Friday, October 9, 2020

160Km-Range RUDRAM-1 NG-ARM Test-Fired

Preliminary conceptual studies got underway in April 2012 at the DRDO’s Defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL), following which financial approval for Rs.317.2 crore was accorded in December 2012, project completion being targetted for 2017. The detailed feasibility study phase lasted for a two-year period till 2013, following which prototype development commenced.

The airframe design selected was a scaled-up variant of the Astra-1 BVRAAM, and measured 5.5 metres and weighed up to 600kg. Propulsion was to be provided by a  dual-pulse solid-fuelled rocket motor, while the sensor package comprised a wide-band passive seeker, with a W-band millimetric-wave active seeker (a variant of the seeker meant for use by the SANT anti-armour guided missile) being employed in the terminal phase of flight.

The maiden Captive Flight Trials of the RUDRAM-1 NG-ARM was conducted by an IAF Su-30MKI H-MRCA in April 2016, while Drop Flight Trials (DFT) were conducted in December 2016, when the NG-ARM was released by the Su-30MKI while cruising at a speed of Mach 0.8 at an altitude of 6,500 metres. The maiden airborne test-firing (minus the sensor package) took place on January 18, 2008, followed by another one with a fully functional sensor package on January 25, 2019 that saw the NG-ARM covering a distance of 100km over the Bay of Bengal and achieving a 10-metre CEP. The third test-firing took place on October 9, 2020.

The ejection pylon employed is the same as that for the Astra-1 BVRAAM.

The RUDRAM-1 NG-ARM will be used in conjunction with the existing in-service SIVA HADF pod (developed by DRDO’s DARE laboratory back in the previous decade). The SIVA is presently used primarily for real-time detection and location of hostile ground-based air-defence radars, with the targetting cues then being uploaded into the IAF’s in-service Russia-supplied Kh-3P Krypton anti-radiation missile’s on-board mission computer.

Now being developed is a ground-launched version of the NG-ARM, dubbed the RUDRAM-2, four of which will be carried in a cannister-encased configuration by a 4 x 4 LAMV. To be used by the Indian Army (IA), the RUDRAM-2 will be employed against hostile ground-based battlefield air-defence systems and networks, with high-accuracy direction-finding cues being provided by the IA’s Samyukta and Him Shakti battlefield EW networks.


  1. Dear Sir,

    (1) Will the 21 MiG29UPGs to be ordered have Zhuk AESA, RD33MK Engines & R-77-1 Missile (110km range)?

    (2) Will the radar of existing 59 MiG29UPGs be replaced with AESA Radar?

    (3) Meteor integration on Su30MKI & Tejas MK1A were denied because of them having Russian & Israeli Radars, as per reports MBDA was ready for integration if the radar is European or Indian..Since, IAF Deputy Chief has stated that Su30MKI will have Uttam AESA & there are reports that last few batches of Tejas MK1A will also have Uttam MMR..So will Meteor be now integrated with Su30 & Lca?..If not Meteor then will K77 ME be integrated?

    Thank You!


  2. hi prasun
    the NGARM seems to have a 2 sensors for homing passive and active. in what mode does the active radar work ? is it an imaging type of radar that images the radiating antenn a?
    how does it differ from the lates arm-88NG from the US italy .
    how mature are we in miniaturising the homing antenna nd its associated electronics . what advantage would it have over the inservice kh-31p? do we have any other anti radiation misisles? does it need the siva pod for cueing ?
    how good is the pakistani MARS ARM?
    can ARM target present day pesa , aesa radars?
    when will it be inducted?

  3. Prasunda

    This is what is being done...while India does SSLV & HSDTV & LTA....

  4. so many testings going on, slow but good progress. Can this be used against airborne targets like AEW & CS platforms?

  5. @Prasunda
    Extremely worrying that Islamic Pakistan is proceeding to acquire a credible sea based nuclear deterrent against us. The Islamic Pakistan and Han combine to overstretch and weigh us down is a mortal threat to the sustenance of a sovereign Hindustan as seen with PoK and Ladakh. Understandably, India possesses no deterrence to Pakistani sub-conventional warfare too.

    Ideally, we ought to have nuked the hell out of Pakistan or destroyed all Pakistani nuclear assets long back. That would have dropped any pretense and got us to face and challenge our real adversary- China much more confidently than we ever have.

    Unfortunately, even if we go onto become a 50 TN USD economy, neutralizing the nuclear collusive threat will still be an insurmountable challenge. I personally do not believe that the Western powers are intent on denuclearizing Pakistan. The West and Islam are more than just brothers in the fight against Paganism, and it is this thread that binds them together no matter temporary geopolitical setbacks and manouevres.

    Also, when was it decided for us to procure TNWs? If we develop TNWs, I am afraid more than a deterrent it serves to legitimize the usage of TNWs while assuring no wholesale destruction of Pakistan in return for usage of TNWs against frontline Indian military infrastructure.


  6. Hello Prasun,
    The learned general Panag is back with narrative (my understanding) that Indian generals and its army does not have the wherewithal to manage Hans army, so the current dispensation should agree to the so called 1959 border and start scratching their marbles in repentance. ( The irony is this is coming from a general with knowledge and experience in the field.
    In fact, now I understand why India is considered weak, incompetent and cowards not having the stomach to take risks by its enemies. According to me, this is solely due to the indecision, the perceived high morality, not utilizing the opportunity available and thinking that everybody will appreciate its foolishness as following the dharm yudh (balls to these).
    If freeing up of the resources is used for cutting the land connection between Hans and Sunni countries; it can be considered as tactical and brilliant, leading to writing off of the BRI investments in that region.
    Personally, I believe, apart from grandstanding, we are good for nothing. Dharm yudh is for enemies who follow it totally, not for people who follow 36 stratagems.
    The portrayal of Indian armed forces as eunachs incapable of doing anything worthwhile is still being portrayed by the presstitutes. For health and progress, I will stop reading the Indian presstitutes garbage henceforth.
    Your thoughts and take on the narrative presented by the learned general.
    Thanks, Ganesh

  7. Dear Prasun,

    1. How is the Tejas mk1A project going on? How much are you optimistic about it?

    2. The mischief by the HAL employee may create problem for IAF. Do you think so?

    3. How do you rate the anti radiation missile developed by drdo? Is it upto the satisfactory level of IAF?

    4. If you don't mind, I have a personal question. Do you still have business in MRO in India and outside?

  8. Prasunda, DRDO is carrying out a flurry of missile tests for the last few months. Any reason why they are carrying out all these tests one after the other. Can't recall any other year when so many missile tests were carried out at such close intervals.

    Is GoI trying to send a message to China amid the standoff?


  9. To MOHAN: 1 & 2) That will happen during the mid-life upgrade of the MiG-29UPG later this decade. Why should RD-33MKs be sought when the RD33-3-s are already there? The latest variant of the R-77 available then or even the Astra-1 BVRAAM will be possible options. 3) Tejas Mk.1As are due to start rolling out from HAL from 2026 with EL/M-2052 AESA-MMRs, meaning the Uttam AESA-MMR will be available for use only in the following decade (what the IAF refers to as the ‘medium-term’). And by then, we all can expect the SFDR-powered Astra-2 BVRAAM to be available & hence the Meteor BVRAAM won’t be reqd then.

    To RAD: Have added additional slides & explanations above that answer your queries.

    To DASHU: It does seem so. For targetting the AEW & CS platforms, longer-range missiles are reqd. like the one that forms part of the S-400 LR-SAM & the projected XR-SAM.

    To ASHISH: Usage of all kinds of nuclear WMDs is authorised by international law for as long as the explosions are inside the territory of the country that launches such weapons as first-strike, second-strike or even third-strike weapons.

    To GANESH: LoLz! Everyone is entitled to their respective opinions & I can only state that while the retired Lt Gen is well-grounded on matters military, he isn’t on matters of a geopolitical nature, as I had explained in the previous thread. My assessments are all common-sensical & are derived through logical reasoning & hence they reflect objective ground realities and not emotions or sentiments. The reply immediately below will provide further insight.

    To KAUSTAV: Wet-leasing of combat-support platforms like MRTTs during peacetime is fine, but not in wartime since the insurance premiums will go through the roof. But what can be leased is training time on board various types of simulators. For instance, the IAF can sell all its existing flight/full-mission/maintenance simulators for various aircraft to one entity that in turn will charge the end-users only per hour of utilised time on such simulators, while being responsible for their maintenance & upkeep, i.e. something like HAL’s HATSOFF facility for training ALH cre-members.

    To SANGOS: As I had explained before, all those PPs fall within India-claimed territory & not within India-controlled territory. Consequently, what was not held & secured 24/7 before May 2020 by the IA & ITBP is now gone/lost forever.

  10. To SRINAVASA NANDURI: VMT. As I see it, the problems & insecurities within India’s ruling elite stem from their thought processes’ erroneous methodologies, which have been well-explained here:

    Take, for instance, the Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar’s insistence that China must recognise India’s equivalence, when the world’s history is witness to the fact that countries enjoying geographic contiguity have never enjoyed any form of equivalence & instead there have only been strong & weak countries. And so far, only the late Pandit Nehru had privately acknowledged in 1958 & publicly acknowledged in 1962 that Communist China spoke with a forked tongue, was totally deceptive & untrustworthy. I at least respect him for admitting that, whereas all other subsequent PMs of India have not uttered a word to this effect. On the other hand, the writing on the wall post-1962 has been that:

    1) China respects only strength, as proven by events in 1967, 1986/1987, 2015 & 2017.

    2) China’s revisionist nationalist narrative (purely for domestic exploitation of sentiments) portrays all its immediate neighbours as being unjust to China over the past 300 years & consequently Communist China is fully justified in seeking revenge in modern times.

    3) Communist China’s totalitarian, one-party rule & its subsequent national security state framework will perpetually be at odds with any democratic, all-inclusive, pluralistic welfare state on almost all policy-related matters as well as global/regional outlook.

    4) Communist China, due to its self-imposed perceived exploitation at the hands of the colonial powers, will seek revenge by subverting the rules-based global order, for instance, by violating the letter & spirit of the WTO regulations.

    5) As a totalitarian state, it will also exist as a surveillance state in which spending on internal security will always exceed spending on external security/defence.

    6) ) As a totalitarian one-party ruled state, it will always seek to subvert those of its immediate neighbours that have multi-party democracies because of its belief that the virus of such democracies, if it permeates within Communist China, will lead to the downfall of the ruling Communist Party of China.

    7) The utmost national priority of every citizen of Communist China must therefore be to ensure regime survival, i.e. one-party rule’s perpetuation. This was always publicised by President Xi Jinping after he came to power in 2013 & he always encouraged the CPC cadre to draw lessons from the break-up of the USSR.

    Only after all of the above are acknowledged & digested will it be possible for any Indian leadership to formulate a China-specific grand strategy & devise ways of both engaging with i8t while simultaneously helping contain it. And for starters, India must go all out to ensure that the annual bilateral trade deficits with China are eliminated, followed by India inking a free trade agreement with Taiwan. For, nothing hurts Communist more than loss of face & loss of financial incomes.

  11. To ASD: 1) By last August, HAL’s Aircraft Research & Design Centre (ARDC) as the lead design authority had completed the structural design of the Tejas Mk.1A. The provisional set of drawings has also since been released for inspection & approval by IAF HQ & CEMILAC. These include those for new airframe-mounted panels to reduce the DI (daily inspection) time. In addition, a new concept called panel-in-panel (derived from the Rafale’s design) will be incorporated to increase the visibility of the components during DI time. Additional systems design activities are currently underway, like cockpit configuration & environment control system (ECS). By February 2021, all the selected imported hardware will start arriving for systems integration. By then, the final systems design is also expected to be completed. This will be followed by series of rig tests of all individual pieces of hardware (like the Unified Electronic Warfare Suite or UEWS, Digital Moving Map Display with 2-D maps & 3-D perspective view, provision for Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System/IRNSS-based navigation positioning system, GAGAN or GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation and SBAS or Satellite-based Augmentation System) to ensure compatibility with the ECS, electrical power supplies, MIL-STD-1553B & MIL-STD-1760 databus interfaces, and EMI-shielding. Up to 200 flight tests to be conducted by two LSP-series platforms from mid-2022. Final operational configuration of Tejas Mk.1A will be ready by late 2023. Metal-cutting is expected to commence one year after contract signature (of 73 single-seaters & 10 tandem-seaters) and first flight of the first SP-series Tejas Mk.1A (SP-41) is expected during the last quarter of 2023. 2) Don’t fall victim to conspiracy theories.

    3) How can I rate it when it is still in the midst of its developmental phase? 4) Yes, but within India it is MRO of an ‘intellectual’ kind, i.e. re-installing the operational software (OS) packages of sound common-sense & logical reasoning on the minds of several decision-makers in various fields, who have been devoid of such OS for far too long. For instance, has anything been done to ensure that the ECS design for the EL/M-2052 AESA-MMR will also be applicable to the Uttam AESA-MMR, or will the latter require an all-new design ECS? Is it even possible to dream about installing Uttam AESA-MMR (whose design is optimised for installation on-board MRCAs with far less nose-section diameter than that of the Su-30MKI) on the Su-30MKI, considering that the entire existing RLSU-30 PESA-MMR of the Su-30MKI weighs much more & occupies far greater internal volume? Won’t a lighter AESA-MMR on the Su-30MKI affect its centre-of-gravity calculation & won’t this therefore affect the Su-30MKI’s existing unstable fly-by-wire flight-control logic, whose source-codes have not been shared by Russia with India? Will the Super Su-30MKIs will have to wait until the next decade to get the fully-functional AESA-MMR? Why is the DRDO developing IRST sensors only for Su-30MKI (as revealed in the MoD’s Make-in-India’ website) when such sensors are also required for the MWF as well as for ground-based/warship-based air-defence fire-control systems? Why can’t the hundreds of GsH-30 30mm six-barrelled cannons now removed from the decommissioned MiG-23BNs & MiG-27Ms be used as turret-mounted high-velocity cannons on board air-mobile LAMVs (which will also have mast-raisable COMPASS optronic target acquisition turrets like the ones on NAMICA) for mountain/high-altitude plateau warfare?


