Friday, April 2, 2021

Creating & Disseminating False Narratives

Creating and disseminating false narratives for the sake of according false fame/glorification has become a fashionable pastime for some ‘desi patrakaars’, with this being the latest instance:

Manohar Parrikar’s biggest contribution was to break the Rafale logjam. For six years, India had been unable to decide on how to buy the French-made combat jets because of the faulty procedure adopted by the MoD under the then Defence Minister A K Antony. It is to Parrikar’s credit that he decided to think differently on a knotty issue and suggested a way out to the Prime Minister. It was Parrikar’s sharp insights into finance and international systems that stood out when India—at his suggestion—decided to procure the Rafales from France. However, certain aspects related to licenced-manufacture of 108 aircraft in India with HAL as the lead production agency (LPA) could not be finalised. Major differences occurred on the aspect of man-hours that would be required to produce the aircraft from kits in India, and who would take the responsibility for the entire lot of 126 aircraft. While Dassault Aviation maintained that 31 million man-hours that it had proposed should be sufficient to licence-build 108 Rafales in India, HAL was asking for a mark-up of these man-hours by 2.7 times. This point became the bone of contention between the government and the French manufacturer. Moreover, in the understanding of the MoD, the company that had emerged as the winner in the bid— Dassault Aviation—would have to sign a single contract with the Indian government. The French company would then need to have back-to-back contract(s) with HAL and other Indian production agencies. Dassault Aviation would also be responsible for the delivery of the entire fleet of 126 aircraft to IAF. The single point responsibility for this contract rested with Dassault Aviation because the RFP (Request for Proposal) was issued to them. However, Dassault Aviation did not fulfil the commitment given in the first meeting and an impasse ensued on the responsibility of delivery of 108 aircraft to be manufactured in India. Another hurdle came up on the point of work share of HAL. Dassault Aviation was asked to submit a ‘responsibility matrix’, clearly defining the role and responsibility of Dassault Aviation and HAL. The matrix was to facilitate a back-to- back contract of Dassault Aviation with HAL. The CNC was, however, not able to move the negotiations forward since the interpretation of two fundamental aspects of the case by the French company was not in line with the terms of the original terms in the tender. The first aspect related to treating Dassault Aviation as the ‘seller’ of 126 aircraft, including 108 to be manufactured in India and the corresponding contractual obligations and liabilities. The second point was about the man-hours for the aircraft to be manufactured in India. The UPA government, under the overly cautious A K Antony, instead of imposing a deadline for the French manufacturer to comply with the terms of the RFP, dragged its feet and allowed Dassault Aviation to get away with obfuscation. On November 10, 2014, meanwhile, Parrikar took over as Defence Minister. While being briefed about the major pending projects and contracts, he realised that the MMRCA contract wasn’t going anywhere. He still wanted to give the French sufficient time to comply with the terms of the tender. In December 2014, the French Defence Minister came visiting and as expected, raised the issue of conclusion of contract negotiations in the MMRCA case with Parrikar who told him that conclusion of the contract was held up on account of the vendor not confirming compliance to the terms of the RFP. This was followed up by a formal letter from Parrikar to the French Defence Minister stating that it would be really useful for Dassault Aviation to confirm compliance to the terms of the RFP and the terms of the bid submitted by them at the earliest. It was further mentioned in the letter that the negotiations could be carried forward and concluded thereafter if Dassault Aviation could be asked to depute a fully empowered representative to discuss non-stop with the CNC. Another discussion with the delegation of Dassault Aviation was held on February 12, 2015. A clarification was sought from Dassault Aviation towards confirmation of compliance to the terms of the RFP and terms of the bid submitted by them specifically. The two crucial points, i.e. (i) the consolidated man-hours based on which Dassault Aviation had been declared L–1 would be the same man hours required for licence-manufacturing the 108 Rafales in India, and (ii) Dassault Aviation as the seller under the contract for 126 aircraft for the IAF would undertake necessary contractual obligations as per the RFP requirements. The representatives of Dassault Aviation reiterated their stand on both issues and stated that while Dassault Aviation would be responsible only for delivery of 18 aircraft in a flyaway condition, they would not take ownership for the 108 aircraft to be manufactured by HAL as the LPA. On the issue regarding man-hours, the Dassault Aviation representative stated that the company’s stand had always been consistent that the man-hours indicated in their proposal correspond to the related tasks performed in French industrial condition. He also mentioned that only HAL being the LPA could talk about the factor of multiplication to be applied to these man-hours to convert the same to the man hours-required for the licenced- production of 108 aircraft in India. Clearly, Dassault Aviation was using the loophole in the original terms of the tender to get away with shirking its responsibility towards the quality of the 108 Rafales to be manufactured in India. Exasperated at the obduracy shown by the French company, the MoD issued an ultimatum on March 20, 2015 asking it to fulfill the commitment and confirmation on the two aspects mentioned above, ‘failing which the MoD may be constrained to withdraw the RFP issued’. However, Dassault Aviation, in its response dated March 24, 2015, did not commit on the two aspects mentioned above. Instead, the French company stated that the estimate of consolidated man-hours given by them was to be used by HAL to prepare its own quotation with respect to the completion of its (HAL’s) tasks under the MMRCA. The MoD realised that applying a factor of 2.7 on the man-hours quoted by both Dassault Aviation and Eurofighter GmbH (the company that quoted the second lowest price), the Total Cost of Acquisition (TCA), as on November 2011, would undergo a material change to the extent that Dassault Aviation would have no longer remained L–1 vendor and would have become L–2 vendor. Parrikar realised that another prolonged competition would have taken enormous time and effort. So he took the matter to the Prime Minister and briefed him about the necessity of procuring the selected MMRCA. Under the circumstances, there was no alternative but to withdraw the original tender, Parrikar told Modi since the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines provided that negotiations could not be held with the competitor who had come second in the competition (L–2 vendor in officialese). The only way, the Defence Minister suggested, was to scrap the tender and buy a minimum number of Rafales off-the-shelf to fill a critical gap in the IAF’s inventory. The Prime Minister agreed and decided to talk to the French President about such a possibility during his upcoming visit to Paris in April 2015. The Cabinet Committee on Security also gave its approval to the new proposal before Modi left for Paris, on April 9, 2015. Eventually, Prime Minister Modi announced in Paris that India would purchase 36 Rafales off-the-shelf.


A deliberate attempt has been made through the above-quoted narrative to portray the foreign OEMs as being guilty of obfuscation and obduracy, while the Indians tend to, as expected, emerge as the undisputed ‘Vishwagurus’. But the reality is the exact opposite. Now, here are the facts/realities that emerge when a key question is asked:

1) Why was HAL asking for a mark-up of the industrial man-hours by 2.7 times (83.7 million as opposed to the 31 million man-hours quoted by Dassault Aviation)? The common-sensical answer is that HAL would have taken close to 15 years to attain the mandated skills proficiency of its skilled human resources in case of licence-building the 108 fourth-generation Rafales, and that too after sending almost 200 of its supervisory and technical staff to France for being type-certified over a period of 18 months. All this in turn would have greatly stretched the production-rate of HAL-built Rafales—which is exactly what has transpired with regard to mastering the industrial processes and protocols required for building fourth-generation MRCAs like the Tejas Mk.1 and Mk.1A variants.

2) Consequently, what emerges from this is that licence-building any fourth-generation MRCA (leave alone fifth-generation MRCAs) was a no-brainer from the outset and therefore this option should have been discarded back in 2007 itself. In fact, no country in the world that has procured fourth-generation or fifth-generation MRCAs (be it the Rafale, the EF-2000 Typhoon or the F-35 JSF) to date has insisting on licence-producing them. Hence, in India’s case, the only practical procurement option was the off-the-shelf acquisition of Rafales from Dassault Aviation.

3) The off-the-shelf procurement option also becomes imperative if the end-user (Indian Air Force) insists on guaranteed serviceability and performance-based logistics support of/for the Rafale fleet from Dassault Aviation. For instance, in the case of the IAF’s procurement of Su-30MKI H-MRCAs, their licenced-production by HAL saw to it that that the Russia-based OEM (IRKUT Corp) accepted product liability for only the first 50 Su-30MKIs that were delivered off-the-shelf by the OEM. For the rest, Russia was under no obligation to extend any support (like crash investigations) in the event of a HAL-built Su-30MKI being lost under catastrophic circumstances. This has since resulted in enormous handicaps for the Indian Air Force since Russia was never required to share the source-codes of its two key operating software packagesGOST R 52070–2003, the Russian equivalent of MIL-STD-1553B digital databus; and the GOST R 58247-2018, equivalent of the MIL-STD-1760A electrical systems interface database. Consequently, if any enhancements of the Su-30MKI’s mission avionics suite is required to be carried out by the IAF, then such work will have to be carried out by Russia’s Zhukovsky-based FSUE State Scientific Research Institute of Aviation Systems (GosNIIAS) as the systems integrator, and by the Zhukovsky-based JSC V V Tikhomirov Scientific Research Institute of Instrument Design NIIP, the OEM for the RLSU-30MK NO-11M Bars PESA-MMR.

4) The reasons why licence-producing the Rafales was a no-brainer from the outset also becomes evident to anyone applying sound common-sense to understand why the much-touted plans for HAL licence-producing the fifth-generation Prospective Multi-Role Fighter (PMF) variant of the Sukhoi Su-57 never took off. While it was agreed in early 2007 by Russia and India to jointly study and develop the PMF, Russia on August 8, 2007 had already proclaimed that the R & D programme’s development stage was complete and later in 2009, the Su-57’s design was officially approved (meaning FROZEN, with no further deep iterations). Despite this, in September 2010, India and Russia agreed on a preliminary co-design contract and in December 2010, a Memorandum of Understanding (the MoU) for the preliminary design of the PMF was inked by HAL, Rosoboronexport State Corp and United Aircraft Corp JSC. Under this MoU, the PMF was to have incorporated of 43 modifications of the Su-57’s design. HAL negotiated a 25% design and development workshare The IAF was to procure 166 single-seat and 48 twin-seat PMFs. But in May 2012, India’s Ministry of Defence (MoD) announced a two-year delay in the project and by October 2012, India had cut the total purchase size from 214 to 144 PMFs. India's initial investment had by then grown from the estimated $5 billion to $6 billion, and the estimated total programme cost had grown to $30 billion. So, despite India contributing 15% of the R & D work, India was faced with bearing half the cost of the R & D effort. In September 2016, the two countries announced a detailed work-share agreement for joint production. In May 2017, another announcement came out regarding a ‘milestone’ agreement to finalise the PMF’s detailed design, but by June that year, Russia was insisting that HAL forego the PMF’s entire licenced-production effort in order to ensure speedier deliveries (within 36 months after contract signature, instead of the earlier agreed-upon 92 months). In addition, just like in the Su-30MKI’s case, Russia refused to share the source-codes for any of the PMF’s on-board operating software. Consequently, the Indian Air Force on September 2, 2017 officially declared its reluctance to proceed any further with the PMF project, and by February 2018 the PMF project was given a quiet and permanent burial.

Conclusion: One does not need to be an IIT Graduate or a ‘Vishwaguru’ to figure out common-sensical outcomes and end-states. Instead, making decisions by cultivating respect for the laws of physics and mathematics produces far more cost-effective and value-added outcomes. But Alas! This was not to be yet again between 2012 and 2018 as the late Shri Parrikar and his fellow colleagues in the then Union Cabinet embarked upon yet another futile exercise, i.e. undertaking to expose/unmask the still elusive RAAZDAARS (custodians of secrets) who could spill the beans about the alleged scam involving the procurement of 12 AgustaWestland AW-101 VVIP transportation helicopters for the Indian Air Force.

(to be concluded)


  1. Prasunda

    This SSBN is huge! Too many questions come to mind.

    Sir, analysis please & why such a super sub. This looks like a submerged pontoon, underwater launch base than a stealthy mobile submarine

    Thanks & Regards

  2. BTW Sir, it's ofcourse the dateline APRIL 1, 2021 😜

  3. To KAUSTAV: Yes, it was an All Fools' Day prank. But this ain't a prank:

    Prof Zang Qichao:

  4. Dear Prasun,

    Excellent article as usual. BTW will India get back its 6 billion dollars investment that was lost in PMF project?

  5. As usual another excellent Thread.
    But is this Tejas Mk1/A really 4th gen? It's very much the same as mig 21.

    BTW get ready to face the bhakts now after your exposes lolz.

    Could you be kind enough to explain what is really going on regarding Afghanistan? So many activities of various countries happening, to me, it looks like Russia, Chini, and paki are on the same page.

  6. Prasunda,

    1) Why won't the army or Kalyani group reveal the number of M4 bought ? what is the big secret in it ?
    2) For whom in the army is the m4 needed ?
    3) Why reveal number of LSVs - 1300, but not number of force gurkhas or M4 ?
    4) Will the kestrel be ordered any time soon ?
    5) Why not buy mahinda MPVi instead of from OFB ? will it not ease logistics ?
    6) Any plans for maruti gypsy replacement within the army ? with something like the jltv or lsv itself ?
    7) RFI released for MGS, but again no quantity indicated ? will this be 814 no.s ?

  7. @praasun da

    'What’s wrong if the NSA’s family-members are NRIs? ' you say well then whats wrong with Sonia Gandhi & Rahul Gandhi taking up positions in govt? why this opposition and consistent attempt at their character assassination, calling them names, morphing their pics, using deep fakes, et al, care to share your views on that.

    Joydeep ghosh

    1. Their origin isn't a problem for most sensible indians ... It's their lack of capability and even will that's an issue .. for example the man in question seems to be off on vacations whenever he is actually needed in country and even claims to make a machine that will turn potato into gold

  8. Hi,

    Futuristic Concept submarine from Naval Group, France. The technologies conceptualized are outstanding.

  9. Hi,

    Size comparison between INS Vikrant and INS Vikramaditya

  10. Dada,

    With regards to the URL you posted (Prof Zang Qichao: why CCP and it's stooges are openly admitting their dirty works? Ostensibly they feel over confident or is this a shot in the arm to revitilize failed Chinese Psy War/ Info War? What is your take.

  11. Prasun,

    1-Larkov to visit pakistan... what will pakis deemand & what will russia give

  12. What is the difference in roles of M4 and WhAP ?
    Both carry around the same number of people.
    WhAP is ambitious.



    No india should enact article 371 as per pakistan wish to cater for pakistan domestic audience....what kind of harakiri is this....56 inches me sirf hawa bhara hua hai lagta hai

  14. Thanks sir.
    DAE valo ki b band baji padi hai in kalpakkam PFBR case. Haha.
    Anyways what ur analysis say regarding results of election in all 5 states?
    Esp Bengal, ur home state.
    Kerala will go to UDF/LDF definitely.
    How about others?

  15. Nice article sir, Ache se sutai kiye hai ap is article mei.... Bahuto ko mirchi lagegi...
    Vaise apne theek he kaha tha...
    In India...
    Donkey‘s are ruling a state full of idiots...

  16. Dear Sir,

    -Kindly explain in details as to what measures have been taken by IAF to rectify the errors it committed on 27 Feb, 2019 (Op Swift Retort).

    -As per media reports,

    (1)PAF had better BVRAAM than IAF on that day. Has IAF now equipped its frontline Su30s & M-2000s with better BVRs like I-Derby ER?

    (2)IAF fighter jets' communications were jammed by PAF. Has IAF now equipped its fighter jets with SDRs/Tac Datalinks to ensure tht this does not happen again?

