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Sunday, August 9, 2015

PLAAF's BMD Network Takes Shape, As Do New Nuclear WMD Delivery Missiles

China’s People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) has taken the first concrete step towards the establishment of a national ballistic missile defence (BMD) system with the construction of an initial two long-range C-band active phased-array radar systems (LPAR). The first such LPAR is already operational north of Huian in Fujian Province, facing Taiwan, while the second LPAR is now being built in Sichuan province, meaning it will be India-specific. 
The LPAR north of Huian is made up of a single octagonal antenna-array of a CEIEC-developed C-band active phased-array radar that is located at Dongjing Shan, which is close to the PLAAF’s Huian-based electronic warfare (EW) facility in Fujian Province. This EW facility has been optimised to cause electronic degradation of Taiwan’s UHF-band Raytheon-supplied FPS-115 LPAR system at Leshan Mountain in Hsinchu County.
Construction of the PLAAF’s first new-generation LPAR commenced in 2008, and its hilltop-mounted octagonal fixed-array is boresighted along an azimuth of approximately 144 degrees. With an assumed coverage of +/-60 degrees in azimuth, this LPAR is theoretically capable of monitoring the entire Taiwan Strait region, as well as the southern approaches to the South China Sea. This LPAR can thus be used for providing long-range coverage extending north to Japan and to The Philippines.
So far, China has not yet revealed the design of the LR-SAM that will be used for BMD, but it is estimated that the final end-product, still undergoing development, will bear a close resemblance to Russia’s 9M82 and 9M83 family of hyper-velocity LR-SAMs.
Taiwan’s FPS-115 LPAR has been fully operational since February 2013. Its procurements origins date back to 2000 when its sale was approved by the Clinton Administration under the Surveillance Radar Programme (SRP). Competing against Lockheed martin, Raytheon won the $800 million contract in 2004 and began sub-systems deliveries in 2009. Construction delays due to landslides and technical issues forced Taiwan to agree to pay an additional $397 million in charges to finish the SRP, which has been described as being one of the most unique long-range airspace surveillance systems ever built. Japan is now attempting to catch up with the fielding of Raytheon-built AN/TPY-2 long-range, X-Band air-defence radars, which were originally designed as ground-based mobile target acquisition-cum-engagement radars for the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system.
This LPAR is reported to have a range of 5,000km (3,100nm), and it is able to track a golf ball-sized target out to 3,000km. Taiwan can see almost all of China’s significant combat aircraft sorties and exercises from this radar. The requirement for such a powerful surveillance platform came about at China’s instigation. During the 1995-1996 Taiwan Strait missile crisis, China had launched ten DF-15 short-range ballistic missiles (SRBM) into the waters north and south of Taiwan. The intent was to discourage Taiwan from conducting its first democratic elections, but it failed. The US had then responded by sending two aircraft carrier battle groups to the area as a show of support. At that time, the PLA’s 2nd Artillery Corps had approximately 350 DF-11/DF-15 SRBMs, but today that number is about 1,100. Taiwan responded to the threat by procuring three Batteries of Raytheon MIM-104 Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) LR-SAMs for $1.3 billion. These were stationed around the capital city of Taipei, leaving much of the central and southern part of the island unprotected, except for a US-supplied air-defence missile system (supplied by GTE-Sylvania) in the late 1980s and using Taiwan-developed LR-SAMs, with the entire system being known as the Tien Kung 2 (Sky Bow-2). 
Though Taiwan’s military and the US Pentagon pushed Taiwan to proceed with the procurement of the MIM-104 Patriot PAC-3 systems, domestic politics in Taiwan slowed progress on the deal until 2007, when the US released a ‘Patriot Configuration 2 Ground Systems Upgrade’ for the older PAC-2s for $939 million. In 2008, the US released 330 PAC-3 missiles, and in 2010, the US released an additional 114 PAC-3 missiles.
The US Air Force’s Defense Security Program (DSP) reportedly has real-time access to the data collected by Taiwan’s FPS-115 LPAR. The DSP monitors ballistic missile launches and nuclear detonations worldwide. The US in turn has reportedly given Taiwan free real-time access to early warning alerts generated by the DSP’s SBIRS satellite constellation since the last 10 years as quid pro quo.

Genesis of China’s R & D on BMD
It was on December 15, 1963 that Chairman Mao Zedong said that China’s military strategy was defensive in nature, and therefore China should develop defensive (strategic) weapons as well as offensive weapons such as nuclear weapons and their delivery platforms. On February 6, 1964, during his meeting with Dr Qian Xuesen (the Father of Chinese Rocketry), Mao again expressed his views on the importance of ballistic missile defence (BMD) capabilities. This conversation, later known as ‘640 Directive’, cascaded to China’s military-industrial and R & D infrastructure as Mao’s order to develop a BMD system. On March 23, 1964, more than 30 top scientists of China attended a meeting organised by the Commission of Science, Technology & Industry for National Defence (COSTIND) in Beijing to discuss the feasibility of a BMD system. On May 10, 1965, the Central Special Committee issued a notice to the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Ministry of Machinery Industry, China Academy of Science, PLA’s 2nd Artillery Corps, and Base 20, asking them to list BMD in their annual and long-term plans. A plan BMD development submitted by COSTIND was approved by the Central Special Committee in August 1965. On February 23, 1966, COSTIND organised another conference to outline detailed R & D plans for the proposed BMD system, which was given a codename ‘Project 640’.The plan called for the total R & D endeavour to be divided into five key sub-areas. Key elements of the project included the ‘FanJi’ (Counterattack) family of interceptor missiles, the Xian Feng (Pioneer) anti-missile super gun, and a land-based ballistic missile early warning network. The meeting also decided to speed up the building of a dedicated BMD test-range and the development of the nuclear warhead for the ‘Fanji’ missile. Full-scale development work commenced in the early 1970s. Under the instruction of the then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai, the 2nd Academy of the 7th Ministry of Machinery Industry (later the Ministry of Aerospace Industry) was officially renamed as the Academy of Anti-Ballistic Missile & Anti-Satellite in 1969, and became the nodal institution for developing a functional BMD system. Its subordinated 210 Institute was charged with developing of the anti-missile super gun. Shanghai Institute of Optics & Fine Mechanics was responsible for the development of a high-power anti-missile laser. The 2nd Academy also began to develop the anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon technology in the early 1970s. Project 640, however, faced enormous technical and financial difficulties from the very beginning. China, troubled by its financial hardships and internal political turmoil due to the ‘Cultural Revolution’, was simply unable to support an expensive R & D endeavour like this. Additionally, the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty between the US and the USSR and later the scrapping of the US Safeguard ABM system made a Chinese BMD network seemingly unnecessary. After Mao’s death in 1976, all related R & D work began to slow down. In March 1980, China’s paramount leader Deng Xiaoping decided to terminate the entire project.

The FanJi-1 was a two-stage, semi-active radar-homing, hypersonic interceptor missile designed to intercept ballistic missile warheads at low- to medium-altitudes. The first-stage of the missile used liquid propellant and the second-stage used solid propellant. The missile was 14 metres in length. Flight tests of two dummy missiles were carried out successfully in August and September 1979. Between October 1971 and April 1972, the 2nd Academy conducted six flight-tests of a 1:5 scale-model of the FanJi-2 low-altitude interceptor missile, with five of them being successful. R & D work on this missile was terminated in 1973. The FanJi-3 high-altitude interceptor missile was proposed by the 2nd Academy in 1974, but all R & D activity ceased in 1977.

The ‘XianFeng’ super gun developed by the 210 Institute was given the codename ‘Project 640-2’. Initial research was carried out on a 140mm smoothbore cannon, which fired a 18kg projectiles to a maximum distance of 74km. First proposed in January 1967, the ‘Xianfeng’ was 26 metres in length and weighed 155 tonnes. Mounted on a fixed gun-rack, the 420mm-calibre super gun was designed to fire 160kg unguided rocket-propelled projectiles to intercept incoming nuclear warheads. Various test-firings were carried out in the early 1970s, but the design proved to be impractical. All R & D work was put on hold in 1977, and was followed by project termination in March 1980.

R & D work on a ground-based ballistic missile early warning radar network was much more productive. Phase-1 of this project included six early warning stations located in Khashi, Nanning, Kunming, Hainan, Jiaodong, and Xiangxi; and a command-and-control centre in Weinan (No.28 Station). Later, the network also included a data-processing station codenamed ‘Qin Ling’, a tracking station codenamed ‘Chang Jiang’, a land-mobile tracking station codenamed ‘Qian Shao’, a second land-mobile tracking station codenamed ‘Huang He’, and an additional early warning station codenamed ‘Chang Cheng’, located in Changchun. Key elements of the early warning network included a Type 7010 passive phased-array early radar and a Type 110 monopulse missile tracking radar. The Type 7010 radar was developed by the Nanjing-based 14th Electronic Institute between 1970 and 1976,. The 40-metre by 20-metre radar antenna was built on the Huangyang Mountain slope 1,600 metres above sea level in Xuanhua, Hebei Province, about 140km northwest of Beijing. A second site was built in Henan Province. These radar sites were abandoned in the early 1990s. The Type 110 radar was developed jointly by 14th Electronic Institute and the Electronic Institute of the China Academy of Science in the 1970s. The radar antenna was 25 metres in diameter, weighed 400 tonnes, and was housed in a large radome measuring 36.5 metres in height and 44 metres in diameter. The radar became fully operational in 1977, with only one station built at the Zhanyi Space/Missile Tracking Station in southern Yunnan Province. Following the cancellation of Project 640, this radar became part of China’s space tracking, telemetry and command (TT & C) network in the 1980s.

New Delivery Systems On The Anvil
The older conventionally-armed DF-21 and nuclear-armed DF-21A MRBMs are now being replaced by newer conventionally-armed DF-21Cs and nuclear-armed DF-21Ds. The PLA’s 2nd Artillery Corps is presently estimated to possess some 78 TELs of DF-21As, 39 TELs of DF-21Cs, and 16 TELs of 16 DF-21Ds, with two reload missiles for each TEL. 
The DF-21Cs are now deployed 230km west of Delingha in Qinghai Province. The DF-21Ds are deployed in Yunnan Province.
Now entering series-production is the 1,000km-range road-mobile DF-16 nuclear-armed tactical ballistic missile (TBM), which will eventually replace the solid-fuelled single-stage 600km-range road-mobile DF-15 and solid-fuelled single-stage 280km-range DF-11 TBMs. 
In addition, a new-generation road-mobile 4,000km-range MRBM is now under development and its maiden test-flight is due for later this year.
Lastly, an extended-range (1,800km-range) version of the CJ-10 GLCM is now being flight-tested. Mounted on a 12 x 12 TEL that also has a built-in SATCOM system, this new cruise missile (two missiles per TEL) will supercede the existing 1,000km-range CJ-10 GLCMs that are fired from 8 x 8 TELs each of which carry three cannister-encased CJ-10s.
All the above-mentioned strategic weapons have been/are being developed by a consortium of R & D institutions led by the China Aerospace Science & Technology Corp’s (CASC) 3rd Aerospace Academy (also known as China Haiying Electro-Mechanical Technology Academy or CHETA, or the 066 Base in Hubei), and including the 8359 Research Institute, the Beijing University for Aeronautics & Astronautics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China State Electronics Systems Engineering Corp, Sichuan Aerospace Industry Corp, Tianjin Institute for Power Sources, 624 Engine Design Institute (or the China Gas Turbine Establishment, GTE), and the Sanjiang Aerospace Group in Yuanan, 210km west of Beijing in Hubei province.


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Abhay Jain said...

Wow finally it's happening. Where do we stand?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

India has a long. long. long way to go as far as BMD goes. The photos above clearly show what's reqd in terms of early-warning radars & of what design. Clearly the mere possession of two EL/M-2080 Green Pine LRTRs or even a network of such radars isn't enough for early warning on hostile inbound MRBMs, ICBMs or IRBMs. Nor does the PDV interceptor missile come anywhere close to being a hyper-velocity weapon. In fact, it looks more like an ASAT weapon. So, for those who claim to be developing BMD systems for India, time to stop monkeying around with laboratory-level technology demonstrators (since the late 1990s) & do something serious for a change.

Unknown said...

I had read that USA had blocked Arrow-2 tot to india.But Can india now get arrow-3 from israel?
If not can we at least manage to do a barak-8 like jv for BMD with the israelis?
Another option would be a jv with the Russian?
I dont think the Russians would say no.

Unknown said...

Also,how expensive will it be to have all of india under a bmd umbrella? Is it even technologicaly and economically possible to do so?
How would Pakistan react if we managed to do this?

Pintu said...

Prasun Da, again an eye opening thread from you.

As the new NDA led by Narendra Modi in helm, should we not expect any rational change in this effect ?

Rituraj said...


What kind of modifications would be required if India decided to buy Mistrals? Can you indicate the particular problems ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JAY BHANUSHALI: There weas never any ToT for Arrow-2, nor was the Arrow-2 sought by India. The best option is for India & Israel to co-develop an India-specific BMD interceptor derived from the Arrow-2 interceptor on the lines of how the Barak-2 LR-SAM has been developed. But when it comes to LPARs they must be developed in-house by India, as should the LRTRs, which are totally different from LPARs. They are not one & the same. The R & D costs will be quite expensive, almost US$3 billion. Procurement costs will be even more, at least US$10 billion in all.

To PINTU. VMT. One man alone can't change the entire administrative system or the prevailing mindsets. It takes a team of 'rational' individuals as Ministers to do that. Right now I see very very rational individuals in the Union Cabinet.

To RITURAJ: Those LPDs have been optimised for operating in arctic conditions. They're not tropicalised. All instrumentation & display symbology is in Cyrillic script. The helo deck & storage/maintenance bays are tailored for Ka-27 helicopters. It will be cost-prohibitive to modify them for any southern hemisphere-based customer.

Mayur M Manapure said...

Sir, what are your views on the recent developments in North-east. And how do you think other factions will react to it?


Prasun Da,

A summary of the Su 30MKI vs Typhoon Indranush Exercise4

Please do provide some of your own expert opinion on the same.




(1) Staying with Missile Defense this new research article published by Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance sheds some new light on Missile Defense

(2) MoD in a reply to a question in Parliament stated:

Other projects under discussion with Russia include tanks, aircraft, ships etc.

When they say tanks are they referring to the Armata? Even Russian govt sources like TASS and Sputnik are suggesting that India is holding preliminary talks with Russia regarding Armata.


Unknown said...

sir, why india did'nt show interest in s-300/400 systems ?

why best option is to develop such system with israel & not with russia ?

can india's missiles beat china's bmd ?

can bmd also deal with swarm of cruise missile attacks ?

will china also provide this system to pakistan ?


Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,

What you think after the Chinese BMD program, it become necessity to atleast secure New Delhi by developing Indian BMD program?

And developing programs like continuity of the govt.? As an example like in case of nuclear strike on New Delhi, then the CM of Maharashtra become PM and so on.

If whole hierarchy die in New Delhi, then who will give orders to Armed Forces.

Mayur M Manapure said...

Sir, don't you it's high time for us to all out to tackle Pakistan in their own language of proxy wars. If they already rant about our involvement in Baluchistan, what stops us from actually getting involved.
And your views on these

Pawan said...

Dear Prasunji,

1. where you think china will put its radar to track Indian Missiles. Situation looks grim as India don't have any effective BMD or LR-SAM akin to HQ-9. should India go for THAAD to mitigate risk of chinese & Pak missiles threats? and if yes will US agree to sell?

Among other things Najam sethi advocate about need to strengthen Mullah Mansoor & Sirajuddin Haqqani by Pakistan. On other hand Hamid Mir claims that Udhampur Terrorist is from kashmir and this is inspite of concrete reporting from faisalabad itself by many indian channels.

Do you think they have lost the plot or have decided to not go against ISI ?

3. why can't ashraf ghani have gut to take on Pakistan instead of pleading for talks and get people killed? india should supply all required armament to ASF.


THINK TANK said...

Dear Prasun Da
Can't India go for S400 Missile Complex from Russia. There are some new speculations that India-Russia is Jointly producing S-500 BMD/AA Complexes. Can't India take real experience from its Old Ally on BMD matter.We all know Russians do have a Advance BMD much West beat their chest on technology former USSR/Russia did gave them a formidable challenge on Military Technology.
And one question in my mind...why...why ARJUN TANK is failing every time. From Israel to Russia all praise it..then Y..Y Indian Army always have probs in it???
And Y going for ARMATA...not a Single Test yet? Redesign a New Body on Arjun Chassis...may be Front Engine concept. Y India is stuck only on Russia...when there are other Former Soviet Republics. Y Indian Planners don't learn from immidiate Threat CHINA...who gained a lot on Tank Technology from Ukraine (On Engine & Main Gun Tech) & Belorussia.? Both Nation can provide us lot on Advance Military Technology.Haven't our planners learnt from former USSR debacle....and how our military were in scarce of Parts of or Russian origin weapons. We should have more the one channel of supply.
U are expert Prasun Da. Take time and put a light on these problems.
Think Tank

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To THINK TANK: How can anyone blindly assume that what's good for Russia is equally good for India? S-400 LR-SAM was developed purely for intercepting high-altitude hypersonic recce aircraft of the type possessed only by the US--a fact which I had mentioned several times before. That's why only China & Russia have gone for the S-400. India does not require such LR-SAMs. India's BMD reqmts are entirely different since it will be reqd to intercept only specific types of ballistic missiles like IRBMs, MRBMs, TBMs & SLBMs. Therefore, wholesale import of readymade products is never the optimal solution. Let me share an anecdote with you: Back in 2001/2002 when the IA ordered ThalesTaytheon TPQ-37 Firefinder WLRs under FMS package, the package included a huge number of spare tyres. Some smart Alec in IA HQ questioned this & suggested that India-made tyres be used instead in order to reduce the acquisition costs. Orders were then placed & a trial batch was then shipped to the US for fitment. It was then realised that these tyres were totally incompatible with the rims & the entire rim was reqd to be redesigned, following which it reqd mandatory testing & validation by the WLR TEL's OEM (Oshkosh, if I can recall correctly). The US agreed to do all these modifications, but India was legally bound to pay for all this extra work, which resulted in the acquisition costs ballooning beyond what it would have been had the tyres been imported from the US.

No one said Arjun MBT is failing or it is a sub-optimal weapon. What is being being said is that the MBT's on-field performance is not satisfactory ONLY BECAUSE of inadequate product-support from the OEM, the Avadi-based HVF. Probel will be solved only when HVF establishes a MRO Workshop in northwestern India close to where the Arjun MBT Regiments are located in peacetime, instead of ordering spares from warehouses located in Avadi.

No one has ever officially said that the IA is going for T-14 Armata MBT. So why engage in such needless & mischievous speculation?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PAWAN: 1) Already stated above that it will be in Sichuan province. Situation is by no means grim. HQ-9 is LR-SAM but is useless against TBMs or IRBMs or MRBMs. What the DRDO now has is just a simulation facility-cum-testbed sourced from TADIRAN Electronic Systems Ltd & two EL/M-2080 L-band Green Pine LRTRs from IAI & one Master-A MFCR from ThalesRaytheon. These are all for target tracking & engagement functions & they DO NOT constitute any form of early-warning system. For that one requires ground-based FPS-115-type BMEW radars backed up by space-based IR sensors of the type already on board the GSAT-7 satellite. At least 3 more such sensors are reqd so that all 4 can provide foolproof early warning to the ground-based component of a BMD network. There is sufficient talent & resource available in-country for developing cone-shaped hypervelocity interceptor missiles. It all boils down to allocation of the reqd quantum of R & D funding. 2) None of the 2 are being level-headed. The former should have stated that Pakistan would deport all such Afghans to Afghanistan & let the Afghans sort out matters by themselves. The mere fact that these Afghan Talibans are based inside Pakistan is enough to piss off Kabul. As for Hamid Mir, he should furnish conclusive proof of the captured terrorist’s family or relatives being based inside J & K & have them interviewed by phone, & record all this & telecast it on his TV channel so that the whole world gets to see such evidence. If he can’t, then the world will be more inclined to believe the brave Pakistani stringers working for NDTV & INDIA TODAY who have already traced the family of the captured terrorist to a location in suburban Faisalabad. That’s how Doodh ka Dooth aur Paani ka Paani ho jata hai.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PAWAN: India has already provided to Afghanistan the quantum of funding reqd for Kabul to buy the reqd weapons from the Central Asian Republics, from Russia & from Iran. That is the only reason why the ASF & militias of Rashid Dostum & his Northern Alliance partners have been able to stand up against the Afghan Taliban & their Pakistani surrogates. And this is precisely why the PA & its GHQ are pissed off with India. In fact, emergency negotiations are now underway to urgently deploy a detachment of four IAF Mi-35Ps to Ayni air base in southern Tajikistan so that they can provide day/night close air support to the ASF, with the help of a small detachment of IAF Garud personnel who will be acting as forward air-controllers while being embedded with ASF forces on the ground. Just wait & see the unfolding fireworks then. If Islamabad develops constipation due to this, it will make me the happiest person on Earth!

sam said...

isn't funnty, IA sent tyres with out asking for rim diameter?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SAM: Funny, yet very much true. It is as stupid as the IA conducting extensive mobility/firepower user-evaluations of 12 pre-production prototypes of Arjun Mk1 & conveniently forgetting to include the IA's MGO Branch for ascertaining the life-long spares reqmts & battlefield sustainability of the Arjun Mk1, & then after approving the Arjun Mk1 for service-induction, suddenly realising in a Eureka(!) moment that the MGO Branch's mandatory role in this acquisition programme was overlooked or forgotten!!! So, the inevitable all-new round of user-evaluations by the MGO Branch got underway, & consequently 93 modifications were mandated by the MGO Branch. This is work duplication due to non-application of mind & common-sense.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: During such national emergencies, the national command leadership will NEVER be concentrated in one location. They will all be in different parts of the NCR as well as different parts of the country. There’s no such thing as a totally surprise 1st strike without any escalatory ladder being climbed. And why should the CM of Maharashtra be next-in-line to become PM? Is it because among all other CMs of India he has the biggest arse & fattest pair of buttocks?

To PIYUSH DAS: 1) Already answered that above. 2) Not until India acquires MIRV-carrying ICBMs & SLBMs. 3) Nope. Cruise Missile Defence is an altogether different arena. 4) No.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) VMT. 2) No. It was referring to the on-going licenced-production effort at HVF Avadi of the T-90S plus the project mid-life upgrade of these MBTs.

To VIKRAM GUHA: To cut a long story short, why is Eurojet GmbH too developing TVC nozzles for the Eurofighter EF-2000? Obviously the answer is to make the EF-2000 an effective dogfighter against TVC-equipped Su-30MK family of heavy MRCAs. Thus, one can conclude that existing EF-2000s without TVC nozzles have a distinct disadvantage when pitted against the Su-30MKI in the low-energy flight-path trajectory-shaping regime. And mind you, the AL=-31FP’s TVC is only a 2-axis system. If the TVC nozzles become 4-axis movable like the MiG-29OVT’s KLIVT TVC nozzle, the dogfight arena will get even more complex & interesting. In addition, despite the availability of AESA-MMRs in both the EF-2000 after 2018, & on the Super Su-30MKI, the man-machine interface on the latter will be superior because the single-seat EF-2000’s pilot will be under greater pressure & stress, whereas on the tandem-seat Super Su-30MKI, the two-man crew will be able to perform interleaved operations concurrently with far less workload-related stress.

Danger close said...


"In fact, emergency negotiations are now underway to urgently deploy a detachment of four IAF Mi-35Ps to Ayni air base in southern Tajikistan so that they can provide day/night close air support to the ASF, with the help of a small detachment of IAF Garud personnel who will be acting as forward air-controllers while being embedded with ASF forces on the ground."

You REALLY think this is going to happen? I am willing to wager my house that it will not.

I would be beyond happy if it did but I have grown up in India, we are not this pragmatic or intelligent we are always reactionary and close-minded, we aren't equipped to make such forward thinking and strategic deployments- it won't happen.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To EPIC: The 'desi' media by has a solid track-record of distorting the RM's statements through various types of assumptions, which have subsequently been published & vreated several distortations in the narrative. Therefore, I for one would not believe even a word of what's being or will be reported by the 'desi' press corps. Yes, it is they who never cease to turn India into the world's laughing stock.

To DANGER CLOSE: LoLz! There are many such developments that don't get to hog the limelight & are always done behind-the-scenes. Like, for instance, the Indian forward medical detachment in Farkhor in Tajikistan that was established in 1999, but word finally leaked out only after 9/11. Or about the role played by SOF personnel hailing from countries friendly to the Northern Alliance who acted as pathfinders during the liberation of Kabul by Northern Alliance militias in November 2001. Or the refurbishment of Ayni air base in early 2002, the reasons behind it & what was recently agreed upon between NaMo & his Tajik counterpart during the former's official tours of the central Asian Republics. People learn from experiences, & tend to mature. The India of today is not the India of December 1999, or early 2002 or of 2013. Thereforte, if I were you, I would reserve my judgement & not make any hasty conclusions.

Mayur M Manapure said...
Given China's industrial base, it should have been little easier for them to make a reliable turbofan.
I know jet engines are tough nut to crack but are they that hard? I'm not even expecting GTRE to come up with a decent engine for an UCAV.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The WS-10's development is still incomplete & therefore its usage for the J-11 & J-15 (Su-27 clones) too has been curtailed. The MTBF is way too low to make the engine economical. In addition, China has not yet mastered the science of using alloys using rare-earth materials like Rhenium for making turbine blades. Engines for UCAVs are a different matter because UCAVs, unlike combat aircraft, will never be heavily utilised round-the-clock & therefore their engines will be reqd to log-in far less operating hours, which translates into less wear-and-tear & therefore longer lifespans even when using legacy technologies.

Arup said...


1. PDV and PAD both are Mach5+ missiles with PDV even having a KV and a new maneuvering mechanism at high altitudes. Though Pdv can be am Asat it was orginally meant to replace Pad in phase 1 . Pdv and 9M83 and 2 have similar speeds and engagement altitudes.

2. Is there a self imposed publicity ban on oir BMD program by Goi oe Drdo coz almost no info about this program ever leaks out. A test of Pdv was supposed to occur some months back but it hadnt after the AAD test resulted in a failure. Do you have any bits of info on the present status of the program?

3. Dr Sattesh has said just some days ago that the Bmd was in the final stages of developement and deployment. What do you make of this?
During the last test a new booster,guidance mechanism and cannister launch was to be validated for the Aad when the missile plummted into the Bay. Now hadnt we been serious abt deployment why would someone want to have a wooden round Aad?

4. What was agreed upon between Namo and the Tajik president concerning Ayni and Farkhor?Nothing is available in the public domain regarding this. Can we expect MiGs in Ayni anytime soon as you had said and will the deployment of Mi-35P there expand in terms of numbers beyond the initial four?

5. Drdo created a lot of fuss about the developement of LRTR and its extension of range from 600 -800 km to 1500 km was being undertaken. Do Drdo brand the GreenPine as Lrtr or are there some indigenous radars based on it that is in developement.

There were even a report on manufacture of 6-7 Lrtr by a consortium of public and private companies.


Many thanx PrasunDa.

So this basically means that as of now in a WVR combat the Su 30MKI can win however if it is a BVR combat the Typhoon holds an advantage.

It is rather unfortunate that even after 10-15 years the IAF still does not have sensor fusion in the Su 30MKI and goodness knows when the Super 30 will be ready.

Is it possible to integrate the Rafales SPECTRA with the Su 30MKI? Alternatively can the IAF purchase suits like SPECTRA from other Western vendors(like Lockheed) and integrate it on the Su 30MKI?

Thanks again


Anonymous said...

Prasun Da,

(1) Is it possible to upgrade Mig 29UPG to Mig 35 standards?

(2) This ToI article published today talks about India's submarine fleet. Nothing that we have not discussed in your blog for several years.

However, if true I found this last sentence to be disturbing:

The navy is, however, apprehensive that the brewing rivalry between the two players(Pipavav and L&T) in bagging the big orders could come in the way of its much-needed modernization drive

Frankly Reliance is not known to be an ethical company. In Mumbai they are increasing Metro fare by 200% overnight, they did the same with the Electricity and Mobile services as well. In the years to come I am quite certain that we will hear a lot about Reliance's foul play in the defense sector as well.

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,

Maybe you was right, USGS saying an earthquake was felt at 5.7 magnitude in Wakkhan Corridor

But IMD saying it was 6.2.

Arpit Kanodia said...


Any thoughts abut this?

raw13 said...


In the international political arena, only a fool asks for proof that can stand in the court of law. We have so many cases. From iraq nukes to Indian coast guard killing people on the boat. What really matters is perception and the impact of that perception on policy. In our cases, no one believes what indians say about Pakistan and vise versa. Because truth is the first casualty. However we have your MoD on record saying that he will this and that. Just to tell you that played out quite well in the international press. Also that we will lob 5 mortars for everyone we send over....we are still sending them over ;-).

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: So at long last, Pakistan's gameplan has been brutally exposed & sanity is expected to return back. A bait was thrown to Pakistan to reform itself, but old mindsets take a long time to reform. 3 days ago the Afghan Ambassador to Islamabad formally met Maulana Samiull Haq of Peshawar's Haqqani madrassa to deliver the same message. All said & done, there will now be a very heavy price to pay in diplomatic terms for both China & Pakistan since these 2 countries were having high hopes of bringing the Afghan Taliban to the negotiating table. One can only hope that the mercantile Chinese can at last see the light of day & withdraw from the game of duplicity without losing face. If not, then China will have a lot of answering to do to the international community & this will be extremely embarrassing for Beijing. As for beleagured Pakistan, this is the beginning of its END OF TIME. Kayamat is on its doorstep & once the Iran Nuclear Agreement is formally endorsed by the US Congress, earnest steps will be initiated to begin the process of de-nuclearising Pakistan, since this was one of the promises made to Iran in return for Iran making far-reaching concessions during the negotiations with the US, EU, Russia & China.

Let us all now sit back & enjoy this sequence of events to unfold.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAW13: More incoherent bakwas is all you can now spew out. The GPS navigating device & the NVD recovered from Gurdaspur are now in the US for forensic analysis by the FBI, i.e. the third party verification that Pakistan always seeks. This will be the final nail in the coffin for your wellwishers. So, if Islamabad still persists in 'Assi saaf hi mukar jawaange' (we will flatly deny it), then Islamabad better brace itself for hurtling down a bottomless abyss. And the same goes for the Pakistani diaspora huddled in Canada, the US & the UK.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


MR said...

Looks like some serious political capital needs to be invested in wooing Iran, given the present inertia affecting the relationship. What's your take on this ?

Unknown said...

Afghan president Ashraf Ghani slams Pakistan over recent Kabul attacks

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MR: The Iranians do have a point. India must accord visa-on-arrival status to not only Iran, but also to Nigeria, which is today India's second-largest supplier of light sweet crude. In top of that, the new government in Nigeria has already reached out to India for help in e-governance, & is also seeking Indian investments in the ICT sector. But back in 2003, India never asked for access to Iranian air bases in the event of a fourth war with Pakistan. Instead, India just wanted Iran to be strictly neutral--a commitment which Iran formally gave. Today, Iran imports almost US$7 billion annually in commodities & machined products from India & this will only grow since Iranian companies want to form JVs with their Indian counterparts to expand & upgrade Iran's civil industrial infrastructure.

To VIKRAM GUHA: Not necessarily. The Su-30MKI's RLSU-30MK NO-11M 'Bars' PESA-MMR offers superior modes of operation when compared to the existing ECR-90 MMR of the EF-2000. In addition, the Su-30MKI's two-man crew can perform interleaved operations even now, which the EF-2000's pilot cannot. Sensor fusion in the Su-30MKI is appreciable & adequate for the taskings to be performed. But the EF-2000 has a superior internal EW suite & once the Captor-E AESA-MMR is fully qualified on the EF-2000, it will result in a lethal M-MRCA like the what the Rafale already is. But then, the Super Sukhoi upgrade too will result in a deep-upgrade & enhancement of capabilities that will further exploit & enhance the two-man crew's ability to conduct interleaved operations. So, in the ultimate analysis, if the EF-2000 in the year 2020 is pitted against the Super Su-30MKI, the latter will still retain a distinct edge.

All this was proven & validated a few years ago when the single-seat EF-2000 was pitted against the tandem-seat F/A-18F Super Hornet. The advantages offered by a two-man crew conducting interleaved operations were clearly evident then.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: No need for SPECTRA on the Super Su-30MKI or Tejas Mk2. Because the DRDO's DARE is already developing such a suite comprising the EADS/Cassidian MILDS-F multi-spectral MAWS, multi-aperture ELT-568 AESA-based internal active jammer, laser warning reeceiver, & a wide-band radar warning receiver--the last 2 coming from SaabTech.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: In many ways, the MiG-29UPG is superior to the MiG-35. For instance, the incorporation of ELT-568 jammers. MiG-35s don't have this. The glass cockpits of the MiG-29UPG, MiG-29K & MiG-35 are identical. In addition, the MiG-29UPG & MiG-29K are both slated to be re-equipped with Phazatron JSC's FGA-29 AESA-MMR & that will also be the time when elements of the DARE-developed/-integrated EW suite will also be retrofitted.

Regarding RELIANCE, I'm of the opinion that all public-listed companies first & foremost owe their allegiance to their shareholders. So, if a corporate decision that best serves the interests its shareholders is taken, the company cannot be faulted nor can this be a negative demonstration of poor professional ethics.

L & T and Pipavav may well have corporate rivalries & this is healthy for fair competition, but all such rivalries can never affect any decision-making process of India's armed forces if the final decisions are made in a transparent & verifiable manner, like videographing all proceedings during the negotiating stages--as was done by the ATV Project Office since the early 1990s. Adhere to this formula & implement it across-the-board, & you will see ZERO corruption in ALL military procurement programmes.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARUP: 1) Both PDV & PAD are years away from being fully developed. PDV is presently not optimally designed for engaging manoeuvring MIRVs. 2) If that’s the case, then that’s extremely good news, because premature revelations of any data or information in the past has been counter-productive & highly speculative. 3) That is absolute baloney. How can a BMD system be declared as being functional when no one in India has even begun developing a long-range BMEW radar like the ‘Pave Paws’? Do you think the US, Russia & China have all developed such long-range radars just because they all been collectively bitten by mad dogs? Why did they develop such radars if it was possible to have a functional BMD system using only target engagement radars like the EL/M-2080 Green Pine LRTR? 4) Of course nothing specific is available from open-sources. But 2 months ago there was an interview of the Tajik Foreign Minister in THE WEEK magazine (published by Malayali Manorama) in which quite a vfew details were made available on-record. Why should MiG-29UPGs be deployed at Ayni if the Mi-35Ps are reqd to operate in northwestern Afghanistan in the Kunduz/Mazhar-e-Sharif area inside sovereign Afghan airspace? MiG-29UPGs will be reqd ONLY IF the Mi-35Ps are reqd for use in Kunar or Badakhshah provinces bordering Pakistan. But so far no one from Afghanistan has requested India for CAS operations in these 2 provinces. If Pakistan is really honest about helping Afghanistan, then it should shed its ego & offer to provide friendly air-cover by the PAF for the IAF’s Mi-35Ps in case they’re reqd in these 2 provinces. Only if Pakistan refuses to extend such a helping hand will at least 6 MiG-29UPGs be reqd to operate out of Ayni. 5) Don’t believe any such thing. Instead, be discerning & logical using common-sense. This approach will serve you much better even in your everyday dealings.

Unknown said...

This might be the reason for apprehension on the indian side to giving e-visa and visa on arrival to the iranians.

abs said...

1. You might as well play the role of a spoiler and divulge to us before any Frederick Forsyth does as to how the US and UK zeroed in on India to become the nett security provider in the IOR.
India to assume this role needs to reorganise it's Navy around CBG focused task forces and have expeditionary fighting capability. Some thing it sorely lacks now.

2. I think having a BMD with IR sats based early warning systems as well as Pave Paws like radars are rather too costly. Instead India should expedite developing and fielding MIRV capable SLBMs and ICBMs. At any rate the threat posed by PLA's 2nd artillery corps could be well taken care of through fielding of Barak MRSAM and LRSAMS along with AD1/2.
3. So are we finally reaching that stage where India will call out Pak's TNW bluff and regain the G&B territory? If so how does the coalition of the willing plan to defang Pakistan fit into this scenario if at all.

Gessler said...

Posting here after a long time, Prasun ji

One more area where India can build up it's relationship with Afghanistan. Also, I'm just receiving news of quite a massive earthquake emanating from the Hindukush region, lots of areas in Af, Pak, and Northern India. I don't have details yet but should the situation intensify, do you think upon Afghan's request India can mount a rescue operation in Afghanistan's northern regions?

Tololing said...

Some questions sir.

1.Why does the Kolkata class have only 32 barak-8 even though there is space for more?This seems inadequate as barak-1 seems absent.Even vishakapatnam class seems to have 32 projected barak-8.Will we see any improvements in this area?

2.Have the black shark torpedo situation for scorpenes been resolved or are the new subs still toothless?

3.When can we expect to see s-70b seahawk enter IN given ASW helicopter crisis?

4.Can chinese diesel submarines operate in IOR in wartime or just nuclear submarines?Some chinese forumers claiming they can with AIP.

5.For 3000 ton vessels are kamorta worth it as pure ASW platforms,given that most ASW corvettes are 1000-2000 tonnes and it lacks any surface armament.Is it true it can use eurotorp torpedo?

6.Why does IN insist on putting RBU series ASW grenade launchers on every ship even though it compromises stealth features often when torpedoes with larger range are present onboard,as are ss-n-15 ASW missiles(assuming we have them).What's so indispensable about these short range grenade launchers?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JAY BHANUSHALI: There’s no doubt that Iran needs India more than the other-way-around, because Iran is most unlikely to start making big-ticket purchases from Europe or North America due to the fact that it has to spend judiciously on urgent priorities. Furthermore, India is one of Iran’s traditional importers of light sweet crude & there’s no way Iran wants to be upstaged by others in this arena. So, as a middle ground, by all means do grant visa-on-arrival status/facility to Iran, but if ever there’s another attack on any diplomatic mission or on any Israeli office located anywhere inside India & if this attack is traced back to Iran, then Iran will reserve the right to impose severe travel restrictions on Iranian citizens.

To ABS: 1) It’s no great secret, actually. Post-1991 there was enormous strategic convergence on a range of issues between India, the US & EU. All that got further solidified after 9/11 when India became an active member of the ‘coalition of the willing’. Fast-forward to today when not only the US, Canada & EU, but also most ASEAN member-states have egged India to stand up firmly to China. Imagine China asserting that its ‘unique’ definition of EEZ means all non-PLAN naval warships transiting China’s EEZ have to seek ‘permission’ to do so! The India of today is in no mood to entertain such theatrics & is quite confident of staring at China & refusing to blink. So, when India decided to stop hitting below or above the belt & instead decides to punch according to her weight, the inevitable rewards & responsibilities will naturally follow. 2) Of course the topmost priority must be the fielding of proven nuclear WMD delivery systems like ICBMs, SLBMs, MRBMs & air-launched land-attack cruise missiles. But concurrently, R & D on solutions like ground-based BMEW radars, space-based BMEW payloads using IR sensors & low-Earth orbit satellites equipped with SAR should continue unabated. 3) Yes indeed. All that it takes is for Pakistan to continue engaging in nuclear sabre-rattling, following which neighbouring countries that are signatories to the NPT, like Iran & Afghanistan, will formally complain about this belligerent attitude, & Iran may even throw up some theatrics like threatening to withdraw from the recently agreed-upon nuclear deal. Consequently, in order to ensure the greater good in the Middle East & Central Asia, the US, Russia, EU & India will have to pool their efforts for a series of synchronised surgical air-strikes & ground-based special operations. It will then be up to China to either lick its wounds, or be on the winning side. All the exercises that the IAF & IA has been conducting over the past 15 years with the US, the UK & France have not been merely for show, but rather for the sake of evolving & finalising various templates of common operating procedures (COP) that will be applied when undertaking multinational combined-arms coalition military operations.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To GESSLER: Yes indeed, perhaps you were on a well-deserved sabbatical. The recent earthquake was deep underground & therefore it’s impact on the surface was negligible. Wait till this October for the ‘big bang’ to take place.

To ABHISHEK DHAR: 1) Already explained before several times how many ready-to-launch Barak-2s are on-board & how many palletised/canister-encased Barak-2s are on-board as reloads. 2) Not yet. But such torpedoes can be delivered in less than 1 year. The 1st Scorpene SSK of the IN will be floated only next year & its sea-trials won’t be completed until 2017. 3) If ordered tomorrow, deliveries will commence only after 24 months. 4) PLAN’s SSKs can indeed operate anywhere in IOR with or without AIP, but they have to surface at least once every 20 days to take in perishable commodities like food & drinking water, since no AIP in the world can produce them internally! 5) Of course they’re worthy since they will be reqd to provide only ASW escort for replenishment vessels & will never be used for surface warfare. Any type of lightweight or heavyweight torpedo can be used by such ASW corvettes. 6) They don’t dramatically compromise stealth features because hardly any part of such launchers offer 90-degree radar reflective structures.

Rajesh Mishra said...

This earthquake was the second triggers.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ABS: Total economic debt of Pakistan as a result of debt-creating inflows: US$78 billion. Of this, US$42.72 billion was borrowed over the past 10 years. Of this, US$8.35 billion has been borrowed from the International Development Association, or IDA; US&8.335 billion from ADB; US$4.952 billion from Industrial Development Bank; US$904 million from IBRD; US$158 million from International Agriculture Development Fund; US$90 million from OPEC; US$50 million from European Investment Bank; US$12 billion from IMF; US$5.309 billion from China; US$1.118 billion from Japan; US$930 million from France; US$970 from Kuwait; US$150 million from Germany; US$420 million from Saudi Arabia; US$140 million from Italy; US$40 million from South Korea & US$530 million from various other countries. Forex reserves stand at US$13.5 billion due to US$4 billion being borrowed from the IMF since late 2013, US$3 billion obtained from the flotation of bonds, & US$3.5 billion borrowed from the World Bank, ADB & IDB. The remaining US$3 biilion is being used to finance the current account deficit. FDI inflows have declined by 60% compared to the same period of 2014. In other words, the West along with its East Asian allies have overwhelmed Pakistan with a perpetual debt-trap (which neither China nor the KSA can rescue Pakistan from), which leaves Pakistan with no bargaining power or strategic defiance of any kind.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

How the Australian Army M-777 howitzer is brought into action:

Nagarajan said...

Parsunda what's the endgame for Afghan problems. Can it ever be allowed to be a peaceful country

Arup said...


"The last few days have shown that suicide bomber training camps and bomb producing factories which are killing our people are active as before Ij Pakistan."
"We hoped for peace but we are getting messages of war from Pakistan." Afghan president over a recnt spate of terrorist attacks that killed 56 in Kabul.

Things are indeed going to be very interesting in the coming months it seems. What you had predicted some time back are indeed turning out to be true.
Ghani mentioning Pakistan explicitly as being involved in the terror strikes is surely a positive sign of where things are headed . Long live Afghan Pak friendship .

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To NAGARAJAN: A country that has been ravaged first by civil war & immediately thereafter by proxy war cannot be expected to stand up on its own feet for at least 25 years. In addition, when the source of the problem (Pakistan) is wrongly recognised as being part of the solution, the situation gets even murkier. On the plus side, sanity seems to be returning among the world's key economicv/military powers & a convergence of ideas & perceptions is taking shape, even among Afghanistan's immediate neighbours like India, Iran & the Central Asian Republics. It is this convergence that will decisively determine the end-state of affairs in Afghanistan. All that is reqd is the nuclear de-fanging of Pakistan in a swift, coordinated air-ground campaign lasting not more than 10 days & all the unruly, wild creatures will then be domesticated. It is said that once every 50 years on average, a country's borders undergo some form of physical change through either contraction or expansion. That time is fast approaching & is being borne out by the increased calls for separatism & the emergence of regional identities within both Sindh & Balochistan. Even FATA's residents are highly resentful of the PA giving authorisation to the CIA to conduct incessant drone-strikes throughout FATA since 2008. The various tribal clans of FATA therefore have sworn revenge against the PA for generations to come & the blood feuds won't cease until FATA's Pashtuns are re-united with their Afghan Pashtun cousins by doing away with the Durand Line & redrawing the Afghan-Pak international boundary.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARUP: Just wait & see how Ashraf Ghani springs even further surprises against Pakistan in the days to come. Time for the IAF's GARUD detachments to strap-up & begin their maiden operational overseas deployment. For that's exactly why they were raised, i.e. for providing tactical AirLand battlespace coordination in support of friendly ground forces inside hostile territory, in addition to conducting all-weather CSAR.

Rajesh Mishra said...

How much correct you are. Now even Musharraf will not be able to save the Pakistan666.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Yet another flawed analysis by a 'desi' retard masquerading as a journalist:

I'm really astonished to discover that even after serving with the IAF for 13 years. how virtually no 'desi' journalist knows about the Su-30MKI's inability to fly terrain-hugging deep interdiction flight profiles! A simple check with Russian Aircraft Corp & Rosoboronexport State Corp would easily have revealed that the Su-30MKI's airframe was never developed for the deep interdiction mission role & is thus not certified to fly at such low-altitudes & furthermore, it does not possess any on-board mission avionics/sensors that are required for terrain-hugging flight navigation.

flanker143 said...

sir i have some questions regarding tajas and fc1.

1- why is that tejas even after having a great deal composites is only marginally lighter than fc1 ??

2- why tajas's mtow is marginally higher than fc1 even when it has a considerably higher wing area ?

3- has the sensor package (aesa nd irst) been chosen for tejas mk2 ? is yes than what is it?

4- as u have stated that tejas mk2 will be radical redesign, then why not strengthen the airframe as well and go the fe414 epe ??

5- i understand that helina is the heli fired version of nag , but why isnt a version of nag being developed for fixed wing ac like tejas ? IMO it can be very effective cas weapon against a variety of targets.
And since it will be lightweight quite alot of them can be carried on a single ac, tejas can easily carry 12 such pgms on 4 triple ejector racks. and still have a 1200l drop tank for extended ops !!!


