the case with various other ‘corporatised’ entities before, like BSNL, MTNL, Air India etc etc. If financial autonomy were to be granted to all existing PSUs, take my word that ALL of them would be profitable & productive by world standards.

    And I was expecting some Indian TV channel to produce a programme like this:

    But Alas! My expectations were rather too high & too much! Such a programme aired yesterday would have been a tremendous morale booster in the domain of Information Warfare & would have really exposed the utter hollowness of the PA. This just goes to show that neither the Govt of India nor the armed forces ever bother to seek out & learn about the devil that always lurks within the detail.

    To KAUSTAV: Within 24 hours of my sharing the Bangladesh factoids, we have this debate:

    But what was not disclosed was that the Citizenship Amendment Bill is being prepared as a contingency plan in case the 1.2 million non-Muslim Bangladeshis are booted out of Bangladesh in the following decade.

    Meanwhile, just as I had expected, wily China has supported the US offer to mediate between India & Pakistan on the J & K issue, but has stayed silent on the US offer to act as an ‘arbitrator’:

    This now muddies the waters even more for Pakistan, since China has clearly taken stock of the US ‘plot’ to .fix Pakistan well & good through arbitration, as I had explained yesterday.

    To VED: if that is the case, then the F-21 will clearly & easily emerge as the L-1 as well as the technologically superior bidder.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1A & 1B) They are all in the technology demonstration phase. 2) Production lines can always be re-opened after sufficient additional orders are received from several existing C-17A operators. In addition, OEMs always produce even surplus materials in anticipation of unexpected future orders & therefore what’s required is only a final assembly line, not a production line. 3) Not any more. SLBM length can always be decreased by increasing the SLBM’s diameter. 4) Just to let off steam & conduct realistic military exercises. 5) Both are very important, but a look at the map shows that before reaching Skardu, one has to reach Olthingthang, Gultari & Khapalu. Do check this out with GoogleEarth. 6) because it takes 1200 man-hours of maintenance per flying hour for the Mi-26T. The CH-47F by comparison requires only 40 man-hours of maintenance per flying hour—simple/elementary economics. 7) And how will such real-estate be acquired? Through negotiations or through coercion? 8) Yes, either earthquakes or landslides or mudslides or floods—for this is El Nino year.

    To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) Nothing of that sort will happen, rest assured & no one will do away with either of those two Articles. At best they will be amended further. 2) They were solved 2 years ago. Only the ‘desi bandalbaaz’ did not know about it.

  25. To PRATAP: Major procurement decisions always take about 3 to 5 years to come on-line. The S-400 LR-SAM has been under negotiations since 2015.

    To SBM: 1) This was asked by you twice before & the answers remain the same:

    2) This too was asked by you twice before & the answers remain the same:

    3) Not at all. In both nominal & optimal terms, such a proposition constitutes a total violation of all the known laws of both theoretical & experimental physics. Consequently, all theoretical hypothesis in support of the proposition will be totally flawed.

  26. hi prasun
    it just occurred to me that commercial of the shelf cameras like the nikon coolpix 1000 model has a 3000mm focus length and has both still and video in 4k format .with image stabilization

    this can be used as an ideal low cost surveillance day camera that can be bought of the market for under rs 50,000 in bulk . Having used it i was amazed at its capacity to take pics of moon craters as well.It has wifi and blue tooth connectivity too add.
    A soldier can mount the the camera on tall pole and sit in bunker safe and look at the area live sitting in a bunker and watch live a pak bunker or any thing live , or take a snapshot and send to superiors , truly a low cost sensor to shooter solution.

    it could be useful to you when taking pics in defense shows as well! the quality is more than good

    this compared to a mill grade stuff that are going to cost 5 lacs?

  27. sir,

    1. I remember some time ago you said there were 40k terrorists still in Pakistan... now Imran Khan too gave same figure. How did you know that?

    2. COAS in a press conference on eve of kargil Vijay diwas... for the 1st time expressed slight intent of taking POK by force. never heard before from an army chief. your comments?


  28. hi prasun
    in the pic depicting a medium range missile squadron . The data link is always to the missile via the aesa radar .Here it as though the command center has been linked to the missile . MY doubt is , can a small antenna on the command truck have enough power to data link when the missile s 90 km away? which is the max range of the barak 8??

    i am given to believe that todays aesa radar do all work of surveillance , detection tracking ,missile guidance etc??

    have these been deployed or still awaiting due to some reason?

  29. Prasun ..

    is this article true, if yes, its back to the 80's trump has turned out to be a first rate B****d...

  30. Prasunda
    As usual you are ahead of the curve, but Colin Gonsalves did point out the difficulty of transferring populations residing for many years and the Citizenship Amendment Bill is yet to be passed. Hopefully, the NRC list & it's public availability will ensure a less bloodier exchange at best or a stand still at worst.

    Interesting times for Kashmir and Pakistan specially. Looks like their Afghan Indian sandwich nightmare coming true with a 125 mullion $ sale of supervised control for American weapons. Fun Heh!!

  31. Prasun sir, the drdo chief is saying about some tejas mk2 RV stealth aircraft..what is this ?? First AM nambiar and now drdo chief..what is this aircraft actually.??.do u hv any idea? Pics wud be greaaattt..

  32. To RAD: That’s exactly what companies like TONBO Engineering are doing. Such companies are using COTS innovations to make specialised end-products. As for command line-of-sight data-links for 70km-range Barak-8 MR-SAM, they look small in representative diagrams, but they are not small-size & their heights can be raised by hydraulically-operated masts.

    But far more important, new revelations have emerged over the past 24 hours over the reasons behind the capture of Flt Lt Nachiketa Rao after bailing out from a MiG-27M & the shooting down of Sqn Ldr Ajay Ahuja’s MiG-21Bis. The revelations were made by former CAS of the IAF, ACM (Ret’d) Anil Yashwant Tipnis here:

    Both Nachiketa & Ahuja had DISOBEYED orders to adhere to the laid-down SOPs, meaning they broke discipline. I had always wondered why no information had come out about the circumstances of these two aircraft being lost. And when interviewed 2 days ago, Nachiketa still refrained from fully explaining what had transpired. He obviously was trying to cover up his grave mistakes in this interview:

    Now, I’m inclined to believe more than ever that Wg Cdr Abhinandan repeated Nachiketa’s mistakes by disobeying direct orders from the GCI controller on February 27 & therefore like Nachiketa, Abhinandan too will be punished through denial of future promotion prospects (he will at best become a Group Captain).

    Several other shortcomings & human errors of IA HQ were revealed in that programme:

    1) The curbs on crossing the LoC proved to be very expensive in terms of Indian lives that were lost in 1999 during the limited war.

    2) 121 Brigade responsible for protection of Drass-Kargil-Batalik-Kaksar sector was stretched to the limit by being deployed over a 13e0km frontage, when every combat manual in this world dictates that a Brigade’s lateral frontage should not be in excess of 20km.

    3) Post-1999, the rate of force modernisation has been such that today each armed service has only 10% of its hardware inventory made up of state-of-the-art equipment, instead of the specified 30%.

    4) For a two-front war scenario, the IAF has specified that it requires the bare minimum of 50 combat aircraft squadrons, and an optimum of 55 squadrons. Against this, the authorised strength (only on paper) is 42 squadrons, while the financial sanction remains only for 39.5 squadrons!!!

    In conclusion, therefore, all those ‘netas’ making a song-n-dance about Vijay Divas & making all types of salutations & approving funds for across-the-country celebrations are just indulging in make-believe perception management & in reality are the least interested in ensuring that another surprise attack along the LoC never takes place. While they have enough money for spending on massive statues (costing Rs.3,000 crore & Rs.5,000 crore) in both Gujarat & Maharashtra, when it comes to procuring military hardware for ensuring war preparedness, these ‘netas’ are unable to make available the reqd funding resources.

    1. I dont believe wing commander abhinandan is at fault....if he didnt shot down that f16 ...IAF face would have down under shame for failing to repulse PAFs dating daylight attack....regarding SOPs i could only say imagine the jawans and officers fighting at icy heights of kargil and tiger hill , if they had waited to follow SOP they would have not captured those heights even after two months of war...without proper winter clothes, without proper food , without proper equipment they took on pakistanis with sheer grit and determination.....promotional aspect i do agree with you that he wont get now...but he has become legend figure...nobody could snatch that from abhinandan :)

    2. BTW Nachiketa was called idiot ;) long back in an interview by tipnis...i dont have the links now

    3. But in conflict some body has to take that extra mile to safeguard national interest otherwise if everyone follows SOP then .....kabhi kabhi ungli tedi karni padti hai

    4. Hi Amit Biswas,
      I always like respect people in uniform however the fact is Hot headed hot shots don't win wars they just become sensation its always the cold blooded calculative ones that do.

  33. To HARSH: 1) Maybe IAKN read my blog & agreed with my assessments? If you really want to do serious reading on Terroristan & its affairs, I recommend that you visit the website of the Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies & read these publications:

    2) VMT & all I can say is that maybe the COAS of the IA got inspired by reading the contents of this blog & decided to adopt a common-sensical approach at long-last!

    To RAHUL & JUST_CURIOUS: If both of you were to read that report more carefully, then you will realise that this money is meant for financing the stay & activities of US technical personnel who are responsible for servicing the PAF’s F-16 fleet & supervising their usage. Therefore, the approved funding will not be given to Pakistan, but will be given to the US General Accounting Office (GAO) for financing the product-support/intrusive inspection programme of the US Defense Dept. So, in the end, this money will be ploughed back into the US, & will not be spent inside Pakistan.

    To KAUSTAV: It looks like despite the claimed busting of the subversive networks allegedly run by Kulbhushan Jadhav inside Balochistan back in March 2016, there seems to be an upsurge in BLA activities inside Balochistan:

    This has all the hallmarks of Iran written around it, especially after the unsavoury remarks made by IAKN at the USIP lecture in the US in which he accused Iranian Shias of placing too much faith in the concept of martyrdom.

    SUJIT: If that’s true, then one can only conclude that both these personalities are either unaware of the absolute laws of physics, or are engaging in nonsensical double-talk. For, if on one hand all serving & retired IAF officers are of the view that the PLAAF’s J-20 MRCA isn’t stealthy because no aircraft with canards can ever be stealthy, then the same logic must also apply to the LCA-AF Mk.2 MWF, which will also sport twin canards. One cannot therefore claim that a canards-equipped LCA-AF Mk.2 MWF will be stealthy. They should realise that not even the celestial Devis & Devataas can overturn the absolute universal laws of physics.

  34. To AMIT BISWAS: LoLz! And what gets achieved when going for the so-called extra mile? Losing an aircraft for good, loss of a pilot's life forever & Indian warriors becoming PoWs. In all cases, a nett loss. Not worth it at all, by any cost-benefit analytical model. Going the extra mile always costs lives that can never be replaced--a bitter fact that should be borne in mind. There cannot be any exceptions. And especially when in future the IAF will fly Rafales each costing Rs.1,500 crore, such deviations from SOPs simply cannot be tolerated or condoned since it does not serve any national interest.


    This is a textbook example of a non-story that the 'desi patrakaars' excel in producing. Such fairy-tales neither have a head nor a tail!!!

  36. ^^ my thoughts exactly. What would they say next because ATGMs destroys tanks IA should rethink upgrading T-90s, missiles can fail ( as in Syria when the US fired several missiles) rethink missiles? Dig deep and you might discover some of the condoms fail too so start advocating condom free sexual revolution? These jokers are a disgrace to mankind with supposed intellectual capability!

  37. Prasunda,

    It seems that some analysts such as M D Nalapat continue to actively campaign to scuttle the S-400 deal. I thought that deal was done...What is likely to happen on that matter ?


  38. Sir,
    Since last 15 days Afghan Armed Forces killed more than 800 Taliban insurgents were killed.
    Afghan AF using MI-25?

  39. HI prasun
    like u said that abinandan disobeyed orders not to cross over i think and it seems obvious that he did not carry a jammer as his missiles were on display.
    So i believe he separated from his wing man with a jammer , a cardinal sin in air combat and scuba diving.! and thus got shot down .But then fortunately he got a f-16 before that because of the pilots stupid mistake of zooming up and exposing his arse to a bogey at his 6 o clock .
    but i dont understand why they were given orders not to cross if necessary? same thing happened in the kargil war when our mig-29 had bvr missiles and the pak had none .It would have been a turkey shoot for our mig-29 s and we would have easily drawn them into battle and finished of many f-16.

    was that a political decision of tactical? we had r-27 but did we have the aa-12?

    wouldnt it be better if we dunked the f-21 and used the money for the MWF and rafales ? given the US way of sanction like caatsa and other things

    now reality has sunk in as Russia seems to be sulking becsue of us putting misile on their su-30? but if they helped us integrate the astra then we should have payed monet and got permission todo that?
    how is the later version of the r-74 compared to the asraam., aim-9x, python-5 etc

  40. Prasun Da,

    1 Will you please shed some light as to how companies like TONBO are using COTS innovations to make specialised end-products ?

    2 Regarding the NRC, it's clear from statements given by Assam MLA's itself that majority of people excluded from NRC are HINDUS. 30 lakhs are Hindus, remaining 10 lakhs others. Day before yesterday in an NDTV debate almost all speakers including BJP spokesperson stated that lakhs of Hindus have been declared illegal under NRC



  41. Dear Prasun,
    Is SFDR air to air missile a purely Indian project or a joint project with Russia. Asking it because of its integration issues with future 114 aircrafts which are yet to be selected. I am sure except Russians no other OMNs would allow it.

    Your views.....

  42. Prasunda,

    What is this fascination by readers in this blog & elsewhere for the MWF as compared to the F-21? The MWF doesn't exist even properly on paper, forget prototype whereas the F-21 is an India specific F-16 with conformal fuel tanks, AESA avionics and fully tested. As a SEF, we would have the required 114 numbers of F-21 by the time the MWF is production ready or even before a MWF FSED prototype rolls out, if ever. The stealth RV MWF is certainly the same flying pig that was the unpiloted UCAV Tejas.

    Even more alarming is your protrayal of IAF Fighter pilots as Maverick fighter jocks in the mould of Tom Cruise Top Gun. Is this sort of indiscipline encouraged in the IAF as compared to say the PLAAF or even PAF, or is this a lack of teamwork where the wingman does not stay with the flight leader whether or not in violation of SOPs, specially in the case of Wg.Cdr.Abhinandan who did not have SPJs though statistically his wingman should have had it? Is this indiscipline or misguided initiative and bad coordination or poor teamwork?

    Please enlighten on both counts. Your blog is turning out to be even more information intensive than usual, if that's possible. Maybe, these are interesting times we live in!!! Thanks again Sirjee.

  43. Sir what is happening in J&K? I'm hearing a lot about forces deployment, public services coming to standstill etc.

    Is this about Article 35A? Or are we acting on some intel about cross-LoC terrorism?

  44. Dear Prasun,

    What about the loss of F 16 aircraft??? USA is completely mum about it. It is giving a psychological victory and advantage to Pakistan.

