Thursday, November 25, 2021

Construction Of IAF's 'Desi' BMD Network Underway

Following 16 years of software develpment and eight years of hardware development and engineerng with the help of Israel Aerospace Industries and TADIRAN, Phase-1 of of the Indian Air Force’s ballistic missile defence (BMD) network is now under construction under Project Swordfish, which encompasses the building of four L-band long-range tracking radar (LRTR) sites (near Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, near Jaipur and another south of Gandwa in Rajasthan, and at an as-yet unidentified site in Uttarakhand)—all of which will be focussed along India’s western air-defence identification zone (ADIZ). Construction activities are slated for completion by mid-2023.

Under Phase-2, three additional LRTR sites will be built (with construction already commencing earlier ths year) to cater for the northern and northeastern portions of the IAF’s ADIZ.

Separately, work will commence next year on the construction of 12 L-band High-Power Radar sites—eight facing the LAC and four facing the IB, WB and LoC.

In addition, the DRDO-owned LRDE laboratory is developing a C-band (UHF-band) high-power and wide-scanning active phased-array radar for use with the DRDO-developed XR-SAM long-range SAM, which will make use of Ka-band active RF seeker for terminal guidance.


  1. India is always at least 10 years behind when compared to CCP and paki WRT defense modernization.

    1. Thats simply because india is not a national security state like pak and simple as it is

  2. Hello Prasun,
    What are your thoughts about recent images claiming it's either Israeli ELM-2090 TERRA or our indigenous radar for strategic Early warning and detection deployed at unknown coordinates?

    What are those radar? When do we bought it? How many? Who made it?


  3. Hi Prasunji,

    There were reports that HAL might replace British origin systems in HAL Tejas with alternative system for Argentina fighter contract.Is it possible & biggest system that will that will require replacement is Ejection Seat, Russian ejection seat is the obvious choice, so how much time it would require to certify the alternative systems & is advisable?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  4. Can bramhos Ng (1.5 ton ) bramhos block 3 and 4 can be shot down easily?
    Do Pak and Chinese air defence have that capabilities?
    Sir when Tejas be armed with I derby ER?

  5. Prasunda,
    Knowing BHEL I am quite sure that then can make gas-turbine engine for navy. Actually the turbine should be coupled with a high voltage permanent magnet alternator and main propulsion should be electric motor driven. They can consider Azimuth thruster. ( French heli carrier was built for Russia now with Egypt is having Azimuth thruster ) There should be exhaust gas boiler to produce steam from gas-turbine exhaust. As well as a scrubber to reduce heat signature of turbine exhaust. Scrubber should be used only when required.
    All these are commercially available and can be implemented. The steam produced by exhaust gas boiler can be used to run a steam turbine, which in turn will supply electricity to main basbar.
    All these are commercially available in India.
    Why Indian Navy is going to Ukranie is they only can answer.
    Best regards

  6. To ATUL: Internet Fanboys’ speculation & FAKE NEWS.

    To HARDIK THANKI: LolZ! Let HAL give it a try & perhaps it will succeed after a decade. Will Argentina wait that long? Similarly, all those internet fanboys speculating about an Egyptian purchase of Tejas, they should ask themselves whether or not Egypt or Malaysia will procure an MRCA with on-board Israel-origin avionics & weapons. Over the years lots of disinformation has been spread by both HAL & the MoD’s Defence Secretaries just for the sake of spending money on overseas junkets.

    To SANTOSH: Yes, by both SAMs & high-power lasers.

    To PARTHASARATHI: One needs to distinguish between industrial gas-turbines & marine industrial gas-turbines. That’s why BHEL Hyderabad licence-produces industrial variants of LM-2500 while HAL licence-produces marinised versions of the LM-2500, as explained below:

    Anything can be licence-produced in India. But if you are referring to completely indigenised solutions with India-owned IPRs being produced in India, then that is presently & in future an impossibility.

  7. Dear Prasun,

    Malaysia and Egypt will certainly purchase aircraft with Israeli avionics. They know the worthiness of their invention and lethality. However, will Israel approve it??? That's why the deal will never ever happen. It is the other way around. What's your say?

  8. Prasun,

    1 tejas MK1 gun trails restart.. will it be a success this time , if yes, what changes have been made?
    2 why has the IN not standardized its VLS cells? what has stopped them so far & whats the way forward.. all leading navies have done so
    3 between Safran & RR who stands a better chance to co develop the "indigenous" engine. if we are to go for 114 rafales under MRFA can't we have bot with safran engine being developed as an offset item ..I know offsets are not mandatory but here it would make sense as in the future the rafales too will need uprated engines come F5 std & beyond. Bu since teh safran M88 V4 does not have room to increase power output we may need the RR ones to power AMCA's in the future
    4 will the current BMD 1 & the upcoming BMD2 be enough to hold back chinks & porkies? or will something more also needs to be in place, how will BMD1 &2 fare against hypersonic missiles?

  9. Hello Prasun,
    1) What are the components under project Swordfish like, which L-band radar? (El/m 2080 or El/m 2090).
    2) which exo and endo atmospheric missile interceptors we are deploying/developing for TMD? What could be the timeline of these missile deployment?
    3) You once mentioned in your article speculating IAF might procure 77N6-N and 77N6-NI hypersonic interceptor missiles under S-400 system, did we went for that?


  10. Prasun Da, thanks again for another informative blog, Btw, there are some questions have come up in my mind as follows:

    1. Pakistan test fired SHAHEEN 1A Aka Hatf IV a variant of Chinese DF 15. What's the feature of SHAHEEN 1A vis a vis SHAHEEN 1? What's revalidation of design and technical parameter they are talking about ?

    2. There is only one known test fire of Ababeel Missile (Pakistan's so called MIRV missile) till date (2017), but after that there's no news of that missile, what was the design source of the missile and why was it scrapped, if it really is ?

    3. I , google but never find any Pakistani be it either public or private defence MSME or OEMs, except name of NESCOM or PAC KAMRA or HIT Taxila, unlike their Chinese or Indian counterparts, as you upload in your blog, I've asked a Pakistani Fanboy in a defence forum once for the name of some MSME's , but the smart alec dodged it. What's the reason ? Does it means that the country only has the capacity to assemble from the imported semi knocked down kits.

    4. What's your view on this PLA's Cold Weather Camouflage Clothing vis a vis Indian one ?

    The sniper rifle the PLA soldier is holding , has a camouflage white paint, shouldn't IA use this ?


  11. Prasun,

    1- whatever happened to the minesweeper reqmts for the IN. they seem to want a 3rd aircraft carrier more
    2- what transpired at the recent RIC meet?

  12. Prasun,

    3 you mention tech challenges delaying Super sukhoi upgrades.. could you pls elaborate on those, also wasn't it already initiated with indian components being steadily integrated ? it did seem pretty sorted out--

  13. Hi Prasun

    I had a query regarding S400. its main radar for battle management is the 91N6E radar which operates in the S band just like the EL/M-2083 and the MFSTAR radar. it second radar is he 92N6E Grave Stone Engagement Radar which operates in the X/Ku band. it has a third optional radar 96L6-1/96L6E Acquisition Radar which is said to be operated in the 'C' band. this C band here refers to the IEEE frequency between S and X band or does it mean NATO 'C' band i.e UHF frequency?


  14. HI prasun
    the sukhois were not allowed by the russian to take part in blue flag in israel?

    the green pine equal took 16 years of software devcelopment ? that should be millions of lines of code ? where exactly did the isrealis come in ? were they a sort of quality performance
    is it so that the arrow 2 BMD miisiles can be integrated in the future ? will the xr sam be an equal to the s-400? where did we get all the material tech to do that. If the acceleration and g levels of teh xr sam are equal where did we get the materails and the high tolerance electronics that go into teh xr sam . I believe it is an aesa seeker?.

