Tuesday, January 24, 2023

MAREEM AIP Plug-In Module For Indian Navy's INS Kalvari S-21 CM-2000 Scorpene SSK

As expected, the first MAREEM fuel cell-based Air Independent Propulsion (AIP) system designed and developed by the DRDO’s Ambarnath-based Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL) and built by an industrial consortium led by Larsen & Toubro (L & T), will be retrofitted to INS Kalvari S-21, starting from 2025. An agreement to this effect was signed between senior officials of NMRL and France-based Naval Group in Mumbai on January 23, 2023 to extend cooperation (meaning such cooperation had already been underway, but was kept under wraps) to enter into the detailed design phase (lasting 12 months) of the MAREEM  AIP module for integration with the pressure-hull of the CM-2000 Scorpene. While the retrofit activities (starting in late 2024 and lasting till 2026) will be undertaken by Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd in cooperation with L & T.  Naval Group will certify the AIP design for integration. INS Kalvari is then expected to re-enter service by 2028 after completing the mandatory sea-trials of both the MAREEM AIP module and its yet-to-be-selected on-board Lithium-Ion batteries that will replace the existing lead-acid batteries.



Detailed data on the MAREEM AIP module can be found here:



  1. Prasunda

    Would ask you to again take a I told you so bow but then it was the only logical outcome on the Mareem AIP. I expect the torpedoes - Black Shark & Batteries Li-Ion too are in the works. Atleast 3 more just with this design would be great. Also if it's just 3-6 SSNs then maybe another 6-9 or even 12 SSKs. I guess, the HDW tragedy is behind us.

  2. https://zeenews.india.com/india/dna-exclusive-mea-e-mail-server-hacked-biggest-ever-cyber-attack-in-india-2565072.html


    NAMICA has been superceded by NAMIS:


  3. https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/india-has-lost-access-to-26-out-of-65-patrolling-points-in-eastern-ladakh-says-research-paper/article66428193.ece

    “Presently, there are 65 PPs starting from Karakoram pass to Chumur which are to be patrolled regularly by the ISFs (Indian Security Forces). Out of 65 PPs, our presence is lost in 26 PPs (i.e. PP no. 5-17, 24-32, 37, 51,52,62) due to restrictive or no patrolling by the ISFs. Later on, China, forces us to accept the fact that, as, such areas have not seen the presence of ISFs or civilians since long, the Chinese were present in these areas. This leads to a shift in the border under control of ISFs towards Indian side and a buffer zone is created in all such pockets which ultimately leads to loss of control over these areas by India. This tactic of PLA to grab land inch-by-inch is known as Salami Slicing.”

    To avoid consternation with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) that has placed high-resolution cameras at vantage points, the Army restricts the movement of graziers by installing check-posts and deploying personnel in disguise. The recent disengagement agreements at PP 15 and 16 resulted in the loss of pasture lands at Gogra hills, North Bank of Pangong Tso, and Kakjung areas. The Army has placed significant restrictions on the movement of civilians and graziers near the forward areas on the Indian side, indicating with their play safe strategy that they do not want to annoy the PLA by giving them the chance to raise objections on the areas being claimed as disputed. The paper said: “Till September 2021, senior officers of district administration and security forces would easily patrol till Karakoram Pass (35 km from Daulat Beg Oldie) in the DBO sector, however, restrictions in the form of check posts were placed by the Indian Army since December 2021 at DBO itself to stop any such movement towards Karakoram Pass as PLA had installed cameras and they would immediately raise objections on the movement from Indian side if not informed beforehand.”

    The unfenced borders have been serving as pastures for the nomadic community of Changthang region (Rebos) and given the scarcity of the rich pastures, they would traditionally venture into the areas close to the PPs. The paper said: “Since 2014, enhanced restrictions on the grazing movement and areas have been imposed on the Rebos by ISFs and this has caused some resentment against them. The soldiers are especially deployed in disguise to stop the movement of Rebos to the higher reaches that could be objected by the PLA and similarly the development works in the border villages like Demchok, Koyul which are under direct electronic surveillance of the PLA suffers, as they raise objections promptly.” Over the years, this has resulted in the loss of livelihood and change in lifestyle patterns of border villages, which has led to migration.

  4. https://indianexpress.com/article/world/mike-pompeo-claims-india-informed-him-pakistan-was-preparing-for-nuclear-attack-post-balakot-surgical-strike-8402447/


  5. HI prasun
    why is the super su-30 upgrade so costly at 26 mill& per plane when we are not changing the engines?. After all the upgrades are largely indian desi stuff ,like the Uttma mk3 aesa radar , ew , jamming pods, irst, data links, dfcc .. etc?

    will the bel developed IRST be better than the original one from russia as we have no experience in making IRST.

    what is the proposed HMS that will be integrated the same Israeli Targos?
    if so will the russians help in integrating their own r-74 and latter version of R-77?
    This seems to be a tough job as so many systems are new and have to be tested.

    will israel or europe be ok with their missiles going on board russian fighter due to sanctions?

    will russia demand that the integration and flight testing be done at russia to have a peek at westerns systems?

  6. 1- refers to Swaraj as “he”. lolz
    2- I reached the actual leader of Pakistan, (Army chief) General (Qamar Javed) Bajwa.
    3- “No other nation could have done what we did that night to avoid a horrible outcome.

    This clears that - taange nahin kaampe the.

    Less I talk about CCP is better look at the trade deficit this year.

  7. How Russia will handle these Leopards entering into Ukraine game? Do they have any answers to those MBTs?


  8. Hi prasun

    when using an aesa radar , terrain following or hugging mode is possible generally like the rafale.
    IN the SU30mki UTTAM 3 , that has to be tied to the flight control computer, , radar alti, and FBW software
    how is that possible given the totally different bus architecture?

  9. Prasun ,

    1-will naval design bureau designed super kalavari be a reality ever?
    2- BBC, Pompeo the west hasn't gotten over the Russ-Ukr war snub is it?
    3- how does mareem compare to other AIP systems?
    4- Will super sukhoi upgrades take off anytime soon?

  10. Hi,
    What is your outlook for the Ukraine war with both NATO and Russia upping the ante in 2023? Any end in sight?
    Thanks and regards

  11. Hi prasoon..there are food riots in pakistan, high inflation and deteriorating economic condition..various countries are cold shouldering them including imf/world bank..it appears the west and allies have made up their mind to bring pak on its knees and defang it from nuclear weapons..is this assesment correct please? Looking forward to tour views



  12. Sir,

    LCA Mk-II prototype delivery in 2025-26, first flight by 2026-27: CB Ananthakrishnan, CMD of HAL


    F-21 deal with US possible?


  13. Hi

    Well, the Russians seem to have got this one right. Almost ideal for urban warfare. I am reminded of the article in this blog posted some time back on this subject and the Terminator in particular.




  14. Hello Sir,
    1. No update on SSN project? is there something to worry about?
    2. If you Could kindle share any infographics related to indigenous SSN, any pictures on hydrographic models?
    3. Also no update on Netra mk2 project.

  15. Hello Prasun


    Does it reflect the position of Indian Navy or wishful thinking of retired defence community with flair for writing? I would draw your attention to esp.
    1. para 2: (Project 75I)
    2. para 3 & 7: (DRDO PAFC AIP)
    3. para 5: (AatmaNirbharata through SP model)
    4. para 6: (Li-ion batteries)


  16. Prasunda,

    How much land is lost to China ?

  17. Prasun
    why did the IAf show the IIR imagry of its jets as a part of republic day parade?

  18. 1.Can India order fresh Super Sukhoi(50plus in number) from Hal apart from upgradation
    In this way atleast some new fighter will be indcucted in IAF.
    Is there any news regarding Indian Sub sonic cruise missle segment
    2.If Army fails to stop Chinese agression in 25 plus PP points in Ladakh,then they should stop boosting of Prepared for Two front war or capable of taking POK back,

  19. https://twitter.com/StrategicTrends/status/1618756098986745856?t=vkCgV8vTZZedkh6MjXn8cQ&s=19

    Any plans for IN to procure such lightweight missile boats

  20. https://twitter.com/indiannavy/status/1619263113093861376?t=S1FiTBK44omTyZ5KYwKWag&s=19

    It is for which project

  21. Now IAF lost 2 jets today and 3 pilots. It's high time to conclude MRCA. Do you think IAF will conclude MRFA and does US ready to give F 35 to india ?

    Thank you.

  22. Dear Prasun

    https://youtu.be/EACVt291yDU t=16:54
    What's he removing?

    The video is from local media coverage of Veer Guardian between IAF and JASDF.


  23. prasun,

    2 one more air crash .. what is you initial analysis-- is it because of risky maneuvers or lack of some system due to short sighted approach
    3 US bringing F 35 to Aero india will it be offered eventually to IAF & IN ?

  24. Prasun ,

    4- did india test HSTDV again? if yes what was the result?
    5- https://www.indiandefensenews.in/2023/01/pakistans-intransigence-on-indus-waters.html --Pakis playing india on Indus water treaty ? why does india treat them with kid gloves..will world powers try to meddle in it .. what locus standi does World arbitration body have when it is not a party to it? will this give india a chance to correct the stupid generosity we showed in 1960?

  25. Dear Prasun

    PLA Navy, on an average, commissions at least half a dozen or more sea (destroyers, LPD, LHD, etc.) and sub-sea combatants (SSK, SSN, SSBN). How does it manage to induct, train and deploy the skilled & trained human resource in sufficient number to operate sophisticated equipments?


  26. Prasun sir,
    I have a few queries regarding the logistics of the Indian and russian armies.

    1) Western sources have claimed that russia has a very small quantity of military trucks for it's offensive. They have said RA had 10 transport battalions, each with 400 trucks for it's entire army. Is that true?

    2) How many transport battalions/brigades does the Indian army have and how many trucks per battalion?

    3) One of the reasons given for russian army's over reliance on rail for military purposes is the paucity of roads in that huge country. Russia is 6 times the size of india but has only 1.5 million kilometers of roads versus our 6.2 million km. Is our roads infra along pak border enough for our army to deploy effectively in wartime?

    4) According to open sources, india has around 60,000 stallion mk4 trucks.
    Are all these trucks good enough to support our forces in the border areas or enemy territory in wartime? Are they up to the task in terms of mobility and ruggedness?

  27. Prasunda,

    How true is this `source based' claim that the recent HSTDV test may not have been successful ?



  28. Prasun,
    6- first BBC now hidenburg there is clearly a pattern in targeting india and is done pretty bgrazely by the Islamist-leftist lobby..if one sees the events across the world in recent 24 months only there are enuff instances be it Uk riots, to canada to german lefist govt to US in some form then theer is the Qataris illeagally holding our people clearly it is a case of abduction & blackmail. BTW what is India doing about the inidans being held Qataris.. they have been targeting India for quite a while ...should be taught a lesson..fast...

  29. 1) Sir what do you make of predictions from USA, global think tanks that a war may be
    inevitable within this decade over Taiwan or India started by China and will likely pull Japan and USA?
    Every country seems to be ramping up military spendings except India.
    Maybe statements like "aaj agar rafale hota" and "we will fight with what we have" are national mottos now.

    2) Do we have enougg strength to dash for GB while maintaining detterence on LAC if China gets busy over Taiwan?

    3) Still no forward movement in IAF (and navy) which is not only short of jets but also force multipliers. China deploying just 15 and Pakistan 20 squadrons will outnumber ours if China just rotated ther losses from mainland.
    Is IAF govt not aware it will take 15-25 years to rebuild fleet?

    They are already adding airbases, lengthening runways to counter altitude disadvantage. Plus missile force and large force multipliers fleet.



  30. HI prasun

    the lca mk2 seems to be growing bigger in size due to demands of the IAF and it seems the
    auw IS 17500 KGS

    I Suspect they are going to need the f414 EPE now, or it will have insipid performance like the present LCA.

    will uncle sam agree to that? dont they have to modify the intakes if so?

  31. Prasun

    7 -- how true is this report --https://idrw.org/hackers-claim-to-have-gained-access-to-indian-firm-that-makes-pinaka-rockets/ -- if true then it is sheer stupidity of our defence ecosystem .. what impact wil it have

  32. Hi Dada,

    Do tejas mk2 met similar fate as mk1 version or it will be successful?


  33. Hi Prasunji,

    As reported today has Solar industry lost critical data due to hacking? Your views please.


  34. Prasun Da, in a serious breach of security Ransomware Group Black Cat claims to have attacked and stolen Data amounting to 2 TB from Solar Industries group and claimed to have released the data related to :

    " full descriptions of engineering specifications, drawings, and audits of numerous weapons, including:

    Rocket Pinaka MK-1 ADM-1;
    Propellant Pinaka MK-1 Enhanced;
    Propellant Pinaka MK-2 Guided;
    Propellant Akash Booster;
    Propellant RTRS;
    Propellant Astra MK-2;
    Propellant PSOM-XL;
    Propellant SkyRoot;
    Propellant Star Booster;
    Propellant HEMRL(PJ-10);
    Propellant BramhMos;
    Propellant A1-P(P1 & P2);
    Warhead: Konkur, Invar, ATGM MK-2, MPBX Blocks;
    Mines: Vibhav, Vishal, Adrashy; and
    Bomb: PGB 450, GP 250"

    To the dark Web.

    This site is still unavailable: https://solargroup.com/

    Prasun Da what implication can it have ?

    Please share your views.

  35. https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2023/what-is-blackcat-royal-malware-ransomware/

    The nuisance called 'Blackcat'.

  36. Prasunda,


    Does this mean weapon systems manufactured by Solar Industries (incl. Agni-P) are compromised and rendered obsolete ?


  37. Prasun--

    7- https://idrw.org/iaf-is-reconsidering-its-rafale-repeat-orders/-- Now wouldnt IAf show itself as being clever by half :))

  38. 8- was there any data leak from solar industries?

  39. @prasun da

    1. west wants to destroy Russia China then obvious target is India but looks like we Indians are not bothered https://youtu.be/cUpreTI-tr4

    2. seems Israel is hell bent to antagonize Russia wrt Ukraine

    3. why is iaf against theatre command

    4. seems like west wants to force India stop buying ryssian weapons, possible?

    Joydeep ghosh


  40. I prasun
    russia seems to want apiece of the pie in the super 5 bil$ su-30 upgrade. Its obvious they cannot supply any aesa radar which has got us components.

    can they bully us into accepting there version of super su 30? as they ers the IP holders

  41. Sir these balloons have been spotted in Japan and USA too. Role and Origin?


  42. Prasun sir, how are you? Hope you are also enjoying the events unfolding in Bhikaristan. At least one external enemy of India is going into the ground. Hope our decision makers and military is keeping an eye on what's happening. An opportunity might arrive for some serious military action in POK.

  43. Hi Prasun,

    How would you rate Ajit Doval's current trip to the US? The agreements signed look deep promising. Will India lean towards the west as a result of these agreements or will we spread the risk by following the principle of multi alignment?



  44. @prasun da

    iaf wants MTA if it buys the 14 C130Js RAF is selling most are 15 yrs old avg, with 40 yrs life left easily, then half the problem will be solved at much less cost

    Joydeep ghosh

  45. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: LoLz! There you go yet again with wild fantasies! Kindly pay heed to what follows:

    The IAF has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for the procurement of a Medium Transport Aircraft (MTA) with a carrying capacity of 18 to 30 tonnes. The RFI was issued on December 9, 2022, and the earlier bid submission date of February 3 has now been extended till March 31. The overall time frame of production, delivery with stage wise breakup of the entire project post-conclusion of contract is required to be submitted. It is envisaged to commence deliveries of platform within 36 months of signing of Contract. The vendors are to provide Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) cost of aircraft and associated equipment among others for a batch of 40 aircraft/60 aircraft/80 aircraft, respectively.

    From the above, we can infer that the IAF, which discarded the IL-214 MRTA with 20-tonne payload in 2017 (the reqmt then was for 45 aircraft), now wants a heavier payload-carrying platform & the only contenders are the Airbus Military A-400M Atlas & Embraer’s C-390 Milenium. C-295 has 9-tonne payload capacity while C-130J has 19-tonne payload capacity. If the WRONG decision is made, i.e. licence-producing them in India, then the project costs will balloon to 2.5 times more than the acquisition cost of procuring such aircraft directly from the OEM & consequently, no more than 25 will be procured.

    Hence, instead of fantasising, kindly stick to far more sober matters like these:

    DRDO & High-Energetic Materials:


    DRDO & Electromagnetic Rail-Guns:


    HAL Tumkur Facility for Producing LCHs & LUHs:


    BTW, here’s the video of the Chinese balloon being shot down by USAF F-22 Raptors:


  46. To RAGHU: Beggars can’t be choosers. For example, all the 5-G comms hardware that India is procuring are from Ericsson & Nokia. Not a single Indian OEM is involved & officially the Govt of India has only prevented Huawei from supplying 5-G comms networks, but is still officially open to importing Huawei-built related hardware from China. Similarly, India is TOTALLY dependent on US suppliers of Cloud & Quantum Computing servers for various applications (especially in the space domain) & the following photos in the tweets clearly show the seating arrangements for the visiting Indian delegation, which in turn reveal what the priorities are & what’s likely to be achieved by the US-India Initiative on Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET):




    Apart from initiating industrial collaboration on 6-G cellular comms networks, from the military standpoint India wants hand-holding by US OEMs for airborne testbed development, i.e. converting Boeing-built civilian aircraft into testbeds for in-flight avionics & turbofan testing, since such collaboration with Russia will be impossible in the years to come. This is similar to how BAE Systems assisted ADA’s Tejas LCA flight-testing while Lockheed Martin assisted in developing the LCA’s digital flight-control computer. Hence, all talk about GE Aero Engines engaging in any of ToT for the F414 turbofan is total hogwash & absolutely outlandish.

  47. Hi Prasun,

    Would like your comments on the following.


    If all the claims are true, this missile looks unstoppable with the current anti missile weapons sensors combination currently installed on major naval ship platforms.



  48. Prasun you fell for Jodu Ghosh's clever trick again. He deliberately puts forward seemingly absurd or weird ideas and dodgy comments to elicit counter arguments from you. Then he mixes his version with your arguments plus information you alluded him to and this entire exercise of supposedly silly question/comment session suddenly becomes an authoritative version in "For My TAKE" in IDRW.

  49. @prasun da
    I think that you misjudg3d my comments about iaf going for C130J from RAF. I tried to imply that if IAF buys these 14 C130J its transportation and logistical issues may get reduced considering that these planes have lot of life left in them. As for heavier payload capacity i think A400 fits the bill. Btw i do think hal and IAF both missed a critical point by not going for the larger variants of do228 that would have solved indias requirement for regional passenger carrying capacity and might as well have been used for transport https://idrw.org/how-hal-missed-the-trick-by-not-going-for-do-328-do-428-do-728/

  50. @prasun da

    you said i was fantasizing but this defense analyst too bats for C130Js


    Joydee[p ghosh

  51. "All in the Mind" is a good one sir.

  52. Hi Prasunda,
    WRT the procurement of 30-ton MTA, why did IAF revise its requirements from 20ton(for which C-130J might have qualified) to 30 ton? it looks to me that this will result in yet another aircraft type that needs to be maintained? Thanks!

  53. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Can C-130J airlift the kind of towed howitzers, MGS, armoured vehicles of the type used by the Indian Army? Can they be accommodated into the C-130J's cargo bay? If not, then the C-130J becomes a non-issue. After mid-2020 the emphasis is on swift airlifting at short notice of weapons & ammo to the Sino-Indian border areas & hence the reqmt for wide-bodied airlifters capable of lifting loads of up to 30 tonnes.

    As for what you had posted in September 2022, I had done so back in October 2018 & here it is:


  54. Hi

    The following shows the efficacy of kamikaze drone in the Ukranian war


    The M-777 howitzer seems to be a a vulnerable target. One commentator had the following to say about the howitzer:

    "Its design uses light alloys and hydraulics, which instantly ignite when hit. Even the low power of the Lancet charge in the event of an accurate strike on the weak point of an American howitzer can completely disable the gun, the repair of which in the field is simply impossible. ”

    Hope the Indian armed forces are closely observing the war and learning lessons regarding US and Russian equipment from the same especially since the Chinese too would be watching and drawing lessons from it.

    It would be good, Prasun, if you could come out with a post on the above matter since the war is approaching the one year period now.



  55. Hello,

    Does AN 70 or C2 Kawasaki Not fit the bill for IAF Medium Airlift ? AN 70 is cheaper than A400M and also higher lift capability along with Turbofan variant. If they can sell IP to CHina and Turkey, TATA or someone can buy IP and mass produce in India


  56. Sir,

    Please reply my previous comments also. LCA(Navy) on IN_R11Vikrant.


    Anway D.

  57. @prasun da

    today NLCA td 2 landed on ins vikrant, i think a very good idea will be to order1 a full squadron of NLCA TD2. it will act as great conversion trainer that will release many Mig 29k TEDBF and Rafale M for operational duty and lesser wear and tear. can you forward this idea to indian navy ADA ADE HAL

    Joydeep ghosh

  58. Hello Prasun ji,

    Please can you share some info around Ukraine-Russia war ? When it will end and why it has extended for almost 1 year ?

    While European and American economies continues to suffer why are they still supporting Ukraine. It doesn't make sense

    Kunal J

  59. Prasun sir,
    One of the things we see in the ukraine war is the use of SAM systems to degrade enemy air power.
    Otherwise the russian air force would have overwhelmed the UA.
    I have a few queries regarding our Air defences.
    1) With the barak-8 and S-400 now being inducted in numbers, are our defences able to deny the Chinese air force air superiority over indian skies?
    2) Will we able to shoot down their cruise and short range ballistic missiles?
    3) How many Tunguska TELARs does the Indian army have in service and in how many regiments?
    4) How many Strela-10 Launchers does the Indian army and air force still deploy?
    5) Why is it that we never see the Rafale with any weapon load out in india? It would be good for publicity and deterrence purposes when the pakis continually flaunt their junk 17 fighters.
    6) How many osa sam regiments does the IAF have left?
    7) How do you see the current meltdown in the pak economy playing out. Mass civil strife? Civil war? If pak does decent into civil war, will the US defang their nukes?
    If possible, I would appreciate a reply to my previous query.

  60. I wonder why these "plug in" modules reminds me of butt plugs!

    1. What keeps the mind busy is what the eye sees ... Ha ha ha

  61. sir, chemical weapons is used for the first time in Ukraine War.


    What's going to happen now?

  62. Hi Prasun

    How believable is this data from the Turks?


    Basically, the data apparantly says

    Russian losses in the field with 418 thousand soldiers (plus 3,500,000 reservists) and a growing number of Wagner mercenaries :
    23 Planes
    56 Helicopters
    200 (S)İHA / Armed UAV
    889 Tanks and armored vehicles
    427 Howitzer (Artillery systems)
    12 Air defense system
    18,480 dead
    44,500 Injured
    323 Captive

    The losses of 734 thousand soldiers (plus 100 thousand reservists) and NATO officers, soldiers and mercenaries in the field of Ukraine are as follows:
    302 Aircraft
    212 Helicopters
    2,750 (S)İHA / Armed UAV
    6,320 Tanks and armored vehicles
    7,360 Howitzer (Artillery systems)
    497 Air defense system
    157,000 Dead
    234,000 injured
    17,230 Captive
    234 Dead – NATO military trainers (US and UK)
    2,458 Dead – NATO soldiers (Germany, Poland, Lithuania, ...)
    5,360 Dead – Mercenaries

    Israeli intelligence data, it seems



  63. Dear Prasun

    What are these pictures etched on the apron of Jodhpur air base (Google Earth)? What is the purpose?
    26°14'48"N 73°02'46"E
    26°14'33"N 73°02'43"E
    26°14'51"N 73°02'59"E


  64. To SOUMYA RAY: Beats me! Perhaps they are 21st century rock-art on concrete slabs done by ancient time travellers from the Saraswati civilisation???

    To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: And what's displayed before one's eyes is not the same as what the eyes register. Take for example this:

    HLFT-42 LIFT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2WNEKDzVs0

    In the above, the ill-informed 'desi patrakaar' does not even raise the question of whether the HLFT-42 will be developed as a naval variant as well. After all, the IN has since the previous decade been sending all its trainee pilots to the US Navy's NAS Patuxent River for aircraft carrier landing/takeoff qualifications. Only after that do the pilots undertake conversion with the MiG-29KUB. So, are there any plans for the IN to 'indigenously' undertake aircraft carrier qualifications for its combat aviators by using a naval variant of the HLFT-42? Let's wait & see what HAL has to say next week at the Aero India 2023 expo that I will be attending.

    To RAJ GUPTA & RAGHU: Absolute crap & totally outlandish claims.

    1. How many hours of flying for naval pilots needed before certification at NAS in us

  65. The past continues to haunt us:



  66. To AMIT BISWAS: All explained here:


  67. 1) Sir is it possible to counter Pakistani superiority in SPH numbers, (5x if we don't count China at all) by heavy usage of loitering munitions under artillery regiments?

    Tata LM can be swarm launched as counter battery fire as directed by a weapons locating radar and they can look and chase down enemy guns in scooting phase?

    2) Recall you once said a country adding bridge layers is a sign of preparing for offense. Pair this with limited withdrawal of RR, conversion or para to para sf. Not that i am hopeful and airforce condition depresses me but should we keep dahi shakkar close by?

    3) How many j10c have Pakistanis purchased. Some claim its 25 max but pakistanis claim 90.


  68. Prasun,

    1-https://www.indiandefensenews.in/2023/02/nsa-ajit-doval-and-putin-meet-in-moscow.html - what's cooking?
    2- has Rus-Ukr war reached a stalemate?
    3- US wil bail Porkis but what will they take in return?

  69. 4- whats HAL DRDO upto with a plethora of lift trainers Hawk-I, HJT 36, tejas sport and now HLFT 42. what will the IAF choose? would the IAF convert some of its hwaks into hawk-I's and induct them into their squadrons to be operated in the mountainous regions of arunachal supersonix jets are sub optimal?

  70. Prasun,
    5- why india or the world is not focused on syria as much as turkey in its humanitarian help?

  71. Prasun ,
    From pictures available HLFT design is not like any fighter IAF is flying.. Am i missing anything?

  72. To VED: HLFT is a lead-in-fighter trainer that will be powered by HAL's own HTFE-25 turbofan & not by GE F404 as some 'desi patrakaars' are wrongly claiming.

  73. Prasun,
    Your comments please!
