Tuesday, February 4, 2020

DEFEXPO 2020 Expo Highlights

The slides above explain the new avionics architecture of the projected Super Su-30MKI. The two principal elements of this new architecture are the addition of a digital map generator, which is required for presenting navigational cues when the aircraft cruises in terrain avoidance mode with the help of the AESA-MMR (this has already been applied to the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 aircraft as well); and the new-generation weapons management computer, which will enable the Indian Air Force (IAF) to domestically integrate all kinds of weapons with the Su-30MKI. For those who are unaware (and there are many, including the ‘desi’ and ‘videshi/Caucasian’ patrakaars’), the Su-30MKI’s existing weapons management computer is of Russia-origin (operating via a GOST-standard digital databus) and therefore its source codes are unavailable to the IAF or anyone else in India for any subsequent modification of the weapons integration software. Therefore, adoption of the HAL-developed weapons management computer operating via a MIL-STD-1760 databus interface will offer all the required source-codes for domestic integration of varied types of weapon systems. Hence, all talk since 2007 about the Su-30MKIs being sought to be armed with weapons like the AIM-132 ASRAAM or Meteor BVRAAM is pure Bakwaas (baloney)! Incidentally, the two Su-30MKIs modified to carry the BrahMos-A anti-ship ALCM are the first ones to make use of the HAL-developed weapons management computer. And for those interested in finding out more about what avionics architecture is all about, the following three slides explain it all.
To date, money has been sanctioned for fabricating only four flying prototypes of this MRCA, plus one for structural fatigue-testing. Meanwhile, expertise has been sought from the Nashik-based Indo-Russian Aviation Ltd (IRAL) for integrating the GSh-23 cannon with the airframes of both the Tejas Mk.1 and Mk.1A L-MRCA aiframes. A first round exploratory firing trials from a ground-based Tejas Mk.1 LSP airframe was concluded last month, and this will be followed by further such firings, to be followed by an intensive phase of airborne firing trials lasting 12 months in order to develop the required HUD symbology for weapons-aiming.
The slides below are those of the radome-mounted S/L dual-band active phased-array radar for the A330 AEW & CS now under development. While the vertically-stacked TRMMs denote the S-band primary surveillance radar, those that are horizontally-stacked along the edges of the radome operate in the L-band as a secondary surveillance radar and also serve as transponders for IFF.
The all-composite radome is being fabricated by Goa-based KINECO Pvt Ltd.
The ISTAR platform (below) closely resembles a Bombardier 5000A airframe. The primary belly-mounted sensors will be twin X-band synthetic aperture radars, one for battlefield surveillance and the other for maritime surveillance.
Efforts are now underway to make the Nirbhay cruise missile compatible with the Larsen & Toubro-built universal vertical launcher (for warships) of the BrahMos-1 cruise missile, and with 533mm torpedo tubes for submarines. While the Indian Navy has a stated requirement for 200 Nirbhays (to eventually replace a similar number of existing Novator 3M-14E Club-S cruise missiles), the IAF wants more than 1,000 of them as air-launched variants. 
However, the continued unavailability of the GTRE-developed turbofan (above) is preventing the placement of confirmed production orders for the Nirbhay.
An Elaborate Con-Game Unravelled
The biggest embarrassment at DEFEXPO-2020 was the showcasing of three different types of ‘desi’ third-generation anti-armour guided-missiles: the DRDO-developed MPATGM, the Bharat Dynamics Ltd (BDL)-developed Amogha-3, and the VEM Technologies-developed ASI-BAL.
The reasons they are embarrassing is because they are all of the third-generation-type and are over-sized, while MBDA along with Larsen & Toubro (via the 51:49 joint venture (JV) company named L & T MBDA Missile Systems Ltd, or LTMMSL that was created  in 2017 and under it a missile integration facility was created on February 3, 2020 in a Special Economic Zone in Coimbatore across an area of 16,000 sq. metre for undertaking assembly, inert integration and testing) are offering the fifth-generation MMP (below).
RAFAEL of Israel is offering fourth-/fifth-generation variants of the Spike (through Kalyani RAFAEL Advanced Systems Pvt Ltd, which is spread across an area of 24,000 square feet in Hardware Tech-Park close to the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport) in Hyderabad), while the Javelin JV (JJV) partnership of Lockheed Martin and Raytheon are offering both fifth- and sixth-generation versions of the FGM-148 Javelin ATGM and to this effect, on February 6 inked an MoU with the Hyderabad-based DPSU BDL to explore co-production of the FGM-148 Javelin ATGM. Interestingly, one news-report, published on September 1, 2016 (http://www.business-standard.com/article/companies/tata-power-to-make-javelin-missile-with-lockheed-martin-jv-116083101441_1.html) had even gone to the extent of claiming that TATA Power SED had teamed up with the JJV for licence-producing the Javelin ATGMs!
This then qualifies all the interested foreign ATGM manufacturers to offer their products under the Indian Designed Developed & Manufactured (IDDM) category, since this category contains a dubious clause that mandates only a minimum 40% locally-built material content, with the remaining 60% being permissible for imports! Consequently, we can safely conclude that IDDM is nothing else but a new 21st century definition of ‘licenced-manufacture’, thereby having nothing to do with the goal of achieving self-reliance in military-technical/military-industrial R & D. Only this can meaningfully explain why DPSUs like BDL are teaming up with foreign OEMs while at the same time making false claims about having the capability to develop and produce the so-called homegrown ATGMs like the MPATGM and Amogha-3.
Furthermore, while all foreign-origin manportable ATGMs being exhibited at the expo were shown along with their manportable command launch units (CLU), none of the two India-origin ATGMs being exhibited (MPATGM and Amogha-3) were shown (by either the DRDO or BDL) with their manportable launchers and integral fire-control units, simply because they have not yet been developed.
The Milan-2 and Milan-2T ATGMs both make use of dangerous substances like radioactive Thorium (watch this report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FsE6PeZ7Umg&t=18s)  
Believe it or not, the main reason why the service-induction of the Project 71/IAC-1 has gotten delayed was that the Indian Navy's Naval Design Bureau had done more than 6,000 changes to the detailed design of the vessel! As a result, the final flowchart required for the sequential placement of orders for long-lead items had to be constantly changed, due to which fitting-out processes were severely disrupted. Consequently, the incomplete vessel had to be launched and kept afloat alongside at Cochin Shipyard Ltd and this in turn led the superstructure to being exposed to the corrosive salt water environment and this in turn led to an extra six-month period of internal inspections having to be carried out between last June and December back at the drydock, without which no internal wiring work could be carried out for the Russia-supplied carrier aviation complex and the UK-supplied elevators.
The above two slides show the exact location where the DRDO-developed and Larsen & Toubro MAREEM AIP-module will be installed on the IN-operated CM-2000 Scorpene SSKs.
Project 17A FFG & Its EW Fitments
The surface search radar is the X-band Scanter-6002 from TERMA of Denmark, replacing the earlier Russia-origin Garpun Bal-E.
Looks like both OFB and BEML have bought into my idea (that was suggested back in 2016 in an earlier thread) of the AK-630M six-barrelled anti-aircraft gun being developed as a viable motorised AAA solution (below). All that is now required is its integration with the DRDO-developed and BEL-built Atulya FCR, or the BEL-made Lynx-US FCR.


  1. Thank you for the Pics Sir, amazing. Love the look of the Tejas Mk2, especially the cockpit. Do you think too much is being packed into it and it could have weight issues?


  2. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/india-to-get-military-commands-in-3-years-biggest-restructuring-ever-2174788?pfrom=home-topscroll

    Your view please.

  3. Dear Prasun,

    Two Changes are happening in the Persian Gulf

    1. New Twist In Gulf State’s Massive Naval Expansion


    2. American grand strategy: Qatar and Saudi Arabia

    Qatar a Small Country is investing hugely in Fighter jets and in Submarine. Qatar is a rich country but its Qatari population is just 5 Lakhs People. It cannot fight Saudi & UAE.

    Now the Question is

    a) Why Qatar is investing heavily in Defence?.
    b) Whether Saudi & UAE will get angry and attach Qatar?
    c) Why suddenly US is downgrading Saudi Partnership?

    Senthil Kumar

  4. Prasun sir, I might sound exageratting a bit but mwf cockpit looks really similar to the same fine neat and clean f35 cockpit minus hud... If this is a functional simulator cockpit then I must say hats off to the designers.. Any more info on mwf? Whether any design tweaks happened?? I can see a Lil bit tweak around the air inlet in ur provided pics ..
    2-never heard of this sr asm missile for helicopters.. What wudbe the speed?? Subsonic or supersonic?
    3-D what is this ajita sam system.. Some say it's just desi version of nasam.. Kindly delve into it
    4-kalyani is showing the 155/52 ultra light mountain howitzer.. Will it kill atags? I mean they are saying it has 2 versions..the all steel one is 6tons and titanium alloy one is less than 5ton.. Kalyani is doing wonder after wonders I must say

  5. Dear Prasun,


    Many thanks for Defexpo'20 thread, looking forward to your insights & analysis on the same.

    However came across one article on Arjun tank by Kyle Mizokami.


    Kindly share your views on above link

    Thanks & Regards,
    Pinkal Shah

  6. Thanks for the slides Prasun are there any robotic/AI platforms are on display? Also the MPATGM should weigh less in rage of 12.5-13 kgs whats your take on that?

  7. Sir, this article says that the recent test of air launched brahmos was against an air borne target. Do you think this is true? Or is it just miscommunication on part of the reporter?


  8. PrasunDa,

    According to this article Qatar wants to purchase submarines. Italy has made an offer.


    Shouldn't India also offer the P75 with the MAREEM AIP? MoD along with Naval Group can make this offer to Qatar.


  9. Prasun Sir, Thanks for the pics you have uploaded for us. I'm interested in knowing more about the SIGINT kinda aircraft shown in slide 8. Is India having its own program for the same or is it what India planned to buy from US? Thank You

  10. Is this the final design of the MGS?

  11. Dada,
    Your commenton Chinese Navy's over the horizon radar please ! Is it real ? It's defying physics. Few days back I have heard in Rajya Sabha tv that Chinise Navy is already having over the horizon Radar.
    Best regards,

  12. Sir, thank you for the pictures!

    1) ISTAR has a side mounted radar too? How far are we from realizing it on an aircraft?

    2) what is CDS hinting at fighter purchases?


    Btw peninsular command, seems like they heard you.

    3) the theft was from the ship itself and not yard office?


    Shame on security provisions of the yard.

    4) sir, any estimate at what kind of info leaks and damages are we looking at from vikrant theft and earlier brahmos enigneer's theft?



  13. Prasun,

    1- why is the NASM- Sr weighing 300kg & has such less range (55kms).. Matre -ER weighs the same but has 100+ kms range.. anything missing here?
    2- is the following report correct? if yes, can you shed more light on it
    3- Can you pls share more pics from the expo. Also share info on your interactions with maibaaps of MoD/armed forces if you have had a chance tointeract
    4- what have you found interesting in the expo & what can we be exicted about

  14. Prasun Da, a question about the ongoing DefExpo

    In this interview the Naval Group says that they are offering a submarine for the P75I tender, but doesn't mention the name. Is it a variant of the Shortfin Barracuda?



  15. Sir,

    I follow your blog on regular basis and even though I haven't posted comments for a long time, I do find most of your ideas quite logical and something I can agree with.

    However, I can not help but ask you something since you are visiting the ongoing defexpo. Are they really selling handbags, saris, toys and Tablas. If yes, then WTF!!!


    Has no one in this country of 1.3 billion people pointed out to the organiser that in a defence expo, people are suppose to display defence/military products and not household utensils? Are these guys expecting Indian army to fight with kitchen utensils and cutleries?

    Also, even though we are largest arms importer in the World, why our air show and defexpo so lackluster. I have never visited the foreign military expos but from what have I seen in videos, those are organized so professionally or am I missing something?


  16. I wonder why DEFEXPO 2020 had to be a messy event and national shame by crazy hoard of peoples with free passes? I hope you enjoyed your visit well, awaiting for your detailed analysis.

  17. Dear Prasun,
    Thanks for this thread. I have two questions.

    1. What is the difference between Amogh III and MPATGM?

    2. Which submarine model is shown in last slide and what AIP system is being shown?

  18. Sir what are those Diamond shaped cavities on both the sides of MWF near Air intake meant for ?

    Even there are cavities on top of the aircraft as well,are those meant for conformal fuel tanks ?

  19. Dada so super su30 mki will get maws or not? I didn't found the maws in this slide of desi upgrade package for Su 30.

  20. Prasun da,

    1) Russia has said that the delivery of S-400 will start by 2021 end. Wasn't it supposed to begin by the end of this year?

    2) What are the timelines for AWACS-India and ISTAR aircraft projects?

    3) Will there be more orders for K-9 Vajra guns to prevent the production line from closing?

  21. To RAT: Not at all, due to new-generation weight-saving avionics going on-board, resulting in reduction in the number of processors through the adoption of core avionics processors. Several ROVs are on display, including an unmanned but armed ATV developed by Kalyani Group. Will post its slides later.


    To SUSAN: It is a paper design, nothing else. It was once proposed 0as an alternative to the IAF’s Barak-8 MR-SAM project.

    To SUJIT: 1) It is the same cockpit design as that of the Tejas Sport version & the upgraded Hawk Mk.132 cockpit—both of which were shown at Aero India 2019. 2) Speed of NASM-SR is mentioned in the slide. 3) Just a paper design, as explained above. 4) ATAGS is for the plains. All ultralightweight field howitzers—towed or MGS—are meant for use in mountainous terrain.

    To PINKAL SHAH: It is a piece of ‘yellow journalism’. Why do you reckon the IA is ordering 118 Arjun Mk.1As later this year? This has already been confirmed by the IA’s new COAS himself.

    To PRRANSHU YADAV: That’s wrong. The air-to-air variant of BrahMos-NG is still under development. BrahMos-A is only for land-attack & anti-ship strike. So far, only the DRDL-developed & ECIL-built X-band SAR sensor has been flight-tested & the DRDL-developed & DATA PATTERNS-built X-band SAR sensor is due to be flight-tested in the next round of firing trials.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: How can India make any such offer when France’s NAVAL FORCES owns all designs & related IPRs for the Scorpene SSK? India can only offer the MAREEM AIP module.

    To AMRITANSHU & SUMIT SEN: It is not just a SIGINT platform, but an ISTAR platform as explained above. It will be similar to the 2 ISTAR platforms now being operated by the NTRO & flown by the IAF.

    To PARTHASARATHY: The PLAN has been operating OTHRs since the previous decade itself.

  22. To VSJ: 1) Only belly-mounted SAR sensors. Side-mounted bulges contain SIGINT/ELINT sensors. 2) It is FAKE NEWS. 3 & 4) Nothing pertaining to the vessel’s design or performance parameters.

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: It is the SMX 3.0 submarine that is being offered & its scale-model was shown at the expo. Will upload its slide later in this thread.

    To SOUMYADIP & SUDIPTA: Yes, even the likes of BHOUTIK & JOYDEEP have been MIA for a while! As for DEFEXPO-2020, the global norm is for expos of this type of be announded & planned for 2 years in advance. But in India, those who reckon they are blessed with all-knowing wisdom are of the view that they can do the same in 6 months. Consequently, what emerges in the end is not a credible expo, but rather a MELAA (carnival). And all the Centre-level netas sitting on the podium during the inaugural ceremony have no qualms about uttering utter bullshit & falsifications about how great each such expo has been & continues to be. This started with the 2016 expo in Goa, followed by the 2018 expo in Chennai, & the latest in Lucknow.

    To VED: Amogha-3 is reportedly the byproduct of BDL’s in-house R & D, while MPATGM is the DRDO’s handiwork. Both are third-generation ATGMs, while what’s being offered from abroad are 5th-gen ATGMs. Which one will you then opt for?

    To PANIC: They are panels for accessing avionics compartments, nothing else.

    To SUMIT SEN: The slide shows only HAL-developed avionics elements. MAWS is included in the package, but since it will come from BEL, it wasn;t shown by HAL.

    To KAPIL: 1) Deliveries will start this year but those deliveries will be used for training of IAF crews in Russia, following which they will start being shipped to India next year. 2) No timelines are given perhaps because the DRDO is not known to adhere to any laid-down timeline. 3) What for? Even for the existing K-9 Vajras, not a single ammo autoloading vehicle has been ordered. And each K-9 can carry only 45 rounds of 155mm ammo. Unless ammo autoloading vehicles are ordered, how will the K-9s be restocked with ammo rounds on the battlefield? It is just like ordering towed field howitzers & their tow trucks, but not ordering any ammo resupply truck.

  23. Spike-SR fragment in Polas Kakota village of Abbaspur sector after cross-LoC firing by IA on February 8:


  24. Sir, Earlier you said that India ordered 82 k-9 & 18 k-10 reloaders. now you are saying no k-10 ordered. so can you now confirm that we got all 100 k-9's only??

  25. Dear Prasun,

    The Sukhoi upgrade mentions indigenous components. But makes no mention of the engine. Are we once again making the mistake of not upgrading the engine and only upgrading other components just like in the past?(with Mirage, Mig29, Jaguar)

  26. Prasunda

    Bingo as usual on two of your very educated predictions

    1. The CDS announced that procurement of 100 MRCA at a time is not feasible due to budgetary constraints (& service availability 😉) That should put paid to the 2.5 times more expensive discredited screwdriver assembly of Combat Aircraft. Thus, it probably means piecemeal orders for atleast more Rafale squadrons with more upgrades involving cheaper imports & MRO in India at NAGPUR. Poor CDS was unnecessarily pillioried for a very logical statement. Even if F21 is now procured, it will probably also go through same process & MRO with limited production of sections by TATAs.
    That's the only way the MWF can hope to see light of day & eventual series production in India.

    2. DRDO has finally accepted it's criminal negligence on missing deadlines & delay in provision of force multipliers like EW/ISTAR aircraft; after import of two Gulfstream jets with Raytheon doing needful. The selection of Bombardiers rather than C-295s bears out your excellent forecast.

    I sincerely hope that another of your projection regarding the LIFT version of Tejas/Mk1A comes to pass. After Mk1/Mk1A production is over & before MWF(?) assembly line starts, HAL should get orders from IAF for tandemseat LIFT or SPORT versions of Mk1A equipped with sidestick Cockpit of the MWF. IAF gets much needed LIFT & dual purpose Fighter with (Swarm) Drone tech as envisaged for Jaguar MaxIII. This will also keep the Assembly lines running till MWF is ready. The export potential of such LIFT/SPORT vide direct transfer or by third party transfer to keep the Assembly line working till MWF is set up.

  27. Thanks for replying, sir. Some more questions

    1) What is the status of Tata Whap? When will it enter service?

    2) Is there a new 1000km + long range subsonic cruise missile under development besides Nirbhay?

    3) So Raytheon ISTAR and additional Phalcon AWACS will be acquired as interim solution?

    4) When will IA and IAF start receiving Barak-8 and Barak-8ER respectively?

    5) Will the IA be forced to go for indigenous 3rd Gen ATGMs because of fund shortage?

    6) Why can't IA work with private sector company like MKU to develop futuristic infantry combat system like France's FELIN or Britain's FIST?

    7) Should India work on a universal VLS for warships which can fire both SAMs and ASCMs? This will enable the Navy to carry missiles accordingly as per mission requirements.

    8) Any new info on XRSAM?

  28. Hi prasun da, please elaborate more about 3rd,4th,5th &6th gen ATGM.what are the difference between them thanks

  29. summon me sir & i shall appear

  30. Latest just now i got this information.
    Sir this time i also attended defense expo... Acha laga...

  31. Hi Prasun,

    Great read as always. Especially the SU30 upgrade details, no one published the details so well.

    Hope you answer my below queries;

    1. SU30 - is aesa radar ready? How many new aircrafts will be ordered?
    2. Will we procure Javelin 5th gen atgm? Or go for MMP or spike lr2?
    3. Which of the 3 atgms offered will probably be adopted and why?
    4. SSS defence and ASTR VEM showed new firearm prototypes. What's the chances for them to be procured?
    5. Ulh52 by kalyani group seems promising. Will it find use in IA?
    6. ATAGS project seems to have hit snag due to weight issues. What is the current status?
    7. When will work for Arjun mk2 begin? Will it be based on k2 black panther chasis?
    8. AS21 is offered as ficv by L&T and seems better preposition then ofb offer. Will work on it start.
    9.AK203 project seems to be stuck. Will it be abonded?
    10. Why Nasams2, Barak MX could do a better job?

    Srinivasa Nanduri


  32. Prasun .. Can you elaborate on the different generations of ATGMs ?
    I assume 1st gen is wire guided. 2nd gen Wireless Laser/RF Guidance. 3rd Gen Active seeker .. no guidance after launch. What are 4th and 5th or 6th gen even, that you mentioned ? I can't find a reliable source for these.
    Thank You

  33. To HARSH: Yes, only K-9s have been ordered & without their autoloaders (see the 2 slides uploaded above) these tracked SPHs will be WORTHLESS in delivering fire-support in support of manoeuvre warfare armoured/mechanised formations.

    To PAVAN: As I had explained yesterday, the slide on Super Su-30MKI upgrade is from HAL & therefore shows only HAL-developed/-built hardware meant for installation. Hardware from other OEMs like BEL or Russia’s NPO Saturn (engine manufacturer) have therefore not been shown in the slide.

    To KAUSTAV: VMT. Here’s the full transcript of the CDS’ interview:


    It is still early days for the CDS & he will take at least another 6 months to come to grips with his charter of duties & hence any talk about theatre commands or joint services warfighting is uncalled for & premature. Instead, he should focus all his attention toward commissioning the National Defence University, whose creation was announced way back in the year 2000. Furthermore, he ought to focus on integrated warfighting scenarios, for which he will need to read this:


    To KAPIL: 1) Had already explained it in the previous thread, i.e. it was trialled in the North East & the IA called for several modifications to the vehicle, which will take 2 years to fulfil. No orders have been placed & so as of now it will not enter service. 2) No, again as I had explained yesterday, the Nirbhay technology demonstration is incomplete since the ‘desi’ small turbofan from GTRE has not yet surfaced. 3) Why are you referring to them as ‘interim solutions’? The IAF requires NINE (09) ISTAR platforms & 11 AEW & CS platforms in all. 4) From the end of this year. 5) What for? If it does, then it will make the IA the world’s laughing stock. Folks are already laughing at both the DRDO & BDL for displaying their MPATGM & Amogha-3 minus their manportable launchers & fire-control units when at the expo RAFAEL, Raytheon & MBDA were showing them along with their ATGMs. 6) How can the IA embark upon such ventures when it is not even sure what the future armoured/mechanised battlefield will be like? Aren’t you aware that that’s precisely why the futuristic FRCV & FICV projects are going nowhere? 7) Work on that has already begun. 8) ZERO (0) Info.

  34. To NAKUL & ROY: ATGM generations are defined not only by the modernity of the missiles, but also of their launchers & their fire-control units. While missiles since the 3rd generation have had tandem warheads & top-attack capability, the 4th & 5th generation missiles have LWIR & SWIR seekers with fire-n-forget capability, target switching capability, optional data-linking & wire-guided modes of operation if the range requires increasing from 2.5 km to 4km or even 6km. The launchers & fire-control units on the other hand now come with miniature laser rangefinders, compass, dual-mode target acquisition (IR & daylight HD colour video). On 5th-gen ATGMs & their launchers & FCUs, the IR sensors are uncooled while on the 4th-gen ones cryogenic cooling is still reqd.

    To BHOUTIK: VMT. That leaves JOYDEEP GHOSH still unaccounted for.

    To ANUP: Elementary: the pressure-hull will have to be cut into two, then the AIP module will be inserted & the pressure-hulls will then have to be re-welded into a single structure. That’s why only during mid-life refits are such ‘deep’ upgrades carried out.

    To ASHISH GAUTAM & AMIT BISWAS: As I had stated a few times before, what is being acquired isn’t NASAMS, but the customised IADWS system.

    To ASHISH GAUTAM: Sirf Achcha lala? Mazaa karne gaye the mele mein, ya kuch seekha aur samjha bhi? Dekha kaise DRDO aur BDL apne apne ATGMs dikhayen lekin bagair unke launcher/fire-control unit? Aisa kyun, jab RAFAEL, Raytheon aur MBDA apne apne launcher bhi dikhaya?

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: 1) Yes, the AESA-MMR is ready for installation. 2) In terms of sophistication, the MMP is now No.1 as a 5th-gen ATGM. 3) The answer to that will emerge only after in-country firing trials are conducted. 4) SSS Defence is actually a JV with a Brazilian OEM & none of their showcased firearms are of indigenous origin by any stretch of imagination. 5) Not likely in the near future, but the 155mm/39-cal MGS has good prospects for use in mountainous terrain of Ladakh, Sikkim & Arunachal Pradesh. 6) ATAGS being overweight isn’t a major issue since such howitzers are towed by heavy-duty trucks & are therefore meant for use only in the plains. 7) Work began 2 years ago & by next year the mobility trials will commence. 8) The IA is clueless about the future of its FRCV & FICV projects since they contradict one another due to absence of doctrinal clarity about the nature & character of future battlefields. 9) It will carry on, rest assured. 10) The IADWS system will be ordered for the low-level air-defence of the National Capital Region.

    Have uploaded several new slides above.

    And yesterday witnessed heavy exchanges of mortar firing in the Kotli-Nakyal sector of the LoC:


    And this 'Love Child' is back in India:


    While his mom is now having second thoughts:


  35. hi prasun da,In the HAL's poster there are picture of AESA radar & IRST .are those developed by HAL?Thanks

  36. Dada there's a news surfaced that IA will buy about 1900 Athos wheeled artillery systems from Israel. How far is that true?

  37. Prasunda,

    Four years ago China had set up a military bloc comprising China, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Afghanistan.


    Although China says this bloc is meant purely for tackling terrorism obviously there is more to it. How will this bloc adversely affect India's security?


  38. Arey guruji DRDO baba k to hutiape puchiye mat. MWF vale uncle at that stall mere se puch rahe 110KN ka engine b hai kya F414 series mei?? I was like aise log jahaz banayenge to beda gark he hona hai....
    Though he told that after design optimisation 22% reduction in drag has been achieved... I told him sir if continued with 98KN engine it may remain underpowered like Mk1 he said no no it won't, i was like sarkari babu hai kya bole inko....
    I went to HAL stand which was showing Dornier, i said when drone can do all surveillance work which ur aircraft is doing why to use it? Bola admi kisme le jaoge i said helicopter mei... He was giving crying look....
    Next i asked why so slow production rate he said 12 a/c per yesr kam hai kya?i said Americans made 100+ per year he said vo American hai i said alien to nahi hai na? He again got angry on me... 😂😂
    Khair hme kya, hmko vaise b foreign mei settle hona most probably UK fir India to koi mtlb he nahi...
    N this country i guarantee u, ye mulk fir gulam banega.. fir Muslims n leftists will rule India... freebies mei bikte hai log sir.. aram se gulam banenge..

  39. To NAKUL: No, they are licence-built by HAL at its Korwa & Hyderabad divisions.

    To ANUP: IADWS is for low-level air-defence only—a task that can easily be fulfilled by the SpyDer-SR system. Consequently, it is not common-sensical to for another low-level air-defence system. So, in conclusion, the answer can only be one that defies all logic, i.e. the IADWS can do something which both the SpyDer-SR & homegrown QR-SAM cannot.

    To SUMIT SEN & ANUP: How can ATHOS be selected when it has not even been evaluated in-country along with its competitors like the Caesar from France’s Nexter Systems? And why then did the OFB then show the Dhanush-52 MGS at both DEFEXPO-2018 & DEFEXPO-2020? Moreover, the reqmt for MGS by the IA is 814 units.

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: It is just a counter-terror security grouping. In reality, except Pakistan & China, the remaining two (Afghanistan & Tajikistan) remain heavily dependent on Russia for weapons supplies. And here is another interesting revelation:


    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: I have uploaded additional text above to explain in detail the elaborate con-game being enacted under the garb of IDDM in the arena of ATGM procurements. This reality, in the form of PAID NEWS, is being peddled by the ‘desi patrakaars’ like this:


    To ASHISH GAUTAM: Ghulam to bahut dashokon pehle (decades ago) ban gaya tha, jab import substitution ke naam mein licenced-production shuru ho gaya tha aur jise aaj IDDM kehte hain. Have just explained it all above WRT the nautanki now being played out for ATGM procurements. Aaj kal ghulami ke sath ‘naukarshahi’ bhi chal raha hai!

  40. Prasun Da,

    Last year India had transferred a KILO class submarine to Myanmar. In the short to medium term is there a possibility that India will transfer more such subs to Myanmar?

    Thank You

  41. Hi Prasun,
    Last year you said that houthi rebels will be wiped out, but nothing has changed is is the due to incompetence of Saudi military or USA broader plan to keep the kingdom in check.

  42. Prasun Da,

    Don't you think that IADWS is just to make Trump happy and not sanction the S400 deal. Waste taxpayers money instead of showing some strength and self respect.


  43. Ha sir dekha vo bhi. Public ka chutia kata ja raha hai,or due to lack of awareness it happens. It will keep on happening.
    Khair su30mki ka upgrade kitna time lega? N is it possible to initiate it this year?? Keeping budget etc issue in mind....
    Iadws vala deal to lgta hai uncle Sam ko khush krne k liye hai or kuch nahi.
    I discussed about making heavily armed 2000ton or less displacement IEP based corvettes with L&T guys in defexpo they with 8-12 brahmos, 24*2 MRSAMs, 330mm torpedo etc, they told that they can make it in less then 1500 crore per unit but issue is k govt shipyards won't let it happen. Pvt guys aren't allowed till now to make corvette. Why that so??
    Do you foresee any nuclear exchange in between us n Pakistan?? Will they use it if we snatch Pok?? In case if they used be it 5-10 kiloton tactical nuke will our govt authorise use of our high capacity bombs of 300-500KT class or Megaton class to be used on them?? Or will that be lukewarm resposnse from us 10-20kt weapon?? Will we target their densely populated cities like Karachi, Pindi, Islamabad, Multan etc etc??

  44. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/analysis/opinion-saudis-follow-iran-s-1994-somersault-on-kashmir-at-oic/1730770

    1)What Iran gained is a mystery?
    2)Bring out your information on this chapter and tell us how Rao then PM check mated Pakistan
    3)Describe it like a story



  45. hi prasun
    regarding the netra j band seeker , what would be the advantage of haveing a seeker in the j band /. most are in the x band and s band . ? we seem to have a plethora of seekers being developed . have we cracked the tech to make any seeker?
    there are confirmed reports emerging as the corona virus is bio engineered as per your previous post . On what virus does it own its parentage ? i am given to understand that a bio weapon always has a antidode incase of accidental escape like what happened now . what happened ?
    dont ypou think 3rd gen mpatgm is enough in the indian scenario becasue we cant aford to buy 5th gen misisoles?
    it is crazy to buy the amraam based airdefence systyem for delhi avoiding the spyder and the qrsam. what do you think would be a the most probable reason to go that way ?
    Any airdefence profesional worth his salt would question this acquisition. surely the deby er missile can do what the amraam based system can do if not better, due to latest seeker . When it is mentioned that derby has a software defined seeker , what are they refering to ,an AESA seeker?
    why do we need crypto stuff from abroad when we have the brains and desi super computer to do the research?
    i read the force magazine article where you have clearly explained the data link inter operability which is very important. Are ther any attempt to link the tri services in such a way albeit there own data links .?
    why dont we have a link 16 type data link as i feel it can be done with the present tech and brains power we have ?.
    can you describe the desi data links ? how are the p-8 and a-64 apaches data linked to indian systems ?.
    do you think the rustom 2 UAV will see the light of the day .? they seem to be making several prototypes for testing .what i sthe main hurdle according to you ?.
    That Al jazeera corespondernt i s the son of tavleen singh????
    are all the desi atgm cooled ? Is there any way to jam the seeker ?
    Is there any chance that chinese will integrate the pl-15 300km AAM on the jf-17 to counter the Indian advantage due to rafale meteor combination.?
    Is the DRDO biting of more than it can chew as usual trying to tell us tey can make a ISTAR system like the jstars or similar? Do we have the tech? hardware , software?
    do we need oth radars to keep a check on chinese vessels./does israel have OTH?

  46. Hi Prasun ,

    If BrahMos-NG would have an A2A version , what would be its engagement envelope be like ? is it going to be optimized to take out slow maneuvering force multiplier platforms like tankers and AWACS ? or could it chase down quicker platforms ?

  47. 1. Ghaatak (hope the spelling is right) is supposed to be main assault rifle of the future. We are in process of manufacturing AK203, where does TAR fit in ?
    2. chief of Army staff requested Kalyani to make a SUV mounted 105 mm artillery, is it ready ? Will Indian army buy it ?


  48. PrasunDa,

    Two more questions regarding submarines. The Project 75 was supposed to create an eco system in India for the construction of submarines.

    (1) To what extent was the creation of that eco system successful?

    (2) What more value does the MoD expect to extract from the P75 I program

    Many thanks

  49. To VIKRAM GUHA: No SSK has been transferred to Myanmar. Of what use will such a SSK be when the Myanmar Navy does not have any type-qualified crew compliment for manning such an SSK? What has been done is the IN has put INS Sindhukirti at the Myanmar Navy’s disposal for a certain period of days for a 2-year period during which the IN will be operating the SSK but it will include personnel of the Myanmar Navy on-board for hands-on training prior to their transfer on to the Type 636 SSKs that Myanmar has ordered from Russia. Back in the previous decade India has extended similar access to one of its SSKs to the Vietnam People’s Navy & back in the early 1990s a Class 209/Type 1500 SSK was set aside for 27 days per year for training personnel of the Republic of Singapore Navy.

    Both the P-75 & ATV projects have already created the reqd industrial eco-system for building & servicing submarines. There’s thuis nothing more to add with the P-75I project & that’s why this project is a no-brainer.

    Have uploaded more slides above, including some on the Nirbhay LACM’s ‘desi’ turbofan.

    To BLACK BOX: Of course matters have changed & nowadays there are no more offensives staged by the Houtis, especially after the assassination of Gen Qasem Suleimani.

    To SUDIPTA: It certainly appears to the case.

    To RON: It has already been covered rather extensively here:



    The same author has regurgitated his earlier story, which appears here:


    But one also has to bear in mind that the author (an Indian citizen) is engaging in needless speculation about what was promised by India to Iran, largely due to the grudge he bears against India for this incident:



  50. To RAD: J-band is the new nomenclature for the older Ku-band, i.e. they are one & the same. Gen-3 MPATGM is a no-brainer nowadays since MPATGMs by nature have to be quick-reaction systems & hence 5th-gen MPATGMs have uncooled sensors for both target acquisition (on the CLU) & the missile itself. Judging by the sizes of both the DRDO-developed MPATGM & Amogha-3, both missiles ought to have a max range of more than 4km. Back in the 1970s & 1980s, Crypto AG was the principal supplier of cryptographic hardware, especially for India’s MEA. In future battlefields, diverse networks will have to be networked for the sake of obtaining superior situational awareness data/imagery. That already is a prevailing global trend. All data-links use software-defined radios & the moment SDRs enter service, the data-links automatically follow. If India’s armed forces were confident about the Rustom-2 MALE-UAV, why then are they clamouring for Guardian/Sea Guardian MALE-UAVs from US-based General Atomics? Yes, that is Tavleen Singh’s son. Irony is that despite him declaring that Tavleen is his sole legal guardian, he still continues to use his biological father’s surname despite his late father disowning him while he was still alive. OTHRs are reqd by any country that has to keep an eye on vast expanses of the seas & oceans. Meanwhile, this is an interesting read:


    To 3RD-EYE: About 300km. Its sole targets will be AEW & CS platforms & aerial refuelling tankers.

    To VENKY: 1) TAR is 7.62 x 52 while Ghaatak is 7.62 x 39. 2) Not 105mm, but 155mm ultralightweight MGS, Have uploaded its slides above. The Garuda 105 will be used by only light strike forces involved in insurgencies & that explains why countries like Saudi Arabia are interested in such hardware. So, if the Garuda 105 is bought by Saudi Arabia, then expect it to be used in the civil war in Yemen.

    1. Which local assault rifle will replace INSAS.
      We have already imported 74000 SigSeurs. What happens after this ?


  51. To ANUP: 1) LoLz! The ex-Jaguar IS pilot reckons it is a marvel, whereas such ‘dei’ hardware has exieted since 2017, like these:





    2) In mothballed condition at Hindon AFS.

    3) Great! Another H-MRCA to complement the Su-30MKI H-MRCAs!

    To ANYWAY: That is a lopsided & erroneous story. Here are the facts:

    The warship was laid down in 1978 at the Nikolayev South shipyard (then in the USSR, now in Ukraine), launched in 1982, and commissioned with the Soviet Navy in 1987. It was renamed Admiral Gorshkov after the USSR’s collapse in 1991. In 1994, the vessel sat in dock for a year for repairs after a boiler room explosion. In 1995, it briefly returned to service but was finally withdrawn and put up for sale in 1996. It then gathered a lot of corrosion between then & 2004, just as the IAC-1 had between 2013 & 2019. INS Vikramaditya’s handover to the IN was put back from December 2012 to October 2013 after propulsion failures occured when the vessel began her sea-trials in the White Sea in August 2013. And that’s because the IN refused to use carcinogenic asbestos to protect the 8 boilers from heat, fearing that the material was dangerous for the crew. Instead, it used ceramic firebricks (imported from China), which had poorer insulating properties. Consequently, 3 of the 8 boilers failed, but the vessel still managed to stay underway and reached 23 Knots, below its design speed of 29 Knots. Thus, the boilers’ heat insulation was the core of the problem. The replacement boilers installed as part of the vessel’s US$2.3 billion refit were guaranteed for just 10 months, which expired before the warship took to sea. The boiler-pipes are made from a special steel which is no longer made in Russia & is available only from Ukraine.

    From the above, it is clear that it wasn’t Russia’s fault at all. Why did India not biy thae vessel back in 1996 itself, when the superstructure was in excellent seaworthy condition? And why did the IN insist on ceramic firebricks as the boiler insulation material? Who wre the ‘Smart Alecs’ within the In who let all this happen? It is they who should be held accountable, not Russia.

  52. Sir, don't you think the former IAF chief BS Dhanoa is virtually putting everything on Rafale's capability to revive IAF's edge.
    In fact, he said in that report that six Rafales would have been used in place of 6 mig21s. This means IAF is intended to use Rafales not only for deep strikes but air defenses too(both jaguar and mig tasks together, which should be a welcome change in mindset i:e not going for specific aircraft for a specific task aka the blunder of mig23 and mig27s).

    Btw now this thread is very interesting as always. On 1st 2 days of this thread, I was disappointed to see very little info.

  53. Prasun sir, the way India's air defence systems are becoming truly international, I think they wud ask any intruding aircraft which missiles they wud prefer? Russian, Israeli, American or we have some designs options as well ��
    2-it seems the new land attack cruise missile is now going to use brahmos's universal vertical launcher.. So does that mean our kolkata and vishakapatnam class destroyers will now be able to fire land attack cruise missile? But u have always maintained that land attack will only be armed with corvettes.
    3-D f15 ex offer is truly a no brainer.. There is simply nothing which upgraded super sukhoi can't do which f15ex can
    4-cds rawat has already cleared that successive aircraft's will be bought in batches.. As u hv always maintained

  54. Hi Prasun,
    My respect for you has increased 🙂 after reading the in the above article on air defence mounted gun system .
    Proud of you.



    I was surprised at the ak 630 pic. for a moment i thought that you had also exhibited in the show with your idea!.
    ifail to understand the concept of putting a massive high recoil gun at such a elevated place because laws of levers will skew the whole carriage in the opposite side of firing even with those raised by hydrualic jacks .
    The chinese seem to have cracked it .
    I percieve the only advantage the elevated gun is that it has a clearer firing elevation for low level targets. does the whole tubular structure contain the ammo also?
    In my thinking the radar has to be a in a different vehicle with power and comand center included , possible ??
    how do we integrate the russian electronic hardware ie servos , for azimuth elevation control?
    atulya radar seems to be aperfect match with aesa radar , electro optics targe etc. will it not be too expensive?

    how different is the system proposed by you compared to the on e in the pic?

    The good air marshal has proposed some standof weapons do you think there is any thing unique ? or isit a fan art concept ? who will take hims seriously? It needs massive money to do what he proposes. like IIR seeker , rf seeker etc , wind tunel testing , interfacing , test flights etc?
    i dont understand how that standof weapon can hav such large wings without being able to fold it in flight before release?
    again the ak 203 is going the su 30mki way of producing a rifle 5 times the cost . Re they nuts ?
    why cant we import them directly and make copies of them as well? after all the 15 year ipr would hav eexpired?

  56. Prasun Da,
    Some Russian media outlets reporting from DefExpo are suggesting that India is seeking supply and joint production of BTR-82A (Russia's new APC), BMP-3 and Octopus SDM1, lightly armored self-propelled anti-tank gun.


    Did you get to hear something similar during DefExpo?

    Thank You

  57. To VENKY: The imported SLRs, Carbines & LMGs are meant ONLY for the IA’s Northern & eastern Commands, as I have repeatedly stated. The AK-203 SLRs are meant for not just the IA, but also for the CAPFs. That still leaves 400,000 SLRs to be procured to equip the rest of the IA. This is where the Ghaatak SLRs come in.

    To DASHU: You can’t really blame him, since he essentially is talking about gaining back the technological asymmetry in favour of the IAF through not just the Rafales, but also the S-400 LR-SAMs. As a multi-role combat aircraft, the Rafale is adept at both deep-strike & offensive air-defence & so will the Super Su-30MKI & the upgraded MiG-29UPGs & the MWF & Tejas Mk.1A. So, the days of single-role combat aircraft are numbered, with only the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3s doing the work of tactical interdiction.

    And here are some interesting videos:

    How Chinese Maps Have Infiltrated the World: youtube.com/watch?v=DWEgLm5Yd5U

    China Infiltrates the Middle East: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eKP-a-jH7s

    China’s Project Dragon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGZ3DFCPrKs

    To SUJIT: As of now, financially sanctioned developmental efforts are underway only for the submarine-launched & air-launched versions of Nirbhay. Warship-launched Nirbhays will come later when the warships each capable of launching 30 or 60 Nirbhays become available. The problem with Nirbhay now is the absence of the GTRE-developed small turbofan engine, which remains elusive despite R & D work on it beginning way back in 2016. Can’t figure out why work is sanctioned for far more complex turbofans like Kaveri, HTFE-25 & HTSE-1200 while a simple low-cost turbofan that will be used only once in its lifetime cannot be developed quickly. As for thr HTFE-25 only 2 of the reqd 17 prototype turbofans have been built so far.

    1. Ok, it means majority of Indian army will learned with Russian caliber 7.62 x 39 mm round, not NATO.

  58. To RAD: VMT, but it was always a common-sensical innovation staring at us all since the late 1990s. In India, folks tend to talk big about subjects like AI, Block Chain etc etc & yet fail to master even the most fundamental of God’s gifts, which is sound common sense! Consequently, this tantamounts a failure of human intelligence, leave alone AI that everyone seems to me obsessed with. By the way, most of them aren’t even aware of what true AI is. For instance, 3-D printing was patented in the early 1980s & was kept secret until 2009, when the patent expired & only then the rest of the world got to know about 3-D printing. Here is a very revealing example of how AI was & is being applied in various 3-D printing applications:


    Electro-hydraulic stabilisation technology has evolved a lot in India & the TELs of missiles like Agni-2, Agni-4 & Agni-1 that reqd about 18 minutes for activation & setting-up can do the same job in less than 5 minutes & the company that has developed suich an apparatus was exhibiting at DEFEXPO-2020. Hence, hosting an AK-630M on a truck is no problem at all, since the recoil forces absorption system of the AK-630 is excellent (of Russia-origin but being built by OFB since the 1990s) for both warships & truck-mounts. The FCR & command-and-control consoles will also be hosted in a separate truck-mounted container.

    The standoff PGMs proposed by JSR Dynamics are all still paper designs & until they are tested on wind tunnels, their design optimisation will not take place. The Trichy Assault Rifle (TAR) is an AK-47 copy, but with improved performance parameters & several CAPFs are already using it with great satisfaction.

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Nothing of that sort was neither exhibited nor talked about. The only piece of new armoured hardware to be shown was a new-generation turret for BMP-2 ICVs, since the civil wars in Yemen & Syria have demonstrated the ineffectiveness of 30mm cannons. In fact, Russia is settling for 57mm high-power cannons for its future Tank Support Vehicles like future versions of the BMPT Terminator. Also shown for the first time was the 3BM44 Lekalo APFSDS round, meant to replace ts predecessor--the 3BM42 Mango. Their photos were uploaded above.

    To ANUP: Looks don’t define performance effectiveness. As long as it produces the desired results, why bother with the looks? The SA-316B Alouette-III is in pristine condition & is evident in this video:


  59. To SENTHIL KUMAR: Beautiful documentary that reveals the origins of Yemen's present-day woes:


    US warship seizes 3 Iranian surface-to-air missiles, 150 anti-tank missiles, thermal imaging scopes, drone components and other weapons bound for Yemen. USS Normandy nabbed the weapons while on patrol in the Arabian Sea.


    Vietnam's EL/M-2084 MMRs:


    And on the 1st anniversary of the Pulwama terror attack, there's still no clarity on how the explosives were brought into the area, or what kind of explosives were used, or who were involved in making the IEDs. Most shockingly, the NIA has not yet filed the chargesheet for this case! With such indecisiveness, how can anyone expect any Kashmiri Pandit IDP to return back to the Valley???

  60. Prasun ,
    1- Erdogan's trip to pakistan .. what needs to be done if they use the "K" term in say joint declaration or erdogan makes stupid comments on "K" or India in general.. My choices .. ban all travel to turkey.. ban all business, openly support Gulen, Kurds, greeks, Cyproits, amerians, syrians. Also plz share your analysis on whatz happening in idlib's why is now US on turkey's side. guess there has never been a war where every party changes sides so frequently .. no one seems to be sure who is on their side & what are they fighting for..
    2- Hafeez Saeed conviction drama - FATF meet-play-FAT meet done release-repeat.. why are Saudis & UAE quiet on erdogan's & mahathir's attempts to upsurp their throne in muslim world. Also what wud it take to wean away chine from pakis in FATF
    3-Your views on Dr Mishra's comments on bramhos ng, new bramhos engine , extended range bramhos.. will India ever get the bramhos range extended to 800 kms? if so how .. lighter construction material+ better engine? why des he say that for NG ver. he will wait for mk1a , MWF to be inducted.. why not make them for existing SU 30's, mirages, upg's?
    4- Plz share any updates you have on SMX 3.0 sub offered by the naval group .. if chosen can the existing infra @mazagoan docks be used?
    5- what excited you in the defence expo & why?
    6- why on the arth are DPSU's Drdo & private co's expending energies(time+ effort+money) on the same products eg:- man portable missiles, assault rifles, armouerd vehicles etc.. can't the MoD distribute the portfolios broadly & thus have more energy spent in sensible ways??
    - Can you throw more light on Nirbhay name changes & what new direction is the program heading to & also the progress since the last test? any relastic date when it can be ready for induction?
    7- Recent success by the IA in foiling pulwama type attack in way of ambushing the truck with terrorists. My suspision is on the FATF lets them off the hook pakis will attempt another such attack.. Also if you may have seen the youtube clippings of Abdul basit & a chort of so called generals on vaious debates.. all talked about "false flag ops" a frankly silly but blatant attempt @ shielding themselves from the blame had it been successful, all of those have suddenly stopped. btw I read that it was the CIA which altered India on the terrorist movements. can't this be used in FATF?

  61. Prasun ,

    Can you share your take on devender singh... the arrested police officer from J&k police.. was he workin covertly with the itel agencies to infiltrate the terror groups but got caugh by the police .. something similar had happend long time ago when IB had an undercover criminal who they had planned to use aganist dawood but was cauht by delhi police while travelling in an IB car with an IB official

  62. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your Videos.

    Yes Saudi is the Mother of all Problems in Middle East. US & Israel showing Shia Iran as major threat and doing all the dirty business Using Saudi in the middle East.

    Topic 1: Corana Virus in China

    a) What is really happening inside china. There are Rumors Around 35,000 already dead. Is it true.
    b) Can India manage same Like situation. Is our Disater Management ready to overcome this kind of issues.

    Topic 2: AAP Win in Delhi.
    a) Is AAP win in Delhi is the message to BJP/RSS, saying that India don't Support CAA+NPR.
    B) Will RSS plan of One India, One Religion, One Language, One Culture will work or backfire.

    Please Comment.

    Senthil Kumar

  63. prasun,

    interesting article ... http://idrw.org/mbda-uk-might-have-a-solution-to-meteor-bvraam-blockade-by-mbda-france-to-india/ possible?.. With the UK doing a lot of overtures.. what can be jointly developed? jet engines. engines for tanks & nissiles as well..
    type 31 multipurpose frigates , IAC2 , tempest

  64. Sir with new indigenous computer on su30mki, will it be able to integrate all those weapons whose codes are available to us?? Like Israeli BVRAAM, SRAAM, some western too...
    2) will France give codes of meteor for integration with su30mki??
    3) their is some information floating online that russia may put forward su57 for MMRCA competition, u see any material in it?? It's coz boeing has sought permission from US govt to put F15EX into this competition,so possibility of Russia putting su57??
    4) I know Rafale has better rcs then su57 when it's equipped with spectra jammer, what will be RCS of su57 if it's also equipped with spectra level wide band internal jammer??
    5) vaise ap already bata Chuke ho that possibility of this deal getting done is low coz of fund crunch as well as our bureucratic red tapism. But still if it happens whom u see as winner considering su57 n F15ex also being part of competition??

  65. Prasunda,

    Would it be premature to count out the capacity of the Houthis so early.

    Saudi Arabia confirms the loss of a Tornado fighter late last night, Houthi rebels claim they shot it down with a surface-to-air missile while it provided close air support to the Yemeni National Army.


  66. Prasunda,
    Reference to your comments on boiler refractory ; only I can say that if it's refectory failure then there is a Kolkata Based company named ' Visuvieus' can helped them. They produce world class refractory but mostly for blast furnace. The operating temperature of a blast furnace is more than normal marine boiler.
    As a marine engineer I can say that if a boiler's refractory is bad then the windbox temperature will go up and it's potentially a dengerous situation, as it may lead to windbox fire ! ( Boiler fire outside furnace )
    But fortunately it's not a very big job. And a group of competent engineers can repair /Renew of marine boiler of that size within a fortnight to under a month at maximum. It's not rocket science. Rather it's technically not that demanding. A common job at merchant marine drydocks.
    But I don't know how efficient the naval dockyard staffs are ! Have heard that they take a month just to overhaul a pump ! Which is unthinkable as if spares are available,then it can be overhauled within 48 hours maximum.
    At that rate it may take one year to repair refractory of Boiler.

    Best regards.

  67. @ Mr Senthil Kumar : Sir,I am just commenting on Topic 2 ; There are many reason why AAP won at Delhi , one of that is Delhi's women are not feeling any safer under Delhi police. ( Particularly younger women folk ) And they know who is incharge of Delhi police. In last six years successive BJP government has done nothing to change the prevailing culture.
    In many seats BJP has lost due to young women are not voting for BJP.
    Best regards

  68. Prasunda,

    1. Has the UK offered to sell one of their aircraft carrier to India?

    2. One of the journos reported today that plan for IAC 2 is on hold. Any truth in this?


    3. The US is reducing big time the number of Green Card, Visas being offered to Indian professionals. Should GoI therefore try to convince China to offer more long term visas to India because China's economy is also very big and has a lot to offer?

    Thanks Prasunda

  69. @PARTHASARATHI Lol the only reason AAP won is because of poor Hindus who benefited from freebies and middle class Hindus among whom Kejriwal enjoys a good image of a non-corrupt and hard working leader. Muslims of course voted to beat BJP. Sikhs too don't vote for BJP. These same ppl (Hindus) will again give all 7 LS seats to BJP in 2024.

  70. To SENTHIL KUMAR & AYUSH: The reason why AAP won was because of its pioneering result-oriented activities in arenas like Mohalla (neighbourhood) Clinics & Mohalla schools, plus the freebies WRT public utilities. But that does not mean in the General Elections AAP will be able to garner the same kind of support. Priorities of the electorate in the Central-level & State-level are always different.

    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) No. 2) Of course it will be on hold, for reasons I had explained in the thread dealing with NLCA last month. While EMALS has demonstrated moderate performance success in nuclear-powered USN aircraft carriers, its success has yet to be demonstrated on any conventionally-powered aircraft carrier by either the US or China. However, the 57 MMRCAs desired by the IN will not go on board IAC-1 at all, since the below-deck hangar’s configuration is based on accommodationg only aircraft like the MiG-29K, Ka-28PL & Ka-31 & hence the interiors cannot be made compatible with any aircraft of non-Russia origin—a point ALWAYS glossed over by the ‘desi patrakaars’. 3) OMG! There goes ASHISH GAUTAM’s dreams of settling down in the West for fear of India being re-colonised by the Mughals & leftists!!! That will perhaps leave him with the option of settling down for good either somewhere in Europe, or Canada or Australia. Speaking of which, here are 2 good documentaries related to Australia:

    ASIS Bugging Timor Leste PM’s Residence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWdTPKnT7Lg

    China’s OP DRAGON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGZ3DFCPrKs



    To SENTHIL KUMAR: CoronaVirus, or COVID-19, Explained:



  71. To JUST_CURIOUS & ASHISH GAUTAM: It is all about engineering & requires answers from an aeronautical engineering perspective, instead of wild speculation. Firstly, as I had already explained above with slides, weapons integration for air-to-ground PGMs is all about interfacing with the weapons management computer through the MIL-STD-1760C databus interface that Russian weapons management computers currently lack & hence HAL has developed a customised weapons management computer with MIL-STD-1760C databus interface. Secondly, for a BVRAAM to be interfaced with any kind of MMR (PESA or AESA or conventional monopulse Pulse-Doppler with mechanically scanning antenna), the data-link of the airborne fire-control radar must be interfaced with the BVRAAM’s data-link for obtaining course-correction cues up till the point the BVRAAM requires beam-riding target illumination. Thereafter, the BVRAAM’s own Ku-band (J-band) active seeker is activated when the target is just 6km away from the BVRAAM. Since the data-links used by Russia-origin airborne fire-control radars & non-Russian BVRAAMs are different, & since neither Russian nor non-Russian OEMs will share source-codes for either their airborne fire-control radars or their data-links, the only way then to ensure a Meteor BVRAAM’s interfacing with a Russia-origin AESA-MMR is to ensure that interfaced data-links are being used by both the AESA-MMR & the BVRAAM. Hence, if a Super Su-30MKI is to be interfaced with a BVRAAM like the Meteor, then two types of data-links will have to be developed & supplied by India to both Russia (since integration of the data-link with the AESA-MMR will have to be done by Russia inside Riussia) & to MBDA, so that it can install such a data-link on the Meteor BVRAAM. This & only this will ensure integration of the Meteor BVRAAM with the Super Su-30MKI while not violating the IPRs of either Russian or European OEMs, since the IPR for the software of the data-link will be India-owned. In addition, this & this alone will ensure MIL-1760C interfacing between the data-link & the Ku-band active seeker of the Meteor BVRAAM.

    Now, to more lighter matters, watch this & hopefully have a good laugh for the weekend:


    To KANE: The RSAF Tornado IDS must have been downed by a salvo of shoulder-launched MANPADS.

    To PARTHASARATHY: Weight considerations play a big role when it comes to choosing the optimum refractory solutions for steam-generating boilers. Naval Dockyards are redundant in today’s world & their work should have been outsourced a long time ago from the existing private-sector & DPSU shipyards.

  72. Haha...it's hilarious to see how DPSUs have the gumption to write State-of-the-art in the description of 3rd gen ATGMs xD
    I mean who, in his or her right senses, would use that term for something which is akin to manufacturing Maruti Suzuki Baleno 2008 model in 2020 when the world is moving towards electric vehicles!
    I think it's a stock phrase of the sarkaari baboo(N)s, which is thrown everywhere without thinking.

    License raj mindset zindabad!


  73. hi prasun
    you had mentioned earlier that the 30mm canon was not effective mounted on bmp. how so ?, i thought it is a good counter to anti tank teams bunkered down>
    what did the russian envisage while mounting on a bmp . Again the UK has also mounted 30 mm canon on their vehicles and on all accounts proved to be very effective on the war against taliban by busting wall, hideouts etc. In what roel does the IA use the canons ?

    regarding the truck mounted ak--360, wouldnt the the smaller el 2025 aesa radar mounted on a zsu-4 shilka uograde more than suffice to prosecute air targets ? they seem to have thermal and day camera as well.

    its still a pipe dream to integrate the meteor on su- 30 . will france be pleased.??it would like back stabing them.

    is it a move to sink the sfdr program?? how are the prospects of the sfdr being integrated on the rafale and the mirage -2000?.

    what do you think is the overiding reason to spend 1.8 bill on a us airdefence system suddenly? and why is pak loosing sleep over a defensive sysytem?

    i still dontunderstand why people in drdo mouth stupid statements lke air launched bramos for anti awacs role rather than keep it secret and anounce when ready. ? giving the enemy time to counter ?

  74. Parthasarthis analysis seems so immature! Saying that women don't feel safe so they don't vote for BJP but for AAP. Are women living in Delhi only? If crap analysts live in this country and espouse idiotic / quixotic explanations to events..the India is really going to get it's butt kicked in the strategic arena. Where already Indians roam around like headless chickens. Prasun is right when he says that it's a mix of some ground work and clever political tactics like freebies months before the elections.
    This argument is so rotten and useless...that police is under Bjp so they don't take care of women. Why are Nirbhaya rapists not hanged yet?


  75. hi prasun
    how does a MAWS sytemm detect the approach of a missile ?. Ilearn that the optical sensors detect the plume from the missile in the IR and UV spectrum. BUt how to detect a missile when it is homing when the rocket motor has burnt out and is coasting and closing in? . This is apart from the rwr receiver. Like a CCM in its last stages of engagement
    When was a RSAF tornado brought down? . have i missed something?
    In the gulf war italian tonadoes were shot downby sa -16 easily after which they dint attempt a low level bomb run. Does it mean that today low level bomb run are out of date and vulnerable? surely they must have ejected flares?. The older sams were vulnerable to flares.?


  76. Hi prasun
    i just saw the video . its seems that the tornado does not have a MAWS as it is not releasing flares on the approach of the missile. It just released flares before near approach. cud itbe a radr guided missile?

  77. Prasunda,
    Good Morning.
    Many thanks for answering my questions. Sir. Why we are not thinking to use lighter material , just like titanium or carbon composite for making a rifle which will be used at high mountain low oxygen areas like Laddakh or Arunachal Pradesh ? Where even walking is a problem and reduction of every gram of of weight will help the Soldiers emencely.
    Best regards.

  78. PrasunDa,

    (1) Does France, taking a cue from Russia want to get involved in India's SSK or SSGN or SSBN programs?

    (2) Is it possible that the US too will eventually offer SSKs, SSGNs to India given the fact that Russia has already done that?

    Thank You

  79. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your Videos & Comments

    Topic 1: Spread of Christian rapid in North India

    Miracle @Rajshthan

    As per 2011 Census, Christian Population is around 2 Crores. In that 60 Lakhs from Tamil Nadu and
    50 Lakhs from Kerala. Rest 1 crores from all other state. Now see the above videos. This Paul Dinakaran is from Coimbatore Tamil Nadu. Now this team moved to North India and start Spreading Christianity. Even Jharkhand Chief Minister Shri Hemant Soren is with him.

    My worry is whole India is going to convert to Christianity. After doing long research why People in India is converting to Christianity. Whether People think Hindu Gods don't have power to heal. No the truth is Whole Indian Population is depressed by some reasons. When Someone tell to you I will help you, I will Support You financially or Morally, I will be with your problems then it is the human nature to listen to the helping persons. This emotional support is the Key for the Evangelist easy way to convert. Moreover Many north Indian states have more Tribal population and dalit population. Because of brahmanism, Dalits are treated like Animals. Now Hinduism doesn't respect Dalits and Lower caste. This is also another factor for Conversion.

    My Question to you is ?
    When BJP/RSS is going to spread Hindutuva Agenda, more population will be polarized and conversion will speed up. Is it Correct?

    Topic 2: Saahil said...I am Spreading Propaganda.

    Dear Saahil Please start looking for the facts and talk. Last two decades Muslim Population is coming down in India. Next RSS/BJP agenda is after CAA/NPR, they are going to implement Uniform Civil Code. After that RSS/BJP planned to dissolve all states based on Languages. They will divide whole india into 10 Zones. Two to three states will form as one Zone. Once it is done there will be no language based states and Hindi will come to force in all states. After Hindi, Dead language Sanskrit will be made as language for whole India. This is called Hindutuva or One Culture. Now you understand what is One Culture concept.

    Please Comment.

    Senthil Kumar

  80. Ha sir sahi keh rahe, ye amrika ne green card ka drama or shuru kr dia. Vaise am more interested in Scotland then USA.
    Thanks for information on integration of meteor type weapon's russian platforms. Khair jo b ho what I want is k before 75th year of Independence POK must become our integral part fully including Gilgit Baltistan at minimum loss to us. Bs or kuch nahi.
    1) vaise in ur opinion if such op happens things will be fought at naval domain also??
    2) how long will Indian Navy take to fully (>80%) destroy PN both on sea n below sea level??
    3) how much damage we gonna take on naval level?
    4) op over in 15 days air land compaign?

  81. https://www.newindianexpress.com/thesundaystandard/2020/feb/16/china-offers-training-help-to-indian-military-2103951.html

    Give brief details about this training and what either side is going to gain from these training sessions


  82. Sir, pak is on a roll thanks to the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres's certification and endorsements.
    The question is why and for what in return.

  83. 1) What kind of deal/pullout can happen in Afghanistan? This time they seem to be closer than before. That will give Pakistan a free run and breathing space, won't it?

    2) You have spoken of beluga type design for our SSN and needing 190 mw reactor. Is it technically possible to make an SSN by shortening Arihant, like removing vls, shortening it and reducing it to say, 3500-4000 tons on same 83 mw reactor.
    As long it can carry 14-16 torpedoes and 4-8 tube launched slcm?
    If possible at all,we can simply junk P75I, we have a line, manpower, we have a reactor. Design to production will be faster than our whole selection, negotiation, ordering, tot absorption, laying down drama with traditional delays and overruns for P75I.

    3) Is conversion rackets, closet jihadis, woke liberal protesters the new internal security threat?
    Considering LWE, northeastern insurgency (due to peace pacts and sustained pressure) and JK terrorism (local leadership wiped out and pakistan under severe pressure) are all at their lowest and are fighting a losing battle.

  84. how many brahmins are left in north india its not even 1 percent of population .. I still wonder how Brahmanism is creating conversion issue ? Senthil can u enlighten ?

  85. To RAD: The Russian Army came to this conclusion after learning lessons from the Syrian civil war & thus has decided that firing a few 57mm rounds are far more effective against hardened above-ground structure than firing deveral rounds of 30mm rounds. At least four truck-mounted AK-630Ms will be reqd to adequately defend an air base in the plains & hence the Atulya is the preferred solution. The active phased-array X-APAR is more ideally suited for airspace surveillance over ALGs located in mountainous terrain. No one should expect the SFDR-carrying BVRAAM to enter service for at least another 7 years. How can any missile retain any credible kinematic performance when it has exhausted its rocket fuel? Won’t the laws of gravity then take effect & bring the missile hurtling back to the surface? RSAF stands for Royal Saudi Air Force. The RSAF has to date lost both Tornado IDS & an F-15S.

    And do watch this interview of Ret’d PAF Air Commodore Kaiser Tufail:


    To PARTHASARATHY: Composites are in use even in INSAS SLRs.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) France had officially evinced interest in India’s SSBN project way back in 2004 & had even offered its photonic masts for the SSBNs via THALES. 2) No, because the US does not make SSKs anymore since the 1960s & US law prohibits it from exporting any WMD-related technologies or products to all countries except the UK.

    To SENTHIL KUMAR: What exactly is the so-called ‘Hindutva Agenda’? As it is, there is no unitary definition of the word ‘Hindutva’. And here’s a good analysis of the 2020 Delhi Election:


    To ASHISH GAUTAM: 1) Naval, air, ground, near-Earth space & cyberspace domains. 2) About 3 days max. 3) None at all. 4) Yes, if it is restricted to only beyond the the WB & LoC, with no clashes taking place along the IB.

    To RON: All the details are already written there & they all deal with vocational courses.

    To DASHU: Pakistan is on a roll NOT BECAUSE of what the UN Secretary-General stated, but because yesterday Pakistan won the Kabaddi World Cup by defeating India:


    Also, the sly but practical UN Secretary-General was always referring to Kashmir, meaning to Azad Kashmir, because if one were to refer to India, then the term Jammu & Kashmir would have been used.

    S Jaishankar at MSC-2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0In57pOK1Pk

    CDS Gen Bipin Rawat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNEN8vC4nRM

    But this too is quite interesting:


  86. Mr Senthil...you are contradicting yourself.

    First you write to Prasun Sir...that you are worries that Christianity will take over India but then take an apologetic stance for Chistianity. If depression is what leads people to Christianity then why are there so many pharma companies in the west that produce drugs for treating depression? Why church is not enough? If Jesus heals...then why to spend on educating psychologists and psychiatrists?

    Then you write that because Brahmins treated Dalits like animals that's why they convert? Nope...if that were the case...black would not have been Christians after suffering the trans Atlantic slave trade. Also the red Indians would not have become Christians after Spanish inquisitions were unleashed upon them. No would there be prtuguese Christians...read ROY MOXHAMs The theft of India to see the kind of atrocities perpetrated by Christ loving padre.

    So here goes your Christian apologist stance.

    Then you write to me that you are worries about RSS agenda. Could you please refer me to the RSS published and endorsed source? Where is all this plan mentioned? Please put an authentic reference where you read all this RSS nonsense from?

  87. @ Senthil kumar:

    Muslim fertility rates are relativel still high. Even here in UK this is an issue. Just check the fertility and growth rate of muslims in Kerala. So although rates are dropping for everyone...it's the slope that matters.

    This is what I said...that population needs to be checked. Pakistan is already exploding with population. Bangladesh just used to send it's citizens across to India for livelihood. XD

    The mindset of muslims who are staunch adherent of Islam is that Allah is the feeder and he writes the kismet of all before being sent. So why worry about more childern? This is the idea. Hallelujah my friend!

  88. Prasun Da, (1) during DefExpo2020 did you get a chance to talk with MBDA or L & T about their SAM offer for the Indian Navy's SR-SAM requirement? It seems Sea Ceptor is a (2) as part of Make in India what are the critical components that MBDA will manufacture in India if they win the SR-SAM contract?


  89. https://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/the-inside-story-of-the-nuclear-deal-analysis/story-eHzDWmdFt9By5hGN5gcVQN.html






  90. Hi Prasun,

    On Gen Rawat's press statement about integration of commands and formation of Peninsular Naval Command, there is a backlash on twitter that CDS is boxing Navy to a region, instead of giving it a wider connotations based Indo Pacific or Indian Ocean command, nomenclature. Does it even mean something, whether it's called India Ocean command or Peninsular Command?

    Also for the second time in a month there is news about Athos being bought. Is it real and what for is it bought when we have Bharat 52, Dhanush and ATAGS?

    On ATGMs, is there a possibility that IA purchase Spike LR2 or MMP in near future?I MBDA is said to be offering to work with DRDO on upgrading Nag missiles to 5th gen ATGMs? And if so will they work with VEM ( it looks like the only complete package of all desi ATGMs), to make it a 5th ATGM too.

    And on AK203, why does it not have full picatinny and why is the safety switch not the same as is offered on regular platforms of Kalashnikov rifles. Why go with the old AK74 look when a more modern rifle is available. Is it just cost?

    Srinivasa Nanduri

  91. sir, what's this now??


    Can you please confirm.... how many(out of 5) S-400 systems will be deployment ready by March 2022?

  92. Hi Padun,

    Is this news true?


    India made proposal for bmp3, sprut SDR m1 and btr82a.

    And if so why? Don't we have Kestrel Whap. Also, Tata, kalyani and l&t can make ficv or frcv. Why go to Russia.

    Srinivasa Nanduri

  93. To JUST_CURIOUS: Regarding Devindar Singh, all I can say is that he became the byproduct of a dysfunctional systemic process that began back in October 2008 when cross-LoC trade was started on October 21 that year, when two trade facilitation centres located at Salamabad-Chakoti in Uri of Baramulla district, and Chakkan-da-Bagh- Rawlakot in Poonch district were opened. Trade Facilitation Centres (TFC) are located 5km down the road from the LoC on both sides, and the trucks are driven till there to unload the goods and return. The goods are then reloaded on local trucks for the onward journey. Only tra¬ders from J & K are allowed, and, until recently, only to trade in goods produced in J & K or PoK. Traders from Lahore and Amritsar were eventually using the cross-LoC route through their agents among Kash¬miri traders until August 2019, when the cross-LoC trade was suspended indefinitely. And sice this trade had adopted the barter mechanism for payments (thereby doing away with banking channels), substantial under-invoicing was done by traders from both sides & the resultant monetary gains were routed to the separatists & terrorists on both sides of the LoC. This in turn provided the necessary funds reqd for fueling widespread unrests in 2008, 2010 & in 2016. In addition, such funds were used for financing the digging of up to 10 tunnels along the 190km-long Working Boundary separating Jammu from Sialkot between 2012 & 2014. Between then & till now, the funds were also utilised for smuggling in both terrorists & weapons (like M4 sniper carbines & hand-grenades) on board trucks bound from Rawlakot to Poonch because there were no full-body scanners installed by India on the entry-points & TFCs. In fact, the contract for the installation of full-body scanners was awarded to Punj Lloyd only in 2018 after ISRO had approved the ionic radiation part of it. Punj Lloyd was supposed to complete its work in August. However, on April 18 last year, the Union MHA suspended the cross-LoC trade. Lastly, the absence of cellular communications inside J & k & unavailability of WhattsApp & VPN inside J & K led to the Valley-based terrorist sympathisers travelling by truck all the way to northern Punjab where no such restrictions prevail, from where they could pick up both terrorists (crossing over into India through the riverine terrain along the Ravi-Chenab Corridor) & weapons air-dropped in bordering villages like Taran Taran & Gurdaspur by China-made/Pakistan-operated hexacopter drones. This continues till this day & explains why there’s no shortage of hand-grenades falling into the hands of “Bhatke Hue Naujawans” of southern Kashmir. This video further explains matters:


  94. To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Kindly rest-assured that under any licenced-manufacturing agreement that any two parties ink, the OEM, without exception, NEVER allows the production of any component or sub-system deemed as ‘critical’. That’s why even for the Barak-8 SAM, the guidance & navigation systems will always continue to come to BDL in Hyderabad from Israel in fully-assembled condition.

    To ANUP: 1) The delay applies to only those LR-SAMs that are meant for use as ballistic missile defence interceptors. The other LR-SAMs meant for use against AEW & CS platforms will be available much earlier. 2) Let’s wait & see when the contract is inked. I have been hearing these “about to” & “on the verge of” since the past 6 months.

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: IOR Command will mean exclusion of the Bay of Bengal & Arabian Sea & Red Sea areas. Hence the term ‘Peninsular’ is better-suited. Regarding MGS, here’s a novel way of squashing all such fake news: ATHOS is the name of the towed howitzer from SOLTAM/ELBIT Systems & is the same as Kalyani Group’s Bharat-52 towed howitzer. The Israeli MGS is in fact known as the ATMOS-2000 & since no one is mentioning it, it only means those using the term ATHOS are only peddling fake news. In fact, the ATMOS was evaluated by India way back in the previous decade. On ATGMs, the only option is to select a foreign design, since a Gen-3 ATGM can never be upgraded to a Gen-5 design. The AK-203 has growth potential & such accessories can be added anytime. I had written about the field-trials of both the ATHOS & ATMOS in India here:



    To HARSH: The delay applies to only those LR-SAMs that are meant for use as ballistic missile defence interceptors. The other LR-SAMs meant for use against AEW & CS platforms will be available much earlier.

  95. How the FBI Combats China’s Spies & Honey Traps:


    Truce with Afghan Taliban Very Difficult to Achieve:


    Antonio Guterres Speech at Centre for International Peace & Stability in Lahore:

    Dialogue on Afghan Refugees: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tGQCNX_2zk

    India Could Face Medicine Shortages: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AJAd6mABoo

    Mysterious Toxic Gas Leak at Kemari, Karachi:


    Pakistan’s State-Owned Properties in the US & Australia Facing Public Auctioning For Raising US$6 billion to Pay For Reko Dek’s Winning Lawsuit:


  96. Mysterious Toxic Gas Leak at Kemari, Karachi: what is ur opinion on this gas leak.

  97. Dada,
    Your view on this video please.

    (Jammu & Kashmir पर Farookh Abdullah & Ghulam Nabi Azad की Deal सुनकर आपके होश उड़ जायेंगे: BCR NEWS)

  98. Prasun,
    1- on your reply to Srinivas N, what area would the peninsular command cover?will it be a naval force only with no airforce/IA integration?
    2- what is Gen Rawat talking about when he says IAF wud prefer staggered induction? thought that's pretty much how it is done .. no one pays the full amt upfront
    3- what is this new hal-dassault collaboration talks about & how does it imapt the existing pact with reliance
    4- timing of UN gen secy's visit to Pakistan, is Trump trying a back door attempt at trying to be a mediator and bring India-pak on par from an american policy view like in the 80's?

  99. PrasunDa,

    1. What parts, components of the Scorpene submarine are procured, manufactured in India are what are the parts that are imported?

    2. What are the Indian senors, instruments that are integrated on the Scorpene submarine?

    Thank You

  100. prasun sir,
    Ret’d PAF Air Commodore Kaiser Tufail said that tejas has world lowest aspect ratio. Is it true? if true is an advantage or disadvantage?


  101. Prasun da, the video shared by @VJ is very worrying. I have heard about these things before but dismissed it as conspiracy theory. Hoping it's not true. What's the reality sir? Good thing is that after abrogation of 370, Dalit brought from Punjab and West Pakistani refugees have become state subjects so Hindu population in Jammu will up.

  102. Prasun, Does this mean that Tejas mk1 can carry the same amount/distance of weapons load as twin-engine Jaguar?


    "Coming back to Pilots, GE-404 engines powering Tejas Mk1 have displayed a high level of safety standards and most impressive has been its ferry range which is more than or at par with larger jets. Ex-Air Chief Marshal Birender Singh Dhanoa had said that F404-GE-IN20 engines have excellent fuel efficiency which he has rarely seen among contemporary fighter jets he has flown."

    "The same has been said that the ferry range of the Tejas Mk1 is similar to that of the Jaguar Strike aircraft which is surprising due to Mk1 being a smaller jet that has displayed the same level of ferry range as that of larger twin-engine Jaguar Strike aircraft. At Gagan Shakti 2018, 8 Tejas Mk1 performed remarkably well and emerged with the best range scores in terms of best weapon delivery by any aircraft and 8 aircrafts also had higher sortie and availability rate than other participating aircraft."

  103. To PIMPALE: Here are the answers:


    To SUMANTA NAG: That will create a buffer stock for only 90 days. In reality, all Indian pharma companies import 80% of APIs (like raw materials) from China for their pharmaceutical products, meaning if the supply-chain from China gets disrupted, then India suffers to. It is all explained here:


    To VJ & AYUSH: Plenty of conspiracy theories exist & unless any supporting material evidence surfaces, then they remain just theories.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) These will all be joint service commands. 2) He said the very same what I hjave been saying for the past 3 years, i.e. more Rafales will be ordered in follow-on tranches & there is no money for procuring 114 imported MRFAs. 3) Nothing surprising at all, since RDAL can easily become a HAL-Dassault JV if Reliance’s shares are bought over by HAL, since the Anil Ambani-owned Reliance Group is under severe financial strain. 4) Totally wrong, since the UN Sec-Gen is more worried about the repatriation of 2.7 million Afghan refugees from Pakistan without any fuss & bloodshed. The days of mediation between India & Pakistan are long gone. However,. There’s a PoV that India made her part of J & K into a UT so that Pakistan gets the perfect excuse to annex PoK inclusive of GB & this then will leave Pakistan with no excuse for making any further claims on J & K & the LoC & WB will then become the IB forever. So, it could well be that in this context POTUS has been harping about mediation in terms of facilitating the conversion of the LoC & WB into a permanent IB.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: All that was detailed back in 2017 here:


    To MOHAN: He has also explained what this tantamounts to. So kindly watch that videoclip again.

    To THEHUNDRED: Of course not. The Jaguar IS can carry fuel on a single external fuel tank mounted under its belly, whereas the Tejas Mk.1 requires 2 external underwing fuel tanks. On the Tejas Mk.1A there will be only 1 underbelly fuel tank, plus aerial refuelling capability. Regarding aircraft performance at EX Gagan Shakti, one cannot compare Tejas Mk.1 performance with that of Jaguar IS/DARIN-2 since the two aircraft have totally different navigation-and-weapons-delivery systems from different eras.

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: Lt Gen (Ret’d) Khalid Kidwai on Deterrence, Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control:


    What is Zakir Naik up to in Malaysia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RmqLK6V8YE


    PAF Tested Ra'ad 2 ALCM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fqvU-0Wfc4

    1. Hi Parasun,

      It kidwai's video looked like a show of self delusion and grandiose, dismissing India's capabilities. I have to give it to them, they do puch above their wait.

      The latest being ship caught at Gujarat coast and this Raad test. India is still trying to make a engine while, no matter how it got, it is getting strategically vital weaponry to confront India.

      Here we are still not able to fix manade defence problems and there they are working within their confines.

      They even seem to sell their bullshit better.

      Zakir Naiks was hilarious. He does not trust BBC. This one thing he and modi sarkar has got in common.

      Srinivasa Nanduri

  104. “ So, it could well be that in this context POTUS has been harping about mediation in terms of facilitating the conversion of the LoC & WB into a permanent IB.”
    That sure is big win for a country since independence and India will be biggest loser if it lost PoK to Pakistan without any fight. Such a small country invading land of India and annexing it will surely boost morale further intensify to use terrorism as state policy. If this is the case I don’t know what our political netas will feed to domestic people since they are Making Tall claims to retake PoK one day


  105. Dear Prasun,


    This is an old article. But I have a few questions on them.

    (1) Is the defence procurement as complex as explained in the article? Have there been any improvement?

    (2) The article said 11 crucial DRDO projects have been approved by CCS. Are they top secret? Because I haven't heard much in the news and it says the net cost of these projects is 71,000crore! Is it true?

    (3) Currently all the purchases that are being approved are those which were evaluated or initiated during UPA1&2. Has Modi govt shown interest or started purchases of anything in there term?

    If not is it a good sign or really speaks poor of the government? Because they always blame Anthony for policy paralysis, but approving all the procurements he initiated only says that time wasn't his friend.

    (4) Now foreign firms are demanding clarity from CDS on staggered procurement, did he commit a blunder by saying the truth or did the right thing.
    Because personally after reading your old article on Howitzer trial on a no-cost-no-commitment basis, I feel it should be the defence companies that must blacklist India and provide free samples to Pak to make india realise the mistake they are doing by wasting their time on predetermined tenders.

  106. Prasunda,

    Please have a look at this thread...

    Could you throw some light on what this ATV-2 vessel could be all about that is being built - or rather almost completed in record time - and what purpose this vessel would be serving in the Navy or NTRO (is it also for NTRO...)?


  107. PrasunDa,

    Indian Navy received the fourth P28 anti-submarine corvette Kavaratti from GRSE today. But Kavaratti is devoid of towed array sonars.

    (1) Which company will supply the towed array sonars.

    (2) Can the MH-60 be used from the Kavaratti?

    (3) What are the SAMs that will go on board the Kavaratti?

    Thank You

  108. Sir, I think making the LoC & WB into a permanent IB is the ideal end goal for Pak as well as China, wonder why the US would sell/propose this illegal solution to India. The ultimate loser would be India if current LoC & WB turned into a permanent IB. There has to be a physical disconnection (of the border) between China and Pak for a relatively safer and prosperous India.

    That distinction of uttering word Kashmir means Azad Kashmir and J&K means India side Kashmir is a new thing to me.

    Are the audience as well as the organizer of Lt Gen (Ret’d) Khalid Kidwai's conference at IISS idiots?

    Don't you think recent testing of Ra'ad 2 ALCM closed a fair amount of technological asymmetric gap between two neighbors?

  109. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your Comments

    Coming Turkey - Russia War

    As per the ground report, Very Soon we are going to see the Turkey-Russia war.
    Reason 1: Bassar Al Asad is winning the Srian War. Already Aleppo & Idlib is taken by Syrian Army. Turkey Erdogan is telling Russia not to support Syria. But Russia is not lisening

    Reason 2: So Turkey Erdogan went to Ukarine and told Ukarine that he will give money and arms to Ukarine. This made Russia angry on Turkey.

    a) Already Russia depend on Turkey for Anti NATO Support.
    b) Russian Oil Pipeline is going through Turkey.

    Now Question to you is
    Q1: Whether Russia will fight against Turkey or just Roar and keep quite?
    Q2: Is Russia-Turkey war is good News for India? (Russia has no choice. It should depend on India for Arms Sales)

    Please Comment.

    Senthil Kumar

  110. Prasunda, how will DRDO carry out sea test of the MAREEM AIP? In other words, which submarine will they use to test their indigenously developed AIP?

  111. To PAVAN: 1) Not yet, but it is hoped that with the setting up of the Military Affairs Dept staffed by 1-star rank serving officers in the grade of Joint Secretary, the bureaucratic processes within the MoD will be streamlined. Presently, due to the absence of such streamlining, the civilian bureaucracy in the MoD is often at odds with the military bureaucracy sitting within the various directorates of each of the 3 armed services. This in turn creates a process (not known to many outsiders) in which there are 2 distinct files kept of each single procurement, i.e. MoD File & Service File. Even the notations made on each of them are totally different & hence the MoD bureaucrats are clusless about such notations made in the Service File, while the services bureaucracy is unaware of notations made in the MoD File. Consequently, to reconcile the different notations by two parallel bureaucracies regarding the same unitary procurement project is a herculean task & this is the root cause of procurements getting delayed, i.e. what can be done within 90 days gets extended to an unbelievable 54 months on average! Such a dysfunctional system could have been resolved long ago had sound common-sense been applied & the system of a single unitary file replaced the two-file system. 2) Those all concern strategic projects, like SLCM & ALCM, Agni-5 with MIRVs, SLBMs with MIRVs, BMD, Prahar NLOS-BSM armed with sub-kiloton yield warheads, etc etc. 3) Not quite. For instance the Rafale MMRCA procurement exercise is totally different from that pursued by the UPA-1/2 govts. 4) That’s why the creation ASAP of the Military Affairs Dept (MAD) is the first of several more long-overdue structural reforms that needs to be ushered into the MoD.

    To KANE: I had already thrown light on it back in 2016. In fact, I was the first one to do so. It is here:


  112. hi prasun

    The truck mounted ak-630- seems to be f0r fire assaults in the LOC . Pak can alsways ge the chinese equal that they have made?. It will be a pity if we dont turn use the opppurtunity t o make a CIWS for air defense. What radar has been integrated into it? The drdo says ready for army trails.
    agin OFB claims that 97% is desi produced, what is the crucial stuff that is being imported ?.
    why the NAASM now , there seeems to be no competitive trails etc . CAN israel supply a similar sysytem using derby missiles?
    Again why the stingers? o how are they going to integrate it into our airforce netcentric system.?
    Is it wise to go in for more submarines than the 3rd air craft carrier. it seems subs are d feared all round more than carriers.

  113. To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) LoLz! India had already lost credibility when delusional aspirations like licence-building 4th-gen MMRCAs & 5th-gen FGFA were being peddled since the previous decade. 2) The range is the same as before. 3) Because India has officially committed herself to the ‘One China’ policy. 4) No, because it is a physical impossibility. Larger wings also require longer fuselages.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: The delivery took place on February 18 after the IN signed on to the Form 448 that officially transfers ownership of the vessel to the IN. The towed-array sonars will be the same as those already ordered by the IN from Germany’s ATLAS Elektronik for other warships, i.e. the ACTAS. 2) MH-60R being a 10-tonne NMRH can easily operate from the helo-decks of all 4 Project 28 ASW corvettes. 3) The competition for that is currently on, i.e. the SR-SAM. Lt Gen (Ret’d) Kidwai was delusional & brazen simply because he was addressing a captive audience in Islamabad. Had he been reqd to deliver his speech in London, UK, then his tone & tenor would have been radically different. The Ra’ad has been there for a long time & it doesn’t matter whether they call it Ra’ad-1 or Ra’ad-2.

    To DASHU: Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xsgZZEX9_g

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: Lt Gen (Ret’d) Kidwai was delusional & brazen simply because he was addressing a captive audience in Islamabad. Had he been reqd to deliver his speech in London, UK, then his tone & tenor would have been radically different. In fact, he got most of his facts totally wrong. But on the other hand, such delusional thoughts (reflective of an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder or OCD) bode well for India since the adversary will then be inclined to make staggering & fatal errors of judgements. In fact, here from the horse’s mouth (who is shown taking much pride in his act of insubordination & defiance) how Pakistan’s Foreign Office bureaucracy as far back as 2014 had openly defied the directives of the then PM Nawaz Sharif:


    To SENTHIL KUMAR: This best explains Turkey’s grand strategy & its perils for the rest of the world:


    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: The MAREEM will be tested on the INS Kalvari CM-2000 Scorpene SSK after undergoing a 2-year mid-life refit starting 2023, because just like the shore-based S-1 ‘Half Boat’ was used for validating the reliability of the PWR on the S-2/Arihant SSBN, the MAREEM will be fully tested for its reliability at the shore-based facility at Ambernath, Maharashtra.

  114. Dear Prasun,

    1. Any update about Terma pylon integration with Tejas Mk1 and Mk1A? I hope your suggestions must have reached the MoD.

    2. Why the hell is HAL still trying its hand on twin barrel canon on Tejas instead of single barrel? Further is canon useful in this age; I mean whether they are obsolete or not? I'm a novice, hence asking you.

    Thanks in advance!!!!

  115. Why is ATHOS gaining more newsprint space.
    We have Dhanush, Sarang, ATAGS coming .
    We have OFB, TATA, Kalyani already As manufacturers . Can rope in L&T (who will complete 100 K9 soon).
    We can increase capacity easily.


  116. Prasun Da, How to contain evil design of Erdogan, has India took step ? I think New Delhi has taken side of Asad also Erdogan's Soldiers took beatings in Idlib, that made him act crazy ?

  117. To RAD: The slide very clearly states AD-MGS, meaning it is for air-defence. Two radars—Atulya & Lynx-US—are available for immediate integration (as I had already stated above). The pyrotechnic cartridges are imported. All Russia-developed guns (for ICVs, AAA, CIWS & combat aircraft/helicopters) are water-cooled and use an evaporation cooling system to prevent the detonation of a high-explosive round inside a heated barrel. This cooling system comprises a cylindrical water tank around the rear end of the barrel. This pyrotechnic cartridge fires a small steel bolt through the side wall of the 30mm cartridge. The hot propellant gases following the bolt into the dud 30mm round ignite the powder charge of that round and firing continues.

    To ASD: 1) The suggestion was accepted last year itself, but procurement matters don’t progress as fast as you would like them to be. 2) It should have been evident back in the year 2000 itself that the twin-barrel GSh-23 should have been ditched in favour of the single-barrel Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30, which today arms both the MiG-29UPGs & Su-30MKIs. This would have offered inventory commonality. To make matters worse, India continues to import 30mm ammo rounds from Russia.

    To VENKY: As I have already explained above, the ‘desi patrakaars’ have got it all wrong & instead of ATMOS, they are using the term ATHOS. In fact, ATHOS & Kalyani Group’s Bharat-52 are one & the same. Meanwhile, unwilling to admit defeat & incompetency, the CBI is now all set to further muddy the waters through this:


  118. Dear Prasun,

    Thankful to you for your answers to my queries.

    1. With Terma pylons for MAWS and ASPJ, how much will you rate Tejas Mk1A in scale of 10?

    2. Are you happy with the design works for MWF? If all the objectives are achieved, how much will you give to MWF in a scale of 10?

    3. Further, is canon relevant in 21st century in fighter aircrafts?

  119. PrasunDa,

    According to Economic Times and others, India’s Rs 1.2 lakh crore nuclear submarine project closer to realisation. Sources told ET that the initial design phase for the new boats has progressed successfully and more resources will now be deployed to move to the more complex detailed design and construction — to be undertaken by the Directorate of Naval Design (Submarine Design Group) with assistance from the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

    Will you please shed some light what this next design phase is all about and whether Russia or France is helping them in this process ?



    Thank You

    1. It's going to be a fifth gen single hull submarine designed by Rubin. Prasun sir revealed it 3 years ago.

  120. To SUMANTHA NAG: Don’t worry, for Erdogan is good enough for digging his own grave. And here’s the start: Turkey Now Seeks Patriot SAMs to Deter Russia:


    To DASHU: Actually, Pakistan’s civil/military rulers have run out of options & hence are emitting soundbytes like headless chicken. Here are some recent examples:


    And watch this as well (40.07 till 45.18) UNSG Antonio Guterres Addresses Conference at LUMS on 18-2-2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMF2s_b4KP0)

    But it now seems that the US, through the IMF, is applying the screws on Pakistan’s economy in suh a way that Pakistan’s Financial Adviser goes on to become more important than that country’s PM, if this is to be believed:


    This can only mean that the US now wants Pakistan to start reducing its defence budget, instead of keeping it frozen. And this of course will mean that spending on the nuclear WMD programmes are being targetted in particular. After all, it can now be safely inferred that India was tipped off by the US about the suspicious cargo consignment originating from a Chinese port & destined for Pakistan. And here’s the latest on it:

    The HKSAR-registered the CUI YUN cargo vessel has been released from India’s Kandla Port after providing a bond & offloading the suspected military cargo (18-metre x 4-metre autoclave). The ship from Mainland China is now heading onwards to Pakistan’s Port Qasim. The vessel had left Jiangyin Port on January 17, 2020, and was moored at Kandla since February 3, 2020. The 28,341-tonne dead weight vessel measures 166.5 metres x 27.4 metres and was built in 2011.

    And as opposed to this:


    For those who don’t know, Kovvada is in Andhra Pradesh’s Srikakulam district.

    To ANUP & VIKRAM GUHA: All that is reqd is to remove the SLBM VLS compartment from the existing design of the S-2/Arihant SSBN & one ends up with a SSN design that is smaller & lighter. Hence, no new design work is reqd at all. Of course, new-generation sub-systems, like photonic masts, VLF comms reception arrays & thin-line towed-array sonar transducers, will be sought for the SSNs from companies like THALES. And here’s something for your weekend viewing:

    Germany’s U-32 SSK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcgDyxADsiM

    1. Sir which AIP system is better..each country is going its own way..there is no standardization

  121. To ASD: 1) When using ASPJ pods, one has to remember that all combat aircraft can never be equipped with such pods & consequently every 1 aircraft with ASPJ has to protect two combat aircraft. And if the two-aircraft formation gets separated (as was the case in the morning of February 27 last year), then consequences follow, like one of the aircraft being left defenceless against BVRAAMs. Hence, the best option is to always equip each combat aircraft with its own integral internal jammer as has been done with the MiG-29UPGs, Jaguar IS/DARIN-3s, upgraded Mirage-2000Ns & the Rafale MMRCAs. 2) Detailed design of the MWF has yet to emerge & is nowhere close to be finalised. 3) Of course. Why then is the US developing belly-mounted conformal gunpods for the F-35 JSF & why has Russia installed the GSh-30 on the Su-57?

    Pak Fires Heavily Along In Kasba, Keerni Sectors of J & K:


    Details Now Emerging About NC’s & PDP’s Mis-Governance:







    CDS Gen Bipin Rawat explaining the future restructuring plans of India's armed forces:



  122. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your Comments

    Topic #1: Turkey

    Turkey Sultan Erodagan is thinking that he can bring back 1000 years old Othaman Empire unifying the whole Muslim world. But he misses one main point. No Arabs are going to accept him as Muslim leader. Already Muslim world is fragmented. Next Turkey don't have Economic Or Military power to achieve its goal. He is keeping his legs in Libya, Syria, Kashmir etc. US, Europe, China or Russia are not natural partners to turkey. So very soon he will be trapped and get defeated.

    Now Question to you is
    Q1: Whenever Erodogan open his mouth about Kashmir, India's response looks like defensive. Why India is not attacking diplomatic Offense? Whether India needs Turkey in long Run?

    Topic #2: America's Great Divide

    After watching the above documentary, Now India and US are in the same page. There trump, here Modi.There White Supremacy, here Upper Caste/Hindutuva/Brahmanism. Both are great divider of the society. There Mexican migration, here Muslim migration. There Africa Blacks are treated as animals, here lower caste and Dalits. Both the places fake news and News Media is creating the Chaos.

    Now Question to you is
    Q2: In Long Run both Countries Democracy is in danger and lead to Civil War? Is it Correct.

    Please Comment.

    Senthil Kumar


  123. Hi parsun
    i am really surprised to know that we dontmake the 30 mm round for the bmp ,Is the su 30 and mig29 cannon round same as the bmp canon or a higher velocity 30mm round?
    Is it a big deal to make a pyro cartridge ?
    wont the recoil of the su -30 canon be too great for a smalll LCA to handle ?

    now how are the 3 service going to integrate a common air defesne network with various ypes of radars and SDR data links ?

    where is the money for the 1.25 lac crore nuke sub?

    are the later ones gettin a larger reactor , russia helping US. what stops the chines to tranfer a nuke sub on the same pretext? and base it in gwador?

    what was the actual guided weapons that were fired by the pakis on our military installation as a retaliatory attack/?
    LGB is not a not an option as the range is too short.

    RAAD, LS-6 , ??

    regarding the autoclave that India siezed , will it be sent back to china or confiscated? china will try to scare India ?
    again what was the reason to go in for NAAMS

  124. Dear Prasun,

    Any update about the MAWS installation in MiG-29UPG, Sukhoi 30 mki? Is the D29 suit is on the right way of development? Please update. Thanks in advance!!!!

  125. Dada is this possible


  126. Is it not a better option to not worry about Nuclear powered subs and seek German assistance to build U32 like subs? Germans seem to have had the perfect compromise-stealth and nuclear sub like endurance. Less risk of disasters as well like the Kursk or K-19.

  127. Prsaun sir, wudnt it be logical to go for small sized ssgn like arhiant class with 4 vertical launcher system with a new powerful reactor instead of going for pure SSN?? I mean except french and british all others have SSNs with vls thus practically making them SSGN, be it the virginia class , yasen class.even the upvoming new type ofSSN called laika class which russia is developing to complement its yasen class ssgn are going to have vls if the leaked images are true..so why should we go for pure SSNs when we can go for arihant class small ssgn, it wud be economical aswell as i think logical.ur view. And how many sibmarines in total does indian navy require to project power in the indian ocean? Is it still 24 or it has been revised to be increased?

  128. @Senthil Kumar:
    Now India and US are in the same page. There trump, here Modi. There White Supremacy, here Upper Caste/Hindutuva/Brahmanism. Both are great divider of the society. ... There Africa Blacks are treated as animals, here lower caste and Dalits.

    You are delusional. Seek psychiatric help.

  129. Dada,
    One by one Mig 29 K is falling from sky like dead birds ! Recently so many naval officers were arrested for spying. What is going on !
    Best regards.

  130. Dear Prasun,

    The way MiG-29K are falling from the sky, I don't think that we need to wait for upgradation. Before that all of them would have perished. Thanks to shoddy maintenance!!!!

  131. PrasunDa,

    Last December there were news that India has already leased the Kilo class submarine to Myanmar. However, today according to this report, the transfer/lease has not taken place yet. It will take place next month.

    Will you please clarify what exactly is the current situation regarding this Kilo class submarine INS Sindhuvir S-58?


    Thank You

  132. To RAD: It is indeed a very big deal to make a pyrocartridge for any cannon whose design & ballistics data are the IPRs of another country. Such hardware cannot be re-engineered or even reverse-engineered. A common air-defence network can only be created if the different existing networks communicate with one another. I has already explained it all in my article in the February 2020 issue of FORCE magazine & its weblink was posted long ago in this very thread. And from where has this figure of Rs.1.25 lakh emerged? How is this even possible when the ATV Project Office’s R & D expenditure was an estimated Rs 2,500 crores, while the per-unit cost of each of the three SSBNs is only Rs.3,200 crore? And why should a SSN that will be smaller than a SSBN have a larger PWR? All PGMs used by the PAF on February 27, 2019 are listed & illustrated in the thread dealing with that incident.

    To ASD: Again, you are expecting military-industrial miracles to happen. Even the development of a MAWS-equipped pylong of homegrown design takes at least 7 years to be completed in India. D-29-type EW suite has also been installed on Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 & I had highlighted it in the Aero India 2017 thread.

    To NAG: That’s total hogwash & pure baloney.

    To MILLARD KEYES: Kindly watch that video on the U-32 SSK again where at the very end it is stated that the German Navy has 6 such SSKs but has a total SSK crew complement of only 80 personnel. Furthermore, no SSK in the world can provide protection for SSBNs due to greatly reduced endurance & cruising speeds & the primary role of the SSN is always to protect friendly SSBNs.

  133. To SUJIT: The very thought of having VLS cells for launching SLCMs or ALCMs is another mistaken belief among many. Because this only increases the length & displacement of the SSN. Hence, the preferred option is to develop ASCMs & SLCMs that can be launched from 533mm torpedo-tubes. An Arihant-type SSN without the 20-metre-long compartment housing the VLS cells will thus become both lighter & smaller. SSGNs make sense when hostile carrier battle groups are the prime targets. In the IN’s case, the SSN is the preferred option since the targets are the PLAN’s SSNs that are already roaming within the IOR. One therefore does not require SLCMs or BrahMos-type cruise missiles for destroying submerged PLAN SSNs. Nor is the money available for procuring new-design SSNs & hence the only option is to produce in the shortest possible timeframe additional Arihant-type vessels but minus their VLS cells.

    To PARTHASARATHY & ASD: So are you both implying that Russia was responsible for provoking a flock of birds to envelop the MiG-29UBK last November, thereby causing bird injestion? Is it Russia’s fault that the full-mission simulator at INS Hansa in Dabolim (delivered in 2008) has since neither been serviced nor upgraded because the Indian MoD has blacklisted the simulator’s OEM, Rheinmetall of Germany? Is it Russia’s fault that the IN has been over-utilising its MiG-29Ks by flying way beyond the prescribed flight-hours per-month & per-year & then exhausting its spares stockpiles & due to this, then approaching the MoD for importing additional spares stockpiles & the MoD then refusing to sanction the emergency import of such spares way ahead of schedule? Is it Russia’s fault that the IN has failed till this day to install its 2nd MiG-29K full-mission flight simulator at Vizag, which is its second MiG-29K air base? Regretably, the CAG report linked below does not answer all such questions & fails to go into the bottom of such matters & hence most of you are then free to ASSUME that the Russia-supplied hardware is sub-optimal.


    To VIKRAM GUHA: I had altready explained last week that ONLY submarine operations time will be made available by the IN to the Myanmar Navy trainee crew complement. How can any submarine be leased out or transferred to another navy when the latter does not even have a single crew complement to man such SSKs as they are not even type-rated for such SSKs? The type-rating will be done by the Russia-based OEM for this type of SSK, following which they will come on-board an IN-owned & operated Type 877EKM SSK (INS Sindhuvir S-58) for an altogether new round of operational training, but this time in English language, just as was the case with the SSK crews of the Vietnam People’s Navy earlier this decade in which both shore-based & vessel-based training had been conducted concurrently. So, once again, NO TRANSFER & NO LEASING of any kind of SSK of the IN to anybody, period.

  134. The most outlandish rumour-mongering emanating from both sides of the LoC:



  135. Prasunda,

    Logical & hard-hitting on the Mig-29K & SSN as usual. My deep respect to you.

    I believe, the Indian ATV project intended to be an SSN in the first place, other versions to come later, as most retired submariners assert as well as their palpable pride when Arihant was launched. The VLS plug was added later for strategic reasons. Even so, AFAIK from my very reliable sources & your info, the Arihant will be a good SSGN & a suboptimal SSBN. The revolver VLS with 4 tubes for 3 missiles each will be gr8 for supersonic / hypersonic strike not N-Deterrent.
    Thus we are already looking at 3 Arihant Class SSGN & 6 non-vls Arihant derived SSN...That makes the pioneering, retired & serving submariners very happy . That's besides the fact that recruitment for the DOLPHINS has gone way up with you g blood for new crews ready.
    There is a future SSBN class, but it's just that...the FUTURE. For now the Arihant & Chakra help to provide naval deterrence against PRC in Indian Ocean & train more crews. (Nuclear Deterrence is different) I remember still the years of joy in the old pioneers when Arihant was launched & the old man says with tears in his eyes " ebaar theke ekta submarine shob shomaay (perpetual patrol) joleh thaakbe' for patrol in Bay of Benal, the Indian Ocean & Arabian Sea. That has been achieved, will be sustained with more N-Subs. It's more important & critical than S5 class SSBNs any day. The Chakra helps, but the Arihant has been made by us. The dolphins have laboured on it at Vizag. The silent service works hard & is committed

  136. Prasunda

    BTW , to the Jingo's here - During Kargil, the Karachi harbour was infested for many days by the Sindhughosh class, a non-AIP submarine. Escalation for Pak would have invited immediate destruction. Imagine what the silent service can do now with the Arihant class, the SSNs & the Chakras. SSSBNs r allright but not essential

  137. Prasun sir, can't arihant design be converted into a diesel electric version??..and with vls compartment removed does the present nuclear reactor wud give it enough power to have a top speed of 30kn+???

  138. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for your response on the issue of MiG-29K crash. I believe in debate; so I have a question. Is MiG-29K not so good because it is not fitting into the requirement of no. of flights Navy men need? I mean Navy wants 100 per month; but the craft is capable of only 80 flights. Your view please. Thanks in advance.

  139. Dear Sir,

    What are your thoughts regarding Afghanistan? In 5 years time what is likely to be the situation?

    Many articles are saying that Chabhar + all the billions poured in are all rotten now.


  140. PrasunDa,

    Do you have any update on the submarine fired torpedo called Takshak that was being designed in India? Has that project made any progress?


  141. hi prasun
    how deep is the involvemenrt of India on the super su 30mki/ , there seem to be pic of pople working on the avionics side like speech commands .This means going deep into flight control sysytems? which means they have given us some access?

    has russia allowed us to access as much as in the previous deal when the su-30 was bought /

    again will there be another round of integration of the astra missile withthe super su-30?

    mahathir seems to have resigned , this new woman will carry out his commands?

  142. Hi Prasun da

    in response to your answer To PARTHASARATHY & ASD if you remember i had clearly said Indian Navy really needs to have 12 more Mig 29k for keeping certain numbers exclusively for training at that time you had said said IN can make do with 44 jets. The way i look it IN needs total 60 Mig 29s

    Joydeep Ghosh

  143. Prasun da, in a thread dated 14 October 2016 you had said that India and Russia have signed an agreement for the construction of six 5000 tonne fifth generation SSNs for the Indian Navy designed by Rubin. What happened to that?

  144. Dada,
    Thank you very much for your such a detailed answer on Mig 29 K.
    Best regards

  145. To KAUSTAV: VMT. The ATV Project was indeed set up for seeking a homegrown SSN solution & by the late 1980s had expanded its horizons to seek an SSGN solution after the experience of operating the leased Project 670 Skat (Charlie-1) SSGN. And that was also why BrahMos Aerospace was created in February 1998. However, the goalposts were abruptly & in my view WRONGLY moved in mid-1998 after the technocrats of the DRDO prevailed over the professionals of the IN, with the latter insisting on giving priority to the SSGN procurement. This inevitably led to delays in procuring the S-2, S-3 & S-4 boats, since the DRDO next began lobbying for developing the K-15 & K-4 SLBMs. The lesson to be learnt is therefore very clear: always go by the advice of professionals, & not technocrats. The third-generation 89.2mWth (29.7mWe, or 18,000hp) VM-4 reactor core was developed by the Scientific Research and Design Institute NIKIET, Moscow; while the OK-350 integral PWR was developed by the Special Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering (OKBM) Afrikantov, Nizhniy Novogrod. The entire vessel was designed by Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering (SKB-18), St. Petersburg. Only licenced-manufacturing took place in India. The Project 970 Schukha SSGN (INS Chakra) was leased by India only for surveillance purposes, i.e. for shadowing PLAN SSNs & hence it has no wartime role, as per the India-Russia inter-governmental agreement. Hence, the ONLY way forward is to to built more boats like the Arihant (minus the VLS cells) displacing 5,000 tonnes, & arm them in the following decade with torpedo-tube-launched cruise missiles like the narrower & smaller BrahMos-NG, plus the SLCM version of Nirbhay.

    To SUJIT: No, because the Arihant is double-hulled, while the IN wants more single-hulled SSKs.

    To ASD: Again, you are missing the point. I had already explained above that the serviceability rate of any aircraft depends on the quantum of spares stockpiling. A MiG-29K can fly many times more than its prescribed flight-hours, PROVIDED the spares availability is also proportionally increased. How can a MiG-29K fly three times more than the permitted no of flight-hours while at the same time the spares availability is not proportionally increased by 3 times? With greater utilisation comes greater wear-n-tear & hence more spares stockpiles must be maintained & all the spares stockpiles are already prescribed by the OEM in consonance with the prescribed flight-hours to be logged by the MiG-29K fleet & all this is stated in black-n-white in the procurement contract. If, despite this, the OEM’s declared prescriptions are flouted & no corrective action is taken by the product’s operator/end-user, then who & what is to be blamed? The end-user’s lack of professionalism & wilful disregard for procedures/processes, or the OEM? So, I hope you’ve finally unsderstood the message: one cannot log in 400 flight-hours when the available spares stockpiles can support only 120 flight-hours. It is elementary & common-sensical & the same principle applies to all types of vehicles, be they motor-cycles or automobiles or aircraft.

  146. Prasunda,
    It's again on Mig 29 K. Actually if you notice old videos, for taking of from Vikramaditya , Mig 29 K is using it's afterburner for quite sometime. We all know there is a time restriction on the use of afterburner. Is that the reason for so many engine failures ! And probably that is the reason IN is dead against single engine fighters for future requirements.
    Best regards.

  147. To RAT: My thoughts are similar to those linked below:



    With President Ghani being re-elected & Amrullah Saleh as his VP, this presents a nighmare situation for Pakistan & hence the latter has not yet congratulated Ghani for his re-election. And with that also vanishes all of Pakistan’s hopes of making Afghanistan a part of CPEC, since Ghani is more inclined towards Russia’s Eurasian Customs Union concept under which Afghanistan’s primary commodities will be supplied by rail from Kazakhstan via Uzbekistan. In any case, the CPEC is finished for this year due to the COVID-19 viral outbreak & even Pakistan’s borders with Iran are now being closed, as shown here:


    So, with the CPEC & Iranian trade corridors being closed for at least a year, Pakistan now has no option but to knock at India’s doors for urgently-needed chemicals & antibiotics, as revealed by the Pakistani federal commerce minister here:


    And here’s another dependency:


    Furthermore, it is now the collective members of FATF that are exacting revenge from Pakistan, as detailed here:


    The grey-listing, coupled with the uncompromising terms & conditions of the IMF, have led to two emerging outcomes: first, the increasing infighting among the ruling political class that are averse to tax reforms; & grassroots-level pressure on the military to reduce (and not freeze) its defence spending-levels. To perhaps to offset all this, the military is resorting to cheap theatrics like this:


    However, here’s the icing on the cake: contrary to what many have believed about POTUS Donald Trump’s repeated offers of mediation (not about J & K as popularly assumed), the mediation is in factdirectly about the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT), since India has already begun sounding out the World Bank about revisitng & renegotiating the IWT since it is now a proven fact that: A) China as the upper riparian state has erected a dam at the source of the Indus River near Ngari, TAR & thus India has the right to release less water to Pakistan; & 2) By erecting WB-funded dams across the rivers flowing from & to Afghanistan, Pakistan will no longer be able to enjoy the free-flow of such waters now flowing into KPK province. One can interpret this as being India’s retaliation against all the hydroelectric projects now being carried out by China inside PoK. Lastly, India at last is also likely to officially state that she does not recognise the Durand Line as the IB separating Afghanistan from Pakistan since there’s no documentary evidence of any document or land-based boundary-marker in existence that legalises the existence or legitimacy of the Durand Line.

    Collectively, all of the above will have, to say the very least, a truly devastating effect on Pakistan’s economy, with not even enough grass being able to grow there to feed its population!

  148. To VIKRAM GUHA: Not Takshak, but the Shakti. It was explained by me here:



    It is making slow progress, since earlier it was envisaged as being an autonomous HWT, but the IN now wants it morphe into a wiore-guided HWT.

    To RAD: The slides shown above clearly state that voice commands are for only the prupose of selecting various displays of images & symbologies on the AMLCDs, & thus they have nothing to do flight-controls of any sort. Astra-1 BVRAAM was integrated with Su-30MKI in Russia on an avionics integration rig in Russia. No integration work was done in India. And this is what Tun Dr Mahathir is up to:

    Malaysia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dAcK70K6fEA&t=22s

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Nowadays, all flight conversion is first done on full-mission flying simulators as this helps conserve valuable airframe life. And flight-training sorties on actual aircraft can be conducted only by tandem-seaters like MiG-29KUB, for which about eight aircraft will suffice to service two MiG-29 Sqns.

  149. Prasunda

    Technological limitations made us dependent on the Russians. As you have explained & unfortunate realit entire decks wiring or other equipment had to be ripped out, replaced as the Russians advised due to mistakes, errors & PLAN CHANGES. The price you pay, I guess, for your own limitations on technology, design, confusion & even some misuse in the early days. India still doesn't have any design capabilities on N-Sub & N-Reactor.

    Query - As the Brazilian experience of building N-Sub is interesting & parallels our own in many ways, could you shed some light on the potential for single Hull SSNs with stretched Scorpenes or even Japanese type with Li-Ion or Graphene Batteries for SSKs?

    Can India develop something with the experience gained as has been done with Destroyers & Frigates?
    I am not aware about India's capabilities to design-build our own Nuclear Submarines & Reactors or even newer battery technology.

  150. wah, Sir, what a doomed future you have painted about the future of pak. Dil khush hogay.

  151. Hi Prasun,
    As you mention Indian ssn should be Arihant class minus the vls ,but you had said that the ssn will be based on the beluga sub design in your previous threads,can you explain.

  152. Sir, it seems the CDS shares your belief that instead of licenced manufacturing and ToT, fighter jets should be bought off the shelf and the foreign manufacturer required to invest 50 % of proceeds back into India in partnership with local firms.


  153. Dear Sir,

    Thank you for your detailed response. Indeed it is not an easy situation. Do you think we could have played the game differently? In Afghan press there is severe criticism of the CAA/J&K and do you think it will have an impact on the our image and ability to influence?

    Kind regards,

  154. To PRATAP & BLACK BOX: That plan was shelved back in early 2017 itself after Russia expressed its inability to fund the development of this SSN due to financial constraints. Then itself the new plan of the IN was to develop an SSN variant of the in-production SSBNs.

    To AMIT BISWAS: All are good, depending on the quality of the supporting on-shore industrial infrastructure. Asking for standardisation is like asking for all types of automobiles to be powered by a single-design engine & gearbox.

    To PARTHASARATHY: The time restrictions on afterburner usage apply ONLY DUE TO the fuel capacity constraints, have nothing to do with the fasilure of any part of a turbofan. If any inflight turbofan failure takes place, it is either due to failure of fuel-pumps on those turbofans (depending on the quality of aviation turbine fuel being used) that don’t have FADEC, or FADEC software glitches on those turbofans that have FADEC. In case of the MiG-29K there were such glitches between 2012 & 2014 & all of these were resolved through FADEC software enhancements. These glitches would not have occurred had the MiG-29K been subjected to a flight-test programme in India. But since this wasn’t done by the IN & all such tests were carried out in Russia, such problems had arisen. After all, the climate-based operating conditions in India are quite different from those in Russia. So again, the bottomline is this: the failure is not of the hardware or its OEM, but of the operator/end-user of the hardware. The sooner one accepts this reality & stops thinking that everyone worldwide outside India is out to screw India one way or another, the better.

  155. To KAUSTAV: The technological limitations were due only to INTELLECTUAL limitations, i.e. the inability or lack of human-resource capacity of the country to master integral PWR physics & engineering aspects. All this, despite the first generation of DAE engineers & physicists receiving all their training & mentoring in the West since the 1950s! The Ruskies stepped into this arena only in the latter half of the 1980s. Consequently, one can confidently state that the greatest quantum of intellectual ToT to India took place from the US & Canada in the arenas of both reactor physics & reactor engineering—a critical point often glossed over or ignored by most Indian commentatotrs.

    The Brazilian integral PWR was developed in-house from the outset & hence Brazil has all the design data reqd for integrating such a PWR with any type of propulsion system or a submarine hull. In India’s case, the IPRs of the 3rd-generation OK-350/VM-4 PWR belong to Russia & are not for sharing with anyone else, especially in terms of reactor physics & reactor engineering & hence without these one cannot either upscale or downscale the PWR design, or change the design configuration of the reduction gearbox & power transmission system that is presently designed for operating within a double-hull submarine. If the Russia-designexd integral PWR is to be integrated with the hull of the Scorpene-derived SMX 3.0 submarine, then this will have to involve communications between France’s Naval Forces Group & Russia’s OKBM—which now isn’t possible after the 2014 annexation of Crimea from Ukraine by Russia.

    To PRRANSHU YADAV: VMT. He is only saying what SOUND COMMON-SENSE dictates. One wishes such sense had dawned back in the 1990s so that the money wasted on licence-building the Su-30MKI could have been saved & invested in procuring the Rafales in the previous decade itself.

    To RAT: Those press-reports are all of Pakistan-origin, rest assured, since Afghanistan’s press has far more important developments to report. In addition, not a single Afghan press-report has said anything negative about J & K. And so hopelessly retarded are the current crop of Pakistani politicians that while on one hand they say J & K is India-occupied territory & therefore none of India’s laws apply there, on the other hand these very retards are asking for the reinstatement of Article 370’s provisions & Article 35A over J & K!!! Hence, only ill-informed retards like Tun Dr Mahathir Mohd & R T Erdogan will fall for the convoluted & contradictory Pakistani narratives like this:


    Instead, the real fears & apprehensions were explained yesterday by these Pakistanis:


  156. Dear Prasun,

    Out of curiosity I would like to ask you about the naval crafts comparison between MiG-29K and F/A 18 Super Hornet. Which one is superior and who will win in a face to face engagement.?

  157. Ur comments on recent visit of trump, if possible a thread would be better.
    About deals done also. Drones also bought??
    Govt gonna allow pvt sector in armed drone development?? Am talking drones of level of reaper etc..

  158. To ASD: The Rafale & Super Hornet are the best available carrier-based MRCAs due to the far superior alloys used for airframe & landing gear construction. Hence, from a metallurgical standpoint, these two MRCAs are generations ahead of what the rest of the world has to offer for carrier-based aviation.

    To ASHISH GAUTAM: No MALE-UAVs have been bought. Only the 24 MH-60R Seahawks & six AH-64E Apaches for the IA have. This will be followed by the IADWS. If private-sector companies are invited for developing armed UAS platforms, then HAL & the DRDO’s ADE lab will go on indefinite strike, rest assured. Meanwhile, as Dilwalon ki Delhi is 'on fire', suggest you expedite your plans for seeking asylum in the highlands of Scotland.

    To RAD: This explains what's going on in Malaysia:


  159. Prasun,

    1- your take on delhi rioting , its timing during Trump's visit.. is there a blatant attempt to malign modi..who could be behind it..my take is militant fringe elements from both major(yes, I strongly feel there are rt wing elements who despise modi ) & the largest minority community want to undermine modi ...who is supporting this shaheen baug protests .. they certainly seem to be artificially created issue...rioting during a dignitaries visit is certainly akin to insulting the nation..I personally have reservations on some of the SC actions / comments(recent comment by a SC judge on dissent/protests)as well ... instead of giving a clear verdict either way on the CAA issue to the affidavits filed on a highest priority basis? SC is restoring to gimmicks like sending interlocutors & allowing it to fester. I somehow feel even the SC is wrong when it tries to portray protests as a right.. should'nt it be the last resort ? also shouldn't the SC encourage democratic institutions to act promptly so that common citizen is not left with the protest option?.. SC comments & actions, I feel only encourages militant outlook where people are not interested in rational reasoning due to their nefarious vested interests. It reminds me of the left parties encouraging bandhs @the drop of a hat in bengal..look where it has taken it...
    2- your reply to Ashish G on drdo & HAL is disturbing .. surely no self respecting govt should allow a bunch of ppl to hold the country @ ransom...
    3- Trump's visit didn't achieve much for either country ..your take & analysis?
    4- Any updates in tejas Mk1a gun firing & other improvements? is a deal going to happen ? also there seems to be no progress on super su 30
    5- LCH.. it seems to have been put on the back burner

  160. HI PRASUN
    why are the drones so expensive sothe appaches? especially the drones? cud Israel offer a better deal on drones/, the drones cost more than a f-35?

    The apaches have netcentric warfare and a good radar to boot . Is there any chance of us making that type of radar.for LCH ? I believe there is hell of alot of vibration in the radar sitting on the mast. how does the israeli elec optics system compare on LCH with the apache TADPNVS ? if not can israel design on efor us with long range so that we may have abay apache with 1/3 the cost?

    is there any thinking on thepart of the MOD on the SEA GULL uav for anti submarine workwhich sure is a cheap force multiplier ?

    what would be the L3 communication hellras sonar deployed on them? can they catch nukes ?
    p-8 - sea guardian , seagull would be a deadly combo?

    are you infering brazil is ahead of us in PWR tech? is france going to help out ?
    can i take it that the whole arihant program was designed by russia and made here with thier help ?, what was our input?
    we do have a record of making land based PWR for the last 30 + years ?
    i have read that thorium is usd on the Milan 2 anti tnak missile . what function does that do?
    have we confiscated the autoclave sent to pakistan ?

  161. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9xsgZZEX9_g

    Pravin Swahney mentions in this video that there are 200,000 Chinese soldiers stationed in TAR. Is that true?

  162. Hi Prasun da

    eaither you answer to PARTHASARATHY & ASD is correct or the one you gave to me is, so which one is correct???

    Joydeep Ghosh

  163. Sir, they have the funds. Check this latest report https://www.navalnews.com/naval-news/2020/02/inside-russias-laika-next-generation-attack-submarine/

  164. To JUST_CURIOUS: Let us stay away from such conspiracy theories & stick to known factoids. The following videoclips clearly reveal everything:

    History of Communal Riots in Delhi/New Delhi:


    Eye-Witness Ground Reports:


    From the above, we can infer the following:

    1) No riots of any kind—spontaneous or organised/pre-planned—can erupt unless the State’s Rulers desire it to be. This has been the case in the 1970s, 1984, 1992, 2002 & now.

    2) Communal riots NEVER take place where cosmopolitan societies reside. In other words, such riots always without fail occur between ghettoised communities due to polarised mindsets & perceptions. This is exactly what has been happening in Gujarat & UP, & now in north-east Delhi. Between the State & rioters, the former always has the legal right to exercise total monopoly over the application of violent force (as per all globally available political literature)—this being an integral component of the social contract between the State & its citizens.

    3) As in the case of the 1993 Mumbai bomb-blasts & the 2002 Godhra incident, it was yet again a particular Muslim community that decided to challenge & overrule the writ of the State by initiating violence. But by allowing retaliation in kind by the majority community in 1993, 2002 & now, the State is equally to be blamed for failing to impose its writ of thr law of the land. Thus, the State then faces azll the flak both domestically & from abroad due to its loss of moral ascendancy.

    4) In Delhi’s case, enough intelligence was available through the Special Branches of both Delhi & UP Police about simmering discontent among the ghettoised Muslim communities since last December. The large-scale stockpiling of resources for making petrol-bombs cannot go unnoticed by any police agency of India. And that’s also why 48 hours ago the decision was finally taken to seal the Delhi-UP border. And here’s probably a good reason why the inter-state borders were sealed:


    Cont'd below...

  165. 5) Yet, the reason why the Delhi Police was not allowed by the Union MHA to take pre-emptive action in locations containing ghettoised Muslim communities remains a mystery. In addition, the failure to full secure Delhi with additional CAPF reinforcements before the commencement of the visit of a VVIP like the POTUS & his family is yet another mystery. Furthermore, the inability of Delhi’s Lt Governor & the Delhi Police Commissioner to exercise his Constitutionally-guaranteed powers over the past 72 hours pinpoints to only 1 reason: ‘naukarshahi’, or pandering to the Union MHA & voluntarily submitting himself & his force to micro-management by the Union MHA. In fact, communal riots always break out because the civilian ‘netas’ always want this to be the case, as beautifully explained here:


    6) The visit of NSA Ajit Doval to the riot-stricken areas of north-east Delhi yesterday was both a global embarrassment & a totally wrong decision. What this reflected was the PMO’s knee-jerk reaction due to fears of global concern/condemnation. A far better step would have been such visits being undertaken jointly by the 2 directly-accountable officials—Delhi Police Commissioner & the Lt Governor.

    7) And to add to all this, one has to contend with the shouting channels operating out of the NCR, who shamelessly choreograph provocative & barin-dead talk-shows like these:


    So, in conclusion, we can safely state that India in the 21st century cannot be governed with 19th century mindsets & governance processes/practices. Furthermore, a total intellectual & constitutional reform of the internal security processes/practices is required, starting with the ceasing of use of the State Police’s Special Branches for collecting only political intelligence. In addition, the Police Commissioners of metropolitan cities must be answerable to only the elected Mayor of the concerned city, & not to the State Home Affairs Minister or an appointed Lt Governor.

    PS: The INC’s dynastic leader Rahul ‘Pappu’ Gandhi did not attend the Congress Working Committee (CWC) meeting yesterday, as he is currently not in the country. He must be having the best job in the world with the most vacation-friendly employer (the INC). Come rain or riots or the end-of-days (Kayaamat), he is on vacation mode without fail. So let us all give this man his due & congratulate him for such unparalleled consistency.

  166. To RAD: Because those UAS platforms are SATCOM-controlled & have far more advanced SAR & optronic sensors. In addition, they come with multiple ground-stations so that command-n-control handover from one to another can seamlessly take place when covering a wide area for long durations. Of what use is NCW capability of the Apaches if the corresponding NCW networks themselves are not available as of now? And how will they communicate with friendly ground forces since the IAF & IA use different radios & different frequency spectrums in their respective battlefields. Where then is the battlespace convergence? Are the NCW networks of all 3 armed services connected to one another? No. Why can’t the In award a suo moto contract to any private-sector start-up for developing a well-engineered autonomous water-surface RHIB? After all, that’s what the Seagull is. Of course Brazil is decades ahead of India in PWR-related physics & engineering. Just Google about it to find out more. India’s DAE has acknowledged expertise only on PHWRs, not PWRs. The PWRs at Kudankulam have all come from Russia while the LWR at Tarapur came from the US.

    To THEHUNDRED: 200,000 in TAR includes both the PLA Army & People’s Armed Police. But the Tibet Military District (TMD) is not inclusive of the whole of TAR. It is the TMD that lies along the LAC. This finer distinctions have to be borne in mind.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: All 3 are correct & none of them contradict one another.

    To DASHU: Looks like Pakistan decided to commemorate February 26 as the ‘Day of Surprise’ & not February 27. Guess they really were surprised in the pre-dawn hours of February 26:



    To PRATAP: That report does not say a single word about any hull of this type being under construction. Moreover, as the diagram clearly reveals, it is that of a SSGN, not an SSN. Existence of a mere cutaway diagram does not automatically translate into the series-production of a submarine. And the Husky's illustration is indicative of an SSN design, like the USSR's Project 671 Yorsh, Project 671RT Syomga and Project 671RTM/RTMK Shchuka SSNs.

  167. Dear Prasun Sir,

    Please answer the following queries:

    1.For towed artillery requirement will india army go for ATAGS or ATHOS or mix of both?

    2. When can we expect next batch of Rafale fighter ordered.

  168. Dear Prasun,

    Your opinion on this article


    Has the airforce only been paying attention towards procurement of vanilla aircraft without any proper armaments or ground support like hangers in forward bases?

    Doesn't that make us inferior to our neighbouring airforce?

  169. Prasun Da,

    1. ToI reported that deal for six Apache helicopters for the Indian Army is a hybrid procurement – Direct Commercial Sale (DCS) between Boeing and India's MoD and Foreign Military Sale (FMS) between the Indian government and the US Government. Will you please explain what is a hybrid procurement and when it is done ?


    2. If Myanmar decides to procure Kilo class submarines from Russia, will India finance such a deal?


  170. To KUNAL JADHAV: 1) That can only be answered by those DESI SCUMBAGS who had begun spreading rumours about the procurement of ATHOS. 2) Later this year, most likely.

    To PAVAN: Again, this is classic yellow journalism practised by DESI SCUMBAGS. To listen to factoids from the horse’s mouth, do watch this interview:


    To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) Hybrid Procurement means procuring the hardware off-the-shelf through the FMS payments channel, while the industrial offsets content of the contract is fulfilled between two military-industrial partners like Boeing & TATA. 2) Myanmar ordered the Type 636 SSKs from Russia a year ago & why should India finance any such deal when Myanmar is fully capable of making payments on its own? Meanwhile, do read this:


    To ANUP: While the Union MHA is directly responsible for its failure to PREVENT the eruption of the riots, there are many more directly responsible for engaging in rioting, such as this:


    1. Good to see the practical and effective and daring dhanoa sir again..hitting hard to the detactors of IAF capabilities..abhi ka liliput to bahut shaant and sober hai...

  171. There will be least problems by nuking Pakistan in fully saturated manner and finishing it by the first strike. Then after there will be no war except the politics and diplomacy.

  172. Both these writers are assholes of the highest order. Don't forget that the first place that was hit with violence was Bengal and later it spread in other states. It happened soon after CAA was passed. No politician had said anything inflamatory at the time. Baffles me why authorities took no action against hate speeches made by Islamic extremists over the last 3 months and fake news being spread by radical leftists in media and Bollywood.

  173. To KAPIL: Wrong. The first place to be hit with violence WRT CAA soon after the release of the final NRC list (for Assam) was Assam, followed by Meghalaya & Tripura. Even way before that, hate speeches were made throughout this decade by the likes of Ajay Singh Bisht, Azam Khan, Akbaruddin Owaisi & Raj Thackeray & since they have still not been prosecuted this has set the precedent for others to make hate speeches since they all know very well that the rule of law will never be imposed on them. The writ of any state cannot ever be applied either selectively or in bits & pieces. Whenever this has been done, new entities challenging the state's writ have always emerged without fail.

    To DASHU & PAVAN: Looks like the PAF has still not figured out how the guidance system of the Spice-2000 PGM functions, if one were to go by what was stated by senior PAF officers here:


    They're still at a loss to explain the issue of the 2nd parachute that was widely seen & videographed by folks on both sides of the LoC. Also, despite all theirf grand claims about Kashmiris overwhelmingly being sympathetic to Pakistan, till this day not one evidence of any IAF Su-30MKI being shot down anywhere over J & K on 27-2-2019 has been gathered by any of the supposedly millions of Pakistani sympathisers inside J & K.

    1st PC of the new DG of ISPR Yesterday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsDLlMclTUU

    To RAJESH MISHRA: These best explain why Pakistan's Two-Nation Theory still has only a single international taker, i.e. Turkey's wretched President Erdogan:


  174. Turkey Army lost a few of its soldiers in Syria in an air attack. Turkey blamed Syria for the killing. But everyone knows Russia bombed.

    According to NATO's rules, NATO will retaliate if a NATO member was attacked its own territory. Since Turkey invaded Syria, how NATO will respond to it?
    Moreover, Erdogan and Putin are buddies and signed a deal on S400 system. How will this airstrike impact NATO-Russia or Turkey-Russia or Turkey-Syria?


  175. It is clear that those sound bites are for local consumption only, they are very good at fooling local pakis.

  176. Excellent sequential documentation of how the Delhi riots unravelled:



  177. Dear Prasun

    Thanks for the responses. In my mind there is no doubt regarding the balakot strikes and as per the words of Former Air chief it was wrong not to record the video of the bombing, but Pakistan would have called it fake anyway.

    But the current and former air chief keep reiterating the importance of Meteor armed Rafale as a game changer.

    You have said several times that we cannot integrate meteor on Su30MKI or Mig29.
    So what does that leave india with? Is Astra a solution to AIM120 armed F16? Or are there any improved versions of R77 missile that india will integrate with Su30MKI and Mig29?

    Because it's beyond my comprehension that 270 odd aircrafts of Air superiority category are devoid of cutting edge BVR missile.

  178. Tp PAVAN: There is an engineering solution available, which is now in the works (which all the 'desi patrakaars' taken to junket press visits by MBDA have not even bothered to report due to their utter lack of domain expertise & total neglect for the laws of physics & mathematics) & I have detailed it in the following thread. Enjoy it!

  179. Sir,

    For your information... Old prophecy on Turkey by Paisios...Looks like coming true...

    1. Soviet Russia will collapse 70 years after the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. The prediction was made in the late 70s – early 80s.
    2. He saw a vision of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974 2 weeks before it occurred.
    3. He foresaw the destruction of Turkey by Russia, after Turkey attacks Greece. NATO will oppose the Russians but its forces will be destroyed
    4. The nation of Israel will be destroyed 70 years after its conception. 2/3 of their People will become Christians. Is it a coincidence that the Elder died at
    age 70
    5. The beginning of Armageddon will be near after Turkey closes the Euphrates River
    6. Turkey will be divided in pieces. One piece will go to Greece; one Piece will go to Armenia and one to Kurdistan.
    7. The Dome of the Rock will collapse from bellow. Armageddon will be close when
    Solomons temple is ready to be rebuilt.
    8. Israel will attack its close neighbors with nuclear weapons when they see their end is near.


    – The Russians will take Turkey. The Chinese will cross the Euphrates. Providence tells me that many events will happen: The Russians will take Turkey and Turkey will disappear from the world map because a third of the Turks will become Christians, another third will die in the war and another third will leave for Mesopotamia.

  180. Sir,

    Another prophecy by St. Kosmas Aitolos (AD 1714)... Read the last para


  181. What sheer nonsense!? Armageddon your Ass John

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