Thursday, October 21, 2021

Need To Improve OTH-ISR in North-East India

Although the Indian Air Force is constructing dedicated MALE-UAV hangars (for both its Heron Mk.2s as well as those of the Indian Army) at its air bases at Panagarh in West Bengal, plus at Chabua and Missamari in Assam, and can also make use of Sikkim’s Pakyong Airport and the advanced landing grounds (ALG) of Arunachal Pradesh in Tezu (Lohit), Vijaynagar (Changlang), Pasighat (East Siang), Mechuka (Shi-Yomi), Walong (Anjaw), Tuting (Upper Siang), Ziro (Lower Subansiri) and Tawang (Tawang), there exists a need for additional dual-use airports within both Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh that will be capable of hosting both combat aircraft and turbofan-powered HALE-UAVs (like the Predator-C/Avenger) that can undertake over-the-horizon ISR missions for monitoring the PLA’s deployments and activities in areas inside the Tibetan Plateau that share borders with Sikkim, Bhutan and Arunachal Pradesh.

It remains to be seen if the greenfield projects calling for the construction of new airports at Hollongi near Itanagar, Anini in Dibang Valley, Dirang in West Kameng—all in Arunachal Pradesh—will make provisions for hosting both combat aircraft and HALE-UAVs.

And shown below is the PLAGF helipad at Sarang (in Gar County) from which helicopters operate whenever they want to fly into Barahoti, Uttarkhand.

Similar helipads are now coming up near the PLA-BDR garrison camps at Kara and Bakah (both in Zanda County) from where PLAGF helicopters are expected to operate whenever they want to monitor Indian Army deployments at both Chumur in southern Ladakh and Kaurik in northeastern Himachal Pradesh.

GCS For Non-Available TAPAS MALE-UAV

Manik Turbofan For Nirbhay LACM


  1. hi Prasun
    I was quite surprised when i saw the lady officer explain the highlights of the l 70 40 mm bofors gun
    What was exciting is the gun had proximity fuse as well which greatly enhances the lethality .. can you explain if the proximity fuse is of a timed variety like the ahead ammo ? spewing tungsten pellets?.Is it desi ? was all the tech desi made? especially the muzzle velocity radar which looks like an flat face asea radar. the FCS seems to be the dutch flyctcher signaal radar. why cant we use integrate it wiht the ak630 30mm ad weapon , whatever happened to it?
    Dont you think it would be an ideal candidate to be mounted on a bmp type ICV for greater lethality to take out 5km based anti tank missile emplacement

  2. Dear Prasun,
    Thanks for posting the link earlier!!! It was highly informative. I have a question upon Indo China face off.

    1. Currently who is having an upper hand?

    2. As per Stobdan China is not enemy of India. Since China claims Tibet and Tibet claims Ladakh, is it something like we are feeding milk to snake? Why Tibetan leadership is maintaining silence about it?

  3. To RAD: LoLz! Such 40mm rounds have existed since ages ago! have a look at these:,_Pre-Fragmented,_Proximity_Ammunition_(3_P)_Ammunition_For_40_Mm_L-70_Gun.docx

    The Flycatcher's successor is the ATULYA (first shown at Aero Inmdia 2019):

    To ASD: 1) No one & hence it is now a stalemate. 2) All democratic cvountries are foes of a one-party totalitarian state like China. Tibet under the Lamas too was a totalitarian entity. Expecting democratic countries & totalitarian states to peacefully co-exist is like expecting diesel & water to welcome each other & co-exist. It is that simple.

  4. "1) No one & hence it is now a stalemate."- are you sure about this?

    Why no visible action or is there any plan to stop/reverse the diminishing of the IAF’s airpower deterrence?

    Daily pakis are smoothly f**king Modi's arse but strangely he is enjoying that it seems. India's silence is deafening.

  5. I'm feeling too much is being made of L70 gun deployment in Arunachal Pradesh. It feels more PR stunt than actual substantial action. Your views?

  6. Prasun da

    I do remember that video about the standoff at Batang La which you posted when it was picked up by media but only after 2014 not when the incident happened.

    Last night most Hindi TV channels at Primetime showed the M777,FH-77B and L/70 deployment at Bum La.

    I think it was for the first time that such equipment has been shown in AP.

    Also the recent interviews of Eastern Army Commander,the AAC Brigade and Surveillance Centre at Rupa.

    But we must remember that yesterday marked 59 years of the Chinese invasion of Arunachal Pradesh and also Ladakh. Most of Arunachal was run over by the Chinese. Our government has to make sure that something like that never repeats itself. Forget L/70 we should get the latest AD guns for AP.

    1)Recent media reports said the Army is not focussing on more boots on the ground in the Eastern Command AOR but why pumping more troops for 14 Corps AOR in Ladakh like it reported was in The Week that the I Corps's 33 Armd Div could be deployed to Ladakh if the situation with China Worsens?



  7. Prasun,

    1- Now Porki FM Quershi makes a dash to kabul right after news started trickling that india may supply wheat & medical support ..
    2- is the Arjun Mk2, the FMBT which IA keeps touting? or will FMBT be a diff beast.. there was news about IA/DRDO design team has come up with a definitive FMBT design
    3- now that UAE is on the same page with us basis "QUAD 2", why not pocket the low hanging fruits aka other GCC countries like Kuwait, Baharin & Oman and have strategic agreements with them like what we have with UAE where some indian laws are also now applicable. Also UAE would not take this step unless Saudis were not in agreement .. once GCC is done leverage on that to bind up other islamic majority countries in africa, & levant(Syria, jordan & Iraq)..
    4 - why hasn't India leveraged its position with the turkic countries and have a india-central asia grouping? , while there is SCO but china is the elephant in the room
    5- what is the status of ijt 36 spin tests..

  8. Mr.Prasun did the Americans get Diego Garcia to help India?



  9. Prasun,
    Why are Pakis still spared n just being grey listed seems the new captured terrorist was of no use ..or the US is simply not bothered..whydoes thUS still pin it's hope with the porkis? Who Saved their arse this time? No notice of recent attacks in Kashmir seems to have been taken into consideration
    2 porkis gift to its friends- now turkey gets black listed too what implications will turkey have? The Ottoman caliph says he will make the US payback $1.4 bln invested in the f 35 program one way or the other.
    3 why Jordan?? Thought they always toed the saudi/us line.rthey making noises abt recognizing Israel?
    4 getting rajyapaksha kin for kushinagar airport..clever move? Is it enuff?
    5 how real is the Chinese real-estate crisis and wot is the real reason of Chinese blackouts?

  10. BTW do the upgraded guns directed by atulya or fire catcher radar?

  11. Sir,

    Fake news?

  12. To DASHU: 1) Am absolutely sure from a military standpoint. 2) How can the slide be reversed? Elementary: order more Rafales & get the Super Su-30MKI upgrade going by accepting Russia’s offer for incorporating the NO-36 AESA-MMR. 3) Perhaps in my reckoning, India is biding for time till next April, since by then both Afghanistan & Pakistan will be up in flames during to uncontrollable civilian unrest & internal insurrection. Judging by the way in which IAKN is going ahead, it is highly probable that while one Niazi was responsible for losing half the country in 1971, the present-day Niazi will do away with whatever is now left & ultimately he may well be served with the death warrant, if these are to be believed:

    To SANJEEV: Of course it is. Possessing only 300rpm rate of fire is far less than that of the ZU-23-2 & the ZSU-23-4 Schilka, leave alone the 2S6 Tunguska. The upgraded L-70s are now using Flycatcher but in future the Atulya will replace all Flycatchers.

    To ANUP: That was only a conceptual modification showeing the very same weapons carried by the Mi-25. The present-day Rudra configuration is far superior.

    To RANVEER: Here are some of some that were telecast:

    It is the 35th Army Aviation Brigade. One can safely rest assured that 1962 won’t be repeated simply because the PLA of 1962 isn’t the same as the PLA of 2021 & therefore no sane-minded PLA officer/soldier will risk waging war in tropical monsoon forests over mountainous terrain. As for reqd hardware procurements, priority is being given to force multiplier assets like Heron Mk.2 MALE-UAVs plus other ‘desi’ tactical UAVs for maintaining persistent ISR coverage over potential troublespots. As for Ladazh, nowhere is the terrain suitable for committing an entire Armoured Division into battle. Instead, the Division will be broken up into three distinct Integrated Combat Brigades for negaging in manoeuvre warfare in designated areas in northern, central & southeastern Ladakh.

  13. To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) With both Afghanistan & Pakistan in total economic/financial meltdown, it is now up to Russia, Iran & India to figure out some of balkanbistan of Afghanistan under which the southern part will be left to rot, while the western & northern portions will be officially recognised & supported. Despatch of Indian humanitarian aid via Pakistan will be a disaster since most of it is likely to be siphoned off or looted. Instead, the sea route via Chabahar will be more viable, while the airfreight route to Kabul & Dushanbe will be even better. Even though more expensive, it won’t affect India since the UN will be footing the bill. 2) FMBT is still 2 decades away from entering service & hence the Arjun Mk.2 is the only indigenous option left to cater till 2040. 3) All the GCC member-states are under the US sphere of influence, while Turkey & Malaysia are tottering on the economic front, with Turkey close to being sanctioned by the FATF. 4) What’s ther use of spin recovery tests when the iAF itself has ruled out its IJT reqmt?

    Meanwhile, a day after I had mentioned the date of China’s HGV flight-test, the Financial Times has
    repeated that date here:

    ICGS Griffon-8000 Hovercraft:

    OFB Corporatisation Complete & Road Ahead

    Excellent animations of how OP Desert Storm unfolded & progressed back in 1991:

  14. Can you elaborate how PLA of 2021 is different from PLA of 1962 and why Pravin Sawhney is saying that in case of war Chinese action will be short,swift, decisive and occupational in nature and IA is incapable of defending Ladakh and Arunachal ?

  15. Sir, what is happening in Poonch? No encounter goes on for so many days. We have lost 9 of our soldiers. Targeted killings of Hindus have also started. We should have blown up PA brigade hq in POK by now. But nothing has happened so far. How and when are we going to avenge it? An inferior army of a bankrupt state is inflicting such pain upon us.

  16. Have uploaded images above of the non-available Tapas MALE-UAVs GCS and the GTRE-developed MANIK STFE for the Nirbhay LACM.

    To ROHIT GILL: I can only elaborate on what I have stated & cannot speak on behalf of others or explain why others say what they say. The PLA today is a political entity that is not dedicated to achieving professionalism, but instead is meant for protecting the Communist Party of China. At the same time, it is largely a conscript force dependent on personnel who are byproducts of China's one-child policy. Hence, the PLAGF, PLAN & PLAAF will always tend to shy away from kinetic operations that always incur battlefield casualties. But most importantly, if it is being claimed that the PLA will engage in con-contact warfare like cyber warfare, then why the hell is it feverishly building new military infrastructure inside TAR, such as underground warehouses, permanent habitats, hardened aircraft shelters & permanent SAM sites? Someone ought to provide answers to such a question.

    To KAPIL: You are dead-wrong. Perhaps you are forgetting, so let me jog your memory about OP SARP VINASH that was conducted at Hill Kaka, Poonch, about 18 years ago:

    And here are the Pinaka-1 & Smerch-M MBRLs in Assam:

    CDS on Higher Defence Management:

  17. Prasun da, I want to know about the present situation, not what happened 18 years ago. You said in a reply above that India is waiting for April 2022 when you expect Paxtan to be in complete chaos. Even today they are in a pretty bad situation. The PA is stretched across both the borders and is suffering casualties along the Durand line. What is stopping the IA now? Is it because we are too focused on the enemy across the Himalayas?

  18. Hi Prasunji,

    Can PLA accure the kind of Institutional Memory, that Indian Amry has in operating in extreme conditions? How good are PLA in learning & changing their tactics to fight better?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  19. Prasun,

    ur stmt - get the Super Su-30MKI upgrade going by accepting Russia’s offer for incorporating the NO-36 AESA-MMR. makes it sound that the IAF/DRDO is blocking aesa radar.. why?

  20. I suppose the answer to why India is passive on the loc is because India has always been passive on the loc.perhaps the bean counters in Delhi have deduced that a balance of payments crisis +ttp+bla + djinns are more effective than any punitive action by the Indian military... (what do you think)
    Looking at Indian army deployments in arunachal pradesh the sense one gets is how anyone can even move in such a place leave alone fight .
    My question prasun da is if the IA has to cross mountains and then enter the flat platue of Tibet while the PLA can simply drive over that black topped highway of theirs . Just by sheer weight of military hardware deployable isn't the beast that the IA can hope for is a stalemate in the NE ?

  21. Mr.Prasun

    1)I am wondering why this PR focus on Arunachal Pradesh?

    2)Some time back Chinese reported deployment of MGS and 100 MLRS is it a counter PR to that?

    3)I laughed when I heard one of the officers declining to reveal the range of Pinaka in HAA because I was just thinking why doesn't the reporter ask him.

    4)What if the Chinese blow up the bridges to the forward launch pads for these Rocket systems then how can these be deployed because currently they are Present in plains of Assam and North West Bengal from here they will need to be deployed to Forward areas?

    5)Do you think 4 Brahmos+4 Pinaka+3 Smerch Regiments are enough for J&K, Ladakh and NE?

    6)Also these must have been redeployed from Western front oriented units to LAC. Doesn't that reduce our capabilities against Pakistan?

    Thank you


  22. It's good to see the contribution of the people of hill kaka. But if govt should have kept their promise...
    Donot know if road and electricity with other facilities have reached there or not..

  23. To ANUP: You are most welcome. The Poonch-specific 93 Infantry Brigade of the IA has an illustrious hisatory. In 1971 Pakistan had launched a total of two major land offensives in the western front—in Chhamb & Poonch. For the latter, a two-Brigade attack for capturing Poonch city was launched on December 3, 1971. But after two days of fierce fighting, the 93 Infantry Brigade, which had organised its defences excellently repulsed the attack and the enemy was compelled to retreat with heavy causalities. In this war an important feature, Nangi Tekri, was also snatched from Pakistan. During militancy days before the induction of the RR’s Romeo Force, 93 Brigade not only defended the LoC but also fought militancy within the sector and contained them successfully. Here's an article on the Hil Kaka operation, which many can't recollect now & many are still wondering why the IA is taking such a long time now to mop up the Bhatta Dhurian forests (obviously they are totally unaware about the terrain & dense forests & foliage of that area:

    For Pakistan, the loss of Nangi Tekri was a severe shock & the Pakistan Army till this day remains nostalgic about this loss & it was for this very reason that on the morning of February 27, 2019 the Pakistan Air Force had chosen Nangi Tekri as one of the 3 targets to be struck (all within Poonch & Jammu). In fact, on the afternoon of February 26 itself, when the ISPR's DG had publicly announced that Pakistan would retaliate after the Balakot air-strikes, I had immediately theafter informed New Delhi that the retaliatory air-strikes would target areas within Jammu & Poonch & nowhere else inside the Kashmir Valley.

    To KAPIL: That would be a myopic approach, i.e. not studying the past & instead staying fixated on the present. Because neither the terrain nor the topography & vegetation have changed & hence the challenges remain the same—a reality that even many Indian military veterans are failing to understand. What is stopping the IA from staging offensives across the LoC is the on-going re-balancing of forces, which began only last year & will take another 2 years to be completed.

  24. To HARDIK THANKI: FYI, the PLA does not even touch upon the subject of the 1962 war in all its academic institutions & prefers to keep quiet about it.

    PLA SOF:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: No, not the DRDO, because the DRDO does not have any substitute to offer. Instead, integration issues are the reason, but they are being resolved.

    Moscow Format Engagement with Taliban:


    Tejas Mk.1 Profiled:

    PA Takeover of Govt:

    To KARNFLAKES: One can rest assured that the IA will not go on the offensive anywhere in Arunachal Pradesh because the PLAGF will be able to do what the IA will do to an advancing PLAGF, i.e. launch artillery fire-assaults on the narrow river-valleys that constitute the only way of crossing the LAC & entering each other’s territory. Hence, if the IA wants to launch any land offensive, then it will have to be from the only 1 possible area, i.e. from northern Sikkim & then turn right to cut off the Chumbi Valley from the rest of TAR. And that’s exactly why the IA’s MBRLs that were shown on TV are all deployed along northern Assam, i.e. the MBRL-launched rockets will during wartime advance to only southern Arunachal Pradesh for pounding the 8 narrow river-valley entry-points along the LAC.

    More on Smerch-M & Pinaka-1 MBRLs:

    To SANJAY: 1 & 2) Because the TMD’s three Brigades are presently conducting their annual training in areas north of Bhutan & therefore as an information warfare measure, the IA decided to publicise its own annual training measures under the IA’s Eastern Command.

    Upgraded L-70 AAA:

    35 Army Aviation Brigade at Missamari:

    3) In the plains the range of the FH-70B & M-777 remains 32km while up in high-altitude areas the range increases to 41km. Similarly for the Pinaka-1 in the plains the range is 38km while up in the mountains it increases to 47km. Simple & elementary physics provides such answers just after one gets the readily available ranges while on the plains. 4) No, not enough. One will require more K-9 tracked SPHs & Dhanush-45s for Ladakh, while for Sikkim & Arunachal Pradesh the M-777s & Pinaka-1s will suffice. The Smerch-Ms will be reqd if Chumbi Valley is to be captured. 6) Against Pakistan it will be offensive airpower that will play a far more crucial role than MBRLs & howitzers.

    To BUDDHA: Till this day those mountainous hamlets remain devoid of essential public utility reqmts, just like Ladakh, where Chushul got 4-G connectivity only last year! There are also several areas in Drass, Kargil & Gurez where cellular/internet connectivity remains unavailable. Meanwhile,

    WB COVID-19 Cases Double:

    Ayodhya Ram Mandir:

    Those retarded clowns who remain fixated on such structures ought to to watch these & try to figure out why such structures resemble the anciednt ‘Vimanas’:

    How the Great Pyramids Were Built:

    India Defence Conclave:

    Third Eye Spies:

    To ASD: India’s Muslim Population Myths:

    1. Hahah one must come to eastern Arunachal to see what lack of connectivity means, 4G is a far cry.

  25. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for sharing the important link!!! It is informative indeed.

    I have one concern. What's the future prospects of indigenous UAV/UCAV development in India. Is it going to be successful or failure like IJT?

  26. Prasun,

    As almost the entire terrain is high altitude with China, Which type of artillery Dhanush, M777 or K9 Vajra would be most useful just in case?

    How may Akash batteries have been deployed in Northern and Eastern boundaries with China?

    Which short range ballistic missile is being developed by DRDO which would be fielded against China in near future?

  27. Prasunda,

    Looks like China conducted two hypersonic glider tests: July 27 and Aug 13. Were both gliders boosted by a CZ-2C launch vehicle/ DF-5 ICBM ? The July 27 glider seems to have been put into LEO by a CZ-2C...


  28. Has the prahar missile been inducted by IA? If so how many missiles/TELs have been deployed?

  29. "What is stopping the IA from staging offensives across the LoC is the on-going re-balancing of forces, which began only last year & will take another 2 years to be completed. "

    Leave alone offensive across LoC! Why are we not retaliating by taking out launchpads and assisting Pak Army positons aiding infiltration. We can also use off-the-shelf Ta1wan3s3 hexa drones stacked with batteries like Pakis are using to retaliate also. Any reason for current intertia? It is not like,if we stop retaliating Pak army would stop provoking etc? I am completely confused by current paralysis in dealing with current hot LoC and our fixation with ceasefire

  30. Mr. Prasun thanks for your replies.

    I thought good times were starting with U.S for us but I have to be frank why the hell Americans don't get out Af-Pak now Pak-Af but again Af-Pak it seems is going to be.

    Let the Iranians Pakistanis Russians Chinese CARs and us Indians handle this.

    Or are the Americans pressurising us to give OTH CT access to them.
    The Pakistanis will only provide airspace access but neither the Pakistanis will allow any military aircraft coming from India's airspace nor India is interested in providing direct support to US ISR or CT missions conducted from Indian soil by Americans in Cooperation with Pakistanis. That would leave us in a corner.

    Pakistanis talking to US about managing relations with India aka hyphenating India and Pakistan.

    Pakistanis have psychological boost from Taliban takeover of Afghanistan that,s why increased infiltration on LOC and targeted killings.

    We have to draw a line somewhere.

    Thank you


  31. Hi Prasun

    Pictures have surfaced of a tender or RFI or something of that effect on Indian defence blogs showing drawing for a OTH radar system designed by LRDE to be installed in coastal area. Looking at the design it looks like a ground wave OTH ( OTH-SW) in the same league as russian Podsolnukh (Sunflower) coastal short wave OTH radar and not a sky wave OTH radar. Is india setting up Over the horizon -surface wave radar system?

  32. How many batteries of Smerch systems do Indian Army actually hold?

    How would you summarise the threat perception of the MBRLs of Pakistan Army's inventory.

  33. Also what’s the status of the Swift uav? I’m seeing tweets of it having completed taxi trials

  34. Prasun da

    1)Thank God the CDS has stopped talking about AD Command and has instead been mentioning a Joint Air Defence Structure.

    2)He said in Indian context the Service chiefs will continue to exercise operational control won't that conflict with Theatre commanders?

    3)He mentioned Iraq(Iran), North Korea, China US and Israel as AI powers. Are Iran and North Korea AI powers or was he talking about these countries Cyber capabilities and mixed AI and Cyber?

    4)He said there is no National security strategy but he Mentioned a National Defence Stategy what is it?

    5)Is there a Joint Special operation Forces doctrine for Indian Armed Forces?


  35. Prasunda,

    See this:

    Doesn't he have a point ? Is IA also prepared with EW systems/GPS jammers to protect artillery assets from PLA drones/PGMs ?


  36. Sirji,

    1.) Will more SPH and dhanush be required for ladakh even when MGS will be acquired?
    2.) Why is US testing Iron dome in Guam. Do they lack credible shorads?


  37. Hi Prasun,

    Is it now possible to push Pakistan into FSTF blacklist? Since Turkey itself is in Greylist and Mahathir is no longer ruling Malaysia ?

  38. To ASD: This is the sorry state of DRDO-developed UAVs:

    Meanwhile, the CBI continues with its nonsensical shenanigans:

    Christian Michel:

    Jaguar IM with ELL-8222 ASPJ:

    To VED: As these videos explain, each & every deployed equipment has been matched with the local terrain & topography & vegetation:

    Akash-1 Batteries are attached to the air bases n the plains of Assam wherever the flat terrain permits medium-range target acquisition. Elesehwere, the mountainous terrain prevents medium- & long-range target acquisition & hence E-SHORADS & SHORADS systems need to be deployed, like QR-SAM & Akash-NG. And one does not require SRBMs when SS-BSMs are available, like BrahMos-1 & later the Pralay & Prahar.

    To ROGUE: LoLz! Early in the previous decade itself I had suggested to HQ IDS that instead of deploying different networks like TAC-3, BSS, BMS etc etc, the IA & IAF should embrace 4-G as a dual-use connectivity tool, which will save cost by 80% while at the same time being used by both commercial & military end-users. But IT-illiteracy within the armed services at that time saw to it that such common-sensical solutions were junked into the dustbin & the same mindset prevails till this day even as 5-G connectivity solutions are being sought!!!

  39. To SATYAKI: The August 13 launch was from Jilantai, where there are no launchypads for launching CZ-type rocket launchers. Hence it was an ICBM that was launched from there.

    To SANJEEV: Not yet. But it will be in future & will be part of the Strategic Rocket Force.

    To HOODS007: It is FAKE NEWS. The OTH radar will be imported or be developed by LRDE ONLY AFTER Project Varsha’s civil engineeing works have been completed at Rambilli.

    To ANKIT KUMAR: IA has 2 Regiments of Amerch-M, or 36 TELs. Each Battery has six TELs. The PA has a similar no of CPMIEC-supplied A100E MBRLs but they are suffering from lack of product-support.

    To SANJEEV: The photos are of a scale-model technology demonstrator, powered by MANIK STFE.

    To HARISH: 2) The armed service chiefs will exercise operational control, but of a limited nature & not total as is the case now. 3) He was referring to their cyber warfare capabilities. 4) None of the two exist. 5) Yes.

    To KRITAVARMA: LoLz! This is why I have frequently stated that those who are not domain experts should not blurt out comments that are nonsensical & violate all the known laws of physics & mathematics. This ex-Jaguar pilot has not realised that the Pinaka-1 & Smerch-M MBRLs were shown deployed in the plains of northern Assam (rear-area) & not inside Arunachal Pradesh (frontline). Armed UAVs in the northeast will have a clear line-of-sight only if they are flying at an altitude of 40,000 feet ASL & this in turn will make them vulnerable to LR-sAMs like the Barak-8ER. Nor can UAVs engage in terrain-masking as that will lead to loss of data-link control. Hence, when operating from within river-valleys located in rear-areas, every piece of deployed military hardware will be immune to RF-based jamming of all kinds. Only those pieces of hardware deployed in the frontline require EW jamming cover from EW suites like HIM SHAKTI.

    To BHVK: 1) No. When MGS is acquired, no towed howitzers will be reqd. 2) It is being tested by the USMC, which requires a rapidly deployed anti-MBRL air-defence system.

  40. Prasunda,

    VMT. What type of ICBM boosted the payload from the Jilantai launch? DF-5 or DF-31/41 ? Looks like HGVs require powerful boosters tat are much larger tan road mobile icbms. Example, the UR-100NUttKh/SS-19 with a 6 MIRV+PBV regular payload carries only 1 avangard HGV.


  41. Nightmare of Nam Ka Chu 1962:

  42. Hi

    A rather interesting article on the P75I submarine requirement from a Russian analyst's perspective



  43. Prasun,

    1- erdogan expels 10 diplomats.. end of ottoman part 2?
    2- Porkis now asking for loan from russia for gas pipeline- yeh kya majra hain? matlab kahin se bhi bheek maang lo. how will they pay for the gas??
    3- 2 news -- & .. what does this mean for India?
    4- US back to dealing with pak for airspace access? what do they need it for ?

  44. Mr. Prasun

    you said offensive airpower will play more role against Pakistan and MBRLs and towed artillery against Chinese but we know that the IAF offensive airpower will also be required extensively against Chinese in Tibet and Xinjiang.
    But that IAF offensive airpower is greatly reduced and won't be amended anytime soon?

    Thank you


  45. Hi Prasun,
    Coming back to Submarines, do drdo or private sector currently have a indigenous diesel generator design. Guess we have three different engines for our naval fleet?

  46. Hi Prasun

    Any updates on the Wendy Sherman visit to India and Pakistan? While in India, she made some remarks about the nature of future US relations with Pakistan.

    Also there seems to be some news about Pakistan providing airspace for US intervention into Afghanistan against ISIS (K), in return for concessions and some easing of relations with India? Any truth in this report?



  47. To SATYAKI: The test-silos at Jilantai can launch only DF-41 ICBMs.

    To RAGHU: The writer of that report does not seem to understand the chemistry behind AIPs & related Fuel Cells. There are several Fuel Cells already developed in various countries, like these:


    To SANJAY: Yes, the on-going delayed upgrades of the IAF’s Jaguar IS & Mirage-2000H/TH fleets has led to lesser availability of interdictor/strike aircraft.

    To PRUDHVI: Diesel engines for both railway locomotives & submarines as well as for heavy-duty multi-axle high-mobility trucks are ALL IMPORTED. No indigenous solutions exist.

    1. Prasunda

      Wartsila has a plant in Khopoli, Maharashtra State near INS Shivaji, Lonavala for manufacturing Marine Diesel Engines and ofcourse Maintenance thereof. Don't they manufacture Submarine Diesel Engines?

  48. To RAGHU: Here's the update:

    To KAUSTAV: No engine manufacturing by Wartsila anywhere in India. The OEM confirms it here:

    Madhepura Electric Locomotive Project:

    Kirloskar Oil Engines Ltd:

    And finally, Dr Farooq Abdullah has managed to utter the correct words:

    1. Prasunda

      Thanks, ofcourse. Lots of ex-IN techies such as retired Artificiers to Officers on Wartsila:s roles. Just one query - Can they seevice & overhaul submarine diesels or will fhat be out of their capabilities too since they obviously aren't OEMs

  49. Dear PKS Sir,

    By referring to Nam Ka Chu incident did u referred to our unpreparedness against the same enemy?


  50. Prasunda,

    When the WHO has approved China's dodgy vaccines for COVID, is'nt their stalling Covaxin's approval by demanding more and more information (tarikh pe tarikh) politically motivated ? After all, the WHO chief is China's puppet. In that case, should'nt India pause vaccine supplies to WHO, supplying only to selected friendly countries, until WHO changes its politically motivated stance ?


  51. Sirji,

    1.) What specific role will Nirbhay LACM play when it gets inducted into army service ? How will it differ with TBMs/SRBMs.
    So French are desperately looking for buyers for Rafale so that they can order F4 standard Rafale for themselves too.
    3.) New official image shows Tapas will start user trail by second quarter of 2022. What is the realistic timeline for induction.
    4.) Any new update on Arjun Mk II ?


  52. IN Ret'd VADM Shekhar Sinha on Navies of India & Pakistan:

    IN Naval Leak Details:

    MoD Files:

    Flexible Wrist-Worn Cellphone:

    ISRO & Ocean Surveillance:

    Naval Group FDI FFG Ordered by Greece:

    New Pakistan DG-ISI:

    Factional Infighting Heats Up In China:

    Land Border Law of the People's Republic of China:

  53. To KAUSTAV: Thus far no SSK-based diesel engine can be overhauled in India. Diesel engines used by In include models from SEMT Pielstck, Wartsila, Almaz Marine & now MAN. For each engine-type, human resources have to be type-rated & certified by the OEM for overhauling them. Leave alone diesel engines, even for periscopes used by Class 209/Type-1500 SSKs, the workshop of Hensoldt was commissioned in Mumbai only 2 years ago!

    To AKS: No, that is not the case. I only shared the video weblink.

    To SATYAKI: That’s the power differential between a non-permanent member of the UNSC & a permanent member of the UNSC.

    To BHVK: 1) No one has ever officially stated that Nirbhay LACM will be inducted into IA service. Thus far, all official poster & materials released by the DRDO state that only air-launched & warship/submarine-launched variants of Nirbhay are being developed. 2) That makes sound business sense. 3) How can it be user-trials when even the developer’s technology demonstration phase has not yet been concluded? No wonder all 3 armed services are opting for the General Atomics MQ-9B SkyGuardian/Sea Guardian UAS variants. 4) None.

    1. Prasunda

      Thanks as usual. Just helps to realise how far we still have to travel. It is evident that nationalisation & use of Government owned establishments have resulted in slow industrial infrastructure & incomplete capabilities. Whether, it is the nature of Indians or governance system to blame for this tardy & lacklustre progress is anybody's guess.

      Thanks & Regards for the festival season, we seem to revel in those, discussions & debates on how & how much to celebrate, which group gets preferential treatment during festivities rather than how to compete & succeed in productive fields & industry.

  54. Sir, has this statement got some worth or just hot air?

  55. 1. Why is the new IAF chief not talking about Mk2, but only of AMCA ?
    2. Govt has ordered 36 Rafale, 21 MiG29. Why is the new IAF chief talking of MMRCA (now called MRFA) this time of 114 planes. Till last month it was additional 36-40 Rafale. 36+40+21 ~ 93-97 very close to MMRCA deal. We have anyway paid for infrastructure to handle 36 more.


  56. The link of IAF Commanders speech
