Thursday, May 16, 2019

About SDRs, Jaguar MAX & Alpha-S Multi-Purpose UAS

Certification-related testing of the DRDO/DEAL-developed High Frequency (HF), Very High Frequency (VHF) and Ultra High Frequency (UHF) software-defined radio (SDR-NC), covering a waveband of 3 megaHertz to 3 gigaHertz, has been completed, thereby paving the way for Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) to commence series-production of the SDR-NC units for all now Indian Navy principal surface combatants and submarines.
The SDR-NC accommodates 10 waveforms for carrying voice and data traffic with proprietary encryption and frequency-hopping communications security. In terms of data rates, rates of 9.6 kiloBits-per-second (kBps) are achievable when using the HF radio, although this increases to 200kBps when using the VHF radio. The SDR-NC comprises a single HF radio and two VHF transceivers. Given the size of the programme, BEL expects deliveries of the SDR-NCs to continue until around 2025. In the airborne domain, BEL is moving towards the third phase of testing of the airborne version of the SDR-NC.
The SDR-NC is also used as the transmitting/receiving platform for the Indian Navy’s Link-2 family of secure tactical/strategic data-link network that allows for seamless transmission and reception of data/imagery/voice inputs in real-time not only between different platforms, but also between different fleets—indigenous and multinational.
In other words, the SDR-NC/Link-2 combination is the Indian Navy’s answer to the US Navy’s Combined Enterprise Regional Information Exchange System (CENTRIXS), with the latter existing as long ago as the mid-1980s!
More information on the CENTRIXS is available here:

The SDR-NC/Link-2 combination was operationally tested as recently as two days ago when the Barak-8 LR-SAMs fired by two Project 15A guided-missile destroyers were provided fire-control guidance by just one Project 15A DDG, i.e. the tactical air situation picture and target engagement was provided by only one warship, while the weapons were concurrently launched by two warships. This capability now also enables an airborne platform (like shipborne NMRHs and LRMR/ASW platforms) to acquire its target far beyond the warship’s horizon and relay the tactical surface situation picture to a warship, which will enable the latter to launch its long-range anti-ship cruise missiles without the warship’s Garpun Bal-E target acquisition radar ever acquiring and illuminating its surface targets.
Be it for warships, submarines or airborne platforms, the secondary transmitting/receiving systems for the SDR-NC/LINK-2 combination (apart from the VHF/UHF transceivers) are ORBIT-supplied OceanTRx (Rukmani) stabilised VSAT antennae that operate in the C, Ka, Ku and X bands.
The V/UHF transceiver has been undergoing testing on an Indian Navy-owned and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd-built (HAL) Dornier Do-228-101/201 turboprop. The third test phase is expected to commence by the end of this July, prior to the commencement of additional testing. Tentatively, BEL expects to commence production of the airborne SDR-NCs in 2020.
For the Indian Air Force (IAF), the combat aircraft-type to incorporate SDR will be the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3, which is expected to enter squadron service by this August. The SDR used is the HAL-developed SOFTNET SDR-2010.
The SDR-2010 was originally developed for the Super Su-30MKI project.
For the projected 83 Tejas Mk.1A L-MRCAs, the SDR selected is RAFAEL Advanced Defence Systems-developed BNET-AR.
Homegrown IFF Transponders Explained
BrahMos-A Test-Fired
The second test-firing of the BrahMos-A ALCM was successfully undertaken on May 22, 2019 when the BrahMos-A, after being gravity-dropped from a Su-30MKI’s fuselage, flew for its full range towards the designated land target set at the Car Nicobar Island.
The Su-30MKI had taken off from Thanjavur air base in Tamil Nadu.
On the very same day, a BrahMos-1 was successfully test-fired by a MAL of the Indian Army’s Eastern Command from Car Nicobar Island at 1450 hours as part of a joint training exercise with the IAF and Indian Navy.
BrahMos Aerospace had conducted the maiden successful test-firing of the BrahMos-A ALCM against a ship target in November 2017 in the Bay of Bengal off India’s eastern coast.
IAI-Delivered RISAT-2B Launched By ISRO
The 615kg RISAT-2B, delivered to ISRO by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) to ISRO, was successfully launched on May 22, 2019. There will also be two identical IAI-delivered duplicate satellites, named RISAT-2B1 and RISAT-2B2, to be launched in the future, with 2B1 expected to be in orbit later this year. They all will orbit at an altitude of 555km. There are two new components on this launch vehiclean indigenous microprocessor chip called Vikram and a low-cost MEMS-based Inertial Navigation System (INS) that works with the Indian version of GPS called NAVIC. Both these components are expected to be fitted into future ISRO-built rockets as well. Vikram and the MEMS-based INS were developed by Semi-Conductor Laboratory (SCL), Chandigarh and ISRO Inertial Systems Unit, Thiruvananthapuram, respectively.
The RISAT-2/TecSAR/Polaris overhead recce satellite launched in 2009. The ISRO-developed RISAT-1 was launched three years later in 2012 and operated for six years. In 2018, it was declared non-operational by ISRO.
ADA-Developed Flight Trajectory Optimisation Kits For Inertially-Guided Bombs


  1. To DASHU: What transpired at the FATF meeting in Beijing:

    Abdul Rehman Makki Arrested:

    Pak Minister for Maritime Affairs Ali Zaidi explains what is going on off Karachi:

    Mani Shankar Aiyar at his combative best when hurling expletives:

  2. Thank you, sir, for these URLs.
    The icing on the cake would be the failure of the PA to suppress PTM uprising.
    Just imagine how they will behave if they really find that Oil & Gas reserves there.

    On a separate note don't you think after implementation of strict IMF reforms Pak would be in a better position economically, IF -"a BIG IF " - PA successfully suppress the expected normal public revolt against ruling elite due to rising inflation and hardships.

    No doubt that country is a real mess. Now all I am hoping to see Indian leadership using comon sense to increase their nightmare smartly.

  3. Prasunda,
    What will be the sensor package on board?
    Thanks, Regards

  4. Tell me more about Jaguar max project.

  5. Interesting blog:

    I think US is through with Pak for the moment, but as in foreign policy they say "Never say Never".



