Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Recalling India's First Joint Forces Vertical Envelopment Operations That Were Undertaken 49 Years Ago

The Aftermath: Lessons Unlearnt


  1. Prasunda,

    Wants to share this with you and everyone here on this blog.


    this is becoming now an open secret.


  2. 1. Why does IAC3 need to have AEW platform ? We can use long range UAV for surveillance to extend the range of P8I.
    We have bases in Andaman to cover upto Malacaa strait.
    Lakhsdweep can cover large areas of Indian ocean and Arabian Sea.
    Gujrat/Maharashtra can cover north Arabian Sea and Pakistan.

    I am not assuming we get a base in Maldives.

    2. What will happen to MMRCA tender now that IN wants to join IAF ? Looks sensible finally

    3. In IA artillery plan, what is the difference between
    a. 155mm Mounted Gun (400 nos)
    b. 155mm Wheeled Self Propelled Gun (814 nos)


  3. Dear Prasun,

    Great read as always,
    My questions are-
    1. We know that the QRSAM architecture will eventually morph into a SRSAM for IN, can the QRSAM also function as SRSAM with required modifications for IA/IAF, and if so are we not duplicating the R&D effort by developing both the QRSAM and Akash. Wont a single SRSAM architecture be cost effective.
    2. It is well documented that the Arjun needs a smoothbore cannon. Are there any indigenous efforts going on in developing one. Wont the licensed produced Rheinmetall L44 Canon be a great gun for the Arjun.
    3. The Navy chief recently said that IN will be pursuing a third Aircraft carrier that would be larger then INS Vikrant(IAC-1) with EMALS etc. But considering the budgetary situation, won't developing a second Vikrant class CATOBAR Aircraft carrier be more cost effective adding the EMALS to its capability. Doesn't this whole issue reflect a lack of cohesive national security planning.


  4. To ANIONE: The following shed more light on the issue you’ve highlighted:

    Remote-Viewing 18 Different Alien Species:


    Remote-Viewing Planet Mars 1 Million Years Ago:


    USS Trepang SSN 674 Incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4KthJZsjQw

    Using Polymers to Build Pyramids of Egypt:


    To VENKY: 1) Maritime reconnaissance/surveillance & airborne early warning & control are 2 totally different operations & hence cannot be performed by a single unitary platform. An aircraft carrier operates in areas/regions where LRMR/ASW platforms cannot operate or go to due to the distances involved. 2) There’s only 1 option that was proposed by France as well back in 2007, i.e. both IAF & IN should opt for the Rafale M-MRCA. 3) Both are 155mm MGS, but A is an ultralightweight version with 39-calibre barrel for use in high-altitude terrain while B is the heavier version with 52-calibre barrel for use in the plains, deserts & highlands.

    To ADITYA: 1) In reality, there’s no need for an all-new SR-SAM design since the Barak-8 itself can function as one, albeit with a reduced-length missile-body. Hence, I will not go for an SR-SAM version of the QR-SAM when as far more practical & cost-effective option is already available. 2) If the ARDE can develop a far more complex 120mm rifled-bore cannon, then it is far easier to develop its smoothbore variant. In fact, a smoothbore 130mm cannon capable of being retrofitted ought to be developed to replace the 120mm rifled-bore cannons. If TATA & Kalyani Group have already produced bored 155mm barrels, then they can easily produce 130mm smoothbore barrels for MBTs as well within short timeframes. 3) Not if the IN selects an already available proven design for the IAC-3, i.e. the UK’s QE-2 class aircraft carrier but modified to host the EMALS & a flat-deck, i.e. CATOBAR configuration.

  5. Sir,

  6. if we have to go for proven design, why not an american carrier? if QE-class can be modified to be CATOBAR, why not IAC-1?

  7. To BHOUTIK: Because USN vessels are nuclear-powered super-carriers, not conventionally-powered carriers. The IN has decided to stick to non-nuclear aircraft carriers. And trying to enlarge IAC-1 from 40,000-tonne DWT to 65,000-tonne DWT will involve years of redesign & developmental effort that will delay the IAC-3's procurement by a full decade (to the year 2045). A proven design that has already been built can easily be modified without upsetting the DWT & delivered within 4 to 6 years.

    And this is the hard-kill anti-drone weapon procured by the IN & the BSF:


    Russian Patent for RCS Reduction Grating for Air-Intakes:


  8. An interesting but flawed assessment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOPBu_dtrj0&t=20s

  9. Sir can you educate me about the pros and cons of these farming bills and why farmers from Haryana and Punjab are so paranoid about these bills my relatives both in Haryana and Punjab bad mouth govt but unable to clarify matter to me.

  10. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/defence/role-reversal-india-offers-us-fighter-jet-trainer-in-1st-major-defence-sales-pitch/articleshow/79635249.cms

    What are the chances of Tejas selection


  11. https://www.jpost.com/omg/former-israeli-space-security-chief-says-aliens-exist-humanity-not-ready-651405

    whats your opinion on this, why they are not contacting whole humanity, why US? (sarcasm on) they are racist too? (sarcasm off)

  12. Mr.Prasun

    1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4KthJZsjQw
    Is'nt it fake as written in the comment section by the OOD of the Sub?

    Does it prove that Aliens existed on mars around 1 Million BC?

    3)Is it true that Russia-made Repellant EW system failed in Armenia as claimed by Armenian PM?

    4)Sergey Lavrov's recent statements that the West is trying to create bad situation between India and China? Now how come west is responsible for chinese aggression.

    5)Is it true as has been reported somewhere that Russia provided assurances that Chinese troop movements were for exercises only and these chinese troops later occupied our territory?

    Thank you


  13. Dear Prasun,

    Do you think that smash 2000 is a good option to deal with drones? Can it fill the void entirely?

  14. Any update on super sukhoi? Please update is on new development on super sukhoi project,

  15. To ROHIT GILL: To cut a long story short, it all boils down to this: changing rules for a changing world & unchanging rules for an unchanging world. What this means is that the protesters are those who do not want to graduate to the next evolutionary stage & want time to stay still. This obviously is impossible & hence those who are protesting will end up as the losers. As former PM Dr MMS had once famously stated, no one can stop an idea whose time has come.

    To RON: LoLz! Only in India can one expect delusional ‘desi patrakaars’ to come up with such outlandish reports. For it is only they who ‘believe’ that conducting just 20 landings/takeoffs from an aircraft carrier & maybe another 20 from the SBTF is enough to prove the efficacy of a carrier-based MRCA. But the 1st question any Prospectiove customer will ask is this: if this MRCA is so good then why did the IN not become the first one to service-induct the LIFT version of the LCA(N) Mk.1? So what will HAL say then? In fact, there would have been some saving grace had HAL offered a navalised variant of the LCA Sport, which is still just a paper design. But offering a tandem-seater variant of the Tejas Mk.1A that will be built only for operational conversion sorties is a non-starter & no-brainer for any navy in this world. I’m therefore quite sure that the US Navy—the world-leader in carrier-based aviation—will have a pretty good laugh after going through HAL’s proposal.

    To ASD: No, this is just a stop-gap measure. In the end, for defeating swarm-type attacks by drones, truck-mounted laser-based air-defence systems will have to be procured.

    To SANTOSH: No recent updates, I’m afraid.

  16. To ARPIT KANODIA: LoLz! There are 18 identifiable alien species that have been contacted by civilian remote-viewers, while up to 52 alien species have been identified by the US military. I’m sure they all have different agendas, depending on whether they are part of some unitary galactic federation, or they are on their own. In terms of establishing contact, they will likely prioritise the hierarchy, starting with the highly industrialised & intellectually endowed countries. But this does not mean India will not figure in this hierarchy at all, as evidenced by this:


    In fact, soon after selecting the Ashoka Pillar’s three lions & chakra as India’s national emblem, the Govt of India had in 1951 initiated an official investigation codenamed PROJECT A, to ascertain whether or not there had existed a secret society in ancient India, today known as “The Secret Society of Nine Unknown Men”, allegedly established by Emperor Ashoka after his war against Kalinga. The nine unknown men were entrusted with guarding nine books of secret knowledge that dealt with:

    Propaganda: This book contained the techniques of propaganda and psychological warfare. This was an important aspect because if one could mould public opinion, one could rule the world.

    Physiology: This focussed on physiology and explained how to kill a person simply by touching him. It involved the reversal of a nerve impulse.

    Microbiology: This discussed microbiology and biotechnology. Apparently, a “divine nectar” had been developed for giving a lifespan of 2,000 years.

    Alchemy: This dealt with transmutation of metals.

    Communication: This contained the study of all means of communication, both terrestrial as well as extra-terrestrial, which means that the Nine Unknown Men were aware of the latter.

    Gravity: This explored the secrets of gravitation and contained instructions on how to build an anti-gravity, flying machine known as a “vimana”.

    Cosmology: This dealt with all matters related to the universe.

    Light: This discussed the properties of light, such as the speed of light and how to change its speed and use it as a weapon.

    Sociology: This included rules for the evolution of human societies and a means of foretelling their eventual decline. Thus, it contained ways to create, nurture and destroy a whole culture or civilisation.

    The number ‘9’ has always had a special place throughout the Indian history. There are ‘9 celestial influencers’ according to Indian astrology, ‘9 universal elements’ according to Dharmic philosophy and also, most rulers have had a group of 9 intellectual men in their courts, be it Chandragupta, Vikramaditya, Akbar, Krishna Chandra or Raja Krishna Deva Raya. Internationally, the number ‘9’ finds special significance in many cultures and rituals. For the Hebrews, 9 is a symbol of truth. For the Christians, the Ninth Hour is the Hour of Prayer. In Buddhism too, important rituals usually involve 9 monks.

    PROJECT A was officially terminated by 1959 after it had emerged that the earliest versions of such texts were located within various Tibetan monasteries that were by then beyond the reach of any Indian citizen.

  17. To AJAY: Neither can it be proven to be TRUE NEWS nor can it be proven as FAKE NEWS. And most importantly, balloons cannot sink into the high seas when fully inflated. Hence, it is important to read the original news here:


    There are several similar photos released by Russia in the 1990s about similar sightings. 2) It does & is now backed up by photos taken by NASA’s rovers while navigating through the surface of Mars, as shown here:


    3) If it failed, then did so due to sub-optimal exploitation by its Armenian operators, rest assured. 5) Not true.

    Cont'd below...

  18. 4) Such statements are being made because of a pattern that is emerging, i.e. one must take note that in all statements issued by both India & China after June 5 following every negotiations between the 2 countries, both statements contain a common declaration: the negotiators agreed to continue negotiations for resolving the issues peacefully in accordance with the directives of China’s President & India’s PM about differences not blowing out into open disputes. What this means is that the top leaderships of both countries are seeking to insulate themselves from any adverse fallouts & hence none of the 2 are directly & publicly naming each other whenever talking about the current LAC standoff. This in turn will enable both to smile at one another & warmly shake hands at any future summit-level meeting as if nothing bad had happened. In fact, China was hoping that just like in 2017 during the Doklam standoff (when the ‘desi’ media did not have access to overhead space recce imagery from either commercial sources or from the so-called OSINT bloggers based abroad), this time too India would prevent the accordance of press publicity to China’s military deployments in eastern Ladakh. In fact, none of the ‘desi’ media outlets have to date made their own purchases of such imagery (each costing about US$4,000/-) & have all been relying on imagery released by the so-called OSINT bloggers based in Switzerland. It is this sudden availability of such imagery that has taken India’s ‘netas’ by surprise & put the Govt of India on the backfoot.

    So, did all this happen spontaneously or by chance? No way. The world’s dominating Global Powers who wish to have India on their side & secure their objectives have spent the last 2 years carefully creating assets abroad & basing them in neutral countries like Switzerland, i.e. the so-called nameless/faceless OSINT bloggers & consultants who personally could never spend the kind of money reqd for purchasing satellite imagery out of their own pockets. Instead, they were & still are being funded by these Global Powers & even given the images & maps for uploading on their blogs & twitter accounts on a daily basis—a practice that continues till this day. So one must never ASSUME that such entities are genuinely sympathetic towards India or support India. Only the Australia-based ASPI has officially stated its interest in pursuing the LAC standoff & has been publishing both maps & imagery. The ‘desi patrakaars’ thus had no other choice but to rely on such ‘sources for giving daily updates since last May & have thus helped the Global Powers to shape a dominant narrative, while India’s MoD & armed services HQs have maintained studied silence on evolving developments in areas of the faceoffs, focussing instead on channelling the ‘desi patrakaars’ only to witness the counter-mobilisation processes in the rear-areas. Once the narrative was shaped & made dominant, pressure related to both populism & the need to redeem national honour automatically increased on India to be seen to be doing something decisive & hence what followed were the inking of BECA, revival of the QUAD’s military component & the rise of anti-China sentiments within India’s populace.

    Cont'd below...

  19. Thus, what we can infer from the above is that regardless of India wanted it or not, the US-led Western & East Asian powers forced India to take some decisive anti-China actions of the kind India had refused to take during previous faceoffs with the PLA in 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2017. Also, anti-China sentiment will now prevail in India for at least another generation, i.e. 40 years at least. This has been a classic application of one of Zhuge Liang’s 36 Stratagems, clearly illustrating how Global Powers formulate & execute grand strategies (which of course include the steadily growing financial investments being made in India by Saudi Arabia, the UAE & Qatar at the behest of the US & UK), with countries like India only indulging in the ‘Gulli-Danda’ tactics & preferring to be led by the nose. And this will continue for the foreseeable future.

    But there is good news as well: increasing financial investments being made into India’s economy; & India’s military force modernisation gathering more steam. For instance, the IA’s COAS, before his departure for KSA & the UAE, instructed IA HQ to formally issue the Indent for ordering the 118 Arjun Mk.1A MBTs & the first 200 155mm/52-cal ATAGS. And perhaps when the UK’s PM arrives in India next month as Chief Guest for the RDP, the decks will have been cleared for the IN’s IAC-3 being jointly built by BAE Systems & Cochin Shipyard Ltd. India will be allowed by the Global Powers to continue engaging with Iran & Russia for the sake of keeping Afghanistan stabilised, while no sanctions will be levied against India for continuing to procure more Type VVER-1000 PWRs for nuclear power generation & 190mWt PWRs for future SSBNs. So, everyone in the end stays well-fed & happy.

  20. Prasunda,

    Very much thanks for your reply and thanks for the fantastic explanations on the great game being played out now as well as celestial explanations and the secret society of nine men.


    I believe this is what you have already wrote down in your blog a week ago when you clearly mentioned that Indian laws are meant to be ruled over the masses, not to be governed.
    What amazes me is how these IAS babus forgets the big pictures and are just shooting in the dark in the hope of hitting something.

    As you again rightly mentioned and I quote,"countries like India only indulging in the ‘Gulli-Danda’ tactics & preferring to be led by the nose. And this will continue for the foreseeable future."


  21. Exactly Prasun Bhai. What the Netas don't realise is that politics is like the penis -used for pleasure and necessity- ejaculate and urinate depending on the need. It's only when one tries to convert a tool purely designed for excrement e.g. the arse for a pseudo vagina that problems start. The DRDO is thus spending its time and money in trying to recreate the latter as a full time option for all (instead of a few) and the GOI is too busy holding the dick and not sure what the situation calls for. To the larger populace in India who are clueless these same Natas appear to be Ram Bhakt Hanuman and at the same time they are trying to project to the World their Rum Bhakt nature! The war and threat is neither Pakistan nor China or anyone else- it is idiocy and refusing to change mindset.

  22. Mr. Prasun so what i can infer from this is that 1)the Global Powers(US,UK,France,Israel etc)
    want us to become a counter force to PRC that,s why highlighting the LAC crisis so much.

    2)They have succeded in creating Anti-China Sentiment in India which will continue for a generation.

    3)They are investing in our economy and military so that we become a counter to PRC.

    4)But because of all this the Indian economy will get money and that will also result in our military modernistion helping us to become a great power able to deal with its giant neighbour and its vassal.

    But certain questions arise from it

    1)The west helped make PRC a great power intentionally or unintentionally is it the reason they want us to become a counter PRC because PRC is diminshing them?

    2)Our relations with Iran are going to get worse or maybe no significant changes but in the years ahead PLA will be present in Iran and Pakistan.

    3)Russia is important because our military eqpt is heavily dependent on them and also our sea leg of our Nuclear Triad nothing substantial except this?

    4)The Indian leadership is clueless but it never wants to get embroiled b/w U.S and PRC but it is getting embroiled?

    5)But ultimately is'nt it the PRC which also wants the border issue to hang so that it can pressure India whenever it wants this is what it did this Year and giving oppurtunity to the west?

    6)Finally does'nt it make the Notion true that INDIA is subservient to the west especially the US just like Pakistan is to China and like the Chinese say that India is the West's Dog(bs)?

    Thank you


  23. Having read your very insightful writeup sharing this very prescient interview with F.M. Montgomery https://youtu.be/H1dz3pqbRaw

  24. Sir, is there any way I could get more info on 1951 Project A..
    Any link to search for, I couldn't find anything on internet about this..

  25. To ANIONE: What has democracy got to do with policy formulation & its implementation? The former is a constantly evolving PROCESS while the latter two are METHODOLOGIES. If policy reforms are legalised through parliamentary legislation, then how does this violate any democratic norms/processes? Therefore, the need of the hour is to stay firm & be tough in terms of imposing the writ of law through the application of proportionate force, which again is authorised by any constitution of any democratic country worldwide.

    To SWARUP MANDLE: A looming sign of decadence having set in:



    To AJAY: Roughly yes, this being part of a larger strategy aimed at containing China. 1) The West wanted China to act as a bulwark against the USSR during the Cold War era, aimed at containing & possibly isolating the USSR. But the West NEVER WANTED China to emerge as one of the world’s dominating powers. 2) India’s relations with Iran will be cordial & friendly, but not flourishing. 3) That’s right. But matters could change in case India succeeds in recovering PoK as that will enable Central Asian Republics to supply gas to India via land pipelines, with Russia’s technological & financial assistance. 4) India’s leadership isn’t clueless, but is reticent to read the writing on the wall, i.e. the clash between democracies & totalitarian states is inevitable & cannot be postponed beyond a certain point. 5) Yes. 6) Yes, but what other option does India really have? India can at best retain the same status as that of Japan, South Korea or Australia.

    To NEWCOMER: No documentation has been made public about it so far by an Indian agency or institution. The only person who had officially shown any interest on such matters was the late Pallath Joseph Kurien, a former member of the Rajya Sabha.

  26. Mr.Prasun

    1)This talk of getting back POK is over thanks to PRC because i think it is unrealistic to assume that in the near to mid term future getting it back is possible because we don't have the required military capability to undertake this mission.(Vertical Envelopement etc.)

    2)Even if we have the required military capability the PRC will get involved and it will make sure we that we don't succeed. (Chinese mil presence in POK and GB and Pakistan will be manifold when we have the capability)

    3)Our leaders will always look at the next elections and they don't have the will for it.

    4)Getting to Wakhan Corridor will take months and the global powers as you have always said want the LOC to become a IB so they will push for a ceasefire immediately after hostilities begin.

    5)A multi national coalition won't happen and nobody is going to take paki nukes away.

    6)If the pakis start losing they will definitely fire a tacnuke somewhere or might even test one which will force termination of hostilities by the Int Community.

    7)Even if we get to wakhan corridor it is very narrow the pakis or chinis can intercept it or bring in the irregular groups to sabotage it.

    8)So called AJK is'nt very important and it is filled with hostile population and the same will hold true for GB.

    9)Internal and frontier security will be very challenging in GB the Pakis and Chinis will sponsor more insurgencies and also send them through Afghanistan.

    10)The costs to be paid for the successful march to wakhan will be enormous in monetary and human lives on our side and the costs to be paid for CI/CT after it if we succeed in retaking it over decades will weigh heavily in decision-making.

    1)I guess the much cursed idea about strategic autonomy is alreay in dustbin or a future govt might revive it?

    2)Why does the West allow Russia to supply us nuclear related tech is it because they themselves don't wanna do it?

    3)In future when the nuclear cooperation b/w India and Russia ends and also much of our military hardware becomes Indian/Western/Israeli the relationship b/w these countries might change because as you have mentioned the clash b/w Democracies and Totalitarian states is inevitable India and Russian might find each other on different sides of the line and might even point a gun at each other because of China-Russia axis?

    4)Russians might start supplying more and more military eqpt to Pakistan in the next 10-15 years and the pakistani notion of a PRC-RF-PAK-TUR-Iran axis might come true?

    5)Were'nt the Chinese were also acting according to U.S interests in the Cold War's later part so they were also U.S dogs?

    Thank you


  27. Hi prasoon

    Your comments please. How American reached to Mars ? On alien ship? Can aliens be trusted?

  28. @prasun da

    regarding you answer to AJAY regarding western powers trying to cut China into size by breaking it into 4 different nations of Xinjiang, Tibet, China with inner mongolia merging back with mongolia. The real problem i m sorry to say that you have missed is that :-

    a. china started to project itself as the biggest market and the biggest factory floor in the world, it went ok for sometime but when China started arm twisting other nations powers that be decided to cut China to size using India as main bait.

    b. unfortunately like china India has played into the hands of powers that be by projecting itself as option against China as biggest market, biggest factory floor and willingness to stand up to China

    c. what you dont realize is that India is going on a path of self destruction by projecting self as new china minus Totalitarianism but in reality that is what it is doing example farm laws 2020

    d. china realized the game of powers that be long back as such is doing whatever it can to make sure india is as miserable in future kind of 'hum to to doobenge sanam, tumhe bhi le doobenge', unfortunately none in India is seeing the writing on the wall


    Joydeep Ghosh

  29. To AJAY: Those who are hostile in AJK are the Punjabi settlers that came after 1948 & still do, i.e. not the natives. GB is sparsely populated & given the widespread sectarianism within Pakistan & also resettlement of Sunni Pakistanis there, the local population, if given the choice, would like to switch sides in India’s favour. 1) LoLz! The only 2 times that India asserted & enforced strategic autonomy without anyone’s support was in 1961 for OP Vijay (liberation of Goa) & in the 1970s when India decided to continue producing generic drugs & medication despite strong opposition from the multinational pharmaceutical companies. 2) What Russia is supplying isn’t state-of-the-art at all. What India is receiving for her navy are 3rd & 4th generation PWRs when the present-day technologies have produced 9th generation PWRs in both the US & Russia. 3) It won’t end for at least the next 40 years in the mi9litary arena. In the civilian arena, Russia is due to supply a total of 36 VVER-1000 PWRs for power generation, with all of them being under IAEA safeguards. So far, contracts have been inked for only 6 of them, with those for another 30 yet to be firmed up. 4) Impossible, since Russia does not export weapons as aid anymore & instead demands payment on commercial terms & conditions, which Pakistan can ill-afford. Hence, despite all talk about procuring T-90S MBTs from Russia, the PA has eventually ended up with China-supplied VT-4/MBT-3000s. 5) Yes.

    To GOURAV: have already commented upon it previously in this very thread.

    To JOYDEEP GHISH: LoLz! You are still soaring ever higher with flights of fancy! 1) I never said anything about China being broken into 4 or more parts. Instead, I had only used the term ‘containment’. A) There’s nothing wrong with making such claims if China had competed in a fair manner. But that was not the case especially after China was admitted into the WTO & instead China continued to indulge in unfair trade practices & this consequently resulted in de-industrialisation in many parts of the world. Hence, a course-correction was obviously reqd & this is now happening in the form of several countries now barring China-based companies from entering their markets on grounds of national security & unfair trade practices. For instance, the denial of advanced microchips to OEMs like HUAWEI & ZTE is effectively reducing their penetrations of global cellphone markets. B) There’s nothing wrong about it at all for as long as India benefits in as many arenas as possible. Taiwan, South Korea & Japan are prime examples of benefitting in this manner. C) Reforms in the farming/agricultural sector were long overdue & should have been initiated in the 1990s itself during the GATT negotiations. Only reticence to catch the bull by the horns by delaying the reforms process leads to either self-destruction, or becoming laggards. D) That kind of ‘Samson’s Option’ can’t be effected or introduced from abroad. It is an indigenous process due to the stubborn refusal to transform one’s mindset.

    And that’s also why: India continues to be ruled, not governed; India continues to be bereft of all-party consensus on where the country should be headed & in what form in the years ahead, with the planning process lasting only 5 years instead of a minimum of 25 years & maximum of 40 years; no unitary or over-arching grand strategy has been able to emerge for enhancing comprehensive, full-spectrum national prowess; and without such grand strategising, almost every sector of military & civil business/commercial activity has been unable to formulate a long-term growth plan & all of these combined continue to make India a laggard, i.e. a follower of others. And that’s why a small country can come up with such pathbreaking innovations:


    And India will inevitably end up importing such end-products for decades to come.

  30. Prasun da,

    1) US always wanted to form a group against China with India on its side but European powers were always reluctant. Did life and economic losses caused due to coronavirus forced them to confront China or are they other reasons also?

    2) India and Arab powers have come closer in the last 5-6 years. They are investing in India at behest of Western powers then why do they keep poking their nose in Kashmir through OIC? To keep that begger state in good humour?

    3) Why does KSA want Bangladeshi troops instead of PA? What role will these troops perform? In fact why would Bangladesh send its troops to protect someone else that too for merely 400 million dollars? Bdesh is doing well economically, plus unlike pakis they dont look at arabs as their maai baap or at themselves as the defender of Islam.

    4) What is the reason behind the continuous flow of bad news from Arab powers to Pakistan? KSA asked its money back, termination of deffered payment for oil supply, UAE visa ban, deportation of 1000s of pakis. Price for joining Turkey led alliance? Or is it aimed at forcing pakis to recognise Israel? I see a lot of wailing and whining in paki media over this

    5) Why is our govt reluctant to embrace Taiwan openly? They supported us against China on Ladakh, recently as a signal to India they had a big event on Diwali with top Taiwanese officials in attendence, iPhone suppliers are shifting from China to India which could not have happened without the approval from the top. Or is there something developing behind the doors which GOI wants to keep secret for now?

    6) Why was Putin's visit to India cancelled? Now what happens to the much awaited AK-203 deal? And when is Modi receiving the Order of St Andrews which Russia announced in April last year?

    7) According to all experts and most agencies economy would be back on track by next year so can we expect the order for next tranche of Rafales by 2021 end? Or are we going to order 114 in one go under make in India?

    8) Lastly what to do with this khalistani coco sucking Canadian pappu? He has been taking India for granted for long by giving free run to Sikh radicals. Isko iski aukat dikhani padegi. Bahut hogaya ab.

  31. To PRATAP: 1) Both the US & Europe were well aware of China’s non-adherence to WTO regulations but were pandering to their respective populist consumerist temptations. But once the pandemic appeared from China, all those countries saw the perfect opportunity to corner China because all popular sentiments in those countries had turned anti-China too & they were now willing to let their govts take the necessary collective measures, howsoever painful they might be in economic/financial terms. 2) LoLz! They poke their nose because they know only too well that such poking won’t change anything at all. It is just a mere formality nowadays & soon that too will stop, rest assured. 3) Only homeland security functions as they will come under the command of the Royal Saudi National Guard, as I had already explained earlier. And every year annual payments will be made after the BA troops are deployed there, so the US$400 million was just like an initial security deposit as a measure of good faith. 4) Because Pakistan is getting ever closer to Turkey & Iran. Nothing to do with Israel. 5) That’s because of a self-imposed regressive mindset, due to which Indian ‘netas’ since early this decade have only TALKED about strategic autonomy but haven’t really walked the talk. 6) Due to concerns over the 2nd wave of the pandemic. AK-203 procurements are being made without any hassle. 7) They will have to be ordered in tranches due to their high acquisition costs & ONLY an IDIOT will dare licence-build them in India since any such licence-built Rafale will cost 2.5 times more than what Dassault Aviation is charging. So don't get too carried away by sloganeering about ‘Make in India’ or ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’. 9) Asal mein woh hamein hamaari aukaat dikha rahaa hai. After all, from which country did India procure the Bombardier 5000A ISR platforms for the ARC/NTRO? It is thus not about one-upmanship, but about giving a befitting reply that makes sense & is compelling in its logic. Unfortunately, India’s MEA has yet to grasp this reality & hence continues the discredited practice of giving defensive rebuttals (even to OIC-issued statements), which to the commoner or layman portrays India as going on the backfoot. In the previous thread I had already given an example of what kind of rebuttal the Indian MEA should have given. Hence, no need at all to get one’s blood boiling.

  32. LoLz! I'm sure Pakistan forgot to include this in its Dossier now being presented to countries spread across the world:

    EU DisinfoLab Uncovers Vast Pro-India, Anti-Pakistan Disinformation Campaign.




  33. @prasun da

    1. i never said that you said 'China to be broken into 4 or more parts. it is me who has said that China to be broken into 4 or more parts bcoz Xinjiang, Tibet, Inner Mongolia (part of mongolia) were independent and captured by China and needs to be broken away for ‘containment’.'

    2. the prime reason why China was able to dictate terms was the fact that China holds over 50% of global rare earth mineral resources and over 70% of rare earth mineral processing facility, nearly 20% of uranium deposit, so no matter what India may try to project itself India will nevr be able to dictate terms and no matter the govt tries to propogate 'atmanirbhar joomla the powers that be will never aow India to bew.

    3. you talked about ‘Samson’s Option’ can’t be effected or introduced from abroad. It is an indigenous process due to the stubborn refusal to transform one’s mindset' well we are trying our best todo it, for eg

    1. bengal/maharashtra governors who hold constitutional post instead are parroting party line

    2. UP govt love jihad law being used to harass interfaith couples, last week adult hindu bride muslim groom marriage with consent of both families was stopped bcoz bajrang dal which is trying to behave like saudi relious police, another adult woman who converted to islam was harrass by the same asshle group abusing her 'how can you marry a muslim' despite her saying i did it in my own fee will and her husband and brother in law r behind bars, just today read a about to marry muuslim couple had to spend 24hrs in lockup n were released only after their families gave undertaking and proof that they were born muslim

    3. the karnataka anti slaughter law virtually takes off meat from platter of humams

    4. this beef phobia has resulted in zoo animals surviving on chicken and goat meat

    5. CAA/NRC/NPR has been misused in assam n will be misused inb rest of india as well.

    6. demonitization has turned out to be dud, over 100% money was deposited back (when PM asked for 50 days) lock down turned out nothing when (PM asked for 21 days) most people r neither following physical distancing nor wearing mask

    7. a shocking vilification slander n character assassination campaign was run against Rhea Chakraborty by troll army of ruling party in SSR death case (now evrything is falling apart)

    8. troll army of ruling party (social media asshole/ tv channels/tv anchors/ papers/ journalist) all abused the UPA govt when petrol prices touched 70/tr for fww weeks but r now silent n not questioning the govt when prices have touhed nearly 90/ltr

    the list is endless. unfortunately this 'stubborn refusal to transform one’s mindset' appliers to the current ruling party as pushed india into and China will be very much happy to oblige


    Joydeep Ghosh

  34. Prasunda,

    1) When you say India has no option but to be an ally of the US like Japan ot SoKo at best, you are not suggesting that we have to give up our nuclear deterrent, or give up pursuing improvements such as MIRVs etc. Am I correct ?

    2) If I am correct on 1), dose'nt possesion of a nuclear deterrent give us greater weight as a US ally than Japan or South Korea, which do not have such deterrent capabilities ?

    3) When will the contract for the 200 ATAGS and 118 Arjun Mk1A be signed ?


  35. Prasun,
    Your comments please!

  36. Sir,
    I watched his video. https://youtu.be/xaAKlKoNoVU

    PAF have F-16 & JF-17 both are facing servicing issues.
    US monitoring F-16 daily basis.
    Mirage too much old.

  37. Sir, just expressing my thoughts: have a feel that a "pincer" is coming on J&K before 2024 polls if our govt didn't wake up & starts procurement at a scale as was done between 62-65.

    Chinese are not like IND/pak... they won't keep this issue alive... they would finish it.

  38. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: All the anomalies that you have listed out can be corrected with just 1 step: ushering in legislation that does away with the existing laws for ruling (which are inconsistent with the country's Constitution) & ushers in laws for governing the country. Only such a pill will produce the cure.

    To SATYAKI: 1 & 2) Are countries like France & the UK subservient to the US? I had mentioned Japan & RoK in the Indo Pacific context. 3) Once the existing DPP is amended to ensure that the practice of awarding the contract to the lowest price bidder (L-1) in commercial competitions is done away with permanently.

    To THEINDIAN: Presently, it is just a hypothesis that has yet to be backed up by undeniable evidence.

    To HARSH: There is plenty of time available to counter such scenarios. Right now, the immediate priority is to avert another spectacular terror-attack inside J & K UT, since a familiar pattern has once again emerged, i.e. twice previously Pakistan had accused India of trying to stage false-flag cross-LoC operations but only after getting confirmation about terrorists from its soil successfully entering J & K UT either through infiltrations over riverine terrain, or through tunnels dug underneath the WB in southern Jammu. So, if Pakistan is yet again raising the false-flag bogey, then it is doing so after getting confirmation about yet another terror-group succeeding in infiltrating into J & K UT. The last two times the terror-attack efforts (involving IEDs) were discovered & defeated earlier this year, but whether the third such attempted attack (to be launched within the next 2 weeks) will be forestalled by Indian security forces remains to be seen.

    To ANWAY: Talking of disruptive technologies, you will find these far more enlightening & educative:


    And it is now proven that the PLAGF's 120mm tracked SP mortars are not breech-loaded, but are manually loaded:


    Overview of the PLAGF combined-arms exercises conducted last October north of Arunachal Pradesh:


  39. *is it the right decision to go for non-nuclear propulsion for the 3rd carrier? if the option were nuclear - would it have made more sense to approach the 'muricans?

    *about the disinfo report - who could that actor be? private entity financed by the state?

  40. Sir, There has been a persistent global campaign by Pakis to discredit Indian media(am not saying they're perfect)... this latest EUdisinfo stuff is another keel... it's happening... majority of our "democratically" deluded population is actually not seeing this or not getting this

    Our faultlines are being exploited so well by the enemy

    Aim:Completely discrediting the Indian media & any info coming out of India... & Replace them with Paki sources

    Long back a retd ISI official appearing on Paki news channel stated:"Our aim should be that global community looks at India through the Pakistani lens"... Our media should become the "go-to-guy" for westerners for news/info related to India

    & for this they 1st need to knock out Indian media

    It's all happening & is linked

    They started an English news channel named "Indus news" which broadcasts India related content 50% of their air time

  41. To BHOUTIK: It is all about costings. Developing a nuclear propulsion system for just one naval vessel is cost-prohibitive, as France has discovered.

    To BHOUTIK & HARSH: LoLz! In India memories are short-lived. The first entities to throw light on such NGOs were Indian media entities themselves & here’s the proof:



    Now, here’s where a distinction needs to be made between mobilising public opinions & spreading disinformation. In this case, the former was done by the concerned NGO, but the latter has been proven to be false & hence neither the EU Parliament nor the UNHRC have taken any corrective or punitive measures. Hence, there’s no need to worry at all, rest assured. Such ‘disclosures’ happen from time to time & once one gets deeper into them through investigations, the truth soon emerges.

  42. Sir,
    IA using Raytheon TIFCS or Elbit system TIFCS on T-72 & T-90?

  43. Dear Prasun,

    I have a doubt being a layman. Earlier you were telling that India is ready for two front wars. My argument is if it's so, then why you recently told that in the prevailing scenario, it's impossible for IA to carry out any expedition to capture PoK.

    1. Is it because now most of the army men who have expertise in high mountain warfare are deployed in Ladakh?

    2. Are we falling short of number of battalions for mountain warfare?

    3. If strategic roads are completed, but unavailability of required number of soldiers are not available, then what's the advantage?

    4. Can our Sukhoi and Rafale help us win two front wars against China and Pakistan?

    Please share your views and enlighten us.

  44. Sir,

    Fake news.

  45. Prasun,
    1- how truw is this article? https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/india-busts-malaysia-based-outfits-terror-attack-plot/articleshow/79702679.cms .. if true, has India been compalcent to this threat? why is thenew malasiyan govt toeing mahatrir's line in spite of financial impact it has had due to india dropping its palm oil imports
    2- NLCA for US navy trainer/lift T-45 replacement tender..wot chance does it stand however remote? given its already demonstrated landings 7 takeoffs from vikramaditya, GE engine & a host of western/israeli equipment. Could barter it for a host of US origin platforms given the nos involved(@200 lift trainers)like additional P8's, chinooks,c 17's, JVL series helios , wasp class LHD's with f35B's etc.. this can be a gamechanger wrt being a part of the US led western global defence supply chains. Indian MoD/hal should make this happen. wud be interesting to hear your approach
    3- Erdogan now meddling with the iran by trying to woo azeri-iranians

  46. Azerbaijan Army soldier confirms that Pakistani terrorists fought alongside Azeris in the recent Nagarno-Karabakh war.

    What will be the future implications for Pakistan from Azerbaijan



  47. Prasun Da,

    What is this sight in Arjun Tank 1,Mk1A.Which company made this sight.


  48. This is a crazy! Chinese Jilin-1 military satellite marks all objects and tracks them automatically with their trajectory, even their speed and Artificial intelligence decides strange movements if some, and reports, all in real-time.



    In the future, PAF with access to these AI-enabled satellites to track and monitor indian airplanes and systems like the S-400 during times of war. There will be no place to hide for enemy planes and systems.
    The IAF pilot will know when a hostile radar has achieved 'lock' detection range of hunderds of kilometers does not translate to effective weapons engagement at hundreds of kilometers. For one thing, all the pilot has to do to defeat a 'lock' and a potential missile launched from hundreds of kilometers is to hit the deck - the enemy ground radar will lose track and the missile will have no mid course updates and will go dumb.

    The Indians have no cooperative target engagement capabilities with the S400 so its not like the missile can get mid course updates from an air borne radar. When such capability is achieved then yes Pakistan will need to knock out the Indian airborne sensors.


  49. Mr.Prasun

    1)What happened to F-INSAS in 2013 you had mentioned that it will be trialed in a Infantry Division?

    2)Why were 2 Mig-27 sqns based in Hasimara?

    3)now that the '27s are retired hasimara needs replacement a/c what will it be and when it will be raedy?

    4)When will Igla-1s of IAF and IA upgraded to Igla-S?

    5)When will the VSHORADS contract be signed?

    6)Why is the U.S 50 years ahead of the world in active cancellation techniques and what are they?

    Thank You


  50. To ANWAY: The TIFCS slides here explain it all:


    To ASD: You probably are being fed wrong information from news-reports like this:

    เคŸू เคซ्เคฐंเคŸ เคต़ॉเคฐ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeIEWpj_n2Y

    This does not mean that the IA can go on the offensive on both fronts simultaneously. It can at best go on the offensive on 1 front, while being defensive on the other. And since China has this time massed its offensive forces (2 Divisions) along the LAC in Ladakh, the IA too in a mirror deployment deployed its offensive forces there, due to which the IA’s offensive options across the LoC cannot be exercised now due to the paucity of forces. The term MOUNTAIN WARFARE is wrong since wars are never fought on mountains. Instead, the forces always advance through valleys below the mountains & fight on flat terrain, like high-altitude plateaux. It was all explained in the thread that began on March 20 this year. The Su-30MKI has already been in service with the IAF for 20 years now without any mid-life upgrade & therefore its upgradation that was due to commence 5 years ago is now long overdue.

    To ANWAY: Of course it is FAKE NEWS, most probably inspired by this outlandish claim:


    To RON: Not terrorists, but mercenaries.

    To SUSAN: Both the commander’s panoramic sight & gunner’s sight of Arjun Mk.1 use thermal imagers supplied by SAGEM of France. Even the PA’s Al Khalid uses the same thermal imaging sensor from the same OEM.

    To PRATIK: They are outrageous & outlandish claims, rest assured.

  51. India-Iran-Uzbekistan First Trilateral on Regional Trade & Commerce Through Chabahar Port:


    India Allows HUAWEI to Take Part in 5G Comms Trials:


    India’s Defence Policy as Explained By Defence Secretary (not the RM):


    HAL's Hyderabad-based Radar Division to licence-build antennae of 54 ELTA EL/M-2052 AESA-MMRs meant for Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 Upgrade Project:



    Russia's RFS 962 Shuya integrated mast for legacy naval corvettes:


    Will such integrated masts be on-board the IN's futuristic NGCs & NGMVs?

  52. A mind-boggling concoction of falsehoods from the 'desi bandalbaazes' about the IN's SSN project:


    However, this programme proves beyond any doubt now that the S-2, S-3 & S-4 will eventually become SSGNs when armed with BrahMos-1 as per the IN's pre-1998 plans (BrahMos-1 was successfully test-fired from an underwater pontoon off Vizag on March 20, 2013); the S-4+ is a figment of imagination of the 'desi bandalbaazes)' and there will be no K-4 SLBM & instead the K-6 SLBM is being developed for the projected S-5, S-6 & S-7 SSBNs. The SSN will be of the same hull design as that of the S-2/Arihant S-73, but minus the VLS cells, which will give the vessel a displacement of less than 5,000 tonnes.

    To AJAY: 1) F-INSAS cannot be used if the TA's TCS network isn't in service. 2) For the defence of the Chumbi Valley area. 3) Rafale M-MRCAs. 4) It is already taking place. 5) Already done. 6) Because it spends the most on military R & D.

  53. Sir nice article in the force magazine
    "Rain of Deterrence".
    Sir one question that haunts me why no simuktaneous development of S-2/Arihant S-73, its SSN version ( minus the VLS cells) took place ..Atleast it would save time ....
    Indian air force needs force multiplier like C17 130 Hercules more ..
    But there is no hurry to get ..
    Indigenous products are also in long queue ...Or waiting....
    People hoped BJP govt would bring successful reforms in every sector ..
    But some hasty reforms delaying the basic purpose of reforms...

  54. Sir,

    1)The CAG report on LCA in 2015 highlighted several capability deficiencies. Will these capability shortfalls be rectified in Mk1a variant?
    2) PLA is likely to launch a fullscale offensive against India to occupy its claimed territory anytime after 2024..Will PLA declare ceasefire after occupying the land or will they further push their territorial claims and occupy more land?
    3)What will be the future of India as a country after humiliating defeat to PLA & loss of very large chunk of territory?

  55. Does the navy have any plan to build something close to Arleigh Burke class

  56. Prasun,
    1)Why was Huawei allowed into the Indian market?
    2)What is the story behind the recent Russian statement trying to tie the actions of India to the US and other nations trying to force India into anti China alliance?
    3)Has Russia put on hold supply of S400 to China?
    4)The supply/lease of submarine to Burma was in joint action with Russia?
    5)What is the Indian Army chief discussion with UAE and the Saudis?
    Excellent article as always.

  57. Prasun sir
    what is this MCS on T-90S is it in service?

    no orders coming soon or bandalbaazi?

    The PLA soldiers with tracked PLZ-05 155mm SPHs and PHZ-11 122mm tracked MLRS shown in this are they shown deployed opposite Eastern Ladakh?

    4)In the above video are reloading vehicles for PHZ-11 also shown which are tracked?

    5)Do the above PLA soldiers belong to the 6 Highland Mechanised inf division?

    6)Why haven'nt IA deployed it's K-9s or any MLRS in Ladakh when elements of 17 MSC are deployed in Ladakh(I know MSC does'nt have any K-9s or MLRS but from other units)?

    Thank you


    6)Was the order for 40 Arjun Catapult given?

  58. In above reply to Ajay... do you mean to say that $1.8 billion deal for 5000+ MANPADS has been signed?

  59. To BUDDHA: VMT. Regretably, since mid-1998 itself a lot of disinformation has been spread by the ‘desi patrakaars’ on the issue of SSNs & SSBNs. In reality, when the IN’s Project 78 began in 1988, the IN’s reqmt was for SSGNs & that’s precisely why the Project 670 SKAT SSGN was leased from the USSR for 3 years & became the Chakra S-71. Till mid-1998 the IN still reqd SSGNs & hence the design of S-2/INS Arihant S-73 is that of a SSGN, capable of housing 6 VLS cells each carrying 1 BrahMos-1 supersonic ASCM. The design of this VLS cell can be found here:


    The VLS is known as the SGPFS vertical launch system from Russia’s Concern Morinformsystem-AGAT & is on board both the first three Project 1135.6 FFGs and Project 17 FFGs, as well as on the Arihant & Arighat. Here are its design configurations:



    Such VLS cells are built for accommodating 3-tonne missiles like BrahMos-1, whose first-stage rocket booster ignites within the launch cannister itself & is not cold-launched or ejected by compressed air. The same first-stage booster is also used by the K-15/B-05 ballistic missile & Nirbhay LACM. However, the 7-tonne K-15 or the 20-tonne K-4 ballistic missile both require higher-thrust solid-fuel rocket boosters for providing adequate launch thrust & hence they cannot be accommodated by the SGPFS system, which can host only 3-tonne missiles. And that’s precisely why the Arihant has to date neither carried nor launched any SLBM. All videos of the K-15 launch clearly show the first-stage rocket booster fully ignited when breaking the water-surface, i.e. the K-15 is not cold-launched & is instead hot-launched from the VLS contained within an underwater pontoon. And this is the L & T-built VLS for the pontoon:


    The DRDO has not yet succeeded in developing a cold-launch missile ejection system for the VLS of a submerged SSBN & hence neither the Arihant nor Arighat can carry any type of SLBM on-board. The DRDO has since 2007 (when the MoD began sanctioning funds for developing SLBMs) been trying to develop a cold-launch system for SLBMs, which is meant for installation on the S-4 SSBN for technology demonstration purposes only. From all this, we can safely infer that all three submarines—S-2, S-3 & S-4 will all in essence be SSGNs capable of firing BrahMos-1 ASCMs & not any type of SLBM. SSGNs can also perform as SSNs. But do rest assured that the definitive design of the SSN for the IN will be the same as that of the Arihant SSGN, but minus the VLS cells.

    So, the ‘desi patrakaars’ got it all wrong when they ASSUMED & CLAIMED that: 1) the Arihant & its sister vessels will all be SSBNs. 2) That such submarines will be able to fire SLBMs like K-15/B-05 & the K-4. In fact, when hull fabrication of any SSGN or SSN begins, it is IMPOSSIBLE to modify or configure them midway as SSBNs because the SSBN’s reqd buoyancy sustenance-levels are wholly different & require lots of extra ballast tanks, pumps & piping to be installed—all of which require far greater internal volume of the type not available in a SSGN or SSN design—all this being dictated by the laws of physics & mathematics that the ‘desi patrakaars’ always lose sight of.

  60. To MAVE: 1) The CAG report missed or failed to understand the principal shortcoming, i.e. the IAF was demanding that the LCA (in essence a Light-MRCA) possess the same performance parameters as a Medium-MRCA! This is an absolute technological absurdity & the IAF back in the mid-1980s itself while drafting the ASQRs for ADA totally failed to foresee the future, i.e. air forces worldwide were even then stopping the usage of L-MRCAs & instead were adopting the M-MRCA & H-MRCA combination for achieving optimum force-mix. Consequently, no matter how much tinkering is done with the baseline LCA design, it will never be able to achieve the performance parameters of a M-MRCA. Only the heavier MWF design will meet the IAF’s stated reqmts now. 2) A totalitarian state always has an insatiable apetite and thus will never be satisfied. 3) The largest chunk of territory was lost way back in 1962 itself. So how did India live from then till now?

    To AUTHOR: Such plans always exist, but whether they will take a concrete shape & form is a different matter altogether.

    To AARPEE: 1) That is an IR suppression camouflage netting. 2) FAKE NEWS. 3 & 4) No, that is north of Arunachal Pradesh. 5) No. 6) No.

    To ANAND: Not that contract, but under the emergency financial powers given to the IA’s Army commanders, procurement of IGLA-S has taken place in successive tranches since last June.

  61. Prasunda,

    As usual, you had to clarify the truth finally. Your writeups & what all submariners who have worked on the Nuclear Submarine project specially at Vizag know the Arihant class is an SSGN. Even after IN & GOI clarified that there would be 12 Nuclear propelled Submarine vessels i.e. 3 SSGNs, 3 SSBNs and 6 SSNs wishful & wilful misrepresentation persists. All ๐Ÿฌ know that 3 SSBNs were never the priority. SSGNs make more sense though the best thing would have been to go in for SSNs giving success earlier. But that's water under the bridge.

    Meanwhile, sadly, India remains the quintessential RDC - Refusing to Develop Country. No security at factory situated in Kolar. As Farmer's agitation has closed Delhi, Samsung is setting up their plant at Noida in U.P. What.message India is going to give these investors. https://www.indiatoday.in/cities/bengaluru/story/iphones-looted-wistron-violence-1749304-2020-12-14

    The right way to deal with this agitation. Those who once were heroes on account of being 'Annadata' are now villains looting subsidy, damaging water table & keeping 94% farmers poor while hurting environment. Please read excellent explanation of what all Indians have known for many years now


    All political parties have at one time or other supported the farm laws as the way by which farmers can get better prices. But they make flip flops like this man like this Rakesh Tikait who even supported Farm Laws after their passage?

    On Jun 4, 2020, Rakesh Tikait of Bharatiya Kisan Union welcomed the farming ordinances.

    He said the ordinance fulfils the demand that farmers made for decades.

    Same Rakesh Tikait is now leading a "movement" against this law on TV screens. Year old demand of farmers fulfilled Rakesh Tikait - เค•िเคธाเคจों เค•ी เคตเคฐ्เคทो เคชुเคฐाเคจी เคฎांเค— เคชूเคฐी เคนुเคˆ : เคฐाเค•ेเคถ เคŸिเค•ैเคค - https://www.livehindustan.com/uttar-pradesh/muzaffar-nagar/story-year-old-demand-of-farmers-fulfilled-rakesh-tikait-3258344.html

    My Question - All Indians, the GOI the public at large & obviously all major Political parties & organisations know what is to be done, whether it was GST or Farm Laws or even Force modernisation & needed RMAs, but political expediency & the desire to oppose what one supports once in power ensures that Time & Resources are wasted & final implementation leaves a lot to be desired & many loopholes??!! INDIA NEEDS TO INTROSPECT ASAP. However, were it not for the pandemic, India's brightest keep voting with their feet & passports by leaving. Are we a nation of crabs or as you stated an RDC?!

  62. To KAUSTAV: VMT. My knowledge-base WRT nuclear-powered submarines, SLBMs & the ATV project is the result of my long-standing associations at the industry-level with various involved Russian & Indian OEMs, plus with the likes of Dr a Sivathanu Pillai & legendary submarine designer Yuri Kormilitsin of the Rubin Central Marine Design Bureau since the late 1980s, when such names were alien & unknown to most.

    The RDC dilemma can be overcome in only 1 way: unlike the five-yearly manifestos that each Indian political party releases (due to which most policy initiatives have only a 5-year attention lifespan, the time has now come for all political parties to come together & reach a consensus on what needs to be done & how over the next 25 years. But this is only possible if all parties commit themselves to an over-arching & full-spectrum national security strategy that is also decently debated upon both in Parliament & behind closed doors.

  63. Prasun,

    1- Jaguar darin 3 aesa upgrade but still no plans for engine upgrade.. what cud be the plan?
    2- Astra mk2 testing to start soon?
    3-Any remote chance of HAL winning the US navy trainer bid?
    4- why Huawei in trails? is a fear of retribution by the dragon still present in the govt circles?
    5-How difficult wud it be to refurbuish IN's currently used indigenous frigates/Destroyers to the levels of those like the type26, admiral gorshkov, type 20385/86(esp these for the older talwar class)?
    6- recent ruckus in wistron facility..ulterior motives behind this? chinese wouldn't want india to lose dependency on itself while also ensuring that big US co's dont have alternatives. Also given that wistron is a taiwanese firm.. seems to add up

  64. Prasun,
    The problem is certain vested interests do not want this country to develop and achieve greatness since it will hurt their plans!Also it will result in the rise of a new power which no other power wishes!Just see the rise of the ill informed kisan agitation and the looting of the Wistron factory which you rightly brought out!These vested interests are required to be dealt with a mailed fist setting aside petty issues and only then the malaise can be controlled to a certain extent!Our foolish ill educated countrymen are only interested in achieving short term gains.In a country where people have no respect either for the country or for any of its emblems and are totally and completely self-centered I wonder whether we really deserve to be independent!When will our slave mentality go?Perhaps never!Regards,Prasun!

  65. Prasun,
    Youropinion please!

  66. Everyone is bad mouthing Mig 29K after recent crash...without going into deeper reasons

    There was a article saying pilots ejected wo may day call...whats ur assessment and any new info wud u like to share

  67. Sir,

    I am reading this book Dragon on Our Doorstep. By Pravin Sawhney (Author)
    Also I follow him on twitter. I asked him some questions but he block me.

    But his IA colleagues always against him.

    My Book Review:-
    The circumstances of his departure from army. (From Twitter)

    His problem stems from his belief that only he has the knowledge of the Chinese army, tactics, intentions, concepts etc etc. And no one else.
    A poorly researched book. The book appears to have been written to propagate the authors prejudices and dubious agenda.

  68. Prasunda,

    1) When you say there will be no K-4, you mean the K-4 is only a technology demonstrator that will not be deployed. Is that it ?

    2) Has'nt the K-4 been tested from underwater pontoons ? If so, will it not have a cold launch system that can launch it fron underwater pontoons, but which the S2/3/4 do not have the capacity to carry?

    3) With Sergei Lavrov saying that the Indo-Pacific is a concept designed by the west to pit us against China, and our EAM rebutting it, are'nt we drifting away from Russia ? What then happens to our SSBN and SLBM projects ?


  69. Prasun,

    Now that Jaguars are being fitted with EL/M 2052 AESA radars, how effective have they become particularly when armed with SAAW type EMP and Anti Radiation Missiles? What happened to its engine upgrade plan?

    Can we use our far off land mass like Andaman and Lakshwadweep for base of SSBNs and SSNs?

  70. Prasun,

    how true is this report--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvdMHu5RmT8

  71. Hello Prassunji,
    Plz help us to understand wht exactly army wants from Arjun tank, they said recent test was successful ,but still they r thinking on ordering more...

  72. To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) The only option is to go for Honeywell’s F125N, since HAL had promised to deliver the HTFE-25 in 2019, after commencing R & D work in 2013—this being yet another classic case of over-estimating one’s ability to deliver. 2) In 2022. 3) Only in dreams—day-dreams & wet-dreams. 4) Nothing wrong with staging trials, even though it is most unlikely to be selected. 5) No difficulty at all. The Indian DPSU shipyards that built them can easily upgrade them. But this will never happen because in a Nation of IDIOTS everyone wants to preserve imported warships like the VIRAAT, while no one wants to take pride in preserving Made-in-India warships like the Leander-class INS Nilgiri or Project 16-class INS Godavari! Such old warships could easily have been upgraded & refurbished and then offered for export to friendly countries. But instead, everyone seems to be quite happy to make such decommissioned warships the targets for BrahMos-1 & Kh-35E ASCMs. 6) Nothing ulterior at all. Just dissatisfaction of the local workforce due to unpaid salaries.

    To THEINDIAN: This is amply proven by all the sentimental riff-raff WRT the decommissioned VIRAAT. In a ‘NATION OF IDIOTS’ everyone wants to preserve imported warships like the VIKRANT or VIRAAT, while no one wants to take pride in preserving Made-in-India warships like the first Leander-class INS Nilgiri or first Project 16-class INS Godavari! Such old warships could easily have been upgraded & refurbished and then offered for export to friendly countries. But instead, everyone seems to be quite happy to make such decommissioned warships the targets for BrahMos-1 & Kh-35E ASCMs.

    To JUST_CURIOUS & THEINDIAN: Here is the original report from which WION has ripped off the data:


    To AMIT BISWAS: If no MAYDAY call was made, then it can only mean that there was sudden & total loss of electrical power-supply (rendering the radios useless) just like what had happened with the first IAF Su-30MKI crash in April 2009. One will be able to get access to all the facts of the case ONLY AFTER salvaging the FDR & CVR from the submerged wreckage. However, the bulk of the MiG-29K fatalities have been due to human error & one due to a sudden bird-strike.

  73. To ANWAY: In India, almost all of the publications dealing with China are bereft of objective assessments & hence the vulnerabilities /shortcomings never get mentioned at all. For instance, has anyone bothered to create a database of crashes of military aircraft in China since, let’s say 1989 when the Su-27SKs & Su-27UBKs started being delivered by the then USSR? Has anyone bothered to access the number of flight sorties logged or flight-hours logged by PLAAF or PLAN pilots per month? Has anyone bothered to find out the serviceability rate of aircraft flown by the PLAAF & PLAN? Does anyone know how many days ate sea are spent by the PLAN’s SSKs, SSNs & SSBNs? Instead, the so-called researchers at think-tanks like ORF brazenly & shamelessly quote Caucasian figureheads as authoritative sources despite such sources being proven wrong & overplaying matters. A typical example concerns the so-called J-14s & J-16s being upgraded with AESA-MMRs despite existing official photographic evidence showing that the PLAAF is only conducting flight-tests on a Y-7 (An-26 clone) airborne testbed of a PESA-MMR. Then there are other false canards being spread about the H-6J/K bombers armed with ALCMs posing a disproportionate threat to Ladakh! And none of them have even bothered to analyse the various SHAHEEN series of air exercises that have been held since 2011 & what was achieved during each such exercise.

    To SATYAKI: 1) Yes. 2) No. If it was, then several videos of it would have been released by the DRDO itself. It makes no sense to launch the K-4 to be launched from pontoons when such missiles will never be launched from SSBNs till the 2030s when work on building the S-5, S-6 & S-7 SSBNs will commence. So why waste time & money on launching them from pontoons? 3) I had already replied to that on December 10, 2020 at 3:28 AM.

    To VED: Those Jaguar IS being upgraded with DARIN-3 mission avionics will require re-engining with Honeywell’s F125N turbofans. Only then will they become potent tactical interdictors. Island-chains can never host shore-based bases for SSBNs or SSNs or even SSKs. Instead, they can only possess berthing facilities for providing quick replenishments of perishable items like food & diesel.

  74. To AARYA: The 118 67.5-tonne Arjun Mk.1As will soon be ordered. Beyond that is the 60-tonne Arjun Mk.2 made of High-Nitrogen Steel whose pre-production prototypes are now being built for user-evaluations. About 400 of these Arjun Mk.2s will be ordered in late 2023 & these are expected to be powered by 1,500hp Cummins diesel engines. The 'desi patrakaars' are thus getting confused between the Arjun's Mk.1A & Mk.2 versions & hence are wrongly reporting.
