Friday, November 1, 2019

GAETEC's Capacities, Capabilities & Future Plans

 The SDR-A developed for use by the airborne manned platforms of the Indian Navy has successfully completed its user-trials and has been cleared for serrvice induction.


  1. To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) Yes, that’s correct. 2) Because WhatsApp encryption works only when the message is being transmitted. When it reaches the destination cellphone, the message automatically gets decrypted for the user to access it. So that’s when the NSO malwars gets activated & thus it results in the cellphone getting hacked. It is all explained here:

    And the way the debate is going on in India on this issue, it only illustrates how backward India is in such areas & consequently India remains in a black hole in terms of the reqd type of legislations for preventing such irresponsible & malafide actions. And that’s exactly why the Union Govt is asking WhatsApp for clarifications, when it should first contact NSO & ask whether any state govt of India has acquired any spyware from NSO & if this turns out to be the case, it will be highly embarrassing because such a procurement was done without any sanction from the Union MHA. Meanwhile, here is another faux pas:

    This is what happens when folks try to acquire a PhD without first mastering primary school education, i.e. only talking big about AI & the like!!!

    Here is a more down-to-earth explanation about the sorry state of IT-related legislation in India:

    To MOHAN: 1) Why? Because it wanted to develop its own indigenous aerospace industry. 2) Only two Combat Air Brigades, or about six squadrons of combat aircraft.

  2. To RAD: I have uploaded above all that you need to know about semiconductor foundries. Making any antenna is just one part of the challenge. Exposing it to electromagnetic interferences & external phenomena like lightning strike is another. All those tests are now being conducted. All such simulation-related data for the MAREEM AIP module has been given to the DRDO by France’s NAVAL FORCES, the developer of the Scorpene SSK. The NSM & its HSM variant are already integrated with the Seahawk & hence is cheaper & qualifies as the L-1 bidder in the ASCM category. Air-launched Nirbhay has been under development since 2011 & I had uploaded a poster on this, based on the photot I had taken at the CEMILAC booth during Aero India 2011.

    To BUDDHA: Not at all. In fact, it is only when the picture gets grim that India’s citizens tend to dump/ditch their worst anxieties & phobias & obduracy & start looking at issues from a realistic/pragmatic perspective. I had written about this to the Govt of India way back in 2014 & had suggested that the GoI explore ways & means of accurately estimating the real wealth available at the hands of India’s citizens, i.e. getting the citizens to voluntarily disclose the quantum of gold held by them in any form, either as bars, biscuits or even jewelry. But this has to be done in such a way that the citizens should not be the target of Income Tax authorities, since gold as family wealth gets transferred from generation to generation over several decades or even centuries. Only after such data is collected will one be able to accurately estimate the average Indian citizen’s per capita income or purchasing power parity etc etc. Right now, all such wealth, estimated to be about 25,000 tonnes, is unaccounted for & hence officially, India is shown to officially possess only 500 tonnes of gold reserves. Kindly read more on this issue here:

    If an accurate estimation can be done in a smooth & non-controversial manner (I had suggested some options on this matter as well), then India’s economy can easily touch the US$5 trillion mark much much faster.

    As for Saudi Arabia purchasing military hardware from India, the prime suppliers appear to be Ashok Leyland, Kalyani Group and Larsen & Toubro. In fact, most of the locally produced MRAPs in both Saudi Arabia & the UAE have for long been using radiators made by Indian private-sector companies.

  3. hi prasun
    great article on gaetec! many will not understand the implications of this fab lab. now where did we get all the capital equipment to start of with, obviously some one has helped us ?

    This is only a research and prototype fab . NOw the deal is making a bigger fab for mass production. i believe it is expensive to make on e. whith this we can be self sufficient in GAN MMIC and aesa trx modules for all type of radars and comm equipment ?

    will htis not make us very well plcaed to make any type of ew jammers with far greater efficiencies.

    can the brahmos be programmed with way points as depicted elsewhere given its 2.8 mach speed making it impossible to do some meaning full maneuvers?

  4. Hi Prasunji

    Please give your assessment of the Computer Virus related incident at KKNP. Is there a danger of Chernaboyal type incident? Please explain in detail the said iincident.

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  5. Dear Prasun,

    Now IAF Chief has told that IAF would go for 70 numbers of HTT-40, how is it going to pinch the IAF's pocket? No engine commonality, increased maintainability.... isn't IAF doing appeasement?

  6. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your Comments.

    False Flag attack on Seattle on Nov 03, 2019

    Prasun, Do you believe in Free Masonry theory which basically harms the world.

    Starting from September 11 story, now Coming 3 Nov 2019 there is going to be False flag attack on Seattle. Internet is filled with so many videos....

    By watching the above video, we are not in the position to deny. But.....

    Do you believe all the free Masonry theory, Illuminati real?

    Please comment.

    Senthil Kumar


  7. hi prasun
    i find it extremely fishy that all the f-16 ran out of fuel? whats happening ? they have been shuttling from singapore to kalaikunda every year and suddenly this ?

  8. Is the situation that bad as articulated by Merkel.
    - the situation for the people there is unsustainable and not good - what is she saying ? Was she actually talking about PoK?

  9. @prasun da

    first belated kali pujo r subhechha

    second do you have the weblink for prakash katoch book on special forces(full) cant find it anywhere

    third, why is china so itchy shouting about creation of ut in jnk, will india respond in kind staking claim to aksai chin, trans karakora tract and saksgham valley


    Joydeep Ghosh

  10. To RAD: Here’s what it takes to establish a semiconductor foundry:

    Normally, the RSAF’s F-16s are accompanied by KC-135 Stratotankers during their ferry-flight to India. Wonder why this time the KC-135s were not included. Meanwhile, can anyone in India come up with something like this for the IA’s 30mm & 40mm grenades:

    Australian manufacturer DefendTex offers a personal 40mm drone that can fire from a grenade launcher. It offers 12 minutes of flight time and/or 20 minutes of loiter time. Cruising speed is 20 m/s and range at optimum speed is in excess of 10km. ayloads include camera, anti-armor, fuel-air, HE/frag, diversionary, smoke, counter-UAS, etc. With these mixed of payload types, Drone-40 can be used individually, paired, or as a swarm, to a variety of effcts.

    To HARDIK THANKI: The situation is not as apocalyptic as being made out to be. Rather, it is all about industrial espionage. But this is far more serious, as revealed yesterday:

    FireEye Mandiant recently discovered a new malware family used by APT41 (a Chinese APT group) that is designed to monitor and save SMS traffic from specific phone numbers, IMSI numbers and keywords for subsequent theft. Named MESSAGETAP, the tool was deployed by APT41 in a telecommunications network provider in support of Chinese espionage efforts. APT41’s operations have included state-sponsored cyber espionage missions as well as financially-motivated intrusions. These operations have spanned from as early as 2012 to the present day.

  11. To ASD: Let the IAF sign the contract for both the Tejas Mk.1AQ & HTT-40 & only then will one be able to make some constructive comments. Right now, nothing has been signed & sealed. And that’s why the IAF recently obtained waivers from the MoD for procuring urgently reqd rotables & consumables for the PC-7 Mk.2 BTT fleet.

    To SENTHIL KUMAR: I haven’t as yet come across any person claiming to be a FreeMason.

    To DASHU: Of course it is bad, as everyone knows. More time is reqd for full normalcy to return. Why should she say anything about PoK? And here’s another drama:

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: You can always buy the book from here:

    Meanwhile, adverse reports are emerging from China:

    When Kenya bought NORINCO-built VN-4 armoured personnel carriers, NORINCO’s sales representative declined to sit inside the vehicles during a test-firing. Kenya went ahead in 2016 with the purchase anyway and sadly dozens of Kenyan personnel have been reportedly killed in those vehicles. The VN-4, nicknamed “Rhinoceros”, is manufactured by state-owned Chongqing Tiema Industries.

    Middle East countries purchased China-supplied CH-4 armed drones that broke within months, with customers “now turning around to get rid of them”.

    Engine flaws and a lack of training have been identified as the likely causes of two accidents that hit the PLAAF in the space of little over a week–one of which claimed the lives of three airmen in a helicopter crash in central Henan. The second accident happened eight days later on the Tibetan Plateau where a J-10 fighter jet on a low-altitude flying drill crashed into the mountain. Fortunately, the pilot ejected safely in time, but the J-10 crashed into the mountain. Preliminary investigations indicated that the accident had something to with the AL-31FN turbofan and flight-control system of the J-10. Deaths from the crashes happened within a span of 10 days last month. Two aircraft carrier-based J-15s crashed in April 2016, resulting in one death and one serious injury. Investigations into the two crashes pointed to problems with the flight-control system. As the PLAAF stepped up its exercises–part of President Xi Jinping’s call to strengthen the “combat readiness” of the military–more accidents would happen as increased drills exposed technical problems and inadequate training. PLA pilots generally lack training in avionics engineering and had little flying experience before enlistment.

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: Naga Peace Talks Explained:

    Gravitas: India abstains from vote on Uighurs at the U.N.
    When India will learn to face china ...

  13. * would IA opt for the semi-active Carl-Gustaf munition

    * your thoughts on Google's quantum computer breakthrough

    * Japan has moved on to the more powerful IHI XF9. why is there no movement in India? & why no similar higher thrust engine development in france?

  14. the handful of machines that i could identify by name from the GAETEC slides seem to be of foreign companies. any indian capabilities exist in this area, & any programs to make sure that we can make these machines / generate these capabilities ourselves?

  15. Former MOSSAD Director Prof Uzi Arad on Intelligence Cooperation with India:

    To BUDDHA: By abstaining, it means India did not vote either in favour of China or against China, meaning India did not take a firm stand in favour of China.

    To BHOUTIK: In India, nowadays the national buzz is all about AI, i.e. the high-end of stuff, & not about lower-end stuff like industrial robotics. Can you show me any Indian automobile manufacturing plant that uses 'desi' industrial robotics hardware?


    don't see much beyond tata's brabo

  17. @prasun Code for industrial robots are indeed made in India.However the hardware aspect is almost non existent.
    With regards to the hype around AI, what is more troubling the fact that almost no one realises the quantity of data required (as well how data needs to be in a trainable format which ironically I think will be the next big outsourcing job for the Indian IT, low level grunt work where the final application is hidden from us)

  18. hi prasun

    you have been quiet critical of AMCA program and maybe as an insider in the aero-defence sector you know better but what alternatives do india have but to pursue AMCA. SU-57 is not ready and when it is it will be a heavy 5th gen plan(may be a replacement for the su-30). F-35 is not available to us and never was and with s-400 in the picture , future sales of f-35 is mute question. its not like we can buy the f-31 from chinese and both the british tempest and french-german 6th gen plan in long way off till 2040. so what option is left for us but to pursue AMCA to replace mig-29 and m-2000 by 2035.

    and there are some weird soundbytes from drdo 'sources' floating around on internet that says that AMCA will have 'geometric' stealth and not 'material' stealth. how true is this? does su-57 and j-20 and f-31 incorporate material stealth or just geometric stealth?