    (3)IAF was outnumbered by PAF on 27 Feb. What measures have been taken to ensure that it doesnt happen again?

    (4)IA was not able to shoot down PGMs fired by PAF jets. Has any action been taken to ensure that in future we are able to intercept & shoot down the PGMs?

    (5)Overall as per your assesment what will be the outcome or result if PAF launches Op Swift Retort tomorrow? Will IAF be able to win & shoot down large nos. of PAF jets unlike last time?

    (6)By when will Astra MK2 be ready to enter mass production?

    I hope you answer all the questions.
    Thank You!

  17. Arre, despite our best intentions why are we breaking into unnecessary caressing of bruised egos of Joydeep Ghosh? After all, the man passes himself off as a 'Patriot' and reserves his contempt for 'Nationalists' like us when any sensible person would know that 'Patriotism' is a pre-industrial construct rooted in patriarchal notions of 'blood and soil', emphasizing defence of land and kinsmen. As such, nationalism serves the very same purpose in an industrial world as was served by patriotism before industrialization. All elementary facts, but don't expect Progressive-Liberals of the Pidi variety to know such, for they don't believe in patriotism nor in nationalism, instead, they revel in utopian universalism of borderless lands. Need we take such deluded men seriously?

    This fella, laughably, has the man who assumed the CM post of Maharashtra only in late 2014 pinned for a fraud that was perpetrated in all earnestness and gusto since way back in 2011 through PSU banks. When it was ALWAYS the then Central Government who pulled all the levers of the PSU banks. And now, somehow, very surprisingly, throwing all such notions of wrongdoing into the air, the same CM's party's government has initiated the swift extradition of the culprit Nirav Modi from London, when doing so has ZILCH political benefit whatsoever. Why even take so much trouble in the first place when the same party as the CM of Maharashtra was ruling at the Centre? Why did Nirav Modi have to escape when he could have been granted a covert immunity at the very least? Or some court-kacheri tamasha could have been enacted a la "Zero Loss in 2G" Sibal could have been done? It is very tough to wrap your head around such inconsistencies. Talk about logical incoherence and you will find Joydeep Ghosh lurking in the corners somewhere.

    Fella is also a classic clickbait, he throws a lot of sensationalist unproven unverified links as Gospel. Let's see how worthy they are- Sample the "Nun Attacks in UP". The Hon'ble Railway Minister himself has set the record straight on this. Does the "Delhi Church Attacks" circa- 2014-15 ring a bell? It should.

    But let's not just delve into this silly rabble-rousing for once. Let's consider that conversion is the greatest act of aggression upon a community. Without any state-led protective umbrella against the native traditions and Hindu communities, there is no other way for the attacked community to protect itself than evolve organic methods to contain the menace. This gives rise to various local informal 'Anti-Conversion' groups from the native community. Why do Ghosh and his Liberal-Progressive ilk Pidis find this wrong?
    Every single community does so. In fact, both Christianity and Islam have built formal institutions with deep tentacles and pockets through which any act of non-violent self-defence as the one in question is passed off as "persecution". This privilege of institution building, unfortunately, is denied to the native Hindu communities in India owing to the secular state viz Article 30, 93rd Amendment, and HRCE ACT 1951. The lack of such is felt sorely in Bangladesh and Pakistan where Hindu persecution is a daily ritual. Will Ghosh and his Prog-Lib ilk support the repeal of Articles 30, 12, 93rd Amendment, and the HRCE ACT besides passing an all-India anti-conversion bill instead of peddling outrageous lies?

    They WON'T for sitting at home and indulging in baseless Hinduphobic pamphleteering is more Prog-Lib ideologically coherent than analysing the deep Hinduphobic rot of the secular state and suggesting solutions around them.


  18. By the way @Prasun Dada

    Meanwhile, as some folks here question Doval's offsprings for being NRIs, we have Rahul Gandhi speaking with Nicholas Burns and openly calling for the US state establishment's intervention into the democratic, administrative, and governmental processes of India. A process already well underway as witnessed with the "Farmer's Protests".

    While RaGa has gone rogue, the differentiator then unmistakably works out to be the lack of 'skin-in-the-game'. To the average Indians, India is their sacred geography with fellow Indians as their kinsmen and India's indigenous culture as their unique identity. But to RaGa and his ilk, India is merely a geographical contour to be presided over once it is stripped of these very Indiannesses. A very dangerous precedent is being set.


  19. To ASD: VMT. US$6 billion was NEVER invested. It was only anm estimate. Only about US$10 million was spent.

    To DASHU: VMT. Tejas Mk.1 is a 3+++ Gen MRCA while the Tejas Mk.1A will be Gen-4 MRCA if all the performance parameters get validated & certified. As for ‘Bhakts’, kindly rest assured that there aren’t any. Those who are only pretend to be & all those just want to cash in, i.e. opportunism. This provides a good explanation on what’s transpiring WRT Afghanistan:

    PA's Fire-Assault with MBT on LoC at Poonch:

    To MANISH 2: 1 & 3) Because if the number is revealed, it will emerge that such a small number of vehicles cannot be locally produced & hence will not be looked upon as an attempt at securing the tag of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’. 2) For those IA units that are responsible for patrolling the LAC. 4) In the near future. 5) Because the OFB-supplied MPVs are cheaper. 6) They began being replaced long ago with TATA-supplied SUVs. 7) It will be more, closer to 1,200.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Engaging in ‘whataboutry’ will only result in apples being compared with oranges. Any NRI remains an Indian citizen & carries an Indian Passport. The Gandhi troika on the other hand are eligible for dual citizenship under Italian laws & till this day none of the 3 have gone on record to state that they have forever foregone this option & have declined the offer of Italian citizenship. As for ‘character assassination’, it is more like ‘character suicide’ when irrational statements like this are made by one of them:

    Furthermore, of the three, only 2 of them are MPs & yet I have not come across any one of them making any meaningful contribitions during parliamentary debates & consequently to me their existemce as MPs fetches me highly diminished returns. Of course the same applies to all those MPs from other political parties as well.

    To AD: Here is another one:

    As opposed to this, are there any comparable studies or research or exttbooks explaining to Indian citizens the histories of Ladakh or Sikkim or Arunachal Pradesh?

    Understanding the Ongoing US-China Digital War:

  20. To JUST_CURIOUS: Russia is not a condition to give any finmancial aid to Pakistan, nor does Pakistan have the financial resources reqd for procuring Russia-origin weapons through hard-cash payments. Hence, the visit is aimed at trying to convince Pakistan to pressurise the Afghan Taliban leadership to agree to a ceasefire while the peace talks carry on.

    To VENKY: The M4 is a LAMV used only for patrolling & surveillance, while the Kestrel WHAP is an armoured personnel carrier capable of operating in the battlefield, i.e. the latter has additional armour protection/survivability features & also armament like 30mm cannon & ATGMs.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Rest assured that India will do no such thing as a ‘face saver’ for Pakistan. That’s why even the Indian Supreme Court has not yet begun hearings about cases filed WRT status of J & K after the August 5, 2019 developments. Nor will statehood be granted to J & K UT for at least another 4 years. Furthermore, all past & recent remarks by various Pakistani politicians are contradictory & hence become irrelevant, i.e. if Pakistan never accepted J & K’s legal accession to India since October 1947, then how can Pakistan now insist on the implementation of Indian constitutional provisions in J & K? Therefore, when Pakistan is insisting on the re-implementation of Articles 370 & 35A, what it is now trying to signal is that it has accepted Indian sovereignty over J & K and in turn wants India to reciprocate by acknowledging Pakistan’s annexation of the so-called ‘Azad Kashmir’ & Gilgit Baltistan. Which then brings us to the larger gameplan that we had all discussed last year, i.e. China deliberately raised tensions along the LAC in Ladakh so as to prevent India from taking any meaningful punitive military actions inside PoK, thereby forcing India to accept Pakistan’s annexation of the occupied territories & through this safeguard the CPEC’s territorial footprints.

    CPEC & GB:

    To ASHISH GAUTAM: VMT. As for the electoral prospects in WB, none of the political parties have presented manifestos that offer any meaningful solutions. But if you are interested in diagnosing what WB requires & how to go about it, then this will be a good start:

    To AMAN: The most glaring shortcomings were in 2 arenas: absence of SDR-based TDLs & the absence of MR-SAMs in adequate numbers. Both shortcomings have since been rectified. Astra Mk.2 BVRAAM will become available only by 2025 at best. There was never anything inferior about the IAF’s R-77 BVRAAMs when compared to the AIM-120C-5 AMRAAMs. And now that the Meteor BVRAAMs are in the IAF’s possession along with the Barak-8 MR-SAMs, the PAF will no longer be able to mount barrier-CAPs of the type it had mounted over PoK on February 27, 2019.

    To ASHISH: Rest assured that the ‘Pappu’ had initiated his self-destruct mechanism long ago in 2012 itself & is thuis becoming irrelevant with each passing day. In my view, he is unfit to even remain as a MP as his attendance in the Parliamentary Select Committee on Defence has been dismal & thus I as a taxpayer am receiving only steadily diminishing returns from his presence in Parliament.

  21. Venky
    WhAP is ambitious? Do you mean it is an ambitious project? I have a gut feeling that you didn't check the dictionary just assumed you are right and d of amphibious used ambitious LOL

  22. This guy Ashish - a fake name of course not the Ashish Gautam - whose id he has borrowed- you wonder whether talks through his mouth or the rear end! Another of those wanna be greats ONLY in his own world courtesy money with which he has developed his English - an unpatriotic practice borrowed off the English Masters I must add.
    People like him are the reason I often feel so inflamed with anger that I would like to dish out some of the "non violent self defence". People like him are the reason why India is still a wanna be power. Joydeep Ghosh might be irritating but not a retard. Think og him and me and sane minded people and then think of the scene from Kindergarten Cop where Arnie gave the bastard what he deserved but backed off as everyone was watching.

  23. To AMIT BISWAS: To compromise on Kashmir or not, that's Pakistan's dilemma, as explained here:

    To ASHISH GAUTAM: Pakistan's KANUPP nuclear reactors of China-origin:

    China’s Vision 2035: From Beijing’s Forbidden City to Interconnected Eurasian Megacity:

  24. Hello Prasunda pranam,.
    Could you kindly tell
    1. Is K30 Biho deal.cancelled? If so what coming in its place.
    2. When is a next batch of Rafale will be ordered in gtg mode and if so how many?
    3. V 22 ospreys will IA order them? How many
    4. Followng c 17 plant closure what is the plan ahead for heavy lift capability enhancement?
    5. Any chance the IN may order a small qty of F18 SH for the Vikrant?

    Thank you and best regards

  25. The mounted gun system , could it be spilt into OFB based MGS and another imported one ?
    Have any of these have gone through IA trials earlier ?

    Has OFB MGS been through the rigorous system of tests like others in the race ?

    The RFI wants 50% local content, for most vendors that could be the Truck and the barrel (if manufactured by Kalyani), however 1200 is very large number, should not the GoI set more ambitious localization target e.g. electronics manufactured in one of EMS like Centum/Dixon?

    What happens to SUV mounted 105 mm gun made by Kalyani at the request of the IA chief ?


  26. Prasunda

    These days esp with Turkey and India not being in each other's good books, this one makes for interesting and entertaining reading

  27. Prasunda

    Sir, HAL seems to have prospered with more cash flow & the LCA Mk1A order as per this video

    Having a captive customer who eventually pays up & regularly too should make for a cushy PSU. Why do they whine so much?! Prime Candidate for privatisation, really.

    Your suggestions & inputs such as break up or consolidated rational activities for greater efficiency would be personally appreciated.

    Thanks & Regards

  28. hi prasun
    about SDR and TDL, I wonder how the russian specific avionics data , radar ,irst etc inputs are converted to understandable icons and digitised to be sent across the SDR TDL,
    I presume that the indian awacs and fighter s have all been fitted with the same israeli stuff
    does this confer the capability where the awacs contorrler can vector specific fighters to a specific target with a light pen or a mouse where the computer does all the calculation of position , speed , alti range etc are sent.

    Now how did pak convert western standard awacs saab erieye out put to be ported to the chinese jf-17 fighters?

  29. Hi Prasunji,

    1) How capable is P-8I platform for ISR work? Do we need a Raytheon Sentinel type dedicated ISR system? Would it be better to simply order more P-8I system with some required upgrades?

    2) Rolls Royce has offered India MT-30 marine engine with full rights to it, is it purdent to take up this offer and replace all future indian navy warships engine to Rolls Royce MT-30 from General Electric LM-2500?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  30. Dada, There is a dispute between Egypt and Ethiopia over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam and the dispute escalated in 2020. According to Egypt the dam is an existential threat, fearing that the dam will reduce the amount of water it receives from the Nile. So, how the dispute will be resolved ? Will there be military action from Egypt to destroy the dam ? If military action really takes place how will it affect Sudan ?

  31. To KANE1966: 1) No contract has been placed as yet. But the reqmts are likely to be changed & priority will be given to the QR-SAM project. 2) They should be ordered before 2022 before the last of 36 Rafales are delivered. 3) Not the IA, but the IAF, which is presently conducting paper evaluations of the V-22. 4) The C-17 plant can always be re-opened. 5) None whatsoever. The IAC-1’s service hangars below-deck are designed for accepting only Russia-origin MiG-29Ks & Ka-family of helicopters.

    To VENKY: All that OFB has done is to mount the Dhanush-52 howitzer on to a BEML-TATRA vehicle. The IA on the other hand wants an armoured truck with nigh-vision devices for driving at night, plus a mantle for hosting a roof-mounted MMG. In other words, the Dhanush-52 design has not yet been optimised. On the other hand, the Nexter Systems CAESAR mounted on an Ashok Leyland truck & the TATA-DENEL’s MGS are optimised designs. The Kalyani MGS is not mounted on an SUV, but on a 4 x 4 LAMV vehicle. Given the choice between 155mm/52-cal MGS & 155mm/39-cal MGS (like Kalyani’s offer), any common-sensical customer will opt for the former.

    To KAUSTAV: LoLz! HAL whines because both the IA & IAF take delayed deliveries when the end-products are lying parked on the tarmac awaiting ownership. In any case, HAL is sitting on confirmed orders for the LCH, LUH & Tejas Mk.1A in addition to confirmed orders for refurbishing all the Su-30MKis, plus the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 upgrades & Mirage-2000N upgrades. Thus, when viewed in totality, HAL ought to be fully public-listed & be unshackled from the MoD so that it can directly raise R & D funds reqd for the NMRH project. Had it been fully public-listed 20 years ago, then by now we would have seen the IL-214 MRTT being built by HAL not just for the IAF, but also for the ICGS as an MPA, but most importantly as a commercial air transportation commuter aircraft capable of servicing tier-3 cities.

    In the coming years, more & more helicopters will be reqd by all 3 armed services, as explained here:

    And here are some excellent explanations on engineering challenges for greater connectivity:

    USBRL CoffeeTable Book:

    USBRL Tunnels:

    Atal (Rohtang) Tunnel:

    To RAD: The TDL serves as a standalone data receiver/transmitter of situational awareness data generated by the mission computer & SDR radio suite. Hence, there is no direct connectivity with any fire-control sensor. PAF AEW & CS cannot communicate directly with combat aircraft & instead all situational awareness data is downloaded from the AEW & CS to ground-control stations & then re-transmitted up to the combat aircraft.

