Monday, August 15, 2022

A Silent Industrial Player

Neither Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Co Pvt Ltd nor its subsidiary Godrej Precision Engineering have participated in expos like Aero India and DEFEXPO to date. Instead, both have chosen to be low-key when it comes to military-industrial achievements. Now, for the first time, a corporate booklet of Godrej Precision Engineering (shown below) outlines its military-industrial achievements over the years.


  1. Dear Prasun da

    What happens to old radars when any airforce upgrades radars on its aircrafts ?
    Can they be used in any ground based roles ? or are they simply scrapped / part salvaged ?

  2. Prasun ,
    Happy independence day to you and all your readers. Appreciate this article on orgs which silently make their contribution..i'm sure there are a lot more of them out there..

    1- how true is this - also whatever happened to jags darin 3 upgrades with 2052 radars.. are the upgrades happening currently?
    2-India makin its presence in afghanistan more prominent.. what is the deal here? will Afghanisatn join the INSTC?
    3- why minsas caliber when you have 5.56 *45 .. shouldnt this be the right caliber for carbines? this willl give a chance to upcoming small arms manufacturers like SSS, ASTR amongst others
    4- why isn't India building roads in Aksai chin if we are claiming it to be ours as that area does not seem to be as heavily defended as LOC

  3. @prasun da

    you say Tu 22M3 use on land is no brainer, but Tu 22M3 armed with Brahmos A, ALBMs like Rudrams 1/2/3, Brahmos 2, Nirbhay 1/2 is a huge tactical weapon delivery system that can be a huge plus point against China and strike deep inside SE China, NWChina, Central China, and East China without coming into range of S400s or HQ9s


    Joydeep ghosh

  4. To NIKHIL M: They are all junked as they all become unserviceable due to obsolescence & hence cannot be put to any use anymore.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It is partly true WRT Uttam AESA-MMR variants destined for Tejas Mk.1A & Tejas-AF Mk.2 MWF. Developing a variant for the Su-30MKI is possible ONLY IF systems integration takes place in Russia. To date, not a single foreign-origin MMR has been installed on any IAF combat aircraft of USSR-origin/Russia-origin. A more realistic option would be to develop a ‘desi’ AESA-MMR for the IAF’s MiG-29UPGs before attempting a similar feat for the Su-30MKI. 2) The IEA had invited several Indian & foreign journalists to visit Afghanistan for covering the 1st anniversary of the establishment of the IEA. Nothing more. 3) Ideally, carbines should have 9mm barrels. 4) Why? Because the whole of Aksai Chin has been in China’s possession & control after the Sino-Indian war of 1962.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: LoLz! Your flights of fancy seem to be similar to those of that Karnad fella. Firstly, ALBMs don’t exist because when launched from an aircraft such missiles do not adopt a ballistic flight trajectory. For instance, Russia’s Kinzhal is not an ALBM. Secondly, you are ASSUMING that a future China-India military conflict will be an all-out/total conventional war. In reality, any such conflict in future will be limited, but of high-intensity. That’s because all-out conventional wars are an impossibility under a nuclear overhang. Consequently, military operations by the IA & IAF will be confined to areas within the PLA’s Western Theatre Command & no one will go gallivanting into SE China, NW China, Central China and East China. BTW, neither China nor India have as yet succeeded in developing terrain-hugging cruise missiles of the AKD-20/Nibhay types. Both of them cruise at altitudes of more than 500 metres above the surface.

  5. Saga of The Longest Info-War Against India:

    Pakistan at 75:

    China's Shifting Economy & Politics:

    INS Visakhapatnam:

    BRO at 75:

  6. Dear Prasun da

    I and many other Indians like range of snipers, assault rifles and carbines being showcased by SSS defence. SSS claims that they are offering end to end solutions and are promising continuous improvements in future.

    What roadmap would you suggest for SSS defence in order to enable them to become meaningful partner with Indian defence /MHA forces ?

    IMHO even if their original design is borrowed, it hardly makes any difference.


  7. Unfortunately "Saga of The Longest Info-War Against India" is all legal in USA.

  8. As per released videos only 1 round was fired from ATAGS why ?I could see another one to the side. With all these buildup hype I was expecting all 21 salutes to be fired by ATAGS.

  9. Hi Prasun

    Interesting perspective presented in the below video clip

    How far is it valid in the current circumstances



  10. Prasun da,

    Apparently, this AK 203 7.62x39 mm will be the new standard rifle of the Indian Armed Force. (Top image)

  11. Clearer image of AK-203 to be inducted with Indian Armed Forces

  12. To SIDHARTH: Far better images here:

    New Russian Missiles:

  13. hello sir,

    1. is this true?


  14. Prasun da,
    The bulletproof vest displayed as per of the F-INSAS programme seems to be quite bulky and hampering the soldier's agility. What is your take on the matter?

  15. Hi Dada,

    In recent print post Mr. Gupta compared Indian navy aircraft carrier with toy carrier.

    Yes bigger aircraft carrier is better but is our aircraft carrier so bad?


  16. prasun,

    1- . and US crying hoarse that india is smuggling russian oil to other countries
    2- where is the Ukraine war heading to ? will it end like Syria/Afghanistan?
    3 while the Yuang wang issue seems overrated as you described ... Srilanka does seem to revel in snubbing india inspite of saving their assess. this seems to be the case with all of India's neighbours espically those who we can consider to be civilizationally common- Nepal Bangladesh Porkies & lankans...basically S.Asia.

  17. Prasun,

    4- whats cooking between Porkies & US .. seems like porkies are desperately trying to get into the good books of The US. they sense an opportunity as India has refused to tow US line.. Porki actions speak loud n clear .. clearly siding with US on ukraine war.. al zawahiri sacrificial offering , begging trips to US n UK officials and another proposed visit to the US.
    5- US wooing iran with nuclear deal? will it materialize?


  18. hi prasun
    the nirbhay has demonstrated that it can fly 5 mtrs above sea leve;.. whn u said the nirbhay cant do terrain hugging profile what are the hardware and software requirement?
    why cant it use its radar to scan the feature in frontof it and adjust flight profile accordingly >
    any dope on the sigint.. jammer bombardier 6000 planes tht are to be procured? Is it better to do the ew package ourselves or go with isreal that has vast experiance in these matters . more over is it possible to mount AESA radar on the platform . do we have the know how?
    again is the active protection system for tanks delayed becasue that they will be a dead give a way due to esm snooping ? Ukraine war has proved, what ever armour is on a tank missiles will defeat it? can u agree to that.
    the pic u uploaded shows the k-100 long range missile and well as the bramos ng can u con firm that the k-100 is being resurructed ?


  19. hI prasun

    how can the russian deliver the su 30mki aesa radar to india when there are a lot of US made processor chips in the radar.
    do u think it is worth the money by spending 20 mil$ on an upgrade or rather than go for new platforms?
    But on the other hand the super su30 with new engines and avionics added with the k-100 and the astra mk3 sfdr will be a 4.5 gen fighter with an aesa radar that is needed to fully exploit the astra mk3 extreme range. Ew and other up grades that make it a air dominance fighter whose edge has been lost due to advances in ew and other domains.

    will russia hypothetically agree to the uttam on the su-30mki if they are not in a position to deliver the aesa radar?.

    again when we hypothetically send the radar to russia for integration will it entail them kowing every thing about the radar?

    when the astra mk3 is integrated on the LCA will it hamper the range due to the shorter aesa range of the radar due to smaller aperture.?

  20. Prasun,
    6- interesting read -- does the IN require IAC2?

  21. @prasun da

    Israel recently again bombed Syria, how come Syria that has all types of weapons and systems supplied by China, Iran, and Russia (even more supplied after defeat of ISIS) is unable to defend itself or strike back as Israel hits with impunity?? its REALLY CONFUSING

    Joydeep ghosh

  22. To YUVRAJ: It is a speculative news report.

    To RAKESH: From both STOBAR aircraft carriers of the IN, MiG-29K & any other combat aircraft can take off with only 60% of its weapons load capacity. From a CATOBAR carrier 100% specified weapons load can be carried. It is all beautifully explained here:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) there are no weapons embargoes imposed on Ukraine & hence it is legal to export weapons to Ukraine. The UK is probably picking 130mm artillery rounds made by POF. 2) Yes, it will be a bloody stalemate. 3) That’s because any alleged Indian accusations of the YW-5 being a spy vessel is totally untrue & in any case the YW-5’s AIS transponder will be kept switched-on for as long as it is berthed at Hambantota. 6) The ‘imbecile’ who was tutored to write that totally inaccurate report has got all his data-points wrong. What he is not aware of is that from both STOBAR aircraft carriers of the IN, MiG-29K & any other combat aircraft can take off with only 60% of its weapons load capacity. From a CATOBAR carrier 100% specified weapons load can be carried. It is all beautifully explained here:

    To RAD: 1) Cruising at sea-skimming levels is not the same as cruising over the land. For the latter, digital terrain elevation databases are reqd, especially when cruising over hostile/foreign terrain. 2) ELINT/COMINT/EW suites are available in-country & only their repackaging is reqd for installation on any airborne platform. 2) The suites are the ones developed for the IN, i.e. The Nayan, Varuna & Shakti suites. Any APS suite for armoured vehicles will include the AESA-based radar antennae installed in the turret section. 3) The KRTV-released slide shows all the new-generation PGMs that Russia intends to procure in future. 4) The US-origin microprocessors are reqd for the two radar computers, i.e. RC-1 & RC-2—both of which are DARE-developed & are built by BEL. Such BEL-built RCs can be sent to Russia for systems integration purposes. Refer to the following slide for more clarity:

    Hence, no one in India is proposing the usage of Uttam AESA-MMR on the Su-30MKI.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: That’s what ‘tactics’ is all about. Confusing for you but not for those who graduate from TACDE.

  23. Israel is not bombing Syria as a war against Syrian government but Hezbollah and Palestinian militant positions. Syria does not support Hezbollah directly only indirectly therefore unlike Pakistan does not retaliate on behalf of those targeted by Israel. Turkey is doing the same - bombing regions of Syria at will. Second most reason why Syria does not retaliate or defend is because the gear given to them are defence against full scale attack whereas Israel uses clever tactics to bypass those defences. So regardless of what Syria possesses, Israel will always win with better strategy and planning. Realising this futility, that no matter what advanced weapons they have, Israel will always triumph, Arab nations once sworn enemies of Israel are now lining up as partners.


  24. HI prasun
    as a folow up, i hear the french have given some digital terrain data to enable the rafale scalp combo?
    we have the eo irst sattelites , we have the radar sattelites as well . now what is the big deal to make a digital data base ?.
    i was given to underatand that we had digital terrain data a long time a go and that is installed in the jaguar darin -3 upgrade as well as going on board the LCA and other later platforms?
    what are the dipole like antenas on the pesa antenna face ? and what is their function?

    hypersonic weapons like the chinese df-17 and indian brahmos 2 have a front profile that is conducive to shock in hypersonic flight . Now where can the homing radar be installed in such weapons?


  25. hi prasun
    pak is going to the IMF with a begging bowl. now why cant the US and others stop pak from Acquiring those 8 aip subs , as it is clearly diverting the imf fund that is for economic assistance rather than military in a way

  26. Dear Prasun,
    1. Modi government has played lots of religious card during this time. During pandemic they said Maulana Saad is absconding and he played primary role in spreading the virus. Despite of two years he couldn't be caught!!! What a shame!!!

    2. Modi himself told about revadi culture and how it is destroying economy of the country. Still in many BJP governed states freebies are there. Why is this double standard?

    3. Will India collapse like Sri Lanka in the future due to leaders like Kejriwal who is spending for freebies without much revenue generation?

    4. Just look at states like Maharashtra, Tamilnadu which are banned from IEX for power trading since they weren't able to pay the dues. Do share your views.

  27. Hello Sir,
    1. Is the STFE engine ready for ITCM cruise missile? How does it compares to F 107 engine of tomahawk and AGM 86B ALCM?
    2. Has the SSN project received CCS approval?

  28. Prasun da,

    In your reply to Rakesh and Just_Curious on STOBAR Aircraft carriers with Indian Navy - MIG -29K or any other aircraft can take off with only 60% of combat loads. Does the same limitations apply to F-35B taking off from British Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier.

  29. Prasunda,
    Which ATGM is now chosen for LCH ? Is any firing done ? Or LCH is built only terrorists in mind ? It will be never used in actual war.
    Best regards

  30. Hi Prasun

    Which is this weapon ? Any link with make in India carbine ? Looks very impressive.


  31. Prasun ,

    1- Spanish PM's visit while S80 seems to be the major pitch what else can be considered ? LHD's?
    2- IN chiefs seem to be pretty convinced about the need for a 3rd carrier.. how about LHD doubling up as light carriers instead?

  32. Hello sir,
    3. Also what is the update on mpatgm? Is it's CLU ready? Is there any pictures of it, any specifications?

  33. To RAD: There are 2 types of digital databases reqd: digital terrain map data & digital terrain elevation data. Such data generation is a time-consuming process due to very limited availability of SAR satellites with 0.3-metre resolution. Terrain data mapping with ISRO’s remote-sensing satellites is doable. Both are being generated by the IAF with DRDO-developed software. Dipoles are for IFF. Target acquisition radar for hypersonic weapons like BrahMos-2 will be chin-mounted. Now immerse yourself in the following:

    India’s Defence Tech Startups:

    MoD Acceptance of ‘Desi’ Products

    Bharat Forge Profile:

    To ASD: 1 & 2) That’s politicking for you! 3) No. 4) Such stringent disciplinary measures are necessary.

    To KAUSHIK: 1) It is still undergoing flight-testing & will be ready for series-production early next year. 2) It compares favourably with its existing peers. 3) Not yet. 4) Had the CL>U been ready, then DRDO would have publicised it by now. Only the MPATGM’s missile is ready. Unless the CLU is validated by the IA, the MPATGM’s series-production will not commence. And now, here are some interesting revelations from Mumbai-based MDSL:

    Future Orders:

    7 Project17AU upgraded FFGs worth Rs.25,000 crore

    8 NGCs worth Rs.33,000 crore

    5 NG-DDGs worth Rs.50,000 crore

    6 P-75I SSKs with AIP & Lithium-Ion Battery Pack worth Rs.43,000 crore

    6 High-Speed Landing Craft

    1 Polar Research Vessel

    1 Survey Training Vessel

    14 NG-Fast Patrol Craft for ICGS

    6 NG-OPVs for ICGS

    12 LCACs for ICGS

    It is a given now that Rolls-Royce MT-30 Gas Turbines & Aslthom electric propulsion systems will power the Project-17AU FFGs & NG-DDGs & they will be armed with Zircon/BrahMos-2 missiles. Let’s see if 127mm naval guns go on-board. Cooperation with Japan’s shipyards & electronics giants should be welcomed for these two warship-building projects.

    To SIDHARTH: No, because the RN’s F-35Bs have thrust-vectoring nozzle for additional lift during takeoff, which the MiG-29Ks don’t.

    To PARTHASARATHI: Which else, but the HELINA/Dhruvastra combination.

    To NIKHIL M: Perhaps the carbine variant of INSAS SLR.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) S-80 will use an ethanol-based AIP, which is unacceptable to the IN as it still is unproven & not yet service-inducted. L & T is representing Navantia’s LPH for the IN. 2) LHDs cannot take the place of CATOBAR aircraft carriers, plain & simple.

  34. Has China Outsmarted India?:

    India’s Emerging Nuclear Challenges:

    IAZF's confirmation that it was indeed a BrahMos-1 Misfire last March:,msid-93735863,width-600,resizemode-4/93735863.jpg

    TONBO Imaging has developed the optronic sensor for photonic submarine mast:

    MDSL Calls Out FAKE NEWS:


  35. HI prasun
    you were talking of the CLU for the mpatgm , it seems that tonbo has already made one. Tonbo is a jewel that has to be nurtred .
    I feel it is the only entitiy in india that can make a IIR seeker with scene recognition matching algorythm in india
    what does it entail to make a SPice 2000 like seeker hardware and software wise . is it do able by tonbo?.
    what is the info about the IIR seeker of the IR astra? is it dual Band IIR seeker , who is making it ?
    nice talk by praveen shwaney

  36. Hi Prasun

    Thanks for answering my query. Would it be also possible to answer my question posted on 16th Aug regarding SSS defence. If you have already answered it before in any other thread, could you please redirect me there ?


  37. Prasun da how, would information warfare and AI help China in capturing territory ? Because to capture territory you have to put your men at stake, you need tanks, fighter jets, missiles and artillery. If the air and land campaign is so outdated, then why are all leading armed forces around the world inducting more and more conventional weapons and continuously improving them ? Praveen Sawhney says that India will fight the war of attrition and China will fight the war of cognizance. I want to know what this war of cognizance is that he is talking about ? How is it different from war of attrition ? What we are seeing in Russia-Ukraine war is that all the talk of cyberwarfare and information warfare go in the air when big guns start blazing.

  38. Prasunda,

    In your reply to @Kaushik, did you mean to say that the ITCM with STFE has had some recent successful flight tests, enough to expect it to go into production early next year ?


  39. is Indian military capable enough to deal with this threat, if we face war by 2027 ?

    1. While everybody ia touting AI as future of war and decisive role in victory, its yet evolving and has to prove its utility in actual combat. Experience of ukraine war puts two critical things:
      i. If any country has to capture land, conventional warfare techniques using infantry, armoured and artillery has to be grudgingly done
      ii. Disruption in enemies communication is critical to facilitate victory.



  40. To RAD: Indeed TONBO Imaging is presently India’s most innovative developer of optronic sensors & products. As for MPATGM, it is not just about the CLU, but the complete launcher, be it shoulder-mounted or tripod-mounted. The DRDO & BDL shamelessly parade their ATGMs at military expos without showing the launcher, while all other foreign OEMs exhibit both the ATGMs & their launchers!

    Now, immerse yourself in the following presentations:

    IAC-1 Vikrant R-11’s CMS-71 CIC:

    IN VCNS Briefing on IAC-1:

    The IN still does not understand that today, any such presentation has a global audience & hence the entire presentation ought to be conducted in English. In addition, mistakes like labelling the Barak-8 as MR-SAM must be avoided.

    Inside IAC-1:

    PLAAF J-20 Aerial Refuelling:

    PLAGF Heliport in Lhasa:

    Loading Su-30MKI’s mission-planning cartridge:

    Optronics Pty's (now owned by Germany’s Hensoldt) Archer Z-150 helmet-mounted sight used on the Typhoon & Gripen. Years ago, in more naive times, Denel sent an evaluation set of this HMDS to China & never heard back:

    To NIKHIL M: OEMs like SSS Defence have made a start with small contracts & this in turn will gradually lead to such OEMs gaining strength & expertise to execute more complex projects.

    To ASHWATTHAMA: Your reply is within the video presentation by GTRE’s Director that was weblinked 2 threads ago.

    To ROHIT GILL: Both appreciations are WRONG. The PLA presently has superiority in only 2 areas, i.e. possession of hypersonic weapons & introduction of 5-G cellular communications. In all other areas, India is ahead in 3 domains, i.e. mechanisation of PLAGF, plus informationisation & intelligentisation of PLA, especially along the LAC when compared to the PLA’s Western Theatre Command. That’s because the PLA is according utmost priority to mechanisation of PLAGF, plus informationisation & intelligentisation of PLA in its eastern & southern theatre commands, in particular the Fujian military district. This presentation explains some of the aspects in greater detail:


    You must also take note of the fact that ALMOST ALL the violations by the PLAAF & PLANAF of Taiwan’s ADIZ & Japan’s ADIZ take place in daytime, i.e. to date both have not demonstrate nighttime sorties involving ADIZ violations. That by itself demonstrates several vulnerabilities of the PLAAF & PLANAF.


  41. HI prasun
    the malayalam channel has done agood coverage of the vikrant . Is it beeter to have a medium carruied like teh present one or go for a bigger one and what would be the advantages ?

    can u explain the plethora of antennae on the vikrant , particularly the 2 tall masts. gain there seems to be 2 clindrical antenna below the MSTAR aesa radar. what are they.
    where are the barak sams situated?

    are the indian ew components at par with the world livel ?

    why are there no aesa panels for EW?

    can DEW beams cripple incomming missiles wether it is harpoon brahmos and other ones?is it practical to have them will they casue rfi to the own mother ship when activated?

    does the vlsram on ship have the capability to intercept mach 2.5 misisle lke the brahmos as most probably we might face chinese -kh 31 missiles
    how does the vl sraam compare to the MBDA CAMM missiles?

    can u give info on no 222 squadron based in thanjavur for anti ship missions?


  42. hi prasun

    much is bandied about stealth. fighter ... comming to air warefare it is ultimately the AAM that is going to be fired at the adversary may be 20 km away. Now todya`s aesa onboard jammers will detect the radar of the stealth fighter and the missile when it goes active and can be easly jammed ... at least the missile radar.
    there are decoys etc that can easily fool the incomming AAM as well as the did the su 30mki when amramms were fired at them .
    I happened to talk with an active duty pilot and he mentioned that the amraams fired by pak f-16 were going left and right of the su-30mki due to jamming. Is there a lesson to be learnt here?
    The mission planning cartridge of su 30mki and its electronics are desi or russian?
    would u recomend each fighter having its own jammer pod to avoid danger of seperation like what happened to vardhaman? in lieu of built in jammers.
    drdo claims that they have made jammer pods.. how effective are they.. any decent pics

    1. Sir. Prasunda will answer your query but Sukhoi that day was using EL/L 8222.

  43. Prasun da,

    Apparently, no wise thinking when designing the aircraft lift. Your view.

  44. Prasun, - what is this all about and what are its impact?

  45. Hi Prasun

    1. the normal Pinaka rocket has 214 mm caliber and comes in the form of 6 rockets per pod. the guided Pinaka also has the same 214 mm caliber but comes in 4 rocket per same standard pod. why 2 rockets less? is it a cost issue as in 4 guided pinaka cost equivalent of 6 rockets. also the upcoming US PrSM missile has broadly similar shape and caliber (380mm or so) as the Prahar/pragiti/pranash missile and US plans to fit 2 missile per their own 6 227mm missile pod in HIMARS. can the same approach be adopted in pinaka where 2 prahar missile can be fitted in each 214 mm 6 missile pinaka pad for 4 prahar missiles in each pinaka truck.

    2. will the radar sensor suite on the P-17B or AU be same as P-17A ships to keep cost down or will we replace MFSTAR with a DRDO derived variant and replace the L band radar with UHF Aesa DRDO radar. if the primary function of the P-17 class is ASW frigate why put in a L band volume search radar? why not stick with S band MFR or put in 4 face X band Aesa radar for FCR like the Japs mogami class. putting in 32 barak 8 barely qualifies it as a Area air defence ship.

  46. Would like your comments on this:

  47. To RAD & SIDHARTH: An objective & rational assessment explains all that is WRONG with the IN’s IAC-1 design. The genesis goes as far back as 1979, when the IN had thought of building a home-grown Helicopter Carrier. Accordingly, the Directorate of Naval Design (DND) prepared a concept design. Subsequent decisions of a 24,000-ton Sea Control Ship (SCS), scaled down to an Air Defence Ship (ADS), due to funding constraints, and finally a 39,000-ton full-fledged aircraft carrier with a ski jump was approved by the GoI in late 2002. A functional design of the approved ADS design was created between 2002 and 2004 & in 2005, the term ADS was dropped in favour of IAC-1. In essence, what had happened that while the IN had used the then CATOBAR INS Vikrant to launch its Sea Hawks & Alizes exclusively for offensive ground-strike sorties, by the mid-1980s, following the procurement of INS Viraat & Sea Harrier FRS Mk.51 V/STOL combat aircraft, the IN had developed a blind fixation for STOBAR aircraft carriers that excelled only in air-defence missions. It is such tunel-visioning that led to STOBAR INS Vikramaditya being ordered in 2004 & to the IAC-1 becoming a STOBAR platform, despite being known that MiG-29Ks, unlike the Sea Harriers & F-35B JSF, did not possess thrust-vectoring turbofan nozzles. Consequently, from a STOBAR IAC-1, MiG-29Ks with only 60% offensive payloads (like Kh-35E ASCMs or unguided rocket pods) can take off (as opposed to 100% from a CATOBAR flight-deck) while for fleet air-defence the MiG-29Ks can stay airborne for only 2 hours without aerial refuelling. In addition, emphasis on fleet air-defence has restricted the number of aircraft available for strike missions & combat-support missions like EW escort missions. Thus, the entire fixed-wing carrier wing becomes unbalanced & sub-optimal. Had the IAC1 been designed from the outset as a CATOBAR platform with 48,000-ton full load displacement, the IN then would have had a truly versatile IAC-1 since it would then have been able to launch longer-endurance combat-support platforms like the E-2T Hawkeye AEW & C platform.

  48. To RAD: The IAC-1’s antenna masts for Nayan, Varuna & Shakti suites are all explained here:

    Cylindrical fitments contain elements of Shakti EW suite. They contain AESA TR modules. Barak-8 VL>S is shown here:'s+Radars+&+Weapons-2.jpg

    To date, DEWs with only 150kW output have been developed. Up-scaling them to 300kW is reqd for disabling supersonic/hypersonic ASMs. VL-SR-SAM is comparable to its existing Western/Russian counterparts. Coming to airborne EW solutions, all the explanations were given here:

    To be noted is that while the Su-30MKI relies on EL/L-8222 ASPJ for self-defence, the MiG-29UPG relies on Elettronica of Italy’s internally-mounted ELT-568 AESA-based jamming suite. The internally-mounted EW suite for Tejas-AF Mk.2 MWF has adopted a similar EW suite architecture. This will enable the IAF’s MICAs operate independent of aircraft carrying the EL/L-8222 ASPJs that will then be used for jamming hostile ground-based fire-control radars & airborne X-band MMRs.

    Mission-planning cartridge is supplied by the same company that supplied this:

    That’s because the IAF’s mission-planning system is of South African origin, as shown here:

  49. To HOODS007: 1) The quad pack is only for test-firing purposes, not for operational deployment. Mix-n-match launch tubes containing unguided & guided 214mm rockets is a distinct possibility. Prahar SS-BSMs are only for delivering TNWs, not conventional warheads. For the latter, the Pralay (whose launcher is shown above, built by Godrej & Boyce) will be a far better option. 2) Project 17A FFGs are multi-purpose platforms & the upgraded Project 17AU FFGs & NG-DDGs will feature new-generation integrated masts with L-band, S-band & X-band antenna apertures & 360-degree CMS displays within the CIC citadel. Primary offensive armament will be Zircon/BrahMos-2 missiles.

    To JAMES: What is important here is the statement coming from a USN official, i.e. the IA, IAF & IN have closed ranks in presenting an unique threat to China’s sea-lanes of communications (SLOC) in the IOR, i.e. the alacrity with which the IA, IAF & IN operationalized their respective land-based TEL launched/warship-launched/air-launched BrahMos-1 launch protocols from the Andaman & Nicobar islands.

    To PARTHASARATHI, So, 36 years after OFB began licence-building the AK-630M CIWS, its 30mm ammo has been indiginised. Previously, only the 30mm HE rounds used by the BMP-2 ICV’s 30mm 2A42 cannon had been indgenised:

    Still being imported are these:

    ADEN-30 cannon ammo for Jaguar IS/IM:

    DEFA-553 cannon ammo fr Mirage-2000:

    GSh-30-2 cannon ammo for Su-30MKI & MiG-29UPG/MiG-29K

    DEFA M-791 cannon ammo for Rafale:

    NEXTER 20mm M621 cannon on THL-20 turret of Dhruv WSI/Rudra & LCH:

  50. To ASD: Archaeological Survey of India Has Gone Downhill Since Mid-2014, as Explained by Padmashree Dr K K Muhammed:

    How China Makes Rain:

    Taiwan Sends Revolver 860 Drone to Ukraine:

    Ukraine Learns Naval Demining Techniques:

    China Helipad Construction North of Chaglagam:

    NORINCO-made M-16 SLR:

    What Happened in Afghanistan

    China's Space Plans

    Aleksandr Dugin:

    How Adani Acquired Stake in NDTV (classic Zhuge Liang stratagem (one of 36) of killing with a borrowed knife:

    Russian Espionage Honeytrappers:

  51. To BUDDHA: Listening to Brahmakumaris (as the IN is attempting to do for reducing the stress-levels of its personnel) or Art of Living won't enable us to achieve MOKSHA. Instead, rational & proven scientific advances will. Here are the explanations:

    Resonance is the ability of a system to achieve maximum efficiency when absorbing energy when the external frequency’s oscillations match the system's natural frequency.

    The human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be around 7.5 Hz. Each organ generates a unique resonance frequency (RF). The vibration frequencies of significant bodily functions (organs and systems) range from 3 to 17 Hz.

    Many forms of industrial illness are thought to result from the effects of vibration on the human body. Prolonged exposure causes undue stress and discomfort. At the human whole-body resonant frequency there is maximum displacement between the organs and the skeletal structure and thus this is one frequency of vibration that should be minimized in the workplace and elsewhere. The vertical whole-body resonant frequencies of 113 fully-clothed standing humans were measured using a vibrating beam method, which imposed a very low acceleration magnitude at the subjects' feet. The overall range of resonant frequencies was found to be from 9 to 16 Hz and independent of mass, height and mass to height ratio. The mean values (+/-1 s.e.) were 12.2 +/- 0.1 Hz for males and 12.8 +/- 0.2 Hz for females with an overall mean population value of 12.3 +/- 0.1 Hz.

    Mystic Powers of Meditation Explained:

    Pineal Gland Explained:

    Akashic Records Explained:

    Find Your Frequency:

    Everything is Frequency & Vibration

  52. Dear Prasun,

    I'm really grateful to you. You are a blessing for the visitors and readers of this blog. The responses what I got this morning made my day. Thanks again.

  53. It is weird that India is second only to Hollywood with some of the most beautiful women in the film and media sector. YET in the past 53 years, I have never heard of any Indian female spy honey-trapping anyone - anywhere. Instead of dripping honey, do I*ndian women ooze Karela juice? Why is it that India can't produce same quality women in espionage as in Bollywood - which incidentally has been India's achilles heel since independence anyway?

    1. When you hear of honey traps, it means they have been discovered ... If ever an Indian woman was a spy, you would hear only a legend ... Years after her work was done ... They have brains along with beauty ... Something that comes from a 10000 year civilisation


  55. Dear Prasun

    Chinese propaganda on INS Vikrant:

    How does Japanese, US & Australian navies view PLA Navy's CBG strategy?

    Thanks and Regards

  56. Prasunda,
    Many thanks for answering my questions. Just one more query.
    People are talking of hypersonic anti ship cruise missile ! But how effective they will be ? Because ship is a moving target and the missile has to do last minute ( or Nano seconds ) maneuvers to hit it's target. Is it possible in a so called hypersonic missile ? It will create a abnormal amount of G force on it's structure .
    Your comments please.
    Best regards

  57. To PIERRE ZORIN & CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: LoLz! Here is the most well-known & publicised ‘honey-trapping’ done by R & AW this far, but of 1971 vintage:

    Back in 1971, with Mukti Bahini’s help, several high-class call-girls were engaged for honey-trapping Pakistan Army officials for the sake of procuring the survey-maps & route-maps of East Pakistan, without which any IA land campaign in that theatre would have been impossible.

    To SOUMYA RAY: The IN has already stated in public that IAC-1’s sea-trials will get over by next May. What China’s assessment of IAC-1 fails to take into account is that the IAC-1’s flight-deck is identical to that of INS Vikramaditya & consequently what will be done for IAC-1 is validation of all data-points that had already been acquired during INS Vikramaditya’s sea-trials back in 2012. Hence, operationalization of IAC-1’s carrier air wing will be swift & smooth.

    To PARTHASARATHI: For hypersonic cruise missile or gliding vehicles a combination of RF seeker & laser designation (most probably LIDAR) will have to be employed for any naval target cruising at a speed of up to 32 Knots. That’s what’s being developed & refined worldwide.

    How Buikldings Are Demolished in China:

    AVIC Film on Futuristic Airborne Platforms:

    RN Aircraft Carrier Prince of Wales’ Propulsion System Damaged:

    Tata QRFVs in Sikkim:

    Pinaka-1 Test-Firings:

    These are for rockets built by Solar Group’s Economic Explosives Limited (EEL) subsidiary:

  58. What is the status of truck mounted 155 mm artillery ? Will it be local or again RFI/RFQ steps will be needed ?

  59. Prasunda,
    Many thanks for answering my query. One video you have shared on RN aircraft carrier.
    According to video the propeller shaft is damaged. If it's bend then it can't be reused. ( can bend if the ship was grounded) . It's a massive breakdown and it will take atleast one month to repair.
    If the propeller shaft is damaged due to sterntube bearing failure then it can be repaired within few weeks. Provided it's not bend.
    There are so many safety system is there and then also breakdown of this nature is uncommon.
    Best regards

  60. 1. Why is MRFA again a tender. We can simply sign a G2G deal again ? The cost india specific requirements can be recovered. Other jets need to develop it afresh in all probability.
    2.Last navy chief said, it would be good if IN and IAF had common fighters. Now has it changed?

  61. Dear Prasun,

    I have come across from some Twitter handles that Sweden has seen a good rise in crimes like rape, murder, dacoity, etc. due to the muslims immigrants from Africa. It's similar to the islamic grooming gangs that used to target white girls and Sikh girls. May you please share your views upon it? You usually stress upon the imposition of law and order and you prefer US and European countries. Still this issue is not properly addressed yet. Please throw some light on it. Thanks in advance!!!

  62. Hello Sir,
    Thanks for answering my questions.
    Today ACM chaudhari gave a presentation in USI whose YouTube video was taken down . Can you kindly provide me the link?
    Also in 2022 report on Indian nuclear weapons by bulletin of atomic scientists gave 160 nos of Indian warheads all in 20-40 kt range. How credible is this report?

  63. Doesn't it defy all logics we discussed here about eastern platform and western stores

  64. Prasun da,

    Pakistan has delivered POF 122mm artillery ammunition to Ukraine for use against Russia.West
    is footing the bill and UK is transporting.Seems Pakistani are getting IMF bailout and USD$$ help from GCC countries for there bankrupt economy for this.

    Now how Russia will retaliate against Pakistan.

  65. Prasunda

    This seems to be on the news a lot. PRC has much to do yet but they are getting there fast

    While nobody's cling them 9feet tall, but they do show results

  66. Prasunda,

    Do these remarks by S, Jaishankar indicate any new adverse happenings regarding the LAC ? Or is some kinetic conflict expected in the near future ?


  67. Hello sir,
    Do china have AESA radar on their fighter aircrafts?
    If yes, then how it fair against western counterpart.
    If NO, then why?

    - Atul

  68. To VENKY: 1) There are 2 separate reqmts for 155mm MGS: 52-cal & 39-cal. For the latter the Kalyani Group/BEML MGS has been selected. For the 52-cal reqmt the IA has not yet made up its mind. Perhaps an MGS variant of ATAGS is what it desires. 2) The MRFA’s RFQs have not been released as yet & nor is it likely to be released. 3) That will reduce the per-unit acquisition costs, but in reality it is impossible to achieve since the IAF’s preferred Rafale M-MRCA cannot fit on to the elevators of either INS Vikramaditya or IAC-1/Vikrant due to the absence of folding wings.

    To PARTHASARATHI: It could well be a manufacturing defect, which is a rarity.

    To ASD: Increasing absorption of foreign immigrants into Sweden has led to such a state of affairs. Such immigrants find it almost impossible to assimilate with the existing society.

    To KAUSHIK: The worst social media sites in India are those of GoI-funded think-tanks like the USI, CAPSX, CLAWS, CENJOWS & NMF. They are just institutions for accommodating retired senior military officials. The recent presentation by the IAF’s CAS was a JOKE, since the following slide shows him classifying hypersonics as an ‘emerging threat’ when China’s PLARF already has DF-17 hypersonic glide weapons in its inventory:

    A total lack of intellectual depth!!! And any report on nuclear WMDs WRT South Asia is pure speculation.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Not at all, since the US funded the cost of integrating the HARM with the MG-29’s weapons management computer & also supplied pylon interface avionics. Integrating such PGMs that have nothing to do with the MMR & integration of PGMs that need to be interfaced with the on-board MMR are 2 distinct methodologies & challenges. In this case, all that was reqd was the HARM-specifi8c object-code for uploading on the weapons management computer & the self-protection suite avionics so that the RWR could provide the directional cues for launching the HARM.

    1. Ok RWR being primary sensor for HARM helped it easier ?.. Why is Russia unable to deal with these ukrainians...lack of strategy or will or superior western equipments are too much for russians

  69. To SUSAN: Russia will retaliate by refusing to export wheat & natural gas to Pakistan.

    Meanwhile, certain India-based nitwits (like this: are wildly speculating about India & Pakistan yet again exchanging ‘Puppies & Jhappis’. In reality, these nitwits don’t understand that: 1) Pakistan has officially sought material & financial assistance ONLY FROM Pakistan’s diaspora & from ‘friendly countries’. Consequently, India cannot be considered as an aid-donor since officially India is classified as an ‘enemy country’ by Pakistan. 2) Pakistan had only officially stated that it would open the IB with India for the aid inflows into Pakistan, i.e. since the land transportation routes from Karachi & Gwadar ports are affected by flooding, any international aid meant for Punjab, KPK & PoJK will first have to enter India & then be re-routed by land into Pakistan. So, in essence, Pakistan will be accepting aid via Indian soil from non-India entities & agencies like the UN’s WFP & will thus not be reqd to thank India for any assistance or show of compassion. This is exactly what had happened back in 2010 when Pakistan refused to accept US$25 million in aid from India & instead insisted that India deposit thus sum with the UN. And India complies!!!

    This time, India should insist that if Pakistan wants a land corridor through India for receiving international aid, then in return it should allow India to provide direct material aid across the LoC to the inhabitants of PoJK since they are considered as Indian citizens by virtue of PoJK being an integral part of India that is under Pakistan’s illegal occupation. And this should be made amply clear even to the UN Secretary-General.

    To KAUSTAV: This should provide some clarity on China’s 7-nanometre chip claims:

    It must also be noted that the US has barred the export of 3 specific AI-enabled chips to China. These are: Graphic Processing Units or GPUs; ASICS or Applications-Specific Integrated Circuit; FPGAS or Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays.

    China’s AG-600M Amphibian:

    Future Combat Helicopters:

    This byfar is the clearest illustration of the IN’s SW-ASW Craft:

    Meanwhile, several clueless internet fanboys are wildly speculating about ‘radars’ installed along the LAC:

    In reality, these are all unmanned Doppler Weather Radars (not military radars) that have been coming up since 2012.

    To SATYAKI: These are all indicators of desperation, since China knows only too well that India cannot boycott China-supplied goods. Consequently, despite all the ranting by India, bilateral trade between the 2 countries continues to increase & thus China now holds all the trump cards while India is the nett loser.

    To ATUL: Till to date, no photos have emerged from anywhere in China that shows AESA-MMRs already installed on any combat aircraft of either the PLAAF or PLAN. Therefore, the most they have are PESA-MMRs supplied by Russia.

  70. Sir,


  71. Hi

    How true is the following news? Have we started implementation of rupee rouble mechanism for trade with Russia?

    Please use a translator



  72. 1) Sir wrt your link about new mech upgeade policy, the article lists 105 Wh AV to replace recce Brdm and 13 Namica. But Since our recce BRDM carry 5 atgm launcher, are we buying 13 bmp based namica and 105 Kestrel based namica design?

    2) Why are all para battalions being upgraded to para sf battalions? Are they being converted to rangers type assault force or airborne ghatak++?

    Initially i thought raising 1 para battalion to total 6 and dividing into 2 airborne brigades with 3 battalion each would be good. But we are losing our single para brigade (5 battalions). Maybe because modern SAM makes it suicidal for VDV type airdrop behind enemy lines using slow transports.

    3) wrt mrfa and p75I our standard rfi to selection time is 3 years, contract negotiations time is 3 years and contraxt to delivery global time is 3 years.
    So whether 2 rafale or 6 mrfa squadron, are airforce and navy really this willing to defang themselves for another decade? What's their plan? Lena hai ki nahi?

    4) wrt to swedish immigration, now both Bangladesh and Pakistan are economically and environmentally burning. Matter of time before they hop here as rightful heirs. How to manage the demographic change and far worse islamic radicalism that will follow?



  73. HI prasun
    it pains me that there is no concerned effort to stop reliance on chinese goods... on the contrary falling deeper into the grip. what would u suggest to over come that. Its not that we cant do it but do we have the discipline ? sarting from cellphones to auto parts.

    where did the tech come from for the ASW vessel ie glass fiber hull.

    will the efforts of modi to bring in chip fab industries to india succeed?

    china has installed aesa radars on its warships , should it not be easy to develop a aesa for a fighter?. pak boasts abouthe the jf-17 blk 3 that has aesa radar etc?

    why are the army idiots still dilly dallying about the induction of 155 m guns when they badly need that.
    now how did the US integrate the HARM, when all the systems are russian ie weapons management computers ? unless Ukraine had the codes?

    why cant we just say no to pak supplies from India. they cant export terror, and then as and when they like it open and close the wagha border? what do we gain by exporting essentials to pak, these jihdis will never be thankfull.

    why dint the russian take out all the ukraine air bases by surface to surface missiles ?

  74. Hi Prasun

    There is a lot of confusing open source information regarding the updated Kaveri engine and the engine to be produced for AMCA mk2.

    1. It was mentioned by you in passing to someone's question in comments that a updated version of Kaveri with CMC incorporated is awaiting testing on a flying test bed.

    2. And also the goalpost for engine wet thrust for amca mk 2 has been shifted from 110 KN to 125 KN to enable AMCA mk 2 to supercruise on drythrust alone.

    3. If DRDO plans to produce the Amca Mk 2 engine with saffran( with saffran providing hot core off shelf) where does this leave the latest CMC kaveri engine? earlier Kaveri seems to be developed to replace GE 414 in tejas MWF and also in AMCA thus ensuring commonality and reducing cost. But if AMCA will get this DRDO-Saffran engine where will kaveri engine ( if ready in 2030s) go? only in tejas and ghatak( or swift or whatever it is called these days)?

    4. if india some how manages to produce a decent and efficient low by pass engine, will producing a high by pass engine for large transport or commercial aircraft be easier or high by-pass engine is a different ball game all together.


    is this true Prasun?

  76. Prasunda,

    Have actual orders for the Kalyani 155/39 MGS been placed ? If not, by when will we see such orders ?


  77. Hello sir,
    Thanks for your relpy. Some more questions....
    (as you said china still don't have AESA onboard fighter aircrafts.)
    1) can I assume, china don't have "sensor fusion" onboard too. How many years they are behind west in this regard?
    2) what's our current status regarding "sensor fusion". Are we even trying to develop? Can we expect it onboard AMCA, If not Tejas mk2 ?
    3) Do Russia have a matured AESA MMR to go onboard super Sukhoi? If not, do we have to settle for a hybrid PESA of su-35? Is there any other alternatives to get an AESA for super Sukhoi?


  78. Prasunda

    Thanks 👍 for the update & clarity on PRC and it's 7nm semiconductors from SMIC. And as you stated that GPUs etc. are under sanctions SMIC of course claims they have developed GPUs


    Soviet project Orion
    Sir can u sum it up


    Taliban flying american choppers ?😛😛

  81. Prasun,
    1- How does INS Vikrant compare with HMS Elizabeth class
    2- is this a derivative of Agni prime?& why not of longer range? Agni prime is supposedly having a range of 2500 kms. Do we have the kill chain to accurately target an aircraft carrier?
    3- S Korea making big gains in defence sector-poland buying Korean arms in wholesale. what is giving them the edge & how is it that the EU/US are mum on it?Poland - an EU nation buying outside EU is a threat to EU arms co's
    4- turkey now claims to have readied a 150 kms + a2a missile. who is providing them all the tech and isnt this a threat to EU too as the caliph will sooner or later try to rebuld the ottoman empire? Also that they openly play all sides -a classic sterotype of all rogue islamic countries?
    5- Swedes lamenting on business loss for Gripen thanks to US arm twisting all potential buyers.. Will the EU learn its lessons from the Rus-Ukr war or will it be business as usual self- ready to wag at the whims of its masters command. Do you agree that the US ensured that EU becomes even more dependent on it thru this war. this war was more on the EU than the Ruskies with ukr being the sacrificial lamb
    5- Why is the US letting porkies off the hook by way of giving them IMF loan.. all thx to Al -Zahwahiri's sacrifice?

  82. Hi Dada,

    Thanks for clarification. I would like to know why our government is doing half-hearted efforts for developing Andaman & Nicobar base. it is also an unsinkable aircraft carrier.

    Is its because govt is afraid of Chinese response or currently we don't have money for such endeavors?


  83. Genesis of India's 2-Front Warfighting Scenarios & Its Shortcomings:

    Beyond the Premature Commissioning of INS Vikrant R-11 IAC-1:

    To RAKESH: India’s first Chief of Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat believed that India would become a true Indo-Pacific power by developing maritime security infrastructure in Andamans and Nicobar Islands. His national security plans included development of a container cum replenishment facility at Campbell Bay in Great Nicobar so that mercantile shipping and warships of friendly nations would get sustenance at India’s island territories while proceeding towards Malacca Straits rather than wait for their turn at Sri Lankan ports. Dovetailed into the plan was creating a deep harbour in the same Campbell Bay so that Indian aircraft carrier could berth and have a faster response time to any global emergency including natural disasters. After the commissioning of INS Vikrant, the Modi government must activate its long-drawn-out plans by overcoming the usual military bureaucratic red tape.

    To HOODS007: All the answers that you seek are contained within this webinar:

    There are problems with both Klimov RD-33-3 & RD-33MK of MiG-29UPGs & MiG-29K. The webinar revealed that sometime in 2021 the IAF's entire MiG-29UPG fleet had to be grounded, with the problems emanating from the FAEDC system.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Probably both.

    To VSJ: All those details pertain to terrain-specific IBGs. A lot more data is available & I will upload them in a brand-new thread very soon.

    To THE HUNDRED: Not true. Here is the truth:

    To Ashwatthama: Not yet, because the first prototype is still being built.

    To ATUL: The PLAAF & PLAN have neither AESA-MMR on their combat aircraft, they also do not till this day have any full-mission flight simulators. That's why the tandem-seat variants of J-20 & JF-17 are being built. India is more advanced in sensor-fusion technologies, as illustrated by this slide:

  84. Matters are fast reaching a tipping point in PoJK:

    If indeed the above is all true, then chances of widespread civil disobedience taking place in the very near future are likely to acquire the kind of critical mass that will give India the perfect opportunity & reason for driving the PA & PAF out of PoJK. Even China will be unable to take any countermeasures against such widespread resentment & will therefore bid goodbye forever to all hopes of achieving geographic contiguity with Pakistan. A re-united J & K & re-united Ladakh now has become a distinct possibility.

    1. Does the Indian Political Leadership have the cajones to do it?

    2. In these videos, it is true people are frustrated, sloganeering of Azadi..but this Azadi is independence from pakistan..nothing to believe that Azadi means people's acceptance of merger with India.



  85. Prasun,

    your reply to the hundred- IL76/78 upgrades still are awaited & so are the upgrades for KA28.. will they ever happen now?if not, what are the alternatives, also what will go on vikrant as AEW ? as earlier IN was to procure 10 KA28 which got scrapped..


  86. HI prasun
    can fitting a selex osprey series AESA radar in the underbelly of deck based Helo be a better radar than the pesa unweildy ka-31 that is old mow?
    can the selex radar be fitted on a naval alh as an interim solution. we can have a couple of them flying around from a carrier. again the heli can land on smller warships to increase flying time .
    in what way is the kamov radar superior if any?.The selex is multi mode jam proof etc wiht a decent 300km detection range

  87. Hi prasoon..has thr hal rudra obtained its full compliment of missiles and weapons? What time line if not? Simiarly what about light comabt aircraft? Has it obtained trial success and full complement of weapons? What time lines if not.

    Thankyou for you time




  88. HI prasun
    HAL and BEL seem to have undertaken the task to develop an IRST, i am pessimestic about the out come, what is ur view?
    i thought the selex skywards was selected for the MK2

    Does the unified EW suit for the MK2 sport AESA Antennae or the regular one?
    how would u rate it against the spectra and the elt 568 on the Mig -29

    reports suggest that the uttam will also be on board the Mk1A . I believe that the elta 2052 was contracted for the whole series of mk1A, can they go back on that. i believe that there was a quid pro for buying the 2052 and getting help from elta regarding the UTTAM aesa radar.?
    how would u rate the uttam against the elta 2052?.. will elta give us the real radar or a degraded radar.?
    will US agree to integrate Indian wepaons on the f-18 e if selected?

  89. @Prasunda

    1. Who/How did the pride of Pak Navy PNS Ghazi sink?

    2. PLAN has 40 destroyers. Why does the Indian Navy insist on building 3-4 ships of each destroyer class and don't go beyond 10-12 destroyers/frigates on the whole? While PLAN is settling for 80K Ton A/C carriers we went ahead with 40K Ton A/C Carriers.

    Seems like the Indian Navy is content with being a 'nanha munha' navy.


  90. To JUST_CURIOUS: IL-76MD/IL-78MKI upgrades had to be postponed due to the shortcomings of Russia’s military-industrial complex after 2014. But the IN’s Ka-28PLs have been upgraded & some more upgrades of them are still in progress now. A scaled-up 4-antenna version of ‘Uttam’ AESA-MMR in a fixed underbelly configuration can easily go on board the existing Ka-31 AEW helicopters during their mid-life refits. The IN remains hopeful of procuring six additional Ka-31s & on them the ‘desi’ active phased-array radar variant of ‘Uttam’ is most likely to be installed.

    To RAD: A scaled-up 4-antenna version of ‘Uttam’ AESA-MMR in a fixed underbelly configuration can easily go on board the existing Ka-31 AEW helicopters during their mid-life refits. The IN remains hopeful of procuring six additional Ka-31s & on them the ‘desi’ active phased-array radar variant of ‘Uttam’ is most likely to be installed. But what must be noted is the Ka-31s are only AEW platforms for fleet air-defence & not AEW & CS platforms that enable airborne battle management even inside contest/hostile airspaces. For the latter, the Northrop Grumman E-2T Hawkeye is still the best option, but for them to operate, a CATOBAR flight-deck configuration is reqd.

    As for the ‘desi’ IRST, it must be noted that the IAF is insisting in only 40% local industrial content, i.e. the rest can be imported.

    Coming to EW suite for Tejas-AF Mk.2 MWF, this is the configuration:

    For the Su-30MKI upgrade project, a derivative of the D-29 EW suite is now ready:

    As for the MWF’s AESA-MMR, the Delhi-based rumour-mill is now claiming this:

    Former HAL CMD R.Madhavan had declared in an interview to CNBC TV-18 some time ago that the Uttam radar will be part of Tejas Mk1A deliveries from the 21st fighter onward. DDR has learnt that this plan might have been modified now. There are indications that the indigenous Uttam derivative may start equipping Tejas Mk1A fighters only from the 41st unit produced, thereby reducing the initial order size for Uttam radar sets to 33 units from the 53 units that was being projected earlier.

    MiG-29K Armaments Package:

    To KUNAL: Not yet. The HELINA/Dhruvastra combination is still undergoing fine-tunings. Once that is done, both Rudras & LCHs will have them on-board. As for PoJK, you have focussed only on one-half of that video. The second-half explains it all. Here’s an extended version of the second-half:

    To ABS: 1) It sank due to a mine accidently exploding when the PNS Ghazi was engaged in a mine-laying process off Vizag. 2) The PLAN’s DDGs & FFGs need to be distributed among its 3 fleets, North Sea, East Sea & South Sea for combatting the respective threats emanating from the navies of the US, Japan, Taiwan & Republic of Korea. For India, therefore, it is only the PLAN’s South Sea Fleet that matters as far as threats by the PLAN in the IOR. Going for a STOBAR IAC-1 was a WRONG decision by the IN. Instead, a fully loaded 45,000-tonne CATOBAR design ought to have been embraced.

    Russia Using Rubber instead of ERA on MBTs:

  91. Sir ji, is the report about BDL getting production order for AAD and PDV true? You had once said that AAD was rejected by the military in favour of the S-400 and that PDV was a technological demonstrator and that PDV MK-2 used for ASAT test will be the final production version.

  92. Dear Prasunda, pranaams.

    1. We hear so much chatter about lift size on teh Vikrant, what are the actual aircraft lift dimensions?
    2. Has the Osprey radar upgrade of the Seakings dropped or is it still in consideration for to use Seakaings as AEW aircraft.
    3. How many Mq-9b Seaguardins will be purchased by the Indian navy. Why does IAF also need these HALE's. I can understand Army & Navy need them.
    4. will there be a additonal seven frigates of P - 17A or an upgraded variant built?

    Thank you.

  93. Hi Prasun

    In the following link, Tellis speaks of possible Indo French collaboration in submarine reactor technology with US blessings

    Are his conclusions valid?



  94. To PRATAP: The AAD & PDV orders are for further test-firings, not for operational deployment.

    To KANE1966: 1) The dimensions are same for the Vikrant & INS Vikramaditya. The elevators measure 18.8 metres long and 9.9 metres wide. F/A-128E/F Super Hornet measures 18.38 metres in length & is 9.93 metres wide with deployed wings. Rafale-M measures 15.27 metres in length & is 10.90 metres wide. 2) The Osprey radar upgrade was meant only for Ka-28PLs. The IN wants its Sea Kings to be modified for airborne minesweeping as of now. 3) 10 for each of the three armed services. IAF will use such UAS platforms for battlespace surveillance up to 300km inside hostile territory for locating enemy logistics lines that can be tactically interdicted, whereas the IA will use them for tactical surveillance along the IB, WB, LoC & LAC. 4) They will be upgraded P-17AU FFGs.

    To RAGHU: I will not bad-mouth Ashley as he is my collegemate. But his remarks are speculative in nature because what India requires is not another PWR design, but moderately enriched uranium fuel. For it must be noted that India's DAE has yet to begin production of such enriched uranium & thus all such fissile materials for India's SSBNs continue to be supplied by Russia--something that both India & Russia want to keep away from public glare & that explains why both countries do not want to share any data or imagery of the SSBNs. That's also why during the annual pre-Navy Day press conferences by successive IN CNS', no questions about the SSBN fleet have been entertained/answered.


    Soviet project Orion
    Sir can u sum it up

  96. Prasun how does the internal D-29 EW compare to Israeli Elta EL/M-8222 self protection ECM pods? Will this internal system replace the
    jammer ECM pods?
    Does India use any Russian self protection ECM pods or systems (like SAP-518 jammer pods for su 30 mki) for any of the Russian fighter jets or does IAF mostly rely on Israeli jammer ECM pods? Thanks


  97. HI prasun
    would u rate the lca mk2 as good as the gripen E? if not where are the dificiencies. Gripen is being projected as a the best fighter .?
    It seems to me that LCA mk2 has all the hype that has been touted on the gripen E?

    Ashley tellis ur class mate ? did u do any course wiht him on strategic studies?

    will china be able to choke the gulf of aden to indian ships if we do that in the malaca straits of andamans? China has no stable base apart form gwadar, we can always attack gwadar .. In a war with pak , will gwador be attaked as the chinese are there?

    can we take out the djibouti base of china with su-30mki.? with brahmos

  98. Prasun Da, if AAD and PDV are not supposed to be deployed for operational use then why the need for test firings?

  99. Prasun,
    1- can you pls share more details on P-17AU FFGs
    2- 5th ship of nilgiri class Fg launched .. has the IN/Naval design bureau progressively improved upon the original design as is generally the case across the world since ship building is along process. eg:- groshkov class earlier variants were 16 celled ships for yakhont missiles but latter versions have improved it to 24/32 celled ones with more automation ...
    3 your reply to ABS- you mention Vikrant should have been a CATOBAR. how difficult is it to change it from STOBAR to CATOBAR during mid life refit.. had read that Elizabeth class carriers we designed as CATOBARS but then changed to STOBAR and they were offering the same design to IN for INS VISHAL in CATOBAR configuration.. since Vikarnt is also supposed to have been developed in a modular fashion and it is only the ski jump piece that needs replacement.. is it a possible & feasible option?

  100. 5- read about some proposal for a joint Indo-russia missile boat capable of carrying 8 bramhos ... is an extended Karakurt corvette version on offer for NGMV?

  101. There are images of su30mki with Iderby ER and Python 5, the recent media reports are true?

  102. Prasunda,
    Somewhere I had read that in case of folding wing aircraft the width can be altered little without much problem. Off course some manufacturering challenges are there and you need to some trials but not much hassle.
    It mean if the with of F18 with folded wings is 9.93 mtr then if India wish then it can be reduced to 9.5 @mtr ( say )
    Same is true for Rafale. That's why both participated.
    Best regards

  103. To THEHUNDRED: The greatest threats posed to MRCAs come from Ku-band seekers used by BVRAAMs & SHORADS, i.e. the mid-band arena, for which the D-29 EW suite was developed (it being an offshoot of the EW suite originally developed for Tejas Mk.1). The EL/L-8222 ASPJ pod on the other hand caters to the mid-band & high-band (X-band) arenas, the latter being the X-band MMRs. Hence, the EL/L-8222 can be used as both a self-protection jammer & limited escort jammer. On the Su-30MKI, the D-29 suite’s derivative will act as the self-protection jammer, while the DAR-developed, wingtip-mounted pods will contain low-band jammers, while another belly-mounted pod will contain high-band jammers. Such pods will be carried ONLY when the Su-30MKI is to be used for escort jamming missions.

    To RAD: That will depend on the Tejas-AF Mk.2’s flight-test regime. It will be MWF, not LCA. Laws of physics dictate that if the MWF’s LSPs are to be rolled out from 2024 for the sake of being flight-certified by 2027, then a minimum of four Tejas-AF Mk.2 MWF LSPs are reqd for the 2,000-hour flight certification process to be concluded within the mandated 4-year period because the airframe will be a brand-new design. According to some former IAF officials, this is an impossibility that is explained here:

    As for the Tejas Mk.1A LCA variant, it remains to be seen if only 2 LSP prototypes will suffice for flight certification purposes. The Mk.1A airframe’s total technical service-life (TTSL) too has to be calculated, for which an in-service Tejas Mk.1 is now being subjected to fatigue tests after logging in almost 2,700 flight-hours since 2011. That’s because the IAF has specified that the TTSL be extended from the present 3,000 hours to 6,000 hours. As for export prospects of the Mk.1A variant go, no marketing effort will be successful UNTIL the following questions are answered by HAL for prospective customers:

    A) What’s the TTSL of Tejas Mk.1A’s airframe?

    B) What’s the direct operating cost per flying hour of Tejas Mk.1A?

    C) What’s the no of maintenance man-hours per flying hour of Tejas Mk.1A?

    D) What’s the turnaround time for re-arming & refuelling the Tejas Mk.1A?

    So far, not even estimated figures for all of the above are forthcoming from either ADA or HAL.

    Gulf of Aden & Malacca Straits are international SLOCs & hence no one in their right mind will contemplate choking them.

    To SATYA: Additional test-firings are reqd to fine-tune their performance parameters. Only after that will one know their final airframe design configurations.

    To SANTOSH: No one in India procured I-Derby BVRAAMs. Only Derby & Python-5 were procured. None of them as yet have gone on board an Su-30MKI. What is floating around are photoshopped images created by internet fanboys.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It is still on the drawing boards. 2) Each warship of a particular class cannot be subjected to radical improvements. That’s why we have Project 15, Project 15A & Project 15B DDG classes. 3) It is feasible, but the vessel must have greater displacement to fully accommodate fixed-wing AEW & CS platforms, plus M-MRCAs in adequate nos for undertaking fleet air-defence, maritime strike, deep interdiction & escort jamming functions. 5) That is a variant of the Project 1241RE FAC-M whose scale-model is always displayed by BrahMos Aerospace at various expos.

  104. Airpower After Ukraine & Future of Air Warfare:

  105. Hello Prasun

    Any chance u will be posting on how things have changed since 2020 - Accross the frontiers from Ladakh to Arunachal.

    Would be especially interesting to know about the changes in formations deployed and their roles in case of hostilities. And of course what are the new weapons and/or equipment which have been added to the IA and IAF's arsenal and how these would be employed


  106. Prasun ,

    US at it again -- should India respond, how? reward for supplying 130 mm artillery shells to Ukr & that sacrifical lamb who was salami slices in Kabul's neighbourhood? will it be back to the 80's patronage era? with IMF also turning soft


  107. prasun,
    2- The United Kingdom and Japan have announced plans to jointly develop a prototype fighter jet engine. earlier it was a customized version of meteor .. what is at play here?

  108. Prasun da,

    How come the Indian Armed Forces can induct this superb quality weapon in the services, don't they do the quality check before accepting or simply they are just forced (by mysterious elements) to induct whatever it is.

    The name of this gun is Ghaatak (aka Lethal) but seems non-lethal due its marvelous build quality - risking the life of Soldier in field.

    The butt stock material (plastic) of this guns reminds me of plastic quality used for kids cricket bat and ball. No word for plastic used and finishing of bullet magazines.

    Apparently, OFB compromise on the iron sight.

    For sure, the legendary Mikhail Kalashnikov will be crying in heaven by looking how OFB has totally fucked up his masterpiece AK-47 - Sarkari are even not excel in simple copy-paste job.

    So much hoh-halla about the desi Ak-47 (Ghaatak) rifle, a masterpiece was made.

    Will the AK-203 going to have the same quality build - sarkariyon ki aadat toh nahi badlegi.

  109. Prasun da,

    Missed one question: As in the video narrator is suggesting that Indian Armed Force should have opted for 5.45 x39 mm instead - quote as poison dart.

  110. @Prasunda

    Why did we not weaponize ourselves with nukes despite the 1974 tests?



  111. HI Prasun
    the GOI is taking good steps in developing 5g network involving IIT madras etc, now can the same facility be used to develop world class encryptd data links? and products like BNET ??
    now can we ban chinese cell,phones wiht 5 g in the same way we banned them form setting up 5g infrastructure and use taiwanese expertise in making our cellmphones and slowly kick them out? i hear that it is mandatory for the cell phone manufacturers in india to incorporate navic chips in them?

    we seem to have for gotten the talent of such iit and giving the job to drdo etc who in no way can match the academic and sincerety of educational institutions

    what are the main advantages for pakistan getting a complete over haul of their F-16 and how does it hurt india


  112. MOst of the jammers are tailored to defeat X band and ka band. why cant we make aesa seekers in the KA band which is much more higher band where not much jammers are configuredand and surprise the enemy??

    what freq range the pod mounted jammers in the low band on su-30 wing tips operate?

    can u confirmn if the d-29 is a copy off the elta 568 jammer, did Italian electronica give us the source codes for it as well? can we make a larger jammimng pod with more power using AESA antenna using the same tech?
    how do u rate the above compared to the latest israeli SCOPIUS jammer what is unique about it.?
    should we not get some models of the land based ones and postion them near the border to jam the pak awacs in times of war ? . 3 jammers placed strategically on the forward area could negate the pak awacs effectively , their data links and fighter air borne radar in one stroke?.

  113. Thanx God!! They could get the Prachand at last.
