Wednesday, May 12, 2021

ACTAS Fitment On INS Tabar FFG

Clearest evidence thus far on the fitment of ATLAS Elektronik-supplied ACTAS towed-array sonar suites on the three Batch-1 Project 1135.6 guided-missile frigates of the Indian Navy.


  1. Please post a article on Netra 2 Awacs

  2. To Prasun

    1. You mentioned in the previous thread about impending tectonic shift in the federal polity of the nation.

    What could be in the offing? Could you tell us more? Interestingly, Joe Biden had prioritised sub-national diplomacy to engage directly with provincial governments to derive better geopolitical outcomes.

    Has Biden read the riot act out to Modi and got some promises in return?

    2. Kaushik Basu has declared that Modi government will not last beyond 2024. Is USA unwilling to allow Modi a third term? Which should explain the excessively hostile press and insinuations doing the rounds in India.

    Vijay Sekhar

    1. Kaushik Basu was close to the previous congress government and in any case has been predicting the fall.of the present government out of his idelogical.difference and the irrelevance he is getting in the present government..enjoying the drama and take a.chill.pill




  3. "Is USA unwilling to allow Modi a third term?" - I am sorry I had no idea that the US installs governments in India these days! I had no idea either that all those elections are mere scams to put up a front in the name of democracy. Foreign interference to the max. So it's like appointment of a governor is it? the British Empire gave way to the US Masters...😂

  4. Challenger 3 unveiled by the British Army

  5. 14.5mm KPVT heavy machine gun & Carl Gustav RCL on stabilised swivelling mounts:

    These have been deployed primarily in the Jammu/Poonch areas & in areas in South Kashmir, where IA & PA bunkers are in close proximity to one another.

  6. There have been no pics yet of leased MQ9 in service with IN.

    And what is to become of the AK203 and Ka226T JVs now ?

  7. To Millard Keyes

    My question was addressed to Mr. Prasun who referred to 'Gods of yore' and 'Powers that be' when he sounded more than elated and confident at the prospect of a coming change in polity and with that the government. Deliberate usage of such terms which point to supranational effort means Prasun is privy to some of the information already. If I am reading it wrong my question would provide the perfect alibi to Mr. Prasun to clarify.

    Is it your habit to butt in and parade your ignorance for the heck of it?
    It is apparent that you have no clue of how the US works. They are not even a democracy at home and stole a mandate a few months back. Details are also emerging which is clearing the fog regarding USA's premeditated reluctance to part with raw materials for Novavax of which we intended to procure 1 BN+ doses thereby jeopardising the vaccination process and creating mass anger against the Modi regime. This should also help us understand Biden's complete mute response to India's 2nd wave till very late. Sooner or later this mass anger will manifest in Modi being booted out. But it is not for me to teach you about the US. The more curious are welcome to do as much as Google and read on America's illustrious history of enforcing regime changes.

    Vijay Sekhar

    1. Are bhai covid growth curve is plateuing and will be in control as most of indian states are in lockdown..central government wants to inoculate all by Dec 2021..say this gets extended by 6 months then we.are.looking at mid 2022..mass innoculate will largely control covid elections are in 2024 and peoples.memory is short..further no body in india votes.on good its.too government change..even if it happens what will be the composition of the new will.most likely be a motly composition of regional parties at the centre..that will be worst form of.government than the present..factually the present state elections dont see any rejection of BJP as a political party..none in India know nation building, so andho mei kaana hi raaj take a.chill pill



  8. Is there an alternative to Modi at the center given the state of opposition? Inhouse change is simply not possible given the tight control of that fat-arse MHA.
    I too curious about that tectonic change you are alluding to.

    On another note after "SABH PE NIRBHAR" this happened -

    Next licking ccp boots?

  9. Dear Prasun,

    In military, officers have got secretary position in Department of Military Affairs. How will it be beneficial for military? Is it a good reformation? Please enlighten us about it once.

  10. Prasun,

    1- good to read on some progress on the towed sonars finally some teth to talwars. assume all major ships(corvettes/frigates/destroyers) would have it or will it be one per battlegroup like formation? also haven't desi drdo ones been worked upon like nagan, atlas.. what has been their success? what is the need for towed array sonars when bow mounted ones are in use like HUMSA-NG? what is the diff?

    2- why did the US stop production of C17 and large transporters in general across the world? is it because the military strategies no longer involve carrying heavy & large equipment/support systems during wartime or that things have become more modular & hence bigger transporters are no longer reqd?
    3- why do puny airforces like qatar & UAE own fleet of 8 C17's .. similar to bigger & more powerful airforces like those of UK & Australia. Can India lay hand on a few from both to supplement its existng fleet?


