Thursday, September 26, 2019

PLA Navy's First Type 075 LHD Launched

In a brief ceremony held on September 25, 2019 the China State Shipbuilding Corp’s (CSSC) Shanghai-based Hudong-Zhonghua shipyard launched the first of three Type 075 landing helicopter docks (LHD) that are on order from the PLA Navy.
Displacing about 30,000 tonnes, the LHD has a length of 250 metres, 32-metre beamwidth, draught of 8.5 metres, a maximum cruising speed of 23 Knots, and the capacity to house up to eighteen 12-tonne helicopters both above- and below-deck.
Design work on the Type 075 LHD began in 2011 and the keel of the first vessel was laid two years ago.
The LHD is expected to carry Z-18F ASW/utility helicopters and Z-18K AEW helicopters.
CSSC has also been offering a smaller LPH variant of the Type 075 LHD for export.


    She might be UK citizen but surely Pakistani by heart

    Clearly Labour Party is at loggerheads at present GOI what do you think happens if they come to power especially the Jeremy Corbyn also critical about Kashmir


  2. Prasun,

    1- The Fuc@#$% brit labout party, OIC, mentally ill erdogan, Mahathir all these bas@#$% raking up kashmir.. time to hit them back where it hurts & bad.. It clearly shows that being civilised is a sign of the weak .. most ppl only understand the language of fists
    2 - probability of pakistan getting blacklisted @FATF??
    3 - This is now become a sick joke like other uch deals..
    4- Why is India still opposing Austriala;s aprticipation in malabar excercise
    5- why 150 QRSAM now to replace barak 1 .. some time ago we bought additional baraks 1s.. is this again knee jerk reaction
    6- another area whee lato ke bhoot batoon se nahin maante -- what needs to be done here & fast
    7- is the Gov anywhere close to deciding on what to do with Laca Mk1A with more mig 21's falling out of the sky?? what are the alternatives/ your suggestions

  3. Prasun,
    herez another classic to prove that itz time to dump UN.. request for monthly allowance for Hafiz sayeed put up by pakistan to UN security council accepted by it(justification.. he is the sole bread winner i his family .. I'm hoping thet the UN will have the thought capability to ask -- WOT EXACTLY DOES HE DO FOR A LIVING).. this is the very council which labelled him a terrorist.. there certainly seems to be a concerted effort by some powers to limit India's success @Un on art 370. E Shud take note & pay them back with interest where it hurts them. Enuff of civilised behaviour....

  4. Sir,

    1) Your another predection going to correct.
    2) China rapidly increase it's armed forces & assects. An we are busy

  5. Dear Prasun,

    1. I would like to know aftermath of the Feb 27 air duel, why a reputed publisher like foreign policy decided to go against India on F-16 count. Again US maintained silence over it. Isn't it a moral victory for Pakistan.

    2. Even after the memorial set up by Pakistan for Feb 27, where it is mentioned explicitly that F-16 was used for downing the MiG 21 and Su 30 mki, why didn't US take any action against Pakistan for violating the rule to use F-16 against India? Isn't it backstab for India?

  6. I saw Netanyahu video in response to what Erdo-gandu said about Israel at UNSC but our govt has not said a word yet on his statement on Kashmir. Turkey has been making noises about Kashmir for sone time now but our govt remained silent which emboldened their assholic PM/President whatever to raise it at UN. In response we should officially recognize the Armenian genocide. Infact Modi should visit Armenia at the earliest. Besides that GoI should should become the voice for Kurds at every global platform. 5ime ro send a message to that Islamist asshole

  7. Dada, is Mahatir also an Islamist like the other two? Disappointing to see the PM of a multi religious country to be a part of this nonsense

  8. A brilliant OSINT of the February 27 air dual, by a Portuguese writer.,15700002,15700022,15700186,15700191,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265&usg=ALkJrhidmioJdRDKOz6L0whhDPq8rhTLjQ

    Paired with
    Sameer Joshi's OSINT, it paints a clear picture of PAFs operation Swift Retort's failure.

  9. Prasunji...
    What do you make of the statements issued by Turkey, Qatar and Malaysia over the Kashmir constitutional assimilation? Isn't the common binding thread among them the Muslim Brotherhood? The political ideology of Islamist supremacism is not a new thing. Erdogan is dreaming of a new Ottoman Empire and Pakistan dreams of being the ubiquitous "nuclear ghazi" side-kick of the Turks. I think, the elite Pakistanis suffer from a 'Mughliya Complex', in which, they dream of ruling over New Delhi again. For them, India was Dar Al Islam at one point.

    Wahabi ideologue Zakir was till recently well shielded by Mahathir. If secondary Islamic -primary being the Arabs- nations walk this path, What do you think would be the endgame for the rest of the non Muslim world?

  10. List of road , water accidents ,natural calamities killing civilians has increased this month in unprecedented rate in india. Seems undeclared hybrid warfare has begun .

    The only think i cannot comprehend is why pak & china are after the civilians ?
    Is it to break resolve of GoI ?
    So does Pak and china armed forces have no morals taking the lives of unarmed civilians ?

  11. Dear Sir,
    Which Aircraft India should buy for MRH F21 or Gripen NG

  12. NYT stoops to new low. This will not help Pakistan on Kashmir but will damage India's image in US as millions of gullible readers would never know the facts


    China is racing ahead with hypersonic missile development.

    Any idea of the missile type and what range it would have?

  14. prasun

    there is news going around that Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 upgrade include 2032 radar and not the 2052 Aesa radar. how accurate is this

  15. Dear Prasun,

    USA kicked atlast by asking Pakistan about it's concern for Uighur Muslims. Imran was left speachless. But I don't know how can a country lie in the world forum to such extent!!!

  16. Prasun sir, what is the progress on acquiring terma pylon based ew jammer for tejas?. How far it has proceeded and when we are going to see them delivered and when we are going to see a fully armed lcamk1 flying?
    2-i was wondering when each iaf squadron has around 18-20 aircrafts which gives a total of 840 aircraft's for full 42 squadrons with 20 in each, then how come then the total combat aircraft operated by iaf became 1040??.which u had said in 2012 ,180 airsuperiority, 180 deep strike, 160 multirole,250 air defence and 270 tactical ground support aircrafts. Does this mean some iaf squadrons were hvng more than 24..
    3- personally I wud love to see L&T building the next submarines.. It's the only shipyard that can deliver quality vessels before time but at the same time the human resource and knowledge developed by mazgaon by scorpene will go waste.. Wud like to know whether there is any plans by the govt. To make best use of both the shipyards??
    4-are we going to see the XR SAM, aakash ng and nirbhay test this year??..

  17. Sir,
    China Wants the World to Stay Silent on Muslim Camps. It’s Succeeding

    Why not India on JK?

  18. Hello sir,
    Is MoD is really going for additional 36 rafales?????
    What is the status of kaveri engine after french help as offset of rafale deal???
    What is your opinion about rise of Chinese PLAN, and its effect on IOR.

    Sir what do you think of this ? One hand Modi is preaching he is rooting all corruption from system on other hand this is what honest officers have to pay for doing their constitutional duties
    This is really pathetic and shame on India?
    What measures should be taken if I may ask to give complete autonomy to CBI


  20. Design work started in 2011, keel laid 2017 and launching 2019

    Are chinese shipbuilders/designers that efficient or are the Indian designers/ shipbuilders that lazy.

    Why such a disparity in time taken from design to start of construction to launching to deployment, between the chinese and our shipbuilders and designers.

    What magic are they performing??? and why cant we replicate the same????

    In the last 20yrs bulk of the chinese navy has come up. They have produced double or triple the amount of capital ships are shipyards have ever put out

  21. Dada when will we order torpedoes for scorpene? And what is the update on LUH and Ka 226T?

  22. Sir,
    IAC-1 Training Started.Induction in next 2 to 3 years.

  23. Prasun da, in terms of weapons, speed, diving capability and acoustic sound, how good are the Kalvari class compared to HDW 214, Russian Amur, and PLAN conventional subs?

  24. Sir, why is the ship building and commissioning process so slow in India? Take INS Vishakhapattanam, launched in 2015 and expected to be comissioned in 2021. 6 f**king years. China would build and commission 10 ships in that period. Why is this problem not being addressed?

  25. 64-505 AD) of the Lichavi dynasty.

    To RON: Resolutions by political parties that are not in power don’t matter at all. When such parties come to power, Realpolitik takes precedence & supreme national interests reign supreme.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Resolutions by political parties that are not in power don’t matter at all. When such parties come to power, Realpolitik takes precedence & supreme national interests reign supreme. 2) If Pakistan gets blacklisted by FATF, then it immediately stops receiving all funds in US$ denomination, be it from any country or from the IMF. Will the US allow this to happen. I think not. 3) Pure baloney & rumour-mongering. 4) The policy will change after China’s blatant doublespeak about J & K where it has alleged that India unilaterally altered J & K’s status despite it itself inking an agreement in 1963 with Pakistan to take over the Trans-Karakoram Tract. 5) because of the L-1 clause that mandates a fresh competitive bidding process every time a new procurement exercise is sought. 6) Privatise it, no matter what. Those who oppose it will have to be dismissed & rendered jobless. 7) How can anything be done with LCA Mk.1A when it does not even exists in the form of any hardware & when it has not even be built for test-flying? Will anyone go out a pree-book a new automobile just after seeing its conceptual design? 8) UN regulations do allow for such subsistence money to be received by those who have been designated as global terrorists. There’s nothing anyone can do anything about it.

    To ANUP: Don’t worry, for the PLA has yet to operationalise its Western theatre Command. So far, only the Southern & Central Theatre Commands have been operationalised.

    To ASD: 1) No, it is not I believe that you should give this matter a permanent burial, instead of reverting back to the same whining & wailing on this issue. 2) There was no such rule & hence no US regulations were violated.

  26. To PRATAP & AYUSH: You ought to listen to each & every word spoken by Erdogan & Dr.Mahathir. None of the two took any sides. Erdogan instead said that Kashmiris are being sandwitched by their two powerful neighbours, i.e. India & Pakistan. In other words, he is advocating independence for Kashmir, which is not acceptable to Pakistan. Malaysia on the other hand has given a confused narrative by stating that despite repeated UN resolutions, ‘the country’ was invaded & occupied. Thus, Dr. Mahathir NEVER stated that India had invaded & occupied J & K. Also, his sequencing of historical developments is not factual & he deliberately kept it this way so as to escape from taking sides with any party. Here are their ‘controversial statements:

    In my view, IAKN’s speech at the UNGA totally exposed him as being a Class-A distortionist of historical factoids & this was made abundantly clear not only by India’s 1st Right to Reply, but also by Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina. Secondly, Pakistan’s silence on the persecution of Uighurs in Xinjiang was sharply criticised by the US & its Western allies & this will henceforth put the China-Pakistan nexus under severe international strain. Thirdly, by advocating & justifying armed insurrection by alienated/marginalised communities, he has given a carte blanche to the Pashtoons & Balochis to rise up in open armed revolts against Pakistan. His last desperate action will be to force a few thousand natives of PoK to forcibly cross the LoC & provoke a bloodbath in the southern portion of the LoC. But even this will not result in any reaction from the world community since they will come down heavily upon Pakistan for violating the UNSC resolutions & the guidelines of UNMOGIP that clearly call for desisting from such unilateral actions. Because, at the end of the day, Pakistan’s fervent that the entire Kashmir Valley will rise up in revolt against India anytime soon or even in the distant future will never materialise & with that, all hopes of Pakistan trying to bring about the passing of a new UNSC Resolution on J & K but under Chapter 7 will be dashed forever.

    And here’s another rant from IAKN at the Asia Society:

    And here are the rants of those who mistakenly claim that there are 60 Muslim countries that can overwhelm India:

    Looks like Allah will have to punish not those of the ruling political elite of Pakistan, but also the new class of revisionist intellectuals!

  27. To AJITH: One doesn’t require such analysis based on still-missing factoids. Instead, all that one has to look at is the video footage of only 1 PAF air-strike that the PAF has made available, i.e. the other 3 air-strikes were aborted & therefore were not worthy of being publicised.

    To SUMIT: All those crying about Islamophobia or trying to portray themselves as being champions of Islam are the least Islamic of all when it comes to their actions. For instance, why is IAKN’s govt re-introducing draconian military regulations throughout the KPK province? Why is IAKN’s govt imprisoning political opponents before even their trial process begins? Such hypocricy will never go unpunished by Allah & the oither Gods of Yore, rest assured.

    To VOICEOFTHENEGLECTED: That is the difference between national security states & welfare states. The formers’ policies & functioning are always securitised & consequently public welfare is either of no importance or of secondary significance.

    To MADHUP: In my view, neither. Instead, go for additional Rafales & expedite the Super Su-30MKI upgrade & procure F125N turbofans from Honeywell for the Jaguar IS fleet.

    To AJITH: It is most probably the CX-1 missile, i.e. the clone of BrahMos-1/Yakhont. Here it is:

    To HOODS007: EL/M-2032 MMR was used by the 10 IAF Jaguar-IMs. The Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 has EL/M-2052 AESA-MMR on-board.

    To SUJIT: 1) Such developments take years to fructify, not months. 2) There are 18 combat aircraft per IAF squadron, not 20. 4) Akash-NG is still another 2 years away from being flight-tested. Nirbhay’s flight-tests will resume later this year.

    To RAY> Not for 36, but for 44. The Kaveri turbofan’s definitive design has not yet been frozen.

    To SHUKANT CHATRATH: Yesterday, only about 35% of the superstructure was launched. There is no bridge, no main & secondary mast or helicopter deck. All these will come in much later & this is because the P-17A FFG’s design has not yet been frozen. The IN gives the excuse that this is due to the need for procuring the latest available equipment, sensors & weapons. In China, no such excuses are entertained.

    To SUMIT SEN: When the F21 HWT is ready for export. As of now, only the Black Shark is qualified for use by the Scorpene SSKs but this HWT cannot be procured due to LEONARDO Group’s blacklisting by the Indian MoD. Which LUH are you referring to? The HAL-developed one, or the Ka-226T? Here is something on the LUH:

    To KAPIL: The Scorpene design is a generation ahead of the Class 209/Type 1500 & Type 877EKM SSKs. The Class 214 SSK has AIP for propulsion, unlike the Scorpene. PLAN’s SSKs are all double-hulled just like their imported Type 877EKM & Type 636 SSKs & they also have higher no of crew complement.


    This comes after the final round of successful user-trials.

    About time too. Also the GoI should intensify its engagements with the Kurds. And instruct HSL to stop working with Turkish shipyards.

    And this is what disinformation is all about:

    And here are the realities:

    And this what real persecution/alienation/marginalisation is all about:

  29. Hi Prasun,

    Indian Navy can use the IAC-1 hull design for LHD can it not?

    Best Regards

  30. To RAJ: Yes, it is very much possible to modify the IAC-1's design purely as a flat-top helicopter carrier, but not as an LHD or LPH because the then the rear section will have to be heavily modified to enable the entry & exit of LCAC-type hovercraft. Meanwhile, here is an interesting read:

  31. Respected Sir,
    What is your opinion regarding the Starship programme of SpaceX, headed by Elon Musk, and his new update presentation?
    And is it even possible in India to have a private space program as our current environment stands?

  32. Just Curious: why do we always have to address Imran Khan by his full name or IAKN? We don't say Narendra Damodardas Modi or NDM or Donald John Trump or DJT and during his cricket career Imran Khan was known by just that name.

  33. 1. Will the jaguar be re-engined? Is that project ON?why is there no buzz and news?

    2. What is the status of the upgrade of Ka-31? Is it still help up due to the blacklist of leonardo?

    3. Are the sea-kings being upgraded?

    4. When is IN expected to get the new Anti-Sub helicopters?

    5. When is the P-15B vishakapatnam DDG expected to be commissioned?

  34. Which submarine has a better chance of winning for P75I ? Saab has withdrawn .

    The goal was to have one line of Russian subs & another of western origin. Is it still valid ?
    As it is there are only two shipyards capable of manufacturing subs, L&T & MDL .


  35. Dear Prasun,

    Sorry for whining about the old issues as Pakistan's lies boils my blood. BTW

    1. I'm again back to the stories of Tejas aircraft. Once you told that Tejas would be capable of killing J-10 of China and JF-17 of Pakistan in dissimilar air duel before the 10 consesions. Are those 10 consesions incorporated in MK1A? How will MK1A perform against JF-17 and J-10 in its proposed configuration.

    2. Any update about the Super Sukhoi upgrade programme? When will it be completed if it starts mid of 2020? MiG-29 upgrade took almost a decade to complete after its commencement.

  36. Dada,

    Could you please do an in-depth analysis on the JF/FC-1? Especially in the light of them ordering another 70+ of Blk III (another 4 SQDRNS). How will our air force fare against them with PL-15/ASEA combo?


  37. Dear Prasun Sir,

    why everyone is against F-21, manufactured by LM, is it a bad choice for our country. but if our country gets technology transfer and local manufacturing then it's a win-win situation right. Sir can u give us a clear analysis of the offer made by LM.

    Jithu J

  38. Prasun sir,
    1.Why is russain allowing chinese to sell hq-16/ ly-80 export version to other countries when it is copie of bul m2 missile system?
    2.will pak will acquire hq-9/fd-2000?

  39. Dear Prasun,

    Since the last few days, you are delaying to answer our queries. I hope you are in good health. As I am a teacher, I learn a lot from you and implement them to reap the best. I learned from you how to carry out relevant analysis. This has improved my confidence to a great level and able to win hearts in classroom too. Just want to thank you for the same.


  40. hi prasun
    is it not cheaper to buy of the shelf the f-21 rather than do some thing like the su-30mki with related in efficiency of gov agencies.

    what ever happened to the old astard mahathir mohamed who says that india invaded kashmir?

    considering the news about the astra having the same range and the advantage of later tech can we consider it equal to the r-77 or amraam c-5?

  41. I am splitting my comment into sections as your website allows at most 4096 characters and gives error messages. Part 1

    In order to truly understand why Turkey is supporting Pakistan and raising Kashmir issue, we need to delve a little bit deep. Bear with me. Let’s start with ErdoฤŸan:
    In recent years, ErdoฤŸan has been accelerating reestablishment of the Ottoman-style islamic government encompassing several muslim nations and a sharia-governed caliphate. Referring to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the withdrawal of Turkish forces from other nations, ErdoฤŸan said:
    “Yes, it has been a century since we left those lands but the waiting and the hope of the people there has never ended. Yesterday, we were there as a state. Today, we are there with our charitable, educational and health organizations as well as our projects of development. You know I say, ‘The world is bigger than five’ (referring to the veto power of the five permanent member states of the United Nations Security Council). And Turkey is bigger than Turkey; just know this. We cannot be trapped inside 780,000 kilometers (Turkey’s total area). For our physical borders are different from the borders of our heart. Our brothers in Mosul, Kirkuk (in Iraq), in Al-Hasakah, Aleppo, Homs (in Syria), Misrata (in Libya), Skopje (in the Republic of Macedonia), Crimea (in the Russian Federation) and the Caucasus might be outside our physical borders, but they are all inside the borders of our heart. They are right inside our heart.”

    In 2017, participants of the Strategic Research Center for Defenders of Justice (ASSAM) endorsed the aim of “unity of islam” through establishing the “Confederation of islamic Countries.” Its declaration was approved by ASSAM and 109 NGOs, seventy of which were from Turkey and the rest from 29 other countries. The declaration reads, in part: “islamic countries have to unite under one common will and an ‘islamic Countries Parliament’ which will conduct permanent activities has to be established urgently. The confederation aims to include sixty-one Islamic countries in the Unity of Islam provided they decide in free will and accept the unity terms and conditions.” In addition, a model constitution was drafted, according to which the capital of the islamic confederation is Istanbul; sovereignty “belongs to Shariah (Islamic law)”; and four of the member states, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo and Macedonia are already European muslim-majority countries. The first congress also concluded that “each islamic country should create a ‘Ministry of islamic Union’ within its Council of Ministers. The self-described aim of the congress is “to make determinations on an academic and political ground with regard to current problems in world politics, particularly in Islamic world geography, and to offer solutions to decision-makers.” Now, do you get why the Turks are poking their noses into Kashmir?

  42. Part 2:
    ErdoฤŸan’s chief military advisor, Adnan Tanrฤฑverdi, a retired Islamist lieutenant general and other prominent supporters of ErdoฤŸan promoted the creation of a common muslim economic market. Participants declared their aim to create an islamic “superpower of the future on islamic lands owned by 60 islamic countries, inhabited by 1.6 billion muslims, on 19 million square km,” constituting “55.5% of world oil reserves and 45.6% of its production, 64.1% of natural gas reserves, and 33% of its production.”

    In that context, a unhindered Qatar-Turkey pipeline will put the US LNG sales to Europe in trouble. The Kurdish state is to act as a buffer zone between Turkey and the middle east to ensure energy and trade routes cannot pass to and from Turkey without US approval. Hence, the US support to the Kurds. That’s why, ErdoฤŸan wants to ‘cleanse’ the Kurds out ( to remove any threat to the pipeline. Further, the Chinese Silk Road will put Turkey in the middle of world trade when it connects Europe, Asia, Africa. The silk road will seriously undermine the US dominance in the world. Hence, the Chinese-Turk camaraderie.

  43. Part 3:
    The Turkish government spends hundreds of millions of dollars building mosques as part of a long-term effort to promote islam around the world. muslims hope that new mosques throughout Europe will advance and facilitate their wish to spread islam to non-slamic countries and persuade the “infidels” to abandon their faith in favor of islam. The mosque that Ankara is currently constructing in Tirana, Albania, will reportedly be the largest of the dozens of its mosques in the Balkans. In 2018, ErdoฤŸan inaugurated Turkey’s latest European mosque, “The Cologne Central Mosque,” located in the Cologne, Germany., built by Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB). The German media reported that the country’s intelligence service is pondering putting DITIB under surveillance, following its involvement in several scandals, such as its imams spying for Turkish diplomatic posts, its refusal to attend an “anti-terrorism march” in Cologne, its calls on worshipers to pray for a Turkish military victory against Kurds in northern Syria, and holding a military re-enactment involving Turkish flags and fake guns handed to child “martyrs.”

    ErdoฤŸan repeatedly has said that his government aims to raise “devout generations” in Turkey. To this end, he has islamized Turkey’s education system. In a 2017 speech, ErdoฤŸan boasted that, after his Justice and Development Party came to power, the number of students at the religious imam hatip schools rose from 60,000 to 1.3 million. His political ambition is not raising honest, well-educated, free minds, but “raising pious generations.” Turkey’s Higher Education Board, widely viewed as a council used by governments to shape education policies that reflect partisan political agendas, in 2016 asked 1,577 university deans (reportedly every dean in the country) to resign for the sake of democracy. ErdoฤŸan is also working on exporting islamized curricula to Europe. The Maarif Foundation established in 2016 by means of a law enacted by the Turkish parliament, which gave it the authority to open schools abroad. Maarif runs 257 schools in 58 countries. The vice president of the Maarif Foundation, Osman Nuri Kabaktepe, is the former head of the youth branches of the Islamist Felicity (Saadet) Party, once led by Necmettin Erbakan, the late Turkish prime minister known for his fierce Jew-hatred and hostility to Israel and Europe. Erbakan, who championed a pan-Islamic union among Muslim peoples, has been described by Erdogan as “a teacher and a leader.” Kabaktepe, a senior consultant, along with Erdogan’s son, Bilal for the Turkey Youth Foundation (TรœGVA) referred to Erbakan’s having called Western civilization “filthy,” and claiming that the West owes its technological achievements to early muslim inventions. Kabaktepe added:

    “Islam is the most superior. Muslims are the most superior. That is what the (Koran) says.”

    In 2017, Turkey stopped teaching evolution at secondary school: for extremists, Darwinism remains a taboo subject. Instead, school textbooks started teaching Turkish pupils “jihad.” Nureddin Yฤฑldฤฑz, one of the first members of the World Union of Scholars from Turkey and also the founding member of the Union of Scholars in Turkey, with whom Kabaktepe has an ongoing cooperative relationship, issued the following fatwa (islamic opinion) on his website:

    “Jihad is obligatory until judgment day… in some places, jihad is done with the pen; in others it is done with the tongue. And in some other places, it is carried out with guns. What is your jihad in the lands where you reside? If muslims are persecuted somewhere, it is because there is no caliphate where they live.”

    In the light of the above, ErdoฤŸan raising Kashmir in UN seems obvious. It may be surprising to the former Indian ambassador to Turkey, M.K. Bhadrakumar, but not to others. The dark shadow had been cast for quite some time now.

  44. Part 4 (Final):
    Here’s some pertinent details on the Marrif Foundation that I earlier commented on:
    A world map is posted in The Maarif Foundation official website illustrating its reach around the world ( Yes, it’s tentacles have reached India and contacts have been made according to its website (see grey key in the map). It is important to know who is their Indian contacts. Hence, the urgency to stop it before it sets up shop and sabotages peace in India by kindling communal and societal tensions, as it did in Germany. The Trojan Horse aspect of the Maarif Foundation is clearly brought to light in this article written by the Turkish authors (

    A home grown backlash to the ErdoฤŸan’s fanatical agenda of manufacturing muslims of a certain type is documented here and contains very lucid comments on political islamization and a call for redemption from leading Turkish islamic scholars (

    Will India be a passive hapless victim as usual? or Will it actively assist the people of Turkey and the Kurds to get rid of this narcissistic beast?

  45. hi prasun
    it just occurred to me that jet engine tech can be got from ukriane as they make
    engines for many applications . warship , an-32 il 76 etc.
    we can get the hot core section tech for a price from them. It seems they are the most accommodating when transfer of tech. The base tech was developed by russia, who they dont like ?
    they have given all sorts of tech to china as we know. from missiles to engines and what not

  46. Prasun,

    1-Recently read about russia testing 800 kms range oniks.. So is he 800 kms brahmos coming soon? Also the Astra1 mk2 with 150+ kms range
    2-U mention that Pakistan will not be blacklisted in FATF. that will just embolden them .. That's preciscely why the three -turkey, Malaysia & pakis are ganging up with support from china .. This makes India stand of being civilized stupid..
    3- Malaysia's PM Mahathir shamelessly says that he cannot say anything to china as he his afraid for their power but he openly foul mouths against India - he called india an invading country in UNGA on Kashmir.. These bunch of f#$@% radical islamists, who are wannabes to the mythical muslim leadership do it for cheap publicity & thrills. What stands out is these guys get more brazen & emboldened when the other side does not react. they see it a sign of weakness. Why does India not put out a similarly brazen stmt putting all of them in their place? The more India tries to be civil others seem to take advantage .. Donald trump & the a section of the congress keeps harping about 'human rights' -- laughable given that they wont say the same for yemen& all the ocountries where ppl are suffering because of the sanctions or all the places on earth which they have destroyed. Same instinct probably prompted the labour party.
    So much for civilizational advancement. Its still the animalistic world out there where instinct to dominate over the so called weak prevails. classic animal hierarchy.. turkey malaysia & china look like the hyenas of a Disney movie
    My take would be to befriend Saudis, UAE & Iran instigating them highlightng that their hold over is being challenged by these wannabes
    4- We seem to be eternally in a pleading mode..that too to terrorists.....China, the west would have slaughtered them and got a pat on their backs..... infuriating to say the least...
    5- Why is there so much dillydallying on tejas by the govt .. If its not ready then they should say so clearly n go ahead with the procurements.. This is really hurting the preparedness
    6 - Your analysis on the whole Modi tour to the US including UNGA

  47. Prasun da,

    This test is to validate the Brahmos flying to its full range (still 290 KM) with indigenous components including the Indian propulsion system.

  48. New air chief it seems doesnt hold any ecperience of operational commands ....will it hinder the air force operational tempo if the country has to go to war??

  49. Excellent analysis of IAKN's Rants at the UNGA:

    Evolutionary Chart from LCA to MWF:

    To AMIT BISWAS: There are some who have been saying that AM Nambiar was disregarded due to his higher caste status while the current CAS was preferred by the powers-that-be reportedly because of his Dalit origins. Anyway, I personally would like to see a much taller CAS, instead of a 'tinggu' person.

    To SIDDHARTH: That's the IA version of BrahMos-1. The IAF version has 550km-range.

    1. Hehe caste bias n airforce too, sahi me tingu bahut chota h8 ka hain...hope that doesnt affect his outcome

  50. Prasun,

    Can you share updates on North Tech Symposium 2019.. along with some pics

  51. Dear Prasun,

    From your response it's evident that you are too not satisfied with the selection process of CAS. Will you please explicitly tell whom you would have liked to be CAS?

  52. Prasun Sir,

    How would ADA pull off MWF with a 98kn engine? Are we going to repeat the same mistake we did earlier?


  53. Thank you for sharing one of the slides of the presentation on the evolution of Tejas from mk1 to mwf, please some more informative slides from this presentation.

    How long do you reckon, Uttam aesa radar will be ready.?
    When do you expect the first prototype of mwf will be rolled out ?
    Will it sport a irst ? If yes then how will it be integrated along with Uttam radar ?
    The slide that you have shared shows that even mwf is expected to be powered by the fe414, extra width , length and avionics will definitely result in more weight, but according to the slide that you have shared, there seems to be no plan to use the fe414 epe version with extra thrust.?
    Since mwf will be a clean sheet design, will it be a wiser choice to go for rectangular intakes instead of the current rounded ones ? What are the chances of seeing this in the prototype ?
    Even though mwf will not be our dedicated deepstrike aicraft, will it be engineered to sustain low level fights and will the Uttam radar posses the required modes for the low level flights ?

    Is it a distant possibility....
    Can Indian Navy consider Naval Tejas MK1 as trainer for its carrier fleet.

  55. Prasunda

    ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚though I guess the satire was lost on the concerned, with regard to the new Air Chief. Wish you all a great Durga Puja & festive season.
    Thanks for the info on the Chinese LHDs. Why don't we source our LHDs from China? They seem to have enormous & efficient ship building capacities. Immediate uses are likely for HADR Operation & not for War. While, compatibility of helicopters & equipment might be an issue, is it insurmountable. The Chinese might be helpful in achieving the IN's need for LHDs. Just a genuine query, not satire.

  56. To PRITAM SARKAR: India can have private-sector initiated space programmes because the capability & capacity exists, but unfortunately the will does not. For instance, just look at what such an earlier venture—that of the GSAT-6 as promoted by DEVAS Multimedia—was killed. The present-day mindsets are therefore monopolistic & the GoI will never allow anyone to compete with ISRO. At worst, the GoI will create another public-sector entity to supplement ISRO & its Antrix Corp subsidiary.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: No one is forcing anyone to label him as IAKN. It is my personal choice to use terms like IAKN & NaMo.


    To RAM BHARADWAJ: 1) Eventually, the IAF will have to accept that fact-of-life. 2) Ka-28PLs are being upgraded & the first batch of them are now undergoing flight-tests in Kumertau, Russia. 3) Not yet. 4) Not before 2021. 5) Not before 2023.