    Indeed a most fascinating documentary on MBT development philosophy in Germany. Particularly noteworthy is that:

    1) Gen Heinz Guderian had determined by the mid-1930s itself different types of armoured vehicles (medium MBTs, heavy MBTs & APCs) will be reqd for different types of operational scenarios.

    2) Germany had by 1943 itself had developed a 188-tonne MBT powered by a 1,200hp engine & carrying a 128mm cannon. This means between then & now, only 300hp extra has been added to MBT powerpacks, while cannon barrel diameter has increased only by an extra 12mm.

    3) Germany had in the 1940s developed anti-tank projectiles with Tungsten core.

    4) Just like Guderian had planned for, this time it is Russia & not Germany that is leading the development of a family of futuristic armoured vehicles like heavy MBTs, heavy MBT support vehicles, medium tracked ICVs & medium wheeled 8 x 8 APCs. And all these will manoeuvre & fight in concert with networked attack helicopters & battlefield tactical UAVs.

  13. The ultimate insult to China in India:

    Photographs of posters outside the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in New Delhi, India wishing Taiwan a Happy National Day (Double Ten Day):

    Singh is always King, I guess!

  14. To ASD: Here's more evidence about the "Naalaayokon, Nikkammon aur Paagalon ka Tola":,February%2C%20awaiting%20shipment%20to%20India.

    Money is available for the RM & the Defence Secretary's visits to Moscow for viewing parades etc etc, but not for IA officers to undertake pre-delivery inspections for 30mm ammo for BMP-2 ICVs!!!

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Not quite, because these were all pre-planned but had to be postponed due to the pandemic-related lockdowns. ISRO too is gearing up to launch the remaining RISAT family of SAR sensor-equipped overhead recce satellites. Here's some data on them:

    TechSAR/RISAT-2/Polaris-A operates at a center frequency of 9.59 GHz (3.1 cm wavelength) with a revisit period of 3 or 4 days and a repeat cycle of 14 days, the look angle can vary from 20-45º and the instrument is capable of acquiring data from both left and right look directions of the subsatellite track. The instrument consists of five major sub-systems:

    - RSC (Radar Signaling and Control) system
    - MTT (Multi-Tube Transmitter)
    - Deployable paraboloid mesh antenna with electronic beam steering
    - OBR (Onboard Recorder) of 256 Gbit capacity
    - DLTU (Data-Link Transmission Unit).

    The payload modules are separated from the bus so that only cables and wires connect the two. The payload modules occupy a section close to the antenna. The OBR and DLTU components are part of the bus modules. The MTT is composed of 10 RF TWT amplifiers referred to as CTWTA (Channeled Traveling Wave Tube Amplifier). Only 8 CTWTAs (out of 10) are being used during an imaging phase; the other two are kept as cold redundancy. The MTT arrangement supports graceful degradation even if only seven of the ten CTWTAs remain in working order. The reflected signal passes through the feeder to a Front End (FE) that contains circulator and LNA (Low Noise Amplifier). A fast electronic switch at the receiver input selects the power coming from one out of the eight FEs. This power is amplified and sampled by a fast A/D (Analog/Digital) converter. The sampled data passes through a 6 to 3 bit per sample BFPQ (Block Floating Point Quantization) compression algorithm. The source data is then recorded onto the OBR (Onboard Recorder). In the system design, a derivative of the BFPQ algorithm is used, namely MBFPQ (Modified Block Floating Point Quantization). The MBFPQ algorithm exploits the fast CPU computing power of the payload (80486DX2 CPU) thus avoiding the need to assume a Gaussian distribution of the data.

    Cont'd below...

  15. All electronics and RF devices (MTT and RSC) of the payload are part of the hexagonal container. The radiating element is the parabolic antenna, a deployable umbrella reflector, with a rigid CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic) central dish and a set of knitted mesh gores stretched by skeleton ribs. The ribs lie on the surface of a parent paraboloid where each gore surface has a paraboloid cylinder contour. A high paraboloid reflector surface accuracy is achieved by ribs position adjustment after mesh gores mounting. The antenna measurement technique was verified using the method of stereo photogrammetry. The entire reflector mesh has a mass of < 0.5kg. High peak power dictates the overall mission power requirements. TecSAR needs 1.6 kW of power during imaging and the bus is designed to give 750 W (EOL). The multi-mode payload employs electronic beam steering, which can be operated in various observation modes including various polarization combinations (optional): HH, HV, VH, VV.

    Stripmap mode: the synthetic apertures are targeted on wide geographical swaths. The spacecraft performs synchronous imaging and does not change its orientation during observations except for some small maneuver due to the need to keep the imaging strip parallel to the ground track. Squinted strip imaging is possible.

    Wide coverage ScanSAR. The coverage of large strips is achieved by electronic beam steering. Three beams are used in the nominal wide coverage mode which create three footprints (subswaths) in the target area. The ground resolution in this mode is decreasing since the integration time is split up among the subswaths. The swath width can be increased by using more antenna beams. In principle the swath width may get to more than 100 km for some incidence angles. However, this reduces the ground resolution to about 20 m.

    Spotlight mode: this focuses on a specific, pre-assigned target. In spotlight, the spacecraft performs mechanical steering to halt the antenna footprint in a specific target area. The longer integration time over the spot target area yields an improved azimuth resolution. The range resolution is achieved in adjusting the bandwidth to the incidence angle. The TecSAR ability for spotlight imaging in squint allows for multi-look imaging without any loss in resolution. To obtain a multi-look image of a given target area, a number of spotlight images are being observed, each at a different squint angle.

    Mosaic mode: the radar imager slews its focus on a number of spots in the same general target area. The mosaic mode enables to extend the limited coverage of the spot mode by using the electronic steering capability of XSAR. In mosaic mode the radar beam scans in the range direction while the mechanical maneuvering advances the strip line in the azimuth direction. Hence, this mode may also be interpreted as the spot version of ScanSAR.
    Operation mode Resolution
    Wide coverage ScanSAR mode 8 metres
    Stripmap mode 3 metres
    Super stripmap (mosaic) mode 1.8 metres
    Spotlight mode < 1 metre

  16. Hi Prasun

    1> can you give us a geo-political read on what is happening in europe and middle east, specifically with regards to why except france , every other nation led by germany is turning a blind eye to turkey. 1st turkey bullied greece and there was no substantial reaction from europe (except france). now the azerbaijan conflict- again no action on turkey, there was no action on turkey when it interfered in libya and it pretty much owns northern syria. why are the world powers letting turkey get away with murder and helping it cement its ottoman empire dream.

  17. hi prasun

    2> you had earlier posted that PN will be developing a VLF and OTH-R and a storage facility in Omara naval base for (i presume nuclear tipped cruise missile). where is the money for all this coming from? i assume VLF site and OTH radar are not cheap, is CCP paying for all this? i ask this because 8 ssk+ 4 type 54 frigates are also coming + 4 damion OPV+ 4 tukish corvettes. all this is substantial capital outlay on just the navy with a defence budget of just 10 billion USD.
    3> you had also said that PLA wants to defer a conflict with india for 3 years? may i know what qualitative edge will PLA gain in 3 years that they do not have now?

  18. @Prasunda

    This is a very informative thread.

    1. By when can we expect IA version of the ARM to be deployed?
    2. Sometime back there was buzz around a Brahmos AWACS killer with a range of 400-500KM. Any news on that? Supposing it gets built could we proceed to build a VL version of it as the eventual XR-SAM?
    3. Besides overhead SAR recce sats, how do we intend to implement the ballistic missile early warning sat system?


  19. Dear Prasun,

    Thank you very much for your response. I feel privileged when you tag me for a response for "Naalaayokon, Nikkammon aur Paagalon ka Tola". I too went through the news and it made my head down.

    1. However, may I know that our beaurocrats crack one of the toughest exam and go through the challenging interview process. Then why are they devoid of commonsense? Where is the problem actually? What do you have that they lack? Is it like they intent to be corrupt or political process makes them corrupt? Please describe.

    2. Regarding yellow journalism, may I know what makes the journalists especially I have seen from NDTV etc. publish articles which are indefensible? Don't you think that they have the guts to corrupt their ethics and values? And they flaunt it confidently!!!! Is it what happening in the largest democratic country? What should government do to curb such malpractice so that the ethics and values of fourth pillar remains intact.

    3. Regarding CAA/NRC once you told in one of the earlier post in the form of a response that if exodus of Hindu happens in Bangladesh due to religiosity violence, then exodus of muslims may happen from Assam? Don't you think that in a secular and democratic country such sentiment can't be accepted?

    4. Once you criticize the Modi government regarding the way CAA was implemented. I want to know how it should have been implemented? Muslims were destroying the property worth crores and government was sitting silently. Especially Mamta Banerjee gave free hands to muslim radicals to destroy public property. How could have been the situation dealt with properly by the government?

    May you please enlighten?

  20. Hi Prasun ,

    1.Given that RUDRAM has scaled aksah-1 body with its own phylon , would it be possible to make a longer rage version of akash if sensors are replaced?

    2.what is the advantage that zircon like hypersonic cruise missiles provide over hypersonic vehicles like Kinzhal ? as far as target neutralization is concerned

  21. Thanx for your earlier smart replies. BTW I have seen that after 1962 the China as a ritual every yearly threatens India with the same sentence, that is "India should not play with fire". Fortunately if I had the switch I would have burnt the China completely for at least 50 times by now. Can you please explain why the China and its agencies reiterate this particular sentence on and off as a part of their so-called diplomacy.

  22. To HOODS007: 1) Germany hosts the biggest Turkish diaspora & hence cannot take a strong stance against Turkey. But Turkey, like Pakistan, is like Jelly & wobbles a lot & hence its economy has not been stable since the beginning of this decade. 2) The VLF facility is up & running in Turbat while the OTHR facility is coming up at Jiwani. Money as always is being extracted from Pakistan’s citizens through oppressive taxation. 3) I had already indicated that earlier to SUJOY MAJUMDAR, i.e. the PLAGF’s mechanisation process will be completed by then.

    To ASHISH: 1) In another 3 years. 2) That’s envisaged for the projected BrahMos-2NG that will be test-fired sometime in 2022. 3) By deploying DSP-type early warning satellites.

    To 3RD-EYE: 1) Not Akash-1, but Astra-1. The longer-range version will be Astra-2 with SFDR propulsion. Nor will increasing an ARM’s range will serve any effective purpose since the ARM’s performance is related to that of the direction-finding pod & hence if such a pod isn’t able to picvk-up & locate RF signals being emitted from locations hundreds of km away, then it makes no sense an ARM with a rang of several hundred km. 2) Kinzhal is an air-launched BSM incapable of undertaking any kind of manowuvres (for evading hostile air-defences) during flight, whereas the hypersonic cruise missile can undertake such manoeuvres.

    To BUDDHA: This is what I had written earlier this year WRT joint forces warfighting reqmts:

    Now the US Dept of Defense has released a document that details all that I had highlighted, plus a lot more:


  23. To ASD: Actually, not just 30mm cannon-rounds, but also 30mm grenades for AGS-30 AGLs are being imported. 1) They crack such exams by going to coaching classes & rote-learning. Hence, the thought-process never becomes analytic. 2) It is a systemic flaw with ALL TV channels of India, since there’s no time for the news/programme anchors to do the kind of research/homework that is reqd. 3) It should not be accepted, PROVIDED the citizenry is educated & conscious of its rights & obligations. But that isn’t the case in India & that’s why a spontaneous riot always degenerates into an organised pogrom because the ones that are attacked always seek revenge by retaliating, instead of relying on the criminal-justice system for delivering justice.

    4) Regretably you have made the WRONG ASSUMPTIONS by selectively choosing historical factoids. The last great migration of Muslims from Bangladesh took place in late 1992 & lasted till 2001 when there was no TMC in existence. In addition, it was the ‘Hindus’ that engaged in the worst pogrom against fellow ‘Hindus’ in WB, as evidenced by this presentation:

    Marichjhapi Massacre:

    Cont'd below...

  24. Both NRC & CAA was unveiled in the wrong manner & instead the UID system should have been perfected & everything else should have flowed out of it. In reality, however, since 1989 the Union MHA has steadily degenerated under successive central govts, either due to vote-bank politicking or sheer incompetency. For instance, the Rashtriya Rifles should have been raised with manpower recruitments from the CAPFs, which would have done away with the need for IA personnel & consequently regulations like AFSPA. Supreme Court-mandated Police Reforms & laws against hate-mongering should have been ushered in through parliamentary legislations. But successive central govts since late 1989 have been unable to forge national consensus on such critical issues, due to which both communal & caste-based violence remains rampant throughout the country. Every political party today without exception is practicing vote-bank politicking & this in turn has caused even more virulent mutations due to which we are now witnessing the convergence of ideologies of both religiosity-inspired groupings, as well as Communist urban anarchists (urban Maoists). This has its origins in Kerala & has since spread to Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra & ultimately UP, which led to the incitement of hatred & violence that everyone witnessed between December 19, 2019 & February 25, 2020 in Northeast Delhi. When the country’s law enforcement regulations state that no act of civil disobedience will be tolerated, it remains a mystery why the Union MHA allowed the sit-ins at Shaheen Baagh to continue when that rag-tag gathering should have been forcibly evicted within the first 6 hours of its coming into being. Perhaps this wasn;t done because India’s ‘netas still have not understood the difference between a PROTEST MOVEMENT (pradarshan) & CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT (andolan). The former is legally allowed but within the bounds of law, whereas the latter is an open act of rebellion against the law of the land. Even now all the organisers of such acts of civil disobedience are getting prime-time TV coverage. Perhaps this is because there are several within the ruling parties at Central & State levels who still wrongly equate Satyagraha (civil disobedience against an occupying foreign power) with political agitations (like staging Shaheen Baagh-type sit-ins or sits-ins on railway tracks despite the Supreme Court declaring them as illegal), because there are many even today who swear by the JP Andolan of the mid-1970s, which by law was an act of rebellion against the Republic of India. Hence, unless India’s ‘neta-classes’ are detoxified by making them understand the difference between a pradarshan/virodh & andolan, needless violence will continue to rock the country.