    Listen to this folks

  12. To UNKNOWN/KUNAL: The secobd wave’s growth-rate may well be plateauing, but the 3rd, 4th & 5th waves are yet to arrive inside India. Japan is already prepping itself to confront the 5th wave. And going by the present rate of vaccinations, I at best foresee entire India getting vaccinated only by March 2022. Matters MAY improve if the all-knowing ICMR now approves the mass-distribution of intra-nasal sprays that have already proven themselves abroad & have received emergency approvals.

    To DASHU: LoLz! India’s parliamentary democracy is such that even you gardener can become the PM because the general elections vote into power a party, not an individual. That’s how Dr MMS became the PM as he had been elected as an appointed member of the Rajya Sabha, and never won a Lok Sabha election. The tectonic changes will be in the realms of governance (which now does not exist due to the existence of several colonial-era laws), Centre-State relations, especially WRT financial resources & the optimisation of the GST regime and finally, the ECI’s methodology of conducting elections. That the 8-phase electioneering process in WB was a total travesty of the law has now been proven beyond doubt. Finally, only the ushering in governance-based administrative reforms will usher in decentralisation of powers while upholding accountability. Until then, we will continue to witness the sporry spectacles of the PM deciding on rationing of liquid oxygen, the PM sermonising the country’s district magistrates, etc etc, which in reality are utter wastes of time & effort.

    To ASD: Simply put, it will simplify the decision-making process for hardware procurements as from now on there will be only 1 unitary file for each procurement. Previously, there used to be 2 separate files for each project, the SERVICE FILE & the MoD File, all with different notations.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) The IN is way behind the technology curve since today we have remote-controlled RHIBs fitted with dunking sonars that can cruise both ahead & behind warships, as opposed to the ACTAS providing only rearward coverage. Hence, I will be extremely surprised if the IN continues to procure more ACTAS suites. The DRDO-developed Nagan & Mihir sonar suites have offered only short-lived performance-levels, i.e. their reliability levels are terribly sub-optimal. 2) It was purely based on supply-n-demand parameters. Series-production can easily be re-started. 3) Because they see themselves as regional powers & thus the UAE has made huge investments into the Horn of Africa over the years.

  13. To VIJAY SEKHAR: Here we go again! The unending Indian apetite for belching out conspiracy theories by alleging that ‘Vishwaguru’ India & its natives can do no wrong as they are blessed with all-knowing wisdom & consequently every evil-doing inside India is done by ‘foreigners’ & this the ultimate reality is ‘Positivity Unlimited’ oozing out of Indians like the Sri Sris, Sadhgurus, Bhagwans, Mahants, etc etc. So for starters, let’s listen to what some of the self-confessed ‘Modi Bhakts’ are now saying:

    And as I had stated before, the bulk of such Bhakts are pure opportunists who are waiting to cash in or who wanted to cash in, as in the case of this now-deceased Bhakt’s relatives:

    But the grim reality has at last started sinking in due to the collective conscience now being shaken by credible global voices like this:

    So, if one were to believe the conspiracy theory being offered by you, then consequently we will also have to ASSUME that:

    1) Once the WHO declared a pandemic, the Centre invoked The Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897, The Disaster Management Act of 2005 and Essential Commodities Act of 1955, which gave it overriding executive powers over the state governments. Did the GoI do this on the advice of Joe Biden?

    2) The parliamentary standing committee on health had warned of oxygen and hospital bed shortages in November 2020 but no heed was paid to it. India’s Covid Taskforce did not meet in February or March 2021 despite the pandemic’s second surge. Did the GoI do all this on the advice of Joe Biden?

    3) “India took a pro-active public participation approach and developed a COVID-specific health infrastructure and trained its resources to fight COVID,” PM Modi had claimed whilst addressing the World Economic Forum’s Davos Dialogue virtually on January 28, 2021. Consequently on February 8, 2021 on the floor of Parliament he declared India’s victory over the pandemic ( Was this all done on Joe Biden’s advice?

    So, what went wrong & what’s continuing to go wrong?

    Cont'd below...

  14. Things have been going wrong since mid-2014 itself when vindictiveness & religiosity-inspired sentiments acquired a monopoly over rationality. From then till 2016 the Parliament’s proceedings were full of vendetta soundbytes that recklessly blamed previous govts for India’s under-performance on all fronts since the late 1950s. Going hand in hand with this were the vain attempts at civilizational legacy through distorted narratives on cultural unity that relied solely on cult-based religiosity emanating from NGOs like the RSS. Consequently, at the apex political-level too, cult-based political leadership projections assumed primacy. Rationality & sanity ended up in the dustbin & consequently the ruling political dispensation became a prisoner of their own utterings & that has in turn led today to trying to defend the indefensible. Let me illustrate each of these with examples. Vendetta soundbytes against MNREGA was easily countered by the BJP’s reckless spending on building statues, despite knowing that successive govts had spent a pittance on public health-care & yet nothing was done to correct matters. Likewise, trying to evolve an over-arching monolithic morality-based Indian narrative based on cult-worship was self-defeatist & only revealed the ignorance of its preachers when it came to identifying & embracing the foundational precepts of ‘Akhand Bharat’. No attempt was ever made to explain how Akhand Bharat was engineered over thousands of years (starting from about 18,000 years ago) & how it had all culminated in the Ramayana, Mahabharata & Bhagwad Gita. In reality, the Vedic ethics that formed the glue for Akhand Bharat were codified & practised by 16,000 BC itself & were detailed in DASARAJNA. How many of today’s ‘netas’ are even aware of its existence? For those who don’t know what this is all about, they ought to read & absorb these:

    From a Behavioral Sciences perspective, it seems the PM has for the past 7 years been trying to prove that he was not guilty of crimes attributed to him in the past (i.e. the Gujarat communal riots of 2002). Now, call it either atonement or anything else, he has therefore over-centralised the PMO’s functioning by enacting various public welfare schemes that in any other country would have been implemented by various concerned ministries. That his intentions were not honourable was proven by his efforts to distinctly identify such schemes with the PMO (like the PM Cares fund). Another negative byproduct of this approach was the scrapping of the Planning Commission & the creation of Niti Aayog as the PMO’s think-tank. While the former had acted as a buffer between the Centre & States, the latter does not & consequently the dissent of the States began being directed directly at the Centre.

    Next, we come to unkept promises. Instead of resorting to institution-building & promoting governance, cult-propagation & reliance on colonial-era laws persist, with the 1867 Police Act & Epidemic Diseases Act of 1897 remaining unchanged. GST Council meetings between the centre & States are not being held, even virtually. Lastly, the sheer lies, like the PM last year declaring that neither had anyone come inside Indian territory nor had anyone taken any Indian territory. If that’s the case, then why does India insist on restoring STATUS QUO ANTE as of April 2020 in eastern Ladakh? Hence, in conclusion, the moral of all these is that WHAT GOES AROUND, COMES AROUND. Refusal to be shown the reflection on the mirror will only add more to one’s troubles.

    1. Prasoon..what you have written above is beyond an average citizens understanding..infact it is even beyond the most educated indians understanding..the undoing of the present government would be consistent year on year negative economic growth..experience also shows that incumbent governments in india are brought down with an opposition that has credible and acceptable national face who can catch peoples imagination..such people take years to come.up and right now i personally dont see any credible face coming up..also rationale and intelligent thinking have never been the preserve of any government of india thinking, after all its the same beurocracy that is working..getting rid of colonial laws can not be expected from any political party..they all are hand in gloves with each other..unfortunately we dont have a credible opposition to take on the incumbent..thats the unfortunate reality.



  15. To KUNAL/UNKNOWN: I wasn't even hinting at a change of govt in the foreseeable future. Instead, I was calling for the adoption of practical solutions, such as fixing the problem first & not the blame. Meanwhile, the all-important decision on emergency ICMR authorisation for Bharat Biotech's intra-nasal spray is to be taken later today:

    Doctors have raised the alarm over reports of people rubbing cow dung or urine on their bodies — branded “cow dung therapy”-—in the belief that it will help them prevent or recover from Covid infection. The so-called therapy could possibly add to cases of “black fungus” or mucormycosis, which has been reported among some recovered patients who were administered steroids during Covid treatment.

    1. This cow dung application business is really cant murder somebody who wants to commit suicide!



  16. Vijey Shekhar- whoa ruffled the feather huh? If you ask questions in an open blog albeit run by Prasun every one has a right to ask counter questions or opinions. BTW Good choice of name- lifted from music directors who according to Bapaogiri and the like are masters of cheating and copying music and passing as their own LOLLZZZZ And yes when people all over the world read dumb comments it is my right to point out such.

  17. What makes israeli air force succesful pinpoint attack with complete desgruction of concrete building with 3 bombs...
    Are these spice bombs too??

    whereas indian airforce failed to knock off the entire structure in balakot with even 5 bombs...moreover 1 bomb couldnt be release as per the news sources..hum logo ke planning waale kya soch ke building ko khatam nahi kiya tha pata nahi


  19. Finally what is status of

    1. towed artillery : is Dhanush being delivered as per plan ? What about ATAGS ?
    2. truck mounted artillery : there was a flurry of ‘paid’ news ? What happened.

    Anyway every towed artillery needs a truck. Not sure why IA does not order larger truck mounted artillery .

