Tuesday, June 15, 2021

China's Military Infrastructure Updates In South Xinjiang & Tibet Military Districts

Over the past 12 months, several new permanent structures have been constructed and commissioned by the PLAAF, PLAGF and PLARF throughout the South Xinjiang and Tibet Military Districts, the most notable of which are highlighted below.

New Underground Facilities for TBM Storage in South Xinjiang

New Permanent PLA-BDR Garrison Quarters in Depsang Plain
PLAGF Tactical Observation & EW Post in Depsang Plains
New EW Site at Rutog
TMD's New Underground Facilities South of Demchok
Ngari Airport & LR-SAM Site
UAV Testing Site North of Lake Mansarovar
TMD's New Underground Facilities for TBM Storage at Zanda, Opposite Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand
Civilian Heliport & Logistics Warehouses in Lhasa
PLAGF 85 Air-Defence Brigade MR-SAM & SHORADS Training Centre at Lhasa
PLAGF 85 Field Artillery Brigade Training Areas in Lhasa
PLAGF Changda Combat Engineering Training Area in Lhasa
PLAGF MBT Training Area & Heliport in Lhasa
TMD's 15 Engineer Brigade at Lhasa
PLAGF Motor-Pool in Lhasa
PLAGF Motor-Pool Training Grounds
TMD's New UAS Air Base at Tsolung, Lhasa
Lhasa Gonggar Airport
Shigatse Airport
Guizhou EA-03 Xianglong WZ-7 Soar Dragon HALE-UAV

The logistics infrastructure accretions at Gyantse, Shannan, Tsetang, Bangda and Linzhi are dedicated for the Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh sectors and are detailed below.
PLAAF LR-SAM Site at Gyantse
PLAGF Logistics Depot at Gyantse
PLAGF Underground Facility for TBM Storage at Gyantse
TMD's New Underground Facility & PLAGF Motor-Pool Facility at Shannan
TMD's New Underground Facility & Technical Support Facility in Tsetang
TMD's New Underground Facility for TBM Storage at Tsetang
Underground Facilities for TBM Storage & LR-SAM Site at Bangda
Linzhi Armaments Depots & LR-SAM Site
PLAGF 85 Army Aviation Brigade Heliport at Nagku

The PLAGF has also constructed a number of new facilities to the northeast and east of Sikkim, as detailed below.
PLAGF Armaments Storage Base East of Jelep La
PLAGF Gunpits East of Lachung
PLAGF Gunpits in Chakung
PLAGF Helipads in Chakung
PLAGF Gunpits near Nathu La
PLAGF Logistics Warehouse at Dromo

Composition of PLAGF High-Mobility Light Mechanised Infantry Brigade
PLAGF Sky Saker FH-500 tactical UAV For Artillery Fire-Direction
PLAGF ASN-301 Anti-Radar Drone
Motorised Track-Layer
Motorised AVLB
PLAGF Mine-Clearing Vehicle
Tracked High-Mobility APC
ZBD-04 Tracked Scout Vehicle
Decoy Dispenser For Protecting SAM Sites

Analysis of the varied kinds of electronic force-multipliers fielded by the PLAGF since 2017 (shown below) indicates that the PLAGF remains deeply worried about the tactical air interdiction capabilities of its adversaries, especially with the usage of standoff air-launched precision-guided munitions (PGM) that are likely to be used against static and mobile SAM sites/networks of both the PLAGF and PLAAF. 
PLAGF Mi-171 with Battlefield Surveillance Radar
PLAGF Battlefield GPS Jammer for SAM Battery
PLAGF Battlefield Surveillance Radar
PLAGF Battlefield Surveillance Sensors on Wheeled & Tracked Armoured Vehicles
PLAGF Mast-Mounted Battlefield Surveillance Sensors
Mengshi CSK-131 LAMV with SATCOM Antennae

The field artillery and fire-support systems fielded by the PLAGF (shown below) are all meant for providing immediate fire-support for advancing Battalion-sized PLAGF ground formations and are all armoured for protection from aerial straffing. The PLAGF believes in being self-sufficient in direct fire-support requirements, given the PLAAF’s inability to provide immediate air-support. This has been the case since 1962 and was also visible during the 1979 Sino-Vietnam war, when China refrained from using the PLAAF and thereby kept such conflicts limited in nature, just so that it would not provoke the then-USSR into taking any military action against China.

PLAGF 130mm MBRL on Dongfeng EQ-2050 For Minefield-Clearing
ZTL-11 Assault AFV
PHZ-11 122mm Tracked MBRL
PCL-161 122mm MGS
PCL-181 155mm 52-cal MGS
PLZ-07A Tracked 122mm SPH
PLL-09 122mm Wheeled SPH
PTL-02 120mm Mortar
PGZ-07 35mm SPAAG
QSL-92 4 x 4 with HJ-9 ATGM

The construction of new underground storage facilities at Bangda, Gyantse, Shannan, South Xinjiang, Tsetang and Zanda for tactical ballistic missiles (TBM) indicates that the PLAAF, which has been unable to procure fourth-generation deep-strike interdictor aircraft, will continue to rely on the PLARF’s arsenal of DF-15B and DF-16 TBMs for targetting those forward and principal air bases and ALGs of the Indian Air Force that are likely to be used in the event of any future limited high-intensity conventional war between China and India.

Also, the PLAAF has not yet qualified on its J-10B/C M-MRCAs and J-111/J-14 H-MRCAs all those home-grown air-launched standoff PGMs that it had procured in the previous decade for its second-generation JH-7A deep-interdictor combat aircraft.

Thus, the PLAGF’s vulnerabilities are three-fold: 1) the military hardware developed by China’s domestic military-industrial complex remains unproven in battlefields and consequently is of questionable quality. 2) The bulk of the PLAGF’s human resources come from compulsory military conscription and consequently professionalism/combat proficiency of its combat arms remains highly questionable. 3) The PLAGF’s combat integration with the PLAAF remains minimal and consequently the former remains highly vulnerable to hostile tactical air interdiction and deep air-strikes.


  1. https://www.orfonline.org/research/eastern-ladakh-the-longer-perspective/


  2. look at the impressive speed. In India, it takes years to decide what to do at best leave alone implementing a project.

    India is indeed really suffering from very low self-esteem. Look at the celebration of Galwan anniversary.

    Why PA is inducting such a sizable number of forces into PoJK in the guise of training when their western border is hot? ISPR missed a trick I guess by not hosting that reality show inside PoJK?

  3. To DASHU: You mean this reality show?:

    60 Hours to Glory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fabpS12Jfk8

  4. Hi Parsunji,

    How good is the Quality of Chinese Weapons Systems compared say Russian and other mid-tech nations like India, Poland & Ukraine? I am asking this because any times Chinese systems are returned or retired by their users like Jordan did with Chinese UAV.

    Can link any article about the Air Defence of Indian Airspace.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Hardik Thanki

    1. In total, the Jordanian armed forces are advertising 29 aircraft for sale: two Airbus C-295 transport aircraft; two CASA/IPTN CN-235 transport aircraft; one Lockheed C-130B transport aircraft; 12 BAE Systems Hawk jet trainers; six CH-4B UAVs; and six MD Helicopters MD 530 light helicopters

  5. looks like they're preparing for a war, fully mobilized and equipped......

  6. Dear prasun,

    I think some one has read your views on declassification of all old war doctorine

    Finally they have decided to do it..is it a good step ...

    Aniz bin yusuf

  7. Hi..that is some quick and pretty serious upgrade....seems working towards some broad Plan.

    So - What is India doing about this ?
    There must be some Counter-actions..
    .some initiatives from our side too ?

  8. Dear Prasun,

    Do you think that Indian political leadership will awake from the deep sleep and learn a lesson to safeguard the border with China? When will it happen? I think it's imminent iff Doval like persons give the PM some ideas. Your view please.

  9. To HARDIK THANKI: The PLAGF’s vulnerabilities are three-fold: 1) the military hardware developed by China’s domestic military-industrial complex remains unproven in battlefields & consequently is of questionable quality. 2) The bulk of the PLAGF’s human resources come from compulsory military consicription & consequently professionablism & combat proficiency remains highly questionable. 3) The PLAGF’s combat integration with the PLAAF remains minimal & consequently the former remains highly vulnerable to hostile tactical air interdiction & deep air-strikes.

    To SHUKANT CHATRATH: Looks like, yes. But whether what is being shown is practical or achievable remains highly questionable.

    To ANIZ BIN YUSUF: Such views are now being echoed by others as well:


    To UNKNOWN: Of course. The IA’s re-deployments & re-balancing efforts are already underway, as are efforts to strengthen the air-defence networks with new accretions like Barak-8, S-400 & Akash-NG SAMs, plus the QR-SAMs. In addition, battlefield EW systems like Him Vijay are also being service-inducted into the now-forming IBGs. But in the arena of deep-strike, the IAF still maintains a distinct edge over the PLAAF due to its access to new-generation PGMs like Spice-2000, the EMP-generating SAAW & SCALP cruise missiles, all of which can be launched by the Rafale, upgraded Mirage-2000N, upgraded Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 and in future the Super Su-30MKI.

  10. Debates on One Year of Ladakh Standoff:


    Leak at China Nuclear Reactor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2zEG8EBh10



    Meanwhile, intrigues concerning Himalayan Buddhism & Tibetology:

    Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama—the spiritual leader of Tibetans, who lives in exile in India—turns 86 in July. The choice of his successor is shaping up to be a struggle between India and the U.S. on the one hand and China on the other. The Dalai Lama is believed to be a living Buddha who is reincarnated after his death. He hasn’t laid out a clear succession plan. A decade ago, he issued a statement saying he’d consult with other Tibetan Buddhist leaders when he’s about 90 on whether the more than 600-year-old institution of the Dalai Lama should continue after he dies. Traditionally a search for a child reincarnation is conducted, and once a boy is confirmed, he studies to prepare for his role. His Holiness the Dalai Lama has said he will be reincarnated outside Tibet and most likely in India. The current Dalai Lama was identified at the age of 2. There’s no single method of choosing a Dalai Lama, and the process can be long and complicated. Senior R & AW officials in India, plus the NSA and EAM, have been involved in discussions about how New Delhi can influence the choice of the next Dalai Lama. From January through March, along its Himalayan border with China, India convened five separate assemblies of senior monks from various sects and schools in the region—the first time such gatherings have taken place in more than 2,000 years. The government hopes that this group will grant international legitimacy to the current Dalai Lama’s successor and help fill a power vacuum, as it could take two decades or longer for a reincarnation to be identified and to come of age.


