Saturday, July 31, 2021

Interesting Visit

The just-concluded three-day visit to India by US Army Gen Richard D Clarke, Commander United States Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and his officially acknowledged meeting with the Indian Army’s Chief of the Army Staff (COAS), Gen Manoj Mukund Naravane, gives us several pointers about this little-noticed visit.

Firstly, the US SOCOM Commander does not have direct Indian counterpart as yet. Consequently, as the commander of all special operations forces of the US Army, US Navy, US Air Force and the US Marine Corps, he surely would have liked to have interacted with the Indian Air Force’s Chief of the Air Staff and the Indian Navy’s Chief of the Naval Staff in order to familiarise/update himself with the activities of the GARUD and MARCOS special operations forces. But since such meetings did not take place and his official interaction was only with the IA’s COAS, this can only mean that Gen Clarke’s visit was confined to interactions only with the land forces special operations formations, i.e. the IA’s Para (Special Forces) and the IA-commanded but R & AW-owned Special Frontier Forces (SFF).

Obviously the US SOCOM would like to keep abreast of the recent experiences of the Para (SF) and SFF as a result of high-altitude deployments all along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) since mid-2020, even though the US SOCOM has no intention of ever deploying for combat at such forbidding heights. But it is also highly likely that Gen Clarke was briefed about the urgent hardware requirements of both the IA and the SFF, especially for equipment like light all-terrain tracked vehicles, exoskeletons and fuel cell-powered manportable SATCOM gear. It is also highly probable that the IA has asked for similar hardware on behalf of the Royal Bhutan Army.



    US Army Gen Richard D. Clarke, Commander United States Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), on a three day visit to India.

  2. To MILLARD KEYES: Just how confused most folks in India are can be judged by this on-going theatrics:

    Porn Ring Exposed:

    Firstly, everyone is lumping child porn & adult porn together, creating the greatest confusion. Secondly, it is being claimed that Indian laws prohibit the electronic transmission of obscene content. So does that mean that if I take some photos of the Temples of Khajuraho & e-mail them to you, then I would be committing a criminal offence? If that's the case, then why does the Govt of India not blow up the Khajuraho Temples just like the Taliban blew up the Bamiyan Buddha, and also permanently ban any usage of KAMASUTRA both in printed book-form & online form? Really a bunch of certified RETARDS are ruling the roost in India!!!

    Meanwhile, hexacopters & quadcopters from across the WB have been violating Indian airspace on an almost daily basis since last month & the IAF (plus the 'netas', of course) continues to remain in comatose mode, with no one even talking about retaliation in kind!!!

    1. Prasunda

      Wasting time of police & investigation agencies investigating porn & prostitution as well as drug trafficking of Ganja is a red herring. Legalising prostitution & porn will ensure that criminal exploitation of women by unscrupulous people will reduce & women will have conscious control over their bodies & earnings thereof. Similarly, legalisation of Ganja which is a mild recreational drug & stands to be legal as Bhang would help focus on the more dangerous drugs which destroy so many lives & upon which huge criminal syndicates thrive. It's causes the same ills in society which alcohol prohibition did & deviates from focus on more serious crimes.

      Ofcourse Child porn or trafficking can NEVER be legalised or should ever be
      de-criminalised, just as sale of hard core harmful narcotics. This kind of unnecessary moral confusion leads to serious crimes & harmful activities being paid less attention both by law enforcement agencies & even media / society. Just another example of the myriad Hun Nhi Soodhrenge, confused Indian mindset. Defending our borders, territorial integrity & ensuring security & control therein is victim of the same myopic & unimaginative thought process

  3. Thank you, Sir, I was about to ask about this current visit.
    -the IAF (plus the 'netas', of course) continues to remain in comatose mode - means CCP is really having a stranglehold on India.
    They are only playing the rejection rejections game now.

    btw what this guy knows that you don't?

    1. Sir,

      What's more probable is that consulates of PRC will be or have already been established in Gilgit & Muzaffarabad.

  4. To DASHU & KAUSTAV: What I know is that France & Israel will open consular offices in Srinagar for trade & tourist visit facilitation, because the bulk of foreign tourists in J & K UT come from these 2 countries, and primarily due to this:

    Films Division of India Documentary on the Rauzabal Shrine of Srinagar: The Tomb of Jesus:

    Brazilian MICLA-BR ALCM:

    6.5-feet tall Mohammad Ismail Alvi (left) a.k.a. Abu Saifullah is to the extreme left of the photo. To the extreme right is HANJILA JIHADI. All 3 of them had infiltrated through a tunnel dug under the WB in Jammu back in 2018.

  5. Mr. Prasun

    1)How did Ex Divine Matrix in 2009 predict conflict with Chinese by 2017?
    Could you tell the scenarios of the exercise?

    2) What are the details of Chinese aggression in Sikkim in 2007 in Finger Area?

    3)Why China suddenly started issuing Staples visas for residents of J&k and AP in 2009?

    4)Some media reports say that during Divine Matrix it was envisaged tat in the future Bangladesh and Myanmar could be Chinese allies and that would mean a new threat from these countries too.
    Do you think this is correct?



    Tesla's SECRET WEAPON The Gigapress

  7. Prasun da

    1) Can you provide some information about Cooperation between India Israel and Taiwan on space or defence matters?

    2)Did the US put arms embargo on both India and Pakistan after 1965 but you had mentioned that by 1967 US had provided all equipment ordered by us in 1964-1965? Can you clarify?

    3) What sensors and weapons had India ordered from U.S?

    4) When did U.S say that J&K was an integral part of India?

    5) Will India ever fully align with the West do you that's a possibility of so in what timeframe? 20-40 years?



  8. To HARISH: 1) Through a methodology called OPERATIONS ANALYSIS. You can Gogle it out. 2) It was detailed in the thread dealing with Mountain Warfare a few years ago. 3) Nothing was sudden. The details were uploaded in the thread dealing wth Pakistan’s #-Front Conundrum & the related kidnapping of Kulbhushan Jadhav. 4) Totally untrue.

    To DASHU & KAUSTAV: Excellent discussion on pending Police Reforms:

    An Indian Inside Gilgit-Baltistan:

    Leepa Valley:

    Philippines Restores Military Alliance with US:

    Kalashnikov AK-203 SLR:

    Next PM of AJK:

    To AARPEE: Interview with US Navy Pilot Who Video-Recorded the TIC-TAC UFO:

    1. Prasunda

      Police Reforms won't happen till post-2024 as the present government cannot take this step after the Pegasus issue. While spying & invasion of privacy might not be an electoral issue, no sensible govt will take risks now as transparency is no longer feasible. Maybe the next dispensation

  9. 1) IA bought expensive USA made battle rifles. However, these people are arming them with higher grain ammo (made by OFB) that was meant for LMGs (against OEM guidelines). This will cause wear and fatigue on the barrels, reducing the overall lifetime and potentially leading to barrel bursts. This needs to go into CAG or some due diligence report.

    2) Is this AK-203 scam going through? Even Russians rejected this junk for AK-12/15. OFB's with sarkari management are going to deliver defective examples and also be late. The only private company is PLR Systems that can manufacture Galil ACE. Ironically, IWI and OFB got ToT for their respective rifles from the same place (Valmet, Finland) but the OFB stupids can't deliver a useable product.

    3) PAF has 11 AWACS while IAF/MoD is sleeping and has lesser AWACs. Why is there no delisting of Embraer and emergency purchase of Netra AWACs to a total of 9 examples?

    4) Who is going to hold IA accountable for their inability to form sensible GSQRs?

  10. Hi Prasun,

    How would you rate the recent visit of Antony Blinken to India? Any specific purpose to the visit? Any traction in specific areas of interest, say Afganistan, China etc.?

    Would like to know your comments on the following, coming as it is from a doe hard leftist like Bhadrakumar



  11. Mr Prasun Sir


    What is the significance of this?

    2)Why didn't the U.S do anything about Chinese Nuclear proliferation in Pakistan in 1990s which led to our nuclear testing?

    3)What is the progress of Pakistan acquiring 8 SSB Type-032 Qing class and SLBMs?

    Thanks in advance

  12. To ARJUN: 1) Not quite, because the IA worked with SIG-SAUER to have the OFB ammo validated for use. 2) Again, not quite. OFB human resources are all skilled & qualified, but it is the MoD’s bureaucracy that has always screwed up all DPSUs. 3) The 6 A320 AEW & CS platforms should be service-inducted by 2024. 4) Why only the IA? What about the IAF, which totally screwed up by classifying the Tejas Mk.1 as a L-MRCA instead of a M-MRCA from the outset, especially after it was known since the early 1990s itself that in future only two types of MRCAs—M-MRCA & H-MRCA—would become the global norm?

    China’s QBZ 191 Small Arms Family:

    To KAUSTAV: I don’t think they will happen for as long as the present generation of leaders dominate the political scene for at least another 9 years. The time to enact reforms was the during the first 25 years after independence. From the 26th year onwards, sound common-sense & logical reason left the shore of India (Out-of-India Migration) on a permanent basis.

    And here’s an excellent example of how the rigours of science are applied to the study of paranormal/anomalous phenomena:

    To RAGHU: It is all explained here:

    M K Bhadrakumar is a spent & senile force, let’s leave it at that.

    To ANUP: Totally FAKE NEWS because all the paperwork for signing the supplementary for additional 44 Rafales was completed in 2016 itself.

    To HARISH: 1) The Research Department (RD) of the Malaysian PM’s Office is Malaysia’s external intelligence agency. It was written for currying favours with the US & consequently, trying to persuade the US Justice Dept to underplay the investigations WRT 1MDB scandal. 2) What could the US practically do? 3) Deliveries will begin next year.

    1. 1) The U.S didn't even isolate Pakistan internationally or put stringent sanctions for decades like with NK also nothing much against China?

      2)I guess the War on Terror made Pakistan again an ally that could be the reason?

      3)Did U.S SOF ever operated in secret combat missions for Conter Terrorism or taking any sort of Direct Action without the Permission of the govt in these countries:
      a) Russia specifically Chechnya

      b)India even if in J&K


      d)CARs like Tajikistan

      3)Are 8 Type-039 Yuan SSP for Pak Navy same as Type-032 SSB?
      We don't even have a SSBN how come so early Pakis have nuke subs now?
      There hasn't been any reporting of this? Why?

      Extremely Thankful for your responses


  13. To HARISH: 1) The US did in 1999 & that's why the PA was forced to withdraw from the mountain heights of northern J & K without a ceasefire, i.e. the IA continued its artillery fire-assaults while the PA was vacating its outposts. In addition, the US has not relented on FATF sanctions & has seen to it that Pakistan continues to remain in the grey-list. 2) The US needed Pakistan's airspace & land transportation corridor for going into landlocked Afghanistan & in future the US may again require such access if it wants to do something serious against Iran. 3) No to all of them. They operated only in Pakistan without its knowledge. 3) They are of the Type 032 type, i.e. S-26 & S-30 variants.

    1. Thanks very much

      1)But some reports say that a team of Delta Force and SAS was sent to J&K in 2002 to find Osama bin Laden(but of course it would have been with permission from the GOI).Do you have any more information on this op?

      2)Did US SOF conduct missions in CARs or Chechnya on request/permission from the govt of those nations? Because some reports say that US SOF have experience from Chechnya. How did that happen?

      3) Also apart from Operation Neptune Spear in 2011 the US had SOC(FWD) PAK which assisted Pak Army and FC in CI/CT from atleast 2008 onwards which ofcourse was from Permission from Pak Army but some reports say that Blackwater PMC worked for US JSOC and also for Pak government through Kestral Logistics so does that mean apart from Killing of Osama the US operated in Pakistan with full knowledge of Pak Military and Government?

      Many many thanks


  14. Sir, how long will it take to complete the negotiations and sign up for 44 additional Rafales? Hope the second tranche is ordered by next year. Also, does it mean that Rafale is now the official candidate for MMRCA 2? So we will basically have 112 Rafales ordered in 3 tranches of 36+44+42 jets? All coming from in fly away condition from France?

  15. Inside Hainan Island:

    Inside KIA Camp in Myanmar:

    History of Ahom Kings:

    Pegasus Spyware & North East India:

    The Govt of India's usage of NSO Pegasus spyware is unravelling at such a rate that it will cause incalculable damage to Indian intelligence for years to come.

    Looks like China is still on course to win the game, set & match against India!

  16. Prasun,

    1- History repeats, Blinken's visit video just shows that US is as unreliable as ever when it comes to india.. its strategic approach has always been & invariably seems to be an impediment.. on the transport are the Uzbeks & Kyrz playing ball with US when the whole CIS pretty much obeys Russia. what have the russians extracted out of US..& what is it for .. US aid to afghans .. that sounds pretty lame.. the pakis will now ask money for transport of the same..
    2- U mention US needs pakis for Iran , why? when they are present in Iraq & turkey? and what makes US feel it worth to bet on pakis... again... what did they gain anyways by doing so? i strongly feel that there is a huge section of decision makers across the various US depts who still are very much in the cold war 80's era &simply refuse to come out.. is there a china angle to it.. if yes then the pakis are the smartest bas****ds around..again jumping from one lap to the other and getting paid for it..
    3- if 44 Rafale deal paperwork is already done then why the MRFA drama?
    4- US lecturing on democracy ... RFOL.... I feel the current govt for all its flaws is atleast showing some spine by pointing the mirror to the US is its own subtle way..US never respects any decent society .. its either wants yes men or rogues...

  17. Prasun,
    5- the george soros angle to anti modi govt.. that radical is upto no good for sure...
    6- another fantasy project? when will the finameccania bogey end ?
    7- if true is as bad as the partiton ..
    8-why dosen't the US or Russia want to tahe the current afghan govt seriously.. given that they have crying from the rooftops about paki involvement in the current surge in taliban violence ... is it India that is making strategic blunders in taking sides as ever?

  18. Hi Prasun,

    The Hindu link you provided on the updates to Blinken visit was eye opening. If India is to excluded from the planned road link being planned by Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, US and Pakistan, what are our options? Perhaps the Iranian Chabahar port link to the Central Asian republics?

    Apparently, we are not fully on the same page as the US with regard to Afghanistan. US still sees a significant role for Pakistan in the complex scenario unfolding there. What cooperation can there be between US and India in this situation?

    Iran and Russia seem to be better bet for India in Afghanistan.



  19. Hi Prasun

    Interview with Hamid Karzai

    He provides interesting insights



  20. PrasunDa.

    1. So basically what you have been saying all along is now coming true. Indian Air Force (IAF) has decided to purchase 36 more Rafales from Dassault.

    2. Media reports are suggesting that China is creating hardened air craft hangers that will be able to withstand Indian air strikes. What do you suggest IAF needs to do to target aircraft inside these bunkers?


  21. To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Not quite. There are 2 distinct transport corridors: one US-sponsored & the other Russia-sponsored. The former emerges through the Wakhan Corridor & skirts close to the Durand Line before ending at Gwadar, which consequently will be highly vulnerable to sabotage. The latter transits through western Afghanistan & enters Iran, ending at Chabahar. Hence, from a business standpoint, the latter option is far less riskier & hence more profitable. 2) The US is already out of Iraq for good, while Shia-majority Arab Iraq today is just an extension of Shia-majority Persian Iran & hence it comes as no surprise that India’s largest crude oil supplier over the past 3 years has been Iraq—this being the most practical way of keeping Iran happy & satisfied despite it being a heavily sanctioned country. Consequently, whatever India now wants to get done inside Afghanistan, Iran will provide India with the necessary land & airspace corridors. 3) No one today even mentions the MRFA within IAF HQ. 4) The US both lectures others while at the same time acknowledging its own shortcomings, unlike India. 5) Needless & outlandish conspiracy theories. 6) FAKE NEWS. If buying 13 naval guns off-the-shelf costs in excess of US$1 billion, then won’t the procurement of a locally-developed alternative be much more costlier due to more money being spent on R & D, not to mention the time taken to develop such guns? In reality, the ‘desi patrakaar’ has got it all wrong & I had already revealed before that the IN will be procuring the 13 naval guns from the surplus stocks of the US Navy on a lease-to-purchase basis. 7) Not at all, since it only a temporary arrangement, as suggested by the term ‘PROVISIONAL’. 8) Why blame others when countries like India are not doing anything to assert her claims of geographic contiguity to Afghanistan via Gilgit-Baltistan & the Wakhan Corridor?

    To RAGHU: There are 2 distinct transport corridors: one US-sponsored & the other Russia-sponsored. The former emerges through the Wakhan Corridor & skirts close to the Durand Line before ending at Gwadar, which consequently will be highly vulnerable to sabotage. The latter transits through western Afghanistan & enters Iran, ending at Chabahar & thus providing closer access to the GCC consumer markets via the UAE. Hence, from a business standpoint, the latter option is far less riskier & hence more profitable. 2) The US is already out of Iraq for good, while Shia-majority Arab Iraq today is just an extension of Shia-majority Persian Iran & hence it comes as no surprise that India’s largest crude oil supplier over the past 3 years has been Iraq—this being the most practical way of keeping Iran happy & satisfied despite it being a heavily sanctioned country. Consequently, whatever India now wants to get done inside Afghanistan, Iran will provide India with the necessary land & airspace corridors. And thus the Indian Foreign Minister is now headed for Teheran.

    Hamid Karzai cannot do much or say much now, but everyone knows the truth, i.e. Afghanistan has never accepted the Durand Line as being the permanent IB between Afghanistan & Pakistan, but neither can Afghanistan assert its claims over Pakhtunistan due to its weakened status. And Pakistan also knows that the Durand Line is not sanctified by any internationally binding treaty & hence Afghanistan is perfectly justified in making territorial claims. But Karzai must also be held accountable for not befriending the Pashtuns of his country when he was President for 10 years.

    Logic, Reason Can Go For A Toss When China Negotiates:

  22. To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) It will now be only a supplementary contract, since all the details were ironed out in the 1st umbrella G-to-G contract. 2) The PLAAF is exactly what the IAF is currently doing. But penetrating warheads are available for neutralising HAS.

    And the latest video from Mars reveals that the skies above that planet are indeed blue in colour:

    Remote-Viewing the Moon’s Far Side:

    Far Side of the Moon

    ITCHU, Ladakh’s Remotest Village in Kargil District:

    What It Means to Invest in China:

    How Communism killed 80 million in China:

    To HARISH: 1) There are tens of thousands of such outlandish reports. In reality, OBL never came anywhere near to either the LoC or the WB r the India-Pakistan IB. 2) Again, outlandish claims. 3) The only joint operations conducted were in erstwhile FATA where the PA provided locational coordinates & the CIA’s drones conducted air-strikes at those locations.

  23. Hi Prasun,

    How is it that the US sponsored transport corridor is ending up at Gwadar, which is a Chinese sponsored and in all probability Chinese owned port? Wouldn't Karachi port be a better option for the US?



  24. Hello Prasun da,

    When can we expect follow-on orders for 44 Rafales will be placed ?

  25. Hi Prashn Da,
    Your views on this plz

  26. Prasunda,

    1.According to Defense Studies, Ukraine has received a contract worth $200 million for the supply of R-27 missiles. Is India the buyer?

    2. Is OFB Dum Dum producing guided bombs for the Indian Air Force?


  27. To RAGHU: The US is only sponsoring the connectivity elements of the corridor like border CIQ facilities & dryports. The rest of it is up to the countries to choose, i.e. what will be the seaport destinations. In any case Chabahar is closest to the UAE, the intended destination of the exports from the CARs & Afghanistan. Consequently, both Karachi & Gwadar won’t be financially viable when competitively benchmarked with Chabahar.

    Former Iranian President says India and not China is a better choice for Iran:

    How Taliban Expanded From 2002 Till 2020:

    North Agalega, Island of Secrets:

    To KUNAL J: Just before the end of the current fiscal year.

    To GOURAV: My views were uploaded last year here:

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) No, both the IAF & IN no longer use any BVRAAMs of the R-27 family. 2) No, because the OFB produces only the explosive elements of the bomb, i.e. the gravity bombs. The PGM guidance systems come as kits & are fitted to the gravity bombs at the IAF air bases. This is the universal practice. Only specialised gliding PGMs like SAAW are produced as complete PGMs by Bharat Dynamics Ltd. 3) DRDO Chief

    Thank the Almighty that he did not include radars, because India continues to import them, these being the latest:

    China’s Continuing MicroChip Shortages:

    Latest Televised PLA Profiles:

    Rudra WSI Crash:

  28. Mr. Prasun

    1)Why only 59 out of 145 M777s been delivered when they were ordered way back in 2016 it was said that by end 2021 all guns will be delivered but some reports say 2 guns were to be delivered every month if that's the case then only by end 2024 all guns will delivered is that the case?

    2)When will Arjun Mk1A be ordered (Defexpo 2022 is it what they are waiting for)? Also no clarity about which 400 Guns will be ordered?

    3)What's the issue with Dhanush?

    Thank you

  29. Interesting Reads:

  30. hi prasun
    why are these fools repalacing a tried and tested mt 36 turbo prop wiht a desi piston engine on the tapas uav?
    why this sad stateof affairs of the rudra crashing is there something wrong wiht basic design? do helicopters have black boxes as well?

  31. Hi Prasun
    Few Questions about the Vikrant;

    1.Does the commencement of sea trials mean that all the necessary Ship systems have been installed - Radars, Sensors, EW suite, Jammers, VLS & AK630 Self defence systems, CHaff & Flare launchers, Aircraft Take-off & recovery systems etc.

    2. From the pics on twitter, I could not make out the MFSTAR Panels on the Radar masts - Has the MFSTAR been installed on the ship already

    3.Isnt it standard practice to install all the planned systems on any ship prior to starting sea-trials?

  32. Sir,

    1) IAC 1 sailed for maiden sea trials today.

    2)HTT-40 completes spin certification flight testing. So IAF going to operate 2 types of trainer aircraft.

  33. Prasun ,

    1-- Iran warming up to us- larger gameplan taking afghanistan into consideratio??---
    Other news --The northern alliance seems to be back.. there was a wion footage of ppl in panjsher valley arming themselves . then there are the street marched in afghan cities..
    2--shouldn't India extract its puond of flesh fro the pakis...
    3--looks like our famed MoD babus have got under the IA chief's skin :))

    -- RFOL...

  34. hi prasun
    are the aesa radar and the the barak missiles fitted ?. where are they [placed? ie the missiles. Are the desi ew sysytems up to the mark? compared to the israeli ones

  35. Hello Prasun
    Hope you're doing well:)
    What kind of softwares for managing air operations/air traffic, bridge management, platform management, combat management, environmental control, CBRN, navigation, propulsion and data links are being used aboard IAC-1/Vikrant? Who are those vendors?

  36. Dear Prasun,

    1. CAS has told that L1 bidder rule has to go. If two systems are found to be good and satisfying all the requirements, then it is better to go after the L1 bidder(assuming life cycle cost). It will cost less.

    2. Why are Indian political leaders and army leaders are worse at policy making? What does stop them from taking sensible decisions?

    3. Will Indian political leadership take the issue of Ladakh Arunachal Pradesh with Tibetan leaders so that they will give up the claim over Indian lands. Since India has all the required legal documents, they can justify it.

    4. If China is claiming Ladakh based upon Tibet's claim then it's like India is taking after the snake by feeding milk to it.

    5. How much time does India need to be disintegrated due to poor leadership? We the countrymen are easily swayed away by emotions, bhakti instead of going by facts. Earlier I was dreaming about breaking of China. Now I am thinking about reoccupation of India by China or Islamic power. Of course I am frustrated!!!

    6. Do we have any vision for the country for the next 50 years for defence and economy?

    7. In a scale of 10, how much would you give the NDA 2.0 since its assumption of power from 2019 considering the reformations it brought, strengthening defense, economy, healthcare, and education?


    Very interesting article on hypersonic missiles shared by Sameer Joshi on Twitter. So all hype of intercepting missiles be it cruise or ballistic by US has been a false propaganda not to speak about hypersonic missiles like
    ZIRCON which is really troubling NATO and US.

    Prasun your views after reading this article.

  38. Mr. Prasun

    Very happy to see Indian map shown including J&K and Ladakh by Russian media.(But Aksai Chin is shown part of China of course)

    But sometimes they don't show it as such I don't know what changed now.

    Maybe because of Afghanistan I guess what do you think?


  39. To RAD: The ‘desi’ diesel engine is meant to replace the engines of Austrian & Canadian origins. It is highly likely that the Rudra WSI crash took place due to human error, i.e. non-adherance to ground servicing protocols.

    To KIDDO & SOUMYA RAY: The following thread explains it all.

    To ASD: 2 & 3) I suppose due to the colonial hangover, due to which even historical falsehoods haven’t been corrected & they continue to be taugh in all Indian schools & other academic institutions. 4) India too can make historial claims like invoking the clauses of the 1843 Chushul Treaty & the fact that the entire Chumbi Valley had till the late 19th century belonged to Sikkim. 5) Don’t worry, for the Gods of Yore will do the needful. 6) Not at the moment, because India has not yet drafted a comprehensive national security strategy. 7) 4.

    To VED: The US, Japan & Russia have several types of high-power lasers that have not yet been made public. Even China is heavily investing in such areas.

    To SANJAY: Russia & even the former USSR had always shown the same maps as India’s official maps. The map shown in the video-clip is drawn by RT, not the Russian Govt.

  40. Prasun da, should the IAF start looking for a sixth generation aircraft to replace the Su-30 MKI in mid 2040s? If so, wouldn't it be wise for us to join Dassault FCAS or BAE Tempest project as a partner at the development stage itself instead of issuing an RFP in 2050s?

  41. Hello sir,
    You said "all the paperwork for signing the supplementary for additional 44 Rafales was completed in 2016 itself."

    I never head anything like this before (I could be ignorant).
    But what I heard is the 2016 Rafale deal is of 36 rafales + (18 follow-up option).
    Can you please elaborate on this subject further.


  42. How many additional Rafale will be purchased? 36 or 44 Rafale, any timeline when they might sign the deal,after completion for 36 Rafale delivery?