  19. Dear Sir,

    By abstaining it showed India did not take a stand against China. This clearly shows subservient behavior whenever we are confronted by a bigger, stronger opponent. We need to show that we are an independent power in its own right. Yet we ask them to treat us as an equal?


  20. New maps of India released today:


    How this event and trade tensions will effect indo us relationships??

  22. Your thoughts on F-35 cost dropping below $80 million in the near future

  23. Sir,what was the reason for keeping luh as a single engined helicopter when twin engines would've been a safer option at the heights of siachen..if weight is the reason then why are we buying the ka226???

  24. hi prasun

    couple of years ago you had written that a proposal was given to IAF about a joint missile shield in the form of S400+ELTA-ELM-2090U combo. now that the s400 is coming will we combine it with ELM-2090U or are we stickig with the russian radars?

  25. All MiG 27 are being is IAF planning to even defend any agression by PAF/PLAF with decreasing squadron strength ??god knows what does CoAS do ??no fresh inductions and they are retiring few A2G close support platforms avl..

  26. Prasunda,

    1) Was the K-4 ever flight tested again after its first flight in March 2014 ?

    2) Why is it that pictures of this system in flight have never been released when even North korea seems to be releasing a whole lot of pictures after each such test from a pontoon ?


  27. To HOODS007: The technology is such that what will find application on the Rafale during its mid-life upgrade by 2045 will also be on board the Gen-6 MRCA being co-developed by France, Germany & Spain. Hence, the IAF’s reliance on future imported MRCA platforms will remain for a long time to come. As for Mirage-2000 & MiG-29UPG replacements, the MWF-AF Mk.2 should be the ideal replacement. I don’t harbour any illusions about the feability of AMCA. Simply put, ‘geometric stealth means airframke-shaping & faceting. Material stealth will remain elusive for India because of almost no ‘desi’ R & D being done in-house on radar-absorbent materials. Any MRCA with canards leaves no room for geometric stealth, rest assured. As for VHF/UHF LRTRs, there’s already some some joint military-industrial activity underway between India & Israel.

    To RAT2: Not at all. Abstaining from casting a vote means India is supporting China only to the tune of 50%. Whether or not this will change depends on the future, since such votes will take place many more times in future. And since 2010 India has never entertained China’s requests to reiterate that TAR is an inalienable part of China. Nor do countries insist on being treated as equals. There is only 1 country in this world that makes such irrational demands & that is Pakistan & hence all its international diplomatic efforts in every sphere ends up in utter failure.

    To RAZA: And what if despite twin engines, the single gearbox were to fail? The decision to go for single-engineed LUH was purely due to weight considerations. But today the technology is available for developing & using hexa-rotor UAS platforms for ferrying perishable supplies to forbidding heights. In areas like Ladakh, Siachen, Sikkim, Uttarakhand & Arunachal Pradesh, such UAS platforms need to be deployed ASAP.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Far more serious are the continuing delays in obtaining airworthiness certification for the LCH & for the Rudra ALH, the unavailability of the HELINA for these two armed helicopters.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: The longer the Govt of India continues to own majority stakes in all existing DPSUs, the more serious the crisis will turn out to be, just like the cases of AI/IA & BSNL’s financial woes. 1) The nature of the threats is such that the IA would have been better off by just importing cheap ZSU-23-4 Schilkas from wherever they are available, & then have them upgraded along the same lines as those that have been by BEL & ELTA Systems. Possession of about 250 such upgraded Schilkas would have been more than enough & AHEAD-type 23mm ammo coulsd easily have been co-developed by India& Russia. 3) No for radar, but a man-portable EW system derived from the Him Shakti EW system. 5) Yes, it will be followed as per international law. China & Pakistan will be the only exceptions. 6) India cannot insist on supporting free trade on one hand while resisting the RCEP. Hence, ultimately India will have to sign in to RCEP. 7) Not at all, as I have explained above to RAT2.

    To SATYAKI: Leave alone the K-4, even the K-15 has to date not been fired from INS Arihant. Without such firing tests even the K-15 cannot become an operational SLBM. Whenever images or data on SLBM test-firings are not released, it can only mean that either such tests were a total failure, or only a partial success.

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 'Countering Rogue Drones' by FICCI and Ernst & Young:

    Lulu Group in the Middle East:

    Russia to Provide LSS For Gaganyaan:

    And for those who want to know what goes into the MRO/servicing of 4th-generation MRCAs, here is an excellent documentary on how the JAS-39 Gripen is serviced/overhauled:

    1. Prasun-da, can you provide us a detail information on MWF, most us followers are unable to understand how HAL and NAL will be able to develop an medium weight fighter when they are still unable to develop one lighter version for so many years. Many articles are there stating MWF will use existing 414 engine at first batch then from second they will use another engine with 110kn thrust. How can MWF with 85 kn thrust survive, and how will they manage thrust to weight ratio. It's really making most of us who have internet but not any expertise on fighter plane very confused.

  28. Prasunda,

    VMT. If no K-4 firing has been a success, why was a DRDO team awarded for its development in 2015 ? Should they not be held accountable ?


  29. Prasun da,

    What exactly they have diluted and any result of this dilution, sorry can't find anything over web, can you please shed some gyan on it. Have they passed amendments in LS and RS.

    If they have diluted as claimed 12 times why they are opposing BJP moves - must be a political that is apparently what other reason could be,

  30. Dear Prasun,

    1. What will be India's stand on aksai chin that China has grabbed? Will India fight for it to get it back?

    2. Is there any timeline that GoI has planned to get back PoK?

    3. How will you rate Tejas Mk1A with MAWA and SPJ attached in its pylon against F16 of PAF and JF17?

  31. a.

    And India decided against joining PRC backed RECP. There will be some implication after it, may be defer of FTA, etc. Your views are requested.

    b. Meanwhile, there will be 4(four) test firing as follows,
    K 4 SLBM - 8th Nov., Brahmos - Both LRCM, and Air Launched - 11th Nov., Agni - II, Prithvi , now it has been reported that Air Launched version of Brahmos(ALCM) will be for production after testing the same against sea based targets. Will there be a test against sea based targets. Also, there it mentions about test firing of K4 with Agni - II with new advanced systems. it is clear that, and as you stated, the test firing of SLBM will be from the underwater platform. So, what would be those systems onboard with K4 and A2 while test firing? What is the reason behind test firing of Prithvi - II ?

    c. The design of a sphere shaped sub submersible 3(three) man Capsule has been successfully done by ISRO after MoU with NIOT, for deep Ocean Mission up to 6000 Meters. So, when will the testing phase of the same commence, since fabrication process now remains post certification of the design.

    Requesting your views regarding above three matters ?

    Thanks in advance.

  32. Thanks Prasun Da for sharing the links. It seems Counter Drone tech was deployed in Delhi during the Republic Day Parade (according to the link)

    I have an off topic question.

    (1) You have on a regular basis shared some amazing links about UFOs. One such UFO sighting was last month

    So if they are aliens what exactly are they trying to achieve by providing a brief glimpse once in a while and then disappearing ?

    (2) Do our Hindu scriptures provide any insight about aliens ?

    Thank You

  33. It seems North Korea was behind the cyber-attack on KNPP:

    To SATYAKI: Success never comes easy or quick. Repeated failures in fact play the decdisive role in refining the weapon system. Just try to compare India’s R & D efforts related to SLBMs with those of the other countries & you will get the real picture.

    To DEBARRYA: I had already posted all available data on the MWF here:

    To SIDHARTH: It is all clearly explained here:

    To ASD: 1) It appears that there are serious flaws in the India-produced map of J & K. For instance, the Shaksgam valley is missing from the latest map:

    Compare it with this pre-1947 Map of J & K:

    If this is the case, then how can anyone believe that Aksai Chin belongs to India? Perhaps those questioning it will fault India’s cartographic efforts.

    2) As I had repeatedly explained, an immediate military campaign to liberate PoK will only produce hostile reactions from within PoK. The right time will come only after the natives of PoK overwhelmingly call for PoK’s accession back to India, just like East Pakistan had done in 1971.

    3) Even with such enhancements, the Derby BVRAAM will be the inhibiting factor. The Astra-1 therefore needs to be integrated with Tejas Mk.1A.

    To SUMANTA NAG: A) The pros & cons of joining RCEP are clearly explained here:

    B) Lighter first-stage boosters incorporate fuel tanks built with composites. C) By next year.

  34. To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) This patent explains it all:

    And here is the report on the Nimitz Encounters:

    In fact, it is now widely believed that such objects seen around the vicinity of the US Navy carrier battle groups are all man-made, simply because the places such encounters took place never displayed any magnetic anomalies. And alien spacecraft always operate out of areas that contain magnetic anomalies because such areas are also devoid of all Earth-based bacteria, viruses etc etc. And that’s because any alien species coming to earth will be exposed to a totally different biological environment compared to that prevalent in their own planets. It is all explained here:

    That is why, even the alien creatures one sees on Earth are in fact biological androids, i.e. bodily clones with intelligent but limited consciousness transplanted in them. This what is referred to as genuine AI.

    There are several archaeological findings pertaining to alien visitations in the Indian subcontinent dating back to 35,000 years in areas of Chattisgarh & Baster. They can be seen here:

    According to Western scholars, the Brahmastra is a weapon that can concurrently destroy 3 planets:

    Alien Archaeology Beneath the Thick Antarctica Ice during the Pre-Ice Age:

    Genetic Manipulation of Human species by aliens:

    Ancient Symbols & Binary Code:

    BTW, according to the HISTORY CHANNEL, the ‘Ancient Aliens series’ is presently the No.1 & most-viewed programme in India.