  11. Prasunda

    Why is PRC buying up Corn & Animal Feed?! Food shortages or war /embargo preparation

  12. To ASD: LoLz! Your expectations are way too high! Leave alone the LAC, the NSA & CDS, despite hailing from Uttarakhand, have only this to show for that frontline state:

    Helpless in Uttarakhand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXXb8gFW2D0

    And why such helplessness? Because of the criminal intents of the state leadership in Uttarakhand & the Centre in Delhi, as revealed here:


    To KAUSTAV: That's been happening since last year itself after China experienced a spate of natural disasters due to excessive monsoon flooding & this year the monsoon season began earlier than expected, which has led to the country's domestic agricultural production quantum getting reduced for the second year in a row.

  13. Hi....Thanks for the (reassuring) Reply....

    A couple of thoughts....

    (1) Aren't some of these pretty photo's juicy Targets ? Not only for the IAF Long range ASM's or maybe for IA long range Rocket/Tube Artillery...but also for the Harpy type Kamikaze Drones/even Armed (swarm) Drones ?...or even Brahmos 1/2...and for all the FanBoys like me - maybe even for the Para-SF/SFF ?

    (2) Such Similar "Parade/Display-type" Photo's of the IA or IAF displaying their Wares in such numbers not seen often....

    (3) How goes the Upgrades of the Mirage 2000, Mig 29UPG, Darin3 Jaguars/Engines...seem to be v slow/way behind schedule...


  14. Hi prasun
    can the barak 8 system take down the df-16 type BM ? i belive ther e is an anti ballistic mode as well. OR do we have to import the david sling system?. GIven the scene china is going to unleash a barrage of BM on airfields to tak ou the advantage we have . the problem is thye hav ethe nuymbers , what do we do?
    can we open up another front in the sea and deny any chinese vessel passage after the malacca straits which we can. They will not have any answer to that today .
    whyb is it that today every body talks of the su-30 and no one aknowledges the mig-29 upg which is a deadly fighter that can tak on the f-16. neither is it show cased in any aero india .?

  15. One should not be complacent that Chinese systems are not of good quality. Their motives and intentions are clear as they are preparing for some eventuality with India not too in the distant future. Hope the Indian govt is not caught napping. If Prasun ji is giving so much of information then govt agencies should be having more than it

  16. To RAMAN DEWAN: 1) Of course they are, not just with PGMs, but through fire-assaults supported by dire artillery forward observation. That was precisely the reason why the IA squatted on the dominating heights of the Kailash Range last year, which gave the IA a clear panoramic view of the entire sprawling PLAGF deployments in Moldo in the south bank of Spanggur Tso Lake. The deployed PLAGF formations there were then sitting ducks & that is what petrified the PLAGF & that’s why China decided to withdraw from that area on a reciprocal basis. The same was the situation along the Fingers of Panggong Tso Lake, where the IA sat on dominating heights on Finger-4. 2) The Republic Day parades cannot be half-day events for India whereas for China propaganda plays a very big role & hence their parades are far larger & are of longer duration. 3) The Mirage-2000N & MiG-29UPG upgrade programmes have been accelerated, but eh Jaguar IS upgrade is moving slowly.

    To RAD: Barak-8 cannot intercept incoming solid-fuelled ballistic missiles. That’s where the S-400 LR-SAM & later the ‘desi’ XR-SAM comes into play. The MiG-29UPG was shown at both Aero India 2017 & Aero India 2019. Here’s one image of it taken in 2017:


  17. Has India given repeat order of BNET SDR after the 400 ordered in 2019


  18. Mr. Prasun in this article Gen Panag talked about two Options for India
    1)Rely on Diplomacy and gain Status quo ante April 2020 and demarcation of LAC.

    2)Go to War.

    The government chose option one but has not gained status quo ante April 2020 forget about demarcation of LAC?
    We are doomed I guess because we can't afford a war.

    Sometimes I think even if the Chinese somehow surprisingly come to Leh we will rely on Diplomacy only.

    What's your take?



  19. When will MAWS & RWR be installed on LCH?

    What's staus of ATGM integration

  20. Sir how will India integrate Israeli Spyder SAM,Indian qrsam ,Aakash,and russian s 400, how will this as one system forming multi layered air defence system
    How can Indian,russian,Israeli system be integrated successfully to avoid any friendly mishapp?

  21. To HARSH: No repeat orders have been placed.

    To SANJAY: Regrettably, almost everyone, including several retired Lt Gens, are trying to present rational arguments & opinions but within an overall irrational & dysfunctional environment. Consequently, the end-result is that nothing gets done. For instance, while the Govt of India releases political maps showing the entire Aksai Chin as an integral part of India, it makes no effort at all to secure it by enforcing its sovereignty over it. Instead, we are all witnessing the laughable spectacle of the Govt of India going out of its way to override India’s sovereignty over Aksai Chin by overstating & sanctifying the LAC. This confuses everyone in the world & they all are asking which is more dear to India: the political boundary showing Aksai Chin to be an integral part of India, or the LAC?

    A similar confusion was witnessed in the 1950s, when the then Govt of India, while it authorised the IB to establish 77 outposts within visible distance of the then under-construction NH-219 Highway being built by China through Aksai Chin, on the other hand it made it impossible for the IB to cite such outposts over dominating heights by denying funds to the IAF for procuring the quantum of fixed-wing tactical transport aircraft & utility helicopters reqd for maintaining such outposts. Consequently, the IB had to rely on foot-tracks & mule-trains for supplying its outposts, when were forced to be set up on the plains & plateaux to ensure continued logistics support. As a result, the PLAGF in 1962 very easily outflanked the IB outposts & even the supporting IA outposts by climbing the dominating heights & directing accurate sniper & artillery fire on the IB & IA outposts below.

    Fast-forward to present times, how for instance will force modernisation funds be shared between the IA (coming under the MoD) & the ITBP (coming under the Union MHA)? Will both of them have to fight for funds reqd for procuring force multipliers like all-terrain LAMVs, LORROS battlefield surveillance sensors, hand-held laser rangefinders & hand-held thermal imagers, or command-n-control networks or habitat/accommodation? Will wasteful & totally impractical/crazy duplication of effort continue? Or will the ITBP be transformed into an ITBF (Force) that is wholly owned, financed, trained & equipped by the MoD/IA? Therefore, I can only conclude that the most critical issues are not being addressed by anyone either in the public domain or in official circles & such a state of affairs is not only suicidal, but is also unsustainable. No wonder funds are unavailable for raising theatre-specific IBGs within specified timeframes.

    To ANUNAY VIJ: They better be, for without such sensors the LCH will be a sitting duck for hostile AAA. ATGM integration work is underway only for the Rudra helicopter-gunships & only after such efforts are over will full weaponisation of the LCH commence.

    To SANTOSH: Via the IACCCS, which was explained here:


  22. Theaterisation The Way Ahead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjB3S98lq14

    India & NATO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz8Hd3zKiLI

    India, China Can't Be Friends Till India Catches Up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-Um-tpYczo

    August 15, 1947: Independence or Dominion? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ipzh8SHZ9S0


  23. Prasunda

    The follow-on Yasen-M class or the Yasen class SSGN seems to share the same design philosophy & weapons loadout like the Arihant class SSGN while ofcourse being more advanced in terms of stealth, quietness, sensors, quantity & quality if weapons carried & certainly Endurance. The article & embedded videos make it out to be contemporary technologically to existing Amriki attack N-Subs. (An interesting if odd model type of N-Sub designed as an Assault Landing Boat is also shown)


    My query - How does the Arihant SSGN compare to the earlier Yasen Class SSGN in terms of generation, endurance & capabilities?

  24. Prasunda

    2 Articles depicting GoI's confused mindset from '50s till date with respect to vexed Indo-China boundary issue - LAC or IB claims which affects Defence, wastes resources & handicaps it's Generals. Thanks die to General Panaag & General Hooda



  25. To KAUSTAV: If I'm not mistaken, the Yasen family of SSGNs are all single-hulled, while the Arihant-class SSGNs are double-hulled.

    Here's the webinar of yesterday with Lt Gen Hooda:


    What also needs to be borne in mind (in addition to what I've stated above) is that the ITBP as a CAPF is configured only for border management taskings of the type that are reqd for settled IBs. Where temporary ceasefire lines exist as in the cases of the LoC & LAC, it is border domination taskings that imperative for moral ascendancy & hence a CAPF will always become a misfit in such scenarios, since the CAPF forces do have have the kind of weaponry & armoured vehicles reqd for border domination (like shoulder-launched LAWs, ATGMs, artillery fire-assault support etc etc). And that's precisely the Border Defence Regiments of China all along the LAC are integral units of the PLAGF, with seamless command-n-control & armed with identical weaponry.

  26. Prasunda

    Thanks, ofcourse the Yasen M & it's earlier version is single hulled. Thanks for both. What I want to know is , has the technology absorbed for the HDW (too long ago) the Scorpene, both single hulled and work on double hulled Kilo (refits) & Arihant class should help us develop (spl design) our own submarines - nuclear & diesel-electric instead of buying from countries like SoKo which unlike us learnt faster on the same HDW class both started with. So what if the Naval Design office can't do it yet, they aren't fast enough as yet on surface ships & their fitments whuch causs huge delays. Any wonder, PRC included nobody takes India seriously.

    Catching up with PRC is possible only when PRC is pulled back by any means from regime change ro global isolation. Since both are basically unlikely to happen without active Western intervention in PRC for regime change India can only pray for the best while as usual not preparing for the worst. The only bright spot though seems to be on infrastructure - good & newer roads alongwith power stations spl solar again not the bigger power projects ones which are badly needed to get industries to move here.