    BTW, I feel Indian pilots are not adhering to the SOP and indisciplined. It is evident from 1999 and 27 February 2019 too. By going extra mile they are shooting 😭 on their own feet. I wish Rafale doesn't fall prey for going extra mile.

  45. Dear Prasun

    Is this true??
    Do you believe India still controlled by East india Company proxies ?
    Please comment what do you think on this article 🙏.

    Thanks, Loki

  46. Hello Prasunji...
    Here is an interesting piece of article this time:

    1.What is Mark 2 RV stealth aircraft?
    2.I was revisiting your old post on SFDR.I was wondering that can SFDR be used for any BMD Interceptor?
    3.I wonder why David-sling/Arrow-3 combination was never considered.All we hear is just S-400 vs THAAD.Recent test in Alaska kinda proves it to be potent system.
    4.Is Uttam MMR,when integrated and operational, a good radar compared to the global standard?

    Thanks sirji....

  47. To PIERRE ZORIN: LoLz! Here’s another one:

    This PRICK has ASSUMED that the SF (Para) is only a battalion-strong outfit! Anyone looking at the numbers of small arms/ammo to be acquired as per this report can only conclude that such weapons are meant for the Special Operations Group (SOG) of Establishment 22 (Special Frontier Force), which belongs to R & AW.

    To ANUP: Mi-25s & Super Tucanos.

    To RAD: R-77s are not compatible with the single-mode radars like the Phazotron-developed Topaz used by the MiG-29B-12. The decision of not crossing the LoC was 100%/only political & against sound common-sense. Given the totally mismanaged R & D effort to develop the Tejas Mk.1, the MWF concept does not inspire any confidence in ADA. Even if MWF’s development were to start today, it will emerge only after another 8 years. Hence, procurement of imported MWFs like MiG-29UPGs, F-21 & MMRCAs like Rafale is imperative. There’s no other option left on the table.

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) TONBO is using COTS-type sensors & integrating them on unitary platforms. It’s just common-sensical packaging that produces dual-mode/tri-mode sensor/seeker solutions. 2) Yes, by now it is clear that the NRC’s shortcomings will be compensated for by the Citizenship Amendment Bill. But if the next round of large-scale exodus of non-Muslim Bangladeshis to India takes place, there will be a corresponding exodus of Indian Muslims residing in WB & Assam into Bangladesh, rest assured. Had this happened in the past, landless non-Muslim folks coming from East Pakistan/Bangladesh since 1947 (from places like Noaakhaali & Rangpur) would not have had to spend pitiful lives inside India.

  48. To KAUSTAV: Given the totally mismanaged R & D effort to develop the Tejas Mk.1, the MWF concept does not inspire any confidence in ADA. Even if MWF’s development were to start today, it will emerge only after another 8 years. Hence, procurement of imported MWFs like MiG-29UPGs, F-21 & MMRCAs like Rafale is imperative. There’s no other option left on the table. As for ‘hot-rod’ IAF pilots, it was all explained by former CAS of the IAF A Y Tipnis, who had stated that young combat pilots of the IAF who have never participated in wars before often get carried away by a sense of adventure during their first participations in hostilities. This in turn affects one’s judgement/objectivity & this in turn proves to be fatal & also results in losses of expensive combat aircraft. Such tendencies need to be curbed at any & all costs. Needless to say, such reckless acts are also highly demoralising.

    And finally, here’s a revealing investigative documentary on how Bahrain has been playing with fire:

    The latter half reveals that Bahrain has been home to several natives who have extended families in Balochistan & who are therefore routinely used for infiltrating into Chabahar for creating mayhem & their escape route is always via Pakistan. Was Kulbhushan Jadhav kidnapped from Chabahar with the help of such state-sponsored syndicates?

    To ARUNBAPAT26: It has nothing to do with Article 35A. For the past 1 week, the PA has been trying to help infiltrate a large number of Jihadists through multiple riverine areas in Poonch & Rajouri & a number of PoK residents were killed when the IA opened fire during such failed infiltration attempts. The extra CAPF reinforcements are therefore meant to acvt as quick-reaction forces meant for conducting cordon-n-search operations in such areas in case some of the Jihadists do succeed in their infiltration attempts.

    To ASD: So what if the US stays mum? Look at the sheer desperation of the ISPR’s DG & his grave mistakes when concocting lies & deceit:

    All this is indicative of the ISPR’s failing efforts to shore up the morale of the PA, especially of those units/formations that are stationed along the LoC & are witnessing all the currently-underway celebratory events to commemorate the 20th anniversary of OP Vijay.

    To LOKI: The Echelon network has been active for almost 15 years. It has nothing to do with any ASAT test by anyone.

    To PRAJJWAL DALAL: LoLz! This leads me to strongly believe that the Secretary DRDO has not yet set foot on board IAC-1/INS Vikrant. Had he visited the vessel, he would have seen for himself that ALL critical items/sub-systems have been imported. We all have heard such bombastic statements since 1996 from the time of A P J Abdul Kalam. At a time when only the US & Russia can today claim to be producing military hardware that are 100% indigenous, only a certified IDIOT will claim that India will achieve a similar feat within a 5-year timeframe! 1) It is the MWF Mk.2-AF. 2) Smaller SFDRs are used as thrusters for the kill-vehicle of BMD interceptor rockets. 3) S-400 will be used by the IAF more as an AEW & CS killer. 4) Such sensors take at least a decade to be developed. Another 8 years have to elapse before the Uttam can be declared as a functional sensor.

  49. Dear Sir

    How Certain are You that F 21 will be purchased

    And When can we see the First prototype of F 21

    When will it be Inducted

    Will The Next 36 / 54
    Rafales be ordered Before F 21

    Will India Ever Get a FIFTH Gen plane
    Will it be SU 57 or Anything Else

  50. But if the next round of large-scale exodus of non-Muslim Bangladeshis to India takes place, there will be a corresponding exodus of Indian Muslims residing in WB & Assam into Bangladesh, rest assured
    Why so if it didn’t happened in past why exodus of Indian Muslims happens in future? Do they leave their life,property n move Bangladesh


    In the changing scenario where ban on Swiss firm Pilatus, which supplied the current set of PC 7 Mk II trainers.....Can HAL trainer see the light of IAF order and serial production..

  52. Hi Prasunji,

    Do you think that since Indian Navy is interested in CATOBAR aircraft carrier, that the French Navy Charles De Galle carrier would be a good choice. The design can accommodate both Rafale & F-18 fighters as well as E-2C AWACS and it has Nuclear propulsion. I think if India was willing to invest in a hybrid electric propulsion with France then perhaps the same design can be modified to India's needs. Now France is looking to acquire a second carrier, so maybe a joint project can be in our interest. What are your thoughts on this?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  53. PrasunDa,

    Trust you are doing good.

    I've a question related to India's economy. I often hear some people say that Mumbai pays 40% of India's taxes.

    The way I understand this, is that these [40%] companies are earning revenue from across India but since they are headquarterd in Mumbai they are paying taxes in Mumbai.

    Is my understanding correct ?

    Thank You


  54. Dear Prasun,
    Why are we buying R77, R27 and R73s. Have the shelf life of earlier batch exhausted or some thing is cooking in South block??

    To your earlier reply, if we are so short of options why not buy only more Rafales rather than going for F21? What according to you would be unit cost if F21? Will it be lower than Rafale? Further why increase another fighter type in inventory?

  55. Hi Prasun
    How many Brahmos missiles equipped in P15 & P17 Ships ?
    Looks like There is lOT of space for missile but ships P17&15A are moderately armed when compared to Japan, China, south Korea, US ships.
    Why India still not tested MIRVed Missiles ?

    Thanks, Loki

  56. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for answering my question about USA being mum on F 16 loss. But on the contrary Pakistan is successful in information warfare. Of course, it has psychological advantage against India. It's citizes are too convinced. War own w.r.t. false information and by lieing. Again the USA journal report further added salt to our wound. Your say?

  57. To RAHUL: How certain? Vey certain. But the SEF project is totally different from thye MMRCA 2.0 project, which no one seems to have grasped, especially if we hear the 3 nerds in this programme:

    Those 3 nerds not only totally clueless about how a military-industrial project is structured worldwide, but are also totally ill-informed about other issues like ToT & technological leveraging. Looks like none of the 3 nerds has even done some fundamental studies/research on how industrial partnerships have been successfully forged by the likes of ISRO & the DAE over the past 4 decades—from where several common-sensical solutions are available.

    I’m also certain about another development: if the SEF is to be built by the private-sector, then everyone can rest assured that 99% of the workforce reqd for producing the SEFs will have to cone from HAL, since it is only from there that proficient & qualified human resources are available for ‘poaching’. As a result, there will be flight of human resources from HAL, which in turn will negatively affect the Tejas Mk.1 & MWF-AF Mk.2 projects.

    To RON: Of course it happened in the past. During partition back in 1947. There’s even a full museum at Amritsar about it, which you should you & learn from:

    To BUDDHA: HAL is already 5 years behind schedule & only the management of HAL & the Joint secretary (Air) at the MoD know how to untangle the mess, which was created solely by the ill-informed ‘Babus’ of the MoD. For when the PC-7 Mk.2 BTT was selected early this decade, the MoD should either a specified the Honeywell-built TPE331 engine for the PC-7 Mk.2s, or should have specified that the HTT-40 be powered by the PWC-built PT6A engines. Since neither of these 2 options were taken, it has now become an intractable & cost-prohibitive mess.

    To HARDIK THANKI: The IN has already made up its mind in favour of a QE-2-type aircraft carrier but with a CATOBAR top-deck. France is still several years away from freezing the design of its new-generation aircraft carrier.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: Yes, that’s partly correct. Partly because most of these Mumbai-based companies are subsidiaries of holding/parent companies that are registered in Mauritius.

    To VED: No one is buying any R-27Rs or R-27Ts. Only R-77s & R-73Es are being procured as replacements for older AAMs of those 2 types. Cost of F-21 will definitely be far lesser than that of the Rafale due to economies of scale when comparing the total no of F-16s produced to date with the number of Rafales rolled out to date.

    To LOKI: 16 BrahMos-1s on P-15 family of DDgs & eight on P-17A FFGs. BHoth these warship-types consume a lot of internal volume with manpower-intensive equipment, whereas in Western/Russian/Japanese warships there’s a lot more automation.

    To ASD: The Pakistani IW efforts are directed only towards the citizens of Pakistan & therefore such false propaganda always backfires internationally. Consequently, the same ‘Tamaasha’ that was played out in 2015 will be repeated this time as well, since Pakistan just like in 2015 has made commitments & promises this time that it cannot keep & deliver WRT the Afghan Taliban, which has already stated that it will not hold direct peace talks with the Afghan govt—which was a prime reqmt of the Trump Administration. And that was the reason why POTUS trump at his press-conference with IAKN at the Oval Office had clearly stated that “we are going to talk a lot about India.”

  58. Prasunda

    Thanks again. The debate between Discipline & Initiative goes on, with Discipline & Adherence to SOPs being the more logical option for Professional Forced. Speaking of logic, it is now obvious that IAF needs to purchase 10 squadrons of 200 odd Combat Aircraft with 4 more squadrons (72 Nos.) of the Rafale, ideally, under the so-called MMRCA 2.0 and six squadrons (108+6 Nos.) of the F-21, preferably, under the SEF procurement process, ideally within 5 years but will probably take a decade to complete. IAF would probably also have about 3 squadrons of the MIG-29 UPG. These 15 odd squadrons of the Rafale, F-21, Mig-29 UPGs would comprise the Medium Combat Aircraft component of the IAF along with the upgraded Mirage 2000s/Jaguars/Mig29s.
    What that says about the Indian MWF from ADA at least 8 years away from being even remotely ready by then is a no brainer? Given that, the IAF needs 50 to 55 combat squadrons, the MWF if it comes about, can be acquired in good numbers. This also makes it clear that the day of the sub-optimal Light Combat Aircraft category is over be it the Mig-21 or the Tejas. Is it logical to replace the sub-optimal Mig-21 Bisons and Mig-27s with sub-optimal Tejas Mk1 or even Mk1As when we can very well acquire similar numbers of LIFT Aircraft under HAL's common-sensical SPORT programme which if purchased in sufficient numbers and with the Wingman Drone program would play the dual role of Trainer & Combat aircraft. Given the fact, that IAF will be dependent on highly advanced supersonic 4.5++ Gen HMRCA & MMRCA/MRCA aircraft for the next two decades, replacing the LCA Mk1As with similar numbers of LIFT SPORT Tejas derived twin seat aircraft would be the only logical and cost effective step. Making a gift of the Tejas Mk1s after a few years to Bhutan would be a welcome step too😉

  59. Prasunda,

    While on the topic of indigenous or make in India weapons, will it not be logical to build more Scorpene submarines as has been suggested by you and now also by the French themselves, 3 more under the extended program and the rest would be Russian origin SSNs giving a likely component of 12/18 French origin SSKs and 12/6 Russian origin SSNs which completes the Navy"s quota of 24 submarines, in addition to the 6 SSBN/SSGN from the Arihant and follow on classes. The question sir is in both cases for the IAF and the IN, where is the money or the resources? The Navy no longer possesses even minesweepers, is not clear on ASW Corvette's or Littoral Ships and no ideas at all on USVs! Is their a lack of resources or plain common sense. The stupidity in the Pilatus & HTT-40 Trainers case makes it seem more of a lack of good sense rather than resources.

  60. This is what I had stated on July 26, 2019 at 7:01AM:

    Inference: The Myanmar Navy has made up its mid to procure 2 Type 636 SSKs from Russia, with the IN providing the technical type-training for the Myanmar navy's SSK crew complements.

    Inference: The Myanmar Air Force, which has already ordered Su-30SMs, will send its aircrew & ground-crew teams to Nashik for technical type-training by both the IAF & HAL.

    And now comes this:

    Looks like one of my RV sessions has produced the correct assessments.

  61. Whats happening in neelum valley sir...

  62. Sir,
    Congratulation you prediction always correct.INS Sindhuvir

    But we have only 11 diesel-electric Submarines & 2 nuclear-powered.
    Why we are donating or leasing Sub to Myanmar?


  63. hi prasun
    this report of indian buying r-27 misisles seems to be fake ? as they are phased out . my doubt is are we buying the active seeker variant of this type??

  64. Prasun da

    1. looks like one of my assessment as come correct too :-) i said

    ''i have a feeling something is very likely going to happen in gilgit baltistan & aksai chin area in next few months''

    the very next day NSA asks for 100 companies of troops into j&k and now this artillery duel

    if my calculation is correct in next few days this may intensify & move towards AGPL and we will see sudden rise in Chinese troop movement in Gilgit Baltistan as well as another 2013 DBO like incident at a bigger scale by China at LAC, why

    a. now Pak will try whatever it takes to pull US into Kashmir, as US strikes deal with Afghan Taliban to get out of rut, this is being done to make it an international issue and also to make sure India's involvement in Afghanistan is reduced to minimum

    b. China is now desperate to clear up its route for CPEC & now will take matters into own hand to keep the route safe & ensure that its projects arent disturbed by baltis

    c. China to put more pressure on India to compromise on Kashmir will try to do something like 2013 DBO on s bigger scale, my guess around pangong tso lake or area south of DBO

    2. French NAVAL GROUP is insisting that its proposal for 3 additional Scorpenes be accepted, my guess is it will be accepted as production line at MDL will remain idle from early next year to 2025 before P75I winner is selected (if at all it goes to that stage) in which i think stretched Scorpene or conventional Shortfin Barracuda will be winner.

    3. India donated 2 fast interceptor boats to Mozambique, i think this was a very late move to counter China

    4. UAE & Ghana (i think) have opened Somaliland embassy i think India should recognize the peaceful country at horn of Africa and setup diplomatic relation


    Joydeep Ghosh

  65. Greatttt..what are ur RV sessions telling u about mwf, f21 and rafale??.about the next aerial dog fight between iaf and paf? And what is the way for more submarines..ssk or ssns??..ur RV results on these wud be superbbbb

  66. Sir, hearing reports of massive firing all along loc. As per reports IA is inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy side. Infrastructure being targeted in Neelum valley including a dam. Look like something big has happened.

  67. To KAUSTAV: Excellent explanation on why Huawei's 5-G networks scares the world's espionage agencies:

    Xinjiang’s Prisons:

    N K Sood Exposes Hamid Ansari:

    Reality of Kashmiri Hindus:

    To AMIT BISWAS: This is what is happening:

    While the PA is firing south of the Pir Panjal Range, the IA is retaliating in areas north-west of the Pir Panjal Range. And here’s some good news:

    India’s threat to stop importing Palm Oil from Malaysia has paid off.

    To ANUP: VMT, but India has 3 nuclear-powered submarines: Chakra, Arihant & Arighaath. And the INS Sindhuvir will be leased, not sold, to Myanmar. And this leasing will not be for 365 days, but only for a few months over the next 2 years. A similar arrangement had been worked out in the mid-1990s with Singapore under which a Class 209/Type 1500 SSK was similarly leased out to the Republic of Singapore Navy.

    To RAD: It is FAKE NEWS. Only R-77s & R-73Es are being imported from Russia, because the ‘desi patrakaars’ despite attending all the DEFEXPO & Aero India expos to date, have yet to come to know that R-27 family of BVRAAMs were always & are still being built in Ukraine, & not Russia.

    To SUJIT: One does not have to conduct RV sessions to find out what the writing on the wall is saying. One only has to keep his/her eyes open to read it all. And these are the writings on the wall: MWF project will be far lesser in importance when compared to ordering additional Rafales. The F-21 will emerge as L-1 candidate for the 114-unit SEF reqmt. No more aerial dogfights between the IAF & PAF this year. 3 additional Scorpenes will be ordered. The SSN project will initially involve 6 units & these will be derivatives of the Arihant SSBN but minus the compartment containing the VLS silos for SLBMs.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Assessments are always derived NOT FROM feeling, but from irrefutable factoids. So, all those assessments of yours flowing out from ‘feelings’ about Gilgit-Baltistan & Aksai Chin will always be WRONG. What has gone inside J & K are not 100 Companies of troops, but CAPF personnel, i.e. they are armed police personnel & not military troops. 1A) Totally wrong. Because Pakistan did try to do so last March after the February 26 IAF air-strikes, & China did deploy for the very first time some heavy offensive airpower assets in TAR starting March 2, but all these were withdrawn by March 12. (lesson for you: for accurate assessments, almost 100% of related data must be available. This whole story will be written by me for the Sept.2019 issue of FORCE magazine. If only 10% of data is available, then 90% of the assessment will be disproven). 1B) The Karakoram Highway will remain closed till this December due to ongoing mudslides/landslides in Gilgit due to torrential downpours, which will be followed later by snowing with the onset of winter. The KKH has been totally closed since last May. 1C) At a time when China is preoccupied with several crises in the Korean peninsula, South China Sea, Taiwan Straits & Hongkong SAR, only a thoroughbred idiot will contemplate creating an additional crisis anywhere along the LAC. Do you reckon the entire Politburo of the CPC is made up of such idiots? 2) It is NOT the NAVAL Group that is insisting, but it is Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders & Engineering that is insisting. 3) China has to date succeeded in supplying only land warfare hardware to Mozambique. Traditionally, it has always sought India’s assistance in the naval/maritime domains.

  68. @Prasun da

    i forgot to add this

    this is the reason i feel China wants what i said


    joydeep Ghosh

  69. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: You are running 4 days behind schedule, because this is what I had stated on July 27, 2019 at 6:42AM: Meanwhile, just as I had expected, wily China has supported the US offer to mediate between India & Pakistan on the J & K issue, but has stayed silent on the US offer to act as an ‘arbitrator’:

    This now muddies the waters even more for Pakistan, since China has clearly taken stock of the US ‘plot’ to .fix Pakistan well & good through arbitration, as I had explained yesterday.

  70. Prasunda

    Guruji, this is great. Thanks, of course. Just jingoistic views of course on my part but Excellent explanation on why Huawei's 5-G networks scares the world's espionage agencies: And also, this is where India can finally get in on the new technology curve if Make in India and Made in India combine in a public private partnership to be the hardcore alternative to Huawei. But then India never gets down to doing big, talking big doesn't cut it, neither in the last century nor in this. Speaking of repeating mistakes & big talk sirji, with reference to the Kashmiri Pandits, History repeats itself first as a farce and then a tragedy for those who refuse to learn from it. Clichés but sadly true.

  71. Dada seems pak in soup

  72. Prasun da,

    Your post on Kashmir
    "Reality of Kashmiri Hindus:"

    So the present Govt. is also likely not very serious in solving the Kashmir problem - integrating every inch into Indian territory. All theatrics, show off just like an empty vessel sound. E.g. inviting ISI to Pathankot Airbase as raised by Susheel Pandit.

    On the contrary, NK Sood has hope with present Govt. will solve the Kashmir problem.

    In reality, they will present whole Kashmir in platters to Pakistan, what's is your view on it. Why we are sacrificing our dear ones life for the land which our every Govt. decided to donate.

  73. Prasun da, earlier you had said that the SSNs would be the same as Russian Navy's future 5th gen SSNs. Now you are saying they will be nothing but Arihant subs minus VLS?

  74. Hi Prasun,
    I have to say, you really have patience to put up with the likes of me - apologies for the repeat questions.

    Thanks for a most informative thread.

    One minor issue - TASS has confirmed the R-27 order for 1000 missiles. However, I've been advised that they are either all R-27EA ARH 130km range AAMs or a mix of R-27EA and R-27ET with a 100km+ range.

    I'm also advised that, the RVV-SD and RVV-MD have been ordered (400 and 300 respectively).

    Any truth here?


  75. The fun thing of course is the potential multi-billion dollar penalty post arbitration or face US sanctions for trade with Iran - talk about getting your balls between a rock & hard place.

    Of course dear old Bhadrakumar would give them enough Chinese rope to hang themselves with, which all said & done would not be too bad either 😂😂😂

    A disarmingly simple idea - China should persuade Pakistan not to be scared of US sanctions. Will China oblige? Will Pakistan be persuaded? Will IMF allow? Will Saudis countenance it? A reality check for Pakistan's much-touted 'Eurasian integration'.

  76. Sir,
    Thanks for clarification.
    Now new twist
    Never ending matter.

  77. To KAUSTAV: VMT. The Gods of Yore have prescribed the cosmic rules of engagement, one of them being the Almighty never helps those who do not help themselves first. This fact of life, regrettably, never seems to enter the brains of the natives of the subcontinent, who instead ASSUME that all their obligations/responsibilities can be outsourced from the Almighty, and hence the prevalence of terms like ‘Jai Shri Ram’ & ‘Inshallah’. Now listen to this Q & A session with former US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter & his clarity of thoughts, especially regarding the ushering in of 6-G:

    Meanwhile, here’s more anti-India propaganda by the ISPR:

    Indian Spy Arrested in Dera Ghazi Khan:

    The chap was probably a drug trafficker trying to arrange his supplies from Afghanistan, like this moron from Pakistan tried to as well:

    More such stories will emanate in future from the ISPR’s domesticated/brainwashed ‘Interns’:

  78. To NAG & SIDHARTH: I will believe that this Govt of India is serious about solving the problems of J & K only after the Govt achieves success in rehabilitating all the self-exiled Kashmiri Pandits back into the Kashmir Valley, thereby restoring the sanctity of the social contract between the Govt of India & the citizens of India. By now it is evident that a major water crisis will hit Pakistan sometime in 2021 or 2022, which in turn means that all the SEZs & EPZs promised by China will never fructify (since water is one of the key natural resources reqd by an industry). In fact, two weeks ago, the Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan stated at the Lahore Chamber of Commerce that China had already decided to scale back several of the earlier-promised projects concerning the manufacturing sector. To me, this isn’t surprising at all, because China’s first & foremost priority is to ensure jobs availability for its own citizens, especially those millions of Uighurs who are now being given all kinds of training reqd for the textile manufacturing & other industries that Beijing wants to set up in Xinjiang. So, for all intents & purposes, CPEC won’t create the quantum of jobs that China had earlier promised to create within Pakistan. China thus is emerging as the classix exponent of transactional mercantilism.

    All this will create only greater socio-economic instability/volatility within Pakistan, which in tyrn will lead to the further theft & exploitation of natural resources from all over PoK, which in turn will cause all the residents of PoK to engage in mass civil disobedience. Thus, total lawlessness will prevail there, & there will then be ever-increasing calls from PoK for a merger with India’s Jammu & Kashmir State. Why so? Because the natives of these lands have now concluded that:

    A) Residing as stateless citizens within PoK is no longer a survivable option.

    B) Becoming an independent country is also not an option since the predatory instincts of both China & Pakistan will always seek to colonise this piece of real-estate.

    C) India thus presents the only real & realistic hope for living one’s life with dignity & honour on a sustainable basis.

    So, the deadline is late 2021/mid-2022 for the shit to hit the fan. It now remains to bge seen if India’s ‘netas’ read this writing on the wall & begin taking pro-active measures to achieve a desirable end-state.

  79. To SBM: VMT. Everyone seems to be overlooking or glossing over 2 critical factoids: 1) It wasn’t TASS which claimed that India had ordered R-27 BVRAAMs. TASS’ first report quoted ANI as making such claims:

    After realising its mistake, TASS then published a second report quoting Russian official, who NEVER disclosed the type of BVRAAMs being procured by India, here:

    2) After mid-2014, Russia has stopped producing all BVRAAMs of the R-27 family, which included these:

    The reason for this was that originally, all members of the R-23 & R-27 family of BVRAAMs were series-produced in Ukraine. Russia only used to import them in knocked-down condition from Ukraine & undertake final-assembly. The sole producer of the R-27 family of BVRAAMs now is Ukraine’s ARTEM:

    Furthermore, ever since the advent of MAWS fitments, the utility of semi-active/IR-guided BVRAAMs has dramatically decreased to the point of being ineffectual. Hence, the IAF has procured only the RVV-SD variant of the R-77 & the RVV-MD variant of the R-73E from Russia. Anyone who is ‘advising’ you about the R-27 procurement is either bullshitting, or is terribly ill-informed.

    To ANUP: It will soon emerge that the corrupt practices involving AgustaWestland involved NOT the AW-101 VVIP transportation helicopters, but the AW-139 helicopters that its Indian agents were trying to sell to various State Govts & the ICGS & various CAPFs & State Police Forces. And that’s because unlike the central Govt, all these other state govts & central/state agencies do not have to sign the contract clause that bars the payment of sales commissions & consultancy fees! I hope the central investigative agencies do read this comment of mine & understand the true nature of the case.

  80. hi prasun
    can you confirm that the new i derby-er has an aesa seeker ? what do they mean by saying the radar is a SDR?

    how good or efficient will the 300km+ brahmos- ng be at air to air targets as reported . , the good thing going is that it can keep flying at the air target at mach 3 till the end game . Thus avoiding any maneuvers by awacs ,tanker aircraft. will the center line station of the lca have enough space clearance while take of with a brahmos NG? . It cant obviously take it on wing stations.

    can you elucidate the finer details of the low drag bomb NG?

    do we have permission from russia to put astra and variant on the su 30? will they allow us to phase out russians weapons by astra and astra -2 ?

    would the emergency purchase of Israel SDR for combat ac solve the problem of data linking which seems to be a great flaw .? is it an IP based protocol? what would be the general operating freq?

  81. Sir, As you said... the deadline is late-2021/mid-2022 for the shit to hit the fan.

    This timeline also coincides with the completion of deliveries of most of items purchased in past 5 yrs like m777, k-9, Apache, chinook, rafale, assault rifles, 114 dhanush howitzers, additional mig-29 & su-30mki if ordered....&& atleast 2 out of 5 s-400 systems.... These will give a boost to IA & IAF....

    forgive my stupidity.... but would I be wise to expect some action then.

  82. Sir,how have India's single crystal blade technology efforts been till now???where do we stand??

  83. Thank you! That clarifies things. A certain analyst is making the claim that the IAF does not understand network centric warfare nor does it intend to - same fellow going around claiming the S400 purchase led to Trump siding with Pakistan. I'm not sure if this is claim on the IAF is true but I sense that IACCCS went part of the way to networking all air surveillance and air defence assets and in once the contracted data links and SDRs are installed things will be brighter. Any clarity again appreciated.

    1. And that analyst is mr abhijit iyer mitra already punished by god of yore for his misadventure...

  84. Sir, with due respect I won't fall this time for this deadline(late-2021/mid-2022). Last couple of times I was disappointed not to see actions. But as you can see by now that I have too much faith on your predictions and your EXCELLENT knowledge (man you are a genius) and the ability to read writings on the wall. So I am very very happy with current situation(daily killings of PA soldiers across LoC) and the coming 2-3 yrs predicted by you. Finger crossed.

  85. Sir, as per reports many illegal Bangladeshi Muslims gave managed to get their names included in NRC through bribes and because in some cases people manning those centers were muslims who helped their co-religionists. This has been proved because exclusion rate in bordering districts was lower. As I very concerned citizen I want to ask where are we heading? Will Assam finally fall to Muslims? Will the hindu identity and demographic majority survive? Will we ever be able to cancel the citizenship of illegal muslims and their voting rights?

  86. Prasunda,

    Have the Su-30MKIs been equipped with MAWS Missile Approach Warning Sensors' in addition to SPJs Self Protection Jammers? This is with particular reference to aircraft deployment for J&K.

    Sirji, I am aware that you have given detailed information on this topic before. I want to know in the context of the recent flurry of arms & sensor imports being made to make up for shortages as well as as war wastage.

  87. To DASHU: Predictions are not to be equated with prophecies. If you are expecting the latter, then I’m the wrong guy to provide them to you. Here’s the current situation:

    IA is firing from Tangdhar: 34 24 4.25 N, 73 51 32.18 E
    The destination of the artillery rounds is Nausadda: 34 24 2.49 N, 73 43 4.45 E

    IA is firing from Bugina: 34 36 43.95 N, 73 57 35.22 E
    The destination of the artillery rounds is Athmuqam: 34 35 16.13 N, 73 54 47.36 E

    The IA is firing from Salambad 34 6 11.72 N, 73 56 29.12 E
    Destination of the artillery rounds is Hattian Bala: 34 10 18.55 N, 73 44 36.69 E

    And here’s more data on the diminishing prospects of CPEC:

    And the ecological catastrophe & consequent humanitarian disaster that has befallen PoK:

    And these are the delusional entities that thrive in utopia:

  88. To RAD; No, it does not. For BrahMos-NG to be used in air-to-air mode, it will have to be equipped with a Ka-band active seeker. On LCA Mk.1 2 x BrahMos-NG will be carried, as was shown at Aero India 2019 expo. Low-Drag Bomb is the same as PGHSLD. For Astra-1 BVRAAM, its indigenous seeker was sent to Russia & its target recognition algorithms were shared with Tikhomirov NIIP for integration with the ‘Bars’ PESA-MMR. All data & slides of airborne data-link are in the Aero India 2019 thread.

    To HARSH: Both you & DASHU are expecting prophecies from me, but I can only make predictions based on objective ground realities, available factoids & the consequent assessments.

    To RAZA: The problem was NEVER about single-crystal blades. It was always about the turbofan’s core, i.e. the hot-section.

    To SBM: Here’s a word of unsolicited advice: always beware of folks who have either two first names as part of the full name, or two surnames as part of the full name. Inevitably, such folks tend to suffer from certain congenital defects that affect their thought processes (don't ask me why, for only the Gods of Yore have the answers). That IACCCS is network-centric (with the nodes serving as ‘Fusion Centres’) & it can easily be seen in slides that I had uploaded way back in 2011 after the Aero India 2011 expo. Not just tactical data-links & SDRs, but even SATCOM transponders are to be installed.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Everything one needed to know about MILSPEC batteries:

    To PRATAP: LoLz! The quantum of non-Muslim Bangladeshis migrating to India for good has always been far greater than the quantum of Muslim Bangladeshis entering & settling down in India. And it was such folks who migrated between 1947 & 1975 that transformed Assam into an agricultural heartland—a point that most people today tend to overlook. And even now in the whole of Assam, non-Muslims still very much outnumber the Muslims.

    To AYUSH: Existing financial constraints have dictated that the IN adopt a proven submarine design for its SSN project, especially one that can be built in India. Hence, the SSN variant of the Arihant SSBN makes perfect sense.

    1. Whats your assessment of current and upcoming situation in jnk keeping in mind govts shadow notifications

  89. Dear Prasun,

    You wrote

    "IA is firing from Tangdhar: 34 24 4.25 N, 73 51 32.18 E
    The destination of the artillery rounds is Nausadda: 34 24 2.49 N, 73 43 4.45 E".

    What's the meaning of this? Can you please explain a layman like me?

    Is it happening in the right direction?

  90. Prasun da,

    Continuing on Kashmir front

    1. Indian Govt. did a grave and blunder mistake by inviting ISI to Pathankot airbase.

    2. Why POTUS keep on ranting mediating on Kashmir, pressurising New Delhi to buy F-21 or something else

  91. Umm...well I have a hyphenated late-game. Should I get medical help?

  92. Hi Prasun,

    With respect to your reply to RAZA in your last reply. Can you please explain a little bit in more detail, for I was under the impression that SCB tech(mass-production by industry) and fan blades being thrown, was holding up the development of Kaveri engine. I did try to search a lot online but couldn't find anything specific telling what is holding up the progress or what is current status of that engine.

    Thanks & Regards,

  93. To ASD: What it means is, just go to GoogleEarth & navigate those coordinates to get a feel of where the actions are taking place.

    To SIDHARTH: 1) Not at all. Instead, it was proof of India's good intentions. 2) Because it was India that approached the US to get Wg Cdr Abhinandan released unconditionally last February. Once that happened, the US got the chance to offer its services of a 'samaritan' in good faith. That's why I keep on stating that India\s 'netas' are a poorly-read lot & don't bother to learn lessons from history. For instance, had the IAF been authorised to raise dedicated combat SAR units for rescuing downed pilots back in the late 1990s, then Abhinandan could well have been rescued by the IAF without seeking anyone else's help.

    The Indian responses to the offers from POTUS are also devoid of any credible & compelling content. For instance, why can't the Indian MEA simply state that there cannot be any mediation between good & evil? Why can't the MEA state that in any case of neutral arbitration on the J & K issue, common-sense compels one to side with India, since J & K exists under the umbrella of rule-of-law as per India's Constitution, whereas PoK is treated as a colony & its natives are all stateless & devoid of any legal constitutional cover by Pakistan & Pakistan has since the 1960s been plundering the natural resources of PoK? Thus, it emerges that even a school-going child can give far better explanations & retorts than the defensive lame-n-dry statements that keep on emanating from the Indian MEA.

    To SBM: Not quite, since your first name isn't repeated twice & since your last name comprises words that represent only a first name & a surname. Matters would have been different had your surname been Badri Badri or Maharaj Maharaj.

  94. Some people are saying trifurcation of j&k means serving it on the platter to Pakistan.
    2. what is currently happening in Kashmir lot of confusion please explain

  95. Hi Prasun,

    Lots of movement going on in J&K today, any idea what's going on? As per this account we have lot of C-17 movements going on, also both sides are conducting CAP learn LoC:

  96. Better one - it isn't my surname. Indentured labourers mainly lost theirs when the were brought in. The best research suggests the surname of Mishra on my father's side and Sadhu on my mother's!

  97. Which is the anti tank missile chosen for LCH ?
    When are we likely to see it inducted into armed forces ?

    The gun, air to air missile and rockets seem to have been shortlisted and tested.

    Recently there was MoD note published Tejas Mk1A & LCH are priorities for DAC.


  98. Prasunda,

    2 queries - The reports get murkier

    1. Initial reports of cross border strikes by IA through WEEK/TIME are removed / withdrawn yesterday morning. Subsequently at a press conference yesterday afternoon, massive infiltration and terror strike risks are envisaged and ACTUAL PAK ARMY SNIPER RIFLES & ANTI-PERSONNEL LAND MINE DISPLAYED while the Amarnath Yatra is virtually cancelled and all pilgrims & tourists too asked to flee Kashmir, causing inevitable economic disruption to Kashmir & creating panic with media publicity. Should this impending Terror Strike be taken at face value or is it Psy-Ops? If so, against who?

    2. Again yesterday, the same situation in Air - My second query is Have MAWS been procured for Su-30MKIs under emergency Purchase?

  99. To UNKNOWN & SHANTYLAL: Lots of rumour-mongering about political conspiracies flying around regarding the build-up of CAPF force-strengths inside J & K. However, nothing of any political or constitutional kind will happen. Instead, if sizeable quantities of Pakistan-origin weapons caches are recovered, that will then set the stage for an AirLand campaign like what was planned for in September 2001, i.e. OP KABADDI Version-2:

    The general outlines of the audacious operation, codenamed ‘Kabaddi’, were drawn up in June 2001 in a meeting among the newly appointed general officer commanding-in-chief (GOC-in-C), Northern Command of the Indian Army, Lt Gen Rustam K Nanavatty, Lt Gen Gurbaksh Singh Sihota, the Director-General of Military Operations (DGMO) of the Indian Army, and the then Indian Army Chief Gen Sundararajan Padmanabhan at the office of the chief of the army staff (COAS) in New Delhi. It was an unusually long meeting for the three senior officers of the Indian Army in which Lt Gens Nanavatty and Sihota appraised their Chief, Padmanabhan, of the situation on the LoC and the increasing terrorist infiltration into J & K. They had to do something to radically change the payoff structure for Pakistan, Lt Gen Nanavatty argued. Gen Padmanabhan agreed and gave the go ahead to make preparations for Operation Kabaddi. Lt Gen Nanavatty returned to his HQ in Udhampur, in the foothills of the Shivalik ranges in J & K, with a three-month preparation time from his COAS to get his command ready for OP Kabaddi. Gen Padmanabhan told Lt Gen Nanavatty to expect orders to carry out the operation to arrive in due course. OP Kabaddi would include a wide spectrum of evolving punitive operations such as the execution of deliberate fire assaults to destroy military and terrorist points, and area targets across the LoC; ambushes and raids across the LoC; and Company-, Battalion-, and Brigade-sized deliberate offensive attacks to capture objectives of tactical importance across the LoC that would improve the Indian Army’s counter-insurgency (CI) posture. However, according to Lt Gen Nanavatty, “it was not a single, coordinated operation to commence on a prescribed date. There was no mathematical distribution of tasks to formations and units.” They were planned to take place in several phases based on various operational contingencies. There was a great flexibility built into Lt Gen Nanavatty’s operational plans to deal with contingencies and Pakistani responses to a surprise attack by India. It was to be a purely army operation—the Indian Air Force (IAF) was neither notified nor integrated into the operational plans. However, as the preparations progressed, Lt Gen Nanavatty did suggest to Lt Gen Sihota that the IAF be brought into the picture to effectively carry out the mission. The execution of Operation Kabaddi was to take place on or after 1 September 2001. In the words of Lt Gen Nanavatty, “We were required to be ready to execute operations as planned on orders any time on or after 1 September 2001. But there were no ‘start’ and ‘finish’ dates.”

    Cont'd below...

  100. There is no clarity on whether OP Kabaddi had political approval from the NDA government in New Delhi. The two officers who were extensively interviewed to get an understanding of the 2001 operation, Lt Gen Nanavatty, the then Northern Army commander, and Lt Gen H S Panag, who was then a Brigade Commander under Nanavatty, could not confirm whether the plan had political clearance from Defence Minister George Fernandes, Defence Minister Jaswant Singh (who took over from Fernandes in March 2001), or Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee. The rationale for this large-scale offensive operation had its origin in the previous year. The year 2000 had witnessed several small-scale and successful operations of this kind. During the previous year, local units of the Army, with the tacit understanding and green signal from the Army’s higher ups, had “adopted a calibrated offensive action across” the LoC “to sanitise areas of infiltration” on the Pakistani side. For example, on 22 January 2000, fighting in the Chhamb sector left 16 Pakistani soldiers dead. While both sides blamed one another, the truth was that Indian troops, in strength, attacked a Pakistani post and overran it. Similar instances occurred in Akhnoor, Mendhar, Kotli, Naushera and Pallanwala between January and August 2000. So the planners, in a sense, only had to repeat the smaller operations on a larger scale. The success of the previous year’s minor operations and the success of the Kargil War in 1999 under nuclear conditions had emboldened the Indian Army. Moreover, the then Defence Minister George Fernandes was a fan of the Indian Army’s limited war doctrine. Lt Gen Nanavatty personally oversaw the preparations, going from Brigade to Brigade along the LoC to discuss the minute details of the plan with his Brigade commanders. Operational plans were shared down to the Brigade commanders’ level who were told to be ready for an assault, when the time came. Three posts were selected from the Batalik sector, where Lt Gen Panag was posted during those days. Lt Gen Panag was then a Brigade commander and he was in charge of carrying out the operation on three Pakistani posts. Lt Gen Panag recalls Nanavatty flying into the former’s Brigade HQ to decide the objectives and details of the operation. The Lt Gen and the Brigadier then went up to the LoC on the Indian side and the Army Commander was shown the three posts that were marked out to be captured. Panag’s Brigade was holding around 70km of frontage of the LoC, so the objectives were spread out but he was confident of capturing them when the orders came. Nanavatty approved the plan before returning to his Command HQ. Reserve Battalions were pulled back from CI duties inside the Kashmir Valley, and were trained to carry out the mission and were kept on operational alert.

    Cont'd below...

  101. The planners were aware that such an offensive land grab operation would not go unanswered by the Pakistani side: they were prepared to absorb the Pakistani response, most importantly by anticipating it. To the chief architect of the operations, the Northern Army commander, the plan of action was crystal-clear: Battalion and Brigade-size operations would involve crossing the LoC, capturing ground and posts by forcibly dislodging Pakistani soldiers, and holding the captured positions. What would the Indian Army do with the captured territory and posts across the LoC? The COAS was unambiguous that there would be no withdrawal of forces from the captured posts, unless the central government intervened and issued clear and direct orders for a pull-back. The thinking behind that was that the captured posts would improve the Indian Army’s defensive posture at the LoC both in the operational sense as well as to deter infiltrators. In Lt Gen Nanavatty’s words: “Offensive operations constituted attacks at Brigade-, Battalion- and Company-level to capture objectives and ground of tactical importance that would improve our defensive and CI posture. We intended to hold ground that was captured unless ordered by the government to the contrary.” In early September, Lt Gen Sihota, the DGMO, rang up Nanavatty from the Army HQ in New Delhi and asked: “Are you ready? Are your plans ready?” The Northern Army Commander responded: “We are ready since 1 September.” The plans were in place, material preparations were complete and the men were ready to strike—all they needed was the order from the COAS. Just when everything was in place and the plan was to go forward, the terror attacks on the World Trade Center Twin Towers in New York took place. 9/11 changed everything, including the geopolitics in South Asia thanks partly to changing United States (US) calculations vis-à-vis Pakistan. Perhaps there was a small window of opportunity to carry out the operation immediately after 9/11 when Pakistan had not yet been drafted as a US ally in its war against terror. That window was never taken.

    The account of Operation Kabaddi is based on the interviews provided by two senior retired officers of the Indian Army: Interview with Lt Gen. Rustom K Nanavatty, Northern Army Commander, February 2001 to May 2003; and Interview with Lt Gen H S Panag, Army Commander, Central and Northern Commands.

    China's Military Hasn't Fought A War Since 1979 But Is A Highly Capable War Machine'
    What china aspires ultimately...
    What is really going on in valley.. amidst so much buzz and confusion...
    ..Is there anything geopolitical game behind counter terrorism.

  103. Lt.gen.Rustom K Nanavatty..mann..the moment i saw the name , i immidiately understood , such out of the box unconventional ideas can arise from this legend..if late col.megh singh is the father of indian army para commandos, then lt.gen.rustom nanavatty would definitely be called as the godfather who converted paracommandos to para (sf) was him who appraised the army headquarters and govt. Of india about special forces capabilities after he managed to visit the hereford hq of 22 SAS of british army who showed him everything until classified..really a man of unorthodox ideas..had his vision been grabbed truly ,indian special forces could hv been on differwnt level right now..but ..unlucky..

  104. Prasun sir, srry for double commenting..but do u hv any idea about the status of gun pod integration on lca?? I mean where it is now? If any development then when can we expect its fullfledged trials ??

  105. Hi Prasun,

    This thread had been quite a fascinating read.

    Thank you.

    I have a question on economy. Every major news outlet is laying down a narrative of we are back to 1991 and are about to have a major recession.

    Auto sector, steel sector,etc., Are closing and unemployment is on high, why is Modi government still pursuing this opaque and non productive approach. Will that not lead to India weakening.

    What is you analysis on this. Is recovery possible?

