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Friday, March 20, 2020

Revisiting Mountain Warfare & Learning From Past Experiences

1965 & 1971 Period
Saga Of 7 Guards Battalion
Centrifugal Multi-Directional Attack Concept
Limited, High-Intensity Mountain Warfare Under Nuclear Overhang In 1999
Within the Indian Army’s HQ Northern Command, a committee headed by the then Chief-of-Staff of the Command, was constituted in 1999 to examine the planning and conduct of OP Vijay and collate all in-theatre battle accounts. However, this commuttee neither had access to any data concerning the planning and conduct of OP Safed Sagar from the Indian Air Force, nor was it able to interview any IAF officers. Similarly, any data concerning the the Indian Navy’s OP Talwar was unavailable to this committee. Moreover, this committee’s report has not been disseminated within the larger military community of India. Even today, the operational commanders who fought the war have rarely been invited to staff and war colleges, to discuss the broader lessons. And to top it all, India’s Ministry of Defence till this day refuses to publish the official history of this limited but high-intensity war. Consequently, what follows below are the best-available authoritative data collated from a variety of published sources over the years.
Lessons For Infantry
Perfidy At Turtok
Lessons For Field Artillery Fire-Assaults
Lessons For Rotary-Winged Aviation Employment
Lessons For Ground-Based Air-Defence
Battlefield Communications Challenges
Battlefield Logistics & Combat Support Arms Imperatives
From the above, the following inferences can be drawn:
1) High-Altitude Mountain Warfare of the type fought by the Indian Army (IA) and Indian Air Force (IAF) since 1947 is distinctly different from Highland Warfare and High-Altitude Plateau Warfare—a distinction often ignored by many.
2) Consequently, all the preparatory operational protocols of both the combat and combat-support arms of the IA and IAF will have to originate from the experiences gained only by both these armed services, since no one else in the world has either the intent or will to engage in full-contact kinetic operations at such forbidding heights.
3) As a result of the above, no one else in the world will either develop or offer to develop the kind of weapons platforms, weapon systems and combat-support hardware that is required for warfighting in the unique high-altitude operating environment and areas. For instance, the thin air at such altitudes (between 14,000 feet and 18,000 feet) requires larger-diameter parachutes for paratroopers and this in turn creates a greater opening shock. It is more than 13 G in Ladakh when using the 26kg HAPP, whereas the maximum acceptable opening shock for US paratroopers is 10 G and for Russian paratroopers is 13 G. Similarly, since the service ceilings of attack helicopters like the Mi-35P and AH-64E Apache are 16,100 feet and 20,000 feet, respectively, such platforms will be able to operate with only minimal offensive payloads (like standoff air-to-surface PGMs) between 14,000 feet and 18,000 feet, while homegrown platforms like the LCH (with a service ceiling of 21,300 feet) and the LUH (service ceiling of 21,300 feet) too will suffer from similar performance limitations (contrary to what these two clowns would want us to believe here: In addition, the ever-present threat from shoulder-fired MANPADS will ensure that no rotary-winged flying platform will ever be able to undertake straffing runs against hostile infantry entrenchments in mountaintops and ridgelines located between 14,000 feet and 21,000 feet ASL.
4) This then presents Indian industry with both a unique challenge and unique opportunity for developing suitable innovative solutions for the captive markets in arenas like cargo-carrying VTOL-UAVs, VTOL-UAVs for CASEVAC, development of lightweight, modular helipads capable of accommodating LUH-type helicopters, development of lightweight helipad lighting-markers and air-droppable POL/water storage bowsers, etc etc.
5) For facilitating sustained battlefield logistics support and life-saving CASEVAC, enormous investments need to be made for procuring light single-engined, light twin-engined, medium-lift utility and heavylift utility helicopters. Likewise, similar investments are required for procuring heli-portable ultralightweight field artillery 155mm howitzers and heli-portable weapon-locating radars.
6) For providing immediate air-support from standofff distances at altitudes between 14,000 feet and 21,000 feet, the IAF will need to procure slower-flying platforms like the Hawk Mk.132, which in turn will need to be made capable of launching lightweight, small-diameter guided-/gliding-PGMs like the SAAW (modified for carrying bunker-bursting warheads). This is because past experience has repeatedly revealed (during both 1971 and 1999) that platforms like the Su-7BM, MiG-23BN and MiG-27M, due to their higher cruising speeds, take a considerably longer time to acquire their targets and have often have had to make multiple passes over their targets before locating them, which in turn had caused the hostile AAA assets to be activated well in time and with devastating effect.
7) The infantry needs to be equipped with new-generation extended-range, hand-fired munitions fired from presently-available grenade-launchers. Presently, low-velocity 30mm/40mm rounds with 800 metre-range can be fired from hand-held grenade-launchers or under-barrel launchers, while high-velocity round with 2km-range are fired from tripod-mounted manportable automatic grenade launchers. While Raytheon has already developed the Pike guided 40mm grenade round, another solution comes from DefendTex, whose Drone-40 is a low-cost, programmable 40mm munition that is fired from a hand-held 40mm launcher in order to get it aloft. To attain flight mode, it deploys four helicopter-style rotors to stabilise, move, and provide lift for loiter. It offers 12 minutes of flight time and/or 20 minutes of loiter time. Cruising speed is 20 metres/second and range at optimum speed is in excess of 10km. It will travel to a designated target zone that was pre-programmed pre-flight. Operators will be able to cancel and self destruct the D-40 in mid-flight using technology like directed Wi-Fi signals.
(to be concluded)


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Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Inside INS Sindhukesari (shown yesterday):

Note the L-3 KEO Optronic Periscope.

Worth reading:

Pritam Sarkar said...

Respected Sir,
What is your opinion on the current ongoing price war on crude oil between Saudi Arab & Russia?

Thank you.

Nikhil M said...

Hi Prasun da

1. If Tejas MK1A is going to carry externally mounted MAWS + SPJ + Drop Tanks, how many A2A missiles will it be able to carry in CAP role?

2. Does CFT make a compelling case for Tejas MK1A in CAP role?

3. How many A2A missiles wil it carry in interceptor role (with externally mounted MAWS + SPJ)?

4. Looking at semi stealth features of Tejas MK1A (Size, shape & radar absorbing materials), does it mak sense to further develop a silent version of Tejas MK1A in interceptor role (like silent eagle)? This silent version armed with re-engineered version of Meteor will be a real killer of PAF.


rad said...

hi prasun
ijust read in the papaers that some missiles tests were postponed due to the noin availabilt of israeli and russian scientists in balasore . what would these chaps be doing thre and what missiles wold theybe connected to?
In my opinion TONBO imaging guys can easily make the dsmac seeker softeware similar to the ones used in the spice weapon. as they have been dping image and video manipulation and fusion in their range of products. will it be possible with a joint effort with drdo/.or does it entail much more?.
are we going in for TOT for the negev LMG , i think we should as it is the best in the world.I really wondder what would happen if OFB made 7.62 x51 mm rounds were used on the negev?. I have personaly seen .22 ofb bullets that were crooked!!The ofb will blame the negev!! in what role will the desi LMG be used?
what is the difference beteen ISIS and ISIS khorosan?
can the small LCA take the gun recoil of a 30mm canon?

Kaustav said...


Enormous thanks for your commonsensical answers as usual with reference to FICV, 52 Cal exports & on the LCA MK1 ASPJ/MAWS.

And ofcourse PRC is not 10feet tall, but PRC is a dangerous nation with no moral values. India needs to be careful. PRC is a ruthless enemy

rad said...

hi prasun
the green periscope from L3? , how on earth the US alowed its stuff on a russian sub??
what if they stop service ?
I just saw a video on the chinese pla academy, there seems to be a fun thing rather than the strict serious stuff that goes on in the indian acadamey where u can get beasted?. i have seen soldiers gatting bashed and crying in wellington.
would it be cost effective to make the sig rifles in india as we need a hell of a lot more . they seem to be one of the best in the world.
what type of seeker does the babur and chinese cruise missiles have .pak claims pin point accuracy??
does israel make pylon mounted sensors like maws, rwr,jammers etc.
what would be the main advantage in procuring theMWF viz a viz the su-30mki which cost equal.?

bhoutik said...

*why was OFB's LMH ignored?

*basin trials of Vikrant were supposed to have started on 12th March. any news on that front?

*don't know if you've heard - the chinese apparently organized a video conference of several nations over the china virus. they seem to be closely following indian steps.

*i know this is unfair to ask since there r 2 many variables at play, but where do you see the chinese economy in the near future given the increasing calls of decoupling from the US. same question about their industrial & technological capacities - as a result of such a fallout.

*who do you see in power after modi' term in bjp? who are the best candidates & what are their chances?

*what could happen to bangladesh after hasina?


2017 me laid down, 2018 launched, 2020 inducted..matlab ki Indian shipyards to sahi me nalayaak hai global market me....shame on govt mentality of low productive workforce ...aise to hum CORONA me bhi kuch na kar paye

Parthasarathi said...

Indian Navy is again at hunt for Minesweepers. Do a modern navy need a dedicated mine sweeper ? If yes then why we do need outside help for dedicated Minesweeper ? Can't we fabricate an nonmetallic hull ? Now a days the carbon fiber technology is do advance that it will be a cakewalk for Naval Arch department of Kharagpur IIT.
Best regards

Manas said...

PRASUN DA,we are inducting the Tejas 1A with Israeli AESA radar cant India integrate American AMRAM BVR as Israel an USA are close partners and America is now major source of advanced US weapons

just_curious said...


1- .. how true is this? a new world order? has china used bio terrorism to subdue the west?
2- can't the saab IDAS be used on tejas mk1a? as you had mentioned in your previous replies to some queries, terma's ace pylon can do the trick as they can house MAWS sensors. how about the outer wing pylon currently mapped to hold the spj be replaced by terma's ace?
3- GE 414 has the same dimensions & weight as the 404 engine... can it replace the 404 given mk1 a more thrust? ditto with new wing design proposed for mwf ...

DAshu said...

Very Interesting details about 8 Sikh. What happened to Major Mahe in the end?

RAT said...

Buddha that depends on whether you receive enough enlightenment as to safe hygienic practices to keep the infections at bay OR you are an old man susceptible to the virus.

Millard Keyes said...

Meanwhile India is surging as one of the world's most influential scammer loaded countries. Nearly 95% of scams are now Indian origin. Salt Lake City Kolkata, Park Circus, Kolkata, Gurgaon, Delhi, occasional Mumbai, Kashmir and Kanpur - life is becoming very difficult for Indian origin people in the West because they are bearing the brunt of frustration. On top of that, these scammers are earning three times the amount declared in the income tax so they are scamming their own country as well.
see more once you check the playlists

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRITAM SARKAR: Either way, it will benefit countries like India since crude oil prices will drastically drop down to perhaps as low as US$16 per barrel.

To NIKHIL M: 1 & 3) 4 AAMs in all: two BVRAAMs & 2 SRAAMs. 2) No. There’s no room for any CFT on Tejas Mk.1A airframe. 4) Silent Eagle is ‘silent’ only in name, and not acoustically. All combat aircraft can stay ‘silent’ if they do not emit any RF emissions.

To RAD: It is for the BrahMos-1 & the SAAW equipped with EMP generator. All modern cannons have shock absorbers. The L-3 KEO-supplied periscopes were procured way back in 2012 & they were installed by HSL in Vizag on only those Type 877EKM SSKs whose mid-life upgrades were carried out by HSL. All those SSKs going to Russia for mid-life refits cannot have US-supplied periscopes. Babur & their Chinese counterparts all have X-band monopulse RF seekers that are re-engineered clones of the Grifo-F airborne MMR originally supplied by FIAR of Italy for the PAF’s F-7P/F-7PG interceptors since the early 1990s. Pylon-mounted MAWS sensors & EW jammers are presently available only from Denmark’s TERMA.

To KAUSTAV: Have uploaded several slides above to fully explain what goes into the the waging of a mountain warfare campaign. I will firther contextualise it in terms of what is required to successfully wage limited high-intensity joint forces mountain warfare at medium & high-altitudes & whether or not the Mountain Strike Corps is the right solution for waging such military campaigns. Meanwhile, slowly but surely, news is now emerging about COVID-19’s origins from China:

Countries likely to be the first to develop COVID-19 vaccines:

Indian MoD’s Draft DPP-2020 released yesterday:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BHOUTIK: Arey bhayaa, OFB-developed LMG wasn’t ignored at all. Look closely at the Negev’s slide & you will see it has a magazine underneath, which is reqd when assaulting an objective over mountainous terrain. The OFB-developed LMG has the belt-fed ammo loading mechanism that is good when the LMG is being used for firing from a static-defensive position. Thus, both LMGs have their merits & demerits. As for the after-effects of COVID-19 pandemic, the one positive measure is the recent decision of the Govt of India to become self-reliant in the domestic production of all types of APIs that until now used to be imported from China by Indian pharma companies.

To AMIT BISWAS: How can any India-based shipyard be blamed for delayed deliveries of warships when it is the Indian Navy that refuses to freeze the warship’s design even after 33% of the warship’s structure has already been built by the shipyard? Why did the IN decude to place orders for 127mm naval guns from BAE Systems long after the first two hulls of the Project 15B DDG had already been launched & floated into the west basin of Mazagon Dock Shipbuilding & Engineering in Mumbai?

To PARTHASARATHI: If matters were indeed that simple, don’t you reckon such a solution would have been acted upon a long time ago? In reality, naval architecture is not the same as marine engineering, meaning design & development in a laboratory does not automatically guarantee success at the shopfloor-level of a manufacturing facility. And that’s precisely why all carbon-fibre raw materials for the ALH, LUH, LCH & Tejas Mk.1/Mk.1A LCA continue to be imported from countries like Switzerland & Italy. So far, Indian naval architects have maybe succeeded in developing only automated machines for producing Idlis & Dosas.

To MANAS: The US never allows any Israel-developed weapons/sensors hardware to be integrated on board either US-origin platforms destined for countries other than Israel, or on platforms of third-parties that call for source-codes to be shared for systems integration purposes simply because under a US-Israel strategic partnership agreement dating back to 1979 since the US provides annual economic & military aid to Israel every year, this money cannot be used for developing military hyardware solutions for export by Israel especially when US military-industrial competitors are also in the fray for securing such export contracts in third countries. Hence, an F-21 or F/A-18 Super Hornet, if procured by India, won’t have any Israel-origin hardware on-board.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 2) Any engineered solution can be used, even a TERMA-developed pylon-mounted accessory housing ELT-568 jammers of the type mounted on IAF MiG-29UPGs. But who will offer such engineered solutions apart from TERMA? Saab can, but it will take some time, perhaps another 3 years, but this in turn will cost more money. 3) Not true. F414’ fan diameter & weight is more than that of the F404.

To BUDDHA: If folks in India continue to consume on a daily basis the leaves of the Tulsi & Neem plants, then the body’s natural immunising system will become stronger & body resistance to such viruses will increase as well. Just rely on the gifts of the Gods of Yore gifted to humanity & all will be well. No need to panic at all.

VSJ said...

Have read parts of Maj Gen Sukhwant Singh's book here, eye opener.

From what I could gather with my little knowledge of geography, for LOC his criticism were :
1) Frostbite killed more during offensive across Ladakh, no helicopter support to cross such a terrain
2) Successfully beating back enemy attack in Poonch but not chasing back, allowing them to dig in.
3) Losing what gains were made across Kashmir valley in March 1972, not coordinating with forces in Poonch for attacking important sectors.
4) Caught off guard at chamb again - higher ups changing divisions posture to offensive and defensive thrice before December.
5) Large freed up forces sitting at chickens neck without supporting chamb or going further.

Hindsight 20/20, but I can't help but wonder what if we transferred heliborne op experienced units from East and reoriented them over Jan-Feb?
We did transfer a few units after 17th December.

We had 1 batt 4/5 Gurkha of Sylhet fame, versed in night time helicopter landing, 5000 of Meghna heli lift, a para battalion of tangail airdrop.

Enough, with all helicopters of IAF and existing formations on CFL, to launch a brigade sized attack each at oligthinthang, across turtuk and haji pir or as geography allowed using Pakistani counter attack in 1972 as excuse.

Too small an offensive to turn American attention too.


Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

South China Sea clash

Now the world is under going Corana issues, suddenly there is clash in South China sea.
US & UK are deploying its aircraft carrier. Is it accident or US Created issues?

Senthil Kumar

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Apology for asking you a out of syllabus question.

1. What's your view on the recent political scenario in MP? Is horse trading and dismantling a government in the middle good for healthy democracy.

2. Is it true that India is a banana republic? Is our constitution partial towards minority who have the guts to overpower police? I feel it's true. India can't grow with such corrupt political attitude. Further, minority communities must understand that secularism is not a one sided affair. It's a collective responsibility.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VSJ: Transfer of infantry reinforcements from 1 frontage to another is not just about mobility. The transferred formations need to 1) Acclimatise themselves to a totally different operating altitude, which can take anything between 7 & 15 days. 2) Familiarise themselves with the peculiarities of the topography & terrain, for without adequate recce, one will be making the same mistake as the type made in 1971 at Darucchain. And for a Brigade-sized air-assault as part of any expeditionary AirLand campaign, the demands are enormous in terms of numbers, because it is not just the infantry that will be reqd to be air-lifted, but also the entire battlefield logistics team & combat-support teams of field artillery assets/ ammo reloads, engineers, sappers, Signals detachments, etc etc, as the above slides have clearly explained. So, a minimum of 80 CH-47Fs Chinooks, backed by 60 Mi-17V-5s, 40 AH-64E Apaches, 40 ALHs & 40 LUHs for both aerial scouting & CASEVAC, is the minimum reqmt for airlifting a fully equipped air-assault brigade over a 3-hour period over a distance of less than 40km.

To SENTHIL KUMAR: China is now on the defensive after facing global outrage over the origin of COVID-19 in Wuhan. Hence all such posturing overseas is just to pacify the ruling Communist Party’s domestic audience, which too is angry with the Party for initially hiding the details of the COVID-19’s origins & rapid spread.

To ASD: In my view, landlocked states like MP or UP or Rajasthan or Chattisgarh or Jharkand will often face such problems. On the other hand, you will find that states with coastlines have had fairly stable govts. The populace of landlocked states almost always possess a siege mentality & this adds to their insecuritites & socio-economic volatility.

To KAUSTAV & RAD: This is the new-generation turret with 57mm cannon that Russia had displayed at DEFEXPO-2020 as a retrofit kit for the IA’s existing BMP-2 ICVs.

Interesting discussion on the future of anti-submarine warfare:

rad said...

hi prasun
i thought the brahmos was totaly in production and why do they want to test it again is there some thing new?
if the chinese pak babur type misiles have a x band monoplse radar then i assume theyhave the same accuracy as the brahmos which is nearly a meter or so?
regarding the saaw empweapon - will the radars and electronics in the vicinity be fried permanetly due to emp pulse or they will crash ,to be booted later on.. whatis the real operational mode of the saww ie emp pulse or a continuos burst when flying around . NOew after the saaw has done its misison does it blow up or remain intact .If so it may compromise the system?
Are we getting the explosive warhead as well. ?HOw much of the saaw is made in India? what abouth the crucial emp warhead section?.
SAAW means smart anti airfield weapon. ow can it take out an arifield if theradar and other electronics are taken out the rest of the field is going to be functional?

Kaustav said...


Thanks a lot as usual. The 57mm cannon on a BMP-II upgrade would make an excellent viable FICV.
The info on PRC is enlightening

Kaustav said...

Interesting on opportunity in Rotary/VTOL heavy UAV

The YouTube link on ASW lovely as usual👍

Gratitude for your efforts. I know you are being followed with great interest. Thanks again

Raghu said...


In the given link, there are references to assurances in purchase for jet engines and chip manufacturers. Would like to know your views on this

Which companies would be interested in setting up manufacturing facilities and would this tempt them to introduce the entire process of manufacturing from raw material stage into India


On a lighter note...bandalbaaz is on rollercoaster 😜😜

VSJ said...

Thank you for the explanation.
It was more of a "what if" idea.
I was thinking troop transfers over December and acclimitisation in January and reorienting in feb 1972, to use these units purely as ground assault troops, or helicopter landing.
Probably would have also needed shifting more su7 and mig21 to Srinagar- Ladakh along with all of mi-4.

Sir where is the post coronavirus world headed to?
Deglobalization, less immigration? I hope Europe doesn't forgive. While USA would probably try to chew up China because they are pissed off, by non traditional/conventional war methods.

Perhaps more trade war, lawsuits. Maybe permanently stop them at the second step of world ladder.
Same as Japan of post 1960 reconstruction era.

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Earlier you were very much confident that India would get back PoK and even went on to say @prajjwaldalal that once he completes his graduation in Canada, he would get into the aerospace somewhere in undivided J and K.

You were predicting that it would happen before 2024 election. But now I don't feel anything such going to happen. If we still look for an unrest to happen, and then take action, then it's better to give up hope for the time being. It may happen after 2025, I feel.

shukant chatrath said...

sir any thoughts on this video and related videos from this youtuber on the Arjun MBT

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: VMT. I have added a few more slides above, while here is a patent on extended-range 40mm grenades:

To RAGHU: Industrial production ventures usually come up in areas like SEZs where land is easy to acquire or lease on long-term basis, where electricity supplies are uninterrupted, with the SEZ itself being well-connected by road, rail, air & a seaport. In other words, no one sets up manufacturing facilities for selling a few hundred engines. Instead, for such a limited market, what always has been & always come up are final-assembly facilities of the type one has had at Koraput since the 1960s.

To VSJ: Full-scale hostilities back in 1971 were meant to last for only 2 weeks, as per the USSR’s assurance that it will be able to veto UNSC resolutions calling for ceasefire only TWICE. Hence, there was no other choice but to end hostilities by December 17.

To ASD: As you’ve stated, I had said GET BACK PoK, not TAKE BACK. For the latter, at least tens of thousands or even perhaps a million Indians would be required to embrace martyrdom, which is a totally new experience in independent India & hence no Indian politician will ever dare undergo such an experience. A mere glance at past wars & their durations will reveal this hard-truth. I will of course produce empirical data to prove this in the near future in this very thread. Hence, it is always better not to hope for the impossible to happen & instead one must rely on sober assessments & that alone guarantees the reaching of fruition of RATIONAL OBJECTIVES.

To SHUKANT CHATRATH: It is a brain-dead videoclip.

To BUDDHA: Let’s get realistic & examine the facts. In India there is 1 Hospital Bed for 1,826 people, 1 Doctor for 11,600 people, 1 Isolation Bed for 84,000 people. Instead, Indian decision-makers have preferred to construct statues costing Rs.9,130 crore. In the end, it is all about getting one’s priorities right, which does not as yet appear to be the case. Take for instance, this ‘Ghanti Bajaao’ antics:

And then we have the Union Health Secretary conducting the daily briefings:

Where is the Union Health Minister? Is he answerable to the citizens of India via parliament, or is the unelected Union Home Secretary answerable to India’s citizens?

On a related note, this is now coming up: 83 Indian PoWs in Pakistani Captivity:

But to end this comment on a good note, do watch this:

Ancient Cure for COVID-19:

To DASHU: As expected, in Pakistan the first area to be locked-down is GB, never mind Punjab or KPK provinces:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The future is already being worked upon:

AVX Aircraft ARH:

Bell 360 Invictus

Boeing FARA:

Sikorsky S-97 Raider:

KAREM AR-40 helicopter:

Apache AH-64E Block II:

Kaustav said...


Enormously interesting program on the upcoming & evolving if not revolutionary Undersea & Submarine Warfare. In the Indian context, IN needs evolution on undersea sensors, UUVs & anti-air systems & ofcourse propulsion. The Electric Drive seems essential in undersea warfare. The increase in reliance on SSNs & undersea detection networks means IN focus has to be on the Silent Service. Again SSNs with flexible VL capacity seems undeniably more important than SSBNs

Wonderful discussion & many thanks

Maganlal Batra said...

"Where is the Union Health Minister? Is he answerable to the citizens of India via parliament, or is the unelected Union Home Secretary answerable to India’s citizens?" Good question. In every country in the world the PM, President, CMO and Health and Finance Minister/Treasurer are providing press briefings daily. In India Ministers consider themselves beyond the earthlings hence not only immune to the virus but any accountability. It is this arrogance that will eventually cause India's friends to have nothing to do with this government any more.It seems the Netas are too preoccupied with self isolation of themselves and the country on any realistic issues let alone the covid 19.

Anonymous said...

Why India is going ahead with deal?
If it gives in now turkey will for sure raise J&K issue again?
What about security implications since they get access to whole HSL,SBC and eastern command


3rd ~ EyE said...

Hi Sir ,

the Karem AR-40s design looks innovative , I can see this design working in flight but how do they plan to hover mid flight ? the pusher prop would swirl vertically to give additional lift but can that positioning work as anti torque for the main rotor ?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

What are your thoughts on how to "GET BACK PoK"?

By force it is not going to be easy and as you also said above, are we willing to pay the price in large losses in lives. As the saying goes mountians eat men (soldiers) and we have hostile population there. If were to gain command and contol of the air, do we have enough spares/weapons to run a sustained air operation like the USA did in Afghanistan?

Finally please stay safe in these dangerous times.



How does this help??

In this document, USAF getting 115 4 n 5 gen jets at only 15.1 billion dollar, 15 tankers only at 3 billion dollar, 52 apaches at only 1.2 billion dollar but when india gets anything it is sucha high cost....

But the US DoD budget is very professional n transparent


Prasun Da, according to this news report Russia has offered India 3 used KILO class submarines.

1. Is this news true?
2. Doesn't it make more sense to purchase 3 more Scorpene subs instead from MDL? Kilos will be chepaer but Russia hardly sticks to the timeline.


Hardik Thanki said...

Hi Prasunji,

In light of recent Infranty weapons contracts which were signed and arrival of Sig Saur rifles, I would like your views on the following ssuggestions:-

1. Since Sig Sauer 716 is already bought a repeat order of similar rifles would solve Army's battle rifle headache.

2. For Druganov rifle replacement IMI Galil DMR or DMR based on Sig Sauer 716 would be obvious choice. Galil DMR is already in service.

3. Why is a new sniper rifle is required when a repeat order of Baretta Sniper rifle already bought would be easy.

4. Will Negev LMG contract be only LMG contract or another rfi will be floated and that would be expensive.

Thanks & Regards

Hardik Thanki

Ludwig said...

Thanks for the great write up Prasun da, I think you made a typo in point 7 where you have written that the 30/40 mm grenades with the range of 800 "km" rather than meters.

just_curious said...


1- News about india signing up with turkey for 5 support tankers .. what changed? Erdogan is still the *&#$@ that he was till a month ago
2- the new leasing option in the DPP 2020 .. which areas will it benefit apart from training & simulation products.. surely no combat products can be leased
3- Similar to the FARA options you shared, can't the later batches comming out of hal have canted & ducted tail, retractable wheels & enclosed weapons bay.. akin to the textron offering? guess that should result in minimilastic changes to design but should enhance the craft a lot

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

a few questions as have nothing to do in this lockdown

1. is india buying 3 russian kilo subs to tide over sub shortage?

2. is india leasing refueller for IAF?

3. reports say IAF will buy 60 more Mig 29s and 18 more Mig 29Ks, how true?

4. why doesnt GOI use air support to fight the naxals, 1 died yesterday, in a area few ms away from the area on road from jagadalpur to bhadrachalam?

5. will the 57mm cannon that Russia offered at DEFEXPO-2020 will be included in BMP-2, btw anythiNg on BMP 3 OR BMPT joining IA

6. you said to DASHU 'As expected, in Pakistan the first area to be locked-down is GB' why so?

7. with regards to answer VSJ that 2 week timeframe i figured was correct, but how true is that When US 7th fleet arrived with carrier, sub, destroyer USSR conveyed to USA that if they enter bay of bengal every single ship will be sent to sea bed?

8. regarding the coronavirus why are indian billionaire more worried about making money then instead helping to tide over the crisis?

stay safe dada, hope you have your supplies stocked, alas i cant


Joydeep Ghosh

dailyindiadefence said...

Dear Prasun

The way India can and will get POK one day is when we see a Developed Kashmir and people in POK
Want to jump ship. Give PM that chance.


U.S. Army (@USArmy) Tweeted:
Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, Chief of the @USACEHQ, provides a 'simple' solution to the complicated problem of building temporary medical facilities to assist states with responding to #COVID19. This clip is from a press conference by Army senior leader on March 20, 2020.


just_curious said...

continunig to my prev q -list
4-On ofb ficv why use bmp2 & not the latest model- bmp4, which is also
the basis for SDM spurt light weight tanks. Those , I feel are also reqd for high altitude regions

Q- 3 of my prev post was regards to LCH.. why can't we take help from airbus, textron or others (ducted -canted tailfan, enclosed weapons bay, redesigned wings to carry the weight of the craft in flight etc) for latter bacthes. the textron FARA offering is a perfect template for LCH

anish said...

Prasun Ji,

Thank you for writing this article. It was indeed very hard to read.

1) What is the scenario nowadays with regards to battalion support weapons in the infantry.
a) Do we now have enough for each battalion, or is it still rationalization at work ?
b) Do wee still pool our resources for MMGs, Carl Gustavs, AD guns (in direct firing role), and other weaponry to deploy it on LoC?

2) What in your view needs to be procured urgently to increase the firepower of our infantry - more LAWs, Carl gustavs etc ?

3) Do you concur that there is a marked improvement in NVDs given to our army, do we have them in enough numbers, or is it that once the unit is sent to LoC it is given some gucci gear, and then once the unit finishes its tenure the equipment is taken away ?

4) Exactly for whom is Sig 716 meant for ? when even frontline infantry will be equipped with ak 203, for 66000 odd sigs for IA can't possibly equip more than 100 battalions, which battalions will these be ? the ones at LoC ?

5)No additional order for more MKU helmets, after the initial 1.58 lakh ? no order for more smpp bullet proof jackets? Atleast these helmets, and vests should be standard issue across combat that soldiers can train wearing them in peace areas.

6) Is it not a nightmare to issue the gucci gear only when the unit deploys at LoC, since the soldiers don't train with them in peace areas, how do they cope with moving running, in general working with all this gear, when their bodies and minds are not used to working with all this gear ?

Thank you

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: VMT. It is now becoming more & more evident that China has to be held accountable on a global scale for its deliberate criminal negligence. The following bear ample testimony to China’s duplicity & cover-ups—all in the inyerests of CPC regime survival:

China instead is now peddling conspiracy theories based on past Hollywood movie-flicks like these:

Iran Too Is In Denial:

After GB, Total Lockdown in AK:

While as Expected, Israel Continues To Innovate:

Now-Emerging Treatments:

JKP Using China-Made Drones for Enforcing Lockdowns:

The need of hour for all of us is to ensure mental positivity regardless of what’s happening around us. Mental equilibrium is the key to ultimate survival & I myself can testify to this after having undergone a few near-death experiences since my childhood days both inside India & abroad. Therefore, no matter what, a positive outlook ensures a productive & focussed state of daily existence. That’s why perhaps I took the trouble of scanning & uploading all the voluminous historical factoids above so that the readers’ minds can remain intellectually taxed & occupied.

The post-COVID-19 era will likely witness a deep inflection point both at societal levels & national levels. In the former, increased emphasis will likely be placed on individual & community hygiene affairs & greater investments in micro-biological research—an area where minimal R & D is happening in India. This perhaps is also the reason why some self-styled ‘netas’ & medical practisioners alike are appearing on TV to give dire predictions bordering on utter helplessness, while folks like Baba Ramdev are emerging as practical practisioners. At the national or strategic level, India will likely to deepen the QUAD arrangements with the US, Australia & Japan, and perhaps even expand it to include South Korea, Singapore & Taiwan. In addition, Taiwan’s industries should be encouraged to take advantage of the anti-PRC sentiments now prevailing within India to expand their manufacturing sector-related business footprints inside India. And for God’s sake, at the military-diplomatic level, the Govt of India MUST formulate a policy under which each decommissioned or to-be-decommissioned homegrown IN warship (be it a Leander-class or Project 16 Godavari-class frigate or a Project 1241 FAC-M or NOPV) must be refurbished, partially upgraded & sold at a minimal fee to friendly countries of the IOR (especially in East Africa) as goodwill gestures.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MAGANLAL BATRA: At this inflection point, one must seriously consider ways & means of upholding political accountability by exploiting various information & communications technology (ICT) tools for obtaining mass socio-political feedback, such as using SMS replies to support or oppose policy initiatives, something like electronic referendums. Time does not wait for anyone & consequently waiting for the three annual parliamentary sessions for passing bills or enacting legislation has now become a discredited & obsolete practice (even though Parliament can be convened within 24 hours for emergencies but this almost never happens in India).

To RON: Didn’t HSL also tie up with South Korea’s Hyundai Shipbuilding at an earlier time during the UPA-2’s rule? What happened to that? And how come HSL has been ‘nominated’ to build the 5 vessels? What happened to the competition among both foreign OEMs & their domestic shipbuilding counterparts? I smell foul from this entire arrangement.

To 3rd-EYE: I perhaps can, but at greatly reduced cruise speeds. Only flight-tests of a flying prototype will reveal the truth. But as of now, the only serious players are Bell Helicopters, Boeing & Lockheed Martin/Sikorsky.

To RAT: The ‘hostile’ population in PoK is limited to only the southern parts like Kotli, Mirpur & Rawlakot that contain the bulk of resettled Punjabis & Pathans & they thus are not the original inhabitants or true Kashmiris.

To AMIT BISWAS: This gives India yet another overseas maritime base for replenishment in the southern IOR & adds to what India already has in Seychelles & Mauritius. Madagascar will be added to the list in future. The low-cost of US military hardware procurement is easily explained by the ready availability of support infrastructure (like air bases & MRO facilities) there, whereas in case of India the entire support infrastructure has to be procured as well, to add to the air base refurbishments, enhancements & expansion. As for modular, air-transportable, air-inflatable medical facilities, their reqmt was felt way back in mid-1999 during OP Vijay, as explained in the slides above. Sadly, not one of the DRDO’s enlightened ‘scientists’ & ‘engineers’ has to date bothered to offer practical solutions that can be transported by C-130J-30 transports out to any of the operational ALGs!!! I still remember that way back in 1993 itself at a Dubai Air Show, I had witnessed just such a rapidly-deployable facility developed by a South African OEM, whose deployment was practically demonstrated at that expo.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Yes, they have been offered on a dry-lease basis, just like the arrangement for INS Chakra. This project is totally different from that involving the procurement under Project 75I of additional Scorpene SSKs or even its advanced derivative, the Scorpene Version 3.0.

To HARDIK THANKI: 1) The additional SIG & AK-203 SLRs are meant only for re-equipping the IA’s Northern & Eastern Commands. For the rest of the IA, the 7.62 x 39 Ghaatak SLR will be made available. 2 & 3) No, for that the Victrix Armaments .338 Lapua Magnum Scorpio TGT from Italy’s Beretta and the .50 calibre M95 from US-based Barrett have been procured—6,000 in all. 4) The Negevfg NG7 LMGs are only for the IA’s Northern & Eastern Commands.

To SUSAN: Total baloney & utter boulderdash. Fantasies meant only for internet fanboys.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 2) Dry-leasing is already ongoing since 1988 when the first Project 670 SKAT SSGN was acquired by the IN & later the Project 971 SSGN was acquired as INS Chakra. Similarly, additional Project 877EKM SSKs can be dry-leased from Russia. Similarly, turbofans like AL-31FPs can be leased from the joint India-Russia IRAL company’s (based in Nashik) bonded warehouse to temporarily replace those AL-31FPs that have been sent to Russia for mid-life overhauls. The IAF can pay IRAL via the concept of ‘Power-by-the-Hour’, meaning one pays according to the number of hours of engine utilisation, which is exactly how commercial turbofans are leased to airlines worldwide. IRAL can also provide 24-hour guaranteed spares support services by holding spares aggregates in its bonded warehouses (that are exempted from Customs) & make available to them within hours on lease while the original defective component gets serviced by the OEM. This will enable the achieving of high aircraft fleet servixceability rates & is the essence of what calls ‘Performance-Based Guarantee’. I have been requesting the Indian MoD to adopt such practices since 2008 & had back then even passed on some directly-related software data to both HAL & RAC-MiG. Then there’s the concept of private firms owning & maintaining simulation centres housing both full-mission flight simulators & cockpit procedures trainers & the end-user like the IA or IN or IAF paying only a service fee per month for the number of hours utilised for each training mission. This is exactly what the HATSOF facility of HAL in Bengaluru is all about. In addition, private truck haulers can be used for road-transportation of goods instead of using the IA’s own motor-transport pool, although this comes in the category of outright services outsourcing. For air-defence gunnery & EW training missions, business jets owned by private-sector aviation charter companies & fitted with towed targets & internally-mounted jammers can be made available to the IA, IN & IAF & payments made on hourly basis of utilisation. All this has been i8n existence in Europe since the 1980s. So, if such concepts are entering India only in 2020, it only shows how intellectually backward the MoD has been in the past few decades!

3) We sure can, but the DRDO & HAL won’t, because of their inherent belief-systems, i.e. they reckon they have been blessed with all-knowing wisdom! 4) What is reqd in high-altitude regions are all-weather roads & railway tracks. Without them, neither light tanks nor ultralightweight motirised howitzers will be able to reach their deployment sites. Therefore, it is immaterial whether a particular platform is lightweight or heavy. For instance, once proper roadways were built at North Sikkim’s Finger One area, deployment of T-72M CIA MBTs became very easy. Presently, due to the bankruptsy of companies like IL & FS, construction of critically reqd tunnels like J-Morh & Zoji La has stopped for the past 5 months, with no solution in sight. Watch these:

Parthasarathi said...

Now we have stinger missiles. ( Appeche) Can't we integrate stinger with our LCH ?
Best regards

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,
Fail to understand why so many types of rifles are required Sig Sauer 716 , AK203, GHAATAK etc.? Further while Sig 716 and GHAATAK are 7.62*51 calibre, AK203 is 7.62*39 calibre. Needless to say the various versions of AK47s which army is already using which are all 7.62*39 calibre. Why there can not be a single type like China and other western armies?

Is F21 finally selected for Kalvari class or not?

Buddha said...

Your article is always inspiring and worth reading..
Links you give helping to pass time .
On lighter note
Hope you have read this report..
Allah seems happy to punish its unruly followers



1.The recently released DPP 2020 states that that contracts signed through Inter-Governmental Agreements (IGAs)/Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route is exempt from offsets. This is surprising and flies in the face of the Government’s oft-repeated assertions on self-reliance and indigenisation.

Why did GoI exempt G2G deals from offsets?

2. After Russia objected to the selection procedure MoD has decided to refer the Propelled Air Defence Gun Missile System (SPAD-GMS) deal to the independent monitors. Indian Army says there are short comings in both the systems offered by Russia & South Korea.

So why was the K-30 Biho selected by the Indian Army? Do you think Pantsir is a better system?

Thank You

Kapil said...

Dada, how severe will be the economic impact for Pakistan because of coronavirus? It's economy was crashing anyway buy now i think even the 6 billion IMF aid will be of no help. Niazi in an interview was literally begging the world for a debt waiver. CPEC too will now come to a standstill. This will likely increase social and economical instability there. I think the year ahead will be a very tough one for Niazi. Hope he and Bajwa face every possible humiliation in life.

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun da,

VMT for the informative videos you shared earlier and keeping us uplifted. How's this for an innovation

If this works out this will be a shot in arm for our fight against this pandemic of Corona virus.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PARTHASARATHY: Yes, Stingers can be integrated, as can any other weapon system. Barring the 20mm Nexter Systems-supplied chin-mounted cannon, the 2.75-inch rockets & Mustral ATAM were selected by the DRDO-HAL combine in an opaque manner without any competitive bidding process that constitutes a violation of DPP guidelines. That mess has yet to be resolved, sinbce neither the IAF nor the IA has so far officially specified the 2.75-inch rockets or Mistral-ATAMs as their preferred weapon systems. In light of this, it is downright ridiculous to even claim that platforms like the Dhruv Mk.4 WSI & LCH have been awarded their certificates of airworthiness (CoA). Maybe the CoA applies to only those cleared for giving aerobatic performances during expos, but it definitely does not apply to weaponised platforms since full-scale weaponisation has yet to take place.

To ANKIT KUMAR: Yes, 1,000 of them. They are also receiving 1,000hp powerpacks & TIFCS digital hunter-killer fire-control systems & new-generation optronic sights.

To VED: Well, while it is best to always atandardise, it is not possible in India’s case because domestic solutions are invariably sub-optimal & hence the CAPFs require different solutions, the RR wants something different & the armed forces something else. The AK-203s will replace all existing AK-74s of 1980s & 1990s vintage.

To BUDDHA & KAPIL: VMT. Here’s some more about China’s criminal negligence:

It is now up to the world to agree on convening a post-WW-2 Nuremburg-type trial & hold the Communist Party of China (CPC) accountable for the global COVID-19 pandemic. This is the very least the world can do to ensure that such a man-made disaster never happens in future.

As for Allah’s will, it is exactly because of that which caused all the anti-CAA protests to cease yesterday. And it was also Allah’s will that we all can watch how Pakistan’s journalists chewed IAKN’s arse yesterday:

This is what happens when an ill-equipped & ill-informed govt is thrust upon a country, & is told to engage in nonsensical propaganda like this:

And this is the end-result, due to which there will be further resentment among the inhabitants of PoK:

Meanwhile, due to the IA’s punitive fire-assaults across the LoC on march 5 & 15, this is what the PA has been up to since then:

But the good news is that scores of sleeper cells (hiding arms that are all Made-in-China) within J & K UT are now being busted almost on a daily basis:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) because many G-to-G deals are struck for lease arrangements for platforms, or for mid-life refits for SSKs. 2) This is a longstanding problem between the IA & IAF, since the preferred weapon system is one that can not only engage hostile combat aircraft, but also hostile standoff gliding PGMs, i.e. terminal defence systems that the former IAF’s CAS, Ret’d ACM B S Dhanoa keeps talking about. But the RFPs for a unitary AAA system were broken down into two—one each for the IA & IAF & this is what is causing all the confusion. For instance, if the K-30 Biho is preferred by the IA & the Pantsyr by the IAF, then this will complicate matters since neither service will be able to justify why it chose a particular solution, since both systems can do the same job.

To KAPIL & AMOL: In every crisis there always lurks an opportunity. Hopefully the on-going emergency situation will give the present-day Govt of India the much-neede excuse for bulldozing through the much reqd & far-reaching economic reforms that will enable India to emerge as the biggest new destination for FDI in the manufacturing sector in the aftermath of a most-likely exodus of foreign MNCs from China due to Beijing’s opaque form of functioning in critical governance matters. In fact, one can already see the emerging tentacles of a sneakly Beijing in trying to enlist India’s support for thwarting all calls for accountability & financial compensation from countries that are now suffering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

3rd ~ EyE said...

Hi Sir,
Im a novice w.r.t aviation , sorry if my question makes no sense.
Given that Tejas's elevon provides the pitch control ,
What are your thoughts on having horizontal thrust vectoring capabilities for tejas ? while shedding its rudder ?
with a little bit of effort to reduce it's frontal RCS like F-18 Es , AESA upgrade, retractable probe over FOC version make it more 'near stealthy' platform with far lesser RCS as Tejas is already a small bird ?

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,

Will IN MH60R be equipped with kongsberg NSM?

Kindly share the details of the mid life upgrades that thyssenkrup will be doing on shishumar class in terms of weapons suite etc

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANISH: VMT. 1, 2 & 3) The hardware reqmts that have still to be met for the plains-based IA formations to their fullest are in arenas of night-vision devices, mini-UAVs of the hand-launched type, manportable ATGMs modified for bunker-bursting, shoulder-fired LAWs & 8 x 8 ICVs fitted with breech-loading 120mm mortars. For mountain warfare, it is most regrettable that 11 years after OP Vijay, the DRDO has been unable to come up with uniquely tailor-made weapon system like shoulder-fired bunker-bursting rockets containing thermobaric or blast-penetration warheads, due to which Spike-SRs are being imported. Nor has the DRDO been able to develop automatic grenade launchers with longer-calibre barrels for either 30mm or 40mm barrel diameter. The only noteworthy developments have been the development of manportable low-level air-defence radars like Bharani & Aslesha. But I can’t understand why the DRDO can’t develop a lightweight weapon-locating version of this radar:

4) As I had explained earlier quite a few times, the emergency imports of SLRs, LMGs, carbines & sniper rifles are meant ONLY for re-equipping the Divisions of the IA’s Northern & eastern Commands. 5) Such orders, especially the follow-ons, are quietly placed under ‘Supplementary Contracts’ that don’t attract much attention from the media. 6) The formations of the Northern & eastern Commands have been regularly training at least thrice every year with such newly-acquired gear.

To AMIT BISWAS: The powerpack comprises two sections: engine & gearbox. Only the 780hp engine has been ‘almost’ indigenised, but not the 1,000hp engine. These, along with their gearboxes, are all being imported from Russia.

To 3rd-EYE: Addition of TVC nozzles will only add to the overall weight of the airframe, which will further reduce the thrust-to-weight ratio. In addition, TVC nozzles require additional servicing & this increases the aircraft’s downtime & availability rates.

To VED: Not NSM, but the HSM version of the NSM. Mid-life upgrade data for Class 209/Type 1500 SSKs was uploaded way back in 2016 here:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

There are now growing calls for China to ber held accountable for the COVID-19 pandemic, this being the 2nd time China has mismanaged such a pandemic, the first being the SARS outbreak of 2003. China now portraying itself as the victim, and not the perpetrator while at the same time preventing a discussion on the pandemic at the UN. However, the evidence this time is too overwhelming to be glossed over, especially since several of the 900 million cellphine users of China have already shared an undeniable amount of forensic evidence:

The illegal businesses in wildlife food consumption at wet-markets not just in China, but also in Thailand & Indonesia, needs to be terminated with immediate effect, as shown here:

At the international level, there will undoubtedly be calls for financial compensation being extracted from China, but a far more enduring punishment will be for China to be demoted at the UNSC & be stripped of its permament membership of the UNSC due to its sheer irresponsibility displayed in both 2003 & again now. Such global crises demand a unified global response so that such man-made disasters with global ramifications never ever occur.

And if India’s ruling decision-makers emerge relatively unscatched through the successful containment & elimination of this pandemic over the next 2 weeks, then India can rightfully claim to replace China as a permanent member of the UNSC. A lot will also depend on 2 critical factors: India’s leadership roles & initiatives & outreaches within SAARC, BIMSTEC & the IOR to prove her credentials as a responsible power; & India forging deeper links with the likes of the US, Australia, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan & Singapore in greatly strengthening the QUAD mechanism. Needless to say, the UK & the EU too will be inclined to follow suit & devise new sustainable economic models that will keep China excluded for an extended duration as punitive punishment. It is now up to India’s ruling decision-makers to select the right cards to play without blinking any more.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said... ... why did GTRE not invest time on such things even before kaveri was made ? it would have been very better since we would have been mass manufacturing these engines for different Stand off weapons and with higher Thrust version for cruise missile and much higher for Tanks and marrine applications. We could have developed the required tech by now for airplanes and could have use for civil applications like arming dornier aircraft with this. which would have made the transport at this critical time much easier ... also for this pandemic situation they should have quarentined all the air passenger arround 90K starting from january and feb so that we would have not needed a shut down

Anonymous said...

Looking at how China is helping and compensating different countries shows its prowess and clout and nobody can speak about it..even India


Anonymous said...

The Chair for the UNSC for the month of March is China. Current chair of the UNSC decides what's on the agenda and guides the body. According to reports, China has blocked the draft on coronavirus and is not allowing the global issue to be discussed in the UNSC.
Many countries want to pass a proposal on the global issue but China is constantly putting obstructions and blocks. The draft also calls for “full transparency” over the ChineseVirus19 outbreak.
Although the term of President changes every month, as a permanent member China has veto power so it can continue to block the issue to be taken up by United nations security Council which makes China more comfortable on this issue.
There’s no reason to panic at the moment & plan to monitor the situation. COVID-19 currently not on the agenda. Well played China Clapping hands sign.


dilbert said...

Hi Prasun,

...but a far more enduring punishment will be for China to be demoted at the UNSC & be stripped of its permament membership of the UNSC ...

I like the idea, but I doubt it can be done. How are we going to kick China out of the Sec Council when it can veto any such move?

...then India can rightfully claim to replace China as a permanent member of the UNSC. ...

Again, I like this idea but have serious doubts about whether it can be done.

Prranshu Yadav said...

Hi sir and everyone else. I am glad to tell you all that I have started my own blog. You can visit it at There are various categories in it. I think you will find the defense & geopolitics category the most interesting. Do go through it and let me know what you think. I could really use some feedback. And sir, in particular, do go through the post on stochastic drift in the defense and geopolitics category. Its something I researched on a while ago. Here is its link.

Sumit sen said...
Dada above is the link though 'desi news' but still are we finally zeroing on two follow on il76 Awacs? And more Russian tankers?

VSJ said...

OT but it makes sense to me. Khalistani network abroad is fully active and I see everyone in west firmly believes in "oppressed muslim" and except few right wingers who as a silver lining believed and were happy (byproduct of ISIS and boko haram shenanigans and migrant crisis).

I don't believe Khalistan has even a chance founding a township in Canada with that name, better to purchase an island like that baba.
Still it confounds me reading every western rag posting "muslim pogrom", and sad interviews of muslims on the run from hindu mobs. No mention of Tahir or Shahrukh.

Pakis are hiring lobbying firms, have a serious propaganda warfare campaign, enjoy massive penetration in society to cause riots, a liberal gang which gets away with everything and certain media bootlickers, likes of which you have exposed here repeatedly.

Ayush said...

You are being too optimistic Prasun da. China won't be expelled from UNSC. And there wont be any Nuremburg trial either. Surprised that you think this is possible. Even the barbs being exchanged between US and China will cease once the situation gets back to normal. Hope i am wrong but China will walk away without paying any price.

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da is it real, kindly check the link below:


While PAF managed to get AMRAAMs why it couldn't get AIM9X missile??any hardware deficiency?? What's the logic behind uncle Sam supplying AMRAAM to Pakistan during war on terror?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: HAL had already developed such a turbojet called PTAE-7, as shown here:

But at that time there were no GSQRs, NSQRs or ASQRs calling for the development of standoff cruise missiles of any time. India’s armed services were ready to present their QRs for standoff PGMs of different types only from 2002 onwards.

To VIVEK, MANISH, DILBERT & AYUSH: It will do us all very good if we were to reserve our judgements, since the situation is still evolving & the worst thing one can do is rush to assumptive conclusions based on one’s own individual ‘belief system’ that is most likely to rest on irrational foundations. Hence, the only sane option is to focus on factoids & official reactions emanating from various countries. Here are a few examples:

There are now several possibilities that the POTUS under his emergency powers can now do to punish China, but he can’t do it alone, but with like-minded countries like India, Japan, Australia, the UK, France, Germany, South Korea & Taiwan. This crisis therefore promises to become a regime-changer inside China, while at the same time also ushering in new business models concerning global industrial supply-chains. After all, it is IMPOSSIBLE for China to please & placate all 175 countries that have been affected by COVID-19.

And like China, Iran too will face the brunt of rising anger:

And so will Pakistan, whose unregulated border with Iran has led to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia barring all Pakistanis from conducting the Hajj pilgrimage this year:

And yet, despite this, the following type of bullshit continues emanating from Islamabad:

While in reality, Pakistan has already begun building quarantine centres inside PoK for transferring all Pakistani citizens who have been tested +ve for COVID-19 to such centres that are far away from Pakistan's ’our provinces:

And here are the latest developments regarding R & D on COVID-19 vaccines:

To SUMIT SEN: It is OLD news. I had already detailed it here:

To VSJ: You may find this interesting: Clash of Civilisations OR Clash of Faiths:

To AMIT BISWAS: Because the US State Dept did not approve the export of AIM-9X & Boeing JMHDS at that time. In addition, the AIM-120C-5s approved for export were far less lethal than the then-available but not exportable AIM-120C-7.

Millard Keyes said...

of all those links the only channel that is worth watching is the China Uncensored and also watch the NTD channel. But I don't prophesy but product: despite all these I am of the opinion China will continue to carry on as normal and walk away with minimal effect. They have just too much hold on this world and their own people.Which is sad and gifted by the US and the West.


卫纳夜格@Raj (@rajfortyseven) Tweeted:
#IndianNavy lacks vision.
#INSVikrant #IAC1 nowhere near completion 7yrs after its launch.
No place to berth the AC group.
@indiannavy plans leasing #Kattupalli #LandT berth fm 2022-2030,it doesn't have space,No adm building,No security.
Instead can build own base in 2yrs.

Didnt navy gazers and planners had time make a berth for vikrant in naval dockyard for last 7 years??

Karnflakes said...

Prasun Da. It seems every country including India is pushing back against even naming the virus the Chinese/Wuhan virus .
In this situation China is ramping up it's propaganda to showcase that it's way of handling the outbreak (read the CCP regime) is the best in the world. Other than Trump and his people (who are being accused of racism by thier opposition) no one seems to be holding china to task.Where do you see any anti china actions.

Lastly how does one determine if the virus is engineered vs mutating naturally ?

SW said...

The Pakistan navy is poised for expansion with inclusion of frigates from China and Turkey. Some of these will replace the ageing fleet, while the rest will increase the fleet size. The same goes with their submarine acquisitions. They're also procuring other surface fleets (Corvettes/Tankers...). Few surveillance and patrol aircraft as well.

It doesn't look like a major expansion in numbers, however it does point to a considerable capability enhancement. It is quite interesting how they are still able to finance all of this. Looks like their economy will be debt ridden till 2030's at least with the kind of money they're spending on military.

Anyway, should we be concerned about naval expansion? Any changes from our side? What's the understanding on our side?


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

How long before IAF is able to re-establish technological superiority over PAF, considering JF17 BLKIII will have ASEA and a version of PL-15 and what does it need to do? or are we back to the 1980/90 when there was more of a parity?


joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

a few questions as have nothing to do in this lockdown that you havent answered plus a few more

1. is india buying 3 russian kilo subs to tide over sub shortage?

2. is india leasing refueller for IAF?

3. reports say IAF will buy 60 more Mig 29s and 18 more Mig 29Ks, how true?

4. why doesnt GOI use air support to fight the naxals, 1 died yesterday, in a area few ms away from the area on road from jagadalpur to bhadrachalam?

5. will the 57mm cannon that Russia offered at DEFEXPO-2020 will be included in BMP-2, btw anythiNg on BMP 3 OR BMPT joining IA

6. you said to DASHU 'As expected, in Pakistan the first area to be locked-down is GB' why so?

7. with regards to answer VSJ that 2 week timeframe i figured was correct, but how true is that When US 7th fleet arrived with carrier, sub, destroyer USSR conveyed to USA that if they enter bay of bengal every single ship will be sent to sea bed?

8. regarding the coronavirus why are indian billionaire more worried about making money then instead helping to tide over the crisis?

9. could this be true?

10. seems usa has decided not to pursue the issue of corona virus accontability on China as it blocks a unsc mention with help from china, now where do we go from here?

11. Pangolins have been confirmed to be the covid19 virus carriers as per research, 90% #pangolin are caught and slaughtered for china where their meat is in high demand and their scales are luckycharm, now the cute animals are taking their revenge with help from nature, will we see a stop in rhino, tiger, elephant trade stop as all are slaughtered from insatiable greed of china?

thanks hope to get answers

Joydeep Ghosh

just_curious said...

1-whats new about Ka 31 R, has IN opted for this version? LRDE had developed a radard similar to the one carries by ka 31 (xv2004) what was it planned for?
2- upgrades to IL78 tankers (to MD 90) & Mi 26 (T2 std?? pls confirm). are the 17 transporters also in line for MD90 std upgrades?
3- will it be a challenge to standardize the main gun of arjun mk1a to 125mm ? ie eill bring commonality across the armored corps of the IA ..should help on logistics , economies of scale of production of shells etc...
4- Trump flip flopping on corona virus culprit -china
5- You may have replied this but helps if you can elaborate again .. what's slowing LCH FOC & production?
6- russia's offer of 3+3 sindhukush class subs .. worth the punt?
7- how good are S koera's kss3 subs? spec comes across as impressive wot with 8-10 vls option

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MILLARD KEYES: That would well have been the case back in 2003 when, by the time the global SARS outbreak was contained, the virus spread to over 8,000 people worldwide and killed almost 800. This time, the SARS-CoV-2 has already spread to 175 countries & in China alone 80,000 are expected to have been affected. The world definitely will not be the same again & say ‘Chalta Hai’. For starters, China’s stranglehold on the global pharma market will take a deep hit, due to countries like India & Australia now openly objecting to globalisation practices of the pharma sector, as revealed here:

While from Australia, more revelations about China’s treachery is emerging:

And this as well:

And that’s why China is now racing against time to craft the narrative in its favour through such activities:

To AMIT BISWAS: LoLz! Has that clown only now discovered it? This has been the case back since the mid-1980s, starting with Project SEABIRD in karwar.

To KARNFLAKES: For that one needs to go to the genesis of the problem, which actually began in 2018 when certain Pneumonia cases in Wuhan were not responding to the then-prescribed medication. It was then that the Wuhan Institute of Virology began diagnosing the problem & found the SARS-CoV-2 virus & the disease was then labelled as being CoronaVirus. The 1st research paper on tjis was submitted for publication in January 2019 & was published in March the same year. This documentary vividly explains this all:

To SW: What’s so surprising about financing all that? Just deprive areas like Balochistan, FATA & PoK of developmental funds for a few decades & one will be able to muster the necessary funds for procuring such toys. But when an epidemic breaks out in that country, there’s no money or human resource expertise/capacity to cope with the epidemic. And to top it all, that country is being run by a clueless & uneducated but literate PM & his team of incompetent unelected advisers who are powerless when it comes to curbing the Friday prayer gatherings at the mosques.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Am greatly/deeply saddened to discover that you pose questions in this blog ONLY WHEN you have nothing to or nothing better to do. Nevertheless, let’s see what can be done to keep your mind taxed. 1) No, instead, they will be leased, as I had explained earlier above. 2) From whom? Which entity has extra refuellers that are being offered for hire? 3) Not true. FAKE NEWS. However, procuring 35 additional MiG-29UPGs is highly likely. 4) Air-support can be used only if the hideouts of the Maoist terrorists are known in advance or their static sanctuaries deep inside the forests can be pinpointed in advance. No one in the world can offer such immediate air-support on-call. Furthermore, they are not NAXALs. The naxals were only those who were members of the Naxalbari movement of the late 1960s & Naxalbari is the name of a village in Bihar. 5) If it were not to be seriously considered for procurement, then why do you reckon Russia brought it to DEFEXPO-2020 for exhibiting? 6) Because both FATA & GB have pockets of Shia population who owe spiritual allegiance to Iran (just like northern J & Kin India) & several of them had come back from Qom, Iran, via the Pakistani CIQ facility in Taftaan, bringing along with them the COVID-19 infection. 7) That is total bullshit & false bravado. In reality, the US Chief of Naval Operations had instructed the 7th Fllet to enter the Andaman Sea & then head south for Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. 8) And how to tide over the crisis? Do you have any enlightenmed ideas? If so, then why not share them with us? BTW, here are 2 Indian ‘billionaire’ who is implementing CSR:

And here’s how other Indian entrepreneurs can chip in with these:

In fact, now’s also the time to use 3-D printing technology for rapidly producing personal protective gear. 9) I have already given above the 2 weblinks of the Hollywood flicks that had dealth with viral pandemic & containment scenarios 5 years ago. 11) The animals or birds themselves are not to blame, but human beings who have kept such species in very close proximity to one another under inhuman conditions. Meanwhile, the ISPR-ISI combine is belching out rumours like never before about the IA:

When in reality, this is the truth:

In India, the COVID-19 viral infactions are all arising out of imports, i.e. Indians coming back to India not from China, but from Iran & nearby countries & consequently, only those states that have Middle-Class Muslim populations capable of undertaking air-travel (like Delhi, Maharashtra, Kerala, Gujarat, MP, J & K UT, Telengana, UP, Haryana & to some extent Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu & Andhra Pradesh) are showing single-digit growth-rates of daily infections. Elsewhere, no community-based transmissions are taking place, meaning control over the spread has been established at Stage-2 itself. If you are a resident of WB or Orissa or Sikkim or any of the other north-eastern states, then you should consider yourself as being among the lucky ones. In these states, the lockdown will hopefully be relaxed (only for the inter-city & inter-state transportation sector for essential goods & perishables) over the coming 7 days.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

RAT: Show me any photo or image of a JF-17 Block-3 MRCA fitted with an AESA-MMR. So far, only illustrative posters have appeared, while no photos exist even of PLAAF MRCAs being equipped with AESA-MMRs. No image to date has shown the nose bulkhead of even the J-20 that is supposed to house the AESA-MMR. Hence, all speculation about AESA-MMRs being destined for any PLAAF or PAF MRCA of any type is total baloney, nonsense, rumour-mongering, boulderdash & 100% bullshit.

To SUSAN: It is 100% plausible & is similar to the attacks on the Indian Embassy in Kabul in 2007 & 2008.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Are you watching those wretched videos for passing your time? The so-called ‘Mayawi’ EW suite has been ready since 2013 as shown in those videos that have used my uploaded images as illustrations. But there’s no internal volume for installing them within the Tejas Mk.1 & Mk.1A. Hence, it will go only on the MWF. 2) None, as it wasn’t shown even at DEFEXPO-2020 expo, i.e. it still faces R & D challenges WRT being fired from a rifled-bore 120mm cannon barrel. 3) More test-firings of the Nirbhay fitted with the GTRE-developed turbofan, plus more test-launches of the PG-HSLD & the SAAW. 4) Additional Ka-31s are reqd for providing both OTHT & AEW cues for the IN’s task forces throughoput the IOR that are led by Project 1135.6 FFGs & Project 17 FFGs. 5) No Mi-26T will be upgraded. Only existing IL-76MDs & IL-78MKIs to IL-76/78-MD-90 standard as I had explained back in 2016. 6) It can easily be done if the ammo & charge-bag loadings are done manually & if the ARDE can develop a unitary 125mm family of ammo rounds. 7) No flip-flops at all, because more US citizens are dying from this pandemic than from the 9-11 terror attacks. The US response is still in the evolutionary stages & rest assured that the US will seek retribution of a lasting kind. The question now is, will India follow suit? Do read this:

And these too:

8) If there are being offered on dry-lease, then it is worthy of serious consideration. Because unlike the present-day Project 971 INS Chakra in which about 12 Russian Navy personal are permanently present as supervisors (in the older Project 670 SKAT INS Chakra of the late 1980s there were 30 such personnel), on SSKs there won’t be any such supervisors. 9) They are the same as the Germany Navy’s Class 214 SSKs.

Millard Keyes said...

I agree with you in principle Prasun 100%, but the West led by the US have always shown duplicity, hence my doubting. The US was hell bent on destroying the USSR which they did. Now they are after Russia, Iran and NoKo - but why did they shore up China and allow it to mingle with the rest of the world when clearly their political and economic systems were totally different? In fact Deng was so cunning he knew the West could not resist making profit from cheap costs in China and therefore created a very organised scam whereby they sucked in all the Western companies knowing full well once the Chinese coffers were full they would then be in a position to take over the hapless Western companies, steal IPR, corner and coerce the market to follow China. Without firing a single bullet they have now expanded their empire right across the globe creating this kind of crisis. India is still too scared to rattle the Chinese so plays along like an abused woman in a domestic violence relationship. With no industrial base, farming and clientele Australia for instance is at the mercy of China having lost everything to them by way of sell out. So what would they do? Whinge as much as they do- unless they rise up unanimously and get after the Chinese bastards like they did against the USSR nothing will happen.

Millard Keyes said...

Further to what I said above, how can India fight China when on a media campaign India is losing on every count to Pakistan alone! All those fake news and rumours the ISPR-ISI is spreading plus keeping up a vicious campaign with the international media people these days believe what they hear and see. Where is an active push from the Indian intelligence to preempt Pakistani disinformation and opening up to the world to come and see for themselves? No good just replying at the UN.

Anonymous said...


Praveen Sawhney claims that the LC and LAC will be settled by 2035 in favour of Pak and China respectively thanks to China's lead in AI and Quantum computing giving it an unbridgeable military edge. Is he talking sense or is that just wild speculation on his part ?


rad said...

hi prasun
i never knew that russian personell were deployed on the chakra permenantly, why to ensure that we dont know th real secret of teh nucler reactor? or that we may bring in nuclear. weapon? can they stop us from using it in conventional warfare? if so then the chakra is only a glorified paper tiger /
In the event the jf-17 got a aesa radar, wont it be a big problem for us ? now will the chinese give them such state of teh art stuff when the possibility of getting shot down and the radar falling into Indian hands? why did the pakis not use the ft-6 glider bomb ?
will thesmall warhead of the SAAW be enough to penetrate the HAS and dmage the ac inside ?
can the bmp -2 take the recoil of the new 57 mm gun ? or they are trying a back door method of selling a bmp-3? as the bmp-2 is an old design thats never designed with such a guin in mind/
how will the US , India if it has the guts seek retribution from China after all this is over ?. china will flatly refuse?.IS it an adversity for the good like shakespear says ?In " as you like it"
what casued the US to over take china in the spread of the virus?

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1. how do you figure these, i thnklease idea can do away with long protracted procurement

2. with regards to ghting china virus the best idea would to use lakhs of abandoned buses and railways coaches as isolation points, quarantine facility or even hospital on wheels, i had spoken to some about this idea but n it seems it may well become reality.

3. with regards to providing air support for anti red terrorist/naxal ops if not air support atleast drone support should be provided just like the ones shown in uri film to for warn the patrol team as apparently 250 had attacked them. btw naxalbari is in siliguri west bengal :-)

4. if i remember you once said breech loaded mortars arent suitable now for IA plans, but if you support them where do you think be housed bmp2/ficv, jeeps/trucks or tanks? regardig tt what ajor difference is betweejeep mounted RLGS and jeep mounted breech loaded mortars?


Joydeep Ghosh

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Is the QRSAM of DRDO is indeginous or based out of Israel's SAM project ? and links for this ?

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your response, appreciate it!

I guess we will know the answer regarding JF17 BLK III, in the coming few years, if we are still around.

The evidence suggests that IRAN, POTUS and IAKN are following the herd immunity approach. Without immunisation being currently available, in the long term is this not the best approach?

This lockdown will really hurt us. What impact do you think it will have on our procurement? There are already reports that the Rafale delivery completion is likely to be delay and they have extended the lock-down in France....and Chinese are back in their factories again.




The IMF has already declared a recession due to this coronavirus outbreak.

(1) Do you think this will have a very adverse impact on the defense sector worldwide? I understand several defense primes like Airbus, Navantia among others are already cutting down on production.

(2) How will India's capital budget for defense be impacted? Already OROP is burning a hole in the pocket of the Defence Ministry.

Thank You

Kapil said...

Sir, what will be the impact if the situation on our economy which was already in a slowdown? IMF and WB had projected growth of about 6-6.5% for FY21 but now after corona that is not going to happen. The growth for current fiscal will be no more than 3%. What do you see ahead as far as economy is concerned? The years ahead will be tough.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MILLARD KEYES: I reckon that is exactly what is now being contemplated around the world, especially in those countries that are members of the QUAD grouping, & here are some examples of such growing realisations:

This is indeed China’s Chernobyl moment & given the fact that the US$’s value is steadily rising & has yet again proven to be the world’s most reliable convertible currency, this in turn greatly reduces the bargaining powers of China & certainly with the help of the Middle East countries, this time the axis of China, Russia & Iran will find the majoritarian pressures from the rest of the world unbearable. If the US can get the bulk of the OPEC member-states to agree to a common minimum pricing mechanism for a finite period under which a barrel of crude oil will cost no more than US$16, & if the US & EU along with the UK formulate yet another Marshall Plan for economic revival, this will once again put China & Russia into a tight corner. If Russia can succeed in successfully bargaining with the US & EU (since its foreign policy focus remains Euro-centric & not Eurasian) & arrive at a compromise, then Moscow too can safely be expected to remain neutral in an economic war that will henceforth between China on one hand, and the rest of the world led by the US on the other.

The time has come to not only seriously admitting Taiwan into the UN, but also stripping the PRC of its permanent membership of the UNSC & also banishing it from the G-20 Grouping, that is, unless China admits to paying trillions of US$ as damage reparations. As for Pakistan, no one is paying any attention to it & matters have now worsened so fast within PoK that even the CPEC is now in deep peril, if these sentiments are to be believed:

Interestingly, the US Space Force has now begun launching its latest-generation jam-proof military communications satellites in geo-stationary orbit:

To SATYAKI: On what date did he make such a claim? If he has just made it, then I’m afraid he is not accurately reading the tea-leaves. The world has already changed forever since the past 2 weeks & global mindsets & sentiments too are fast changing. China is not a world leader in either AI or Quantum Computing & it still depends on Western intellectual tutoring & hence it continues to send its young students abroad for higher education. In fact, even Russia is far ahead of China in such fields & the human resource quality of Russia is far better than that of China. And for starters, let’s see in the coming days & weeks how China succeeds in overcoming all the online protests from its 900 million smart-phone users. Already riots are breaking out in the borders of Hubei & all other provinces that share borders with Hubei. But yet, to give the benefit of doubt, I’m willing to be proven wrong IF ONLY China officially opens the J-20’s nosecone to reveal in the nose bulkhead whether or not it houses an AESA-MMR. In my view, it will show only a mechanically-scanned MMR. Why? Because if China indeed has developed a mature AESA-MMR, then it would never had procured Su-35BMs equipped with IRBIS-E PESA-MMRs. Instead, it would have begun retrofitting all its existing Su-27SKs, Su-27UBKs, Su-30MKKs, Su-30MK2s, J-11As, J-11Bs & J-10s with homegrown AESA-MMRs. But this is clearly not happening & so no need to paint China as a 9-feet tall giant with unsubstantiated claims about it excelling in AI, Quantum-Computing & what else have you.

Apart from test-firings of Nirbhay LACM, the Prahar SS-BSM is scheduled for a series of firing-trials in both individual & salvo-modes.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: Of course such supervisory staff are reqd for the hassle-free operation of any nuclear-powered vessel, especially when the IN crew is operating the vessel for the very first time with no prior experience whatsoever. Nor can the mere operation of such a vessel give away any clue about the design or engineering intricacies of the on-board nuclear powerplant. There’s no AESA-MMR either on the J-20 or the J-10 or the JF-17. Why else did the PLAAF procure Su-35BMs fitted with IRBIS-E PESA-MMR? Just think by applying sound common-sense. The FT-6 glibe-bomb is the same as Takbeer & it comes fitted with China-supplied REK. It is all one & the same. SAAW is for splitting open HAS structures. Instead, it can strike static AAA sites, ATC control-towers & sangars located on mountains. Of course a new-generation turret will have equally efficient shock-absorbers.

The COVID-19 virus spread quickly to only those countries whose supply-chains are located in China, like the US, Italy, Spain, France & to a certain extent the UK & Iran. For instance, there were 55 flights from Wuhan to Iran in January-February 2020. OEMs from Italy, Spain & France are major industrial vendors for supplying all kinds of hardware for China’s vast network of superfast train network. In addition, the BRI railway route exists to connect these countries with China. So let us all thank the Almighty for ensuring that India never committed to any geographical connectivity with the BRI.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Yes, you are right & I stand corrected WRT Naxalbari’s location. Here is its brief description:

1) Highly speculative as it deals only with the draft of the DPP. What appears in final form will be totally different. 2) If only the abandones buses & train coaches were not in corrosive condition! The best option is to use existing railway coaches, which is what has been done, as shown here: 3) Such mini-drones & micro-drones are already in use by the NSG. 4) They need to be housed inside armoured vehicles, i.e. the BMP-2 or Kestrel 8 x 8.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: The QR-SAM’s airframe is derived from the Astra-1 BVRAAM’s airframe design.

To RAT, VIKRAM GUHA & KAPIL: Forget about such puny matters & focus on the big picture. The entire geo-strategic & geo-economic paradigm as it used to exist 2 weeks ago has changed & now the details of something akin to the Marshall Plan is now on the drawing boards. For both China & Iran this will prove to be a regime destroyer, period, in the weeks ahead. Only then will one begin to comprehend the true powers of social media & its key enabler, information-communications technology (ICT). And for those who can’t comprehend such foundational precepts but continue barking out terms like AI, Block Chain, Quantum Computing etc etc etc, they are in for debilitating culture shocks & hence the only recommendation I have for them is to spend their time watching TV re-runs of RAMAYANA & MAHABHARATA. For, even now in such times they are loathe to give up bad habits & continue to insist on nominated govt contracts, like this one:

DPSU Bharat Electronics Ltd has been given the task of manufacturing ventilators

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Everyone will find these interesting: Geopolitical Implications of COVID-19 for Indo-Pacific:

BRI & Coronavirus

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

What about the seeker and motor, is it from indian source or external, I have read some where its from israel if i am not wrong. can you correct me if wrong.

rad said...

hi prasun
what type of radar is in the f-20 china stealth fighter, to target, guide and datalink their latest longrange missile ?
you displayed the aesa active radar for astra type missile , how far are we into testing it and what is the main hurdle?.we seem to have the software part ie at least the ALGO.
How did China acquire its own FAB factory to make its own microprocessor ? we seem to have a pilot plant in india. Are there any moves to make a FAB factory though it may cost billions and is it worth whil the investment given the negative economy of small scale?
what sort of radar is on the type 052D destroyers , Aesa OR pesa?. WHY is china bent upon having long range hq-9 type airdefense missiles on its ships when they are not as manouverable to intercept low level supersonic brahmos type. can they do that?
In what way can US force CHina to compensate the pandemic casued by these dirty yellow commies? It seems the glory of vegetarianism is comming to light !!
As the SAAW can penetrate HAS, radar ,ATC towers, i think it has taken away the costly role of the brahmos to do that. IF so what will be the main role of the brahmos for the IAF?
After the taliban takes over afghanistan will there be mass killings like the ISIS? the world is going to have another pakistan X10!.?
when India is so hard hit ie the economy how is porkistan managing ??

Ankit Kumar said...

What are the realistic deals which might get signed in the year 2020-21 for the 3 services now, considering we have this pandemic now and we are also looking at economic losses at a large scale.

Also on HAL LUH, is it really beneficial to have two kinds Ka226T and HAL LUH doing the same category jobs for IA and IAF? Shouldn't we stick to an all HAL LUH order now?

Kaustav said...


One thing I can say is that the Chinese are full of their own egotistical Shit. Indians have an innate humanity in them which far surpasses the Chinese. Maybe, because India is poorer. The poor labourers trekking back home are being provided food by locals. Pursestrings & Hearts have been opened. Industrialists, Actors,Celebrities are putting up hospitals, making lifesaving equipment or donating liberally. Even the stray animals on the road are being fed. INDIA DOES NOT NEED LESSONS FROM AN INHUMAN PRC IN HANDLING IT'S, MADE IN CHINA CRISIS. Our people, professionals, our test kits & medicines are effective, economical & of superior quality. Even our much maligned police & govt machinery is more effective & humane while ensuring an effective lockdown. Even, if we fail, Indians will support each other. India will overcome & India has to make sure, that this is a turning point in our current circumstances. India will execute it's own Marshall Plan. INDIA WILL PREVAIL

Anonymous said...


1) Praveen Sawhney has made such claims repeatedly, even as recently as the last few days.

He even expects China's influence to increase after this crisis.

Do not know how valid his claims of China's advances being militarily operational are...


joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

2 things

1. my calculation says India needs 15 aewc/awacs 360/240 platforms that too all with air refueling capability, your views

2a. India needs atleast 36 air refuelers 24 jet powered to cater to jet powered fighters/transporters/force multipliers as 12 slower propeller driven for turbo prop/propeller powered planes/helicopters, as you have already said india will needs hundreds of attack/specia mission/CASEVAC/MEDVAC helicopters which can operate longer distance/time if refueled by slower propeller driven refuelers.

2b these 12 slower propeller driven refuelers can help immensely if we take into account need to transport an entire brigade of troops by helicopters

2c also we will need 3 specially designed E2D Hawkeye based refuelers or something simiar for the 3 aircraft carriers that will help boost range of fighter jets and helicopters operating from the 2 existing (after 2021) and later the 3rd aircraft carrier

your views on the above

3. btw you havent said anything on difference is between jeep mounted RLGs and BMP2 mounted breech loaded mortars?

hope to get answers

Joydeep Ghosh

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: Everything inside the QR-SAM & Astra-1 is of India-origin except some of the COTS processor chips.

To RAD: The J-20 has a mechanically-scanning MMR just like the EL/M-2032 on the Tejas Mk.1. AESA seekers are still 7 years away from bei8ng subjected to flight-tests. To date, only Japan has successfully developed & deployed AESA seekers for BVRAAMs. China bought some Fab foundaries from Europe, especially from Germany, way back in the mid-1990s. Type 052D & Type 055 DDGs have AESA MFRs. HQ-9 LR-SAM is not meant for intercepting inbound supersonic ASCMs. For that, the PLAN uses LY-80N/HQ-16 MR-SAMs. BrahMos-1 will be used against static targets like bridges & similar logistics nodes.

To ANKIT KUMAR: In such times, to ensure conventional deterrence, only force-multipliers will be of use, like AEW & CS platforms & additional Rafales, MiG-29UPGs & Su-30MKIs. In other words, weapons contributing to rapidly deployable & quick-response airpower will be priority among all 3 armed services.

To KAUSTAV: Violent Protests Erupt in China:

Zeroing in on China’s Patient Zero:

US FDA fast-tracking test-kits & vaccines:

Iran forcibly deporting Pakistani pilgrims:

To SATYAKI: I already explained yesterday with examples how claims can be validated or invalidated. Beyond that, you have to apply your own sound common-sense, instead of heeding opinions of anyone. Hence, if no photo exists of a J-20 equipped with an AESA-MMR, you then ought to draw logical conclusions.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: I had already given out my own assessments of requirements quite a few times before. 3) RCLs are useless today in an era when lightweight shoulder-fired ATGMs like Spike-SR can go out to 1.5km. RCLs are therefore useful only for small marauding bands of guerrilla combatants & are not meant for use by professional armies.

To BUDDHA: Not quite, since the migrant workers are unlikely to come close to the real carriers of the virus, i.e. those wil air-travel histories from early January till March 23, 2020. And that’s why the incidence of infected persons is higher in those cities that serve as international air transportation hubs, like Mumbai, Kochi, Hyderabad, Bengaluru & Delhi. The rest of the country is relatively safe albeit with some isolated cases caused by those arseholes who either wilfully break their prescribed quarantines or who took advantage of India's inexcusable surveillance/screening lapses, like this here:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

China Unmasked:

& MORTAL COMBAT in Kolkata yesterday:

AD said...

Dada, I found below information from different YouTube Channels. Are they true?
1. 70% of COVID 19 fighting stuff sent by China to Spain are found out to be faulty while the count for Czech is 80%. (Source - WION YouTube Channel)
2. China turned Italy into a punching bag and claimed SARS-CoV 2 originated from Italy - strange enough no rebuttal from Italy as yet. (Source - WION YouTube Channel)
3. China's new business model revolved around selling COVID 19 fighting stuff to Europe (primarily Eastern Europe likes of Serbia) and Africa and LatAm. (Source - WION YouTube Channel)
4. Chinese hospitals treating COVID 19 patients looks much akin to a Cattle farm where patients are laying next to each other like a jam-packed cricket stadium. (Source - China Uncensored YouTube Channel)
5. Politburo Members are holding Xi culpable from COVID 19 outbreak. (Source - WION YouTube Channel)
6. COVID 19 outbreak might end CCP regime in China. (Source - WION YouTube & China Uncensored Channel)
7. CCP is hell bent to prove Western Countires (US, Italy) are origin of SARS CoV 2 and China is a victim of both COVID 19 and vicious western propaganda campaign and China is trying her best to save outside world by sending medics (like in Italy) and other COVID 19 fighting gears are actually aimed at Chinese citizen to thwart any impending revolt to topple CCP rule. (Source - WION YouTube Channel)
8. WHO DG for long has been working hands in gloves in China (In return his home country Ethiopia is promised to house African headquarter of WHO to be built by China and China is building massive rail-network to connect Ethiopia and Chinese base in Djibuti though this rail is plagued by numerous other issues). (Source - China Uncensored YouTube Channel)
9. Chinese factories returning to full-swing is far-fetched dream for second wave of COVID-19 contagion started infecting factory workers while those factories recorded working at around 70% working/ labour capacity. (Source - China Uncensored YouTube Channel)

Buddha said...


If US administration keeps death toll to 100,000, it will be a job very well done: Donald Trump
It seems America will be the worst sufferer of this chinese virus..
Hopeful that your calculation on India be true..
If 1 lakh or more american would dir..Trump may not be able for 2term..
Will Democrats be eager to punish china so strong that its Communist base collapse..
My wife is nurse ..
What I get information that India does not have basic PPE for protecting its medical staff against the virus.
Hope large scale community transmission does not take place..If takes place simply Indian medical system will collapse

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

I do hope you are correct that China is held accountable for this China-virus. This is going to devastate world economy. Especially countries like India that need higher rates of growth. Why is it that our government has not said anything regarding this? When do you think they will make an announcement? Why is our media so quiet. Today I read in TASS, they seem to be pointing fingers at USA.


Anonymous said...

I have watched Project blue book tv series it’s very interesting but shows only US Airforce perspective not any other armed you think India has any committees to investigate these ufos encounters in Himalaya


asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Is MiG-29K a good choice after Sea Harriers were retired. What is the status of its serviceability? Earlier it was only 37%. Were there any other alternative to MiG-29K at that time excluding Sukhoi-33?

Rajesh Mishra said...

Sir, Is it logical that US and Europe are suffering more by the Coronavirus than the others, because their natural immunity of the body are lesser than the others due to the extreme cleanliness all around them?

rad said...

hi prasun
what are the paper strip like stuff painte or stuck on the underside and overside of the wings of the LCA? looks ugly, some sort of test strip?
will india buy the barak mx that has a range of 150km + from israel for the xr sam ? it makes sense having a same state of the art missile with longer range. Can u confirm if the barak 8 india has bought carries a aesa radar seeker? what do they ,mean by software der defined radar ? ive heard of radios but radar?
can u throw some insight into the akash NG will it be a solid fueled rocket ? why the switch?
does the hq-16 the buk knock of have active seekers? looks rather big and fat to me to intercept supesonic cruise missiles?

Karnflakes said...

Prasun Da I had asked you about actual actions against by govts against the CCP since I was seeing none .. you ofcourse have better grasp on such things .. in the past few days it's impossible to find a non negative narrative about china on social media .. people now seem to dismiss Chinas claims of controlling the virus out of hand, no one believes anything coming out of china .. it seems millions of phone subscribers in China have simply gone dark ... In my head at this juncture it is trivial to talk about minor things like the performance of weapon systems ... It's like the world is seeing an event like the fall of the Berlin Wall... Or more aptly Chernobyl that preceded the fall. The gross profiteering by Chinese firms in this crisis should open the eyes of the world ..

Hardik Thanki said...

Hi Prasunji,

How does Python 5 missle compare with AASRAM missile. Why did Air Force choose ASSRAM missle?

Thanks & Regards

Hardik Thanki

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Not quite, but the bulk of those now being sought for quarantine are also those who had attended a gathering at Delhi’s Nizamuddin Dargah. In short, members of the Muslim community throughout India are now likely to form the majority of those carrying the virus, thanks to their utter disregard for the laws of the physical sciences. Had it not been for them, the viral growth rate could now have been drastically reduced. Here are 2 instances:

Meanwhile, Pakistan Continues its Religious Discrimination in Karachi:

Italy Seeks War Damages from China:

More Horrific Pakistani Anti-India Propaganda (Arseholes don’t even know that India does not have a mi;itary GHQ like that of the PA):

Indian Railway Coaches for Quarantine/Treatment:

Pakistan Railway Coaches for Quarantine/Treatment:

Personnel from Naval Dockyard Visakhapatnam have designed an innovative portable 'Multi-feed Oxygen Manifold' (MOM) using a 6-way radial header fitted to a single cylinder. This innovation would enable one oxygen bottle to supply oxygen to six patients concurrently. It took less than 30 minutes to successfully set up the portable MOM during rapid trials at INHS Kalyani.

The bus has a single entry, treatment chamber along with ventilator, isolation of driver and co-driver & disposable seat covers and process for decontamination.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AD: 1) True. 2) True. 3) To a total of 89 countries worldwide. 4) True. 5) Not quite. China’s citizens are. 6) It is indeed a regime-wrecker. 7) It won’t succeed. The proof against China is overwhelming. 8) The UN’s secretary-General should have scaked the WHO’s DG weeks ago for criminal negligence. 9) True.

To BUDDHA: Not necessarily. The tide be turned around if the necessary quantum of vaccines capable of strengthening one’s own immune system can be produced in bulk for mass consumption. In any case, most of the deaths accounted for to date involve the very old & sick, the average age for fatality being 82, be it in the US or Italy or Spain or France or the UK or China. While Indian industry is being mobilised for bulk-producing ventilators, the same effort does not seem to be being made for producing PPE hardware, especially face-masks (plastic-made versions of what the welders wear when welding. Large-scale community transmission won’t take place in India because: 1) India wasn’t the source of the viral outbreak. 2) India closed down its airspace, entry-points & CIQ facilities long before the US & UK did. Situatuion will improve vastly by the end of this week, rest assured. Now the onus is on India to emerge as the leading power within the IOR by mobilising her industrial capacities to cater for the demand for all kinds of support-equipment for almost all countries within the IOR & also within SAARC (munus Pakistan, which will refuse to accept any Indian assistance) & BIMSTEC.

To RAT: No one country can announce a one-size-fits-all economic stimulus package. It will have to be a multrilateral effort for which behind-the-scenes discussions/deliberations are already underway. Russia has been puished into a corner now along with China & Russia now faces a double-whammy due to the crude oil pricing crash. So very soon, Russia will be reqd to make some very hard choices. ISIS is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma only for those who have eyes & yet they don’t see (like the author of that story). It is now a proven fact that ISIS Khorasan cadres have been mobilised by Pakistan from Miranshah, Aurakzai & even Chitral. Hence, the Almighty yesterday gave a warning to Pakistan by staging an earthquake around KPK. If Pakistan still does not mend itself, then that country country will be transformed into a single quarantine zone by the rest of the world.

To RAJENDRA: There are no identified institutions in India to investigate such incidences/phenomena.

To ASD: Obviously the MiG-29K is far better than the Sea Harrier. The MiG-29’s serviceability was initially low because the IN had not procured the prescribed quantum of spares parts that was reqd.
To RAJESH MISHRA: Their dietary habits are to be blamed for their weak immunological attributes & in addition, those countries have a far higher percentage of elderly citizens who are more susceptible to various types of illnesses.

To RAD: They are areas where the composites-based structures had to accommodate additional riveting. Why should the Barak-MX when the XR-SAM with far greater range is being developed by DRDO? Barak-8 does not as yet carry any AESA seeker. Every SAM & AAM has to be solid-fuelled. The LY-80N/HQ-16 has an active RF seeker.

To HARDIK THANKI: Both SRAAMs are equally good. The IAF chose the AIM-132 ASRAAM because it was cheaper, since the ASRAAM is already being procured in bulk for the IAF’s Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 aircraft.

Anonymous said...

1. Does Indian army want to continue with 30 mm cannons for its Infantry combat vehicles ? There were reports these were inadequate in Middle East & Russia prefers 57 mm .

2. The photographs published of Indian Army acquired SiG Sauer 716 match those of tread model.
Is Direct impingement model not more intensive ?


Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

suggest some good Documentaries on diff techs ... loosing my patience dada

Anonymous said...


Is'nt what you say about China being held accountable going to happen only if Trump is reelected ? If the democrats win, they may make peace with China, leaving Asia (particularly the subcontinent) as China's sphere of influence...




Belfer Center's latest, open-source analysis of Indian and Chinese nuclear, ground, and air forces as postured against each other.

You'll have a better sense of how accurate this analysis is.

Thank You

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

a bit off topic, why doesnt Indian Army start a Siddi battalion and even the CAPFs, the siddi are strong, well built and given chance can shine, there are thousands of african origin siddis living across indias

your views

Joydeep Ghosh

rad said...

hi prasun
the info that hq16 has an active radar seeker was scary . I do rate the hq-16 better than the akash as it has got tvc as well. A salvo of them fired against a mig 21 would be deadly as the closing speed and solid state jam proof guidance radar have to be dealt with .
can the el-8222 take care of the threat ? or do we need some thing like the the spectra or the elt 568 on the mig 29 to deal with it?. How many systems are in pak and where have they deployed them.
can a brahmos take the comand center or radar van out? what course of action we should take in case of war. to take them down . Have they moved thme to the border to protect the jihadi camps. As the area is alo mountain range how good will theradar be able to detect incoming ac.
why is the political establishment scared too cross the line every time we react to pak mischief ? is there any logic or sheer fright ?
wouldn it be in our intrest, after we recieve about 6 rafales to do a combat sweep and clear the skies of f-16 once and for all before they come up with a counte rto the rafale ? how many meteors have we ordered and are they comming wiht the first deliveries?.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Regarding the Coronavirus warfare, can there be any covert link between China and the Tabligi Jamaat, which I strongly suspect. Please reply.

Buddha said...

Sir how much damage this jamat of delhi has done?
News coming that they have spread all over India.
How you see this

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VENKY: You are asking the questions that I had already answered a week ago.

To SATYAKI: Most unliklely, since the US fatalities due to this viral pandemic will far exceed than those incurred by the war on terror. Neither US public opinion nor US big business MNCs will not condone this.

To VIKRAM GUHA: VMT. The data is quite dated since the PLARF Brigades no longer start with No.50, but with 60. Secondly, up to seven new PLARF Brigades have been raised at new locations with BMs like the DF-26, DF-31AG, DF-16 & DF-17, plus DF-10A GLCMs. In addition, the PLA Strategic Support Force (PLASSF), which is the PLA counterpart of the US National Security Agency & Defense Intelligencve Agency, has several specialised SIGINT/ELINT stations dotting the LAC, whose GoogleEarth imagery I had uploaded back in 2017 in the thread dealing with the Doklam standoff.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: The IA does not raise regiments based on race. Nor are the so-called Siddis likely to volunteer for joining the armed forces.

To RAD: EL/L-8222 & ELT-568 can take care of all such threats in the mid-band frequency spectrum. PA has only 1 Battalion of LY-80E LOMADS & it is deployed in both Rawalpindi & Islamabad. Any LACM can take out such sites provided they are static & their SAR imagery can provide high-resolution dimensional data. Meanwhile, do read this:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJESH MISHRA & BUDDHA: Simply put, this Jamaat is the subcontinental counterpart of the Muslim Brotherhood that is active in the Middle East, West Asia & North Africa. Here is a primer on this outfit:

The most virulent ‘Tanzeem’ of this Sunni Jamaat exists in Pakistan & since the early 1990s it had sent sent volunteers to fight in the Yugoslavia civil war & by the mid-1990s the ex-DG of ISI Lt Gen Javed Nasir had led this Tanzeem, which then spread its tentacles throughout Central Asia, focussing particularly on Tajikistan & Kyrgyzstan by utilising the Wakhan Corridor & its Badakshan province for geographical connectivity. Coincidentally, this was also the same time that the demographic alteration of Gilgit-Baltistan began along with increased atrocities against the Shias of that region. Here are a few examples of this Tanzeem’s activities in the Central Asian Republics & even inside Russia:

The PA’s retired Lt Gen Shahid Aziz too had joined this Tanzeem with great zeal after his retirement & was one of the major ‘pracharaaks’. Here is one of his ‘recent’ interviews:

And older ones which illustrates his distorted mindset:

Now, coming to Delhi, the Govt of India’s ban on all inbound international flights was 10 days too late in coming. This had enabled the foreigners from Thailand, Malaysia & Indonesia to congregate in Delhi for the Jamaat’s annual gathering. The Delhi State Government order prohibiting all seminars and conferences was issued on March 13. Despite this, the State Govt machinery did not prevent the religious congregation at Markaz in Nizamuddin area from March 13-15. This was a totally inexcusable lapse on the part of the State Govt & its Lt Gov & the Union MHA. On March 23, Delhi Police’s Nizamuddin SHO even summoned the congregation’s organisers to give them notice to vacate. As of March 21, there were 1,746 persons staying in Nizamuddin Markaz, including 216 foreigners, 1,530 Indians. 824 foreigners are still doing Chilla across India, of which 6 foreigners from Kyrgyzstan who were staying at the Markaz in Lucknow have since been quarantined. Here is a chronological timeline of events as they unfolded:

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To me, such administrative palses point to a far larger malaise, i.e. we collectively are extremely reluctant to dispose off for good the many skeletons that lurk within our closets. It is this retarded mindset that prevents us from taking decisive steps to nip the problem in the bud. Take for instance the anti-CAA protests in Delhi & UP. Their organisers continue to justify them as acts of civil disobedience & give the example of the Gandhian Satyagraha of the 1920s & 1930s, plus the JP Movement during the days of the Emergency from 1975 till 1977. Here are 2 such retards that have hailed such acts as being ‘revolutionary’:

What such retards will never reveal (or are unaware of) is that civil disobedience is morally & ethically justified ONLY WHEN the ruling power is colonial or an occupying power, as per all available international political literature. In a free country under the rule of law, only authorised protests in pre-designated areas are allowed as being lawful. Thus, all acts of civil disobedience tantamount to challenging & defying the writ of law of the land. Therefore, to eradicate such regressive practices & distorted narratives, one must rise up to condemn the JP Movement, which in 1975 had called on the country’s bureaucracy & armed forces to rise up in mutiny. Unless such acts are condemned to the dustbins of history once & for all, there will continue to be such acts of unlawful & disruptive acts of civil disobedience throughout the country from time to time. Even within the BJP & RJD, there are several party stalwarts that continue to laud the champion the JP Movement. This needs to stop once & for all.

The irresponsible activities of the Jamaat have already been fully traced in a forensic manner & a colossal national crisis has been averted & thus there is still no danger of community transmission of the virus. But it does hold forth valuable lessons that need to be learnt & necessary legislation needs to be enacted by Parliament so that future crackdowns on such events do not end up being given a communal flavour.


It seems the Union Home minister is Jack of all this issue and utterly incompetent....

Btw why didn't iaf insisted for AIM 132 ASRAAM integration with Rafale??

Also range of MICA IR AND MICA EM version same as their body looks same??

Is it possible for iaf to go for VL ASTRA type SAM mounted on light chasis in bulk numbers instead of bulky akash with its huge trailer?? I mean this will fulfil the shortage of SAM in vital areas and points across LOC and LAC..

rad said...

Hi prasun.
we seem to be quite up to date inradars ie aesa radars, the major one being sword fish radar, radar on the ocean surveilance m issile tracking ships , our desi awacs etc .
why have we not started on designing the same for warships ie like the mfstar or the huge ones on the chinese type 054 ships etc. ?
what ever happend to the next gen short range anti supersonic anti ship missile , like S dome and c ceptor?
you mentioned the XRSAM has greater range than the barakMX , is it a new design or based on the AAD?

Ankit Kumar said...

What is the status of Type039B submarine procurement by Pakistan Navy?

Further Pakistan Navy in last 2 years has placed major capital orders. 4 Type 054A frigates, 4 Ada class Corvettes, 2 Damen Stan OPVs.

Meanwhile we haven't improved our speed of production of warships at all. We still are launching half completed hull of P15B destroyers which take then 4-5 years to complete the full fitting out process.

We will soon have 4 Rajput Class destroyers going out. But we will need more destroyers to act as escorts once the eastern command gets IAC1.

Black box said...

Hi Prasun,
Can this report be true.

sandy said...

Hi Prasun,

Given the corana virus situation. Is there a probability that the Chinese to go for a gold backed currency. Given that US and EU are close to zero interest rates.

Also will the chinese emerge on top economically ?

What do you think India's play would be in such a world order ?


Anonymous said...


Are'nt many of the irresponsible tablighis and their contacts still untraced ?


asd said...

Dear Prasun,

When a country sells weapons, how would it ensure that it wouldn't fall against itself i.e it won't act as bumerang. Ex. India sells weapons to Malaysia; then war breaks out between India and Pakistan. Then Malaysia decides to give support to Pakistan. Then the exported weapons will be used against India.

Please enlighten me.

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Further on the issue of incompetent MoHA, I think Amit Shah intentionally doesn't want to take stern steps just to highlight the anti-national activities of radical Muslims. This will help BJP to get single majority further in 2024. And mark my words BJP will come to power in 2024. Do you agree with my assessment?

Kapil said...

2024 is still 4 gears away. Bht BJP us un prime position because of Modi's popularity and opposition's bankruptcy. The Islamic extremism we have seen since CAA was passed will only help BJP further. Plus I think before 2024 there could be some military action in POK which will seal the election for BJP. I say this as a BJP supporter and a Hindutva proponent.

Ankit Kumar said...

BJP needs to come up with population control bill/2 child policy with extreme measures and either quickly implement UCC or if that's not possible quickly, ban polygamy in India with immediate effect atleast.

These things are important too.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: All the law enforcement lapses in Delhi since last December were clearly avoidable & were allowed to fester, despite clear-cut laws existing to enable the Union MHA to take decisive action. It is negligence of the highest order. MICA AAMs are used in the same way as the combination of R-27R & R-27T are used & are meant to be used in the salvo-firing mode. This isn’t possible with AIM-132 ASRAAM. The QR-SAM is nothing but a re-engineered Astra-1.

To RAD: The MF-STAR is a modular & scalable multifunction APAR & that’s why its aperture dimensions are different when mounted on the Project 15A/B DDGs, IAC-1 & Project 17A FFGs. CIWS-type SAMs for the IN are still in the evaluation stage. XR-SAM will be a brand-new design but will incorporate several avionics sub-systems already developed for the AAD. And here are the clearest chronological explanations of how China was complicit in the creation of the global pandemic:

To ANKIT KUMAR: It is the S-26/Type 032 SSB & SSK, and not Type 039B. Construction is now underway at Wuchang Shipyard in Wuhan. The entire Indian shipbuilding philosophy is based on 100% improper paradigms & hence it costs twice to procure one domestically built DDG/FFG compared to procuring them directly from abroad. This has been going on for the past 20 years & no one seems to care about rectifying matters by adopting common-sensical decisions. The IN is already short of 3 FFGs & 5 DDGs & 3 SSKs.

To BLACK BOX: Yes, it is all true. Watch the videos I’ve videolinked above to RAD for more data.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SANDY: For China, this event has been a regime-wrecker. In fact, videos have now emerged showing Hubei Police clashing with the Police of neighbouring provinces since the latter do not want the residents of Hubei to enter their provinces. In fact, the aftermath of this pandemic will produce the tectonic changes:

1) Russia will now be forced to choose between either China or the EU/North America combine.

2) China will face a never-before-seen amount of internal socio-economic instability for a prolonged period.

3) Several countries will opt to move their companies out of China & reduce their dependence on China’s supply-chain, especially in the pharma sector.

4) Within the next few months there is likely to be a regime-change in Iran.

5) The BRI will lose all its glamour & will end up as a white elephant for China. Already, ther Nepalese are up in arms, as shown here:

Russia’s Woes:

Huawei Moves Out of Pakistan:

To SATYAKI: They are all being traced by any, all & every means, rest assured.

To ASD: That’s why the end-user certificate matters. If that is violated, then all spares support can be terminated by the OEM. As for Union MHA’s incompetence, there’s only 1 reason for it: such cataclysms were never wargamed before & hence no SOPs existed. Any such events can be wargamed through simulation & that’s precisely why countries like the US, Russia & China have national wargaming centres as part of the respective National Defence Universities. In India’s case, folks have only been talking about the NDU since the late 1960s & nothing concrete has emerged so far except talk & talk & talk. Meanwhile, Pakistan for the past 2 days has been conducting mortar fire-assaults along the LoC after the IA conducted retaliatory fire-assaults in Samanhi opposite Poonch:

And here’s a presentation on the partition of Slyhet from Assam in 1947:

Ankit Kumar said...

What are the expected delivery timelines for those 8 subs and expected weapons package for them ?

rad said...

hi prasun
scary videon corona. NOw the paper report that there was a air bridge between china and India for emergencies and hell of a lot of flights are taking place . what on earth are these emegencies? medicine? if that is true then choina can all pof a sudden choke the medicine supply and any thing incase of war ?. can we get out of the grip of china for vital things ? whata are the basic things that we are dependant on.
why cant we rope in taiwan and ask them to set plants for cell phones that are made here and get away from the chinese dominance . I read that cell phones and computer hardware are the main imports?
wiht the help of US and taiwan and a firm national gov we can do that. what would be the blocks?
how do you think we can get away from the telecom sector as well.?


Prasun Da,

1. Was watching that video that you shared about the Sylet referendum. The speaker says that Syleti Hindus migrated to Bengal (apart from Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura) post '47. But that is not entirely true because hardly any Syleti Hindus came to Bengal. Most who did were from the western parts of Bangladesh. In Assam too they moved almost entirely to Barak Valley which in any case was a Syleti majority area.

2. Brookings India released its assessment of the threat posed by Chinese investment in India (link below). Please let us know if you agree with their points.

Thank You

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

More Lockdowns in China:

Tablighi Jamaat Explained:

Black box said...

Hi Prasun,
Why Ajith doval intervene in tablighi event for evacuation were the police not in command,don’t you think in future every Mulla(retard) will do the same .

Anonymous said...

Daer Sir,

After reading comments above, did some research. It seems PN is going to get the following NEW items in the next 6 years: 8 new subs; 4 Type 54A/P frigates, 4 milgem/Ada custom frigate and a PN designed jinnah class frigate (orders unknown for the time being); numerous Corvettes and FACs; additional aircrafts; coastal battery's of Antiship systems.

Why this massive increase? What do we need to do to maintain status quo or will this be lost?

Finally are being attacked in pakland as well. What do you think will be their fate at the end of "Chinese-virus"?


sandeep said...

Omar saeed sheikh to be released... FATF has to take note of this


So PN is investing a lot in under sea element...tough times ahead for IN...any updates about ATAS type sonar induction ??

Also does the height of natha top radar at almost 2700m gives it any advantage to look deep inside low level Pakistan airspace??

Replacement of THD 1955 Radars started?? GM 200 RADAR deployed in regular service??
Any plans for IAF to deploy MF STAR configuration type 4 planar radar at static land location?? Suitable contenders??

just_curious said...


1-how true is this report.. if true, what are the reasons for it
2- what chances does s 80+ stand in p75i
3- how much of an impact will this pandemic have on defence procurements. Will it push it back by years?
4- I feel this pandemic has offered modi govt an opportunity to usher bold reforms in all spheres including defence..

AD said...

Dada, these two blogs looks quite authentic? Ain't they?

BTW, posts in your old blog are quite informative ( Thank you

get2free said...

Now what next sanctions on China as Russia sided with USA

sandeep said...

Whether it is bioweapon attack or chemical attack end of the day it will target lungs/ kidneys and nerves of civilians and soldiers.
To overcome and survive future challenges needs a thorough preparation in the field of bio medical engineering during peacetime
I believe there is a pressing need for setting up of a dedicated central biomedical research and technology institute which can serve as a solid R and D and academic base apart from involving in application of the same....
Also need for large-scale private industry involvement in industrial production of VENTILATORS... PPES... DIALYSIS MACHINES... STERILISERS..... CT AND MRI MACHINES and many other medical equipment ... all of which can be commercially utilised both for domestic and for export these very equipment come for our rescue during disasters ... Policy makers at the top need to be made aware of the vast potential and necessary of large scale industrial production of biomedical engineering equipments


Ashish Gautam said...

Namaste sir, hope u r doing well.
Sir information posted by this guy is true or again a fake news in market?
In case if true then I wanna know reason of this decision from your point of view n information...

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasu da

1. if we can have arunachal/sikkim/ladakh/mizoram scouts then whynot siddi battalion

2. i hope this is fake

3. looks like US will not do anything to seek retribution or any act to make china make pay for wuhan virus and only save taiwan with TAIPEI act

4. when we will get the helicopter launched ATGM or any other missile or even domestically make heli cann rounds

5. rudder has been the undoing of helicopers many times, why can we go for rudder less helicopter so that loss of machine and lives are reduced


Joydeep Ghosh

The Engdoc Society said...

What a great piece of article and information
1. So have the lessons got learned from the kargil war
2. What probability india have in winning quickly if such incidents got repeated
3. I reckon previously you have mentioned that operation kohima conducted by PA no wargaming was done by PA and there was huge resentment among pakistani soldiers, so what lessons PA has learnt
4. Since now lot have changed since kargil episode, both are possession of MLRS, precision guided munitions, misiles, UAVs, LORSOS, satellites and importantly PAF has BVR missiles, do there is a bleak possibilty incidence like these ever happen again
5. The IN as you said above is devoid of appropriate no of assets, do u see any possibilty of PN challenging IN in near future
6. Since PAF, PN are mostly dependent on China this covid epedemic has what type of impact on weapons delivery in terms of time

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANKIT KUMAR: Those SSBs & SSKs will start arriving from next year & they will be able to launch Babur’s SLCM variant.

To BLACK BOX: There’s no evidence to date about the NSA becoming involved in such matters, only speculative reports have come out so far. I’m afraid such mistakes will continue to be made due to the reasons I had clearly stated to RAJESH MISHRA & BUDDHA on April 1, 2020 at 7.03AM & 7.37AM. Unless we get rid of the skeletons in our respective closets, nothing will change & folks will continue swearing by their belief-systems & continue living in a world of make-belief. Take for instance this paper from CENJOWS:

When India does not even possess a national wargaming simulation center or even a National Defence University (which was recommended for creation way back in 1967), how can the same country expect to possess even a National Command & Control Centre that is dual-tasked for commanding, controlling & coordinating both civil & military emergencies, especially their mammoth logistical aspects? Such Fusion Centres cost no more than Rs.2,500 crore to be built. The US, Russia & China all possess such centres at both national & regional levels. However, in India's case, the sheer lack of strategic visioning at apex levels is only causing pandemonium due to over-centralisation of decision-making processes due to sheer inexperience. All such emergencies could easily have been wargamed under multiple domains, including the armed forces & the NDMA. In fact, so high is the level of ignorance that not a single India-based think-tank has to date even conducted a workshop or seminar on disaster-response scenarios!!! Nor has the Indian Navy even published a coffeetable book highlighting India's HADR responses immediately after the December 2004 Tsunami in the IOR, i.e. intellectual apathy at its peak!

To SANDEEP: Pakistan is not so perturbed about the viral pandemic, but is petrified by the FATF because this greatly affects the money-flow from Pakistan’s elites to their children who are living or studying abroad. But the far bigger question is: Since Ahmed Umar Sheikh is still a UK citizen, will the UK accept him back & subject him to trial after Pakistan deports him, or will the UK refuse to accept him back in the UK? Meanwhile, the compulsively hostile mindset continues to emanate from Pakistan:

While this is the reality now inside PoK & Taftaan:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAT: If you weigh the new procurements with the decommissionings of existing hardware, then it does not add up to much. The ongoing global pandemic is now causing further deeper faultlines between the Sunni & Shia sects worldwide, with the situation getting from bad to worse throughout PoK. Even Iran is piling up pressure against Pakistan by forcibly deporting Pakistani pilgrims almost on a daily basis back to Pakistan.

To AMIT BISWAS: ATAS will be installed on the warships as & when they go for their mid-life & periodic refits. Radars lolcated at higher altitudes don’t translate into enhanced low-level coverage, this being due to the Earth’s curvature. No GM-200s have been ordered by India.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Totally false. 2) None. Scrpene Version 3.0 will most likely win the competition. 3) Of course, unless the ‘netas’ show some strategic visioning. 4) Yes, but PROVIDED the ‘netas’ show some strategic visioning. Trouble is, they don’t read papers like this:

To AD: 1 & 2) Yes. VMT.

To GET2FREE: Yes, because the Japanese Deputy PM has now lashed out against China. Watch it here:

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Totally false & erroneous as well. The IAF wants to use the AL-31FPs up to their full service-lives & only then replace them with the AL-41Fs.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Because the Ladakh, Sikkim & Arunachal Scouts select bulk of the manpower from the same racial stock. 2) False & erroneous as well. 3) It is still premature to jump to such a conclusion. 4) By this year-end, perhaps. 5) Main cause has always been human error & this in turn due to inadequate situational awareness. Just like armoured vehicles today are being equipped with augmented situational awareness sensors, the same needs to be done for helicopters as well.

To THE ENGDOC SOCIETY: 1) No, that’s why money is being wasted on creating the Mountain Strike Corps. 2) Such limited wars can be won within a short span of time only through overwhelming firepower superiority, which India presently lacks. Otherwise, it will take almost 3 months like it happened in 1999. 3) It was OP KOH PAIMA, not Kohima. The main lesson that the PA learnt was that never again conduct such campaigns on a single-armed service basis. 5) No, it will never be able to match the IN either in terms of capacity or capability. 6) Not much impact, since the Khunjerab Pass has just be re-opened after the reduction of snowfall there, while Pakistan continues to receive goods through airlifts emanating from Xinjiang.

To RAD: More detailed explanations on what the Tablighi Jamaat is all about:

And Tun Dr Mahathir watching Turkish Ottoman flicks (& daydreaming about a return of this era) to spend time during the lockdown:

While the Malaysian Malays always fall for anything 'Halaal', i.e. anything marketed as Hahaal is an instant hit, like Malaysia's first Islamic airline:

Now Malaysia's Transportation Minister wants Malaysia Airlines female cabin-crew to wear Shariah-compliant attire, i.e. wear shuttlecock burqas!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: Looks like the Israelis are taking the suggestions in my blog far more seriously than the DRDO & the Indian Navy:

anish said...

Prasun ji,

In an answer written above by you to ENGDOC SOCIETY, YOU TALK ABOUT "overwhelming firepower superiority" to win a future Kargil type scenario quickly.
Could please explaing what exactly do you mean ?
What does IA need to procure, and in what numbers ?
is it more artillery, more firepower for infantry.
Please, if you could, name the equipment and the quantity required.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

The first step in corona mishandling is to sack WHO chief is it not & clean up that Organization. When will that happen ?


just_curious said...


India is still being viewed as a soft state if this reporting is true... .. is beacuse they are not able to accept a slightly more aggressive foreign policy or that India is way better off in handling the crisis as compared to the rest ...why is India shying away from calling it China or Wuhan virus...

Millard Keyes said...

well who is going to clean up WHO?Who is who in WHO?

Ankit Kumar said...

HAL requests order for 72 more Su30MKI for 5 billion USD according to

If not it's an april fools day article. Then 5 billion USD for 72 Su30MKI ain't seems bad.

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

1. so indian navy is not getting the Vepr as it got into russian navy recently, that leaves kashalot, irbis, volk, bratsk, leopard, magadan and samara up for grab on leae, i know have said IN might go for kashalot but then the secretive deal supposedly signed says as per report that india wants some of its systems included in it, in that case i think irbis fits bill best as its only half complete, your views

2. as for kilo 3 (indian navy refurbished)+ 3 (russian navy) deal russia wont sell 636.3 units that leaves only Alrosa, and Vladikavkaz up for grabs former under repair and latter just re-entered service less than 2 yr back where is the 3rd ?

3. you say you expect a regime change in iran, the way i see it that wont happen unless china capitulates

4. what happened to the reuse of vijayanta tanks as missile/radar launch platform and other

5. what happened to you idea for using mig 27 cannon as a truck mounted dystem

hope to get answers


Joydeep Ghosh

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANISH: It is all self-explanatory above, including the types of hardware whose slides I have uploaded. In high-altitude mountain warfare, firepower delivered by any existing airborne platforms is next to useless because no OEM in the world has been able to develop such platforms & weapon systems simply because ONLY India has a reqmt for mounting offensive fire-assault operations at such forbidding heights. Hence, solutions will have to emanate ONLY FROM WITHIN India. For overwhelming firepower superiority, the reqmt is for up to 100 field artillery howitzers for every infantry battalion—the 100-gun concept that was first put to the test by the IA in 1986 around tawang during the Sumdorong Chu/Wandung standoff in Arunachal Pradesh.

To JUST_CURIOUS: The Indian MEA would have been better-off to have kept its mouth shut on this issue, rather than get defensive about it.

To ANKIT KUMAR: That report is full of factual errors, like IRBIS-E MMR being reqd. IRBIS-E is PESA-MMR, while the AESA-MMR variant of the existing NO-11M Bars has already been developed by Russia’s Tikhomirov NIIR.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) India does not want some of her own homegrown systems included in it, but some additional facilities. For instamce the N-152 Nerpa/INS Chakra had to be modified to host 2 bathrooms, instead of the standard 1 on all Russia-origin SSGNs. This is because the Nerpa had two sets of crews: 1 Russian & 1 Indian. In case of only 1 bathroom, long queues tend to form for taking a shower. Hence, for any Type 971 SSGN meant for lease to India, such modifications are reqd. 2) No one has proposed selling additional Kilo-c;ass SSKs to India. They are offer only for dry-lease. 3) China does not have the financial resources or geographical connectivity reqd for shoring up a foreign regime. In any case, Iran has gone bankrupt not because of any sanctions, but because of its efforts to keep the Syrian regime afloat. 4) That was my suggestion. If nothing has happened, it means my suggestion was not accepted. 5) It is still undergoing engineering development at Ahmednagar by ARDE.

Meanwhile, after conducting aerial tours of flood-hit/drought-stricken areas, the latest fashionable act is to undertake aerial tour of locked-down cities & townships:

Smuggling of weapons from PoK into J & K UT continues:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Here’s Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center:

Does anything like this exist anywhere in India? In countries like Taiwan & South Korea, such centres exists because these 2 countries still have regular practices of civil-defence & air-raid drills & consequently their civilian populace have a raid degree of awareness & responsibility when it comes to cooperating with the authorities there.

And Taiwan’s entrepreneurial efforts aimed at combatting the viral epidemic:

BTW, the PPE & other hardware ordered by India from Singapore are in fact Made-in-Taiwan hardware. They are being airlifted by India from Singapore because there are no direct flights between India & Taiwan.

And these are the hotspots that are likely to be under extended lockdowns:

For the rest of the country, staggered relaxations will come next week. Coastal states will be the main beneficiaries, like WB, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh & possibly Gujarat & Kerala, while Karnataka & Maharashtra & Tamil Nadu will have to be out-of-bounds for the time-being. This is because the number of vessels laden with all kinds of raws materials on anchorage is growing & needs to be cleared ASAP. Since Singapore has now gone into 30-day lockdown, the deep-water port in Colombo assumes vital importance since all VLCT vessels laden with cargo containers can offload their cargo only in Colombo, from where they will be loaded into smaller India-flagged vessels destined for the selected Indian ports. From there, the Govt of India regrettably is still struggling to get its ground logistics mechanisms in place due to the inter-state lockdowns. As a fast-track measure, the Govt of India now needs to charter as many of the commercial airliners as possible on a fortnightly basis (renewal after 15 days) at fixed-price contracts so that they canm be used as cargo air-freight transportation aircraft. But for this to happen, the petroleum companies need to ensure 24-hour supplies of aviation fuel to the various designated airports.

rad said...

hi prasun
its hight time that we take use of this epidemic and establish relations with taiwan,, after all India is first. Some body should have the guts to call chinas bluff. The buggers want to annex arunachal , doklam . Threaten us , and what not . we still treat them with kid gloves - a sure sure sign of political and stratigic weakness.
China will always use pakistan against us and there is no use of placating . Its a shame that we dont have direct flights to taiwan . what can they do ? if india has high hopes that it will allow it to be a member of the UN or nsg , then i think we are in a fools dream.They only know one thing ie "power" . what are the best ways to make use of this situatuion n when the world is against china ? If singapore a tiny nation can stand up to china why not we?

how do we deal with the tupe 093 larger submarine which is being supplied to pakistan?
They have smartly gone for submarines rather than surface ships. How best will they use it against us? How is it compared to the kilo calss.
How will pak get target data of indian ships in the arabian sea ? we have an overwhelming air superority and defense viz a viz the navy.
every other day there is OIC issuing some anti india statement , can they impose oil sanction, send back expatriates??

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Mainland China orders 200,000 body bags from Taiwan:

Mainlamd China Hoarded World’s Masks

PLA's Use of Social Media for Influence Operations:

Susan said...

just_curious its not true its just Satire and good humor by TOI which is picked up by stupid believing its a real news.

UN(United Neighbors)

Anonymous said...


1) Is it true that China is leasing a Type-093 nuclear submarine to Pak ? I have only seen one news item in NDTV back in 2017 about this.

2) Any Agni-5 tests expected later this year? They havent tested it since 2018. Any reasons for such along delay ?


Anonymous said...

You had once posted a thread on the Fish hook SOSUS network collaboration between the US & Japan where India was also invited. Can you post a link to it? Further, What's it's status as of today. You'd remarked then that as long as India didn't sign up for the foundational treaties with the US, we weren't granted full access. Has that changed now? Apart from this what's India's own indigenous attempts to have such a network been like? How effective are our air sea & space components in ASW? How effective are our communication systems with subs viz the state of our VLF, ULF,ELF, etc What about our HUMINT in ASW warfare? Can you shed some light on all the above & our ASW capabilities vis a vis the PN & PLAN?

Thanks in advance,


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANUP: The estimate you’ve highlighted tallies almost perfectly with my assessment. ALL hotspots have now been identified & only they need to be environmentally controlled. But even there, total lockdowns cannot be imposed since the essential services, especially the municipality staff need to work daily (presently at only 30% capacity). If not, then garbage pile-ups will create more epidemics. It is for these staff & the health workers & volunteers that PPE hardware should be provided, followed by the laws-enforcement & hospital staff. It is now evident that the NDMA protocols did not cater to the containment of such pandemics & even at the apex-levels, i.e. the Central & State Govts, coordination has been sorely lacking. This emerges foremost from the Nizamuddin hotspot incident in Delhi, where the Police SHO of that area takes orders from the Union MHA via the Lt Governor, while the SDM (District Magistrate) reports to & takes orders from the Delhi State Govt. And since the Delhi State Govt & Union MHA are not on good talking terms, it gives rise to the scenario of “Order Plus Counter-Order Leads to Disorder”. This is exactly what created the Nizamuddin hotspot, i.e. a deliberate man-made disaster. And of course, given the nature of India’s ruling elites, there will never be a dispassionate enquiry on such matters to unearth the lessons learnt, since the culture of brushing everything under the carpet is overwhelming in India. That’s why the official histories of the 1971 war, 1987 OP Pawan, OP Vijay, OP Safed Sagar & OP Talwar of 1999 & that Board of Inquiry into the 26/11 terror-attacks all remain classified as TOP SECRET till this day. Consequently, the official stance has always been: there are no lessons to be learnt. Consequently, suxh man-made disasters will continue to be perpetuated within India from time to time.

To RAD: That will happen, starting with the US, Japan & Australia whose ruling elite have already raised such calls for accountability & punishment. The Type 09-III SSN i8s not being exported to any country by China, rest assured. But Pakistan can benefit from all kinds of SIGINT/ELINT/overhead recce satellite data collecvted by China’s PLA Strateghic Support Force (PLASSF).

To SATYAKI: 1) Totally false information. i.e.disinformation. 2) Possible, if the MIRV warheads have been readied for test-firings.

To BUDDHA: List of Indian & Foreign Innovations for Combatting COVID-19 pandemic:

Australia Seizes Spurious China-Origin Test Kits:

Nepal Rejects China-Origin Test-Kits:

Pakistan Rejects China-Origin Face-Masks:

And as I had stated earlier, the ISKP’s leadership captured by Afghanistan all hail from Pakistan’s Orakzai Agency of erstwhile FATA:

rad said...

hi prasun
have i have mistaken the type number of the chinese AIP submarine to pakistan ? i was refering to that. How do we take care of the threat ? I feel it is an attempt to gaurd the choke point when ships exit the horn of africa and are vulnerable to Indian navy . so i presume the chinese are going to give targetting data and esm, elint to target Indian ship in the arabian sea.
does china have a radar sat capable of doing that?? in that case it should have a fleet of sats going around to dso that. Is it possible to have a radar sat in a geo staitionary orbit??
so in a sense our element of surprise will be lost in case of war unlike the karachi attack in the 1973 war?
what is the range for the latest version of the brahmos missile whse test was postponed?
Is russia goIng to make the hypersonic version of zircon AKA BRAHMOS 2? . Has it developed cold feet?

Kane1966 said...

Dear Prasunda

In your reply to Just_Curious on 03 April you stated Scorpene 3.0, I suppose you meant to say SMX 3.0?.
Also could you please tell us how many additional Mig 29s has Rusdia offered or Iaf interested in..I hear diff numbers 21 , 34 or 21+34 etx from diff sources. Thanks for all the great updates you give us.

AD said...


Afghanistan is heading now? In the aftermath of US troops withdrawal , ISI and it's pet Terrorists seems to enjoy total unabated control over Afghanistan.



In this article well known Portuguese politician Bruno Maçães says, China is successfully using the coronavirus outbreak to take over the world.

Do you agree with his findings? Please let us know.

Thank You


Disturbing reports coming from kashmir.. i mean why they employ PARAs for CT/CI ops

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RJS: This is the weblink:

As of today, India has been allowed access to this SOSUS network & that’s precisely why the IN has since the past 2 years been mounting forward deployed patrols of its warships & P-8Is that operate in areas south of Sumatra island. India n her own cannot deploy such a SOSUS network, but can only deploy far far smaller surveillance systems designed to protect only its naval bases & harbours. India does not possess any space-based militarised ocean surveillance capability or HUMINT-based ASW capability. Only VLF comms is now available to the IN.

To RAD: Why choke the SLOCs only at the Horn of Africa? Why not the Straits of Hormuz as well? China has satellites using SAR, but not in the numbers reqd for persistent surveillamce of SLOCs in the IOR. BrahMos-1’s max range is 550km. The Zircon has already been developed & can be launched by a TBM, i.e. like the PLARF’s DF-17.

To KANE1966: This is the one:

The IAF requires at least 3 additional MiG-29UPG Sqns to add to the 3 now in service. That translates into a reqmt for 54 MiG-29UPGs but these can be procured in successive tranches of 21 & 33.

To AD: This only shows that the ANA is fully capable of defeating the Afghan Taliban & ISIS combined, provided the ANS is empowered with both intelligence inputs & airborne mobility assets like medium-lift helicopters & attack helicopters.

To VIKRAM GUHA: No, I don't agree with that assessment & in the time to come, when the UNSC begins discussing this crisis, a lot of surprises will flow out. As it is, there now exists undeniable evidence about China's perfidy in terms of hiding the true extent of the disaster within China; deliberately being late to deliver the warnings of human transmission of the virus to the WHO; & not imposing a lockdown in Wuhan before January 20, thereby allowing 8 million infected Chinese citizens to leave the city for both domestic & foreign destinations for celebrating the Lunar New Year.

And here's another piece of disinformation emanating from Pakistan yesterday:

And how the Pakistan Navy brainwashes its officers:

Anonymous said...


1) Will the Zircon be inducted by India in the next few years as the Brahmos II?

2)Will China's ASW advances (including underwater AUWs) expose our SSBNs and make them vulnerable in the next 15-20 years?


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Thank you very much for your answer.

Warm regards,


Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

CORONA VIRUS caused by 5G

Now new theory emerges that Corona is Caused by 5G Technology.

What is the reason for Corona Virus?

a) Biological Warfare created by China
b) Biological Warfare created by USA+Israel
c) Naturally created Virus
d) Created by UNIVERSE SYSTEM because of new Technological Revolutions (like 5G)
happening in the earth
e) God Created to Punish Selfish Humans

Please comment.

Thanks & Regards
Senthil Kumar

rad said...

hi prasun
you mentioned that the p-8 was doing patrols south of sumatra. Its nearly 4000km from arakonam.i dont understand how they can do it when it is an 8000 km up and down?and no time for on station patrol.
Is the mig 29 deal under consideration and finalised?.have they zero flying hrs? the russian can lie aswell?. Have all the existing migs been converted to upg standard.?
what is the status of the jaguar darin 3 engine deal ?
can i say that we are self sufficient in avionics to an extent . as we have made the foll--OSMAC-HUD-comms - tacan - vor-displays- radar- inertial systems -gps-ew- jammers - maws-rwr-FBW system- digital moving map-radar alti-etc?
china seems to apear to be doing well. the question is when not many goods are being exported and china being a export oriented economy how come. what goods are being exported in this condition. What are the major weakness for india due to this ? pharma?
Hydoxychloroquinie is plant based ( quinine) extensive in nilgiris. is china also making it?. why is the world looking at india for supplies? and not china ?
df-17 has a glider warhead or a scramjet? how does the RLT TD fare in this role ?There were reports from the west that India was also doing a multi role vehicle?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Have just uploaded above 10 slides dealing with the Turtok campaign titled PERFIDY AT TURTOK. This proves that kinetic engagements of OP Vijay ended on August 5, 1999 & not on July 26, 1999 which continues to be WRONGLY celebrated (for unknown reasons) as 'Vijay Divas'. The following thread will deal with the concept of MSC & how/where it can be employed for offensive AirLand campaigns.

To RAD: Where's the need for conducting loitering patrols when the SOSUS network enables one to accurately obtain the locational coordinates of a submerged target? Procurement of additional MiG-29SMTs & their modification into MiG-29UPGs is all ready for signaturte & is likely to be signed this September. Designing & developing various avionics sub-systems is now largely an indigenous affair. However, component hardware continues to be sourced from abroad. DF-17 has a gliding hypersonic vehicle, while Zircon will be powered by sramjet due to its far greater range. But the Zircon will have to be launched by a BM.

To SENTHIL KUMAR: Not caused by 5-G technology, but 5-G technology is being used by China to develop various types of AI-based diagnostic software for quicker processing of suspected patients & it is this that China is now anxious to offer to most of the affected countries, thereby appearing to be both the SAVIOUR as well as emerging as the leading 5-G telecommunications provider, i.e. trying to kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Glimpses of Turtok Today:



Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Claws of the Red Dragon

The Engdoc Society said...

Dear Dada:

Need Your Expert Guidance on the following:

IN's INS Kolkata Class or Future INS Vishakapatnam Class Destroyers seems very much under armed compared to what other Asian Navies have in their inventory viz. the Sejong the Great-class destroyer of ROKN has

Vertical Launching System: 128 cell
Mk 41 VLS 48 cells (Fwd)
Mk 41 VLS 32 cells (Aft)
K-VLS 48 cells (Aft)
Anti-ship missile launchers:
16 (4x quadruple) launchers

Apart from It they have one no. PHalanx CIWS, it also has additional 21 Nos. RIM missiles (Barak-1 Equivalent) that also act as CIWS

Do we deliberately kept our assets under armed due to cost prohibitions in terms of weapon procurement as the space and crew required for fitting and operating such additional such quantity may already be available. The tonnage is almost comparable and we may be able to easily fit in the additional SSM, SAM

Or is it our main adversary PN still does not have the capacity and capability as informed by your good self and nor in near future PN will be able to scale the same to a level where it can challenge the IN thus reducing the need for arming the warships to its hilt

Murthy said...

any chance India can benefit from corona virus? i.e., if any western countries trying to relocate to any other parts of world how can India convince them, India is a better place for them to relocate? certainly millions of English speaking younger generation is an asset we have but existing labour laws and other relevant financial laws may need total revamp.

How about India converting total Andaman & Nicobar Islands into a SEZ where say the laws are similar to EU or UK?

Can you please bring an article about this?

Parthasarathi said...

Sad news. Five paras are embraced martyrdom. Is there anyway by which we can prevent this losses. We have lost our best soldiers and Pakistan lost fee free Jihadi.
My question is can't we use drone with thermal camera to track these jihadis.
Best regards

Anonymous said...

AIIMS Director Dr Randeep Guleria, who is also a member of a Task Force on #COVID19, on Monday reportedly said that "localised community transmission" has been seen in some pockets



Who said R77 is ineffective ??

bhoutik said...

could the loss of the 5 paras have been averted? if terrorists r not in urban environ., can't they be picked up by thermals from above/ sharpshooter from helo. did our guys have small tactical uavs/ sniper rifles/ body camo? any gaps/inadequacies u c here...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To THE ENGDOC SOCIETY: It is undeniable that the Project 15A/Project 15B DDGs have adequate internal volume available for housing additional weapons, be they LR-SAMs or SLCMs or ASCMs. It remains to be seen whether or not such additional VLS cells will be installed during their respective mid-life refits.

To MURTHY: I had already answered this earlier in this very thread. Most important now is the mobilisation of India’s industrial potential for churning out all kinds of innovative hardware reqd for combating the pandemic, especially within the IOR. If India can succeed in meeting the region’s expectations just like India pro-actvely reached out after the December 2004 Tsunami, then I will consider it a job well-done.

30 Countries Seeking India-made Medicines:

To JUST_CURIOUS: India is already supplying military hardware like attack helicopters to the ANA. Since the ISKP leadership was apprehended inside Afghanistan by the ANA, it is up to Kabul to officially raise the matter at the UNSC. No official has ever stated what the max range of BrahMos-1 is. It is the ‘desi patrakaars’ that have selectively quoted BrahMos Aerospace officials several times, but not once have they directly quoted anyone claiming the range to be 800km. And that’s because the BrahMos-1 was from the outset designed as a submarine-launched supersonic ASCM & not as va LACM & hence the 800km-range reqmt was never ever sought by either the USSR or Russia.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR & PARTHASARATHI: The exchange of fire-assaults has been going on unabated since this January. Yesterday the PA opened up at Mendhar, Mankote sector:

Prior to that, the IA had heavily shelled in the Nakyal Sector on April 5, while a day earlier, the IA shelled Mandhole in southern PoK. Almost every week, the IA has been shelling various sectors in the Leepa & Neelum Valleys.

To VED: There are newer versions of the R-77 available. Thje ones used by MiG-21 Bisons were procured in the previous decade. Pakistan is already going through hell, if the following are to be believed:

20,000 Pakistanis Lose Jobs in UAE:

Mass Graveyard in Karachi for COVID-19 Dead:

Increasing Resentment Among Pakistanis Against IAKN:

To RAJENDRA: The critical hotspots are now in Maharashtra, Delhi, Telangana, UP & MP. Andhra Pradesh, Kerala & Tamil Nadu are on the verge of controlling the spread & even reduce it to a moderate extent due to increased awareness about personal & community hygiene. It has since emerged that the Tablighi Jamaat’s importation of the virus was from Malaysia, where a large number of Uighur Muslims were invited & these folks landed up in Malaysia from China via Bangkok. From Malaysia the virus spread among those Malaysian & Indonesian Malays who eventually ended up in India.

Anonymous said...

Pakistan has consistently kept whole LoC ‘hot’. If their economy is broke, how do they fund the whole thing ?
Till 2017, Indian army was reported to have very Low war wastage reserves.



Prasun Da, is this true that India never won with Pakistan in the western sector 1947-49, 1965, 1971 & proxy war since 1990.

Thank You Prasunda

Kane1966 said...

Dear Prasunda thank you sir.



As heart wrenching as this story is of 5 Special Forces soldier laying down their lives, what is very unfortunate is the Army chose not to use helicopter gunships or loitering munitions like HAROP to target those Let Terrorists.

In this blog piece itself you had highlighted the importance of new-generation extended-range, hand-fired munitions fired from presently-available grenade-launchers like Raytheon's Pike.

If only the Indian Army instead of spending billions in buying Tanks would have invested in these equipment and effective body armour.

Thank You


Who will overhaul the mig 29Ks of navy...11 BRD or HAL or UAC ?? Any updates about RCA from recent back to back crashes of Mig 29K??

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VENKY: The daily exchanges involve only about 200 rounds of 81mm & 120mm mortars combined being exchanged by each side.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: It is extremely irresponsible on anybody’s part to make claims of winning or losing wars & that too on Twitter, simply because wars are different from battles. For example, the US & NATO won the Cold War battle against the USSR & Warsaw Pact, but the enimity still continues between the US & Russia. Similarly, WW-1 ended in Germany’s defeat but this could not prevent WW-2 between the allies & axis powers. The only war that one can claim to have reached its logical conclusion in the last century was the Vietnam War, which led to not only reunification of Vietnam, but also to the establishment of peace between Vietnam & the US. In India’s case, she has won a series of battles with Pakistan since 1947, but not wars because the state of war between India & Pakistan continues till this day. To fully understand what this means, one must read this fascinating book:

Similarly, all those claiming that the armed forces of Pakistan & China enjoy inter-operavbility are being equally ridiculous. Take for instamce the Shaheen series of exercises between the PAF & PLAAF since 2011. In each of these exercises, there were no tactical air controllers for conducting a unitary airborne battle management exercise & this was because the PLAAF communicated in Mandarin while the PAF communicated in English. Hence, in all cases, the PLAAF was acting as the aggressor force when the exercises were held in Pakistan, while the PAF played the role of aggressor force when the exercises were held in China. In all such cases, there was no joint tactical air-control or airborne battle management team. Thedre were always 2 separate teams taking care of the missions of the two respective air forces. In other words, there was no joint force-mix or joint conduct of air campaign scenarios—this being very much unlike the Red Flag or Cope India or Garuda or Indradhanush series of exercises in which the air forces of India, the US, France & the UK have participated.

To VIKRAM GUHA: How can any airborne platform (manned or unmanned) be used for real-time recce or air-support when the visibility-levels are less than 100 metres in areas where heavy snowfall is taking place? In addition, the snowfall in Keran sector was such that any human being negotiating them was buried chest-deep in the snow. It is therefore debatable whether it would have been better to just cordon off an extended area & lay a siege while waiting for the snow to melt.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: The mid-life upgrade or overhaul after the attainment of time-between-overhauls (TBO) will not be done by 11 BRD, because BRDs belong to the IAF & not IN. HAL does not posses any tooling or jigs or human resources that are reqd for going such MRO activity on any MiG-29 airframe. Consequently, the IN's MiG-29Ks will have to be ferried back to Russia for mid-life refits & Level-4 (depot-level) overhauls. Only Level-1/-2/-3 overhauls are carried out by the IN.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

IA's OP Rangduri Behak:


Based on ur exp, how much Tejas performance will deteriorate after loading with drop tanks and missile and bombs load at various configurations??

What stops HAL to show the gun working if it has been really integrated to the LCA SP 21

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Pakistani Anti-India Propaganda of the Day:

PA's Corps Commanders' Video-Conferencing:


That means our armed forces work in such silos that they can't share the maintenance facilities of same type of aircraft?? Atleast even the engines oh facility could be shared na be iaf mig 29upg and mig 29k??

rad said...

hi prasun
your take that the s-400 version that india getting is meant for anti ballistic missiles seems to be confirmed by the russian media that the s-400 has intercepted hypersonic weapons.
The next questio is whether it will be sold to china , as china with it money power can force russia to do that?.
what is your view on atrology ? there seems to be kid in karnataka who predicted this out break?
Is it possible to the out of chinas grip viz a viz API medicine ? is it possible for the world to come togther and stangle china econimically? they seem to have some aces as well and imposed ban on soya where trump had to relent .
India is hard hit by the is pandemic , how is pakistan coping with its citizens refusing to lockdown for namaz?

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