  35. Sir, anyway nobody cares what the MAP shows, so nothing new to omit Shaksgam valley. How many natives of PoK left?

  36. Prasunda,

    Most SLBM development programs (Trident II, R-29RM and Bulava) have had 75-85% success in the first 20+ tests. At least for the Trident II and R-29RM these many tests were completed in three years. The French M-51 has had 7 tests over the last decade all but one successful.

    If we have had only a bunch of failures over the last six years with the K-4, this is worrying: even North Korea has succeeded in its third try from a pontoon, as its videos show. The only other coutry that does not release any pictures/videos is China, with the only JL-2 picture being that of a pop-up test, until the recent parade.


      Here is an official test video of K4 missile

  37. Prasun da, whats going on in Pakistan? Will Niazi be removed for economic crisis and failure on Kashmir or will Maulana march fizzle out? What advantage can India take from this on loc and creating instability in Pakistan? Pls do a thread on this

  38. Dear Sir,

    "PoK overwhelmingly call for PoK’s accession back to India", you know logically that will never happen whilst the situation on our side is what it is. Those people are also quite militaristic and have visceral hatred for us. Just look at what they did to our pilot. Unless the Kashmiri's on our side, start saying how proud they are to be Indian and become advocates for the merger, it will remain a pipe dream. How can we get to that point?


  39. While India is still figuring out how to protect its interests from cyber attacks, the small Baltic state of Estonia has moved nearly all of its government operations onto servers in other countries, and plans to place them on satellites, so that the government can continue functioning even if it loses control of Estonian territory to the Russians. It even offers a form of virtual citizenship that allows non-Estonian businesses essentially to subject themselves voluntarily to the country’s business taxes and regulations — among the lowest in the developed world — while gaining tariff-free entry to the European trade zone without ever really existing there. It makes disruptive outcomes, such as, ease of entry, lower-cost business models, simpler customer aggregation and market-making, unbundling, undermining of authority and trivializing of distance — dramatically more feasible (

    India can sure learn a thing or two from e-Estonia in digital governance ( Maybe, it can start with the UTs and possibly roll out an e-Kashmir & Jammu to avoid the annual Durbar move or an e-Delhi to have some sort of virtual central governance, if the top leadership and administrative machinery are wiped out in a nuclear attack.


  40. hi prasun
    on the aksah 1s there seems to be 2 bumps behind the node cone , what cud they be a gps antenna? or something .
    i have not seen that on other missiles .

    further the range will be increased as the missile is independent of the command system once active . I find it hard to believe that the range is 30 km as stated . As the sa-6 had the same range . but now the electronics and other hardware are smaller leading to a greater range
    can you confirm if the akash has track via missile guidance as it seems to be a jam proof method? like the patriot missile?.

    is the sea ceptor and the c -dome missiles capable of taking down mach 3 missiles like the brahmos??

  41. Prasunda,

    Now Ordnance Factory at Amethi is going to make the AK 203 rifles for Indian Army. Then what will be happening to Ghatak rifles. I think it is now abandoned and the workers at our prestigious Ishapore will be idle. There will not be any order, as no body is going to buy either Ghatak or INSAS. Your opinion please.
    Best regards,
    Parthasarathi Dasgupta.

  42. India will continue to be worlds largest importer of weapons even when we can make an equivalent product. I think main reason being it is one of the main leverage we have now to affect the behavior of western nations to our opponents, i.e. buying weapons is a large part of our foreign policy. Sad but true.


  43. prasun

    what do you think of katarpur corridor? will it lead to revival of khalistani terrorism or are such fears are unfounded.

  44. Depending upon the concrete requirements, the formulae of survival of the fittest is also applicable in defense industry as well, may it be Amethi AK-203 or Trichy Ghatak.

  45. To DASHU:

    And according to China’s Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), China 2 days ago officially launched the development of technologies for 6-G communications.

    To SATYAKI: No one ever claimed that the K-4 SLBM suffered from a bunch of failures. That’s because the complete K-4 was never test-fired. Only different stages of the SLBM were test-fired both on the ground & from underwater. North Korea’s SLBM is not in the same category as the K-4, but rather is more like the earlier K-15 tactical SLBM.

    To ABIR: That videoclip clearly shows the K-15 tactical SLBM (whose land-launched version is the Shourya. Just because the audio narrative mentions the term K-4 during the launch of the K-15, it doesn’t mean what was being shown as the K-4.

    To RAT2: Discontent is gradually riging within PoK for sure. Here’s the proof:

    And then there’s this taunt from Maulana Khalid Mehmood Abbasi:

    To RAD: Those are just apertures for the proximity fuzing nechanism for the warhead. Akash-1S & Akash-1 both have 25km-range, not 30km. And none of them has anything like track-via-missile guidance, although DRDO propaganda materials during the 1990s had then claimed that Akash was to have TVM guidance.

    PAF firepower demo at Sonmiani:

    To PARTHASARATHI: The IA is 1.16 million-strong, but only 700,000 AK-203s are to be built by OFB Amethi. What does that tell us?

    To RAM C: That’s because very very few now understand the changing nature & character of future warfare. Here’s one example of how far behind India is in just 1 arena:

    To HOODS007: Such fears are unwarranted. But Pakistan will continue to engage in its promotion of the idea of Khalistaan through the overseas Sikh communities in Canada, the US, the UK, Germany, Australia & Malaysia. Here are a few examples of such nefarious activities:

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: Excellent explanation of the Naga Peace Accord:

  46. Dear Prasun,

    Your take on Defence minister Rajnath Singh's current visit to Russia would be welcome. Also there is news that the Russians have offered their 870 ton Project 12701 Alexandrite fibreglass hull Minesweeper wuth technolofy rtransfer to Goa shipyard for manufacture. There seems to be some doubt about their expertise in continuously formed fibreglass hull. Any info on this would be welcome. The Sukhoi 30 modernisation project seems to have develope some traction as well as the spare parts issue. News articles from suggest the Russians are quite pleased with the way the visit went.

  47. hi prasun
    disapointed at the range of the akash due to the fact that it was made a generation after the original. NOw cant we move barak 8 to the border quietly and fire only when the pak planes are in range , turning on the 2084 radar when firing at the last moment , This can be cued by the awacs .
    It will be impossible to escape a salvo of barak 8 fired simultaneously at a strike package even when inside POK.?

    The latest trend in seems to be the awacs being the deciding authority to fire the missile after updating the battery with positional input via data link .
    even guiding the missiles as it has a huge aesa radar with enormous power output to reach the missile even a 100km away?.It seems to be feasible given the whole circle ie the awacs and the barak 8 are all israeli??

    you said that the k-4 has been never fired from underwater , there is a video of it being fired with a unique stabilization system quite like the nose cap of the Brahmas missile when emerging from the sea?

  48. Sir,

    Project 12700 Alexandrit minesweeper good option for IN?

  49. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your Comments.

    Russia and China joining forces in the Arctic

    1. Is India going to be part of Russia & China for Arctic force in future.

    2. If all countries going to Arctic for natural Resources, what will happen
    to arctic in future?

    3. Finally Sea Level is going to raise. Why United Nation is not banning.

    4. What is Europe and US Stand....

    Please comment.

    Senthil Kumar

  50. Malaysia Buys 400 ATGMs from Pakistan

    Pakistan Navy Gets Behr Masah Survey Vessel from China

    To SENTHIL KUMAR: This gives a comprehensive picture of China-Russia cooperation in all spheres:

    And this is where all leaders of the separatist ULFA & NDFB groups are being given sanctuary:

  51. Dear Sir,

    Malaysia really bought these? How accurate is the news report? don't see any reports in Pak press at all.

    How effective is this system and have they kept it upgraded, i.e. tandem charge, etc…? I saw recently a video of it apparently (???) taking out a T-90 belong to the Syrian Army?

    If this system is really that affective, then our units have a real problem on their hands. What is your take on it?


    Ps. Thank you for answering the question above. Not sure who this maulana is or the weight he holds with their public. Tried finding anything in English on him, not much luck. I guess they have '000 of these coming out of their madressahs?

  52. A new Chinese Infantry rifle.

    Pak IAKN condemning Russia for Chechen counter terror operations in this video.
    Such a deceitful nation with only goal for entire nation is to destroy India .
    Russia hopefully dont fall trap for the new china powered diplomacy of pak with them.
    And India hopefully has some active plans to counter Katarpur deceit and hibrid war.
    other qs
    How long will Pak and China continue hybrid warfare using climate , natural calamities , crimes , accidents against India ?
    Are there quid pro quo actions from India as well on pak , china for these hibrid wars?


  54. Prasun Da,
    Here is a news: .

  55. China's AI Strategy:

    Greg Allen, Chief of Strategy and Communications at the Defense Department’s Joint Artificial Intelligence Center, pointed out in February paper for CNAS, that the Chinese company Ziyan is negotiating to sell its Blowfish A2 to the governments of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (

    The Chinese company Ziyan markets the Blowfish A3, essentially a helicopter drone outfitted with a machine gun. Ziyan says it “autonomously performs more complex combat missions, including fixed-point timing detection, fixed-range reconnaissance, and targeted precision strikes.” “Despite expressing concern on AI arms races, most of China’s leadership sees increased military usage of AI as inevitable and is aggressively pursuing it. China already exports armed autonomous platforms and surveillance AI,” wrote Allen (

    Chinese scientists recently unveiled two papers at the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence and each points to the future of Chinese research into predictive policing.

    One explains how to more easily recognize faces by compressing a Deep Neural Network, or DNN, down to a smaller size. “The expensive computation of DNNs make their deployment difficult on mobile and embedded devices,” it says. Read that to mean: here’s a mathematical formula for getting embedded cameras to recognize faces without calling up a distant database (

    The second paper proposes software to predict the likelihood of a “public security event” in different Chinese provinces within the next month. Some of the events include the legitimately terrifying “campus attack” or “bus explosion” to the more mundane sounding, “strike event” or “gather event,” all on a scale of severity from 1 to 5. To build it, the researchers relied on a dataset of more than 12,324 disruptive occurrences that took place across different provinces going back to 1998 ( It’s the Chinese government’s definition of “terrorism” that is troubling, since the government has used the phantom of public unrest to justify the arrests of peaceful dissidents, such as women’s rights worker Rebiya Kadeer. Those fears increased after the Chinese government passed new anti-terror legislation in December that expanded government surveillance powers and that compels foreign technology companies to assist Chinese authorities in data collection efforts against Chinese citizens. Specifically, the law says that telecommunication and technology companies “shall provide technical interfaces, decryption and other technical support and assistance to public security and state security agencies when they are following the law to avert and investigate terrorist activities.”

    Last Thursday, the Pentagon published ethical guidelines for the development and use of artificial intelligence by prominent organizations (

    In the above context, what's India's AI strategy?

  56. How Smaller States are Choosing Sides in the Indian Ocean:

    China and instability in developing countries:

    Talk: Assessing South Asian security: challenges, opportunities and prospects

    UK wants to propel India’s aircraft-carrier ambitions:

  57. US army seems to be in mood to select 6.8 mm as the new caliber, what is the thought process of the Indian armed


  58. If SC reverses its own clean chit to rafale procurement in upcoming rafale judgement review petition, what are the option for govt safeguard rafle contract??

  59. To DASHU: Without a doubt, all those VVIP politicians from India who had gone over to Sri Kartarpur Sahib yesterday had to eat/drink poison & meekily submit to the utterly evil & unreligious Pakistani machinations that the world world bore witness to. Just go through all the filth & shit that was heaped upon the visiting Indian VVIPs over the past 48 hours:

    This is the price that one has to pay when myopic mindsets prevail. Hence, real-estates like Sri Kartarpur get overshadowed by jingoistic narratives about the battle of Basantar in the Shakargarh Bulge in December 1971.

    Meanwhile, the hapless farmers whose land was acquired for renovating & expanding Sri Kartarpur Gurdawara have not been paid yet. They have been ffered PKR.7/8 Lakh per acre when the market price is PKR.40/50 Lakh.

    And why the hell is she whining & moaning:

    How can her son be sent into exile by India when he happens to be a British citizen? Or maybe she does not know that the only birthright any citizen in any country enjoys is the right to a birth certificate. Everything else that comes later, like citizenship, social security, passport, driving licence, ration card, voter ID card etc etc are all PRIVILEGES. And as per the laws of the land, privileges can always be withdrawn as per the prerogative of the concerned govt.

    To RAGHU: The offer was made way back in 2016 & that’s why Goa Shipyard Ltd has been marketing it to the MoD, as evidenced by these GSL exhibits & posters shown at the DEFEXPO-2016 expo:

    Back in the 1990s GSL brochures used to show similar data & photos of Intermarine’s Lerichi-class GRP-hulled MCMVs.

  60. To RAD: How can the Barak-8 be cued by AEW & CS platforms? Furthermore, over mountainous terrain where MRCAs can easily engage in terrain-masking, how can any engagement radar illuminate any airborne target beyond 2 minutes at most when LR-SAMs typically require at least 7 minutes of target illumination by such ground-based radars? The video of the SLBM launch shows the K-15 being fired, but only the accompanying audio narrative mentions the K-4. Had explained it above 2 days ago.

    To ANUP: Anything like MCMVs from anywhere is a good option for as long as they are procured off-the-shelf, since the acquisition cost will then be affordable. If only eight vessels are to be licence-built, then the cost will be prohibitively high, just like the costs for licence-building only 2 Project 1135.6 FFGs by GSL. And in the end, such nonsensical policies only causes the IN to keep crying out loud for additional funding & cribbing about budgetary constraints. Lastly, what has come out of the industrial partnership between GRSE & Kockums of Sweden under which Kockums has assisted GRSE fabricate GRP-composite sections of the 4th Project 28 ASW corvette that still awaits commissioning?

    To RAT2: Those are replenishment rounds. The original deal was struck in the previous decade. And I had already revealed it here:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) That was meant to happen, since the entire project was structured in an UN-COMMERCIAL MANNER. How come? Because the MoD since the previous decade wanted to build the first 2 vessels at the OEM’s shipyard abroad, followed by 1 each to be built by a private-sector shipyard & a DPSU shipyard, i.e. two Indian shipyards are to learn to build the same type of vessel, leading to needless duplication. 2) Why should one require the A400M when the C-17a Globemaster-IIIs are already in-service? 3) Offer had been made weay back in 2015 & any offer to licence-build a very small number of such vessels is UN-COMMERCIAL & COST-PROHIBITIVE. 5) The ATGMs were sold to Malaysia way back in the previous decade. This is just a follow-on order. 6) That’s because India lacks the ability to launch offensive cyber-attacks. 7) Cost escalation is due to additional self-protection fitments on those T-90S MBTs, like active protection systems & radar/laser warners. 8) Then now is the time to devise a credible scheme under which all Indian citizens can be convinced by the GoI to declare their gold jewelry assets without any fear of being taxed.

    To VENKY: India’s armed forces will stick to 7.62 x 51 SLRs.

    To AMIT BISWAS: How can the SC reverse its own earlier judgment when the CAG has already given the contract a clean chit? Will the SC question the credibility of the CAG & appoint its own team of auditors? Highly & definitely unlikely.

  61. Excellent documentaries:

    The Making of the Royal Navy's Queen Elizabeth Aircraft Carrier & F-35 JSF Carrier Qualification:

    Making of Royal Navy's Type-45 DDG:

    How a FFG Undergoes Mid-Life Refit:

    Wonder why no one in India has the brains to come up with similar documentaries on INS Vikramaditya, or the making of the IAC-1/Vikrant & Project-15A/Project-15B DDGs.

  62. You are of the opinion of not opening Kartarpur corridor??....are youu dying indin leadership fell trap to evil idea of isi and PA??

  63. Does india has any OEM for making marine shaft of such long length??

    Also does any INS has bow thruster???also these bow thruster are electric driven or not please confirm??

    Meanwhile kudos to you for identifying megapitstop show on YouTube even though no warship equipment and weapon system was shown and only industrial engineering equipment was shown...

    Btw we Indians are so hypercritical about anything we do , esp govt employees that it took a training supdt of NPCIL kudankulam to deny cyber attacks within hours of news nad later admitting about's called refusing to learn syndrome as u correctly we should not expect any such documentary from india or indian navy

  64. Those VVIPs thoroughly deserve that Sir. Unnecessarily aatish taseer is getting limelight thanks to some unethical vested interest journos. Sometimes I wonder all these are part of some sort of script directed from somewhere.
    But, the lack of ability to launch offensive cyber-attacks is worrisome and dangerous, to say the least.

  65. What do think of yesterdays decision for ayodhya dispute..I think SC has set dangerous precedent by giving judgement on their views instead of solid physical evidence..
    Doing this now any group can demolish a mosques across mathura, Varanasi etc and file a case in court for land
    This will further polarise the society more than it is right now


  66. @Ron
    Opposition to the facts of the case is ideological and not logical. Hence you can never convince these left idiologues.

    The netire evidence of the template, the pillars with figures that support the current structure below, the garvagriha, the deity bathing watertank with varaha-murti have all been delligently documented by ISI.

    The supreme court has deliberated on all evidence in depth. In fact this case has been the 2nd longest in the history of court system in India.

    All the evidences that has been unearthed and been considered by the honorable Supreme Court, now that the case is over, will be published in a book by ASI soon. So its time to end the spereading of conspiracy theories. Although I doubt the lefties and the commies disinformation campaign will go on. They still smear anybody who is not in there side of ideology, as Hitler.


  67. Prasunda,

    you wrote "This is the price that one has to pay when myopic mindsets prevail. Hence, real-estates like Sri Kartarpur get overshadowed by jingoistic narratives...."

    The real tragedy is when leaders like Sidhu forget what happened to Sikhs during partition.

    George Santayana who wrote those iconic words - "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - is going to be proved prophetic again!!!

    We are sleep-walking into another crisis, thanks to these short-term-popularity seeking politicians.


  68. @Kane
    "The netire evidence of the template, the pillars with figures that support the current structure below, the garvagriha, the deity bathing watertank with varaha-murti have all been delligently documented by ISI"

    these were not found in that place period it is verified by two professors
    just go through this article u will get to know how ASI was forced to fabricate evidence


  69. To AMIT BISWAS: What I had stated was that it was the mistakes of the 1971 war-planning effort for the western front that led to places like Sri Kartarpur & Umerkot lying inside Pakistan today. Tactical victories of a temporary nature were subsequently used for supressing the truth about gaping strategic failures. It has already been explained here:

    As for bow/stern thrusters, all the information is available here:

    To RON: You’re totally wrong in your conclusions, since the Indian Supreme Court delivered its verdict on the basis of available material evidence & the verdict therefore was flawless. And here are the material evidences that were presented:

    In the middle ages, several temples were destroyed to make way for mosques because the Muslim rulers, in order to ensure speedy construction, did not embark upon greenfield projects & instead chose to make use of the foundations that had already existed for previous gigantic structures like temples. The relics found underneath Babri Masjid by archaeologists do not conclusively prove that a previous place fo worship lies underneath. In fact it can easily be a palace or a majestic residential premises. But what remains undeniable is that the excavated structures were all built in the pre-Islamic era & therefore in terms of real estate, such excavated structures could not have been built by Muslims & consequently, the pre-Islamic owners of the real estate on which such such excavated relics were found also cannot be Muslims. It is an open-n-shut case, which is exactly why no Muslim religious organisation/board now wants to contest the Supreme Court’s verdict anymore.

    To KANE: I was in fact referring to the original sin, i.e. it was the mistakes of the 1971 war-planning effort (due to the utterly brain-dead higher directions of war issued by the then Indira Gandhi-led Govt) for the western front that led to places like Sri Kartarpur & Umerkot lying inside Pakistan today. Tactical victories of a temporary nature were subsequently used for supressing the truth about gaping strategic failures. It has already been explained here:

    And here are some interesting research materials:

    Since independence, Pakistan had 24% minority population and now it has reduced to 2%. And after the Babri Masjid demolition, more than 250 temples & Gurudwaras were razed to the ground in both Pakistan & Bangladesh. And yet, such factoids continue to elude the brainwashed Pakistanis, who continue to live in a state of denial & peddle out such gross historical distortions:

    Uzbekistan's China-supplied FD-2000 LR-SAM:

    1. What you said about strtaegic blunders is also echoed by mr Pravin swahney, that in western sector Pakistan army nad airforce are not pushovers and had always given befitting reply to indian advances in all wars...also he said Pakistan forces provide credible deterrence to India at a much cheaper nad effective way....

  70. Prasun da,

    Why the journalist don't do homework before publishing this type of article, how ASTRA can be integrated on Mirage 2000 aircraft when it has Russian seeker.

  71. Prasunda,

    Just a query! Do you think that Jaguar (DARIN II or III any version) has any chance of defeating Pakistani air defense system and neutralize targets ? If not then why we are upgrading those Jaguars ?
    Best regards,
    Parthasarathi Dasgupta.


  72. hi prasun
    is it true that MBDA turned down the request of the IAF to integrate the meteor on the mirage 2000? is it that they want to seel the costlier mica ng?
    after all the radar and the missile are french so what would be so costly?

    the alternative babri masjid to be built will be massive as all the muslim countries and indians will donate to prove apoint ?

    given the excaliber we can safely take out any thing within 40 km ,so risky cross border attacks wont be neccessary?
    why does pak sacrifice ssg commandos so frequently?

    is it not a good idea for a kalyani 105mm truck mounted system at the border for good fire power and then retreat avoiding counter battery fire??

  73. " Indian Supreme Court delivered its verdict on the basis of available material evidence & the verdict therefore was flawless"

    nobody is denying this fact but there are hundreds of mosques built upon temples in India so now if any fringe group want to rebuilt the temple on mosque in mathura or varanasi or any other place(like Taj mahal) all they do need demolish it and file a case in SC. With both Judiciary and GOI support they can rebuilt a temple.
    Is this right thing to do?

  74. Army Akash SAM system on move by rail.

  75. The international community has not taken this as impartial decision by the Supreme Court going by their comments. It is seen as a political decision, I am afraid.

    Re-percentage of minorities in Pakistan. Am I correct that the 24% covered both east and west Pakistan at partition? Where did majority of these than reside, East (now Bangladesh) or West Pakistan? What happened to these minorities? Where are they or their descendants now?

    Kind regards,

  76. it is unislamic to build a mosque over a disputed land or the worshiping place of other as per Islamic jurisprudence. It is Haram to do so. At least this is what they say Muhammad preached according to some Sahih Hadith. Anyhow, any mosque is just a place to get together for mass prayer and can be established or destroyed. There is nothing sacred about the mosque except the bait ul Allah i e Kaaba. So Muslims should have themselves done this correction long time ago. Badmaashian krne ki aadat ne mazhab tak ko masq kar diya hai.

    1. Wah wah sahil bhai wah.. Maan Gaye tumko.. Kasam se tum jaise 100 log bhi hojayein na iss desh m to India m koi problem hi na Ho.. Sach ko pakad ke bole Ho ye baat..

  77. Final Episode of F-35 JSF Weapons Qualification on QE Aircraft Carrier
    of Royal Navy:

    USS Florida:

    Seven Infamous Interrogation Centres of J & K:

    How To Journey Through Kartarpur Corridor:

    The Kartarpur Corridor, which was inaugrated on November 9, attracted 562 pilgrims in the first official Jatha. On the second day 229 pilgrims crossed over from India and the number came down to 130 on the third day. The main reason for such a low turnout is the US$20 fee each pilgrim and the compulsory requirement for carrying Passports.

    To PARTHASARATHI DASGUPTA: Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 isn't a MRCA & therefore whenever it undertakes strike or tactical interdiction missions, it will always be accompanied by MRCAs as part of an integrated strike package.

    To RAD: The meteor has 2 secure on-board data-links, of which only 1 can go on-board the Mirage-2000 & hence a Meteor BVRAAM carried by any Mirage-2000 will be terribly under-utilised. If any alternate Masjid is to be built, you can bet it won't be called BABRI Masjid because the original Babri Masjid was named after Babur, the Chugatai Turk (equivalent of present-day Uzbek), which in itself was a negation of Islamic principles, since Islam forbids the naming of mosques after indiviuduals. The PA does not employ SSG commandos for crossing the LoC. Those who cross are from the 'Mujahid Force', which till the 1970s were independent of the PA. Here is a description of them & their activities during the 1965 war:

    To RON: You obviously haven;t read the SC's judgement & hence are unbaware of the laws designed to deter such incidents. So, kindly read the judgement here:

    As for preventing any act of desecration of any place of worship or historical structure, laws already exist, but if any govt fails to enforce such laws, then the law itself cannot be blamed. In any case, there is another case under trial in the courts against all those accused of demolishing the Babri Masjid in December 1992 & that judgement will be the most awairted one.

    To RUPERT: During Partition, 60% of the Muslim population of Pakistan were residing in East Pakistan. Furthermore, the exodus of non-Muslims from both what would later be East & West Pakistan had begun in 1946 & by September 1947, minorities made up only 24% of the combined population of East & West Pakistan. As I had explained earlier as well, about 20% of the minorities subsequently migrated from both Bangladesh & Pakistan to India, the UK, Canada, Australia, etc etc in 1965, 1971, 1984 & in 1993.

    To SAAHIL: That's exactly what enlightened individuals like Lt Gen (Ret'd) Zamiruddin Shah had advocated, but it seems the bulk of the Muslim parties/groups did not possess the kind of intellectual & spiritual maturity that Lt Gen Shah does.

  78. PrasunDa,

    In this article the author talks about three converging technologies in the defence industry - open systems design, agile cloud-based software, and digital engineering.

    I do have some knowledge about digital engineering but will you please provide some insight about

    1 Open systems design and

    2 Agile cloud-based software

    In other words, why these technologies are important in the defence industry ?

    Thank You


  79. Further to your comments.

    The minority migrants from Pakistan to the west or Australia are not substantial as most of the migrants ethnicity(e.g. Gujrati, Punjabi, Bengali, Pakistani, Indian) is well recorded and can be accessed as percentages, including the dates of arrival. (Most of the migrants from India are either Sikh or Hindu, from Pakistan are moslim or ahmadi, Bangladesh are moslems).

    That means most of the minorities ended up in India. Question is where do most of the minority migrants from West Pakistan reside in India (apart from small numbers in Rajasthan)?

    Unless we can prove where the minority migrants went from West Pakistan, the logical conclusion is either they have been Eliminated, Converted, Migrated and assimilated into the general populace in India or that the substantial minority population in Pakistan was actually in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

    The population data from the 1940-50 seems to shows most of the minorities were residing in East Pakistan to begin with.

    Happy to be guided by you and any member reading this, with evidence.


  80. Dada what happened to Jaguar re-engine deal? Read somewhere that it may gonna equip with indegenous option which may not get as much thrust as honeywell engine. Secondly where are we in deal for 21 Mig 29 upg?

  81. Prasun da, I have been following the whole Kartarpur episode and convinced beyond doubt that most Sikhs in Canada, US and UK are not only supporters of Khalistan but also have immense hatred for Hindus. This will surely have adverse impact in Punjab. We should have never agreed to this so-called corridor but the govt went ahead thinking that not doing so would create resentment in Punjab. Pakistan has played a smart game. Notice how over the years their politicians and ISPR celebs would always visit Golden Temple on their visit to India, but never a Hindu temple. In Kartarpur they and Ghafoor's media persons were present with heads covered and created an event to earn sympathy of Sikhs. These are the same people who otherwise never ever visit a non-Muslim place of worship. We have walked into a trap. Hope GoI, Punjab govt and security agencies are ready to deal with any challenge.


  82. hi prasun

    i was surprised that the meteor has 2 data links , usually there is one for data exchange to and fro to the parent aircraft , i wonder what the other one is for >?

    this brings me to the next question is whether the astra has a similar 2 data links or one ?

    i just dont get the philosophy of french air to air combat employing shorter range micas when it has been clearly proven that it is advantageous for a longer range missile like what happened in the recent stand off?

    IS there any chance that the derby can be fired at from the 2052 aesa radar on the darin 3 jaguar if integrated ?
    I t will change it into a multi role fighter with self defence and avoid the cost and risk of a nother supporting aircraft?

  83. To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) Open Systems Design is the same as open architecture that enables plug-n-play activities. 2) Kindly read this:

    Meanwhile, here’s the latest addition to the PAF Museum’s list of exhibits:

    PoK Woes:

    To RUPERT: It is all explained in great detail here:

    The minorities from West Pakistan between 1946 & the late 1950s all settled down in today’s Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, J & K and in today’s national capital region (NCR).

  84. To ANUP: Only 3.43 lakh Army soldiers and personnel from the central armed police forces (CAPF) are posted in Jammu & Kashmir—contrary to the figure of 9 lakh quoted by many, including Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan—and a majority of them are deployed along the Line of Control (LoC) on anti-infiltration duties. If one takes into account the figures of the IA personnel alone, only 1.68 lakh soldiers are posted in J & K—including in the hinterlands and along the LoC. The overall deployment of security personnel in J & K hinterland stands at 2.31 lakh. Of these 2.31 lakh security personnel, 1.6 lakh is derived from the CAPF, a significant number of which was deployed just ahead of the Narendra Modi government’s decision to scrap Article 370 in J & K in August. This apart, a total of 1.12 lakh security personnel are posted along the LoC—including over 14,000 from the Border Security Force. Thus, the overall figure of security personnel posted in Jammu & Kashmir is 3.43 lakh—1,68,440 being IA personnel. These personnel, both CAPFs and IA, are deployed for various purposes. These include giving security to important shrines like Vaishno Devi, Raghunath Mandir in Jammu, Hazrat Bal in Srinagar, government installations, counter-terrorism operations, keeping the line of communications open and the counter-infiltration grid at the LoC, besides administrative and other works. Of the entire number (3.43 lakh security personnel), nearly 50,000 troops are from the RR battalions (Rashtriya Rifles), posted in the hinterlands and they are spread throughout. A total of 2,31,960 security personnel have been deployed by the central government in J & K’s hinterlands—it includes personnel from the IA’s Srinagar-based 15 Corps, Nagrota-based 16 Corps and CAPF. The number includes about 7,200 regular soldiers, besides about 50,000 from the RR units, which are meant for counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations. Also deployed are a total of 1,60,560 CAPF personnel—largely from Central Reserve Police Force, Indo-Tibetan Border Police (not including the ones posted along the Line of Actual Control or LAC), Sashastra Seema Bal, Border Security Force, among others. The other forces totalling the overall figure of 2.31 lakh are personnel from the Army’s Signals Corps, which looks after Army communications and tech intelligence, besides regular soldiers at Force Headquarters, Brigade Headquarters and the RR Headquarters. The figure of 2.31 lakh includes personnel from the Engineers and Army Service Corps. A total of about 1.12 lakh security personnel are posted along the LoC, which includes those deployed in anti-infiltration grids, air defence, Armoured Corps and Artillery Corps. The figure includes personnel of the Signals Corps, RR, Engineers and the Army Service Corps. Pakistan has deployed about 87,500 ‘regular’ soldiers, which include their commandos, along the LoC. ‘Irregulars’ (Mujahid Force) also man the LoC, but their numbers are not known. ‘Irregulars’ are those who are not part of the Pakistan Army but operate along with the soldiers.

  85. @Rupert
    The genocidal killing of Hindus in East Pakistan and Later in Bangladesh has been documented in various studies. Please read this

    The genocide, forced convertions and literally driving away of Hindus from West Pakistan has been documented in this free-to-read-online book...The Partition of the Punjab and of Bengal by O. H. K. Spate at this link...

    Its futile to try and downplay the genocide and driving away of Hindus in particular and minorities in general from Pakistan, both East and West, where 2.5 million Hindu s were killed by the Pakistani Army (see the first link right on top). This has been corraborated by the published telegrams sent by the erstwhile US council general for East Pakistan, during the 1970's Archer Blood, in the book The Blood Telegrams.

    This tendency to overlook the killings & driving away of biblical proportions, of hindu and other minorities in Pakistan West and East has been one of the greavest crimes of 20th Century.

    The ENTIRE Second World War created something between 11 to 20 million homeless people, displaced from their original homeland.

    Indian Partition created 15 million, out of which only the Hindus from East Bengal comprise a staggering 7 to 8 million. Sindh in East Pakistan was alone 25% Hindus. Which now has around 1%.


  86. @Rupert ... further

    You would do well to read Richard Dalrymple's great divide...

    Although a lot of people equate the muslim migration to Pakistan to be also of a major eqavalence, one must remember that the provices made into West Pakistan were all heavily muslim majority and the "Mujahirs" that went to West Pakistan were mostly settled in Karachi and the a relatively minor number of Muslim Pubjabi's from east Punjab went across into West Punjab.

    While the muslims in West Bengal mostly remained in the West, while all 25% Hindus of East Pakistan dropped to just 8% after 1971 and now only 6 percent.

  87. To KAPIL: Back in the 1980s Pakistan was able to actively support the Khalistan movement simply because the India-Pakistan IB at that time wasn’t fenced. The fencing of the IB was completed only sometime in 1989 & after that all forms of physical intervention ceased. It took another 2 years for the Indian security forces to weed out the last native vestiges of the movement & since then all efforts to revive the movement inside Punjab have failed. Why? Because there’s no longer any grassroots-level support available anymore & anyone living outside India may try every possible means to propagate disinformation, but all this will have ZERO impact on the ground inside Punjab. Hence, no amount of posters or audio/video propaganda will be able to resurrect the movement inside India. The only way resurrection can take place is through active intervention from across the IB, which is almost impossible & hence the desperate efforts of some inside Pakistan to make use of hexa-copters & quad-copters for flying above the fenced IB & trying to land inside Indian Punjab.

    However, I’m surprised by the Govt of India’s continuing silence on what constitutes a gross violation of Indian airspace by Pakistan-based entities. By now I was expecting that India would treat such violations of the IB as an act of war & raise hell at the UN, while at the same time bringing out all the recovered material evidence in the open domain through a press-conference of the kind staged by Saudi Arabia where all recovered debris from the Iranian drone strikes against Saudi refineries & fuel-storage tanks was shown to the whole world.

    To RAD: The other data-link is for receiving course-corrections from third-party friendly aircraft. Astra-1 is like any other conventional BVRAAM & hence does not fall in the same category as the Meteor. Longer-range BVRAAMs like Meteor that also have higher speeds can be effectively employed in BOTH the tail-chase & head-on engagement modes, whereas BVRAAMs like MICA & Astra-1 are optimised for use ONLY in the head-on engagement mode when the enemy aircraft is coming closer to the BVRAAM. Consequently, a longer-range BVRAAM with the same speed as MICA/Astra-1/AMRAAM/R-77/Derby won’t offer any advantages at all. On the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3, the EL/M-2052’s antenna diameter is far lesser than that meant for Tejas Mk.1A or any other MRCA. And this in turn prevents the optimal use of any BVRAAM by the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 aircraft. In addition, only MRCAs with high thrust-to-weight ratios have superior climb rates, which is mandatory if one wishes to get into an advantageous position before firing BVRAAMs. Here to the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 lags far behind. Hence, usage of BVRAAMs by such an aircraft is a no-brainer.


  89. Prasun da,

    What could be the next move by the petitioners they won't give up so easily

  90. Sir,

    LCA Navy makes successful night time arrested landing in Goa

    Any chance Navy order Naval Tejas?

  91. Prasun da,

    What's the significance of this ride

  92. Sir,

    HAL HTT-40 spin parachute & other system's developed by Russia?

  93. Prasun sir, in ur reply to rad u said that the other data link is for third party aircraft..
    1- does that mean after rafale fires meteor it doesnot have to give midcourse update and can simply go cold while the mid course updates can come from a deel far away AWACS???
    2- while i hv read reports that drdo has promised indigineous astraSFDR will be superior to meteor cauz of different battery, does sfdr will also come with 2 datalinks like meteor??
    3- since meteor is so capable than other existing missiles..wud it not be economical to go for only one type of bvr missile like meteir and one type of wvr missile like asraam or r73?

  94. @Kane/Anon,

    Thank you for your links, much appreciated. I had already read some of this material and the other I will go through in detail. However we need to be able to quantify with evidence when statements are made. One thing the data and your comments make clear is that most of the minorities in Pakistan were in what was East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Regarding Sind I think your figures are pre-Partition. As majority of these minorities lived in few main cities/towns in what was Sind. When the moslems from India were settled by the Pakistanis in Sindhi cities. These urban minorities moved to India in-mass. This is documented to a degree in diplomatic cables and news press of the time (in Pakistan). The rural minorities being protected by the tribes of Sind remained and to a degree still remain and form over 9% of the population there according to the latest Pakistani census data. I have yet to see any evidence of genocide of minorities in West Pakistan (now Pakistan) after the partition period.


  95. Dear Prasun,

    Now that a clean chit has been given to Govt over Rafale case, di you think that now it should move fast to acquire another lots of crafts from France?

  96. @Rupert
    According to Pakistan Census site updated 2019 says the population in Sindh of hindus both rural and urban is 6.1% and not 9%; which was around 40%+ pre 1947 and 25% in 1950.

    You can get a very details picture on the agendy of elimination of minorities from the book written by Farahnaz Ispahani on "Slow genocide of minorities in Pakistan", since Zia-ul-Haq's time. Farahnaz Ispahani was no Indian dispensing false propaganda about Pakistan. She was the media advisor to the president of Pakistan from 2008 to 2012.
    Slow genocide of minorities in Pakistan

    She blames the successive Pakistan presidents and prime ministers for launching a slow genocide against minorities in the country to shore up their political base. She specifically blames Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, the Pak army general who was the country’s 6th president, for creating a militant group to target Shias, Ahmadis, Hindus and Christians.

    I think we should drop the rose tinted glasses and see Pakistan for what it really is. Its for minorities a genocidal line of regimes hell bent on "purifying" the land of the pure to that utopia of Islam, which now has been declared officially by Imran Khan and his ruling party to be "Riyasat-e-Madina".

    Expect even more exodus of monorities from the "Riyasat-e-Madina", the government of the pure. Sounds very much like the purity that was attempted once by the National Socialists in Germany.



  97. This news is interesting, IAF was right in selecting Rafale. Any other plane would have left us without a triad.



  98. To NAG: There’s nothing magical about it at all, just pure adherence to scientific procedures & methodologies.

    To SIDHARTH & ASD: Here’s the full judgement:

    And here are the predictable responses:

    To ANWAY: How can LCA (Navy) be ordered when the internal storage bays & external parking bays of both INS Vikramaditya & the IAC-1/Vikrant have been designed to accommodate only the MiG-29K? Also, arrested landing on a SBTF is totally different from landings on the actual aircraft carrier. It is landing on the latter that helps in validating the actual structural strength/tolerances of the aircraft’s landing gear.

    To SIDHARTH & ANUP: Any ride on-board an experimental aircraft is worthless. Only rides in airworthiness-certified aircraft count. HAL in trying to keep the HTT-40’s acquisition costs low is trying to outsource components from Russia.

    To SUJIT: 1) From either an AEW & CS aircraft or even any other MMRCA. 2) Those claims can easily be dismissed. And for SFDR-equipped BVRAAM like Astra-2 to become effective, it will require two separate data-links on-board. 3) BVRAAMs like meteor are too expensive to be procured in large numbers. Hence the need to develop cheaper ‘desi’ alternatives like SFDR-equipped Astra-2.

  99. After exhaustive ground-based systems integration tests & test-flights, the IN’s upgraded Ka-28PLs are now being readied for delivery. The principal challenges were 2: harmonising the airworthiness certification protocols of 2 separate regimes, i.e. the Russian GOST & NATO’s MIL-STD, DEF-STAN & STANAG. Those interested can read more on such standards here:

    Russia’s GOST Standard


    The 2nd challenge involved interfacing the Ka-28PL’s electric power generation system with the voltage reqmts of non-Russia mission hardware. The Ka-28PL’s electrical system includes two independently operating AC generators and two batteries that cut in automatically or manually via inverters after an AC generating system failure. After failure of either generator, the other is switched automatically to supply both circuits. Two rectifiers supply DC power.

    Non-Russia mission hardware installed includes the following:

    ATOS-LW mission-management system

    Osprey MMR



    HF/VHF/UHF SDRs & IFF transponders & FDR/CVRs are all of India-origin.

    Background data on the Ka-28PL had been uploaded earlier here:

  100. Prasun sir, now i know why iaf was fixed on rafale so dearly..i mean superb rafale -meteor capability , just fire a meteor and go our air force really knows what it wants..
    1- Since even mirage 2000 being a bigger aircraft than tejas wud not be able to comprise 2 datalinks for meteor..can tejas with its small airframe be able to comprise 2 datalinks for either meteor or desi sfdr astra mk2?
    2- since the rafale bogey has been shot down by supreme court for once and forever..can we expect 114 more rafale to be signed quickly?
    3- can the weapons load capability of tejas mk1a airframes increased during their mid life upgrade?
    4- it seems dassault has plans to keep rafale worthy as far as 2070..which means many more advanced tech. Like artificial intelligence can be embedded in it?