    To HARDIK THANKI: 1) If the P-8Is are to be used for persistent ISR taskings for the IA, then how will the IN be able to use them? The IN has its own usage reqmts for the P-8I & hence the IAF requires its own ISR platforms that can provide uninterrupted ground surveillance in aid of the IA. 2) The MTR-30 is a new-generation marine industrial gas-turbine & is therefore more advanced than the LM-2500 & will thus operate at much reduced direct operating costs & will have far better MTBF performance parameters.

    To ROHIT GILL: It can either be resolved trilaterally between Ethiopia, Sudan & Egypt, or all 3 can jointly approach a neutral international tribunal for arbitration & the results of this process will then have to be binding on all 3 concerned parties. Here is an explanation:

  32. IAF chief visited France, PM is about to visit... additional rafale seemed certain... & now suddenly the dead horse is being brought back again to kill the prospects of a repeat order

  33. Hi Prasun da

    Looks Like India has Already Launched S4 SSBN (same size as S2 & S3)

    There is no Image of SSN (Chakra) After November 19 2018 in Google Earth




    Now what no more rafales it seems


  35. hi prasun
    when the data from the saab awacs is re transmitted to the fighter is it data link or voice.
    i guess the erieye has no capacity to data link to fighters directly . How about the desi emb-145? are both links suseptible to jamming ?
    how about the phalcon awacs ? what is better in that? has it got a direct link to the fighter after the advent of sdr?

  36. Hi,

    Some new developments on the Rafale deal. Wonder where this will lead to

  37. Dear Prasun,

    Now again the Rafale ghost 👻 is hunting with a new allegation. It is about payment of 1 million euros to middle men to secure the tender. What's your view upon it?

  38. This hoax of 1-million-euros-as-gift-to-indian-middleman-in-rafale-deal has been created partly to negatively affect the running elections in the short term and to stop the further supply of Rafale in the long term. Both effects are severely detrimental to the health of India. Soon it will be exposed as a Bullxit.

  39. To HARSH, AMIT BISWAS, RAGHU & ASD: LoLz! This is what I call “the ultimate act of lunacy”. Firstly, to claim that only 1 million Euros were paid as commissions for a multi-billion Euros deal is the ultimate insult to one’s intelligence. Secondly, if evidence is reqd, then all the large scale-models of the Rafale are in India (and not within France) & they can be seen outside the official residence of the IAF’s CAS, inside Vayu Bhavan & in several other air bases. Thirdly, it is not up to Dassault Aviation, but up to DEFSYS SOLUTIONS to produce invoices for the scale-models that were ordered. Incidentally, I’m sure none of the ‘desi patrakaars’ or even ‘phoren patrakaars’ ever bother to ask exhibitors at various aerospace/defence expos where exactly they procure the scale-models from. Well, I have done several times since the 1990s & the answer (even from Indian OEMs like the DPSU shipyards & HAL & DRDO) has always been: from Singapore-based makers of such scale-models. In India, only cast-iron scale-models can be built, while in Singapore scale-models built of fibre-glass & plastic are built. And all this costs money, just as it costs up to Rs.7 lakh for each 1-hour flight-sortie flown by an MRCA like the Rafale for the joyrides that India’s ‘dei patrakaars’ love to take during the Aero India expos. And who has to foot the bill? The desi & foreign OEMs of course. And how do the OEMs recover such expenses? Obviously by including such expenses into the contract value of a hardware procurement process. Consequently, we can just as well claim or allege that even the ‘desi’ media houses are involved in corrupt practices due to their indulgence in such joyrides, which in turn inflates the contract value. We can also thus claim that ‘desi’ OEMs like HAL are equally complicit since HAL too has sponsored several joyrides on the Tejas Mk.1 & LCH for the ‘desi patrakaars’.

    Lastly, both ‘desi’ & ‘phoren’ OEMs are regularly approached by end-users like the IA, IAF & IN for financial sponsorships of seminars, expos as well as annual anniversary celebrations. Then there’s the media advertisements as well. And of course the money spent by the OEMs during such events is always recovered by including such expenses into the contract-value or in subsequent orders for spares support.Hence, in this business, as in any other, there are no free lunches & no charitable acts.

    To RAD: By data-links (C-band, Ku-band & VHF/UHF band), as clearly explained in this slide:

    The IAF’s EMB-145Is & A-50I PHALCONs are now being fitted with RAFAEL’s BNET-AR TDLs.

    To DEEPAK: That slide shows the INS Arihant & Arighat side by side. S-4 is still lodged within the SBC’s hull-assembly hall.

  40. What will be the data transfer rate of these SDR TDL??

  41. Sir wat do u think? Is there any plans for IAF to order 36 more rafale?or it's a media speculation? 36 more rafale is a great idea

  42. To AMIT BISWAS: This explains it all:

    Webinar on AI for Air Warriors:

    To SANTOSH: Yes, they will be ordered, rest assured.


  43. HI prasun
    you have said that the rafales will ordered, we all love that ~but . Now where is the moneyto buy all this? LCA series , MWF, AMCA, TEDBF?
    what is you opinion on the number of indian fighter scrambles to thwart the pak operation
    fast retort? why could not we scramble more fighters given our larger airforce?knowing they will come ?\
    all seems tobe quite on the nirbhay missile end whats happening, i find nit difficult to accept thathte nirbay is qualified wiht just 3 successful flights. ther were no wareheads used ?tha nirbhay has to be tested many times with diff scenari os and avionics to perfect it?

  44. Hi

    What's your take on this ?

  45. Since we are speaking about sharing of information between different assets, here's a link that is very interesting. Can something like this be done using the Rustom or Ghatak by India

  46. Hello Prasunda

    True like India the US wasn't prepared for China's sudden military rise but see how quickly and comprehensively they respond ... Forget budgets, when will be develop such comprehensive strategic threat assesment and forward thinking

  47. To RAD: It is not about financial shortages, but about human resource shoprtages. The same team of designers involved with Tejas Mk.1 is now involved with the MWF. And from there they will have to graduate on to the AMCA Mk.1, AMCA Mk.2, and lastly the TEDBF. The number of combat aircraft scrambled by the IAF on the morning of February 27, 2019 was more than enough, since they were all armed with AAMs whereas the opposing PAF aircraft were only carrying the partial AAM weapons-loads as they were carrying A-to-G ordnance. The Nirbhay LACM powered by the GTRE-developed STFE will have to be test-fired at least 6 times.

    Later today, 2 webinars are worthy of watching & listening to:

    Ensuring Deterrence along the India - China LAC: The Way Ahead:

    Shaping the Armed Forces to Meet Likely Current & Future Challenges:

    ADA’s Tejas Mk.1A Video:

    Japan GSDF’s Type-19 MGS:

    Wonder why such Japan-origin weapons are not being offered to India as part of the competitive bidding process.

    Meanwhile, the image relased by the IN of INS Talwar clearly shows these Batch-1 Project 1135.6 FFGs already retrofitted with winching/towing mechanisms for ATLAS ELEKTRONIK-supplied ACTAS active/passive towed-array sonar suites.

  48. To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: Data-linking between manned & unmanned platforms is already work-in-progress with both the Jaguar-MAX & the Combat Air Teaming System (CATS).

    As for China’s comprehensive modernisation efforts, maybe India’s decision-makers were not fully aware, but the US was since the late 1980s after China initiated the National High Technology Programme (Project 863) in March 1986—the most important civilian-military R & D programme next to the “Two Weapons, and One Satellite” science and technology development plan of 1956-1967. The 863 Project featured a concurrent development of dual-use technologies applicable in both civilian & military domains. The programme had initially focussed on developing seven strategic priority areas: laser technology, near-/deep-space exploration, bio-technology, information & communications technologies, industrial automation technology, energy-extration & advanced materials. In the mid-1990s, China expanded these areas in size, scope, and importance, shifting its trajectory toward cutting-edge technological products and processes. The 863 Project is ongoing and more importantly, it has paved the way for China’s current “indigenous innovation” strategy, embedded in the 2006 National Medium to Long-term Plan (MLP) for the Development of Science & Technology (2005-2020). The MLP became China’s most ambitious comprehensive national science & technology plan with special long-term total funding estimated at US$75 billion. Central to the MLP are 16 National Megaprojects—vanguard S & T programmes–“priorities of priorities”–that are designed to transform China’s science & technology capabilities in areas such as electronics, semiconductors, telecommunications, aerospace, robotic manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, clean energy, and oil/gas exploration. The megaprojects include both civilian & military domains, with 13 listed and three classified “unannounced” areas. The 16 megaprojects have been a source of considerable controversy and debates both in China and abroad, given the continuing structural, technological, and manufacturing challenges that inhibit disruptive innovation in China’s military science & technology system. The debate has also focussed on the three classified megaprojects. The first of these, the Shenguang (Divine Light) laser project, has sought to explore the inertial confinement fusion (ICF) as an alternative approach to attain inertial fusion energy (IFE)–a controllable, sustained nuclear fusion reaction aided by an array of high-powered lasers. Shenguang’s targetted physics, theory and experimentation, began as early as 1993. By 2012, China completed the Shenguang-3 (Divine Light-3), a high-powered super laser facility based in the Research Centre of Laser Fusion at the China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP) in Mianyang. Assisting this effort was the Shanghai Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics (SIOM). The second of the ‘unlisted’ megaprojects was the Beidou-2 Satellite System (BDS), formerly known as the Compass Navigation Satellite System (CNSS), developed by the China Academy of Space Technology. The third megaproject involved the development of hypersonic missiles and reusable spaceplanes. Leading the R & D effort has been the 10th Research Institute, also known as the Near Space Flight Vehicle Research Institute, under the China Academy of Launch Technology (CALT). The Qian Xuesen National Engineering Science Experiment Base in Beijing’s Huairou district is also one of China’s key hypersonics-specific research centres.

  49. Thanks Prasunda ... All that you said are also validated by Americans in this article

    What about the other mega projects


  51. Dear Prasun
    Thank you for sharing the video of Japanese GF exercises. Couple of questions from that;

    1. Am assuming the MGS is a 155/52 gun. How is that the system is so large and has to be fitted on such a large full size truck (looks like MAN) whereas the latest Chinese MGS (also provided to Pak - SH16 i think?) can be mounted on such a smaller truck. Is the Chinese one not a 155/52 gun system. Even the OFB MGS which is again a 155/52 system has to be mounted on a full-size Tatra

    2. Why doesnt IA have wheeled Vehicles with Large AT guns (105mm or 120mm) like the 2 in this video. Has there never been a operational requirement for these or is it yet another gap in our force composition

    Good to see that the Talwar FINALLY has a Towed Array Sonar!! Considering the ship has been in service for nearly 20 YEARS!! without this vital (and Basic) capability - to say nothing of the complete lack of ASW choppers. How many ships now have these installed? Any estimate as to how long before all IN frontline Frigates/Destroyers get TAS systems?


  52. Prasun,

    1- You mention jaguar MAX.. is that idea still alive within the IAF & MoD circles? if yes, why was it not displayed during aero india 2021. Also no word on what are the plans for the existing jags.. is the darn 3 upgrades for 60 odd jags commenced? total silence on engine upgrades

  53. prasun,

    Lavrov selling out to pakis? --

  54. Prasun da,

    Russia was given a skip by India - Sergey Lavrov during his visit to India could not meet PM Modi - PM tight schedule cited as a reason - busy in WB.

    Sergey Lavrov says no to Russia - China military alliance but adds heard of alliance Asia NATO

    On the other side, he receives a warm welcome from Bhikaris

    Your takeaway on this

  55. To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: The most important element of Project 863 was in the realm of education, i.e. 539 programmes were approved with 100,000 items of achievement in both fundamental & applied scientific research after four five-year plans had been completed since 1982. Comprehensive societal transformation can only be ushered in through educational reforms that take 25 years to fructify. Hence, under Project 863, the TORCH Programme was initiated in 1988. Its objectives were: to realise guiding principles of "developing high-technologies and realise ther industrialisation", to create an optimised environment, therefore to guide and organise the scientific and technological manpower to serve economic development; to promote the commercialisation of the results of high and new technology, the industrialisation of high and new technology products, and the globalisation of high-tech industries; to establish High and Emerging Technology Industry Development Zones; to coordinate the implementation of the projects under the TORCH Programme, and to develop a pool of workforce for implementing the Programme. Going hand-in-hand was the SPARK Programme, China’s first guided development effort designed to develop the rural economy through science & technology. This was followed by the State S & T Leading Group issuing the ‘National Key Basic Research Programme’ in 1997 under Project 973.

    13 of the 16 vanguard S & T programmes were crafted for supporting the following: development of industrial infrastructure for producing consumer electronics products; development of industrial infrastructure for producing telecommunications hardware & networks (both landline & wireless cellular); development of industrial infrastructure for producing civil & military aircraft; development of industrial infrastructure for producing industrial robots; development of an indigenous pharmaceuticals production eco-system; creating the industrial eco-system for producing new-generation nuclear power-generation plants and solar power-generation; creating the industrial eco-system for undertaking offshore oil/gas exploration & extraction; development of industrial infrastructure for producing both underground & undersea optical fibre cables; creating the shipyard-based industrial eco-system for producing new-generation merchant-marine & naval vessels; creating the industrial eco-system for producing new-generation, high-speed railway networks; acquisition of metallurgical expertise for developing new high-strength alloys & for mining/extraction of rare-earth materials; development of industrial infrastructure for producing a family of near-space & deep-space remote-sensing, ELINT & communications satellites & their rocket launchers; and the creation of a network of virology R & D labs for developing medicines for new-found communicable viruses & the related development of industrial infrastructure for producing new-generation bio-medical hardware.

  56. To KIDDO: 1) It is a 155mm/52-cal MGS. Dimensions of such MGS vary as per their intended deployment patterns. The PLAGF’s PCL-181 MGS has shorter length, but greater width as it is optimised for usage within confined spaces, i.e. over mountainous terrain, and for being transported by naval LSTs. Japan’s GSDF is primarily confined as a seabone invasion-deterring force & is thus meant to operate over flat, urban terrain within an island-chain & is consequently not meant to operate over inhospitable/un-navigable terrain. To fully understand the GSDF's orientation & postures, do watch this:

    2) Wheeled armoured vehicles offer excellent operating parameters when operating over developed terrain with asphalted roads & hard surfaces. Over marshy/soft terrain both wheeled & tracked vehicles can be immobilised if the ground is watery due to either agricultural irrigation processes or melting snow/glaciers, as is the case with the terrain in India’s Punjab & southern Jammu, Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh. However, if such terrain is bestowed with a good network linear & lateral asphalted roads, then both wheeled & tracked armoured vehicles can be used with good effect. As such roads become available in greater numbers along India’s bordering states & UTs, the number of wheeled armoured vehicles to be used by the IA & CAPFs—be they APCs or ICVs or mine-protected LAMVs—will increase proportionally. 3) Only six ATAS suites have been ordered to date—3 for the 3 Batch-1 Project 1135.6 FFGs & 3 for the 3 Project 15 DDGs.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Yes, the project is alive, but lying dormant for now. It can be resurrected anytime, not just for the Jaguars IS/DARIN-3, but also for other platforms like the Super Su-30MKI. Since it was already showcased at Aero India-2019, there was no need to display it again at Aero India-2021. Most likely later this year the contract for F125 turbofans will be placed with Honeywell.

