Friday, July 31, 2020

Why China Will Never Demarcate/Delineate The LAC With India

Simply because Beijing till this day does not possess any historical documentation required for proving its territorial claims based on traditional and customary practices of the past, as disclosed below.
China Began Violating The 1954 Panchsheel Treaty From 1955
Tibetan Ficklemindedness & Its Govt-in-Exile’s Ambivalence On The Status Of Tawang
India’s Unstated Territorial Claims Inside TAR
(To Be Concluded)


  1. PLA Joint Logistics Support Force (JLSF) in TAR:

    PLAGF Training in South Xinjiang Last March:

  2. Prasun,

    My simple question, will the Chinese be taught a lesson by India and how soon?

  3. Prasunda,

    1) Gen. Panag writes that since DBO and similar areas are likely to be cut off in case PLA decides to launch an offensive, we need to turn these areas into fortresses that can hold out even when fighting in isolation. Have we put up such resources in DBO and similar areas as of now?

    2) You said that we test each missile type only once a year due to certain procedural issues. The Agni-5 was however, flight tested three times in 2018 (Jan 18, June 3 and Dec 10). Dose'nt that show more testing is possible even with the current procedures?

    3) Wo'nt BRI/CPEC related goals (incl. adding depth) ensure that PLA would eventually precipitate a war (possibly two front) in order to seize adequate territory from Ladakh as well as J&K for this purpose?


  4. Hello Prasun, thanks for the heads up, will wait for your complete narrative.
    If the stare sessions are to accimilation of the Indian armed forces for offensive against Huns of China or Sun(n)i sunayi huyis of Pakistan, it makes sense, otherwise another operation Parakram is fooling characters like me having high expectations with the current dispensation
    As per me, the phenomenal growth in economy especially after the current glut would be to build infrastructure and dams like the ones of USA, Soviet Union and China big rivers. Not sure big is better or small and medium hydro electric generators from Ladakh to Arunachal. Thanks, Ganesh

  5. Respected Sir,

    As per ur revealing references as above w.r.t. the unclarified 1982 Lok Sabha question (must be a starred one) and non-claiming of suzerainity over Menser, whether nobody will ever held accountable for such a gross violation of humongous proportion? IMHO our elders have betrayed us and we are reaping whatever they had sown!

  6. To BLACKURRANT: Yes, they will be, but not by India. Instead, the Gods of Yore will intervene decisively, as they have by unleashing gthe devastating floods that have crippled the war-waging capabilities of the PLA’s Central, Eastern & Southern Theatre Command. And Mother Nature’s rampage is now commencing in Sichuan & Yunnan provinces, thereby affecting the Western Theatre Command.

    To SATYAKI: 1) Yes, the resources are being stockpiled now & will continue to be till this November when the Zoji La pass has tgo be shut down. 2) Greater quantum of missile-firing tests is possible only when adequate numbers of them are available. When it comes to smaller guided-missiles & PGMs, the weather factor over different firing ranges has to be taken into account, as should the conduct of firing trials in diverse operating conditions. In contrast, missiles like TBMs, IRBMs, MRBMs, ICBMs & SLBMs do not need to undergo such a rigorous series of firing trials. 3) Not necessarily, if Beijing can attain its objectives simply such coercive compellance.

    To AKS: Several such mistakes were made, but they all also have a silver lining, i.e. such issues can be raised anytime because they have not been resolved in black-n-white as yet. So, is China is now stating that it has not captired anyn Indiua-controlled territory & has instead only annexed what India used to claim as her territory (like the area between Finger-4 & Finger-8 at Panggong Tso lake plus the areas to the east of Finger-8 right up to Sirijap), then India too start citing traditional, customary & historical rights to territory stretching from Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand right up to Kailash Mansarovar all along the Kailash mountain range. But such claims also need to be backed up up coercive military power, i.e. the ability to carry out a rapid expeditionary campaign for capturing & holding such land & ensuring a trouble-free battlefield logistics pipeline, i.e. procuring more CH-47F Chinook & Mi-17V-5 utility helicopters, additional C-130J-30 Super Hercules STOL transports, land-mobile MR-SAM & SHORADS networks, a fleet of at least 80 LCHs & an equal number of LUH/RSH helicopters to cater to just that particular theatre of operations, and most importantly, at least eight turbofan-powered HALE-UAVs equipped with SAR battlefield surveillance radars for catering to persistent ISR reqmts.

  7. To GANESH: Yes, massive investments in infrastructure development in the land, sea & air domains does have a decisive impact on jumpstarting any economy, but in ecologically sensitive regions like Arunachal Pradesh, it is far better to go for mini-hydroelectric projects. Presently, out of the eight dam construction activities, only one is making progress while the rest still await environment-related clearances. In addition, what India also lacks are adequate water storage reservoirs, despite the rivers in Arunachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand overflowing during the monsoon season every year. If adequate capacity is created, then even the deserts of Rajsathan can be made to bloom with greenery.

    Meanwhile, China yesterday commissioned its BeiDou-3 constellation of GPS navigation satellites:

    President Xi Jinping's Thoughts on China's Military History:

    PLAGF’s Soil Burrowing Platform:

    PLA Robotic Vehicles:
    Lt Gen H S Panag’s Proposal on Fortifying IA Positions in Ladakh:

    Iran’s Missile-Strikes on Aircraft carrier Mock-up:

    How will China Handle its Relationship with India:

    China, Pakistan & CPEC:

    Indonesia’s Military-Industrial Complex:

    Indonesia’s Air-Defence Systems:

    New South Korean ICV:

    China-Iran Relations Analysis:

    Former Indian Service Chiefs Explain What a Nightmare It Is To Maintain Serviceability of Diverse Types of Combat Aircraft:

    Hence, the writing on the wall says that additional Rafale M-MRCAs need to be procured, instead of 114 MRFAs of a brand-new design.

  8. Prasunda,

    VMT. Do'nt SLBMs however, require many more trials than ICBMs ? The U.S. and Russia conducted 20-40 trials of SLBMs (Trident II and R-29RM), and Russia has had to conduct a number of Bulava trials. Only France has managed with only 9 M-51 trials (operationalizing the M-51 after 4 trials), but has a failure on their 6th trial. Does that cause doubts on the reliability of the french M-51 ?


  9. The writing on the wall in India is seen as mere graffiti. Like I said before- where is the high mobility capability? Where are shoot and scoot vehicles? How is everything always in a test phase but never comes out as a final product that is everything is always a work in progress! Whilst the Indian MGS is still undergoing trials why aren't Nexter systems Cesar 6x6 or 8x8 not bought in limited numbers to fill the void? How about Patria Amos or CV90 or AM General's Hawkeye 105mm. In fact here is an interesting quote:" “I would say any country that has towed systems today and that really understands the survivability challenges of towed systems are looking in general terms at self-propelled systems,” Nguyen Trinh (Am General) that is he sees most battle wary countries ditching towed systems unlike India where money is wasted on ATAGS.

  10. Dear Sir,

    1)Is MAYAVI EW suite as advanced as SPECTRA EW Suite?
    2)Will MWF AF MK2 be as good as Gripen E, F16 Block 70/F21 or J10/J11?
    3)Will AMCA first flight really happen by 2024-25 or we should go for 114 Rafales & 3-4 squadrons of F35 over a period of 15 years?
    4)Do you think Indian Armed Forces will have capabilities & capacities enough to defeat PLA in a full-fledged conventional war by 2030-35?
    5)Can QUAD be a military alliance anytime soon? Will it deter China?
    6)Are projects like DRDO AURA, HAL ALFA-S, HAL Unmanned Wingman really happening or just delusions?
    7)When will FICVs & FMBTs be acquired?
    8)Will India have a National Level Air/Missile Defence System like Israel in next 12-15 years?
    9)By when do you see India builiding a capability to fight & win a 2 Front War? 10-15 yrs?
    10)When will the endstate of CI/CT Ops be achieved? When will terrorism completely wipe out fron J&K like that of Punjab?

    Best Wishes & Regards!


    -crane collapse at shipyard in Vishakhapatnam

  12. prasun,
    1- If we are so sure that the chinese cannot come up with verified docs which we have.. why aren't we screaming our lungs out and dealing with them from a point of strength.. to your reply on why cpec thru GB is not on the table..I feel its a mistake that we are not including it...chinese reluctance to move from the finger areas.. seems to be the new reality
    2- recent comments from Jaishankar that US needs to accept a multi polar world.. is that a reflection of India's traditional ambivalence & that we r still stuck with the nehruvian non-alignment policy. How will the US look at it ...
    3-Will Russia eventually join QUAD given the chinese behaviour with them -- claims on vladivostok & espionage case regarding top russian artic scientist. has russia stalled the deliveries of S400 due to these reasons?
    4-how will India- iran realtions pan out.. given the recent develpments including the pending taliban involvement in governing afghanistan. Will russia play a role here as it too has stakes in Iran and the surrounding region with its own north-south corridor
    5-FATF - status quo for pakis? no country wud have got such a long rope
    6-while jaguar max now seems like ainternet fanboy fantasy.. will any of those proposed upgrades actually be implemented if not all eg- dual rack pylons like tejas mk1a
    7-Annual floods in assam /bihar why can't this access water be diverted & stored in artifical lakes.. the brits for all anyone blames did create a lot of infra like these more than 100 years a ago .. best eg is the nainital lake.. come summer and orissa goes dry.. its pains to see abs no planning or governance
    8-High time IN & MoD initiated a roadmap for new additional submarines

  13. Dear Prasun,
    What are our air launched nuclear weapons. Are they just gravity free fall or through air launched cruise missiles?

    Had a hard time explaining my WhatsApp friends why Hammer is not being procured despite the news running in every news channel. I just quoted your explanation to them. Hope you won't mind.

    What warhead is in scalp. Can it be replaced with miniature nuclear warheads?

  14. Mr.Prasun is 4 infantry division now a RAPID Division?

  15. To SATYAKI: Both the US & USSR had to conduct several test-firings of SLBMs since they had to be tested with various types of warhead combinations, different types of fuels, firing from different geographical positions around the globe, as well as the ability to launch several SLBMs from one SLBM in a sequential manner. In comparison, the IN & also the French Navy requires far less data-points reqd for optimising the SLBM & its launch operations. In fact, ensuring a high degree of commonality between ICBM & SLBM designs, especially their airframes & sub-systems & warheads, will make developmental efforts far less challenging.

    To MILLARD KEYES: Interesting videos for weekend viewing:

    PLARF’s Tunnels:


    Retired PLAGF Veterans Forced to Rejoin Army:

    BeiDou GPS Satellite Explained:

    What functions will BeiDou Have:

    Bhuj, The Pride Of India:

    Pak ISPR Celebrates PLA’s 93rd Anniversary:

    PA COAS Visits Khuiratta near LoC:

    PA Downs 10th IA-Operated Quadcopter This Year:

    PLAGF’s Group Army Concept:

    PLARF BM Launch Procedures:

  16. To AMAN: 1) There’s no EW suite called MAYAVI. The only EW suite operational now is the D-29 on the MiG-29UPG. The EW suite of the Tejas Mk.1 has not yet been installed on any operational MRCA. It is hoped that a comprehensive suite like the THALES-developed SPECTRA will go on board the MWF. 2) That depends on how ADA can optimise the MWF’s design. Left to me, I would ensure that there should be maximum commonality between the Rafale & MWF, like selecting the RBE-2 AESA-MMR, the IRST sensor & wide-angle HUD of the Rafale for installation on the MWF. There are some hints to this effect already available, like the cockpit mockup of the MWF shown at DEFEXPO-2020 featuring side-mounted HOTAS & throttle. 3) AMCA is way behind the MWF, at least by another decade. The MWF’s prototypes will be the first to be rolled out. 4) Even the PLA does not envisage full-fledged conventional war with anyone. The maximum the PLA expects & wargames for are limited high-intensity skirmishes. 5) The danger with any military alliance is that there are juniors & seniors, with the latter calling all the shots & insisting on military hardware commonality. On the ither hand, a partnership or a coalition of the willing is more egalitarian & is far more flexible. For instance, the formal military alliances like NATO, The Japan-US/Australia-US & US-South Korea military alliances have made the US the dominant partner, while the partnerships between the US & UK and the US & France have ensured a more level playing field, as a result of which both France & the UK are not obliged to invest heavily in US-origin hardware, but instead are free to develop their own hardware solutions that are software-defined & hence can be used seamlessly for inter-operability purposes. 6) How can anyone even conceive of the AURA when far less sophisticated platforms like TAPAS have yet to be developed? Unmanned Wingman & long-range autonomous PGMs are possible only when the latest in micro-processor technologies are available & are allowed for development by start-ups & the private-sector industrial entities. Even the Predator UAV was developed in the mid-1990s by a private start-up located in a garage. &) How can they be procured when there’s still on clarity within the IA of what exactly will be the nature & type of the future battlefields? 8) Probably. 9) India fought a two-front (as physically defined) war back in 1971 itself. A two-front war scenario does not automatically mean that each front is being fought with a different country. Even an India-China war fought in Ladakh &/or Sikkim &/or Arunachal Pradesh can be defined as a two-front or multi-front war. 10) Only when the external financuers & facilitators of terrorism are forced to accept decisive defeat on multiple (economic & military) fronts. For instance, why do India-manufactured chemicals still make it to the manufacturing facilities of Pakistani pharma companies?

  17. To BHOUTIK: Thankfully it did not come crashing down on the missile tracking vessel that was berthed close by.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Everyone from the Indian MEA was very damn sure back in 1960 itself. Why has this been allowed to carry on till to date is anyone’s guess. 2) He’s playing with words. Actually, he knows that is an impossibility due to very obvious reasons & he is asking for a partnership-based alliance instead of a rigid NATO-style alliance of the QUAD. 3) Whole of Xinjiang along with the cities of Dalian & Fuzhou are under a total lockdown & hence the S-400s due for delivery cannot be transported by rail via Kazakhstan & probabloy that’s why the forthcoming military negotiations at Chushul-Moldo too will be postponed by another week. 4) Watch this:

    5) The next option therefore is to het-up both the LoC & Durand Line to ensure that Pakistan runs out of money reqd for keeping its armed forces stocked-up & fed. 6) If Rolls-Royce hand-holds HAL & the HTFE-25 turbofan gets certified for use, then thye Jaguar IS can remain operational for at least another 25 years.

    To VED: The original plan was to develop what is known as Air-Delivered Munition or ADM, i.e. an ASMP-type supersonic missile carrying a unitary boosted-fission warhead. But nothing of the type has been developed as yet. Conceptually, the HAMMER AASM is a brilliant piece of work, i.e. with modular sensor options. Also, it is rocket-powered. But using them for striking at very high-altitude targets is a no-brainer just like the ineffective usage of LGBs against Tiger Hill back in 1999. It would have been far better to authorise the IA to cross the LoC & assault the administrative and fire-assault bases of the PA located behind such mountains & use airpower to cause far more effective damage to the PA’s battlefield logistics facilities at Oltinthang, Siari & Fraono. The then Govt of India could easily have declared then that as soon as the sanctity of the LoC was achieved through such offensive tactical operations, the IA would return back to their original positions & not hold on to any territory beyond the LoC. Why was this not done or deliberated upon remains a mystery till this day.

  18. Prasunda,

    Will the QUAD remain a partnership based alliance, without us getting sucked into a military alliance South Korea style ?


  19. Dear Sir,

    (1) Is India building Offensive capabilities for Space Warfare in the form of EMPs, Lasers & DEWs? How long will it take for India to build Space Warfare capabilities as advanced as China's?

    (2) Does India need a dedicated force on the lines of PLA SSF for synchronised Space, Cyber & EW Domains?

    (3) How evolved is India's Cyber & EW Capabilities wrt China's?

    (4) It is known that China plans to be a leader in AI & Other futuristic technologies by 2030 & the developed technologies will definetely be passed on to its military, how will India counter that?

    (5) What is the future of acquisition if 114 MRFAs acquisition? Rafale is the only option available to us but is it economically viable to procure 114 jets? How long do u think it will take to finally ink the contract?


    Ur comments on this reply to me??

  21. Dear Prasun,

    1.Will you please share your view on new education policy? Will it bring reformation in our society?

    2. Please share your views on recent developments in MWF project. Are you happy with the plan to cut the development time by directly producing LSP series crafts in IOC (I don't know why) to speed up.

  22. Prasun,

    interesing interview - your views on what the air marshall mentions esp about the strategic partnership model.. he is writing it off...

  23. The offensive capture of Tibetan areas would I imagine also require taking out civilian and military infrastructure? Just as you, think alluded to in the event of defensive operations against China. Btw any coordinates of this captured enclave from defensive stand point or other considerations?

    1. Edit - My bad. I think you have it covered it in the Zorawar Singh's Tibet incursion thread. VMT.

  24. chinese twitter talking about an rfp for a type 76 & construction of CATOBAR carrier


    any truth to these?

  25. is beidou using laser based sat-sat comm. system?

  26. The reqd factoids that several former MEA officials have so far tried to hide during their interactions in numerous webinars between last May till to date has finally been exposed here:

    China took advantage of 2 principal Indian weaknesses or blindedness that have prevailed since the 1960s:

    1) Claiming territory but making no effort to have even a permanent symbolic presence in such territory (like erecting a war memorial in Sirijap or Kongka La. As a result, China has now stated that since these were all unoccupied by India, legally therefore India cannot object if China by default occupies such territories permanently.

    2) While the Johnson-Ardagh & McMahon Lines wre conceptually sound as they were based on the internationally recognised Watershed Principle, India should have clung to both of them & should not have delegitimised them by replacing them with the concept of Line of Actual Control (LAC), which has no legally binding basis. But unfortunately, the ‘Blind Men of Hindoostan’ led by the then PM P V Narasimha Rao & supported by MEA Mandarins (like Shiv Shankar Menon) gleefully embraced the abstraction of the LAC without even first delineating/demarcating it, which is precisely why China, from a legal standpoint, has emerged as the winner & any military move by India now to forcibly evict the PLA from its latest encroachments will only result in India being labelled as the aggressor. India’s last hope was way back in 2003 when China refused to demarcate/delineate the LAC under a Joint Working Group that had been set up back in 1996. By 2003 itself the then NDA-1 govt should have bolstered the forward deployment of both the ITBP & IA along the likely areas of encroachment in Ladakh. And the UPA-1 govt should by 2009 have completed building all the reqd 73 border roads. Failure to achieve these objectives gave Beijing a virtual free-run & this continues till this day, with India burning her fingers in 2015 & 2016 by excessively playing the Dalai Lama card inside Mongolia, which has caused China to retaliate by playing the Nepal card against India. Mongolia on the ither hand totally surrendered to China when it promised in 2016 that the 14th Dalai Lama will never again be allowed to set foot in Mongolia. And only the Almighty knows what came of the US$1 billion line-of-credit that India had extended to Mongolia back in 2015! And no one from the US today utters a word about Tibet, leaving India to fend for herself amidst the Tibetan quagmire.

    When China declared in the late 1980s that the border dispute could be left to ‘future generations’ to resolve, India was happy to go along. India also endorsed the ‘one China’ policy, and shunned the US–led efforts to ‘contain’ its northern neighbour. But the latter policy, in particular, has played into China’s hands. The People’s Liberation Army has taken advantage of the seemingly benign situation to undertake repeated military incursions-cum encroachments. Each one was minor. China would take a few square kilometres of territory along the LAC, declare peace, and then fortify its new deployment. As a result, each mini-crisis brought a ‘new normal’ on the LAC. And it was always China’s position that improved.

    Cont'd below...

  27. So what next? The G-219 Highway linking Tibet with Xinjiang runs through Aksai Chin for 167km, while the recently built 255km-long DS-DBO road built by India’s BRO for connecting Leh with Daulet Begh Oldi can facilitate a quick buildup of Indian forces in this part of Ladakh, giving India the ability to capture Aksai Chin, which has been under China’s control since the 1950s. Such an act by India threatens Beijing’s links with the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the Tibet Autonomous Region. China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) are linked to this G-219 highway as well. What is now happening here since May 2020 is similar to what happened at Dokhan, where China has constructed a road almost up to where its troops had come up, accompanied by six helipads and permanent barracks immediately behind. At best, in Ladakh it will follow the policy of two steps forward and one step back, i.e. withdraw from Galwan and Demchok but dig-in at Gogra/Hot Springs (which is the southern entrance to the Galwan River-Valley), Panggong Tso’s Finger-5 and at the Depsang Plains . Or we may not have adequately deciphered China’s longer-term plans for the Ladakh region. The Indian Army’s main ground logistics connection with Ladakh, instead of through the Kashmir Valley (via the NH-1A and Zoji La Pass), should now be through Himachal Pradesh. To that end the existing road via Kullu-Manali needs to be made double-laned. Extension of a railway line from Joginder Nagar to Leh should be expedited, and the railway line from Shimla extended to Kelong to join the one from Joginder Nagar. The existing Kalka–Shimla road should also be extended, from Lasar to Demchowk and then on to Upshi. A separate IA Area Command for this area needs to be created and named the Northern Command. It would require a minimum of two Corps (one presently in Ladakh, the 14 Corps, and a second that needs to be raised in Himachal Pradesh) with adequate assets as Command reserves. This Command should have the ability to, when required, mount a series of concurrent tactical offensives to intercept the G-219 from Lhasa to Xinjiang at selected places. China is rather sensitive to any disruption of this road, as it is heavily invested in BRI and CPEC. India’s military potential to interdict this road will be enough of a deterrent for China to avoid creating any mischief in Ladakh. This Command could in due course be re-organised as the Northern Theatre Command, and the present Northern Command should be re-designated as the North Western Command with two Corps, i.e. Kashmir-based 15 and Jammu-based 16 Corps. The Nepal government has already claimed the area of Kala Pani and Lipulekh Pass. This pass, up to which India had recently built a road to facilitate travel by Indian pilgrims visiting Kailash Parbat, can also be a launchpad to intercept the road to Xinjiang. Time is of the essence here, since there already is a severe storm building up across the western Himalayas.

    1. Prasunda

      PRC & Pak are rogue states who respect force & coercion. India can trade while engaging in military action against them to achieve various objectives as needed to protect India's interests & secure or gain territory. A weak India obviously sees both nations taking similar measures. The 1993 or any agreements before or since can always be junked in favour of NatSec interests. It's only a LAC - Active or Actual. What matters is military capability? With PRC or Pak, the onus of being the military aggressor is always on them because they have illegally captured territory of India. If India has the military capability to dislodge them & hold onto it's territory, then India is right. JISKI LATHI USKI BHAIS or Might is Right

  28. To KRITAVARMA: 1) It will remain a partnership or a coalition of the willing. The Indian FM yesterday gave certain firm signals to China to that effect.

    To RAJESH: 1) If not, then why did India conduct ‘Mission Shakti’ by demonstrating the ASAT capability? 2) Not at all. 3) India has outsourced all such capabilities from the US & UK. 4) It won’t be that easy for China, since almost all its sources of data & know-how emanating from large-scale industrial espionage are now being rounded up on a global scale. 5) The M-MRCA will precedence over the MRFA, mark my words.

    To ASHISH GAUTAM: That data is also wrong, since only six F414-GEINS6 turbofans were ordered by ADA for the MWF project & all were delivered by 2017.

    To ASD: 1) Hopefully, but the proof of the pudding lies in its eating. So the day the existing statues of political netas (both desi & phoren) gets replaced by those of the likes of Dr Hargobing Khorana, Jagdish Chandra Bose, C V Raman & Srinivasa Ramanujan, only then will one know if a transformational intellectual resetting has taken place. 2) Again, the detailed developmental roadmap needs to be made transparent. If not, then the same mistakes of the past will be repeated. That’s why it is imperative that as part of France’s 50% industrial offsets commitment vis-à-vis the procurement of 36 Rafales, Dassault Aviation, THALES & SAFRAN/SAGEM are appointed as consultants for the MWF project so as to ensure commonality of both hardware & technologies between the Rafale & MWF.