    Thanks again Prasunda

  27. Prasun sir, what exactly is the no.of destroyers, frigates and Corvettes required by the Indian Navy to both protect as well as project power?
    2-drdo has sent an alert for an experimental test flight..rumours says might be of hstdv or nirbhay..do you have any info?
    3- the Chinese are definitely looking
    To create some trouble,seeing their pace of strengthening positions and airbases..hope Indian army is prepared this time and give a good kick on the backside
    4- after the arrival of rafale,it seems iaf squadron downfall has been arrested.can just 36 rafales play any significant role on both fronts??
    5-new leaked video shows a new type of chinese submarine being towed to sea having a sail design similar to saab A26 submarine.another case of classic chinese industrial espionage?
    6-how does chinese new yuan class submarines fare against scorpenes of ours?

  28. Prasunji,
    1) I read that among the 16 ALHmk3 ordered for the navy, 6 are equipped for antisubmarine warfare with indigenous LFDS and torpedoes. Is this correct?

    2) Have 10 upgraded Ka28 antisubmarine helicopters started arriving? If so how many have arrived so far?

    3) According to this article china has undertaken massive upgradation of infrastructure across the LAC.


    Will india be able to keep up with the 8 airfields and many other emhancments the chinese are building?

    4) Do all indian airfields facing china have hardened aircraft shelters?

    5) There was news that the IAF was building around 108 HAS in its frontline airbases from 2019. How long will it take for all of it complete?

    6) Will the IAF airbases in kashmir and punjab be able to perform well in case of a two front war with pak and china?

    7) Will hardened aircraft shelter in our airbases be able to protect our aircrafts against chinese ballistic missile barrages?

    8) Has the indian side also stepped up its game with respect to infrastructure upgrades? There was some news about army engineers completing 5 years worth of work in only one year.

    9) Given the speed of infra upgrades on both sides, do you think indian forces will be able to defend the border by about 2025?

    10) How many TELs are there in each if the 5 upcoming S-400 squadrons?

    11) Given that the missiles on S-400 use proximity detonation instead of direct impact, wont they be ineffective against ballistic missiles?

    12) What is the maximum range of meteor missile against fighter size targets under optimum conditions?


  29. Dear Prasun,

    Greetings of the day!!

    Hope you are in good health

    1. If am not mistaken, back in 2016 you had hinted as well as strongly presented possibility of Total and complete nuclear disarmament of Pakistan by 2018-19 period, how far is this geo-political goal yet? Any hidden progress which you can share with us.

    2. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/28640/could-some-of-the-ufos-navy-pilots-are-encountering-be-airborne-radar-reflectors. Your views on this link

    3. Any reason for snail pace progress on LCH, LUH as well as Jaguar DARIN-3 & Mirage Upgrade programs.

    4. Any possibility of signing contract for additional CH-47F Chinook, MI-17V5 and More Apache helicopters required for High-Altitude Mountain warfare over Himalayan region.

    5. Apart from above, whether our armed forces have adequate fire power & ORBAT for waging High-Altitude Plateau warfare.

    Hope your in-depth work on field tasking done by your recce mission along Indo-Tibet border is paid heed to by authorized military commanders of present day Armed forces as well as their civilian counterparts.

    Thanks & Regards,
    Pinkal Shah

  30. To KAUSTAV: What India has acquired from France’s Naval Forces is production enginnering data that that too for only a few sub-sections of the single-hulled Scorpene SSK. India had acquired both design data & production engineering data from HDW/IKL/Ferrostaal for the entire single-hulled Class 209/Type-1500 SSK in the 1980s but could not make any use of the design data as production of that SSK was discontinued. Similarly, India acquired both the design data & production engineering data from Russia’s Rubin Central Marine Design Bureau for double-hulled SSGNs. For developing new submarine designs, what is most important is the design data since such data specifies the fatigue tolerance loads of each & every component on-board the submarine. Consequently, local Indian companies need not resort to measuring each & every component’s fatigue tolerance & structural limits in various types of test-benches, as the benchmarks are already available. As a result, it will be very easy to develop a double-hulled SSN design out of the SSGN design, but next-to-impossible to do the same in case of a ‘desi’ Scorpene SSK derivative. Even if the Class 209/Type-1500’s design data were to be resurrected & modified, it will take several years for the DRDO labs & MDSL to set up the various types of test-benches reqd for structural load tolerance testing reqd for a new single-hulled SSK design.

    China Is An Enemy, It Wants To Break Apart India:


    Amid the continuing stalemate with China along the LAC in eastern Ladakh and an increased deployment of troops in several extreme high altitude areas, the Indian Army is looking at raising procurement of special clothing and mountaineering equipment. The Army has projected figures of higher procurement of 17 types of special clothing and mountaineering equipment. According to this list, the Army has projected an annual requirement of 50,000 to 90,000 sets of Extreme Cold Weather Clothing System and a similar number of special sleeping bags, rucksacks, summer suit for super high altitude area, multipurpose boots and snow goggles. Additional requirements include about 12,000 special woollen socks, about three lakh sets of two- and three-layer gloves, about 500 High Altitude Pulmonary Oedema (HAPO) chambers, which is a mandatory requirement for providing emergency treatment to soldiers deployed in extreme cold and high altitude areas. Along with this, the Army has projected an annual requirement of 3,000 to 5,000 avalanche airbags and a similar number of avalanche victim detectors. Every individual being inducted is given a fresh set of such clothing and with the additional troops an annual requirement of approximately 30,000 such sets is expected. While jackets, trousers and gloves are a part of the personal protective equipment of a soldier, avalanche victim detectors and avalanche cords are rescue equipment, while HAPO bags are essential life saving equipment. According to data shared in the Parliament, 74 Army personnel had died due to avalanches in three years till 2019.

    The PLA has actively started recruiting local, unemployed youth in Tibet to form a “volunteer militia” in areas across the border from Sikkim. Authorities are recruiting unemployed youth from the Yadong County, located opposite Sikkim, and other neighbouring areas in the region. Those at police centres would be trained for duties at vehicle check posts, those related to immigration, and law and order at model “Xiaokang (well-off)” villages, which have been built all along the border in keeping with President Xi Jinping’s vision for frontier governance. Some of the recruits are being trained by the PLA to keep a watch on border residents at the LAC—for the purpose of gathering intelligence—and could be put on duty at border trade markets and the Xiaokang villages.


  31. To SUJIT: 1) No such numbers are available & even if they exists, they are highly speculative. 2) Most likely the Nirbhay powered by the GTRE-developed STFE. 3) The IA is already well-positioned in Ladakh, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand. This explains why it will not be
    Easy for the PLAGF to make any meaningful gains along the LAC:


    4) Adding just 2 Rafale Squadrons does not arrest the IAF’s downslide. The shortfall is of 12 Squadrons of MRCAs. 5) A mere modification of an SSK’s sail does not accord any significant increase in capabilities. 6) Yuan-class is double-hulled & hence is slower than the single-hulled Scorpene SSK.

    To SHIVKURUP: 1) All 16 IN ALH Mk.3s will be shore-based & be used for SAR. Only shipborne helicopters can undertake ASW roles with lightweight dunking sonar & LWTs. Since the ALH Mk.3’s main rotor-blades cannot be folded rearwards to fit the dimensions of the hangar of a warship, it cannot become a shipborne platform as of now. The ICGS OPVs have a far longer hangar & that’s why only there can an ALH Mk.3 be accommodated. 2) Only four have arrived so far. 3) The data I’ve uploaded above has far more data than that presented on that website. However, air bases in Xinjiang can’t host PLAAF combat aircraft meant for use against India & that then leaves only dual-use airports in TAR like Ngari, Shigatse, Lhasa Gonggar, Linzhi & Qamdo-Bangda for hosting PLAAF combat aircraft, no more than 80 of them. But such airports don’t have any forward air bases in TAR for use during emergencies. Consequently, in terms of airpower projection, the PLAAF will remain inferior to the IAF. 4) Yes. 5) About 5 years. 6) Of course. 7) All conventioned-armed BMs of China are armed with either cluster munition-dispensing warheads or EMP-generating warheads & hence they pose no danger at all to any kind of HAS. 8) Only in terms of BRO-led road construction & upgrading bridges to MLC-70 standard. 9) Even now the IA can do it. 10) It can range from 6 to even 12. 11) No, that’s wrong. Details of the hittile warhead were uploaded in the thread dealing with the S-400 LR-SAM. 12) Maximum range does not matter at all for any missile. What matters is the maximum effective range.

    To PINKAL SHAH: VMT. 1) The COAS of PA himself has stated that the PA’s mechanised & armoured forces assets were corroding due to non-use & lack of adequate number of field exercises being conducted & that is what led to the PA making peace overtures to India. 2) Radar reflectors of any type cannot travel at unbelievable speeds nor can they make abrupt 90-degree turns without reducing cruise speeds.But such UFOs are not alien & they have been developed on this Earth, as explained here:

    Project Doorway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShZ6m7Myufs

    And here is another interesting one: Giant UFOs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N6UV1zE240

    3) Lack of adequate nos of skilled human resources. 4) Yes, they will definitely take place in the years to come. 5) Yes, but only for defensive purposes.

    A rare glimpse into PLA Unit 69010's cyber espionage operations targetting India:


    And finally, it has dawned upon the IA to make use of cellular networks for its various networks-based systems like BMS, BSS, Combat Radio Net, etc etc:


  32. Whether they work or not, China has ensured they have ALL the weapons and vehicles/platforms one might need in a war scenario. India on the other hand relies on two or three things hoping that would be enough. China is like a very up market brothel- rooms are set up with mirrors, then you have everything you need when you want- cosh, cat o'nine tails, whips, vibrating condoms, ribbed condoms, perfumed condoms, plain condoms, dildos, vibrators of all shapes and sizes, anal beads, urethral sounding toys, blow up dolls, fake vaginas and anus - anything a client asks for. If this was India they will send out a poor fellow out with a slap on the head to go find one on order. By the time the fellow finds one and returns it is all over.

  33. How long will these trials for ATAGS go on ?
    Does IA stealthily want to import artillery ?
    What happened to ATAGS 150 gun order ?

    What is the use of this reduced time to order if IA does not optimize its testing time ?


  34. Prasunda

    Thanks as usual.

    So while PRC tries to break India, Paxtan tries to do the same to Afghanistan both security nations trying to do so to ensure their dominance.


    Doesn't being so Evil matter?! Ofcourse Chanakya would agree, that being practical is more necessary than being nice. If that be so, let us hope that the people of Afghanistan & India have the commonsense to know what is good for them and to stay united to defeat these vile nations & their malafide intentions with their closest neighbours.

  35. http://idrw.org/246-year-old-ordnance-factory-board-scrapped-7-new-companies-to-take-over/....Is it true...if yes why it is not on nation news channels ???

  36. Prsaun sir,
    Is it true?? Or just another fanmade report??
    2-iftrue then what will be the extended operational life of jaguar?
    3-how many jaguars have been upgraded with aesa radar?
    4 how many jaguars are left with iaf for combat roles excluding trainers or are trainers also capable of combat roles?

  37. https://www.spytalk.co/p/high-level-chinese-defection-rumored


  38. sir,
    1. Indian navy had earlier asked for replacement of ak 630 in warships. will the replacement will be the ak 630 m2 or indegenious one??

    https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CWMV0KkU8AA-gm7.jpg ak 603m2

    2. https://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/amit-shah-chairs-meeting-on-jammu-and-kashmir-situation-nsa-ajit-doval-heads-of-raw-ib-crpf-jk-dgp-in-attendance/772613

    Any idea what is the about??

    thank you

  39. To SUJIT: 1) It is absolutely true & here’s the original report:

    All the numbers are mentioned in that report. The IAF can upgrade & re-engine up to 110 Jaguar IS.

    To YOGESH: 1) The AK-630s have already been replaced with AK-630Ms that are licence-built by OFB. 2) It is about calling for elections for setting up the UT’s Legislative Assembly, which by the way cannot be conducted unless & until the delimitation of constituencies is carried out.

  40. To VENKY: It is inevitable that the ATAGS’ field evaluations will be long-drawn due to the increased volume of the barrel chamber, which increases the pressure inside the barrel on the 155mm rounds. Consequently, the laws of physics dictate that the 155mm artillery rounds too be made compatible so that the barrels don’t get damaged. But is this even possible? If yes, then is anyone in India developing such rounds? Or is it time to revert back to 23-litre chamber volume for the barrel, instead of the 25-litre chamber volume that no one else in the world uses? In fact, an enquiry should be conducted over how & why was it decided that a 25-litre chamber volume was specified & developed when no one else in the world has adopted this concept. And as I had stated earlier, long-range is totally irrelevant since fire-assault effectiveness is judged only through direct forward observation by optronic sensors & even if long-range is desired, then rocket-assisted projectiles (RAP) fired from 155mm/52-cal barrels had demonstrated a range of 61km way back in the late 1990s when the IA was evaluating the DENEL-developed T-6 turret (part of the CVRDE-developed BHIM 155mm/52-cal tracked self-propelled howitzer).

    To KAUSTAV: If BEING PRACTICAL really mattered in India, then would have been a fully developed country by the early 1980s itself! But the ‘Refusing to Develop’ mindset is so ingrained that living in a state of denial is still preferred over embracing realities & moving on. Take for instance the KUMBH Mela practices, which today are totally different to what was originally specified by Adi Shankaracharya as being a convention for intellectual & philosophical enhancement. Post-1857, it has always been reduced to just being a festivity & today its commercialisation remains the supreme objective. And that is why I had stated earlier that the bulk of the ‘Bhakts’ are opportunistic who are always on the lookout for cashing in. Now, thanks to the role played by the ‘Gods of Yore, it is all coming out in the open, first through this:


    And then this:


    As soon as the ‘Bhakts’ began contesting the claims of the Maha Kumbh event becoming a super-spreader of COVID-19, Lord Shri Ram filed a second salvo by helping reveal that large-scale fraudulent practices were resorted to for conducting the RT-PCR tests during the Maha Kumbh.

    Similarly, for procuring extra real-estate for beautifying Ayodhya, ‘middlemen’ or brokers were employed for securing such real-estate. So, it seems that for India there’s no escape from middlemen or brokers, no matter what kinds of ‘Integrity Clauses’ are written into the contracts, although I suspect such clauses remain absent in land transfer sales & purchase deeds. Even during religious festivities or even during daily/weekly prayer-meetings, no individual can escape from the middlemen/brokers, since you & I cannot have direct communications connectivity with divinity every such communication must be routed through a Pujari or Head Priest, regardless of any specific religious affiliation. Only such middlemen/brokers have the requisite data-link network connectivity with Divinity while folks like you & me can’t have access to either the data-links, or to the comms networks.

    To PIMPALE: If the various OFB trade unions themselves have revealed this, then it must be 100% true. And that’s why the RM’s interviews are being selectively broadcast on certain national TV channels for the sake of positive perception management. But mark my words that creation of additional DPSUs won’t change anything & will instead only increase the size & quantum of the bureaucracy of the MoD’s Dept of Defence Production & Supplies.

  41. Thanks.
    The best way in short term is retain rest of the gun, just replace the 25 litre chamber by 23 or certify only for 23.


  42. Prasunda

    Indeed, it's so, which is why Indians don't represent a threat. Nor for the matter do the Han Chinese or common Paxtanis who are just as opportunistic / greedy.

    However led either by a strong ideological party or tribal-religious motivation, they do get more done. On that context,
    CPEC delivers exactly what it promises - a port & logistically sound transport network for PRC's military as well as support for the Paxtani Army, it's commercial success was never immediately necessary Why is the media, Indian & overseas crowing about the failure of CPEC, when it has already achieved it's objectives? Also the euphoria or dismay about the OFB corporatisation depending upon whether you are Right or Left is illogical since they remain Union controlled Defence PSUs with no practical change or advantages. Floating shares on the market may be more useful for all such DPSUs/ex-OFBs & bring in responsibilty & efficiency which would still be iffy with the kind of labour force these units have & IAS Babus controlling both national policies, procurement, prices, imports & factory management. A fairly useless waste going on as yet unless privatisation happens in near future. Our generalist Babus need to be downgraded from their high horses. No wonder these IAS Clerks were called Laat Sahebs. Like under the British, they know little but control beyond the intellectual capabilities of these bureaucrats

  43. Prasun,

    1- further on the jaguar issue- will the new idea floated around 871 parts to be incorporated in 811 engine be practically feasible? & how soon .. why is IAF sitting on it? is it their plan to wait till the last minute & then force buying foreign jets-116 MMRCA? wouldn't it be better to buy more tejas mk1a with more improvements like wingtip pylons etc & dump the jaguar saga?
    2- wouldn't this splitting of OFB further delay the commitments? unions planning strike(its more like an annual affair now) + restructuring will certainly cause disruptions/delays on orders given.
    3- If the atags configuration with 25 ltr chamber is not optimal then who should be held accountable for the fiasco? what happens with Dhanush? can it be upgraded to 155x52 caliber without a lot of gestation period?

  44. To KAUSTAV: There’s plenty of verifiable evidence now available to establish India’s historical claims over the Kailash-Mansarovar are of Tibet:





    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It is perfectly feasible & even FADEC can be incorporated. In all probability the IAF will approve this solution. HAL's HTFE-25 solution won't surface for at least another 8 years. Nor will Tejas Mk.1A series-production schedules be ramped up due to HAL's obvious limitations. Hence, it makes perfect sense to re-engine the existing Jaguars IS. 2) As I have stated earlier, this will only add to the problems that already exist. 3) The ATAGS is a generation ahead of Dhanush due to incorporation of all-electric drives. It is the IA that approved adoption of a larger 25-litre chamber & it must bear prime responsibility for the screw-ups.

  45. Hi Prasun,

    1. What is the status of Pakistan's submarine procurement plans from China ? Are they getting any submarine in near future ?

    2. As you said above, Arihant class is a double-hull submarine. Will our P-75A program SSNs be similar double-hull design or will feature a single hull design ?

    3. Thank you for the video link you shared on "Theaterisation The Way Ahead" in the above comments. It was really interesting and I learned something new.

    Do you think we are moving ahead with the mentioned MDO(Multi-Domain Operation) theory while creating our theatre commands ?

    4. Recently Pak announced their Finance budget. I read some articles claiming Pakistan would have to use 66% of revenue in debt servicing and rest would go to defence. There is no money for other important factors like health, education, infra etc. and these would have to be financed through more debts.

    Can you share your insights on Pak budget ?

    Thanks & Regards,

  46. Prasunda,
    Indian army has deployed K9 Thunder at Laddakh ! Are those Howitzer designed for such High altitude ? IA suppose to use it at planes !
    Are they planning for any further order ? LNT plant at Surat is almost closed !
    Best regards

  47. Hi Prasunji,

    Is it possible to reduce the weight of AGTAS Howitzer?

    If so how?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  48. To MG6357: 1) First deliveries are due next year. 2) The SSNs too will be double-hulled. 3) Yes, the baby-steps have been taken, like the creation of the Cyber Warfare Cell, but there’s a lot more to be done. 4) That’s correct & that also explains why there have not been any major Divisional-level exercises by the PA over the past seven years.

    To HARDIK THANKI: Where’s the need to reduce the ATAGS’ weight when the roads & bridges that they will travel along are all being upgraded to MLC-70 standards, i.e. they can sustain loads of up to 70 tonnes.

    To PARTHASARATHI: K-9 Vajra tracked SPHs have not been deployed, but have been taken there for deployability trials, i.e. to evaluate the system’s need for logistics support, especially the usage of liquid additives for the fuel & lubricants when operating during sub-zero temperatures. If at all the IA wants lighter MBTs for deployment in Ladakh & Sikkim, then the best ‘desi’ option is to upgrade & modify the 450 Vijayanta Mk.1 MBTs that were upgraded in the mid-1980s under ‘Project BISON’. Under this, the 39-tonne Vijayantas (originally powered by Leyland L60 diesel engines producing 535hp & a power-to-weight ratio of 18hp/tonne, were fitted with Kanchan applique armour-plates & re-engined with MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH-supplied 800hp engines whose latest variant is the 6V-890 engine. Here are the images of such upgraded Vijayantas:



    Now, all that is reqd is to use such hulls & install a new MTU-supplied 800hp engine, use new-design tracks, design & install a new-design turret containing the existing 105mm L7 cannon, plus the same digital hunter-killer fire-control system & laser warners that has already been developed for the Arjun Mk.1A. The end-result: a 43-tonne MBT with 23hp/tonne power-to-weight ratio that can easily be developed by Larsen & Toubro with CVRDE’s help.

    And this SR-SAM (earlier proposed for India) will go on board the Pakistan Navy’s MILGEM corvettes:


    And why are these 2 idiots beating around the bush & not giving out specific re-balancing details:


    Here are the details:

    Udhampur-based HQ Northern Army Command’s Leh-based 14 ‘Fire & Fury’ Corps has the Karu-based 3 ‘Trishul’ Mountain Division, 8 Mountain Division, and the 72 Mountain Division at Pathankot. The Palampur-based 39 Division of Nagrota-based 16 Corps is HQ Northern Command’s reserve formation and can also be used for the defence of Himachal Pradesh. Two Divisions of the Mathura-based I Corps (previously belonging to the IA’s South Western Command) have now been placed under HQ Northern Command and been tasked with the conduct of offensive operations across the LAC through Ladakh and Himachal Pradesh. These are the 4 ‘Red Eagle’ Infantry Division and the Bareilly-based 6 Mountain Division (previously under the under HQ Central Command). Supporting them are three Independent Armoured Brigades.

    The Dehradun-based 14 Mountain Division has been tasked with defending Uttarakhand. In addition, two Infantry Brigades currently based under the Sugar Sector that straddles the Himachal Pradesh-Ladakh border, will now directly be commanded by the Lucknow-based HQ Central Command for the defence of Himachal Pradesh & Uttarakhand.

    The Panagarh-based 17 ‘Brahmastra’ Mountain Strike Corps (MSC) under HQ Eastern Command will have four IBGs. The Corps presently has two Divisions: 59 Mountain Division at Panagarh; and the 23 ‘Cockerel’ Infantry Division based in Ranchi. Supporting them are two Independent Armoured Brigades, with another one being raised.

    Thus, 1 Corps has been tasked with the conduct of offensive land campaigns from Ladakh & Himachal Pradesh into Tibet, while 17 Corps has been tasked with the conduct of offensive land campaigns from Sikkim into Tibet. Thus, there are now 2 MSCs in existence.

  49. New Underwater Structure Detected Near Kochi:


    Is this a new island surfacing? If yes, then will this lead to an expansion of India’s territorial waters & EEZ? Can this island be converted & reclaimed to serve as an offshore transshipment terminal? Or is is the 21st century resurrection of Ravana’s Lanka in order to avenge all that is now going wrong in 21st century Ayodhya, as revealed here:



    Or did the Gods of Yore create this island to serve as a base for giant underwater USOs like these:







  50. Hi Prasun,

    Is it true that IAF and IN are procuring SDR from different vendors. Will there be problems for interoperability between them in future.
    What is the status of SDR for IA ?


  51. Thanks for the details da

    1) Wasn't the raising of 72 mtn div Pathankot cancelled as part of MSC?

    2) Which corps do the 14th div at Dehradun and 23 div at Ranchi belong too?
    Will the loss of these two upset the numbers balance of divisions on western front? (Excluding reorientation of 2 divisions of ii strike corps)

    3) sir, with our latest submarine retirements and new Pakistani additions along with increased chinese submarine forays, how much the balance of power will change near our territorial waters during future wars with either or both of the countries? Keeping in mind distance, endurances and time on station for chinese subs etc.

    Reorientation of 2 divisions of ii corps into mountain divisions is brilliant.
    History shows LAC freezes by November 20 while LOC allows ops (with adequate prep) till December 20 plus window in mid Feb to March.
    This means if we choose to, we can mobilize suddenly in late october on LAC ( pure defensive in Ladakh, Middle sector, Arunanchal with offensive options in Sikkim) and then send 2 reoriented divisions to LOC all before China could get into an offensive posture.
    This will give us 9 divisions vs 5 Pakistani divisions in Jammu Kashmir without any major danger on LAC.

    We will however need to mechanize plains infantry on western front and add force multipliers like NAMICA, LCH and MGS by hundreds. Plus jets.

  52. sir,

    i've always thought that that USO were myths, until you've showed me the pics!!! so its seems like it was not only encountered by russian typhoons but americans and french subs too

    1. "ZZP" has officially announced their formal alliance by going to the extend of deploying an attache' to all pak parties, building free satellities.
    at least in near future cud we except some sort of engagement with taiwan? have we been taking some counter-measures with other like mindede countries such as vietnam and ASEAN countries???


    this article is a goldmine

    2. "Are events such as the Serum Institute of India fire of 21 January 2021 and the LG polymer plant at Vizag on 8 May the previous year innocent of external involvement?"

    had always though fire in serum institute was never an accident, but the gas breakout in LG too was an sabotage??? do u have any idea about the LG leak??

    3. "There was an unusual chain of fatal “coincidences” within what was a very small, very specific, subset of human beings. Those whose lives were being snuffed out were each connected with India’s nuclear program. After extensive and confidential enquiries with sources in multiple locations, it was discovered that two countries were behind several of the deaths, and most likely all of them."

    were the 2 countries, western or china-pak?? me thinks its western intelligence

    4. shows the abysmal state once we were in and continue to do so. seems like hemorrhaging internal security is far worse than the onces we r facing in the boders.

    5. any idea how Russian is going to factor in this equation??

    6. don't u think too much of classsification of info causes the lack of attention among the ordinary population, as an average indian joe rather has to focus on survival than spending their time on these issues?

    u have been an great eye opener, and a realist helped me and similar others to come out of the fantasy bubble

    thank you

  53. To SANDY: SDRs, even if coming from different vendors, will be able to communicate with one another PROVIDED the networks of the three armed services are inter-linked. It was all explained here:



    To VSJ: 1) No, it was never cancelled, as explained here:


    23 Division belonged to 17 Corps ever since the latter was raised. For 14 Division as well as for Uttarakhand, a new Corps is being raised. In addition, there are still Divisions from HQ Southern Command that are available for deployment along the WB & LoC & they too will eventually be part of the re-balancing process. 3) All the more reason for expediting the procurement of SSNs. Kindly read this:


    To YOGESH: The cases of industrial accidents quoted by that weekly tabloid are not cases of sabotage by any stretch of imagination, but rather due to the workforce having to stay away for their workstations for extended periods due to the lockdowns, which in turn had affected their industrial proficiencies.

  54. Hi Prasun,

    1. If Pakistan is using 66% revenue for debt servicing, how are they able to afford new Chinese submarines, Turkish Corvettes, Type 54 Frigates, new JF-17s and new Chinese tanks ?

    How are they still able to allocate the money for Capex ?

    2. Half of the PAF is obsolete and they would have to eventually retire Mirage-3 & 5, F-7s, older F-16s. Do you think they are going to face a similar situation what IAF is currently facing w. r. t. shortage of squadrons and aircrafts ?

    3. Pak is going to default if they continue to borrow with such pace. Do you think they would end-up similar to North Korea (having N-bombs and no economy or underground/black to show for) ?

    4. Mr. Iyer-Mitra is claiming that S-400, Barak-8 and Akash can't communicate with each other and if we have to operate 1 system, we would have to switch off another.


    How true is this ? and why would our Air Force buy S-400 if we are unable to integrate it in our existing systems ?

    5. Also, do you agree with his opinion that, we should keep all of our Air defence assets either from western countries or Russia and we should not have a mix & match between them ?

    Thanks & Regards,

  55. To MG6357: 1) Because Pakistan is taking commercial loans from China’s banks each successive year. 2) The PAF has been facing such a shortage from 2014 itself. 3) China will keep Pakistan afloat just like North Korea is being kept afloat. That’s what the CPEC is all about. 4) Kindly don’t refer to IDIOTS in this blog & kindly refrain from asking for explanations for their bizarre claims. Different AAA weapons never communicate with one another, because that is the job of the IACCCS. In addition, such IDIOTS can never figure out why the US has singled out the S-400 LR-SAM for possible CAATSA sanctions, while ignoring all other weapons that India is procuring from Russia, like the 4 Project 1135.6 FFGs, additional MiG-29UPGs & additional Su-30MKIs.

    1. Sir can you please elaborate on US singling out S-400 for CATSA sanctions

  56. MADEX Day-4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riydWJ5MX8M

    South Korea is already using domestically developed sonobuoys while the IN still imports them from the UK-based ULTRA Electronics!

    Naval CIWS: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3Vs9DbUcAMYR8Q?format=jpg&name=medium

    DW-8000 DDG: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/E3VsnNeVoAMx4Bj?format=jpg&name=large

    All-Weather Road Gone in Uttarakhand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VF_MdrEGaS8

    People of India Are Corrupt India, Hence India Cannot Become a Superpower:


  57. Hopefully I can shed the idiotic tag and conclude that the US is cranky about s-400 because it wants India to go for the THAAD?🤣

  58. Prasun,

    here we go .. AGAIN!!!!---http://www.indiandefensenews.in/2021/06/defence-civilian-employees-decide-to-go.html

  59. Prasunda,
    Many thanks for answering my last mail on K9 Vajra. You are correct. At lower temperature we need different kind of fuel, lube and particularly cooling water. The engine need to preheat too.
    At last as far as tank engines and gear boxed are concerned it's my personal opinion that we have the expertise to built a 800 BHP engine with Minimum foot print but it's not utilised. Just example Kirloskar , Volvo , MAN and all probably Isuzu with help of Ashok Leyland all can make 800 hp engine but they need to be consulted first.
    We have also expertise to make Gas turbine for Navy frigate and destroyers ! BHEL can easily make a 40-50 MW gas turbine and Shanti Gear can make the gear box !
    Lastly we can make nuclear submarine with some help from Russia. And they are taking hefty price for that ! ( We have to lease nuclear sub at exboriant price. ) So we are not going for nuclear sub instead of Diesel Electric with AIP ?
    Best regards.


  60. Prasun Da


    Tejas has BNET and recently Python-5 has been test fired.Will IAF going to have same capability of Python-5 short-range air-to-air missile with a networked capability, enabling it to acquire targets in a tactical air-to-air environment from associate aircraft equipped .


  61. What reason could there be for singling out the s 400 . Is it to force the thaad or be part of some unified missile defence system ?

  62. Prasun..

    1- you mention there is a spl reason why the US uses caatsa against S 400 .. so does that mean it actually works against stealth? Also i never heard US put CAATSA against China
    2- greece buying rafales, India has rafales, egypt got rafales (next to libya- turkey's experimental playground) .. Qatar giving exposure to turkey & pakis an exposure to it .. whatz cooking? Qatar playing games against us .. Al jazeera has always painted India bad on Kashmir
    3-what was this about-https://www.eletimes.com/super-kalvari-3000-indian-navys-plans-for-bigger-conventional-submarine?
    4- port city in colombo .. how to counter it? why are the rajyapakshas sold themselves to the chinese
    5 - what is stopping India from openly courting taiwan ?

  63. To PARTHASARATHI: Whether or not to design, develop & series-produce any kind of hardware ALWAYS depends on the economies of scale, since that alone determines one’s returns on the investments made. Consequently, designing & developing a family of diesel engines only makes sense is there is guaranteed widespread application running into lakhs of units, i.e, across the industrial & automotive sectors. If the reqmt is meant only for MBT or armoured vehicle applications, then even a demand for a few thousand units (less than 10,000) won’t guarantee the investment returns. Hence, a diesel engine developed for locomotives must also find application on-board a submarine. Since such macro-level industrial planning has been absent in India, she will continue to be nett importer of diesel engines, with only licenced-manufacturing of some components & final-assembly of foreign-origin engines being a possibility. So yes, BHEL can manufacture gas-turbines, but only LICENCE-MANUFACTURE them, with the most vital components being imported. Here’s proof of that:




    The same goes for gearboxes, with BHEL being dependent on industrial tie-ups with Alsthom. As for submarines, again, economies of scale dictate everything: the day the IN will operate more nuclear-powered siubmarines then diesel-electric SSKs, from that day onwards the IN will forsake the case for SSKs.

    To SUSAN: As I had explained earlier above, data-linking at the tactical levels for the synchronised usage of different weapon systems will prove decisive ONLY AFTER the data-linking of diverse command-n-control networks of the IA, IN & IAF. Only then will a unified air-defence architecture come up. Presently, the IACCCS already integrates all forms of ground-based AAA assets with manned airborne air interception assets.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: Interesting reads:



    There is no such thing as Kalvari-3000. Here are the latest updates from the MADEX-2021 maritime & naval expo in South Korea:



  64. Prasunji,
    I have a few doubts regarding indian army tanks.
    1) Total number of armoured regiments in army is 67. But this includes 3 regiments equipped with horses, so that leaves 64 regiments equipped with tanks. Am i correct?

    2) Each regiment has 45 combat tanks and 13 tanks meant for training. Is that accurate?

    3) What differences are there between 'combat' tanks and training tanks?

    4) Can the 13 training tanks in each regiment be used for combat operations if necessary?

    5) How many T-90 tanks have been delivered so far to the army? (from both russia and from avadi in total)

    6) How many T-72 tanks does the army have left in service?

    7) How many regiments of the T-72 and T-90 respectively are present?


  65. To PM, MILLARD KEYES, KARNFLAKES & JUST_CURIOUS: Regarding the US targetting only the IAF’s procurement of the S-400 LR-SAM for CAATSA sanctions, certain fundamentals needs to be taken heed of. The S-400 being an LR-SAM is totally useless against tactical combat aircraft that can easily evade the S-200 by flying low. Consequently, the S-400 can be used only against high-flying & lumbering subsonic bombers & combat-support platforms like AEW & CS aircraft, MRTTs & dedicated standoff ISTR aircraft. But most importantly, the S-400’s Ka-band seeker-equipped hypersonic SAMs can intercept solid-fuelled TBMs & IRBMs as well. But for the S-400 to be effective as a BMD interceptor, it needs post-boost phase early warning cues (i.e. so-called geospatial data) that can only be supplied by a network of early-warning satellites, such as Russia’s OKO constellation & the US’ SBIRS-High. Between, these two, it is the latter that provides total coverage of the IOR area & was thus India’s preferred option for usage. That’s why the foundational Basic Exchange & Cooperation Agreement (BECA) was signed by India with the US on October 27, 2020. But for the India-specific BMD architecture to become optimal, the S-400 Batteries need to be seamlessly data-linked via the IACCCS with the India-based & US-supplied workstations & related CISCO-built servers responsible for receiving & disseminating the data from the SBIRS-High satellite constellation. And this is where the US is unwilling to authorise such data-linking for fear of Russia-origin software malware compromising the SBIRS-High’s performance. This was also the reason why the US objected to Turkey procuring the S-400 LR-SAMs. The US has no objection if the S-400s of both India & Turkey work as standalone systems devoid of any data-linked networking with the SBIRS-High. And that also explains why the DRDO has been hard at work on developing a ‘desi’ family of BMD interceptors & the XR-SAM, which can be networked with the SBIRS-High constellation without any objections from the US. And that is also the reason why the DRDO refused to cooperate with Russia for co-developing Ka-band seekers for such BMD interceptor-missiles, despite Russia making such an offer as early was 2011.

    Thus, if India continues to be dependent on the S-400 LR-SAM for BMD interception capability, the SBIRS-High's early-warning cues will not be made available to India despite the inking of the BECA agreement.

  66. Hey prasun, why can't we have our own SBIRS-High constellation. The Americans have 10 satellites of 4.5 tonnes in gto for this purpose, surely we can afford 6-7 which would probably be enough for our area of interest in indo- Pacific.
    Gslv mk3 has the capacity to launch them and tcs/Infosys/wipro/tech Mahindra.... Can be roped in for the software part.
    Why be dependent on the Americans. If we plan properly and allocate resources for this we can have a completely desi abmd system by the end of this decade.

    Dr KRG

  67. To SHIVKURUP: All those questions were answered in the comments section of this thread:


    To Dr.KRG: Either you are joking or you have a terribly bloated & ill-informed assumption about the capabilities of Indian R & D entities in the space applications arena. If what you are proposing was even remotely possible, then don't you reckon by now some element of it would have been achieved & deployed?

  68. Foundation for INDU or Indian National Defence University (INDU) was laid in Gurgaon on May 23, 2013:


    Eight years later, the INDU has yet to be commissioned! Apparently it is not considered as being as important as the central Vista or statues of unity!!! meanwhile, funds meant for INDU are being diverted to this entity:

    Rashtriya Raksha University: https://rru.ac.in/

    Webinars on the 1971 War:

    Naval Operations of 1971 War https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NqYJtiCcpI

    Battle of Basantar 1971: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QwLblVs77w

    This was one of the most ill-conceived land offensives of the IA in 1971 for which neither the IA nor the PA committed their spearhead Armoured Divisions & both of them never went against one another & were left unused throughout the war.

  69. Prasunda

    Seems kind of silly, but what is the difference between NDU & RRU? Aren't they the same?

  70. To KAUSTAV: Linguistically, yes. But in terms of geographical location, no. Also from an institutional point-of-view, the RRU was originally established with Union MHA funding, whereas the INDU is a fully MoD-owned tri-services institution like the DSSC in Wellington & the United Services Institution & National Defence College in New Delhi.

    On a separate note, here's a brilliant presentation on the DASARAJNA (the 10 Wars) from the RigVeda:


  71. Dear Prasun,

    I dont understand, if SBIRS-High satellite constellation is not available, why did Indian Armed Forces opt for S-400 in the first place? Do they propose to use the Russian early warning network? Do they believe it is sufficient to meet our needs?



  72. hi prasun
    why on earth is the mbda selling the albatros sam system to pak fully kowing that it will be given to china ? cant we put pressure on them to stop the sale .All it needs it so gift 1 missile to china and it will be copied in a 2 years. IT seems when weapon sales. that system is designed to take down mach 3 brahmos type asm.it will be a big tech gift to china .havent they got some sense?.
    recent news that the python 5 was fired of the coast of goa and that it also took done a target at its 6 o clock is warming news . So have all the teething flutter problems been resolved? isit that the 6 oc;ock target data had been supplied by the mother craft or a 3rd party.?

  73. Dear Prasun
    Interesting article about the Korean Subs being offered to India. The Article says that the Japanese Soryu Class is the 1st Li Ion Battery equipped subs in the world. Is that True? ANd if the JMSDF already has 3 of these boats in operation, why arent we approaching the Japanese for our P75I subs.

    With all this talk of QUAD co-operation and joint military operations wouldnt it make sense to approach Japan for Soryu Class subs - Which on paper at least appear mighty impressive and the Japanese have a rich history of creating world class Naval vessels including submarines.

    Or is going for AIP equipped Scorpenes the only viable option left for IN

  74. The OKO system is obsolete and is being replaced by the EKS system by the Russians, they already have 4 Satellites in orbit and a further 5 on order.
    Will the Russians sell indian s400 access to this constellation?
    Also, if the Russians can afford it surely india with a GDP allmost twice that of Russia can afford its own constellation.
    Could you elaborate on what exactly Indian IT players in the private sector lack in terms of r & d capacity which can't be resolved. After all India can't just give up on things because they are too difficult, we are destined to be one of the top 3 economics of the world in nominal terms in a decade and probably surpass even the usa by the middle of the century even if our politicians try their best to prevent it from happening.

    -Dr KRG

  75. To RAGHU: The IAF opted for the S-400 primarily as an ‘AEW & CS Killer’ weapon, not for BMD purposes. For the latter, the DRDO has been in the driving seat & has been pushing for access to the SBIRS-High network & its interfacing with the S-400 lR-SAM in lieu of the ‘desi’ BMD interceptor missiles becoming available. And as I had explained earlier, the US is perfectly fine with the IAF using the S-400 LR-SAM as a standalone AEW & CS Killer weapon.

    To KIDDO: Soryo-class SSKs are double-hulled. IN wants single-hulled SSKs.

    To RAD: What you are stating about Python-5 doing a 180=-degree turn for interception is IMPOSSIBLE. Off boresight lock-on-before-launch is achieved only with the help of the Targo HMDS.

    To Dr KRG: It is not the no of such satellites that matter, but their positioning & that’s why I had stated earlier that the Russian satellites do not provide the kind of geographic surveillance footprint over the IOR that India requires. The Russian satellites’ surveillance footprint is focussed on the northern hemisphere. Nor does GDP size matter in terms of economic prowess. After all, even with a much smaller GDP, Russia is decades ahead of India in terms of human resource development, education & leading-edge R & D on weapons. That’s why Russia does not suffer from the intellectual brain-drain that India has been suffering from since the 1960s & which seems unending. In addition, all tall claims about India destined be one of the top 3 economies & surpassing the US is utter baloney & the data available from any credible global institution like WB or IMF or ADP or any other institution does not support such tall claims by any stretch of imagination.

    To WISE_ASS: And pray, what are those ‘wider implications’? If the purpose is to hurt Russia economically, then why CAATSA sanctions are S-400-specific? Why not target all other Indian weapons imports from Russia? Why not target Vietnam?

  76. While in absolute size the gdp of russia and many other countries is lower than India, the per capita income of these countries is much higher by multiples exceeding 10! It is per capita income that matters always..further gdo when compared on exchange rate basis and purchasing power parity throw across different comparative figures, hence indias poaition 5 vs 3



  77. Dada 1.when to expect follow on Rafale and Mig 29 upg order?
    2. What's going on tanker front for IAF?
    3. Have we ordered 2 follow on Phalcon Awacs?

  78. @Prasun

    1 Recall you mentioning that the GISAT constellation of SATs is the Indian version of SBIRS. Why is there a delay in GISAT-1?
    2 Will we go for indigenous workstations and servers as part of the IACCCS eventually?


  79. Mr.Prasun

    What will be the role of LCH in IAF and IA service?
    What helicopters we need for full operating conditions in mountain areas?


  80. Sir, why can't India and Russia work together to develop an SBIRS network for India that cover the IOR region, or why can't India develop something similar on its own to use it for the S-400 and XRSAM in the future? Why rely on US? You have said that India will only receive the 40N6-E missile and later get the two new hypersonic missiles that Russia is developing for S-500. Those two are Russian equivalent to THAAD but we can't use even those for BMD?

  81. To SUMIT SEN: 1) Not possible to predict any timeframes. 2) Two A330 MRTTs can be leased from France. 3) No, they won’t be ordered anymore.

    To PRASHANT: 1) That’s right. The GISAT-1 is a technology demonstrator system whose multispectral optronics sensor & star tracker are imported from the US. Due to such a hybrid design, ISRO is still involved in ironing out the integration issues. 2) It cannot be done. Even though the workstations may be locally designed, the AMLCD displays have to be imported from Belgium’s BARCO, while no one in India makes either servers, processors or microchips.



    To AARPEE: 1) The IAF wants to shoot down UAVs with its LCHs while the IA wants to use the LCH as attack helicopters. There are no existing attack helicopter solutions for mountain warfare at altitudes above 16,000 feet ASL.

    To PRATAP: Because no one will part with such technologies & India does not have the human resource capacity & industrial capability reqd for developing such homegrown sensors. Furthermore, Russia has made available its existing space-based early-warning satellite coverage to China. The 77N6-N and the 77N6-NI LR-SAMs of the S-400 with Ka-band seekers have been offered to India, but they are not the ones ordered by the IAF as yet. If they are ordered in future (since the DRDO has been unable to optimise the PDV & AAD missiles), then India will have no other choice but to develop her own early-warning satellites using sensors that are of non-US origin--a prospect that will takes decades to reach fruition.

  82. Plan to Kill PA COAS Gen Bajwa Foiled. 14 PA officers, 22 SSG Commandos, 30 Soldiers Arrested:




  83. Prasun Da,

    (1) You said that the 77N6-N and the 77N6-NI LR missiles have been offered to India. These missiles are meant for the S-500. Given that the size of launch tubes vary between S-400 & S-500 will missiles like 77N6-N and the 77N6-NI fit in the Indian S-400?

    (2) Will you please suggest some books that are good resources for learning about nuclear warheads and their delivery systems?

    Thank You

  84. Prasunji,
    1) Do you expect india will overtake japan in nominal gdp terms? If so, when is that likely?

    2) I read that indians have lower brain volume than caucasians or east asians.


    This question may seem jarring, but in your travels and experiences, did you feel that the average indian (truck driver, farmer etc) is less intelligent than his contemporaries in china or the west.
    I'm not talking about super high achievers, just the normal folk.
    Ofcourse i know good nutrition, especially in childhood and schooling has a lot to do with it, and india still has a lot to do to catch up in those areas, but are indians genetically less intelligent than other races?

    3) How would you compare DRDO developed 2nd gen ERA with kontakt-5?

    4) How many T-90 tanks are currently in service in indian army?

    5) What is the annual T-90 production rate from HVF, Avadi?


    1. Hi shiv, sorry for answering even when not asked,
      Regarding your question on brain volume, i would like to let you know that it is the density of neurons that matters, not the volume.
      Women on average have a brain volume 100 to 150 ml less than men when comparing humans of the same ethnicity and race. But the number of neurons is similar. Another important aspect is the brain to body ratio,
      Elephants have a much larger brain vs humans but humans have the highest brain to body ratio and hence are the most intelligent.
      Indians on average are smaller in size compared to most western ethnic groups and that has a lot to do with hot tropical climate ( smaller body dissipate heat better) + largely vegetarian(low protein diet) + malnutrition.
      Hence smaller body= smaller brain volume

      The saving the best for the last, to explain why volume is irrelevant-

      A baby is born with roughly 86 billion neurons​, almost all the neurons the human brain will ever have​​. Although a newborn has about the same number of neurons as an adult, it has only 25% of its adult brain volume.

      Dr KRG

  85. To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) Elementary: instead of the four SAM cannisters, the TEL carries 2 SAM cannisters. 2) You can start with these two:



    Meanwhile, here is an interesting read:



    The Indian Army concentrated its two regiments of PT-76s in the area—the 45th Cavalry Regiment and the 69th Armoured Regiment, as well as two independent squadrons, the 1st and 5th. Facing them were five Pakistani squadrons of M24 Chaffee light tanks, totaling 66 in all, and three platoons of PT-76s, some of them captured from India during a war in 1965. Before hostilities officially commenced, the Indian Army on November 21, 1971 infiltrated the 800 men of the 14th Punjab Battalion across the border near the hamlet of Garibpur to secure a key highway leading to Jessore. Fourteen PT-76s of the 45th Cavalry’s C Squadron rode in support.

    Back in both 1965 & 1971, the IA had used PT-76s as Tank Fire-Support Vehicles, the forerunner to today’s BMPT Terminator.

    To SHIVKURUP: 1) Again, any form of GDP calculus is irrelevant to measure a country’s prosperity. On the other hand, it is the per capita income figures that matter most. 2) Lower brain volume does not translate into lower utilisation of one’s intellect. What matters most is the amount of utilisation of the Cortex part of the brain. Presently, all humans utilise only 10% of the Cortex. If the remaining 90% is activated, then human beings can operate in multiple dimensions at multiple levels of efficiency. If you want to discuss high-achievers, then India can be ranked as No.2, as evidenced by this report on Global Wealth Migration Trends:


    3) They are comparable in performance. 4) About 1,475. 5) It used to be 80 per annum.

  86. https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/chinese-national-han-junwe-arrested-india-bangladesh-border-chinese-spy-7371400/

    Lakshadweep Controversy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D41DL4Eg_jM

    SCO NSA Meeting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alQigahUtpU

    How China violated the WTO and made free markets less free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BEFAJU0dnM

    Webinars on Colombo Port City & SEZ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zMlsbk2W3ww


  87. Prsaun sir, it seems all the jaguars currently involved in passex with us navy are equipped with aesa radar looking at their nose cones.. isn't it?
    2- for just a passex huge no. Of assets have been involved..something else under the garb of passex??
    3- u have always maintained maintaining both ssk and SSN is cost prohibitive..but then how Russian navy and now the pla navy are able to manage? Specially pla navy which has a huge no. Of ssk and now has started focussing on SSN??
    4- rumours of next gen destroyer project having a total tonnage above 10k is going around..is it true? Have you got any info on that?
    5- l&t coastal submarine design is a promising one..what is the status of procuring such submarines for navy Marcos??
    6-reports of SWIFT ground trials are coming out..what is the status of dry variant of kaveri??

  88. To SUJIT: 1) All the 10 Jaguar IMs for maritime strike have had such noseconesz, be it for protecting the Agave radar, the EL/M-2032 radar or the EL/M-2052 radar. 2) Who says it is just a PASSEX exercise? PASSEX exercises involve only naval vessels, not aircraft. Do read this:


    3) Just look at the massive decommissionings of Russian SSNs, SSGNs & SSBNs since 1991 & you will understand the cost-prohibitive nature of having mixed submarine fleets. The PLAN hardly sends its SSKs, SSBNs & SSNs out into deeper waters. 4) I hope it turns out to be similar to this:


    5) IN is not interested in such submarines. 6) Neither dry nor wet variants of a flyable Kaveri exist as yet.

  89. Do India posses skyshield EW jamming pod?
    How will India decieve Chinese S400,HQ 9?

  90. Prasun,

    First FRCV RFI, Now for FICV, timimng is questionable..is IA trying to avoid getting caught by the Positive Indigenisation List.. is it stilthe lure of foreign goods or a genuinemove? taking this along with the light tank move is it being set up for the russian BMP4 since spurt tank is based on BMP 4 chassis? or could it be the t 14 & t15 combo?

  91. Prasun Sir
    There is an RFI for FICV. It demands ability to launch drones. No current FICV offers this feature. But without it FICV wont survive either in say a war with China. Can't we develop it indigenously by roping in pvt players like Mahindra & Mahindra, L&T, Tata. What is your take on it ? If there is urgency in view of deteriorating situation with China, which FICV you would recommend?

  92. Prasun Da,

    Finally a good Documentary on Pakistan Sponsor terrorism against India by western news media.


  93. Thanks for replies prasun sir.

    1) Is there any research being conducted to ascertain how to increase human brain cortical usage over 10%?

    2) When you said human brain can function in "multiple dimensions, in multiple frequencies" if we use the full power of our brain, what do you mean?

    3) Is india deploying anti drone systems to defeat chinese drones along LAC? Can you share some details on some of them?

    4) How many T-72 regiments does the indian army currently deploy?

    5) How many of those T-72 regiments are the "combat improved ajeya" variants?

    6) What about the nirbhay test today? Was it 100% successful?

  94. Prasun i would like to disagree with you on your view about GDP.
    Measuring how rich a country is ie how much revenue the government of a nation generates is best served by Nominal GDP of a country.
    Eg:- 1) a joint family of 10 has an annual income of 30 lakhs vs a newly married couple who together make 15 lakhs per annum. While each individual of the joint family is poorer, the family as a unit is twice as rich as the couple.

    2)For measuring how affluent the citizens of a country are it is better to use gdp per capita in terms of purchasing power parity instead of nominal gdp per capita.
    eg) a family of 4 has an income of 20 lakhs per annum in mumbai vs new york
    In mumbai they can afford rent, private school, new car , house maids and still save a large chunk of their income while the same 20 lakhs or $27000 would mean they are struggling to survive in new york.

    If all that matters is gdp per capita then Luxembourg and Qatar would be considered super powers, usa and japan would be considered as middle powers, russia and China would be considered weak states.

    Hence, its not as black and white as you are making it out to be, Nominal GDP is what makes USA a super power and UK , France Germany and Japan as 2nd tier powers because when comparing on per capita basis there is very little difference between them. This is the very reason they found the need to form a European union , ie to match the absolute size of the USA

    Dr KRG

  95. Truly disappointing! No one talked about PoK in this so-called "J&K meet". At least the delimitation process should include the PoK area. Nonsense people.

  96. Prasunda,
    Israel has demonstrated that it's capable of destroying drone with Direct Energy Weapon.
    At the same time our BSF is using rifles to target Pakistani drones and many a time, misses !
    What is India's strength or weekness on Direct energy weapons ? Have heard weapons with Godess' name but not sure whether they are real or not ! Or can be used at battlefield !

  97. @Prasun

    The MoD should butt in squeeze the balls of the IA hard. The FRCV RFI is ridiculous and has no pretense of favouring the Armata T-14. It is 2021 ffs, we have potent tank designs like Arjun MK2 in development. High time, the MoD gets the IA import lobby to BTFO, and invest in futuristic designs that use the Arjun as the base- ARJUN MK3.


  98. To SANTOSH: 1) No. 2) With SAAW.

    To JUST_CURIOUS & PRASHANT: Release of the FICV RFI clashes with the FRCV’s RFI because the FRCV is supposed to comprise a family of armoured vehicles that is inclusive of the FICV. No Light Tank in the world will last against 120mm or 125mm APFSDS rounds. Hence, all talk about Light Tanks is totally bizarre.

    To WISE_ASS: There’s no financial angle concerning CAATSA at all & hence whether or not India purchases any weapons from the US to lower the bilateral trade deficit or for any other reason is immaterial. Nor was the 126 MMRCA contract connected in any way with the 123 nuclear agreement. The financial angle also becomes irrelevant because the ongoing US-Russia annual bilateral trade itself is valued at US$32 billion. Vietnam, Indonesia & Malaysia are very important from the US military-industrial complex since both Indonesia & Malaysia have already stooped any firther procurements from Russia, while Vietnam is increasing its imports from Israel.

    To SHIVKURUP: 1) of course, but only in the West & Russia, not in India. The key is held by the brain’s Pineal Gland. 2) It means exactly what I meant. One can then tap into various frequencies in the galaxies & communicate with different intelligent civilisations & also travel in different kinds of physical forms. 3) Yes, the DRDO-developed one. 6) No one, not even the DRDO, announced any new Nirbhay test. $ & 5) All the answers are here:


    To DASHU: They were not supposed to, because the meeting was all about resumption of political within J & K UT & the commencement of the electoral delimitation process.

    To PARTHASARATHI: 1) Directed-energy effectors developed by Israel are meant not just for shooting down UAVs, but also MBRL rockets. The BSF is getting DRDO-developed & BEL-built jammers. Only worthwhile DEW now being tested is the SAAW. Another vehicle-mounted anti-IED laser has been developed as well. Others like medium-power & high-power lasers are still being worked upon. The KALI is a totally different beast for totally different applications.

  99. Prasunji,
    1) How do you see bangladesh's behaviour to us over the next 20 years. Will china succeed in turning them against us? With its emerging economy, bangladesh has started investing in its military. If we don't maintain good relations with them, our forces will get stretched even further.

    2) Have all BMP-1 ICVs been retired from service?

    3) How many BMP-2 ICVs (excluding mortar carriers, armoured ambulances etc) does the IA possess?

    4) SIPRI trade registers indicate we have bought 250 man portable launchers and 3000 missiles belonging to the Kornet ATGM family. Are these numbers accurate?

    5) Apart from man portable launchers do we have any other launchers for the kornet missiles?

    6) Despite reading multiple sources, including the ones you showed me i was unable to find an answer for the below query. So can you please tell me how many regiments of T-72 and T-90 tanks respectively the indian army currentlty fields?

    7) Given pakistans purchase of VT-4 MBTs with future chinese APS added, will our armoured formations still be able to overcome the PA?


  100. To SHIVKURUP: 1) Bangladesh being encircled by India from three sides will never make the mistake of aligning itself with China. 2) No, some are still used for training. 3) 49 battalions of the Mechanised Infantry, each with 51 BMP-2s. 4) Kornet-Es were never ordered by India. Only Konkurs, Konkurs-M, Milan-2 & Milan-2T, plus Spike-SRs were ordered. 6) All the numbers were mentioned in my reply of June 26, 2018 at 7:57PM here:


    And in the charts uploaded here:


  101. How accurate is this simulation of Indian denuclearization strike?

    Some extremist Pakistani armymen have taken control of the Pano Aqil nuclear missile facility along with all of its ballistic missiles stored in heavily armoured underground bunkers. IAF unleashes Brahmos barrage and sends in LCA Tejas, Jaguar, and Su-30 MKI to neutralize the target.


  102. Sir what is the difference between a infantry fighting vehicles and armoured car like PANHERD ERC 90.should India go for vehicle like this?

  103. Thanks for the replies prasunji,

    1) How many of the BMP-2s have been modified to carry ATGMs?

    2) I read that every section of infantry in the indian army has one soldier equipped with a carl gustav recoilless gun. With 380 infantry battalions, that would lead to over 12000 carl gustavs. Is that accurate?

    3) Apart from Carl Gustavs and ATGMs what other anti tank weapons does the infantry possess? Do we have any advanved RPGs like RPG-29?

    4) From the data you have given, it seems the indian army armoured corps has 35 regiments of T-72 and 25 regiments of T-90 tanks, and 2 regiments of arjun mk1. Is that accurate?

    5) With the taliban overunning 30 districts in the last 15 days, it seems the afghan government is doomed when the americans pull out, even with outside american air support. Is there any hope for the afghan government to hold out?

    6) Would the jaguars be able to use CBU-105 sensor fused munitions in ladakh? What kind of effect would it have on chinese tanks and artillery there, considering they would be bunched up in areas due to lack of space?

    7) Would the DRDO developed anti drone system be adequate in quantity and quality to deal with chinese mini drones in ladakh? Would it not be better if the IA goes for a more capable and mature system from israel or elsewhere?

  104. To ANUP: 2) There’s no need to suck all such bullshit. Reverting to statehood will not happen for as long as delimitation of constituencies do not take place. This will take at least 2 years to complete. In the meantime, a UT-level legislative assembly needs to be created in order to approve the delimitation results. That’s why elections are required for forming the UT-level legislative assembly. Only after the delimitation process for J & K UT is completed & approved (since Ladakh is no longer a part of J & K UT but is a separate territory for which a similar delimitation exercise & elections for its legislative assembly are required) will it possible to revert back to statehood. The elected Legislative Assembly will then enact legislation designed for protecting J & K’s demographic status & land ownership laws by ushering in laws similar to that existing for Himachal Pradesh, which in turn will once & for all do away with the need for Article 370 & 35A, which in turn will do away with the need for the presently-pending case in the Indian Supreme Court that challenges the non-applicability of clauses of Article 370 & 35A & hence all such petitions will then be withdrawn. Thus, if this step-by-step due process as mandated by India’s Constitution is allowed to take place without any hindrance, then J & K will be able to revert back to statehood 3 years from today.

    And therefore, no one will need to pay any heed to the utter baloney being peddled by bullshitters like the one that you’ve have referred to. Instead, just adhere to all that’s written in India’s Constitution & the Govt of India’s Rules of Business book.

    To ADITYA PAUL: Totally whimsical products from equally whimsical internet fanboys. No hardened underground structures can be destroyed solely from the air. Boots on the ground is imperative.

    To PM: ICVs are armoured vehicles that can both attack hostile dug-in infantry positions as well as carry infantry personnel inside. Armoured vehicles like ZTL-11, Centauro & ECR-90 are assault vehicles that don’t carry any infantry inside & are armed with cannons for attacking hostile dug-in infantry positions. Such assault vehicles (always wrongly referred to as Light Tanks by internet fanboys) are nowadays obsolete since guided anti-armour missiles armed with blast-fragmentation or thermobaric warheads can travel far longer for attacking hostile dug-in infantry positions. The nag & HELINA can go out to 4km & 6km, while the PLAGF’s AFT-10 can go out to 10km. Hence, all those clamouring for Light Tanks urgently need to seek psychiatric counselling.

    To SHIVKURUP: 1) All BMP-2s have standard fits for launching ATGMs. 2 & 3) No. Majority have Carl Gustavs while some have C-90 LAWs & a few others have Spike-SRs. 4) Yes. 5) Taliban never overrun & keep such districts. They indulge in only raid-n-destroy operations & they don’t have the staying power for holding on to the districts. 6) Not in Ladakh, but in Aksai Chin, Rudok, Ngari, Samzuiling, Tianshuihai, Tianwendian, etc etc, i.e. the rear-area logistics & ammo storage areas & warehouses. 7) It will be more than enough.

    To VIKRAM GUHA: Typical Nuclear Bomb with 6,000 Components:

