Thursday, December 22, 2022

Evolution of IAF's OTRs & Future Priorities


  1. Prasunda,

    How true is this ? A CA report critical of DRDO delays has also appeared to make this kind of point about administrative inefficiency in DRDO. Is the IAS lobby trying to scuttle DRDO programs through these moves ? What understanding will an IAS babu have of technical difficulties in projects ?


  2. Prasun da,

    1. Please share your opinion on the latest RFI by the army for towed howitzer below 15 tonnes. What was the requirement shared with DRDO? If the 18 ton weight was not a preferred option, why was the design signed off in the first place?

    2. Please share your thoughts on this:

  3. Prasunda,

    Have any confirmed orders actually been placed for any of the following systems :

    1) Akash Prime
    2) MRSAM Army
    3) Pinaka Guided
    4) ATAGS
    5) Nag
    6) HELINA

    If not, is the recent RFI for a <15 ton 155mm/52 towed gun meant to scuttle ATAGS and take the process of 155mm procurement back to square 0 (with ATHOS being a contender all over again) ?


  4. Prasunda

    India doesn't seem to be testing artillery guns well enough. Even if Kalyani/Bharat Forge is taken alone they now have the capability to provide any type of gun howitzer that IA needs. The TATAs, L&T & even Adani isn't too far behind but as far as IPRs or metallurgy or even credibility goes do not compare with Kalyani which now has export orders to boast of.
    So what's the deal? - Lack of Funds or Corrupt procurement!

    Similarly rocket forces too present such a plethora of options be it Pralay, Prahar, Shaurya, Brahmos, BrahmosNG or Pinaka. Does India have a grand plan or is it just procurement & then look for a fit?

    That these rockets have alternative applications with the Air Force & Navy is obvious Pralay-Rudra derivatives or Pinaka on LHDs / Airlaunched etc.

    What was the missile tested from Odisha? It it was a Agni5 or a variant thereof - why is there no press release by the Govt authority responsible?!

  5. Dear Prasun
    It's good to see you back after a hiatus. Really felt awkward of the inactivity in the blog.I hope you're doing well.

    Recently, MoD's DAC accorded AoN to an assortment of tri-service requirements as mentioned here:

    However, it was very brief and lacked details. Can you share any knowledge regarding the procurements?

    Thanks and Regards

  6. Prasun,
    1-what's happening? Putin's speech on ending the war,is he running out of weapons/money/support? is US welcoming zelensky's & allocades he received a part of it?
    2- how is the tejas production going is it on track to deliver the 40 jets contracted? Mk1A to be on schedule?
    3- china covid hype? what is the real story? air traffic to chine seems to be normal
    4- why is US/pentagon bending backwards to accomodate porkis? no US ambassador to India tll date & some arbid US congressmen maing comments on india.. what do you read in all of this?
    5-- does the navy have a plan at all to replenish its sub strength?

  7. Hi Prasun
    Any connection between the slides of PLAAF SAM sites and what u said earlier about acceleration in the Rudram Missile program??

    Hope u will elaborate further on these slides

  8. Thank you ,Prasun Sir for answering my question in the previous thread and all the pictures.The buildups are substantial?
    I really hope all the valuable information and inferences from the recce result in action from the Indian Armed Forces.
    What is the ultimate goal of China?Do the want the ability to cut of NE India at one point in time?

  9. Prasunda,

    1) Please give us the truth on MQ-9 article? Will we buy 30 drones for 100 million each?
    2) AoN is given to zorawar light tank? So what will end up being purchased?
    3) What is status of P75I?
    4) Is Pak navy going to complete their triad with conventional subs?
    5) How did we get the upper hand in Tawang melee fight?
    6) Will civil war break out in Pak of army vs TTP? Is this a good summary of their differing mindset?


  10. Does Indian Navy has any second thought of procuring more scorpion class submarine as fleet strength is quiet low
    Is Indian SSN project still on paper or work has started to febricate the haul।।
    Does Rudram missile system have its land version for Indian army strike group
    Will we see any air launched version of Pralay missile
    Does Any private defence Company or DRDO have thought of Developing air launched version of guided long range pinaka for cheap bulk amount procurement of 100Km Plus range middle which Tejas and other aircraft can carry in greater number।।
    Sir a detailed blog on Indian recent developed middle like Rudram series
    Pralay and Saaw and others efforts will be of great reading
    With Chinese and Pakistan enhancing fighter numbers
    Will India hang in forever in MRF conundrum or procure off the shelf Rafale in 50 Plus number and speed up development of airforce version of TEDBF ORCA so that it can get it in large number to meet the fall in present strength।
    Will another IAC 1 be ordered।
    Please inform us about the proposed Naval Multirole vessel