    To VENKY: 1) France Naval Forces still remains the frontrunner. In today’s world, no one can run parallel submarine design-related procurement efforts. Financially, it is impossible. All those plans about procuring SSKs of Western & Russian origin were discarded as far back as the year 2001.

    To ASD: 1) Firstly, the Tejas Mk.1 & Mk.1A need to be survivable, before becoming superior. Unless the 1st & foremost criteria, that of being survivable, is met, there’s no use speculating about superior features. Consequently, if no MAWS sensors are on board Tejas Mk.1A, then it will become severely vulnerable to SRAAMs. 2) The project is due for approval this fiscal year. Annual upgrade rate will be 16 units per annum. 3) AM Nambiar would have made a better CAS.

    To PAKALA: The JF-17 Block-3 hasn’t been ordered as yet nor is its AESA-MMR been selected.

    To JITHU JOHN: No meaningful ToT can ever take place for 114 MRCAs. At best, only 50% of the aircraft can be produced locally. Secondly, local licenced-production will be 2.5 times costlier than procuring those 114 MRCAs off-the-shelf.

    To MOHAN: 1) Buk-M2 is not vertically-launched, but the LY-80E is. In addition, the LY-80E employs a totally different fire-control system. 2) Most unlikely, because the FD-2000’s SAM rounds can’t go as far as that of the S-400 & hence the HQ-9/FD-2000 can’t function as a killer of combat-support platforms like AEW & CS aircraft.

  57. To RAD: Buying hardware of imported designs from their OEMs is always 2.5 times cheaper than licence-building them. As for Tun Dr Mahathir, at his ripe age, he clearly is suffering from selective memory losses & hence he was overlooking historical factoids in his UNGA speech. Same goes for Erdogan. Astra-1 is comparable to the R-77 & superior to the AIM-120C-5 in terms of range envelope. As for engine manufacturing ToT, no one in the world will part with hardwon technological breakthroughs. Nor is this bullshit true:

    “We are setting up an entire aviation ecosystem in Brazil. And the experience and knowledge that Brazil is gaining from this manufacturing is being used by them to design their indigenous fighter aircraft,” the SAAB India CMD said.

    Military-industrial know-how is NEVER the same as military-technical know-how. Consequently, manufacturing of hardware does not help anyone develop similar hardware in-house. So, if Saab parts with manufacturing know-how of the JAS-39 Gripen-NG, it does not mean it will transfer the know-how involving the setting up of wind-tunnels or avionics integration test-rigs, to put it simply. In other words, R & D efforts require a completely different type of industrial eco-systems that are distinct from eco-systems dealing with licenced-production of platforms, their sub-systems & their components.

    To JUST-CURIOUS: 1) No, the Indian BrahMos-1s will have 550km-range. 2) Not at all. India can always raise the costs for Pakistan by maintaining sustained dominance throughout the LoC through superior fire-assaults. 3) In that case, India too should raise the stakes by openly & thoroughly questioning Dr Mahathir’s Islamic credentials, since he is harbouring anarchists & distortionists like Zakir Naik. 4) India should therefore initiate a global campaign to proscribe such Khalistani sympathisers as UN-designated global terrorists ASAP, especially after the recovery of China-origin drones carrying Pak-origin weapons inside Indian Punjab. 5) That’s how the MoD functions. 6) It was a nicely packaged & successful marketing effort.

  58. To SIDHARTH: It also had the new X-band SAR sensor, i.e. the ones developed by DRDL/ECIL & another by Data Patterns. Both will be tested again in the near future in order to select the final winner.

    To ABHAY: It won’t be able to. It will thus have to select a higher thrust variant of the F414.

    To FLANKER143: 1) If the West takes more than 15 years to develop a family of AESA-MMRs, then surely India will take at least 19 years to achieve a similar feat. 2) 1st MWF prototype will roll out by 2025. 3) I had already given all such details here:

    4) The content of such slides keeps changing & by next year, a new such slide with updated data will emerge. 5) Shape of air-intakes isn’t important. But the ability to suck in greater mass of air is. 6) Any MRCA with AESA-MMR can undertake terrain-avoidance flights. The DRDO-developed AESA-MMR won’t be available as a fully-developed product for at least another decade.

    To BUDDHA: 1) Not a possibility in the foreseeable future. 2) No, but a naval version of the LCA Sport can serve as an aircraft carrier-capable LIFT.

    PTV Censoring Ali Wazir’s Sppech at the NA Yesterday When He Was About To Reveal Details About His Torture by the PA:

    PA Has Been Bribing JUI:

    KSA Gen Fahad Bin Abdullah Meets PA COAS Gen Bajwa:

    PLAAF 2019 Promo:

    Luo Yang, the Engineer Who Developed the Cloned J-15 H-MRCA:

  59. Prasun sir,
    1.Why drdo take so many test of its missile to evaluate when compared to small time period of japanes, south Korea,chinese?
    2.will pak in future will be able to take delivery of 8 sub from china which have nuclear tiped missile?

  60. List of new weapons shown at today's PLA Anniversary Parade in Beijing:

    DF-17 TBM with Hypersonic Glide Vehicle:

    HSU-001 AUV:

    DF-41 ICBM:

    DF-31AG ICBM:

    JL-2 SLBM:

    DF-100/YJ-18A (Novator 3M54 Klub clone) Supersonic ASCM:

    GJ-11 UAV:

    WZ-8 Supersonic Drone:

    HQ-17 SHORADS:

    YJ-12B Supersonic ASCM:

    AR3 370mm MBRL:

  61. Hi Prasun,

    Did you get the point about the reason why Saab Kockums suddenly decided to get out of the P-75(I) competition? I did not… If the reason truly was the prohibitive Strategic Partnership policy, the Swedes should also leave the fighter competition as well, then!

    But apparently, they keep running the fighter race and they also compete for the Navy SRSAM program… Eventually, it is a bad signal for the A26 since India could have been an opportunity to promote a bigger ‘Oceanic’ version.

    For at least a dozen years, we have frequently heard rumors according to which the Navy would be incline to dedicate the P-75(I) to the establishment of a submarine production line on the East coast where Russian subs would be built, letting MDL the only shipyard of the West coast building subs, of French origin. Do you think this scenario is still up to date?

    HAve a good day, everyone

  62. Prasun,

    What's your opinion on the quality of submarines in the P-75I competition?

    Ajai Shukla in his article mentions that Scorpene subs have several problems which are yet to be resolved. He concludes that even the NG's Shortfin Barracuda would be a sub-par option that the German Type 218 submarines.

    He further mentions that Spanish S-80 subs still have problems. Last I heard, they had resolved it with the help of the Americans. Now at 81 meter, those subs look as a good option.

    Do you agree that German Type 218 subs are the best in quality? Please clarify.

  63. Sir, many readers have asked about it but i still dont understand why Mahatir did what he did. Unlike Islamic Turkey with which we have very limited relations, Malaysia is a multi religious country with old ties with India. And unlike UK's labour, he doesn't have any Pakistani population there to suck up to. Infact, there is a significant Indian Hindu population in Malaysia. Then what could be the reason?

  64. This video made me aware why indian shipyards are lethargic and notoriously slow in shipbuilding

  65. Sir after listening force editor's vdo on chinese capability and after watching all these instrument of destruction ..It appears India is miles legged behind.
    The gap will increase more and more..
    In any battle scenario they will or can create havoc in military installation any where India .
    Waiting for your detail review of chinese capacity vis a vis Indian

  66. Awesome show of strength, impressive new weapons shown by PLA.
    What happened at Rajasthan? Speculation is that small ThermoNuclear device tested, which is unimaginable.

  67. Sir, what is the reason for the IN's P-8I maritime patrol planes to be involved in conducting surveillance operations over land during such emergencies as searching for crashed IAF aircraft in North-East or other such incidents? I'm aware of at least 2 such deployments of IN P-8I for over-land surveillance in support of search-and-recovery of non-Navy assets.

    Why is this? Does the IAF lack aircraft that are capable of surveillance tasks that only P-8 can perform? What are these tasks?

    Is this the reason why IAF wants to procure new aircraft like Raytheon Sentinel?

    Thank you for your effort at answering all our questions

    Sarath Kumar R

  68. To DASHU: Nothing of any significance, rest assured. But here is an interesting documentary on radicalism in Maldives:

    To AYUSH: While there will be new accretions, there will also be decommissionings of existing warships & SSKs. The nett capability addition will therefore be minimal.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Here is an interesting read:

    To PANDA: The last truly upright PM of Malaysia was the late Tun Hussein Onn. Tun Dr mahathir had since the mid-1990s embraced embraced the concept of politicising Islam, just like Sudan had done. And that's why he helped finance the Bosnian civil war. At the same time, he is now peeved about India's increasing strategic cooperation with Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia & Singapore. But regretably for him, he is on the losing side & time will prove this to be true.

    To RAJNISH: My only advice is: don't pay any heed to such Bandalbaazes who are hell-bent upon engaging in Chootiyapah. All SSKs of imported design are of good quality. But the quality of worksmanship differs from shipyard to shipyard.

    To SANCHUN YATON: Saab/Kockums' track-record has been quite bad when it comes to ToT & industrial partnerships with other countries. Just look at how the RAN's Collins-class SSK project was screwed-up. I therefore will not prefer to work with Saab/Kockums at all. As for 2 parallel SSK construction lines, such luxuries are unaffordable even for developed countries today, leave alone developing countries like India.

    To MOHAN: 1) That's not the DRDO's fault. The major deficiency in India has always been the lack of military-industrial capabilities. But thanks to the advent of 3-D printing technologies, several private-sector MSMEs have wholeheartedly embraced this industrial manufacturing concept & have not only developed their own in-house 3-D printing machines, but also their applications software. And this in turn is now coming in handy when it comes to the production of high-precision but miniaturised hardware.

  69. To R SARATH KUMAR: That's because the antenna of the SAR on the P-8I can broad-area search for metallic structures on the surface, whereas the EL/M-2060P pod containing the SAR can search only along a narrow area & that too it is side-looking.

  70. Hello Prasunda,
    1.{} How long before this mess is sorted out and OFBs are corporatised?
    2.How mature are the Hypersonic technology of the Chinese, were the weapons put on show prototype models or real functional one? WHere does India stands in this field vis-a-vis china?
    3.Is POK going to be taken back in next 5 years, are they sure and have a solid plan?

  71. Hi Prasun,
    You had mentioned in your previous thread some time back that houthi rebels would be wiped out within months,why is it taking the Saudi coalition so long to achieve it.

  72. HI PRasunda,

    If you are given sole charge of selecting MMRCA 2.0 for IAF, which aircraft will you select & why?

