Monday, November 22, 2021

Garpun Bal-E Makes Way For Scanter-6002 On Project 15B INS Visakhapatnam DDG

At first glance, the most obvious improvement on the Indian Navy’s first Project 15B guided-missile destroyer (DDG) INS Visakhapatnam is the inclusion of the TERMA/TATA Aerospace & Defence-supplied X-band Scanter-6002 multi-function surface-search radar that does away with the earlier Russia-origin 3TS-25E Garpun Bal-E (built by JSC Concern Granit-Electron), which still exists on board the Project 17 FFGs, Project 15 and Project 15A DDGs, plus the Project 1241RE Molniya FAC-Ms and Project 25A corvettes.

And above the helicopter hanger in the stern section can be the 12.7mm remote-controlled weapon stations that were supplied by Israel’s ELBIT Systems and the former Ordnance Factory Board (OFB).

So, the principal RF-based radars on board INS Visakhapatnam are the EL/M-2248 MF-STAR S-band multifunction active phased-array radar, the THALES-BEL RAWL-02/PLN-517/LW-08 L-band air-search radar and the Scanter-6002 surface-search radar that will provide fire-control cues for both the OTOBreda/BHEL 76/62 SRGM and the BrahMos-1 supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles.

However, over the years, a wide variety of radars from different OEMs have entered service. For instance, the three Project 17 guided-missile frigates (FFG) have the MR-760 Fregat M2EM D/E-band multifunction radars, EL/M-2238 STAR air-search radars, and the 3TS-25E Garpun Bal-E surface-search radars for target engagement with Novator 3M54E supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, and the EL/M-2221 STGR radars for the SRGM’s fire-control.

The three Project 15A DDGs use the EL/M-2248 MF-STAR S-band multifunction active phased-array radars, THALES-BEL RAWL-02/PLN-517/LW-08 L-band air-search radars, and the 3TS-25E Garpun Bal-E surface-search radars for target engagement with BrahMos-1 supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles and for fire-control of the 76/62 SRGMs.

The six Project 1135.6 FFGs imported from Russia use the MR-760 Fregat M2EM D/E-band multifunction radars, 3TS-25E Garpun Bal-Es Mineral-ME radars for surface-search, and the Ratep JSC 5P-10E Puma fire-control system for AK-176 naval guns. The last is now being replaced by the Lynx-U2 NGFCS for fire-control of the retrofitted 76/62 SRGMs on board the three Batch-1 Project 1135.6 FFGs (after their mid-life refits).

The four Project 28 ASW corvettes make use of the Revathi S-band air-search radar (replacing the earlier MR-352 Positiv-E surface-search radars) and Lynx-U2 NGFCS (for the 76/62 SRGMs), as do the Project 1241RE Molniya FAC-Ms and three Project 25A corvettes.

The IAC-1 aircraft carrier uses the RAN-40L air-search radar supplied by SELEX Sistemi Integrati (subsidiary of the Leonardo Group) and the EL/M-2248 MF-STAR radar, while the seven Project 17A FFGs will have on board the EL/M-2248 MF-STARs and the 3-D all-digital LTR-25 L-band air-/surface-search radars supplied by Spain’s INDRA.

However, an impressive degree of commonality has been achieved in the arena of electronic warfare with the fleet-wide installation of the Nayan COMINT suite, Shakti jammer suite, the Varuna ESM suite, the Maareech torpedo decoy suite, the Kavach countermeasures dispenser suite and the ORBIT-supplied RUKMANI naval VSATs for Data-Linking.

The Project 15B DDGs are also the third warship-types to be built with DMR-249A steel, with the first being the IAC-1, followed by the four Project 28 ASW corvettes.




    EL/M-2221 STGR:

    EL/M-2238 STAR:

    EL/M-2248 MF-STAR APAR:



    INS Visakhapatnam:

  2. Tejas Mk.1 Avionics Development:

    Tejas Mk.1 Iron-Bird Rig:

  3. Hi Prasunda,
    I am shocked to learn the navy has different radars for allmost every warship!
    Its bad enough that we buy gas turbine engines from both Ukraine and usa..
    What is the logic for making everything in our arsenal a Frankenstein's monster be it the airforce,army or navy?
    What enemity do we have with commonly of parts, sub systems, systems, platforms?

    I don't buy this age old explanation that we deliberately buy from multiple sources to make ourselves sanction resistant.

    Which country in their right mind is ever going to sanction the biggest buyer of its weapons?

    Another question is about the royal Navy and its plan to use autonomous unmanned platforms for mine countermeasures.

    Is the Indian Navy sleeping?
    They keep crying about 3rd aircraft carrier but can't even buy second hand Minesweepers.
    A navy with nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers not having Minesweepers is unpardonably stupid.
    Cant they just join the Anglo french collaboration which is planning to build such platforms?
    In the meantime we can import the Minesweepers the royal navy us decommissioning as a stop gap?

    Love reading your blog sir.


  4. Prasunda,
    Long back when Vizag steel plant waa under construction that time ( Soviet Union ) Russia offered a plant to produce DMR 249 A ! But it didn't materialized then. After so many years we are still struggling to produce the same quality steel !
    Best regards

  5. dear prasun,,

    Did the hal chief not profess that India does not need to import radar and are self-sufficient.....we are looking at mix and match for each and every warship... mostly what bel is just sticker on imported items what kind of indigenous attempt is happening ... mostly license-built does it involve any technology absorption.

    how good is the sonar suite on indian warships...

    the 76 mm super gun is not indigneous right just license build/


  6. Prasun sir,

    1) With just 32 SAMs don't you think the P-15B like previous P-15A is under-armed? Destroyers of comparable size carry 60-90 SAMs. Is there space to add more missile cells in the future for more SAMs or Nirbhay?

    2) Are P-15B armed with Barak-8 or Barak-8 ER?

    3) Are there any plans for a new class of destroyers after P-15B comparable to the new PLAN destroyer class?

    4) Recently India and Israel signed a 10 year defence cooperation plan. Can we expect both countries to develope some cutting edge hardware like Barak-8 as a result of this deal?

    5) There are reports that India and Russia will sign military technical cooperation plan for 2021-2031 period during Putin's visit. We backed out of FGFA and MTA and haven't developed anything together after BrahMos. Where do you see the defence partnership going with Russia as far as joint development of military hardware is concerned?

    6) How many TELs of S-400 are we getting as part of five regiments that we have ordered?

    7) When will IAF and IA start receiving Barak-8 ER and Barak-8 respectively?

  7. Prasunda

    Is this alarm because PRC might have a reusable hypersonic bomber or a MIRV FOBS?

    Isn't this hypersonic bomber what the Amreeki Space Plane such as X-37 OTV or the older X-30 is about. Seems similar to Dr. APJ Kalam's CONCEPT of the reisable Avatar hypersonic bomber

  8. Prasunda

    A similar article in ToI - US Space Council, headed by Kamala Harris, jolted into action after China's rapid advances in hypersonic tech -

    The question being, is the US Alarm actually at not being able to counter such strikes effectively rather than not having the capability to launch such strikes themselves since as far as the Amreekus are concerned, it's 1960s tech albeit with better or AI guidance?

  9. \
    comming to hypersonic glide weapons. India has has done studies on the reusable lauch vehicle and surely in possesion of data and test results that can be used for a glide vehicle .More over we can use the resuable vewhicle and configure it to a glide veicle as it has manouver capability as well having carbon carbon thermal shields aslo.
    That would bring china to it senses that we can also do a thing or two.

  10. Dear Prasun,

    The stupidity of bad leadership is not just confined to UP, Bihar or any northern India states. It's a disease that stagnates the growth everywhere.

    Yesterday CM of Andhra Pradesh cancelled the plan for three capitals in the state. Jagan anna was trying to defend the indefensible. But failed!!! Earlier I had a good impression about southern states. But I found that they are too no different.

    What's your say about this? Is there any solution to this disease?

  11. To JIGNESH: VMT. While different types of radars are reqd for different roles, what are dead-end no-brainers to me are the usage of 76/62 SRGMs & LW-08 radars on both Project 15A & 15B DDGs at a time when even FFGs like the Project 17 FFGs have planar-array antenna EL/M-2238 STAR radars, the first of which had been installed on INS Viraat way back in 2004. It came as shocker to me back in April 2006 when I was told by the then CMD of GRSE at an international expo that the Project 15A DDGs would have 76/62 SRGMs!

    To PARTHASARATHI: After Russa cited difficulties in supplying the equivalent of DMR-249A steel for the IAC-1 project back in 2005, SAIL & Essar Steel were handpicked to bulk-produce the DMR-249A steel based on the metallurgical processes worked out by DMRL.

    To ANIZ: Not the HAL Chief, but the previous & current Secretary of DRDO. The HUMSA family of sonars have proven to be both reliable & highly effective.

    To PRATAP: 1) Not under-armed in terms of SAMs, but in terms of ASCMs & LACMs. While the 3 Project 15 DDGs each have 16 Kh-35 Uran-Es on board, the 3 Project 15A & 4 15B DDGs each have only 8 BrahMos-1s on board. 2) Barak-8 LR-SAM. 3) Yes. 4) No. The focus will be on vyber security tools & nano satellites for overhead recce. 5) BrahMos-2 or Zircon hypersonic missiles will be co-produced. Also, integration of the S-400 with the IAF’s IACCCS. 6) Already answered that several times before. 7) Deliveries are already underway.

    To KAUSTAV: These are all US domestic machinations & jostling aimed at getting a greater share of the Pentagon’s annual spending-levels by the individual states that have military-industrial facilities. The Avatar was conceived as a reusable hypersonic vehicle capable of launching nano-satellites (which is what India & Israel are working on), but internet fanboys back in the previous decade did not understand all this & began speculating about it having weapons-launch applications, which is untenable as far as the laws of physics go.

  12. Prasun da, Israel's EL/M-2090 TERRA radar has been spotted in India just before the arrival of S-400. You had mentioned this is a thread back in 2016 that S-400 will work with Israeli ELM-2090 radar and now you have been proven right.

  13. Prasun,
    1)Please elaborate on the Swordfish radar deployment!
    2)There was a seizure of certain nuclear material being sent from Pakis to the Chinks.Request elaborate on the seizure!
    3) Is the strategic alliance with the French as regards the SSN likely to lead to purchase of F21 torpedoes?
    4)What was the reason for the fall through of the additional Israeli AWAC's purchase?
    5)Is it likely that the Rafales purchased by us will be upgraded to the F5 standard in the near future?

  14. Sir, this appears to be a rip off of Israeli ELM-2090U, or is it really an indigenous product? If it is indigenous then is it as good as ELM-2090U? They named it Swordfish just like ELM-2084 became Arudhra MTR.

  15. 1) Great video but why are they still wearing Red coats?
    2) Ravi Shankaran is happily sitting in Londistan and no one doing anything. Britainstan is never going to respect us and treat us like shit. We need RAW agents to go there and inject nerve agent like the Russians did. Then they will think twice with their double standards (they hide our traitors but immediately expect to extradite from us)
    3) Seems if IAF changes requirements for MWF to Tejas mk1B then this signals their shift towards TEDBF/ORCA. Considering IN is leading TEDBF this should be good for developments. Either this or we should combine AMCA and TEDBF if MWF will happen. BTW China is developing J-20, FC-31, J-XX, and J-XY.
    4) There should be more gun and MMA training events for women no? This will help reduce violence against women.
    5) What is F-INSAS status? Is it completed?
    6) Paxtan procuring APS for their tanks. Their VT-4 is better than T-90S. How long we gonna keep sleeping? Maybe this will goad Imported Army into accepting more Arjun mk1a.
    7) Super Sukhoi is now critically delayed. I'm disappointed no alarm bells are ringing. What's the holdup?
    8) When are we ordering this and how many?

  16. Prasun sir, is there any major difference between AK-15 and AK-203? Both are chambered for 7.62×39 mm ammunition, but while Russia selected AK-15 for it's own army, India opted for AK-203. Is AK-15 better than AK-203?

  17. Prasun Sir,
    1) Dont Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam class have 16 brahmos-1 ASCMs?
    2) How many ships in the IN have the Mareech ATDS been deployed on?
    3) I cant find the launchers for the decoys of mareech ATDS on any IN ships including the vishakhapatnam class. Where are they located? R they on top like the kavach launchers or located within the ship?
    4) Can ships that dont have a Towed array sonar deploy the towed component of the mareech ATDS or do the two go together?
    5) Have the p15a and P15b destroyers been equipped with the varunastra torpedoes yet?

  18. Prasunda

    101 Gun Salute Sir, Right on the mark as is usual with you. After all that hoo-haa & alarm about the PRC (& Ruski - more real) hypersonic threat perception, it seems the usual MIC business that wins out as US Selects Top Defense Firms To Develop New Interceptor System That Can Kill ‘Chinese, Russian’ Hypersonic Arsenal

    So should it be in India hopefully, with increased participation of enterprises in the military industrial complex - After all whatever idiotic lotus eating peacenik rot that Mani S Aiyar dishes out, new weapons, wars & threats mixed with commercial profits & investments😉 can make a heady combination for "Naa Baap Budaa Naa Bhaiya, the whole thing is that Sabse Budaa Rupaiya" with making a Baap of PRC & Bhaiya of Paxtan profitable & patriotic at the same time.

    THANKS again Sirjee

  19. Prasun,

    1- Israel offering its scorpius J jammer, any chance of either of the Indian armed forces opting for them? are they any better than the shakti EW suite for ships?

  20. Hello Prasun,
    What's the significance of recent MoD clearance to procure "GSAT-7C and related ground hub for SDR capacity enhancement" for IAF?
    What operational enhancements we are now achieving with this which we were previously lacking?


  21. Prasun da,

    Wikipedia says both P-15 Alpha and P-15 Bravo carries 16 Brahmos missile (mix of LACM ASCM)?

  22. Prasun da,

    Here is the link depicting 16 shells of Brahmos:

  23. Prasun,

  24. Prasun,

    like the gorshkov firgates, can the latter nilgiri class have a signficant increse in the number of ASCM & LRCM's it carries.. Gorshkov started off 16 for the 1st3 them upgraded it to 24 now wiki says it increased to 32 ..for oniks/bramhos class missiles

  25. To JIGNESH, SHIVKURUP & SIDHARTH: My mistake. Indeed the 3 Project 15A & 4 15B DDGs each have 16 BrahMos-1 VLS cells on board, as clearly shown in the images of INS Visakhapatnam above. Only the Project 17A FFGs will each have 8 BrahMos-1 VLS cells on board.

    To SATYA: What has been procured are two EL/M-2080 Green PIne L-band radars off-the-shelf (under DRDO's Project Sword Fish) from IAI & they are now deployed northeast of Bhopal. The facility in Rajasthan will host 2 LRTRs, which are licence-built versions of the Green Pine. The EL/M-2090 TERRA radars that IAI has built are for South Korea.

    To SHIVKURUP: 2) Maareech is on board the P-28 corvettes, P-15A DDGs & P-15B DDGs. 5) Yes. 4) Ths video details all the fitments:

  26. Prasun,
    Kaveri to be tested again on russian test plane..what has changed? Last time it was tested for 52kn dry test, this time 47kn .. usually it's the other way round....

  27. Prasunda,
    Why do a modern destroyer need a Gun ? That please can be better utilized ! My next question is whether these Spanish Israeli fire control radars will be compatible with Zircon ?
    Best regards

  28. Don't u think it is easy to shoot down bramhos block 1 as it travels 70% of its range in high altitude?

  29. To ASD: The solution is ELEMENTARY, i.e. application of sound common sense & logical reason.

    To THEINDIAN: It still has to be ascertained whether the seized materials were fuel rods meant for reprocessing, or malfunctioning industrial equipment used in Pakistan’s nuclear reactors. As for HWTs, the IN will go for Black Shark. The DRDO vetoed the procurement of additional A-50I PHALCONs. Of course the Rafales will be upgraded starting 2040.

    To KARTHIK BARMAN: 2) Christian Michel Writes To UK PM Demanding Action Against India, Threatens To Go On Hunger Strike: 3) There’s no Tejas Mk.1B or Tejas Mk.2. Only the MWF exists & TEDBF again is still a pipedream for as long as priority is accorded to AMCA. 5) It hasn’t even taken off. 6) VT-4 won’t stand a chance against T-90S, rest assured. 7) Technological challenges. 8) Fantasy of internet fanboys.

    To SHIVKURUP: All fitments of INS Visakhapatnam are clearly shown here:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: The COMINT, ESM & EW suites developed by the DRDO are as good as the best available in the market. The VLS cells on Indian warships are not of the universal-type & hence different VLS cells are there to cater to different types of missiles.

    To ATUL: It will enable the IAF to carry out over-the-horizon operations in peacetime with Sky Guardian-type UAS. The new variant of Kaveri turbofanm that uses components built with ceramic-based alloys is completely new & hence needs to be tested on the Russian IL-76MD testbed.

    To PARTHASARATHI: Such guns are meant for naval gunfire support & they can nopw launch long-range PGMs like the ERGM. Using cruise missiles to destroy individual bunkers is not cost-effective.

    To SANTOSH: Yes, it is.