    Indian Ambassador to Afghanistan handed over the 1st pair of replacement Mi-24V attack helicopters to the Afghan Minister of Defence Asadullah Khaled. The Mi-24Vs will boost the Afghan Air Force's capability & enhance ANDSF's effectiveness in combating terror. Two more of the same type will be purchased and supplied by India to the AAF in order to make its operations more effective. The helicopters were purchased from Belarus and were handed to the AAF in an official ceremony attended by the acting Minister of Defence Asadullah Khalid, Indian ambassador, and Afghan Air Force Commander Abdul Fahim Ramin.

    MH-60R at the on-going IMDEX Asia 2019 expo in Singapore:

  7. Bad news for Bisht & NaMo from the Hindi Heartland:

  8. Hi Prasun,
    Why would India further supply equipment & ammunition to Afghan Govt when it is going to fail, once US leaves?
    Brown Desi

  9. sir about the today's test

    Did the IN used the same SDR-NC for datalink to demonstrate cooperative engagement capability,, or it was something else?

  10. Thanks for the detailed reply.

    1) With pkr touching new heights (proud moment for our neighbors), will they too in future start taking refuge here by lakhs, when kadhai gets too garam? Like Afghans did in Pakistan.

    Turns out IK is the worst investment PA ever made.

    2) Can Jaguar max be done concurrently with darin iii?
    Why aren't we going for all 6 squadrons upgrade?
    Lack of spares to retain 2 squadrons till 2030?

    3) What kind of asymmterical advantages IAF is looking for, only 9 EW planes are on horizon, but far out.
    At least meteor could be asked for jaguar, mirage2k integration?


  11. Prasunda,

    Whats your inputs on the planned Armed Forces Special Operations Division

  12. Radio's developed for navy gives data transfer rate of 200KBpS for VHF mode, sir in this era of advanced communication tech why this slow speed??
    2) out of context question, is it possible to develop Conformal Fuel tanks of upto 1000-1500Ltrs for MWF keeping aerodynamic performance same just like MiG 29??
    3) can IRST function like radar n guide multiple IR guided missiles on targets at a time??

  13. 1> can you please elaborate on the capabilities of the new HAL ALPHA SUAS?
    2> are they like swarming kamikaze uavs?? how can they be launched?are they effecting against chinese EW and air defence
    3> china showcased a suicide UAV launcher on a army truck recently? anything similra for IA?

  14. To BROWN DESI: And what makes you ASSUME that the Afghan Govt will come crashing down or will fail?

    To ARPIT KANODIA: Have uploaded the narrative above with additional data & images that will answer all your queries.

    To VSJ: 2) DARIN-2 is already underway whereas the Jaguar MAX is still a design concept. The spares issue concerns the powerplant, & does not affect the accessories or airframe parts. If F125N turbofans are imported from Honeywell, the the Jaguars will be in service till 2040. 3) The Astra-2 with SFDR will offer the same advantages as Meteor BVRAAM.

    To VINOD J: The concepts were already tried out during EX GAGAN SHAKTI last year, which involved SOF insertions inside hostile territory to attack several installations within a tactical battle area, like dams, airfields & heli-bases & defended ground positions, i.e. the Marala Headworks area facing Chicken’s Neck area. So, different types of targets within a single tactical battle area require different types of SOF detachments. Here’s another viewpoint:

    To ASHISH GAUTAM: 1) Don’t worry, since data transfer does not only take place in VHF bandwidth, but in other bandwidths as well, as I have explained above. 2) Yes, it is. 3) How can a fully passive sensor provide fire-control inputs?

    To CAPRICORN: 1) They are all highlighted in the poster above. 2) They can be air-launched as shown in the Jaguar MAX poster. 3) That is similar to the Switchblade UAS of the US Army/US Marine Corps.

  15. Prasun.

    - what happens to the strength of the current spl forces teams like marcos, garuds etc if the spl task force has taken ou 3000 from them .. Will they now run on reduced strength or will marcos, garuds get fillup to retain their original strength?

    -will jaguar max ever be reality

  16. Sir, how likely is it that the F125N engines will be imported from Honeywell given all the bad blood between them and HAL now?

  17. Thanks for the articles you have been posting. Around 2004 i had read on web an article how US wanted to attack Iran, Pakistan and India. It was financially not possible at that time to get into meally with them one by one as power projection far from home has its own dis-advantages also taking into consideration the size and geographic diversity of India to was never executed the article stopped there. However by progression of events unfolding the US is very near to achive its goal. This time the weapon is financial sanctions not mention isolation from old allies and not giving option to run anywhere. With the demise of parallel economy thanks to almighty Modi we don't have backup. What is your take on this would like a detailed response.


    "Last week the Army reportedly also expressed alarm at the unacceptably high number of accidents owing to defective and poor quality ammunition being supplied by our Ordnance Factories (OF). A 15-page report prepared by the Army details the many accidents they have had with a range of artillery and tank ammunition comprising the 40 mm L-70 air defence guns, 105 mm light field guns, 130 MA1 medium guns and also the 125 mm ammunition for the Arjun, T-90 and T-72 tanks manufactured by the OFs.

    This has resulted in the Army taking the extreme step of placing an altogether halt to testing and firing certain types of ammunition such as, for example, the 40 mm ammunition for the L-70 air defence guns. The latest among the several casualties suffered in recent times is an officer and four soldiers injured in an accident last February.

    The Army ascribes the defects to a range of factors that include “poor metallurgy and packaging, manufacturing deficiencies, improper maintenance of weapon systems and improper handling of ammunition and weapons during firing”."

  19. To JUST_CURIOUS: The sanctioned strength-levels will be maintained through additional recruitments for MARCOS & GARUD.

    To PRRANSHU YADAV: Bad blood disappears when money changes hands, i.e. the contract is inked.

    To THE RAT: Here’s something you may find interesting as an answer:

    To DASHU: Here are some additional programmes:

    No Oil & Gas Rserves Found Off Karachi:

  20. This is worth a good laugh over the weekend:

    Spectacle at Kedarnath:

    Opulent costumes & walking over the red carpet, followed by meditation--all bearing the hallmarks of a massive 'con job'. It is indicative of 'Bichara khud bhi ullu banaa aur dusro koh bh ullu banaa diyaa'.