    To BHOUTIK: All the videos I have weblinked above WRT Beidou-3 explain it all.

  29. Prasunda,

    1) Within what time must the infrastructure buildup you outlined be achieved in order to weather the upcoming storm in the western himalayas well? Have we progressed in this direction ?

    2) You said we are stocking up areas likely to be cut off in the event of a war. Would DBO be stocked well enoigh to hold if PLA initiates operations to grab it in September-October ?


  30. Will the Mission Shakti ASAT be operationalized ? If so, how many more tests (against electronic targets) will the interceptor need ?


  31. Extremely factual & hard-hitting analysis about the LAC Standofff:

    PLAAF Airborne ICV:

    PCL-181 MGS

    Potala Palace:

    PLAN CV-17 Shandong

    Xi Jinping’s Visits To Military Formations:

  32. Prasunda,

    Greetings for the day. We can now safely infer that we have lost the standoff completely. There is no hope now. To put it bluntly, the humiliation of India is now complete as for now. Talks will generate nothing since we don't have any advantage in term of positions. Average Indian are celebrating RAFALEs like some superman has arrived while MEA mandarins remains the real culprit. God of yolks knows whether this country has any future or not.


  33. To SATYAKI: It is all explained here:

    And as my dear friend Ravi Rikhye has just explained to me, the Manali-Leh road is a parking lot from one end to the other, since it is so congested. Now get this: because of the china build-up in 1962, India decided to widen the Manali-Lah mule track into a 1-tonne road. Okay, traversable for only 5-months, but a 1-tonner carries as much as 20 mules, and takes 1-2 days to get up versus 15 days for the mules. The IA finished building this in 1964! Indians CAN do if they want to. End of story.

    To ANIONE & KAUSTAV: The undisputed fact is that back on February 27, 2019 & again in May this year, India's conventional deterrence failed. India could not deter Pakistan due to lack of a punitive riposte capability deficiency on February 27, while against China last May dissuasive deterrence of the kind that made China back down both in 1967 & again at Sumdorong Chu in 1987, totally failed this time. What this means is that China was totally confident of the inability of India's armed services to respond with superior military might. Now, how India has ended up in this state is worthy of debate, especially since 2013 starting with the Depsang standoff. And why have the deficiencies been sorted out between 2013 & now.

    So, what can the present-day govt possibly do? Well, one option calls for Rajnath Singh to go to Ambala AFS next month for the official commissioning ceremony of No.17 Sqn & place Limboo & oranges on every conceivable place on the five Rafales, then paint the Swastika on each Rafale & conduct a grand 'Havan' at the air base, following which the pilots & ground-crew of the five Rafales will be divinely blessed to become instantly operational & ready for actual combat. This procedure then ought to be repeated at the premises of ADA & HAL, following which the MWF, OCRA, TEDBF & AMCA all have their 1st LSP prototypes rolled out on the same day by 2022. And finally, to forcibly evict the PLAGF from all along the LAC in Ladakh, the PM & his Union MHA will ride on Alladin's magic flying carpet while the CDS Gen Bipin Rawat will activate his 'Jaadui Chiraag' to departicalise each & every Chinaman now deployed in Ladakh. And all this will enable India to declare yet another day in the annual calendar as 'Vijay Divas' & celebrate 'Parakram Parv' while having to allocate only 1.6% of the country's GDP on annual military spending. This way, India will from then on shed her measly image of a 'major power' & 'nett guarantor of security in the IOR' to become the unquestionable 'Vishwaguru' by virtue of being a 'Hindu Rashtra'. That, my dear friends, is India's grand strategy & the final outcome of a comprehensive strategic defence review exercise.

    1. LOL Parsun you just gave away the secrects by the way don't forget after checking the panchang maha-yaga will be performed prior take off from magic carpet and carpet will be protected mantra akshri kavach and enemies will be destroyed by shtru nashak mantra no missiles or weapons needed. Aftet I had this grand enlightenment I stopped my Defence and Strategic studies and started working for Yankees. Thanks again.


    has it been confirmed that only the UTTAM will go aboard the MWF? wont it be a waste of effort not to fit the uttam rather than the sugested rbe 2 ?
    where else can we mount thte ttam if not the desi MWF?
    will the french be open to co developing or modifying the IRST on the RAFALE to be suitable for the MWF? how does thre french irst compare with the selex skyward?
    my heart is at ease after you have mentioned that safran,sagem and others are consultants for the MWF. in what areas are they invloved?.Does this include wind tunnel testing and CFD analysis also? in that case we will have to reveal the real potential of the mwf ?
    In case the avionics of the rafale like radar , hud , irst spectra are fitted on the mwf will it not jack up the prices tremendously? what is the estimated price of the MWF?


  35. hi prasun
    in case the french and ada , IAF decide that the rebe2 will go in the MWF will the french be open to integrating the meteor as a quid pro.? what then of the desi SFDR?. Has taiwan managed to get the meteor for their MIRAGE 2000 upg??
    Is it not the right time to get closer to taiwan for foundries and hitech processor fabs ?they do have a remarkable hitech industry . We can churn out PC`s using their skill and have assembly lines here and completely stop computer inports? This is of course with the help of the US?.

  36. Hi Prasun,

    So India lost the war even without fighting, lost soldiers and now we are actually looking for a face-saver to get out.

    We do not have a LAC anymore and it is LOC and we would need round the clock patrolling and that will need a lot of manpower and resources spent.

    We are being drained by China on the economic front, humiliated at LAC, and building quad of their own using Pakistan, Nepal, and Afghanistan. Later Bangladesh and Srilanka and lastly Maldives and Bhutan.

    Its better now Modi commits to hot war and fight and loose then this. This is more disgusting and utterly humiliating than 1962.

    At the very least he should now resign if he cannot do course correction.

    This is so very depressing to see our leadership trying its best to divert attention to SSR suicide or Ayodhya.

    Fortunately the news is not moving away. I am aghast that for the first time i feel Rahul Gandhi is making more sense this BJP government.

    Srinivasa Nanduri

    1. Hi srinivas..SSR suicide and ayodhya are all fetishes of the desi media, government does not direct them to broadcast this
      .the point made in faye d souzas program is the complete lack of strategic visioning and means to implement it
      .options are there, but with slowing economy and covid, that requires equal.attention, governemnt has been caught with its pants down..i see an inevitability before us of some kond of military operations to happen probably next year 2021, if chinese appear recalcitrant and uncompromising even during winters..prasoon may further advise



    2. I agree with you regarding, sooner or later military option will become inevitable.

  37. Is it true that Rafale does not have a two way data link for Meteor BVRAAM?

  38. To RAD: LoLz! While you are expecting the MWF, the CAS of the IAF at a webinar organised by the IDSA yesterday said that he was less enthusiastic about the MWF’s prospects while he was far more optimistic about the AMCA & to this end, he has already issued a Letter of Intent from IAF HQ to ADA for 2 Sqns of AMCA!!! Now, this is the kind of IRRATIONALITY that keeps causing troubles for India. Imagine jumping from the Gen-3.5 Tejas Mk.1A straight to Gen-5 AMCA by giving the Gen-4 MWF a complete miss! And what is the value of a Letter of Intent if it is just a piece of paper that does not bind any party to pay even a single Rupee in pursuance of realising a stated objective? At the other end of the spectrum, there are others who firmly believe that evolutionary advanced cannot be bypassed & the need of the hour therefore is to develop the MWF so that it stays as if not more advanced than the Rafale, as explained here:

    In fact, if the MWF is to make its maiden flight in 2026, it will be exactly 40 years after the Rafale’s maiden flight in 1986. Nor did I state that Dassault Aviation, THALES & SAFRAM have been enrolled as consultants for the MWF project. What I had stated was that these OEMs OUGHT TO BE APPOINTED as consultants. And that has to do entirely with hardware commonality, which in turn will create the reqd economies of scale for having a fleet of both Rafales & MWFs in decent numbers. In addition, what no one seems to be highlighting is that in order to keep its acquisition costs & life-cycle costs as low as possible, the Rafale was designed in such a way that throughout its service-life it will NEVER require either a depot-level MRO facility, or be reqd to go back to Dassault Aviation for any kind of periodic or mid-life upgrades. In other words, each upgrade package will be designed & developed in such a way that the MRO crew at any base will be able to carry out the upgrades, i.e. the modular approach in plug-n-play mode. It is this methodology that needs to be adopted by the IAF as well in its ASQRs for the MWF. That will for once & forever solve the problems associated with squeezing out additional internal bulkhead space or installing additional wiring harnesses & pipings to cater to greater electric power demands.

    And now, here are some videos showing how the South Koreans are going about developing their futuristic weapons platforms:

    South Korea’s KDDX:

    South Korea’s Integrated Naval Mast:

    GE’s Integrated Full Electric Propulsion for KDDX:

    AESA-MMR for KFX:

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI & UNKNOWN: here are some additional insights on that topic:

    Shivshankar Menon:


    Lt Gen H S Panag

    To EDWARD KENWAY: Totally false. The laws of physics dictate that any BVRAAM has got to have a two-way data-link.

    To BHOUTIK: Where Were BeiDou Satellites Assembled & Tested:

    Beidou-3’s Atomic Clock:

    To SATYAKI: Both Xinjiang & Dalian are under total lockdown:

  39. 1. Reports say China has deployed its heavy bombers. Will 6-8 make a difference in carpet bombing Pangong lake side ?
    2. IAF has been steadfastly refusing bombers for whatever reason. Should we have bought 2-3 squadrons of SU34 to complement SU30MKI ? These have terrain avoidance & terrain following radars. They also have a lot in common with SU30MKI.


  40. Dear Prasun,

    Who exactly runs Military Watch Magazine. I couldn't find any details on the website and I saw the following article. Are all the points mentioned in the article are factually correct?

    Like Rafale is just a Jack of all trades and Master of none (not a specialized platform Su35, F15&Eurofighter or a high tech platform like F35/F16 Block70).


  41. To SUMANTA NAG: Arey bhai, while most of you are all clamouring for a 'befitting response', 'Moohtodh Jawaab' & what not, the country's decision-makers are already making plans for visiting Kailash Maansarovar in Tibet via Pithoragarh & the Lipulekh Pass:

    Do you reckon the PM & Nitin Gadkari will be issued visas by Beijing if they decide to escalate & fight a war with China? How then will India become the Vishwaguru Hindu Rashtra if the country's decision-makers cannot even visit Kailash Maansarovar??? Hence, contrary to what you or I may think India's response ought to be, the country's 'netas' have already made up their minds about their political priorities. So, now just wait for China's Ambassador to India to issue another video statement in which he will quote Nitin Gadkari & accuse India of warmongering & being unfair to China, i.e. India will be labelled as the belligerent aggressor while China is the innocent peaceloving victim. And will anyone rap Nitin Gadkari's knuckles in public for making such irresponsible statements & demoralising the country's armed forces? Or will the MEA issue another statement claiming that Gadkari was misquoted? This is how troubles are created in India by Indians, i.e. irrationality always triumphs!!!

    To PAVAN: The logo of that publication (a silhouette denoting a member of the Su-27 family) says enough about its bias & spreading of disinformation efforts.

    To VENKY: High-flying & lumbering subsonic bombers like the H-6 are ideal targets for even 1970s era SAMs like the S-125 Pechora of the IAF. So leave alone Panggong Tso Lake, such bombers will be shot down just when are entering Aksai Chin from Xinjiang. But on the other hand, the PLAAF may well have deployed the H-6s there so that when the Indian PM heads by road to Kailash Maansarovar (accompanied By Nitin Gadkari) the H-6s will be used for opening their bomb-bay doors to shower rose petals all along the route from Lipulekh Pass to Kailash Maansarovar. Hence, I'm afraid you've got it all wrong & China will never use such bombers to carpet-bomb any part of India with any kind of air-delivered weapon.

  42. Hello Prasun,
    I am able to join the dots with regard to my request for your views on the ground situation and the possible thrusts from the Indian armed forces to do their job effectively. Thanks for that.
    I understand not demarcating the border is a double edged sword. My views are, double up the infrastructure building capabilities to over all develop the land mass in J&K, Ladhakh, Himanchal, Uttarakhand as one sector, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh (areas adjoining Nepa) as sector two, which will take care of Nepal rendezvous with China. Waste (I mean it, not West) Bengal all the way to Arunanchal Pradesh as sector three. Calling it as Military capabilities augmentation is foolishness.
    Now going through the presentation of 'learned' general Panag, I do believe, taking the Opposition and Media into confidence is foolhardy, since the latter is a traitor in disguise. Example, saw NewsX, sponsored program on China on Sunday, marketing their virtues here. The present dispensation has connected to the people directly and is working excellently well. However, economic development and increased Military spending on right resources is imperative.
    Again, do you think time is right for assimilated Indian forces to liberate Gilgit and Baltistan (and its associated areas) soon.

  43. Prasun sir, you have become too pessimistic and bitter. India failed to deter Pakistan on Feb 27? All they did was to send some jets drop payload at some empty spot away from military installation. And in this process lost an F-16 and a pilot who probably died later. All this just to save face after the humiliation suffered at Balakot. That they somehow managed to sell lies to their people that only trees fell and a Su-30 was shot down is another thing. But inside they know what happened. We all are frustrated by the way LAC situation is being handled but that doesn't mean we diss the militarily when it comes to Pakistan. So may be you should rethink your stand on this issue.

  44. @prasun da

    why are we forgetting the 30 ton #Vijayanta #tanks. Only thing is needed to have a beefed up 1000 hps engine. Also these #Vijayanta #tanks need to be backed by ICVs made of #Vijayanta #tank chassis with twin breech loaded 120 mm #mortar turret. These light tanks can be effective in mountains.

  45. Prasunda,
    1. It is evident from the mess created by the ADA&HAL regarding development of HAL TEJAS that they are not so competent to handle such type project. But, one exception was there, Kurt Tank , the german designer hired by HAL designed HF-24 MARUT within a very short time frame and HAL also developed the aircraft from his inputs within a few years in 60s.
    If the same path could be followed now? If there any such skilled designer available for hire? If MoD considers such options? If it is possible , such solution could be adopted for other systems also. It will reduce cost and time. Please explain this matter.
    2. Cost crisis is emerging as a roadblock for starting of production of AK-203. the MoD has instituted a costing committee to try and resolve the unreasonable and unacceptable rifle contract price demanded by Russia.
    Initially, both parties agreed to keep the price below $1100 per rifle. Later,Russians are demanding a royalty of $200 per rifle produced by the JV, making it an astronomical licence fee of $150 million for 750,000 units.
    Each made in India rifle will cost around INR 80,000 whereas same rifles are bought from Russian plant would cost around USD 850 which in current conversion price would be over INR 63,000 (1 USD = INR 75)which does not include royalty and 15 per cent profit for the joint venture.
    Meanwhile, IA is placing repeat order of 72000 Sig-716 from USA at the cost of about $990 per rifle. First batch of Sig-716 is already deployed in frontline areas and in COIN ops and are performing very well.
    If the Ruskies donot agree on a rational price , then the whole joint venture should be cancelled and the whole number of 750000 rife should be imported from Sig Sauer and a MRO facility for the rifles should be set up in India.
    Kindly , explain the matter and give your opinion.
    3. If seems MoD again giving order for 125mm APFSDS round to Rosoboronexport. If there no permanent solution possible? Every year MoD orders this round worth millions. Is IMI removed from blacklist?
    4. Making BMCS in Nalanda OF is again in limbo.
    Since, Denel have been removed from blacklist ,it is now possible to hire Denel ( now, Rheinmetall-Denel munitions ) for BMCS production as per original contract. Is there any headway of this matter?
    Thanks, Regards.

  46. To GANESH: VMT, but the real traitors are those who:

    1) Returned back the Haji Pir Pass back to Pakistan at Tashkent in 1966.

    2) Failed to defend Chammb back in 1971 & made the IA waste all its resources on trying to capture the Shakargarh Bulge.

    3) Utterly failed to issue directives aimed at capturing as much of GB as possible back in 1999 when the 'BVRAAM Gap' had existed (i.e. the PAF was devoid of any BVRAAMs & hence it never even dared to engage with the IAF) & had thus given the IAF total air supremacy.

    4) Went out of their way to ensure that conventional deterrence against Pakistan had failed since 1989 & continues to be a failure till this day.

    5) have given the IAF only Rs.43,000 crore for capital purchases this fiscal year when the outstanding payment schedule this fiscal for previous procurements stands at Rs.47,000 crore.

    6) Have ensured that the Scorpene SSKs continue to be denied their share of heavyweight wire-guided torpedoes.

    Consequently, the 'disconnect' of the present-day ruling dispensation is with the reality & when that happens, everything built upon that SOP also becomes dysfunctional.

    To KAPIL: LoLz! So what you are saying is that conventional deterrence is reqd against Pakistan & not against China? And if you're so assured about this, then why should a curfew be declared tomorrow in the Kashmir Valley? What exactly are the fears of that UT's local administration? And most importantly, why did conventional deterrence against Pakistan work until 1989 & not after that? Why is there a need to impose curfew within the Kashmir Valley tomorrow?

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Looks like you've also decided to join the bandwagon for seeking 'light solutions'. Exactly how light do you want them to be? For example, one 'desi bandalbaaz' has given the examples of light Stuart & PT-57 & AMX-13 tanks of yesteryears without even bothering to mention that back in those days standoff shoulder-launched & helicopter-launched ATGMs did not exist in the subcontinent. It is a simple equation: making armoured vehicles lighter is possible only with decreases in armoured protection. And that can be achieved only by ensuring that such vehicles don't get engaged by ATGMs. So how does one ensure that? Do all the proponents of 'light tanks' have any solution to this? Or is an appreciable increase in the power-to-weight ratio (at least 25hp/tonne) the only viable solution that is achievable?

  47. Hello Prasun,
    Thanks for your comments; I agree that there has been omissions and lethargy to change the status quo by the present dispensation in central government. My love is towards the nation and its well being, not political party. From being the most capable and influential people of India, the Bengalis have totally lost it and I do not see any hope for positive turnaround anytime soon. I am especially peeved at the choices made (for whatever reason) by the masses for the past ~40 years, making it a drain in every respect for economic prosperity. I have never visited any place beyond Nashik (belonging to South India), so my understanding is second hand, either reading or talking to the natives of that land. I still remember 20 years ago meeting my colleague Tapas Dutta, a software engineer from Waste Bengal, feeling bad to move out of his state to effectively use his intellect and grow. To the recent, my cook from Digha, who compares the state of affairs across the border in Odisa to his place. I understand, I rubbed you the wrong way; still you thoughts please, if ignored, I understand.
    Now, Pakistan has come out with a map that includes Junagadh and J&K as its own. Unless, India exercises the necessary options to its advantage at the earliest it is better. Any thoughts on this please.
    Thanks, Ganesh

  48. Dear Prasun,
    (1)Thanks for clarifying the article on Military watch magazine. Despite that I felt one point in the article to be true:'Geopolitical clout of US and UK forced several nations to opt for F16,15 &35s or Eurofighter.' If that is the case what factors prompted India to cling to France for Rafale? Clearly quality is not the reason?

    (2 )Also was going through your earlier blog

    What was the reason why France didn't offer deep upgrades similar to F16? Political pressure from US?

    (3)What is the mindset and thinking process among the current MoD and military planners?

    Have they learnt their lessons (mentioned in your blog) or are they still acting like Headless chickens?

  49. To GANESH: It is not about being rubbed the right or wrong way, but sticking to objectivity & rationality. The Bengalis from the erstwhile pre-partition United Bengal were capable or influential NOT BECAUSE they were genetically better-endowed or due to any perceived superior biological or meta-physical attributes. Instead, it was due to their early exposure to the educational systems that were first introduced in Bengal by the East India Company & later the colonial administration. Hence, for as long as Calcutta remained as the capital of this administration (before being transferred to Lutyens’ Delhi), Bengal benefitted from the then prevailing socio-economic environment that included a strong commercial trading element in the form of opium being grown in Bihar & then being shipped from Calcutta all the way to Canton (today’s Guangdong Province) via Hongkong Island to keep Mainland China in a state of induced deep slumber. Similarly, in Hongkong itself, all those Anglo-Saxon traders then doing business with the East India Company prospered tremendously & became ‘Taipans’ (noble houses) to ultimately create the influential business-houses that subsequently ensured Hongkong’s economic prosperity (by creating an offshore financial haven & free-trade zone), especially by helping launder all the ill-gotten wealth of China’s ruling Communist Party’s top leadership cadre. Thus, the venture capital of noble houses like the Swire Group, Jardine & Matheson & Hutchinson Whampoa all came from opium trading & with this they created legal business entities like Cathay Pacific, HSBC, STAR TV, Vodafone, etc etc. Therefore, reverting back to Bengal, all the widening of intellectual horizons took place there purely due to Bengal’s ideal geographic location within the then prevailing geo-economic environment, and not due to any other reason. And since that same environment doesn’t exist today, then it is logical to infer that today’s Bengal has reverted back to the very same state of existence that the rest of India finds itself in.

    As for Pakistan’s theatrics, they are meant purely for domestic consumption & the inherent contradictions within that map alone now proves to the whole world that Pakistan was never in favour of the right to self-determination within J & K band most certainly not within Ladakh. It also now proves beyond any doubt that Pakistan had since the late 1950s decided that it will support China’s contention about only Ladakh (and not the whole of J & K) being disputed territory. The only realistic retort by India now must be the according of political representation within India’s Parliament & J & K’s Legislative Council to those 46,000 refugees from PoK who are currently residing in J & K, because no matter what Pakistan does, it will ensure that the residents of PoK forever remain disenfranchised & stateless & will never become members of Pakistan’s National Assembly, i.e. Pakistan will legally & politically continue to rule over PoK as a colony.

  50. To PAVAN: 1) LoLz! Not geopolitical clout, but due to sound technological reasons, i.e. ensuring inter-operability of hardware & a seamless command-n-control system, for instance within NATO’s air-defence identification zone. 2) The Mirage-2000N upgrade package is a deep upgrade but minus the turbofan element, which is true even in case of all mid-life upgrades for F-16s worldwide. 3) The problem with India’s armed forces in the post-independence era has been the lack of intellectual evolution, i.e. while they are very well-trained to carry out orders & know the ‘how’ of things, they are not empowered to become thinkers to figure out the ‘why’ of things, like will China ever engage in any form of military hostilities with India & if yes, then why, when & how. That’s why even the current CAS of the IAF, by consigning all known laws of the physical sciences & mathematics to the dustbin, talks about jumping from Gen-3.5 (Tejas Mk.1) to Gen-5 (AMCA) MRCAs without mastering the development of a Gen-4 (MWF) MRCA. Therefore, there indeed is a great deal of pondering to be done about the gangrenous spread of such irrational & unscientific though-processes within the upper echelons of India’s decision-makers.

  51. Dear Prasun da

    will our MMRCA ever going to there a possibility for (114+36) Rafale winning the tender with full ToT...why govt is still hesitate to sign up the deal...

    with regards

    Jithu J

  52. @prasun da

    1a. jut came to know that Greece had signed deal to upgrade its Mirage 2000 in dec 2019 but hasnt been able to make any payment due to economic crisis, this then could give IAF chance to grab 44 of the pieces especially the 25 Mirage 2000 mk2-5 that are closest to Mirage 20002 UPG

    1b. also IAF can ask the french company that bought the ex-BAF retired Mirage 2000 to sell them for few million for using them as mothballed spare parts

    2. i think we are really staring a serious conflict with panda in the next few weeks and i really think India too should go for a hesto nesto with the panda over aks chin and eastern ladakh

    3. the blast in beirut is shocking almost like atomic bomb blast, did a hezbullah missile go off or fire crackers stock flared or Israel didthem,


    Joydeep Ghosh

  53. Mr. Prasun 1)How many brahmos missiles and launchers are in service with Indian Armed Forces 2)what is the composition of a brahmos regiment?
    3)Why and how many brahmos IAF has?

  54. To GANESH: Thankfully, sound common-sense has prevailed through the issuance of this notification:

    ZTZ-99A MBT:

    ZTQ-105 MBT:

    PLAGF Vertical Envelopment Drill:

    Wing Loong-10 HALE-UAS:

    PLA-BDR Patrol

    To RAJESH MISHRA: Dutch Whistle-Blower's new revelations about Dr Abdul Qadeer 'Bhopali' Khan:

    And a brilliant innovation yet again from Germany:

    Rheinmetall 130mm Cannon:

    The Rheinmetall-developed 130mm/L51 smoothbore cannon that can be installed in existing MBTs like the M-1A2 Abrams, Challenger-2, Leopard 2A7 or the LeClerc, has showcased superior energy and output performance when compared to the standard 120mm L55/L55A1 smoothbore cannon in a direct live-fire test with modern targets. The 130mm/L51 cannon weighs (without mounting components) 3 tonnes with a barrel length of 6.63 metres. Rheinmetall is also developing an unmanned 130mm demonstrator turret featuring automated ammunition flow.

  55. Here is a perspective on gaining leverage against the PLAGF for restoring parity at the negotiations, as follows:

    1. A coordinated and quietly built-up, multi-pronged series of incursions, overnight.

    2. A move northwards from DBO, across the Karakoram Pass and beyond. This will point a dagger at China’s vital Xinjiang Highway (G-219). The Karakoram Pass is passable for BMP-2 ICVs and T-90S MBTs.

    3. An integrated battle group (IBG) comprising:
    a. One Battalion less of two Companies of BMP-2 ICV-borne mechanised infantry
    b. One Squadron of T-90S MBTs.
    c. One Company of engineers. (Engineering effort, blasting, etc, maybe required on the approach to the Karakoram Pass, the last bit above the hitching point of about 300 feet below the Pass. The Pass itself doesn’t require any effort on the Indian side; perhaps some negligible effort on the Chinese side.)
    d. One Battalion of “footie footies” (infantry)

    These can go across the Pass and occupy a convenient feature on the other side. Then they will sit tight, forcing the PLAGF to react–either through an assault or through negotiations. This is one area where the PLAGF simply cannot allow any Indian presence for any length of time. At the same time, the force shouldn’t be large enough to spook the PLAGF over the tipping point and force them to go for all-out war.

    4. The reserves to be held at DBO are:
    a. One MBT Regiment (less one Squadron); two BMP-2 Companies.

    The BMP-2s are adequate for mechanised manoeuvre warfare in Ladakh and there is no need really to miss the “light tanks”, which are being suddenly discussed now. During the time when the Indian Army was testing high-altitude para operations in Ladakh in 1987, one had watched Gen H S Panag’s mechanised combat group (then using T-72Ms and BMP-1s) in action across all kinds of terrain. That gives one the firm belief that BMP-2s would be adequate and effective for the stated purpose. While the northern IBG goes across the Karakoram Pass, a simultaneous move down south needs to be undertaken by a Company-strength feint from the IA’s Burtse camp towards the Y junction. Noisy, but not engaging the enemy. The real action should be in the form of a three-pronged assault to interdict the PLAGF’s line of communications from their “new encampment” across the LAC, which serves as a firm base for all their troop movements towards the IA’s SSN area. Thus, if that line is cut off by the IA across the LAC, then their forces which have come into the Indian side, at the Y Junction, would be cut off and vulnerable.

    The three prongs would be:

    1. A Battalion-sized move from DBO south eastwards.

    2. A Company-sized move via the track junction (highly exposed with concealment of larger numbers difficult.)

    3. Another two Companies moving over Depsang La, going down to the Chip Chap River and onward into the Depsang plains.

    Cont'd below...

  56. None of these moves should be deep. The features occupied across the LAC should be maintainable by surface convoys (mules & motorised vehicles), except for one stretch beyond the Depsang La, which should be air-maintained by IAF utility helicopters. Most importantly, immediate air-support must be made available by attack helicopters. The Indian army should request the Govt of India to prevail upon the Indian Air Force to go beyond its doctrinaire objections to immediate air-support operations. This is a prerequisite for success. Stealth and surprise should be ensured through night movements, during the build-up stage. The incursion should be completed overnight, with prefab (pre-fabricated) concrete structures (for roofing and side walls) being carried to quickly build bunkers. The right locales and features should be chosen to occupy, keeping in mind that in the mountains, a 9:1 or even 12:1 force ratio is required for the side attacking, to dislodge a fortified, dug-in defending force. This, if accomplished, will force the PLAGF to respond. One, it can choose to attack and risk a spiralling escalation, OR consider the restoration of status quo ante elsewhere along the LAC, where it has encroached into India’s areas viz., Pangong-Tso, Y Junction, Gogra–Hot Springs, etc.

    Some veterans, say that we simply do not have the strength today to match the PLAGF in the open. Lt Gen Panag, in his latest article, says: “In execution, it implies fortifying the DBO-Galwan Sector, Hot Springs-Gogra-Kongka La-Tsogtsalu sector and Marsimik La-Ane La-Phobrang-Fingers 1-3 sector with overwhelming resources that must have an inbuilt tactical counter-offensive capability. The defences and habitat should be of a permanent nature. These sectors should be prepared to fight even when isolated. Main defences on Ladakh and Pangong Ranges must continue to be manned. Our reserves must be arrayed for an operational-level counter-offensive in Chushul/Indus river valley/Chumar sectors.” Thereby, he rules out any offensive possibilities in sectors other than Chushul, Indus River-Valley and Chumar. He sees fortified defences as the only feasible option, in other areas to the north. In that case, a disruptive move on the IA’s part in the SSN, may invite massive PLAGF counterattacks, which the IA would have to find a way to withstand. Also, a supply of body-bags must be kept ready if the IA ventures across the LAC.

    The IA’s moves, as described above, should be shallow enough to be maintainable and not pose too serious a threat to China, while being critical enough to pinch. This would be a mind-game. The PLA would have to decide between the advantages of deliberate and costly escalation, with incalculable consequences, and restoring status quo ante, this time around, while preparing for the “real thing”, at some point in the future. We must realize that war is the last option. And yes, there is an asymmetry today vis-a-vis China. So then if the PLAGF does not move back and restore status quo ante, are we prepared to countenance the loss of a substantial chunk of territory?

  57. To JITHU JOHN: What kind of ToT do you desire? One that pushes up the acquisition cost of an aircraft by 3 to 5 times?

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Why are you ASSUMING that Greece wants to sell off its Mirage-2000s? 2) Why should India acquire Mirage-2000s for cannibalising when Dassault Aviation itself can supply such spares directly to the IAF? 3) Lebanon's Head of General Security has already said that the blast was caused by a fire in a depot of highly explosive material, including Sodium nitrate, at Beirut's port. He said that the material was confiscated from a ship months ago and stored there. Hence no need for any conspiracy theories.

    To UNKNOWN: All that was mentioned in the thread dealing with EX Gagan Shakti of 2018.

  58. Mr.Prasun will the Air Force start inducting Nirbhay LACM next year is it true?

  59. Prasunda,

    Many thanks for answering my queries. Just a small observation on lithium. Lithium will be new king of metal ( now only named white gold) in near future. As the number of EV will increase fast. India do not have lithium reserve to say about. So India need to procure mines in other countries now, before it's too late.
    Chile and Argentina has huge reserve and probably Argentina will be more open to India/Indians. It's my personal observation as presently I am in Argentina.
    Though Australia and China are the main producers but probably it will not be possible to accrue mines in any of those two countries. ( Australia strong mining lobby and China wont sell.)
    Government of India should be pro active now.
    Best regards,


  61. Earlier you made me to understand that Dr Abdul Qadeer 'Bhopali' Khan a Pakistani citizen was spying on Dutch for the theft of the small nuclear reactor design/data to be forwarded to China. Obviously China were to use it in their new nuclear submarine design and they successfully used it. In turn China provided Pakistan perhaps with 5 to 10 Kiloton Nuclear bomb designs/data and also 6-7 nos. of ready made nukes having the power of ~ 15 Kilotons kept in Pakistan under the Chinese custody & control. For me it is difficult to say that any Dutch citizen was also involved or not.

    Regarding the Rheinmetall-developed 130mm/L51 smooth bore cannon please tell whether and where India can use it successfully.

    Regarding your war tactics and strategy presentation, it must be like a modern Bengali-Shivajee. Hope it is adopted and gets successful.

  62. To UNKNOWN: How can that be, since the plans call for inducting not the Nirbhay, but the LRLACM?

    To PARTHASARATHI: Lithium can be extracted from mines in Australia as well as South America. If proper geological surveys are carried out in Ladakh, then Lithium can be extracted from there too.


    Lt Gen Panag:

    The Real PLA:

    President Xi Clashes with Premier Li:

    China’s Ark of Doom Project:

    China Not as Rich as You Think:

    Ladakh Roads:

    Uttarakhand’s Ghost Village:

    Ladakh Bridges:

    DSDBO Road:

    Leh Manali Highway:

    Bilaspur-Leh Railway:

    Chenab Bridge:

    Jiribam Imphal Railway Project:

    Defence Production & Export Promotion Policy 2020:

    To RAJESH MISHRA: Not the design of any nuclear reactor, but the design of uranium enrichment centriguges originally developed by URENCO of Holland (where Bhopali Khan was employed in the 1970s). This design in turn was shared by Pakistan with China, Iran & North Korea. Helping them convert the designs into usable industrial components were companies from Germany, Italy, Switzerland & the UK.

  63. Dear Prasun,

    Don't you think that appointment of LG Murmu was a wrong decision. He was not a strong candidate to lead a terror infested state like Jammu and Kashmir. Someone with a strong profile could have been appointed.

  64. Oh! I may be wrong due to the long years passed and my decreasing memory with the increasing age. But then the question remains that how China got the design of small and compact nuclear reactor for their submarines???

  65. Dada

    U rock as always

    Dada clear some doubts

    1. With induction of rafale and future tejas orders in sight. Also India's air defense will also see a mighty induction by akash, s400, MRSAM, do we still need this 42 squardons for fighting two and half front battles, moreover we have double engine fighters, AWACs, land based missiles, refuling aircrafts, apaches.

    The money should be saved by integrating fighting concepts by developing synergies rather than going on a buying frenzy

    2. How many air defense missiles india has in its inventory such as akash, pechoras, MRSAM, Sypder and how many MRSAM and S400 are being ordered

    3. When can u see future orders of dsitional rafales, apaches and chinooks will be placed by india

    4. Will india be buying F4 standard in future or same the current one. What are the major differences between the two standards, when will india go for upgrading the same to F4 standard

    5. You mentioned somewhere that india is already flying 1 no. Super sukhoi su30 as a proof of concept, why its taking such a large time for singing the upgrade order

  66. Mr.Prasun why doesn't anybody talk about China sending Tactical Nukes to Pakistan in 2002?

  67. Dear Prasun,

    After listening to Air Marshall Nambiar, I felt like I was watching a video version of your blog.
    (1)Was it the reason why once in a comment section you said that he would have been a better Air Chief Marshall?
    (2) Is he a Russian baiter? Or was he being brutally honest in interview?Are the Russian engines so bad when used in Indian weather conditions?
    (3) He mentioned several times that India specific enhancements/requirements are inserted by IAF, if so why has the MAWS never been a part of even Mirage2000s let alone Su30 or Mig29s or Tejas?


    1. Xctly he is as much as practical as our prasunda....see his statement about the amca and TEDBF...we shouldnt bite more than we cant chew...only 100 meaningful engineer(not simple b tech ) avl in ADA...we cant overstrectch that resource and hence better to experience it one step at a time and he r8ly suggested for full focus on MWF rather than wasting time as prasun already suggested

  68. Prasunda,

    My obeservation : Indian navy is following Russian design for destroyers- kashin to delhi to 15A& B, so using Zorya & russian/ukranian powerplants& propellors.

    Whereas for frigates its western influence- leander to nilgiri to brahmaputra to shivaliks , hence using western engines & gas turbines.

    Should now the naval design bureau tie up with a naval design firm & design next gen common platforms for destroyers, frigates, corvettes, OPVs,auxilary ships etc. with common family to engines, propellors, integrated masts, Universal missile launchers, etc. Wont that help in achieveing better economies of scale and speed up production


    Will👆 it be a better choice if we buy IPR for this and manufacture it in india in collaboration with LM?

  70. Both Air Marshall Nambiar and Prasun's answer is the same in this regard. " You may assume you can save money, by skipping a generation. But without mastering manufacture of 3.5, then 4 and later 5th generation, we should not start thinking about 6th generation"

  71. To ANUP, PAVAN & AMIT BISWAS: Regretably, logical reasoning is not an Indian forte, hence the expectations about a Maruti-Suzuki factory being able to churn out Rolls-Royce Bentleys! Had the arseholes at DRDO BGhavan & ADA in Bengaluru hired dassault Aviation as a full-time prohject consultant, then by 2011 itself the Tejas Mk.1 would have emerged as a mini-Rafale in terms of capabilities, serviceability & reliability. This very notion of hailing India as a ‘Vishwaguru’ always gets corrupted as the arrogant notion of being blessed with all-knowing wisdom & what follows then is utter disaster, like making 8,000 changes to the IAC-1’s design even when hull construction is in full swing! And only after such disasters become public is it then grudgingly acknowledge that the term ‘Vishwaguru’ applies only to cultural & civilisation aspects of India’s past, and not in a technological sense. And so, as expected, the DRDO-developed MIHIR LFDS has finally been junked for the Lockheed Martin MH-60R Seahawk NMRHs & i8n its placem this waS ordered 24 hours ago:

    To VINOD J: Even an adolescent would have told us in the previous decade that as the number of homegrown warships increase in number, the LM-2500 marine industrial gas-turbine would emerge as the dominant powerplant within the IN. Despite this, it remains a total mystery as to why the LM-2500 was not adopted for the Project 15A & Project 15B DDGs.

    To PAVAN: The ret’d Air Marshall was indeed being brutally honest because a mere look at all the RFIs issued since the previous decade will indicate that the technical & performance parameters of all foreign-origin weapons & platforms being sought are reqd to be compliant with NATO-standard MILSPECs. Not one of them demands Russia’s GOST-standards. The IAF indeed wanted MAWS fitments, but again it was the DRDO that sabotaged the procurement effort by claiming to deliver a solution in cooperation with ELBIT Systems back in the previous decade. I had detailed it all in a previous thread & ultimately this project was foreclosed without any gains & only then did attention shift to the MILDS family of MAWS sensors.

  72. To KAPIL: This is the contest that I was eagerly awaiting: China, Pakistan, Iran & Turkey on one side, while the Arab states, the US, India & Bangladesh on the other. Now, expect Pakistan to get a massive cardiac arrest when it gets revealed that the KSA too possesses the nuclear WMD deterrent & Pakistan no longer can claim to be the only Muslim country possessing nuclear WMDs. Afghanistan’s role here from now on will get extremely critical & if the Arab states can keep bankrolling Afghanistan, then Iran’s leverage in both Afghanistan & the Central Asian Republics will get drastically reduced, which in turn will cause great unease in both China & Pakistan. All the more important for India to start emitting the right signals (about advancing toward the Wakhan Corridor) by beginning the liberation of GB, starting with Baltistan. Now, it is being becoming more Z& more evident with each passing day that the PLAGF has recognised the limits of its forces deployment in Aksai Chin along the LAC (due to its reliance on the sole logistics pipeline, i.e. the G-219 Highway) & hence it is now demanding that the Indian military deployment be reduced in size & scale. The PLAGF knows only too well that not only will it find it impossible to induct additional forces who are neither acclimatised nor familiar with high-altitude plateau warfare SOPs, but Ladakh’s geographic contiguity with the Indian hinterland allows for far greater scale of deployment of Indian forces, especially the infantry foot-soldiers & mechanised accretions. The IA can easily sustain even during winter a force of three Mountain Divisions plus 3 independent armoured brigades, which during wintertime can easily mount a series of tactical offensives aimed at encircling & starving out the PLAGF’s forces now dug-in all along the LAC.

  73. The realists from within the PLA are now speaking up at last:

    2020 will be a difficult year for Sino-US relations. Such difficulties may continue for several years, or even longer, because there is no cure yet. Regarding the current Sino-US relationship, there are several things that Chinese people cannot think of: The first one is unexpected: the virus epidemic ignited a general outbreak of hatred among Americans towards China. The mainstream American society represented by Trump described China as a "trade terrorist", a "global economic aggressor", a "deceiver" and a "thief", and even a "rule destroyer." The US government has already activated all its machines and marked the world as a "virus spreader" and "heinous" "trading hooligan" to the greatest extent. The second one is unexpected: The US government has acted so ruthlessly, time is so tight, and there is no room for negotiation time, which Chinese officials and experts could not predict. Because in the traditional concept, Sino-US trade is very close and can be said to be inseparable. The US cannot make heavy moves. This kind of superposition of 30 billion, 50 billion, and 200 billion in tariffs has never been seen in the history of the United States. Yes, it has never happened before in the history of world trade; why is this? The third one is unexpected: no country has come forward to show sympathy and support for China. Many countries are opposed to the US government’s trade policy, but for China, the biggest victim, no country has come forward to establish a unified anti-US alliance with China. China has assisted so many countries in the past, and these countries have also taken many benefits from China, but at a critical time, these countries did not take unified actions with China. The fourth unexpected: a united front has formed in the United States. Although the Republican and Democratic parties have differences on global tax increases, their views on the trade war with China are unanimous. It can be said that in the current US Congress, there is no politician who speaks for China; for a major trade policy, the two parties in the US are surprisingly united, which really hurts all Chinese people. It shows that the domestic theory is fundamentally wrong and seriously misled the decision. Combining the above four surprises, it is necessary for China to re-understand the United States. If we do not adjust our understanding of the US from the ideological perspective, then we will inevitably deviate in strategy and tactics and may make major mistakes.

    First Realisation: Don’t think that the US emperor is a paper tiger, it is the most powerful on earth. American politicians are extremely loyal to the country and voters. They are not easy to be bought. Their only object of loyalty is the voters. In order to cater to the voters, they will do everything.

    Second realisation: Don’t expect the US emperor to make mistakes forever. The US emperor has a sound correction mechanism and cannot always implement“political correctness. Every president has different ideas and methods of governing, but they are inseparable from them. One of the major characteristics of American imperialism is that if a mistake in the national strategy is found, the new government will immediately make a 180-degree change, without leaving any affection, turning the face faster than turning the book.

    Third Realisation: The US imperialism does not attach much importance to ideology and values. They only value economic and trade interests. The core of U.S. imperialism is foreign trade. Therefore, you must not take too much advantage of Americans, especially not blindly pursuing trade surplus. When you make a good profit, you must look at the faces of others. Don't swallow it!

    Cont'd below...

  74. Fourth Realisation: Don’t go to the door of the American emperor's house and say: "I want to surpass you, I want to replace you, and I will be the number one in the world." If you really have this ability and desire, you have to hide it and keep a low profile. The US emperor is particularly afraid that others will take his place. The Japanese are particularly knowledgeable about this. Therefore, Japan is very low-key and understands its position. We must bear in mind the historical lesson: the heart is bigger than the face.

    Fifth Realisation: The US Emperor does not care about offending people. He has many allies, but he will never sacrifice his interests to please his allies. Therefore, don’t talk to the US Emperor, let alone talk to the US imperial allies. These allies are only relatives to the US Emperors and will never be genuinely friendly to you; one is one, two is two, especially not to affection.

    Sixth Realisation: It is necessary to recognize the fact that the US emperor is the "biggest" in the world. The US imperial’s resources far surpass ours. We can "overtake on a curve", but the "curve" is temporary. You are still a chaser on the "straight." Digest and absorb the technology of the American emperor, never tout "digestion and absorption" as "innovation". You can't fool the American emperor, but you fool yourself.

    Seventh Realisation: Don’t presuppose "information sharing" in front of the US imperialism. The US Emperor pays special attention to the protection of intellectual property rights. If you show off the results of "technology sharing" all day long, then you are a "thief" in the eyes of the US Emperor. Don’t talk about the "Internet economy" in front of the American emperor. This is tantamount to "dancing a big knife in front of Guan Gong." The Internet you use was invented by the American emperor. If you build a house on someone else’s foundation, don’t say you own property rights. Low-key will not kill people, bragging is to scare people.

    Eighth Realisation: The American emperor is a master of strategy. Don't let the Americans play strategy on you. The starting point is not on the same level. Once the US emperor thinks you are their "enemy", then the trouble will be big. The US emperor "will never give up until the goal is reached"; just like the US emperor's anti-terrorism, as long as he recognizes you as their threat, then The US emperor will use all the resources to consume it with you, and generations of presidents will struggle for a national strategy.

    Ninth Realisation: Don’t expect the election of the United States to change its national strategy. The core strategy of US imperialism will not change. "Making America great again" does not belong to Trump alone, but reflects the overall national idea of US imperialism. The electoral system of US imperialism can make a certain strategy. The degree of adjustment, but the national interests of the US imperialism have determined that he wants to seek hegemony. So, don’t expect the United States to shrink and withdraw from the international arena at all; don’t be fooled by Trump’s withdrawal.

    Tenth Realisation: Dont naively think that you are just fighting the American imperial family. All actions of US imperialism have a "butterfly effect", because US imperialism has a huge strategic alliance. It represents a universal value. As long as the U.S. imperial acts, other forces in the world will follow up. Some countries may be reluctant and unwilling, but in the end they will be in line with the US imperialism; remember: the US imperialism will increase tariffs on your 30 billion trade today, and the effect must be 60 billion, 90 billion, or more, This is where the American emperor is truly powerful.

  75. Prasunda,

    1) Are 3 mountain divisions + 3 independent armd brigades already in place in eastern Ladakh on our side ?

    2) Is KSA's deterrent comprised of Israel supplied warheads mated to Agni III's supplied by us, as you suggested a few years ago ?


  76. In your reply to Kapil you said that KSA too possess nuclear WMD but from where they acquired these capabilities because earlier in a reply to someone you said that KSA cannot develop nuclear weapons because they don't have required human resource for such programme, can you enlighten me on this.

  77. May I add the eleventh Realisation? - As Mongloid people, always be aware that you have smaller dicks regardless of being flaccid or erect!
    I wonder how they missed this obvious point?

  78. Dear Sir,

    The Endstate of ColdWar was disintegration of USSR into smaller countries.

    Will the US-China ColdWar 2.O lead to disintegration of China?

    If yes, then how long do you think it will take for CCP led China to disintegrate?

    What do you think will be its impact? A unipolar world led by US? (Considering Russia's Economy current state)...


  79. How good are PLA armed drones for Ladakh theatre ? Will Indian armor face serious threat from them ?
    How Long you think will the local made Armed MALE drone take to induct ?


  80. Russian Navy Day Parade- excellent close up footage

  81. Prasun sir, pls write about the political, economical and security implications of the news report mentioned by @KAPIL. Given Pakistan's precarious economic condition it is baffling why it would take panga with the Arab states at this stage and antoganise U.S. by siding with China. Looks like China has assured full economy support in case US tries to tighten the screws through IMF. And save them FATF blacklist with the help of Turkey. But for us its all about Kashmir and how the situation would play in the coming months and years. One of the reasons behind Chinese incursion in Ladakh was also to divert attention of India from POK. They had probably anticipated that India might launch military action to liberate it thereby endangering CPEC. CPEC is being bankrolled by Chinese loans all of which are in US dollar, if US can take some action to prevent the use of its currency, CPEC would die, paving the way for liberation of Gilgit Baltistan.

  82. Wow! What a long list of the realizations! Even the citizens and enemies of US alike are going to be surprised. But it is a hard truth of the Imperialism. However the Chinese Imperialism is going to be hundred times harder and harsher than this. So bear with it. We have already seen the most intolerable muslamic imperialism on this earth. We shall not be afraid. After all it is a US democracy.

  83. prasunda what's the proposed maximum speed of AMCA ,in one ADA slide it's about 1.8 mach another slide says 2.5 mach , kindly clarify

  84. Sir,IAF and IA on very high level of alertness according to media reports.Seems like your prediction is here. Wish all goes as planned. Still what might prevail in coming days?



  87. To SATYAKI & ROHIT GILL: 1) They have been there ever since the mobilisation commenced on May 24 & had ended by June 4. 2) Both are from Israel, with the missile being an upgraded variant of the Jericho BM. The Jericvho family of BMs, on the other hand, share common design attributes with the Agni-3 & Shourya BMs.

    To MOHAN: If China cannot control its domestic instability, then the CPC’s leadership will face the same fate as that of Communist Romania. That’s why most of the CPC leadership’s families, dependents & relatives have already acquired citizenship in the US, Canada & Australia.

    To VENKY: The PLAAF operates HALE-UAVs powered by turbofans. But in terms of tactical UAVs or even MALE-UAVs, they will be next to useless in the icy heights of Ladakh. No one in India is developing any armed MALE-UAV.

    To SATYA: The only reason for China’s belligerence along the LAC is to pressurise India to embrace both the BRI & CPEC. Nothing more, nothing less. And that can only be done if the settlement of the border issue concerning Ladakh is decoupled from the settlement of the rest of the LAC. That’s precisely why China has refused to accept Ladakh as being part of India. So, if India is forced to accept a settlement of Ladakh’s boundaries with China, then the same principle will be applicable by default to the settlement of the Kashmir issue, i.e. India being forced to forego her owmnership of PoK.

    To AKASH: That will become known only after the AMCA takes to the skies. Hence, any performance data on AMCA is purely theoretical & speculative at this stage.

    To GOURAV: The high-level of alertness will have to be maintained till this November.

    To BHOUTIK: China’s Territorial Claims:

    China Embassy in India Threatens:

    ZTQ-105 MBT’s R & D:

    PZ-45 Tracked SPH:

    HQ-17 SHORADS:

    PCL-181 MGS:

    New KD-10 MMW-Guided ATGM:

    PLAN’s Type 075 LHD Sea-Trials Commence:

    DSDBO Road in HD:

  88. * the common design attributes of Jericho with the Agni-3 & Shourya - are they accidental/coincidental or is there a relation?

    - is the narrator above correct in her reading of the visuals?

  89. Prasun da 1) is that a plz 89 or plz 07( exactly 1.13 min?( pcl 181 mgs video link)
    2)do you think chicom can use their plz 52(35 ton) in depsang,dbo,gogra area?if yes then can we deploy our k-9(47ton) there?

  90. Prasunda,

    If the CPC/PRC leadership, their families and dependents have citizenship in the USA, Canada and Australia, are'nt they likely to be prosecuted for the concentration camps in Xinjiang if they escape a people's revolt in China to settle in these countries?


  91. Mr.Prasun why the hell is there talk about T-90 going up against Type-15 isn't it it incorrect because Chinese have no Light tanks in Xinjiang?

  92. Respected Sir,

    (A)Will Sukhoi as OEM allow integration of more French or Israeli Sub-Systems as part of Super Sukhoi upgrade? For Example: (1) SPECTRA EW or Rafael EW(SkyShield+LiteShield+X-Guard. (2) UTTAM AESA MMR or RBE-2 AESA. (3) DDM NG MAWS. (4) Meteor BVR + ASRAAM WVR (5) WAD Screen Cockpit. (6) SCALP Missile. ???

    (B)Can/Will M2000 be integrated with UTTAM AESA MMR so tht Meteor can be integrated?
    Is SAAW as capable as Spice 2000?


  93. Prasunda,

    General (retd.) Ashok Mehta new article is up and it is in line with the thoughts expressed in this blog.


  94. To ASD: It takes TEAM of people, and not 1 single person, to clear up the mess that has been piling up for decades. It has all been explained very clearly here:

    Most importantly, the writ of law over the UT of J & K will be established only when all those now in custody are made to undergo a trial process & get sentenced for all the murders that they had committed since 1989, especially the likes of Yasin Malik. Hence, until justice is delivered, not many will have faith in the Govt of India’s ability or claims to deliver security to the residents of J & K UT as well as those Kashmiri Pandits who remain as forced internally displaced citizens all over India.

    To BHOUTIK: It must be noted that the Jericho’s R & D process was almost entirely France-based, including the design & development of their land-mobile launchers & this too is highly visible in the design & looks of those launchers meant for the Agni family of BMs. Even till this day, such TELs & their trailers are being built in India by a private-sector company that has tied up with a French OEM of multi-axle high-mobility vehicles.

    To ARDEN: Any type of armoured vehicle regardless of its weight can be used in the Depsang Plains, PROVIDED the road infrastructure is available to transport them to their staging areas. And that is exactly why throughout Ladakh all the existing bailey bridges with 24-tonne handling capacity are now being replaced by concrete bridges of MLC-70 weight-class so that any vehicle up to 70 tonnes can be transported by road. This then means that even MBTs like Arjun Mk.1A can be used in the battlefields of Ladakh. In other places like Jammu too concrete bridges are replacing bailey bridges & this needs to be expanded to other states like Punjab & Rajasthan, where bailey bridges are still in use over several rivers & canals. Once this is done, no one from the IA will complain about MBTs being too heavy. Hence, in Ladakh, there is no more any need to deploy anything like Light MBTs since in future the heaviest of MBTs will easily be able to be transported on trailers by heavy-duty high-mobility trucks on black-topped roads & concrete bridges.

    To KRITAVARMA: Not necessarily, for they can be induced to defect with vital incriminating evidence against the CPC & in return can get need identities & a new life, just like the Nazi scientists & engineers were brought to the US after WW-2 under OP PAPERCLIP.

  95. To UNKNOWN: All the nonsensical chatter about light tanks is nowadays being spread only by these 3 ‘desi musketeers’:

    Instead, they ought to be highlighting why is the LCH without its self-defence/countermeasures suite being exposed to clear & present danger in Ladakh. In addition, no one seems to be highlighting the need for lightweight 155mm MGS, which will be reqd to advance in tandem along with the IA’s mechanised/armoured formations in the Depsang Plains for providing immediate fire-support, since such support cannot be provided any attack helicopter at such high-altitudes. Folks in India haven’t yet figured out why the PLAGF has included these weapons as part of their integrated battle groups:

    To AMAN: A) Avionics like Spectra, Uttam etc etc have been tailor-made for specific platforms & hence one cannot just pick & choose any such avionics on just any platform. B) Uttam AESA-MMR is not arriving anytime soon & by the time it arrives, it will be too late. Meteor BVRAAM can be integrated with any existing AESA-MMR PROVIDED the source-codes of the latter are shared with the MBDA.

    To ANIONE: Tensions at Depsang Plains can be traced to China’s 18km incursion into the area, which is close to the strategic Daulat Beg Oldi base, in 2013, and the 2017 Doklam standoff. In 2013, the PLA had managed to complete a road behind the Bottleneck area in what is known as the Raki Nala region. IA patrols used to go by foot beyond the Bottleneck area, through which it is impossible to take vehicles. In April 2013, PLA-BDR troops crossed into Indian territory and pitched tents for three weeks at Raki Nala, 30km south of Daulat Beg Oldi (DBO), before they agreed to pull out. However, they went back beyond the limit of Indian patrolling and not behind the LAC. PLA soldiers never went back completely across the Indian perception of LAC, and stayed behind the limit of patrolling points. At Depsang, the patrolling points are a little away from the perceived LAC like in other areas, and this is called the limit of patrolling. Soldiers don’t go beyond the points, even though the LAC is still ahead. However, Depsang is an area where the perception of the LAC is starkly different between China and India. According to locally established agreements, both sides were allowed patrolling until certain areas that fell into individual perceptions of the LAC, but the practice “came under stress” after the Doklam standoff of 2017. The Depsang issue is different from the current standoff that is taking place between India and China. The PLA-BDR has been blocking India’s patrol from bottleneck area to PP11, PP12, PP12 A and PP13. This has been happening from before the current tensions at the LAC. India, too, has blocked PLA-BDR patrols in Depsang. However, this is because the China-perceived LAC is beyond the Bottleneck area (around 20km from LAC) and just 1.5km from Burtse, where China had reached its claim line in 2014 during President Xi Jinping’s India visit. Apart from its proximity to DBO, what makes the area more strategically important is that if China does decide to build up until what it perceives to be the LAC, it could then gain control of the Darbuk-Shyok-Daulat Beg Oldi (DS-DBO) road and also attempt to take over the Saser La Pass, which could cut off Siachen Glacier for India. Presently, the PLAGF has deployed additional MBTs and field artillery assets and moved them slightly forward from their usual positions. But they are still away from India’s perception of LAC.

    Cont'd below...

  96. Ladakh is a ‘box’ filled with mountainous deserts, glaciers and fast-flowing seasonal rivers. It cannot accommodate large militaries, and throws serious challenges for the movement of large ground forces. In the Ladakh ‘box’, the weather can become unpredictable, high altitudes make the aircraft sluggish, communication gets affected, good airfield support is far, serious limitations are imposed in manoeuvring, weapon accuracy suffers and coping with emergencies on-board becomes a challenge. The stress levels of the aircrew could go very high. To operate in this environment at night is even more challenging. The IAF should be knowing the capabilities of all the machines that the PLAAF can deploy in the ‘box’. These machines are within the capabilities of our Air Force to counter. India can conduct an effective joint air/ground operation within this ‘box’—and can also launch a strong offensive action far beyond the ‘box’. Like Ladakh, there are other areas along the LAC that can be described as ‘boxes’. And each ‘box’ has its own peculiarities and rulebook.

    Modern AFVs are notoriously finicky to maintain and keep functional as integrated platforms even at low altitude in covered garages. The difficulty factor increases exponentially when the high altitude rarefied atmosphere of Ladakh, with limited deployment space and plummeting minimum temperatures in winter, are taken into account. Adverse effects show in almost all critical sub systems of a tank, from fire control, sighting, fuel and hydraulics, derating of engines, as well as cracking and brittleness of a multitude of seals/rubber components. Communication and navigation gear gets affected too. Despite such adversity, by now our mechanised crews operating in the Ladakh Sector have mastered the art of keeping their tank and ICV fleets running all year round. More can be done to help maintain this diverse equipment mix by improving the conditions of the garages in which these are housed, stricter QC for spares and components intended for high-altitude use in AFVs and ensuring the best available fuel with winter additives, as also for the improved grades of lubricants and greases needed for such locations. Batteries, which are a lifeline for militaries, of different grades and types are critical to keep systems functioning in tanks and ICVs. They discharge faster and need frequent replacement or recharge to be useful. This is an aspect that the Make in India effort could easily address on a war footing. All these are being looked into, but if the forces are to keep their tanks and ICVs functional for short notice deployment, then the cliché of “pulling out all stops” at this juncture needs to be ensured.

    Cont'd below...

  97. No denying that commanders in the field do their utmost to have a high state of readiness, however creating a more training friendly environment calls for a push from the very top in Delhi. The need is critical for a suitable high altitude field firing range for direct firing tracked platforms in the Indus R Valley of Ladakh. Locations have been reconnoitered and recommended for notification and hopefully with the issue in the limelight, priority for this range would be accorded. Additional crew and tactical training simulators must be purchased through the capital expenditure emergency powers given to the Vice Chief of the Army for honing gunnery and tactical skills of all crews. Integration with different elements of the battle group and Special Forces operating ahead is already being fine-tuned and must remain a high priority.

    Finally, an aspect that is key to future accurate delivery of ordnance on select targets is the training and integration of artillery and tactical air controllers with the command-n-control elements of combat groups operating in key areas. The recent clash in Galwan brought forth the grouping of artillery observers with infantry and same is the case with armour. These artillery fire controllers ought to be capable of identifying and relaying coordinates of fixed and fleeting targets of opportunity to all in range (tube or missile artillery, attack helicopters and even fighter aircraft). This is a capability that we sorely lack (in terms of robust SOPs, equipment and training) which must get jointly addressed on priority by the land and air force components.

  98. Prasunda,

    1) To whose advantage will it be if the current standoff drags into the winter ? You earlier wrote that we would be in a position to cut the forward deployed PLAGF elements off through local tactical offensives. Do the PLA gain any advantage by dragging the standoff into the winter ?

    2) What is the likely outcome of a PLA initiated offensive to attempt to seize DBO if done before winter sets in? You seem to indicate that we have enough to repel such an attempt.


  99. Prasun,

    1- how serious is this threat --
    2- that senile old bas***d Mahathir being blantantly non apologetic islamist-- is he stilla threat?
    3- this was in news sometime ago as well .. just goes to show how fragile bangladesh is ..the islamist are itching to get back in power.. who is an alternative to Sheikh Hasina for India..
    4- what structural changes is being done by ARDC for mk1a? is mk1a still being designed?
    5- another good read and food for thought -- originally a firstpost story
    6- Putin's planned visit to Indiain Oct-close to US polls.. how will it pan out
    7- China still managing nepal's internal politics.. why is India merely watching from the sidelines..any faults in our policies towards nepal ditto with bangladesh? I guess the lesson to be learned is .. always be the big daddy carrying the big stick.. good samaritian acts of trying to give equal status to those smaller than you is taken as an act of weakness
    8- China is palying all its cards to corner India, including its latest attempts in Un on kashmir.. why is india still not taking reciprocal action and hurt them where it pains the most- taiwan, ughyurs
    9- Afghan loya jirga is underway .. talibs as excepted have rejected it .. where will it lead
    10- was it a free helicopter ride that was wanted by the vice air chief marshal that the 2 unarmed & defenceless LCH were flown in the border areas? why aren't they productionizing it. weapons sites can always be upgraded. Also why cant be procure aadequate batch of PARS L3, Spike for these till drdo finally figures out SANT..afterall any software canges to accomodate these umported anti tank missiles will only enhance the weapons that can be mated , which in turn can be a plus point for its exports to countries who may have similar plans

  100. ;;;

    top Russian weaponry but none on the Indian radar who still feel happy with second generation yesterday's BMP 2

  101. Bridges cab be built to transport heavy tanks but wouldn't they be targeted by the enemy as a priority so they are rendered useless? Is it not prudent to have the second capability by airlifting vehicles and air dropping them where bridges and roads are destroyed or non existent?

  102. End of cold war lead to disintegration of USSR is factually incorrect
    It lade to independence of different blocks which were won by USSR in world war2 or ruled by it but was factual a separate block

  103. Hi Prasun ji,

    Regarding the recently notified "Import ban" list of defence items, I'm assuming they only pertain to the outright import (like Rafales) of the listed weapon systems/platforms and that this ban does not and cannot imply to those items where the foreign vendor is prepared to set up local manufacturing for, albeit at a more expensive price, thereby conforming to the "Make In India" notion?

  104. @prasun da

    1. you views on the 101 import negative list

    2. Pravin Sawhney says India should stay away from Quad, seems he is talking for china

    3. rajpaksa back in Lanka, oli stay put in nepal, bangladesh govt almost got toppled, seems india has losr the entire south asia, whats happening

    4. IMHO whats needed in ladakh Aksai chin is massive fire power as such lighter 6 barrel smerch, ICV armed with 120 mm breech loaded mortar is needed

    your views


    joydeep ghosh

  105. Dear Sir,

    1)How will PLAAF's inventory look like after 15-20 yrs in terms of aircraft types & no. of aircrafts? For example USAF plans to hv around 1700 F-35s, 200 F22s & 144 F15EX by 2050 i.e. 2000+ aircrafts..Similarly, what will PLAAF inventory comprise of by 2035-40?

    2)Will IAF by 2035-40 be capable enough to fight & dominate both PAF & PLAAF simultaneously?

    3)When will Super Sukhoi Upgrade start? Shd we expect Meteor on Super Sukhoi?

    4)IAF plans to operate M2000 for 1 more decade so why don't they upgrade it with AESA Radar & better weapons?


  106. Prasunda,

    1) Could covid have affected our existing nuclear deterrent by making us unable to launch our existing missiles if the need arises ?

    2) Would it not be more sensible to get the drdo back to missile testing by distributing PPE among the DRDO staff and associated suppliers so as to exempt them from all lockdowns ?


  107. Hi Prasun,

    Give the recent comments from Pakistani foreign minister and subsequent reactions from Saudi Arabia, where do u see the Saudi-Pakistan relations to be heading? Will it also affect the thousands of Pakistani laborers working there?

    Best Regards

  108. Hi Parsunji,

    Can you explain why we selected GE F404/F414 engine for LCA Program instead GE F110 engine? F110-132 engine has 145KN thrust while F414 has 98KN thrust. We could select F110 engine and that would solve our requirement for MWF and AMCA. Please elaborate on this.

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki


    Does the presence of a Pakistani general in the Joint Staff of the central military commission indicate any interoperability ?


  110. Prasun,
    What does this sudden announcement hint towards? Are the forces going to give some sizable orders to local Indian OEMs? If yes which Indian products are going to be ordered and which OEMs will be beneficiaries?

    Is this a move to save US$ for more strategic purchase like Rafale and allocating funds to build more nuclear submarines and SLBMs?

  111. Prasun,

    Pls share your views/analysis on the negative list of arms shared by the MoD today...

  112. Hi Prasun

    you had written that Indian armed forces starting with navy and now AF was incorporating software defined radios. Do SDF act as new generation scrambled voice radios and text msg exchangers or more like omnidirectional link 16. do the rafales have something like MADL (KU Band directional data link for stealthily exchanging data) or normal omnidirectional Link 16 equivalents. when you said that F-21 offered to India might incorporate technologies from F-35 were you talking about MADL.

  113. PrasunDa,

    (1) I remember way back in 2013 itself you had highlighted how the Indian Army was planning to purchase a 155mm Mounted Gun Systems and yet could not take a final decision. 7-8 years later nothing has changed.

    (2) The MoD has published a list of 101 defence weapons/platforms to be put on import embargo. Will you please explain this development. It seems licence production will still carry on unhindered

    Many thanks

  114. Prasun,
    Guess i'm all inspired today... throwing a few more @you :) hope you get a chance to reply

    17-Any chance of BMP2 upgrades with the russian 57mm gun
    18- Companies like Rheinmetall & Fincantieri will automatically come out of the black list by next year.. Wot business can be expected to be done with these conglomerates eg- Rheinmetall's new 130mm main gun. ADD IMI- israel & STK-SG
    19- MoD's negative list includes conventional subs .. does that mean the end of P75I, if yes what is the alternative or is MoD confident of initiating the selection process before the deadline- dec 2021. Ditto for 7.62 assault rifles will ak 203 now be the std issue rifle for all of the army minus the frontline ones who will use the sigs? any chance for the locally made tavors? another interesting ones on the list are misille destroyers what are these -Navy destroyers- the BAE type 26 & Groshov class frigates ones are way ahead(these are high tonnage frigates which are also bracketed as destroyers). Have we reached that level of craftsmanship?. Also there is no mention of MGS in the negative list

  115. Hi Prasunda

    Why their is no Japanese companies are shifting from China to India. Why they are choosing Vietnam or Thailand instead of us. Reading MMRCA will our Govt order further 114 Rafale for IAF...

    Jithu J

  116. To JITHU JOHN: Elementary: those countries provide a far more business-friendly environment. Companies will only go to places where they are incentivised. In India, companies have to contend with 2 sets of laws, one from the Centre & another from the State. And that’s what corrupts the entire process.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: The following thread will clear all your doubts about the BIZARRE LIST emanating from the MoD. The threat from Turkey is as clear as it can ever be, as evidenced by this piece of disinformation from TRT channel:

    And look at how the PN can still build 5-Star clubs despite belonging to a beggar-nation:

    To HOODS007: Omnidirectional covers the directional aspect as well. The F-21, like the Israeli F-16I, incorporates a SATCOM antenna on its mid-fuselage section.

    To VED: It is all explained in the following thread.

    To SATYAKI: Not inter-operability, but coordination.

    To HARDIK THANKI: because in those days the IAF totally failed to grasp that in future only 2 types of MRCAs will prevail, the M-MRCA & H-MRCA. Today there’s no room for L-MRCA like the Tejas LCA & hence the LCA has morphed into the MWF.

    To RAJ: This may throw some light into this issue:

    To ASHWATTHAMA: 1) No. 2) Why PPEs? Why not make use of lamps emitting ultra-violet light to kill the viruses? Why else do you reckon tens of thousands of workers are working day & night in ladakh on roadbuilding/bridge-building projects & yet nothing seems to be happening to them? Is it due to their exposure to ultra-violet rays at such high-altitudes?

    To SUDIPTO: 1) The PLAAF will be facing block obsolescence due to the phasing out of its J-7, J-8 & JH-7 inventories. And to replace them with J-10s or even J-20s will be impossible. 2) That depends entirely on whether the IAF leadership will apply sound common-sense. If it decides to jump straight to AMCA without adopting the MWF, then the answer is a firm NO. 3) No, Meteor will not go on board any Super Su-30MKI. The upgrade should kick off by the year’s end. 4) Because it will not be a sound proposition under any credible cost-benefit analysis.

  117. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Check out the following thread. 2) But the QUAD will not stay away from India. In any case, the Ruskies have now stepped in to domesticate China & you will read about it below. 3) Nothing lasts forever. 4) The PLAGF already has all of that & yet it has not yet initiated any offensive action.

    To GESSLER: Firstly, it is a BIZARRE list. Secondly, producing anything in-country at 2.5 times the original acquisition cost will only reduce the amount of money available for force modernisation. So, one has to make up one’s mind on what is the objective of MAKE IN INDIA: Is it to promote self-reliance? If yes, then the formula is entirely wrong because as one knows, the most criticasl components of any imported design always have to be imported. If the objective is to design & develop indigenous platforms, then it can hailed as a success since it will help create a sustainable & multipurpose industrial eco-system. Hence, the latter is far more preferable, since the former only increases the acquisition costs & perpetuates dependency on foreign OEMs.

    To MILLARD KEYES: That’s precisely why terminal defence or close-in defence systems are reqd for intercepting inbound standoff PGMs, like QR-SAMs & AK-630M six-barrelled cannobs.

    To SATYAKI & JUST_CURIOUS: No one will benefit from the standoff dragging on till winter & that’s why Russia is now stepping in to domesticate China by demonstrating who the real BIG BROTHER is. Moscow is now planning to organise a Russia-India-China (RIC) summit on the sidelines of the G20 meeting, scheduled to be held in Riyadh in November 21-22. The plan to hold the RIC summit, between Russian President Vladimir Putin, his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, was discussed during the virtual video-conference between the RIC foreign ministers on June 23. The trilateral format of the RIC and strengthening it with a summit meeting is “important to promote regional cooperation for sustainable development and stability. When Defence Minister Rajnath Singh had gone to Moscow for the ‘Victory Day’ parade last June, it was planned then that a defence ministries’ track could be launched at the end of the year to understand the security apparatus and enhance defence cooperation between Russia, India and China. The trilateral defence ministries’ track could be launched this year under the Russian chairmanship in Moscow. As of now, the plan is to establish a dialogue mechanism under the RIC between the defence ministers of Russia, India and China.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: Interesting cases:

    Also, look out later this month for one of the most complex special operations endeavours that ended up as a total failure:

    OP Eagle Claw:

    PLAGF Motorised Combined Arms Brigade:

    Chennai-Port Blair Submarine OFC:
