Thursday, November 17, 2022

Meanwhile, At Kochi...

To Enter Service In Future...


  1. 2022 is also coming to end. Nothing on P75I or MMRCA-2.

    Will the MoD get some sense now?


  2. HI prasun
    why dont our sat rocket tracking ship have huge parabolic antennas like the chines ? we can orient it any way to spy on many things unlike aesare radars that have a fixed beam coverage more for eves dropping .I believe our ship has a version of the sword fish aesa radar,
    How best can we deter turkey form supplying key weapons systems tpo pakistan, arm armenenia and greece?

  3. Dear Prasun,
    Now in social media there's a tug of wars between RW and LW about Veer Savarkar. LW tease the Savarkar supporters. May you please share your view upon it. Being Indian, should we endorse Savarkar? Please enlighten us.

  4. Hi prasoon..the chinese PLA has deployed MUltiple Launch Rocket Systems across LAC having range upto 300 do indians want to tackle this threat? Do we have any artillery counter to such long range rockets? Can we hit and destroy theses launchers?



  5. What are these vessels Prasun and what's their importance?

  6. To ANKIT KUMAR: When unealistic demands/expectations get translated into impossible-to-implement RFIs & RFQs, the end-result is always ZERO (0).

    To RAD: That by itself proves that China has yet to develop active phased-array radars for shipborne applications. They are not spying vessels, but space-objects tracking vessels.

    To KUNAL: The latest PLAGF artillery storage base is just been operationalised south of Xianzu Island, Lhasa, Tibet. Its coordinates are 29.6316 N, 91.1398 E & can be viewed on GoogleEarth. How to counter them? Well, that’s why the Pralay & BrahMos-1 SS-BSMs have been developed. Regarding your earlier query on ATAGS, it is 100% India-developed solution, with the DRDO holding all the IPRs. Here’s a beautiful explanation:

    To ASD: These are all nonsensical soundbytes now being emitted by the INC. The fact that Veer Savarkar was praised by the INC during Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s reign & postage stamps were then issued to recognise his contributions serves as enough evidence of Veer Savarkar’s stature. Those who now do not acknowledge this reality are being delusional.

    To VED: I had explained it all here:

    I have uploaded additional slides above to further explain what it is all about, i.e. developing a sea-based BMD capability to counter BMs that Pakistan can be expected to launch against India’s western seaboard from sites along the Makran coastline.

  7. 1) Sir what is the role difference between Ashlesha and bharani radars in operational usage?

    2) Recently 8 interceptor boats were fitted with Thales Australia Mine sweeping kits at $5 million each. That combined with Raytheon Helicopter based mine detection/kill system on Naval dhruvs (for ship borne minehunting and seagull uav ($30 million each), can these 3 systems cheaply replace the entire need for having a costly 24 Minesweeper (glass reinforced plastic hull) fleet costing $6 billion?

    My logic is 24 of each such systems can be purchased quickly at less than total $1.5 billion and have more availability and 3x density to protect ALL our naval/civilian ports/islands cheaply than 15 year delayed minesweeper project.
    Add german anti mine mini uav on warships for anti mine defense.

    Dedicated Minehunters maybe required for high seas or clearing enemy coast for expeditionary amphibious forces of which we currently have no plans beyond A&N or defending Maldives, Seychelles from coups.
    Even UK seems to have retired their 13 minesweepers.


  8. Prasun,

    1- this news is both sad & baffling - .. why no from the airforce .. they can split the 114 reqmt between rafale & TEDBF AF version as the cost of TEDBF only by navy be cost prohibitive
    2- what is HLFT 42 all about?
    3- what is your analysis of the Ukr war as it stands
    4- recently solar grp share a option of 250 kms range guided rocket. will MoD choose it?
    5- are these missile launchers in the snaps universal launchers?

  9. 'These are all nonsensical soundbytes now being emitted by the INC. The fact that Veer Savarkar was praised by the INC during Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s reign & postage stamps were then issued to recognise his contributions serves as enough evidence of Veer Savarkar’s stature.'

    really prasun da!!! i can believe you said this, you always said you have amased l;to of knowledge and read lots to know truth, ut it seems I can help you on that :-

    1. Savarkar not only helped the British, he also helped Nathuram Godse find an efficient gun to murder Bapu. Till two days before Bapu’s Murder, Godse did not have a reliable weapon to carry out the murder of M. K. Gandhi.

    2. When in 1930s several attempts were made on Bapu’s life. Prabodhankar Thackerey forewarned Bapu’s companions about a plot to kill Bapu in Akola, Vidarbha and saved Bapu’s life. He then issued a public warning to Sanatani Hindu organisations, their leadership in Maharashtra to desist from their murderous attacks on Bapu. Savarkar & Hedgewar were leaders of Sanatani Hindus thus Prabodhankar’s warning was addressed to them, Shiv Sena Uddhav Balasaheb Thackerey, must be reminded of this bit of their history.

    these arent my words but words of Tushar Gandhi great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, you can check is twitter ac to know more on this

    TBW cogress des acknowledge Savarkar for his contribution

    1. it was savarkar who termed 1857 revolt as Indias 1st war of independence

    2. it was savarkar who an callk of home rule by Tilak and Anne Besant started burning western cloths in 1905

    3. it was savarkar who killed a cruel britiosh officer in 1908. for which hew was joined in 1909 for 50 years to Kala Pani

    and the goodness end their and the postage released was in recognition for that what he did after that, like

    1. writing 6 maafinama or mercy petition hot himself and brother till release in 1920, when none who were jailed with him at that time did that, one bengali revolutionary died of milk drowing, one bengali lost mental balance, a man fro UP committed suicide, a man from Punjab was hanged

    2. in his mercy petition that last which was shown by Rahul gandhi he clearly wrote 'i will remain your loyal servant'

    3. he setup hindu mahasabha but unlike all called India pitrabhumi not matribhumi, was opposed to cow worship, was against female empowerment, supported 2 national theory in 1937 (Muslim league did it in 1941, I guess) (all this written in his book or said in his speech)

    4. when provincial government led by congress resigned ACROSS INDIA his party hindu mahadabha with Muslim league formed govt in Sindh, Bengal, NWFP

    5. AFAIK there is documentary proof available where Savarkar in reference to increase in cost of living asks British govt to increase his pension (there is also proof of him getting 60 rs pension at start but know of none who vouch for that)

    BTW it was not unnecessarily raised by Rahul Gandhi, he did it to set narrative and cat among pigeonsthe 1st casulty of it is Sudhanshu Trivedi,

    hope these bits of information can help you

    Joydeep ghosh

  10. What do you think about this :

    Pravin Sawhney
    Nov 13
    Most veterans/people find it difficult to believe that in war with China, Indian military chain of command will be destroyed in 72 hours, leading to Indian capitulation within 10 days.
    and aboutChina's capability to destroy India's Military Communications at all levels:

    Pravin Sawhney
    COAS Gen Pande says, ‘situation on LAC is stable but unpredictable.’

    It can’t be both at the same time.

    Reality: it is unpredictable because Indian military leaders refuse to accept that PLA is ready with ‘systems destruction war’ - to destroy communications at all levels!

    Anil Sharma

  11. sorry

    skip previous comment

    it should read

    the goodness ends their and the postage released was in recognition for that what he did before that, with deeds like'


    Joydeep ghosh

  12. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: LoLz! Periodic resurrection of conspiracy theories doesn't do anyone any good. We must accept the legal verdicts of Indian courts of law & carry on.

    To ANIL SHARMA: LoLz! Those are the PLA's 'ASPIRATIONAL' objectives, that won't be reached until 2036. Further proof of this came 4 days ago from the US & here it is:

    Situation is stable but unpredictable because the disengagements negotiated thus far are all a TEMPORARY arrangement. Furthermore, the PLARF has only now begun test-firing IRBMs & MRBMs that are intended for use along the LAC, like today's test-firing:

  13. really prasun da

    truth is now conspiracy theories, that too coming from Tushar Gandhi?

    so as per you BJP RSS version is the truth

    I get it, what is your preference

    Joydeep ghosh

    1. Tushar Gandhi is the great grandson of the Mahatma ... He wasn't born when the unfortunate and untimely demise of the father of the nation happened ... His knowledge of events is the same as any educated indian ... He can't have family news also as his grandfather was ostracised by both the Mahatma and Kasturba ji ... So what value is the word of a man who doesn't even practise the great Mahatmas simple living and is possibly only looking to cash in on the surname

  14. Prasunda,

    1) If the PLA intends to use conventional IRBMs/MRBMs along the LAC, would India have an equivalent capability ?

    2) Why would either side need conventional MRBMs for use along the border when SRBMs/SS_BSMs would suffice ?


  15. Prasun da,

    Azerbaijan experts in one TV debate quoted "PINAKA MBRL" acquired by Armenia is of inferior quality compared to their "Turkish MBRL" and ATAGS (thinking it's 155mm/39mm howitzer) is a direct copy of M777 howitzer and will be a sitting duck for their Bayraktar UCAV..., what's your analysis on these statements


  16. HI prasun
    The days of cheap loitering drones are here to stay and using costly vshorads or vlsam are costly. we do no thave the solution for that apart from ew and GPS jamming.

    a low flying cheap drone cannot be targeted , due to plastic material and small size, the doppler threshold of radars will be higher than the speed of the drone as well , what do we do.?

    do all loitering uavs have gps? can they find their target gps is jammed /
    what happens if a drone has a chip that has beido, glonass, galelio are incorprorated>
    is it possible to jam all the signals of various systems at one time ?.

    i believe we have one chip that receives US , russian and indian sat signals?

    what would be the best solution for india ? do we need another desi version of the iron dome?

  17. Prasun
    6- what do you make of this article -- .. it surely seems to be a in response to the new airport inaugurated in gujrat
    7- off late the US is using glorifying adjective for india but at the asme time it is back to wooing pakis what do you make of the US moved --
    8- -- delaying tatics by the armed forces? the trails of Atags seem never ending.
    9 - indian defence sales to Armenia - a msg to turkey 7 Azerbaijan? if so, We should export to greece big time as well

  18. the IA tender for anti aircraft guns and ammunition is apparently cancelled. this was billed absolutely essential in 2011-12. how come HQ cannot make an simple Requirement spec ?
    this is happening so many times. No chief seems to be interested in addressing it.

  19. Hello Sir,
    1. Any update on indian SSN ? When will construction start?
    2. What are the recent modifications done indian rafale?

  20. Is there any plans by IAF to consider buying rampage missile system from israel

  21. Hi,
    Many photos of TFX are circulating on web right now, is Turkey really have this capability


  22. Prasun--

    10-- what is your analysis of the new head of the world largest terror org..

  23. To VSJ: 1) Both are meant for the same role, but one operates on S-band & the other on L-band—classic case of non-cooperation between the IA & IAF. 2) The temporary MCM solutions are for coastal operations in shallow waters. There is no substitute for GRP-hulled MVMVs.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) LoLz! Just wait for nature to take its own course. Once IAF HQ realises that it is impossible to licence-build Gen-4.5 MRFAs, then it will change course & ask for land-based TEDBFs. I have witnessed several such turnaround Tamashaas/nautankis in the past. 2) HLFT is nothing else but the Tejas Sport LIFT. Both the IAF & IN ought to procure it. 4) If such an MBRL-launched rocket can indeed be developed, then the IA ought to go for it. 5) They are launchers only for test-firing purposes. The universal VLS will come only AFTER the dimensions of the AD-2 are finalised. 8) It is good news & is part of on-going product development efforts.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Are you asserting that Tushar Gandhi’s claims are far more truthful than all that was proven during the judicial trial of Veer Savarkar? That’s preposterous!

    To RAD: I had already stated earlier that cost-effective counter-drone solutions do exist & here is one:

    BTW, INS Anvesh has been equipped with an electric propulsion system.

    To VENKY: Perhaps the IA has decided to pay heed to my earlier suggestion of developing an indigenous solution that makes use of the AK-630M 6-barreled cannon.

    TATA ALS-50 UAV:

    CVRDE/L & T Light Tank:

    UAV-Launched Missiles:

    AMCA Simulator:

    To KAUSHIK: No updates at all since the MoD has not yet released the Rs.300 crore amount that is reqd for procuring DMR-292A/B steel from SAIL.

    To SANTOSH: What for? Instead, the IAF & IN should invest in ‘desi’ solutions based on this:

    To SATYAKI: You are missing the point, which is: all of the PLARF’s BM test-firings have always impacted near either Korla or in Inner Mongolia. This is for the very first time that China has openly declared the BM’s impact point to be inside Aksai Chin. By all means therefore, this is a huge escalation & yet none of the ‘desi’ patrakaars’ or so-called ‘strategic thinkers’ have as yet commented or reported about such a development.

    Seeking Security Within Insecurity:

  24. - By all means therefore, this is a huge escalation & yet none of the ‘desi’ patrakaars’ or so-called ‘strategic thinkers’ have as yet commented or reported about such a development.-

    They are after that poor intellectually handicapped lady for her "Galwan says hi" comment. She should have used frequent Drone airspace violation jibe instead.

    Who provided the electric propulsion system on INS Anvesh?

  25. SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC provided it. Meanwhile:

    This will be followed by the US SECDEF making a similar visit.

  26. Sir,

    Timeline is very tight.

    As per above article BAE+LM+RR may collaborate ?

  27. @prasun da

    a fact is always that you may choose to ignore what Tushar Gandhi says about Savarkar / RSS / bjp owing to your preference but I can't let go of something he says about the murder of his great grandfather. Besides writing 6 mercy petitions Savarkar has done many things but still BJP / RSS consider him as their ideologue. As the founder of Hindu Mahasabha he wrote a lot in his books and spoke a lot, sample these

    1. he considered India Pitrabhumi not matribhumi
    2. opposed cow worship and supported eating beef
    3. was against women empowerment
    4. supposedly egged people to rape Muslim women
    5. joined hands with Muslim league to form provincial govts in bengal, NWFP, Sindh when all provincial congress govt resigned
    6. Muslim league propagated 2 nation theory in 1941 but Savarkar proposed it as 2 separate nation based on religion in 1937

    you may disagree but facts are facts and you cant wish them under carpet

    Joydeep ghosh

  28. oh btw it is said Savarkar's Hinduism was in many ways progrewssive

    besides those mentioned above he was against giving high status to Brahmins

    all these weren't digestible to people who followed him, so they created a RSS that has since then been led by chitpavan brahmins of Maharashtra except 1 time. btw it is said Marathas of Maharashtra despise these Chitpavan Brahmins

    Joydeep ghosh

    1. Sir

      Neither Savarkar nor Nehru & for the matter anyone else from this time merit much attention anymore. Either Freedom Fighters or Home Rule activists, what's going on is mere political posturing for electoral dividends (too hopeful really) by all concerned. Indians need to look beyond these endless arguments & I suspect that they already are


  29. Prasun Da.

    What is this system.Any info about this.

  30. Dear Dada
    We could not understand what tangible benefit these visits will generate.....We could not fathom purpose of these visits .....Kindly enlighten us...!!!

  31. prashun bhai, hope u r doing well.


    coming so close to the FTA with India, can't be just a co-incidence, right?

    - is there a comparative study on level of local and foreign components used in the programmes of SoKo and Turkey and a comparison to India? Interesting to see these prototypes coming up

  32. Why is IAF acting so imature when it comes to MRFA 2.0 which will lead to another 6-7 years of delay
    Any chance for 36- 54 more follow on order for rafale in next 5 years?

  33. How long will India survive with this complete paralysis of decision making in defence procurement? Nothing... simply Nothing moves ahead... year after year keep passing & Nothing moves ahead... it's frustrating & depressing

  34. Turkey just showed their 5th-gen prototype. IAF and IN need to wake up with AMCA and TEDBF/ORCA before it is too late.

  35. Prasunda,
    One gentleman seems hellbent to malign the character of Mr Savarkar, who is dead long ago.
    As far as my knowledge is concerned your blog is for defence enthusiasts but it seems political bigots are freely expressing their unsupported wantonly obnoxious views.
    Requesting you not to post politically or religiously motivated, unsupported and one-sided distasteful posts.
    Best regards

  36. Hi reports are emerging regarding meeting of like minded people in turkey to train terrorists for jehad in kashmir and palestine..also turkey made high precision and light pistols being recovered from kashmir..whats your assesment of these news and its implications on internal security situation



  37. Prasun,

    1- what is qatar upto - looks like the are a part of the turkish -porki nexus to pinprick india or that they are doing it at india's behest or to mess GCC FTA with India
    2- What is this about --
    3- US equating Modi with blatant Murders while granting amensity for MBS - the leftist seem to have pushing the biden admin to hurt india
    4- DRDO requesting Army to buy 250 more arjun Mk1A? will Army go for it? how will these be diff considering the ukr war? Also whatever happened to Arjun Mk 2 HNS ? Ideally @600 Arjuns with 80% HNS Mk2 should be developed with remaining Mk1A. The existing ones should be in reserves or sold off to friendly countries. Is the IA/drdo working on a 130 mm smooth bore gun?
    5- Recent news of brazil rejecting kestral based tank .. why is IA not considering it. Also Brazil is looking for 120mm gun on wheeled armored vehicle. Israel what offering its 120mm Sabarh ASCOD then why is DRDO/L&T looking for a 105 mm gun> why can't they repurpose the arjun 120mm gun or get a 120 mm smooth bore gun from the likes of john cockreill
    6- Shouldnt india have supported startups like ASTR small arms instead of giving a big tkt order to russia for AK 203? Should'nt they have a mix n match...


  38. dear Parathsathi

    truth is that its bitter and hurts 🤣🤣


    Joydeep ghosh

  39. JF17 of Burma grounded.

    Radar doesn't work, cracks in airframe , unable to withstand high G, etc etc


  40. HI prasun
    your previuous assesment of how can a country have multiple fighter programs running parallelly has come true with chif voicing the same . It is not fair on one side to expect the drdo to sprint while the fighter program is in the walking stage in India.
    He opines that there should be some out side help for the AMCA which is sensible as there are complex materail and other tech not wiht us .

    what are your views at this stage on how to go about the AMCA?
    and what are we gong to gain by reinventing the carrier borne TEDBF fighter wiht only 50 on order which is another tough path?
    can the NGARM modified to become a long range AAM as the R-37? seems we have the all the important tech ie Air frame , aesa seeker, datalinks,etc. what would be the reach of such a missile ? what is the feasability? should cost much less than a ramjet astra 3?

  41. Prasun ,

    recent concerns raised by IAF chief wrt ADA-AMCA,Tejas Mk2 -- what is you analysis & the optimal solution here?

  42. Prasun,

    Interesting facts---

  43. Extensive reportage on the PAF's J-10CE service-induction:

  44. @Prasun da

    this doesnt bode well for India


    Joydeep ghosh

  45. Prasunda,

    Your thoughts on this


  46. Sir,

    K5 ?

  47. To ANWAY: SLBMs are NEVER launched from shore-based launch-sites. Instead, they are launched from either underwater pontoons or SSBNs. Hence the forthcoming test-firing is that of an Agni-5 ICBM.

  48. Dear Prasun,
    I went through the link for J-10CE shared by you. But I feel that it fall behind Rafale aircrafts thanks to superior armaments. What's your say?

  49. Prasunda,

    Please share your thoughts regarding this - Huge Warning For Indian Navy In US Dossier On China
    The United States Department of Defence has reported that China may be getting ready to deploy aircraft carriers and submarines in the Indian Ocean region, at its military base in Djibouti.

    "For India, it is a portent that a Chinese Indian Ocean Squadron is in the offing," says Admiral Prakash.

  50. Prasun,

    what do you make of this request.. will india comply?--

  51. Sir

    What are tye chances of US offering B21 Raider to India?
    18 for IAF and 6 for IN will look good.


  52. Dear Prasun,

    1)Shouldn't India 10x the production of nuclear weapons and their delivery system to counter the 02 front axis of China and Pakistan. This the the massive russian nuclear arsenal scaring the NATO for direct confrontation.

    1. Assuming India has around 200 nuclear weapons ..
      If we even have to use 10 percent of that, then not many of us will live to worry about anything ...

      What we need to work on is to keep bettering our delivery mechanisms to stay ahead of BMDs

  53. Prasun,
    Since you mentioned once that you never charge even a penny for your Force India articles, is it possible for you to post these articles on this blog? It will be quite helpful for your readers and the general public.


  54. Prasunda,

    1. Looks like a Yuanwang ship is on its way to the Indian ocean again, just when an Agni V test is scheduled. Would India have to postpone the test to avoid compromising details that might be useful to Chinese BMD ?

    2. If yes, how can India test long range BMs if China regularly stations tracking ships in the Indian Ocean ?

    3. Why issue NOTAMS more than 2 weeks in advance when 48-72 hrs should be sufficient ?


  55. @ Nikhil M

    Trump has offered Modi 12 B21 free of charge along with a bowl of rasgullas, rasmalai, and jalebis if Modi gets Trump elected in 2024.

  56. Sir, has the MoD accepted proposal submitted by Solar Industries to develop 150 km range Maheshvastra-1 and 250 km range Maheshwastra-2 guided rocket systems? How long will that company to develop and offer them for user trial?

  57. @ Chanakya

    1)Do you think Russia, US & China are brainless and we Indian are too smart. If tomorrow world politics changes and China plan to attack India with first nuclear strike. We will loose 60 to 80% of nuclear forces and rest can be taken care by their BMD and even their BMD will not work effectively, few nuclear strikes can be resist by them. Even small country like Japan also survived. But if our number is in 5k, enemy will know that any nuclear exchange will be MAD.

    2)War can't fight on notion that we will live or not, it requires the intent to fight and win.

    1. I assume no one of the countries you mentioned are dumb ... That's why they all call it MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction). By the way mutual destruction isn't a win ..

      And i know what BMDs can do ... That's why i spoke of better delivery systems ... And better weapons...

  58. Dear prasun,

    Does china possesses Aesa radar like uttam, how good is j10c v lca mk2 . How good is uttam radar what can.we expect the variants out of it

  59. Hi Prasun,

    What will the average life of Tank, Artillery & Aircraft in enemy airspace during all out war with China. If USSR can make all steel jet engine for Mig25 in mid 60's why can't India. Shouldn't Indian military work on low quality high production models for few important weapons so that large scale production can be taken if require during war scenario.

  60. All our fighters projects seem delayed one way or the other, why are we still designing more "power point" jets ?
    Cannot these resources be put to use for ongoing designs : LCA MkII, TEDBF, AMCA, IMRF.
    Then IJT not yet stable



  61. HI prasun
    now which hare brained person has authourised the development of the hflt-42? does that make sense to make a untested trainer from HAL that is not reputed?

    will we suffer from ukraine war regarding the semicryo engine tech given by them?

    what will we suffer, as ukraine is going to be enimical to india for supporting russia regrading defence and others?
    what is this sudden intrest making fighters in india by boeing and saab etc? tempting us?

  62. When did this deal for 750 sako trg 42 get inked?

    Also is it true that it was in 3 successive batches of 32, 370 & 750?

  63. Prasun,

    1- which missile is this? recently there was a talk about a 3 pulse motor or is it the israeli rampage

  64. Dear Prasun

    What missile/PGM is being referred to?

    How can not a single news agency ask/publish the name?

    Thanks and Regards

  65. Hello prasun da,
    Can you pls provide the names of the extraterrestrial mentioned in Mahabharata.

    Can u pls give me advice for remote viewing or just provide me a guide from somewhere.

    What is your theory about the pyramids ???


  66. Prasun,

    1- new floating about IN choosing rafale M.. usual fake news/mktg gimmick?
    2- - where are things heading to?

  67. Sir, why MRFA does not include KF-21? And why IN is not looking at KF-21N?

    Shipping costs are HALF of Rafale's shipping cost.

  68. Sir,

    Missing you.Hope evrything okay in ur perosnal life.

    By the way Important development:-

  69. Prasun ,

    3- how is Turkey playing both sides and getting to go scotfree?-
    4- some OIC SCUMBAG visiting PoK.. India does not seem to have any cards to play against it

  70. Prasun,

    6- .. could you pls elaborate on this & how is it diff from HSTDV? will it be possible to make an article for the same?

  71. Prasun,

    7- japan joins tempest jet alliance .. no mention of swedes-saab? have they dropped off?. It would be a good idea to partner with them for a 6th gen jetas they are known for frugal engineering & bang for buck products.. add israel to the mix for their mastery of electronics & brazil if reqd for being a aerospace giant & a aerospcae manufacturer

  72. 8- there is news of Modi not going to Russia for the annual Indo-Russia meet .. my take-- he should not skip it. what is yours?

  73. Dear Prasun,

    What is the reason for buying Rampage air to ground missile from Israel when Rudram is under development? What's the main difference between the two?

    Is GoI thinking of striking terrorist camps inside PoK next time with standoff range
    and live feed from missile. How many important targets of Pakistan can be neutralized from LOC ??

  74. Prasun
    9- why is the US trying to woo islamist terrorists? --

  75. Prasun Da,
    Very long Absence from blog,
    We r waiting for ur reply ???

  76. Sir,

    Missing you.

    Something happened again on LAC.


  77. Prasun Sir,
    Where are you and how are you ?
    Hope all is well.Long absence from the blog.


  78. Breaking news: Merkel reveals Minsk agreements were only meant to give NATO time to arm Ukraine.

    Putin seems genuinely surprised by these revelations. Meanwhile, Iran has already realized a few years ago that the JCPOA was just a stalling action.

    Kosovo and the USA have also recently broken 2020 Kosovo-Serbia agreement against Serbia.

    Is Vishwaguru going to sit idly by holding a ceasefire with Pakistan, while the US, China, and Turkey aim to arm that country to the teeth?

  79. To ANWAY, PIMPALE & SP: ISR taskings have been keeping me busy. Incursions in the Yangtse area in Arunachal Pradesh are nothing new & had taken place earlier as well:

    When IA Thwarted PLA Move On Arunachal Border in 1999:

    A similar transgression had taken place in June 2016 when around 250 PLA soldiers had transgressed into the area but no clashes were reported then. Then, in October 2021 there was another incursion in the same area. Last week, state-owned CCTV began showing videos of PLA BDR units patrolling the areas above Arunachal Pradesh. One such video is this, starting from 4:24:

    Meanwhile, flight qualification trials of Rudram-1, Rudram-2, Rudram-2M & Rudram-3 by the IAF are being accelerated.

  80. Prasun,

    Who is in control of the Chumi Gyatse Waterfall at the moment? Has Chinese army created a dispute there ?

  81. Dear Prasun ,
    Previously you provided data and scholarly links on vedas and river Oxus in discussions can you provide that topic link

  82. Glad to see you back!
    What are your observations from the ISR Taskings,if it can be shared?
    When is the order for the next tranche of Rafale ?
    Sir ,very interesting:


  83. To RAO: India, is, as explained by these videos:

  84. Prasunda,

    Any truth to this ? Would it not damage DRDO to decrease the chief's powers and have an IAS bureaucrat in charge of administrative affairs ?


  85. To SP: Here's the video on NoPo Nanotechnologies:

    My ISR taskings began last September by monitoring the buildups of the PLAAF at Golmud, since it is from there that the PLAAF's WTC component organises & maintains its buildups & asset rotations within TAR (and not from Kasghar or Hotan). PLAGF's high-altitude acclimatisation also takes place at Golmud. Here are the slides of the PLAAF's buildups:

    Lhasa Gonggar Airport:

    Shigatse Airport:

    Chamdo-Bangda Airport: 30 33 13 N, 97 06 31 E

    Shannan Lhünzê Airport: 28 25 21 N, 92 20 40 E

    Tingri Airport: 28.6025 N 86.8103 E

    Nyingchi Mainling Airport: 29 18 19 N, 94 19 59 E

    Chamdo-Bangda (150km from the LAQC), Lhasa (260km from the LAC), Shigatse (150km from the LAC). Shannan Lhünzê Airport (90km from the LAC), Nyingchi Mainling Airport (15.8km from the LAC).

    India operates major air bases in the plains of Assam and Bengal including Tezpur, Missamari, Jorhat, Hashimara and Bagdogra.

    Of particular interest were the activation of new dual-use airports at Chamdo-Bangda & Shannan-Lhuntze, with Tingri set to follow in the near future. Interestingly, all of them, along with the other dual-use airports within TAR have co-located HHQ-9 LR-SAM sites & not HQ-22 LR-SAM sites, indicating that the PLAAF is more concerned with the interception of IAF's BrahMos-1s/BrahMos-As with HHQ-9s, instead of the aircraft-specific HQ-22s. S-400 LR-SAMs meant for attacking IAF combat-support assets like AEW & CS platforms & IL-78MKI tankers too are missing within TAR.

  86. Sir,

    Never ending saga.


  87. 1. Why a new RFI for 155/52 artillery less than 15 tons ? Will it be Dhanush or Bharat 52 ? Guess import is ruled out.
    2. Since Bharat 52 is lighter, can that not be used for MGS ?

  88. Sir,

    Fake news?


  89. Prasun,

    11-why is the US bending backwrds to woo porkis-- if it is for bases to fly drone ..what are they going to gain ? afghans & iran are hardly any threat to the US...

  90. Sir, is the import lobby within the army trying to sabotage procurement of ATAGS and other indigenous artillery options? The RFI for 155/52 cal guns seems to be designed specifically with ATHOS or Trajan in mind. At least two guns below 15 tonnes - Bharat 52 and Kalyani ULF-ER are available in this category but seems like commision khors are determined to sabotage their chances.