    For it is now scientifically proven that true meditation is performed only inside specialised 'Resonance Chambers' inside which chants of a particular type generates a sound frequency of 111 Hertz in the centre of the chamber. This then leads to the shutting down of the pre-frontal cortex & deactivation of the language centre of the brain of the person sitting in the centre of chamber. And this in turn activates those parts of the brain responsible for holistic processing, creativity & intuition, which in turn takes the person to a deep state of meditation. And it is this state of the mind enables one to get connected to other dimensions & reality states, regardless of what kind of attire one is donning.

    1. Dear prasun da

      But as per the renowned yogis of india like Sh.Paramhansa yogananda,Sh.Shayama charan lahiri ji said that meditation can be done anywhere provided it is a secluded place.

    2. Research shows that certain sounds do indeed have a positive effect on brain's ability to perceive stuff that it otherwise won't.

      Maybe the Buddhist stupas and chatya halls are examples of such resonance chambers.

      However, there is also logic behind meditating in remote locations, especially caves. It's all about sensory deprivation, which is known to alter the state of mind and thus aid in meditation. And sensory deprivation is exactly what you would experience in a remote cave where thare would be minimal sensory inputs like noise or light.

  21. hi prasun

    what is the status of the HAL Indian Multirole Helicopter (IMRH).I read somewhere that IA is not happy with the HAL proposal for IMRH. IA wants something in the area of US army future lift requirement with co-axial and push props and digital fly by wire.

  22. Sir,

    Will the BJP win the General Elections?? Will the external powers like The USA, UK, France and Russia do any kind of tinkering to keep the current dispensation alive ??

  23. Sir,
    Can you also explain the Army's program of Tactical comms, there is any program in IA like that?

  24. Sorry serji, No hope for India or Indian i think we deserve this type of chacha modi or bjp, koi muje bhi canada ke pr dva do just like Akshy Kumar i didn't deserve living in india, india is far Modren society or economic than i deserve

  25. Hello Sirji!
    So much to talk.Guess this next is going to be full of meltdowns and new developments.
    In India,the meltdown has already started from opposition:

    In Pakistan,very interesting development is following:

    1.PPP,PMLN and even PTM,everyone is gesturing to do something big after Eid.I guess that will increase political instability in the state as well.What's your take?
    2.Is it true that PAF pulled out their F-16s away from LOC after fear from IAF attack?
    3.In your personal POV,would NaMo try to have talks with Pakistan as being predicted by Najam Sethi after 23rd?

    Thanks sirji

  26. Meanwhile in Australia the government won an unwinnable election against all predictions largely due to an Indian- Adani. People opposed to his mines represented by Labour Party and other leftist groups got hammered by mainly one state Queensland who see this as jobs creation and boost to their ailing economy. So the Conservative coalition not only held their seats but gained a majority causing complete disarray of the Labour party even though the Labour policies are more people friendly whereas the Conservatives just like their British counterparts look after the billionaires.

    What are the upgradation this force will need after full formation..
    ..Hope this is fake news..

    In Depth - Pokhran 1

    Sir like to know in possible detail of the small size destroyer that are in design phase...Mentioned in the last thread comment..

    Waiting for your new in depth article....

  28. To PK & PRRANSHU YADAV: There is no ‘one size fits all’ formula.process.methodology in meditation. There are various types of methodologies for attaining diverse objectives. The scientific methodologies used for attaining material & spiritual objectives were available as written archival records in certain Tibetan monasteries in the late 19th & early 20th centuries & these were the subjects of research by both practitioners of Vedanta philosophical thoughts/processes, as well as by the occult societies hailing from Austria & Nazi Germany. However, after WW-2, the Indians either forgot to pursue research in these areas or were unsuccessful as they were deined access to the Tibetan monasteries after 1950. Since then, it has been the US, Russia & Germany that have invested both finances & human resources into unceasing research in these areas & have achieved dramatic scientific breakthroughs by going over all the data collected by the Nazi-era occult societies, while countries like India have only been left to the state of peddling spectacularly outrageous claims about Yogic prowess without any underlying scientific factoids.

    To HOODS007: How can the IMRH project even proceed when the IA, IN & IAF are unable to agree on a common set of design/performance parameters? One wants the IMRH to weigh 12 tonnes, while another wants a 14-tonne platform and another a 16-tonne platform!!!

    To GM: LoLz! What do you mean by “will they tinker”? The ‘tinkering’ began long ago & as a result the IN is at last taking part in multilateral naval exercises in the South China Sea & is showing the middle-finger to China at longlast. And here’s the proof:

    Kindly note that news of this exercise did not originate from IN HQ, but from the US Consulate in Chennai! And here’s a very interesting & revealing documentary on how disillusionment is fast spreading among Russia’s younger populace due to the West’s sanctions against Russia:

    But countries like Russia can sustain such pressures, since it is a terribly under-populated country with an abundance of natural resources.

    To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) It will be TOTAL DHAMAAL season. 2) The PAF F-16s still do some flying over PoK. 3) No way. Uncle Sam will not allow it to happen. And India needs to keep Uncle sam happy so that Uncle Sam allows all those US companies wanting to leave China to relocate to India. And India desperately requires the ROKRAA (money) from US businesses.

  29. To JASGILL: LoLz! Aakhir mein aap ne bhi jaadui formula ka aavishkaar kar liya, i.e. claim to be politically persecuted or economically deprived & apply for overseas immigration. And once in Canada, start engaging in TOTAL DHAMAAL! Waah ji Waah! Auir uske baad we all will see you gracing the studio of TAG TV and engaging in debates/discussions about how much you feel for & miss Mother India…Balle Balle!

    If you want to make it big in India, then you must learn a lesson or two from the Goraa Anglo-Saxon Caucasians/Brits, i.e. how to swindle the conman without being seen to break the law. Therefore, for starters, I recommend for your viewing a highly acclaimed BBC series aired in the previous decade, called HUSTLE. Both PIERRE ZORIN & I can assure you that you will derive valuable lessons from this series & will hopefully emerge as a respectable hustler who will never be on the wrong side of the law. Here are a few memorable serials from that series for your viewing:

    Only then will you be able to engage in playing the professional long-cons of the type shown here:

    Searching for Saraswati:

    How Karachi’s Offshore Gas Reserves Disappeared:

    Learning from the HUSTLE, I & my friends back in the previous decade had succeeded in conning some Nigerian conmen who were operating in the streets of Kuala Lumpur! Hence, I’m confident that after taking my cue & suggestions, you too will emerge as Akshay Kumar ka Baap & will becomer a ‘Model Canadian Citizen’.

