Thursday, December 24, 2020

Update On INS Arighat S-74 SSGN

Following the successful completion of the all-critical SCRAM systems tests and performance validations of the the third-generation OK-700A/VM-4SG pressurised water reactor (generating 89.2mW thermal/29.73mW electric and producing 18,000hp when using 44% enriched uranium) on board the Arighat S-74 SSGN, the stage is now set for the SSGN’s commissioning by next February.

SCRAM, also known as AZ-5 (referred to as A3-5 by Russia) is the process of the PWR’s emergency shutdown by immediately terminating the fission reaction through the insertion of control rods. For the INS Arihant S-73 and Arighat S-74, the Reactor Control & Protection System (RCPS) and the Control Rod Drive System (CRDS) were engineered back in the previous decade by the Control Instrumentation Division of BARC under the leadership of P.P. Marathe, while the applications software was developed by Dr. Usha Pal.

Built by ECIL, both the RCPS and CRDS, just like the Larsen & Toubro-developed integrated platform management system and battle damage control system, plus the TATA Power SED-developed ‘Saaraansh’ combat management system, all  make use of triple-redundant MIL-STD-1553B databus channels for functioning.


  1. Hi Prasunji,

    How good are our arihant class submarines compared to western nuclear submarine?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  2. Sir you mentioned miniatured nuclear power reactors are Russian origin.
    Isn't the BARC built our own miniatured nuclear power reactors.

  3. Prasun sir, IAF will be the sole operator of Barak-8 since all the air defense assets Luke Barak-8 and S-400 will be controlled by the upcoming Air Defense Command which will be headed by an IAF officer who will report directly to the cheif of IAF.

  4. To HARDIK THANKI: They are better than those of China but technologically inferior to what the US, Russia, UK & France have.

    To LIGHT YAGAMI: And what are such reactors known as? They must be having a designation, like other reactors such as PHWR, AHWR, FBR, PGBR, Boiling Water Reactor, etc etc.

    To PRATAP: Not quite, since equipment operations & their command-n-control are 2 different functions. Similarly, the land-based nuclear warhead-armed BMs of India ere owned & operated by the IA’s DG of Artillery, but they are commanded & controlled by the Commander of the Strategic Forces Command.

    Meanwhile, as I had previously predicted, GSL has won the contract for supplying 12 fast assault boats to the IA:

  5. By what parameters are our subs better than chinks nuclear u boats ? havnt they been in this game much before us ?

  6. Thank you for sharing this most interesting update.

    To clarify something - has the IAF ordered 9 sqn of the MRSAM (70km) and an additional 9 sqn of the LRSAM (150km)?

    How many of the 9 MRSAM sqn are now equipped? 2 sqn?

    Thanks again.

  7. Prasun da, nobody expects Arihant class SSGN to be comparable to Russian, American, British and French subs. But can we expect S-5 SSBNs and Project 75 Alpha SSNs to be at par with the best in the world? Having better subs than Chinese should not seen an accomplishment by a emerging power like India which has a whole ocean named after her.

  8. To 3rd-EYE & SATYA: While China has had a head-start over India when it comes to SSBN & SSN developments, it has always been denied state-of-the-art technologies in arenas of propulsion system, combat management systems, periscopes & sonars. India on the other hand has not suffered & hence in terms of submarine warfare, the IN continues to be almost 20 years ahead of the PLAN. For instance, while the IN acquired Novator 3M54E SSK-launched supersonic ASCMs back in the year 2000, China was denied this & only 3 years ago did the PLAN started receiving the YJ-18 submarine-launched supersonic ASCM. Similarly, while the Arihant & Arighat have optronic periscopes obtained from Italy’s RIVA CALZONI, the PLAN still has to equivalent to them on any of their submarines. The IN has been operating single-hulled SSKs since the mid-1980s whereas the PLAN till this day does not possess even one single-hulled SSK.

    Below are 2 explanations on China’s nuclear submarine R & D:

    To SBM: Here are the figures: Under a Rs.10,076 crore contract inked for the Barak-8 MR-SAM programme in February 2009, the IAF ordered 450 MR-SAMs, 18 firing units & related fire-control and comms systems for 2 MR-SAM squadrons (currently operational), following the user-evaluations conducted in July 2016. The IAF will be receiving another seven squadrons by 2027. Orders for the Barak-8ER LR-SAM variant have yet to be placed. In April 2017, the IA inked a similarly valued contract for Barak-8 MR-SAMs, starting with 500 missiles & 14 firing units (three per Troop). In January 2019, the IN & Cochin Shipyard Ltd inked $93 million contract for supplying Barak-8 LR-SAMs for IAC-1. As prime industrial contractor for the MR-SAM/LR-SAM production programme, Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL) has set up a new production facility costing $100 million in Hyderabad, with annual production capacity being 100 missiles. In July 2019 the JV company Kalyani RAFAEL Advanced Systems (KRAS) received a $100 million contract to produce and supply missile kits for final integration by BDL till 2023.

  9. Interesting reads:

    PLAAF Emergency Runway Repairs Exercise:

    PLAGF Winter Habitat in Aksai Chin: Habitat

    Z-20 10-tonne Utility Helicopter at Shiquanhe, Ngari:

  10. Prasunda,

    1. The print article whose link you posted indicates that Russia might force us into a choice between our strategic partnership with Russia and structures like the quad. Is this correct ?

    2. What happens to our SSBN and SLBM progress if we choose the quad? Can the K-6 be developed within the same timeline if Russia withdraws its backing ?


  11. Prasunda,

    1) What do we make out of reports that the PLA received winter/high altitude warfare training from the canadian armed forces in 2018/19 ? Is this more focused on Ladakh or on China's northern borders ?

    2) Does that, along with Canada's interference in our internal affairs indicate active hostility of the left wing Trudeau govt ?


  12. Dear Prasun,
    Recently a video is going around in social media about interview with Zafar Halali. He accepted that 300 were approximately killed in the surgical strike by IAF? Do you agree with that. I'm sorry if I hurt you with this question. Still the illusional number hunts me.

  13. Prasun,
    1)What is going on with the Ruskies?
    2)Any news about the discussion with the KSA and the UAE?
    3)Why has the F21 torpedo not been ordered as yet?
    4)Have the Israeli AWACs been ordered as yet?
    5)What is the status of the SSN as on date?

  14. Dear Prasun,

    1. I went through Retired Officer H S Panag's interview. Is it true that as China has encroached our land as per it's 1959 line, now they have an upper hand despite India capturing the dominating heights?

    2. Has India changed the LAC by capturing land crossing line?

    3. Is kala top under IA control or under PLA?

    4. Why the retired officer is describing the stalemate a victory for india despite China got its 1959 claim line?

    Please enlighten me.

  15. Is there any reason why C295 production cannot be extended to say 150 to cover AN32 also ?
    Then IAF can buy some additional 40 C130. So replacement for AN 32 is done. Fewer variety more reliable planes .


  16. Prasun,

    a few interesting articles floating around
    1- chinese spies caught by afghan intel in kabul.. supposedly promoting terror & hunting down uyghurs in chaoots with the the haqqanis & ISI.. why are the haqqinis so slippery while all others seems to meet their end.. if the US wants they can eliminate them.. any twist to the afghan game which ensures their survival?
    2- new chinese dam on bramhaputra supposedly bigger than the 3 gorges dam
    3- US has fired the first shot in tibet game .. shouldn't the Indian govt take the cue and align accordingly atleast now?.. never understand why does the MEA/bipin rawat keep sharing sound bytes about having the 'next' round of talks with the chinese, when they have made it crystal clear their intentions.. is the MEA/govt so blind?
    4 indo-uzbek talk on using chabahar.. how good is india's position amongst the central asian republics? while the chinese have most of them in their debt trap .. they r sure to feel the angst given the chinese treatment of uyghurs
    5- paki soap opera-- false flag -- crying wolf for the nth time.. why isn't the MEA going aggrro across all capitals highlighting wot it means -- a possible another terror attack in Indis.
    6- saint turdeau going silent on baloch activist murder... guess hez busy occupied with the indian farm protests.. shouldnt this be a wakeup call given that this is the 2nd case on western soil -1st in sweden.. MEA needs to highlight this too...
    7- Can u share more details on how r the western 7 russian subs better.. is it metallurgy, sensors, propulsion tech or all of those that we are curren;ly lagging & by how far? eg how far are we behind say the latest virigina class, yassen class,barracuda class & the triumphant class subs. how many yrs before we come on par with them
    8- UK broadcasting regulator fining republic.. bais? the brits still don't seem to have shed their colonial past .. esp the labour party...
    9- pramila jaypal & co getting into the act too.. who is funding them? ISI? or the chinese?

  17. PLAGF Winter Habitat in Aksai Chin

    This is extraordinary if you compared with IA & ITBP temporary tents residing in -5C
    Do you think IA will construct permanent structures in Ladakh


  18. Mr.Prasun

    Sir what type of Equipment he Israeli's been selling to pakistan through third parties and why?

    This article tells us that Indian Navy's Safety Practices are very poor and many pending requirements for safety are not being fulfilled.
    The Navy's Institutional practices are very lopsided with respect to safety and operations of Submarines especially nuclear and China is very ahead of us in safety and capabililties.

    3)You are saying that China's Type 877 and Type 636 subs were not equipped with SLCM Klub or any other SLCMs even when PLAN has been operating these subs since 1995. Only now they are being equipped with Chinese SLCMs. Why were'nt PLAN subs given Klub?

    4)Was PRC ready for limited war for securing it's claims on LAC and take whole Depsang Plains and all areas upto Ladakh Range and Indus Valley this summer?
    As the Gen is saying here

    5)You sometime back mentioned that India lost some territory in Demchok under Vajpayee govt how much territory were you talking about?

    6)Also once you said that if PRC attacks Bhutan our Forces will get USMC MV-22 Ospreys and USAF support is it true and also UK would be involved why?

    Thank You


    1. Sir, with regards to Q2, Prasunda has already given a graded response both about safety SOPs & the author's naval career, when I posted the article with reference to IN SSGNs either leased Chakra or self-built Arihant class. SOPs are important & need to be revised, updated & adhered to but the motivations of the author too need to be kept in mind for he is a 2nd gen Naval Officer & has trust issues. India needs PME, individual brilliance brings with it quirks

  19. To SATYAKI: Russia is apprehensive about the QUAD being answerable to the US Indo-Pacific Command & hence its misgivings. In reality, Russia too wants to join the grouping under QUAD PLUS, that will also include the likes of Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh etc etc.

    To KRITAVARMA: 1) Not training, but joint exercises that focussed on warfighting in arctic conditions & not about high-altitude warfare. 2) Canada did not intervene in anyone’s internal affairs. Interference means playing an active & involved role. Making a comment or an observation or giving an opinion does not tantamount to interference.

    To ASD: It is better not to pay any heed to such talk-shows. A private Pakistani citizen accepting or rejecting anything does not make any difference at all. The retired General is repeating what he had already said & explained last week at the Military Literature Festival. Also, do watch these:

    China’s hold on India’s Economy

    Why China Won’t Map The Future

    To VENKY: That will jack up the IAF’s acquisition costs even more, since anything licence-assembled in India costs 2.5 times more than what is costs to procure off-the-shelf.

  20. To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It is the Haqqani Group that provides sanctuary to combatants of ETIM & hence China was trying to buy off the Haqqanis in order to prevent the Uighurs from joining ETIM inside Afghanistan. 3) Everyone in authority knows that China will take meaningful steps on disengagement & de-escalation only after January 20 after Pakistan;’s National Assembly passes legislation on GB becoming the provisional 5th province of Pakistan. 4) While all the CARs have imported weapon systems from China, they have not seen any economic investments flowing in from China & hence all of the landlocked CARs require access to warm waters of the Persian Gulf for the sake of exporting their products worldwide. 7) China has been producing only 2nd generation SSNs & SSBNs, while what the IN has got represents 3rd generation technologies. But both the US & Russia are now into their respective 9th generation SSN/SSBN/SSGN production schedules.

    To RON: In terms of technology, the winter habitats of both the IA & PLAGF are similar. But in terms of permanent installations, the ones of ghe IA & ITBP are better as they make use of time-tested Ladakhi temperature insulation & internal heating techniques. But the pace of construction of such permanent habitats in Ladakh needs to be expedited manifold.

    To AJAY: In the actual report there is no mention of such Israeli exports. Hence that news=report is not factual. 3) The PLAN procured the subsonic 3M14E version of KLUB back in the previous decade. 4) No. Had that been the case, it would not have stopped advancing in mid-May. 5) About 50 sq km, the traditional grazing grounds for the nomadic herders of Ladakh. 6) Yes, there are contingency OP-plans worked out for such an eventuality.

  21. -Everyone in authority knows that China will take meaningful steps on disengagement & de-escalation only after January 20 after Pakistan;’s National Assembly passes legislation on GB becoming the provisional 5th province of Pakistan.-

    What would be India's reaction to that, MERE REJECTION Only?

    India should learn many things fromChina like without firing a single bullet how to achieve the goal. Disgusting.

  22. Prasunda

    I notice that to AJAY's Q2 you haven't clarified further. I would like to add my two bits on the importance of Professionalism & PME to ensure that individual brilliance & it's attendant quirks or trust issues don't disrupt operations. My reply to Ajay "Sir, with regards to Q2, Prasunda has already given a graded response both about safety SOPs & the author's naval career, when I posted the article with reference to IN SSGNs either leased Chakra or self-built Arihant class. SOPs are important & need to be revised, updated & adhered to but the motivations of the author too need to be kept in mind for he is a 2nd gen Naval Officer & has trust issues. India needs PME, individual brilliance brings with it quirks".

    Technical capabilities enhancements, better practices aside, Professional Military Education & Natl. Def. Univ. are also very necessary now.

  23. Did the GoI have plans on taking GB if Pakis went thru with what they r trying to do now? If so, how did the bat-eaters get to know about it. Or is this just for showmanship as reply for Doklam.

  24. China’s hold on India’s Economy

    Do you think GOI is taking any concrete steps to decouple links with China in manufacturing sector?


  25. To Mr. Kaustav
    Please don't call me sir and yes the writer of the article is Former CO INS Chakra 2 when it's sonar dome was damaged and it was worth 20 million US$ as Mr. Prasun has commented atleast 2 times before and is also son Former CNS who was fired. For what he was fired i don't know.

    Mr. Prasun

    1)Do the PLAN Type 877 and Type 636 subs don't carry Kalibre 3M54E Supersonic ASCMs like our Sindhoghosh class subs because you have mentioned that they carry subsonic 3M14E LACMs?

    2)What is PRC's Look West policy?

    3)On what issues there was convergence between India,EU and U.S after 1991?

    4)Is Rudra now certified for ops in HAA like Ladakh?

    5)How many Brahmos missiles have been delivered till date?

    6)You said few days ago that India's action Pakistan if it takes place in the coming days will be in the form of PGMs launched by Fighters or Rocket Artillery strikes.
    Don't you think if it will be Rocket Arty then Pinaka is the only option because BM-21s don't have enough range and BM-30s are in limited no.s and are no present in theatre in Jammu Region?

    7)Has the second batch of 2 Pinaka regiments already delivered to IA apart from 2 already in service?

    Thank You


  26. To DASHU: LoLz! What else can India do? Cross-LoC offensives cannot begin till the snows melt starting April, nor is anyone perhaps even aware that while India has 130 days of strategic fuel reserves, Pakistan has only 12 days of such reserves. The same was the case even in 1999 bit we all know what happened then.

    To BHOUTIK: Plans had existed even back in 1971, and they always do. Putting them into motion is another matter altogether.

    To RON: Even if such steps are taken, it will be almost a decade before decoupling can be achieved.

    To AJAY: The former CNS was fired because he had threatened to officially oppose the then NDA-1 govt’s plan for removing the provisions of Article 370 that were then applicable to J & K. In other words, plans had existed within India’s national security establishment since 1996 for doing away with the provisions of Article 370 in J & K, but it took a very long time to actually implement it (in August 2019). 1) Russia never exported the 3M54E Klub supersonic Klub to China. In fact, India remains its only export customer. But despite this, China succeeded in cloning both the 3M54E (as the YJ-18) & the Yakhont (as the CX-1), thanks to its successful industrial espionage operations. 2)'s_Look_West_Policy_07092011133315.pdf

    3) There wasn’t any, until 9/11. 4) Rudra was certified for that long ago. It is only now that the IA Aviation Corps has started using them there. The IAF’s Rudras have been flying at night since the beginning of this decade. 5) Less than 200. 5) Even the Smerch-M MBRLs can be put to use. 7) Details are there in the thread pertaining to PGMs at:

    Deliveries will be completed by 2022.

  27. ITBP along LAC in Arunachal Pradesh:

  28. Prasun,
    1)Is it likely that this administration will take some concrete steps to improve the situation or only indulge in jingoism as usual?
    2)Is it likely that the kisan agitation were part of a preplanned security problem created for us by the Pakis,the Chinkies and our own vested interests hand in glove with them?


    Straight and blunt talker.


  30. Dear Prasun,

    You have instilled fear in my mind by saying about mechanisation of PLA.

    Now the basic question is that can't India challenge a mechanised PLA with Israel/US origin anti-tank missile or other improved armour?

  31. Hi Prasunji,

    1) Astra IR missile is being developed. Could this lead to the end of importing Air to Air missile? Please elaborate on this.

    2) Now that integrated electrical propulsion systems for Naval Ships are coming online could it make nuclear propulsion obsolete.

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  32. Prasun,

    1-How true? --
    2- if true, catch hold of all the Chinese in India an met out worse treatment --
    3 - Full scale chinese meddling in nepal.. why is the world quiet, more so our govt..
    4- IA asking for wavier for KA226T -- is it now becoming a reality finally?
    5-news abt all bidders replying in -ve to IN demand for AIP & VLS for P75I. In also wants complete hold on IPR so that it can build more or make enhancement in the future w/o paying royalty .. is it defining specs to suit a particular bidder- russian offer of AMUR seems to check all the boxes.. even though , as u too have mentioned earlier that the sensible thing to do is build on the scorpene experience

  33. To THEINDIAN: 1) One must not expect anything extraordinary or common-sensical from it. 2) It is 100% an internal creation through politicking & no external factors are involved.

    To PRATIK Straight & blunt, yes, but content-wise, total bullshitting & absolutely irrational.

    To ASD: You should indeed be fearful, given the utter callousness with which matters are proceeding. Take this, for instance:

    Had a holistic approach been taken, then taking into account the reqmts of the armed forces, the NDRF, ONGC etc etc the total number of Ka-226T helicopters reqd would have been more than 500, which in turn would have made it possible to increase indigenisation-levels. Instead, compartmentalised thought-processes have made it into a disaster. Similarly, for undertaking HADR missions within the IOR, such helicopters could easily be deck-mounted & the IN after the 2004 Tsunami should have been directed to pocure low-cost dual-tasked LPDs (like Indonesia did from South Korea) that would have been far cheaper to procure. But this wasn;t done. And the list goes on & on and instead of coming up with some firm & mature joint warfighting concepts & the subsequent OP-Plans before identifying the projected areas of operations, the CDS has put the cart before the horse by focussing on theaterisation.

    To HARDIK THANKI: 1) That will be possible only after another 20 years, rest assured. 2) Not quite, since different propulsion solutions cater to different operating reqmts.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Not entirely true & matters have been blown out of proportion by that tabloid. 2) While China has blocked the unloading of Australia-origin coal, it has at the same time increased its imports of iron-ore from Australia.

  34. Mr. Prasun

    1)In the article by Former CO INS Chakra he says that India's Nuclear Arsenal would always be in disassembled state and it won't be expanded as told to him by Bharat Karnad in Jaswant Singh and US Sec State Talbott talks is it true?

    2)I could'nt find that Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat was sacked for opposing abrogation of Article 370 everywhere it's written that it was about the appointment of his deputy and also it seems he was a left leaning person?

    3)Why do U.S maps show POK and GB as part of Pakistan and J and K and Ladakh as part of India but Siachen glacier as occupied or disputed territory and also Aksai Chin as Disputed Territory?

    4)Regarding Pinaka from reading your thread:
    2 Pinaka 1 regiments in service with 35 km range
    2 Pinaka 1 regiments ordered in 2018 with 35 km range both will be delivered by 2022
    6 Pianak 2 regiments ordered in 2020 with 55 km range all will be delivered by 2025

    5)When will India deploy it's nuclear forces for Immediate launch like launch on warning?

    6)What is the difference b/w launch on warning and launch on launch?

    Any errors you think in this paper. Pls point out.

    Thank You


  35. News on Su-57 by RT

    Some pretty tall claims -
    1) Co-pilot replaced by artificial intelligence
    2) Short take-off and landing - can be easily adopted into a naval variant
    3) And last but not the least - (Su) 57 = (f)22 + (f) 35 :-)

  36. 1)How long do you think a full scale Indo-China war would last?

    2)How much territory should we expect to lose?

    3)What will be the future & international standing of India after a defeat worse than 1962?

    4)Will Pak exploit the situation & capture JnK & other areas?


  37. Dear PrasunJi,

    Thanks for your previous insightful responses. Can please throw some light on the current status of the Anamika (Mp5 clone)gun and JVPC (which recently qualified for the tests finally). Please also inform about the status of the UAE gun project.

    Please express your views about the future of warfare with respect to UAVs and their implications for India.

    Thanks and Regards

  38. Dear Prasun,

    At times I feel that you are the real culprit. Had you fought in the election, you could have been our minister. But you never desired. Gosh!!!!

  39. Sir,

    Skardu Airbase 2nd Runway at final stage of construction.

  40. Indian army chief is in S Korea.
    What is our common interest ?
    Will there be some deal on mine sweepers and Anti aircraft guns amongst other things ?

    Wishing a much better coming year, 2021 .


  41. Prasun,

    1-what do you make of this -- -- has the trump presidency made EU start having an independent policy moving away from its US alliance. Also what happened to all those hypocrite EU nations screaming their lungs out regarding humans rights, data privacy , IP stuff etc.. btw its the germans driving this .. guess they have a lot to lose if they get shut out of china. its worth noting that the FTA with india has not moved an inch despite years of discussions. What have the chinese got to offer better than us apart from cheap labour & huge manufacturing base-which if we get the right investments can also be replicated here
    2-IA asking for a MoD wavier to get the ka226T deal over the line
    3- while UAE & the saudis seem to have aligned with us, where do the Qataris stand? given EOs's recent visit to the nation. till recently they were with turkey during the blockade period


    This one kind look like fake encounter or they may be OGWs
    What do you think of it


  43. prasun,

    4- Pakistan's hit squads in the west.. why r they silent ....what r its implications?

  44. Prasun Da, I wish you a Happy New Year with the hope that you and all your loved ones will have many blessings in the year to come.

    Best Regards,

  45. angrezi new year's greetings prashun bhai :-)

  46. To AJAY: 1) Not true. What was said by India was that India’s land-based nuclear arsenals will be stored in recessed condition, i.e. in a semi-assembled state. 2) It’s written above by me. No one else has written about it either because they don’t want to write about it or they don’t know it as yet. 4) All the data on Pinaka MBRLs can be found here:

    5) Only after the SLBMs become available. 7) It is just a hypothesis.

    To THEWOLFPACK: 1) India has not fought a full-scale war since 1971 & China hasn’t fought one either after 1949. Hence, neither will ever launch full-scale wars against one another. 2) No territory can be lost by India simply because the PLS will find it an almost impossible task & will never attempt to capture any territory by force. 3) Why are you ASSUMING that India will lose? 4) Pakistan does not have such a capability. Its total reserves of POL are just for 12 days now while for India the reserves can last for 130 days.

    To ANWAY: That’s excellent, since it will serve as an additional target for the IAF’s C-130J-30s for carpet-bombing, just like the IAF’s An-12Bs had done so back in 1971.

    To VENKY: And the same to you. The IA has not procured much from RoK thus far. Only the K-9 Vajra tracked SPH & the RCWS for Arjun Mk.1A MBTs have been procured.

    To PRATIK: How can it be a fake encounter when the exchange of fire lasted for hours & hand-grenades were hurled from inside the besieged building? But on the other hand, I will it extremely laughable & disgusting that the IA’s soldiers, who have been trained at very high costs for fighting with MBTs, ICV, tube/rocket artillery, ATGMs etc etc should be made to serve with Rashtriya Rifles (RR) & fight terrorists who come armed only with assault rifles & hand-grenades! Can anyone find any more example opf such sub-optimal utilisation of highly trained & skilled IA personnel? Surely the specially-trained CAPFs like CRPF, BSF along with the local J & K UT Police can engage in counter-terror intelligence-based operations without the RR. In fact, such specialised CAPF detachments should have replaced the RR back in 2008 itself, thereby freeing the IA to focus solely on domination of the LoC. It is thus both saddening & sickening to continue seeing the IA’s human resources being wasted on such unnecessary taskings year after year.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: It may well be that pro-Pakistani Balochi expatriates are being used for such incidents, thereby allowing the ISI to claim probable deniability. And here are some interesting insights on PME & Unified Air-Defence Command:

    Webinar with the IAF’s CAS:

    Interview of the new CM of Gilgit-Baltistan:

    PAF’s Takes Delivery of 14 Made-in-China JF-17Bs:

    The PAF has so far taken delivery of 49 x JF-17A Block-I, 60 x JF-17A Block-II, 26 x JF-17B Block-II & 2 x JF-17A Block-III prototypes.

    In 2020, 16 quadcopters operated by the BSF & IA were shot down by Pakistan Army along the LoC.

    To BUDDHA: How Crop-Circles Are Made by Orbs:

  47. To VIKRAM GUHA & BHOUTIK: And the very same to you & all your loved ones.

  48. Best wishes for the new year 2021 to you Sir.


  49. Prasun,
    Wishing you and your loved ones a very very Happy New Yr. May the Yr 2021 bring along with it good health, abundance of wealth and lots of happiness in your lives.With warm regards!

  50. Mr.Prasun

    Happy New Year

    1)When will NSM will be ordered for MH-60Rs?

    2)What is the status of Prahaar and Pralay NLOS-BSMs?

    3)Has the IFF transponders for our MBTs in place?

    4)Is the order for HAL Rudra for IA 58 or 78?
    Have all of them been delivered?

    Thank You


  51. Sir since we got nuclear reactor for INS arighat from Russia, so we are using the same reactors for indigenous nuclear SSN, or is there working going for developing indigenous nuclear reactor.
    Did we get any TOT from Russia for that nuclear reactor.
    And for S5 class submarines, which nuclear reactors going to power it? also for 7000 ton S4 class submarine?