  57. AD,

    Referring to your commentary on China's Project 863 and corresponding 16 S&T programs

    1. Has each of these programs achieved self-sufficiency to be driven by China on its own?

    2. If answer to question is negative, what are the reasons behind? And, how China is planning to counter the same?

    3. Have Indian policy makers contemplated of any such grandiose strategy similar in scope/ size to that of Project 863 and corresponding 16 S&T programs? If answer is yes, can you please brief us on the same.

  58. To AD: I will reply be comparing the arenas of nuclear power generation of the 2 countries:

    India’s Gen-1 nuclear reactors included the Tarapur Atomic Power Station (TAPS-1 & 2 boiling water reactors producing 160MWe each that were ordered in May 1964 & operational since October 1969) & the Canada-supplied CANDU-type 40MWt Cirus PHWR in Trombay that was contracted for in 1954 and went critical in July 1960. The first imported Gen-2 PHWR was the CANDU-type 220mWe PHWR at Kota, Rajasthan, which went operational in December 1973. The first domestically-built PHWR of this design became operational in April 1981. The first indigenously developed Gen-2 PHWR was the Dhruva/R-5 at Trombay, generating 100mWt, went critical on August 8, 1985 after 10 years of construction. The first indigenously developed Gen-3 PHWR producing 540mWe at Tarapur (TAPP-1V) achieved criticality on March 6, 2005 and commenced commercial operations from September 12, 2005. The first imported Gen-3 AES-92/VVER-1000 PWR supplied by Russia's Atomstroyexport at Kudankulam achieved first criticality in mid-2013 and entered commercial operation in December 2014. The first indigenously developed Gen-4 reactor, a 700mWe PHWR at Kakrapar in Gujarat, achieved criticality in July 2020. The Gen-5 reactors will be the 920mWt (235mWe) AHWR and AHWR-LEU, both of which use thorium-based oxide fuels, with the AHWR using both UO2/ThO2 and PuO2/ThO2 fuels simultaneously, while AHWR-LEU uses only UO2/ThO2 fuel. The AHWRs are essentially derivatives of the 700mWe CANDU PHWR, with the fuel oriented vertically instead of horizontally and refuelling still occurring on-line, but only from the top of the reactor.

    Prior to the 1990s, China had developed only experimental Gen-1 50mWt PHWRs for producing weapons-grade Plutonium. The first such PHWR was exported to Pakistan in 1986 & it went critical only in 1998. Work on building the 2nd such PHWR began in 2001 & was completed in 2010. Work on the 3rd PHWR began in 2006 and was completed by 2013. Construction of the 4th PHWR began in 2011 and was completed by January 2015. China’s first two Gen-2 PWRs were imported from Framatome (now Areva) of France & went operational at Daya Bay and Ling Ao from 1994 onwards. The first indigenously developed Gen-2 288mWe CNP-300 PWR went operational at the Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant in Zhejiang in December 1991. It was developed by Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute (SNERDI). Four 300mWe CNP-300 PWRs were built at Chasma in Pakistan between 1994 & 2011 by the China Zhongyuan Engineering Corp for China National Nuclear Corp (CNNC). The first such PWR went operational in 2000, followed by the other three in 2011, December 2016 & June 2017. In 1998 China inked a deal with Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL) to acquire two Gen-3 CANDU-6 PHWRs now located at Qinshan. From 2008 AECL has focussed on jointly developing the Gen-4 Advanced Fuel Cycle Candu Reactor (AFCR). In September 2016 an agreement to set up a joint venture to develop, market and build the AFCRs was inked. In 2004, China contracted Westinghouse for importing Gen-3 AP-1000 PWRs (each producing 1,250 MWe). In October 2008, Areva established an engineering joint venture with SNERDI as a technology transfer vehicle for the development of Gen-3 CAP-1400 EPR reactor. In addition, Russia's Atomstroyexport was contracted to supply two Gen-3 1060mWe AES-91/V-428/VVER-1000 PWRs that incorporated Finnish safety features and Siemens-Areva instrumentation and control systems. In June 2018 Rosatom signed a contract to build four Gen-4 VVER-1200 PWRs in China–two at Tianwan & two at Xudapu.

    Cont'd below...

  59. China’s first indigenously developed Gen-3 PWR is the HPR-1000 that has 177 fuel assemblies 3.66 metres long, 18-/24-month refuelling interval, and equilibrium fuel load of 72 assemblies with 4.45% enriched fuel. It has three coolant loops, double containment and active safety systems with some passive elements, and a 60-year design life. The passive systems are able to operate for 72 hours with a sufficient inventory of storage water and dedicated batteries. The PWR delivers 3,150 mWt (1,092mWe). The first such PWR attained criticality in October 2020. Two HPR-1000 PWRs have been built in Karachi (since 2015) & will become operational in April 2021 and 2022, respectively. Contract for another HPR-1000 PWR to be located at Chashma was inked in November 2017.

    China’s indigenous Gen-4 reactors will be high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTR). The small HTR-PM (HTR Pebble-Bed Modular) units with pebble-bed fuel and helium coolant will generate 250mWt (105mWe) Prototype of a commercial-scale HTR-PM-600 HTR-PM is now being built at Wan’an in Fujian province, close to Ningde. In addition, Gen-4 fast neutron reactors (FNR) will become available by 2050. A 65mWt FNR for R & D--China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR)—near Beijing achieved criticality in July 2010, and was grid-connected a year later. Based on this, a 600mWe pre-conceptual design was developed, known as the China Demonstration Fast Reactor (CDFR). Construction of the first such reactor, called CFR-600, began in December 2017 at Xiapu, Fujian, & commissioning is expected in 2023. The CFR-600 will be followed by CFR-1000 FNRs for commercial operation from 2030 onwards.

    Cont'd below...

  60. Coming now to the arena of semiconductors, it is imperative that India sets up no less than 3 semiconductor foundries, since the quantum of microchips reqd for India's telecommunications & automotive sectors is such that without a domestic semiconductor production capability, India will be staring at a much faster pace of de-industrialisation in the years to come. The scenario thus is indeed very dire, as explained here:

    A desperate China last year spent US$32 billion acquiring all second-hand industrial robotics (legacy systems & not the latest hardware) from Japan in order to circumvent all the sanctions imposed against it by Taiwan & the US. That by itself illustrates how high the stakes are for sustaining a country's manufacturing sector in the years to come.

  61. China's First Gen-3 Nuclear Reactor:

    China’s Gen-3 CAP-1400 PWR

    China’s First Gen-4 Nuclear Reactor:

    India’s Gen-4 700mW PHWR:

    India’s Gen-3 540mm PHWR:

  62. Excellent webinar conducted yesterday on Ensuring Deterrence Along LAC:


  63. hi prasun
    will russia try to play india by cosying up to pakistan ? but pak is a broke country and apart from afghanistan, pak has no relevence to russia? why the cosying up . why was india not supported in afghanistan council by russia , and later got a shock when afghanistan and US supported us. Did modi snub lavrov because of that?
    Is darin 3 attack system good a s contemprory avionics. Have the elements of that been incorporated in the lca ?
    can we say china is far ahead in nuclear energy design and development .Is it easy to copy the french areva reactors or the russian reactors? will pak benefit a lot by the chines reactors? is it in the belt and road initative? how come they finish a reactor in 6 years in karachi?
    if france helps us in the nuke submarine program will they supply the reactor? how will russia take it ? will it not be a total redisgn of the ssn? with added costs. what is the advantage of going with the french?.
    can the LCA do a lo lo lo level atack mode > with the advent of the aesa radar ? is not the darin 3 designed for that?


  64. Prasun, da
    1) what happened to that 464 t-90ms purchase?
    2)what happened to HAPP project to produce apfsds with 510-550 mm penetration?

  65. Hello Prasunda
    Good evening
    Kindly confirm iaf is still intending to purchase 54 Mig 29s. 21 plus 33. We only hear of the 21 in the media and forums are the remaining 33 also surplusframes which werw mothballed?
    Can you pl.advise how and when will the deal.for the LPD /multirole support be aquired.

    Thank you sir

  66. Prasun,

    1- now the japanese PM plans to visit India planned, summer of visits, what is your assessment or these alignments
    2- Lavrov's stmts in pak abt providing weapons/ Sputnik vaccine(free is implicit for these beggars)
    3 - why has US opted for turkey to host future afghan talks when erdogan has been playng traunt.. what didn't work for qatar
    4-- HAPP produced apfsds to have penetratio of @600mm while russia already touts 800mm +, why this big diff? lack of tech knowhow?

  67. prasun

    1 is izdeliye 30 now a proven engine for su 57? if not how close are the russians to doing it
    2 why hasn't the brit trafalgar class subs been sold... read they have the best sonar sytems along with a great design & best in class features

  68. To ANUP: It is FAKE NEWS.

    To RAD: Rest assured that Russia will lay a ‘Bear Trap’ for Pakistan in future since it has never forgotten how Pakistan had helped cause the breakup of the USSR through its support for the Afghanistan civil war in the 1980s. DARIN-3 avionics suite, especially the cockpit display architecture, is already known to be a legacy system since contemporary combat aircraft have panoramic AMLCD displays, like the Jaguar MAX shown 2 years ago & the Super Su-30MKI, a prototype of which was flown by the IAF’s CAS at ASTE yesterday. And as per the dates I had mentioned yesterday, India is ahead of China in terms of developing Gen-4 nuclear reactors for power generation. India had started cooperating with the West in such matters since the mid-1950s, whereas China began only in the 1990s. French help will never be sought for any structural modification of the SSN’s hull. Instead, individual items like optronic mast, spherical bow-mounted sonar, tactical situational awareness display system etc etc will be procured from THALES. Their onboard integration will be seamless since the combat management system has been developed by TATA Power SED (the SAARAANSH suite) & hence the source-codes reqd for systems integration are all India-developed & India-owned. Tejas Mk.1A will be able to fly in the terrain avoidance mode thanks to its EL/M-2052 AESA-MMR.

    To SARATHI: 1) The 464 units will all be OFB-built T-90S models. 2) One must believe such news only if it is officially announced by OFB or the MoD at either of these 2 Twitter accounts:

    To KANE1966: As of now, only 21 MiG-29UPGs are to be ordered. The MRSS vessel procurement has been deferred indefinitely.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) If it leads to announcements of further Japanese investments, then it will be good news, like the setting up of semiconductor foundries in India. 2) Let’s see when such statements are converted into realisable transactions. 3) Because Turkey had hosted such talks in the past as well. Turkey is only offering the venue, nothing more. The official base for the Afghan Taliban continues to be in Doha, Qatar. 4) It is all FAKE NEWS. The so-called MANGO projectiles were originally developed by Israel’s IMI & were licence-built by OFB back in the previous decade. Thus a new name will have to be found, like APPLE, BANANA, PINEAPPLE, JACKFRUIT etc etc. 5) The definitive turbofan for the Su-57 has not yet flown. 6) Because the UK can’t sell any nuclear weapons as per its own national laws.


  69. Prasunda

    So PRC wins WWIII without firing a shot in a game of double jeopardy

    1. They release the Virus without quarantining it as is SOP in an epidemic by isolating locality, town or hospital. For instance, isolation of the Nipah Virus in Kerala. Instead while Wuhan is isolated from rest of PRC, international flights fly out of the same city.

    2. Then, they(?) release horrifying videos on SM about collapsing people on roads, panic at hospitals & total draconian lockdowns. Ofcourse, all these videos hv low visibility in PRC itself as WA, FB, Twitter & YouTube is banned in PRC. Such national lockdowns which result in economic recession & collapse in the West. There are still lockdowns in the West, in India & elsewhere. But no such national lockdown in PRC except for Wuhan & containment in other areas. What PRC did was logical, what it got the world to do was huge in terms of it's working open economy while others dependent on the PRC from supply chain to finished goods got even more deindustrialised or beholden to PRC

    The two PRC Generals who devised this strategem white paper should go down in history as the pioneers who won WWIII without firing a bullet through a combination of biological & disinformation warfare. PRC already econoimically & technologically ahead of other Developing countries would increase it further while reducing the economic gap with the developed West

    As conspiracy theories go, very plausible & the probable reason of the counter strategy by the West (or the Quad+ ?) to contain & defeat PRC.

    I will not post the multiple links but there are enough articles, analysis & now even scholarly papers floating around attesting to the above.
    Your opinion on above theory please?

    Thanks & Regards

  70. Prasun da,

    A lesser stealthier version of F20 Raptor. So South Korea and Indonesia will have the fifth-generation aircraft earlier than India. Will it be more advanced and sophisticated than Rafale

  71. what is this?

  72. Prasun Da kindly share your view on this, and what's its impact on QUAD ?


  73. HI prasun
    can you confirm if the super su-30mki has the aesa radar,large screen displays and all the goodies that were supposed go on it ie better ew , better irst, jammers etc
    I remember that russia was supposed to do that and then india were was it done.. will aesa radar give terrain avoidance mode in it? does it makes sense for such a large fighter to go in that mode offering a bigger target for manpads and aaa guns?
    do we have to integrate the astra again on it?.
    why is the lca using radar alti when laser alti is more stealthy , after all it is no big deal to amke a laser alti? more over all this passieew systems are designed to pick up radar alti emissions?
    will thales allow ther stuff on nucler subs given the sensitivity?. i personaly belive that thales sonar and sensors also should be on the SSN as theya re far better and contemprory in performance than the indnian stuff

  74. prasun,

    what is the US playing at --

  75. Who will win West Bengal Assembly Elections, 2021?


  76. Will 21 mig 29 UPG will have AESA radar?


  77. Prasun Da,

    Is this Akash NG Launcher or any other SAM system is in development by DRDO.

  78. Hi prasun da, please tell me more about recent prototype flown of super sukhoi flown by IAF’s CAS
    Wat kind of hardware and software enhancement was done?

  79. To KAUSTAV: LoLz! I’d rather stick to the hard ground realities as explained in this webinar:

    And now we have China’s President exhorting the People’s Armed Police (PAP) to increase its preparedness-levels:

    Is this an indicator of things to come in future? After all, he has since 1014 been asking only the PLA to increase war preparedness-levels. So why address the PAP now? Is it because the truth will slowly but slowly emerge? For, some revelations are now slowly trickling out, like 350,000 mourners flocking to Wuhan’s graveyards, and Wuhan now reporting that it has 150,000 fewer pensioners than the figure of last year. One can therefore imagine what the final countrywide tally will be. Of course, the CPC has perfected the art of obfuscation & mis-direcxtion over the past 72 years & hence has not been held accountable for at least 5 mysterious epidemic/pandemic outbreaks since 1979.

    To SIDHARTH: Yes, 170 of the KF-21s will be produced by 2032, with Indonesia procuring 50 KF-21s.

    To DASHU, SUMANTA NAG & JUST_CURIOUS: It has all been explained here:

    In reality, it was yet another reminder for India to begin practising what she has been preaching. The mantra ought to be “Do as I Do”, & not “Do as I Say”. The national laws passed by India WRT operations by foreign navies within India’s EEZ have no international relevance & hence do not apply on any foreign navy as per UNCLOS laws. India’s laws are thus limited to only India’s territorial waters. And especially at a time when the IN’s Fusion Centre (IMAC) at Guragram can in real-time monitor every maritime activity within both India’s territorial waters & even way beyond her EEZ, where’s the need for getting advance notice from any navy? And as the US Navy said, it was just transiting through the EEZ & not performing any other activity. That’s what FONOPS is all about. It is thus PRETTY IDIOTIC for Indian lawmakers to frame irrational laws that have no legal sensibility. This is because India has been objecting to similar irrational laws passed by China WRT ships transiting through China’s EEZ. These included Beijing’s insistence of shutting down all onboard sensors on board foreign warships (with the sole exception of marine navigation radars) for as long as they remain within China’s EEZ!

  80. To SANJAY: There were my humble suggestions for naming future iterations of DRDO-developed APFSDS projectiles, be they 125mm or 120mm.

    To RAD: What more is there for me to confirm? HAL itself along with DARE had confirmed it all at DEFEXPO-2020 & I was the only one to have photographed their slides of the upgrade package & to upload them during that expo itself. Terrain-avoidance mode is imperative for survivability since even terminal air-defences rely on radars for target acquisition/engagement. The Super Su-30MKI will have both terrain-avoidance & bad weather-avoidance modes of operation, as well as traffic collision avoidance mode. Yes, Astra-1 BVRAAM will have to be integrated with the AESA-MMR but this will be a seamless affair since the Astra-1’s Ku-band seeker’s source-codes were already shared with Russia for integration with the earlier NO-11M ‘Bars’ PESA-MMR. If you Google for news of 2004 vintage, you will find out that even back then THALES was actively marketing its sub-systems for incorporation on the Arihant-type SSBNs.

    To MOHAN: Your guess is as good as mine. In any case, there are no perfect choices. It is having to choose between skin cancer & bone cancer (Leukaemia), i.e. choosing the lesser of the evils.

    To SANTOSH: No, it will be the same Phazotron ZHUK-M2E MMR as that on existing MiG-29UPGs. The Super Su-30MKI upgrade package was first revealed at DEFEXPO-2020 & here it is:

    The entire package elements were uploaded here:

    To SUSAN: Akash-NG will use the same systems architecture as that of the QR-SAM, with the launcher being the only distinct difference. It will all be mounted on a single vehicle.

  81. Hi

    1*Is India still acquiring A330 based tanker/awacs?
    2*Is israeli Eitam(?) Gulfstream Better than radome disc version of awacs apart from aerodynamics?.
    3* will the super su30 will be prototyped by sukhoi and subsequently assembled in HAL with some Desi subsystems,right? Does the new order of 12 nos expected will be of upgraded version? When will the re engining begin?
    Regards , Vimal

  82. Morning sir.

    1) MGS back in the news for nth time and this time there seems to be an actual RFI? dhanuah MGS not fit enough?

    2) Have there really been serious changes in Indian submarine force projection? 18 ssk + 6 nuclear + ssbn in next decade? Where is the money?

    3) Can we adapt a rajput class type like solution to add 8 more brahmos to our current frigates and destroyers when Brahmos Ng comes?

    4) 4 avenger class and 13 brit minesweepers set to be retired soon. If they can function 10 more years and available at dirt cheap prices we should get those until we can get our own designed mcmv.
    Also coming are 14 c130, 9 chinook and 30 hawks from RAF.
    All of which are things we have a stated requirement in IAF available in written i believe. Can have massive savings in these times.
    Also note Brits moving to usv based minehunting.

    5) role of LSV in army? And is it posaible to have an entire regular infantry division add LSV for faster mobility and heavy weapons carrier, beats traveling by truck and cheaper than APC?

    Thanks in advance

  83. Hi Prasun,
    A write-up on the s.korean kfx programme and what they did different from the Indian one and their likely pth to success(speculate).which comps/tech they will aquire from the us.
    How the scenario will play out in s.e Asia with the Japanese also testing thier aircraft
    Can india join the Japanese/aquire their 5gen aircraft and


    China's Century of Humiliation


  85. Dear Prasun,

    1. Many times I'm confused between AESA radar and MMR. Can a MMR be AESA radar? Please enlighten.

    2. You have been a good critic of the Indian ecosystem for defence and politics. BTW is there any system which was developed in India aftermath of independence, which you will appreciate?


    If these are true indeed our army needs a surgical strike within the force itself..its better late than never

  87. Prasun ..
    its moronic to waste time on the chinese like this--
    what kind of misplacd optimism drives the MoD/govt into these talks or they seriously do not have anything better to do. A simple tit for tat wud bring better results and a few million times faster

  88. 1)Do you think that the Chinese don't want to settle the border issue with India because they are gonna keep getting stronger and stronger and their claims are only going to increase as evidenced by the fact that they in the 21st century started claiming whole of Arunachal Pradesh as opposed to only Tawang before?

    2)Where could be these claims?

    3)As time is on their side we should immediately settle the border with them because they only settle it from a position of strength as seen with Russia and Vietnam?

    4)The rise of China seems unstoppable and India's rise is only going to happen 50-100 years from now so are we ready to lose more territory and respect with China?

    Thank you

  89. Sir why is Russia mobilising troops towards Ukrainian border ?

  90. Prasun,

    1-- could you share more on the "software enhancement" done by SDI on SU 30.. also if you could throw some light on this org-SDI.. is it a part of the DRDO network?
    2 --on this - -- guess India too was trying to get this guy extradiated.. I'm convinced that the brits still have a strong colonial hangover.. the US suddenly drops the case after pursuing it so strongly.. onlly proves that US loyaties swings depends on which side of the bed the powers to be withing the US deep state wake up every morning.. can never be a trusted ally
    3-- Fanciful article or food for thought?---
    4--the controversial case @oxford university-racial & religion based abuse of the student leader elect. whats with some NRI's who are rabidly anti India. They are emerging to be the biggest threat spread across canada, UK, US & some parts of EU like Germany


  91. hi prasun
    will terrain avoidacne mode confer lo level hands off auto flight where the aesa rada and the radar alti wihthte navv systems steer the fighter? thoug human reflexes wont be of much use at those low levels/ does it nedd exxtensive flightest and software mods ?
    why did not we opt for the mini awcs tyope withe l band aesae on the leadign edge and fins . wont it be nice to make an example and test it to see the real effective ness .?
    is pak helping turkey to develop nuke bomb tech? greece and israel say so?
    erdogan ia pain in thearse for the world, surely he could be taken out ? by mossad etc

  92. News is Pakistan is getting F 16s from US. Can you please let us know if these are latest block 70 or older variants.


  93. @just_curious,

    Couldn't agree more!!! However it requires big balls and courage. Our leaders are happy to lose anything but their chance to get elected again. All bluster, wishful thinking and expecting others to fight for us. Yet still thinking we are a next super power. If we had balls & courage half of what Paks have we would have it all.


  94. To ASD: 1) Mechanically-scanning, PESA & ASEA radars are all MMRs. MMR means multi-mode radar, i.e. it can operate in various modes of operation for carrying out taskings like air-to-air engagements, air-to-ground engagements & searching for targets both in the air & on the ground & in the seas either in a sequential manner or all at the same time in case of AESA-MMRs, i.e. interleaved operations. 2) There are a few islands of excellence, but all of them are within a vast ocean of mediocrity. AMUL Cooperative is one such island of excellence. Production of generic drugs & medicines by the private-sector is another, software development ventures is another, followed by heavy engineering activities. The overwhelming number of success stories are all from the private-sector, like these:

    But all these tend to get overshadowed by the ‘Hum Kabhi Nahi Sudhrenge(!)’ attitude & habits like these:

    It also seems that India’s coastal states that contain ports receiving both raw materials/commodities & container-traffic are the worst-affected by this second wave of the pandemic. While international air-traffic by & large has been curtailed, it seems maritime traffic is carrying on & even increasing & since most of the merchant mariners hail from India, it can well be that these folks are emerging as the so-called ‘superspreaders’, which have next penetrate the hinterland into Punjab & Haryana. That’s why the pandemic hasn’t reached dangerous levels as yet in coastal states like Odisha & WB.

    Lastly, there’s the ‘Chaltaa Hai’ inertia & the ‘naukarshahi’ attitude. For instance while on June 24, 2008 the then President Pratibha Patil, PM Manmohan Singh & Vice President Hamid Ansari became the first ones to receive the secure biometric E-Passports, ordinary Indian citizens got to possess such E-Passports only from early this year onwards. It remains to be seen if embedded biometric features will also be incorporated in UID Cards, Voter ID Cards & Driving Licences & if yes (most probably), then Indian citizens will yet again be forced to stand in queues for obtaining such documents. In all other countries, starting with Southeast Asian countries, a single E-Card had become the norm back in the mid-1990s itself!!!

  95. To AMIT BISWAS: Not quite true & they are mostly conspiracy theories, since it has now been proven that back in 1999 such folks were personnel of the NLI (from Gilgit-Baltistan) & they were speaking in Balti language.

    To DASHU: 4G Connectivity for GB:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Disengagements & de-inductions take a long time to achieve. For instance during the Sumdorong Chu crisis in the 1980s, the buildup began in mid-1986 & final de-induction took place only in mid-1995. 2) If hardware is added/upgraded/enhanced, then the operating software too will need to be enhanced. That in a nutshell explains it all. Regarding the IAF’s SDI, here is the official data:

    2) The fella was just a sto0ck-market punter, as explained here:

    3) Not Pakistan, but China. 4) Such folks only get traction because of the existemce of thoroughbred ‘nalaayak’ netas within India who have been afflicted with the ‘Hum Kabhi Nahi Sudhrenge’ virus.

    To RAJ GUPTA: 1 & 2) Absolutely! Because settlement involves both sides presenting their historical, traditional legal claims that can be backed up by documentation like treaties, certificates etc etc. In China’s case, no such documentation has ever been forthcoming since 1956. Everytime only India produced such documentary evidence in support of her claims. Despite this, if China continues to make territorial claims, then it can only be the case that for China ‘Might is Right’. 3) How can India settle the border issue when China does not want to? China wants to settle it by claiming all of Ladakh, Sikkim & Bhutan. If India is agreeable to all this, then only will China show willingness to settle the border issue. 4) Not if China gets declared an ‘international paraiah’, i.e. it is forced to surrender its permanent membership of the UNSC. And that’s why India has been on an overdrive to try to achive this objective through her ‘vaccine diplomacy’. Secondly, if China is forced to junk the international financial system & opt for its ‘Digital Yuan’ domain, then Beijing stands to lose a lot in economic terms, but for this to happen, China needs to be chucked out of the WTO.

    And in the high-tech areas, China is already getting hurst day by day, especially after the US & Taiwan stopped exporting their top-of-the-line microchips to China & saw to it that China’s own semiconductor foundries are devoid of after-sales support for all the hardware that Chinese OEMs had bought from Japan, the US, Taiwan & Holland. As a result, even microchip designers in China are now suffering, as explained here:

    To ROHIT GILL: Obviously to further consolidate its gains that it had made back in April 2014.

    To RAD: Autoflight in terrain-avoidance mode was achieved way back in the 1980s itself on both the Su-24 & the Tornado IDS. Since the mission avionics package on EMB-145I airframe has already been validated, it will be far less risky to install the same on A320 airframes or on any other airliner airframe.

    To CHINTAN: LoLz! The PAF does not want any more F-16s & instead it wants China to accelerate the development of the twin-engined FC-31 MMRCA because without such twin-engined platforms the PAF will not be able to carry out any type of deep strike/deep interdiction mission against any country.

    To CHADA: What Pakistan has is ONE HELL OF A GINORMOUS BEGGING BOWL coupled with double-digit inflation & a never-ending full-spectrum circular debt-trap. Thank the Almighty that India does not have a Micron of all that!!!

  96. What all Chinese want for Border Settlement?
    1)Arunachal Pradesh(most of it)
    2)Ladakh (most of it)
    3)Sikkim (all of it)
    5)Nepal also

    1)Tibet palm and 5 Fingers is it that they want?
    2)Why whole of Sikkim or Bhutan?

  97. Hi Prasun ,

    Has India ever experimented super hydrophobic coating for any of its submarine assets ? is there any research in these lines atleast ?

  98. Prasun,
    Will the russia- us/nato tiff over Ukraine have spill over effects on india??


  99. HI prasun ,
    we are hearing of a 5 mw motor for submarines and LIION cell etc what is going on ?. are we going to design out own bigger submarine . seems to be too much given we dont have the sensor tech,

  100. To RAJ GUPTA: Yes, Mao’s old preachings about the 5-Finger territorial domination is very much alive & well. All this despite Han Chinese having nothing in common with the natives of Ladakh, Sikkim, Nepal, Tibet & Bhutan & even with Tibetans either ethnically, nor biologically, or culturally or in terms of linguistics. And do watch this on the banks of Panggong Tso Lake:

    To 3rd-EYE: Such materials are researched upon & developed only by those countries that have developed their own submarine designs. Since India has not yet reached this stage, R & D on such areas will at best be of an academic nature. Here is one paper written by 2 Chinese nationals:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: It won’t affect India, but China will be affected because China relies on several Ukrainian industries for obtaining military-technical data.

    To RAD: Here is the IN’s RFI:

    And here are the solutions conceptualised by an India-origin US citizen:

    You can read about all such types of propulsion combinations here:

    IAF's Latest LBVP:

    Y-20 Airlifter:

    Footage of China-Philippine Naval Standoffs in West Philippine Sea:

  101. Maha Kumbh aur Hindu Navvarsh ki hardik shubhkamnaye mitron.

    @Prasun dada

    1. Heard the capital of India will eventually be moved to another city. If so I would welcome it. Do you have any clue?
    2. Is the Su-57 stealthy at all?


  102. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for enlightening everyone in this blog!!!!

    I have one more thing to learn from you. If you look into the media, you can notice one thing. NDA allies make nationalistic statements through which they get the support of masses. However, DMK and others who always oppose removal of article 370 etc. and make statements which are against the interest of the country. Just look at left parties, they always support anti India sentiments and minority appeasement.

    When will these parties understand that to displace NDA they can't be anti India and anti Hindu? May you please share your views!!!!

  103. To ASHISH: And the very same to you & all your loved ones. 2) It is stealthy & super-manoeuvrable, but it cannot super-cruise. 1) Yes, you’re absolutely right. In fact, I had presented 2 conceptual artworks a few months ago to the decision-makers of a futuristic city called INDRA LOK. The reqmt is for a floating city in the skies above present-day Delhi where access & accommodation will strictly controlled so that that the AAM AADMI citizens of India afflicted with the ‘HUM KABHI NAHIN SUDHRENGE’ virus can never again spread pandemics or engage in communal riots or organise civil disobedience ‘dharnas’ while disrupting public life. Needless to say, I will be one of those privileged ones to be granted unrestricted access to INDRA LOK in return for my rendered services. Here are my 2 artistic conceptions:

    This will enable the decision-makers to live a peaceful & serene life of luxury & devoid of public disruptions, while the country’s AAM AADMI is left totally free to engage in every & all kinds of nonsensical, disruptive & anarchic activities to their heart’s content, like the ones shown in these:

    To ASD: VMT. No one makes nationalistic statements because in any independent country there’s no such phenomenon as nationalism. There’s only patriotism. Nationalism prevails only in those countries that are occupied by external powers. Subsequently, in a country devoid of nationalism, there also cannot exists sedition & hence no State Police Force should have Special Branches. These were all reqd during colonial rule & hence were created by the colonisers. Hence, if anyone is talking about nationalism in India today, then such a person can only be defined as being an IDIOT/NALAAYAK. In addition, as I have explained several times before, the term ‘Hindu’ has no religious or constitutional foundation. If fo0lks continue to use it, then they run the risk of becoming a minority in future since the Dalits now constitute the great majority of what are termed as ‘Hindus’ & they can easily one fine day become adherents of religious faiths like Jainism or Buddhism or Sikhism or Christianity or Islam or any other religious theology. So, to all those pretending to be or trying to become the ‘Guardians’ of Hinduism or Hindutva, I have only 1 word of caution: BEWARE!!!