    To AMIT BISWAS: I guess this also applies to the ‘Pappu’, who is on record for having stated that he was asked ‘difficult’ questions & follow-up questions during his televised interviews on subjects like NYAY. I fail to understand what is so difficult to answer on a subject matter that he himself had introduced. I can therefore only conclude that the poor sod was either clueless about what he himself had introduced, or was too damn lazy to do some serious homework on the issue that he had introduced, or was just too arrogant to delergate the responsibility of doing the explaining to some of his experienced & eligible party colleagues/subordinates.

    1. Problem lies in details as you always highlighted....pappy doeant have any admin or seasoned political experience....only spoon fed political tamasha he creates....regarding NYAY and even alleged rafale corruption he failed to give sound logic with pure mathematical economics thereby relying on data being fed to him by his subordinates PC /KAPIL SIBAL /SURJEWALA etc.....

      ab problem ye hai ki bandar ko to congressi log ped pe chada diya halla karne ke liye ....lekin ab usko ye kaun samjahaye ki aage kya bolna hai ya ped se suparna jaise hain...lolz....laagta hai mommy ne thik se padaya nahi ya papu khud padta nahi....

  30. To ARPIT KANODIA: Every Army requires a TCS & the IA’s present-day system is HF-/VHF-/UHF-based AREN or Army Radio Engineered network of 1980s vintage. But thanks to the evolution of SDR technologies, it is today possible to have such systems operating simultaneously in the HF/VHF/UHF/FM/Ku/Ka/C/L bandwidths to satisfy the reqmts of various tactically deployed networks like: tactical radio networks, battlespace management systems & battlespace surveillance systems. The key, however, is the usage of standardised types of radios & transceivers (land-based, airborne & seaborne) that will result in highly reduced acquisition costs. This is what I had explained on October 26, 2014: TAC-4G broadband fourth-generation cellular network is based on a flat-IP network architecture which provides flexible and fast communications between many users. This includes fast-and-secure communications between different points and support of concurrent running of multiple applications, many of which require high bandwidth. The high flexibility of TAC-4G along with additional inherent capabilities such as information security, on-the-move network infrastructure, and support of multiple applications, positions the system as an optimal solution for addressing the complex military communications requirements. TAC-4G also supports a wide variety of multimedia applications and allows quick and easy addition or removal of applications. It also implements the ‘network-centric warfare’ principle; allows various-level commanders the highest level of control and effective activation of various warfighting, logistics and maintenance forces; allows, real-time battlefield management and control; uses the cost-effective commercial cellular network providers’ infrastructure, which allows shorter implementation time and fewer risks in comparison to other alternatives that are not based on COTS infrastructures.

    Then there’s the issue of managing the exploitation of all such networks in a time-bound manner. For instance, what will be the information overload for an Integrated Battle Group? The US Army found out that the networks collapse (like a cellular call-drop) when an IBG comprises more than 4 Stryker Brigades! Similarly, back in 1971 the PA found the battle for Chammb unmanageable because the PA Corps Cdr could not manage the tempo of battle with his almost 8 Divisions while his Divisional Commander had more than five Brigades to manage! Therefore, information overload prevents one from decisively exploiting tactical breakthroughs & as a result the ‘battlefield tempo’ gets reduced dramatically & degenerates into a futile slugfest.

    Therefore, everything now depends on the IA’s configuration of its IBG & there will be several types of IBGs because the composition of each IBG will be dictated by the type & terrain of the tactical battle area & the over-arching strategic objectives that will have to be laid down by the political decision-makers. Without this, no IBG will be able to take shape—either Brigade-sized or Division-sized.

    1. Is this TAC 4G is similar to civilian 4G network in terms of hardware infrastructure ?? Could you please give us any differentiation between proposed military and existing civilian 4G network....
      can we ensure full spoof-proof and jam-proof wireless TAC 4G comm. systems for armed forces .....regarding IBG configuration holding up network sizing decision can't we go for small network ab-initio with scalable features and later increment the network size??

  31. To BUDDHA: It is FAKE NEWS. Both the T-50 & Tejas have Israel-origin hardware on-board--which is unacceptable to Malaysia. Here's the truth:

    Tun Mahathir has favoured the JAS-39 Gripen since 2003, not because it is a good MRCA, but because it has been marketed in Malaysia by BAE Systems International.

  32. To AMIT BISWAS: In my view, the pappu has inherited his father's DNA. The father never tired to proclaiming that he had a dream for taking India into the 21st century, as if time will stand still & refuse to move to the 21st century until the father willed so. And back then India's citizens never had any means of engaging in competitive benchmarking & comparing how other countries are progressing ahead. That is no longer the case & everyone wants to go into the finer details, like how will a particular promise be fulfilled & in what timeframe. In other words, the INC's party leadership is unable to offer an ALTERNATIVE NARRATIVE & that is solely due to the party's affliction for prolonging the dynastic leadership both directly & indirectly, like the UPA-1/-2 having both a PM & an alternate corridor of power in the form of the National Advisory Council. And yet this very same INC that was tainted as a corrupt party in the late 1980s was brought back to power in 1991 the moment the dynastic underpinnings were discarded in favour of P V Narasimha Rao. So, the bottomline is that the INC's miserable performance is purely due to a total disregard for institutionalisation of party-building in favour of making dynastic leadership its centre-of-gravity--a sure recipe for disaster & annhilation.

  33. Prasunda

    That they waited till the Polls to conclude in order to release the findings of the Court of Enquiry makes it obvious that no black box was lost & the CoI had been concluded within 30 days of the incident & it seems punishment & disciplinary action is already underway. Closure & applying lessons learnt is paramount, Use of IFF was critical.


    Modi 2.0, Reading The Writing On The Wall?
    Some of your views are discussed in the programme.

  35. You say India needs to keep US ‘happy’ to allow cos to relocate to India. Agreed.

    What is the price ? Will US be happy with 200 NMRH + NUH or will India buy F18 or F21 / THAAD ?
    There is nothing else US can sell India.


  36. Sir,what are the capacities of Indian nuclear gas centrifuge.
    How much percent they enrich the urinium.
    What the production capacity per year.

  37. Is there any alternative to china's rare earth factory?
    If NO then China is destined to win the current trade tussle with the US.

  38. Dear Prasun,

    After backlash from UNHRC, India's image has been tarnished regarding human rights violation in Kashmir. What's the option left for India? If UNHRC like eminent body works partially, then the world will go to hell!!!

  39. 1) Sir, pardon my limited knowldege, the C.O.T.S. comms (technically Israel made, BEL marketed systems) will allow us to overcome communication and data sharing differences in services due to working in compartmentalized silos too? Say hypothetically, Naval mig29 and IAF fighters operating together using common AWACS etc? joint ops via SDRs and now datalinks too?

    2) How far are we along for a BMS,BSS, Decision Support System etc, and as you have pointed out most importantly, TCS

    3) Have we developed technologies for Terrain Feature Extraction System,Military Geospatial Information System ,Terrain Reasoner System etc as mentioned here

    4) New developments in friendly fire incident, which made me wonder, When are IFF ordered off, can IFF be spoofed, and do IFF transponders give away aircraft location too therefore needing to be switched off during missions?

  40. hustle

    0:42 directed by BHARAT NALLURI as the name indicates he is telugu

  41. To AMIT BISWAS: Yes it is, but it has MIL-SPEC encryption channels for usage by the military. In the areas around the LAC & LoC where there is almost ZERO presence of civilian administrations & civilian-operated & owned public utilities infrastructure, the military formations deployed there are the only preoviders of all kinds of public utility services & therefore it makes perfect sense for the armed forces to own & operate such TAC 4-G services. TAC 4-G is scalable & its architecture can be moulded to suit any quantum of reqmts.

    To KAUSTAV: It was known on February 27 morning itself that the Mi-17V-5 was downed by a SAM, especially if one took a close look at the tail-section of the helicopter’s wreckage. But one must not draw conclusions based on what’s emanating from the ‘desi patrakaars’. And that’s because these ‘desi patrakaars’ have not spelt out what are the SOPs regarding usage of IFF transponders in peacetime & wartime & inside friendly airspace & hostile airspace. I can confirm that keeping IFF transponders activated during peacetime/wartime within friendly airspace is MANDATORY, while switching them off inside hostile airspace is MANDATORY in order to prevent active RF emissions, thereby preserving locational secrecy. Hence, whsoever ordered the ill-fated Mi-17V-5 to be switched off after takeoff inside friendly airspace bears the primary responsibility for criminal negligence. Secondly, the notion of a slow-moving target being a hostile UAV also does not hold any ground, since every airborne moving target proceeding along a lateral course shows a continuous track-picture, & never appears suddenly since UAVs don’t operate in terrain-avoidance mode. Hence, the second authority liable for being charged for criminal negligence is the the one who ASSUMED that a suddenly appearing but slow-moving airborne target with no IFF emissions was automatically a hostile UAV.

    So, what this indicates is that adequate peacetime wargaming & realistic/synchronised mission rehearsal exercises were not conducted by the concerned IAF base air-defence sqn equipped with the SpyDer-SR, which led to the prevalence of a low degree of operational proficiency of the concerned SpyDer-SR Sqn or its Flight. And this perhaps was due to the recent conversion of that Sqn/Flight from OSA-AK into the SpyDer-SR, which did not present enough time reqd for proficiency-;levels to be built up either through available air-defence simulators, or through realistic/synchronised mission rehearsal exercises.

    1. I guess it s a systematic malaise and failure of that sqn rather any issues regarding conversion from OSAto SpyDer

    2. Also this does indicate the requirement of long range ground based EO/IR sensors for VID of targets by SAM system..what's your say

  42. To BUDDHA: VMT. It reminds me of the dialogue of Misaalaa in the movie BENHUR: An idea can only be killed by another idea, & not by shouting or hurling expletives.

    To VENKY: This will help explain matters more:

    To ABIR: India requires only moderately enriched uranium (no more than 43%) for the PWRs of the SSBNs. Production capacity per annumi is still low because the reqmts are not high either.

    To DASHU: Such factories also exist in Africa & also in India.

    To ASD: Since when has the UNHRC emerged as the last word for human rights violations? Here’s the original report:

    And that’s only 1 side of the story. Unless the allegations are verified, they remain as mere allegations. For instance, in the early 1990s close to 45,000 Kashmiris crossed the LoC & settled down in PoK. So does that mean that these are all missing persons presumed to have been shot down by Indian security forces?

    To VSJ: 1) Hardware like SDR is leading towards CONVERGENCE & hence inter-operability. 2) Unless a definitive TCS architecture is introduced into service, all other elements like BMS & BSS will operate within compartmentalised silos. Consequently, the fuzing of information will take place at the CDISS at the Corps HQ, which will then pass it down to the Division HQ—all of which is time-consuming & therefore degrades the ‘tempo’ of battle. Hence, the CDISS needs to be made available to Divisional & Brigade-level HQs. 3) That was done long time ago. 4) My answer above to KAUSTAV explains it all.


    1. Can we mount geo stationary orbit RISAT type satellite for 24×7 coverage of India's neighbours??? Or the height of geo stationary orbit poses a technical challenge to this idea??

  44. hi prasun
    you mentioned the tac-4g network. can india do something like that? or at least the private sector. can we start going in to the 5g sector for a starters and try to catch up.?

    what ever happened tot he infantry man hand held terminal that was tom tommed about some years ago ( sathi) . It seemed to have been quietly buried . I do remember the late president kalam being very supportive of it.
    the fool of an airdefense commander who ordered to shoot should have sense that a slow moving target deep within Indian airspace is not a possibility . I belive there are a distress channel for emergency comms as well?

  45. Sir
    The IFFs in air defence squadrons, aircrafts and helicopters are from BEL/ DRDO.

    Or of foreign origin.
    Also what type of IFF go into Rafale.

  46. Any plans for developing or integrating foreign origin multiple weapons pylons for super sukhoi project for IAF??

  47. Which BVRAAM will be selected for super sukhoi project??

  48. To AMIT BISWAS: ground-based IRST sensors are of the mid-range type & they can also be aerostat-mounted. And all overhead recce satellites are in low-Earth orbits. Have also uploaded data & images above of the RISAT-2B family of recce satellites. You will notice that NONE of the ‘desi’ news-reportings of the launch of RISAR-2B had a word to say about where this satellite came from & who have built it. That’s ‘desi’ journalism for you! BVRAAM for Super Su-30MKI will be the Astra-1 & the SFDR-powered Astra-2.

    To RAD: Remembering the late Group Captain Perumal Alagaraja:

    To RAD: Of course it can be done. I can guarantee here that none of the existing cellular comms providers in India will ever bother going to the remotest corners of India. The F-INSAS/Palmtops are useless if the CDISS & the BMS/BSS operating within this network is not dessiminated down to the Platoon-level formations of infantry.

    And these folks need to be castrated:

    To ARPIT KANODIA: I have uploaded above the slides explaining all IFF transponders in service with all 3 services of India. Without such transponders, no air-defence system of any armed service can ever opereate in the National Secure Mode (NSM).

    To DASHU: Expatriate Chinese engineer puts native Pakistani labourer into a burning furnace:

  49. Hi Prasun:

    Now that the Modi govt. has been returned to power with a majority (and thank God for that!) can we expect India to soon sign the BECA agreement with the US? I'm talking about the agreement to share valuable cartographic/photographic satellite data.


  50. hi prasun

    thanks for twitter link of grp capt perumal
    pse expand the words cdiss and bss. I thought the networked sathi system was a platoon level network rather than higher echlon stuff?

    i remember that Israel has a n advanced version of this ?.

    Do our special forces have such systems ? they ought to . Is there any chance of improving the sathi system or has it been abandoned due to firangi interference?

    tell more about the processor that was launched with the risat ? what significance has it ? and also the mems .
    have the sats been linked to the desi irnss system?

    i heard there is going to be interference to the irnss system by the 5g spectrum>

    i last heard that all gps enabled smart phones should have irnss chip compulsorily ?

    has the irnss system been de bugged and operational ? what is the accuracy now ?

    now any waas enabled gps device has a 2 meter accuracy which is good enough for weapons delivery, can the civil gps wass signal be used that way?

    you mention that the astra 1 and 2 will be the missiles on the super sukhoi, does it mean that they will give some form of access to the radar source coed necessary for for data link and other purposes.will we be able to integrate the desi glide bombs, ngaarm etc and other stuff in the future?
    will it not be a good idea to also have a Russian long range missiles as well ? as firing an astra and the russian stuff will be impossible to counter when fired in a salvo?

    do you think it is odd that the political establishment always pulls back the military in not going into pak like the pulwama e[pisode . If the went in there would have been more kills due to the superior mirage 2000 upg and su30 ??

  51. So now Rafale deal can be said to be safe.

    1. Even I was worried for that.finally IAF may sign follow on contract too

  52. Now that defeat has accepted by congress who do you can resurrect party from the ashes?
    1)Can you name some candidates capable of challenging NaMo in the future?
    2)do you think art 35 n 370 will be dumped in the garbage for good?


  53. To RAD: CDISS = Command Decision Information Support System.



  54. Lot of heart burn across the border, poor fellows don't even know how to react.
    BTW why the missile test firing in Pak , whom they are signaling ?

  55. 1)Sir,where do the west, ie Canada, Britain and USA stand wrt to Khalistan movement?

    Non supportive? Freedom of speech? Reserve cards to pull out against India if needed in future?

    2) what can we expect out of Britain when we have voted in support of Mauritius gaining its island back at UN on backdrop of British support for UNSC sanctions against Pakistan recently?

    3) China in FATF seat, need only 3 to veto, and they along with Arabs surely would like their investment back someday, so what's next, Pakistan saved from blacklisting?
    "Saved by the bell", "satisfactory performance at last moment", "minimal conditions complied with"?

  56. To DASHU: Yes indeed, here’s a collection of them:

    As usual they are a bunch of self-deluded & self-righteous lot, except those who are bringing to light the writing on the wall, which is this:

    To RON: Well, All I can say is the slogan shown in the display board in the inaugural serial of THE HUSTLE, which is: NEVER GIVE A SUCKER AN EVEN BREAK. But what has transpired in Inmdia & what the future challenges are are all explained with great clarity byFareed Zakaria here:

    To VSJ: What Khalistan movement? How can Khalistan come imto being if Nankana Sahib & Kartarpur Sahib remain within Pakistan? Maybe JASSGILL (who apparently has made up his mind to migrate to Canada) can propose the accession of these terreitories inside Khalistan. Let’s see the reaction then.

  57. Prasunda

    Pakistan is waging war on India & Afghanistan. Call it Hybrid War, Proxy War,5th gen war, etc. The time is long past to take the war to Pakistan. Pakistan can no longer continue to exist. New countries need to take that space, BalochDesh, SindhuDesh, a Pakhtunistan Confederacy of KPK & FATA (NWFP) with the Afghans & maybe a rump Pakjabistan which may one day be used to carve out a KHALISTAN state with Kartarpur, Nankana Sahib & even Amritsar with Capital as a state under the Indian Union. Lahore can ofcourse be the capital of Indian Punjab and Pakjabistan already have Islamabad & Rawalpindi to enjoy strutting about😂😂😂😂 But if wishes were horses, Pigs would fly, the Durand line wouldn't exist and area under PoK would be with J&K.

  58. hi prasun
    pse elaborate the new inertial guided bomb, is it an equal to the jdam??
    is it different from the winged glide bomb?

    the inputs for the air launched brahmos that hit a target in laccadives was pre programmed or it was targeted by the SAR mode of the radar?.

  59. To KAUSTAV: LoLz! Listening to these deranged Pakistan-based ‘analysts’ one cannot but thank the Almighty for the facilitation of repeated strategic errors/miscalculations being made by Pakistan’s elite circles:

    After all, what better news can there be than such Pakistan-based ‘analysts’ hailing the ‘martyrdom’ of the likes of Zakir Musa & Burhan Wani? So, come next month, the sledgehammer of FATF will truly descend upon them (which is exactly why Pakistan has been trying to initiate official-level contacts with the GoI since last year). And the best icing on the cake is always the various official-level meetings held in the Central Asian Republics for SCO & other events, where the regional map ALWAYS depicts J & K as an integral state of India. So, by all means, let the Pakistani deep state continue sulking/wailing/whining & the day will soon come when that country will be forced to unilaterally surrender its arsenals of nuclear WMDs.

    To RAD: Here’s what the press-release had stated:

    Defence Research and Defence Organisation (DRDO) successfully flight tested a 500kg class Inertial-Guided Bomb today from a Su-30MKI at the Pokhran test range in Rajasthan. The guided-bomb achieved the desired range and hit the target with high precision. All the mission objectives have been met. The weapon system is capable of carrying different warheads.

    So, it does not say that the bomb was either a PGM or a ‘smart’ weapon. Even the images of the bomb don’t show it with any kind of nose-mounted seeker or rear-mounted GPS guidance kit or any glide-kit. The designated impact area also shows that the CEP of this bomb is about 20 metres. Lastly, the images show the bomb being dropped from an altitude of almost 10,000 feet ASL. So, what do all these together mean? It means that such bombs are launched AFTER their launch parameters & their descent trajectories have been computed using airspeed/altitude parameters that are in turn synchronised with accurate positional target coordinates obtained from the launch-aircraft’s RLG-INS & GPS receivers. What this enables one to do is launch such bombs at nighttime under ZERO visibility conditions by using only the cockpit-mounted digital map generator on which navigational paths & target locations are accurately pre-fed. But for all this to happen, the unguided bomb’s launch parameters & descent trajectories need to be fine-tuned with sophisticated on-board telemetry-generating sensors, which were revealed for the first time at Aero India 2019. I will upload their slides later today.

    Bearings of targets in a maritime environment are ALWAYS pre-fed into the BrahMos-A’s mission computer & RLG-INS by the launch-aircraft. The BrahMos-A’s X-band seeker is activated only in the terminal stage. The latest firing was near car Nicobar, not Lakshadweep.

    1. Sir for anti ship brahmos missile target will change its position continuously at any random direction , then how come updated target position can be fed to missile after launch if bearings of targets are pre fed??


    Ye abhi tak nahi hua kya???

  61. Defence ministry has completed the negotiation of C295.
    Why can not we over a period of time replace AN32 with these and reduce variety.


  62. hi prasun

    you mentioned that the maritime targets co ordinates are always fed into the brahmos
    MC. Now when on a mission to search and destroy, in the andaman sea or arabian sea how does that take place without the known coordinates?

    the inertial bomb seems to be a dumb bomb with no seeker and guided by gps inertial navigation. the CEP seems very good ie dead center a per my viewing?
    The explosion seems to be very tiny and not commensurate with a 500kg bomb explosion?
    i just hope the drdo guys design a set of wings and make it higher ranging. like the LS-6 chinese bomb?
    i was wondering why pak f-16 did not use the jdam to target us rather than using LGBs that are very short ranged?

  63. Prasun,

    your view on the following pls///

  64. To AMIT BISWAS: Funds for procuring airborne SDRs were approved only in 2018. As for BrahMos-1, laws of physics dictate that no supersonic missile can pull high G-levels, so, no ziz-zag or any other type of Tandav Nritya’ is resorted to by missiles cruising at supersonic speeds. Even MRCAs with TVC nozzles engage such nozzles in the subsonic flight regime. As for BreahMos-1 flight trajectories, these slides here explain it all:

    To VENKY: On the other hand, why prpcure the more expensive C-295s when the cheaper but better An-132s are available? The entire C-295 proposal is extremely fishy & questionable.

    To RAD: No MRCA armed with ADCMs goes on search-n-destroy mission, nowhere in this world. That’s why target searches are undertaken by LRMR/ASW platforms or NMRHs & will then relay the target coordinates via SDR-based data-links to the ASCM-armed MRCA. Glide-wing kits are the easiest to develop locally & even cheaper options are available from Russia. PAF does not have access to MILSPEC Py-coordinates from any GPS constellation now orbiting around Earth. Hence, JDAMs cannot be used by the PAF for precision-strikes.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: LoLz! There were NO tit-for-tat missile tests in the first place. The BrahMos-A test involved a cruise missile for which neither India nor Pakistan are reqd to inform each other in advance by issuing NOTAMs. On the other hand, when it comes to any type of ballistic missile, both countries always keep one another informed in advance & in the case of the recent Pakistani BM test-firing, Pakistan had informed India a week in advance & also the rest of the world by issuing a NOTAM.

    To DASHU: More delusional rhetoric from the Pakistan-based RETARDS:

    Pakistan's IMF Woers:

    Fake Sino-Pakistan Marriages:

    Differences Over Moon Sighting in Ramadan:

    1. If supersonic anti ship cruise missile can't change direction midcourse then can we assume that they are sub optimal solution for targeting high
      speed moving warships @ 30 knots , in comparison to loitering type munition or sub sonic cruise missile when targeted from stand off distance of 200 km minimum..??
      Also in that scenario brahmos is more suitable for static land based /shore based targets ???

    2. Also what's are these stationary protected launchers/silo based launchers of brahmos ??? Whether they have been deployed ??

      Who integrates the warhead and fuel /boosters for ballistic and cruise missiles in it services or OEM/DRDO???

  65. I believe after wasting money on C295, someone will suddenly discover the truth that was always before then- get more AN-132s and saved millions!

  66. Have uploaded above the 3 slides that explain the kits used for developing 'inertially-guided' bombs.

  67. On An132 vs C295.
    1st thing Ukraine itself didn't pitch its product for the competition, after which even C27J was pulled out of competition coz the C295 would have beaten it anyday on costs according to C27J Representatives themselves.

    2nd On cost. Estimated Cost of deal is around 3 billion USD which will include 62 Aircrafts, Spares, Training, Local Assembly, infrastructure etc. And the aircraft themselves will cost near 30 million usd a piece.

    Compare that to C27J deal of Australians where they bought 10 C27J for 1 billion USD, way back in 2011. You see the price difference.

    Coming onto An132, Ukrainians themselves say the aircraft will be in range of 30-35 million USD a piece range.

    So its definitely not like we would have saved a lot.

    Plus C295W is definitely a capable platform. It would be good to replace the Avro fleet, An32 fleet, MPA for ICG , MPA for IN etc with a single platform.

    I see no reason to delay it anymore.

    MH60R and C295W are 2 deals which should be signed as soon as the cabinet is formed.

    China And Pakistan Will Present Challenges For Modi, Handling Trump Is Another'
    World Panorama - Episode 375 | US - China trade talks end without deal
    World Panorama - Episode 376 | US - Iran tensions

    Some of foreign policy situation NAMO 2 inherited by default.....What you think sir can Namo govt get the most good out of the above mentioned circumstances.....Bringing america manufacturing unit from China to India
    Having establishing balance between US and Russia
    And securing cheap oil or to some extend as mediator between US and Iran.
    Sir does India has ever plan to establish medical study and engineering institution where all neighborhood countries in central south and east can send their best students to study . This will enhance indian soft power.
    How you view PM's approach post election result ..
    I find somewhat he has learnt from his earlier arrogance and seem more adjusting and eager to have greater footprint in muslim community.
    How you see TMCP and Congress approach...They seem to divert their failure to optical scapegoat

  69. Can you please explain how Brahmos A and Brahmos NG will be tested in air to air role? Is lakshya drone capable of imitating large targets like AWACS aircraft?

  70. Prasunda

    The Chinese as usual. If anybody deserves to replace the British mercantilist Empire, it's the Chinese

  71. Is c130 is a better option than c295 & an132 ? I think that forces should go for standardization of such planes.Upgrading existing an-32 is good but i believe that C-130 instead of c-295 with local production and it's variants will serve interest of different services. Your take on this sir thanks

  72. To ANKIT KUMAR: 1) If the An-132 wasn't offered, then what was it doing at Bengaluru at this year’s Aero India expo? 2) All those ‘estimated costs’ have long since gone through the roof & hence a fresh DAC approval is reqd, as reported by the ‘desi’ media. 3) Products from the erstwhile Eastern Bloc are always priced 30% cheaper than their Western counterparts. 4) For MR/ASW & MP, both the IN & ICGS now want to standardise on the P-8I airframe & hence the total no of such aircraft now reqd has risen to 28.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Even warships cruising at 30 Knots can’t engage in zig-zag manoeuvres & therefore they follow a steady course & bearing. That’s why more manoeuvrable helicopter-launched ASCMs with ranges of 40km/60km are preferred for use against high-speed intervention craft & FAC-Ms using waterjets for propulsion. All BrahMos-1 launchers are MALs mounted on trucks, both for the IAF & IA.

    To PRRANSHU YADAV: Development of BrahMos-NG for air-to-air applications has not been taken up as yet.

    To DASHU: No one from Pakistan is being invited for anything, rest assured. There’s no harm in having social meetings & related exchange of soundbytes. But Pakistan wants urgent NEGOTIATIONS, & not DISCUSSIONS. Terms like TALKS/DIALOGUE were popularised by nitwits like Mani Shankar Aiyar, who for obvious reasons prefer not to go into the details & thereby confuse their gullible audiences. And Pakistan wants negotiations due to increasing pressure from China about permanently determining the legal status of PoK, while for India her sovereignty over PoK is non-negotiable because doing anything else as desired by China will also then serve as the precedent for China’s claims over Arunachal Pradesh & eastern Ladakh & also over all the reclaimed reefs/shoals in the Spratly & Paracel groups of islands in the South China Sea.

    To GAURANG: The reqmts are for BOTH types of transports, i.e. ones with 6-tonne payload capacity & ones with 20-tonne capacity. Existing An-32REs can easily be upgraded & re-engined to An-132 standard while acquiring about 20 new-build An-132s off-the-shelf, while a total fleet inventory of about 40 C-130J-30s will be highly desirable.


    Meanwhile, the situation is getting from bad to worse in Nepal, with the Netra Bikram Chand-led Communist Party of Nepal already declaring a ‘liberated enclave’ within Nepal & resorting to a wave of IED blasts throughout the country.

  73. Prasunda,
    Here is tle complete MH-60R package
    1. Though Naval Strike Missile (NSM) simulator and practice round are mentioned here, the actual missile round is not mentioned. If there will be a separate deal will Kongsberg for NSM?
    2. How NSM will perform in comparison to Harpoon and Exocet ?
    3. Other than MH-60R , if any other platform will use NSM in future?
    4. As dipping sonar, Raytheon's LFAS is mentioned. but, L3 Ocean System's HELRAS DS-100 would become better choice. Your view please.

    5.What are the weight reducing measures being exercised?
    6. When will ATAGS become ready for service induction ?
    Thanks, Regards

  74. Prasunda

    The articles, as always, confirm the suspicions about Pakistan, but should serve as a caution for us too as far as the difference between Culture & Faith is concerned. India seems to be mixing up both, notwithstanding what the PM said in his victory speech in Parliament. That we learn our lessons before committing the same mistakes would be sensible. The enlightened examples of Indonesia , Malaysia or Japan is there for understanding, if we choose to forget our history.

    Pakistan, of course, is in a nice hole and we can only wish the worst for them, with their more equal than other Pakistan Army leading the way to hell or breakup. The situation in Nepal worries though. But unless, India gets more industries, investments combined with good skill training for our young demography, India might end up behind Bangladesh with a full blown Marxist insurgency on our hands, if not separatist claims from many states.

  75. To UJJWAL: HSM is the helicopter-launched version of the NSM. It is similar in performance to the Harpoon & Exocet, but it features a stealthy airframe. As for ATAGS, there is only 1 way to reduce weight, i.e. by using HNS very much the same way HNS has been used for the Arjun Mk.2. ATAGS will enter service sometime in late 2023.

    To KAUSTAV: A steadily deepening faultline in Pakistan is the PTM movement-led protests & uprisings. After all, how can any Pashtun ever forget how indiscriminately they were targetted by both the PA & the CIA through the drone-strikes since the previous decade:
    Waziristan: World's Drone Strike Capital:
