Sunday, October 16, 2022

India-Japan Military-Technical/Military-Industrial Cooperation Takes Off

The first-ever military-technical/military-industrial cooperation projects between India and Japan have now entered the negotiations stage, after being green-lighted by the second Japan-India 2 + 2 Foreign and Defence Ministerial Meeting in Tokyo on September 8, 2022 (held between Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Yoshimasa Hayashi, Minister of Defense of Japan, Yasukazu Hamada, Minister of Defence of India, Rajnath Singh and Minister of External Affairs of India, Dr S Jaishankar), with the Sixth India-Japan Joint Working Group on Defence Equipment and Technology Cooperation also being held concurrently.

The principal cooperating agencies from the two sides will be India’s Defence R & D Organisation (DRDO), the Indian Navy’s (IN) Weapons & Electronics Systems Engineering Establishment (WESEE) and Japan’s Japan's Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA). Together, the two will mentor and handhold the concerned military-industrial entities of both countries that will cooperate in developing two customised products: an integrated mast for the IN’s future principal surface combatants; and a new-generation Combat Information Centre (CIC) making widespread use of augmented reality technologies.

These two end-products will find application on board the IN’s projected seven Project17AU upgraded FFGs worth Rs.25,000 crore, five projected NG-DDGs worth Rs.50,000 crore and eight NGCs worth Rs.33,000 crore. The NORA-50 UNIted COmbined Radio aNtenna (UNICORN) integrated mast, which is already on board the 30FFM FFGs (22 to be procured) of Japan’s Maritime Self-Defense Force, features a bar-shaped dome that houses the antennae for tactical data-links, tactical air navigation system (TACAN), communications suites and ESM/EW/ELINT suites. The UNICORN has a shape designed to reduce the radar cross section (RCS), which makes it stealthy.

The ‘Advanced Integrated CIC’, developed by Mitsubishi Electric Co (MELCO), contains the OYQ-1 combat management system (CMS) and OYX-1-29 information display & processing system (IDPS). It features a circular arrangement and comprises an outer rim, with 14 multifunction consoles (plus two extra seats), all facing the wall; and three rows at the centre of the circular arrangement comprising a central helm station, four additional multifunction consoles (likely for the commanding officer and his XO), and two large horizontal tactical tables likely for cooperative mission planning and navigation purposes. According to MELCO, the 360° giant screen can be used to display the direct surroundings of the FFG by fusing the feed and data from the many on-board optronic and radar sensors.

Such augmented reality technology will greatly assist the crew in the field of navigation, asymmetric warfare and even in the phase of launch and recovery of unmanned surface vehicles. In addition, the ‘video wall’ can display any and all information typically displayed on multifunction consoles. For instance, information from the engine control room, and typically displayed as part of the integrated platform management system (IPMS), can now be displayed in the CIC thanks to the video wall. Also, tasks such as engine control, damage control and fire-fighting control can now be undertaken from inside the CIC. The two large tables with built-in monitors and touch-screen controls will prove useful for examining digitised navigational charts (ECDIS) and other situational awareness data collaboratively.

From Japan’s side, the principal military-industrial players will be Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) and its MELCO subsidiary, and Mitsui Engineering & Shipbuilding. From the Indian side, the principal military-industrial players will include the MoD-owned Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd (which has to date built integrated masts for the IN’s three Project 15A DDGs and four Project 15B DDGs and is building four more for the under-construction Project 17A FFGs), and the MoD-owned Bharat Electronics Ltd.


  1. Hi

    Looks extremely sophisticated


  2. Prasunda,
    Naval Engineers and Naval Architectures from DND should send to Japan for training. Israeli latest SAAR class corvette has more armaments than Kolkata class. They are so incompetent that GRSE built corvettes don't have point defence system.
    Our electronic engineers from BEL also should be sent for training.
    Best regards

  3. Sir, Pravin Sawhney and you write for Force I read both of you with interest. I'm unable to sleep after reading Pravin Sawhney's "The Last War : How AI will shape India's Final Showdown with China". You must have read the book and interacted with the author as well. How far do you agree with his cogitative analysis that Kashmir, Ladakh, Sikkim, and Arunachal Pradesh could be as good as goners for India as early as 2024 in the face of combined war launched by Pakistan and China ?

  4. To RAGHU: They indeed do, as do these:

    To PARTHASARATHI: One cannot blame GRSE, since it is only the shipbuilder. The fault is that of the DRDO, which kept the IN hanging from 1996 till 2008 for the naval shipborne variant of the Trishul SHORADS. After that endeavour failed, the DRDO sprang a new surprise by claiming that it could co-develop a VL-SR-SAM with MBDA. By 2015 that effort too ended up in failure.

    To GAGANDEEP: No, I have not read that book. I place much more emphasis on cognitive analysis conducted by the PLA's China-based domain experts like this:

    The PLA National Defense University, founded in 1985, is the most prestigious military academy on Mainland China and funded directly by the Central Military Commission (CMC). The PLA NDU is the only comprehensive joint command university for the PLA and is intended to cultivate high-level commanders and cadres for the army, navy, and air force of the modernised PLA. Professor Hu Xiaofeng’s primary field of expertise is AI, modelling & simulation, and operations research. Most importantly, he has held the title of chairman of the training simulation centre at the NDU and deputy chairman of the informatized warfare, command and control department. Among his publicly available works is a paper in 2017 titled “Joint Operations Planning Systems: Issues & Prospects”. Within this paper, Hu has identified 5 key issues facing the PLA in order for them to achieve effective joint operations planning (JOP). The first key issue is defining the concept of JOP. Hu states that modern warfare makes JOP difficult to be done by hand and creativity alone, as staff work is more complex. However, Hu argues that while informatized systems can be used to improve JOP, digitisation and informatization are not the solution. Hu’s primary argument here is that the “10 theories” of battle planning still forms the core of JOP even in modern conditions. The 10 theories listed are: Weapons use, target acquisition, stochastic duel, combat attrition, planning theory, queuing theory, game theory, decision theory, and combat simulations. Hu states that none of these things are new concepts, and have only been viewed with importance in recent years as of 2017 despite Qian Xuesen emphasizing this decades ago upon his defection to China. Hu further criticizes the PLA’s prior disregard for JOP as an embarrassment, saying that the PLA did unnecessary things while neglecting what it needed by attempting to use simple methods to solve complex problems, which is impossible. Hu emphasizes that JOP alone is not C2, and that the two are independent parts of the overall information command system. As an example, he brings up that ICS includes both basic C4ISR, the American GCCS, and various combat planning systems, plainly stating that the PLA is far behind that of the US military. Moreover, he argues that because of how far behind the PLA is in this regard, there is a lot of confusion and mix-ups on concepts and theories. The second key issue he brings up is that JOPS needs to emphasize speed over accurate planning. He reminds his reader that no plan survives contact with the enemy.

    Cont'd below...

  5. Within this section, he continuously emphasizes that the enemy will not cooperate with you, and that operational planning relies on four main facets: Facet 1 is that planners need to be familiar with the complete process of operations planning rather than the “rough grasp” approach of the past. Facet 2 is that planners need to understand the relationship between their actions and improve understanding of higher-level operational intent. Facet 3 is that only when planners employ practical application and testing, can problems be found. Facet 4 is that operational planning forms the fundamental basis of combat operations to realize tactical intent of a campaign as well as any changes that emerge. Taken together, Hu’s argument takes a direct shot at the way the PLA has traditionally done things: higher command issues vague orders and expects subordinates to figure things out on their own and former exercises follow a script instead of large force-on-force manoeuvres where the two sides are both attempting to achieve their own conflicting goals. Further elaborating, Hu lists out what this means for all levels of command: 1) Commanders must accurately formulate plans that meet his own superior's intent and make changes as needed to achieve those intents. 2) Command-n-control systems must provide up-to-date intelligence on enemy status, troop tracking, and plan changes at a minimum. Hu also takes a stab at institutional insubordination, stating that planners must work to achieve a seamless fit between the commander’s goals and operations planning, rather than planners ignoring the commander’s intent. The third key issue is how the PLA can improve situational awareness on the rapidly changing conditions on the battlefield, and refers to the OODA loop by name. Hu identifies people as the most important part of being adaptable in both planning and execution and reminds readers to not believe that technology can replace lack of knowledge in commanders. Hu also mentions Alpha Go in a subsection, but goes to warn that the PLA should not assume that AI is an all-capable skills replacement tool, instead advocating that commanders ought to take heed of the process that Alpha Go employs in its deep learning protocol: an iterative process that changes as the input data changes, calling on commanders to use this method to improve situational awareness.

  6. Prasunda,

    1. Is it true that Russian analysts are giving credence to PRCs claims in Ladakh and Arunachal as Nalapat claims in the above article ?

    2. Do you agree with the assesment that PRC is likely to attack India in the near future, given that such an attack will not attract sanctions like an attack on Taiwan will ?


  7. Prasunda,

    1. How true is this news piece ? Wo'nt Iran end up getting something critical in return from Russia, such as proven thermonuclear warhead designs ?

    2. Is India not in a position to supply weapons to Russia in return for similar critical strategic benefits ?



  8. HI prasun
    can u eloborate on the digital map generator ofthe jaguar darin 3 and is it tied into the flight control sysytem for low low attack.

    is it not the protection of teh tank in general hav ebee over estimated by the loss of abrams and merkava? and now to drone dropped shaped chagred warheads? how do we couter this ?

  9. With this cooperation

    Are we looking at integrating the new mast and CIC immediately (or last hulls) and maybe looking at a delay in completion of P17A?

  10. Sir,

    Defence Expo 2022 me hu.Bada maza aa rahi.Kafi enjoy kar raha hu..khana bhi accha hai...
    kafi sare product first time dekhe.

    Hope aap bhi aane wale ho..


  11. HI prasun
    is it feasible to make a COTS drone carry a milan warhed and drop it on to tanks ans so on. This could have AI base systems with its own search and destroy EO sensors. Tonbo should able to do that?
    is byraktar an over rated UAV?

  12. Prasunda

    Does the Solar Group - (Economic Explosives) CEO read your blog?! They have been consistent with their practical solutions (Pinaka Mk1A) & now extremely necessary proposals - 150km range Pinakas & 250km range cheap Supersonic cruise missiles based loosely on Brahmos. I certainly wish them Godspeed & besides India expect countries like Armenia too would. As long as this is not mere hype & publicity or fly by night profiteering, I look forward to a new Defence Company on the horizon, a valuable addition ro the nascent MIC coming up in India with excellent Forces-Public-Private partnerships

  13. To SATYAKI: 1) It is tabloid journalism, plain & simple. 2) No, I don’t, simply because the PLAGF isn’t prepared or armed/equipped for such a mis-adventure. As the above assessment of mine has highlighted, the PLA’s war preparedness efforts are all concentrated/focussed along the Taiwan Straits.

    To ASHWATTHAMA: 1) It is 100% true. But they are not BMs, but SS-BSMs. One cannot exchange conventional weapons for nuclear WMDs. 2) No, because that would be a disaster, for instance, denial of GE turbofans for India’s homegrown MRCA projects.

    To RAD: Digital map generator is a navigational aid, not a flight-control aid. It was all explained here:

    For protecting armoured vehicles from top-attack drone-dropped munitions, what is reqd is a quick-reaction terminal air-defence system that includes counter-drone jamming systems. For countering attack drones like the China-developed ASN-301 (whose Iranian clone is the Shahed-136), CIWS like the Vulcan Phalanx or AK-630M is reqd.

    To G: Not at all. Instead, they are for the projected NG-DDGs, NGCs & Project 17AU FFGs. What will go inside those masts will include existing systems like the Nayan, Varuna & Shakti suites.

    To ANWAY: LoLz! I’m giving DEFEXPO-2022 a miss this time because I have prior ISR tasking commitments. Besides, within the next 120 days, the very same will all be shown at Aero India 2023. However, my staff are at the expo site to take the reqd photos & technical literature. From what has reached me thus far, the following deserve attention:

    1) 2 different variants of ATAGS MGS are being exhibited: one from Kalyani Group using the BEML armoured high-mobility vehicle (HMV) & the other by TATA using a TATA-developed HMV.

    2) BDL is showcasing the SANT PGM using W-band MMW seeker & thrust-vectoring nozzles, indicating that it will be a top-attack missile with a near-vertical terminal flight trajectory. BDL is also showcasing UAV-launched ULPGM version of the MPATGM, a drone-launched UL-ARM, & the homegrown Amogha-3 ATGM with its tripod-mounted CLU.

    3) The 1,000kg Gaurav GPS-guided glide bomb is being exhibited. It will be built by Adani Defence & Aerospace.

    4) L & T’s FICV is a minimally re-engineered version of the DRDO-developed Abhay FICV. A lot more work is reqd to optimise the FICV’s design.

    5) SOLAR Group’s Nagastra loitering PGM is a VTOL system that can be used at altitudes of up to 16,000 feet ASL.

    6) Rudram-3 is the 300km-range air-delivered munition capable of being armed with nuclear warheads. Like Prahar SS-BSM, this too will be produced by TATA.

    7) IAF-developed SAMAR air-defence system is just a conceptual technology demonstrator, with no production orders to be placed.

    8) TONBO Imaging’s ‘Spatran’ HHTIs are now being supplied to the IA for replacing the ELBIT-supplied HHTIs that were procured 2 decades ago.

    9) All the upgraded BMP-2 ICVs being showcased AVANI & Kalyani group are just conceptual offers.

  14. Sir will you be posting the images taken by your team? Eagerly awaiting your promised article on orbat changes.

    1) Is pakistani FATAH 1 MBRL really 150 km? Is it different from A100E? How many of FATAH and A100 does Pakistan have?

    2) Do 40/75/90 km pinaka launcher have launcher and barrel commonality? I think guided pinaka carries only 8 cells.

    3) Do we have conventional ballistic missile regiments outside of strategic command for bombing purposes? How many regiments and missiles? Seems like all we have is 4 Brahmos regiments.
    As per you, what should be the size and makeup of Rocket force?

    4) Is there an estimate on how many cruise and ballistic missile Pakistan has for conventional attacks? And China?

    5) Can we ask USA to integrate rapid dragon 6 cell launcher on c295? It will give us a bomber capable of carrying 6 units of 925 km cruise missiles cheaply to a flight distance of 2500+ km adequate to hit all of Pak, deep inside Tibet/Xinjiang, reach Aden and reach south asian straits for maritime strikes too, from South India.

    Thanks in advance.

  15. Is Tejas MK-2 really delayed or Fake news floating around?

    When we will see the 1st prototype roll-out?

  16. Sir,
    As per your reply. U have own organisation or u are working somewhere?


  17. Dada. When tickets for Aero India2023 will be releases for general people?

  18. Sir ,why is Russia procuring missiles from Iran .What’s the geopolitical implication ?
    Best Regards

  19. Dada any updates on DRDO Anusandhan test bed?
    Any update on tanker aircrafts, Awacs? Why we take decisions at snail's speed. Meanwhile pakistan send a Bombardier aircraft to Turkey for modifications. To be used as a SIGINT ELNIT aircraft.

  20. To VSJ: Yes, at a later date. 1) Fatah-1 is the 300mm WS-32 MBRL developed by China’s Chengdu-based Sichuan Aerospace Industry Corporation (SAIC).

    2) All Pinaka rockets have 214mm diameter. The 37.5km Pinaka-1 rockets are being replaced by now in use are the Pinaka DPICM with 37.5km range, Pinaka-ER with 45km range & Pinaka Guded wikth 75km range. In future, the 135km-range Pinaka-2 will have a diameter of 300mm. 3) Yes, he Missile Groups that I had already detailed in the thread called ‘From Prithvi to Pralay’. 4) Yes. 5) That is not a good idea at all. Given Pakistan’s narrow 7 elongated geography, such platforms are not necessary for launching ALCMs. Instead, one has to study the on-going usage by Russia of attack drones imported from Iran. While the world is ASSUMING that Iran has supplied attack drones to Russia, in reality the Shahed-136 drones are China-supplied ASN-301 attack drones that Iran has procured from Mainland China!

    To ANUP. It is truly a mela-like atmosphere there & although the food is not tasty, it is being served for free & hence many are liking it. After the PM’s tour of the India Pavilion later today, most trade visitors & delegates will head for home by this evening.

    To HARSH: No, it is FAKE NEWS. Rollout of first of 3 prototypes is due by the latter half of next year.

    To ANWAY: I have my own outfit called DCS, or Directorate of Clandestine Services.

    To SUMIT: Probably by late January next year. The DRDO Pavilion comprises crudely-built scale-models of AEW & CS platforms, etc etc. Here is the data on the Turkish special missions platform:

    To SP: Russia is procuring not Iran-made attack drones, but China-made/Iran-supplied attack drones. . While the world is ASSUMING that Iran has supplied attack drones to Russia, in reality the Shahed-136 drones are China-supplied ASN-301 attack drones that Iran has procured from Mainland China!

    Russia has been hit very hard by the sanctions regime & its micro-electronics sector has come to a virtual standstill, as explained here:

    To KAUSTAV: LoLz! The Rudram-3 is an air-launched supersonic cruise missile. What needs to be developed now is its hypersonic variant.

  21. Sir,
    As you replied to ANYWAY
    What kind of organisations it is and does it has any website ??

    With respects


  22. hi prasun
    Turkey is the latest jihadi ally of pakistan , getting jamming platforms is the last tings we want , how can we scare them into not supplying such force multipliers?
    is the drdo have an idea o f making such jamming plat forms ? the same global 6000 will be an ideal plat form as it would have been flight tested by canada . All we have to do is install aesa jammers. Do we have the tech or we have to inport?

    can these jammers be shot down ? or they can jam the s-400 misisle as well?
    what woyuld be the CEP of rudram type missiles ?

    do we have an ie a to make israeli rampage type of air borne stand off weapons? seems to be quite feasible. given navic

    is there any processor made in india that are remotely near the baikal processors or even the chienes huwawei ones? leave alson US ones

  23. If things carry on the way that they are now, Ukraine will be short on energy in the Winter. It will become energy dependent. It will need energy imports. Its only source for energy imports will be Europe and the US. This means that it will impose further burdens on the already heavily strained energy market in Europe/West leading to disaster both in Ukraine, Europe and the US. This will put further pressure on the West to seek negotiations/surrender.

    Not only this, but this move by the Russians will also drive energy prices up, which will again serve Russian interests.

    This move by the Russians to destroy Ukraine's energy sector has got to be one of the most genius military manoeuvres I have recently experienced in warfare...No, the word genius is an understatement. Its timing is sublime. Ukraine was until recently exporting energy to the West...This means that this move by the Russians was also totally unanticipated by Ukraine and the West, this owing in large part to the passive way that Russia has fought this conflict so far....Genius!!!


  24. Hi prasun
    dont u think the time has come for a system like iron dome to be cost effective to tak out drones that cost 1k dollars wiht a missile which is atlest 250 k.. the effectiv eness of drones seem to be flooding the net. scary.. a fiber glass drone is going to be very difficult to catch by radar as well given it size and material.

    what would be the real tech hiccup for us to make a iron dome type missile

    we are going to face a swarm of harpy clones ...

    can systems like trophy take out drones or misisles diving in a top attack profile?

  25. Prasun Sir,Thank you answering my question! I have a follow-up Question : How will the west penalise China?

  26. Sir,

    There are Tsunami of Lotering System+UAV+howitzer+different kind of missiles in India.


  27. To VEDANT: DCS is a non-state NGO conceived, created, commanded & controlled by me since its birth in the early 1990s. I am its financier, owner & controller & under me are my ‘runners’ all over the world who carry out the taskings prepared by me. It has no website & no registration for reasons of plausible deniability.

    To RAD: Such airborne combat-support platforms can easily be shot down by both LR-SAMs like the S-400 as well as by the Rudram-3’s ARM variant. Systems like Iron Dome can easily, with minor modifications, intercept the subsonic attack-drones of the type now being used by Russia. The Solar Group’s Economic Explosives Pvt Ltd is already working on one such system. The Shahed-136/ASN-301 drone (a clone of the Harpy) is launched at a rate of five per target & hence they are not swarm drones by any stretch. Such drones can be located & tracked by radars operating with terminal air-defence systems. An AK-630M six-barrelled CIWS too can destroy such drones when guided by an IRST-based all-passive optronic fired-control system.

    To ANUP & ANWAY: Arey Bhai Log, just enjoy the ‘Mela’ & consume the free food, snacks & beverages. But what intrigued me was this poster:

    No mention of the RM at all! Like it is just a one-man show! Bahut Sharam ki baat hai. Personally, I have been to such expos all over the world (including in Mainland China) since 1987 & hence such expos are no longer a novelty to me. In fact, I stopped watching aerobatic demos since the mid-1990s & pay no attention to them anymore whenever they take place in the skies above me. The most memorable aerobatic demo I saw was a 10-minute dogfight between a Su-35BM & a Su-27IB at the 1993 Dubai Air Show. But kindly rest assured that all these exhibits will once again be shown at Aero India 2023.

    To RAJ GUPTA: What Russia is now doing to Ukraine was the very same the US had done to Iraq during the 1991 OP Desert Storm, i.e. total conventional war. Hence it is no longer a ‘Special Military Operation’. If the West decides to supply oil & gas to Ukraine, then this will be at the expense of countries in South Asia, where countries are already paying record-high prices for LNG imported from the Middle East & the US. Hence, any recent military gains by Russia translates into a huge economic burden for countries like India.

    To SP: The West has already begun penalising China by denying it the tools for developing high-end quantum computing microchips. In addition, companies by Huawei & ZTE are being denied access to 5G & 6G cellular comms technologies.

  28. To KAUSTAV: Here are the key takeaways from DEFEXPO-2022 (to add to what I had stated on October 18, 2022 at 7:36 AM:

    1) While the Rudram-1 NG-ARM is meant for destroying X-band target engagement radars of ground-based SHORADS, the Rudram-2 NG-ARM is meant for neutralising the L-band & S-band gapfiller radars of MR-SAM systems. The Rudram-3 ARM is meant for destroying the low-band long-range airspace surveillance radars. Hence, HQ-17A-type SHORADS will be destroyed by Rudram-1, while the LY-80E LOMADS will be destroyed by Rudram-2 & LR-SAMs like HQ-9 HIMADS will be destroyed by Rudram-3.

    2) The Prahaar SS-BSM will be used for engaging time-urgent targets like ground-based formation HQs. Each Prahaar Regiment will comprise 14 high-mobility vehicles each carrying 2 Prahaar SS-BSMs inside cannisters, or 28 missiles per Regiment. They will replace the existing Prithvi SS-150s in the three IA Missile Groups.

    3) The Pralay SS-BSM, on the other hand, will be employed for destroying ammunition depots located within the hinterland in Pakistan’s case, and ammo depots in rear-areas in China’s case. BrahMos-1 SS-BSMs will be reserved for very high-end targets like politico-military HQs & strategic bridges & railway nodes.

    4) The CVRDE-designed & L & T-built Zorawar Light Tank will have a combat weight of 27.5 tonnes, will be powered by the very same 1,000hp MTU/RENK powerpack that is used by the K-9 Vajra tracked 155mm/52-cal SPH, and will have a power-to-weight ratio of almost 30hp/tonne. The turret will be totally unmanned & the crew complement of 3 will be seated in the hull.

    5) Given the demonstrated capabilities of Iran’s The Shahed-136/ASN-301 drone (a clone of the IAI Harpy), which is launched at a rate of five per target, both the IA & IAF need to go back to the drawing boards for procuring suitable cost-effective terminal air-defence systems. To this end, my preferred choice is still the AK-630M six-barrelled CIWS integrated with an optronic fire-control system using an all-passive infra-red search-n-track sensor. In addition, far cheaper SHORADS SAMs need to be procured for shooting down such attack-drones as well as subsonic cruise missiles.

    6) The A320 LRMR/MPA design configuration shown at the LRDE/CABS booth mistakenly shows it with IAF markings. In fact, it is meant for the Indian Coast Guard & it will be the optimum long-range airborne surveillance/maritime patrolling platform for the ICGS within the IOR.

    1. Prasunda

      Thank you, for this and all updates. India finally seems to now have started acquiring realistic capabilities & sustainability - While not very high-tech, these can, if acquired in sufficient numbers & used well might enable India to deter PRC & Paxtan even forcing them back.

      But since there are numerous other factors including their capabilities, I would be very happy if you could give a detailed update on India's Artillery Guns & Conventional Rocket Forces - Guns, Rockets, Missiles, Radars, Sensors, UAVs, Transport, Storage - the works (as you have done before too) for Next 5 years as well as comparision with PRC & even Paxtan

      Ukraine situation is now a full scale war with very little good news for India economically, however it goes - except for an early end which will still not remedy our trade problems with Russia

  29. 1) Sir will upcoming 28, 60 nm fabs be able to meet our defence needs independent of Russia?

    2) Is vl srsam bi/quad packed or is it standard 8 per vls block?

    3) Expected role of Light tank is recce or infantry support?

    4) So i read your article, 4 rgmt Brahmos, 3 rgmt prithvi with and 2 rgmt equivalent ground launched Brahmos+ prithvi combo with IAF makes a good 9 rgmt/700 missile baseline for rocket force.

    Will IAF only retain air launched CM/BM?
    Same for navy only retaining ship/sub launch CM with exemption of coastal missile batteries?

    5) Are 3 PAF fighter conversion squadrons purely training squadrons or have CCS type combat role? What are their sizes as CCS are usually 8 aircraft per squadron.
    Do they not have trainers at individual squadron level?


  30. Prasunda,

    1) You earlier said that the Prahar has been inducted uniquely for TNW delivery. Are these inductions of Prahar you are referring to additional inductions for conventional use (as SS-BSMs) ?

    2) By when will the Rudram-2, Rudram-3, Pralay and these additional Prahar systems be inducted ? By 2025 or so ?


  31. To KAUSTAV: VMT. here are the seminars held at the expo site:

    Turbofan/Turboshaft R & D Updates:

    And these are earlier seminars on space warfare reqmts of India's armed forces:

    Persistent & Resilient Space ISR Capability:

    DEFEXPO-2022 Expo Show Dailies:

    1. Prasunda

      Thank You Sir & of course a Happy Diwali, an enjoyable Kali Puja & Seasons Greetings to you

      Much appreciated this treasure trove of discussions - Mr. Patil CEO of L&T is s genuine pleasure to listen to or read. The involvement of corporate India will on balance be excellent for the MIC & Aerospace Industry. Very grateful for the links on the festival weekend...Gracias

  32. Prasunda,
    Have you noticed any decent Direct Energy Weapon made by any Indian company?
    Best regards

  33. To PARTHASARATHI: Made, yes. Developed, no. Back at DEFEXPO-2012 TATA had shown a vehicle-mounted laser effector meant for neutralising IEDs. At DEFEXPO-2022, Kalyani Group displayed its concept of an EMALS, as shown here:

    No wonder Kalyani Group has inked an MoU with General Atomics for co-developing powerpacks for such EMALS.

  34. Prasun Da, what's your take on Pakistan's coming out of FATF Grey List ?

    Thanks in Advance.

  35. Prasun Da,

    Do you think UK would continue to invest in tempest project with current crisis its facing or will it tone down the speed / volume of activity into more minor bits over larger period of time ?

  36. Prasun Da,

    How well are HAL or ADA trying to use Very Large FPGA's in there Avionics , FCS and other avionics development ? since it would help development of Algos and also to some extent stabilise the functionality and leaving the performance optimization to the point where they would get the hardware ready this would also help in calling the complete system , and in some instances these FPGA's can be utilised as back up systems in gound based radar systems making operational depoyment and gathering the KPI points during operational deployment

  37. How much of the four provinces of Ukraine annexed by Putin in control of him ???


  38. Prasunda,
    At first many thanking for answering my query. Just one more, in recent years we have noticed abnormal number of helicopters are crashing and everytime a board of enquiry is declared. But the end result is same. No report is made public so far.
    Is our enemy is using any direct energy weapon? Which is destroying electronics of the helicopter?
    Just last year our CDS was killed in a very mysterious circumstances.
    Your opinion please.
    Best regards


  39. HI prasun
    could you throw more light on the 3 missiles that were uncovered? one says a laser guided anti aircraft missile .. the onlt one we kow of is the star s tar streak.

    mow how is klayani going to make an emals ?? a copy plated version of the US stuff?


  40. HI prasun
    you have mentioned that the rudram series of air to surface misisles are ARM missiles, but there are reports of them being air to surface missile wiht diferent ranges.?

  41. Shubha Deepavali Dada,

    1. You mentioned to neutralise Shahed-136/ASN-301 drone AK-630M six-barrelled CIWS integrated with an optronic fire-control system using an all-passive infra-red search-n-track sensor should be preferred option. Earlier you suggested Bayraktar TB2 can be thwarted using DRDO developed EW systems ( I think those systems are called Samyukta, Him Shakti). Can these DRDO developed EW systems not be deployed to foil attack of Shahed-136/ASN-301 type drone? If no, can you elaborate please?

    2. How come PRC managed to clone IAI Harpy. Has IAI supplied the Blue Print or another act of espionage by PRC?

    3. Per your reply, what options are available for cheaper SHORADS SAMs to be procured for destroying Shahed-136/ASN-301 type drones?

  42. Hi Prasunji,

    Two things I want to ask.

    1) Does Last Public Day of The Defence Expo means that the exibitiors should pack things up while the general public is coming to see the exibition or is it an unique case with India alone?

    2) Do you think the Ukrainian "Thunder Run" campaign will lead to a Russian Defeat or will it suffer the same fate as the Russian Lighting Campaign?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  43. Can Indian Govt or Private defence industry make those Iranian/ chinese missile with improved seeker..Loitering missile with with 1500km range at the cheap cost serve many purpose..

  44. Prasun,

    1- you mention A320 based LRMR/MPA design, is this what has been frozen now earlier it was C295 based option while u had suggested more P8I's with less capabilities for commonality reasons..will IN opt for more P8's?
    2- how does the US wedge tail E7 give 360 deg coverage when its antenna is bi planner like Netra or one offered by saab. Can Netra mk2 take lesson from wedge tail design to give 360 coverage & drop the rotating dome antenna like what US has opted? Also how good is this--
    3 - Can LCH be modified to have a small weapons bay in its belly to add to its firepower similar to bell invictus?
    4- Pentagon reaching out to Russia for talks .. any new development? Why have the arabs not abided by US dikaats on oil? has russia been able to break the US schaleson the arab world?funny that both GCC & Iran are on the same side -helping Russia in their own way
    5- French willing to arm rafale with desi weapons .. does france see a high likelyhood of more rafales buys to agree to this?
    6- Will the navy opt of 26 rafales/FA 18's? or did those OEMs waste their money? if FA18 is opted .. should India also go for a squadron for growlers-@18 6 for Navy & 12 for IAF. that way adding capability + this adds to the jet numbers making a case for local maintanenece & mfg of parts & engine along with LCA Mk2
    7- Will agni prime also have ship & Sub launched versions?
    8- US war in Ukr seems to have hurt EU the most with many cities witnessing strikes.. what do you make of this?
    9- Dry thrust Kaveri in Russia for trails.. its still business as usual even though russia is at war

  45. Prasun
    9- what jammer pods are these --

  46. prasun,

    9- just got the details --Pinaka Aerospace
    Probably our most interesting find , was a parallel apparent program for competing against CASDIC-DRDO ,

    -Aashraya ASPJ - for integration on Su-30MKI - highlights
    - High Band AESA and DFRM Jammer for Su-30MKI
    - Receive while jamming functionality
    10- many private firms comming up with Jammers --

    11-- is IMRH shown with Saab IDAS?

  47. Prasun,

    11-- what do you make of this --After CPEC, China & Pakistan To Launch 3 New Corridors Across IT, Health, Agriculture & Green Energy .. Creit to pakis they really know hwn to jump from one lap to other .. got US take them off FATF list, now back to wooing chinese .. Chinese money & US protection .. how cool is that .. As i always say US deep state seems to be the real emy of India, they invariably create anti india situations...

  48. prasun
    13- can India tie up with Japan to make lithography machines? it will be a win -win as there will be an alternate to ASML for india & japan can renew its lithography industry-nikon

  49. Prasun da,

    Is it possible/ advisable to explore avenues for expanding the co-operation to get the technology of Soryu class submarines. The have a proven AIP system and are thought to be very potent.

  50. Prasun sir,Wishing you and your loved ones a happy Diwali .God bless you with hood health and peace.

  51. Prasun,

    14 - Xi wins 3rd term .. what impact does it have on india & the world. Will Pak -China nexus bloom again now that pak is out of grey list

  52. Respected sir wish you and your loved ones a very happy Dipawali. May God bless you with good health.

  53. Dear Prasun,
    Wish you and the Trishul blog readers family a very happy Deepawali!!!


  54. hi prasun
    do u think RR offer for amca engine development is genuine or the will renegade te agrrement like US often does. will they part with their crown jewel of technology?
    no suddenly uncle samsays he will also give tech, hoe does safran gigure in this deal?.

    where is all the tech for latest air borne jammer comming from that has been offered by tese new commers?

    cam the LCH be fittted with a radar like the apache?

  55. Prasun
    14- what are these missiles from BDl rebadged amoghas or Nag or something new?

  56. Prasun Da, how do you view recent media reports of PRC's move of training of PLAAF pilots through ex European mainly French and British Fighter Pilots, by luring them through attractive monetary benefits ?

    Thanks in Advance, and Greetings for Kalipuja and Dipabali (belated).

  57. Prasun

    15- Xi's victory , US-Russia, France-Russ suddenly talking .. whats happening

    Wishing you a very happy Deepavli....

  58. Sir,
    DRDO scientist with EF2000.


  59. Prasun,
    Wish you,your loved ones and the readers of this blog a very happy Deepawali and a prosperous new year!

  60. China seems on track to humiliate us in a decade or so. The excuse that China can't fight due to corruption and incompetence is quickly becoming irrelevant, and any Indian officer or analyst bringing this up now as a retort is just the quintessential example of the pot calling the kettle black. Look at the appointment time for a new CDS for comparative benchmarking.

    Jinpig's China is very goals-focused on their geopolitical ambitions. First objective take over Taiwan. Second, humiliate or block India. Maybe they won't seek direct confrontation with India, but they can significantly humiliate us with a trade war or by arming Pakistan. China can arm Pakistan just like the West is arming Ukraine. They will turn an irrelevant beggar nation into a massive headache for us, like Russia is currently experiencing. A pyrrhic victory of us against Pakistan is all they really need (same with Ukraine situation).

    Also if Putin loses in Ukraine, Jinping will be looking at Siberia and Central Asia very closely.

  61. @Prasunda
    Interesting thread. Always knew the Dirty Bomb was certainly not going to emit smoke without any fire.


  62. Prasunda,
    Do we have any dedicated EW and SEAD aircraft?
    Best regards

  63. Prasun,

    When will we test K4 from our nuclear sub? Which Arihant class will it be?

    Which torpedoes are Kalvari class operational with?

  64. Dear Prasun @ 1:25

    Despite DPSUs, DRDOs & pvt defence companies, why is IA using this "crude hand-steered pole mounted jamming system"? Is this a testimony of our MIC capability and technological prowess?

    Thanks and Regards:)

  65. Dear Prasun

    Can you share study/brief/report, etc. on RPA/UAV development and manufacturing especially where its military, technological and industrial aspects converge?

    Thanks and Regards:)


  66. HI prasun
    VEM is making rotary uav and it seems it has a SAR radar too. it struck me that wont it be a very cost effective solution for battle field surveilance when it comes to tank battle to have a SAR on a small UAV which will be difficult to acquire on radar or even a IIR sensor of a manpads. Each Tank regiment can have one UAV mounted on a BMP chassis with required links . This radar pic can be immediately data linked to all tanks for situational awarnes that will be a great force multiplier.?

    it can pop up do a quick scan and drop down to very low levels

  67. Prasunda - saw the news of Su-57 being integrated with the new engine and new missiles. Any hopes of atleast the missiles coming to India.

  68. Namaste prasun ji

    What will be the structure of Indian IBG.
    There is a youtube channel with the name military history visualised, it makes excellent videos about ww2 German army and the Allies,
    where can I get to read about the structure of Indian division in 1971, what were the infantry tactics of Indian soldiers then what weapons they had, etc etc


  69. HI prasun
    the rudram 3 looks suspiciously like the khinzal missile of russia , any thing goimng on?

  70. Is Nirbhay with manik engine failed?

  71. Hi Dada,
    Can in future...India struck in Russia is in Ukraine? With China and USA supporting Pakistan? Are we planning in fighting war in shadow of new realities?

  72. Dear Prasun,
    Contrary to your earlier view upon make in India plan for C-295, it's going ahead despite being financially infeasible. You earlier told that only for 50 approximately crafts, it's not feasible. Is there any changes in the numbers? Please share your view.

  73. Prasun Sir, of late the number of UFO sightings have increased.Many reports suggest western governments esp USA conniving with alien races.Is this all fake ?

  74. To SP: Watch this revealing presentation on secret space projects, that will answer your question:

    To ASD: What I had stated earlier was that it takes the licenced-production of 56 aircr4aft to break-even. Now the number stands at 40. Perhaps in future the number will increase as extra orders pour in from the Indian Coast Guard. But in my view, the C-295 deal means the castration of India’s own aircraft development efforts, especially of these projects (NCA-90 & RTA-70):

    This is similar to what happened in Indonesia in the late 1990s when the Bandung-based IPTN’s efforts to develop the N-250 regional commuter turboprop was sabotaged & eventually Airbus Military (then CASA of Spain) got to sell IPTN the final-assembly line of the C-295. Here’s all the information on the N-250 & R-80 projects:

    As I had explained earlier, when HAL approached the NDA-1 Govt back in the late 1990s to develop the NCA-90 & RTA-70 aircraft, HAL was rudely told to stick to military aircraft R & D projects. Instead a CSIR laboratory like NAL was instructed to keep fiddling with the NCA-90 & RTA-70 projects. It was obvious that being merely a lab, NAL could never master the engineering aspects of product development & hence even the SARAS project has been languishing for the past 25 years! Sensing that something was amiss, the then CAS of the IAFACM Krishnaswamy had in 2001 proposed to the then NDA-1 Govt that a National Aeronautics Commission (like the Space Commission) be created so that India’s aerospace manufacturing & product development arenas would undergo balanced development & expansion, catering to the civil & military aviation sectors, as well as the space applications sector. But till this day, common-sense has eluded India’s decision-makers. Airbus Military’s principal marketing gimmick for securing the C-295 order was that the TASL final-assembly plant in Vadodara will be EASA-certified, i.e. all aircraft rolling out from it will have EASA airworthiness certification & consequently, the DGCA will automatically ratify this certification s that the C-295 can also be licence-built as a regional commuter turboprop. Thus, the coast is now clear for India’ ‘Netas’ to tell HAL that since it has not yet been able to obtain EASA or FAA certification for the Dhruv ALH & LUH, there is no guarantee that HAL or NAL will be able to obtain such certifications for the SARAS, NCA-90 & RTA-70 projects & hence they will become non-starters & no-brainers. Now, call it a conspiracy or anything else, this is what is not understood by those who advocate the impossible, like India buying over Brazil’s Embraer. Thus, in the name of ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ all kinds of monkey-games are being played by India’s ill-informed & ill-read ‘Netas’. Even in the HTT-40 BTT the only indigenous materials are the airframe & wiring harnesses. The engine, propeller & cockpit avionics are all imported.

    1. Many thanks,Prasun ,sir!will certainly.

  75. To SUMIT: That’s correct. Here’s the news-report:

    Something seems to be wrong with the on-board fuel-transfer system. The turbofan works fine.

    To ROCKY: Why in future? Right now India is unable to resort to any punitive measures against Pakistan for the sake of terminating almost-daily Pakistani violations of Indian airspace with drones.

    To RAD: The Rudram-3 is a multi-purpose missile that can be employed as an air-to-ground/air-to-air anti-radiation missile as well as a nuclear warhead-equipped air-to-surface missile. That explains the presence of so many control-fins on its airframe. Hence, the Rudram-3 also qualifies as an AEW & CS killer The smaller Rudram-2 comes in 2 versions: anti-radiation missile & air-to-surface precision-strike missile.



    As for SAR-equipped drones, the Searcher Mk.2s & Heron-1s due for upgrade will have SAR sensors, while the newly imported Heron-2s have SAR sensors.

    To VEDANT: The IBGs’ structures are still being worked out. If you are interested in ORBATs & tactics, then do watch these:

    To ARUP: No, because India has already rejected the PMF/Su-57.

    To SOUMYA RAY: What matters is whether or not such improvised jamming devices work. If they do, then looks become insignificant. As for drones now being used in Ukraine, here are some interesting tit-bits:

    To VED: When? Let it first be launched from an underwater pontoon. What was claimed by internet fanboys to be the K-4 test-launch was in fact the launch of a P-70 Amethyst anti-ship cruise missile. All IN-operated CM-2000 Scorpene SSKs are devoid of wire-guided HWTs since none have been procured to date.

    To PARTHASARATHI: No. The IAF & IN do not possess any such aircraft.

    Will answer the outstanding queries later today.


  76. hi prasun

    what are these pics of a so called laser beam rider vshorad appearing now and then as though drdo has made it? the only one is the starstreak , is there any collaboration or just a concept as usual.?

    what is stopping the nvay geting the lates f-21 torpedo? it seesm it is better than the german one that pakistan has got?

    dont u think herons flying high at 100km away from battle field will be still vulnerable to long range sam?

    does rudram -1 have a MMW seeker as claimed? or even the astra 2 that is being tested?

    does the astra 3 ie the sfdr missile have a aesa seeker?

  77. Dear Prasun,

    Request your comment on CATS initiated by HAL.

  78. Prasunda

    It does seem that the C-295 replaces the RTA-70 but the medium range & lift category MTA program with Russia fell through & the NCA-90 didn't happen - Are there any plans for a turbofan aircraft - civil airliner or cargo-freight?

  79. To RAD: The LBRM is the MBDA Starstreak & here’s the proof:

    Wonder why BDL did not showcase the AIM-132 ASRAAM at its booth!

    Yes, the Rudram-1 has a W-band MMW seeker for terminal homing & it is the same seeker as that on the SANT ATGM. Here are its images:

    No one, be it Rolls-Royce, SAFRAN or GE Aero, will part with any know-how as far as turbofans go. All that all these OEMs are offering to India is a workshare, i.e. just like the Barak-8 co-development project, Indian OEMs will build a certain portion of the turbofan, with the foreign OEMs chipping in with the rest. No one will share the formulae of their composites-based materials, nor will they teach India to graduate from BLISK to BLING welding processes.

    To VED: Several technologies need to be developed for CATS. For instance, a new turbojet will be reqd as the HAL-developed PTAE-7 is quite an old design. In fact, a re-usable turbofan will be a better option & the Kalyani Group is developing family of such turbofans. Secondly, the on-board data-link & related data-link pod for the launch aircraft will have to be developed. And finally the loitering PGMs to be launched by CATS need to be developed along with their fuel-cell powered electric engines & related propellers.

    To KAUSTAV: The reqmt for an IL-214 MRTA still remains & hopefully the project will be revived in future. A Western turbofan should be selected, along with Western avionics suites. Flight-testing & airworthiness certification work can easily be done in India by Indians. Such an aircraft also has immense potential as a commercial air-cargo carrier.

  80. To VSJ: 1) Watch this:

    2) It can be scaled-up or scaled-down to suit the platform’s reqmts. 3) Infantry support. 4) Both IAF & IN will have CMs & ASMs & ARMs. 5) They have dual roles.

    To SATYAKI: No, the Prahars as of now are exclusively for usage as TNWs. 2) Yes.

    To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: Yes, the UK will continue to invest in the TEMPEST project, since it has already gotten financial support from Japan.

    To PARTHASARATHI: LoLz! DEWs require unobstructed line-of-sight & I don’t think any China-/Tibet-based DEW had that kind of unobstructed LoS access to the Dhruv WSI that crashed in Arunachal Pradesh.

    To RAD: One is the LBRM/Starstreak, next is the SANT ATGM & the last is the ULPGM, an air-launched variant of MPATGM. Developing an E-MALS isn’t the principal technological challenge. Developing a storable electric power source is.

    To AD: 1) Both AK-630M CIWS & upgraded ZU-23-2 & ZSU-23-4 anti-aircraft cannons can shot down such subsonic attack drones. 2) China bought Harpys from Israel in the late 1980s, way before India did in 1996. 3) The cheapest SAM available is the IRON DOME. The other option is the 2kW laser-based DEW like the one developed by DRDO & now under production by BEL.

    To HARDIK THANKI: 1) It is a unique case with India because the Indian public is rowdy & often end up damaging the exhibits. In fact, even during the trade days, the public somehow manage to enter the expos like Aero India & DEFEXPO. 2) If the Ukrainian Army can re-capture the occupied territories to the south & southeast, then it will be considered a decisive victory for Ukraine.

    To BUDDHA: They are already being made.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) If CABS can develop such mission management suites, then installing them on A320s won’t be a problem & both the in & ICGS can opt for such platforms, thereby doing away with the need for additional P-8Is. 2) E-7 uses electronic beam-steering to achieve 360-degree coverage. Netra Mk.2’s antenna design prevents it from offering 360-degree surveillance capability. 3) The only available space within the LCH to accommodate a MMW radar s the belly-section. Hence, weapons cannot go in there. 5) Of course, because even the IAF is of the view that the MRFA reqmt can & must be met by additional Rafales. 6) The IN will go for the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. 7) No. 9) Yes. Why not? 9) They are the DARE-developed HBJ pods. Pinaka Aerospace is ONLY the manufacturer, not the developer. 11) Yes. 13) India can purchase such machines from both Holland & Japan. 14) ULPGM is an air-launched variant of MPATGM. LBRM is the MBDA Starstreak. Third is the SANT ATGM.

    To INDRAJIT: Soryu-class SSKs are double-hulled & have Stirling Engine AIP imported from Saab. The IN wants single-hulled SSKs.

    To SUMANTA NAG: Both the PLAAF & PLANAF obviously see the prospects of increasing confrontations with USAF, USN & JASDF combat aircraft in future & hence the need to brush up their English language skills of PLAAF & PLANAF pilots.

  81. Sir, when and where can we read about your recent ISR findings?

  82. HI prasun
    depressing to note that nobody if offereing the whole tot for engines.. i thought a couple of billion dollars would do te job
    but RR has been saying that they a re willing to go all the way where no other engine manufacturer has offered?

    again i guess this starstreak deal is only to sweeten the contract to make india buy it

    does these contracts mean thatindia is going in for the starstreak rather than the russian stuff or even the home designed manpads?

    again asraam facility is only a MRO, do you think the asraam mk2, (pse confirm that it is the mk2) having the UK designed seeker rather than the raytheon designed one ?is better than the python? in what ways?

    have we perfected the w band seeker ? i have been following that development for the past 20 years i think

    the news that there is a laser weapon in surprising as drdo always boasts , what are its primary functions?

    if drdo can make the high band jammers then i assume they are on the way to make the mid band and low band ones pse confirm?

    how do u rate them agains the latest el-8222 wb jammers?


  83. Hi prassun
    have we not learned something in manufacturing the al-31 engines for the su-30mki? what level of tot is that?

  84. Intelligence reports coming in that UK has supplied and trained Ukrainians to use UUVs and USVs to attack the Russian Black Sea Fleet and commit other terrorist actions.

    What countermeasures do we have against these and how vulnerable is IN to such attacks?

    I thought the Sevastopol base was protected with metal netting to stop these.

  85. Proof of covert ops to support and sustain terrorism by the UK AND USA.

  86. Sir
    After tensions with China cooled down, Indian defence ministry is upping the ante over Gilgit Baltistan.
    What is the overall game plan behind this psycho ops ?



  87. Hi prasun

    the rudram 2 has also a IIR seeker which means it has the capacity to recocgnize the target vis scene recognition software like the spice 2000 etc. Do we have that tech to install it on the missile ?.
    are we developing a missile likethe rampage of israel given that we have the pinaka rocket, the manuvering front end and navic.? if not why not as it is extremely cost effective and difficult to intecept unlike the spice missiles?.

  88. Dear Prasun

    Within a fortnight span of Japan, this happened at the again to South Korea:;

    In previous 2 threads (October 14, 2022 at 2:46 AM & October 5, 2022 at 7:48 PM), you countered my claim of fuelling ego & provocative stance with "a display of strategic restraint, thereby acquiring moral ascendancy". This time it happened when RoK-US is conducting combat air exercise and within RoK's EEZ. I understand the point of debris can cause harm to the civilian population. I'm still not able to reconcile prolonged moral ascendancy & restraint/hesitancy of RoK-Japan-USA with repeated DPRK's belligerence. How would, once in a while demonstration of ABM capability through interception, escalate the situation?

    Thanks & Regards

  89. Prasunda,
    RAF has decided to sell all fourteen C130 J.
    Don't you think that it's a opportunity to get so many very good conditioned Hercules at one go ?
    Can be converted into Tankers or ELINT platforms.
    Best regards

  90. Sir,

    Final configuration?


  91. Prasun,

    1- Has india provided proof of drone launches from pakistan with FATF/UN security and highlighted it in the recent UN security meet in india
    2- can the BMD inceptors be repurposed as short/medium ranged ballistic missiles ?

  92. Prasun da,

    Few reports are claiming that Russia hacked Liz Truss' phone. While that is hard to believe, it reminds us that they have been a formidable force in espionage. It's a pity that they fallen so far behind militarily.

  93. 3-- Sri Lanka betraying India for China? Colombo refuels Chinese warships despite help from India .. looks like china still continues to pull strings in the IOR region..

  94. Prasun
    4- interesting view -- what do you make of S korea getting lucrative deals. have its defence industry matured to that level? why isnt India making a pitch?

  95. To DASHU: Taskings are still under implementation. Will try to upload some of the results by early next week.

    To RAD: That’s what I had been explaining for a long time. But no one bothered to understand it all due to decades of brainwashing by successive Govts of India since the mid-1960s. Only instance of full To T was for the Orpheus engine for the Folland Gnat. I fail to understand how BDL will sell the LBRM/Starstreak to India’s armed forces when the DRDO is developing an IIR-guided MANPADS. Procuring AIM-132 ASRAAM Mk.2 SRAAM makes since because Israel-origin AAMs & HMDS & MMR on board Tejas Mk.1A will prohibit the L-MRCA’s export prospects. W-band seeker is now under limited series-production by Ananth Technologies for both Rudram-1 & SANT. I had revealed the laser-based DEW back in 2016 after DEFEXPO-2016 & here it is:

    Aaditya 100kW Gas Dynamic Laser System:

    The 2kW DEW is now on the BEL-built Counter-Drone System. Had already explained earlier DARE’s efforts to develop low-band/mid-band jammer pods. HAL has since 2011 been showing all indigenised components of the AL-31FP turbofan at every Aero India expo. They were all machined by HAL, with the raw materials coming directly from Russia & hence ToT took place but on a very limited basis. But each turbofan design from a different foreign OEM is different, involving different technologies & hence mastering one does not mean that all have been mastered. Nor does mastering one enable anyone to acquire the capability of developing an all-new new-generation turbofan. That’s because technological advances are generational & hence a Gen-4.5 turbofan will never be equal to a Gen-5 turbofan. Hence, anyone relying on ToT from abroad will forever be a nett importer of such technologies for future generations of turbofans. It is that simple & elementary. Rudram-2’s IIR seeker is similar to that on Spice-2000 SAAW. Both Rudram-2M & Rudram-3 offer attack capabilities similar to Rampage.

    To NIKHIL M: The overall gameplan is the same as that played out during 1971 regarding East Pakistan, i.e. provoke the natives of PoK & PoGB to rise up in protest against Pakistani occupation. After all, just like in 1971, it is imperative to have a sympathetic local population in the lands where offensive military operations of the IA & IAF will take place. Meanwhile, do watch this interesting assessment:

    How could a war between China and Taiwan play out?

    To SOUMYA RAY: This time the DPRK fired missiles & artillery rounds out into the sea & South Korea retaliated with air-to-surface missile firings.

    To PARTHASARATHI: Yes, that is a good option.

    How Israel Turns Its Soldiers Into Entrepreneurs

    To ANWAY: Yes, it is & given its length, it is likely to be silo-based & also go on board future IN warships like the NG-DDG.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: Of course. 2) No need, since Prahar & Rudram-2M/Rudram-3 are available.

  96. The honorable EAM's eloquent diplomacy has directly resulted in US funding of Pakistan's F-16; removal of Pakistan from FATF in spite of US congress identifying 12 terrorist organizations operating out of Pakistan; US Ambassador's visit to Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Khalistan referendum in Canada; Call by Germany's Foreign minister to involve United Nations on resolving Kashmir, Braverman's sabotage of India-UK trade deal; China's SCO map including Ladakh & AP as its own, leaving India headless. As a courtesy, Chinese distributed the map to Indian delegation) - just a sample of India's glorious diplomatic victories in the past two months!


  97. HI prasun
    for export of LCA , which i think is hare brained thought as we need to fill our depleting squadrons first to a decent level and then think of export. what is ur opinion?.

    we can replace the AAM with asraam, MMR with UTTAM but what about the HMD ? and then integrating all of them?

    u said rudram IIR seeker is similar to SAAW and spice .. did we get that from Israel?
    but what about the crucial scene matching algorythyms?

    reports indicate the VLSAM is facing problems what is it?

    give us more info about the latest AD_1 missile -- homing system , guidance, range speed , weight ..etc, i guess it is a version of the LRSAM ie equal to the S-400?
    Is there some thing called AD-2 , like the rudram series?

    the initial launch velocity is slow compared to the S-400 but does that make a difference?

    in the indian scenario which is better the IIR vshorads or the laser guided one in the dusty battle fields of the west.?


  98. HI prasun

    did russia permit us to integrate the asraam on the su-30mki? how are we doing it ? integrating the HMS and the IRST to the misisle etc

    in what other way is the asramm mk2 better than the older version?

  99. @Prasunda

    The AD-1 test video that has been released shows a rather slow moving missile, a far cry from the Mach 16-18 vectors ideally required. I fail to see how this achieves any of the slated aims of the BMD programme.



  100. Hi prasun
    why has qatar detained indian navy men? after all they seem to have been training their navy personnel?. qatar is kown to be an extrmist kingdom. what is the real truth and why is india keeping silent on that?

  101. Prasun,

    5- Chinese vessel enters Indian Ocean; Yuan Wang 6 tasked to spy on India's missile launch? now there is news that India will postpone the missile launch .. what if the Chinese station it permanently. how does india counter it?

  102. AK-203:

    Glide Bombs:

    4 x 4 ATV:

    Trilok SMG:




    F/A-18E Super Hornet

  103. Dear Prasun Da,

    1. what’s cooking on the PoK front ?

    2. Is the situation that’s developing, a result of USA lead and aided strategy, involving possibly multiple nations acting across different places ?

    3. How well are we doing on a scale of 1 to 10, in countering the 0.5 front in the scheme of the 2.5 front war India may face.

    4. Are some of the bilateral and multilateral exercises India has engaged in recent period, aimed at testing joint actions as part of the snatch and grab plans?

    5. Please ELI5, what role would the IN navy play in the event of an Air Land campaign on India’s north west edges.

  104. Sir, I have some questions about what will constitute our BMD and space defence system.

    Missiles developed under phase-1 - AAD and PAD - were rejected by the armed forces in favour of the S-400 with possible induction of 77N6-N and 77N6-N1 missiles in the future. Is that correct?

    I'm assuming PDV mk-2 evolved from older PDV is the final configuration version of PDV project and will be deployed as our main weapon to shoot down enemy satellites in space.

    Phase 2 will consist of AD-1 and AD-2 but little is known about them. Will these be hypersonic?


  105. Prasun,

    6- .. Hungarians sound to be most sensible of the lot .. why is India not having a separate focused desk for eastern EU ? that will keep the adult daiper clad wannabe caliph in check as well. ditto for southern SU countries like Greece, cyprus, armenia, balkans.. this will keep the US puppets inwestern EU in check if ever EU tries to rub india in the wrong way eg germans seem to be anti india in general when it comes to global posturing

  106. Prasun
    8- does it make sense?

  107. Prasunda,

    There are reports that an upcoming ballistic missile test may be postponed due to the presence of a PLASSF tracking ship (Yuan Wang 6) in the Indian Ocean. If so, wont the stationing of a PLA tracking ship on a regular basis stop India's ballistic missile testing altogether/ reduce the rate of testing drastically?


  108. More from DEFEXPO-2022:

    Bulgarian Assault Rifle:

    Assault Rifle with AI:


    Caracal SMG:

    BDL’s Drone Bombs:

    IMRAP 4 x 4:



    Largest Drone:

    Tavor Small Arms Family:

    Arjun Mk.1A MBT:


    To ANMOL CHAUDHARY: What’s going on along the LoC? This is what is going on:

    And along the LAC this is what is going on:

    Since India’s PM has already declared in the open that this is not the era of wars, it only meqans no Indian offensive military action will be initiated by India either across the LoC & LAC.

    To KAPIL: Yes, that’s correct. In future the AD-1/AD-2 endo-atmospheric interceptors along with the PDV-1 exo-atmospheric interceptor will form the definitive deployable elements of the ‘desi’ BMD network. All 3 missiles will be hypersonic.

    To RAD: Tejas Mk.1A will eventually have ‘Uttam’ AESA-MMR, Astra BVRAAM & AIM-132 ASRAAM along with HALBIT’s Targo HMDS. RAFAEL assisted RCI in developing the IIR seeker for Rudram-2 & SAAW. All new-generation systems like VL-SR-SAM & QR-SAM face integration problems that are resolved over a period of time with software refinements. Super Su-30MKI will have new India-sourced (BEL-built) IRST sensor & hence the source-code will be common for the IRST sensor, AIM-132 ASRAAM & Targo HMDS. No role for Russia at all. Launcher interface pylon for AIM-132 ASRAAM will come from UK-based Cobham.

  109. As I had stated earlier, components of Iranian drones have indeed come from China:

    An effective counter-drone hard-kill system:

  110. Prasun Da,

    Any info on ongoing Zhuhai Air Show China.

  111. To SATYAKI: The PLASSF tracking vessel is there to monitor the re-entry of a rocket launcher that is making an uncontrolled descent into the atmosphere & which is due to splash into the Bay of Bengal. Nothing to do with India's forthcoming BM test-firing.

    To SUSAN: These are being exhibited at Zhuhai:

  112. Hi mr.Prasun

    can you plz throw light on these issues :

    1. why GOI is not establishing more production lines of Brahmos Cruise missiles ? are the new Defense corridors being established, do not cater to cruise missile production ?

    2.what is the real purpose of French army and airforce chief meeting our respective chiefs ?

    3. what is the use of our navy participating in international fleet reviews other than developing force to force relations ?

    4. why are indian mining companies not participating in mining activities in Afghanistan ?

    4. can C295 used for civilian air travel ?

    5. why our navy is not interested in Japanese navy IZUMO type helicopter carriers ?

    6. does our navy have intelligence division ? if yes, then why navy is not interested in snooping on ocean bed internet and telecom cables ?

    7. why isro doesn't use solid propellants in PSLV or GSLV type rockets ?
    8. why our Archeological survey of India is no utilising Ladar equipped aircraft and discover new sites in unexplored regions of india ?


    1. Pt. 7 - All 3 Indian launchers are heavily dependent on Solid Boosters which is a reason for their being so heavy & with poor payload fraction as compared to other nations space launchers - Ideally from POV of efficiency & safety liquid fuel launchers are ideal & best suited for space launchers. Solid boosters are best for quick launches either missiles or small space launchers but all varieties do exist or are planned

  113. While LIDAR is a great tool to find buried civilisations in forests or deserts ... In India most ancient sites are under modern day cities where the effectiveness of LIDAR is questionable ... Given India's population density sites available for effectiv LIDAR survey are very few

  114. Prasun Da, when will AD-1, AD-2 and PDV MK2 be ready for induction? What about the long range radars for AD-1 and AD-2? And what about 77N67 and 77N6-N1 missiles that we are supposed to get from Russia in the future?

  115. Prasunda,


    1) In that case, would India still be able to test its BMs freely (without compromising the deterrent) even if China gets to station tracking ships regularly in the IOR ?

    2) Is the upcoming BM trial postponed due to the tracking ship being around or due to some other reason ?


  116. Prasunda

    Thanks a lot for the lively videos of Zhuhai Air Show. The PRC has indeed paid out an AWESOME variety on display as usual & all are all suitably AWED.

    Having said that such big drones with so many payloads thiugh oossibly mission specific load out will be more fair CCTV showed a Wing Loong-1E UCAV with up to 9 hung munitions in Zhuhai Airshow 2022, given that's a lot of weight... maybe this is why they had to support the wings. ;D

    Your views would be delight

  117. Prasunda,
    Kalyani group has recently announced that they have received an order of USD 155 million to export howitzer?
    Which model they are going to export? And which country is importing?
    Best regards

  118. To KAUSTAV: VMT, but UAVs like WL-1e etc etc are meant for usage only over uncontested airspaces & hence will never matter over airspaces along the LAC. Even in airspaces over conflict zones in the Middle East & North Africa such drones have been shot down by AAA.

    To PARTHASARATHI: It is the Bharat-52 (licenced/cloned version of Elbit's ATHOS-2052) ordered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    1. Hi atags of kalyani also a licensed built gun of spme foreign oem or designed by kalyani post learning from bharat 52



    2. Prasunda

      Yes, exactly - these UAVs the big WLs would be pretty useless over the Himalayas even for observation purposes, forget bombing.


  119. HI prasun
    do you think russians will permit us to put all the desi aesa radar, jammers, avionics, irst, etc etc,,,? will they try to poke their noses by saying that as the oem they would be the ones to do the test flying and certification?
    will they again try try to come inside while certifying new weapons like the astra 3 , and other future weapons?.

    will the desi UTTAM with larger aperture be better than the russian proposed asea radar for the super sukhoi? what are the design challenges do we face making that? surely having GAN trx modules will give a great leap in performance.

    why cant we go in for the HALBIT display for commonality rather than copying the 2 large screen display like the russian display?.

    do u think the desi IRST will be up to the mark ie equalling or having better performance than the russian ones?

    do they have an option of not allowing us , pretty well knowing that they can never supply the aesa radar for the super sukhoi program.?


  120. Hi prasun
    what would be the advantage of the dual wing tip mounted desi high band ew jammer over the sophisticated el-8222 wb jammers which proved effectiv in jammimng the f-16 radar as well as the amraam missile.?


  121. HI prasun
    whose crazy idea is it to make another lift by HAL?

    what are the indian specific changes on the 36 th rafale that is going to be deivered?

    is the bharat 52 based on the austrian gun or the israli gun? there seem to be conflcting reports that it is based on the austrian gh-45 ?

  122. Is there any reason why Bharath-52 was not considered by Indian Army. Instead ATAGS was developed.

    Will it be considered in future, or IA will stick to ATAGS/Dhanush combination?


  123. Sir, Ajay Shukla has reported that that the recent export order for Kalyani artillery gun was placed by Armenia for the 155 mm 39 calibre truck mounted howitzer or MArG. The number of guns ordered is close to 100. Is it true?

  124. Sir,

    What is happening here. what am i missing


  125. Prasun,

    -will this kill an feeble attempts at indigenous aircraft mfg --

  126. Prasun Da,

    Is India playing behind the door role for a possible agreement between between Russia and the West?

    Russia despite not having a large economy was considered a global power because of its military. But now it's military prestige and reputation is in tatters. What consequences will it have for Russia and Putin in the future?

  127. Whats the solution to neutralizing drones like Harpy & Harop?

  128. Prasun,

    what's your take on this --- & how to counter it, if reqd

  129. Prasun,

    could you thorw some more light of Iran's bavar 373 missile, they seem to be way ahead of India in terms of tech inspite of all the sanctions unless all of it is chinese clones which in turn are rusian or ukrainian tech

  130. Sir what next...Will Russia loose Crimea too.
    Does winter brings surprise in the ongoing war..
    When America and western power will end the conflict.
    What lessons regarding the war India will learn and implement....

  131. Dear Prasun

    In the recent Garuda VII Exercise, some of the participating Su-30 MKIs have nose-cones of different color. Any significance?

    Tipnis grey

    Thanks & Regards

  132. Can Russia still manufacture AL-31FP's with Western sanctions?

    Or do we have to ask China for their WS-10B... haha

    If we're smart maybe we can buy the IPRs for the izdeliye 30 before China grabs them.

  133. Why does IAF fancy ASRAAM when we have excellent alternatives like Python-5 and MICA?

    We know UK is a junior partner of USA, and will be first to adopt any anti-India measures that USA dictates. And we already know the Biden regime has plenty of pro-Pakistan cronies, same as with the Obama and Clinton regimes.

  134. Prasun,

    Qataris seem to be back with their anti india agenda to get their islamic leader high.. Time to show them their place.... Now EU too is acting funny suspiciously like US nudging these lot.


  135. Prasun Da,

    Is it true,At least 200 operational J-20 stealth fighter jets by PLAAF.

  136. Hi Prasun,
    1) Looks like pak!s got tot for SAAB's Sirius ELINT Passive detection sensor into the GIDS IEWS, how to counter it apart from following EMCON(emission control). They also use Rhodes & Schwartz's ELINT gear as per this :

    2) Is sound noise control considered in india's rotorcrats be it helis, drones etc.



  137. @Karthik Barman, Yes, one look at Biden's Policy Advisory team clears all doubts. Salman Ahmed is one of the Pakistanis who was also part of Obama's policy advisory team, and considered the key guy behind Syria adventures. There are quite a few others in key positions in DNC, who drafted Biden's CAA and Kashmir focus in his pre-election manifesto.
    Selecting the ASRAAM is as equally brainless as selecting the GE404/414 engines for Tejas.
    Both are subject to the whims and fancies of US, and in the current 'Punish India for buying Russian oil' environment, both will be choked by US-UK.
    This means our Tejas production line is neutered, minus its engines.
    I never understood this fascination/fixation with the US as a reliable partner. Rule of thumb is He who supplies your enemy is your enemy. That approach would have ended us like North Korea, I get that, and a lot of commenters here wouldn't be having their US dreams realised.
    But 'Dudh ka dudh, paani ka paani' this is what it is at the end of the day.
    MBDA will listen to US, even if it has been supplying ASRAAM-s to IAF Jaguars since 2017.
    The ASRAAM decision was taken by the IAF in 2011, the UPA-2 era, where our leadership bent backwards many times to accommodate US interests at the expense of ours
    I read somewhere that ASRAAM is compatible only with BAE-developed HMDS, and not with the TARGO HMDS from Elbit Systems on the Tejas. But Prasun is THE EXPERT here and I'd wait for his insights.

  138. Prasun, do the armed forced do this on purpose as a way of circumventing made in india stuff?

  139. Prasun.. -- its funny to see that sone arbid companies can threaten the india govt with some international court and tame it while china virtually does what it wants .. how & whats the diff?

  140. IDEAS-2022 Expo Highlights in Karachi:

  141. Hi Prasun,

    This should enhance troop mobility and help people of Arunachal.

  142. Prasunda

    My inevitable query given that a version of the Kaveri engine will be more likely as not used by India's UCAV - Ghaatak -

    1. Can this aero-engine be used in a Civil Aircraft - Passenger or Transport or is this engine too heavy?

    2. Can this aero-engine be used on a Trainer Aircraft?- A twin engine might be too heavy but might be feasible without afterburners & safer.

    Of course, having an aero engine finally(?) & not putting it to multiple uses - civil or military would be a pity! The query being of course - Does India have a big aero-engine finally of it's own?

  143. To KAUSTAV: The 47kN dry thrust variant of Kaveri meant for the UCAV project should become a mature design since the complexities are far lesser. Another prospective application of such a turbofan is a possible 20-seat stretched version of the Saras. As for the reheated variant, it all depends on the forthcoming round of flight-tests on board a Russian IL-76MD airborne testbed at Russia’s Gromov Flight Research Institute. If everything goes fine, then one can expect this variant of Kaveri to find its way on an IAF MiG-29 airborne testbed & only after that the LCA LIFT/Sport platform.

    Meanwhile, here are 2 intriguing exhibits at IDEAS-2022:

    I have been hearing since 2006 that Pakistan was developing a home-grown & rangeless ACMI system, and now we are hearing about the PAF acquiring such pods for its JF-17s from a Turkish OEM!

    New subsonic anti-ship cruise missile TAIMOOR:

    Plus, some more exhibits from the expo:

    To PSS: Here are the original reports:

    Excellent Appreciation:

    1. Good appreciation on psychological collapse by gen panag..but few reasons one can attribute to such collapse:
      1. Domino effect of initial set backs getting carried forward
      2. IV corps commander gen bm kaul leading the offensive being an army supply corps officer with no combat experience!
      3 A political leadership which even before the war was stooped in gandhian non violence, doubting need for a military
      4 inadequate preperation and training of forward troops for a tough tight and confusion in army officers hierarchy with multiple instances of corp commander directly giving instructions to junior officers, especially with no combat experience

      An unfriendly gandhian non violence political class doubting the need for military and an army leadership with an incompetent general is a perfect recipe for human resource collapse..lessons well learnt


