Wednesday, May 10, 2023

INS Delhi After Undergoing Mid-Life Refit; Data-Links on IAF MRCAs & Combat-Support Platforms

VHF/UHF/L-Band Tactical Data-Links on IAF MRCAs
VHF/UHF/L-Band Tactical Data-Links On IAF Combat-Support Aircraft


  1. Interesting conclusions:

  2. Hi Prasun ji,

    Would like your views on the recent meeting of NSAs of India, US, UAE & Saudis and the Middle East connectivity project mentioned in that meeting.

    Is the plan to transport crude via rail to Oman so that it can be loaded directly onto the open Arabian Sea avoiding the Persian Gulf and the Straits of Hormuz which may be easy to blockade or disrupt in the case of a future conflict in the Middle East?

  3. Prasun da,,%20SRGM%20&%20BrahMos-1.jpg

    What ship (with trapezoidal mast) is this: first-left in the background next to INS Delhi

  4. To GESSLER: Here is a splendid assessment of the topic you've highlighted:


  5. prashun bhai, hope u r doing well.

    * - was this aussie decision a result of british / anglo influence that bypassed the front runners?

    *what do u make of the rapprochement between iran & the arabs? with the new gen. in usa and this, looks like israel might be getting into an increasingly tough spot. how will saudi & uae reconcile their divergent views on israel?

    *is going for another STOBAR carrier the right choice for IN?

    *how would u characterize the demographic that is supporting Niazi? they seem to be neo-islamists themselves. as such - the hostility toward their army is interesting.

    *unusual for a foreign firm like fincantieri to win such a large usn contract like constellation. why couldn't american firms come up with a design of their own? why allow fincantieri whhile preventing airbus from the air force tanker deal?

    *what do you make of the HLFT-42? seems to be taking on prof. prodyut's recommendations.

    *can't the combined power of Ind+Jap+US be used to pressure Djibouti against the chini base?

    *your current assessment of Rus - where the war is likely to head and Rus. in general.

    *if Nepal agrees to allow gorkhas be recruited by china, what are the possible pressure tactics to prevent it?

    *is it possible to buy a CATOBAR design from the americans or involve their design firms to quickly finalize an Indian design?

    *does India have the capability to autotrack forces through satellites similar to blacksky's satellites? the number of satellites might not be there but is the software there or a similar capability?

  6. Hi Prasun,
    Your thoughts? Thanks!

  7. To BHOUTIK: Perhaps that could be a reason, but in my reckoning it was BAE Systems' willingness to offer a favourable local workshare to Australian industry that led to the UK winning the contract. As for the IN's future aircraft carrier IAC-2, it should be a 45,000-tonne CATOBAR design that enables it to host AEW & C aircraft like the Northrop Grumman E-2D Hawkeye.

    Putin's Missile Wars:

    The ongoing turmoil within Pakistan is due to a Machiavellian stratagem executed by the PA's CAOS, as explained here:

    The objective is to permanently disqualify Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi from contesting in any political election. Meanwhile, those in India that perpetually hope for 'normalised' bilateral relations should read what the ISPR says about India, i.e. India is Pakistan's ETERNAL enemy:

    What the eternal enemy of the country could not do for 75 years, this group wearing a political cloak in the lust for power has done. The army showed extreme patience, tolerance and restraint and without caring about its own reputation worked with extreme patience and tolerance in the wider interest of the country.

    Will PoJK Revert Back to India?:

  8. To GESSLER: An enormous development:

    Inside the PLA:

    Beautiful documentary on the AUKUS Project:

  9. Hi Prasun

    What level of support would be further required from Ukraine or Russia to complete testing of this engine?



  10. Thanks for all the links, Prasun ji!

    These should be fine additions for my watchlist for this week.



    wiki says that the arihant nuke sub is very noisy... how far is it true?

    how about the noise made by the chinese boomers?

    regarding the the catobar for the next iac.. will us give that to us, as it is run on steam will conventional equipment produce the steam to drive it?

  12. Hi

    The following news, if true, says mainly maintenance and metallurgical issues with ALH Dhruv. Design looks stable.



  13. Hi prasun

    how are we going to protect ourselves from the induction of 8 type 039 aip submarines from china to pakistan?

    how good is our mareech system to decoy torpedoes?

    do all our subs have the torbuster from israel which seems to be good

  14. To SANJEEV: LoLz! Read this:

    The first six F414s were delivered to ADA back in 2015! Furthermore, the contract was for India-built components to be built in India & then shipped back to the US for final assembly by GE Aero Engines. In fact, as per HAL's own brochures of its engine division, HAL has to date licence-built only 2 types of engines: Orpheus for Gnat/Ajeet & R-11 for MiG-21FL/M. For the AL-31FP turbofans, HAL again has built only components that were shipped to the OEM, Ufa-based UEC-UMPO, which then shipped back to India fully-built 920 units of AL-31FP turbofans. And that’s why the only AL-31FP test cell in India is located at Lohegaon AFS in Pune, and not in Nashik or Koraput. And for those who are ignorant about engine manufacturing, a fully-India-built F414 turbofan will be 9 times more expensive than a GE-built F414!!!

    To RAGHU: ISRO is not in need of any kind of technical support from either Ukraine or Russia for R & D on cryogenic rocket engines.

    To RAD: The IN’s SSGNs use Russia-imported propellers of the same type that are used by the Type 877EKM-class SSKs. They were all built with the help of CNC-controlled machining that the then USSR had imported from Japan’s Toshiba & Norway’s Kongsberg back in the mid-1980s. Watch this:
    Torbusters have not yet been ordered by the IN. Only way to detect & track submerged AIP-powered SSKs around India’s coastline is to deploy a network of permanent seabed-based passive sonars like the SOSUS.

  15. What functions are the X-37B & the chinese version, serving?

  16. Prasunda,

    1) In your reply to Raghu, did you mean that India no longer needs any technical support from Ukraine or Russia for development of the SCE-200 Semi-Cryogenic engine ?

    2) It also looks like ISRO is developing a 100 ton thrust Lox/Methane engine that is open cycle (unlike the staged combustion SCE-200) (see below)

    3) Will the SCE-200 be fully developed given this ? Why was the less efficient open cycle chosen for the lox/methane engine ?


  17. About GE414, so is it that funds for MkII are not released by MoD true ? Are e shooting our selves in the foot and mouth ? What happens if US congress insists we buy some of their planes in order to get so called ToT

  18. Why isn't RAW sending military supplies to PTI? Imran Khan and his followers are ready to launch a full-blown civil war, while Pak army is busy sending terrorists to infiltrate into Kashmir.

    Another grave mistake by the always useless, aman ki asha ruling class in Lutyens.

    I don't understand why on the one hand why we passively support (or at least not oppose) the Russians and their misadventures for dubious "strategic autonomy" reasons, while on the other hand we end up following the South Asia playbook as scripted by the USA/UK through inaction and extreme risk aversion to disturb the status quo.

    What's the point in having centralized leadership in Delhi when these leaders never want to make any hard decisions and just sit on the fence for almost every issue. At this rate, it would make more sense if each state was an independent country with the USA as the net security provider of the entire region.

  19. @prasun da

    your views on this

    Joydeep ghosh

  20. To SATYAKI: 1) Yes. 2) That’s right. 3) It all depends on which is the optimum solution for launching satellites out to different types of orbits.

    To VENKY: Kindly refer to my reply on May 12, 2023 at 8:20 PM.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: That prospect had risen back in 1987 itself during the Sumdorong Chu incident & that’s why India’s nuclear weaponisation was begun in 1989 & that’s why out of the five tests carried out in 1998, three were for TNWs.

  21. To VEDANT: You seem to have gotten carried away by the outlandish TV soap-operas like Ramanand Sagar’s RAMAYAN & B R Chopra’s MAHABHARAT. Such depictions are very good for promoting AASTHA (blind faith), but are totally non-factual as they are based only on literal translations of the epics, and do not bother to seek interpretations of those epics. All ancient Indian texts are encoded so as to appear convincing narratives in simple terms for the laymen. Therefore, they need to be decoded to understand the true meanings. Here are 2 examples of how the decoding is to be done:

    Ancient Indian Astronomy Decoded:

    Ramayana Geography:

    Rigveda Geography:

    Geography Of Mahabharata Janapadas:

    Mahabharata Travel Narratives:

    In ancient times, the SACRED (not religious) messages were relayed by advanced civilisation powers located in other distant star systems to BRAHMINS, who were so-called because thay received such messages from the BRAHMAAND, the cosmos, from cosmic powers like Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. These powers were of a ‘creational’ nature & were not human-like beings at all & hence one finds today in both India & in Southeast Asia temples dedicated to these powers, but no idols or statues of such powers. The ‘Gods’ that were worshipped by various tribes of people that existed between 15,000 BCE till 2,000 BCE were of the pagan-type (the natural forces), i.e. Indra, Mithra, Varuna, Matsya etc etc.

    Coming now to flourishing ancient civilisations in India, the claim that the vedic civilisations were India’s earliest examples of settled lives/societies/communities is TOTALLY WRONG. Why so? Elementary: as the snows started drying up in the post-ice age era, the first places of land to emerge with flowing rivers was in & around the Tropic of Cancer, since those areas were closest to the Sun at/near the Equator & hence the ice melted there first. Thus, it was the area south of the Vindhya mountain ranges in peninsular India, along with the region of Southeast Asia like the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java & Kalimantan (Borneo) that were the first to become habitable for Homo Sapien-Sapiens. That’s also why the earliest human settlements dating back to 15,000 years ago have been found:

    Poompuhar Port City:

    Cont'd below...

  22. Megalithic sites of similar age have also been excavated in Kerala:

    Between 13,000 BCE & 8,000 BCE, life became more settled through the acquisition of SACRED messages relating to celestial observations of the Sun & Moon, without which agricultural/animal husbandry/rainwater-harvesting/seafaring processes could not be carried out. Evidence of all this can be found in the Sangam Literature:

    Sangam Literature & Nautical Terms:

    It was between 8,000 BCE & 3,000 BCE that human migrations began to areas located north of the Vindhayas & this is what constitutes the Vedic period. Celestial obervations bacme more precise through the composition of texts like VEDANGA JYOTISHA (dealing with computations of movements of the Sun & Moon) & adoption of 0-degree longitude, first at Takshashila, followed by Benaras & finally at Avanti (Ujjain), until the colonial Brits robbed it & had it transferred to Grenwich! The more precise sacred text is called Surya Siddhanta, which also dealt with planetary conjunctions, observations of comets & other galaxies, came into being at around 8,400 BCE:

    Surya Siddhanta:


    But even during the time of Ramayana & Mahabharata, chariots were using 2 solid wheels containing hubs, but no spoke. In fact, even during those times, settled life comprised tribal clans. So what do we make of literary verses of the epics? That Sri Krishna was 76 years old during the war & yet he was a charioteer & he died 32 years later? That Bhishma was 140 years old when the 18-day war commenced? That wonder-weapons were used during this war? If at all such weapons were used, then they would have left traces of radiation (nuclear or microwave) on the battlefield, but nothing of this type has even been detected at today’s Kurukshetra district. Hence, the common-sensical & rational answer is that the key to truly understanding what really happened in those times is the decoding of the encoded metaphors within sich texts. Never get carried away the outlandish explanations contained in HISTORY Channels’s ‘Ancient Aliens’ series & never fall prey to the nonsensical mumbo-jumbo, like these:

    What needs to researched into are the ways & means of how the SACRED messages were transmitted to the Brahmins & by whom. In this context, the two star systems often mentioned by several ancient Indian texts are Krittika (Pleiades) & Swati (Arcturus).

    Also, do read my realier comments on:

    March 12, 2023 at 3:50 AM & 3:56 AM

    March 14, 2023 at 4:41 AM

  23. Prasunda,

    If the 100 ton Lox/Methane engine is developed soon (quite possible since the GG cycle is relatively simple), will the SCE-200 be cancelled or will that also be developed fully irrespective of how the lox/methane program goes ?


  24. I read your replies,
    U are one patient man
    Well it is a start for me
    Mat God bless you.



  25. HI prasun
    i believe the data link antenna is that blade antenna below the cockpit of the cockpit of the su30 mirage and on top behind the cockpit on the rafale ?

    are u saying that the link 16 data terminal is going aboard some fighter of the rafael or BNET?
    how secure and better is the bnet compared to the link 16


  26. hi prasun
    with the installation of the bnet is it that the awacs controller can vector the fighters digitaly rather than by jammable voice links.

    will that confer a connectivity like the American awacs to fighters ?

    link 16 is old , bnet is new how do they differ in protocol, can link 16 be hacked as it has been around for many years and surely the chinese and russians would have done some thing

  27. Prasun da,

    Glimpse of US Next Gen Fighter Aircraft

  28. @prasun da
    i think the news regarding India developing long range rocket is too little bit too late.
    AFAIK Russia had offered close to 300 such launchers and a efforts to develop longer range rocket upto 300 -400 kms range but India refused and only bought 120 about half of which are operational any time due to unavailability of rocket due to which solar group was given deal to make them.
    i think it is time we accept China is way ahead of us and to catch up we need rockets that can hit target 200 kms, 300 kms and 400 kms. your views on it.

    Joydeep ghosh

  29. To ASHWATTHAMA: There will be no project cancellations.

    To RAD: Yes, that’s right about the antenna fitments. But there are 2 types of tactical data-links, i.e. one for communicating between MRCAs & one for communications between airborne MRCAs & airborne AEW & CS platforms & ground-based GCI controllers. The latter operate in the L-band & I have just uploaded their slides above to give a clearer picture. These operate in conjunction with the radar-fingerprinting system operating in the NCTR mode that I had explained here:

    LINK-16 is the software protocol. The 'desi' Indian counterpart is known as NSM or national secure mode, which is also the protocol for all military IFF transponders in India.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: That’s wrong. Economic Explosives Ltd of the Nagpur-based SOLAR GROUP is developing the 150km-range rockets. They will replace the existing 150km-range Prithvi-1 liquid-fuelled SS-BSMs & in future will also likely morphe into something like the Boeing/Saab GLSDB smart munition.


  30. Hi prasun

    so i believe that we have the same connectivity from awacs to fighters after these data links like the US?

    what is all this noise about the ge f414 being made in india as we know nothing i liken it to a 10 year old trying to do a phd!

    will the yanks agree to the hot section tech? and waht is this condition of lca mk2 order comming only agter the ge 414 deal is signed?

    are we not better off buying the ge 414 epe that has around 26, 000 lbs thrust rather than the lesser powered one .414 ins

    Its my gut feeling that the performance of the lca mk2 will be equal to the present LCA given the weight increase in all areas? it will never have the performance of a mig 29 or a mirage 2000.

  31. To RAD: Before going into the issues of data-link connectivity, we need to go into the finer details, like: 1) The PLAAF & PAF J-10CEs do not have L-band data-links, instead they have SATCOM-based data-links & VHF/UHF data-links as evidenced by this photo showing the antennae:

    2) The IAF EMB-145I & PAF Saab 2000 AEW & CS each have only 5 airborne battle management controller workstations, meaning they can each communicate with only five MRCAs at a time & that too in defensive scenarios through VHF/UHF data-links. They cannot conduct airborne battle management for offensive air operations since that requires L-band data-links.

    3) The IAF’s A-50I PHACONs & PAF’s ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle AEW & CS each have 12 airborne battle management controller workstations, but only VHF/UHF data-links for directly communicating with up to 12 MRCAs during defensive air operations.

    4) The combined VHF/UHF/L-band data-links based on BNET-AR SDRs procured by the IAF will enable the IAF EMB-145Is & A-50Is to communicate with IAF MRCAs during offensive air operations both by voice & data, with the latter involving real-time sharing of tactical air situation picture with the MRCAs through Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS)-type terminals. Further explanations can be obtained here:

    As I had stated earlier, there’s no need to licence-built F-414 turbofans in India as it will be cost-prohibitive. Hence, the report by JANES by an Indian stringer is FAKE NEWS. This very stringer had supplied similar fake news during the Aero India 2023 expo regarding the QR-SAM, et etc. What is reqd is the licenced-production & servicing of of rotable & consumable components like washers, air-filters, lubricants etc etc so that high serviceability-levels are ensured. In addition, F414 engine test-cells are reqd to be built in certain select IAF air bases.

  32. Prasun Da,

    Any info on Indian navy medium-lift Westland Sea King and Sikorsky SH-3 Sea King replacement.

    There was a competition between Sikorsky CH-148 Cyclone,AW101 and Airbus H225.Any winner?

  33. To VEDANT: VMT. Here re a few more interesting insights for you:

    Neolithic Site at Burzahom, Kashmir:

    Kashi’s History:

    Kuru Tribes of Ancient India:

    Mahabharata Warriors:

    Why Asoka Invaded Kalinga:

    Gupta Dynasty:

    Chola Navy
    And this is a more accurate chronology of India’s ruling dynasties since ancient times:

    From this, it becomes clear that it was not Chandragupta Maurya who defeated the Greek General Selucus. Instead, it was the Gupta Emperor Chandragupta II, also known as Vikramaditya. In addition, the 14 edicts were not put up during Asoka’s reign, but by Vikramaditya. Asoka was by no means ‘Great’, but was a butcher & that’s why history remembers him as Chandd Asoka, especially in Odisha & northern Bengal.

    To SUSAN: Those will be upgraded into airborne minesweepers, as I had revealed earlier. The standard MRH will therefore be the MH-60R Seahawk.

  34. Prasun da,
    I was sitting idle and of all the info I have read, I was thinking about it
    My observations about it were that =

    Maybe there is a cold war happening in the universe and earth is a hot spot
    (Cold war between+ve entities and negative entities)
    And all the stories regarding Kali yuga is that the -ve influence the dark entities create which results in wars and skirmishes
    Maybe they have powers which they use to alter egos of our leaders who they go on to strike their horns.

    In Mahabharat there is a section where Vishnu tells the gods how and where they will be born dwapuryuga is born as shakuni and Kaliyuga is born as duryodhana,
    In a way it is similar to transferring one's soul and consciousness to another body.

    In a way for the mankind it is necessary to do away with dogmas and apply a serious approach to what Krishna has actually said in the Gita.
    To be free of egoic tendencies to think straightly for the good of humanity.

    But I don't understand what kind of entities Vishnu and Shiva actually are
    I mean aren't their worship dogmas without realising their essence.
    But then also there are temples where if you take a wish they are fulfilled
    I believe that in places like the jagannath temple there are elder entities (mentioned in the book VOICES OF THE COSMOS).

    are there Yogi's in the caves of Himalayas in contact with the +ve entities.

    Thanks once again.

  35. To VEDANT: As I had stated earlier, religious entities like Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva were CREATED much later around 3,000 years ago when the then ruling dynasties of that time wanted to create new polytheistic power-structures by invoking divinity, thereby doing away with the monotheistic ‘dharmic’ divinity-ordained power structure that took its origin from the Upanishads & Vedas. The polytheistic power-structures thus gave rise to SECTS & CULTS, which were propagated through scriptures like the Brahmanas & Puranas. The Bhagwat Gita (originally a part of the Mahabharata) was one of them, centered around the BHAKTI Cult—which accorded divinity status to Sri Krishna.

    Coming now to the practice of Yoga, this was the exclusive domain of the priesthood (Brahmins) entrusted with the task of communicating with the cosmic powers (Brahmaand) & hence SOPs for such communications were detailed in the SACRED texts that were out-of-bounds even for the ruling elite. Such texts are known to exist in India anymore, but may well be secured in some of the monasteries of Tibet. Such texts deal with mays & means of ushering an enhanced state of consciousness within an individual by activating the brain’s pineal gland, as explained here:

    Another way to activate the Pineal Gland was through the consumption of cocktails like ‘Soma’ Ras, which was much sought-after by the elite members of the ruling dynasties, as explained in great detail here:

    Obviously, the contents of the sacred texts could not be explained to the common masses of that time, since it tantamounted to explaining quantum physics/quantum mechanics/sub-atomic particles to either nomadic pastoral hunter-gatherers or primitive settlers engaged in farming & animal husbandry. Consequently, an alternative way had to be found for deriving a compelling narrative that would convince the primitive settlers to unflinchingly commit to a code of conduct & hence divinity was invoked as the ultimate compelling force. That’s how the encoding of the ancient divine scriptures was done, for example in the ‘Surya Siddhanta’ & the earlier ‘Vedanga Jyotisha’, which detailed seasonal farming practices based on the observable celestial phenomena of the solstice & equinox.

  36. To SUSAN: A new 'Ramlila nautanki' is all set to begin:

    Beautiful infographic on weapons sales to Myanmar:

    1. We can just buy S92 helicopters in G2G deal for these VIPs

  37. Prasun da,
    I was watching a video of shankracharya of Puri, I mean my observation was that he had great knowledge of the texts, could bring out any shlok from any chapter of any sacred book but I felt that he indulges a lot in dogma
    Do you think he does it for a purpose
    Or he is just ignorant of the facts.

    I think the most important thing is consciousness in the end
    A human who could develop it can understand a lot secrets of the universe

    There are Yogi's in the caves of Himalayas who have existed for a very long time what possible reason do you think is there for them not coming to help the local populace when they were being exploited by the foreign rulers.

    Anyways thanks for answering questions once again.

  38. To VEDANT: The Shankaracharyas of today quote shlokas from th Brahmans & Puranas, which as I had explained, are the sources of the sects & cults that now exist. The ‘Asuras’ are therefore the wiser ones as they did not opt for sectarianism & instead chose to adopt the Upanishads & Atharvaveda as their primary source-texts & thus at around 5,000 BCE the monotheistic religion of Zoroastrianism was born & its sole religious text was the ‘Avesta’ as explained below:

    The only so-called Yogis living in caves in HP & Uttarakhand today are perhaps the Naga Sadhus who smoke Charas, Ganja & consume marijuana. There may well have been Yogis dwelling in the Maths like Kedarnath, Badrinath & caves in northern J & K in the past, but no more.

    To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: Not quite. Instead, it is an excellent example of how to derive a compelling narrative & define a righteous way of life. But here is an interesting code of conduct in which India can truly claim to be the Vishvaguru:

    To VENKY: It seems Ukraine is using its Su-24s to launch the UK-supplied Storm Shadow AL-LACMs along with ADM-160B MALD ALCM decoys while the accompanying MiG-29s & Su-27s are rmed with AGM-88A HARM anti-radiation missiles for DEAD missions.

  39. Hi sir, I would like to know your views on Modi govt performance with respect to Airforce. Has it improved? Because apart from RAFALE inductions that also in very small numbers, what other notable induction they have made? Because the fighter aircraft numbers have not much increased and so called MMRCA induction has resulted in 36 aircraft only even after 9 years of modi govt.

  40. Prasun Sir 1. Is Pakistan still a threat to India? I don't think they have the gumption to launch an offensive military action against India considering their dire economic conditions and it looks like their economy is damaged beyond repair with no human resources and stability available. The Pakistan army fu@ked up their own country. But what is the future of Pakistan ? Are they on the verge of civil war ? 2. How many Pralay missiles and low-cost subsonic cruise missiles will be required to deal with China in a high-tempo war? Do we have enough artillery shells and rockets?

    AIM talkin' about Modi govt being toppled by the US
    any fact in it or misinfo ?

    Also to your previous answers
    Purans are in a way a set of stories which have been encoded in such a way it can teach a very primitive level human beings certain phenomenons which are hard to understand and that's why it can be decoded by researching exclusively in a logical way. With that purans were an attempt by the ruling dynasties of that time to closely knit the then communities for political and administrative purposes.
    Upanishads in a certain way are the real deal where the religious shit is less or none and there are conversations regarding the secrets of the cosmos.

    Meanwhile I have been enjoying SRI M's videos I don't know what makes him attractive but his lectures are like a guide to a beginner.

    How long will it take for us humans to become a global civilization where the narrow thought of the nation will be abolished and thought of the species will exist.

    Also can you pls give references regarding the mansarovar lake and the kailash parbat

  42. Dear Prasun,

    How would India retaliate diplomatically against China and Turkey skipping G20 meeting held at Kashmir. China as usual ranting that it's disputed territory. Why can't India openly tell China that Tibet is disputed too. I mean India should bluntly respond China. Please share your view upon it.

  43. Sir it's very confusing as some researchers say srilanka is ravan's Lanka others like Nilesh oak claims that it is somewhere chagos archipelago now the link you have mentioned it says Lanka was some island in madhya pradesh.which one relevant.


  44. Prasun,

    1 what can u share about this --

  45. How capable is DRDO VSHORAD interms of seeker technology,How is it against modern countermeasures? Is it comparable to Chinese or Western system, please please answer in depth if u can,thank u

  46. To ROHIT GILL: Pakistan ceased to be a threat to Inia after December 1979. That country’s economic woes will continue for at least another 15 years since it has totally failed to invest in its human resources. For India that’s good news, as explained & revealed here:

    To VEDANT: LoLz! Kindly don’t waste your time listening to certified MORONS. NaMo is the ‘Laadla’ of the US since India has now been fully absorbed into the US Indo Pacific Command’s Integrated Deterrence strategy. Why else do you think POTUS makes it a point to hug NaMo whenever the two of them meet? And here are some interesting videos on the mysteries of Mt Kailash & Lake Maansarovar:

    To ASD: There’s no need to retaliate at all. India can’t label TAR as disputed territory after having recognised it as an integral part of China in both 1954 & 2003.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: It is just another conspiracy theory.

    To SANTOSH: No in-depth explanations are possible at the moment since it is still undergoing development.

  47. In the strategically significant area of Depsang plains in Ladakh, China’s People’s Liberation Army has demanded the creation of a 15-20km buffer zone or no patrol zone inside India-claimed lines as a precondition for disengagement. The Chinese side made the latest demand during the 18th round of corps commander talks last month and reiterated it during subsequent military talks at lower levels. India rejected the demand and instead agreed to a 3-4km buffer zone, but the Chinese refused to budge. The PLA is already entrenched 18km inside India-claimed lines and now wants a buffer zone of another 15-20km. It’s apparent that they are working aggressively to establish a revised status quo along the Line of Actual Control in the region.

    Russian Warfighting Tactics in Ukraine:

    1. How about projecting sound or directed sound at chinese encampments, chinese mothers lamenting erc for pshyocolical warfare.

      Chinese during korean war were trying to convince american POWS that their wives were cheating on them, while these men fought & died.

  48. Don't you think India has no other option then falling in line with this demand too. Many more to come though.

    Bechara ‘Laadla’ NaMo.

  49. Sir, if possible do give a straight answer

    Situation has got such worse now that the jihadis are now releasing videos of ambushing & mutilating PARA SF guys

    Where are we headed? This is totally unacceptable

    & the moron govt prioritizing G20 over revenge.

  50. Hello sir, greetings of the day. I would like to know your opinion on central govt response on Manipur. And is the PM visit to Australia and his campaign was more important than to take note of Manipur? And secondly what about the progress of weapon induction in Airforce and Navy, mainly the MMRCA because in 9 years on Rafale is inducted and that also 1/3 of the original requirements.

  51. Prasun,

    1-MoD gives in principle nod to 590 FRCV's. Mod and its piece meal deals . also is the FRCV rqmt defined & any foreign OEM identified? thought this was to be the Arjun's next iteration. MK2
    That remined me you had written an interesting article .. what happens to Mk2?
    2- what is supporting Porki economy inspite of no bail out? Drug money?

  52. @prasun da

    i had predicted in my write ups earlier about and said that DSDBO road and DBO ALG are both now useless.

    2. after losing out on much of pangong tso access and if I am not wrong even the 3 idiots finger is out of reach

    3. it is possible that India will de-recognize tibet s part of china but that will happen after India barges into pok somewhere after 2028

    4. there seems India will never be able to get its hand on the 34 Mig 29 or the 90 more Su 30 mki (to take total io 350)

    5. btw I have a query Raale M was 1st developed and Rafale was derived oiut of it into a fine jet so is it not a good idea that we develop TEDBF and then derive the ORCA out of it

    Joydeep ghosh

  53. To DASHU: If that were to happen, then India might as well surrender the entire DS-DBO Road to the PRC! Clearly Beijing wants to get within visual distance of this road while denying India similar capabilities that could serve to make China’s existing G-219 Highway & projected G-695 Highway vulnerable to IA artillery fire-assaults. But the greatest worry for India now is this:

    Clearly the West is in no mood to make matters easier for Russia & if Russia gets blacklisted, then all forms of economic & military cooperation between India & Russia will also come to a standstill. In terms of strategic deterrence (both conventional & nuclear), this will mean:

    1) Termination of Russian collaboration on the IN’s SSGN/SSBN projects.

    2) Unavailability of moderately enriched uranium for the IN’s S-2/S-3 & S-4 SSGNs.

    3) Termination of the BrahMos Aerospace JV.

    4) Unavailability of 3M22 Zircon/BrahMos-2K hypersonic missiles from Russia.

    5) Stoppage of Russian hydrocarbon exports to India.

    6) Stoppage of all spares support for Russia-supplied military hardware in service with India’s armed forces.

    7) Termination of the International North-South Trade Corridor.

    No wonder NaMo wasn’t smiling in Tokyo when he met Ukraine’s President Zelensky! Uncle Sam is perfectly aware of India’s weaknesses (military, economic & psychological) & is therefore playing its cards extremely well towards pushing India into a corner. And India’s elites have no other choice but to comply since their kids/relatives are all either already in the US or are headed there for higher education or for making a permanent living there—incentives that Russia will never be able to offer.

    To HARSH: Why are you dejected by the release of such videos when once every 3 days there is a drone that originates from Pakistan & lands in northern Punjab laden with drugs & weapons? Doesn’t such violations of Indian airspace (also a violation of international law) from across the IB constitute a far greater threat to India? So what’s being done about it in terms of punitive deterrence? Nothing!!!

    To RAHUL: What is happening in Manipur is the result of tribalism-induced identity politicking, as explained here:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) In-principle approvals don’t mean anything at all until acceptance of necessity (AoN) is accorded, which has not been accorded even for the 18 MQ-9 armed UAS for the three armed services. 2) Pakistan is receiving money now from: 1) foreign remittances. 2) more short-term borrowing from China’s commercial banks.

  54. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 2) That movie was shot at another lake, not at Panggong Tso. 3) Not possible. 4) Yes, also the 2 remaining S-400 squadrons. 5) No project exists by the name of ORCA. It is a figment of imagination from internet fanboys. And BTW, the supersonic aerial target used in yesterday’s firing of naval Barak-8 LR-SAM was this:

  55. Hi

    The following is interesting

    Do these bearings actually go into war equipment and platforms?


  56. @prasun da

    i think the answers you gave to #dashu are in line with my points raised

    i always had a feelings that USA will try stifle russia further after it wins vakhmut but it will be fatf blacklist i didn't guess at all

    USA wants to stop India from doing business with russia but those dickheads won't stop buying titanium and nuclear fuel as well as crude oil via 3rd country from Russia

    India must never ditch Russia (don't know how much correct i am) when Nehru approach usa in 1951 52 to provide steel plant tech on being proded by UK from guys like Churchill and others Eisenhower denied India. UK even persuaded Stalin not to do so. but his death changed all. Nikita Krushchev decided to go ahead and signed a deal with nehru for supply of steel plant tech.

    it is said that Khrushchev said to Nehru find me places and i will provide all to setup steel plant and that is how the 1st plant at bhilai was setup in the middle of nowhere. rest of the plant were setup around already established industrial zone but a new industrial zone was created around bhilai steel plant.

    so much for the far sightedness of Nehru but the Bjp guys don't ever miss a chance to abuse him

    Joydeep ghosh

  57. @prasun da

    nope not a different lake, just got confirmation from from someone who has been there, 3 idiots was indeed shot in pangong tso but not finger 3 which is now out of reach but near Lukung village side of Pangong tso

    Joydeep ghosh

  58. Dear Prasunda,

    Very happy to see you back and your observations and comments

    That's a very interesting conundrum thrown before Indian elites which you just mentioned in your previous comments particularly these twos:

    5) Stoppage of Russian hydrocarbon exports to India.

    6) Stoppage of all spares support for Russia-supplied military hardware in service with India’s armed forces.

    I believe USofA do realize that stopping all hydrocarbon exports to India will throw entire Indian subcontinent into chaos and countries like Srilanka, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan will just become prime targets for taking over by China and if that's the case, Indian elites must be prepared to give away a good chunk of their border territories to China since our military hardware is as good as junk if point 6 is implemented.

    This shall be China's wet dream. To be put simply, without access to cheap hydrocarbon sources we will just take 1 year to burn our dollar reserves and will become another Pakistan.

    And then its advantage China all the way to end.


  59. Dear Prasunda,

    I apologize for spamming.

    Just a quick observation. Here we need our arch nemesis China to do the heavy lifting and save Russia. We simply can hide behind China's shadows. Geopolitics will make us do everything.


  60. Prasun Sir , will Modi sell India for the comfort of elites ? Then Indians will have to bear the pain of high fuel prices and it will inflict electoral damage to BJP . I don't think govt can be so foolish to annoy Russia and cause damage to economy, military and general wellbeing of comman masses.

  61. Prasunda,

    If India is forced to comply with US demands regarding Russia, dose'nt India have to give up its plans for a credible minimum deterrent, with no supply of Uranium for SSGNs and no help on the SSBNs ?



  62. #ComedyofErrors / #Blunder by #BJPITCell 🤣🤣 - #Watch #Laugh #Like & #Share 🤣🤣

  63. Prasun:

    I have 40 email ids, and 40 different passwords, I dont trust Key pass or last pass.

  64. Prasunda,

    How can Russia get onto the FATF blacklist if China will veto such a move ? Russia being grey listed is a possibility, but so are Turkey and the UAE, which seem to have no problem trading with the world. So, why would India not be able to continue trading with Russia if it is grey listed ?


  65. o JOYDEEP GHOSH, ANIONE & ROHIT GILL: India won’t be starved of cheap hydrocarbon imports because Iraq can easily replace Russia:

    Perhaps that's why the late Gen Bipin Rawat back in 2019 had officially stated his desire for India to enhance her strategic partnership with Iraq. India can easily import Basra Light Sweet Crude & export the refined end-products at affordable rates to various European & SAARC/BIMSTEC/IOR countries.

    The only other option is to buy the Yuan from China & use it to pay Russia for military hardware product-support. In this case, China will be the nett beneficiary since it will be able to directly acquire billions of US$ from India’s RBI.

    To SATYAKI: Not at all. France is more than willing to fill the void. India's conventional & nuclear deterrence is far away from reaching optimum levels because: 1) The sea-based survivable deterrent is non-existent due to the absence of SSBNs & long-range SLBMs. 2) India lacks sea-launched/air-launched/ground-launched hypersonic missiles. 3) The IAF is nowhere near its sanctioned combat aircraft strength.

  66. Prasunda,

    How can Russia get onto the FATF blacklist if China will veto such a move ? Russia being grey listed is a possibility, but so are Turkey and the UAE, which seem to have no problem trading with the world. So, why would India not be able to continue trading with Russia if it is grey listed ?



  67. HI prasun
    you mentioned that the indian awacs have a limited capacity to vector fighters in a air battle. About 6 and 12.

    how does that compare with the US awacs the seem to have a large number of terminals.

    what is the tech involved in that>
    IT is still a very old but effective system.

    I believed the Israelis could do a better job with their aesa radar. why they could not?

  68. Prasun,

    what is your assessment of the following -- why stick with 4 member crew? is some joint dev in the offing?

  69. Prasun --

    what do you make of the GE offer -GE offers more powerful version of the F-414 for the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA). reports suggest that a new ceramic core will theoretically give 130Kn thrust. Should India go with it or both GE & RR as mitigation apart from improving Kaveri

  70. @prasun da

    you supposedly have access to upper levels of govt

    watch this link below if it doesn't boil your blood then what can n if you think these thekedaars must be treated to hockey stick dose please ring up the govt minders who are comatose in power, this happened in UP after similar things happened in MP


    Joydeep ghosh

  71. @prasun da

    btw with regards to your reply to #satyaki about France I must tel you like USA France too is critically dependent on Russia for Nuclear fuel, just last week it got a huge shipment of Nuclear fuel

    dear Satyaki

    fact is like USA France too is critically dependent on Russia for Nuclear fuel, just last week it got a huge shipment of Nuclear fuel

    so if we have to buy from France it will mean Russian Nuclear fuel via france at extra cost

    basically ghumake kaan pakadna

    Joydeep ghosh

  72. Hi

    Not all is black and white with regard to India Russian relationship

    The recent visit of Russian officials to India and discussions on FTA with Russia point to a different direction forward

    Also, a 50 member trade delegation recently paid a successful visit to Russia to check for further trade prospects. Granted, the economic relationship is not what it could be, but we are still showing interest in development of Russian oil and gas fields and minerals in Arctic and the NSTC through Iran is still alive for India. We also have a trade relationship in diamonds with Russia. The oil deal has worked well with processed petrochemicals finding it's way to Europe from India

    Ditching Russia also does not look to be in India's interests. We have lot of dependency for military spares on Russia which is not going to end any time soon. We simply cannot afford to have this supply cut off for the next decade or so.

    Again, withdrawing from Russian relationship means giving the Chinese a strong upperhand in Asia. Russia is also in favour of our engagement in Central Asia to balance out Chinese influence there. Nobody is going to fight our wars with China, no matter what US says about shared democratic values etc. when it suits them. Hence it would be prudent as a member of the Asian continent for India to keep her eyes firmly glued to Asia first and foremost and its own security and strategic concerns.


  73. Hi

    The following link with documents is very interesting from the perspective of how this whole war in Ukraine was provoked in the first place


  74. Hi Prasun
    Can France provide fuel for our existing Russian model nuclear power stations

  75. To ASHWATTHAMA: There is no veto mechanism within FATF. Just see Turkey’s inflation rate to understand what FATF grey-listing means.

    To RAD: E-3 AWACS has 14 command-n-control consoles.

    To JUST-CURIOUS: That report on FRCV is not factual.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: France is dependent on Russia only for enriched uranium, not for natural uranium. Read this:

    To RAGHU: Whether or not Russia was provoked is immaterial, since it was Russia that agreed to Crimea & all other areas now occupied by Russia becoming part of Ukraine back in late 1991. In addition, Russia was one of the P-5 member-states that guaranteed Ukraine’s security after Ukraine agreed to have its nuclear weapons dismantled & removed from its soil back in 1994.

    Ukraine’s 4 Counter-Offensive Scenarios:

    To VIN: No, but France can provide natural uranium for all India-designed & built PHWRs.

  76. Prasun da,

    According to this and related news in western media Russia is not losing war in Ukraine but also going to loose Ukrainian territory it holds since 2014.

    As per this Guy, Russia fooled Ukrainian military in Bakhmut war and almost wiped out half of the Ukrainian Brigade - a major blow. Plus he put three scenarios on possible war outcomes
    Does his Analysis are correct or to be tossed in dustbin

  77. To SIDHARTH: LoLz! Would you give credence to a Vlogger sitting thousands of miles away from the battlefield, or would you tend to place credence on informed military operations analysts who have access to credible ISR inputs?

    To ASD: The real situation in Ladakh WRT internet connectivity:

  78. Prasunda,

    1) Can Russia get into the FATF blacklist even if China and India oppose such a blacklisting ?

    2) If Russia is only Grey listed, wo'nt India still be able to continue trade with Russia just as it trades with Turkey and the UAE (the resulting economic difficulties a la Turkey would be Russia's problem, not that of trading partners).

    3) Russia claims to have destroyed a Patriot battery with the Kinzhal, while Ukraine claims to have shot down all Kinzhal missiles in a salvo of 6 using the Patriot system. Whose claims are accurate here ?


  79. @ Satyaki. Would you accept verdict of give credence to a Vlogger sitting thousands of miles away from the battlefield, or would you tend to place credence on informed military operations analysts who have access to credible ISR inputs?

  80. Prasun,

    1- what is your take on new GE offer with Ceramic matrix composites based engine parts which they claim would be able to deliver 130KN+ thrust-theoretically. But US will still no give IPR rights. Should india opt for both? Also should India opt Rafale 4.2/5 with GE 404 for commonality?
    2- Porkis begging for F16 weapons package upgrade- will US comply and play dirty against india?
    3 - Imran Khan being cut to size but paki army.. what impact does it have for india?
    4- - will Tejas loose again.. its a big order .. will it be India's loss . egypt is looking for @80-100 jets.
    5- rumours about In leasing desiel electric sub due to delays in P75I..sounds silly .. what is happening here?

  81. Prasun-

    6- EU-US now banning the indian shipping company which bought rusian oil to india - .. classic use n throw policy . what next for Russiam oil to india?

  82. Dear Prasun,
    I need your view upon religious culture in India. While India is growing exponentially w.r.t. economy, how will the society change here? I hope you are aware about Ex-Muslim movement in India. Especially Ex-Muslim society is very strong in Canada, US, and UK. In India, it is gaining momentum too. It's possible thanks to democracy in all these countries.

    Now the question is that whether atheism will be preferred after sometime as religion backed hatred is demotivating mankind. Will Muslim community live peacefully with Ex-Muslim or "sar tan se juda" brigade will be active to spread havoc among atheists. Since Hinduism does support atheism, Hindu society won't pose any problem. Similar is the case with other religions like Buddhism, Jainism etc.

    Please share your view.

  83. Dear Prasun,

    Thanks for the link showing the bitter truth of mobile connectivity in border villages. Really shameful. I don't know what is the solution. BTW I am hopeful that this day too shall pass.

  84. Hi prasun
    i was going thru the previous blog where the cooling unit for the su30mki aesa radar has been prototyped. looks heavy and bulky

    i was wondering if any design took into considerati0n that at 20,000 ft the temperature is about -20 c. Is it possible to have an opening some where that cool outside air will be enough to dissipate the heat from the aesa radar.?

    sounds aerodynamically crazy , but why not?

  85. To SATYAKI: 1) As I had stated earlier, there are no veto powers for anyone within FATF. 2) It will be very difficult. 3) No verifiable data is available about it.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) GE has already proven such a capability on the 116kN-thrust F414EPE turbofan. What is being negotiated now is only the industrial offsets content in return for procuring the F414s, i.e. Indian vendors building only components & supplying them to GE for final integration. It is the same arrangement that India had with Russia WRT AL-31FP turbofans. Rafale’s airframe is not built to accommodate the F414. Only the Rafale technology demonstrators back in the late 1980s had F404 turbofans. 4) Certainly the Tejas Mk.1 will lose out because of a simple reason: while the GE F404 has a total technical service life (TTSL) of 6,000 hours, the Tejas Mk.1’s airframe has a TTSL of only 3,000 flight-hours. All over the world it is exactly the opposite, i.e. airframe TTSL is more than turbofan’s TTSL. 6) It is a Russian company registered in India.

    To ASD: You don’t have to worry at all about Muslims. For as I had explained several times earlier, the swing factor is that of the Dalits, who make up 85% of the so-called ‘Hindus’. If they begin converting en masse to Jainism or Buddhism or Islam or Christianity, then the so-called ‘Hindus’ will be reduced to only 15% of India’s population.

    To RAD: Cooling is reqd not just for avionics, but also for turbofans. How many openings should there be for the entire airframe?

  86. Prasun Sir , the percentage of the dalit population in India according to the 2011 census has been 16.7 %, the rest of the people are OBC and many communities who fall in the OBC category are not that backward . Even if all Dalits convert themselves to Islam, Christianity, Buddhism etc , it still does not make them the majority. Here in my state, Haryana, I never saw any OBC converting to Christianity, but it is the truth that SC communities like Chamar and Valmiki/ Churas are accepting Christianity en mass along with many other SC communities like Dhanak, Deya, Julaya, Chimbi . The same is the case in Punjab. Sikhs have all castes of Hindus and it is clearly visible that Jat Sikhs , Rajput Sikhs , Khatri Sikhs and OBC Sikhs are not converting to Christianity, but Ramdasia Sikhs/ Chamar Sikhs and Valmiki Sikhs are converting en mass to Christianity, which is a problem for Punjab because more than 30 % of Punjab population is Dalit so it will change the demographic composition of Punjab. So, even if all Dalits converted to other faiths, they would not be able to become the majority.