    Now to come to saner matters, what do these 2 China-origin research papers point to?

    ANSWER: They point to China’s efforts to develop something similar to this:

    Taiwan’s naval shipbuilder China Shipbuilding Corp (CSBC) on April 13, 2021 launched the country's first ever indigenous landing platform dock (LPD). The 10,000-tonne amphibious vessel is set to be delivered to the Republic of China Navy (ROC or Taiwan Navy) in April 2022. The vessel has a total length of 153 metres, beamwidth of 23 metres, hull draught of 6 metres and a full-load displacement of 10,600 tonnes. The keel laying ceremony took place in June 2020. Weapon systems of the LPD will be limited to 2 × 8 TC-2N SAM launchers, 76mm gun and Phalanx CIWS. The vessel is named “Yu Shan” (named after the tallest mountain in Taiwan) and received pennant number 1401. The RoCN will procure four such LPDs in all.

    What a shame that India, which prides herself as being a builder of aircraft carriers, can’t even achieve a feat similar to Taiwan’s! In addition, India should have early in the previous decade itself acquired high-speed wave-piercing catamarans (for ensuring connectivity with the Andaman & Nicobar and Lakshadweep island chains) like this:

  104. What do Pakistan's history text-books teach about India & the Hindus & Sikhs:

    And hence, only delusional fools can harbour expectations of achieving peace with Pakistan. In addition, this is what compulsive India-haters in Pakistani ruling circles feel about India:

  105. PrasunDa, wishing you and your entire family Subho Noboborsho.

    Best regards,

  106. hi prasun
    can i assume that the Lca k2 will be equal to the jas 39 as it has everything that it has got . ? what about manouverability , turn rate etc ,, ew and net centric data link and the like ?

  107. @Prasun da

    could IN have saved INS Sindhurakshak by cutting front section and adding front section of Russian surplus kilo sub

    Joydeep Ghosh

  108. Dear sir, just out of curiosity if US withdrawas from Afghanistan in recent future. What will happen to surplus weapons. Should India buy some of them. If so which ones will be the top choices.

  109. শুভ নববর্ষ দাদা।

  110. Prasun,

    1-1L76 modernization back on the table.. is it serious this time around with Putin's upcoming visit? Il 76 MD90A conversion?
    2- -- guess Israeli trophy system will come in an "atmanirbhar avataar"

  111. @Prasun Dada

    I have been a regular visitor to your blogs since I was a kid. It is very sad to see you resort to trolling. Indra-Loka is a religious concept. Certainly very sacred for the Hindus, and yet did you inconspicuously choose to mock it with your caricature? I have witnessed you putting up a very passionate defence of Islamic theology, despite the obvious baggage. I have also seen you dismiss mass Khalistani congregations during "Farmer's Protests" by pinning the blame on the state. But I have known you for long, and would not pronounce you biased against Hindus, just yet.

    You might just be one of those rare progressive liberals, who are otherwise indifferent, and not inherently Hindu hating, but casually end up being so despite not intending to. I would be glad to be proven wrong.

    I have learned a lot from you and keep learning in matters related to defence and geopolitics. But when it comes to general history, political theory, and theology I find you unimpressive. Perhaps it is my time to fill in a bit- The said caricature above isn't remotely Hindu. It is a utopian techno-futurism, which has spread its retarded tentacles in the West, post the "death of God" (a la Nietzsche) thanks to the prevalence of liberal rationalist progressivism. And it has been so, not just now, but since well before the middle half of the 20th century. As per the adherents of this cult, we ought to have had these up and running by the 2000s, 2020s, reaching beyond Type-2 Civilization in the Kardashev Scale (never mind the Fermi's Paradox). Except, we are already into the 2020s, and yet we are nowhere near it. Sensibly, the date has been postponed to 2100s, which is also supposedly the timeline for attaining 'singularity'. Who is willing to take the bet that this will fail too just as it has failed since its start? Why? Find me a single revolutionary tech breakthrough coming out of liberal rationalist progressivist society and I will not have to take the trouble of telling you. Remember, Modern Science is widely believed to have begun post-renaissance which was not a liberal movement, but reactionary.

    This is Science's state in a Liberal Progressive Democratic state, BTW:

    In the links, you have quoted though, it is ridiculous that something like Mahakumbh is being compared by the usual suspects, to a random communal mass congregation of Markaz which doesn't even have any express religious significance. Mahakumbh is VERY IMPORTANT for Hindus. During Markaz, we were not aware of the extent and nature of the beast which is Covid-19. Ideally, when everyone ought to have practiced maximum caution, and indeed were doing so, the Jamaatis chose to throw caution to the winds. There were set regulations in place against gatherings and congregations, which were openly flouted. But that is not where things go bad. They go bad, when we realise that these Jamaatis refused to cooperate and help the state trace themselves and the people they came in contact with. Most went into hiding. Others found refuge. Yet others, openly spit and coughed on others in what can only be termed as intentional. They openly defied lockdowns and social distancing. Undoubtedly, they contributed to a massive surge in cases later.

    Mahakumbh OTOH has set regulations in place, which were to be mandatorily adhered to including negative RT-PCR tests. Thanks to those regulations, about 1701 tested covid-19 positive out of total participation of 45+ lakhs. Is the government letting these 1701 covid patients roam around? Are these patients not cooperating with the govt.? Are they in denial of covid as a "saazish"? NOPE. Why then, is there a deliberate demonization of the Hindu communities from a wide section of the media? At the very least these Hindus, celebrating Mahakumbha or the Hindu Navvarsh are doing so as permitted by the State. If this isn't blatant Hinduphobia, what is?


  112. In addition to the above, here are the questions to the covid-19 situation that we are awfully missing.

    1. What is the prevalence of Covid-19 in the said places? If it is low, and the patients have been isolated and well contained, why should we expect the individuals to not lead a normal life? If Mumbai does extremely bad in its corona fight, why should a resident of a small town, with no corona outbreak, stop performing Puja?
    Gosh! We have been in the midst of a pandemic for a year and a half. This, frankly may not go away ever- people are bound to have covid fatigue, are likely to resign themselves to living with covid-19, and get back to daily activities such as work. The CFR of covid-19 in India is a low 1.1%. With a vaccination strategy targetting the vulnerable population first, this will reduce further. Understandably, we need a more decentralised policy, where places which were/are faring relatively better, ought to be spared the calls for restrictive covid regulations and certainly the elitist "shaming".

    2. What is the rate of testing in the said places? If randomised serological surveys or tests, predict a significant amount of disease, and the testing remains low, then it is the state government that has failed. Can the oblivious individuals be made convenient scapegoats for what is obviously a failure of the state governments in communicating the same to their subjects, bringing out proper guidelines and enforcing them?

    3. If the said places have a high prevalence of covid-19 or are perceived to be at high risk for covid transmission, and yet people are not following established regulations- it is clear that the state has failed in enforcing its writ upon its subjects. Millions face the nightmare of being hurled to poverty, predictably, they will go looking for livelihood and divine solace. The state governments ought to ensure these are done without aggravating the situation.

    4. During the first wave of Covid-19, the lockdown and covid-19 regulations were observed by the Hindus, mostly. Covid-19 norms and guidelines flouting were rampant amongst the minority communities and yet they were allowed to persist with their religiosity and festivities which require weekly mass congregation. Hindu temples OTOH were shut, large Hindu festivals were barred. When Covid-19 was having its local minima moment before the 2nd wave, festivals like Holi still were stopped and restricted. All of this while the rich partook in long nights at pubs, discos, long drives, get-togethers, parties, and while politicians brought out massive rallies.

    The same usual suspects of the media whom you quote now, moral policing Hindus, were taking out multiple 300 worded op-eds and reports about "60 crore farmers'" protests. They were gushing eloquent about the solidarity among the farmers, pan-India. These elitists went online and roared for "mass organization" in favour of farmers too. More recently, more pan-India congregations took place seeking the beheading of Yati Narasinghanand and Rizvi, all of these have been given a convenient miss too. It is only to reason that if anyone were to witness this visible duplicity, with no added costs to those flouting covid-19 rules, they would no longer remain the rare exception but become the norm. Why is this difficult to understand? 1/2


  113. Now, @Prasun Dada

    Let's take a look at what else the usual suspects are doing NOW as we speak-

    1) They are suddenly highlighting the plight of the BJP ruled states in covid-19 fights, such as Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand when all these states have a relatively low rate of infections (coming from a lower base the increase in infections will manifest as higher percentages, but the overall numbers remained among the lowest in India till very recently or at the time of writing).

    They gave a very opportune miss to Maharashtra- the super spreader of the second wave, first to the neighbouring states and from thereon to the rest of India. They also don't remark at all on the alarming rise of corona cases in Chhattisgarh. Giving these non-BJP ruled states' admins are freehand has singlehandedly contributed to the mess we are in. A more critical publicity could have sprung the Vasooli governments in Maha, Kerala and Delhi to action, thereby limiting covid spread to their states alone. Unfortunately, these states' own residents are unlikely to have had any respite. But sadly, their scorched earth policies have jeopardised our V-Shaped recovery. And yet we are perfectly okay with strawmen like Maha Kumbh or Election Rallies in states with no such history?

    2) That's not all. Now we see the same folks blaming electioneering and baying for cancelling elections or big rallies. Guess which state has an ongoing yet to be finished polling? Yes, your own and our beloved West Bengal, where the secularist forces that the same media fancies itself as a firm part of, seem to be not doing as good as expected. Logically, any cancellation of polls or cancelling big rallies (therefore denying a weak organization BJP their big faces like NM-Shah) can only play the advantage into the hands of BJP's opponents. No prizes at all for also noting, that the same noises were not made when Kerala, Tamil Nadu went to polls, all states where the BJP is not very strong in and the secularist stalwart Indian National Congress-led coalitions were pulling out all the stops to ensure their win.

    Regrettably dada, despite being a very intelligent man and someone we look up to, you have fallen prey to unnecessary propaganda.


  114. Attempts of peace at Afghanistan is a futile exercise. For this purpose the Taliban, ISIS and Pakistan have to be finished first. Surprisingly under the banner of peace at Afghanistan, the Taliban, ISIS and Pakistan can be finished most easily.

  115. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your earlier response. I had asked about patriotism; thanks to my stupidity I used the wrong word i.e. nationalism.

    I want to make it clear before you. I want to know that BJP led NDA government did take decisions which opponent parties never ever ever thought about even. Since BJP flaunts patriotism, it prevails over common men's minds. Why left parties and UPA allies are unpatriotic. Look at the abrogation of Article 370, ordering Rafale, implementation of OROP etc. Further I feel that by getting a clear verdict on Ram mandir, the foetus of hatred between Hindu and Muslim is buried for now.

    What's your view?

  116. Hi sir, how is our EW and jamming capabilities against china in mountains?
    How good is our futurestic DARE jamming pod in super sukhoi and Tejas MK2 compared to Chinese counterpart
    How good is EL/M8222 WB jammer compare to Chinese one
    How good is Tejas MK2 with Uttam AESA and indigenous EW suite compared to J10D,J11D and Gripen E

    Please write a blog on the above subject if possible Jai hind

  117. To ASHISH: LoLz! Let’s now get to a more common-sensical discourse, shall we?

    1) INDRA LOK has nothing to do with religion because it does not find mention in any ancient religious text. Instead, such terms are mentioned in the MAHABHARATA, an epic which is a chronological narration of past events that I had transpired in the past. You can learn more about INDRA LOK, SHIV LOK etc etc from this video:

    2) The word HINDU that you use has no basis, either religious or geographical or civilisational (and that was why the Govt of India has removed from Indian passports all references to religion). This has been admitted by past & present-day Govts of India, as reported here:

    So, if you have any definition of the term HINDU that can be defined or be accepted in any court of law in India, then do share it with undeniable facts, and not surmises or suppositions. And BTW terms like HINDU, HINDUTVA etc etc are also not mentioned in any of the ancient Indian texts. And why so? Because such terms were invented by the Brits 300 years ago & are thus colonial constructs.

    3) I’m not in the business of impressing or unimpressing anyone anywhere. If you do not agree with my appreciations/assessments/observations, then there is nothing I can or want to do about, except state that you are not one of those who relies on sound common-sense & logical reasoning for making sense out of events/phenomena.

    4) You must be one of the very few to blindly buy that pandemic-prevention protocols have been or are being followed/adhered to in mass gatherings like MAHA KUMBH or any other such gatherings. All the national TV channels in India have shown enough visuals to show that all laid-down rules & regulations have been junked & are being violated/disregarded en masse. This is the bottomline: any mass congregations for any reason should have been & must be banned, especially if officially mandated safety protocols are being violated on a mass scale. And since states like Uttarakhand prefer to make financial gain by exploiting the sentiment of religiosity, Uttarakhand will indeed pay the proportionate price just as it had paid back i8n the past (like the flash floods) due to the unchecked construction of urban settlements & supporting hydroelectric projects in a manner that defies all mandated official guidelines, i.e. what goes around, comes around. This is common-sensical, not rocket science.

    5) Global pandemics historically have lasted for 3.5 years & nothing lasts forever. If you get fatigued by officially-mandated restrictions on your movements/lifestyle, then I can come up with 100 examples of those who are not fatigued. Hence, you seem to be in dire need of increasing your tolerance threshold-levels.

    6) It is now evident that the ECI had overestimated the levels of adherence to the electioneering protocols that it had laid down for ALL political parties & I will be the first one to say that ALL political parties have violated such protocols en masse. Consequently, all such parties need to be held accountable for lapses & should be slapped with legal charges. And FYI WB did not dictate anyone to have 8 rounds of polling, it was the ECI that mandated it.

    7) Why is the rate of infections very high in Delhi? Elementary. Just look at the great majority of railway connectivity routes to & fro Uttarakhand & you will realise that they all use Delhi as the interconnecting hub where routes/journeys have to be changed. Bottomline: rely on sound common-sense & the physical sciences for data analytics, and not emotions/sentiments.

  118. To VIKRAM GUHA & BUDDHA: And the very same to you & all your loved ones.

    To RAD: Never ASSUME anything. Instead, just wait for the airworthiness certification data obtained after the MWF’s flight-testing. So far, not even the IAF’s ASQRs have been released & hence there is no data available on the mandated performance parameters. What has been officially publicised by ADA thus far are only ESTIMATIONS.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: LoLz! You are ASSUMING that the fire inside the INS Sindhurakshak was contained to within the front compartment. In reality, the fire & blast-effects had affected the entire hull & all its internal electrical wirings & pipings, i.e. the ENTIRE pressure-hull had been rendered unserviceable. In addition, the entire pressure-hull had suffered from corrosion due to being submerged for a prolonged duration. You have also ASSUMED that Russia has spare Type 877EKM hulls available for such a ‘cut-n-weld’ process. In reality, production of Type 877EKM SSKs had stopped in the early 1990s & had been superceded by the Type 636 SSK.

    To PM: All the leftover weapons & vehicles will be given to the Afghan national defence Forces.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) The IL-76MD90A upgrade & re-engining package has been ready for quite some time & had been offered to India 4 years ago. 2) Saab has a partnership arrangement with TATA Power SED while RAFAEL has a similar arrangement with Kalyani Group & both had exhibited these at the 2016 & 2018 DEFEXPO expos.

    To ASD: Not quite true. The BJP too had engaged in a fair amount of mischief-making by, for instance, delaying the implementation of GST during the UPA-2 era. In addition, there were ZERO attempts by the BJP to usher in mega-reforms in the economic & financial sectors between mid-2014 & early 2020. Only the pandemic’s jolt goarded it into taking long-overdue actions. In Parliament, all national opposition parties had voted in favour of the decision of August 5, 2019. Lastly, you’re right about respecting the verdicts of the courts of law. This should always be the case & no extra-constitutional means or criminal means should be resorted to for changing the ground realities.

    To SANTOSH: I had already uploaded lots of such data & info on previous threads.

  119. To ASHISH: This is what happens when money is spent on Gaushaalas & instead of investing in public healthcare:

    Migrant Workers Left To Their Own Fate in Mumbai:

    Lucknow Graveyards Run Out of Capacity:

    Surat’s Crematoriums Unserviceable Due to Over-Usage:

    Sorry State of Lucknow’s Crematoriums:

    Garbage Trucks for Ferrying Dead Bodies:

    Oxygen Supplies Run Out in Ahmedabad:

    And yet I won't squarely blame it all on those sermonising through 'Mann ki Baat'. Why? Because they all are a mirror reflection of what you yourself are, i.e. they all originate from within the society that we all belong too, with the only difference being that they don't hide their identities, while you seem to by commenting with Anonymous Handles. If you really are a person with strong convictions & blessed with even a moderate degree of self-esteem, then the very least that you can do is become identifiable & he held accountable/answerable for your utterances.

  120. Prasun you are trying to drum sense into nonsense incarnate calling himself Ashish. The fact this Saffron Robot claims to be reading your blog since "childhood" making you as old as the Mahatma (lol) and still not getting the gist of what you have said repeatedly proves my point. When these kinds of people know they are cornered, they will resort to personal abuse, attacks and illogical verbal threats. The same person appeared under other avatars in the past blogs but regardless of anonymity, one can easily identify the writing style and sheer venom against anyone refusing to buy his narrative.

  121. Sir, is Russia going to invade Ukrain to capture Luhansk and Donbass like Crimea ? What will be the reaction of NATO and US ?

  122. Prasun

    India's primary problem is one of population. The beta chahiye brigade has almost quintupled India's population in 70 years from around 27 crores to over 135 crores today.

    Any govt wanting to make India truly great will take the following steps

    1. Any couple having a 3rd child after 10 months (forgive those already on the way including delayed pregnancies) should lose rights to all govt given benefits from taxes to waivers to subsidies to even ad hoc relief measures. Their interest rates should be increased by 2 percent per extra child over the base lending rate from banks.

    2. People in their 40's today should get a pension fund linked to high return secure investments. We need money in infrastructure which if linked to such pension funds will reduce national debt Today and secure the older generation twenty years from now.

    3. Our birth rate is around 18 and death rate is around 7. We need to bring birth rate down to around 5. A negative 2 percentile de growth will reduce our population by around 2.7 crore per year.

    If we can reduce our population by 10 crores in 5 years, imagine what we can achieve with the freed resources.


  123. Dear Prasun,

    I agree with Asish partially. If as a reader of this blog, we accept everything blindly, then your efforts of responding to each query will be futile.

    Everybody commits mistake and learns from the mistake. Those who don't, they fall apart. Hence I am no different. So I would like to ask you same question that you had uploaded YouTube video link for discrimination against Pakistani Hindus.

    Are Indian muslims different? The same school dropout fella who was once radicalized, will be in charge of a mosque and on Friday afternoon sermon asking for jihad!!!! And an engineering grad would bow down before him chanting Allah Hu Akbar!!!! The same liberal muslim believes that all non-Muslims go to hell-fire after death. Heaven is meant for muslims only. It's the fact across the world. Wahabism practitioners have cruel attitude against non-believers. I want to draw your attention regarding the sane muslims who migrate to Canada a beautiful country to give up Islam and become atheist. Well I am not in love with Canada as it is protecting only ex-muslims; also khalistanis too. Everybody has the right to protest subject to law of the land.

    So if a muslim is secular, he is against Islam as quran is supreme for him not constitution(badi dwidha wali baat hai!!!). Since they are minority, India is secular. Once muslim community is majority, India will be another Islamic country with Sharia replacing Ambedkar's constitution.

    Being sanatani, I don't want to keep the Gita at one hand and look at the world. I have the right to question my religion and I am certain nobody will behead me.

    If the Quoran says the earth is flat, you have to accept it; else you will be charged with blasphemy. You can recall that once you told me that prophet Muhammad mentioned in the Quran that muslims have to change with time. Allas!!!! They didn't. Further you yourself told few years ago about Persian community. Despite on the verge of extinction, still they have never begged for reservation nor any unconstitutional favour. Now look at the Muslim community. Despite of 70 years of independence, still the community is at the stone age!!!! Still they want to be deprived of education as they want madrasa education not modern education. A muslim man can convert a non muslim woma and marry her; but a non muslim man can't marry a muslim woman. Why such one sided attitude which is not found in other communities!!!!

    Don't you think that the Muslim community leadership needs radical changes!!!!!!

    Please share your views. I will be grateful to you.

  124. Dear Prasun,

    Please don't take my queries in other words. I just need to be educated by you. Also it will help everyone in the blog to get an idea to deal with the sick mentality. I repeat I don't want to challenge you; rather get educated by your views. I have the right to question you and get rebuked by you too!!!( Ho Ho Ho)

  125. Shivshankar Menon:

    Limits of AI, the B.737 MAX:

    Waveglider USV Explained:

    Is China Hiding the Truth:

    Re-Building of Karakoram Highway:

    Assessment of CPC’s Economic Ambitions, Plans & Metrics of Success

    POTUS & Japan PM PC:

  126. To ASD: VMT. Yes, Indian Muslims are by-n-large different & the proof lies in how they are treated in Saudi Arabia whenever they go for their Hajj or Umrah pilgrimages. Whenever questioned, they always identify themselves as ‘Indian Muslims’. And as I had explained a few times before, there cannot be any objective competitive benchmarking between Abrahamic religious theology & Asiatic religious philosophies because the former are largely edicts with already-identified pathways without any deviation, whereas in Vedantic & Puranic philosophies, there are no mandated edicts (do's & don'ts) & instead they focus only on foundation-building of codes-of-conduct, while leaving the design & choice of the chosen pathways to each individual. To give you an analogy, while the former mandates which GPS navigation constellation (Navstar, Glonass, Beidou, Galileo, Irridium etc etc) is to be chosen for acquiring navigational waypoints, the latter leaves the choice of GPS navigation constellation to the traveller who undertakes the journey of life. Hence, it is impossible to gauge the comprehensiveness of the Abrahamic religious texts & there exists a school of thought that such texts are still incomplete, with several verses either being lost or deliberately kept away from the public by the successive Caliphates.

    Now coming to religiosity-inspired radicalism, one can come across examples in all religions, for instance within the Sikh Taksals during the Punjab insurgency in the 1980s, within Buddhist sects in Sri Lanka & Myanmar, within ‘Hindu’ cults, as well as in various Muslim sects & cults. For instance, here are a series of disclosures of practices followed by Ismaili Shias:

    And as I had explained earlier, it is largely the Sunni Muslim community that remains backward both intellectually & educationally due to the decision taken back in 1833 to choose the Madrassas over Western-style education that Lord Macaulay had then offered & which the non-Muslim communities of undivided India had then chosen to embrace. But it is exactly the opposite with the Shia communities worldwide & in India too, who have always been forward-looking & have embraced modernity & hence you will never see any communal clash between Shia Muslims & non-Muslims anywhere in India. The best example of this is in northern Kashmir in areas like Kargil & even Ladakh, where Shias & Buddhists have peacefully co-existed for generations & continue to do so.

    Cont'd below...

  127. Finally, the ‘Sanatani’ concept was again a construct of the medieval era due to military conquests & subsequent socio-economic deprivation & disenfranchisement (in Bengal Sanatan Dharma became popular only in the 19th century after the colonial Brits caused economic deprivation by deliberately staging mass unemployments through de-industrialisation so that India could produce only primary commodities for meeting to the needs of Britain’s industrial revolution). The ‘Sanatani’ concept was thus meant to be for psychological solace & preservation of sanity under extremely hostile living conditions. In both the Vedas & Puranas, there is no room for the ‘Sanatani’ way of life & how could it be? After all, India in ancient times & even medieval times right up to the 19th century was the Goose that Always Laid the Golden Eggs & there was never any absolute poverty at all. So, my humble advise to you will be to embrace the concept of ‘धनी Hindu’, i.e. being rich & prosperous in knowledge, wisdom & material wealth & wisely disseminating them.

    BTW, all 13 akharas now seem to have been told to read the writing on the wall & thus the MAHA KUMBH spectacle now seems to have come to an end. But the damage has already been done & I wonder how India will now be able to attract foreign FDI when the whole world has seen how obsessed & hell-bent the average Indian citizen is with violating all official laid-down guidelines, laws & strictures.

  128. Your last part Prasun is exactly what I have been airing. A wanna be world power has such poor healthcare system largely due to apathy and lack of planning. Yet such wanna be power can spend tax payer funds on their whims such as statues and temples! It is a much more noble and humane task to help the elderly, frail and the sick than to put in a large amount of cash into some collection box in a temple or fund a statue! Funny how the saffron saint supporters keep mum about such abuse of power and abuse of fellow citizens and yet dare to mouth off "protecting clans and kinsmen" through donning saffron.

    1. No my friend... Exactly as prasun says, everything from defense to healthcare is a commercial entity with a P AND L to answer to all stake holders ....

      So it's easy to say we should have so many ICU beds and so and so but who will amortise that coat when there is no pandemic

      And if it is supposed to be a govt sponsored social venture then let's talk about 7o years of congress vis a vis 12 years of saffron aka bjp (that incl vajpayee) ...

      Grow up and stop trying to distort facts ...

      If it's corona under saffron we in india have seen worse managed and lesser challenges in famines and droughts under INC

      Request .. don't try and make a global pandemic the fault of a national hivty

  129. To PIERRE ZORIN: Stark illustration of sheer inhuman response & apathy:

    They could easily have given him a few face-masks & let him off with a warning. But no, they instead chose to destroy his livelihood & kick his stomach! Most of the established religious missions from all religions do run charity institutions to take care of the destitute & needy, but these all fall into the NGO category. Institutions of the State, however, have singularly failed in honouring their prat of the 'social contract' by spending tens of thousands of crores over the decades on statue-/memorial-building activities. Clearly a case of terribly misplaced priorities.

  130. Hi Prasun Sir

    I am following your blog from last 5-6 years, Its first time I am asking a question, Mr. Praveen Swahany, Editor Force India I think on the payroll of some foreign country. He always consider Indian army a third grade force, its commanders the most incompetent one.

    He always try to prove the point that the only way for India to save itself from two neighbours (a) From China being monster force, for india the only way to save itself is complete surrender in front of china (b) India cannot fight with pakistan (being nuclear power) so the only way for India is to make peace with Pakistan at any cost.
    His tweets always quoted in pakistani social media circle.
    He also talks about china's huge advancement in AI, Cyber and drone warfare. Some who he justify the china Belt and Road Initiatives and Pakistan proxy war in Kashmir (by engaging Indian army large force in small theatre).

    What's your take on this.

    Thanks in Advance.

  131. Dear Prasun,

    Excellent rebuttal BTW!!!! I would like to draw your attention regarding anti CAA violence. In northern India including Bengal you must have found violent protest; on the contrary in southern India there was decent protest. Not a single public vehicle was set on fire. Why southern Indian muslims are tolerant than their northern counterpart? You can recall that Akarbuddin Owaisi once called for killing all hindus if the police is kept mum for 15 minutes. Had he told the same in UP or Delhi area, there could have been a major riot.

    Further, I think that Modi government didn't learn the lesson since the past one year. Had it learnt, then there wouldn't have been Kumbh Mela nor Maas gathering nor shortage of hospital beds. What's your say?

    1. I am from Assam and I would like state that anti CAA was propably most strongly opposed in the northeast. However, here it is not a muslim led movement as you are trying to portray. Here it is led by the indigenous people who oppose giving citizenship to anyone be is Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Christian or whatever other religion.

  132. Prasun sir,
    with respect we have spent more money in Huz pilgrimage than in temple. Why government is controlling and selling temple land. Let them be free off all these hassle and do their job that is health care and education. Why outsource healthcare and education to church and madrasa.


  133. FM Jaishankar said that QUAD is just a partnership & it will never be a military alliance or Asian NATO. This clearly means that QUAD countries will not fight alongside India in case of Indo-China war. In that case is it wise to provoke China by getting too close to US? Bcoz if we continue to spook China by maintaining an Anti-China stance then China may be tempted to wage a war against India in 3-4 yrs & India will find itself alone in such a scenario.


  134. Dear Prasun,

    You have been critical of the development of Tejas Mk1 aircraft. However, I don't find SAAB Gripen to be any different. It is just a development through plug and play system engineering. I mean look for all the off-the-shelf available components and join them to get the aircraft. No innovation in fact.

  135. boss, you said "Abrahamic religious theology & Asiatic religious philosophies", but isn't the definition wrong since abrahamic philosophy is also from asia i.e. west asia?

    i would beg to differ with buddhist radicalism as it seems like false equivalence. there's bound to be reactions when faced with islamic fascism.

    shias in iran seem pretty backward.

    about the education system - indic religions never seemed to have been fearful of knowledge. having a family who practice islam, from personal experience i have seen how music and arts were frowned upon by my parent's parents and how you can't go beyond a certain point with the sciences before being told not to go too far since uncomfortable questions arise when studying physics and biology with respect to existence of god etc.

    so the western-style education, which had progressed beyond ours by that time, simply reinforced an education system which then absorbed and built upon and is still trying to, whereas the problem with the islamic madrassah was the basic code there was / is bad. i know there will be examples of some arab during islamic period who made some invention or what not, but those seem either iranians, india-derived, or exceptions to the rule.

    by the way, the USN's cobra king is in singapore. any chance of any impending indian missile tests?

  136. Sir , What should we do now ?

  137. Mr.Prasun
    According to Shivshankar Menon the Pakistanis talk to us in two circumstances

    a) Their is international pressure on them.
    b) They think they are winning.

    He also says that option b is the reason they are talking to us now.

    Pakistani Analysts believe the same that India is in very weak situation.

    1)What do you think is the reason India and Pakistan are talking?
    2)Is India in such a weak situation due to i)Covid-19(Chinese are over it)
    ii) Chinese in Ladakh
    iii)Our Economy in bad
    situation even before the
    iv)Our failure to have victory
    over Pakistan in Feb 2019.
    Have all of these factors pushed GoI to have Ceasefire at LOC and limited disengagement in Ladakh?

    Thank you


  138. Prasun,
    1- another northern alliance in the making? --
    2- the PDM alliance in Pakistan has been truly killed off. why aren't they suporting the labiak grp in a payback to taliban khan for 2017 lal masjid episode
    3- theerek ke labaik... while theyare army's puppets like any other org/institution in pakistan can they fare better than the TTP pakistan against the all powerful army?

  139. To BHARAT: Everyone is entitled to one’s own views/observations & inferences. In case you have any issues with anyone, then you must take it up directly with him,/her & ask for the various hypothesis that tend to support their observations & conclusions. After all, I not the one controlling or influencing anyone else’s thought processes & methodologies. I can speak for & explain only my own observations/inferences/conclusions & dwell upon their supporting hypothesis at length, not anyone else’s.

    To DINEJA: You’re right in raising such a query, since it is State that has to offer universal public health & educational services & at subsidised rates that are affordable for the masses. But the mere fact that NGOs have been allowed to provide such services is highly illustrative of the State’s inability over the past several decades to overcome such deficiencies.

    To MOHAN: That’s right & India too NEVER asked anyone to spill blood for protecting her territorial integrity. Even back in 1962, all that India had asked for were the tools (weapons) reqd for warfighting. India never asked for any human resources for engaging in kinetic actions. And one can rest assured that China will not dare spill the PLA’s blood in any conflict with countries like India & Vietnam & even Myanmar, since China’s One Child policy has seen to it that human lives are no more as expendable as they were in the 1940s, 1950s & 1960s. This was all the more evident by the kind of Chinese verbal outbursts & their sheer reticence to reveal the casualty figures after the June 15, 2020 Galwan River-Valley clash. In fact, figures of PLA casualties sustained in the 1992 war in that same area were made public only in the early 1990s.

    To BHOUTIK: That is still a matter of debate since archaeological findings in Turkey have indicated that a civilisation had existed there & from there had flowed towards the Mediterranean, Mesopotamia & Central Asia. Whether you like it or not, the Buddhist clergies in Sri Lanka & Myanmar have been in the forefront of opposition to the granting of citizenship to the Indians & Arakan inhabitants that were brought into these 2 countries by the colonial Brits more than 2 centuries ago. The ancient Indic education system was both knowledge- & value-based. The Western-style education since the industrial revolution has been skills-based. The USN missile-tracking vessels are headed for the IOR area to monitor the much-awaited Indian IRBM & ICBM test-firing resumptions.

  140. To SANJAY: The principal reason is A, not B. If it were to be B, then Pakistan would have bought COVID-19 vaccines from its own financial resources & would have tried to buy cotton from the CARs like Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan.

    Guardians of Karakoram in Shaksgam Valley:

    US Blacklists Pakistanis Acting as Russian Proxies:

    Untold History of PoK & GB:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) That alliance had existed since the late 1990s itself. 2) Because any extremist grouping/movement will be self-destructive in the long run for everyone in Pakistan. 3) It can, provided it is a mass movement & provided its members/supporters have been subjected to acute economic deprivation of the kind the average Pakistani is presently undergoing.

  141. To ASD: What you need to bear in mind is that no one in India will engage in either rabble-rousing & hater-mongering of any kind, nor will destruction of public/private properties take place IF ONLY the state-level law enforcement agencies are allowed to function as per their respective codified mandates. For instance, civil disobedience acts like the Shaheen Bagh sit-ins, Farmers’ agitations & the North Delhi communal violence could all have been prevented had the Police Forces of UP, Haryana & Delhi been authorised to fulfil their mandated duties. It is impossible to ASSUME or BELIEVE that such law enforcement forces failed in their missions, since it will mean that such forces did not learn anything from their early days of instruction/teaching at the respective Police Academies. Therefore, the only answer to their reasons for failure is that they were held back & prevented from fulfilling their constitutionally-mandated/Police Act-mandated functions by the respective political decision-makers at both the State- & Central-level. From this, we can safely & confidently infer that the present-day State CMs & the Union Home Affairs Minister can be held directly responsible & criminally liable for the break-downs of law-n-order. Similarly, the Indian PM’s appeal for the termination of on-site MAHA KUMBH celebrations at Haridwar means that his earlier praises for huge crowd-gatherings for both faith-based events & political rallies was WRONG & hence one can now see total silence prevailing among the irrational & ill-informed rabble-rousers attached to the BJP Media Cell & their trolling bhakts. It also proves that all the earlier bombastic soundbytes from the CMs of Haryana, UP & Uttarkhand have now been proven to be WRONG & IRRATIONAL & consequently they all must be held criminally liable for the tremendous loss of human lives that they have caused. And finally, the Union Home Affairs Minister must be stooped from repeatedly stabbing India on her back through such irrational utterances:

    This nitwit is singularly destroying all the goodwill that has so far been generated by the PMs of both Bangladesh & India! In the end, all these starkly illustrate that: 1) India’s present-day ‘netas’ are irresponsible, ill-informed & are not well-read at all. 2) For the sake of short-term political gains, they will in an instant sacrifice the country’s medium-term & long-term growth prospects, as explained here by the IA’s former COAS, Ret’d Gen V P Malik:

    Now, to give you 2 specific instances of how damaging India’s netas have been: due to the man-made spread of the pandemic’s 2nd wave in India, both the initiation of the Super Su-30MKI project & IAC-1’s sea-trials have had to be postponed because the foreign OEMs will not send their technical staff to India for at least another 8 months. Deliveries of the remaining Scorpene SSKs too will be severely affected. In addition, the DRDO’s test-n-evaluation roadmap for various indigenous weapons R & D projects will be severely hampered & even postponed, i.e. a minimum 2-year delay. All this due to a bunch of idiotic netas ruling over a nation of idiots!!!

    IIT Jammu:

    Advanced Battery Technology Development in India:

    1. Bhakta?
      You once said nobody is a bhakta?

    2. The home minister seems more interested in Bengal elections that the covid19 nightmare. Infact, I have question. In Assam just before the elections, every other day we had either the CM or HM doing a rally with Laks of people. They send busses to villages, INR 700 and chicken rice per person, besides that almost all luxury vehicles are requesitioned, there are no cops to be found in towns and villages since they are needed for VIP security and crowd control. Who pays for all this??

  142. Prasun,

    could you throw some light of turkey's engine dev programs --there are news articles saying TEI-TJ300 Turbojet Engine has created world rec for developing best n class thrust for air breathing engine. how does this comapre to indian efforts

  143. Prasun,

    found a mention of this --DRDO-NAL Small Gas Turbine Engine(STGE), it would be nice to have an article on all the engine dev happening in india & comparable development across the world to help understand where we stand


  144. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your rebuttal. But you didn't respond to my last question regarding SAAB Gripen. May you please enlighten about it? You have been critical of the development of Tejas Mk1 aircraft. However, I don't find SAAB Gripen to be any different. It is just a development through plug and play system engineering. I mean look for all the off-the-shelf available components and join them to get the aircraft. No innovation in fact.

  145. Prasunda,

    I am not a commie or socialist, infact as an objectivist, atleast the Jan Sangh / BJP policies were pretty acceptable & logical. But with such views being peddled as below & their increasing irrationality makes one wish GOD SAVE INDIA INDEED, because we don't seem to have the desire or need to do so :-

    "Modi's Bengal rallies might be a bad optics at the moment, but you guys have no idea how important it is to rescue Bengal from TMC! With China putting pressure on chicken neck & a rogue Nepal, without a nationalist Bengal, entire East would be gone with a couple of decades, MAX!!

    What Modi is doing in Bengal, inspite of the risk of being portrayed as a careless leader is EXTREMELY CRITICAL for India's sovereignty and national interest. TMC won't mind acting blind till their electoral victory is assured...

    The risk is too big!

    People who are born and brought up in metro cities have no idea what does it mean to see your ancestral place (and home) gradually fall in the hands of those who have ZERO respect for your ancestral way of life.

    It's the deepest of all cuts. As a family member of a Bangladeshi Hindu refugee, let me tell you that this is the Worst of all wounds. Please trust me!!

    My dear fellow Indians, trust me we are not fighting an election in Bengal... it's a WAR! Important from both national and civilizational point of view. Before you mock Modi and accuse him of being careless, just empty your mind and give it a proper thought.

    God bless India.

    In one night of Noakhali riots more than 25000 Hindus were slaughtered. Entire Southern Assam is now Hindu minority (within 2 decades)...

    You have NO IDEA how it feels to stay in a Hindu minority area in South Asia. Experience that life, and you would understand.
    *If Bengal is Not Rescued Now, Then Within 5 Years It's Gone with More Appeasement Politics & More ' Population Explosion '*

    Pranav Acharya"

    Don't really know why we Indians have to be so Dumb?! This one party, the BJP had the opportunity & the right ideology but they seem to lack the spine to see it through & instead indulge in these Conspiracy Theories which even if true, can only be dealth through governance

  146. Prasun

    The PLAN type 52c and the kolkatta came around the same time, the Vishakhapatnam planned around the same time as type 52d fell behind timelines and now IN has nothing even finalised on the drawing board to counter type 55.

    Why is the IN delaying type 18? What timelines do you see on this class

  147. When will india get nearly as proactive on possible threats and not wait for power grid hacks before thinking ?


  148. hi praun
    the alh mk3 has been fitted with an israeli 2022 radar . it does not take much to tweak the software and hardware to make it into a SAR radar specialised for the army for battle field targetting where it could pop up and after a coupleof scans disseminate the data to the net and scoot . it would be cheap and cost effective as all the testing and flight certifications havebeen done?

  149. To PRAKSH: They sound & talk like Bhakts, they dress like Bhakts, they behave like Bhakts, but in reality they are all opportunists wanting to cash in by creating man-made crisis & a state of anarchy.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: All turbojets used by Turkey-origin weapon system thus far use China-developed turbojets, like this explained here:

    There is no such entity known as SGTE. There is only the STFE. The term SGTE is mentioned only here:

    To ASD: There was no question-mark in your comment. Hence, I left it alone as just your observation. There cannot be any comparison between Tejas Mk.1 & JAS-39 Gripen’s development processes & achievements. The former involved jumping from the development of a Gen-2 combat aircraft (HF-24 Marut) to a Gen-4 MRCA by violating the evolutionary process (i.e. not developing a Gen-3 MRCA). Saab on the other hand had developed a Gen-3 MRCA (the JA-37 Viggen) before proceeding to develop the Gen-3++ JAS-39 Gripen & the Gen-4 Gripen-NG. Therefore, the Tejas Mk.1’s developmental timeline was much longer than that of the Gripen. There were 2 critical mistakes made by India: 1) Not developing a Gen-3 combat aircraft (which the IAF wanted since the mid-1970s & this was to be an upscaled Ajeet with newer avionics & a new, more powerful turbofan); & 2) Restricting the Tejas Mk.1 to the ‘Light’ category instead of developing it in the ‘Medium’ category as a medium multi-role combat aircraft (M-MRCA). While the Govts of India in the 1970s & early 1980s are to be blamed for not developing a Gen-3 MRCA, it is the IAF that is to be blamed for not configuring the Tejas Mk.1 as a M-MRCA. The IAF by the mid-1980s ought to have grasped the reality of only M-MRCAs & H-MRCAs becoming the global norm in future (the F-15/F-16 combination for the US & NATO & the Su-27/MiG-29 combination for the USSR & Warsaw Pact member-states), thereby leaving no room for LCA-type L-MRCAs. Hence, the IAF's ASQRs drafted for the Tejas Mk.1 were totally flawed due to sheer shortsightedness.

  150. To ROGUE & KAUSTAV: Institutions like the Govt of India’s executive branch, the state governments, the Supreme Court & the Election Commission of India have all belied the trust & faith of the citizens of India. They all have failed to honour the social contract that they all had struck with the citizens of India. The only exceptions have so far been the High Courts of Gujarat & Allahabad that have severely censured the state-level & central-level administrations for willful criminal negligence.

    What BJP-sponsored trolls won’t ever reveal about Assam is that it was the native Marwari business community that had since the 1980s been denying jobs to the native Ahoms (classifying them as being lazy etc etc) & instead inviting migrant workers from northern WB (mostly Muslims) to do the bulk of the manual labour work. It is also the Marwaris who had encouraged the natives of Assam to agitate & go on strikes in the 1980s (which then became the perfect excuse for bringing in the non-Assamese migrant workers) & they have also ensured that cattle-smuggling along the IB in both Assam & WB continues unabated.

    To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: Despite DAC approval, no Mk.45 Mod-3 naval guns have as yet been ordered from BAE Systems. Instead, the MoD is leasing 13 such guns from US Navy stocks!!!

    To RAD: Technology has advanced by leaps & bounds since the advent of the EL/M-2022H 15 years ago. Consequently, a dedicated ISR sensor will have to be installed, like these ones:

    IAF CAS Heading for France:

    Interview of Gilgit's Baba Jan:

    1. Absolutely, you are saying it as it is. The national media just covers the Bangla(Muslim) influx, however things are much more complicated. Little do people know that there is a almost equal number of Nepali influx, the whole Assam Arunachal border region is settled by the Nepali population. Point is to look at the problem from a local prospective than always harping from a national prospective. If you look at the local economy of Assam the finance is mostly in Marwari hands. During the 80's and 90's they along with the tea plantations were the main funders of the local insurgencies like ULFA, NDBF and such, u mean they had to, there was no other way. However as things improved they ended up with a lot of clout and networks. Things are not as simple as the national media portrays it, black Vs white, there is a lot of grey and someday it will all boil over.

  151. Sir..thanks to you for keeping the truth out in the open in the midst of a web of theories being spun over to cover up for the incompetence of the present day disposition..prasun sir my simple question to you is that is there any way out of this incompetence that the nation seems to be suffering from ? Regarding Gilgit Baltistan..recovering it is still an option or it too has suffered to some kutniti that common folks can never understand and the government will keep it that way. Best of regards and lots of good health to you and the readers of this blog I learn so much here. Jai Hind

  152. To NAYANDEEP: VMT & the very best wishes to you & all your loved ones too. Is there a way out of this mess? Yes, of course, but not immediately or even in the near future, since miracles of this type never happen. Instead, it will be a generational affair & only the next generation of ‘netas’ can be expected to be better-read & more globalised in their outlook. The present-day crop of ‘netas’ has all risen up through sheer street-fighting & hence suffer from a total lack of civility & self-esteem & consequently despite all their pretences, they all end up engaging in futile cockfighting. The information & communications technology todays exists to hold national-level or even state-level referundums on vital issues within minutes, instead of going for ballot-papers or even EVMs. This tool could easily have been used for deciding whether to go for multi-phase elections in the concerned states, or postpone them for at least 90 or 120 days. The best option therefore is always to opt for sound common-sensical solutions, which unfortunately still eludes India’s so-called ‘netas’ & the ruling intellectual elites (both politicians & bureaucrats).

    To ROGUE: I had in the past even come across some local ‘netas’ in Assam who had deliberately staged railway sabotages with the help of NDFB & Kamtapur arsonists just for the sake of soliciting additional developmental funds for his electoral constituency!!! Such so-called ‘secessionists’ are still always available for hire & for the outsourcing of localised violent incidents.

  153. Prasun

    With China's induction of long range Mrls in the loc why aren't we greenlighting projects like these

  154. To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: For the very same that the US, Russia, Norway, China, Germany & France haven't gone ahead with such solutions, all of which were developed & tested in the previous decade itself. Instead, the priority has been the development of highly accurate NLOS-SS-BSMs & I had highlighted all this in a previous thread dedicated to this very issue here:

  155. Hi Prasunda

    For a limited but high intensity war the cost difference between artillery shells and NLOSS BSMs is exponential. Also BSMs can be mistaken for nuclear missiles while artillery shells cannot. I am asking ... Even if we expend 1p shells of less accuracy to take down an enemy MLRS isn't it much cheaper than maybe 2 to 3 BSMs that maybe needed for a shoot and scoot type MLRS. Also America is hard at work to develop longer range artilery for its European operations esp.

  156. Prasunda

    This article raises some valid questions ... What is your unbiased analysis

  157. I've answered your queries in the following thread.