  15. 4 Chinese puppet Oli making noise, is it in response to jaishankar's comments on cpec?
    5 the 12+ day gun fight in Kashmir's forests just withered away.. did all the terrorists escape inspite of having additional troops? That a pretty worrying sign

  16. Prasunda,

    Pakistan's military budget is not even 15 percentage of India's ! Still how they are maintaining such a big armed force and above all they are not under equipped !
    How they are managing ? It are they putting the money in right place !
    Best regards

  17. 1) Is Ahmad Massoud in Tajikistan now?
    2) The Taliban vs ISIS-Khorasan narrative being pushed by the USA and ISI seems very suspicious. Hope we can use critical thinking and not blindly accept their narrative here. Would not be surprised if CIA and ISI is secretly funding ISIS-K.
    3) Is the USA going to provide spares and MRO for these?
    4) What is the significance of this news? Will PLAGF regulars be deployed to PoK?
    5) Why do recent IN ships still have the RBU rocket launchers on them? Isn't it a Cold War relic with unguided rounds?
    6) Taiwan has joined the list of Asian powers that are/will build indigenous SSKs, which includes Japan and S Korea. Why MoD doesn't hand the Type-209 blueprints over to L&T and have them construct improved indigenous SSKs with external consultancy on an as needed basis? Westerners compare us to Arabs instead of East Asians and this sort of incompetence is why this is the case.
    7) Putin is offering S-550 ABM to India. Any takers? What about the SBIRS system you were talking about? Is USA going to share it with us?

  18. Prasunda

    The Zircon is the BrahMos 2 for all practical purposes - Hypersonic velocity of Mach 9 for ranges of 1000kms on a low atmospheric ballistic tragectory - How is this different from a K-15 with a quasi ballistic trajectory flying within atmosphere at hypersonic speeds except for being an air-breathing scramjet instead of a rocket?

    Evidently submarine launches are frequently done too.

  19. To SOUBHAGYA: LoLz! Despite making peace with Israel in 1979, Egypt has till this day not purchased a single piece of military hardware from Israel, while Malaysia has a stated declaratory policy of not purchasing anything of Israeli origin.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Trials did not restart. Instead the trials had COMMENCED in October 2020. Those speculating on this issue must have been inspired by this video:

    2) How can VLS cells be standardised when the IN itself was not clear about what weapons it wanted? Decision to procure BrahMos-1 was taken in the mid-1990s while decision for procuring Barak-8 was taken in 2005. 3) I have already explained several times before that ‘co-development’ of turbofans cannot take place between 2 countries or 2 OEMs unless both agree to the co-development of a common MRCA platform & that too when no competition is involved. Neither SAFRAN nor Rolls-Royce will agree to create a new competitor & hence no OEM in this world will agree to co-develop a turbofan whose application is meant for a platform (like MWF or AMCA) that is not the same as that of those countries that are developing such turbofans. 4) The DRDO-developed interceptor missiles can perform well again M-9/M-11/Ghauri-1/Shaheen-2 BMs but against hypersonic missiles the S-400’s 77N6-N & 77N6-NI SAMs will be effective. 5) Tech challenges are related to the NO-36 multi-aperture AESA-MMR & its additional modes of operation that are now being developed at the IAF’s request. 6) All the infiltrated terrorists were eliminated in the forests of Jammu.

    To ATUL: 1) The narrative above in this thread explains it all. 2) PDV, AAD, 77N6-N & 77N6-NI SAMs. 3) I had not speculated & had instead presented FACTS.

    To SUMANTA NAG: 1) Shaheren-1As are relifed BMs that were acquired a decade ago. 2) It hasn’t been scrapped. Instead, it will be tested in future again. 3) Pakistan does not needs such MSMEs since its weapons platforms & missiles of all types are fully imported. 4) The PLAGF is still 40 years behind India when it comes to developing such clothing. Even the tracked ATVs shown in the video below had to be imported from Singapore:

    To HOODS007: UHF frequency.

    To RAD: Totally untrue. If Russia isn’t objecting to IAF Su-30MKIs proceeding to Japan to exercise with JASDF, then why should Russia object to Su-30MKIs proceeding to Israel? After all, even Malaysia’s Su-30MKMs had exercised with the USAF’s F/A-22 Raptors in Penang. Israel acted as the project consultant for devising the Indian BMD network’s systems architecture.

    To PARTHASARATHI: No one knows the exact quantum of annual military spending in Pakistan. What is declared is not what the reality is.

    To KAUSTAV: The K-15 at the end of the day is a BM whose solid-fuel will finish. In addition, the K-15 can manoeuvre in-flight. Such limitations don’t exist with the ZIRCON.

    1. Prasunda

      Though, maybe you meant that the K-15/Shaurya has either NO or very limited manoeuvre capability in-flight or in terminal phase unlike the Zircon which will certainly have those capabilities being powered till terminal phase & atkeast as mich as the Brahmos-1

      Thanks & Regards

  20. Hello Prasun sir,
    Cannot help but notice the amount of holes for rivets. aren't the aircraft
    made using Composite material supposed use less of this rivets.

  21. Hi Prasun,

    a. is metal cutting started for indigenous SSN program Or its still in design stage ?
    b. there is not much news about Phase 2 of BMD program & new interceptors ? is this is also in very preliminary stage ?


  22. Prasunda

    The quality & state of the Defence Research Establishment! It's not that different from civilian set up as both see open plagiarism of published ideas from the West & elsewhere.

    Is it any wonder that India needs to import most equipment!

  23. Will India purchase 12 additional su 30mki with more advanced russian EW suites?
    Will 21 mig29 will have AESA radar from Russia?

  24. Prasun,
    1) What is the capability of DRDO AWACs vis a vis other AWACs?
    2)What is the status of heavy weight torpedoes for the Scorpenes?
    3)The BMD network for India will use what weapons/ missiles to shoot down attacking missiles?Will it be effective against cruise missiles available with the Pakis/Chinks?
    4)Will the complete Su-30MKI's be upgraded to Super Sukhoi standard?
    5)What is the difference in capabilities between MiG29UPG and MiG 35?


    Mountbatten Papers:

    Rethinking Pakistan's National Security Policy:

    China Rising Documentary:

    China Crashing Analysis:

    PLAAF Supporting Winter-Stocking at Ngari:

    Panjshir Valley Today:

    Analysis of Afghanistan's Situation:

    Update on Small Modular Reactors:

  26. 1) Biggest joke of this year is Pakistan invited to democracy summit. What kind of democracy do they have there? It's 50% military junta and 50% mullahocracy. The only thing Pakistan can provide to USA is an expendable supply of terrorists and an aggressive adversary to India -- and honestly thats probably why the State Department still courts porkistan.
    2) Will follow on Visakhapatnam and Nilgiri ships have Selex RAN-40L installed due to delisting of Finmeccanica?
    3) Will MoD delist IWI and Rheinmetall from the blacklist that was added during Scamgress era?
    4) Has MoD considered an incremental approach for Arjun upgradation? DRDO should build Arjun mk1B with a new gun (120mm smoothbore) and powerpack (1500hp). This will be compatible with the old chassis so the old models can be upgraded to this standard whereas FMBT or Arjun mk2 concept has a completely new chassis.
    5) Why did Bhutan vote against us in this UN resolution, even after helping them with Doklam?
    William Burns is the current CIA chief.

  27. Thank you for a most informative thread. The analysis is much appreciated. As you've noted above, the S-400 and the already tested AAD and PDV will form the interception part of this BMD network. May one assume that, with at least some radars in place and S-400 deliveries underway, some LSP of the AAD and PDV may have started - maybe 25-50 interceptors each?

  28. @prasun da

    1. i always thought only i have such doubts about NSA Doval but this article proves that really speaking this NSA has a warped sense of what is democeracy and how it shapes India, this view of mie was further reinforced when he said the civil society is the new ware front when actually it is the sounding board of any healthy democrcy.

    2. is it true that the 12 Su30 mki iaf will get from m,Moscow will be SAME AS f 18 growler variant

    3. is Kaveri engine variant still viable

    4. iaf got 2 Mirage 2000 Bs to compensate for loss of jets and maintain it to 51, but afaik with latest crash of single seater now we have only 49 meaning 2 more need to be bought from France also why buy B variant when 200 Ds are more close to what IAF operates


    Joydeep Ghosh

  29. Prasun
    Any updates on Minesweeper reqmt of IN? why is th IN more keen on a 3rd carrier than mcmv' it got to do with securing funda for tedbf and keeping cochin shipyard running?

  30. Hi Prasun,

    Thanks for the link to Rethinking Pakistan's National Security Policy. Quite enlightening, the Pakistani NSAs thinking on varied subjects.

    But how feasible is all this? Even with respect to regional security and connectivity and poverty alleviation, trade will not prosper between nations with the current level of trust deficit. Also. will the Pakistani deep state,.ISI, Fauji and civilian leadership and political parties be of one mind w.r.t policies towards India? The exaggerated facilites enjoyed by the Fauji is dependent on hostilities towards India. Again,regional connectivity and trade through Pakistan will make the Chabahar port investment redundant.

    Also, with the neighbouring countries of Afghanistan having varied interests, not to mention the global superpowers, how can stability be achieved there for transit routes? In any case, stability in Afghanistan is a long shot with no proper administration.

    As it is, Imran Khan is on a sticky wicket in Pakistan and there is no guarantee any new dispensation will change the current policies of terrorism. China too will be looking to strengthen their grip on Pakistan.

    Is Yousuf just indulging in kite flying to to test the waters? Your thoughts please.



  31. To SBM: VMT. Assumptions, surmises, speculation & suppositions must always be avoided. As I had explained here (, the S-400s will initially make use of the 40N6E LR-SAMs & later they will be succeeded by the much more capable 77N6-N & 77N6-NI LR-SAMs. The prime roles of such LR-SAMs will be airspace denial for hostile AEW & CS platforms, followed by BMD against TBMs & IRBMs. Between the AAD & PDV, the former has undergone more test-firings, but the IAF has still not acquired firm confidence over them & hence the 2018 contract signature for procuring the S-400.

    Have uploaded a 3rd slide above showing another LRTR site in northeastern Rajasthan.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) While Pakistan is in the pre-democracy stage, India is in the semi-democracy stage, i.e. 19th century laws not being able to adapt to 1950-era Constitution. Not just him, most others too have a warped sense of what India was & is. For instance, when the Indian Union Home Affairs Minister was praising the Persian poet Rumi & Sufism, it was clear that he was not a well-read person & was unaware of how Sufism was used in India, as explained here:

    2) FAKE NEWS being spread by those who are ASSUMING that the 12 Su-30MKIs are being procured in response to the PLAAF’s J-16Ds. 3) Yes. 4) Latest crash was that of a tandem-seater TH variant.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: No updates at all.

  32. Prasun sir, was IAF not involved in the process when AAD and PDV were under development? How good are these interceptors when compared to similar missiles of other countries? PAD has been cancelled and AAD might be next. PDV was last test fired in 2017 and might be cancelled as well if IAF decides to procure S-550 in the future. What about the upgraded PDV used for ASAT test? Pls do a thread on interceptors being developed/tested under our Ballistic missile defence program.

  33. Prasunji

    1) According to the deal signed between india and russia, when is the last of 5 battalions of S-400 scheduled to be delivered?

    2) After how many months from the delivery of an S-400 system will it become operational?

    3) When S-400, Barak-8, Akash and spyder have been deployed along the china border, will we be able to neutralize the chinese air force in case of aggression?

    4) Will such an air defence system be able to shoot down any chinese cruise missiles?

    5) How will be protect such an air defence system from destruction by chinese J-16D electronic warfare aircraft?


  34. Thanks. I understand why the S-400 was purchased. But aren't there some AAD units in production?

  35. Mr.Prasun

    1)Did India benefit from AQ Khan network?

    2)Did the Indian company NEC provide missile tech to Iraq and how was it associated with Indian military?

    3)Why did India want to sell a Research Nuclear reactor to Iran?



  36. should this not be useful for the Indo-Pak border around Punjab and Gujarat as well as Northern Kashmir where there are streams, channels and rivers?

  37. To RAGHU: VMT. In reality it is all kite-flying, just as in this interview:

    With Pakistan headed towards becoming a full-fledged religious theocratic state just like the Emirate of Afghanstan, there’s absolutely no hope whatsoever for any form of regional connectivity. The accelerating outward migration of Afghans will soon translate into a global crisis, with the greatest negative impacts being seen in both Iran & Pakistan.

    Meanwhile, this is developing into an interesting case:

    To KAPIL: All that the IAF did was draft the ASQRs. The rest was left to the DRDO. PAD & PDV were experimental products, meaning the final end-product will be radically different. The ASAT interceptor on the other hand is a final end-product.

    To SHIVKURUP: 1) By late 2022. 2) They can be operational in standalone manner immediately after being received by the IAF. 3) Of course. 4) Of course, because neither China’s nor Pakstan’s cruise missiles of any type can cruise in terrain-avoidance mode, i.e. they have to cruise at altitudes greater than 1,000 feet above ground. 5) NG-ARM can easily be modified for targetting J-16D escort jamming platforms.

    To SBM: I have yet to come across any engineered TEL solution developed by any Indian OEM for the AAD, PDV or Nirbhay missiles. The only fully-engineered TEL solutions shown publicly at expos are those of Prithvi-1/2 BSMs, BrahMos-1 BSM, Prahar BSM, & Barak-8 MR-SAM of the IAF. Without such TELs, it will be illogcal to expect the AAD to have entered series-production.

    To ANUP: Internet fanboys don’t understand that subjecting such vehicles to user-trials does not tantamount to bulk production orders being placed for such vehicles.

    To PRAKSH: 1 & 2) Those are all conspiracy theory. 3) Why not, if it was to come under IAEA safeguards?

    To MILLARD KEYES: The video you’ve highlighted shows the armoured vehicle being used for wartime applications. Such vehicles cannot be put to such use on a 24/7 basis.

    Yeh Hai Hamaara India:

  38. The Sir UAE buying Rafale fighter in great amount..By Quality and quantity some arab state will surpass IAF someday..
    Will this bring Indian Version of Rafale next order less costly...

  39. @prasun da

    when i said India/IAF should buy 67 Mirages from UAE as it is buying Rafales you said its not going to happen. now look at this

    now UAE definitely has surplus jets in Mirages and only place they can sell are India

    your opinion

    Joydeep Ghosh

  40. To BUDDHA: LoLz! The saddest part is that none of India's primetime TV channels today broadcasted the IN CNS' annual Navy Day-eve press conference, apart from this video-recording:

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: You are overlooking or disregarding that ex-French Air Force Mirage-2000s are cheaper to acquire, since the UAE's Mirage-2000s will still be in service for a few more years till its Rafales start arriving. But what is far more interesting is that someone else other than you has developed an addiction for Mirage-2000s in India:

  41. Hi,

    The following report, if true, is very good news




  43. Prasun,

    1- if this article is correct.. it would confirm to what u have been saying all along --
    2-what exactly is meant by "military understanding" here?
    3- recent announcement by MoD that from now even those tech which are supposely in the negative list can be bought from directly off the shelf for "emergency" fulfillment.. another policy U-turn here?

  44. @prasun da

    a. i cant believe you said this, AFAIK and possibly you also know that Mirage 2000 of UAE are upgraded to 2000-5 mk 2 standard which is 80 to 86% same as IAF's UPG standard.

    Also the 2 Mirage 2000 trainers delivered by France were contracted in 2019 and the last month that crashed was single seater I guess.

    Also if France provides any mirage it will only be the decommomisionwed B variants not the D variants, these Bs cant be upgraded and if used will have max 10 yrs life where as UAE Mirage have life at least minimum till 2040

    b. regarding the 3+3 kilo dal that is most likely to be signed I cat see any kilo of P877 decommissioned recently except 1 in 2021 and 1 under repair since 2019, but the derivative P636.3 has couple that have gone into repair (possibly), has this got something to do with the pics of 3 - 4 rusting hulks you ones posted here sometime back

    c. looks like your premonition of Ka26 being scrapped for LUH has materialised

    Joydeep Ghosh

  45. Prasunda,
    What is the per unit price for 80 Rafale UAE ordered ?
    Best regards

  46. Prasun
    4 what is ur take on the news abt chritian micheal going on a hunger strike and asking ng th UK govt to intervene?
    5 uae buying 90 rafales out of the blue..why do they need to many? Is this the US way to placetate th french for the akus deal? The Uae also is trying to procure the f35s ..wonder who r they planning to go to war?

  47. Prasun ji, there seems to be confusion in the media about the AK-203 deal. Some are saying 5 lakh, some are saying 6 lakh and some are saying 7 lakh. What is the real number?

  48. prasun
    6- Clearly china is not ready to accept defeat in maldivis -- how does india counter this guy

  49. With relations standing as they are do you see this BMD architecture being replicated in Israel + GCC to counter a potential nuclear Iran.

  50. Not really Anup

    UAE helped MWF with that Rafale order ... Now even if we order, we won't get rafales before the MWF is ready for induction. I do hope we manage to get some 36 rafales on priority ... Else the super Sukhoi project needs to start today and the mk1a needs to speed up

  51. Hi Prasun,

    Sorry for going off topic.

    South Korea's Hyunmoo 4-4 missile only weights 1600 kms, is only 6.6 mts and 533 mm diameter and with mach 3 speed has a range of 550 kms.

    Why are bramhos missiles bulkier. Russia seems to be the source for both these missiles. Are Indians so behind industrial capabilities wise that we produce a 8.4 mts, 3 ton, 600 mm missile still going for same 550 km.

    Srinivasa Nanduri

  52. 7- first the IN with their 3rd aircraft carrier demand, Now the IAF pushing for MRFA and if we go by the following article IAF is flying kites-- is there something to read between the there something else underlying these demands?

  53. Hello Prasun sir,
    Came across this very disturbing news,
    Kindly provide some clarity please.

    Dr KRG

  54. To JUST_CURIOUS: 2) Ite means the inking of foundational agreements of the kind India has already inked with the US, France, Australia, Japan & Singapore. 3) It tantamounts to taking 2 steps forward & one step backward. 4) Now the ED is selectively leaking data to further malign Christian Michel, like these reports:

    In reality, the truth has already been published in this book:

    5) The UAE has been in genotiations with Dassault Aviation for procuring Rafales since 2017. It was widely reported then.

    To ANUP & JUST_CURIOUS: Sound common-sense & logical reasoning dictates that if Gen-4 Rafale M-MRCAs cannot be licence-built in India, then no Gen-4 MRFAs of imported design like Falcon-21 or Super Hornet can be licence-built in India either. Consequently, the only solutions left on the table are to procure additional Rafale M-MRCAs & the ordering of 114 MWFs under the MRFA reqmt.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Before going into a tizzy about the UAEAF’s Mirage-2000-9s, have you ever come across any statement from the UAE which says that the Mirage-2000-9s are for sale? As I had stated earlier, last month’s Mirage-2000’s crash was that of a tandem-seater. The UAEAF’s Mirage-2000-9s are customised with several on-board US-origin avionics & are configured for firing Sidewinder SRAAMs.

    To PARTHASARATHI: Just divide the contract value with 80 & you will get the price of a fully weaponised Rafale.

    To VARUN: It can well be 5 lakh units today but successive supplementary contracts can be inked to increase the number of AK-203s to be procured.

    To KARNFLAKES: The IAF-operated BMD system is India-specific & is not meant to be networked with any other BMD system of another country.

    To SRINIVASA NANDURI: Who has ever claimed that BrahMos-1 was developed in India? It is a Russia-origin weapon that is being licence-built in India, plain & simple.

    To Dr KRG: Don’t go by the irresponsible & reprehensible rants of ‘Bandalbaaz Desi Patrakaars’, since they don’t understand the difference between borders marked on a political map & demarcated/delineated international boundaries.

  55. Borei and Yasen docking in India now??? Will this give Ruskis the warm water port they have been wanting for so long?

    Won't this mean cutting edge US tech is off the table now?

  56. @prasua

    i can believe you said said this, FAIR when said India should go for UAE Mirage as they are buying Rafale you said it is not going to happen since they are buying F35 now you say the Rafale tal was on from 2017.

    yes UAE is planning to sell since 2015 these jets take a look

    as per wiki and other online sources most of the weapons on UAE Mirage are European origin the most customized are the 8 RAD that reportedly fly only twice a moth.

    Joydeep[ Ghosh

  57. Prasunda,
    Even if India orders Rafale today then also delivery won't be starting before 2027 ! At this juncture I think it would be better if India goes for Gripen !
    Opportunity is lost, 1.5 billion one time India specific improvement is wasted. Poor decesion making process.
    Best regards

  58. We must do this before North East becomes out of hand.

    Unfortunately, this is reality of this gullible country. Is anyone paying attention to geopolitical and psychological insight of Yuri Bezmenov!?

  59. Prasun sir, pictures of the AK-203 doing the rounds show that many modern features like adjustable buttstock, improved fire selector and full length p-rail have been done away with. It is very different from what is shown in the original AK-203 on Kalashnikov YouTube channel. Looks like this downgraded version is being pitched for export market and state police units, nit for the IA. But if this is the final configuration for the IA then it is very disappointing. What are your views on this?

  60. What is the implications of this Indo-Russian Summit..
    Many hoped apart from Ak203 Upgraded 29 mig and So called Super Sukhoi package deal along with Navy kamov and other deals will be on table..
    How u see this short precise trip of Putin..

  61. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: I was always AGAINST India both upgrading its existing Mirage-2000s & procuring additional Mirage-2000s from anywhere. Despite all speculation, the UAE has to date not sold its Mirage-2000-9s to anyone as of now.

    To PARTHASARATHI: The reqmt is for M-MRCAs with deep-strike capability, not for tactical interdictors like Gripen-NG.

    To YODDHA108: North East will never go out of hand because the rampant mindsets of tribalism will ensure that the native tribal clans are always arrayed against each other. Unless the mindsets evolve from tribalism to a more civilised process of existence, matters will stay the same. Only those natives that are now the elite of those northeastern states understand this & yet continue to support tribalism for their own respective agendas, as explained here:

    Despite all this, I have always opined that AFSPA needs to be repealed on a pan-India basis because India’s armed forces must be involved only in HADR operations in aid of civil power. Kinetic military operations must only be resorted to against India’s enemies & that too outside Indian territory & inside the enemy’s territory. After all, terrorists never come armed with MBTs, ICVs, APCs & ATGMs—weapons that India’s armed forces are trained to neutralise. Instead, India’s paramilitary Assam Rifles & NSG, plus the CAPFs along with the SOGs of various State Police institutions need to be armed & trained to combat terrorists.

    To KAPIL: The final/definitive configuration of AK-203s meant for India is the one that was shown at DEFEXPO-2020 expo.

    To BUDDHA: Here is the list of all military-related protocols & agreements inked yesterday:

    Here’s the analysis of yesterday’s Summit-level meeting:

    Super Su-30MKI’s India-origin mission avionics suite has already been sent to Russia by HAL for systems integration. Flight-tests of the prototype in India will commence by next June.


    SIDM Webinar:

    Marine Propulsion Auxiliaries & Electrical Systems for IN:

    Top Pakistani Sunni Leader Warns Of Bloodshed If Murderers of Sri Lankan Citizen Are Punished in Pakistan

  63. Sir, I also have the same question about AK-203 that @Kapil has asked. Why did IA not opt for modern features of the gun like shown by Kalashnikov in their promotional videos? The IA demands the sky from indigenous weapons, but selected a less refined and cheap version of a gun for which they have waited for more than 20 years. I now have serious concerns about the decision making process of the IA.

  64. Prasun da,

    Before Putin's visit yesterday, Russian Presidential aide Yuri Ushakov had said that several agreements will be signed between both the countries including some that are semi confidential. Are these semi confidential agreements about Russian cooperation for IN nuclear submarine projects and possible supply of S-500 in the future?

    The 70,000 assault rifles that India ordered from Russia were AK-203 or AK-15?

  65. Prasun da,

    Could be a good machine for SOF - hope MOD will support and buy - this will encourage others to contribute to Mega initiative Atmanirbhar Bharat.

    With the procurement of the AK-203 assault rifle, it is now official (though no announcement) that INSAS is obsolete and no further derivatives of it will be procured or I say 7.62x39mm is now the standard caliber for the Indian Armed Forces.

    Great journey though 7.62x51mm (SLR aka FN FAL) > 5.56x45mm (NATO) > 7.62x39mm (Russian)

  66. Sir,

    I am not completely worried about North East. Greatest threat to the nation right now are these woke libtards screaming smash cis brahminical patriarchy. The West is trying to defang India by supporting these insane political groups that destroy our indigenous culture and turn us into brown sepoys/slaves of their agenda. These woke cancel culture people are fifth columnist trash.

    CIA has already infiltrated and bought out Supreme Court with their new woke rulings. We must disband the Supreme Court and replace it with the Dharmic court. Only Dharma is the Supreme law of the land in this country.

  67. Just one day after signing the 28 military agreements between India and Russia, the CDS General Ravat is no more due to the crash of his Chopper . Can it be a result of some finely created and executed sabotage??? As you know the Chopper was MI-17. Please reply.

  68. How efficient is India's regional BMD without a SBIRS-like satellite constellation?