    In addition, subversive movements like the PFI (generally made up of ex-SIMI activists), masquerading as all-inclusive political entities, need to be banned. The PFI’s principal objectives are the same as that of the Middle East’s Muslim Brotherhood, i.e. pretend to be democratic, but in the long run aim for creating a Caliphate ruling by Sharia law. So, for the short- & medium-terms, the PFI has no qualms at all about striking opportunistic alliances between the atheist anarchists like the urban Maoists & other leftists. Here’s a primer on the PFI:

    Finally, just sit back & enjoy these:

    Brahma Kamal Blooms in Chamoli:

    PLAGF’s Mountain Cat ATV:

  25. Hi Prasun

    there is new trend these days in naval construction, that is to use aluminium to construct ship hulls and superstructure like the visby class. the pros being that the hull is lighter and easier to construct and cheap and the very big con that even a small fire will result in total hull loss as was seen in the fire onboard the indonesian stealth OPV a few years back. with Saab now offering a full frigate class ships based on visby (made of aluminium) do you think this is where future of naval construction lies and is it worth the risks? i mean sure small missile boats in 250 -500 ton can be constructed of aluminium to keep cost low but can frigate size ships?


    Any lessons for IAF and IA??

  27. Hi Prasun

    3> one more question: the three most widely used carbon fibre composites are T-300, T-800, T-1000. japan is the king in this with their toray T-1000 fibre. it was reported that china was already manufacturing T-800 since 2012. then in 2015 it was reported that it had made some kind of breakthrough in indigenous manufacturing of T-1000 composite level fibre. is India anywhere is this field. are we doing any kind of R&D in carbon fibre manufacturing or are we importing wholesale? if yes we are import CC fibres how is that sustainable when we plan to manufacture 200 + tejas 1,1a,mwf.

  28. hi prasun

    nice article on datalink in the force mag
    nice news about the risat electronincs.
    can an LAMV take the recoil of the massive 6 barrel rotary canon? how will you take care of the turret slewing mechanism?.

  29. Prasun,
    1) Can you please explain to me what happens if the mechanisation of the PLAGF is completed in 2024 and its effect in the scenario being played out right now!
    2)There are reports that the quality of the weapons and equipment being manufactured by the Chinese are not at all up to the mark. How far is it true?
    3) Will Modi and his ilk never learn their lessons?
    4) Is it true that this time the Australians will be part of the naval exercise being conducted with the US etc?
    5)Is BECA likely to be signed in the near future and what is its significance?

  30. Prasun,

    1- how much does rudram 1 weigh- comparable to AGM-88 HARM? since it boasts a dual pulse motor like the barak 8 is it a precursor to the astra mk2?
    2- looks like anything can be bought in US ---
    3- In your prev reply to my question on FATF blacklisting of pak.. why shud remittance matter in this decision? the Saudis can always hire US or european pvt security cos which wud have ex soldiers(even ex marines) for their security instead.. it is this very money that is being funneled for terror and keeps this machinery working. And isn't this the same model that is now beng used by turkey to keep key EU states like germany mum on its antics (exporting a large turkish diaspora out there and EU in general). infact the whole of middle east has been doing this .. n therefore you see problems in sweden, uk france, belgium and the likes. Model - export diaspora , then start claiming / imposing /threatening the local populace .. Wud like to add that pakis have been found to infiltrate the most .. last heard the EU/bosnia was scrutinizing the paki embassy role out there ...
    4- You had also mentioned in one of your prev threads on meteor that IAf wud be following the Japanese model to integrate meteors on Su 30's , tejas .. is that now off the table? what changed?

  31. Prasunda

    An academic query - Why does media publish these huge variation in stated ranges of K-15/Sagarika/Shaurya sometimes with or without payloads (strategic or otherwise)? Is accuracy of reporting not even to be attempted? Secrecy might be good but this kind of reporting makes the reporting agencies seem plain silly or just professionally lazy? Don't they respect readers?

  32. Prasunda

    Continuing on same lines actually & an interesting viewpoint, though not necessarily correct as it blames economic liberalisation for India's lag in R&D. I believe you could put some light

  33. Dear sir,

    1)Have the additional 8 Akash Squadrons For IAF and 2 additional Sqns for Indian Army contracted for and deliveries started? What is the timeline for their completion of delivery?

    2)What are he differences between LRCM,LRLACM,ITCM?

    Thank you


  34. To AMIT BISWAS: The only lesson to be learnt is that do not entrust such hardware into the hands of ill-trained militias who tend to misuse such hardware by keeping them in static locations for days, thereby under-exploiting their ground mobility features.

    To HOODS007: For any combatant platform be it land-based or sea-based, aluminium structures are an absolute NO-GO. However, for Coast Guard vessels, it is possible to make use of aluminium. As for composites-based raw materials, yes, they continue to be imported wholescale by India till this day. Only the co-curing processes are done in Indian autoclaves.

    To RAD: The GsH-30 being massive? How the hell then can it be installed on MiG-27M & MiG-23BN airframes? There are several soft-mount & shock absorber solutions available even commercially & hence mounting them on 4 x 4 heavy-duty LAMVs won’t pose any problems either structurally or mechanically.

    Interstellar Spaceships Viewed by Telescope from Earth:

    US Space Force:

    To THE INDIAN: 1) All the soft-skinned armoured vehicles now being used by the PLAGF’s motorised formations will be replaced by 8 x 8 APCs, assault vehicles as well has tracked ICVs & heavy MBTs like the ZTZ-99A/B & they will be accompanied by both 122mm & 155mm MGS. 2) Yes, it is true, since they are not meant to be long-lasting on the battlefield. That’s why everytime China-made armoured vehicles of all types have competed against their Russia-made counterparts for export contracts in the Middle East, the latter has always emerged as the winner. 3) They will, but the hard way. 4) Yes. 5) Yes. It will enable the operationalization of algorithmic alliances & operations, like a USN P-8A Poseidon patrolling in the South China Sea sharing its situational awareness data with P-8Is of the IN & P-8As of the RAAF flying over the Andaman Sea & Indian Ocean.

    NORINCO’s 8 x 8 Assault Vehicles & ICVs:

    To JUST CURIOUS: 1) Rudram-1 weighs close to 600kg while AGM-88A HARM weighs 355kg. 3) The preference is always for cheap expendable Muslim labour of the type not available from Europe or anywhere else. 4) That is still being discussed, because what happens there will also impact the Astra-2 project.

    This Chap Has Gone 100% SENILE:

    PA Continues to Heat Up the WB in Chicken’s Neck area:

    While the IA Continues Causing Heavy Attrition Losses in PoK:

    Only 20 Temples Left inside Pakistan::

    Debates on Declining Freedoms inside Pakistan:

  35. To KAUSTAV: To expect ‘accuracy’ in reporting from the ‘desi patrakaars’ is too high a demand. So, hopefully starting with REPUBLIC WORLD, the rest of the channels too will meet their Waterloo in the not-too-distant future. India’s lag in R & D is purely due to regressive mindsets, not has nothing to do with the state of the economy. And talking about R & D, it seems the Firangis have well & truly done some serious studies of ancient Indian texts to have now come up with the following after mastering the Quantum Physics & Quantum Mechanics behind such possibilities (of travelling at speeds 200 times faster than the speed of light):

    ARV Fluxliner:

    In India on the other hand, all eggs are put into the baskets of Aastha & Vishwas.

    To INDRA: 1) Yes. Deliveries will be completed in 5 years. 2) LRCM was just a conceptual study, whereas LRLACM & ITCM are versions of the Nirbhay TD that will be optimised for warship-launch, submarine-launch & air-launch. Only an IDIOT will develop ground-based TELs for such missiles.

    Air-Mobile Gunners of IA:

    Seminar on Air & Missile Defence:

  36. Prasunda

    Thanks, as usual. But it's sad, this lack of spirit of scientific enquiry & sustained effort in us Indians which prevents us from being true professionals with a passion for our respective domains.

    The technology jump that humanity needs in general seems to be upon us with selective leaks by the US indicating as much. It's so sad that over 70 years of being able to invest in & do the same kind of research, inspite of lip service by various governments, we have not been able to make any breakthroughs or even set up the proper foundations for advanced scientific research, instead only re-inventing the wheel. I guess, the people we consider our very advanced ancestors would have probably labelled us as retarded apes, given our penchant for only poor copies

  37. "All the soft-skinned armoured vehicles now being used by the PLAGF’s motorised formations will be replaced by 8 x 8 APCs, assault vehicles as well has tracked ICVs & heavy MBTs like the ZTZ-99A/B & they will be accompanied by both 122mm & 155mm MGS." Now, if everyone knows about this surely the Indian side can't be dumb enough to sit and allow an 'intermission' like the movies used to so PRC can build up its capabilities. To date India barely pays any attention to high speed mobility and mechanisation other than paying some form of lip service and endless trials that never come to any fruition. All this talks about China facing the world's wrath and disintegrating seems to be vaporising every day. Even uncle Kim is now taking advantage.

  38. Dear sir,

    Recently a young scientist from BARC working on rare earth materials went missing. Apparently local police found the reason to be workload stress and migraine. He was working for BARC for the past 1 year
    This is not the first time it is happening, scientists involved in important projects from ISRO & BARC have been disappearing every year (either dead or missing) due to silly reasons.
    I hope their work load is not that much that they're getting migraine or stress over short work schedule.
    Two years back one scientist from ISRO jumped in front of a running train due to heavy stomach pain.
    Homy J Baba to current scientist from our government agencies are missing regularly. Is this some kind of careless attitude from our government towards these scientist safety and welfare or something happening all along that public/government don't understand.
    I hape everyone remember Namby from ISRO who is also framed wrongly.
    If you happen to have any info regard this kindly share with us.

  39. Prasun,
    1- Nirbhay fails again!!! jinxed??? flawed design , incorrect execution(mfg issues) what's it this time? also how does it impact plans .. more imports of kalibirs/tomahawk?
    2- any reasons for Rudram-1 to weigh double than HARM ? double the range ? or the seeker unit is not sophisticated enuff? kh 31 also weighs as much as rudram

  40. Dear Prasun,

    1)Is barak 8 MRSAM operational with IAF?

    2)How many sqns are operational?

    3)Some Reports say Indian Army will also get Barak-8 MRSAM with 5 Regiments starting 2023 is it true?

    4)What are the differences between Akash Mk1S,AkashMK2 and Akash NG?

    5)How is Nirbhay deployed in limited nos in Ladakh when it is not in service?

    6)Has the Air force deployed its Brahmos 1 Block 3 missiles in Ladakh?

    7)Can Sukhoi su-30 launched Brahmos be used for Land Attack in Ladakh?

    8)If not Brahmos A then what has the IAF got for deep-strike in TAR and Xinjiang?

    9)Will the IAF have to in case of Hostilites first Disperse and face the brunt of PLARF on its AIRBASES and then Regroup and Retaliate against enemy territory bu for that will have to take out PLA SAM Network for any deep strike or even tactical interdiction mission?

    10)What is the difference b/w Close Air Support and Tactical Air Interdiction?

    Thank you


  41. To KAUSTAV: This can only be described as being the ULTIMATE ANTI-CLIMAX: In the August 2018 edition of the DRDO’s Defence Science Journal, an Azerbaijani technical paper was published that dealt with target acquisition/recognition/lock-on challenges over mountainous terrain:

    So, to all those who are monitoring the on-going Armenia-Azerbaijan military clashes, this presentation will be an eye-opener (especially for those who have eyes & yet who do not see).

    To MILLARD KEYES: I hate to surprise you, but the hard reality is that in some very critical cases the IA & ITBP have proven to be the dumbest of the dumb. Take for example the case of extreme cold clothing, in which only India has the requisite mass of data-points available simply because no one else deploys in such forbidding heights. And yet, neither the IA nor the ITBP has since April 1984 been able to galvanise Indian industries to come up with tailor-made solutions for both habitat & clothing, leave alone armaments & combat-support hardware like communications systems.

    To MANIVANNAN SERMAIYA: Regretably, scientists are like that & often go through phases of depression & unless adequate psychiatric counselling is available, such disasters do take place.

  42. To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Nothing like that at all. It is always to be expected that some flaw or the other will showe up. Liftoff was a success, stage-1 separation of the solid-rocket booster was a success, turbofan ignition was a success & only on the 8th minute of flight was a flaw discovered & it was most likely fuel-flow control system-related. It will be rectified quickly & one can expect another test-firing with the ‘desi’ STFE within 90 days, rest assured. 2) Because of the incorporation of wideband seeker & extra solid-fuel for increased range.

    To INDRA: 1) Yes, in Pune & J & K UT. 2) Two. 3) Yes, but after the service-induction of Akash-1S E-SHORADS. 4) Had already explained that several times before in threads dealing with both Astra-1 BVRAAM & ‘desi’ seekers. 5 & 6) Simple answer is: it is not deployed. Only BrahMos-1 of the IAF is deployed. 7) Yes. But not all Su-30MKIs have been modified for carrying BrahMos-1. Only two such aircraft exist at the moment. 8) SCALP-EG air-launched LACMs. 9) Both. 10) CAS also means battlefield air-interdiction, meaning lending immediate fire-support from the air as per the requirements of the IA. Tactical air-interdiction targets the logistics & supply-lines of the adversary in order to slow down & even paralyse the adversary’s ground offensives/campaigns.

  43. And here are the locations of conventional warhead storage facilities in Qinghai of the PLA's Western Theatre Command, where warheads meant for ballistic & cruise missile are kept:

    For descriptions of such warheads, kindly read this:

    Description of slotted-array IMR antenna for BrahMos-1/BrahMos-A & Nirbhay LRLACM:

    Path-Planning of Anti-ship Missile by China-based Researchers:

  44. Analysis of PA COAS’ Speech at PMA Kakul, Abbottabad:

    Pakistan To Lease 2 Sindhi-owned Islands to China:

    Making of PLAGF's ZTQ-105 Light Tank:

    PLAGF's Mountain Cat ATV Family:

    Helicopter Combat in Syria:

    Rohingyas in India:

  45. Sir,
    Is it possible everything is happening on LAC is only to distrub our focus from LOC to get some time to get clear passage for their plans.


  46. @Prasun da


    as per this if China serious about 1959 claim line it will have to give up around 4000 sq. kms of area meaning entire depang plain/platueu will have to be vacated by China, do you see that happening?


    looks like some one has really heard you may be now me may see home made clothing

    3. you talked about the need to use 6 barrel guns retrieved from decommissioned Mig 23/27 on a 4x4 as, you once said you were working on it any progress, but what will it be used for - fire support or defense?

    4. truck mounted AK 630 (saw in your one previous thread) wiill it see series production?

    5. in one of your recent thread you said something about a land launched rocket can be optimsed for air launch, which was it?

    6. LPD tender cancel, why again?


    Joydeep Ghosh

  47. Prasunda,

    1) Each time the Nirbhay develops a problem, news reports say that the next test would be done in the next 3 months or so. The next test, however, takes over a year. Would it be different this time ?

    2) The Azeris seem to have taken out a lot of armenian assets with drones, including S-300 related assets and pantsirs. Were the AD assets knocked out by Turkish TB2s or Israeli Harops ?

    3) Do our armed forces have adequate defence against such UAV strikes by PLA (possibly also PA/PAF)?

    4) Will we also see some strategic missile tests before the end of the calendar year, now that DRDO seems back in action ?

    5) When will the NGARM be inducted in service ?


  48. PrasunDa,

    (1) Apart from the Su 30 MKI which other IAF aircraft will carry the RUDRAM-1?

    (2) You wrote that Firangis have done some serious studies of ancient Indian texts in order to master the Quantum Physics & Quantum Mechanics behind such possibilities (of travelling at speeds 200 times faster than the speed of light).

    Will you plese state which ancient Indian texts are you referring to?

    Thank You

  49. @Prasun Da

    When can we expect the DSP type SATs to go up?


  50. To UNKNOWN/JOHN: Isn’t it obvious? Especially after I had explained it quite a few times before in recent days?

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Baloney, balderdash & bullshit. If China was & is serious, then why did it not continue negotiating back then & why did it capture more territory in 1962 than what it had claimed back in 1959. Some of these Indian commentators are really residing in cuckooland! Back in 1959 China had made the ridiculous claim that just because Tibetans used to go to Hot Springs for taking medicinal baths, consequently that area belonged to China! That’s like saying if one goes to see & walk over the Great Wall of China, then that structure belongs to his/her country forever!!! 3) Direct fire-support for airmobile forces like the 50 Parachute Brigade, since such LAMVs can be para-dropped. 4) Yes, PROVIDED it is engineered optimally for ensuring rapid deployment by land, sea & air. 5) Pinaka rocket. 6) Because of non-application of sound common-sense. No self-respecting country that is building a 39,500-tonne aircraft carrier will even dream about building LPDs of imported design.

    To SATYAKI: 1) This time it will be 90 days, rest assured. 2) Any PGM can take out such ground-based weapons SIMPLY BECAUSE no battlefield EW systems like passive surveillance systems & broadband jammers are in use. If such systems were to be put to use, no losses due to attack-drones would have been possible. 3) Yes, the Samyukta & Him Shakti battlefield EW network. 4) Perhaps that of the the K-4/B-05 SLBM. I hope it is as short & fat as the SLBMs shown recently by North Korea. 5) By next year, since its broadband passive seeker & W-band MMW seeker both have demonstrated flawless performance thus far.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) As I had explained before, any weapons can be integrated with a combat aircraft whose weapons management computer, mission computer & unified EW suite source-codes are available to the IAF. So, for starters, the Su-30MKI, Tejas Mk.1 & Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 & later the Rafale & upgraded Mirage-2000Ns will be able to fire NG-ARM/Rudram-1. But there are more versions of the Rudram in the offing, as shown by the last slide I have uploaded above. 2) Apart from Vimanikashastra, there are a few others whose names have not yet been released by China. But someone at Kolkata’s Asiatic Library will know the names.

    Worsening Situation inside Gilgit & Hunza:

  51. To ASHISH: I don’t know, since ISRO does not have any ongoing R & D effort aimed at developing such satellites. Perhaps that is why India needs to sign the BECA so that through the auspices of the 10-Eyes multinational intelligence dessimination alliance India can receive BMD-related early warning data. After all, India also has high-altitude sensors located in Ladakh that gather data on China’s BM test-firings whenever they are fired from China’s east coast all the way to Lop Nur & such data has always been shared with friendly countries, including the US. That is why there is far more to BECA than is being explained here:

    In any case, during the 1962 Sino-Indian war, the Us had officially stated to India that it will always remain a “silent but steadfast partner of India”. And that’s why the US then had even agreed to help India acquire the nuclear deterrent back then itself. Since then, the US has allowed a steady stream of DRDO personnel to be trained at various US-based academic institutions & laboratories on diverse disciplines. And that’s precisely why all the weapons being developed by the DRDO since the mid-1980s have all relied on NATO’s STANAG standards for product validation/certification.

    To RAD: SFF (Establishment-22) 5 VIKAS Regiment:

    Invincible Resolve of PAF (video of OP Swift Retort):

    PAF’s Bombastic Claims:

    DPRK Weapons Parade-2020:

    PLAGF Scout-Recce Vehicle:

    PLAN Airborne Emergency:

    Japan’s Underground Fortress:

    To RAJESH MISHRA: Elementary application of sound common-sense should have ensured that TANISHQ came up with 2 separate Ads, one showing a Hindu bride & Muslim bridegroom & the other showing a Muslim bride & Hindu bridegroom. That would have satisfied everybody. But no, application of sound common-sense continues to elude even the domain of creativity!

    Tanishq Ad:

  52. Three suggestions sir,

    1) Emergency purchase of 6 Netra AWACS possible?
    2) Send Air India planes to IAI Bedek and convert them to refueling tankers?
    3) MEA don't recognize Tibet as China... when will this one happen?

  53. Since India refused to believe what China has been saying since 2009, China yesterday once again repeated that Ladakh is not a part of India: Zhao Lijian, spokesman for China's Foreign Ministry, asked to react to the series of bridges inaugurated in India, including eight in Ladakh and eight in Arunachal Pradesh, said yesterday: "First I want to make it clear that China does not recognise the Ladakh Union Territory illegally set up by the Indian side and Arunachal Pradesh. We stand against the development of infrastructure facilities aimed at military contention along the border area."

    So, the so-called 1959 & 1960 talks on boundary settlement were all bullshit & don't matter any more. Now give it a few more days or even weeks to sink in within the all-knowing Mandarins of the Indian MEA's China Study Group. Judging by this programme, only retired Generals seem to grasped the i8mplications of what China stated yesterday:

    Sound common-sense & logical reasoning now dictate that India should have stated last night itself that India too does not recognise that it has any borders with China, since at the time of independence, India had borders only with Tibet to the north. Option-2 would have been for India to state: Too bad, but you will just have to live with an India-controlled Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh & get used to it. Option 3 is to immediately send India's Union Minister of Commerce to Taiwan to begin talks on a Free Trade Agreement with Taiwan.

    In addition, senile ex-IFS Officers like G Parthasarathy should be told that Vietnam NEVER asked India to export any version of the BrahMos-1 missile since Vietnam in 2014 had already acquired the Bastion coastal defence system using the Moskit missiles. In addition, the so-called Delhi-based academicians appearing on such talk-shows need to be told that the term 'Chinese' is too generic & can easily be misinterpreted as referring to the Chinese residing in Southeast Asia, Taiwan & elsewhere. Instead, the term 'Communist China' should be used whenever referring to Mainland China or the PRC. Similarly, the term 'bully' should not be used at all, since referring to the PRC as a bully also means that there is a party that is being bullied (India), meaning India is inferior to China. Such finer details should be taken note of when setting out India's narratives.

  54. hiprasun
    what is so special about the nav algorythm the chinks are doing ? is it in pubic domain ? any idea that our people are also using the same.
    how would you rate the NGARM to the AGM 88 harm? . HAs it got more advantages as the ngarm is a later development ?
    how do they compare the kh-31 . Is the kh 31 accurate enough?. do we have the other western ARM?
    why is the gov being so coy in anouncing that they do not accept tibet a part of china eventhough we have accepted in the past , the same to taiwan? the world is waiting for some one to say that so that thye can also follow suit. T
    why the sudden largess to male?
    the islands sold to china by pak is gong to be turned into a base?
    in case of war with pak can we target chinese bases ? will we?.
    is there any further development on the truck based ak -630?

  55. if commie china is a tree, then just like pakis, one of it's fundamental problems with India, is what it finds at it's roots:

    came across the above as a youtube suggestion while watching this:

  56. @prasun da

    , if pinaka is delivered from air my guess it will reach same 40 kms distance or more

    2. which jes will carry this if ever developed,
    a if sed used tejas mk1/jaguar the jet will become lethal, mig 29/K, Su30, mirage will they carry?
    b. if used with p8i it could evolve into anti ship platform as well

    3. it will be good if you do a thread covering air delivered pinaka, truck mounted ak 630 and 4 wheel mounted 6 barrel gun of mig 23/27, hopefully then someone will apply common sense and work on it


    Joydeep Ghosh

  57. hi prasun
    can the rudram be used as a anti awacs missile ?i belive it will have a rela range of 200km at least when fired from height .
    why is the caracal carbine been jinxed ?

  58. Prasunda,


    1) Are the recent SLBMs (Pukguksong 4a) shown by North Korea 1.4m diameter or 2m diameter (like the JL-2) ?

    2) Is'nt it true that North Korea has only shown mockups of the SLBM (Pukguksong-4a) so far ?

    3) Is it true that the ASAT (PDV Mk-2) we tested in 2019 uses for its first 2 stages the booster of the K-4/B-05 (DRDO slides do show that the PDV Mk2 has a 1.4m diameter) ?


  59. Prasun Da, what is this case of Pakistan claiming to have received a secret message from India to have a "dialogue". What exactly is happening in Kashmir, on one side we have an assertive china, then pak is holding "elections" in PoK, and now we find mufti being released. There seems to be a lot that is going on. Please throw some light on the geopolitical situation. There seems to be a notion that India and pak have silently agreed on the current situation of J&K that UT OF J&K will be considered Indian territory by Pak, and India will not do anything about Pok. So I request you express your thoughts.

    Thank you

  60. To ANUP: It is an excellent assessment by my good friend Dr Ashok K Baweja that throws light on the technical/technological, industrial & operational aspects of platform development & continued evolution. Here is what flows from that assessment:

    From the technical/technological & industrial perspectives, it proves that it is IMPOSSIBLE to develop a unitary platform for the 3 armed services because, while the IA & IAF QRs will be similar, the naval QRs will be totally different for a light medium-twin helicopter. Consequently, while it makes sense for the Dhruv ALH to morphe into the Rudra/Dhruv WSI while staying at 5.5-tonne AUW (because of the available land-based support infrastructure), a naval platform needs to be self-contained & re-configurable while at sea on board warships & hence the AUW of the helicopter needs to be 7.5 tonnes & this could have been achieved by stretching the baseline design of the ALH. This perfectly doable if one studies the still on-going evolution of two airframes, that of the Agusta Westland Lynx and later the AW-139. History is now repeating itself (due to a unitary QR being expected from the 3 armed services for the NMRH) since the IN wants a 12-tonne NMRH, the IA wants a 16-tonne NMRH & the IAF wants a 14-tonne NMRH.

    From the operational perspectives, the 3 armed services need to reconcile their respective QRs to agree on a list of common user-items for simplified & cost-effective product-support from the platform’s OEM. This should include on-board mission avionics & sensors, plus accessories like stub-wings for housing weapons pylons. The reason why the LCH & single-engined LUH projects got delayed was the conflicting timeframes for their availability by the IAF & IA this this because apex-level political intervention was not forthcoming when it was to be decided as to which armed service should operate the single-engined RSH/LUH & the LCH over land, when back in 1986 itself the then Minister of State for Defence Arun Singh had written down a policy paper dictating that RSH/LUH & attack helicopter platforms should be flown only by IA Aviation. The IAF should then also have been instructed to procure attack helicopters & helicopter-gunships only for CSAR purposes. Since this was not done, the IAF began procuring hand-held pilot-rescue locators/beacons only in the late 1990s but till today the IAF does not have any CSAR capability and that was why Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman could not be rescued since the IAF’s helicopters were not configured for even a shallow penetration of 7nm within hostile territory—a very sorry state for an IAF that boasts of air-dominance platforms like Su-30MKI & Rafale, but does not possess the capability to rescue the downed aircrew of such combat platforms! A very sad state of affairs indeed!!!

    Cont'd below...

  61. The IN requires 2 types of NUH: a 3.5-tonne NUH to serve as a shore-based flight-training platform for those IN aircrews due for training as naval helicopter aviators; and a 7.5-tonne multi-role helicopter capable of operating from the flight-decks of existing Project 28 ASW guided-missile corvettes, SW-ASW vessels and new-generation guided-missile corvettes. HAL is evidently capable of delivering both with segmented main-rotor blade and folding tail-boom modifications. In fact, even the ICGS has requirements for both types of helicopters, albeit with different types of mission avionics & accessories.

    Lastly, Dr Baweja’s assessment rightly exposes the FAÇADE of achieving indigenisation through the Strategic Partnership model. Instead of allowing private-sector industrial entities to strike industrial partnerships with foreign OEMs, the emphasis should be on making HAL a publicly-listed entity with full financial & administrative autonomy (thereby being freed from the shackles of the MoD’s bureaucracy) so that it is free to raise investment capital from the financial markets whenever it wants to, & is also free to devise & sustain its own industrial eco-system with India-based MSMEs as well as private-sector industrial entities. Only this will enable HAL to continue with its platform design evolution/innovation efforts, be it concerning the Dhruv ALH, the single-engined LUH, the twin-engined LCH, and the single-engined MWF.

  62. Sir your idea reminds me of recent sale of LAMV with laser guided 2.75in rocket pods modified out of helicopter versions. Back the gsh 6-30 variant with mounted 4 manpad, mounted 105mm gun and 81mm mortars, 4 atgm launcher LAV variants and we have a powerful air assault brigade.

    Wrt to your internal security comment, thank you for hitting nail on the head.

    What i have noticed is rise of leftist urban anarchists united with islamists against common enemy conservatives/right wing/majority religion across the world.

    Former provides legal,intellectual and social gunpowder and latter provides street power and tyranny of minority.
    Legitimate grievances like dalit atrocity and black shooting are converted into riot and directed towards government who may be totally unrelated to said incident.

    They had even better and longer success in USA nearly derailing an almost winning run of Trump with CHAZ and protests.

    It is ironic because neo communists and hardcore islamists are total opposites and will never see eye to eye ideologically. From athiesm, liberalism and LGBTQ rights they are totally opposite. Ironically China, Pakistan and Sorros types fund these everywhere happily as long flames don't touch them. Smart.

    What this means is should they gain power and suppress majority, after a while they WILL split and jostle for power utilizing their own specific characteristics like rabid islamists teaching blasphemy/sharia among followers,high birthrate versus global leftist intelligensia promoting own propaganda, legal and illegal street power.

    Some new trends i can see emerging:
    1) developed Islamic world is getting semi secular due to need for investments, under/prior developed ones like Yemen, Libya, Syria turning into perpetual afghanistan level wastelands, mantle of global terrorism passing to ultra hardline countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Iran and local terrorism will fall into hands of increasingly radicalised self victim card playing youths as will happen in UK, India and France.

    2) neo communists/left liberals since fall of communism have redesigned themselves and captured main pillars of democracy or obstructed them over last 2 decades even before right wing/conservatives could act.
    Media, judiciary and education ALL around the world (including humanities of top US institutes) meanwhile RW is left gasping, overreacts or loses narrative.

    Bad times for all democratic nations all around.

  63. To RAD: Nothing novel about the algorithm at all. NG-ARM family is customised for Indian reqmts & hence must not be compared with any existing ARM. It is similar in approach to what Israel did in the late 1970s & early 1980s by developing several variants of the AGM-45 Shrike ARM. Homing accuracy depends on the accuracy of the direction-finder & hence for the Kh-31P Krypton the SIVA DF pod was developed by DARE. WRT Taiwan & India’s rebuttals of Communist China’s revisionist rants, old habits die hard & a change of mindset is reqd within both the MEA & its China Study group think-tank. The 2 islands to be leased to China will be used for setting OTH-R & SIGINT sensors for monitoring India’s western seaboard all the way up to Karwar. The XR-SAM can be developed as a ‘Maha-Rudram’.

    To BHOUTIK: This excellent eye-opening assessment effectively sums up what Mainland China’s intellectuals have traditionally thought about & continue to portray India as:

    I highly recommend it for all those who are interested in penetrating China’s mindset & making sense of its though-processes and operational stratagems.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) You have missed the previous comments on this subject. One clue: think of IMI’s RAMPAGE missile. 2) All MRCAs can carry such a PGM. 3) Already did that over the years in several different threads.

    To SATYAKI: 1) The solid-fuelled SLBM shown last week at Pyongyang does have a greater diameter. 2) Yes, it has yet to be test-fired but there also exists a ground-launched version launched from a cannister mounted on a tracked TEL. 3) Yes, because why should one re-invent the wheel when various modular pieces are available for being used in different configurations for different missions?

    To MANISH2: Totally BOGUS & UTTER BALONEY. If you listen to the entire interview, it all about whimsical daydreaming & falsifications of history. Here it is:

  64. 1) Sir LUH saga makes me depressed.
    We will probably again have french thank us for selecting jaguar and mirages along with mig29 and dumping further development of marut and ajeet.

    Plus our light fleet is in crisis and rotary wing job has increased manifolds in this standoff.

    CAG says we have upgraded 56 almost retiring mi17 and IAF has asked 48 more. Meanwhile HAL has already said long back locally made ones will be 2.5 times costlier.

    Common sense dictates we buy 60 ka226 for immediate need, junk the MOU and start discussion to buy 200 LUH as first batch for both army and airforce while sanctioning development of Lancer, scout and civil variants.
    Ka226 can later be given away to NDRF and BSF, ITBP or LWE combating CAPFs.
    The money saved should be ploughed in zero lifing or buying 105 new mi17v5.

    2) Do you think we could buy more helicopters from USA out of used lot? Airforce is not looking interested at all.


    Koreans are getting 36 used airframes for meager 811 million with 10000 hour airframe life after overhaul.
    Army still needs 33 more in addition to LCH.
    Maybe look for 25+ used chinooks and 13 more c130j30 overhauled same way.

    These are the only imports i ever support. Ka226 over LUH is non sensical.

    Perhaps we should also sit back and lease jalashwa's brother and 2 more LPD if possible for 15 years while we design our own LHD.


  65. To VSJ: Here’s what needs to be done:

    1) Upgrade all existing Mi-171s to Mi-17V-5 standard by equipping them with glass cockpit avionics, VK-2500 engines & related gearboxes.

    2) Upgrade the existing Mi-35Ps of the IAF by installing VK-2500 engines & related gearboxes so that such platforms can serve as dedicated CSAR platforms.

    3) Upgrade all existing SA.315B Lama/Cheetah LUHs by re-engining them with TM-333B engines (sourced from early-production Dhruv ALH Mk.1/Mk.2 which can then be fitted with Shakti engines) along with a locally-developed new gearbox (the same as that for the LUH) & new-design composites-based main & tail rotor blades—all of which can be done by HAL. Such re-lifed LUHs can easily serve for another 20 years without any risk.

    4) Similarly upgrade the existing SA.316B Alouette-3/Chetaks to serve with the ICGS & also serve as flight-training platforms for all 3 armed services & the ICGS.

    5) Cancel the Ka-226T procurement effort since the IA & IAF both require only single-engined LUHs.

    6) Get the IA to commit to firm orders for the LCH & if the HELINA ATGM isn’t going to be available in the near future, then get cracking immediately on integrating the IAF’s existing stocks of 9M120 Ataka ATGMs with the LCH.

    7) Use the BEML-developed LAMV (shown at DEFEXPO-2020) to develop a family of solutions, such as an air-droppable 4 x 4 scout/recce vehicle armed with raisable COMPASS optronic turret, a variant of the 120mm CLGM carrying thermobaric warhead & 30mm GsH-30 six-barrel cannon; another variant with an X-band AESA radar capable of both ground & aerial surveillance (also shown at DEFEXPO-2020) & a mini-collapsible catapult capable of launching tactical mini-UAV for battlefield surveillance & this BOSS thermal imaging sensor:

    8) Another variant of the LAMW should carry this BEL-THALES-developed passive surveillance system:

    9) The BEML-developed 4 x 4 truck shown at DEFEXPO-2020 can also house an IA-specific variant
    Of the Shakti EW Suite:

    Or even this suite:

    Being originally developed for warships, such suites are lightweight & compact & hence do not penalise the carrier vehicle’s mobility.

    10) Lastly, such DEWs should be installed on trucks from TATA or Ashok Leyland to serve as both drone-killers as well as terminal air-defence systems meant for shooting down gliding standoff PGMs:

    The command-n-control element of this system should be a truck-mounted solution like this:

  66. To MANISH2: Here is the same guy blabbering about what he had achieved with his TV interview:

    Apparently all the India-based TV channels were first approached for airing this interview, but when all declined, it had to be relegated to the electronic media (THE WIRE). Needless to say, these delusional eggheads are in a world of their own, as evidenced by this self-styled namesake of a Medieval-age Caliph/Khalifa:

    Meanwhile, the 'desi' media is of the view that the SAFRAN-developed AASM/Hammer is a surface-to-air missile:

    And antennae like this are springing up all along the LoC inside PoK:

    Election Poster in PoK Showing PA's COAS:

    Due to the Neelam-Jhelum hydropower project, the flow of the Neelum River at Muzaffarabad has now been reduced to a trickle:

  67. Prasunda,


    1, How did North Korea manage to develop large diameter solid motors for SLBMs this rapidly ? Are they China provided ?

    2. Is Pak likely to obtain such high end slbms from North Korea ?

    3. Is the latest Pukguksong 4 likely to be MIRVed ?


  68. Prasunda,

    What are those antennae in PoK for? Transmission of propaganda to facilitate insurgency ?



  69. hi prasun
    the antenna in nrhe pok is a sigint stuff-- cell tower are different , why cant we take them out with an anti tank misile or a salvo of mortar and 155mm precision gps rounds??
    you suggestd a good idea of converting the m-35 into a casevac , sar heli , as it is fast and can take hits its as well as carry all sorts of com and jam equipment .
    are the hima shakti and oyher EW platforms as good a s the western counterparts?
    i dint realize that we had no capability to extract downed pilotmtill njow i always thought the garuds were for that job ,? but the what are the hardware that has to be installed for that operation? The US or ISrael will happily give it ?

  70. Hi Prasun,

    The Taiwanese president tweeted birthday wishes to PM and also commented on her earlier visits to India. There have been no responses from the PM or GoI officials, but I get the impression there is something cooking in the background between the two governments and the tweets from the Taiwanese president are a result of that. What is your information/opinion?

    Best Regards

  71. Mr.Prasun

    This article suggests India was fooled and didnt see that Chinese Maps of Tibet included Arunachal Pradesh as "South Tibet" and agreed to recognise Tibet in exchange for Sikkim.
    Is that the case?

    2)The Future Air Defence fmns of Indian Army till 2030:
    5 MRSAM Regiments starting 2023-2024

    4 SRSAM Regiments(2 Akash MK-1 Delivered and 2 Akash MK-1S on order)

    5-6 Regiments SPAD-GMS(K30 Biho selected but now unclear)

    QRSAM(4 SPYDER-SR Regt. in service, DRDO QRSAM under trials)

    DRDO QRSAM will replace OSA-AK and Strela-10M

    60 Shilka in service(upgraded)

    60 Tunguska in service

    Is the ABOVE DATA CORRECT? Please update the wrong Information

    What type of Ruggedized vehicles with AD Weapons for use at altitudes of 4.5Km-5Km VCOAS AM Hs Arora of IAF talking about?

    Thank You


  72. Dear Prasun,

    What does stop Indian political leadership to take big decisions? Fo example, as you suggested earlier that India can sign free trade agreement with Taiwan. Similarly to use the term communist China to distinguish it from other nations. I don't know what is the root cause of this constipation!!!! Your view please.

  73. To DASHU & ASHWATTHAMA: It is a passive surveillance system (PSS), i.e. a SIGINT device.

    To SATYAKI: 1) It did not happen overnight. Rather, it was a 20-year-long effort at the military-technical & military-industrial levels. Since Russia’s Far East is sparsely populated, North Korean human resources are in great demand there as manul labourers. It is from there that North Korea through its espionage network has over the years gained all the deign-related & industrial engineering expertise that has shortened the R & D timeframe. And in turn, North Korea has shared all such data with both China & Iran for hefty financial fees. 2) Not any more, especially after the Dr A Q ‘Bhopali’ Khan scandal of 2004. 3) Not quite, but it will contain 1 WMD warhead & up to 3 decoy warheads.

    To RAD: They will be the first hardware to be knocked off by IA field artillery in times of war. The EW suites of all 3 armed services of India are comparable to the best there is in the world today. Prime role of the Garuds is air base protection. They can’t be employed for CSAR for as long as they don’t get to practice with CSAR helicopters, of which there is none as of now with the IAF. If you go to the Aero India 2019 thread you will see slides of hardware reqd for heliuborne CSAR, like SATCOM antennae, along with COMPASS turrets for Mi-171s & Mi-17V-5s & Rudras. The IAF is now importing from ELBIT Systems the aircrew personal locator beacons to replace the UK-sourced SARBE units imported in the late 1990s. The IAF has mandated that every aicrew regardless of which aircraft they fly will be equipped with such PLB, unlike past practice when transport aircraft & helicopters pilots were not issued with PLBs.

    To RAJ & ASD: Something is indeed cooking & as I had stated earlier, the lowest hanging fruit now is the FTA between India & Taiwan, especially if India wants Taiwan-owned businesses to set up manufacturing shops in India. Here are some of the developments:

    Taiwan Foreign Minister Joseph Wu’s TV Interview, a First in India:

    To INDRA: 1) Of course it is true. What makes you think it is not? 2) Only 12 Tunguskas were procured in 1993 for US$24 million per unit. 3) Exactly the ones that I had highlighted yesterday to VSJ.

  74. The physical structure built by China in Lolungjong falls in the Nepali territory and that China has encroached on Nepali land in Humla, according to a report prepared by a parliamentary team led by the Nepali Congress (NC) leader and Karnali Provincial Assembly lawmaker Jeewan Bahadur Shahi after a field visit. The team has since concluded that China has encroached on Nepali land, despite denial from both China and the Govt of Nepal. China has also encroached some 2km of the section of a road built by Nepal from Gappudocha in the district. Shahi said that the team carried out a 11-day study from Pillar-5 to Pillar-12 in which it was evident that China had encroached Nepali territory in the district of Humla. It was also found that China has also blocked foodstuff from entering Nepal. Even the alignment of the recently constructed Pillar No.12 at Lapchhabhanjyang has been found to have been changed. The pillar was constructed by China without the notice of the Govt of Nepal or without giving a hint. However, no encroachment was seen in areas near the Pillar Nos.10 and 11 in Limi area of Humla district, the report said. The team has recommended that the Govt of Nepal’s concerned authorities hold formal talks to resolve the issue. Likewise, according to the report, China has been found to have violated the international obligation by constructing a gate in between the Pillar No.9(2) in no-man’s land at the Hilsa border area. However, Nepal has built its gate some 30 metres away from the boundary pillar. Similarly, China has also encroached Nepali territory near Boundary Pillars 5(1) and 5(2) in the Kith area, and removed the old Junge Pillar no 5(2). Likewise, the pillars’ structural type and the scripts on the new pillars, too, are different from the old ones. The team has recommended that the Govt of Nepal finds a permanent solution to the boundary problem by discussing with locals, experts, surveyors, security personnel, and foreign affairs experts on the basis of the available documents and evidence. Likewise, the study team has also suggested that the Govt of Nepal set up security posts in the border areas saying that China, too, has established security base camps near the boundary pillars. The team has prepared 15-point evidence of encroachment by China. The construction of Pillar No.12, the use of different writing scripts on the border pillars, and the fact that China encroached on Nepal’s land have been presented as evidence by the study team in the report. It should be noted that the then District Development Committee had started the construction of the road in the Lolungjong area in 2058 BS. The historical fact that the Nepali people used for cattle-grazing at Gappudocha and Lolungjong areas also shows that China has encroached on Nepali land.

  75. The MOLE:

    A new documentary with a bizarre cast of characters claims to shed light on North Korea's efforts to evade international sanctions, by tricking members of Kim Jong-un's secretive regime into signing fake arms deals. The film features an out-of-work Danish chef fascinated by communist dictatorships; a Spanish nobleman and North Korean propagandist with a penchant for military uniform; and a former French legionnaire and convicted cocaine dealer who plays the part of an international man of mystery. But could it all be true? One former UN official told the he found it "highly credible". The film, titled The Mole, is the work of maverick Danish film maker Mads Brügger, who says he orchestrated a complex three-year sting operation to reveal how North Korea flouts international law. The out-of-work chef fascinated by communist dictatorships is Ulrich Larsen, who, with Brügger's help, infiltrates the Korean Friendship Association, a pro-regime group based in Spain. Larsen moves up the ranks and ultimately wins the favour and apparent trust of North Korean government officials. Membership of the KFA brings Larsen into contact with its flamboyant founder and president, Alejandro Cao de Benós, a Spanish nobleman known around the world as "the Gatekeeper of North Korea". During the film, in which he is sometimes seen in North Korean military uniform, Cao de Benós boasts of his access and influence with the regime in Pyongyang. Then there is Jim Latrache-Qvortrup, described as a former French legionnaire and convicted cocaine dealer. Latrache-Qvortrup is hired to play the part of an international arms dealer, which he does in an assortment of flashy suits. Pulling the strings is Brügger himself, who calls himself "the puppet master". He claims to have spent 10 years working on his film--now a joint production by Scandinavian broadcasters. The film is funny, grotesque and at times barely credible. "I am a film maker who craves sensation," Brügger admits in the film.

    Cont'd below...

  76. But Hugh Griffiths, who was coordinator of the UN Panel of Experts on North Korea between 2014 and 2019, called the revelations in the film "highly credible". "This film is the most severe embarrassment to Chairman Kim Jong-un that we have ever seen," said Griffiths. "Just because it appears amateurish does not mean the intent to sell and gain foreign currency revenue is not there. Elements of the film really do correspond with what we already know." North Korea has been under UN sanctions since 2006 because of its nuclear ambitions - its development and testing have been documented in regular reports by a Panel of Experts since 2010. But it is unprecedented to see North Korean officials, on film, discussing how to evade sanctions in order to export weapons. In one key moment in the film, Ulrich Larsen, the former chef and "The Mole" of the title, films as Jim Latrache-Qvortrup, aka "Mr James" the arms dealer, signs a contract with the representative of a North Korean arms factory, with government officials present. The encounter takes place in a gaudy basement restaurant in a Pyongyang suburb. Not all the Koreans present are properly identified, and, laughing about it afterwards, Latrache-Qvortrup says he had to invent a company name when grilled by one of the Korean officials. It seems incredible the team would not have given any previous thought to such a basic detail, just as it stretches credulity to think that genuine Korean officials would allow such a meeting to be filmed and for documents to be signed and exchanged. The signed document bears the signature of Kim Ryong-chol, president of Narae Trading Organisation. Narae is a common name on the Korean Peninsula, but the most recent UN Panel of Experts report, dated 28 August 2020, says that a company called Korea Narae Trading Corporation "is engaged in sanctions evasion-related activities for the purposes of generating revenue that supports the prohibited activities of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea". Griffiths, the former UN official, said it was telling that the Koreans present were apparently willing to deal with a private businessman about whom they knew nothing. "It shows that UN sanctions are working. The North Koreans are clearly desperate to sell their weapons," he said. At one point, during a meeting in Kampala in 2017, Latrache-Qvortrup is asked by "Mr Danny" (described as a "North Korean arms dealer).

  77. Prasunda,

    VMT. Why would the AQ Khan scandal make North Korea hesitant to pass on its technology to Pakistan for the money, or on China's urging ?


  78. hi prasun
    i am seeing a profusionof ew capabiity being built in pak . OTH radar , sigint towers , VLF facilty?? all chinese i suppose ?. will it be easy to target all these with LACM?, they can also do the same to ours??
    if the sigint towers are so close i think the army is waiting for the all the towers to come up and then destroy them as it would be more expensivew for them?

  79. Thanks for listing out the fixes.

    1) Sir how does CSAR even succeed in daytime missions especially when entire enemy air defense is on high alert with high presence of aircraft in airspace?
    Plus civilians and local military units had already surrounded the downed pilot.
    Also any low flying terrain masking is not assured both due to daytime and everyone between LOC and crash site has eyeballs and ears open?
    Wouldn't that make it an easy target for ground based manpads and AAA? Please explain.

    2) BEML seems to be thin skinned and has higher silhouette and ground clearance? Looks good for CI but not sure if it will provide same protection as BMP/Kestrel in atgm heavy areas or plains even if airdropped?

    However France has just ordered similar sized ones for their army so i am not sure what planning went into their and our threat perceptions?
    Can we not have humvee types/Gypsy types lamv for airdropping? Sure integrating gsh 6 30 maybe a problem but 105 mm has already been displayed ny kalyani?

    Alternatively can we use this to fully mechanized rest of the army leaving 3000 ifv (2640+ bmp2 upg) and apc (360+ kestrels) in mech rgmt for offensive tasks?
    These with above listed armed variants surely beat troops traveling in Ashok Leyland trucks freeing more trucks for logistics.

    3) How many ifv apc are allocated to a regiment? 45/60/70?

    4) Who will get to operate NAMICA? scouts? I was hoping we have a squadron worth with every armd bgd and 3 sq worth for every armd divison.


  80. Sir,Thank you for your replay for my previous query.
    Can you shed some light on the status of Ghatak Rifle which was expected to be replacing INSAS for general Army.
    SF is going for SIG as a replacement for their INSAS.
    No DRDO or OFB says anything on the 7.62X51 rifle..
    OFB site describes about a 'Ghaatak' which is a 7.62X39 like the very AK58 specification..

    1. If you can't find name GHAATAK, sir, will advise you to search for 'R2' Assault Rifle from OFB for 7.62x51 cal rifle

  81. Prasunda,

    Are we really prepared against Chinise swam drone or loitering ammunition attack ? DRDO has developed a Direct energy based anti drone system. How good is that one' ?
    Best regards

  82. Prasunda,

    What does the External Affairs minister refer to when he talks about a confidential dialogue with China on the current standoff ? Are MEA babus going to arrange for IA to vacate the heights south of Pangong-Tso in return for PLA withdrawal/promises of withdrawal ? That would be utter foolishness.


  83. Dear Prasun,

    I need few explanations from you regarding the following:

    1. Earlier you told that PLA is going to be fully mechanised force within 3 years. So what will be it's implications over India? Will China snatch easily Ladakh from India? Has IA or GoI has any plans to counter it?

    2. Further even earlier too I had asked. Regarding getting back the PoK and Gilgit Baltistan, do you think that China will sit tight if India tries to get it's land from Pakistan? Certainly China will support Pakistan militarily to save its investment like CPEC and dams and what I fear is that it will be a two front war. Is India ready? As you told China successfully checkmated India by changing its attention towards Ladakh instead of PoK. So the political leadership is ready to take counter measures?

    3. Regarding SPORT LIFT I think your voice has finally reached the ears of the powerful officials. In few years IAF may get LIFT. May you please enlighten more about it?

    Please inculcate knowledge in us. Thanks in advance.

  84. Sir, is India developing a hypersonic glide vehicle called HGV-202F? Just got to know about it. Is it real or just a creation of internet fanboys?

  85. To SATYAKI: It has nothing to do with North Korea, but Pakistan’s inability to import such items from North Korea because such matters can’t be kept secret & once any such transaction is detected, then both the US & Europe will impose sanctions on Pakistan of the type the US is now imposing on all citizens of Mainland China who have ties to the ruling Communist Party there. For Pakistan this will mean denial of visas of any kind for visiting destinations anywhere in Europe, Scandinavia & North America.

    To RAD: Pakistan requires such sensors due to its elongated geography, which denies any depth to it, i.e. no safe hinterland.

    To NEWCOMER: I had already uploaded the brochures of the 7.62 x 51 version of Ghaatak back in 2016 & again in 2018 at the DEFEXPO threads.

    PARTHASARATHI: As I had already explained several times before, drones operating in areas devoid of any battlefield EW system won’t get neutralised while drones operating within areas subjected to electronic jamming by battlefield EW systems won’t stand a chance. All the drones shown by China so far via its state-owned media show them overating at altitudes below 14,000 feet ASL.

    To ASHWATTHAMA: He was hinting at clarifying to Beijing that the Union MHA Amit Shah’s August 6, 2019 statement in Parliament about India regaining back all lost territories within J & K since 1947 did not include Aksai Chin. In fact, the Indian Union MHA Minister had only spoken about regaining back PoK, not Aksai Chin. In any case, if such a statement were to be made by India even if confidentially, it will still qualify as an act of treason since it goes against the Indian Parliamentary resolution passed on November 14, 1962 (the birthday of the then PM Pandit Nehru). If the Indian EAM really still ASSUMES that China has massed its military forces along the LAC in Ladakh just because it was miffed by Amit Shah’s remarks, then he is DEAD-WRONG. In fact, now is the time to tell China that by deliberately entering Pakistan via PoK, the latter committed an act of war against India the very day in 2014 it officially launched the CPEC.

  86. To ASD: 1) What it means is that instead of deploying only 2 Divisions (motorised & mechanised) against Ladakh as of now, by 2024 it will be able to deploy four or even five such Divisions. 2) Of course China will not sit tight & therefore it becomes all the more important for India to expedite the military force modernisation efforts that had been gathering dust since 2004. The present-day political leadership should have introduced structural reforms within the MoD back in 2014 itself, instead of doing so only in 2019. 3) The IAF should have procured the Tejas LIFT back in the previous decade itself for training the tw-man aircrew of its Su-30MKIs.

    Meanwhile, the ‘weekend desi bandalbaazes’ were at it again yesterday with this programme that is ridden with factual errors:

    For instance, SMART won’t ever have 650km-range as I had explained before, while the 120mm cannon-launched projectile is not just an anti-tank weapon, but most importantly it is an anti-helicopter round called CLGM. It is like the INVAR anti-helicopter laser-guided round fired from 125mm smoothbore barrels. The SAMHO is an infantry-launched version of CLGM that is fired from the launcher of the Konkurs ATGM. It is these ‘Naalayaks’ that portray India as the title of this book:

    And this too does not help much:

    Meanwhile, all those ISPR-sponsored Pakistani journalists who were gloating about the Sino-Indian LAC standoff are now totally thunderstruck by the increasing internal political & administrative turmoil within Pakistan. Specifically, 2 key developments are causing great damage to Pakistan: 1) Infighting among the Pakistani diaspora in the UK, which will further increase the Caucasian Anglo-Saxon has for such disruptive & law-violating Muslim communities:

    Secondly, Afghanistan’s Afghan National Army has launched a series of tactical offrensives to both the north & south along the Durand Line, which is increasing the PA’s casualties almost on a daily basis. In fact, the PA is staring at bloodbaths in both Balochistan & Gilgit/Hunza in the coming days & weeks. In the midst of this, India will be proceeding to do what should have been done decades ago:

    And finally, this is another i8nteresting revelation:

    And for those interested in both the science & art of espionage, here are some documentaries for one's weekend viewing:

  87. In fact, the PA is staring at bloodbaths in both Balochistan & Gilgit/Hunza in the coming days & weeks- this is the best possible news I got for this weekend because my favorite destination "Gilgit" is mentioned in that line. Sir, am still not able to figure out one of your past predictions about 'something will happen to paki in September'. we are in mid of Oct, what was that about?

  88. There is a lot of movement on cutting “fat” in the armed forces. What about the civilian bureaucracy in MoD ? Any plans to trim them ?


  89. Prasunda

    Is this possible?! “Restoration of status quo ante is no longer beneficial to us,” says an Army official. “[Talks] should now [decide] the settlement of the international boundary.”
    Ladakh on a hair-trigger

  90. Prasun,

    1- Can you throw some light on this..
    HTNP INDUSTRIES: HGV-202F, MAKING INDIA'S FIRST HYPERSONIC GLIDE VEHICLE .. why an unkown pvt co is involved & why is there no gype surounding this as with scramjet development
    2- @Jai shanker's comments since the standoff have been seriously depressing, it seems the modi govt isin more hurry to conclude the standoff compared to the chinese, who continue to be belligerent. Also this govt seems to accepted that we will never be able to get back GB. PoK & Aksai chin (your reply to ASHWATTHAMA also seems to confirms this)
    3-CPEC expanding road network in GB. No stmts issued against it
    4- US elections seem to be slightly tilted in favour of biden.. Idiotuc inidam-americans are going gaga over kamala harris who suddenly discovered her indian roots 60 days ahead of elections and desis are lapping it up...all these selfish creatures are more interested in ensuring their H1B validity than the larger interest of their motherland. they are forgetting that it is the same democrats who are filled with islamists like Ilan omar , wooing islamic radicals and being funded by them & count on traitors like Ro khanna & pRamila jaichand(apt surname.. defines her...:)).
    5- Taiwan is going all out to woo india.. why are we still dithering? India has never even sent out a strong protest on CPEC.
    6- U mentioned upgrading cheetahs/chetaks to vsJ.. wouldnt it be better to produce cheetals with locally designed rotor blades & the associated motorhead ? the onedd in use are already 40+ yrs old. How much time will it take for HAL to develop new blades & other items considering their experience with luh & dhruv variants
    7- protests in pak.. are they too orchestrated by the ISI/Army? the timing close to FATF seems to be fishy. Are they trying to project the country populace is suffering due to poor economic conditions as a result of covid? coz i can bet that if bajwa sends out a stern msg all this will vanish , which i suspect will happen post the FATf meet. I think all this drama is to play the empathy card @FATF in the hope that they take the bait & let them off lightly
    8- what happening here --
    instead of US, is the US now playing the tibet card? I recollect u mentioning in one of your replies o me that the tibet card is more in the hands of the US than us. Why is the dalai lama not making any stmts on his successor to ensure that the chinese don't take over the narrative.. why is the indian & other(US, EU)govts not doing anything abt it

  91. To KAPIL: There are several probable spinoffs from the baseline HSTDV & a weaponised HGV is just one of them.

    To DASHU: The decision to ‘annex’ GB through a staged elections process was taken in early September 2020, as was the action taken by the IA to pre-empt a move by the PLAGF to occupy the then-unoccupied hilltops overlooking Chushul. In addition, preparations began that month in Kabul to heat up the Durand Line both to the north & south.

    To VENKY: The civilian bureaucracy within the MoD does not need trimming. Instead, it needs to be educated about the ways & means of administering various procurement contracts as well as negotiations for various procurement-related projects.

    To KAUSTAV: That’s right, because the previous status quo has already been changed by the PLA & a new status quo has come into being, which now needs to be formalised through an all-new set of CBMs & agreements aimed at formalising the new alignment of the LAC that presently prevails. Expectations of a permanent settlement of the Sino-Indian boundary issue are not only premature, but are downright delusional since China has since 2009 been stating that it covets the whole of Ladakh. Consequently, India’s only option now is to enhance her conventional deterrence force-posture in Ladakh, Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand that will seek to dissuade China from engaging in any further misadventures in the times ahead.

    To ANUP: On the contrary, such reports need to be widely publicised in order to fully expose the delusional assumption (propagated by the likes of Arun Shourie & Yeshwant Sinha) about licenced-manufacture of military hardware promoting military-industrial self-reliance. In fact, the time has now come to add up all the extra costs incurred by various licenced-production projects & analyse how such funds could instead have been pumped into various indigenous military hardware R & D projects since the mid-1970s, which by now would have created a vibrant & self-sustaining military-technical & military-industrial eco-system within India that would have created far more job opportunities (in both public & private sectors) than the ones created through licenced-manufacturing projects monopolised by the DPSUs.

  92. Is it correct that Turkey has obtained the Pakistani nukes? Please clarify.

  93. To JUST-CURIOUS: 1) LoLz! Tomorrow you too can create a website like that & claim to be aiming to develop a HYPERLOOP between Earth & the Moon. So don’t pay any attention to such delusional claims when such a a feat has not yet been achieved by anyone else in this world. 2) In uncertain times the confusion increases further when no firm policy framework is openly announced & in such conditions of opacity, it can only mean 2 things: either one doesn’t know what to do next; or one is already resigned to accept the new ground realities. 3) No use issuing separate statements for each CPEC-related project & instead blanket condemnation of the CPEC in its entirety is far better, provided they are frequently issued. 4) At the end of the day, the elections are all about bread-n-butter & prosperity, which the current POTUS has ushered in & so it will not be prudent to write off the Republican Party as yet. 5) The mindsets within the layers of MEA’s bureaucracy will take some time to change, but it will eventually happen. 6) The HAL-developed LUH’s airframe is far better than that of the Cheetah & the latter’s airframe production ended a long time ago & hence while the Cheetah can easily be upgraded & enhanced, the LUH too needs to be series-produced ASAP. 7) These protests are being actively supported by some foreign powers, notably the UK where most of Pakistan’s self-exiled politicians & activists are now located, be they from Balochistan or Sindh or Punjab or PoK. 8) This development won’t matter much on the ground until & unless popular unrest breaks out within TAR & involves the native Tibetans residing inside TAR. But it seems that despite the widespread publicity being accorded to the SFF & its exploits, TAR’s population continues to bbe passive & not restive.

    Meanwhile, as I had assessed a few months earlier, China is getting more belligerent about invading the Taiwan-owned Pratas group of islands. According to my assessment of overhead satellite recce imagery, between January & now, China’s PLARF has re-equipped three Base 61 Brigades: 613 Brigade (HQed in Shangrao), 614 Brigade (HQed in Fujian’s Yong’an City) and 616 Brigade in Jiangxi's Ganzhou City with the DF-17 BMs armed with hypersonic glide vehicles (HGV). The PLARF’s first conventional ballistic missile Brigade (613 Brigade) was formed in Leping in 1993. This Brigade fired BMs off the northern & southern coasts of Taiwan from sites near Shangrao back in 1996. The Brigade (Unit 96713) moved to Shangrao several years ago. More recently, its elements were garrisoned 250km from Taipei, like in Changxi Village, Xiapu County, Ningde City.

    PLAGF Amphibious Assault Preparations:

    To RAJESH MISHRA: Not true, rest assured. But this is true: A new batch of personal clothing, weighing 1.750kg and adapted for extremely high-altitude regions, was urgently developed and distributed to PLAGF troops along the LAC. Graphene is used in such garments. There are also self-adhesive patches to repair holes and tears.

    PLAGF Plateau Warfare Exercises in Zaidullah (along the Karakash River) last October Before Being Deployed Along the LAC:

    History of ZTZ-99A MBT’s Development:

  94. Hi Prasun

    with the prospect of FC-31 going onboard the PLAN's future AC and those ACs making regular deployment in IOR by early 2030s should IN start planning deploying some kind of VHF radars for detection on stealth aircraft like PLAN did on their Type 052D. would instead deploying aesa UHF radars suffice?

  95. Hi come all fishy figures find safe haven in UK and how does UK get away with that? Will love to hear from you on this topic someday.

  96. Sir,

    Your comment please


  97. hiprasun
    how is the sant missile provded with targetting info as we dont seem to have any air borne batlefield heliborne surveilance radar with capability to reach out to 20 km.? the quad q grouping seems to be takinf off now . dont oyu think it is natural that vietnam, phillipines can alsl be roped in slowly raising the presssure on china . can it be formed like a nato alliance?

  98. To RAD: This answers the issue of the towers with antennae coming up along the LoC inside PoK & along the WB:

    The SANT is not a beam-riding missile. Hence, priopr RF-illumination of the target is not reqd & all that is read is the range-gate data obtained from the COMPASS optronic turret, following which the SANT is launched, i.e. the lock-on-after-launch principle.

    To ANWAY: A corporatised OFB will meet the same fate as a corporatised BSNL, rest assured.

    To HOODS007: There's plenty of time available for that. Such radars can be installed within 18 months.

    To INDRAJIT: The answer is simple: the forensic evidence presented to the UK courts by the likes of India isn't sufficient for obtaining an extradition. But why go to the UK? Look inside India itself, where the likes of Christian Michel continue to rot without any decisive legal outcome. For, as I had stated before, the Indian criminal procedure code & the criminal justice system is meant to favour the rulers, since both were embraced by independent India without any tinkering/changes. The system in India thus is meant for those who are RULED (as the colonial powers did), and not those who are GOVERNED. Being ruled & being governed are two poles apart.

  99. Prasun,

    1- will SANT weigh a lot more than nag .. which itself is a humongous 42kg for its official range of 4 km
    2-thought as much abt the hypersonic glide vehicle story... but is there any programme of drdo/isro working on that as well? what benefts does a glide vehicle offer over cruise missiles & will they replace ballistic missiles in the future given that glide vehicles are claimed to be maneuverable
    3- recent comments by UK on joint development of armaments.. realistically what can be achieved? Can India contribute to RR's adaptive jet engine programme? and can they be considered for AMCA mk2? BAE's rail gun tech is another such product though its already developed? jet mounted laser weapons
    4- Brahmos head Sudhir Mishra's comments on using desi scramjet in bramhos 2.. has rusiia refused to part with zirxon tech?
    He also talks about doubling the speed to near hypersonic.. range increase to @800kms also on cards as per his prev stmts? Will the missile get a indigenous engine in the near future?

  100. Prasunda,

    1) Wo'nt our security forces be able to jam any extra communication avenues Pak is trying to provide for the terrorists and their supporters, thereby overcoming these plans to neutralise our telecom blackouts ?

    2) Why are the Abdullahs, Muftis and other such sepatist sympathisers now released ? Is it because we anticipate a Biden victory in the US elections ?


  101. Prasun da I agree with what you are saying. But look at what UK is also doing - secret court proceedings with Vijay Malya without any transparency. Moreover lot of militants has had safe havens there starting from Phizo to Khalistanis.

  102. Prasun Da,

    Last year around Nov-Dec media said India has leased a KILO class submarine to Myanmar. Now they are saying it again that India has leased a submarine to Myanmar this month.

    Did the lease take place last year or did it take place this month?

  103. To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) The NAG’s design was of 1980s vintage when heavy thruster rockets were used for flight-path stabilisation, i.e. thrust-vectoring nozzles were not available to the DRDO. The HELINA employs thrust-vectoring nozzles & is thus lighter than NAG & hence its longer-range derivative, the SANT, will weigh only slightly more than HELINA due to increased internal solid-propellant capacity & the W-band MMW seeker, i.e. less than 10% extra weight—which is fine because the SANT won’t be arming LCHs, but the heavier Mi-35Ps. 2) The HSTDV is by itself a HGV, so no need to develop another HGV. The HGVs will be the futuristic cruise missiles that will replace existing supersonic & subsonic cruise missiles. 3) Lots can be achieved. Apart from the EMRG, Rolls-Royce is helping HAL with the HTFE-25 turbofan R & D project for use by the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 platforms. In addition, BAE Systems’ aircraft carrier design has already been selected by the IN as the baselines design for the projected IAC-2 project. 4) ‘Desi’ can mean 2 things: ‘desi’ developed & manufactured; or ‘desi’ manufactured only. Now, we all know that the DRDO has been involved in a multinational effort to develop hypersonic scramjet solutions that also involve Israel, Russia & the UK & I had uploaded DRDO’s very own slides to prove all this here:

    So, that leaves only Option-2 as the only answer on the table, i.e. ‘desi’ produced. BrahMos-1 cannot attain near-hypersonic speeds, but the much smaller BrahMos-NG will. Range can always be increased by making any of the 2 missiles longer to house more liquid-fuel. There’s no need to develop an indigenous engine since the entire engine is already being made in India by Godrej & Boyce.

  104. To SATYAKI: 1) Of course jamming will be possible. After all, Pakistan’s plan is to provide cellular comms services within J & K UT only out to a depth of 25km along the LoC & WB within J & K UT. 2) Not at all. They have been released because their double-standards have already been exposed & all of them now stand discredited in the eyes of the natives of J & K UT.

    To INDRAJIT: You are over-simplifying matters here. How can India take any legal action against anyone who is not even a citizen of India? If any foreigner residing in a foreign land can be proven by India to be engaging in acts of spreading hatred or terrorism, only then can India have a strong case & have the UN designate them as ‘global terrorists’. Then there is another category of individuals whose citizenship has been revoked by6 India & consequently they are not stateless, but they are entitled to collect a document from the UNHCR that designates them as ‘Political Asylees’, i.e. stateless folks who still can mover around the world without any restrictions. ‘In-Camera’ proceedings cannot be labelled as being SECRET. They come under the RESTRICTED category.

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Always have more faith in the official statement of the Govt of India. The ‘desi’ media too had NEVER used the world ‘LEASE’. It too had stated that a Kilo-class SSK would be given to Myanmar. I was the only one stating that the IN would lease the SSK to the Myanmar Navy. And why so? Here’s where sound common-sense needs to be applied, i.e. since the Myanmar Navy hasn’t had any experience in operating a SSK of this type, it is thus logical that it will require a full crew compliment as well from the SSK’s owner, i.e. the IN, for both manning the SSK & training the Myanmar Navy’s personnel to gain hands-on experience in operating & maintaining such an SSK. Thus, the IN will not only be supplying the SSK on a wet-lease basis (i.e. with an IN crew compliment), but will also be in-charge of type-certifying the Myanmar Navy’s various SSK crew compliment batches. The IN will also be helping the Myanmar Navy establish its shore-based submarine training school like the IN’s existing school in Vizag. So, all in all, it is package deal involving various elements & earlier Goa Shipyard Ltd had supplied the Myanmar Navy with a battle-damage control simulator for the submarine training school, which will have various training modules like one for submarine operations, long-range communications, torpedo/ASW operations, battle-damage control, powerplant maintenance & periodic refits.

    Thus, it is best to avoid all the senseless & speculative reports that constantly ooze out from the band of ‘desi patrakaars’.

  105. To INDRAJIT: Here is a classic case of a Delhi-based FAKE INTELLECTUAL who never tires of sermonising, but NEVER EVER identifies the root causes of the problems plaguing India today:

    What such FEKUS don't ever bother to explain is that the all that is written down in the Constitution--for them to be effected in real-life--need to be reflected in the legal legislations of the land. If not, then all the ideals & promises & aspirations written down in the Constitution will never get translated into affirmative actions, i.e. the country cannot have a Constitution that is effective since January 1950 while the law enforcement-related legislations date back to 1864. This gap needs to be bridged, i.e. transform from being ruled (by colonial-era laws) to being governed (by laws that reflect post-independence realities.

    And since none of the successive govts of independent India have grasped this reality as yet, I can therefore safely conclude that only IDIOTS can rule a NATION OF IDIOTS, since there's no admissible evidence of any Messiahs or Devi/Devta descending down to Earth from the heavens above to usher in deliverance/salvation.

    And it looks like this chap has all the time in the world to promote his own book:

    I can only hope that he is not indulging in such discourses during office hours at the expense of the Indian taxpayer! Or is that too much to expect???

  106. I'm guessing that these constitute either the NON-IDIOTS, or are those IDIOTS who became sick & tired of being ruled over by FELLOW IDIOTS:

    India has emerged as the second largest source country both in terms of the “total” inflow of new migrants to OECD countries during 2018 and also as regards the number of Indians acquiring citizenship of these countries. While China continued to retain its top slot as the largest source country, India replaced Romania to emerge as the second largest source. During 2018, about 4.3 lakh Chinese migrated to OECD countries, accounting for nearly 6.5% of the total migration inflows. However, there was a slight decline of 1% as compared to the previous year. On the other hand, migration from India to OECD countries increased sharply by 10% and reached 3.3 lakh. Migration from India represents about 5% of the overall migration to OECD countries. While Canada saw a huge spike in numbers, others such as Germany and Italy also saw more arrivals as compared to the previous year.

  107. Tibet Leadership-in-Exile & the Indo-Pacific Strategy:

    China’s Nuclear Missile Guidance Systems:

    Role of UAVs in Taiwan’s Defence Strategy:

  108. Hi Prasun

    1> is the desi KU band seeker in astra mk1 an aesa seeker?
    2> there seems to be a lot of confusions regarding Akash NG and a supposed VL-ASTRA SAM. there is some speculation that Akash NG will serve as a land based short range 30-45km range sam whereas VL-ASTRA will serve as a short range 30 km sam for navy P-28 and smaller corvettes. is this correct.
    3> does it make economical sense to equip SAMs whose job is to shoot down fighters and drones with a KA band seeker or does KU band seeker enough and equip ka band seeker in only those SAM that are supposed to intercept BMs.

  109. Sir,

    Now everyone against Huawei & ZTE. 5G networks

  110. What happens to POK/G&B, if Biden wins ???? Please enlighten !!!!

  111. Hello Prasun,

    Some authentication is required to access the web pages

    Well, like me, folks are aghast with the behavior of EAM; hope there is he has right reasons for playing down the rhetoric of the Hans and doing things that are relevant to take care of country's interests. Presstitutes have already mentioned there is some super secret proposal being worked upon. Thanks, Ganesh

  112. Why IN kolkata class detroyers have two radars on different masts..i mean wont it be good if its mounted on single mast...also rear Thales LW-08 radars frontal coverage is blocked by MFSTAR radar mast is the performance effected due to this??

  113. Hi Prasun

    thanks for the articles, as usual it was very informative. A few queries i had after reading the articles were:

    1. Do we have a development department for microelectronics like Xian in india? if not do we import it and from which countries for our missiles and space program. How good are we even if are making certain component, how good are they? Under National Institute 771 they have 5000 employees and whole ninth academy has 16000 and i guess unofficially the number of employees will higher. China is really pumping in resources required. The founder of ZTE is from Institute 771 and they have still own 34 % and other subsidiary of CASC also own some shares ( basically making it state owned). So they converted their R&D to a successful multibillion dollar company which now is competing with top companies for setting up 5G network including India which I believe now is blocked due the current situation with china. But still you need to appreciate their vision and mindset. They used their own market as stepping stone to propel themselves on the world platform. I wonder when we will start thinking big. I would say god only knows but by the looks of it I think even he doesn't.

    2.Taiwan looks very focused on their UAV program, they didn't try to quantum jump the development process so they have wide variety of drones and proper infrastructure to develop better drones like teng yun which would definitely be armed. What was impressive was that when pla got the harpy they developed Chien Hsiang by integrating anti radiation missile with the existing uav systems with loitering feature just like the harpy. India need to focus on proper UAV development,if turkey, taiwan can do it with limited resources we can do it better if we wish do so. Do we have any similar program to develop harop type drones? How is Rustom,Tapas uav programmes going on? and are started development in UCAV?


  114. hi Prasun

    3. Is the next generation missile vessels going to be similar to russian Gremyashchiy-class corvette or the Steregushchiy-class corvette? The indian goverment had raised an rfp of 2.2 billion dollars for 6 vessels but isnt that a lot? Even the kamorta class corvette was around $250 million per ship. Can't we use the smaller size of kamorta class corvette of this programme, i think it will be more cost effective?

    4.Since we are tight on our yearly budget , why don't we invest more in corvettes? They could be cost effective and can be design modified for different roles like antisubmarine, guided missile like the Russian navy and if i am not wrong even by the soviets since our main opponents are nearby.



  115. Dada if IN selected BAE systems AC design then will it be a ski jump or a catapult equipped? Then do you see F35B or F35C as a strong candidate for IAC 2?

  116. why the BAE design when the american ones are there?

    with the americans so competitive in marketing their planes, surprised they wouldn't do the same for naval vessels.

  117. To HOODS007: 1) The answer lies here:

    2) Akash-NG is only for the IAF & IN, whereas the SR-SAM will be for the IN. The latter is a hybrid of the Astra-1 BVRAAM & Barak-8 LR-SAM, i.e. its scaled-down propulsion system & thrust-vectoring rocket nozzles will be derived from the Barak-8’s design while the front-end of the SR-SAM will be the same as the Astra-1. 3) Ka-band seekers will eventually replace all Ku-band seekers, be it for SAMs or AAMs.

    To ANWAY: That’s simply because neither of the two companies can offer 5 G networks anymore, since they have access anymore to the high-end microchips from Taiwan & the US upon which the 5 g networks of the 2 companies were designed.

    To RAJESH MISHRA: LoLz! Unlike India, in the US all policies affecting supreme national interests never chang or get challenged. For example, no one has so far opposed all the sanctions that the present POTUS has levied on either China, or Iran or North Korea. And again, unlike India, there is no so-called Model Code imposed any any Election Commission & hence till the last day of office, the POTUS is free to enact his own policies & hence this will take place: India and the US will hold their third 2 + 2 ministerial meeting in New Delhi next week, the US said. The state secretary Mike Pompeo and the defence chief of US Mike Esper will travel to New Delhi for day-long in-person meetings, rare given the Covid-19 pandemic and the global shift to virtual interactions, with their Indian counterparts S Jaishankar and Rajnath Singh on October 27.

    To GANESH: I have not faced any such challenges & the pages open without any hassle & I can even download the PDF files.

    To AMIT BISWAS: All present-day principal surface combatants have 2 masts, barring those that use the AEGIS CMS/SPY-1 radar combination. There can never be any performance degradation since every radar has a minimum & maximum operating range gate & the mast-mounted rotating antennae starts picking up targets only about 75 metres away.

    To REMO: 1) Here are the Indian laboratories:

    2) UAS development projects in India have yet to produce any productive results & overall the story thus far is very sad & disappointing. 3) The NGMVs will be corvette-sized & will also carry NLUHs on board & that accounts for the increased project costs. 4) Guided-missile corvettes are alright for littoral operations within restricted waters, whereas in India’s case the reqmt is for warships that can sustain themselves for long durations in the high seas & hence both DDGs & FFGs are preferred.

    To SUMIT SEN: As I had explained earlier, the IN wants a CATOBAR aircraft carrier because it wants to operate Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye AEW & C platforms from the vessel. So, no more ski-ramps for IAC-2.

  118. China’s Huzhou turns into a ghost town after Samsung shifts its operation to India, Vietnam:

    Acquisition Wing of Ministry of Defence (MoD) signed contracts with M/s Bharat Earth Movers Ltd (BEML), M/s Tata Power Company Ltd (TPCL) and M/s Larsen & Toubro (L&T) for supply of six Pinaka Regiments to the Regiment of Artillery of the Indian Army at an approximate cost of Rs 2580 Crores. These six Pinaka Regiments would comprise 114 Launchers with Automated Gun Aiming & Positioning System (AGAPS) and 45 Command Posts to be procured from M/s TPCL and M/s L&T and 330 vehicles to be procured from M/s BEML. These Regiments would further enhance the operation preparedness of the Armed Forces. The induction is planned to be completed by 2024.

    Y-9EQ MR/ASW Platform of PLAN:

    PLAGF Mule-Trains along LAC:

    PLA-BDR in Khunjerab Pass:

  119. Hi Prasun

    you had written a couple of years ago that drdo was going to build a test facility at Rutland Island in A&N island. is that facility constructed?

  120. Sir,

    Last Project 28 ASW corvettes going to commission tomorrow.
    ASW corvettes doesn't need any Anti Ship missile? ACTAS & torpedo's are enough?

  121. Mr.Prasun

    1) Will China risk attacking Pratas on any other Taiwanese islands and further enrage the US and fortify Taiwan?

    2)What is the real situation inside Karachi their is a lot of Disinformation even from our Indian SM?

    3)What is INS navigation?

    4)Did our nuclear planners really study US NSC Memo 20 and 68 if so what they inferred from it which was said by V.adm Vijay Shekhar IN in US?

    5)When will the situation get wrse inside GB because Balochistan and Sindh are burning?

    is it North Bank Of Pan,tso?

    7)Can you provide information about Chinese PLA Y-7,Y-8,y-9,Y-20 family of Chinese transports and their variants and no.s in service in details?

    8)How the hell Turkey has a Domestic MBT ready for production Armed UAVs family, SHORAD even a domestic Assault Rifle India should Learn from them a lot?Maybe it was because of Sanctions on weapons India might learn this too the hard way i think thats why we try to maintain good relations with arms supplier countries.

    thank you indra

  122. To ANUP: The EW domain is such that it always keeps on evolving & so has the Samyukta EW system. New add-ons & accretions take place both at hardware- & software-levels all the time.

    To HOODS007: Yes & that’s how a BrahMos-1 missile was test-fired from that island a few years ago.

    To ANWAY: The following thread gives all the information on that project. The cost escalations are mind-boggling & no wonder the IN is running short of force modernisation funds.

    To INDRA: 1) China still does not possess the sealift & sea transportation capability reqd for invading an island. 2) The India-based media is blowing it out of proportion & hence all such reports need to be discarded & ignored. 3) Inertial Navigation System. 4) Yes, they all studied it & also reached the same conclusion, i.e. a sea-based survivable deterrent is the best option, albeit the most expensive option. 5) It won’t get worse now due to the onset of winter. Only in the next summertime will it be possible to draw rational inferences from the ground situation there. 6) Yes. 7) A lot of info is already available online. The Y-7 & Y-8 were of 1980s design vintage & are now being replaced by the Y-9 family. 8) Turkey has not developed any MBT. Its latest MBT is derived from the South Korean K-2 MBT design.

  123. PLA-BDR in North Bank of Panggong Tso Lake:

    PA COAS at Chammb Sector on 21-10-2020:
