Monday, May 29, 2023

US INDOPACOM’s Integrated Deterrence Strategy & Its Indian Component

Two retired senior Indian Navy veterans in the recent past have passionately made the case for fortifying the Andaman & Nicobar Islands for very good reasons. First and foremost is the China factor.

China currently receives 95% of its energy imports by sea, with approximately 80% of it passing through the Malacca Strait. Most of those supplies comes from the Middle East. Myanmar’s location on the Indian Ocean Region (IOR) presents a money-saving alternative route and strategic geopolitical advantage by avoiding the Malacca Strait, a major international shipping lane dominated by both the Indian Navy and US Navy. Energy resources can be shipped through the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal and transported to China from Myanmar through pipelines, cutting off 3,000km, reducing transport time by five to six days, and avoiding a potential confrontation with the US. China National Petroleum Corp (CNPC) operates the Kyaukpyu liquids storage terminal, which is located in Rakhine in Myanmar. This liquids storage terminal became operational in 2013 and is owned by CNPC. The terminal, which is accessible by pipeline and sea, primarily stores crude oil. Myanmar also is a potential energy source for China, thereby reducing dependence on energy from the Middle East.

Presently, two of China’s top three countries for energy supplies are Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Myanmar boasts the most diverse energy resources among ASEAN members, with a total of 104 oil and natural gas blocks, 51 of them on land with the rest in the sea. According to 2017 data, Myanmar controls 0.3% (139 million barrels) of known world oil reserves, in the Salin Basin and in the seaside Yetagun Field. In addition, according to 2019 data, Myanmar has 0.6% (1.2 trillion cubic metres) of the proven natural gas reserves in the world. These reserves are located primarily in the Yadana, Yetagun and Zawtika areas in Moattama on the west coast of the country and the Shwe area in Rakhine. In addition, Myanmar has the potential to help China decrease its dependence on liquefied natural gas imported from the Middle East. According to 2019 data, China is second in the world in LNG imports. LNG is more costly than natural gas. Shipping also presents potential dangers from bad weather, pirates, and accidents. Currently, China imports natural gas through a pipeline connecting Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and Russia. In 2016, subsidiaries of China’s CITIC Group Corp, including China Harbour Engineering Company won contracts for two major projects in Kyaukpyu—the dredging of a deep-sea port and the creation of an industrial area in an accompanying special economic zone. A US$7.3 billion deep-water port and $2.7 billion industrial area is now being built in a special economic zone at Kyaukpyu along the coast of the Bay of Bengal. The strategic town is the terminus of a $1.5 billion oil pipeline and parallel natural gas pipeline running to Kunming in China’s Yunnan Province.

Secondly, the projected International Container Transhipment Port (ICTP) at Galathea Bay of Great Nicobar Island of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Bay of Bengal has adequate space available for the berthing of warships belonging to the navies of the QUAD Grouping and offering them logistical support. It will thus fill a vital gap that now exists between Singapore and the eastern Indian seaboard and Trincomalee.

The ICTP will have the capacity to handle 16 million containers per year. Phase one of the proposed project will be commissioned in the year 2028 and will handle a capacity of 4 million TEUs. The project is expected to be complete with an investment of Rs.41,000 crore (US$5 Billion). The proposed facility is envisaged to be developed in four phases. When completed, the ICTP will be able to handle 16 million TEUs. The estimated cost for Phase 1 of the proposed transshipment port is around Rs.18,000 crore which includes the construction of breakwaters, dredging, reclamation, berths, storage areas, building and utilities, procurement and installation of equipment and development of port colony with core infrastructure is going to be developed with the government support.  The new port to be set up at an estimated cost of Rs.18,308 crore in the first phase. The ICTP will be situated at a strategic location midway between existing transhipment terminals (Singapore, Klang, Colombo etc.) and feeder ports. Around 40 nautical miles away from the Malacca Strait international shipping channel, which handles about 35% of the annual global sea trade, the new location offers a huge opportunity for setting up of deep draft container transhipment terminal at the Galathea Bay. With a natural depth of over 20 metres, the port could handle transhipment cargo from Indian east coast ports, Bangladesh and Myanmar.

However, it is highly likely that in the event of military hostilities between the US and China due to a Chinese military invasion of Taiwan, the naval enclave of the ICTP at Galathea Bay could will be at the receiving end of the PLARF’s DF-27 IRBMs carrying hypersonic glide-vehicles (HGV). The only defence against such a threat then will be either the Indian Navy’s projected NG-DDGs armed with endo-atmospheric LR-SAM interceptors optimised for ballistic missile defence (BMD), or land-based AAD interceptor missiles.

US INDOPACOM’s Integrated Deterrence Strategy & Its Indian Component

To fully understand what this all means, one requires an understanding of the  sequential chain of events, as detailed below.

April 2020: China’s latest Sky Map or digital maps showed parts of Arunachal Pradesh within its international borders. Sky Map is operated by Beijing’s National Surveying and Mapping Geographic Information Bureau. China’s earlier Sky Map was based on the 1989 edition. Since then China’s external boundaries changed following the border settlements with Russia and Central Asian countries. The last border settlement was with Tajikistan in 2011 when China got 1,158 square km east of the Sarekole Mountains. The area was added into Tashkurgan County in the Kashgar Prefecture of Xinjiang Province. (Tashkurgan was formally an Indian territory—a part of Shakgam Valley).

October 28, 2020: The 3rd India-US 2 + 2 Ministerial Dialogue was held, on the sidelines of which India and the US inked the BECA, the last of four foundational agreements for strategic ties. BECA stands for Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-Spatial Cooperation. BECA, along with the two agreements signed earlier—the Logistics Exchange Memorandum of Agreement (LEMOA, signed on August 30, 2016) and the Communications Compatibility and Security Agreement (COMCASA, inked on September 6, 2018 on the side-lines of the inaugural India-US 2 + 2 Dialogue)—completes a troika of “foundational pacts” for deep military cooperation between the two countries.

February 3, 2021: The USAF B-1B's first India turn came, for a fly-by on the inaugural day of Aero India 2021, escorted by the IAF’s Tejas Mk.1 L-MRCA, from the USAF’s 8th Air Force & Joint Global Strike Operations Center's 34th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron out of Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota. The USAF’s bomber forces integrated and operated with the IAF for the very first time.

May 3, 2021 The US Indo-Pacific Command (US INDOPACOM) unveilled its Integrated Deterrence Strategy. It includes having the best weapons systems and the latest technologies that make adversaries think twice. This includes development of tools that make use of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, for example. Integrated deterrence also includes new concepts of operation, the elimination of stovepipes between services and their capabilities, and coordinated operations on land, in the air, on the sea, in space and in cyberspace.

October 9, 2021: US Army Gen. James Dickinson, US Space Command commander, met with Ajay Kumar, India’s Defence Secretary, to discuss advancing US-India space cooperation in critical topics such as space situational awareness and responsible behaviour in space. Kumar received briefings on a variety of topics whilst at Peterson-Schriever Garrison, including current threats to the space domain by Brig Gen Gregory Gagnon, US SPACECOM Intelligence Director, and how the US partners with nations globally to develop a common understanding of the space domain and develop a space warfighting culture by Master Gunnery Sgt Scott Stalker, US SPACECOM command senior enlisted advisor. Kumar’s visit was the second recently by an Indian official. Gen. Bipin Rawat, India's Chief of Defence Staff, met with Lt Gen John Shaw, US SPACECOM Deputy Commander, on September 30.

December 2021: China's Ministry of Civil Affairs announced that it had standardised in Mandarin characters, Tibetan and Roman alphabet the names of 15 places in Zangnan, the Chinese name for Arunachal Pradesh. Compared with the first batch, the Ministry covered more places this time, including residential areas, rivers and mountain passes. The eight residential places in the second batch are Sªngkªzong and Daglungzong in Cona County of Shannan Prefecture, Mani'gang, Duding and Migpain in Medog County of Nyingchi, Goling, Damba in Zayu County of Nyingchi, and Mªjag in Lhunze County of Shannan Prefecture. The four mountains are Wamo Ri, Dªu Ri, Lh¼nzhub Ri and Kunmingxingzª Feng. The two rivers are Xªnyogmo He and Dulain He, and the mountain pass is named Sª La, in Cona County.

April 13, 2022: Rajnath Singh reached Hawaii on April 12, 2022 for a visit to the HQ of US INDOPACOM. On his arrival from Washington DC, Singh was received by Commander, US INDOPACOM Admiral John Aquilino. The US INDOPACOM and Indian military have wide-ranging engagements, including a number of military exercises, training events and exchanges. Singh visited the US INDOPACOM HQ, and the Pacific Fleet and the training facilities in Hawaii on April 13, 2022, before returning to India. He also laid a wreath at National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific and visited the HQs of US Army Pacific and Pacific Air Forces, during his brief stay in Hawaii. In Washington DC, US President Joe Biden held a virtual meeting with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in the presence of Rajnath Singh, External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and US Secretary of Defence Lloyd Austin. Later, the Raksha Mantri and External Affairs Minister had co-chaired with their US counterparts the 4th India-US Ministerial 2 + 2 Dialogue on April 11, 2022. A Joint Statement was issued after the dialogue. Before the 2 + 2 Dialogue, Rajnath Singh held a bilateral meeting with the US Secretary of Defence separately in the Pentagon.

May 19, 2022: US Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues Uzra Zeya met the Dalai Lama at his official residence at McLeod Ganj in Dharamshala. She visited the Central Tibetan Administration and held discussions with its leadership. She also visited the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile.

September 26, 2022: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J Austin III welcomed Indian External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar to the Pentagon today, following the Secretary’s productive phone-call with Rajnath Singh earlier this month.  Secretary Austin and Minister Jaishankar exchanged perspectives on a range of issues of shared interest, spanning recent developments in East Asia, the Indian Ocean Region, and the global reverberations of the Ukraine crisis. Against this backdrop, the two leaders reviewed priority lines of effort to deepen bilateral defence cooperation, as the US and India progress toward a more advanced stage in their partnership. Secretary Austin and Minister Jaishankar committed to expanding information-sharing and logistics cooperation to drive deeper operational coordination between the US and Indian militaries, i.e. make India an integral part of the US INDOPACOM’s Integrated Deterrence Strategy. They also discussed new opportunities for bilateral defence industrial cooperation in support of India’s contributions as a regional security provider, including the launch of a new defence dialogue later this year as the US and India work more closely together across space, cyber, artificial intelligence, and other technology areas. The two leaders underscored the value of the deepening collaboration between the US, India, Australia, Japan, and European partners.

January 30, 2023: in order to launch the next milestone in the US-India strategic technology and defence collaboration, Indian National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval was welcomed by his US counterpart Jake Sullivan at the White House. Doval arrived in Washington DC to attend the first formal talks on the Initiative for Critical and Emerging Technologies (iCET). Doval discussed the iCET with his US counterpart Jake Sullivan at the White House. The NSA was accompanied by a high-powered delegation that included five prominent individuals: the Principal Scientific Adviser of India, the Chairman of ISRO, the Scientific Adviser to the Defence Minister, the Secretary of the Department of Telecommunications, and the DG, DRDO. Doval and Sullivan formally launched the iCET in Washington DC. The US and India concluded the US-India iCET meeting and also decided to launch a new Innovation Bridge. The Indian Embassy in the US said in a tweet that the iCET reflects India-US convention of strategic, commercial & scientific approaches in the field of technology. The White House said in a statement that Innovation Bridge will connect both countries' defence startups. It said: both countries affirm that the ways in which technology is designed, developed, governed, and used should be shaped by our shared democratic values and respect for universal human rights. According to the statement, the two sides discussed opportunities for greater cooperation in critical and emerging technologies, co-development and coproduction, and ways to deepen connectivity across our innovation ecosystems. Also signed was the Implementation Arrangement between India’s Dept of Science & Tech and the US National Science Foundation.

What was not revealed was that Doval and Sullivan had agreed to evolve a ‘NATO + 6’ arrangement under which India would join the existing ‘Five Eyes’ grouping (that now comprises the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand) that will enable the collection and dissemination of SIGINT/ELINT data emanating from China in a seamless manner.

To this end, a chain of SIGINT/ELINT data collection sites will be established in Ladakh, Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh, with India’s NTRO and the US National Security Agency (NSA) becoming the principal stakeholders. That was the reason why Ajit Doval had met with Senator Mark Warner and Senator John Cornyn, Chair & Member of the Select Committee on Intelligence and co-chairs of the India Caucus, at India House in Washington DC.

March 15, 2023: A bipartisan resolution was introduced in the US Senate to recognise the McMahon Line as the international boundary between China and Arunachal Pradesh. The bipartisan Senate Resolution sees Arunachal Pradesh as an integral part of India. It also “commits the US to deepening support and assistance to the region, alongside like-minded international partners and donors.” The US Senate commended the Government of India for taking steps to defend itself against aggression and security threats from China. Some of the Indian steps mentioned in the resolution include securing the telecommunication infrastructure, re-examining its procurement processes and supply chains and expanding its cooperation with Taiwan in public health and other sectors. The resolution said its purpose was to further strengthen the US-India bilateral partnership in defence, technology, economics and people-to-people ties. It also aims to promote US cooperation with India through the Quad, the East Asia Summit along with ASEAN and other international fora.