  101. France has laid out the upgrade path it intends to rollout for the Dassualt Rafale to keep the M-MRCA in air force and naval service through to about 2070, a senior service official said on 13 November. Speaking at the IQPC International Fighter conference in Berlin, Major General Frederic Parisot, Deputy Chief of Staff, Plans and Programmes, French Air Force (Armée de l’Air: AdlA), said that there will likely be a further four upgrade phases for the platform beyond the latest F3R configuration currently being rolled out, and that it is the country’s plan for the Rafale to serve as the force-multiplier alongside the New Generation Fighter (NFG) currently being developed with Germany and Spain as part of the wider Future Combat Air System (FCAS)/Système de Combat Aérien Futur (SCAF). The Rafale’s current F3R configuration features major software and hardware upgrades that include the integration of the MBDA Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM) and the latest laser-guided version of the Sagem Armement Air-Sol Modulaire (AASM) modular air-to-ground precision weapon; the Thales RBE2 active electronic scanned array (AESA) radar; the Thales TALIOS long-range airborne targeting pod; and automatic ground collision avoidance system (Auto-GCAS); an improved buddy-buddy refuelling pod; as well as the Spectra electronic warfare system. The F4 standard plans to operate between 2023 and 2030, and it adds enhancements to the Thales RBE2 active electronic scanned array (AESA) radar, the TALIOS pod, and the Reco NG reconnaissance pod; upgrades to the aircraft’s communications suite; improved pilot helmet-mounted displays; a new engine control unit; and the ability to carry new weaponry such as the Mica Next-Generation (NG) air-to-air missile and 1,000 kg AASM. Further to the software and hardware improvements, the F4 upgrade will include a satellite antenna, as well as a new prognosis and diagnostic aid system designed to introduce predictive maintenance capabilities.

  102. Tom Lantos Human Rights Commnision Hearings on J & K:

    India's Stinging Riposte Against Pakistan at UNESCO:

    Excellent Read on the Ayodhya Structures:

    To SUJIT: 1. There's no more space left inside Tejas Mk.1A or Mk.1 because even MAWS sensors cannot go inside those airframes. Hence the need for the MWF-AF Mk.2. 2) No, ordering 114 in one go will be far too expensive. The orders will have to be broken down into smaller tranches. 3) Not weapons-load, but weapons capacity. Smaller diameter PGMs can be carried in greater numbers. 4) AI? What's exactly AI? Like self-healing/self-correcting software? Don't be fooled by all these buzzwords that some bureaucrats from NITI Aayog routinely utter thinking that they understand everything contemporary, but in essence they in reality end up making fools of themselves.

  103. @Kane,

    Thank you for your response. I am talking about minorities 9+% and you are talking about Hindus. The census figures support that. Not sure where you get the other figures from. I am really keen to have quantifiable figures. The rest is as they say hearsay.

    Just because someone in high position wrote a book doesn't mean anything especially in 3rd world. Most of these are not earned by merit but by the influence of friends and family (her husband is Husain Haqqani). Regardless of who they are they have to provide evidence and references. Otherwise its fictional work. Like I said before, if the numbers you say are correct. What happened to them? Where are they now? That's the evidence I am looking for.

    This number (in millions) of people cannot just disappear into the ether.


  104. Prasun, your reply to Sujit on Mk1a having no space .. the earlier version of mk2 was to have a 0.5 m fuselage plug-in just behind the cockpit.. why can't mk1a have it? I'm guesssing ADA might have had already done some number crunching for it before putting out the idea.. is it feasible?... It may require some testing .. but the benefits should outweigh the time

  105. Dear Prasun,
    Why there is no complete photo of INS Arihant and K4 missile available? What's so special and secret?

    Interesting point you mentioned about Rafale F4. Pls describe the advantages of dedicated satellite antenna in a war fighting scenario.

    Is Sako sniper rifle recently ordered by NSG better than scorpio TGT ordered by IA? Which one is better and why?

  106. To JUST_CURIOUS: Because the Tejas Mk.1A is nothing else but an upgraded version of the Tejas Mk.1, meaning its airframe dimensions are IDENTICAL/100% the same. A fuselage cannot be stretched without a corresponding stretching of all other parts of the airframe, i.e. the nose-section, the rear fuselage section & the wings. And if that were to be done, then it will result in an all-new airframe that requires an all-new FBW-FCS system & hence an all-new flight-test process & the changes at the shopfloor-level for making such all-new airframes will take another 6 years to reach fruition. Therefore, the Tejas Mk.1A airframe dimensions need to be left unaltered, while an all-new airframe design in the form of the MWF-AF Mk.2 needs to emerge.

    To VED: Photos & videos of both are available. No navy releases photos showing the entire superstructure of either the SSN or SSBN or SSGN. SATCOM antenna on MRCAs gives them extra redundancy in two-way comms channels/data-linking. NSG wants sniper rifles for counter-terror operations in urban terrain, whereas the IA’s sniper rifles are meant for use over varying types of terrain & at varying altitudes.

    Meanwhile, horrifying revelations are now emerging about the total lockdown prevalent in FATA since 2002 & in Balochistan since 2015, plus stone-age regulations that still prevail in KPK:

    Internment Camps:

    And new repressive guidelines have been issued for all educational institutions inside PoK:

    And the above will eventually lead to a repeat of this:

    Among The Believers:

    Glimpse into India’s information warfare domain:

    And China's way of doing the same:

  107. To RAT2: A mere 36 Rafales won’t tilt the military balance of power in India’s favour. Consequently, the minimum no reqd is 80 & the maximum no reqd is 126. Any airborne platform like UAS can easily be short down over contested airspace, but not over airspace that is clearly defined. But yes, once culpability is fully established beyond any doubt, then India’s military forces are legally justified in undertaking punitive strikes across the IB. But here again, this wasn’t done between February 27 & March 6 this year when Pakistani UAVs flew inside Indian airspace in both Gujarat & Rajasthan. In my view, the IAF was then perfectly capable of mounting punitive air-strikes across the IB & destroying the ground-control stations of those UAS platforms. Such ground-control stations are easily traceable through the monitoring of the two-way data-linking of the UAS with the ground-control station. The IAF has till this date not clarified or explained why this wasn;t done.

    As for Sri Kartarpur, one cannot expect everlasting gratitude from Sikhs in return for staging a one-off event like visa-free travel through the corridor. And that perhaps explains the lacklustre turnout of pilgrims from India, while the global economic downturn in turn has led to fewer Sikhs from outside India going to both Sri kartarpur & nankana Sahib. Here is a recent visual that shows the low turnout:

    Whether Pakistan gets to influence the Sikhs living outside India makes no difference to India at all since those Sikhs are all citizens of various other countries & as long as they don’t get to physically enter India to interact with Indian Sikhs in Punjab, no physical harm of any kind will befall India. The Sikhs based in both North America & Europe are therefore most welcome to do any amount of mischief they want to in their own countries & they will also face the consequences in the time to come. So by all means, let such Sikhs develop the best of kinship with both Pakistan & the Pakistani diaspora since this will only narrow the gap between the two & ultimately whenever Western anger is directed against any Muslim or Pakistani, the Sikhs will also be lumped together with such Pakistanis & will be at the receiving end of hate-crimes. In fact, this has already been happening.

    As for India’s Sikhs, they will continue to be patriotic Indians because of the following: 1) They know that the great majority of holy sites of their faith & belonging to all 10 Gurus is inside India, & not in any other country. 2) Sikhs continue to be persecuted in several areas of Pakistani Punjab & KPK, as a result of which only 50,000 of them remain inside Pakistan as of now. 3) Sikh history is replete with historical recordings about how their various Gurus were always at the receiving end of several brutal Muslim rulers. This reality can never be washed away or forgotten. The natives of Catalonia or Scotland never sought refuge inside Spain or the UK & instead they were at the receiving end of military conquests. The Sikhs residing in India are all either natives or are descendants of those who had sought refuge in India both before & after Partition & therefore they have never seen themselves as being victims of persecution of the type perpetrated by Pakistan. Hence, apples cannot be compared with oranges, like lumping together the Catalonians & Scots with the Sikh citizens of India, no matter how much Pakistan wants it to be.

  108. Sir is this totally true news,
    It say India order 464 tank from ofb and also in process to additional 464 tank from russia.fromer is true but later is true or not?

  109. What a futuristic new generation frigate design philosophy with 3d modelling

    Why doesnt IN goes for such compact design of ships with enhanced capability

  110. Finally indian navy achieved the feat of crashing first mig 29K

    1. Amit, first respect the men in uniform..2nd the news article says crashed due to overshooting runway , which is a total lie..the video of the mig 29k is already out and its engines were in flames, dunno why but probably bird hit or engine before u comment lines like" achieved the feat of crashing" ask urself first what r u capable of?? Ur not even eligible to touch any mig 29k..leave alone riding let me tell u all navies having aircraft carriers have lost aircrafts and indian navy fares very well..

    2. Are you stupid? It was a bird hit or are you implying that it is navy's job to control all the birds in Goa

    3. Don't comment in this way Biswas, like a taunt... Pilots would have tried to avoid flock of birds... They couldn't do it coz it may be unavoidable at that instant... N no force wants to "achieve feat of crashing it's aircraft..." Their are reasons for crashes... Still pilots survived saving civilains on ground too... That's great... be positive...

    4. Omg people with nationalism and patriotism up in sleeves are so much worried about my comments...dont you have any other work to do other than commenting on my post...btw tat post is addressed to blogger and not anybody with insecured feeling

    5. Btw Sujit i did sat in cockpit of mig 21, and touched il 76, il 78,touched and seen thd 1955 radar as per you criteria and many others .i dont respect anybody in uniform...i respect any person who deserves it

      For hoods : how cud any body conclude bird hit or human error or material was n light humour and better dont feel insecured by it

      For Ashish: you r refusing to learn my dear about the systematic malaise of the services

    6. a fool or what? Atleast double check before commenting so that u donot make a laughing stock out of urself man..i mean seriously what were u thinking while commenting these? Why did u even miss saying that u had also visited international space station..hahahahahahah..u didnot see the video before commenting otherwise u cud hv easily infered that it was a bird hit..and since ur in a defence related blog u r going to face nationalistic and patriotic people..which definitely u r not..and looking at ur comments i can be sure that ur one egoistical idiot with little sense..dun feel bad about the words since its u who said that only the deserving should be given respect , which u donot be useful in some way man..

    7. Omg sujit you are posessing super skill of infering bird hit from a video itself...hatsoff to your skill...then join hal or ada to develop some cutting edge tech instead of replying upon my post and wasting your time dude...nd if ur patriotic n nationalistic kindly devote your service to LoC against pakistan...we need more people like you...about the sense i have, you have no buisness to comment upon as this is not your may surely comment in your blog or elsewhere...i am already useful to by country by paying my taxes honestly and doing my duty timely...i can do that only dear...if u want to extend this drama come to my TL...dont make this forum your punching bag dude

    8. Dear Amit, I will take it as ur compliment and not only me but others aviation and defence enthusiasts who immediately inferred that it might have been a bird hit.. Thanku for that.. As for joining hal or Ada, that's exactly I have in my mind after I complete my m tech. 8 months from now..and about joining army and living on loc, be assured I always dreamt of joining army but not all are lucky to join this great service just like my knock knees din allow me to join nda even after passing ssb.. And for ur information my brother is in army serving in bihar regiment, my uncle is ex army.. So now u can know why I dun like unwanted comments on service people.. Granted ,healthy crticism is welcome but the way u commented it really made me sad but unfortunately instead of feeling wrong about what u did u went on glorifying urself as it touched ur ego.. And about this forum, this is not ur forum too so does that give me any rights to ask u to leave this forum?? Even I Dunn want to make this as my punching whether u understand ur folly or not, it depends upon ur wisdom..thats it I rest my case here.. Sorry Prasun sir, for unwanted comments on ur blog..

  111. Your views and updates on this input sir


    Why does Italy has to do in this??

  113. @Prasun da

    1. a mig 29k crashed today we are down 1 even before we can test the 2nd carrier, do you still feel we can make do with just these 44,

    i still say IN needs another 12 mig 29k not for sake of mothballed for spares but fully functionals jets so that all 56 of these jets can be rotated in deployment resulting in lesser wear and tear and corrosion on each jet,

    also last heard Russia was planning to build the last tranch of Mig 29k which means it is the last chance of IN to get the mig 29k

    2. btw anything on the TRM for AESA radar developed by Cyient which i gather is the size of a 5 star bar, has it been used in Uttam aesa radar


    Joydeep Ghosh

  114. The funny thing about this "Rupert" is that he makes statements without providing any shred of evidence himself. This Pakistani write "Moslems and Ahmadis" ...atleast when you are writing, do a good job of not exposing your mindset!. Ahmadis are considered non Muslims because Pakistani establishment did that to them.
    Second, he clearly does not know that large number of refugees and immigrants from West Pakistan were Hindus and Sikhs who settled in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, NCR Delhi and even Maharashtra.

    He uses these word " minorities being eliminated,... in India".

    @" Rupert"
    Sir, we do not have these tendencies to kill infidels wherever we find them! XD
    The Jews have been living in India for thousands of years...even a lost Jewish tribe is found practicing archaic Judaism in NE India (Google search would be helpful). So please spare us this drama of evidence and provide concrete evidence yourself first. Read the EU congressional report on state of minorities and their forced conversions in papistan. Second, this "conversion to Hinduism" as you suggest, is just a blowback from your dawah/ forced conversion practices and other missionary activities. There is no missionary tendencies in Hinduism. You are either born in Sanatan Dharma or you desire to be a part through your own volition. And even that path is not easy.

    Your attempts at playing this game have just exposed your Pakistani mindset when you downplay the books by Ispahanini, Haqqani and the Blood telegram and all the Western work, but make unsubstantiated claims using cooked up percentages and other data yourself. This is typical propaganda of the Pakistani establishment well entrenched in the minds of illiterate and semi literate and to quite a good degree among educated general populace of Pakistan. To play the same game here with well educated Indians would fall flat unless you are very subtle in your attempts.

    Nowhere, have you yourself provided undeniable data but ask the others to provide the same. Pray, be a little sympathetic towards others. Like Jesus said in the Gospels

    Do unto others what ye desire for yeself!

    So, next time if you will use your nice and good Islamic name while commenting,
    we will still answer your queries with the same accountability. We don't hide our past. We don't kill Sikh Gurus issuing fatwas (by Sunni Ulema during Mughal rule declaring them a danger to Islam and during Aurangzeb's time even Imposters or false religious teachers) in the name of religion, then rape, kill and loot Sikhs in 1947 and then show sympathy to them because we want to use them. FYI 1984 was a politically motivated genocide as has been proved in the court of law and those responsible are going to the jail one by one.

    Sir, shed this shame about your true nationality, cz using Moslem instead of Muslim won't fool us into believing that you are a white European.

  115. Prasun,

    1- India asking for hot core engine tech as a part of AMCA how realistic is it? or will MFRA go the MMRCA way
    2- IA recently ordered 464 t90S bhishma and there is another cleared for 464 T90 MS, Russia recently began inducting T90 M prorvy whats the diff between these 3? should india also opt for the prorvy modifications as it has some T 14 elements incorporated like the main gun...
    3-HTT40 how soon can we expect them to be inducted. also why does its engine need an upgrade
    4- c-295 deal inching closer to fruitation as per some reports with 6 additional for CG. why only 6? & why not have additional netra type AEW's on this platform .. DRDO had showcased a model @aeroindia
    5- will tejas mk1a have its empty weight reduced, if so how much.
    6- Bharat forge has been displaying itz ULH .. will they be bought by the IA since M777 are being inducted? they also cliam to have a truck mounted version ..

  116. prasun,
    forgot to add to my prev queries..
    russian helicopters CEO sayinng India now dragging its feet on ka226T deal .. why the sudden demand for increased indigenous content?

  117. Prasun sir,
    1- does uttam has altitude hold mode like rafale's rbe2??
    2- hearing that drdo and terma are soon going to sign mou for developing pylon integrated electronic system.. Is it true or fake?
    3-after type 45 visit can we understand that India going for electric propulsion in its future ships in collaboration with Rolls Royce?? But then isn't rolls royce under cbi scanner?
    4-talks going on US India joint development of 6.8 4mm bullet ..but doesn't drdo already developed this type of bullet when it was developing mciws??does that mean mciws will soon go for trials?
    5- will there be any tests of nirbhay this year??
    6-looks like India is intentionally delaying ka226 contract.. So as to give hal luh a Lil bit more time to come as a certified helicopter.. What's ur take on this

  118. Prasunda,

    The DRDO chief in a very recent interview to Manu Pubby says that the Agni series has completed development and is in induction. Does that mean there is a poitical decision to refrain from improvements to the A-5 like MIRVs and other technological improvements such as incorporating composite motor casings even in the first stage ?


  119. WRT to the 1 km intrusion I asked you about 2 months ago, have Chinese expanded the net?

    And is the government really covering it up?

    What must be done if true?
    How to stop their salami slicing?

  120. To ABIR: That report itself states that 464 HVF Avadi-buiklt T-90S has beern ordered but no contract has been inked for any T-90MS.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Here are the videoclips showing the RD-33MK engines on fire dur to FOD/bird injestion:

    Unlike new-generation Western turbofans, Russia-built turbofans are extremely sensitive to FOD. Pakistan has been shopping around for heavy civil engineering equipment like tunnel-boring machines for building nuclear WMD storage areas. As for Italy there’s a large Pakistani diaspora in that country & hence financial transactions for dubious & terror-funding are often originating from Italy & also sometimes from Spain.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) 44 MiG-29Ks for both INS Vikramaditya & IAC-1 are more than enough. 2) No, the design of the Uttam AESA-MMR has not yet been frozen & lots of additional developmental activities are reqd.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It is asking for the impossible, rest assured. 2) No T-90MS has been ordered by India as yet. Only additional HVF-Avadi-built T-90S has been ordered. 3) Before service-induction there has to be prodict type certification. Let the CoA come first, & then we can discuss matters related to service-induction. 4) That is FAKE NEWS being peddled by those ‘desi patrakaars’ who recently visited France & Germany as part of an all-expenses-paid junket trip that was organised by Airbus Military & MBDA. Hence the use of the word ‘INCHING’, instead of ‘RACING’ or ‘GALLOPING’! 5) How can that be when additional fitments like aerial refuelling probe & additional EMI-resistant wiring harnesses have to be installed to prevent interference by the EL/L-8222 jamming pod? 6) So far no serious interest has been shown by the IA on the UFH. In future perhaps the interest will be of a serious nature. 7) Yes, ROSTEC is genuinely worried. Last Sunday at the Dubai Airshow 2019 expo, the head of Russian Helicopters said that India was delaying the signing of a firm agreement for purchasing 200 helicopters despite providing all information. Chief Executive Andrey Boginsky also said it would benefit India if the planned order for over 100 rotorcraft for the Indian Navy could be combined with the 200 India is looking to buy for the Army.

  121. To ANUP: The reason is exactly what I have saying for the past few years, i.e. one cannot procure two different products for a single solution/application. So, if the LUH is being developed by HAL, why then did the Govt of India back in 2014 commit to procuring the Ka-226T? Why is a twin-engined Ka-226T necessary when the operational reqmts call for a single-engined LUH? None of the so-called ‘defence experts’ are asking these questions on any TV channel since they all know that after such questions are asked they will stop getting interviewed. The same is the situation WRT BTT. If the GoI back under UPA-2 had sanctioned development of the HTT-40, then that very same UPA-2 govt should have mandated that the imported PC-7 Mk.2s ought to be powered by Garrett/Honeywell TPE331 turboprop engines in order to ensure fleet commonality.

    To SUJIT: 1) Uttam is still years away from maturing & so far only 20% of the reqd quantum of R & D work has been completed. Altitude-Hold is the same as terrain avoidance. 2) An MoU means nothing so long as a firm & binding contract isn’t inked. 3) Electric Propulsion solutions are also available from France & Italy & the US. It has nothing to do with any particular marine industrial gas-turbine. Instead, it is all about doing away with the reduction gearbox. 4) MCIWS was to be designed to fire 5.56 mm, 7.62mm and 6.8 x 43mm rounds, but the 6.8 x 43mm round was never developed by ARDE.

    To SATYAKI: Such ‘interviews’ are always characterised by vagueness & lack of attention to detail & hence one cannot conclude that all members of the series are in series-production or if select variants are under production.

    To VSJ: LoLz! And along an undemarcated frontier, how can anyone conclude an intrusion of 1,000 metres or 1km when the vagueness of the map suggests that there is ambiguity along a depth of 20km (10km on each side? Hence, only after someone builds a road that spans 10.5 or 11km in length can an intrusion be physically verified.