    Srinivasa Nanduri

  106. So dada BDL delivered its first of Barak 8 MRSAM to IAF. When will Army get it?

  107. To BUDDHA:

    To SUJIT: And yet this very Lt Gen, when ordered by his COAS to undertake a limited cross-LoC offensive back in January 2002, refused to do so by stating that HQ Northern Command wasn’t prepared for it! At least Gen V P malik had said in 1999 that “we will fight with whatever we have got”. But this Lt Gen could not even say something similar!

    And how can any gunpod be integrated with Tejas LCA when it has not even been decided which type of gunpod is to be integrated—a foreign one or a desi one?

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: Because everyone is now realising what a grotesquely underperformer Arun Jaitly was as Union MoF. All that he has succeeded in is systematically castrating the Indian economy on a macro-scale by totally screwing up the GST methodology & implemnentation, followed by giving the IT & ED authorities the judicial powers of arrest. The following three videolinks explain in detail all that has gone terribly wrong:

    To SUMIT SEN: This is what was ‘delivered’:

    Can this MR-SAM be fired out to 70km? Is it a shoulder-launched MR-SAM? If so, then I too would like to possess some of them. Or is it that only recently was the JV of Kalyani Group & RAFAEL awarded to contract to series-produce sub-systems & components of the MR-SAMs for the IAF? If yes, then the IAF will begain receiving its MR-SAMs only in 2021.

  108. To KAUSTAV: How can any MAWS sensor be procured for the Su-30NMKI when the Sukhoi OKB has not even been asked to certify all the fancy airframe fitment options self-devised by DARE? What that means is unless the OEM's design Bureau certifies any internal/external fitment as being eligible for installation/integration from a flight-safety point-of-view, the IAF will not authorise any of its Su-30MKIs for upgradation/modification. And that's because neither HAL nor DARE are representing the OEM & therefore they cannot do a foolproof job in the absence of aircraft-related design documentation, which remain in Russia & have never been shared with India.

    And here are the areas where infiltration across the LoC is being attempted (all of them being along the nullahs & river-streams):

    Keran 34 39 57.49 N, 73 57 20.30 E
    Machal 34 46 51.82 N, 74 24 31.97 E
    Gurez 34 40 38.20 N, 74 46 34.12 E
    34 41 25.00 N, 74 42 5.89 E
    Leepa 34 17 52.22 N, 73 56 14.71 E
    Sharda 34 42 7.34 N, 74 10 54.63 E
    Dudhnial 34 40 45.35 N, 74 6 33.76 E
    Athmuqam 34 34 30.67 N, 73 57 6.41 E
    Nausadda 34 25 33.19 N, 73 48 15.29 E
    Chakothi 34 6 24.32 N, 73 54 21.55 E

    It also appears that the Dhanush-45 towed 155mm/45-cal howitzer was employed for firing towards the Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Project. This by itself constitutes a sharp vertical escalation by India, since apart from Chinese nationals, there were UK & US nationals there on-site who were working as consultants. And since this project’s implementation is causing a genocidal catastrophe/disaster further up near Muzaffarabad, this gives India all the right as the legitimate owner of the real-estate called PoK to militarily intervene in order to stop this humanitarian catastrophe/disaster. India also has the sovereign right to present this case to ICJ & will win the case hands-down, since UNSC Resolution No.47 still remains active.

    And as for the ISPR's allegations of the IA using 'cluster bombs', it needs to be stated that the IA has no use for cluster bombs because the IA does not possess any platform that's reqd for dropping such 'bombs'. The IA instead uses 155mm cargo rounds containing bomblets that are not cannister-encased. The images released by ISPR

    ( &

    clearly show pyrotechnic cannisters used by OFB-made 155mm illumination rounds that are exploded in air-burst mode. Clearly, the Khaki-clad personnel of the PA & its ISPR require lots of education.

  109. full spectrum warfare mentioned in the white papers of china is really scary is india even in the process of defending itself forget about offensive capability

  110. Was the Dhanush-45 being operated by the army unit to see how it performs under battle condition by the units?

    Reason for asking is that the Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Project is not that far from the LoC, especially Teetwal, etc... I believe a 120mm mortar can also hit the site and may have previously ;-)


  111. @Prasun da

    1. will you still say my assessment based on my feeling (the on i spoke about kashmir earlier) are unfounded. let me tell you this basis of my assessment based on my feeling, it was the Trump of mediation/arbitration on kashmir. here i list out the reasons

    1a. a man sitting in the most imp. chair, heading the most imp. office and incharge of most powerful army can never make things up

    1b. even after MEA saying n parliament that no such thing was asked, he has repeated his offer, also his office has categorically said Trump doesnt make up things

    2. what does this mean

    2a. he got info from his CIA operatives in either India or Pskistan that something of a plan was up.

    2b. his offer was a signal to both India Pak that look boys pipe down big boss is watching

    2c. who soever of the 2 still goes ahead with the plan, will surely invite US wrath

    3. my assessment is something by India or Pak was supposed to happen before August 15, its likely bcoz of this

    3a. India which likely saw the problem asked Amarnath yatra to be stopped and pilgrims to return.

    3b. even if threat was to amarnath yatra why ask tourist in gulmarg, jammu, ladakh to vacate, bcoz India was worried if they get stuck

    3c. why this hurry to evacuate using flight, c17s, buses, trains enmass

    4. people of J&K are worried, whether it is trifurcation into separate jammu. kashmir, laakh or abrogation of 35a, 370 there are rumours floating

    5. even governor SP Malik doesnt seem to know what is happening as everything seems to be managed by PM/O,HM & NSA

    6. this sudden troop surge of bringing in CAPFs and army units in 2 tranches mean, that IA/RR unit busy in COIN ops will be redployed at IB/LOC/AGPL

    7. why i think China will jump in into this from LAC

    7a. China has said Pak is its all weather friend, if India hits hard (who so ever is 1st mover) and Pak is on backfoot, then China will have to come in to save its investments in PoK & most importantly CPEC which if Indiagoes full full throttle into PoK will likely be lost forever, & China would ever want that

    7b. China ccant touch SKorea, Japan, Taiwan or even Vietnam & Philippines as that will bring it in directly confrontation with USA

    7c. China cant redo a Tiananmen sqaure in Hong Kong due to its peculiarity,

    so what is left, only India where it will try to show its muscle

    hope my assessment is wrong :-)


    Joydeep Ghosh

  112. Dear Prasun,

    Regarding the mobilization of CRPF personnel, could this be a drill for the mobilization of personnel and the administrative readiness, along with the handling of media, communication with other countries, seeing the response time of Pakistan and the support (direct/indirect) it gets from China and all other things which may arise for a future AirLand campaign.

    Your inputs would be helping us sharpening the different angles one should look at activities like this.

    My guess is, due to the problems on the economic front, the Government created a diversion.

    Thanks a lot,

  113. Dada, has government finally decided on taking back POK by force? COAS Gen Rawat also talked about it some days ago. Or it just posturing to send a message to Pakistan and America?

  114. Common prasun sir, he might Have felt guilty when coas asked him for going across the loc..that'swhy he returned with a more wide ranging strategic plan.. After all all special ops takes intelligence, planning practice and then execution and he knew it that's why he might not have gone immediately with COAS...
    I think tejas mk1A can easily be a good strike fighter with defensive capabilities.. Only requirement is a 30mm gunpod and ew suite for self protection.. Ex. Bae hawk 200..what about the weapon pylon with MAWS that drdo was developing for su30mki?. Is it ready?

  115. some reports have said that 4-5 terrorist have infiltrated 28 or 29 july.
    these fidayeens will carry out large scale attacks similar to sri lanka or 26/11.
    also they were told to be carrying some sophisticated equipment.

    why were the members of BAT came indian side of LOC


  116. Sir,

    1)Quick Reaction Missile With Strike Range Of 30 Km Successfully Test-Fired
    Ready for induction next year?
    Confuse me..
    3)Off the the topic
    Rs 25,000 crore tenders cancelled or modified to promote Mak ..
    This is good news for Indian industry?

  117. Prasun da,

    R27: Perhaps the panelist are smoking weeds

  118. Hello sirji!

    1.FlightRadar says that Tu-154M of RuAF flew to India several times.What is it for?Emergency supplies?

    2.You gave example of Operation Kabaddi.Do you personally think it would happen now?

    3.Don't you think that Civilian casualty in POK due to Indian Shellling could create trouble for India in future? Already reports are emerging that few countries are about to protest on it.

    Thanks sirji.There is no clear reporting regarding reasons for this MASSIVE level of actions.But I hope that it's for good.And GOI leadership's spin is shown.

  119. Dear Prasun Da,-

    Hope you are doing well. Thank you for sharing us your knowledge from your busy schedule. You are truly an one man army and chowkidar o ki chowkidar.
    I am working on two ideas, 1. Automation of 81mm mortar & 2. Barrel cleaning machine for tanks and artillery.
    I was trying to get incubated and funded but they are asking for recommendation letter from any army officer. I am low on fund to even patent my 1st idea. I would like to patent my idea and build a technology demonstrator and showcase it on Defexpo 2020.
    Please advice how to approach.

    Sudipta Pathak

  120. Sir, why this confusion everywhere ( well except you ) regarding Indian side J&K? Is it deliberate or we are again falling behind in Information Warefare?

  121. To SHUBHAM: LoLz! The PLA is still a few decades away from achieving full-spectrum warfare capabilities. The CPC’s foremost priority is to cleanse the PLA of corrupt officers & practices & the cleansing process that has been underway since 2013 is still ongoing. So one can well imagine the quantum of shit still prevalent within the PLA. So, to all those who keep claiming that the PLA is overwhelmingly superior to its Indian counterparts, my advice to them is: Take a Walk!

    To RAT: Do you reckon the artillery fire-assaults are carried out right along the Zero Line of the LoC? Because if that was the case, then there would have been highly effective counter-Battery fire from the adversary. Artillery fire-bases are always located on reverse mountain sides for disorienting the adversary’s weapon-locating radars, typically 15km away from the LoC’s Zero Line. Consequently, mortar fire cannot be used against targets located either 5km or 30km away from the Zero Line.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Like I said before, assessments founded on ‘feelings’ are deeply flawed. 1A) Tell that to those US citizens who have undeniable proof of such gaffes being committed by POTUS on a daily basis. 1B) Because POTUS had already equated the Balochistan & J & K issues in that same press-conference & his offers for mediation/arbitration were related to that equation, especially with regard to the issue concerning Kulbhushan Jadhav. 2A) Yes, he knew that Pakistan would increase its terrorist infiltration efforts inside J & K in the very near future & he also knew that India would this time go on the offensive on the ground & no other third party would intervene in any matter for quite some time. 2B) Indeed, & therefore POTUS’ offer to arbitrate was more important, since any common-sensical arbiter will rule favour of India’s righteous case & not in favour of Pakistan’s self-righteous arguments/claims. 3A & 3B) India knows only too well that Pakistan is now in no position to go on any kind of military offensive, given the PA’s heavy deployment along the Durand Line. Now therefore is the time to undertake OP Kabaddi Version-2 without any hindrance. That’s why 3 Su-30MKI squadrons were deployed 4 days ago to Srinagar & Ladakh. 3C) Because extraordinary times require extraordinary measures, which Kautilya/Chanakya had stated thousands of years ago. If folks in India still don’t get it today, then they deserve to be labelled as MORONs. 4) 99.99% of the natives of J & K are not bothered about it at all, only the ‘native netas’ of the Valley are interested in milking such issues. The average native of J & K is far more concerned about the Public Safety Act (PSA) that has always been used by the Valley’s ‘native netas’ for political purposes. 5) The Governor knows what he is expected to know. Haven’t you read the OSA & its clause concerning “need to know basis”? 6) CAPFs are always used for maintenance of law & order. No additional IA formations have been inducted into the Valley. Only CAPF units & the paramilitary Assam Rifles have been inducted. 7A) If China wants to interfere, it will then have to endure India’s open criticism about China’s persecution of the Muslim Uighurs of Xinjiang. 7B) That’s correct, since China’s PLA is a corrupt force with no warfighting experience over the past 40 years.

  122. To PIYUSH HUNDIA: VMT, but don’t worry about the PA at all, since the PA’s officer cadre cannot even distinguish between illuminating round cannisters & cluster munitions! Like I stated before, we are dealing with a far lesser evolved species. But what I’m seeing is that certain ‘desi patrakaars’ on both national TV channels as well as Pakistani TV channels giving only a one-sided view, i.e. troubles of the natives of the Kashmir Valley, while totally forgetting most shamelessly the ordeal of the lakhs of Kashmiri Pundits who are now condemned to survive as internally displaced people in their own country! For example, just listen to the utter filth from India’s ‘desi patrakaars’ in this talk-show aired yesterday:

    Then there’s disinformation of this type being spread:

    Personally, I would be extremely happy if the likes of Yasin Malik & his comrades were publicly castrated & mutilated & their bodies fed to the dogs, this being the very least one can do to avenge the genocide they had committed against the Kashmiri Pandits between 1989 & 1996. And the same goes for all past Indian PMs starting with VP Singh, followed by Chandrashekhar, P V Narasimha Rao, H D Deve Gowda, I K Gujral & A B Vajpayee—all of whom utterly failed to implement their part of the social contract with the Kashmiri Pandits.

    Finally, if you want to closely follow what’s happening inside J & K, then I suggest you follow these 2 Twitter handles:

    And stay away from the handles of these Fraudsters who are ill-read & ill-informed & who at best can only shed crocodile tears:

    That chap was in some of my classes during my college-going days & hence I have a first-hand knowledge of the kind of ARSEHOLE that he was/is & will always be (hence his empathy for the financial losses of a few hoteliers in Gulmarg/Pahalgaam & ZERO EMPATHY for the lakhs of Kashmiri Pandits who lost their livelihoods between 1989 & 1996 & had to start life afresh from scratch! And which of the mainstream TV anchors of the ‘desi’ TV channels weeps for such internally displaced citizens of India??? Yeh Sabh ke Sabh CLASS A Naalaayak, Haraamzaade, Padhe Likhe Jaahil hain!!!

  123. To PIYUSH: Kindly refrain from engaging in nonsensical conspiracy theories & instead read the works of Zhu Geliang, called THE 36 STRATAGEMS.

    To AYUSH: Back in 1971 India had to contend with a hostile POTUS, but that did not prevent India from launching OP CACTUS LILY. If India conducts a military operation with the aim of liberating PoK, then the US too will be highly supportive since such an operation will 1) deal a body-blow to those CPEC-related projects that are creating a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions inside PoK. 2) It will serve the US’ claims of CPEC being unviable & nonsensical.

    To SUJIT: It will be far better if, instead of speculating with MIGHT, MAYBE, COULD HAVE, PERHAPS, you were to reach out to several of the senior officers who had served with/under that Lt Gen & sought their views on what kind of an officer that Lt Gen was. Neither speculations nor blind assumptions help anyone reach realistic/correct conclusions.

    To UNKNOWN/RAJ: The number of commentators using the Handle UNKNOWN shows no sign of abating. Those 4-5 Paki terrorists will be liquidated within 30 days, rest assured.

    To ANUP: 1) Not yet. First the Astra-1 BVRAAM will be inducted later this year, & only then will the QR-SAM’s user-trials begin. 2) All guided missiles use proportional navigation when homing on to their targets. They never fly straight like a bird. 3) Yes.

    To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) Emergency supplies come via transport aircraft like IL-76MD, & not via passenger-carrying Tu-154Ms. 2) There are good reasons for it happening now. 3) There is no such irrefutable proof about such casualties nor have any cluster bombs been used by the IAF. The IA does not have cluster bombs as alleged by the ISPR of the PA. Hence, no country will protest & all propaganda about protests is emanating as disinformation only from Pakistan.

    To SUDIPTA PATHAK: 1) Auto-loading or breech-loaded 81mm mortar won’t have any takers. Such autoloaders are preferred only for 120mm mortar barrels. 2) Watch these:

  124. To PAWAN: The true hour of reckoning has dawned at last! With all the trouble-makers from the Jamaat-e-Islami & JKLF behind bars, the hypocritical 'netas' of the Valley under house-arrest (actually under protective custody so that they are prevented from fanning public unrest through disinformation), the time has come to squash all dreams about establishing 'Nizaam-e-Mustafa' within secular India & aligning it with the 'Riyaasat-e-Medina' bullshit across the LoC. That the very concept of 'Riyaasat-e-Medina' is un-Quranic is proven by the unfolding humanitarian disasters within PoK & the on-going plunder of PoK's resources for feeding the Godforesaken citizens of Pakistan. And for those 'desi bastards' (especially those desi patrakaars who frequent Pakistani TV channels), they will be well-advised to read Article 257 of Pakistan's Constitution to realise that even without Article 370 & Article 35A, India's Jammu & Kashmir State still remains a vibrant & sustainable paradise when compared to the hellhole that is PoK. They should also take note that even before India's Constitution was adopted in 1950, J & K had remained as an integral part of India for almost 3 years without any damage or dilution in any form. They should also realise that all false propaganda about India trying to alter J & K's demography on communal lines is UTTER NONSENSE, since there are states in India (in the North East) that are overwhelmingly Christian or Buddhist & no one has till date tampered with the demographics of these states. Nor is anyone about to.

    Meanwhile, enchanting Skardu beckons us:

    Cute Snow leopards (BARS in Russian) at Garkhun:

    Serene Ladakh & Kargil:

    How ancient places of worship were destroyed in India:

  125. To DASHU: Don't worry. Parliament is in session & matters will be clarified later today. IAF Su-30MKIs in Ladakh, Awantipora, Srinagar Airport, Halwara & Pathankot are all armed, locked & loaded. And so are the genuine natives of PoK who are now in the process of mass mobilisation for widespread civil disobedience movements against the unravelling humanitarian catastrophe in Muzaffarabad. Looks like this time Olthingthang will be knocked out of action very early since it serves as the main logistics base that is India-centric & without which the 323 Bde at Dansum & Goma (facing Siachen), the Skardu-based 62 Bde & the Minimarg-based 80 Bde of the PA will be starved of perishable supplies. Under the guise of raising the Mountain Strike Corps, two full-fledged mountain warfare divisions have already been raised by the IA at Pathankot & Himachal Pradesh & these will be the spearheads for advancing by air towards Skardu & from there towards Gilgit to arrive at the India-Afghanistan border at the eastern end of the Wakhan Corridor. Thus, once the CRUST of the PA's defences comprising 323 Bde, 62 Bde & 80 Bde are broken & overwhelmed in less than 10 days, the entire route towards the Wakhan Corridor gets opened since there are no PA bases between Skardu & Gilgit. Only the FCNA HQ is in Gilgit as an administrative HQ. Hence, with a combination of overwhelming offensive airpower & heliborne vertical envelopment techniques of the type witnessed during the Meghna River helilift operation in December 1971, a swift dash to reach the Wakhan Corridor is indeed possible & this in turn will enable physical contiguous link-up with the Northern Alliance forces in northern Afghanistan, while at the same time physically cutting off all land linkages between China & Pakistan. And neither China nor Pakistan has the kind of helilift capabilities reqd for undertaking a counter-heliborne operation. And to beat it all, this will further strengthen POTUS' hands when negotiating from a position of strength with the fucked-up Afghan Taliban in Doha!!! And only after all this can POTUS become a mediator for convincing Pakistan that an undivided J & K is integral to the Afghan peace process & therefore Pakistan will then have no choice but to agree to all the terms & conditions as the totally defeated party (with no bargaining power whatsoever) against both India & Afghanistan. After all, while the Iranians had only seized the US Embassy in Teheran back in 1979, in February that same year, it was Pakistan that burnt up the entire US Embassy in Islamabad for no sane reason/excuse--a fact that almost every Pakistani tends to forget, but which the US has never forgotten. So, by all means let the fun-n-games begin.

  126. Sir , u still believe it's about PoK, has the deployment of 60k+ paramilitary force in JnK and the total blackout of communication system , imposition of 144 nothing to do with removle of 35A and Art370

  127. To NISHANT 1516: This is the closest anyone has come so far in terms of analysing & explaining the STRATAGEM that is now being played out for J & K:

    And whether it is about PoK or J & K, it is all inter-linked.

  128. Article 370 scrapped by Presidential order. This has next to be ratified by two-thirds majority in both houses of Parliament. So what comes next? trifurcation of the state, with full statehood for Jammu, with Kashmir & Ladakh becoming Union Territories? Or the entire state of J & K becoming a Union Territory? Presidential revocation of Article 35A? In my assessment, none of these moves will create any serious law-n-order situation inside J & K.

    1. Ae kya ho gaya😂 aap to kuch alag bol rahe the

    2. Whats the roadmap here after ??unilateral action against PoK/gilgit baltistan skardu or waiting for provocation from other side.

      Btw is army ready for rapid escalation to takeover real estate in PoK/GB??...moreover does present regime has balls even to take on that challenge ??
      I think now pakistan will separate GB an PoK as demanded by the end india is net loser i believe with no tangible gains unless air land campaign begins before october

  129. Dear Prasun da,

    Congratulations to you! Hope now India don't desist from taking measure to merge PoK otherwise this decision may not yield much strategic or economic value to us. May God of yore who is know as Allah in arabic and by various names in Sanskrit guide us towards future of just, equality and peace.



  130. Can show me news of POK widespread civil disobedience movements?
    What happens if PA really uses tactical nuclear weapons in Jammu or against our country?


  131. Prasunda,

    With the abrogation of art. 370 and along with it art. 35A and the bifurcation of the state into UT's done the next challenge will be to counter Pakistan's next move, I imagine.

    Pakistan may counter it with declaring G&B and PoK as states in Pakistani Paliament. Now that would create a problem that would need to be overcome.

    With this action POTUS's Afgan reconciliation plan would be in tatters as Pakistan would immediately pull back troops in PoK from its Western front and POTUS will not have the counter-weight of Pakistani Army to fill the vacuam of the US military withdrawal to check the resulting chaos. Ergo no deal with Taliban. Big loss of face of Trump that would prevent his trump-card for relection to be played i.e Afganista troops withdrawal.

    So India can forget any support from Trump in the near term.

    So we are in for interesting times ahead (like in the chinese blessing/curse). I am all praise for the backbone that the Modi government has shown. I hope they show the same in the times ahead along with some brilliant foreign policy adroitness.

    Jai Hind.


  132. Hi Sir,
    Another of your assessment was echoed by similarly by Pakistani ex High Commissioner to India that mediation might be related to PoJK and it may become an issue for pakistan, what do you think? Though he didn't explicitly mentioned "arbitration" part but I think conveyed some similar fears for Pakistan?


  133. Exactly as kane said with american troops withdrawal deal in sight and then this backdrop, pakistan is sure to arm twist america and this has the potential to deteriorate us indo relations in near future...
    so how does this witdrwal of article 370 from jnk will help i could not understand unless air land campaign begins sooner than later??

  134. To PAWAN: VMT. In reality, this is what has happened:

    This historic move was long overdue & should have been undertaken way back in early 1972. But the then rulers both in Delhi & Srinagar were shortsighted & hence that opportunity was wasted by both. PoK will definitely be re-united with J & K since that is a strategic inevitability.

    To RON: I had already posted videolinks almost a week ago of such protests. Such protests have been going on for the past 2 years. If Pakistan uses TNWs against any sovereign piece of real estate of India, there will be immediate retaliation in kind against Sialkot, Lahore & Rawalpindi, rest assured.

    To AMIT BISWAS: You are oversimplifying matters & throwing international law to the dustbin. The IA & IAF has been ready for any kind of escalation—slow & rapid—since 1999 onwards. GB cannot be separated from any other part of J & K as per UNSC Resolution No.47. Nor can Pakistan do anything since determining the political & administrative status of J & K is India’s internal matter, while UNSC resolution No.47 specifically calls for all Pakistani citizens to unilaterally withdraw from all of undivided J & K SIMPLY BECAUSE the Resolution & the consequent Karachi Agreement of 1949 explicitly accords legal sanction to the October 1947 Instrument of Accession. And neither the Resolution nor the Karachi Agreement nor the Shimla Agreement of 1972 says anything about either Article 370 or Article 35A, meaning Pakistan has no legal say whatsoever in determining either J & K’s political status or its administrative mechanisms/processes. And like I had stated numerous times before, a mere glance at Article 257 of Pakistan’s Constitution reveals how Pakistan has been denying fundamental human rights to the natives of PoK inclusive of GB since 1947. Hence, from both legal & humanitarian standpoints, India has all the right to reunify J & K by any possible means.

    To SIDHARTH & KANE: POTUS or anyone else or any other country has nothing to do with determining the political & administrative status of J & K, as I have explained above. And what exactly can Pakistan do or say about India’s constitutional commitments to J & K and Ladakh when the natives of PoK inclusive of GB are denied even a micron of what India guarantees for the natives of J & K and Ladakh? So, the more Pakistan continues to bark at the wrong tree, the greater will be the exposure & deepening of its own legal and constitutional faultlines & vulnerabilities.

  135. Sir,
    I think you personally hate Yasin Mailk & his JKLF..(He deserve it).
    Same engine for Super Su-30MKI?

  136. Prasun,
    is this true..,000-cr-project-to-replace-Mi-17-copters-586299
    or is HAL again bent o wasting money on projects no one is interested in .. coz INdia can go for codevelopment with Russia(kamov 92) or US(FVL) for future helios

  137. Sir, can people from outside J&K now buy land and settle in Kashmir? Can companies buy land and invest there from now on?

  138. Our well wisher friend from china ;)

  139. Sir
    What do you think, what kind of legeslative assembly would be like in J&K?

    Like of Delhi with Chief Minister?

  140. To ANUP: I hate anyone who expresses no remorse for all the crimes he/she has committed & then suddenly professes to be a Gandhian and with no intention of atoning for his/her sins.

    Engine for Super Su-30MKI? I had already shown it here:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: Since, the Mi-17V-5s will be replaced after 30 years, one can only hope that HAL will succeed in developing a suitable MRH within the next 30 years. I wish HAL all the very best.

    To AYUSH: Technically yes, but I am a strong oppose of the concept of freehold land, and instead prefer the state to own all lands & give them out on 99-year leases.

    Here’s a chart about what has now changed:

    To AMIT BISWAS: LoLz! Overnight all these ‘desi’ bandalbaazes have become experts in constitutional law! So, for a change, let’s listen to the legal aspects of the case from genuine experts:

    Also, the world’s major powers were already briefed months ago on what was to come:

    In fact, last June Prime Minister Narendra Modi told off Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit when the latter suggested that India should open talks with Pakistan and that China could “help”. But as the pressure on Pakistan grows to “deliver” on Afghanistan, it was anticipated that the Western temptation to lean on India to begin negotiations on Kashmir could increase, especially with a mercurial President like Trump in the White House. But yesterday’s decision by the Govt of India WRT abrogating the special status of J & K has now taken that issue off the table. One can read more about this here:

    And here are the other ‘desi patrakaar’ naysayers who are still clueless about the STRATAGEM now being enacted:

  141. To ARPIT KANODIA: Let’s start with the fundamentals. As I had already stated before, no article can be abrogated or scrapped. They can only be amended. The same has happened with Article 370, whose provisions that give ‘special status’ to J & K have been removed with immediate effect. Therefore, Article 370 continues to stay but in a heavily modified & redacted manner. And of course the Govt of India’s decision will be challenged in various courts of law (High & Supreme)—a process that will last for another 4 years. This will give enough time to the Govt of India to arrive at a consensual formula that is acceptable to one & all that will result in ‘special status’ being replaced with ‘special legislative powers’ like the ones given to states like Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland etc etc. That’s precisely why the Union Home Minister had stated yesterday that once the situation normalises, J & K can always revert back to being a State. So, in other words, he has already revealed the processes reqd to be undertaken in order to reach the desired end-state & therefore I don’t understand all these overnight ‘desi’ experts quacking like headless chickens & making apocalyptic predictions. As of now J & K will be UT just like Delhi & it will have an elected legislative assembly & elected Chief Minister after the delimitation of constituencies is completed by the EC, following which elections will be held sometime next year.

    On the international front, the terms of any future official engagement between India & Pakistan will be very different. With Jammu & Kashmir now fully integrated within the Indian Union, India will have no reason to include J & K in the list of subjects meant for bilateral talks (either discussions or negotiations). Previously, with the special status in place, India had tacitly accepted that J & K was an issue of ‘dispute’. From now on, India will not agree to putting J & K as a topic for discussions or negotiations with Pakistan. This will have a huge impact on any future India-Pakistan engagement as J & K is now legitimately a domestic issue. Regarding Pakistan’s refrain of the UNSC Resolutions, since Pakistan has refused to fulfil the first two conditions of the said resolution, so the rest cannot be taken in isolation. This will be from now on India’s stated position in all forums, be it the UN general Assembly, or the UN Human Rights Commission.

    Cont’d below…

  142. And here’s a brief explanation of what the Constitution of India says:

    Temporary provisions with respect to the State of Jammu & Kashmir
    (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Constitution,—
    (a) the provisions of Article 238 shall not apply now in relation to the state of Jammu & Kashmir;
    (b) the power of Parliament to make laws for the said state shall be limited to—
    (i) those matters in the Union List and the Concurrent List which, in consultation with the Government of the State, are declared by the President to correspond to matters specified in the Instrument of Accession governing the accession of the State to the Dominion of India as the matters with respect to which the Dominion Legislature may make laws for that State; and
    (ii) such other matters in the said Lists as, with the concurrence of the Government of the State, the President may by order specify.
    Explanation: For the purpose of this Article, the Government of the State means the person for the time being recognised by the President on the recommendation of the Legislative Assembly of the State as the Sadr-i-Riyasat (now Governor) of Jammu & Kashmir, acting on the advice of the Council of Ministers of the State for the time being in office.
    (c) the provisions of Article 1 and of this Article shall apply in relation to that State;
    (d) such of the other provisions of this Constitution shall apply in relation to that State subject to such exceptions and modifications as the President may by order specify:
    Provided that no such order which relates to the matters specified in the Instrument of Accession of the State referred to in paragraph (i) of sub-clause (b) shall be issued except in consultation with the Government of the State:
    Provided further that no such order which relates to matters other than those referred to in the last preceding proviso shall be issued except with the concurrence of that Government.
    (2) If the concurrence of the Government of the State referred to in paragraph (ii) of sub-clause (b) of clause (1) or in the second provision to sub-clause (d) of that clause be given before the Constituent Assembly for the purpose of framing the Constitution of the State is convened, it shall be placed before such Assembly for such decision as it may take thereon.
    (3) Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this Article, the President may, by public notification, declare that this Article shall cease to be operative or shall be operative only with such exceptions and modifications and from such date as he may specify:
    Provided that the recommendation of the Constituent Assembly of the State referred to in clause (2) shall be necessary before the President issues such a notification.

    Cont’d below…

  143. In October 1947, the then-Maharaja Hari Singh of Kashmir signed the ‘Instrument of Accession’, which specified three subjects on which Jammu & Kashmir would transfer its powers to the government of India: 1. Foreign affairs, 2. Defence and 3. Communications. In March 1948, the Maharaja appointed an interim government in the State, with Sheikh Abdullah as the PM. In July 1949, Sheikh Abdullah and three other colleagues joined the Indian Constituent Assembly and negotiated the special status of J & K, leading to the adoption of Article 370. Therefore, the Parliament needs the J & K government’s nod for applying laws in the state—except defence, foreign affairs, finance, and communications. The laws of citizenship, ownership of property, and fundamental rights of the residents of J & K are different from the residents living in the rest of India. Under Article 370, citizens from other states cannot buy property in J & K and the Centre has no power to declare a financial emergency. What is important to note is that Article 370(1)(c) explicitly mentions that Article 1 of the Indian Constitution—which lists the States of the Union—applies to J & K through Article 370. This means that it is Article 370 that binds the state of J & K to the Indian Union. Consequently, Article 370 cannot be done away with completely through abrogation. Instead, the Article can be amended or modified to suit the present-day objective ground realities—which is exactly what this Govt of India has done--byproducts of the application of sound common-sense and logical reasoning.

  144. Hi Prasun ji,

    In your reply to Arpit above you have stated that J & K will no longer feature as a matter of discussion in any future India-Pakistan bilateral exchanges, as India will no longer consider J & K as a 'disputed' matter officially or unofficially.

    While that is laudable, I'm led to ask the inevitable question: will the issue of Gilgit-Balistan and/or Azad Kashmir feature exclusively (without any mention of J & K) in upcoming Indo-Pak exchanges? As in, has or will our stand on the matter of PoK changed/been modified at all?

    With the Special Status gone, I understand India's intention and objective at the various bilateral or multilateral meetings should now ideally switch over completely to the matter of PoK, which we (and by way of the fundamental rights they have denied to the residents, Pakistan) still consider as 'disputed'.

    While this might make for many interesting exchanges from a diplomatic perspective in future, I come on to the second part of my question: what is likely to be India's military stand on PoK, mainly Gilgit-Baltistan? And in what ways is it likely to change from where we are now? Can we expect movement with the intention of capturing important locations (Haji Pir etc.) in the near future, especially with what is by now indisputably a GoI that has been the most pragmatic & proactive with its J & K policy that I've seen in all my 22 years of life.

    Third question: the internal security matter within J & K going forward. Can we expect a veritable witch-hunt of sorts (except that these witches are very much guilty of hurting the people of J & K and of India with their dark actions) targeting the pro-Pakistani elements within the state's (now UT's) political apparatus, namely the various separatist leaders and their cadre?

    Fourth: what are the sectors where you hope/expect to see the most positive developments coming out of in terms of economic investment & revitalization? I'd think it would take at least a few years for India Inc. to set up shop so to speak, many would hold their horses as they wait for the inevitable challenging in Courts of Law which are sure to follow (as you've stated yourself). Regardless, more work opportunities and a better outlook to life are sure to follow, and that should help significantly in curtailing separatist recruitment as well.

    Thanks in advance.

  145. Sir, everything going above my head, all are 150 miles/hr body line bouncers and am without a good quality helmet.

    What I understood from your lastest replies (to both AMIT BISWAS: @August 6, 2019 at 6:06 AM and To ARPIT KANODIA: @August 6, 2019 at 6:08 AM ) in short is that India is going to refuse to acknowledge the UNSC resolution (reason- Regarding Pakistan’s refrain of the UNSC Resolutions, since Pakistan has refused to fulfill the first two conditions of the said resolution, so the rest cannot be taken in isolation) going forward. That means India will try to trash the said UNSC resolution as we know paki will never implement those first 2 steps as they are arguing that those steps are not sequential.
    Once India trashed UNSC resolution, what will stop Paki to formally i:e legally integrate PoK into Paki by modifying their constitution same as India just did? In anyway PoK is almost a paki sovereign territory, in the end, the loc will be converted into IB?

    But before you said PoK's integration with J&K is inevitable. so am completely lost the plot now. Such a loser I am.

  146. To GESSLER: What it means is that in any future bilateral talks between India & Pakistan, the former will always ask the latter about vacating from PoK inclusive of Gilgit-Baltistan & will do so openly. Previously, in all meetings between the delegations of the two countries this issue was always raised by India (i.e. about vacating Pakistan’s illegal occupation of sovereign territory), but Pakistan used to reply saying that it had some other formula in mind instead of adhering to UNSC resolution No.47. Then India used to reply back by saying that since Pakistan was disinterested in discussing the implementation of UNSC resolutions, then there was nothing more to discuss, and the talks then used to proceed on to the next item on the agenda. Consequently, such talks never got mentioned in any joint communiques that used to be issued during such past discussions. Now the situation is totally different & everytime Pakistan raises the J & K issue, India’s official stated position will be to always forcefully demand the return of PoK & we all saw this in action at Geneva earlier this year at the UN Human Rights Commission proceedings. It is inevitable Pakistan in order to save face will ramp up its infiltration attempts along the LoC in areas both to the north & south of the Pir Panjal Range & this is where OP KABADDI Version-2 will lift off for denying the PA any dominating ground all along the LoC. This is what the PA’s Corps Commanders will discuss later today. As for economic developmental efforts, they will be focussing mostly in areas of public utilities. If 40,000 Kashmiri youth can turn up during IA recruitment drives for filling up only a few hundred positions, one can then very well imagine what the unemployment rate inside J & K has been since 2013.

    To DASHU: India now has no reason to refuse acknowledging UNSC Resolution Nio.47, whereas Pakistan has every reason to refuse, since acknowledging Pakistan’s illegal occupation of PoK will mean that the entire CPEC concept is also illegal. In fact, now Pakistan is caught on a terrible bind because on one hand it talks at the UN General Assembly about UNSC Resolution No.47 while on the other hand IAKN always rants about the J & K issue being solved bilaterally only through negotiations. In other words, he wants a bilateral deal since he knows very well that implementation of UNSC Resolution No.47 will see Pakistan losing PoK forever. So Pakistan really has to make up its mind on whether it wants follow the UN route, or follow a route involving bilateral negotiations. For India now, it suits her just fine to paint Pakistan as the spoiler for failing to implement UNSC Resolution No.47, whose four points are all sequential under Chapter 6 of the UN Charter. The only folks who insist that the four points are not sequential are the Pakistani officials & that’s why no country ever supports them at the UN General Assembly, since everyone knows that Pakistan’s self-righteous interpretation of the UNSC Resolution No.47 is 100% legally flawed.

    1. Your view has been shared y mr subramniam swamy who has suggestwd india to go to UN and request to withdraw UN intervention

  147. Dadaaaaaaaaaa

  148. Hi Prasun,

    First, thanks for explaining in detail all the aspects of this move by GoI. Second, this move of GoI after many years is keeping me in a highly elated mood for the past 36 hrs. I believe that India is ready to do now what should have been done ages ago. If this is going to be the state of affairs, I believe, India is moving ahead to capture PoK, being its legitimate rightful owner.


  149. Sir,
    Any threat to Modi or Amit Shah's life from Terrorist or JK political parties?

  150. Hello sirji!

    I have a teacher who stayed most of his life in US,but now for some years,he is in India.His brother in US works for CNN.And I was having a debate with him related to various issues.I will point out his views,which he says is inspired from his brother,and I would love to have your view:

    1.There is unlimited HR violations in Kashmir and NE.India is doing same thing what Israelis are doing to innocent Palestinians.

    2.Internationally,governments never thought that revoking article 370 was a good Idea since it will add further instabiliy.

    3.No western civilized world nation is going to all power cuts,curfews,house arrests a "normal" part of business.

    4.Indian army has been involed in several HR violations which made local Kashmiris and NE(he gave example of a Naga girl he met) to have extreme hate against the forces and Indians.

    At last,this is my own question:

    5.Why folks in left became so bigot(like RW) these days?Just compare the meltdowns you mentioned of Desi patrakaars.Don't know were the world is heading to.

    Anyways,for you and followers of this blog,here are some great retorrics and meltdowns:

  151. Hi Prasun,
    Even though some media outlets may have briefly touched on it, I think it is worth stressing that the major factor pushing this to happen now (i.e. at this time, instead of, say, two years down the road) is the real and present danger of Pakistan sending its ISIS-type jihadis from Afghanistan to Kashmir. The Americans are ready to cut and run from Afghanistan (i.e. simply declare victory and go home) and leave Afghanistan to its own devices. Hey, I don't blame them, in their position I would do exactly the same, but as they prepare to leave, they unintentionally create huge problems for India:

    1. The Americans have no practical way for their forces to leave the region except through Pakistan, because the blundering, incompetent American foreign-policy wonks have made bitter enemies out of all other countries (Iran, Russia, China) who might have otherwise offered a secure route out of the region. In return for Pakistan offering Americans a face-saving exit, they will demand their proverbial pound of flesh from America, and will probably receive it -- tens of billions of dollars in aid/grants and huge amounts of military weapons and supplies (F16's with AESA radars, latest generations of AMRAAMs AIM-120-C7 or even AIM-120-D) etc; Pakis are positively triumphalist in their rhetoric on this subject.

    2. Pakistan will have thousands of jihadis in Afghanistan who were previously used to attack Americans and/or the Afghan govt and will soon (with no Americans to attack) have to be deployed elsewhere. That "elsewhere" is obviously J&K. These jihadis will be tasked to go to J&K, scream "Allah ho Akbar" (AhA) and commit carnage on a massive scale that threatens the very fabric of Indian society. Countering these AhA-shouting thugs requires more than just military force, it requires control of the civilian law-and-order agencies (i.e. police) and other civic institutions. In a State, these institutions come under the control of the State govt., in a Union Territory (UT), they come under control of the Union Home Ministry. That makes a huge difference.

    Already on Paki TV you can hear/see calls for jihad/ghazwa-e-hind type invasions (of J&K) that would sound insane/demented in any other society but are normal in Pakistan. IMO the Modi govt are well aware of these threats and are preparing seriously to counter them with whatever force it takes. However, I don't know if they would go as far as you suggest, i.e. large-scale military operations in POK. When I read that stuff from you my reaction is "aap ke muh me ghee-shakkar", "from your lips to God's ears" etc., I wish it would happen, but I doubt if it will (unless Pakis really lose their minds and formally use military force in India first).

  152. Sir I have been reading all your Q&A etc, about op kabaddi 2.0 also etc etc.... My question is as per latest statements of IAKN n Gen Bajwa etc in your opinion/prediction are we gonna face a bloody war in Pok?? Coz these people have already said that incidents like Pulwama are bound to happen n India's response like balakot will result into a war... I saw on twitter a statement made by @natsecjeff that Pakistan is now adopting strategy of "bleeding through million cuts"... Rest u can understand....


    Imran openly declaring terrorist attacks.
    Pak will try something spectacular ?
    My assessment :Pak will try Target the political leadership in Delhi by terrorist attacks (ltte style).. To any extent is what PA coas has said ..
    And then terror group from Pok claiming it...and PA brandishes Nasr with nuclear weapons...then continue
    propaganda war and instigate unrest .pm,hm has to extra careful...

  154. To NAG:

    To AMOL: VMT. The way IAKN was ranting at his national Assembly yesterday, it does seem that he & his masters from the PA’s GHQ will ensure that there will be a few more Pulwama-types terror attacks, following which the IA & IAF will launch OP KABADDI version-2. And that’s because all the following expectations of Pakistan will be proven wrong in the days to come:
    1) Tensions between India and China will rise after recent development in Kashmir.
    2) Kashmiris are not in surrender mood, they are in fighting mood.
    3) Human rights violations in Kashmir won’t go unnoticed by the rest of the world.
    4) India will commit Genocide in Kashmir.

    To ANUP: That’s already taken care of.

    To DILBERT: LoLz! You reckon India was unaware of all this & recent events all took place suddenly? FYI this was wargamed last December under EX BAAHUBALI. In case folks ahev forgotten about it, here’s a refresher:

    1) WRONG. The northern route through Uzbekistan is now open by both rail & roadways. 2) That’s precisely the Govt of India is upping its decibels regarding PoK & Aksai Chin.

    To ASHISH GAUTAM & VOICEOFTHENEGLECTED: LoLz! Can you show me a single bloodless war being wages through the history of humanity? Of course they can only talk about ‘million’ cuts since pakistan’s population is only 223 million. But the PA will have to then reckon with a ‘billion’ counter-cuts’ from India, given her 1.3 billion population.

    And here's some good news: Goa Shipyard Ltd has just bagged contracts from the navies of both Vietnam & Thailand for supplying battle damage control simulators of this type:

    The 'desi bandalbaazes' are all busy trying to spin their conspiracy theories about J & K & therefore they have no time to report such developments!

  155. To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) Conflict areas always produce human-rights violations around the world & thus no one is holier than thou. Even the US committed such violations in Vietnam while the Soviets did so in Afghanistan. In fact, the anti-personal firearms lobby in the US argues that the existence of the NRA & pro-gun lobbies constitute grave human-rights violations throughout North America & Australia. 2) No one from the rest of the world was ever interested in India’s internal constitutional mechanisms. Even the UNSC never barred India from extending her constitutional umbrella over J & K. 3) Firstly, there are no power-cuts anywhere within J & K & everyone there has been watching both broadcast TV & certain cable TV channels. Secondly, all emergency & essential services were never stopped even for a second & road traffic throughout J & K and especially the Kashmir Valley has been flowing smoothly over the past 72 hours. Even curfew wasn’t strictly enforced & individuals (in groups of not more than 5, as per Section 144 regulations) were always freely moving around. Only folks who do not know what section 144 is will make such ludicrous assumptions. Thirdly, the term ‘House Arrest’ means one’s residence or any other residence or hotel room or hotel suite is designated by a district majistrate as a ‘sub-jail’. It does not mean solitary confinement or confined to a small cellar, as was alleged by Mehbooba Mufti’s daughter on TV. The reason she was complaining was that perhaps for the very first time in her life she was made to feel like commoner without all the trappings of a lavish lifestyle. Well, she better get used to it. 4) Like I explained earlier, conflict areas always produce circumstances where HR violations occur. In India, the affected folks can always approach the courts for redressal of their grievances & seek financial compensation. In several countries around India such avenues do not even exist. Consequently, comparatively, India is a cut above all such countries. 5) I don’t have the answer to that. Perhaps mass hallucinations? For instance, the ‘Pappu’ of the INC looks hell-bent upon suicidal actions for his party before ending up in a mental asylum. And then there are these:

    These 2 arseholes have neither read the UNSC resolution No.47 nor the Karachi Agreement of 1949, hence his factual distortions. Not do they understand the meaning of the UN Charter’s Chapter 6.

    Notice that the above three ‘entities’ are always referring only to the Kashmiris, & not a word about the natives of Jammu & Ladakh as if they don’t exist or matter. Classic bigotry if you ask me. A similar bigot (Mirza Waheed) was ‘publicised’ 2 days ago by Al Jazeera here:

    All these arseholes are praying that the following happens:

    1) Kashmiris are not in surrender mood, they are in fighting mood.
    2) Human rights violations in Kashmir won’t go unnoticed by the rest of the world.
    3) India will commit Genocide in Kashmir.

    Well, there are all in for the surprises of their lives over the next 48 hours, rest assured.

    And finally, we have the last gasps of breath from the ICCU of the corrupt & decadent political class of J & K, who have already been stripped of all their privileges & trappings of power:

    And finally, this is for all those arse-fucked morons who had ASSUMED that India has been marginalised from the Afghan Peace Process:

    Zalmay Khalilzad in India:

  156. To PRAJJWAL DALAL: Really what does "unlimited HR violations" mean? Please quantify it. I am amused by how people throw around words like "Genocide" without understanding the meaning of it. Gernocide is what has happened to Rohingya people where entire villages have been wiped out and masses forced to flee. Has anything similar happened in Kashmir? Have you seen any videos of unarmed men being lined up and being shot like in Swat and Baloch by Pak Army? Are Palestine people equal citizens of Israel? Really how does Kashmir qualify for "unlimited HR violations"?
    The worst you may hear in Kashmir are alleged atrocities like rape people have heard about but rarely seen or witnessed in their family. Much of HR violations defamation campaign is Pakistan's psy-ops where even their media has been made to believe that "millions" have been killed in Kashmir without any evidence.
    One incident my father narrated to me was in 90's when his unit was on a cordon and search operation at a village near LOC. They were being served dinner by the village people when the local Pakistani radio station started breaking news of Indian Army having attacked the same village and killed 800 people. Everyone had a laugh. But the propaganda on Pakistani channels was so intense that even soldiers sometimes fell for it and had to be reoriented. Have you seen any such thing happen? Have you done any such thing?

  157. Prasun da,

    Farooq Abdullah is moving to SC against revoking Article 370
    What'll be the next step if the court turns down the Abdullah plea or reinstate Article 370.

  158. Meanwhile, the brainwashed erstwhile INTERNS of the ISPR who are now serving as Anchors for various Pakistani TV talk shows are applying all that they were tutored to do & are lobbying for the PA to openly & actively give armed support to the Pak-based Jihadi tanzeems, not realising that this is exactly why POTUS had spent a lot of his time last month on impressing upon the need for Pakistan to adhere to the FATF's demands. Hernce, now Islamabad has 2 choices: either adhere to what it has promised to do WRT complying to the FATF's wishlist; or engage in strategic defiance & end up not only like North Korea, but also as someone with severely depleted military power. Here's a list of these INTERNS:

  159. To HARPREET: Let me share something not known so far: Of all the 50+ young Pakistani Jihadists who have been caught alive so far while trying to cross the LoC, ALL of them have since become deeply religious & prefer to live in isolation. Why? Because they are all suffering severe psychological shock, because when they were brainwashed in Pakistan they were all told that: inside J & K Muslims are systematically persecuted; Mosques are either non-existent or are not allowed to function as Mosques; the natives of Kashmir are systematically eliminated on an industrial scale. But after these brainwashed Jihadists saw the reality with their own eyes, they suffered from severe shock & trauma after it sank in that they were all taken for a big ride by their Jihadi taskmasters.

    To SIDHARTH: LoLz! I have already explained above that Article 370 hasn't been revoked. Only that Article's provisions that gave special status to J & K have been revoked. Kindly absorb & understand this & don't believe the oversimplified news reportage emanating from the desi media. Similarly, Article 35A hasn't been touched since the Supreme Court is hearing a PIL on this matter. Also, there are several local laws & regulations passed in the past by J & K's erstwhile state legislature that have NOT BEEN revoked & which prohibit the acquisition of real-estate inside J & K. Hence, matters are not that simple as they are being made out to be by the desi media. So, let a few more days pass by before folks really start dissecting the legalities.

    A retired senior PA officer expressing his admiration for the conduct of India's parliamentary debates yesterday, as opposed to the 'monkey's dance' witnessed yesterday inside Pakistan's national Assembly:

    1. No article 35a also has been removed
      See what j sai Deepak has said:

  160. sir,

    but 35a was issued by Presidential Order 1954,,, now that order is superseded by Presdential Order 2019,,

    so isnt it by default 35A become null and void?

  161. Prasun da,
    Here another proof article 370 with all provision will cease to exist:

  162. Prasunda,
    With all respect, you have got that part of the Art. 370 action wrong in your reply to Sidharth.

    The article 370. Clause 1 says J&K is an inelianable part of India. So what has been done by the order of President (using the Art.370 and the right givn under Clause 3), is that all other things under Art. 370 has been made null and void except Clause 1 (Clause 1 says J&K is an inelianable part of India). That means that 35A, which is a part of article 370, is also null and void.

    So now the art. 370 has only one clause that is applicable, Clause 1 that says J&K is an inalianable part of India. All other clauses are now invalid by this action.

    The requirement for this editing of the article 370 requires (as given in Art 370 Clause 3) are 1) President should sign an order, 2) This must be made public by Gezette announcement, 3) the Constituent assembly must OK it by SIMPLE majority. Since Constituent Assembly has long been abolished after the constitution was accepted, -->> the power is automatically transfered to the state assembly; -->> since the state assembly is dissolved all its powers are automatically transfered to the Governor. So therefore it just needed the Governors apporval to satisfy the point 3 of the requirements. Which done the resolution (not act) passed in parliament with more than 2/3 majority (only simple majority was enough) makes it that now Art 370 remains in constitution, but only its Clause 1 is active and all other clauses have been made redundant.


    P.S This has been stated clearly by Mr. Harish Salve, Mr. Fali Nariman and also another top constitution lawyer (interview in India Today and NDTV). They all said there will be PIL and challenges but they will be without any merit and the SC will sure turn them down.

  163. Prasunda,
    Sorry, for Clause 3 read Clause d) and for Clause 1 read Clause c).


  164. Dear Sir, whether it's just a face saving measures or something else is cooking up..please enlighten us...It seems some Bureaucrat from MHA going through this blog and has been enlightened by your knowledge...

  165. Sir,

    Please check

    Have you expect any strong reaction from Pakistan(ISI,PA,Terror group)?
    And if main political parties from J&K not participate in elections then what?

  166. So can we assumr this man is our next air chief

    If yes he has lot to do and prepare for indeed

  167. Dear Prasun,

    What about the support of Turkey to Pakistan? If it is China, I can understand it is obvious. But the hostility shown by Turkey is unacceptable. How is it going to affect the bilateral relationship between India and Turkey?

  168. Still do not understand why Pak is so angry on the Art. 370 changes

    I see this change a step forward to demilitarize whole of kashmir in some years.

    With diverse communities in Kashmir ( biz , healthcare , educational institutes) and having Kashmiri as CM , it will certainly flourish for sure.

    The genocide and racism , pak PM and pak army mentioning is other way - Gazwe hind and Jihad against India etc etc listless

    What about 26/11 massacre and numerous terrorist attacks planned and well executed by Pakistan army - isnt it the actual genocide to indians ?

    Wasn't it rascist - killing scores of people in train station who want to do their jobs and earn their living ?

    Our constitution is fool proof with or without art.370 -
    1. can pakistan indicate any country where the head of state able to come from different background and culture ?
    2. Can i as a foreigner or from a different ethnic group go to Pakistan or china and become head of state ? No way but is possible in India . Leader of opposition is one example.

    Pakistan and china must understand this.
    Pakistan thinks anything that is not under the pakistan army control is evil and threat to entire nation and next step is kill them all .
    This is hatred and genocide and bad thinking .
    Both Pak PM and PA COAS must get psychological lessons.
    This is Pakistan creating platform to declare war and conduct terrorist activities,genocide inside India.
    Pakistan will neither grow nor let others grow as shown in good country index rating.
    Hopefully UN understands this. - 44 - 104 ...the last rank is Iraq - 153 - 61

    Finally I still hope pak understand this fundamental about India and in some corner hopefully they give Kashmir a chance to flourish

  169. Prasun da,

    Why US always flip flop.

  170. just like pakistan can destabilize kashmir
    why cant india do the same in balochistan or can take the help of iran in it.
    then both the country can reach an agreement that neither of them will do anything.
    does RAW has enough capability to do something like this in POK or balochistan.

  171. Prasunda,

    I believe, that the media gives a certain spin to statements in the same way as countries like Pakistan and those Indians who have a Daddy or Guardian complex tend to misunderstand. That the Pakistanis also have the same Godfather complex is a given.

    The US issued 2 statements that this was an internal matter of India and that India did not consult or inform them, the US, about the amendments to Art.370. Both statements are perfectly true and extremely favourable to India and upholds India's dignity and independence. The reactions of many Indians & certainly the Pakistanis is ridiculous or clutching at straws in case of the latter. India's Internal matter and then we consult or inform about an Article in the Indian Constitution!!!! This attitude of looking upwards for a Godfather or a Guardian and not being responsible or wishing for a safety net smacks of immaturity. The US does not flip-flop but INDIA IS A MATURE NATION, NOT PAKISTAN.

  172. Hi Prasun,

    I can understand Indian an Pakistani media bias, but i see a this constant narrative across foreign publications and news medium about how a majority hindu India led by Hindu Nationalist BJP and Modi, did a grave mistake that will backfire badly.

    Al Jazeera, TRT, BBC, NYTimes, even RT, are giving same news. NDTV as always only covers the story of so called marginalized, about to erupt Valley.

    In some cases the narrative builders are the same, some hyderi and Mona Bhan. Saw them in both bbc and Al Jazeera. I mean Pakistan don't have to do anything, Indians or people of Indian origin will do that job.

    And GOI is not doing anything to quell this narrative effectively.

    Tumors some saying 1 dead, some 6 and in one case 40 are spreading around on twitter. This could backfire.

    Srinivasa Nanduri

  173. To KAUSTAV, SRINIVASA NANDURI & EVERYONE ELSE: Finally, the cat was let off the bag 48 hours ago by none other than the former Pakistani High Commissioner to India Abdul Basit, who stated (and I concur, especially after examining the timelines) that:

    1) The US had been briefed about India’s future plans for J & k by India herself more than 1 year ago.

    2) The ‘mansooba’ (plan) had the blessings of the US & other Western powers & Russia.

    3) The POTUS was therefore talking about the end-state when he had spoken of acting as a mediator/arbitrator.

    4) Therefore, the POTUS wasn’t playing the ‘Trump Card’, but the ‘Trap Card’ for deceiving/mis-directing Pakistan. 5) The US had agreed to a quid pro quo deal that calls for India to do whatever she wants to both within J & K and within PoK (inclusive of Gilgit-Baltistan) till November 2020. In return, India will drop below-the-radar & maintain a low-profile WRT the ongoing Afghan peace talks, but will nevertheless be allowed to continue to play her vital roles within Afghanistan.

    5) Contrary to popular perceptions, Pakistan cannot dwell at any length on Article 370 as it is an internal legal matter of India. However, it can talk about Article 35A since this deals with demographics of J & K—and therefore forms a crucial component of the UNSC resolution No.47’s directives. In fact, here’ the unified resolution passed yesterday by Pakistan’s National Assembly:

    6) Pakistan is continuing to score self-goals by appointing a seven-member team

    ( to help advise of future policy options on J & K that does not contain any Kashmiri native, and does not include the following:

    Pervez Khattak, Defence Minister
    Ali Amin Gandapur, Minister fir Kashmir Affairs
    Sardar Masood Khan, so-called President of AJK
    Raja Farooq Haider, so-called PM of AJK
    Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman, so-called CM of Gilgit-Baltistan

    Here’s the Abdul Basit interview:

    And more cock-n-bull disinformation being spread for Pakistani consumption by Iftikar Geelani:

    And the usual FAKE NEWS emanating from Pakistan:

    UK-based DAILY MAIL distorting facts by showing staged protests inside PoK but labelling them as protests inside J & K:

    In the name of Kashmiri self-determination, Pak FM makes everyone shout ‘Pakistan banega Kashmir:

    CPI/CPM/CPML-organised protests in Delhi:

  174. Hi Prasun,
    What’s your opinion on Faisal shah is he a opportunist like Abdullahs and mufti’s?


    What is your assessment?do you think he really deserves that award?


  176. All the congrats to Modiji and all the Indians. Surviving Pakistanis will never be able to understand whether Imran Khan Niazi was a Yehudi or a Hindu.

    Again a crash .....

  178. Hello Prasun,
    Back in 2017, there were reports of supreme court hearing a case against gunner Rishi Kumar who was on sentry duty and gunned down 2 terrorists in Kupwara. Please remind us as to what happened to this case? Am not able find any information on the net.


  179. To USAK: I don't have anything new to share about that incident, I'm afraid.

    To BUDDHA: Yes, it is getting regularised indeed. The crash is suggestive of a hardware malfunction, i.e. human error & it remains to be seen whether the ground maintenance crew are to be blamed, or whether the crashed aircraft had recently undergone an overhaul at HAL Nashik.

    To RAJESH MISHRA: IAKN neither has any grey matter inside his skull, nor does he have the software (i.e. intellect) to activate such grey matters.

    To RON: I personally believe that such honours should be bestowed posthumously because only future historians can judge/analyse/assess how great or undeserving a present-day politician/public figure is.

    DOWN SOUTH: So far I have not heard any original or out-of-the-box soundbyte from Shah Faesal & so far he has echoing what others from the Abdullah & Mufti dynasties have already uttered.

  180. Prasunda

    Thus falls the last card that the Pakistanis brandished as the Taliban have openly stated that events in Kashmir can't be held hostage to the power sharing peace talks for Afghanistan. The Pakistanis are now truly between a Rock and a Hard Place

  181. To KAUSTAV: Alas, for the likes of M k Bhadrakumar will be extremely anguihed to read such reports!!! In realityt, this is the Afghan Taliban signalling to India to to be more amenable to having direct talks with them.

  182. There is no news about how IAF and HAL will handle the lack of a gun in LCA.
    1. Has a pod been selected for Mk1 ?
    2. Will Mk1A have internal gun ?