April 3 to 5, 2023: Bhutan’s King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuk visited India and held formal talks with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on April 4. India and China had “in 2012 reached an agreement that the tri-junction boundary points between India, China and third countries will be finalized in consultation with the concerned countries”. Further, point 12 of the 2012 ‘understanding’ stated that the 1890 convention was the “basis of alignment” of the India-China border in the Sikkim sector. However, China interpreted this to mean that the trijunction point had been settled, while India claimed that the phrase ‘basis of’ meant that the final settlement had not been reached. Just two years ago, Bhutan and China signed a ‘three-step roadmap’ for expediting talks to demarcate their land boundary. In his March 25 interview with the Belgian newspaper La Libre, Bhutan PM Lotay Tshering said that India, China and Bhutan were three “equal” parties to the negotiations for the trijunction. During that same interview, Tshering had also significantly said that the talks with China over demarcating the other sections of its boundary were at an advanced stage and could be finished soon. Now, Bhutan’s prime minister stated that they were close to demarcation. “After one or two more meetings, we will probably be able to draw a line,” he said. Since 1984, the officials of the two sides have held 24 rounds of talks over their disputed border. In the past, the Chinese have offered 495 sq km of territory in the northern part of the Himalayan nation to Bhutan. In return, they insisted that Bhutan give China 269 sq km of the disputed territory in the west—an area of rich grazing pasture, central to the livelihood of Bhutanese pastoralists. The Chinese have claimed four areas in western Bhutan: Charithang, Sinchulimpa, the Dramana pasture land and Doklam, the present bone of contention. Bhutan and China had the 11th Expert Group Meeting (EGM) on their boundary issues in Kunming, China, from 10 to 13 January 2023. Dasho Letho Tobdhen Tangbi, Secretary of the International Boundaries of Bhutan, led the Bhutan delegation whilst the Chinese delegation was led by Hong Liang, Director-General of the Department of Boundary and Ocean Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Early April 2023: China released a third set of names in Mandarin, Tibetan and pinyin characters for Arunachal Pradesh, including two land areas, two residential areas, five mountain peaks and two rivers. 

April 5, 2023: The US reacted after China renamed 11 places in Arunachal Pradesh, which it claims as Southern Tibet. In a statement, the White House said that the US has recognised Arunachal Pradesh as an integral part of India and strongly opposes any unilateral attempts to advance territorial claims by renaming localities. This was a signal meant for Bhutan and an assurance to Thimpu that the US will be ready to militarily cooperate with India in repelling any Chinese territorial aggression against both Bhutan and India.

April 10, 2023: EX Cope India 23, a bilateral Air Exercise between the IAF and the USAF, commenced at Air Force Stations Arjan Singh (Panagarh), Kalaikunda and Agra. The exercise aimed to enhance mutual understanding between the two air forces and share their best practices. The first phase of exercise focussed on air mobility and involved transport aircraft and special operations forces assets from both the air forces. The USAF fielded an MC-130J of 1st SOS from Kadena, as well. The exercise also included the presence of Japanese Air Self-Defence Force aircrew, who participated in the capacity of observers.  USAF participants included the 374th Airlift Wing’s 374th Operations Group, 374th Maintenance Group, and the 374th Mission Support Group from Japan’s Yokota air base.

April 13, 2023: The next phase of EX Cope India 23 commenced at Air Force Station Kalaikunda. This segment of the exercise witnessed the participation of USAF B-1B bombers of the 28th Bomb Wing’s 34th Bomb Squadron from the Ellsworth AFB in South Dakota. F-15E Strike Eagles from the 336th FS from Japan’s Kadena air base joined the exercise subsequently. The IAF element included Su-30MKIs, Rafale, Tejas Mk.1 and Jaguar IS/DARIN-2 combat aircraft. The exercise was supported by aerial refuellers and AEW & CS aircraft of the IAF. The exercise concluded on April 24, 2023. This marked the first time that a B-1B Lancer has participated in an exercise with India, second time being in India in the last two months, and third time in two years that the 34th BS has flown and landed in India. The principal aim of this exercise was to convince Bhutan that the US will be ready to militarily cooperate with India in repelling any Chinese territorial aggression against both Bhutan and India.

Late May 2023: In a significant development ahead of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s visit to the US starting June 22, a powerful US Congressional Committee has recommended strengthening NATO + by including India. Currently, the NATO + 5, is a security arrangement that brings together NATO and five aligned nations—Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Israel, and South Korea—to boost global defence cooperation. Bringing India on board would facilitate seamless intelligence-sharing between these countries and India would also be able to access the latest military technology without much of a time lag. The House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the US and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), led by Chairman Mike Gallagher and Ranking Member Raja Krishnamoorthi, overwhelmingly adopted a policy proposal to enhance Taiwan’s deterrence, including through strengthening NATO + to include India. “Winning the strategic competition with the Chinese Communist Party and ensuring the security of Taiwan demands the United States strengthen ties to our allies and security partners, including India. Including India in NATO + security arrangements would build upon the US and India’s close partnership to strengthen global security and deter the aggression of the Communist Party of China across the Indo-Pacific region,” the Select Committee recommended. An initiative of the Republican leadership, the Select Committee is popularly called the China Committee. Indian-American Ramesh Kapoor, who has been working on this proposal for the past six years, said this is a significant development. He hoped that the recommendation would find a place in the National Defense Authorization Act 2024 and finally end up becoming a law of the land.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd J Austin III will visit India in early June to advance discussions on bilateral defence cooperation. During his visit, he is expected to sign on to the formal ‘NATO + 6’ agreement under which India would join the existing ‘Five Eyes’ grouping (that now comprises the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand) that will enable the collection and dissemination of SIGINT/ELINT data emanating from China in a seamless manner. To this end, a chain of SIGINT/ELINT data collection sites will be established in Ladakh, Uttarakhand and Arunachal Pradesh, with India’s NTRO and the US National Security Agency (NSA) becoming the principal stakeholders.

Also expected to be inked is an agreement between Boeing and India’s Economic Explosives Ltd under which both companies will co-develop a ‘desi’ version of the 150km-range Boeing/Saab Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb (GLSDB), which will navigate towards the target with INS navigation that is supported by a highly jamming-resistance GPS (NavIC receivers to be used). Since the system does not need a ballistic path toward the target it is possible to launch the GLSDB from a container, and engage targets 360 degrees without moving the launcher. GLSDB has the ability to fly non-ballistic trajectories and it manoeuvres to strike targets that cannot be reached by conventional direct fire weapons, such as reverse slope engagement. 

While in New Delhi on June 5, US SECDEF Lloyd J Austin III and his Indian counterpart signed off on three agreements, including one that is an annexe to the LEMOA agreement under which Indian shipyards like L & T’s Kattupali and Mazagon Dock Shipbuilding & Engineering will undertake the servicing of US Navy warships serving with both the US Indo Pacific Command and the US Central Command. This has been a long process, with many ups and downs since the first modest steps were taken with the end of the Cold War three decades ago. The 1991 Kicklighter proposals (Lt Gen Claude Kicklighter was the then Army Commander at the US Pacific Command) suggested establishing contacts between the three armed services of both to promote exchanges and explore areas of cooperation. An Agreed Minute on Defence Cooperation was concluded in 1995 instituting a dialogue at the Defence Secretary-level together with the setting up of a Technology Group, which had then suggested that the US Navy make use of Indian shipyards for its warship repair requirements.

The second agreement was about extending the US ‘Fish Hook Undersea Defense Line’ SOSUS network to both the eastern and western seaboards of India. Within the IOR, the SOSUS network presently stretches across the Java Sea from Kalimantan to Java, across the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra, and from the northern tip of Sumatra along the eastern side of India’s Andaman and Nicobar island chain. Real-time information-sharing between the US and Japan joins the undersea defence line-up, effectively drawing a tight arc around Southeast Asia, from the Andaman Sea to Japan. The latest extension of the SOSUS network will bring vast swathes of the Bay of Bengal and the southwestern portion of the Indian Ocean under the SOSUS surveillance envelope.

Under the third agreement, the US Marine Corps and US Navy will share expertise with the Indian Navy and Indian Army on seaborne expeditionary warfare tactics and operations through a series of joint exercises.

US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will arrive in Delhi on June 13 for a two-day visit to finalise details of the GE-414 turbofan’s co-production by HAL’s Koraput-based Engine Division and GE Aero Engines, finalise the multilateral agreement concerning the ‘Six Eyes’ grouping and the NATO + 6 grouping, and finalise the bilateral agreement concerning the construction of SIGINT/ELINT data collection sites all along the China-India border areas. Most importantly, under the auspices of the initiative on critical and emerging technologies (iCET) and the related Defence Industrial Cooperation roadmap, the US is putting together a military-industrial grouping of the US, Israel and India that will together co-develop and series-produce a new-generation solid-fuelled rocket-launched hypersonic cruise missile capable of both land attack and naval strike.


  1. Thank you Sir, I was about the ask some questions whose answers are in this thread.

    I still have One question though.

    1- Did IAF get the 1st hand exposure to what you have mentioned in one of your replies some thread ago about LANTIRN system?
    "However, the USAF F-15Es have the LANTIRN system that can operate passively & this then will be a welcome eye-opener for the IAF" ?

  2. Hats off to you, Prasun, for these latest two excellent posts (i.e. about the whole NATO+6 thing, as well as the developments re. relations with Bhutan). Very, very interesting!

    Re. the NATO+6 question, can we take it that it's a done deal, i.e. India has decided to formally commit to it? I mean, we are not in "permanent Hamlet mode" on this (as we often are), thinking, thinking, thinking, wondering "should we or shouldn't we?" (i.e. to be or not to be).



  3. Hi prasun

    you had mentioned that the gaurav glide bomb was in production to replace the spice 2000.

    wiki mentions that it has a laser guidance as well, the nose does not look so but

    neither it has the scene matching capability of the spice

    is it difficult to get that tech wiht people like tonbo?

  4. Prasun,

    1- will this embrace with Us cost us russia? if yes, what is the mitigation plan?
    2- now BAE HAWk scam will this directly impact RR proposal for jet engine mfg? timing looks fishy..
    3- will rafale deal be finalized during modi's visit to france?
    4- what is india planning for its submarine fleet? more advanced scorpences?
    5- IM the dim is cooked- what next for porkies? how will it impact India?
    6-What is you take on this -- why can't we design our own?

  5. Prasun-

    6- if GE deal is licence mfg of components then why is Mod not working with RR as a separate initiative to build engine with IPR?Safran I guess is now behind in the race.

  6. @prasun da

    1. from what i hear the possibility of IAF buying another squadron of sU 30 MKI alongside the 12 rep;acement is very much a possibility as well as the 34 Mig 29, why it is being said that 80+ Mig 21s are now as good as permanently grounded so only the above mentioned above 2 totaling 68 can replenish a bit

    2. also heard Like South Korea offering its KSSS iii (leet 2) and Gernan HDW type 214, Russia too is set to offering 3 improved Kilo as a replacement alongside 3 older Kilo subs on long lease

    3. finally better sense prevailing seems IA will more than double the number of MGS both 399 and 52 calibre and reduce same number of towed artillery after seeing how took out ukrainian, and western artillery

    4. again a scam this time in Hawk AJTs and once again london based dealer Sudhir Chaudhary is in the midst

    Joydeep ghosh

  7. prasun-

    7- can you pls throw some light on Shore Based Guided Rocket (SB-GR)
    8 - 590 FRCV in principle nod by Mod. what will it be? some license build tank or desi design? they are still stuck with 120mm main gun
    you had shared a good article onArjun tanks -- .. is this dead now?
    9 - it would be great to havean article on indian submarine plans & ideally what should be our approach to developing fully developed jet engines


  9. To DASHU: Yes, the IAF was exposed to the AAQ-13 & AN/AAQ-14 LANTIRN pods & their operations. On the Rafale, terrain avoidance mode of the RBE-2 AESA-MMR enables terrain avoidance flight profiles, but there is RF emission. Hence, THALES has developed the TALIOS pod for, among other functions, long-range navigation. What this means is that just like the LANTIRN targeting pod, the TALIOS is able to display its IR imagery directly into the Rafale’s wide-angle HUD. That’s why very early on in the late 1980s the USAF equipped its F-15s & F-16s with wide-angle HUDs. Presently, the only combat aircraft of the IAF equipped with wide-angle HUD is the Rafale. It remains to be seen when the IAF will procure the TALIOS. It is also highly surprising why wide-angle HUDs were not specified for the Tejas L-MRCAs & projected Super Su-30MKIs.

    To DILBERT: VMT. Yes, whatever I have stated above are done deals because there was never any other alternative. For example, how will India alone undertake persistent ISR taskings in Xinjiang, Jilantai, Korla & Golmud, which are areas where China conducts ballistic/cruise missiles test-flights & which host spaceports & DEW testing facilities? The solution, therefore, is commonsensical. The days of “to be or not to be” are over primarily because of the grave nature of the threats, which have seriously eroded both punitive deterrence & dissuasive deterrence postures of India. As I had stated before, India’s prime vulnerabilities today are: 1) absence of a credible minimum survivable sea-based nuclear deterrent. 2) an under-strength IAF. 3) absence of hypersonic weapons in India’s military arsenal. 4) absence of a credible land-based/sea-based BMD network. But what surprises me most is that all India-based think-tanks & retired senior IAF officials who frequent the TV channels have so far failed to analyse the EX Cope India-23 & the participation of B-1Bs & F-15Es in that exercise. Either they are clueless or they are just ignorant of technological advancements.

  10. To RAD: It is the PG-HSLD & not Gautam or Gaurav. This is the one:

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It is possible, but depends on how much Russia needs India. If Russia comes up with amenable payment terms so that India does not have buy China’s Yuan to pay Russia, that will be a good signal of India’s good intentions. 2) Rest assured that this will not result in any blacklisting of Rolls-Royce since R-R had already confessed to its wrongdoing to the UK’s Serious Fraud Office. 3) Unlikely. 4) Yes, because leasing second-hand Type 877EKMs or Type 636s from Russia is now totally ruled out. 6) BrahMos-1’s airframe isn’t optimised for hypersonic speeds. If t was, then Russia would have already modified its Onix SS-BSMs of the Bastion-P system. It took 20 years of R & D investments for ISRO to develop its own cryogenic engine. It will thus take the same amount of time to develop ‘desi’ hypersonic propulsion systems & the missiles using such systems. 6) Because economies of scale dictate that one ought to stick to one OEM. No one will share any IPR. The best bet therefore is to own respective IPRs based on distributed workshares between Indian OEMs & GE Aero Engines. That’s why even Turkey & South Korea have selected GE Aero Engines. 7) Guided Pinaka MBRL can easily be configured as a SBGR, with a W-band MMW seeker (developed for the Rudram-1 NG-ARM) being added for terminal homing. 8) Already replied to it in the previous thread. 9) Previous threads have exclusively dealt with such topics.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) How will India pay for them? With the Yuan? Because Russia is refusing to accept the Indian Rupee. 2) South Korea can offer any type of submarine, but its fuel-cell AIP module has to come from Siemens & this is not possible because this AIP is being imported fully by South Korea from Siemens & Germany will not allow South Korea to win any SSK competition against TKMS. 3) I had been advocating this since 2007.

  11. @prasun da

    1. yes quite possible India will grudgingly agree to pay russia in yuan as there is no other options, for refusing to pay russia a country that has stood up for India in any situations just bcoz we are pissed with China will be harakiri also Maharaja 'Sengol'eshwar after his rajyabhishek has probably decided to hold early general elections by November alongside Chhattisgarh Rajasthan Madhya Pradesh elections and as such has reportedly asked all ministers to expend all budget allocations before declaring it.

    2. exactly the reason why only russia will supply 3 new improved kilo with 3 older refurbished kilo on long lease bcoz of the stink of corruption with HDW and the fact that KSS 3 is not optimised for operating in Indian waters (you only said that) remember when i had asked, should we go for KSS3 when it fired missile 1st time.

    Joydeep ghosh

  12. @prasun da

    if not lease 3 kilo submarine India will buy 6 new improved kilo bcoz buying 3 additional scorpene submarine (that too will happen) will break the bank as reportedly price of the 3 scorpene will be in excess of 1.2 billion. all likelihood this will force India to ditch P75I permanently finally and instead jump to 076

  13. 1) Prasun sir, seems like Russian 3 new kilo + 3 old kilo plan is dead in water but.... Japan seems to have surplus too. Will they agree to lease 6 of their oldest oyashio class boats?
    They are only 20 years old and the replacement taigei class is already under production. Perhaps time to knock doors?

    I see navy having only two options to get strength by 2030 :
    a) 6 japanese lease + 3 new scorpene
    b) 6 new scorpene + 2 new stretched arihant based SSGN that can carry 8x3 vls launched brahmos slcm of 800 km range meeting demand of P75I.

    2) Are we really pulling our own weight in quad + 6 with this airforce levels?
    33% shortage and 33% obsolescence of jets fleet and non existent force multiplier fleet.
    Common sense would have dictated buying off 8 second hand c130J30 from UK, second hand airframes of 6 b767 for refuelers, 15 more a319 for jammers, elint, sigint and comint, 6 additional a321 for netra2 and 5 used bombardier for istar.

    3) Can a 6 cell rapid dragon module be integrated to c295 with 1700 km jassm missiles to make ad hoc bomber capabilities? Will make sense to have 24 for IAF and 4 for navy. Will allow us to strike most of Tibet from our safe airspace and most of Indian ocean with drop tanks or mid air refueling. Optimal basing will be Tamil Nadu.


  14. @prasun da

    also operating 2 different types of AIP is not just an illogical logistical financial nightmare, so finally it will be decided to skip P75I and continue with Scorpene and add DRDO AIP, my guess the Scorpene numbers may go up to 10-12 and then straight to P76.

    also with Erdogan winning in Turkey only Russia can keep it under check also if HDW type 214 is chosen Russia will get angry bcoz it knows Germany allowed destruction of Nordstream pipeline.

    also the points made previously show a situation raised many problems for India, and as you yourself say 'beggers cant be chosers', as such we will have to go by them

    Joydeeop ghosh

  15. Prasunda,

    1) Is it true that sea based AAD/LRSAM would be capable of shooting down DF-27 hypersonic glide vehicles ?

    2) Instead of relying on scramjet propulsion, which would take 20 years to fully develop, should'nt India invest in developing unpowered hypersonic glide vehicle vehicles boosted by solid propellant rocket ? This should be doable in a faster time frame.


  16. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: The only 2 defining criteria for SSKs are these: MDSL’s SSK manufacturing line is now sitting idle. 2) The first 2 Class/Type 1500 SSKs are up for decommissioning. Consequently, leasing foreign SSKs is not the right option & only follow-on orders for 3 additional MAREEM AIP-equipped CM-2000 Scorpenes seems to be the ideal solution. That’s not what I had said about KSS-3 SSKs. Instead I had stated that no South Korea-built SSK can be exported to India with Siemens-supplied AIP module.

    India’s Flip-Flops on Ukraine:

    Looks like Embraer will beat NAL’s Saras with this:

    Wasn’t this the guy that had stated last year that he will write to the PMO about India buying over Embraer?

    Now all such brain-dead big talk has stopped. And BTW, certainly the Tejas Mk.1 will lose out to the FA-50 in Egypt as well because of a simple reason: while the GE F404 has a total technical service life (TTSL) of 6,000 hours, the Tejas Mk.1’s airframe has a TTSL of only 3,000 flight-hours. All over the world it is exactly the opposite, i.e. airframe TTSL is more than turbofan’s TTSL. Also, looking at the Onix SS-BSMs of the Bastion-P system & comparing it to the €Brah€Mos-1 MAL, it is evident that the Bastion-P with its fully armoured cab is far more protected than the BrahMos-1’s MAL with fully exposed missile launch-cannisters.

    To VSJ: 1) Leasing SSKs that are totally new to the IN is totally ruled out since the costs of setting up shore-based training facilities fr them will be prohibitive & time-consuming. The only 2 defining criteria for SSKs are these: MDSL’s SSK manufacturing line is now sitting idle. 2) The first 2 Class/Type 1500 SSKs are up for decommissioning. Consequently, leasing foreign SSKs is not the right option & only follow-on orders for 3 additional MAREEM AIP-equipped CM-2000 Scorpenes seems to be the ideal solution. 2) Better to standardise on the A320/A321 airframes for all combat-support AEW & CS, ELINT & ISR platforms since the MRO facilities for such airframes is available in India’s Air Works. 3) The IAF’s C-130Js can be modified to such a configuration. C-295 is too small an aircraft for carrying such missiles.

    To SATYAKI: 1) Yes. 2) Yes

  17. Prasunda,
    Royal Airforce is going to sell their Herculeses soon. Is IAF interested? It will be a very prudent buy.
    Best regards


  18. HI prasun

    can you confirm that the PG HSLD has spice type scene matching homing?

    i believe it does not make sense to use normal laser guided bombs to attack enemy position given the variety modern SAM with increased range

    then what ever happened to the sudarshan LGB? i see only Israeli griffin type on IAF fighters

    why are the idiots still delaying the follow on orders of 3 scorpenes when the writing is on the wall?

    is it not stupidity to go in for german or korean subs with totally new production techniques?

  19. 1.Isn't it true that the Kalyani TC-20 155/39 truck mounted Artillery was developed on Army’s requirement...

    2.when will the order for the above be placed? & for what quantity?


  20. Prasun da,

    Is it true about Hunter low-observable ALCM.

  21. Prasun--

    what do you make of lead in fighter Wouldn't sticking to tejas mk1 SPORT be a better option?

  22. Prasun--

    2-food for thought -- similar to Embraer saga?
    3- U mention S KSS 3 can't be exported wit semniens AIp , but why choose that over Mareen AIP. why can both collaborate on making a desi version of KSS3? the 30 year plan of 1999 had 24 diesel electric subs + nuke ones ones.. now given Chinese strength of 70+ subs currently & porkis procuring @8 more .. IN should go for additional 6 more advanced scorpenes + 8 Kss 3 indianized version + either opt for suffren class or like brazil stretch scorpene to tuen them into SSN's. the KSS themselves can be stretched to turn then into SSN's as well so @7/8 each of those + @& SSBN's for about a total of 40+ subs should rule the Indo pacific region...the SSn upgrade should be a 100% india Job the diesel versions should start off with 50% workshare increasing to 100%by the 2nd or 3rd sub

  23. Hi Prasun, what was the ACM’s statement on Brahmos really about? Does it in any manner link to the ‘special operation’ conducted over the IOR by four Rafales.

  24. IAF CAS on BrahMos Aerospace 25th Anniversary:

    IA COAS:


    LAC Buffer Zones Explained:

    Moving documentaries on how €Tibetan kids are smuggled into India via Nepal:

    Orphans of Tibet:

  25. To PARTHASARATHI: Not anymore, since the IAF has already ordered C-295s.

    To RAD: Here are the PG-HSLD slides:

    The SAAW will have scene-matching optronics just like the Spice-250:

    Sudarshan LGB project has been scrapped. Here’s the 450kg HSLD with Griffin-3 adapter kit:

    Instead, the IAF has specified a rocket-propelled air-launched PGM for striking targets at high altitudes. This is the one:

    It is still under development & will be a lighter derivative of the RAFAEL Popeye-Lite.

    To SUSAN: The ‘Hunter’ is a desi counterpart of the Storm Shadow/Scalp/Taurus tactical ALCM. But its range will be about 350km & it will be powered by this:

    HAL is now trying to increase this turbojet’s internal fuel capacity.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) HLFT-42 is just an aspirational project. However, the GE F404IN20 turbofan will suffice for it. 2) After the disastrous & since-aborted teaming up for co-developing the PMF/FGFA & Ilyushin IL-214 MRTA, no one in India wants co-develop any such aircraft. 3) Because, as I had SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE, the IN wants a PROVEN AIP to enter service. MAREEM isn’t proven as yet in the high seas. 4) In my view, the day any navy begins operating nuclear-powered submarines, the reqmt for diesel-electric SSKs/AIP-equipped SSKs decreases dramatically. Hence, until the availability of long-range SLBMs, the IN’s S-2/Arihant, S-3/Arighat & S-4 submarines should be configured & operated as SSGNs. That’s what France & the UK has done & what Australia will do in future.

  26. Prasun da,

    First Turkey now Iranian are doing great.

    We Indian still struggling on the drawing board - who should be blamed - big ELEPHANTS sitting in DRDO (Dr. Do litte) or HAL or MoD or collectively all...

  27. Hey prasun da
    How was the performance of Indian Air force in exercise pitch black 2022.
    Rate it out of 10
    Actually I was watching a video of American Air force personnel mocking the Indian Air force that our data links were not there
    That particular exercise happened a bit back in 2011-13
    can u give more insights over that

  28. Prasun sir,
    1) Considering that by the end of this decade, we will have 5 squadrons of S-400 (if we get the remaining 2), 18 squadrons and 5 regiments of mrsam and 5 regiments of qrsam. When these weapons are delivered,will we able to stonewall the Chinese air force, the same way the ukrainians are preventing the Russians from flying over their territory?

    2) How many squadrons of OSA sams does the iaf have left?

    3) Does india have adequate GPS jammers to block chinese munitions?
    If not are we acquiring them?

    4) When will the 108 NG hardened aircraft shelters for our Airforce be completed?

    5) Have indian airbases been equipped with rapid runway repair systems?

  29. Prasun da

    Your data & watermarked pics apparently are used far & wide which means the Merkins too follow or read your blog

    Àap ke charan kidhar hai Prabhu

  30. The Simorgh is a military variant of the IrAn-140, which, in turn, is a licensed-produced version of the Ukrainian An-140 twin turboprop aircraft. Half of the fuselage, wings, and a number of other components and parts were produced in Kharkiv, while the powerplant, TV3-117 engines, came from Motor Sich. But with Ukraine now imposing sanctions against Iran, the IrAn 140 & Simorgh are now history & hence the recent rollout of the Simorgh was nothing else but a symbolic psy-war exercise.

    To VEDANT: EX Red Flag is full-fledged exercise involving dissimilar air combat tactics, while EX Pitch Black is about ensuring inter-operability among friendly air forces. MRCAs equipped with data-links can communicate with AEW & C platforms, that being the only advantage.

    To HARSH: 1) Not quite, because the total reqmt for LR-SAMs of the S-400-type is 12 squadrons. That’s why the DRDO is developing the XR-SAM.2) It is all there in the thread dealing with EX Gagan Shakti. 3) No. Such hardware is only now being developed under the IDEX programme. 4) By 2026. 5) They have always been since the 1960s. 6) The TC-20 was shown back in 2016 itself. The reqmt for MGS came urgent only in mid-2017. The IA wants 155mm/52-cal MGS, not 155mm/39-cal type.

    Disgusting confrontation between Assam Rifles & Manipur Police:

    Mobile 81mm/120mm mortar systems on offer to IA:

    Scorpion Mobile Mortar

    Alakran Mobile Mortar

    SLING Mobile Mortar

    EXPAL 120-MX2-SM 120mm Integrated Mortar

    ST Kinetic Belrex

  31. @prasun da

    i think it is very much possible that russia will regain kharkiv in the next 6 months primarily to stop any kind of attack on belgorod, after which it won't be issue of concern for iran to source parts of the simorgh.

    i have a question why not develop a air launched version of the pinaka, especially when its guided version are being developed. they can be fired from any fighter jet and if possible from helicopters like Mi 17V5 in twin launcher configuration. your views

    Joydeep ghosh

  32. how to counter this ? they will overwhelm our air defence with these cheap suicide drones.

  33. What was the other mortar system on offer as you stated somewhere earlier in another thread? Between these two classes of mortars which ones are likely to make the cut would you have an idea?

  34. Hi prasun
    Will the xrsam be equal in performance to the s400.... in whzt way will the s400 be better

    We have the aesa radar in multiple bands, aesa missile d seeker. Hopefully developed the BMS..bnet data link...

    I heard drdo is sourcing high energy propellant from europe.

  35. The iaf specified rocket powered pgm seems to be a knock of of the US gbu-15 and the agm-130

    What is the terminal guidance system?
    Pse explain

  36. @prasun da

    as per you between these mortars and breech loaded twin barrel mortar whats better

    Joydeep ghosh

  37. To JOYDEEP GHOSH: All those facilities in Kharkiv were razed to the ground back in 2022. Just because Israel has developed such a system does not mean India too should do so. Different countries have different operational reqmts. Turret-mounted breech-loaded mortar systems are superior as they have a higher rate of fire. The ones mounted on LSVs or LAMVs are for quick-reaction forces & air-mobile forces.

    To ROHIT GILL: They can be shot down with ZU-23s & ZSU-23-4 Schilkas, just like Ukraine is shooting them down with Gepards.

    To CHARITRA: Patria Group’s AMOS & NEMO systems:

    To RAD: For XR-SAM, a Ka-band active seeker has been developed—this being derived from the Ka-band seeker of the PDV exo-atmospheric interceptor. The rocket-powered missile will be a laser-guided.

  38. Sir your view on this article, he is pointing towards inequality in India's economy and some are true facts like pathetic education system, lack of skill in young population, youth unemployment and lack of development in some states. Freebies culture will take us nowhere.

  39. Prasun da,

    Do you think that the army should try to include K2 like features in it's light tank requirements which enables it to kneel, tilt sideways? Is it within our capability to develop this technology indigenously?

  40. To INDRAJIT: It will be great fun to watch the development of a 25-tonne light tank powered by 800hp engine, because no one else in the world has achieved such a feat. All existing light tanks weigh between 33 & 35 metric tonnes.

    TONBO Imaging's thermal sight for Konkurs-M ATGM luncher:

    IA RFI for Imported ICV-launched ATGMs:

    The prime contenders are:

    The final competition will be between the MBDA-L & T MMP & the Kalyani-RAFAEL Spike-LR2

  41. Prasun,

    1 Recent visit by Prachanda Dahal, where does Nepal stand wrt its relations wit India vs China. looks like the Chinese supported parties are on his throat for not raking up order issue.
    2 Will we see any movement on 26 carrier fighters on modi's vist to france/US?

  42. To JUST_CURIOUS: Geography dictates that Nepal looks towards India for securing access to the sea in the By of Bengal for its exports. Once the eastern freight corridor is completed, Kathmandu will be able to export not only by sea, but also by land to Bhutan & Bangladesh by both road & rail. With China, Nepal has outlets only into TAR €& hence from a financial standpoint, Nepal has much to gain from India than from China.

    Sri Lanka Wants India to Set Up Small Arms Bullet Production Factory:

    Why Pakistan Imports Food:

    What an Insult!:

    Excellent Example of 8 x 8 Family:

    Excellent Example of Flexible MBRL for Launching Different Types of PGMs:

    140 F404-GE-IN20 for 40 Tejas Mk.1 & 83 Tejas Mk.1A

    154 F414-GE-INS6 for 144 Tejas-AF Mk.2

    100 F414-GE-INS6 for 45 TEDBF

    50 F414-GE-INS6 for 40 AMCA Mk.1

    Total: 444 turbofans from GE Aero Engines.

    Meanwhile, this 'Bandalbaaz' continues peddling FAKE News:

    HAL back in 2001 had obtained single-crystal turbine blade production technology from UEC-UMPO UFA for licence-building HP/LP compressors & related BLISK production technologies & supplying them back to the Russian OEM for fitment on to the AL-31FP turbofans. From GE, HAL wants a similar deal, but with BLING production technologies. Such licence-building arrangements will later enable India to claim that her military product exports are registering steady increases!

  43. Sir, what will Sri Lanka do with bullet and small arms factory ? Attack whom or defend from whom


  44. To VEDANT: Understanding Palonette Crystal:

  45. Prasun da,

    Your reply to Mr. Just_Curious

    '50 F414-GE-INS6 for 40 AMCA Mk.1'

    50 units for twin-engine 40 AMCA Mk1, would it not be less, at best only 25 AMCA Mk1 can be assembled.

  46. Prasun da,

    Our Tata Kestrel can be configured in the same manner if some logical thinking applied.

  47. Prasun,
    As usual great article!Can you please shed light on the following issues considering the above.
    1) Undersea sensors for tracking of Chinese submarines since India doesn't have a SOSUS network within its maritime domain.
    2) Defences against Chinese and Paki BMs.
    3)Measures to strengthen the airforce/Air defence since it is now understrength.
    4) What torpedoes are being envisaged for procurement for the Scorpenes.
    5)Any updates on the AWAC's front.
    6)Are more Rafales planned to be purchased?
    7)Are the Sea Guardian drones being purchased?


  48. HI prasun
    is India veering towards the German submarine deal ? why.

    after all we know how to build French s8ubmarines. Germany is famous for doing a blockade of arms supplies when it wants , unlike the French.

    why are we not going for the f414 epe engines that produce 26,000 lbs thrust? is it because that the intake has to be modified for more air?

    Is the tech for hot core section blades different from the HP and LP compressor blades tech acquired from russia.

  49. @prasun da

    it seems india and germany are to sign g2g submarine deal, if true then its a big mistake for

    1 it will 4th different class of conventional submarine in navy
    2 it means 2 different types of aip
    3 it means mdl will have to relearn everything
    4 it means mdl will have to spend more on setting up infrastructure
    all likelihood it means logistical and financial as well as hr nightmare a total harakiri

    also if India signed deal with Germany than russia will be mighty pissed with us as it knows Germans knowingly let us uk destroy the nord stream pipeline

    logic says most likely 3 additional scorpene submarine deal will be signed in the immediate to stop waste of mdl expertise and in all likelihood india will repeat it in 2028 when shishumars start retiring taking total scorpene submarine number to 12, and in the meantime buy 6 more improved kilo submarine from russia

    your views

    Joydeep ghosh

  50. Hi sir , please explain how assembling GE414 engine will help india
    Please tell us looking at US don't u think powering our jets with American engine is a problem,
    They can blackmail us by stopping spare parts during war time?
    Please explain

  51. Sir ji

    What is this


  52. Hi prasan
    what is this news of India trying to sell LCA to Argentina and Egypt when both have rejected the LCA? no body has any shame going begging to them . Our air force desperately needs LCA , what is the point in offering LCA to others when we are in shortage of LCA?

    why did Egypt stab India in the back by not attending the G20?

    this nato plus membership is a trap ? All of a sudden the west is cozying to india?

    how good is the varunastra really!! the drdo says it is equal to the best in the world???
    what happened to the submarine version?.

    is our desi submarine combat management system equal to the subics and the german ones?

    will US blockade the Singapore strait in case of china aggression?. will India provide bases in andaman for the US forces?

    will the chines try to break out thru the straits in Indonesia?

  53. What had upset the Modi govt against the French. Are we collaborating with Israel and hence deciding to go with the German TKMS , JMT

  54. The American and German defence ministers in Delhi almost the same time , does suggest something bigger

  55. @joydeepGhosh "Germans knowingly let us uk destroy the nord stream pipeline" - where are you getting this from?

  56. Prasun sir,

    1) Why is it that the Indian Air force has such small numbers of air launched precision guided munitions compared to the west.
    The USAF has had more than 900,000 Paveway and JDAM delivered over the years according to US Budget documents.
    A large number of them have been used up and many have expired their shelf lives, but safe to assume USAF has atleast several lakh air launched PGM in stock.
    But we have at best a few thousand.
    Is it difference in doctrine or lack of confidence in our skills or funding or something else?
    Even the Uae and Saudi arab air forces have more.

    2) Are the videos of indian navy Barak-8 shooting down Sea skimming missiles legit?

    3) Are our ships now well equipped to shoot down supersonic Anti Ship cruise missiles deployed by china and pakistan?

    4) Roughly how many brahmos missiles (of all variants) have been delivered to our forces till date?

    5) What chance do you see of china attacking taiwan in the next 5 years?

    6) If there a possibility of china attacking india before they make a move on taiwan?

    7) With the india china border roads nearing completion of phase 1, how would say our infrastructure has improved over the last 20 years. If high intensity hostilities do break out, is our infra good enough to sustain our war effort against china?

  57. To VENKY: The facility is meant for production the quantum of bullets reqd per annum for training fire purposes.

    To SIDHARTH: My mistake. This is what it should be:

    140 F404-GE-IN20 for 40 Tejas Mk.1 & 83 Tejas Mk.1A
    154 F414-GE-INS6 for 144 Tejas-AF Mk.2
    100 F414-GE-INS6 for 45 TEDBF
    90 F414EPE for 40 AMCA Mk.1

    Total: 484 turbofans from GE Aero Engines.

    If all goes well, then GE can come in as an industrial partner for producing this:

    But the max thrust will have to be 130kN for achieving supersonic flight cruise. Yes, the Kestrel WhAP can be similarly configured, but its CVRDE-developed powerplant will have to be upgraded from 600hp at present to 750hp in future.

    To THEINDIAN: 1) Hve added additional information above regarding it. 2) BMs can be countered by S-400 & XR-SAM, but defence against hypersonic weapons can be ensured only by DEW. 3) Procuring additional Rafales is the only realistic/pragmatic option. 4) Wire-guided version of Varunastra HWT is presently undergoing tests at Nagarjun Sagar. 5) None. 6) Yes. 7) Yes. 18 of them in different versions.

    To RAD: Yes, because that is the only SSK design that uses a PROVEN AIP system. The IN wants a PROVEN AIP system, period. The Class 214 variant to be procured will be the same as the Type 218SG SSK procured by the Republic of Singapore Navy.

    Rest assured that Egypt won’t opt for Tejas.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH & AMIT BISWAS: Not only MDSL, but all the qualified vendors for the P-75 Scorpene project will have to re-qualify for meeting German submarine construction standards. Moreover, the projected indigenisation goals of the IN will definitely not be met & they have already been watered down. For instance, for P-75I, a minimum 45% indigenisation has to be ensured by the Indian strategic partner in the first submarine, with the indigenous content going up to 60% in the sixth. Now this can easily be achieved if MDSL makes use of DMRL-developed DMR-292A/DMR-292B steel supplied by SAIL. This then will allow the Indian MoD to claim that its indigenisation goals had been achieved, although in reality hardware like the AIP module, lithium-ion battery packs, MAN diesel engines, Atlas Elektronik ISUS-90 combat management system & bow-mounted & flank-array sonar suites & periscopes from Hensoldt will have to be imported. In short, this will put to end all wild speculation about the IN acquiring the expertise to design & construct fully indigenous SSKs under Project 76.

    To SANTOSH: It won’t & that’s why no will licence-assemble F414 turbofans in India, as I have already explained above.

    To HARSH: 1) Because of intellectual backwardness. 2) Am not so sure. Haven’t seen any DRDO-released videos on it so far. 3) Yes. 4) Not more than 200. 5) That depends on what kind of attack will be staged. 6) No. 7) There have been significant improvements, but much more needs to be done.

  58. Sir your take on this, did Chinese help them in development of hypersonic weapon?

  59. Prasun

    1- India to develop hypersonic missiles with both Russia & US --how will this work ?
    2 - what are the chances of german sub offer actually getting materialized? & why dolphin class when Israel itself is moving to the new dakar class developed by TKMS. what happens to the knowhow/know why gained on scorpenes?
    3- Mareem AI for scorpenes is fine but not for P75I- why?
    4 - engine mfg is one area where germans can be of help ? what are your thoughts

  60. To ROHIT GILL: LoLz! The Head of the IRGC’s Aerospace Forces made a fool out of the Iranian President! That missile is a supersonic SS-BSM, nothing more & nothing less.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) The Russian option, i.e. BrahMos-2K, is no more since Russia has given in writing that it cannot even supply the remaining S-400 LR-SAM squadrons. In fact, even the future of BrahMos-NG is now in jeapordy. Consequently, the only other option is to pick up the US-Israeli offer. 2) It wil be the Clss 214’s Type 218 variant, not Dolphin-class. Scorpene production know-how will be utilised for servicing the 6-unit Scorpene fleet & upgrading them in future with MAREEM AIP module plug-ins PROVIDED the sea-trials of this AIP module are successful. 3) Because of the mis-match of timelines. MAREEM will be a proven system only by the end of this decade, by which time construction of the first two P-75I SSKs will be well-advanced & hence won’t be able to accept the MAREEM. Hence, the Siemens-developed fuel-cell AIP will have to go on board all the P-75I SSKs. 4) There are SEVERAL areas where German OEMs are vying for lucrative contracts & I will explain them all tomorrow in a new thread. This includes both diesel engines & gearboxes, for which JVs are already existing.

  61. Prasunda,

    1. If only DEW's can guarantee defence against hypersonic weapons, how do you say that the AAD can defend against the DF-27 HGV ?

    2. What about HGVs for India's armed forces ? Would DRDO develop them ?


  62. Prasun sir

    1) Are you saying that only 200 brahmos of all types have been delivered so far to all 3 services?

    2) If so, how can that be when india has fired close to 100 brahmos missiles in test fires alone?

    3) How many (if any)of the following types of air launched cruise missiles does the iaf have :
    a) Kh-59
    b) Popeye
    c) SCALP

    4) On a slightly unrelated note, the west has been using various ideological excuses to interfere in the internal affairs of developing countries : in the cold war, it was democracy vs communism, later it was liberal interventionism and war on terror.
    Now that all those excuses have fallen flat, I believe the next excuse will be environmental interventionism, as environmental activism has reached almost religious levels in the west.
    Do you agree?
    (I once saw an european official condemning brazil for cutting amazon trees for agriculture and even calling for a "just war" to overthrow the brazilian govt.)

  63. To SATYAKI: 1) Because HGVs can’t manoeuvre evasively after atmospheric re-entry. That’s why they ‘GLIDE’. Only powered hypersonic vehicles can manoeuvre evasively. 2) DRDO has avoided developing HGVs & has instead opted for powered hypersonic weapons.

    To HARSH: 1) The following news-reports clearly give out the figures & using them you can easily do the math:

    3) Each of them are no more than 80 in number. 4) One cannot blame the West, since I the ultimate analysis it is the West that won the Cold War & is now poised to prevail over both Russia & China. Brazil’s new govt itself has admitted that deforestation of the Amazon Forest will be devastating for Brazil itself.

  64. Hi Prasun ji,

    Encouraging developments in the US-India strategic relations. I guess there's nothing like having a common perceived enemy to bring us together, huh? Let's hope we can make the most of this while it lasts.

    I have three questions related to the subject:

    1) What is it be made of this news report by WSJ quoting US intelligence officials regarding the Chinese getting into an agreement with Cuba for building an ELINT station on the island? Do you think this has anything to do with the developments regarding US-India ELINT cooperation? Is this the Chinese response?

    2) Considering that is seems we are shifting toward the West for various strategic/technology aspects either due to our own shifting requirements, geopolitical opportunities or the decline of the Russian industry's ability to service our needs - what is your take on the nuclear submarine question? Will we continue with Russian methods/techniques with regard to design & construction i.e. double-hulled boats or is there an intention/opportunity to acquire more advanced forging/milling & metallurgy technologies from France or elsewhere in West? And what about the near-future requirements for enriched uranium fuel?

    3) You mentioned the SOSUS network will be extended to both Eastern & Western seaboards of India. The Eastern section I can understand, it'll be a welcome 'trip-wire' to have against any Chinese SSN approaching facilities like INS Varsha. But what is the purpose behind the Western seaboard network? Looking at geography I would assume it would make landfall probably in Oman. Who is this portion of the network aimed against? Pakistan? Iran? Will the Americans really set up a SOSUS array to help India against Pakistani submarines, or is it the possible future Pakistani SSBs that has the US worried with regard to nuclear safety?

    Thanks in advance! And another thanks for the wonderful write-up!

  65. Prasun
    1) What is the difference between the Israeli Dakar class and the Type 218 being proposed for the Indian Navy? When is this deal likely to be signed and will it be a government to government one?Is the special steel being used for the German Navy submarines also to be included in the deal?
    2)Is our defence cooperation with Russia over?Can you please be specific on this?
    3)What about our nuclear submarines?
    4)Is the cooperation withe France on the nuclear submarines issue confirmed?
    5)What is going on between Russia and India on the strategic cooperation issue?


  66. HI prasun

    in what way is the boeing e-3 awacs superior to the the desi emb-145 awacs apart from the work stations . as the desi one has got aesa radar etc

    you said that the Russian Indian brahmos -2 is good as dead. due to money payment problems or some thing else.? dont they realize that if India goes west, they are going to loose a huge traditional market?

    will it apply to all thing russian like the nuke program etc, will it effect he the current brahmos program?

    when do u think the US Israeli indian effort to make a hypersonic weapon will fructify?

    will these weapons be cost effective in battle? i dont see any other application other than taking out naval carriers etc

    what can india bring to the table in such a collaboration apart from money?

    will the money and effort spent on scorpene subs waste away? or can it be used to make our own desi Sub? with L&T etc

    why did egypt and indonesia who are friends not attend the g20?

  67. Hi Prasun

    In light of the EAMs latest comments on India not fitting into NATO, how do you see Indo - NATO+ relations shaping up?


  68. Hi

    Sorry, forgot to post the link to EAMs views


  69. Prasunda,


    1. Do'nt HGVs (which are often lifting body winged RVs) have the ability to use aerodynamic forces to maneuvre evasively (to a limited extent) while gliding at 50 km altitude ? This is the ability the avangard RV is supposed to have.

    2. In the current Russia Ukraine war, is it reasonable to estimate that Ukrainian casualties are about 2.5 to 3 times as high as Russian casualties, given that Russian artillery firepower applied is more than thrice the artillery firepower applied by the Ukrainian side ?

    3. If the west is scrambling for basic war material like artillery ammo, while Russia has no shortage of the same, how can you say that the west is poised to prevail over Russia and China ?

    4. Would'nt it have been wiser for the west to avoid conflict with Russia while focussing on containing China ?


  70. Hello prasun da,
    Hope you are well
    You said that the west will prevail
    I never understood why do they win always
    I mean there are far greater crimes these people have committed and then also they are at the crust and always get a moral standing.

    I srsly want your views on this particular question
    I remember I had asked the similar question in 2018-19 and you had answered it beautifully but I have lost that thread
    But I srsly want your views

    Thnks for the suggestion regarding outworldly crystals thoroughly enjoyed it


  71. One of deals repeatedly coming for our PM visit to US is Stryker .
    Why Stryker ? What is so special about it ? We already have TATA kestrel .


  72. HI prasun
    I s russia going to be pissed off with india going west all the way ? how are we going to manage the spare parts for weapon systems like the su-30 etc, will they agree to the su-30mki upgrade in a scenario like this?

    do u foresee the sanctions on russia easing after the war?

    can u confirm if china has DEW weapon on board warships as a last bit effort to stop brahmos missiles?

    why cant we do that? pulses of intense microwave beaming on the radar seeker of anti ship missiles? will that work? or do u think tadeonal EW warfare is enough to stop supersonic anti ship missiles?

  73. hi prasun
    as the war progresses in Ukraine it is becoming very clear that tank apc,and airdefence systems are very vulnerable to drone attack's.
    what is the solution? active protection system? china can swamp or defenses with massive drone attack's. what do we do?

  74. Prasun sir,

    Thanks for previous replies.
    1) How many prithvi missiles are there in each of the 3 prithvi missile groups?
    2) Are the prithvi accurate enough for precision ground strikes like on roads and airbases?
    3) Are the prithvi missiles in the missile groups, 150km range prithvi 1 or 250km range prithvi 2?
    4) Have nirbhay missiles been ordered?
    5) In the absence of adequate air launched PGM, how does india intend to hit strategic targets in Tibet beyond 300km from frontline?

  75. Prasunda,

    You have said before that recent Agni-P tests, as well as the latest Agni-5 test have been with MIRVs. If so, why has'nt GoI officially mentioned these as being tests with MIRVs ?


  76. Hello Prasun da
    what do you think of the analysis on China by Dr. Dheeraj Paramesha Chaya.
    It is the most grounded thinking on China on youtube i have seen.


  77. @prasun da

    i dont understand navy is insisting on a proven AIP for P75I and might go for German AIP that is fuel cell based with lead acid batteries, but 10 yrs from now lithium ion batteries will be the norm, so why waste precious time and money on tech that is soon to be outdated

    your views
    Joydeep ghosh

  78. Prasun

    1- Brahmos chief on brahmos 2 recently what newer versions is he talking about?
    2 - wikipedia says the speed of type 218Sg is just 15 knots submerged.. how imp is speed yto a sub?

  79. To GESSLER: WRT India-US relations, it was back in 1952 itself that the US & India had greed that come what may, they would always be silent but steadfast allies. Subsequent events, like the 1962 Sino-Indian war, proved this to be true. Now, coming to your specific queries:

    1) That report is widely speculative, since China would more likely set up any such facility in Panama to monitor the Panama Canal.

    2) That depends on who has what to offer & how deep India’s pockets are. France, for one, is readily willing to come in as Russia’s substitute. Of course India would not want to totally replace Russia, but Moscow has definitely done some serious mis-calculations & will therefore have to pay a heavy price for years to come. India too has made confused statements WRT Russia-Ukraine war & it should instead have acted the same way that Turkey has done, i.e. condemn Russia’s aggression but not sanction Russia. Moscow does not need any country’s support since it is a permanent member of the UNSC with veto powers & hence can neutralise any anti-Russia resolution of the UNSC.

    3) If India wants to transform into a knowledge-based country & economy, then it is inevitable that she forge strong, multi-dimensional partnerships with all the G-7 countries, besides the liberal democracies. This is now easier than ever because at last India today has a strong private-sector industrial base that can easily form industrial JVs with its Western, South Korean & Japanese counterparts without any governmental interference or lobbying. Previously, that wasn’t the case due to India’s over-reliance on DPSUs & PSUs as the principal industrial drivers & hence the emphasis on G-to-G agreements. But now that landscape is fast changing, thanks to policy-level interventions like the PLI scheme, which limits the GoI’s role only to policy-making while leaving domestic & foreign private-sector OEMs to offer solutions (I areas like 5G & 6G communications) that are optimised for market reqmts. The AirTel-OneWebb & Vedanta-Foxconn JVs, plus plans by MICRON & CISCO to enter the Indian markets in partnerships with Indian OEMs are firm indicators in this direction. This trend alone will dramatically increase the India-US bilateral trade figures that were only dreamt about a few years ago. Similar trends in bilateral trade with the EU, Japan & Israel all bode extremely well for India’s future economic growth—which are unachievable if one chose to stick with China & Russia.

    4) On the eastern seaboard the SOSUS network will have to be extended right down from A & N islands down to Trincomalee, while in the western seaboard the network will have to cover both the Red Sea & northern Arabian Sea, where china has invested in an overseas base in Djibouti. Consequently, the SOSUS network will need to have cables laid from Mangalore till the islands of Socotra & Comoros.

    And here are some interesting futuristic warship designs shown at a South Korean naval expo:

  80. To THE INDIAN: 1) The Dakar-class is AIP-equipped & has missile-launch tubes configured for launching RAFAEL-developed long-range cruise missiles. The Type 218 SSK design has standard 533mm torpedo/missile-launch tubes & displaces 2,300 tonnes. Here is some information on the Dakar-class SSK:

    The P-75I contract will be between MDSL & Govt of India, PROVIDED MDSL is nominated as the strategic partner of TKMS. Presently, the GoI’s rules state that the Indian strategic partner should be from the private-sector & should not be a DPSU. 2) It practically is, unless Russia quickly resolves the payment mechanism with India. It is explained here in great detail:

    Such problems are now quickly spreading to other areas:

    3) The 3 SSGNs already produced are safe & won’t be affected. The question mark is now over the future of the 3 projected SSBN—S-5, S-6 & S-7. 4) Negotiations are still ongoing. 4) Nothing much.

    To RAD: The E-3 AWACS has got far more flight endurance & can aloft for 10 hours without any aerial refuelling. Unless the payments issue is resolved, every kind of industrial cooperation with Russia will have to grid to a halt, as thy already are. The US had had hypersonic propulsion systems since the 1960s & is therefore in a position to quickly develop hypersonic missiles & share their know-how with Israel & India. Hypersonic weapons will be used for destroying high-value targets like underground weapons storage sites. MDSL’s expertise on Scorpene SSK construction will be preserved for undertaking mid-life upgrades of all six of them.

    L & T cannot design & develop single-hulled SSKs. Hence it has teamed up with NAVANTIA of Spain to offer the SSKs for P-75I project:


    The Russia-Ukraine war will drag on for at least another 5 years, rest assured. China has yet to deploy any missile-killing DEW on any of its warships. Presently, none of the APS suites meant for armoured vehicles are capable of defeating top-attack missiles/munitions. At best the APS can only defeat RPGs & missiles that are approaching horizontally. As for defence against hypersonics, do read this:

  81. To RAGHU: The EAM as spot on in rejecting India’s direct membership of NATO. But in diplomatic jargon, being a NATO member is not the same as being a NATO + member, i.e. in case of the former one is an alliance ally while in the latter case one is an alliance partner. And here is an excellent assessment of what to make of Ukraine’s counter-offensives:

    To SATYAKI: 1) The ability is minimal, i.e. it can pull lateral Gs of only 5. It is thus like a BVRAAM & is not super-agile as an all-aspect SRAM. 2) Not quite. The casualty figures are roughly similar for both countries. 3) Who has claimed that the West is finding it difficult to supply Ukraine with weapons? On the contrary, it is Russia’s military-industrial complex that has run into severe supply-related problems. It is now short of 50,000 skilled workers & 25,000 designers. Watch this excellent documentary on the WAGNER Group to understand what Russia’s problems are:

    4) Most of the countries are supporting Ukraine in order to send a strong signal to China that in case China invades Taiwan, a similar robust response will follow. Thus, deterrence is being provided to China. India, like Turkey, should have opposed Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    To VEDANT: Why do they always win? In international relations & realpolitik there s no room for moral sermonising. India too is equally guilty. Did India not military invade Goa & Hyderabad to bring them under Indian rule? Did India by signing the Instrument of Accession with Maharaja Hari Singh on October 27, 1947 not promise the then princely state of J & K that all Pakistani invaders will be ejected from J & K? Why then did India in August 1948 go to the USNC for external resolution of the conflict? And why in July 1972 did India ink the Shimla Agreement that legitimised Pakistan’s illegal occupation of PoJK? In such a case, can the natives of PoJK now harbour any legitimate hopes of being liberated by India in future?

    To VENKY: That’s because the Stryker is the world’s only 8 x 8 APC that is totally compatible with a fully digitised tactical comms network, a command-i-control network & various digitised ISR networks fo superior situational awareness. The only other 8 x 8 APC that has similar capabilities is Israel’s Eitan 8 x 8. So, if the IA wants its IBGs to fight & win in future battlefields, then possession of a platform like Stryker becomes imperative.

    The Indian Army has signed its second procurement contract through Innovations for Defence Excellence (iDEX). The deal was reached with Bengaluru-based firm Astrome Tech Pvt Ltd on June 9, 2023 to acquire a locally produced E-band ‘Tactical LAN Radio’ network. This marks the Indian Army’s second deal made under the auspices of iDEX. The Tactical LAN Radio is an advanced high-bandwidth wireless radio equipment designed to provide robust and fail-safe communication, specially tailored for rugged and remote terrains. It promises enhanced communications range, a built-in frequency-hopping mechanism to thwart potential interception, and can sustain continuous operations for 48 hours without breakdown.

  82. To HARSH: All those questions were answered here long ago:

    To ASHWATTHAMA: Because the flight-tests are on-going & have yet to achieve the stipulated reliability-levels.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Why are you ASSUMING that the Siemens AIP recharges only lead-acid batteries??? TKMS has already teamed with SAFT to integrate AIP with lithium-in batteries. Do read these:

    India’s principal battery-provider for military applications is this:

    In addition, we now have this:

    October 19, 2022: Bharat Forge has signed a collaboration deal with American technological giant General Atomics for the creation of lithium-ion battery systems for the Indian Navy. The pact was signed on the sidelines of the DefExpo-2022 in Gandhinagar in Gujarat. The two parties have also decided to collaborate on permanent magnet motors, as per Bharat Forge. In order to develop Lithium-Ion battery systems for naval platforms for the Indian Navy, The Electromagnetic Systems Group (GA-EMS) of General Atomics and Bharat Forge will work together in accordance with the parameters of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). “General Atomics does Li-Ion battery solutions for naval platforms/submarines and and our partnership with General Atomics is a firm step in the direction to develop Make-in-India solutions for the Indian Navy and setting up a strong defence technology and manufacturing vertical within India.” said Baba Kalyani, Chairman Kalyani Group.

  83. Hi

    For those interesting the Navantia S 80 submarine combat systems, the following is a good read


  84. Hi Prasun

    As per newspaper reports the German firm will design the sub and look after the engineering part.

    My concern is that even with the tie up with the Germans or the Spanish, we will only be manufacturing the sub in India, we won't receive the design criteria from them as Korea did. This will not help us to design our own subs independently in future.


  85. Prasunda,

    VMT. Could we expect the stipulated reliability levels to be achieved in the next 2-3 years ?


  86. Prasun,
    1)Is it likely that Stryker will be purchased for the Indian Army?If so will it be G to G deal?
    2)Which firm according to you will win the submarines contract?
    3)What other equipment is being purchased from the US?6x P8I, Anti submarines Romeo helicopters E2D Hawkeyes what else?
    4)Why is Russia not accepting payment in Rupees?
    5)Is the Rafale being purchased for the Indian Navy?

  87. @prasun da

    the essence of what you said to gessler n satyaki is that India must forget about POJK, GB, COJK forever

    Joydeep ghosh

  88. Sir, The only alternative to KA31 is supposed be Merlin crows nest. This seems to be based on 3 engine EH101, same one india imported for VIP transport . Can these helicopters not be handed over to OEM and reconfigured for ‘crows nest’ like function ?


    Are these genuine clips??

  90. Hello Prasun Da,

    Is there no way to get SORYU CLASS submarines from Japan to participate as G2G deal as those are Good option. Can't Japan create export version using German and French Off the shelf components lile propellers, Engine, Sonars etc replace in SORYU to create a version which can be given to India without worry of IP theft?

    Vishakh Duggal

  91. Prasunda

    Why does Ukraine not have Close Air Support? NATO can certainly provide atleast that. This seems silly to have invested without air cover. Or is it that Artillery strikes, including with drones by Russia is the problem rather than Air strikes?

  92. Prasunda,
    Do we really need AIP propulsion? Those who has little knowledge of submarine ( or any ship ) propulsion, they will understand that this AIP can generate power only for minimal utilities and hardly any use for propulsion ! It's better to use that space for more Li ion batteries.
    Actually a Harvard student made a niche technology, by that Li ion batteries can be charged very fast. That technology Modiji should ask.
    Best regards

  93. USSR's UFO Files & How They Were Smuggled Out:

    Pyramid-shaped Craft over Russia & US:

  94. To RAGHU: LoLz! Surely you don’t except TKMS & NAVANTIA to commit ‘Harakiri’ by creating a future competitor like MDSL by sharing critical IPRs!. We can thus conclude that frm the outset, the IN in its P-75I RFP had made unrealistic & undeliverable demands. Nor can we compare Indian DPSU shipyards with the likes of Daewoo & Hyundai that are global shipbuilding giants & therefore can develop in-house & absorb far more imported technologies & engineering expertise even without obtaining ToT from any foreign OEM, which has been the case with KSS-1/KSS-2/KSS-3 SSK licenced-production projects. This brings to my mind India’s most pathetic shipbuilding experience ever:

    Ordered in July 1987 & commissioned on April 3, 2000 to a Bremer-Vulcan design, GRSE Yard Number 3008/INS Aditya is a fully air-conditioned and lengthened version of the original Deepak Class, but with a multipurpose workshop and with four RAS (Replenishment At Sea) stations alongside. Building progress was very slow and the vessel was plagued by propulsion problems, during her sea trials in September 1999. The aim of the commissioning crew is to carry out 201 unreps a year and as of February 17, 2001, she had achieved 189 unreps and 5 dockets.

    Coming now to P-75I & the TKMS/MDSL industrial partnership, several options can be expected:

    1) The six projected SSKs could be built with DMR-292A/B steel sourced from SAIL.

    2) A variant of the ‘Saransh-1’ combat management system (CMS) developed & built by TATA Power for the three SSGNs could be developed for installation on the six SSKs.

    3) Bow-mounted cylindrical sonar suite developed by NPOL & built by BEL could go on board as well.

    4) Multi-purpose torpedo-tubes developed & built by L & T could be adopted, as well as the wire-guided variant of Varunastra HWT.

    So, in the ultimate analysis, quite a few IPRs will he held by Indian OEMs.

    The S-80+ design from Navantia has a lesser chance of being selected since its AIP module has yet to undergo sea-trials & its CMS & armaments package will be of US-origin & hence won’t offer the flexibility that the TKMS design offers to the IN, especially in terms of using hardware & weapons of non-US/Russia origin.

    To ASHWATTHAMA: More likely by 2026.

    To THE INDIAN: 1) Not likely. 2) TKMS is the obvious frontrunner. 3) E-2D Hawkeyes won’t be procured until the placement of the IAC-2 order. 4) Had already given the weblink yesterday explaining all that. 5) Not so soon. The IAF’s reqmt for additional Rafales is far more urgent.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: That’s not what I had stated. PoJK can still be liberated PROVIDED India displays political will. Listen to what PoJK-origin folks have to say:

    To VENKY: Not quite, because the future ownership of the 3 AW-101 is now under arbitration & it still is a political hot-potato. A far more realistic option is to convert the IN’s 20+ Sea King Mk.42B/C MRHs into dedicated AEW & CS p0latforms by installing these:

    GE T700 Turboshaft:

    IN Sea King Mk.42C:

    Such Sea Kings can easily accommodate the MH-60R’s glass cockpit avionics as well. Usage of T700 engines will ensure commonality with such engines already in use by the MH-60Rs & AH-64E Apache attack helicopters.

    To AMIT BISWAS: Those in colour are genuine & were all taken from video footage released by China 2 years ago.

    To VISHAKH: All JMSDF SSKs are double-hulled, which is not what the IN wants.


  95. hi prasun

    you suggested the fitting of the selex leanardo aesa osprey radar to convert the sea king into awacs

    looking closely there is no space between the deck and the underbelly of the sea king to accommodate the radar which has 3 antenna face. More over if the antenna was belly mounted a hard landing might crush the antenna as the oleos might go to the full extent

    do u think the only way is to mount the radar on each side of the seaking giving a 240 degree coverage like the netra.?

    changing the engine is ok but dont u think the airframe is really outdated?

    will mounting the antenna on an alh on the sides as a temprory measure possibile?

  96. @prasun da

    i don't think India will ever blame or condemn russia simply because they have been standing with us when the world community was against us. why bcoz of this i heard:- it steel plant tech on being requested by Nehru in 1951 after being told by UK especially guys like Churchill and others Eisenhower denied us and said that we will remain friends but can't help you. UK even persuaded Stalin not to help but his death changed all in 1954 Nikita Khrushchev quickly asked Nehru find me places and i will provide all help and that is how bhilai steel plant came out of nowhere in 1956 even an entire industrial zone was created around bhilai steel plant whereas other plant were setup in and around existing industrial zone.

    2. also when in mid 1980s when India was suffering from back to back draught rajiv gandhi went to USA asking for super computer to predict weather and rain. reportedly they agreed for 40 millions but warned that if it is used in any other act we will crush you so hard you won't be able to make a safety pin(they said else but actually meant that) a furious and insulted rajiv came back and asked cdac chairman who reportedly asked for 6 months, 40 crore and no question asked supply line. 8 months later we had paramount super computer. reportedly russia again helped with material support and expertise along with little help from probably Israel

    so much as we want India will never condemn russia

    Joydeep ghosh

  97. Prasun sir,

    Many people have doubts that once the US is done cutting down the Chinese and Russians to size, they may turn their attention to India.

    We can already see the ideological framework being set in the western press with india allegedly turning into an illiberal democracy for possible future intervention in our internal affairs.
    Ofcourse India doesn't want to fundamentally change the world order like China but the US is aware that India is only country other than China that can challenge their power in the distant future.
    Considering they allowed China to become a near peer instead of striking them down soon after the end of the cold war, I have a feeling they may not want to let India get too powerful.

    Your thoughts?

  98. Prasun Da, regarding the clips Amit Biswas was showing by the fake Chinese/Paki Bot :

    What ails India to release video of captured Chinese Troops in Galwan clash, there were reports of PLA Casualty, in Twitter, what CCP should not be given the taste of their own same medicine ?

  99. I am sorry if I became sentimental, but it is really awful to see low life Pakistani - Bangladeshi Trollers Trolling Indian Army using the same video clips. I am sorry for my outburst.

  100. Prasunda

    VMT. Is the time taken for achieving the reliability due to the fact that even if all tests are successful, a certain number need to be carried out before the necessary reliability is achieved ?


  101. Prasun Sir,

    You have said that PLAGF took higher casualties than IA in the Galwan incident. If so, why has'nt IA released any footage from it side like the PLAGF has done ?


  102. Also, is this something to do with the present report of economic upheaval inside PRC as reported by this YouTube Channels:
    (How Comac C919 only achieved 25% indigenisation)
    (This one is from DW TV)

    Please share your Views Dada.

    Thanks in advance.

  103. To RAD: LoLz! The radars on Sea King Mk.42Bs are enclosed inside the drum-radome mounted in the tail-section just behind the engine section:

    Alternatively, this configuration can be adopted:

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: LoLz! The whole community was against India? The how about these:

    2) During the 1971 East Pakistan refugee influx, hundreds of US citizens hailing from USID & US Peace Corps delivered selfless medical services to the refugees for full 10 months. 3) It was US President Eisenhower who ushered India into the nuclear age through his Atoms for Peace Programme & the 1st Indian nuclear power generation plant at Tarapur. 4) It was the US, not the USSR, that provided almost all the emergency weapons shipments to India in late 1962. 5) Since India’s independence, tens of thousands of Indians have benefitted from visas granted to them for high educational pursuits. This has been the greatest contribution of the US towards human resource development & remains unmatched.

    Thus, if you want to engage in competitive benchmarking, it will easily emerge that when you weigh in all this in a ‘Taraazu’, the contributions of the US & other Western countries far outmatch those of the USSR/Russia.

    To HARSH: China is a revisionist power, meaning it re-writes history as per its whims & fancies to suit its ideological narratives, like coming up with the arbitrary & unlawful 9 Dash Line in the South China Sea. India on the other hand is a status quo power that respects international law & thus she unconditionally accepted the ICJ’s ruling on a disputed island in the Bay of Bengal that went in favour of Bangladesh. Hence, India will never rock the boat.

    To PARTHASARATHI: For protecting littoral waters & territorial waters through ASW sweeps, unmanned long-range & high-endurance waterborne drones can easily do the job of AIP-equipped submarines. And as I had already stated before, once nuclear-powered submarines enter a naval fleet, the sustenance of conventional submarine fleets fetches only diminishing returns. Hence, the IN should opt for more SSGNs (up to nine) rather than go for conventional SSKs.

  104. @prasun da

    you are correct US heped India usher into nuclear age indeed but only after its refusal to share steel tech was nullified by USSR sharing steel tech

    and btw the greatest gift of USA to India with regard to agriculture has been the weed 'gajjar ghass'

    a dangu=erous weed that has destroyed agricultural fields in villages by 000s of acres, and even cities haven't been spared.

    even animals like cows, goats, let alone any stray doesn't even want to touch or eat it, it grows at such wild speed that it covers an area in no time and people have to spend hours and cash to get rid of it ever=ytime but its got no permanent solution

    and no the USA itself hasn't been able to help India get rid of it, whereas this shit weed was never known to grow even in USA

    BTW, 3 queries

    1. can we have common upgrade of T72 AND T90 like can be same power pack, aps, anti drone protection

    2. if at all TKMS gets to supply India submarine which one it should be, I prefer the Type 218SG

    3. it will better if India goes for 6 more scorpene with 3 agreed now and another 3 after Shishumrs start retiring in 2028

    your views

    Joydeep ghosh

  105. Prasun Da,

    a. As per the Chinese Video of Galwan concerned, Was there any similar footage of India capturing or dead PLA soldiers in the same Galwan Clash which could have been released, so that CCP should be served with their own medicine. As we know IA did release still imageries of Chinese non fatal weapons which were captured ?

    b. Also, If UAE and House of Saudis try to reform and modernise their society, they should also opt for collaborating with G7 rather with revisionist PRC and Authoritative Russia.

    c. Why Canada's NSA suddenly on India bashing ? Is this a Western Tactics to use 'Khalistani' pawn to bring India out of the sphere of Russia and PRC ?

    Is the Situation really so bad in PRC ?
    This Channel now claims that Comac C919 could achieve only 25% of Indigenization :

    e. Will BRICS die a Natural Death ?

    Please share your views Dada. Thanks in advance.

  106. To SUMANTA NAG & T9BK: Because the release of such videos is ILLEGAL under the Geneva Conventions. This may not be understood by the layman, but professional militaries do. China, by releasing such videos has clearly demonstrated that it does not uphold international laws & conventions & therefore it is India that has moral ascendancy on this issue. On the other hand, India did release videos of the PLAGF’s disengagement from Finger-4 of Pangong Tso that clearly demonstrated the totally disorganised manner in which PLAGF soldiers were withdrawing from those heights. China’s economy is slowing down & there are a lot of hits being taken by the property/construction sectors that have added to the country’s ballooning debts.

    To ASHWATTHAMA: Yes. In addition, the MIRV tracking vessels like INS Dhruv & INS Anvesh were lately commissioned. That added to the developmental delays.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) That has already been specified long ago. 2) Type 218 variant. 3) SSK orders cannot be divided into tranches since metal-cutting & hull construction processes have to be continuous in order to achieve economies of scale. The best option is to go for another 3 SSGNs based on the design of S-2/INS Arihant.

  107. Prasunda

    VMT. Given that Rahul Gandhi was mixing with the Kudankulam anti nuclear activist Uday Kumar (who opposes nuclear weapons and pins hope on RaGa now) and other similar elements, is there a danger of the A-5 and A-P MIRV programs and other such strategic programs being halted if the Congress gets to form the govt post 2024 ?



  108. HI prasun
    the hf-42 an improved clone of the marut is being bandied about as a LIFT. wont it be economical to make a version of the LCA into a lift as we can avoid another series of inventory?
    the R&D that goes into the final product is going to be 1 billion$ easily. why cant we use that money to make more LCAs LIFT?

    If russia is not going to help us in the next series of nuke subs what do we do as everything is russian ex the reactor and its know how. the next gen reactor 190 mw for subs is also russian, what do we do
    if russia is adamant to stop defence supplies due to crisis, india will be forced to go some where and dump russia. russia will loose it biggest marker which is lsowly but surely eroding away.

  109. Will hjt replace Kiran . If yes, will it have the Russian engine? What will htfe 25 be used for?

  110. Prasunda, pranaams

    Do you think India should have Strategic/heavy bombers with conventional payload
    If so is this being pursued by iaf and what is the platform they have in min

    does strategic forces command have dedicated aircraft assigned to them?
    are they likely to buy and build their own fleet.
    what aircraft are available to India

    Do you still feel the f18 would be the aircraft India will buy for the vikrant?

    many thanks

  111. Hello Prasun, is the following report accurate?
    If so I have two questions
    1) Why was the hull mounted sonar planned to be imported in the first place. Don’t most IN ships have Humsa variants? Was there a perceived shortcomings of this system?
    2) wrt towed array sonar, what’s the current progress? How long before this gets available for installation?

  112. To RAD: HLFT-42 LIFT is a long way away as t is meant for pilots meant to fly the AMCA & TEDBF. As for SSGNs & SSBNs, we do have the option of teaming up with France for the propulsion system.

    To JUST_CURIOUS: HJT-36 is now an orphan. Air forces with BTTs & JTs don’t require IJTs. Instead, only LIFT is reqd. Only those air forces with piston-engined primary trainers & primary jet trainers require IJTs, like the Pakistan Air Force.

    To KANE1966: India does not require such bombers since both ballistic & cruise missiles can do th same job of delivering strategic air-strikes.


    This is FAKE NEWS, since the sonar fitment will not be hull-mounted, but bow-mounted. The towed-array sonar will be the ACTAS from Atlas Ekektronik of Germany, supplied through L & T. The indigenous ‘Nagan’ towed-array sonar project was long ago foreclosed by the RDO as a technology demonstration project.

    ABHAY Sonar:


    3 Years After Galwan, India Still Lacks Political Courage & Military Capability to Fight China:

  113. If we believe Praveen Sawhney, then India will lose the war in a few days. He compares the Indian army with the Iraqi army of Saddam Hussein, which is unbelievable-because the Iraqi army was a highly incompetent and third-rate military force like any modern day Arab army. According to him, Imran Khan is an educated and intellectually sound person, which is again laughable. He also claims that General Aasim Munir is way more competent than the Indian army General and always puts the Pakistan army in high regard and has an extremely soft corner for Pakistan. He considered Pakistan's army as more than a match for India in conventional fighting, which is again laughable, because had this been the case, Pakistan would not have relied on terrorism to hamper India and their present economic conditions don't allow them even a Kargil-style misadventure. I don't think he is an expert in AI. All of his claims are bogus and propaganda. It looks like he's on CCP's payroll and his rants are always politically motivated. How he speaks against the govt of India.For example, once he claimed that the UPA government did not respond to the Mumbai terror attacks because there was wear and tear of Indian military equipment because of the operation parakram . His analysis was clearly politically motivated and with a biased attitude, how can we believe what he is saying is absolutely right ? No sane govt would fight with the enemy, which is a five times bigger economy, unless there is no other option, or if the enemy attacks first, which would be the case in any India China conflict, it doesn't mean India could not defend itself considering how Russians are struggling in Ukraine a far weaker Power than Russia in every way, they don't have hypersonic weapons but still Russians failed to demilitarize them.

    1. Pravin Sawhney is Indian Army Reject. He runs his channel for Pakistanis and it's run on Chinese money.
      Please watch his channel the same way as people watch Zaid Hamid Channel.

  114. @prasun da

    regarding your reply to #kane1966 IAF recently conducted 8 hrs long bombing mission with su30 mki and 6 he long mission with rafale. i remember when i had asked should we go for tu22m3 we don't need them as our jets can do long range mission into Indian ocean. looks like same thing happened. kindly do thread on it

    Joydeep ghosh

  115. Sorry Harsh bhai and many like you- great you are optimistic and see India like the US and the erstwhile USSR rising for world domination. BUT- reality is India is a Pacifist nation, has NO intention of being expeditionary, there will be no dictators like China, NOKO or USSR in India and most importantly - technologically India will never outpace the West. Question of challenging India and splitting her up only lives in the minds of the paranoid delusionists mainly wearing Saffron or subscribing to such ideology as part of fear mongering. The only people who can destroy India are Indians themselves with some external cajoling such as China and Pakistan. But if Indians had patriotic mind, why would they be so easily instigated against their motherland? Why more Indians are honey trapped under "I dream of a pussy" mindset by Pakistan with Chinese training? Why every day a new NE rebel group starts up an armed resistance group? India remains centred around North/West and Central India - even though geographically it is one nation, politically the Indian leaders are still playing the British divide and rule game - taken advantage by China of course. So it is not wrong to say that India will NEVER pose a threat to Europe, Americas or Asia so what possible advantage will the US led group have by being anti-India. Plus- no matter what they do, China will NEVER cease to exist as a Red Capitalist nation thus never cease to rise as a threat.

  116. Are Jodu Ghosh - I am surprised Chunku Chatterjee hasn't fired a volley of corrective abuse yet. To transform into Mr A Bakhwas for a second- Aap ne ap bhi nahi samjha ki aaj ke Russia woh USSR nahin hain. This means the mindset of the USSR leadership, national policy and wooing nations to counter the US do not influence Russian capability or national interest. The USSR was NOT a friend of India- no one is no one's friend in world politics- each driven by one's own national and geopolitical interest. To analyse a nation's policy in terms of friendship and benevolence is childish and ignorant. Feel free to copy and paste that part in "For my take" in LOLLLLZZZZ

  117. Sir , it's only your blog where you had mentioned that C 130 J is the apt choice . Everyone else had trashed this , but today your prediction came out true.

  118. Sir your prediction for C130 J as the best choice came out true. Everyone else had trashed this product


  119. HI prasun
    i really dont know why u associate with praveen swaney.

    u mentioned that we can go to france for the nuke reactor , but it was given to understand that the s3 s 4 were already under various stages of construction? what happens next

    will france give us the tech or the reactor itself? will it not be a total re design of the submarine that will incur cost and delays? they did not give the reactor to brazil why will they give us. also they will definitely have a quidpro of asking for power gen reactors on land

    will china lease nukes to pakistan like india russia deal? will america allow it and how ?

    us seems to suggest that the c-130 can be made in india if about 60 aircraft were ordered , i remember u saying that it will cost 3 times more,

    why did we not go for the Israeli heron tp uav which seems to be equal in all aspects and cost less, what specific advantage does the mq-9 have over the heron tp? after all it is easier to get tech from israel

    is there any plan to make special EW jamming large platform based on the on on going awacs, this makes sense. or will it be better to make SEADS platforms based on su-30mki which we need the russians in any way

    what is this story about the su-30 sneaking up to an italian f-35 and jamming it?

  120. @prasun da

    regarding what you said about USA help to India during 1962, i gave serious thought and researched and found many things.

    1. USA did provide help during 1962 war but bcoz its refusal to share steel tech was nullified by Russian help.

    2. It gave weapons to India, but if it gave 1 to India then 10 to Pakistan, which is why Pakistan gave a tough fight and still clams it won 1965 war though to me it was somewhat draw, this forced India to shift weapon source to Russia.

    3. USA egged India to make Tibatens fight, help them arm and create SFF, a unit with restricted use

    4. It egged India to rescue Tibetans and give them refuge, now we have 3-4 lakh (born/escape) tivbetans and USA says it wont help

    5. It asked India to deploy a nuclear device atop Nanda devi that got lost, and now its a nuclear scare zone and still wont help us find it

    6. It pushed India to stand up to China but in late 1970s dumped us and shook hands with China and shifted every production facility to China except military-industrial complex, boosting China's economy, reducing pollution levels in own land, and leaving India's economy to suffer from cheap Chinese products.

    7. in mid-1960s sent lakhs of tonnes of grain amid draught and along with it the dangerous weed 'gaajar ghass' that has destroyed 0000's of acres of land in India, and still wont help us get rid of it

    8. When India assimilated Sikkim more than China it was USA that was pissed and took revenge by snatching RN Kao's PA, 2 more associate

    9. Pissed with India for 1998 nuke test it lured Rabinder Singh to take a treasure trove of info pout, but shamelessly still says CIA doesn't operate in India, but reportedly made sure RAW cant operate in USA its said RAW had tried to eliminate khalistani sympathizers/terrorist, d gang members, and even arrest/pluck out some bank loan defrauders from USA, all of whom are now living mast life in USA

    so will you still say USA is India's friend?

    Joydeep ghosh

    1. Add to that, the assassination of Homi Bhaba.

      But look at USSR:

      They killed Lal Bahadur Shastri,
      toppled government of Morarji Desai and coaxed Indira Gandhi into settling things on favourable terms with Pakistan after the Bangladesh war. They have done their bit as well to ensure that we don't get out of hand.

  121. Anyone who believes in Praveen Sawney or the likes who has never even spent a day with the military would be equally daft. As Dirty Harry aptly put it, " Opinions are like assholes; everybody has one" - he is entitled to his views and opinions but whether they are factual or should be accepted as the gospel truth is also up to each person. What is not right is that whoever hears is must accept is as truth concept. I am sure he would have plenty to say about female genitalia because he has hopefully "done" one but to accept his verdict on every vulva? Come on! You know what I mean. LoLLZZZ


  122. Hi prasun

    now its clear that no tank can take a hit and survive with passive armor alone after the kornet or lancet hit on the so called best armored tank in the world ie the leopard german tank.

    so it is imperative that the tanks be equipped with active protection that also take care of the top attack missiles ? do u agree?

  123. Prasun,
    1 what % of components are common between f404 & f414.will mfg of 424 result in assembly oh404s as well in India?
    2 MoD agreeing to 30 drone deal ..what changed? Will India now opt for the aircraft carrier based folding wing version in the future ?

  124. Hello Prasunda,
    Namashkar, what is it that critical capability that distinguishes the mq 9 from the final foc/operational Tapas that made India buy it for all.rhree services.
    Would I be right it would be seaguardian version for navy?
    Would the navy version aslo have the ASW pods ?
    What other weaponry would the navy aquire for the reapers.
    what diff purposes will the IAF and IA use these?

  125. Prasun sir,
    1) Has India started upgrading the older 290km ranged brahmos into the longer 450km ones yet?

    2) Has production of the guided pinaka started?

    3) It seems russia is performing better than before in the early stages of the ukrainian counter attack. Your thoughts? Can russia defeat the counter attack?

    4) How many Mi-17 helicopters are we planning to equip with the spike nlos missile?

    5) When you said that the west is poised to prevail over russia and china, what picture will that western victory entail?
    Will it lead to balkanization of china and russia or only boxing them in and containing their power?

  126. Well why doesn't India immediately develop air launched Pinaka, nuclearize them and fire a few at the US seeing they have done so much damage! Oh that's definitely "For My Take" part II leaked out LOLLZZZ

  127. Hi Prasun

    How reliable is the news in the following link.

    According to the above, the following would be made available to India

    India and HAL will get technology for the following aspects of GE jet engines:

    > Special coating for erosion and corrosion
    > Repair technology for turbine
    > Compression disc and blades
    > Coating and machining of single crystal turbine blades
    > Machining & coating of hot end parts
    > Complete tech transfer for blisk machining
    > Machining of powder metallurgy
    > Polymer matrix composite
    > Laser drilling for combustion
    > Bottle boring of shafts


  128. To RAGHU & JUST_CURIOUS: It is 100% true & it further proves what I have been saying all along, i.e. it is an industrial offsets component of the F-414 turbofan procurement contract that will take effect within the next 36 months, with HAL then becoming a part of the global supply chain of GE Aero Engines. What this in turn means is that GE Aero Engines will transfer all the industrial toolings & machinery reqd for producing such components to HAL & outsourcing such components ONLY ffrom HAL, i.e. GE will no longer be producing them in the US. Most of such components are common to both the F-404 & F-414 turbofan families. This, in essence, is the standard US policy on military-industrial cooperation, i.e. it is similar to what Boeing & Lockheed Martin have been doing with TATA in Hyderabad. For instance, al AH-64E Apache airframes are fabricated by TATA & shipped to the US, where no one presently produces AH-64E airframes. Same goes for C-130J & CH-47F & S-92 airframe parts tht are produced by TATA & Dynamatic Technologies.

    At the technology-level, all such technologies are about 30 years old & were transferred to HAL even by UMPO Ufa 20 years ago for producing components for the AL-31FP turbofan. For example, BLISK machining has long been superceded by BLING machining. So by no means is any cutting-edge production technology being shared with India/HAL. Nor will the complete F414 be licence-built by HAL. This is contrary to what the ‘desi bandalbaazes’ are mis-reporting, like this one who now claims that the Tejas-AF Mk.2 M-MRCA will be twin-engined:

    Also, his claim that the GTRE-led Kaveri turbofan project is a failure s totally wrong. The Kaveri today stands ready for high-speed taxi trials & flight-tests, but is devoid of a suitably available aircraft airframe. While high-speed taxi-trials can be done by any PV-series or LSP-series Tejas Mk.1, in-fight tests will require a twin-engined combat aircraft & t is here that the trouble starts, because airframes like MiG-29 & Su-30MKI re designed for turbofans that have overhead-mounted gearboxes, while Tejas & all their West-origin combat aircraft have gearboxes mounted beneath the turbofan’s front-end.

    To HARSH: 1) Not yet. 2) Yes. 3) Not quite, because the Ukrainians with West-supplied armoured vehicles of all types have far superior night-vision sensors than what the Ruskies possess & hence Ukrainian attacks at nighttime have been quite successful. 4) Not more than 20. 5) Their economic capitulation is the desired objective as of now.

    To RAD: Yes, the APSD needs to be modified to tackle top-attack PGMs.

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: The IAF NEVER stated anything about the Rafales & Su-30MKIs launching any weapons during such long-distance flights. As for the USSR-supplied steel plants, each of them till this day has a roof capable of holding 4 tonnes of snowfall! In fact, the late J R D Tata had famously chided Pandit Nehru by saying “as if the people of India want to eat steel everyday”. For every one of your reasons, I can come up with 10 additional reasons to counter your reasons. The best option therefore is to leave it to the Indians who are clamouring for H-1B visas & Green Cards in ever-increasing numbers. Additionally, here are some explanations offered by Fareed Zakaria:

  129. o ROHIT GILL, NIKHIL M, RAD & KAMARAMA: Emotional outbursts are no substitutes for objective & rational assessments. What most of you may well have missed are last week’s remarks by PLA officials at the Shangri La Dialogue in Singapore:

    That no one from the MoD or HQ IDS has so far officially rebutted this is quite galling & outrageous. Let us now come to the nature of the threat from China & the post-reforms PLA. Up until 2010 this was the situation that had been beautifully explained here:

    Starting from 2011, the PLA underwent a transformation, which I had detailed in the July 2021 issue of FORCE. A PLAGF ground offensive/counter-offensive now aims deep and is designed to unhinge the adversary’s defenses and force him to fight on the ground of your choosing. Quite dissimilar to this is a "riposte" that till this day remains India’s military counter-response. The scope and size of the riposte is much more limited with the intent of targetting the bases from where the adversary’s offensives have emanated, thus forcing him to retract. In simple terms, the PLA will be faced with a bloody stalemate & not an outright defeat at the hands of India’s armed forces. Consequently, in order to obtain an outright victory across multiple dimensions 7 operating at multiple levels of efficiency, the PLA will wage war across diverse fronts, a taste of which India has had since 2014, as reported here:

    Further complicating matters re the dysfunctional command-n-control processes & practices of India, as explained here:

    Therefore, the PLA Senior Colonel was fairly correct when he stated in Singapore that India posed no military threat to China & China’s military force modernisation efforts had a commanding lead over those of India.

    1. Indeed so much for 56 inches cant even handle manipur while trying to butter the uncle sams

    2. As per this, PLA will meet bloody stalemate.
      Then why Pravin is speaking of Indian defeat in few days ?


  130. HI prasun
    i do agree that china has superiority in numbers and sophistication . then if so i wonder why they did not attack in a full all out war if they think they are superior?

    they got a taste of the resilience of what the Indian grunt can do.

    I do agree cyber attacks will happen and they will keep doing it .

    they are superior in fire power as well. BUt it will be a shame on them in the eyes of the world if they cannot defeat india and capture land as they plan. But my real fear is the political will if modi in not the PM

    the real problem is these bastard politicains who have let the country down time and again.

    i would tend to look at what vietnam or even afghanistan which were nothing compared to the US could do to US>

    All this rubbish that india was not an enemy due to being inferior in military modernization is nothing but a PSY OPS done in singapore which is a modern out post of china.

  131. @prasun da

    even if iaf didnt say anything on launching any weapons after su30mkis 8 hr flight and rafakles 6 hr flight into indian ocean, its obvious they didn't go there for sight seeing, they tested the limits from where they could launch missile (my =guess su30 mk went beyond seychelles), question is whether the su30 ,mki or rafale did it with 1 or 2 mid air refuel

    regarding what you said abt green card/h1b visa I would also add that 6500 multi millionaire are leaving India this year permanently for good, this pace has increased since 2014 btw

    how I know well I have helped prepare documentation like soa and other docs for many many job and study aspirants as a freelancer

    as for multi-millionaire leaving India they have realized since 2014 situation in India is getting from bad to worse.

    why is this happening, well seewhat happens in USA, there people wake up in morning with peace of mind, a cool and calm brain, that allows them to think and innovate and explore the limits of horizon

    that's we have

    sabeer bhatia, aj paulraj, ajay banga, satya nadella, raghuram rajan, gita giopinath, sundar pichai, kalpana chawla and more who leaned in India but explored in USA

    but what is happening in India

    people wake in the morning not with peace of mind but with hate and abuse for others, particular towards of other religions

    they are more concerned what is kept in their fridge of other people whether its beef, pork, fish or something else, what are they eating

    they are more concerned whose daughter is talking to which guy, is he from same caste/gotra or religion if not then overwrk their brain to plan to beat the boy and humiliate his family, shut down their business

    people in India wake and think with concern why and how a boy and girl can meet and/or love each other or a 2 men or 2 women can meet and love each other

    they wake up in the morning ad think whether the man or women selling veggies or fruits n others on the road is from a particular religion, if not then beat him and destroy his livelihood

    I m sorry if these are the samples of the thought process when ibdians wake up in the morning, then India wont be a civilized nation let alone a vishwaguru

    btw I must tell you that both goli nmaro thakur and dekh loonga mishra have parked their progeny in USA but those dumbs who listen to them in India cant even send their off spring to good school

    also I don't understand what is the NSA has problem with Nehru Gandhi family and Congress, after all he flourished under them, when he was a IPS they then congress govt pikerd him to be spook, awarded whim Shaurya Chakra, made him top IB man, he says if Netaji was their partition wont have been.

    btw his entire family including wife n 2 sons are now parked outside India, don't know case of any other country's NSA in the world whose family stays in other country, where reportedly his son does business with a Pakistani

    I think that bastard davinder singh was definitely his stooge as when he was caught transporting terrorirists he calmly said don't do it as I have blessing from top,

    and thanks to that blessing the case was dismissed, and has now vanished with is wife and 2 daughters who were reportedly d=studying in dhaksa and the cop who arrested asshole his career has reportedly been finished


    Joydeep ghosh

  132. If the objective is to ejaculate then PLA and China's position is - it doesn't matter which hole they shove it in. Whereas in India's case, they lack any protection hence wanking is the only solution now and in the foreseeable future. Might sound weird, but deeply consider what I said with regards to India's defence capabilities and you will fully agree with what I said.

  133. @prasun da

    btw regarding what you said to HARSH

    After asll the talk by west of Putin dying, Russia losing thousands of soldiers, and claim of ukraine will clobber them in summer/sproing offensives

    UK MOD has now finally admitted that its advantage Russia as the Ukraine offensive has stalled after Russia bludgeoned its advances and displayed intact captured Leopard 1 tanks, Bradleys, Humvees and much more

    now US, UK are worried that these captured weapons will make their way to Iran who have grown experts in reverse engineering


    Joydeep ghosh

  134. Dear Prasunda,

    The Kaveri engine you are referring to is whixh one? What is the dry and wet thrust. Is this thrust level.enough for Tejas Mk1 or Mk1A?
    What's the next uprated model of teh Kaveri if there is one?

  135. Sir,


  136. Prasun,
    1 with IPR transfer shudnt India pursue a separate deal with RR for IPR? Maybe join the uk-japan engine consortium.that engine cud be used for su 30 replacement
    2 converting arihant into ssgns wud be a great idea . How much effort wud it be? Also considering arihant weapons load it wud probably carry @20 bramhos. India shud go for 7-8 such ssgns..will India opt for barracudas for SSN requirements?

  137. 3 why did IN go for the 218 model and not the newest 212CD one? The same proven siemens AIP cud have been used. Also why has TKMS opted for double hull design for 212 CD?
    4 can India licence the outer hull stealth design of 212 cd from TKMS for its arihant based ssgns?

  138. Prasun Da, did not that Prompt GoI for option to bar Chinese vendors from Participating in to Telecom and Power Sector. Or source Power and Telecom equipment from PRC. Then we have our Greedy 'Bewsaee' Clans from Eastern India, the assholes (I use this term deliberately and do not target any specific community, since Human Greed does not have any caste gender and regional discrimination) choose to import wholesale cheap products from China which could be sourced locally. These basterds boards flight to China in hordes and brings shipments of lighters, electronic goods, protective masks even Totos , when accordingly local Toto drivers, mostly from Bihari Muslim Community, the one produced in Bangalore are far superior quality and long lasting, though little costlier than Chinese counterparts, but economically advantageous. However, recent economic turmoil may have screwed the asses of these Basterds a little bit.

  139. Prasun sir,
    1) If there is a conflict between India and China, what do you think the Chinese objective will be? Will it be to take over the whole of ladakh and arunachal pradesh or only tawang and a few other areas?

    2) Has India started production of the indigenous air launched glide bombs?

    3) If china is held to a stalemate if they attack India, wouldnt that be a defeat for them, since they are the bigger power?

    4) Are Indian Anti drone systems like those from drdo, zen and bbb solutions enough to take on chinese drones?

    5) How far would you reckon india has come since galwan in terms of drone and anti drone systems, especially loitering munitions, which seem to be inducted recently. Is there a significant improvement?

  140. To RAD: The answer is simple: China is calibrating its responses based on Indian reactions. For instance, if India refuses to recognise a Beijing-appointed & selected 5th Dalai Lama & continues to house the Tibetan Govt-in-Exile, i.e. the Central Tibetan Administration at Dharamsala, then China will be forced to initiate a high-intensity war in Arunachal Pradesh. China has already achieved its military objectives in Ladakh & a border conflict in future will not take place there, but in Arunachal Pradesh. A confrontation between the two militaries will end up in a bloody stalemate, but the war will not be limited to the ground & air. Instead, the war will spread to the space & civilian infrastructure domains that will aim at creating total chaos in the average Indian citizen’s day-to-day life, possibly leading to widespread riots & breakdown of law-n-order. It is something Russia has been desperately trying by launching inexpensive Iran-origin drones in large numbers, or what Hezbollah will do against Israel. Back in 2006 Hezbollah had only 10,000 rockets to fire against Israel. Today Hezbollah has more than 2 lakh rockets stockpiled instead Lebanon & to add to that has positioned rockets & drones inside Gaza, Syria, Iraq & even Yemen.

    Meanwhile, here re some of the new products being shown at the Paris Air Show:

    Turkey’s T-929 MRH:

    MBDA Aquila 3-stage hypersonic interceptor:

    To JOYDEEP GHOSH: You are NOT paying attention to these 2 tweets by the IAF:

    It is clear from these that the Rafales & Su-30MKIs were undertaking long-range navigation practice flights. That’s why the IAF state that the flights had reached their ‘weapons release points’, and not launched any weapons. And no, the Su-30MKIs did not fly towards or near Seychelles.

  141. To DHANU: LoLz! Transferring ground-control of Tapas from land to a sea-based platform, versus the Sea Guardian/Sky Guardian UAVs being controlled & flown via SATCOM thousands of km away from the ground-controlled station! This by far is the best example of how the ADE is decades behind everyone else when it comes of UAV-related R & D activities.

    To AMIT BISWAS: If not handled properly, what’s happening in Manipur could well spread to all other northeastern states where tribalism remains vibrant.

    To SUMANTA NAG: LoLz! And how would you react after reading & watching these:

    To NIKHIL: Bloody stalemate at the military-level. But what about other domains like the space & economic/financial domains, as I have explained above to RAD?

    To HARSH: 1 & 3) You are fixated only n the military front. Wars are fought across several domains as I have explained above. The end-result is thus a culmination a various types of battles fought across diverse domains. 2) Not yet. It will be at UP defence industrial corridor that is now coming up. 4) Yes. 5) LoLz! Reqmt for drones was identified back n 2017 but to date not a single cargo-drone has been ordered by the IA. The attack-drones of both the IA & IAF that have been ordered cannot operate at high altitudes, i.e. between 17,000 feet & 19,000 feet where passes like Rechin La & Rezang La lie. Nor will any light tank survive hits from ATGMs like the PLAGF’s CM-502V NLOS-missile. Instead of light tanks, the IA should go for the ground-launched variant of SANT that can be launched by LAMVs like Kalyani M4, or even a re-engined BMP-2 carrying such cannister-encased missiles like the NAMSIS configuration.
