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Saturday, February 29, 2020

Re-Engineered Meteor BVRAAM On The Works For IAF

If any new-generation BVRAAM is to become a ‘game-changer’, then it has to have vastly improved kinematic capability compared with that of existing BVRAAMs. This requires substantial increases in two key parameters: ‘F-Pole’, i.e. the distance between the BVRAAM-launching MRCA and its target when the BVRAAM hits; and a ‘no-escape zone’, the range within which the BVRAAM can be fired and the target, no matter how it manoeuvres, cannot escape. When an existing BVRAAM the like AIM-120D AMRAAM, MICA or R-77/RVV-AE is fired at a target, it delivers the same amount of thrust over a certain period regardless of the tactical scenario. If the target can be reached without the rocket motor burning out, or shortly after it does so, the BVRAAM will have a high-energy state during its terminal attack phase. This will allow it to manoeuvre very hard, easily countering a targeted combat aircraft trying to evade the incoming BVRAAM. If the target is farther away, the BVRAAM will usually climb to a high altitude while its rocket motor is burning and then coast on its built-up energy with gravity on its side until it reaches the terminal phase of its flight (its final attack run. If the target is not too far away, and the BVRAAM is still above it, it will dive down on the target in an attempt to maximize its ability to make hard manoeuvres. The longer the shot, the less energy the BVRAAM will have for its critical terminal phase of flight.
Whereas the AMRAAM’s rocket motor burns for seconds, then the missile coasts, a Meteor-type BVRAAM is under ramjet thrust for its complete flight. Consequently, the latter’s average velocity is higher and the Meteor arrives with the energy to out-manoeuvre its target. Thus, both the F-Pole and the no-escape zone are increased. Instead of burning off all its fuel right after launch it can throttle its engine back during cruise, thus saving fuel. As it approaches its target it can throttle up, eventually making its terminal attack while at its highest possible energy state, around Mach 4.5, even when fired over long ranges. Not only does this mean the Meteor will have more energy to manoeuvre during the endgame of the engagement, but this capability also drastically increases the size of the no-escape zone. Basically, the Meteor has a far greater ability to chase and catch enemy combat aircraft over long ranges.
The Meteor’s data-link also has two-way capability, so the pilot could re-target the BVRAAM while it is already on its way. The pilot can also see the Meteor’s fuel-burn rate, kinematic energy and tracking state in real-time. This is essential for making quick decisions as to whether or not to fire another BVRAAM at the target or to run away if it is properly tracking toward the target or has obtained its own lock. The Meteor will be able to get those crucial mid-course guidance updates not just from the MRCA that fired it, but from “third party” sources as well. These can include other MRCAs, airborne early warning & control (AEW & C) platforms, and land and sea-based radar and electronic surveillance systems that provide their own situational awareness data to the missile-firing MRCA via data-link. Thus, with many assets contributing to a common tactical network “picture” via common data-link waveform and language, it provides information that anyone, including the Meteor-armed BVRAAM and the Meteor itself, can exploit.
While the above-mentioned reasons are precisely why the Indian Air Force (IAF) has ordered the MBDA-developed Meteor BVRAAMs for its 36 Rafale M-MRCAs, the operational requirement for such ramjet-powered BVRAAMs is for 2,500 units. And there’s another catch: the Meteor BVRAAM should be compatible with the mission avionics of all types of MRCAs that are in service with the IAF. This, in turn, represents a systems integration challenge, but there is a solution, nevertheless.
This involves, on one hand the installation of indigenous mission computer, stores management system and pylon interface avionics (all using the MIL-STD-1760 digital databus) on MRCAs like the Tejas Mk.1, Tejas Mk.1A, Super Su-30MKI and MiG-29UPG, while on the other the Meteor’s MBDA-developed Ku-band active seeker and a module of its rear-mounted two-way data-link can be replaced by corresponding India-supplied avionics and sensors that are used by the indigenously-developed Astra-1 BVRAAM. This way, the MMRs of Russia- and Israel-origin can seamlessly be integrated with the Meteor BVRAAM, since India will first have the avionics and sensors integrated with the Israel-origin and Russia-origin MMRs at the Israel-based and Russia-based avionics integration test-rigs and then supply them to MBDA for installation inside the Meteor airframes.
Engineering studies to this effect were jointly undertaken by MBDA and India’s Defence R & D Organisation (DRDO) back in 2016, when the DRDO began its own in-house conceptual studies on develop a solid-fuel ducted rocket (SFDR)-powered BVRAAM. It then emerged that a suitably-modified Meteor BVRAAM containing DRDO-developed avionics was indeed possible to both develop and integrate with the Russia-/Israel-supplied AESA-MMRs, while at the same time not violating the IPRs of the MMR-supplying foreign OEMs. In fact, MBDA is already well into such a re-engineering programme for Japan, with whom the UK first began holding exploratory talks in 2014 on the prospects of a Meteor BVRAAM fitted with an AESA-based Ka-band millimetric frequency seeker that was developed by Mitsubishi Electric Co (MELCO) in the previous decade for the indigenously developed AAM-4B (Type-99) BVRAAM. Later, in January 2017 the Cooperative Research Project on the Feasibility of a Joint New Air-to-Air Missile (JNAAM) commenced. If all goes well, then such a BVRAAM will begin flight-tests in 2023.
In India too, R & D work began in 2016 for developing AESA-based X-band and Ku-band active seekers for both the XR-SAM long-range surface-to-air missile and the SFDR-powered Astra-2 BVRAAM, with Hyderabad-based Astra Microwave already having built two types of such seekers (developed by the DRDL/RCI), with work now underway on developing their Ka-band successors that too will be compatible with the Meteor BVRAAM.
The Ka-band seeker with an active phased-array antenna (with 20km-range) and a secondary X-band passive channel will replace existing Ku-band seekers (with 6km-range) and provide higher resolution and countermeasures resistance. Such seekers can effortlessly work across multiple frequencies simultaneously, which makes them not only better at finding objects, but are also more difficult to detect. In addition, electronically steered antenna beams also offer other improvements: it is possible to perform an adaptive antenna beam-forming based on antenna sub-group transmit (Tx) and receive (Rx) channels or even adjusting all the single antenna transceiver elements. This put us into a position to use algorithms of super resolution in order to recognise and localise jammer sources while concurrently conducting target acquisition and tracking.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

I had already explained the benefits of SFDRs here:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

GISAT-1 is the first of two earth observation satellites (meaning, it can also provide ballistic missile early-warning) planned for launch next month. GISAT-2 will be launched soon as well. It carries a high-resolution camera. The imaging payload consists of multi-spectral (visible, near infra-red and thermal), multi-resolution from 50 metres to 1.5km. This means that GISAT-1 will be able to send a selected sector-wise image every 5 minutes and an image of the entire Indian landmass every 30 minutes at 50-metre spatial resolution. The geo imaging satellite will help keep a check on natural hazards and disasters, keep a constant watch on the border areas, and monitor any geographical changes. It will be able to carry out rapid surveillance. It will rotate the earth and return the same spot every two hours and when needed, it can spend a longer time on certain areas. The GISAT-1 has a lifespan of 7 years, weighs 2,275kg, and the main equipment it is carrying is the multi- and hyper-spectral imager along with the 700mm Ritchey-Chretien telescope to carry out its function of earth observation and data collection. The GISAT-1’s mission payload comprises:

700mm Ritchey-Chretien telescope based on the design of Cartosat 2
Array detectors in VNIR, SWIR and LWIR bands
High-resolution multi-spectral VNIR (HRMX-VNIR): 50-metre resolution
High-resolution multi-spectral (HRMX-LWIR): 1.5km resolution
Hyper-spectral VNIR: 320-metre and 192-metre resolution
Hyper-spectral SWIR: 320-metre and 192-metre resolution
Data handling system and camera electronics
Transmit antenna system which is electronically steerable
High agility platform to enable large payload steering requirements

For those interested in knowing how such an early-warning satellite functions, do watch this documentary on a real-life event that took place in the USSR in September 1983:

On the other hand, for digital terrain elevation data-mapping & all-weather recce, the 300kg RISAT-2/Polaris/TecSAR was launched on April 20, 2009; followed by the 615kg RISAT-2B on May 22, 2019; the 628kg RISAT-2BR1 on December 10, 2019; and the RISAT-2BR2 in March 2020.

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, believe me i have always wondered why this exact solution is not coming into the minds of our drdo chaps..hehe..looks like dream come true..when will the first meteor will be integrated and test fired?? Do u know any timeline? And does this mean our own sfdr version will be put to backburner? Or both to be in our inventory?

Srinivas Nandiraju said...

Prasun da, how does dual pulse motor like I Derby ER which is on offer compare to meteor. Will India aquire this? Many thanks in advance....

shukant chatrath said...

Sir once again an amazing article, hopefully such a solution is implemented on a fast track basis or atleast as fast as the DRDO is capable.

What will be the timeline of this hybrid missile, like when can we expect trials to start and a probable induction date?

Also compared to this what will be the timeline of the Astra Mk2 (SFDR Version), will the program benefit from the hybrid Meteor project?

Thanks and regards,
Shukant C

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,

Thanks for this post. Hope Astra mk2 with SFDR will be as good as Meteor in all aspects.

Wanted to know how the su30mki dodged the AIM120C5? What was the F Pole when F16 launched it?

Further it now deliberated in US that future air missions will be pilotless relying on AI. Which are the nation's currently pursuing this technology apart from US?

What is the best defence available to a pilot to escape the missile in its no escape zone?

Lastly,What defence do we have against a saturation attack by cruise missiles from sea?

Maghavan said...

Very Excellent article as usual Prasun Sir



First of all my hat tip for sharing such vivid technical information. Amazing

Did Astra Microwave develop AESA-based X-band and Ku-band active seekers all by themselves or did they purchase the IPR from DRDO?

Thank You

just_curious said...


1- tempting prospect but will this become a reality? and by when can it be expected?
2- what's stalling super su 30 deal is anything progressing?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SRINIVAS NANDIRAJU: Meteor’s propulsion system is a decade ahead of that of the I-Derby.

To SHUKANTH CHATRATH: VMT. Avionics integration & firing-trials in this case is a two-step process, with the first involving the performance parameters validation of the modified Meteor, while the other involving integration with the MRCA’s fire-control system (the MMR component) & stores management system. At best, both such work packages can be completed within 3 years. Astra-2 BVRAAM is at least another 7 years away at best.

To VED: In India R & D projects aimed at developing homegrown solutions have a very long gestation period & hence I will not be inclined to place too much hope on Astra-2. As I had explained before, the Su-30MKI used the EL/L-8222 ASPJ pod to render the AIM-120C-5s ineffective. Pilotless missions were flown way back in 1991 itself when swarms of drones impersonating as combat aircraft were used to overwhelm Iraq’s air-defence network. No-escape zone exists only for those MRCAs that don’t possess integral MAWS sensors & internally-mounted self-protection jammers. There are no available as of now to counter saturation attacks by cruise missiles inbound from the sea. For that, systems like the IADWS or QR-SAM will have to be located around vulnerable areas & vulnerable points.

rad said...

hi prasun
great article on meteor missiles amnd systems .
Dont you think that we would be better of to invest in our own SFDR missile than re engineeer the meteor missile? .
again the meteor will be in the range of 5 mill $ acopy can we afford that given our requirement compared to the lower cost desi SFDR?
would the MBDA agree to that? It is a big deal making a small aesa seeker , as only mitsubishi ahs done it. how did we do it ?

you have shown 2 models of aesa radar for ku and x band . How far has the project gone and when will it be in service ?. How come a pvt industry astra has tech know how to make aesa seekers for misisle compard to the massive ,manpower base of drdo? . ka and Ku band aesa are to be integrated into one seeker?
will the aesa seeker mature by the time the sfdr is ready?

on what missile will the planar array ku band and x band seekers go on ?
coming to aesa radars - dont you think that having experiance in L , C , S Ku aesa seekers and radar, we can also make aesa based jammers?on board and off board?
again where were the AESA manufactured ? we dont seem to have the FAB.
Is there a possibility of china supplying ramjet AAM to pak ? to counter us .

as you have mentioned that the mid course missile update can be done by an awacs as well. would it not be a great idea to have the phalcon awacs control the barak 8 miisles sams ?Due to the fact that the awacs sees a larger picture of the air battle .? and both systems are israeli?

you mentioned digital terrain mapping . Is it for the terrain foll mode in cruise missiles and accurate moving map on ac for low low penetration? can this be connected to the flight control sysytem for hands of flying . ?

DAshu said...

Sir, the peace deal is done. One more superpower bite the dust (at least pretend to be).
What lesson India should get out of these developments?

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Is there a trail for recce vehicles going on? It's said South Korea is offering a next gen platform Tigon, while Russia is offering BTR 82A. Why would MOD encourage this when we already have TATA-DRDO WhAP?

Regarding Pinaka 3, why is there no news. Is it true that we are abondoning that project for Russian Tornado-s, assemble in India offer?

Is it true that Akash2 is nothing but a Barak mrad missile with desi specs?

Are we really procuring 1580 Atmos 2000 mgs from Kalyani group?

And why is mbda helping India in its quest for desi Meteor to be integrated to Russian & Israeli MNRs.

Srinivasa Nanduri

bradshaw said...

1.What are your views on recently upgraded shilka by OFB with a new radar and other systems ?

2.Dont u think that IADWS is a waste of money just to please Trump as similar and more capable systems like QR SAM, Spyder and Akash are already available.

3. Why Northern Syria ( Idlib) is a no fly zone for Turkey when only 1-2 S300/400 systems are present at far away locations like Latakia. Turkey with a fleet of 250 F 16s and hundreds of drones and cruise missiles not using it's air force ? Something is not right somewhere.

4. Turkey openly supporting. HTS , Alqaeda offshoots and Jihadis with weapons and what not , still US and NATO supporting them , atl morally. Why ?

5. Can India be a part of F35 program and take all manufacturing responsibilities earlier shared by Turkey ?

VSJ said...

Thank you for the news! Seems like our future arsenal will consolidate into Astra, astra mkii, meteor and its desi variant across entire IAF once current russian buys expire. That's a huge edge!!

1) Sir, why just 6 apache, what's the big idea?

2) LCH orders still stuck? How far are weapons integration along on rudra and lch? Heard they were hanging on atgm purchases of both helina and imported.

3) The truck mounted AK630.... Kinda looks off balance lol, why is it so large and high unlike contemporary ones?

Any chance of reducing it's size? How is it powered? Can we mount a power pack and DRDO anti drone jammer in spare space or use a larger mount?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: VMT. Have uploaded additional slides above that explain what type of RF seekers have been developed to date by DRDL/RCI. Astra Microwave is only the fabricator/manufacturer & not the developer.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It is already a reality, as explained above. Why else would have the DRDO & MBDA jointly undertaken engineering studies for arriving at such a solution? 2) Such agreements are inked only during the annual inter-govermental summits on military-technical cooperation.

To RAD: Yes, greater local investments are indeed necessary, but for that one will first have to construct wind-tunnels that can be used for optimising BVRAAM airframe designs. Are there such wind-tunnels available in India? No. The CSIR’s wind-tunnels are all trisonic while the DRDO had as far back as 2011 had claimed that a hypersonic wind tunnel facility will come up in Shamirpet about 35km from Hyderabad and that it will be useful in simulating hypersonic flight speeds (up to Mach 10, a Mach number is the speed of sound) on the ground in the facility. And last October it was claimed that this facility will be inaugurated ‘soon’. No new updates since then. And when all such costs are added up, a ‘desi’ ramjet-powered BVRAAM costs as much as an imported one, rest assured. The DRDL slide uploaded above explains it all about different types of RF seekers developed & for what. Where the AEW & CS platforms will operate will not be the same as where the Barak-8 LR-SAMs will be located. Primary role of AEW & CS platforms are airborne battle management & not just early-warning. On the morning of February 27, 2019 the PAF’s Saab-2000 AEW & CS platforms could not detect the scrambled IAF MiG-21 Bisons because the latter resorted to terrain-masking flight-profiles when closing in on the PAF’s attacking MRCAs. Diital terrain-mapping is for obtaining 3-D terrain elevation data that can be used for both real-time terrain avoidance as well as for pre-programmed flight-paths for PGMs like Spice-2000 or LACMs like SCALP & Nirbhay.

To DASHU: Just wait for the Afghan Taliban to officially reach out to India for seeking support & legitimacy. Hence, for India it is business as usual & there’s nothing to worry about.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SRINIVASA NANDURI: Those are all unsolicited offers for FICVs & future APCs. There’s no project to develop the Pinaka-3, since Russia will supply 120km-range rockets for the IA’s Smerch-M MBRLs. And such rockets can easily accommodate NavIC GPS receivers for precision navigation/terminal guidance. Akash-1S incorporates a dual-mode guidance suite comprising the semi-active seeker & the active Ku-band seeker developed for the Astra-1 BVRAAM. Akash-2 too will incorporate dual-mode guidance, but this time comprising the active Ku-band RF seeker plus an imaging infra-red seeker. No one in India will procure either the ATHOS or ATMOS, rest assured. The modified Meteor will not be ‘desi’, but will just incorporate some avionics & sensors that will make it only 20% ‘desi’. Why so? Simply because this is the only way of integrating the Meteor with the IAF’s MRCAs without violating the IPRs of Israel-based & Russia-based radar manufacturers, as I have already explained above. And just as India has inked military-technical/military-industrial IPR security agreements with countries like Russia, Israel, France & the US, a similar agreement will soon be inked with the UK for the modified Meteor BVRAAM project.

To BRADSHAW: 1) It has taken an awfully long time to develop only 48 units between 2013 & 2020. 2) Not quite, it now seems, because the IADWS is fully qualified for high-altitude operating conditions, which the SpyDer-SR & QR-SAM are not. The final confirmation of this will come when it becomes known where the IADWS will be deployed. 3) Syria can easily redeploy its S-300 LR-SAMs closer to Idlib while Russia with its own S-400 assets in-theatre can cover other areas of Syria. 4) Because Turkey still plays host to several critical NATO infrastructure facilities. 5) Only if India decides to procure the F-35 JSF.

To VSJ: Don’t place too much hopes on Astra-2 & instead just wait in anticipation of the modified Meteor being made available by 2023. 1) Why the Apache at all? Why not a mission-optimised LCH? 2) Still no integrated self-protection package available on the LCH as of now, while for both LCH & Rudra, the HELINA/Rudrastra remains elusive. 3) The size can easily be reduced through common-sensical re-engineering. The reason why a vertically stacked AK-630M exists is due to its installation on naval platforms, where due to space constraints a vertical configuration is preferred over a horizontal configuration, as revealed here:

But in case of a truck-based configuration, the ammo feeding/power-supply mechanisms & the command-n-control consoles can easily be co-located on a separate container alongside the six-barrel gun-turret, while the target acquisition/fire-control radar/optronics can be mounted above the container. One can only attribute the lack of such a configuration to the intellectual laziness of BEML & OFB. Looks like even SOUND COMMON-SENSE is eluding the two DPSUs even after I had drawn a conceptual configuration & had given it to OFB as far back as 2016!!!

Anonymous said...

Indian army wanted to buy 198 wheeled recee vehicles ?
Who are contenders ? what is the status ?
If it is S Korea, L&T production facilities can be used for local assembly ?
Why cannot it Govt to Govt to cut down delays ?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

If the following are to be believed, then by all means there is an emerging pattern to the recent communal pogrom in north-east Delhi:

From the above, it can safely be inferred that the stockpiling process for the reqd quantum flammable & explosive raw materials & related packaging accessories, plus procuiring country-made firearms (about 1,000 in all, accompanied by about 9,000 rounds of ammo) and generating the money-flow in the reqd quantities for financing all this will not take more than 100 days to achieve, i.e. work must have commenced from last November, at around the same time the unauthorised sit-ins at Shaheen Bagh commenced. It seems the overall objective was to demonstrate DEFIANCE of the state’s writ while camouflaging it symbolic patriotic actions like the raising of the national tricolour on January 26 this year & singings of the national anthem—the most elementary rule of mis-direction or deception taken staright from the manuals of information warfare. And this very action is now being described as being fully justified (by playing the card of victimhood) & revolutionary in terms of reclaiming the Muslim community’s ‘lost pride & dignity’ by the likes of these pseudo-intellectuals & self-proclaimed spokespersons of the Muslim community:

If one notices, such folks don’t have a single word to say about observing the rule of law. Instead, a self-righteous ‘holier than thou’ mindset is clearly seen (like the communal pogrom in Ahmedabad back in 2002 being an unpardonable sin, but not even a word of regret about the burning down of a coach of the Sabarmati Express at Godhra), and immense pride is taken in openly defying the laws of the land through a decadent & utterly distorted socio-political narrative. For instance, they harp about the need for having laws against communal violence, but not a word about embracing the policing reforms that were mandated by India’s Supreme Court’s directive back in 2009, but which have not been embraced/accepted by any stated/UT of India till this day, thereby indulging in Contempt of Court. In addition, they have developed amnesia about the incident of 1835 when the then Gov-Gen of East India Co, Lord Macaulay, after stopping the funds reqd for the functioning of India’s traditional educational centres/institutions, was approached by the non-Muslim communities for making restitution by creating English-language educational centres for studying both physical & social sciences (which Macaulay wholeheartedly accepted & began implementing). On the other hand, the then Muslim communities, led by about 8,000-strong Ulemas hailing mostly from the Sunni Muslim communities of the then Bengal & today’s UP & Bihar, were vehemently opposed being educated in English & instead collectively decreed that the Muslim communities would stick to receiving only religious education in their Madrassas. And it is this very mindset that still prevails & is also the reason why Muslims in general shun India’s civil services exams.

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Coming back to the latest pogrom, if the intention was to take advantage of plausible deniability by not leaving any tell-tale evidence, then the human resources reqd for creating mayhem & bloodshed had to originate from outside Delhi, i.e. from Bihar or Jharkhand. The same modus operandi would had to be adopted WRT securing the firearms & related ammo & here are some indicators about their origins:

In fact, all such preparations clearly bear a close resemblance to to the kind of spectacular bloodbaths of the type that the ISIS takes pride in orchestrating, choreographing & enacting. The IB officer Ankit Sharma’s 50+ stabbing wounds bears clear testimony to ISIS-inspired brutality. And the final piece of evidence of this was the flash-mob that gathered in Delhi's Jaffrabad area on February 23—this being a deliberate attempt to embarrass the Govt of India on the eve of POTUS & his family being welcomed in India’s national capital. The Delhi State Govt & the Union MHA were clearly taken by surprise & were clearly unwilling to take the necessary harsh law enforcement measures that would have either put the Govt of India on the defensive or would have forced it to defend the indefensible. Consequently, India’s apex-level decision-makers probably decided to do nothing that would precipitate matters & this in turn created administrative paralysis even within the Delhi Police rank & file, which had already been severely demoralised by then, as explained here:

From the above, it does appear that if ISIS indeed was the brains of all this starting from last November, then it definitely achieved 70% of its desired objectives. And that’s precisely why NSA Ajit Doval was made to hit the streets of the riot-affected areas earlier this week, so that he himself could gauge the extent of psychological penetration that ISIS had achieved within a mere 48 hours among the affected Muslim communities in the 14 towns of north-east Delhi.

As for the pogroms staged by ‘Hindu’ marauders, they too, for the sake of achieving plausible deniability, would have been mobilised from outside, i.e. from UP’s Purvanchal region & Haryana. Add to this the 3rd party, i.e. the Dalits mobilised by the ‘Bhim Army’ & one now has 3 parties indulging in wanton arson, looting & murder. But evidence recovered so far from various videoclips reveals that the involved Muslim marauders were in possession of large consignments of firearms, while their ‘Hindu’ opponents had improvised weapons like iron rods, sickles, knives, stones, etc etc.

And as for deficiencies in policing & judgmental errors, this is an excellent encapsulation of it all:

But it the law enforcement authorities are left free to function as per the law of the land, then smart policing action like this will be the norm every day:

Harsh said...

1. Sir, In 2018 there were 2 separate news items indicating clearance for 40 & 150 ATAGS by DAC? When will the deal be signed?

2. Any additional orders for M777/K-9?

3. When will the deal for MGS be inked?

4. What happened to 21 Mig-29 orders?

5. Any update on additional AWACS?

Ludwig said...

Thanks for this great news Prasun da. I have a question considering that we are planning to upgrade su 30mki mission computer would it be possible to integrate a non Russian aesa like 2052 with it. If not why?

Govind said...

Prasun da, can u shed some light on the following article related to India's hypersonic missile test :

rad said...

hi prasun
are you suggesting the sfdr will die a natuaral death? I dont think so as the make in India fever will prevail and also it will b better off for us to invest and learn the art of ramjet missiles though a little costlier .
has the uK come forward to integrate the meteor with indian seeker and datalink? will the other members allow that as it is a joint venture with many nations ?
There is an interview wherin test pilot Unni pillai says the the MAWS,RWR and other self protection goodies on the rudra gunship will also be on the LCH?
now comming to wind tunnesl , how come there has been tests launches of sfdr when there is no wind tunnel to optimse ? is it really necessary to have a wind tunnel for mach 10 tunnel, when the max speed of the sfdr will be around 4.5 mach comparable to the meteor?
now how does drdo simularte re entry anlysis for missile reentry warhead for agni series where the mach no are much more?\
regarding the taliban
There is a wise saying " to conquer an enemy , make friends wiht him "
has firing commenced on the truck mounted ak 630??
do we really need the HIgh altitude capability of the IADWS when akash, MR sam are there?

VSJ said...

Sir, what can be the possible solution against this third front?

Seems like islamist boots on ground, left information warfare machinery combind with "George Soros" type funding.

Police reforms sound good, but only if implemented. "When" is the ram bharose question.

For now, with current resources and administrative setup, what can we do further?

State action will always bring up the "minority pogrom" "oppressed minorities" and it gets lapped up instantly by local and international media.

john said...


Is it possible to send Arjun tanks,Guided pinakas, Nag, ATAGS, QRSAMs, under development ATGMs etc to Syria to test it out in actual war conditions against Turkey?

Why the Helina is still elusive.? Something wrong with the design?

Your comment on China using laser against US P8 aircraft?



Now the real action begins it seems...what if SC daclares abrogation of Art 370 illegal...then what are the options for govt??

Manas said...

Prasun da can the existing Mirage 2000 be integrated with the Meteor,and is Russia not developing a BVR which can be integrated with upgraded Sukhois to compete with the AMRAM

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

with regards to your views this morning lets go PKS style ie point by point rebuttal

1. you said about pogrom but forgot that such pogroms though caarried out bmilitant organizations are fanned supported aided abetted and bolstered by state support, in this case the central govt, dont forget whether it was pre ww2 jewish pogrom, bengali pogrom 1971, marwari pogrom 1960s, indian progrom in uganda, lanka tamil pogrom 1970s, sikh pogrom 1984, muslim pogrom 2002 and now delhi pogrom 2020 all had tacit govt support otherwise why would cops refuse to act despite calls for help, they broke cctv so that their inaction or wrong actions arent caught out

2. you said it was started since shaheen bag protest started whereas reality is these started the momemycentral govt realized it will lose delhi 2020 election its after that kapil mishra, anurag thakur and their ilk started goli maaro pravachan and had audacity to repeat the threats in front of a DCP.

3. you said govt was taken aback, reality is govt was in full know but refused to act. it evident from fact that when judge asked thmm why they didnt file ate speech firs =cops meekly said they didnt watch them but judge himself got those clips to be played inside court, an act for which he was punished with mid night transfer, though he had consented to it but never in independent India such transfer were affected at midnight.

4. you said once JNU had become hotbed of communism but conveniently forgot another university had become hotbed of hindutva not hinduism and 2 students Akshat awasthi, komal sharma brought immense laurels to that university when they lead the attack on jnu with chopper and big hammer in hand but the tacit support of govt is evident from fact that despite evidence these 2 suckers being on rampage delhi police is unable to arrest them yet but more than eager to arrest sharjeel imam for sedition, now kanhaiya kumar too

5. you said 'law enforcement authorities are left free to function' but didnt these were same guys who beat a injured man forcing him to sing national anthem (who died yesterday) broke cctv, beat up lawyers who went to police station to ask for detainee release through legal channel. they even let shooters fire at anti caa protesters as spectators but arrested them when they realized they were being filmed

6. btw a pulwama accused was released as nia didnt file charge sheet, i bet next in line for release is davinder singh,also vanzara was gifted promotion yrs after retirement for him immense service, what these guys had helped hide any idea?

7. btw just learned BEL ill sell Swati WLR to Armenia how much of thats true?


Joydeep Ghosh

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARSH: The DAC approval for ATAGS was only for a trial-batch or LSP-type platforms. Until the total weight comes down from 18 tonnes to 14.5 tonnes, no bulk orders will be placed. No updates of anything else as of now.

To LUDWIG: The EL/M-2052 AESA-MMR is meant for light-MRCAs & M-MRCAs & not for H-MRCAs. Hence, installing a lighter AESA-MMR on the Su-30MKI will affect the aircraft centre-of-gravity. Furthermore, the existing NO-11 ‘Bars’ PESA-MMR will be modified into an AESA-MMR by replacing only the front-end antenna-array, thereby leaving untouched all the other LRUs of the radar. If a brand-new AESA-MMR is to be installed, this will jack up the costs to prohibitive levels.

To GOVIND: It is 100% FAKE NEWS because the DRDO’s HSTDV is not aerodynamically configured as a weapon, as its images/visuals clearly illustrate. When it comes to weaponisation of hypersonic vehicles, the hypersonic gliding vehicle must have an aerodynamically optimised design, which the HSTDV clearly isn’t.

To RAD: What I had stated that such R & D activities take a very long time to succeed. For instance, HAL is now claiming that it will take 7 years to develop a NMRH platform:

I had also stated that MBDA is already negotiating the co-development of the modified Meteor just like MBDA has agreed to co-develop a modified Meteor BVRAAM with Japan. Here’s the video of the interview of LCH TP & HAL’s helicopter R & D Division’s Chief:

SFDR firing tests are not the same as conducting wind-tunnel tests of a BVRAAM full-scale model. The former concerns propulsion & the latter concerns aerodynamic shaping. The Astra-1’s wind-tunnel testing was done in Russia. Re-entry analysis for BM warheads & RVs used to be done at test facilities & wind-tunnels owned by ISRO. However, after India decided to join the MTCR regime in the previous decade, she was reqd to separate her civilian (ISRO-owned) R & D facilities from military facilities & hence the DRDO is now setting up its own dedicated test-facilities.

To JOHN: Sure they can be sent there, but that will translate into India directly siding with the Syrian govt & taking part in the civil war. Do you want this to happen? HELINA’s on-board IIR sensors still haven’t been able to acquire the reqd 7km range. Only 5km has been achieved for daytime engagements.

To MANAS: Meteor can be integrated with Mirage-2000 but as in the case of Tejas Mk.1 it won’t be of much use because the MMRs of these two MRCAs won’t be able to acquire hostile airborne targets at ranges that the Meteor requires for target illumination so that it can receive mid-course guidance cues.

To VSJ & JOYDEEP GHOSH: Will reply back in detail later today.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Emotional responses tend to blur objective assessments & that’s perhaps why you overlooked my 1st assessment in the previous thread on February 27, 2020 at 5:11 AM. And yes, 4 BEL-built Swathi WLRs have been sold to Armenia. Here's the report & a related one:


Sq ldr vyas was abhinandans wingman...finally it came turning back and leaving abhi alone was good decision or bad??

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Here are the rebuttals: 1) The Delhi Police was hopelessly outnumbered that day against the 20,000 rioters since half the Police personnel were deployed on security duties elsewhere in Delhi in lieu of the arrival of POTUS & family. 2) Impossible, since the logistics of procuring hardware for use during rioting & the mobilisation of human resources cannot be completed within just 2 weeks. 3) Those are conspiracy theories & one will have to wait for the reports of the SITs. 4) Wrong. What I had always stated was that educational institutions should not allow party-based politicking within the campus areas & must remain apolitical. 5) Do read the data on the 2009 Supreme Court directives concerning policing reforms & you will understand the concept of checks & balances, duties, responsibilities & obligations. There is no such thing as absolute freedom, as you seem to be implying. 6) But another one was caught as well & here he is:

To VENKY: Those AFVs you are referring to for the IA will be the modified BMP-2 ICV with turret-mounted sensors that was exhibited at DEFEXPO-2020 & whose photo I had uploaded in the previous thread.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: So, these are the main points from that article:

1) 24 hostile combat aircraft were launched from from Kamra, Murid, Chander, Sargodha, Rafiqui and Jacobabad during daytime & were headed towards Akhnoor, Poonch & Anupgarh. Facing them were 14 IAF MRCAs: two upgraded Mirage-2000Ns on CAP east of Udhampur, and two Su-30MKIs near Srinagar. Two MiG-21 Bisons were scrambled in two lots (10:01am and 10:03am) from Srinagar, two MiG-21 Bisons Bisons from Awantipur, two MiG-29UPGs from Adampur, two Su-30MKIs from Halwara, two Su-30MKIs from Bhatinda and two Su-30MKIs from Jodhpur.

2) 11 standoff weapons—two each at Kishan Ghati, Bhimber Gali (Hamirpur), Kesbowl and Tackundi Bowl, and one each at the 251 Ammunition Point in Rajouri and Bharat Gala—were launched but could not cause any damage. The debris indicated use of H-4 gliding PGMs (range 120km) and range extension kits (60km) on Mk-83 bombs. Five AIM-120C-5 AMRAAMs were fired as well.

And here are the lessons learnt by the IAF:

1) Though the PAF’s BVRAAMs gave them an advantage of first-shot capability with better kinematic range, they were still neutralised through the IAF’s superior airborne EW self-protection suites.

2) Weather and mountains do impose physical limitations on aerial surveillance. Good and real-time intelligence will always be the most critical requirement in any conflict. This can be achieved through the procurement of passive IRST systems that are networked via the IACCCS & can provide early-warning about inbound hostile MRCAs using to terrain-masking flight profiles.

3) It was only airborne communications jamming was a vulnerability since airborne MRCAs could not communicate with one another (that's why Sqn Ldr Vyas was unaware of Abhinandan's location & hence was not able to give EW jamming cover to Wg Cdr Abhinandan). But ground-to-air voice/data comms channels were not jammed & that's how Sqn Ldr Vyas, Abhinandan's wingman, was instructed to turn back. The IAF has been crying hoarse for years for securing communications and progressing the case for SDRs capable of securing comms traffic between friendly airborne MRCA formations, plus for operational data-links that will act as back-up comms channels for receiving vital situational awareness data & warnings from both AEW & CS platforms & ground-controlled intercept (GCI) controllers.

4) Dominance in the electromagnetic spectrum will play a key role in future conflict, meaning both passive airborne SIGINT/ELINT sensors &integrated, internally-mounted EW self-protection suites comprising RWR, MAWS & low-band/mid-band/high-band jammers must be on board all MRCAs.

5) Clear rules of engagement are important in less-than-war situations. These rules need to be reviewed quickly, meaning in such a conflict scenario in future, LR-SAMs need to be brought into play to unilaterally declare a no-fly zone over the so-called ‘Azad Kashmir’ component of PoK, & 380km-range LR-SAMs of the S-400 system must be authorised to engage PAF AEW & CS platforms flying 221km away near Kamra inside Pakistan, since the Saab-2000 AEW & CS platform from such standoff distances can still look up to a depth of 80km inside Indian airspace.

6) Combatants need to be trained to quickly switch from peacetime rules to wartime activities, meaning the air-defence networks of the 3 armed services must be permanently integrated in a seamless manner. Also, the existing civilian & military air-traffic management protocols must be made unitary so that rapidly designated military airspace corridors can be made operational without restricting civilian air-traffic movements in any way.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Analysis of the US-Afghan Taliban Peace Pact:

More interviews of former CAS of the IAF, Ret'd ACM Tony Dhanoa:


My cocern is IAF should put mission mode effort to equip all current inventory with atleast RWR, INTERNAL mounted ASPJ and some sort of MAWS internally or in podded version...

Doesnt current inventory IAF MRCA AC has any type of display/data source to indicate ASP and position/location of blue and red forces...

For me Biggest mystery still is Where was the MiG 29s during that period and why didnt Mirage 2000Ns fire a single MICA...i guess they were best suited for BVR engagements..

3rd ~ EyE said...

Hi Prashun ,

I am not sure if you have already done this .If not, can you give a comparative analysis of Swathi WLR along with Polish and Russian ones that it triumphed over ? and may be also include Arthur WLR and Israeli WLRs as well ? Did we win the deal purely on grounds of merit ?

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,

Had a western probably French AESA radar been selected for Tejas, the 8ntegration of Meteor would have been possible. Is it still possible if UTTAM gets ready?

In an integrated battle group who will command it at division or theatre level among the three IAF IA or IN officer?

In between the two which is a more effective in BVR combat : TEJAS with I derby or Su30mki with R77?


Any truth or believable content in this??


If india ups the ante y shooting down any PAF awacs, wont paf insist for tldirect chinese help wrt to conduct its operations like china deploying its own/PAF deploying H9 long range SAM or even S 400 on pakistan soil to take out IAF phalcons and netra...

Any new info about new AWACS/AEWC future procuremt roadmap??

Any progress for tri services AD CMD and OP DATA LINK and secured comms on common protocol ??

just_curious said...


1- what is this news about HAL proposing a 10-12 ton IMRH & a 10 t apache class attack heli.. which with a dated design(seriously 80's) .. wouldn't it be better to have a joint dev of kamaov 92 or JVL of the US.BTW why does HAL keeping spending energies on quixotic adventures like this or ijt 36? when the IAF has moved on ..shouldnt they focus on SPORT & mk 1a. Is there some discussions ongoing related to future helios & these guys want to pose hurdles in that?
2- Should India re initiate the erstwhile northern alliance in afghanistan as a plan B option to safeguard itself & its interests in afghanistan(this wud also keep the taliban in check)? how will the current developments impact chabahar investments & its proposed extn to other central asian republics? can Iran, India, Uzbeks, Tajiks, Kazaks gang up. the talibs were/are a threat to all these countries
3- How do you view India -Qatar relations .. afterall, all these wannabes (erdogan, mahathir, and our eternal fav-IKN) are bloody paupers & are banking on qatar to bankroll their caliphate dreams. how will qatar play this...
6- Turks threatening/blackmailing EU wth refugees.. how will this play out? will EU retaliate?
7- Does India need to rebuild/strengthen relations with Iran given all the recent developments?
8- Shouldn't India offer line of credit for defence purchases to Armeina, Greece, Syria & Cyprus & sell bramhos,lch, astra & other weapons/ships to keep turkey its place?Also should'nt India setup a base in Armenia? turks will only increase their support to pakis & will increaingly be more hostile to India

Maghavan said...

Excellent point by point analysis to Amit Biswas on air battle of 27 Feb 2019 Prasun sir. Hope the people in power corridors go through each point.

To JOYDEEP GOSH: Go through Prasun sir's previous replies a year back where he analysed the CAA and NRC related developments even before it happened based on RV session and they turned out to true.

I am paraphrasing the reply-----
""To KAUSTAV: Some interesting factoids from Bangladesh: From 1964 to 2013, around 11.3 million Hindus left Bangladesh due to religious persecution and discrimination. It means on an average 632 Hindus left the country each day and 230,612 annually. The exodus mostly took place during military governments after independence. Before the Liberation War of 1971, the daily rate of migration was 705 while it was 512 during 1971-1981 and 438 during 1981-1991. The number increased to 767 persons each day during 1991-2001 while around 774 persons left the country during 2001-2012. The government grabbed the properties of the Hindus during the Pakistan regime describing them as enemy property and the same properties were taken by the government after independence as vested property. These two measures made 60% of the Hindus landless.

And the latest info emanating from bangladesh suggests that an increasing number of Bangladeshi middle-income natives are lapping up the narrative of the religiosity-inspired clergy of that country since they strongly believe that both the Awami League & the BNP have ditched them forever. This, coupled with Sheikh Hasina's reluctance to clamp down harshly against such extremists, have now given rise to populist slogans like "all Kaafirs leave Bangladesh". So, in case if there's no clearcut succession plan in place within the Awami League, then chances are that by 2021 or 2022 there will be a massive exodus of the remaining 1.2 crore Bangladeshi Hindu citizens of Bangladesh towards India (the last such exodus was in 1993 after the Babri Masjid demolition). But this time, the worst-case scenario envisages that while the 1.2 crore Bangladeshi Hindus are most likely to head for India, a corresponding bloody exodus of Indian Muslims will take place from areas like lower Assam & north WB towards Bangladesh. This may perhaps explain the ongoing NRC exercise in Assam & efforts to amend India's existing Citizenship Law. a few RV sessions on this subject may well be worth undertaking.

July 26, 2019 at 6:54 AM""


Ayush said...

Dada, I have question about Barak 8 land version. I'm curious to know why the prime mover of the Barak-8 TEL detaches from the integrated vehicle? The missile tubes are deployed on the location and the prime mover goes away? What's the logic behind it? It's not the case with S-400 for example.

Parthasarathi said...

I am agreeing with Mr Sujoy Majumdar. It is like that we are always technologically behind Pakistan. Examples are below,
Irrespective of how much they try the accident rate is not reducing !
It is easy to comment that the pilot's training or technical standards are not upto the mark but it's also may true that spare part procurement planning is not a priority ! We are running Sukhoi 30 mki for long. But still the spare parts inventory is below par. Actually we do need statisticians to findout which spares are more consumables than others.
Pakistan is now having PL 15 which is one generation ahead ( aesa radar, ramjet propulsion and solid fuel ) of our Astra latest version. I am not doing the range comparison intentionally.
It's seems that Pakistan knows where mouth is !
Lastly is there any air to air missile available with Russia which is comparable with PL 15.
Best regards.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: The tactical situationl picture can be displayed only on those aircraft that have the two-way data-links, since such a picture contains only data symbology & no voice inputs & the first IAF combat aircraft to have such data-links capable to receiving/transmitting tactical situation picture-based symbology will be the Rafale. The sole MiG-29UPG sqn was deployed for defending the western airspace south of Pathankot. It must be noted that at that time the number of upgraded MiG-29UPGs & Mirage-2000Ns were limited due to the delayed progress of the upgrade. And as the aerial engagements showed, SRAAMs worked better while of the five AIM-120C-5s fired, only 1 hit its target. And if the HHQ-9 is an effective LR-SAM, then why did China procure the S-400s from Russia?

To VED: Any domestically developed AESA-MMR will be compatible with both existing Meteor or modified Meteor since the source-codes of the AESA-MMR will easily be made available to MBDA for integration with the domestically available mission computer & stores management system, all of which use the NATO-complying MIL-STD-1760C digital databus. Integrated Battle Groups being IA formations, their GOCs will be from the IA. As for BVR combat, it all depends on the strengths & weaknesses of the opponent. For instance, against PAF Mirage-3/5 & F-7PG combat aircraft, both I-Derby & R-77 BVRAAMs will be devastating.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) LoLz! The ‘desi patrakaar’ got it all wrong by confusing the IMRH with the AH-64E Apache attack helicopter. 2) Already Iran too has opposed the US-initiated roadmap for Afghanistan’s peace process & it is now emerging that both India & Iran share the same concerns about the Afghan Taliban. And with China now saddled with the COVID-19 pandemic, all hopes of Pakistan about Afghanistan being co-opted into the CPEC’s roadmap will be totally dashed, rest assured. 3) Tun Dr Mahathir’s ouster via an internal coup mounted by his own party was largely due to India’s refusal to import palm oil from Malaysia, since it is the rural Malays who are reliant on agriculture for earning their wages & hence Tun Dr Mahathir’s irrational diplomatic efforts were causing enormous dissatisfaction among the majority Malay population. 8) That has already commenced, although initially only non-lethal weapons will be supplied.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MAGHAVAN: VMT. Another point that I would like to highlight is that Wg Cdr Abhinandan & like him all other MiG-21 Bison pilots still do not get to carry personal locator beacons & such hardware is carried only by aircrews of Su-30MKIs, Jaguar IS, MiG-29UPGs & Mirage-2000Ns. Without such PLBs, it is madness to venture anywhere inside hostile/contested airspace since no credible combat-SAR mission can be launched for the recovery of downed aircrew. BTW, the following are the IA ground installations targetted by the PAF on 27-2-2020:

IA 251 Ammunition Point: 33 22 49.15 N, 74 18 20.78 E
IA FSD Narian: 33 11 41.81 N, 74 16 22.67 E
Bhimber Gali (Hamirpur): 33 33 1.79 N, 74 13 29.91 E
Nangi Tekri (Krishna Ghati Top): 33 36 6.37 N, 74 3 1.30 E

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR & PARTHASARATHI: Can’t blame the IAF because such shortcomings were reflected in numerous CAG reports & reports of successive parliamentary Standing Committees on Defence. In all cases, it was the DRDO’s insistence on developing homegrown solutions that led to such procurement delays, since at the end of the day when the DRDO-developed product emerged, it was found to be deficient in performance parameters. Just like the AMOGHA-3 & MPATGM that are 3rd-generation weapons with half the engagement ranges of their 4th-/5th-generation foreign counterparts. Why else do you think the two additional A-50I PHALCONs yet yet to be ordered when the contract negotiations were concluded back in 2013?

To AYUSH: That’s because the Barak-8 can rapidly be moned into position & deployed in any type of terrain & hence dispersal of sub-systems is possible for survivability. The S-400 on the other hand can be deployed only over surfaces made of concrete, i.e. fixed/static sites & hence in Syria one will see the S-400s deployed within the confines of Syrian air bases.

To PARTHASARATHI: The RVV-AE-PD has been available since 1993. Here it is:

PL-15 BVRAAM is not in-service with the PAF. Only the China-supplied SD-10A is.

To PAVAN: She's at it again with her distorted & factually erroneous narrative:

Anonymous said...

Some of the commentators here seem to think PAF was/is some third rate air-force. It isn't and has never been one. It is infact highly professional force and well respected around the world. FYI they have already exercised with the likes of Rafale, F-22, Eurofighter a decade ago. Lately they have been exercising a lot (upto a month at a time) with PLAAF SU/J family of aircrafts and seem to have figured out how to handle the SU/J type aircaft.

This was a very short skirmish and nothing more. It does not define what would have happneded if it had blown into an all out war. What the rumors seem to say is that PL-15 is coming with the JF-17 Blk 3. If this is the case, what options do we have?


just_curious said...

-thx for your replies but still IMRH is a silly idea to pursue when teh world is moving to push propellers & tiltrotors.. wonder how HAL thinking wroks, if they do it at all
- why is Iran commenting on delhi roits .. are they with us or against us now? if against how will it play out in Afghanistan?
-Will russia be back in afghanistan to stabilize it like syria .. afterall its their backyard too

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAT: The PAF at best comes along as a force with motivated & decently professional human resources, but with 3rd-rate hardware. Barring the F-16 Block 52s, the rest are hopelessly outmatched by their sole adversary, the IAF, on all technological parameters. This asymmetry will continue even after the F-7Ps/F-7PGs & Mirage-3s/Mirage-5s are replaced by JF-17s. In fact, the unavailability of all-aspect SRAAMs for the JF-17s has been the principal reason why China-developed IRST sensors & HMDS remain elusive for the JF-17, which is exactly why on 27-2-2019 the JF-17s were over-eager to avoid the IAF's MiG-21 Bisons in both beyond-visual-range & within-visual-range air combat. Furthermore, Pakistan's elongated geography leaves the PAF with no depth, especially when the S-400 LR-SAMs enter the equation. In fact, had Barak-8 MR-SAMs of the IAF been deployed along the LoC early last year, the PAF would never have dared mount barrier-CAPs over the Mangla Dam reservoir. To make matters worse, the PAF has no layered network of ground-based air-defence systems, since the PA has decided to own & operate the LY-80E LOMADS & this is because the PAF as yet does not have an integrated command, control & comms system capable of air-traffic management of both civilian & military air-traffic & this is one of the reasons why air corridor restrictions were put in place for months after 27-2-2019. The other reason is the very low spares stockpiles since 2018 for both US-origin & non-US-origin combat & combat-support aircraft fleets due to severe financial constraints. As for PLAAF Su-27SKs/J-11s & Su-30MKKs, they are a generation behind the likes of the Su-30MKI since they do not possess crucial force multipliers like NCTR modes of operation & nor do they possess either SDRs or two-way data-links (even the PAF's F-16 Block-52s don't possess them) that are now being introduced within the IAF. The PL-15 is nothing else but an attempt to achieve the kinematic performance of AIM-120D AMRAAM (which can easily be countered through airborne ASPJs) & still falls far short of performance when compared with Meteor-type BVRAAMs.

To JUST_CURIOUS & KAUSTAV: Very interesting reads:

Just_curious said...

Can u share your thoughts on blue dot network which trump mentioned and should india be a part of it? If yes, will it impact India's participation in other groupings like the Eurasian economic forum or the other Russia led north south transit route which india has agreed to join..
India sounding off Iranian ambassador on tweets made by Iranian foreign minister..wot r they miffed it that india didn't side with them on the solemani issue? Wotz with them trying to interfere off late be it kashmir now caa..

Kapil said...

Sir, how could IAF have deployed Barak-8 last year when the delivery of the missile is yet to begin? Only Navy has received it so far

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: The IMRH indeed is an utter waste of time & effort & will only produce a design that has been forsaken by the rest of the world when it becomes ready to enter service. Instead, common-sense dictates that all the funding that India has already paid up for the FGFA & MRTA projects (both of which have been stopped) be diverted & re-invested into the co-development of the Kamov Ka-92 MRH, with India retaining the option of choosing a Western turboshaft for such a helicopter & also conducting all such related airworthiness certification flight-tests in India.

As for Iran’s comments, it will do some good to India’s MEA to be equally creative (because the Iranian FM only stated that Iran “condemns the wave of organized violence against Indian Muslims”, meaning, he never targetted any particular community or group for indulging in the violence) by replying it from an information warfare perspective, i.e. that “while India welcomes Iran’s concerns for the safety & wellbeing of India’s citzens of all faiths, it also needs to be borne in mind that an India that had once given refuge to the Holy Prophet’s family-members & dependents can never be expected to tolerate violence of the type perpetrated by the likes of ISIS against any community residing in India.” Such a message from India’s MEA would have put Iran strictly on the defensive, since it will soon emerge that largely, it was India’s Sunni Muslims who were behind the staging of protests in Shaheen Bagh & jaffrabad & were also organisers of the rampaging mobs.

The Blue Dot concept is part of the Quad Initiative & is indeed a most welcome step & in course of time it will also join forces with the Russia-supported North-South Trade Corridor & Eurasian Customs Union.

And here are some good analytical insights into Afghanistan-related developments:

New Pak National Security Policy Being Drafted:

PN’s EX Sea Spark 2020 Concludes:

To KAPIL: How then were the Pinaka-1 MBRL & Swathi WLR used during OP Vijay in 1999 when none of them had entered service?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

With respect to your earlier response on NRC, you feared about the exodus of Hindus from Bangladesh; hence the exodus of muslims from Assam area. So my question is that isn't it the failure of government? Being a secular country, it should not happen. We can't behave like Bangladesh. Our ethics is not about hatred and violence.


Whats your view on ASSAM RIFLES being amalgamated with ITBP as proposed by MHA...Also ARMY wants operational control of BSF AND ITBP for active border areas it necessary on tactical grounds?? Is it feasible or just a pushover by IPS vs Army

rad said...

hi prasun
is ther any probablity that the chinese would integrate the pl-15 onto the jf-17 out of sheer panic of the PAF?
Is the pl-15 equiped with a aesa seeker .?when do oyu think the desi seer will mature?

Did India aske for integration of the R-37 misisle on the SU 30? . Did they refuse?
what will be the difficulties in doing so ?.
can the rafale give targetting info to the meteor using electroptic data alone fro a silent shoot and kill.?
Is that mode operational on the su-30 as well/.?
Is it a big deal to make a NCTR mode on a normal radar ? can you brief on it?. does the chinese jf-17 radar have that capacity? what about the mirage 2k upg radar?
can you explain about the prophets family given refuge in India? at what time and whre and why were they driven out / after all they were the prohets family?

Anonymous said...

As always thank you for your response.

This would necessiate that every aircraft carry an ASPJ otherwise its survival is at risk. Would it be correct to say that all types of A2A missiles can be neutralised by an ASPJ?

Lately we have seen S300 and the various BUK systems in Syrai being defeated and some destroyed. I may be wrong but I had assumed that these (S300/BUK) SAMs generally have better seekers than A2A due to the space available. Yet they are deafeated by the aircraft ASPJ. My point is when an equilibrium is reached between the BVR missile and the protection pod. Are we then back into the WVR fights?

A side point is that the RCS of our current crop of fighters apart from Mig-21/Tejas is thought to be larger than their F16/JF17. How true is this and how can it be overcome?

Regarding S400, the last exercise between PAF and PLAAF (which lasted 4 wks) and included S300 system. How long before they develop a counters to it? Furthermor it is a very large system which limits its mobility. A large package of aircraft won't take long to find it if its radars are in seach and track mode.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASD: While India must not behave like Bangladesh, I had also stated that if no costs are imposed, then countries like Bangladesh & Pakistan will forever continue to have the cake & eat it as well. Hence, I had proposed that these 2 countries must be forced to part with portions of their land where their displaced population hailing from minority communities can be resettled.

To AMIT BISWAS: While Assam Rifles is a paramilitary institution, the ITBP is a CAPF & not a paramilitary force. Consequently, if the ITBP too were to be transformed into a paramilitary force, then the amalgamation will be smooth as will its seamless integration with the IA’s command & control system.

To RAD: PL-15 BVRAAM on the JF-17 won’t serve any purpose since it too can be jammed with ASPJs. Furthermore, China is nowhere close to developing Ka-band seekers, either with mechanical antenna or AESA antenna. R-37 is meant for countering less manoeuvrable heavy bombers, not MRCAs. Meteor cannot accept any electro-optical data. Nor is it required. About NCTR mode, I had already explained everything about it in a previous thread as well as in a comment above & there’s nothing new to add to them. Data on the Holy Prophet’s family seeking refuge in India is widely available online & one can Google for it.

To RAT: All existing types of BVRAAMs & SAMs that make use of active RF seekers can be neutralised by jammers. That’s why dual-band terminal guidance systems using both RF & IIR seekers are being developed for redundancy. Both BVRAAMs & SRAAMs can be destroyed by directed-energy weapons fitted on-board MRCAs. Today one does not require RCS measurements to detect airborne threats & types. NCTR techniques are a far better option for long-range detection of airborne threats. LR-SAMs like S-300 or S-400 require enormous amount of jamming power that can be made available only from large aircraft like the H-6. The type of escort jamming pods developed by China are so large cannot be carried by any existing MRCA. Also, LR-SAMs are never deployed in standalone mode & are always accompanied by MR-SAMs, SHORADS & CIWS systems.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Perhaps the best-ever seminars to date on the future of land warfare was held today in New Delhi. Organised by CLAWS, the most interesting presentations were made by Israel & the UK:

While the British Army today has a standing strength of only 80,000 combatants from all combat arms, it has also raised a full Division of cyber warriors tasked with surveillance, defensive & offensive cyber operations on a global scale.

The most technologically interesting presentation was made by Lazar Berman of Israel, who mapped out in chronological order the historical transformation of Israel's Defence Forces (IDF), whicvh had by the early 1990s itself had concluded that future wars will be of the non-contact-type in both conventional & sub-conventional battlefields, i.e. the great majority of weapons & platforms used will be of the unmanned loitering-type whose employment will reduce friendly collateral casualties, while dramatically reducing the OODA loop & the sensor-to-shooter gap.

Maghavan said...

reply to ASD:

Our first education Minister endorsed it as a valid position for peace it is called "Hostage Population Theory".

For more:

Go through this interview and the book 'Creating A New Medina' - Venkat Dhulipala

Some interesting tid-bits
Q)Was Jinnah ever racked by guilt or repented the decision which sparked horrific violence?
A)I saw this very intriguing letter in the Hector Bolitho files. Bolitho was commissioned by the Pakistan government to write Jinnah’s biography. Francis Mudie, the governor of West Punjab, in a letter to Bolitho described an incident in which he quoted Jinnah saying, “This [Partition] is tragic – but very thrilling.” The American journalist Margaret Bourke-White, noted that Jinnah’s “deep sunken eyes were points of excitement” when he described Pakistan as the largest Islamic State in the world. He uses the word Islamic, not Muslim.

Infact last line of Author is similar to Prasun Sir's analysis of Pakistan and other -stan countries claiming themselves Islamic which even Kingdom of Saudi Arabia doesn't claim nor Prophet's direct descendant in Jordan.

See this review of book:

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

On Kashmir, why is central government so hesitant about providing broadband and 4G services. In the last few days,a father daughter duo for Pulwama terror attack & a father son duo for Lathepora incident, were arrested by the police. How significant are this moves.

On incidents instigated by left liberals, the narrative since December and especially post Delhi Riots, seems like one long relentless attack. I mean the sheer amount of column space spent by this LW activists, across the global publications is mind boggling. Can it be anymore shameful than UNHRC filing case in Supreme court. They are turning modi government into a very bad joke and government seems incapable to retaliate in kind. Harsh mander's latest speech and involvement of Teesta setalvad in Shaheen bagh, just proves how coordinated they are.

Now publications like the wire are trying to pin defence scams to BJP government.

Can Modi government be able to complete it's 5 years. This situation is unsustainable.

Why is Navy hell bent on 3rd carrier instead of going for MRSVs based on existing IAC designs.

On defence modernization, will Indian Armed forces ever have a transformation like IDF?

Srinivasa Nanduri

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SRINIVASA NANDURI: That’s because India is at the very early stages of possessing an electronic surveillance grid, which was first conceived back in 2011 as the NATGRID but about whose implementation the country’s ‘Netas’ developed any national consensus. As a result, India is now totally dependent on the likes of the US & UK for such support:

To fully understand what it takes to electronically secure one’s motherland, do watch these:

And here’s an interesting pre-August 5 documentary that fully exposes the Muslim Brotherhood-like mindset of the likes of the Mirwaiz, & what kind of de-radicalisation techniques are being applied there since 2016:

As for the so-called civil disobedience protests against the CAA, new revelations about its organisation & coercive aspects are now emerging:

Bulk of these folks, rest assured, hail from the Sunni sect. But such hard truths will NEVER be revealed by the likes of THE WIRE. But VoA has begun showing some truths, like this:

And some latest data on the situation prevailing inside Gilgit-Baltistan:

A former US Ambassador to Islamabad yesterday revealed that he had predicted as far back as 2012 (based on what he gathered through his conversations with Pakistani decision-makers) that Water Resources will be the main reason why a next round of military hostilities will break out between India & Pakistan:

OIC Team Visits in LoC from PoK side:

just_curious said...


Looks like the kamov 92 prototype building is already underway.. HAL must join in....

Anonymous said...


Nice links. Good to read alternative perspectives. Having read on these issues and many others, one thing seems consistent. Most people thought of two nations exisitng with open borders, people and good moving freely. Much like the EU today.

Even after the partition many thought it was only a matter of time before Pakistan is absorbed back into India. Then J&K happened.

No one had thought of the current dystopian situation. This is what hatred lead you to.


Maghavan said...

Interesting video on bangali(bangladeshi) in Pakistan

See the delusional response on 1971 war by that chacha:

AD said...

Prasun da, regarding your response to SRINIVASA NANDURI for his query on Network Monitoring, just I would like to add actually Network Monitoring including scanning content of each email, social media post, chat is quite likely using Telecom Framework. There is a concept called Network Traffic Management. As a fact of matter best example lies in Chinese Network censorship (it is different story that Chinese Telco giants Huawei, ZTE never developed any single product on their own - everything stolen from likes of CISCO, JUNIPER, Ericsson, Nokia). Although extent this estate falls within purview of Net Neutrality/ Ethical practice, but Telecom Framework always provides enough space for such monitoring. And COTS from Network OEMs are available galore for commercial deployment.

Maghavan said...

Thanks RAT,

But even without J&K issue I am not 100% sure of Pakistan's absorption and see this article for more:

Some important points I am paraphrasing here

"If you had asked me at a younger age my unconsidered opinion would have been that India should have stayed united to avert the bloodiness of the partition, whose death toll is estimated from the hundreds of thousands to millions. But upon further reflection and thought, I think the TNT captures the essential fact that the Muslim upper-class of Northern India would never be able to reconcile itself well with secondary status within the state, and, with ~25% of the population being Muslim, would always have a huge vote bank so that they could not be ignored. Perhaps a confessional state with a divided balance of power such as Lebanon could have been attempted, but I doubt the Lebanese solution would scale to a polity which covered the whole Indian subcontinent. A more feasible scenario might be a confederation."
"The separation of East Pakistan, what became Bangladesh, within a generation of the partition, actually proves to me the point about the Muslim upper-class of Northern India and its general attitude toward power-sharing. "
"Though any objective analysis shows that the Muslims of South Asia are overwhelming of indigenous ancestry, the cultural and historical imprint of West Asia is indelible upon them, in particular among certain elements of the elite of the northern cities. Their appearance, food, and language, tie them to South Asia. But their religious commitments and romantic attachment to a greater Islamic civilization pull them west."
"The conflicts between India and Pakistan are due to lines drawn by the British, by states which emerge in the mold of Westphalia. But ruling elite of Pakistan dreams of the Taj Mahal and Shah Jahan. It is born out of the decades when the implausible dream of syncretism and a new religion of Akbar faded out of memory, and the pull of world-normative Islam became so strong that Muslim elites of the subcontinent could not look away and turn their backs. It is also born out of the complex and richly textured traditions of India, which were robust and flexible enough to withstand the shocks of generations of GHAZIS who came to plunder and then rule. Shocks which had swept aside the earlier religions of Persia and Turan before."

Btw see this new video on use of "Enemy Property Act" on Bangladeshi Hindus in past, present massacres and violence.
The Shankhari Bazaar Massacre of 1971, and what it is today:



Several media outlets based in Australia and Europe are now suggesting that Coronavirus is indeed a biological weapon. They are not sure though which country developed it. Was it China or was it US.

What we do know is that just like SARS, Coronavirus is not curable as of now.

Will you please share your insight on this topic? Rogue states like Pakistan or even China can very easily use such weapons against India.


Anonymous said...

Strong worded tweet from supreme leader...let’s see our leaders reaction


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAT: All those who have since 1947 ever hoped that India & Pakistan would co-exist like the US & Canada or the EU member-states were & are delusional morons. For starters, countries can co-exist peacefully only if they have shared values, concerns & perceptions. The exact opposite is the reality concerning India & Pakistan & therefore it is like mixing diesel with water & waiting for combustion to happen. A national security state can never see eye-to-eye with a welfare state, just as a secular state cannot make up with a state whose foundational ideology is rooted in religiosity. As for open borders & free movement of people, how about Pakistan dismantling its fencing of the Durand Line & co-existing with another self-proclaimed Islamic Republic like Afghanistan. Will it ever be possible? That is the real & only dystopian situation now prevailing & J & K has nothing to do with it. Unless Pakistan’s rulers cure themselves from their existing obsessive compulsive disorders, they will never be able to even mend bridges with any of their neighbours.

To ANUP: They aren’t ATGMs, but shoulder-fired missiles with thermobaric warheads, i.e. the Spike SR.

To VIKRAM GUHA: You ought to read this:

And on GoogleEarth you will see this facility from where the virus had leaked:

Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre 30 47 31.35 N, 121 20 4.46 E

And of course, COVID-19 is curable. Hence pay no heed to conspiracy theories & instead place trust on the biology classes of your schoolgoing-days. What this means is that COVID-19 is a biological virus & not synthetic. Consequently, the human body immune system is perfectly capable of combatting this virus, PROVIDED the immune system is strong (for folks that are young & middle-aged). Older folks with weaker immune system will need external enhancements like medication to bolster the body’s resistance. And for the final icing on the cake, here’s Baba Ramdev’s recipe for combatting the COVID-19 virus (watch the last 15 minutes only):

India’s Security Conundrums:

Ajit Doval’s Latest Speech:

To RON: Don’t worry, for the Ayatollah is only a spiritual supreme leader & does not occupy any govt position & hence from India too the rebuttal ought to come not from the Govt of India, but from one of India’s spiritual leaders.

Anonymous said...

What you see in South Asia now is the after affects of 70 years of hatred (in '71 it was already 25yrs of hatred). This was not always the case. In europe you had much more hatred and far greater number of killings yet they are able to over-come those and unite against external powers and aspire to be a great world power. We in SA went on the opposite tragectory, started from a position (together) and split, built up hatred. Only handful of SA leaders in the 1940's really had the strategic vision. The rest were all communal, regardless of the nationalist views now.

Prasun sir, I wish I could agree that relgious violence is only in Pak. We all know that is not the case anymore. Do we really hold the high ground anymore? If one sees the international news, be it CNN, BBC, NYtimes. Its all there and we are showing the faces to the world I wish we hadn't.

Anyway what do you make of the following suggestion by Lt. Gen, to gain influence:


Pratap said...

Prasun da, u have a few questions

1) What is the range of Barak-8 missiles being procured for the 3 services? 70 or 100 KM? Is Barak-8ER also being acquired?

2) How are the QRSAM tests progressing? When will it enter service?

3) Will Pinaka be further developed into a larger system to strike beyond the current 45 and 75KM range? Possibly to replace Smerch?

4) Like Rafale, can Su-30 MKIs remain in service till 2060-2070 after being upgraded to Super Sukhoi standard? Will it be at par with F-15 EX?

5) Can Tejas MWF be ready by the time Mirage 2000 start phasing out?

6) Did AK-203, Sig 716 G2 and Caracal 816 underwent any evaluation and testing process or were they ordered simply for political reasons? Why was Sig 716 procured over Tavor-7, which could have been produced in India by Punj Lloyd?

7) When will IA and IAF start receiving Barak-8?

8) What is the level of Russian support in our SSN project? We know we can't design and develop it on our own.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAT: Again, you are distorting the reality & over-looking the obvious. The hatred began way back in 1835 when the Ulemas of undivided India decided to reject the educational reforms of Lord Macaulay & instead chose to retreat back to the medieval ages. It is all beautifully explained here in great detail:

Consequently, the overwhelming majority of the Muslim communities of South Asia continue to be influenced & moulded by regressive mindsets. One cannot compare Europe with South Asia because the former has since the 1990s embraced the governance concepts pluralistic democracies & legally-binding social contracts, whereas in South Asia such concepts are still works in progress, with India byfar being the more intellectually mature country among the lot. And that explains why in India’s case, only the Babri Masjid was demolished in 1992 but in return as acts of retaliation/revenge about 400 non-Muslim places of worship were destroyed in Pakistan & more than 100 in Bangladesh within a 30-day period. Hence, hatred-building was at a far faster pace along with a far bigger footprint in East & West Pakistan & that phenomenon continues till this day. As for religious/communal violence, it began on an industrial scale in 1946 prior to partition when the colonial Brits, upon fearing violent vengeful reprisals, ceased to impose the rule of law. Following this, as part of her objective of having a federated union, when India began the process of creating states, violence followed as well, as shown here:

In India, whenever decisive steps were taken to quell any kind of organised violent insurrection, they produced swift results in terms of restoring the writ & supremacy of the law of the land, especially against wilful acts of civil disobedience, which cannot be equated with legitimate protests. And in such cases, it was the majority non-Muslim communities on whom the state’s writ was legally reimposed without any fear, bias or guilt, as shown here:

And once the Delhi Police begins filing its chargesheets, the truth will emerge & the conspiracy by certain fringe groups to challenge the state’s writ will be revealed to everyone—domestically & globally. And this issue too will die the same kind of death (within another 90 days) among the global mass-media as has the issue of doing away with the provisions of Articles 370 & 35A within J & K. Because in India the wheels of justice, although very slow to move, do eventually move in the right direction, whereas in countries like Pakistan & Sri Lanka, they just don’t move & the decision-makers of such countries live in a state of denial & make-believe.

As for Afghanistan, the new reality is that it has intensified India’s military force modernisation efforts that will result in far more potential war-waging differentials at the technology-level between India & Pakistan & in India’s favour (due to her far greater purchasing power)—aimed at eventually achieving physical geographic contiguity between India & Afghanistan, while new fronts will soon open, such as India revisiting the Indus Waters Treaty & rejecting the sanctity of the Durand Line. It is this that Pakistan fears most & whenever it refers to India as a ‘Spoiler’, what it means to say is that India’s every act of strengthening Afghanistan either militarily or socially or economically results in reductions in Pakistan’s bargaining powers with/leverage over Afghanistan’s ruling decision-makers. Why else is Pakistan fencing the Durand Line & creating an artificial barrier between the two countries that have Muslim-majority populations & are self-proclaimed Islamic Republics? See the contradictions now?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRATAP: 1) had answered that numerous times before. 2) All such endeavours have a very long gestation period in India due to flawed R & D processes. 3) No. Instead new-generation rockets for the Smerch-M will be co-developed by India & Russia. 4) Of course. 5) Can? Yes. But will it? Hopefully. 6) All were subjected to durability, serviceability & operability field-trials. 7) From this year. 8) There is both intellectual & material support.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1 & 2) You can make an objective assessment on such issues ONLY AFTER seeing the big picture & not just the snippets that you’ve referred to. Hence, do watch these:

Global Strategic Threat & Response Conference, Pakistan:

3) The issue has already gone to both the IAEA & the NSG. 4) Such acts will always hit a wall & will be no-brainers for the reasons I’ve given above to RAT, kindly rest assured.

Anonymous said...

In your answer to RAT you can also include the firings by police to control the riots (where the rioters did not have guns like this Delhi riots) that killed several hindu activists of the Haryana Sirsa based Dera Sacha Sauda.

Or Jat protests firing by Police

It seems that our police are extra careful not to fire on muslim mobs, even if the Mobs are armed with Molotov cocktails, Acid bomds and guns, and as they make active gherao of police and beat/stone them to death; as happened in Northeast Delhi.


Harsh said...

Sir, your comment on this:

"India must quickly put a strategy in place to initiate action at a suitable time to reclaim Pakistan-occupied Kashmir"

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

China has always been dominant against India. Last time it did drag India to UN meeting regarding abrogation of Article 370. Then why didn't India drag China for violating human rights of muslims in Xinxiang? Isn't it a diplomatic failure of Modi government?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: VMT. There have been instances of excesses by law-enforcementy forces in ther past, like this:

But the wheels of justice eventually began moving toward a logical conclusion. This time, there does seem to be credible evidence pointing toward a lack of advance information about the organised rioting & hence CAPF reinforcements could not be mobilised in a timely manner to ensure pre-emption. This calls for a thorough overhaul of existing SOPs of the Rapid Action Force & even arming them with shotguns capable of firing pellet ammo. Meanwhile, for some laughter over the weekend, do watch this pathetic presence of Pakistan-sponsored disinformation efforts in Geneva:

How the Design of Islamabad’s 2nd Int’l Airport Airport Got Totally Fucked-Up:

How Pakistan’s Idiotic Politicians Fail to Negotiate:

Chemicals that Pakistan Desperately Seeks from India:

And more credible protests in Geneva:

And this beautiful documentary on Afghan national Army’s female Combatants:

Pakistan’s Perceptions on the Doval Doctrine & Cold Start Doctrine:

And an Overseas Sikh Website Promoting HATE SPEECH & Dessimminating Disinformation:

To ANUP: of course it is. The evidence can be seen in full view within the Qutub Minar itself.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARSH: The strategy is already in place since late 2016 & involves the acceleration of efforts to achive physical geographic contiguity with Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor via Gilgit-Baltistan. This is because of Iran’s unreliability & this is due to the US & Arab insistence on Iran’s total capitulation. And that’s precisely India’s decision-makers have been busy restoring the age-old warm relations with Iraq (which in any case hosts the holy Shia shrines at najaf & Karbala) by increasing crude oil imports from Basra.

To ASD: Because India is not a permanent member of the UNSC & consequently does not have the kind of clout that China does.

To BHOUTIK: All religions worldwide have violent contents, but they are not responsible for incidents of communal violence. Instead, the phenomenon of RELIGIOSITY is responsible through its inherent contradictions & distortions. For instance, Wahhabi teachings prescribe the same lifestyle for all Muslims that used to be that of the Holy Prophet, meaning since no fruits grew in the Arabian deserts, it is therefore forbidden to consume apples, mangoes, oranges et etc. As I see it, worldwide the three Abrahamical religions are pitted against one another like never before & creatures like Zakir Naik thrive within such conflicts. In addition, it is not Islam that introduced any identity crisis, but the ignorant Ulemas of 1835 who conveniently forgot that the Holy Prophet always used to say that “achanging world requires changing rules, while an unchanging world requires unchanged rules”. In fact, the word “Ishtehaad” in the Quran Sharif & Arabic language means a never-ending process of re-evaluation & derivation. In other words, there are never any intellectual constants & evolution is continuous & never-ending.

Before labour reforms, at least let the banking sector reforms acquire some traction. Watch this:

To BUDDHA: 13,000-Year Old Black Knight Satellite:

Ancient Binary Code Symbols in Antarctica:

To SENTHIL KUMAR: History of Ancient Deep South India:

Ganesh said...

Hello Prasun,
Something to write about the domain I understand; the presstitute from wire ( is glossing over the details as if she is providing talking points to East India Company aka Congress to rake it up. Mutual fund industry has clear view on what is happening in the banking industry and for whatever the government is doing is to protect the interest of depositors and not investors. This was the same thing done in case of Global Trust Bank earlier by a different dispensation. I wonder why you get fixated with the narratives of presstitutes from wire, quaint, NDTV et al who have a single agenda to screw the government.
I remember Mr. Ramalinga Raju of Satyam complaining in TV interviews about a certain fund house beating down the stocks whenever the quarterly results were announced; while others going gung-ho about its cooked numbers, until the facts fell out. Thanks, Ganesh

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

Thanks for your Videos.

Topic1: Kumaria Kandam, the Cradle of the Civilization

Finally World starts to accept that Kumari Kandam(Land Mass below Srilanka) is the Cradle of the Civilization. Human History Starts from Adam to Shiva to Muguran to Nova in KK . After the great flood, KK Submerged and Nova reached Czar Region near Turkey. Later Abrahamic religion starts.

Topic2: Saudi crackdown: King Salman's brother and nephew detained

Now almost all the Princes and royal family members were removed from the power.

Question1: After King Salman Death what is going to happen in Saudi Arabia?
Question2: Whether US+Israel divide the Saudi into two or three countries in future?

Please Comment.

Senthil Kumar

Harsh said...

Sir, plz give the weapon composition of an infantry battalion in terms of how many assault rifles/carbines/machine guns/snipers/ATGMs are there?

Parthasarathi said...

Can we change the radar of Sukhoi 30 Mki to Thales made RBE2. Then we can integrate all European missiles without any problem. My second question is have read somewhere that Brahmos corporation is developing a surface to air missile based on Brahmos ! How far it's true !
Best regards.

Kapil said...

Sir, a question regarding your reply to @HARSH. Are we militarily prepared to attack and capture whole of POK? Do we have the overwhelming military edge over the enemy? We have a stronger army but PA is not going to give us a free pass. The biggest problem is demographic composition of POK. We simply cannot afford to incorporate 5-6 million Muslims into India. This is why we can't take it even if Pakistan offers to hand it over to us. We should focus on Neelum and Bagh districts instead, both have very less population and can be managed. Both are important also because Bagh has the Haji peer pass and Neelum has Sharda Peeth.

Kunal Jadhav said...

Hello Prasun Sir,

Please can you provide update on moderation of infantry.
Status of Small Arms developed by DRDO like MCIWS, Anti-material gun Vidhwansak, 6.8 mm assault rifle.
When can we expect infantry modernization begin because what all the armed forces has being doing is purchasing variety for assault rifle from different vendor for their respective special forces. There is no commonality at all.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KUNAL JADHAV: Here, listen to these ‘desi pundits’ trying to figure out the infantry modernisation efforts:

To HARSH: All such infor/data is available online & can be Googled.

To PSARTHASARATHI: The first query was already answered on March 1, 2020 at 7:23 PM. As for BrahMos-1, an air-to-air variant is bei8ng worked at, not a SAM variant.

To KAPIL: Why is it impossible to envisage the incorporation of an additional 5 million or 6 million Muslims into India? If geographic contiguity can’t be established between India & Afghanistan, then what’s the purpose of liberating PoK?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Excellent documentary on stealth technology applications:

M1299 155mm/58-cal tracked self-propelled howitzer:

Bell 360 Invictus ARH:

Latest soundbytes from RM rajnath Singh:

Latest soundbytes from EAM Dr.S Jaishankar:

Afghanistan's Future:

Gumnami Baba was Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose:

Afghan National Army's Female Commandos:


All the weapons on pylons look unusual...any ideas what are these??

dilbert said...

Why is it impossible to envisage the incorporation of an additional 5 million or 6 million Muslims into India?

Hi Prasun,

Your question was addressed to Kapil, but if I may offer an answer: It all depends on the specific Muslims in question. Maybe the Shias from Gilgit/Baltistan would be okay, but the Mohajirs and PMs (Punjabi Muslims) from the rest of Pakistan, including those forcibly injected into PoK after 1948, would be pure poison for India. To voluntarily take in millions of these people into your country would be like you (a healthy man) voluntarily injecting your body with some deadly toxin/virus.

Susan said...

This Gora is saying

Anonymous said...

With CAA,NRC and delhi riots.... how Bangladesh and India relationship is going to change in another decade?


Ayush said...

Dada, will it be safe for Modi to visit Bangladesh in the background of such massive Islamist mobilisation? Also i think the time has come for GoI to make it absolutely clear to Bangladesh that it will have to take back all illegal Bangladeshi Muslims. These haramis have been taking advantage of our silence. Time has come to show them their place.

Pratap said...

Sir, need your comments on this looks like the wannabe Sultan went to Moscow with folded hands after Russia slaughtered 33 of his troops in Syria. Hope this asshole is eliminated asap. Also I think Putin made a mistake by supplying S-400 to him for short term financial gains.

Anonymous said...

The SiG 716 G2 obtained by Indian army, is it Direct impingement version or short stroke gas operated ?
Which is more suited for IA operations ?
What type does US army M4 use ?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: That’s a very old photo taken in the late 1990s & hence shows only R-27R & R-73E AAMs, plus wingtip-mounted EW pods of the type never procured by the IAF. Hence, it is most likely a Russian prototype Su-30MKI during demonstration trials prior to the inking of the Su-30MKI procurement contract.

To DILBERT: KAPIL’s question was related only to the inhabitants PoK & hence the question of Mohajirs etc etc does not even arise. In fact, inside the area that Pakistan calls ‘Azad Kashmir’, the inhabitants are mostly from Pakistan’s Punjab & KPK provinces. To me, this is the far greater demography-related threat:

To SUSAN: Of course he will say it, because he is fully dependent on the publishing business’s eco-system, i.e. everytime he writes a story for his publication on the PAF or PAC Kamra, those stories are all reprinted in 4-page/8-page booklets for distribution at the aerospace expos in Paris, Farnborough, Dubai & Singapore. It’s all about making money, i.e. Dhandha hai.

To RON & AYUSH: Those are all footsoldiers of the Jamaat-e-Islami & the BNP party, both of whom are united against the ruling Awami League government & consequently are also against Bangladesh-India friendship. But fate is destined to intervene, as the Indian PM’s trip to Dhaka could well be called off due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

To PRATAP: Erdogan will pay a very heavy price along with the innocent Turkish citizens for his misplaced & delusional grand designs. Meanwhile, just as I had assessed, the footprints of ISIS are now slowly but steadily emerging:

And since the Almighty works in mysterious ways, fears of the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in Delhi’s Shaheen Bagh now wearing a deserted look:

Hearing on CAA at the US Congress:

FATF Imposes Further Strict Conditions on Pakistan:

US$15 Billion Island That Will Make or Break Sri Lanka

Interesting Details About post-26/11 Terror Attacks:

Gessler said...

Hello Prasun ji,

It appears splinter groups from PDP & others, such as those led by Altaf Bukhari have formed a new front (Apni Party or JKAP they're calling it) to challenge family-ruled parties like PDP & NC owned by the Muftis & Abdullahs respectively.

I do not know much of the public sentiment regarding a third alternative in J&K, but perhaps you can shed some light on whether such parties are likely to survive, or thrive in the emerging situation post-August 5? And will such middle-ground parties like JKAP earn the favour of GoI & its Agencies?

Where do you see the future of J&K politics going?

Thanks in advance!

Ravi_N said...

What a humiliation for Erdogan of Turkey! Look at his face. Not only that, the whole Turkish delegates had to stand under Catherine II, who defeated Ottoman Turkey a number of times. What a fox is Mr. Putin. I love that.

DAshu said...

Sir, Don't you think this is an excellent opportunity for Govt of India to place orders for the critical hardware like additional Rafales, Chinooks, C17s and others, as govt will definitely be in a position to divert the saved money from reduced crude oil price?

I wonder If an advanced state like China is going through economic hardship due to COVID-19 pandemic, what will happen to India?

Why Putin is treating Mr. Erdogan like this?

It's sad that organizations like ISIS and other radical Islamic groups are getting a foothold in India. Man it's scary

sandeep said...

Sir why is payload capacity of LCH is just 700kg ... Whereas Turkish ATAK has 1600 kg payload capacity ... Can payload capacity of LCH BE increased

Pratap said...

Hahahaha this Islamofascist should visit Pakistan again to feel good. There the Punjabi Muslims with slavish mentality will treat him like a Caliph.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To GESSLER: Those inhabitants of J & K UT who have for decades created & flourished in the political eco-system have nowhere else to go but make the best out of the prevailing circumstances by being ‘reborn’. That’s what we are now seeing. If their intentions are now good & they are willing to adopt optimum (not opportunistic) policy implementation methodologies, then the future is bright both economically & politically, since the main political objective will now be to re-attain statehood & get the kind of protective laws under Article 371, as is the case with several other states of India. Now, in case all of these are achieved or are on the patgh to being achieved, this will create enormous amount of resentment & alienation within PoK, as revealed & explained by the so-called CM of Gilgit-Baltistan:

But in the meantime, India will also have to deal with irrational thoughts of the type weblinked below:

The 2 major camps of LeT have now been temporarily relocated to Awaran in Balochistan. Here is the confirmation:

One of hundreds of millions of delusional Indian citizens thriving in the world of compounded irrationality & expecting the Leopard to change its spots!!!

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) They are just like their China-made counterparts, i.e. short service-lives. 2 & 3) That’s almost impossible now, because the world today is increasingly characterised by technological & final asymmetries, i.e. the unquestioned supremacy of the US-led West in almost all sphares of life has brought the world to such a stage that even countries like Russia & China can be economically strangulated, since neither China nor Russia can provide any credible alternative to the US. Russia may well be a developer of advanced if not state-of-the-art weapons, but it cannot replace the US or Japan or South Korea or even Taiwan as a provider of cheap but high-quality consumer electronics or homeland security solutions. So, India being a technology-deficient country will continue to be dependent on the West for the bulk of her technology-related reqmts. For instance, India has still not been able to solve the glitches in the GST implementation software, as explained below:

In the military domain, all that India has been able to achieve in the arena of automation is develop machines for producing Idlis on warships, whereas the US on the DDG-21 Zumwalt-class DDgs has reduced its crew complement to 150! So, there is today ZERO strategic autonomy available to India when it comes to maintaining any meaningful relations with Iran. 4) Russia will have to station some of its military forces within certain Central Asian Republics & if it wants India’s helps, then this time, unlike 1984, if Russia desires that India capture GB to achieve geographic contiguity with Afghanistan’s Wakhan Corridor, then this time India must not ignore such requests. 5) Let the unknown unknowns become known knowns as the two SITs make progress in their investigations & matters will get clearer. After all, progress will be slow & last for 6 months since India is fully dependent on the US for getting access to meta-data (of various social media platforms) stored on servers that can be accessed only by US law-enforcement agencies & the NSA. 6) About US$3 million.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: You are not factoring the downside of the oil prices crash, i.e. the decrease in the purchasing powers of the GCC member-states, which collectively today are India’s biggest trading partners. Here are better explanations:

Looks like you haven’t about the PFI. Here is a primer on it:

Vietnam People’s Air Force SpyDer-SR & EL/M-2084 MMRs:

Vietnam People’s Navy K-300 Bastion-P Coastal Defence System:

So, to all those either engaged in rumour-mongering or dreaming about India exporting BrahMos-1s & Akash-1 SAMs to Vietnam, get real!!!

To SANDEEP: Because of the term LIGHT. Of course payload can be increased when the LCH is not flying over high-altitude terrain. If it is flying over plains, its weapons payload will increase.

To SENTHIL KUMAR: Neither of the two rehard each other as strategic partners, but in essence their bilateral relationship is transactional in nature. Turkey will continue to regard Pakistan as an export market, that’s all.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Your answer is telling and to the point:

"So, there is today ZERO strategic autonomy available to India when it comes to maintaining any meaningful relations with Iran"

Is this because there is; today ZERO strategic autonomy available to India when it goes against USA interests?

Thank you,

Ganesh said...

Hello Prasun,

Regarding your comment on glitches in GST; again something I know almost first hand on how the whole project was implemented from domain (meaning process, techniques and subject matter experts) to IT implementation. Just because Mr Nandan Nilakeni had the finesse to mend fences with the new dispensation; he could get the project to Infosys. From the onset, the IT development was screwed with the government representatives pampered and people (IT personnel) chosen in hordes (at one point in time around 1000 developers) to work on the project with zilch requirements and understanding of it. The chief architect quit out of frustration and fear of being labelled as failure (scapegoat) since he was brought in as a person in shining armor, who would turn every failure into success overnight with his trademark smile! In short, the overall project management was in shambles and farce. The application was rolled out to mainstream users without even implementing the basic functionality properly. In deed, some creative people got temporary employment helping the traders getting a GST account (5K for that) and person A's GST tax was settled to person B in the system.
When not so competent people/organization get to work on projects of national importance this is what happens. All sorts techniques of persuasion were used to get the sign-off stating that everything was in order to meet the timelines and money associated with it.
I personally feel that project management is the biggest problem rather than talent to implement them. Intellect and ingenuity has no value here in India; rather sweet talkers and sycophants are valued and promoted to lead the country to drains.

Anonymous said...

What do you make of this?
I think young leader should have been patient enough to get opportunity when time is right

Parthasarathi said...

Turkey with a defence budget of one third of India is using much more modern indigenous equipments like Armed drones, lasers etc. All are homemade. And mostly from private organisations.
Here we are using 80's vintage aircraft and imported bomb to hit a terrorist came. It seems we are wasting money on DRDO. If we have to import even aramed drone, then it's the time to give golden handshake to so called scientists. ( Mostly engineer)
My question is why we can't make a armed drone which can operate a decent air to surface missile with reasonable accuracy ?
Which even Turkey and Iran can make.
Best regards

Kaustav said...


Thanks for the lovely info & great responses. I would like your views on the following article

Nothing new of course, besides the usual SSN-SSGN confusion with or without VLS Plugs, Pump Jet vs Cock Screw blade & the old Rubin vs Malachite competition. While there is no direct Indian involvement, it would be interesting if you could elaborate on India's prospects for SSNs/SSGNs post the current double Hull Arihant type and more importantly SSBNs since SSNs are a done deal.

Maghavan said...

How true is this news Prasun sir?
>>Newly built J-10C fitted with China's indigenous WS10 Taihang engine, (replacing Russian-made Saturn AL-31FN), has entered service.

1)What gen is this engine compared to US, French and Russian ones?
2)Can this engine be reliable across Tibetan plateau and Himalayas?

just_curious said...


Now HAL comes up with another version of tejas...TejasEX!! and they are not even able to keep up to their commitments...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAT: Not just India, but every other country EXCEPT Russia. Countries like China 7 pakistan are bearing the brunt of all the US-imposed sanctions against Iran. Meanwhile, this should leave no doubt about the loss of a PAF F-16 yersterday:

To VENKY: You will find your answers here:

To VIVEK: LoLz! The infamous lifestyles of dynasts & feudalists. The surname was originally Shinde, i.e. Marathi-speaking dynasty dating back to the three famous Maratha chieftains hailing from the Shinde, Holkar & Gaikwad dynasties. Then these dynasties started getting married to the Rajputs & of the three dynasties, only the Shinde surname was anglicised & during British colonial rule the surname SCINDIA emerged, i.e. today there’s no clarity on whether this dynasty tarkes pride in its Maratha bloodline or Rajput bloodline.

To PARTHASARATHI: The Turkish military-industrial model & eco-system is based on longstanding NATO-standard practices that relies on several available off-the-shelf sub-systems & components that are easily outsourced from several external vendors located within several NATO member-states. Hence, there is hardly any indigenous systems-level or platform-level R & D undertaken by any Turkish OEM.

To KAUSTAV: VMT. The only elaboration of the latest kind I can share about the projected SSN fleet of the IN is that L & T has emerged as the SOLE military-industrial entity capable of constructing the SSNs. Why so? Simply because of the sheer sophistication of the welding technologies & related workshop-level infrastructure with controlled environments/temperatures reqd for such a precision engineering effort, which does not exist in any other existing Indian shipyard, nor can they be created for any other shipyard just for this project, since this will make any such exercise entirely cost-prohibitive. Hence, L & T will continue to maintain its monopoly over the construction of all types of nuclear-powered submarines for the IN.

Meanwhile, it looks my my earlier assessments are now being seconded by reports like this:

To MAGHAVAN: The service-entry of the FWS-10A Taihang turbofan is not new, but it needs to be borne in mind that this turbofan has a very low service-life, i.e. its TBO is less than 350 hours & this in turn dramatically increases its direct operating costs & also reduces the fleet serviceability percentage.

BROWN DESI said...

Why is a country densely populated as India is not conducting wide spread testing for the COVID-19. Majority of the cases are coming from Kerala, it is because they are conducting test . Meanwhile UP Government is busy organizing festivities. It is a known fact that health and hygiene practices in India's society are the not the best. Millions of downtrodden are desperately exposed and also rampant Diabetes and cardiovascular disease going around. This virus will not differentiate between any religion and is an existential threat to Indian people. While Government is taking some steps but they can still be termed as lackadaisical. Gentry seems to be preoccupied on non-issues. in the famous words of LP Yadav "jab zinda hi nahi rahengey to mandir mai ghanti kaun bajayega or masjid mai azan kaun dega".
Government needs to address this disease on war footing. If not, then be prepared for way worse outcomes than China.


Another new revelation, IAF was ready to carry out punitive action against PA/PAF after 27th fiasco...i wonder why didnt 56 inch chest thumping power had guts to sanction IAF...matlab ye to one step ahead two back ...result much worse than UPA


Does vietnam use both python as well as derby or only single version missile used in spyder?? Why rotating type EL/M2084 mpr is used for FCR instead of fixed planar array type radar??

just_curious said...


Radical islamist on the rise again in bangladesh .. What do you forsee of bangladeah.. Sheikh hasina seems to be the only moderate leader out there.. is there any alternative/successor to her? Kamaat-e-islami has deep roots there.. how to counter it

Kaustav said...


Thanks & the Hon'ble CM has himself since yesterday stated in Parliament, both houses, whatever has already been exposed & stated by you as well as MO & investigation thereof.
Great Analysis by You.

😉 BTW THE PIGGIES HAVE BEEN CALLED OUT FOR ORIGINAL SIN India told the UNHRC session that Islamabad has not withdrawn from the illegally-occupied PoK for over seven decades despite there being a UNSC resolution on the same

Kapil said...

I and many other readers asked Prasun Da about it during that time. We all were disappointed. Modi probably backed off because of global pressure. Also I think IAF was taken aback by the Mig-21 downing. Lets hope next time the action will be more intense, and I bet something will definately happen before 2024.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: The former IAF CAS has already stated in at least 3 interviews & presentations after his retirement that the IAF would have punitively retaliated ONLY IF any damage had been caused to any ground-based military installation. Since no damage was caused, it was decided not to escalate matters. But where the IAF’s force deficiencies came up were in ground-based air-defence arena due to which the intruding PAF combat aircraft could not be shot down by SAMs like SHORADS & MR-SAMs.

Vietnam uses both Derby & Python-5s. Every EL/M-2084 MMR comes mounted with a rotating mechanism.

To BANGLADESH: LoLz! And these very radicals are against the absorption of Muslim Rohingyas into Bangladesh! This is the Almighty’s way of delivering justice, i.e. for as long as there will be exodus of religious minorities from Bangladesh, the Almighty will maintain a corresponding influx of Rohingyas from Myanmar.

To KAUSTAV: Here is the complete report for downloading:

Senge Tsering on Gilgit-Balistan:

Pavan said...

Dear Prasun,

All the people who reported on Balakot strikes only mentioned about Spice 2000, but you had mentioned that IAF also used HSLD bombs.

How come even IAF chief alo failed to mention it in all his interviews? Are SPICE2000 and HSLD having same degree of accuracy?

Also for future engagements, IAF chief said he would prefer a weapon which relays video. Do we have the CRYSTAL MAZE missile in our arsenal?
If yes, then was only using SPICE2000 and HSLD a poorly thought out decision?


Pavan said...

Dear Prasun,

When I was reading about

I came across the SEALAB experiments and then followed a link about the USS Pueblo incident.

US armed forces have been humiliated in Bay of Pigs, Capture of Gary Powers, USS Pueblo etc

Yet they brazen it out so shamelessly. How come?

Are these incidents indicative of the fact that operating a huge armed force results in such mistakes as a democratic head is unable to pay attention to the various division/units of armed force.

Blackbox said...

Hi Prasun,
You said that covid19 was leaked from from a lab , what was it’s origin was it a natural occurring potent virus or was it purposefully mutated form from sars ect virus used for future potential disease research . Was it developed for bio warfare use?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PAVAN: The IAF’s air-strike at balakot was conducted using ONLY Spice-2000 PGMs. Prior to February 20, however, the IAF had proposed flattening the entire Markaz Syed Ahmad Shaheed camp of JeM sitting on Jaba Top by using HSLD bombs. After all, a mosque or madrassa located well inside a terrorist training camp could hardly have housed anyone other than terrorists. Yet, the political decision-makers were against the wholescale flattening of Jaba Top for as-yet unknown reasons & had instead instructed the IAF to strike at only those structures reportedly housing the trainee terrorists & their instructors. Consequently, by February 21, 2019 it was decided by IAF HQ & HQ Western Air Command to conduct precision-strikes using PGMs. Contrary to popular speculation, digital 3-D terrain elevation data pertaining to this camp had been obtained way back in 2011 by the NTRO’s TecSAR/Polaris-A/RISAT-2 overhead recce satellite & this is what was used for mission-planning/mission execution. In addition, Balakot-based HUMINT sources informed their India-based handlers that the camp was devoid of any kind of AAA defences. As someone associated with this chain, I then came to know that the IAF would carry out retaliatory air-strikes in the near future & hence I had mentioned it in passing in a comment dated February 21, 2019 at 12:23 AM. The ver next day, at around noontime I came across the then CAS of the IAF, ACM Tony Dhanoa (accompanied by his eventual successor), visiting the DATA Patterns booth at the ongoing Aero India-2019 expo & taking keen interest in the X-band imaging monopulse seeker developed for the BrahMos-1 family of supersonic cruise missiles as well as for the Nirbhay. That was the time I took the following snapshot:

As for live-relaying of video footage of any PGM fast approaching its target, again contrary to popular perception, the laws of physics dictate that any kind of electronic transmission/emission is likely to alert the enemy. And live video-streaming via wireless means does just that. Hence, unless one has total air supremacy, it is strictly forbidden to employ such live video-streaming. So, the next best options are either IRNSS-obtained latitude/longitude locational coordinates that can now be derived for up to 15 decimal points (from the earlier 8 decimal points in the 1990s), or X-band imaging SAR seekers for terminally profiling the structures that are to be hit. In any case, even a PGM equipped with a nose-mounted optronic seeker will noyl show the PGM approaching that target but upon impact that sensor itself destructs & is thus unable to show the full extent of any damage to any structure. So, if one brushes aside such senseless popular myths, then the only reliable option for post-strike battle damage assessment is to make an aircraft equipped with a recce pod containing optronic IIR sensors fly over the struck targets within a minute of the strikes being conducted & only this will be the proof-positive of a successful air-strike.

And here’s a decent explanation of what happened after February 27, although many more details still remain classified as SECRET:

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Now, coming to deep-sea domain awareness, this video presentation explains it all:

Both the US & Japan have since the year 2000 been conducting seabed surveys of deep-sea trenches both in the Western Pacific & IOR areas & back in 2005 the USS Bow Ditch was engaging in such surveys within India’s EEZ in the Bay of Bengal in the very area from where the underwater pontoons are positioned for test-firing SLBMs & SLCMs. The world’s most sophisticated deep-sea underwater autonomous vehicles are operated by the US & Japan & here they are:

Now, coming to the news-report you’ve weblinked, I’m afraid the ‘desi patrakaar’ has got it all wrong by assuming that DSAR rescue vehicles can be used for seabed mapping & deep-sea research! In reality, they are 2 entirely different operating domains. While India possesses oceanographic survey vessels (listed here:, they as yet do not have a single deep-submergence robotic vessel capable of conducting underwater surveys. And without such robotic vessel, one will be unable to accurately map deep-sea trenches like the Chagos Trench in the Indian Ocean, which is the ideal hiding place for any fully-armed SSBN whose mission will be to launch SLBMs either against India or China.

Lastly, this is getting a bit worrying: while on March 9, 2020 at 6:18 AM I had commented on the altering of Jammu’s demographic footprints, 3 days later this report is broadcasted:

Zameen Jihad:

To BLACKBOX: The Jury is still out on such details & only the US-based Center for Disease Control has got the definitive answers.

rad said...

Hi prasun
nice explanation of the the armament used in the balakot strike . There are reports that the crystal maze ie popeye bomb was supposed to be launched as a the last bomb to deliver the coup de gras and as well as obtain bomb damage assesment via the video data link .true . ? IAF was prepared to risk EM emission on the final bomb run?
do eloborate on the HSLD bomb as you say it was contemplated to be used on the hill top. So i presume that it has single digit accuracy for them to contemplate to use it ?
though you have posted pics before any new data will be welcome . did the mirages not use Reccelite to get pics of the damage.I belive they have a great standoff range?
My Jingo brain tells me that it is a matter of time they fix a pair of wings for extended range just like the ft-6 chinese bomb. which makes sense. Any development on that?
you mentioned that we have 15 digit accuracy from our navic sat , does it mean that we have accuracy to use weapons in the decimetric range .?

you also mentioned that the tech SAR sattelite has given us the capability to digitally map areas . espescially in Pakistan. This brings me to the pic shown above regarding the the digital map hardware software display. has that been validated on the darin 3?

does it have a facility to display 3d map of flight profile that have super imposed threat umbrellas and flight corridor to be taken ? can it be coupled to the flight control sysytem like the rafale to fly lo lo lo hands of using the radar alti combined ? why is there no work on laser alti as that seems to be the way forward?

as the tech SAR can give us 3d terrain map the next logical step would be to develop a guidance system that is similar to the the DSMAC of the spice 2000 etc which i believe is super accurate . Is it doable given our software strength?

rad said...

hi prasun
i couldnt not but ask you the the meaning and content when you say above ,that you were in the loop between the humint and the IAF can you eloborate if it is not classified.DO you give your inputs to MOD??
again i am confused between the accuracy of the x band mono pulse seeker vs the DSMAC of the spice 2000 . The israeli stuff has about 2 ft as pics of the strike show. How does that compare to the x band seeker of data patterns.? . Is this the seeker that has already been tested on the brahmos?.
Now how will russia allow us to put a desi seeker on the brahmos if it is not in the contract?.we seem to have tested it already. what is the probbability of being jammed when used on a nirbhay in a anti ship strike role?. i believe all RF seekers can be jammed .?
can the GOV reverse the J ameen Jihad??

G Manoj said...

Hi Prasun,

The number of Coronavirus cases reported in India is low only because not too many people have been tested. Even countries like Russia have tested 1 lakh people to figure out if they have symptoms of coronavirus. Similarly US, South Korea, UK, Germany have all tested more than 50 thousand people so far to detect coronavirus.

1. Shouldn't states in India or Central government also carry out thousands of tests across India on private citizens?

2. Can the COVID 19 virus survive the intense heat in India?

3. Is coronavirus curable? Media like BBC, CNN, FOX are saying it is not curable and also the virus has made a comeback in many people who were earlier thought to be cured?

Thank you Prasun Sir



Was reading this comment that you wrote

"the laws of physics dictate that any kind of electronic transmission/emission is likely to alert the enemy. And live video-streaming via wireless means does just that."

Absolutely amazing insight. Thank you for sharing. 🙏🙏🙏

Rajesh Mishra said...

Thanx for this nice article, which a non-electronics man like me could easily understand.

Anonymous said...


There are reports that the launch of GISAT-1 has been put on hold due to objections from the U.S. regarding critical components of certain sensors on that satellite being sourced from a certain country. Are these reports likely to be true or fake news ?


Anonymous said...

The US need to give answers to the international community about these important questions. Having no answers to these questions shows they are hiding a virus leak from Fort Detrick.

1. Why did Fort Detrick biowarfare lab close?

2. Why did US have a large spike in influenza-like cases after the closure of Fort Detrick lab?

3. Why did they delete English-language news reports about the closure of Fort Detrick after the outbreak of COVID-19?

Where there is smoke there is fire. The COVID-19 was a virus leak from Fort Detrick which was either an accident due to incompetence or it was a deliberate leak.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SATYAKI: FAKE NEWS obviously, since the US would have raised objections the moment the concerned foreign hardware was ordered & not after they had already been delivered. But you should not be surprised at all, for in India there are several folks even in high places of authority that engage in bullshitting. Here is one such example:

So, according to him, he & his team of 10 technocrats successfully designed a PWR within 8 years when even developed countries each require a few thousand technocrats require at least 2 decades to offer a mature engineered solution! And mind you, the uranium enrichment facility at Rattehali has yet to be commissioned. So where is the moderately enriched uranium for S-2/S-80 Arihant coming from?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIVEK: This is the most common misconception (about there being a fire when smoke is sighted). For, it can well be that what appears to be smoke from a distance can in fact turn out to be the gas from exploding tear-gas cannisters. Hence, there will never be any dearth of conspiracy theories. Instead, one ought to focus on what the WHO is stating. And here it is:

To ANUP: Look carefully & you will see that there are no cannon barrels visible, i.e. it is only the cowling structure without any cannon inside.

To G MANOJ: If you were to plot the COVID-19 epidemics worldwide, you will see that they are all occurring on a large-scale at 40 degrees latitude. Meanwhile, here’s how Pakistan is coping with COVID-19:

AI checks COVID-19 CT in 20 seconds with 96% accuracy:

To RAD: No, the Popeye-Lite/Crystal Maze PGMs could not be employed that night due to very low cloud-cover prevailing over the target & that’s why all mention of these PGMs being carried as sxtandby wespons is pure speculation. Furthermore, the Spice-2000s too have IIR sensors on their noses & can relay the video-imagery through live-streaming, hence the question of Popeye-Lite/Crystal Maze being kept on standby does not even arise. HSLD bombs launched by MRCAs equipped with RLG-INS inertial navigation systems have a CEP of less than 50 metres. RecceLite is not integrated with Mirage 2000 & nor can any such sensor show damage done internally to a building-like structure. On the other hand, even PGMs like Popeye-Lite/Crystal Maze or Spice-1000/2000 cannot exactly deliver damage assessments since their nose-mounted optronic sensors are the first ones to be obliterated upon physical impact with their targets. Only if another aircraft equipped with target designation pods is nearby to record the event can positive damage assessment be done, as was the case when LGBs were used in 1991 as shown here:

Digital terrain profiling goes not display in 3-D format, but it does provide 3-D navigational cues, especially the altitude, which allows the adoption of a pre-planned navigational route during ingress/egress & this in turn enables the AESA-MMR to be activated only when reqd for terrain avoidance & for those MRCAs not equipped with AESA-MMRs, the digital map-generator enables the pilot to manually undertake terrain avoidance flight profiles, albeit with the pilot also using helmet-mounted NVG as a back-up. The CEP of PGMs varies with the accuracy of the target imagery. If the recce imagery is taken from a distance, then the DSMAC output will be an accuracy of a few feet. But if SAR imagery is coupled with IRNSS/NAVIC 15-decimal-point locational coordinates, then the CEP will be less than 1 feet. The DRDL/LRDE-developed X-band imaging monopulse seeker for BrahMos-1 is to be produced by BOTH ECIL & DATA Patterns. Both can be jammed, of course, but the answer then is to developed multi-band seekers operating in both the RF & IIR wavelengths.

rad said...

hi prasun
you mentioned that HSLD bomb was contemplated to be used in the balakot strike . The accuracy needed was 1 ameter i guess. You have also mentioned that the HSLD has a cep of 50 meters , that seems to0 wide for a RLG+GPS - inertial guided bomb.why would the IAF think of using it in the first place if it had such a wide CEP?.
There are pics that show the HSLD hitting the center of the target within 2 meters.Pse explain
I dont understand why the reccelite has not been integrated wiht the mirage 2000 when the litening pods has been , i gueess they have the same dimensions and electronic data bus as the recc was derived formn the litening/
coming to 3d terain map, test pilot thakur was demostrating the 3d map that was on the sport version of the LCA .what input do we need for that?. I guess the wide area display is the hal elbit stuff. Now how did HAL go about integrating the display wiht the on board avionics with inputs of all ac parameter like , air speed , aoa , nav data, radar, maps. ew etc etc? if so does it not make sense to go for it at least on the mk1a version or is it stated to be on the MWF?
wiht all this new avionics and EW and other modern equipment what would be the cost of the MWF? i guess equal to the su-30mki?
what is the protocol and equip[ment to jam the radar of bramos and nirbhay type who use x band SAR.
if the babur uses DSMAC then how do we jam it as it is passive . what is the accuracy of teh babur cruise missile given its dsmac seeker ?.surely the chines wold have gone to great lenghts to improve accuracy as the beidou gps is also availble?
when the trend every where is dsmac or iir seeker on crusie missiles ie tomohawk, storm shadow-NSM-etc. why did we opt for x band monopulse when it can be jammed .?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Brilliant & detailed presentation by Afghan experts on ISIS Khorasan actually being a Pakistan-sponsored successor to the Afghan Taliban:

Ludwig said...

Thanks for the answer Prasun da.
I think the cannon is installed at least it looks like the case from this image.
Please correct me if I am wrong.

I had a few more questions:

1) Do you think MK1A will be coming? If yes will it have an SPJ and MAWS(on Pylons)
2) What is the status of Netra AWECS now that Embraer is in hot waters, will they move to another platform and if yes how long will this transition take?

DAshu said...

Sir, what this Chinese Wuhan virus pandemic is teaching us? What is the big picture?

Look at the panic it is creating in USA through the shortage of sanitizers and soaps even rubbing alcohol is not available on the racks.

If anything is clear from this Chinese Wuhan virus pandemic is that it establishing Chinese supremacy in all spheres.

What are the strategic implications for India? All plans must be in tatters.

Anonymous said...

“ where is the moderately enriched uranium for S-2/S-80 Arihant coming from?”
The Uranium Enrichment Plant was developed in Trombay.
In 1990, a larger uranium enrichment facility, the Rare Materials Project, began operating at Mysore.As of the early 1990s, the Uranium Enrichment Plant was operating 100 gas centrifuges. The facility reportedly has the capacity to produce two kilograms of weapons-grade uranium per year. It is not under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards.


G Manoj said...

Hi Prasun Sir,

I was unable to understand your reference to the 40 degree latitude, because Wuham itself is approximately at 30 degree latitude. Even countries in SE Asia, Australia are reporting coronavirus cases.

It seems to me that China alongwith the Democratic party of the US is spreading COVID-19 on purpose to prevent Trump from coming back to power. So this pandemic will probably end only after the US elections. Would like to know your thoughts

Thanks, Manoj

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Why is HAL so much rigid about double barrel gun on Tejas Mk1? They can't defy physics.

Kaustav said...


Not being from electronics background,I am curious to know, if miniaturisation of electronic equipment can enable internal MAWS & ASPJ on MK1 Tejas in future?
(Since LRUs are supposedly used, upgrades should be possible if electronic equipment volume reduces due to technological developments.)

rad said...

I still dont understand the abnormal cost for the LCA, is it including the life cycle cost of spares ?Again the jammer pod , litening pod, all are extra , so where are we heading ? what would be the airframe time of the LCA ,I understand the designers were very conservative in their approach and there was no report of any structure failure or cracks so far .

Again the cost of weapons is also extra , ijust dont get it with Indias cheap labor?
There was a mention that only in the FOC batch software .
the real power of the engine and the care free handlling software was released.does it mean so far the LCA was in restricted in pulling extra Gs and restricted flight envelope?.personaly i feel the LCA does some insipid manouvers during air shows, but all pilots prasie the handling of the LCA . Is it that in air shows the real turn rate is purposely not shown to hide the real performance?..

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Prasun Da,

The Mig29 being taken were they intended originaly for another nation ? when were the Air Frames manufactured?

just_curious said...

Prasun ,

1-Will CAATSA hold up SU 30 upgrade & buying of additional mig 29 upg's?
2- As expected the ISIS in afghanista is another pak sponsered jihadi outfit then why are russians falling for it? chinese pressure?
3- FICV promise bu OFB-DRDO .. your take pls.. Also any new FICV should have a gun like the russian 57mm as its main weapon

Srinivas Nandiraju said...

Dear Prasun da, could you please let us know which seeker is in Astra for which IAF has placed order. Indigenous or Agat.

Kaustav said...

The MGS will be a Truck mounted 155/52 cal howitzer from OFB, but what does this article exactly mean? - 👇Exports 😉?!

In a similar vein, there is this FICV too! Again somthing which with available tech will still take a decade to do..Is there a method to this horrid madness?👇
Isn't it better to upgrade the BMP-II

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: HSLD bombs are used for totally flattening an area & they are not precision-strike weapons, but are instead used against forces concentrated in an area like a hilltop. Hence, if 1,000lb HSLD bomns were used, with each Mirage 2000 dropping 3 of them, then 6 Mirage 2000s would have been able to drop 18 such bombs, thereby flattening the entire hilltop, with nothing left standing. Panoramic AMLCD displays are available from several vendors, including SAMTEL. The displayed formats can easily be optimised in the avionics integration test-rig available with both HAL & ADA. MWF’s per-unit cost will be close to that of a Su-30MKI. Babur does not have DSMAC or terrain-contour matching flight profile. Nor do any China-origin cruise missiles. For jamming RF terminal guidance seekers, a wide variety of jammers are available, like this range of EW jammers from Russia:

As I had stated several times before, aerobatic performances are totally different from combat manoeuvres. During the former, fuel fuel load is never carried, nor are armament packages.

To LUDWIG: No, the cannon barrels are clearly not installed & one can compare that image with others showing the barrels installed in some PV airframes shown at the Aero India expos. Tejas Mk.1A—whether it will or will not come—all depends on its flight-tests & if it complies with the ASQRs of the IAF, then it will be ordered. EL/L-8222 ASPJ pod has already been selected for the Mk.1A. Pylon-mounted MAWS sensors have yet to be outsourced. 2) NETRA AEW & CS platforms are limited to only 3 units. No follow-on orders will be placed.

To DASHU: The COVID-19 pandemic promises to usher in a new era in terms of diagnostics hardware & AI-based software, like this:

But you can rest assured that such innovations won’t originate from India.

To RON: Kindly go to those areas on GoogleEarth where such uranium enrichment facilities were to have come up in Rattehali or the location just above the DRDO air base at Chitradurga in Karnataka & you will realise that NOTHING of that sort is in existence as yet.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To G MANOJ: What it means is that the prevailing winds have carried the virus westwards in a linear fashion & we can only thank the existence of the Himalayan mountain range for preventing such winds from entering the subcontinent.

To ASD: The ultimate irony is that the Tejas will be the only combat aircraft of the IAF to use 23mm cannons, while all others will be using 30mm cannons. And Russia no loger produces 23mm cannons or their ammo rounds, which will severely affect the GSH-2’s through-life product-support within the IAF. Nor is this cannon licence-built by anyone in India. Consequently, sound common-sense suggests that the IAF drop the GSH-23 in favour of 30mm solutions from either France or Russia.

To KAUSTAV: No, because miniaturisation will be that drastic or radical in the foreseeable future. Hence, MAWS sensors will have to be carried by under-pylon installations, while the underwing ASPJ pod will be a permament fixture. Only in the projected MWF-AF Mk.2 will it be possible to install internal ASPJ suite & MAWS sensors. The orders from Bofors AB (a BAE Systems subsidiary) are for barrels & other components for an upgraded version of the FH-77B that Bofors is now designing in-house for export. So yes, technically the OFB is exporting hardware to Bofors AB. The Mk.1 FICV will be an upgraded BMP-2 with a new powerpack, plus Russia-designed & supplied turret with 57mm cannon (that was shown at DEFEXPO-2020) & AGLs.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: Those MiG-29SMT airframes were originally built for Algeria back in the previous decade.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Most unlikely. 2) Russia has already identified ISIS Khorasan as its next biggest threat because its ranks are full of Tajiks & Uzbeks & Chechans. 3) It will be an upgraded BMP-2 with a new powerpack & Russia-designed & supplied turret with 57mm cannon (that was shown at DEFEXPO-2020) & AGLs.

To SRINIVAS NANDARAJU: The indigenous RF seeker as shown in the 2nd, 3rd & 4th slides from the top above.

To VENKY: Before you ask again:

The Indian Armed Forces’ long-standing requirement of a modern state-of-the-art Light Machine Gun (LMG) has finally fructified. The Acquisition Wing of Ministry of Defence signed the capital acquisition contract with Israel Weapons Industries on March 19, 2020 for procurement of 16,479 7.62 x 51 NEGEV NG7 LMGs at a cost of Rs 880 crore (US$118 million) with the approval of Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh. The Negev NG7 is the only LMG with a semi-automatic mode. 33,500 more LMGs are required. In addition, 72,000 SIG716 SLRs from US-based Sig Sauer Inc are now in delivery, while 90,000 CAR-816 carbines from UAE-based Caracal, SLRs from OFB Amethi remain to be ordered.

Mohan said...

Prasun da
"But you can rest assured that such innovations won’t originate from India."
Also this deadly virus will not originat in India unlike China bcz of its uncultured food eating habits