  11. Prasun,

    6- HVF Avadi Arjun prod line has been reopned after 10 long years but only for 100 odd Arjun mk1a order .. shoulnd't the IA go ahaed & order Arjun mk2's made using HNS thus stabilizing the prod line + bringing down the cost + allowing introduction of new tech & features like say a new 130mm gun which could be jointly developed with the ruskies, if reqd & fitted back on T90's or any future buys of Armatas? why do all branches of armed forces opt for piece meal orders? recent news of an order for 100 more vajras also pont to the same .. it screws up costing & no long term roadmap can be laid for product development
    7- why can't the MoD force IAf to accept airforce version of TEDBF and ask them to join the IN in scoping the parameters reqd..
    8- Will this be a game changer -- are the russians trying to counter china's BRI to stop them upsurping sphere of influence ?--
    9- what all products/platforms/technology can be developed thru indo-Japanese co-operation?
    10- read about the possibility of local assembly + Tot of some sensor tech. what is your take will it be worth $3 bln?
    11- will india opt to co -operate /buy russian defence equipments in the future? I would like to see IN go & get blueprints for Karakurt class ships + Admiral groshkov class frigates including the super groshkov ones for their firepower

  12. Hello Sir,
    1. I wanted to know what is the frequency range for radar warning in R 118?
    2. What is the warhead yeild of MIRVs in Agni 5, K4.
    3. Do we havesome similar system like SBIRS of USA?
    4. Do you have any specs of L band radar for A 320 based Awacs?

  13. Prasunda,

    Is it true that orders for 120 pralay missiles will be placed in the near future ? How many more tests would Pralay require before entering production ?


  14. To DASHU: Is IA In An Intellectual Mess?

    PLAN Carrier Fleet

  15. Hello Prasun da, .there is quite a backlog of queries built up already. very soon you may need to host a webinar to clear this!!!

  16. Wishing you a happy and blessed new year 2023 Prasun and to all participants in this blog

  17. Wishing you Prasun sir and all the wonderful blog readers a healthy and happy new year.I hope it’s less tumultuous!


  18. PrasunDa,

    Wishing you and all your loved ones a very happy 2023. May all your dreams come true.

    Best Regards,

  19. Happy new year sir.

  20. Prasun,
    Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and prosperous new year!

  21. Wishing all fellow bloggers & their loved/near-n-dear ones the very best for the year 2023.

    To KRITAVARMA & INDRAJIT: The CAG report is correct & there’s nothing surprising about it at all. That’s because the DRDO begins any R & D project ONLY AFTER the qualitative staff reqmts have been finalised by the respective armed services. Until 4 years ago there was no scope for SUO MOTTO project approvals by the armed services that had been proposed by private-sector start-ups. That’s why companies like TONBO Imaging took a long time to receive orders for night-vision equipment. Now, with start-ups from the private-sector being empowered to pro-actively propose their own solutions, military-industrial contributions are multiplying by the day. Here are some examples:

    Nagastra Loitering PGM:

    Winter Habitats:

    To INDRAJIT, SATYAKI & KAUSTAV: Regarding the IA’s RFI for 155mm/52-cal towed howitzers, I’m told that it is meant to mollify state-owned AWEL, which is offering the 12.5-tonne Dhanush-52 to satisfy an urgent reqmt for 400 such towed howitzers. Here’s a brief on the Dhanush-52:

    To SATYAKI: 1) Too early. 2) Yes. 3) Yes. 4) Not yet. 5) Yes. 6) Not yet.

    And here is an excellent briefing on the LR-SAM critical performance parameters:

    To KAUSTAV: Grand plans do exist for raising & equipping rocket artillery forces, which in fact already exist in the form of Prithvi SS-150 Missile Groups that I had detailed earlier. The solid-fuelled Pralay will replace the liquid-fuelled Prithvis, while the 300mm & 310mm MBRLs to be developed by Nagpur-based SLAR Group will be part of dedicated rocket artillery regiments along with existing & planned Pinaka MBRL regiments. The missile test-fired from Odisha was the Agni-5 with MIRVed & decoys & it was the latter that was visible from southern WB & southwest Myanmar. But far more important was the announcement by ISRO’s Twitter handle on December 9 that it had tested a hypersonic vehicle along with HQ IDS. You may recall that back in 2005 India & the US had agreed to bar ISRO from undertaking military R & D projects in return for the US & its allies lifting their bans on collaboration with ISRO. Then why this sudden announcement by ISRO about something exactly the opposite? Was this deliberately done to herald India’s embracing of the concept of civil-military fusion? Was this concession extracted by India from the US in return for agreeing to become part of the US Indo-Pacific Integrated Defence Strategy? Was this the reason why Indian External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar received a grand welcome at the Pentagon on September 27 as he met US Defense Secretary Lloyd J Austin for bilateral talks?

    BTW here’s an excellent explanation on what constitutes national security & what are its various components:

  22. To KIDDO: You are spot on! In addition, I have uploaded additional slides on critical hostile targets.

    To S. P: The build-ups are not substantial from the manpower standpoint. However, last month the PLAGF operationalized its 4th medium combined arms brigade (CAB) at Gyantse, about 100km north of Sikkim. This is the Tibet Military District’s 4th medium CAB. Previously there were only 3. The PLAGF’s objective is to have a total of 6 medium CAB for TAR’s defence. In addition, underground storage facilities for housing TBMs & SS-BSMs have been built at Gyantse & Lhuntze.

    To ASHWATAMMA: 1) Not quite. The IA & IAF have different plans, which were partly exposed here:

    2) The IA will go for 354 Zorawar light tanks, with 59 being built by HVF Avadi & the rest by L & T. 3) It is still in limbo. 4) Yes. 5) IA is already sitting on dominating grounds along all the 7 river-valleys that constitute the entry-points from TAR into Arunachal Pradesh. Hence, there’s no need to worry. 6) I hope so.

    To BUDDHA: A time will soon come when the MoD will be faced with the choice of either ordering two more Scorpene CM-2000 SSKs o start laying off workers from MDSL’s East Yard. All variants of Rudram will be air-launched for both the IAF & IN. Pralay is too big to be launched from the air. The Rudram-3 air-launched missile can also be configured for air-to-ground precision strike & hence there’s no need to opt for imported solutions like Rampage. The IAF will sooner or later opt for importing another 54 Rafale M-MRCAs. A 47,000-tonne IAC-2 will be the optimal choice but it will have to be a CATOBAR design so that its flight-deck can launch & recover AEW & CS platforms like the Northrop Grumman E-2T Hawkeye.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: HVF Avadi will not only produce 118 Arjun Mk.1As, but also the related Arjun BLT & Arjun ARV vehicles. India will definitely continue to import weapons from Russia, especially the 3M22 Zircon/BrahMos-2, whose deliveries to India will begin in 2024.

    To KAUSHIK: 1) Same as that of the Dhruti RWR. 2) About 150kT. 3) No. 4) L-band is for the IFF. Radar operates in S-band. The IAF’s 3 EMB-145I Netras have a similar configuration.

    To 2A46M: Yes, it is correct. Every such missile has to undergo 10 flight-tests before being declared ready for service-induction.

  23. Prasunda,

    VMT. A happy new year to you

    1) Was the hypersonic test announced by ISRO on Dec 9 that of a glide vehicle or something of that kind ?

    2) Would the position of chair of DRDO and secretary defence R&D be bifurcated in the future as some fear ?

    3) If 'yes' to 2), would that not be a retrograde step, with an IAS officer with no specialized technical background (as secretary defence R&D) grabing powers within DRDO ?


  24. Dear Prasun ,
    Previously you provided data and scholarly links on vedas and river Oxus in discussion. can you provide that topic link...!!!!

    Thanking You in Anticipation

  25. Hello Prasun

    A very happy new year to you.

    How many orders can we expect in this Aero India for the below:

    a) NUH-Dhruv
    b) HAL-LUH
    c) HAL-LCH
    d) Hal Dhruv/Rudra


  26. Hi Sir
    Happy New Year to you. My question is as follows

    IAF and IN operate various platforms and sensors of different origins like Russia, Israel, France, US and India.
    What is the level of interoperability in these disperate platforms / sensors ?
    Do they communicate with each other (before interoperability)?


  27. Hi prasoon..with the recent declaration by TTP of setting up a cabinet and forming a parallel government in nwfp and other parts of Pakistan what do you see the future of Pakistan? TTP has also included gilgit baltistan and some parts of india (parts in J&K. More detaile needed) in their claimed parts of governance. Do you expect a security threat to india. Would be happy to hear your thoughts on the security challenges to india in the oresent scenario and future if actulaly they manage to wrest control of these parts from pakistan



  28. @prasun da

    happy new year to you and your family

    hope you are doing well a few queries

    1. why DRDO IN not using a Shishumar sub to test AIP from 2023 to 2025 and then apply it on scorpene

    2. IAF missed the chance to buy the MIrages of Qatar (now they are in France) and UAE as well just hope they don't miss the 14 C 130s RAF is selling

    3. you said light tanks not needed but IA is going for it

    4. there was a talk of using vijayanta chassis to put mortars and atgm firing position, anything on that

    5. we need 4 carriers in total 1 each on east n west coast, 1 in dock and 4th for indian ocean til down south where the Chinese are stealing massive fish numbers, IN must go for nuke carriers only after 2040 when vikramaditya retires as 65 or 75 k carrier need to be powered by 250 mw single fuel lifetime reactor, we are still 5 yrs away from developing 190 mw reactor for SSN an S5 SSBN

    6. Defiant x has lost FLRAA deal can these be used as AEWC on carriers if IN decides to go for them, brw IAF IAF too can make good use of it

    7. you still feel IN doesn't need Tu22M3 to take on Chinese carriers in IOR

    Joydeep ghosh

    1. Sir, installing an AIP involves cutting open a submarine & putting in an AIP module - HDW, KILO OR SCORPENE - Since the module is developed for the Scorpene, it will have to be tested only on a Scorpene when it's ready, Ergo only when the first Scorpene cones in for refit. Certainly not a new Scorpene submarine & very possibly neither HDW nor Kilo class

  29. Prasun,

    1-whatever happened to IN's plans for LHD/LPH ships..
    2- would In be interrested in ships such as these --
    3- why can't the DRDO/MoD work towards making all the pinakas, MRSAM into air to ground missiles? any technical challenges ?

  30. 4-Can you share info on what exactly is being indigenously developed for AL 31F & how will it improve the engine. you may have replied to this earlier will IAF opted for AL 41's or will stick to AL31F.
    5- Indian Army is in an Intellectual Mess - this review was pretty sobering is it this bad that the guys at the highest levels are a confused lot?

  31. To SATYAKI: 1) It was a glide vehicle. The powered one will be Zircon/BrahMos-2. 2) There’s nothing to fear since, as I had explained above, the number of R & D projects is increasing & the DRDO Chief has his hands full with projects & hence to ensure a level playing field for those R & D projects that are born out of private-sector & start-ups, a separate R & D overseeing & administrative entity needs to be in-charge. For this, technocrats can enter in administrative posts through lateral entry.

    To PIMPALE: Those links no longer exists in social media. Here are the remaining links of those documentaries:

    Alexander's Lost World:

    But even such documentaries have got the dates wrong. For instance, in the year 323 BC, it was the Gupta Dynasty that was in power in the Indo-Gangetic Plains, not the Maurya Dynasty, which had reigned about 800 years earlier. Similarly, Gautam Buddha had lived 800 years ago, while Jesus Christ’s DoB was 600 years earlier & not what is celebrated today (due to confusions between the Vatican’s Julian & Gregoian calendars). Similarly, contrary to popular narratives, Alexander was soundly defeated by Porous & that was why (as sound common-sense & logical reasoning dictated) Alexander was not allowed by Porous to take his homeword journey west through his captured territories, but was forced by Porous to adopt a southeastern route (unchartered territory) back to Persia via the wild lands of what is today Pakistan’s southern Punjab & Makran coast, where the Greek Army suffered severe attrition losses.

    Regarding the Rigvedic era, here are two explanatory presentations:

    The Rigveda serves only as a historical chronicling of the Puru clan, whose earliest origins can be traced back to today’s Haryana. It was preceded by the Upanishads that originated from the Ikshvaku clan to which Shri Rama belonged.

    To MSK: The orders for all such products have already been placed & are in the public domain & no new orders are expected.

    1. Prasunda,
      Sorry to have to correct you on the dynasties and dates. The Nanda dynasty ended with Chandragupta Maurya defeating Dhanananda in 322BC. So yes it was Nandas in 323 BC, the Mauryans came a year later ... And 800 years before that was the POST Vedic age in India ...

  32. To NIKHIL: As long as such platforms have tactical data-links like BNET-A, they can communicate with one another.

    To KUNAL: This should provide most of the answers that you seek:

    Religious Militancy in Pakistan: Causes and Cures:

    There’s no threat to India from the TTP, but yes, those Chinese citizens residing in Pakistan are now under direct threat. The immediate threat to India as we all now more-or-less know is the unstoppable usage of drones across both the Working Boundary in Jammu & the portion of IB running along northern Punjab, where India’s punitive deterrence posture is being torn to shreds. As for the northern frontier, here is a good assessment:

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) That’s because the service-lives of the Class 209/Type 1500 SSKs are nearing their end & are prone to structural failure. Besides, as KAUSTAV has explained, the MAREEM AIP module was engineered from the outset to fit into the Scorpene SSK’s hull. 2) The UAE too will replace its Mirage 2000s with Rafales, since spares support for the Mirage 2000s is rapidly dwindling. The IAF had requested for the Rafales way back in 2007 itself & if ordered then, everything would have been fine. 3) It is a mistake, since back in late 2020 when the IA deployed T-90S & T-72CIAs in Rechin La, even the PLAGF had no choice but to ditch its ZTQ-105s & instead bring in the ZTZ-99A MBTs. 4) That was MY unsolicited suggestion, no one else’s. 6) Who will foot the enormous bill for product engineering? 7) Yes. That’s why the Su-30MKI has been repeatedly demonstrating its ability to fire BrahMos-As in cooperation with the IN’s P-8Is & Sea Guardian MALE-UAVs that were used for target acquisition/target cueing.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) In the backburner, just like the FRV & MCMV reqmts. 3) For what? Aren’t the Rudram-2/2M & Rudram-3 far more lethal? 4) Only some components that HAL has been exhibiting in Aero India expos since 2011. Presently, the IAF intends to cling on to the AL-31FP.

  33. Dear Prasun

    Season's Greetings

    Could you please answer my query December 23, 2022 at 10:15 AM

    Thanks and Regards

  34. 1) In previously you suggested links which explains mistake in date calculation of Vedas
    2) on the basis of astronomical description mentioned in Vedas, place of origin of Vedas ...In which ur thread u mentioned above point's.


  35. HI prasun
    can radar satellites pinpoint a surface target like a cruising ship to guide an anti ship missiles passively to a target that would make it deadly wiht yj-16 or brahmos?

    do you think we qre capable of making a ASW aircraft as capable as the p-8 ? we seeem to have every thing to day apar from sonobouys tech..

    we seem to have aesa radar... data links.. eo pods from israel ...BMS that can be leveraged from the awacs... torpedoes... esm . elint.. sat terminal.. we can import a MAD..

    what would we lack? apart from common sense?

    same applies to sentinel type of aircraft .. are we doing that or importing ? are we good enpught to get the hardware and develp the algorythms fro that? i hear we have selected the bombardier 6000 corect?

  36. Prasunda

    Many thanks for your replies & yes that joint effort by ISRO & Defence HQ was curious but the hypersonic effort seems ro have been a joint one for some years now given the news reports & ISRO with it's RV & HGV requirements given it has a Gaganyaan program which again is closely allied with Defence Agencies given their Test Range Facilities & Manpower for such efforts. Synergy is inevitable & in the context if PRC challenge comes at right time. Would be more interested in civil military fusion efforts as needed ASAP & continuosly for a successful MIC with sustained warfighting capabilities.

    BTW your EXCELLENT old article on MAREEM AIP for Scorpene SSK in Force magazine is clarity itself in the first line.

  37. Prasun,

    Has turkey been able to create a hypersonic missile?

  38. Prasunda,

    1) Were the hypersonic tests by ISRO & Defence HQ flight tests ?

    2) Has the Rudram-2 or Rudram-3 been flight tested yet ?

    3) Could we expect induction of the Rudram 2/2m and Rudram 3 around 2025 or so ?


  39. Is this T-90 Bhishma tank intended for India?

  40. To SOUMYA RAY: The bulk of the orders in financial terms are for the Zorawar light tank & FICV projects. The remaining are for the NG-DDG & Project 17AU projects.

    To PIMPALE: The Vedas, especially the Rigveda in Sanskrit language, are a COLLECTION of verses that mention astronomical observations & geological changes dating back to 7,000 years, but that does not mean that those verses were written when such observations & changes took place. That’s because it is widely accepted that the grammar for Sanskrit is only 2,500 years old & was developed by Maharshri Panini. And the oldest available Sanskrit manuscript written in palm leaves is about 1,000 years old and has one of the most famous titles in world literature—the Aṣṭasāhasrikā Prajñāpāramitā or The Perfection of Wisdom In 8,000 Lines. It offers a path to enlightenment and signifies the formal introduction to Buddhist thought. This manuscript exists in Cambridge University. In fact, the oldest available Sanskrit manuscripts are written in Tibetan & Brahmi scripts, and not in Devnagri script. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that Sanskrit language was several thousand years old & was transmitted in oral form through generations (from the Ramayana era) until the emergence of any written script, although many still refuse to see reason & continue to reside within their respective comfort zones.

  41. To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: LoLz! That is exactly what you, I & many others have been taught during schoolgoing days & these were all the distortions of East India Co era Indologists like James Princep, Karl Max Mueller, etc etc. Considerable research has since been conducted to debunk their findings, some of which I ham highlighting here:

    Colonial Distortions of Indic Historical Chronology:

    Resolving Chronological Mysteries of Saka Era:

    Debunking 1 AD Epoch of Jesus Christ:

    Chronolgical History of India:

    Reconciling Vedic Chronology:

    Epoch Buddha Nirvana (1864 BCE):

    Real Dates of Era of Greeks:

    Indus-Saraswati Civilisation:

    Gupta Period Factoids:

  42. To RAD: Yes, a dedicated cluster of nano-satellites can & are already doing it. That’s why the IN too is anxious to acquire such capabilities as highlighted in this seminar:

    Here is one example of a nano-satellite:

    But such nano-satellites will also be prime satellites for destruction during wartime, especially in the initial stages. Hence a back-up has to be in placxe & that’s why China has created the Maritime Militia force whose job it will be to shadow hostile warships, especially in the Philippine Sea, East China Sea & South China Sea.

    For ISR platforms, CABS is working along with US companies like Raytheon & Lockheed Martin for developing target recognition algorithms under the DTTI scheme.

    To KAUSTAV: VMT. I had detailed the DRDO’s HSTDV hypersonic vehicle project here:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: I’m sure it is trying to develop one.

    To KRITAVARMA: 1) There’s no clarity on that. 2) Not yet. But the following NOTAMs & their no-fly-zone lenghs have been announced:
    January 4-6, 2023: 475km
    January 10-11, 2023: 365km
    January 12-14, 2023: 650km

    3) Hopefully.

    To RAVI M: LoLz! HVF Avadi has been licence-building T-90S since 2005. So where’s the need to import them off-the-shelf???

  43. Hi Prasun,

    The following link provided insight into the US administration perspective on Indo- US relation.

    From 24:25 onwards. There seems to be some ambiguity always in the comments made by US government officials regarding the relationship. Perhaps India is not sure about how far the US will go against China. China being it's largest trade partner, it could hurt the US a lot to decouple from it. Also, the US seems sceptical about India moving away from Russia.

    How do you see this going forward?



  44. Is there any missile test conducted between January 4-6?

  45. Dear Prasun da,
    Before In to the written form rig veda was memorised and passed on by generation to generations...Actual origin of rig ved is much older.

  46. In some where u have quated that ved are written on the bank of River amu Darya...!!!

  47. Prasun Da, what impact will the situation in Joshimath have on important construction projects like roads and railway in Border areas? Joshimath is a strategically important place for the army. The entire border terrain is ecologically sensitive where heavy construction activities can result in disaster. What is the way forward?

  48. Hi Prasunji,

    Could you please guide us on the current status of the Military command theaterisation ?

    Since there is no concrete news coming out on this front, I wonder if there a change in the plan of theaterisation ?

    Thanks & Regards,


  49. HI Prasun
    will it be feasible to make the brahmos into an anti radiation missile given its long reach.
    the rudram antiradiation missile does not seem to have a range of 300 km which will force it to go near the missile battery of 300km range

    can the brahmos be given co ordi nates of radars of enemy Air defence syystems. so as to use its monopulse radar to taget it effectively. can the radar also be software tuned to home as a antiradiation missile?.

  50. Happy new year Sir.
    In "China’s Unceasing Build-Up" you have mentioned CCP(PLAAF) is planning to station 120 MRCA. Is this number inclusive of existing 60 MRCA? or total would be 180 MRCA capacity?

    We are still debating whether we need more Rafale or not (palm on face!!!)

  51. Sir
    Few are predicting that IAF will order 81 to 90 Rafales when IN orders Rafale M and this may happen in the year 2023 itslef.
    Is it possible ?
    I think Rafale has its best chance under current Government.


  52. Sir
    Israel is ahead of us in hypersonic air-launched weapons.
    Is it possible to reverse-engineer Brahmos ?
    I think we need to start emulating Israel more.


  53. Prasun bhai

    I think our policy makers are not paying attention to what's happening in Pakistan. The economy is crashing like we have never seen in years and they have again fallen at the feet of the IMF. The security situation is deteriorating fast. But gullible goras are back again to bail them out with billions of dollars in aid. The pakis are also trying to monetize the floods by asking for 16 billion in the name of rehabilitation. Realistically how much money will flow in their empty coffers? Why is India not taking advantage of the situation?

    Pls come back and do a detailed thread on this emerging situation


  54. Nikhil Bhaiya if we have more people like Kautilya Cunterji's knowledge then we can.

  55. Hello Sir,
    1. I would like to weather the Su 30mki has terrain hugging/terrain avoidance capabilities. If not will super Sukhoi upgrade will put that capabilities.
    2. Do you have video link of AAV 2023? If you could kindly share the details of the presentation made there?
    3. When will the construction of indigenous SSN start?
    4. Could you kindly make a thread on Indian nuclear weapons program?


  56. To RAGHU: Actually, India is in a rather sweet spot since she has conveyed to her QUAD partners that she will do the heavy weightlifting in South Asia WRT economic stabilisation efforts for Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan & Maldives, for which India needs to continue importing raw materials at discounted prices from Russia. Meanwhile, here are a few related interesting reads:

    Wargaming a Chinese Invasion of Taiwan:

    J-20 RCS Scattering Simulation:,I%2C%20air%20independent%20propulsion%20equipped%2C

    Should I have the last laugh? What was always reqd was not ‘visionary’ thinking, but merely application of sound common-sense!

    To VARUN: Such man-made disasters will not only affect the armed forces, but the whole national economy as a whole & not just in Uttarkhand, but in the northeast as well, as explained here:



    To MG6357: Theaterisation cannot happen without first achieving jointness & the latter is still quite a distance away.

    To: RAD: Any BVRAAM or LRAAM must have a top speed of Mach 4, which the BrahMos-A & BrahMos-NG does not possess. Hence they cannot be used for attacking AEW & CS platforms. The Rudram-3 has 500km range capability while Rudram-2 has 300km range. Meanwhile, after successfully clearing user-trials last April, the MoD has cleared the way for bulk production orders for an estimated 2,000 HELINA missiles & 100 associated fire-control systems for the IA’s Rudras & LCHs.

    To DASHU: VMT & the same to you. The figure of 120 is INCLUSIVE of the present-day figure of 60.

  57. To MG6357: Beautiful explanations that should address most of your apprehensions:

  58. Hi

    There seems to be some forward movement on the microprocessor fabrication front. Hopefully it will work out

    Also, can you provide an update on Indo-Taiwan relations and it's progress with respect to economic and security issues? What is the possibility of India opening diplomatic relations with Taiwan if relations progress well?



  59. India is critical to deterring a Chinese invasion of Taiwan (By Satoru Nagao):

  60. Hi Prasunji,

    What is the storage capacity of the various ammunitions of the Indian Army?

    Also, what is the yearly production capacity of ammunition & artillery shells in India ?

    Thanks & Regards

    Hardik Thanki

  61. HI Dada,

    What you think about Peter Zeihan predictions (on joe rogan show and various other shows on youtube) on end of Russia and china due to demographic collapse, oil sanctions, etc. and possible Collapse of Globalization.


  62. NGAD

  63. Prasun,

    1- how true is this --
    2- what all diff missiles can be made from this one -- ... BTW sympoisum is this? is it just academic in nature or wil it result in something tangable?

  64. @prasun da

    looks like IAF wont be able to get its hand on 350 su30 mki in total or the 2 additional s400 squadrons

    Joydeep ghosh

  65. prasun da

    i have a feeling that the 34 mig29 unused in russia will skip india and fly to Iran

    Joydeep ghosh

  66. 1.OFB has started producing AK-203, with a plan for 6.7 lakhs.
    2.We stopped after 74000 SiGSeur.
    3. No progress in carbines.
    What are IA's plans now to modernise the basic infantry weapon I.e the rifle?

  67. HI prasun
    EMP seems to be the way out to take out swarm drones. do we have the capability to make such devise or we have to rely on russia or Israel?

    what is the main tech behind this device and what are the freq in which the device will function?\

    can we apply the same to take out supersonic anti ship missiles?

    why is the drdo -gov still keen on the TEDBF when we know the f-18e is going to be a vastly superior platform , that has been tested over decades .?

    is it because they feel cocky after the flight trials of the naval lCA?

    will the cost of acquisition of f-18 be equal to the cost of developing the TEDBF?
    as the on board cost will surely be 125mil $ a piece?
    60 of them will be 6 billion plus!

    will that justify making our TEDBF?

    will the yanks let us integrate our weapons on it which they are loath to?

  68. Hi Prasun

    Is there any truth to the following news

    Embraer in partnership with HAL? Whatever happened to the MTA programme being taken up again with Russia. In any case, Indian designers will have no inputs to offer if the C-390 deal goes forward. Is the IAF likely to take up.such an offer?



  69. Prasun,

    3 how true is this? looks like the US is arm twisting to get the FA 50 sold or is using propaganda.. be it malaysia or this case


  70. HI prasun
    what made the Egyptians go for the ka 50 over the LCA?. we have been rejected 2 times.. i was wondering if there is some thing wrong with our LCA compared to the ka 50

    israeli stuff ? or other considerations. IN what fields is the ka 50 better?

  71. To RAGHU: As in all types of industries, it is the entire eco-system that matters most & takes the longest time to come up, as explained here:

    I do not foresee India ever establishing formal diplomatic relations with Taiwan. As for the C-390, it is just an unsolicited offer from Embraer & hence it does not mean that the IAF wants to procure such an aircraft.

    To HARDIK THANKI: It is impossible to pin them down to definite figures due to the varying reqmts & i8nstalled military-industrial production capacity & usage per annum. On top of that, there is the breakdown for various parts, like the ammunition rounds, their charges & fuzes. Russia for example can produce 3.5 million rounds of ammunition (fired from howitzers & mortars) every year, but in the past 90 days had fired close to 7 million rounds.

    To ROCKY: Out of 100, I would rate it at 50.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) LoLz! So what’s new??? Here is another seminar on similar lines:

    The PAF did try to shoot down additional IAF MRCAs & that’s why the IAF had displayed the AIM-120C-5 AMRAAMs that had landed in the forests of Rajouri, thanks to the IAF’s EL/L-8222 ASPJs. And I had then openly challenged anyone to provide any photographic evidence of any downed Su-30MKI, especially after the ISPR had then claimed that the heart of every Kashmiri beats for Pakistan! And yet, till to date, no Kashmiri has come forward with such evidence, nor has Pakistan been able to come up with such evidence. 2) The illustration shows a rather narrow airframe that does not accurately reflect the CM-400AKG supersonic ASCM that the PAF will be acquiring.

    As for Tejas LCA export prospects, after the rejection by Malaysia & Egypt, Argentina should follow. The reasons are obvious, as I had explained a few times before (i.e. both countries don’t want on-board Israel-origin mission avionics).

    To VENKY: Both AK-203 & SIG are assault rifles. For carbines, MP9s have been imported from Switzerland while the JVPC is being subjected to bulk production.

    To RAD: EMP is a double-edged sword, i.e. it has a 360-degree footprint. Hence, even friendly electronics can be affected/disrupted by EMP. As for the TEDBF, it is highly likely that the IAF too will eventually order it as the AMCA Mk.1 is going to be delayed for sure. Since that’s the case, then it makes sense to procure a home-grown M-MRCA that will have substantial Indian industrial content. As for Tejas LCA export prospects, after the rejection by Malaysia & Egypt, Argentina should follow. The reasons are obvious, as I had explained a few times before (i.e. both countries don’t want on-board Israel-origin mission avionics).

    PLAAF-RoCAF Chatter:

    To BUDDHA: Future of Russia-Ukraine War Explained:

    Bob Lazar, Area 51 & S-4:

    Hunt for the Skinwalker:

    How Myanmar’s Military-Industrial Complex Thrives:

  72. Hi Prasun

    Rather old news, but relevant still

    The Japanese ambassador specifically mentioned subs and AMCA. In which specific areas in these domains could we see collaboration? Also, where do you see Indo -Japanese cooperation in defence sector progressing to in the Indo Pacific areas?



  73. Hi Prasun
    Recently you said - "As for the C-390, it is just an unsolicited offer from Embraer & hence it does not mean that the IAF wants to procure such an aircraft."

    Doesn't it make sense to at least purchase a few of these as aerial refuellers??
    Given that IAF only has a limited number of IL78s whose serviceability is suspect, isn't this a viable cost-effective option in the short term till we can finalise a long term plan - especially since the A330 deal has now been stuck for a decade??

    Plus Embraer already has a number of aircraft in the IAF fleet so repair-maintenance and operations should be that much smoother

    Your thoughts please

  74. To RAGHU: Japan is a formidable player in both metallurgy & metallurgical processing & therefore can economically produce both high-strength metallic raw materials/alloys as well as do high-precision machining for airframe structures that are reqd for Gen-5 & Gen-6 MRCAs & their turbofans. The same applies to specialty materials for submarines. Hence, such capabilities & capacities will have a readymade market within India’s military-industrial complex.

    To KIDDO: For the IAF, dedicated aerial refuelling aircraft are unaffordable luxuries & therefore multi-role MRTTs capable of both aerial refuelling & transporting ground-support equipment reqd for supporting MRCA operations is the preferred option. Hence, platforms like the single-role C-390 or even IL-78MKI lose out to the likes of B.777 or A330 MRTT variants. All major MRO activities for Embraer 135/145 aircraft registered in India are undertaken in Singapore, not inside India. Kindly read this:

  75. Hello

    Regarding the FICV program:

    Is Abhay finalized as the FICV


  76. Hi

    Good presentation of the processes involved in the manufacturing of a turbine blade



  77. hi PRASUN

    the IAF seems to want to lease awacs and nobody is giving. why shud they? as they know we might get some info out of them and return it back/

    now what stops these fools to order the embraer 145 and mount an improved aesa beam as an s immediate gap filler. its also now battle tested and seems ok by the IAF. All this non sense of corruption has to be set aside for the defense of the country. 3 years from now we can have some desi awacs and wait till the end of the decade for the netra 2 to come in.

    what happens if there is a war with china ,, china will exploit that weakness for sure. Then who is responsible for the lack of awacs in war? bunch of fools!!


  78. Hi prasun
    we have demonstrated that the amraam c-5 can be jammed by the el-8222 and we have the radar finger print as well.

    now what will be the use of a stealth fighter like the f-22 that creeps up and fires amraam at close quarters? we can always jam the missile stealth or no stealth. I feel there is a premise that the amraam cant be jammed at all or for that matter any missile with active radar ?.

    then what is the use of stealth in that particular scenario?.

  79. Prasun,

    1- why close the line after 106 won't HAL want to export the armed version of it to compete with Tucano A29?
    2- is India shooting itself in the foot by pissing both Russia & B'desh for americans? ..
    3- Russians in talks with porkis to sell oil will it materialize?

  80. 4- why this when ASMI ahs been tested ? -- is the foreign import lobby still very strong on the defence circles?
    5- is India prepared for this

  81. Prasunda,

    What do you make of this assessment?


  82. The recent INS vagir video (5th scoepene class submarine) shows it firing a torpedo. So has IN managed to buy heavy weight Torpedos ?


  83. Prasun

    6- Groundwater in 12 Indian states found to be contaminated with uranium- does thus mean that we have enough untapped uranium reserves?


  84. HI Prasun'

    if india orders more scorpenes which it shud , can we put the AIP module and use it as a a test platform? will that risky after all naval group ahs certified it it seems . will they get to know the secrets of the indian aip while certification?

    why is the stupid navy brass rejecting additional buy of scorpenes when it fully know what will happen if not?
    how did brazil manage to make a bigger version of the scorpenes? and how did they manage the nuke reactor which is a critical tech>

    brazil is not known for its nuke tech like india

    which do think will be a greater threat... the later j-10 or the in service f-16 of pakistan?

  85. Why don't we send Indian men to Japan to impregnate Japanese women so that Japan deals with declining birth rate problem and we create hybrid nationals (offer dual citizenship) some of whom might influence sharing of Japanese defence equipment and technology with India. No good all these Indian men jerking off and wasting what could be valuable resource for the benefit of the country!

  86. Hello Prasun da,
    Namashkar, I would deeply appreciate yoir comments on authenticity/ extent of casualties/loss of face/loss of assets/military implications wity regard to the two cross border strikes
    1. Surgical strikes by Army special forces
    2. Balakot by IAF
    Did IAF also hit other targets the same day besides balakot. If so what and what was the effect.
    3. The down F16 ..what is the best proof we have of it. Will there be some way Pak would be forced to admit it? Will there ever be an international acknowledgement of it?

    Your answers lay to rest all grey areas. Thanks

  87. Hi prasun
    how good is the bharat OS developed for smart phones , is it as secure as it touts to be and what is the advantage over android. All systems can be hacked how is this different?.
    will this be only given to the gov agencies or available to all?

    is it difficult to develop apps for it?. Apps make the like of the phone. Do the app developers need permission or some codes to develop app for it?

    the kalvari Sub seems to be back for a refit seems to be an early refit ,, is it because the hurry to incorporate the AIP?

    why is the stupid navy not agreeing to order further scorpenes and only the p75i subs? even when they know that seems to be a non starter with nearly every body pulling off except S korea. Is the S korean subs as advanced as the french ones?

  88. To MSK: The Abhay ICV was only a technology demonstrator. The definitive FICV is being developed by L & T (lead developer-cum-systems integrator) and it will have a completely crewless turret & its hull will be built with both HNS & composites. The engine is a CVRDE-developed 600hp model with which the selected Allison transmission will be integrated. Here is the announcement:

    To RAD: All RF-emitters can be jammed. Why should the F-22 use BVRAAMs at close quarters when SRAAMs are available?

    Info on BharOS:

    And this is the Saab-developed Sirius ELINT sensor used by the Pakistan Army:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) That depends on the annual production rate of the HTT-40 by HAL Nashik. 4) ASMI is a machine-pistol, not a carbine.

    To SATYAKI: Both scenarios are delusional & spectacularly outlandish.

    To VENKY: It is a computer-generated video animation from France’s NAVAL GROUP showing the Scorpene firing the F-21 HWT.

    To KANE1966: All such questions were answered in threads dealing with such topics. Kindly refer to them.