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To FLANKER 143: 1) Your 2nd question provides the answer to your 1st question. 2) Higher wing area doesn't automatically translate into greater MTOW if fuel tanks are not contained in the area where the wing meets the fuselage. 3) Yes, it's the EL/M-2052 AESA-MMR. IRST sensor hasn't yet been chosen, but logically it will be the one from Selex Galileo (Skyward) since it is the most compact IRST sensor now available. 4) That will be factored in when designing the Tejas Mk2 airframe. 5) Why? Beats me. Just like why is DRDO not developing a conical interceptor missile for the PDV reqmt & instead relying on the airframe of the Prithvi NLOS-BSM? Are the DRDO's missile designers unaware of the fundamental laws of physics? Why hasn't LRDE decided to develop an AESA-based maritime search radar variant of the 'Uttam' AESAR-FCR? Why has the LRDE not developed a UAV-detection radar variant of the 'Uttam' AESAR-FCR? Why fire anti-helicopter projectiles from MBTs when the IA's armoured formations wsill always be accompanied by LOHs & attack helicopters armed with AAMs? Why are lightweight single-mode & dual-mode guidance PGMs not being developed specifically for the Tejas Mk1/M2 MRCA or for the Combat Hawk? Why does the IA's RFI for FRCV R & D not include any reference to amphibious assault vehicles?

Too many unanswered & inexplicable whys.

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

few questions

1. can avionics/sensors that are required for terrain-hugging flight navigation be fitted to Su30mki or super30mki

2. you say Iran needs India more, so is there a possibility of exchange rate recalibration with Iran like the ones done with Soviet Union/Russia

3. You have said that tandem seat jets are best suited for interleaved ops, then why is IAF going for PAKFA, instead it should go for on FGFA that will arrive only after 2030, btw just got news that IAF will buy only 65 FGFAs; this has been done as focus is more on Su30mki/SuperSu30mki and Rafales/upgraded Rafales. It also means more and more Rafales will be inducted.

4. Dont understand why this MQM chief accusing India of not helping the Mohajirs, as i recall they themselves went over to Pak in 1947, and where branded like wise, so what is Indias obligation

5. It seems now the focus will shift to catch the terrorist alive to heap more embarrassment in Pak, but will such strategy pay dividend in long run, as Pak will continue denials

6. I think reusble hypersonic cruise missile is a mirage, how can a missile be reused.

7. I think India will have to put more shoes on ground in Afghanistan to bring down the PAK BACKED terror network but i also think Iran too needs to do the same through its IRGC/Quds force detachments, thus India taking care of North, east, west Afghanistan (Northern Allaince area) and Iran taking care of south & southeast Afghanistan, your views


Joydeep Ghosh

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Lovely posts Prasun Da.... I am just thinking its high time to shoot the Family once for all
they do not allow the reversal of the slide india had for a decade .,...

Unknown said...

dada ! aakhir ye kehna kya chahte hain ?

what is basic difference b/w text based negotiations & intergovernamental negotiations ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PIYUSH DAS: It's not about just knocking at the UNSC's doors & the door being opened ASAP. The UN's reform process is a long=drawn one that must also consider admission of Japan & Germany. It was never & will never an India-specific issue. No need therefore to jump to conspiracy theories.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: VMT. No need to shoot anyone. Just condemn them to the wilderness (vanvaas).

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) It's possible, but what about redesigning the airframe & certifying it? That's the far more critical issue. 2) Yes. 3) No one in India is opting for PAK-FA. 6) Re-usable means using one missile to launch different payloads in one sortie itself. It does not mean the missile landing & taking off again. 7) They are already there in the form of ITBP personnel.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

MR said...

PrasunDa, what's brewing on the FGFA front? Has IAF realised that Russia is in no position to deliver the plane soon enough and it would be wiser to invest in the "bird in hand" rather than those which might be in the bush??

Vijay said...

Dear Sir

Please answer my question

Do you think that there was Any CONSPIRACY behind
the deaths of Homi Bhabha and Lal Bahadur Shastri



(1) So basically what you have been saying for the last 2 years will eventually come true. IAF will acquire the FGFA from Russia exactly like the way it purchased the Su 30MKI. So I suspect not much joint development.

(2) This report suggests that Russia's own military is falling apart



Ved said...

Hi Prasun,
I disagree to your definition of reusable vehicle. Why should it be called reusable if it cannot be launched more than once?

Ved said...

Anonymous said...


Take a look at this latest news. Possible [intelligent] life on Mars

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MR & VIKRAM GUHA: What is crystal-clear is that the 1980s legacy assets of the Russian Air Force are crashing like flies due to obsolescence & therefore the Ruskies are now in dire need of new-build platforms like Su-30SM & Su-34, Mig-35s & MiG-29Ks. Consequently, given the rather limited financial & human resources available, Russia has no choice but to slow down full-scale development of the T-50 PAK-FA, which translates into the FGFA-related R & D effort also slowing down proportionally. Which is fine, because the IAF can now focus entirely on the Rafale procurement project since now there will be far less political pressure from Russia to pour money into the FGFA-related R & D effort.

To VED: LoLz! Dr Pillai is an old friend of mine, but this is stretching it too far. Firstly, if this is possible, then why have the US, the Europeans, the Russians, China or Japan not explored such possibilities? Can you name at least one project that is now underway anywhere in the world that is exploring such a possibility? Does one mean to say somehow the DRDO’s scientists have discovered some unique component of quantum physics/quantum mechanics which has eluded everybody else? So let’s get real. It is far too easy to say that the idea of reusable cruise missile development i an inspiration from the Mahabharatha, particularly Lord Krishna’s Sudarshan Chakra, but it is impossible in India to discover the physics behind the operating principle of the Sudarshan Chakra! For starters, have you EVER come across any Indian scientist presenting a paper at either a DRDO symposium or at an ISC symposium on subjects like electro-gravitics & electro-kinetics? So please bear in mind that there’s an enormous distance to be travelled between an ‘inspiration’ & articulation of the physics behind a particular phenomenon.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: By the way, that ‘desi’ journalist called Sushant Singh from INDIAN EXPRESS was present at a seminar organised by the ORF in New Delhi yesterday & was chaired by Dr Manoj Joshi. He is an ex-Army officer who evidently knows zilch about aviation & aeronautics, hence his totally flawed conclusions.


saurav jha said...

Hi Prasun,

WIth Afghan script of Raheel Sharif going awry, do you think his belligerence on our border will increase ? Will we see revival of GTX to target their Punjab ..? Do you see people like Dostum getting more prominence in Afghanistan powerplay after this peace talks failing ..?

Anonymous said...


In that case Sushant Singh has chosen the right place to work. After all Indian Express also found an Indian Army General planning a coup in the middle of the night.

Just like birds of similar feather, clowns of similar nature flock together.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Coming to Afghanistan, it is now evident that Pakistan’s choreographed ‘facilitation’ of peace talks between the Afghan govt & the Afghan Taliban are in tatters after the demise of Mullah Mohd Omar. In fact, Pakistan did have an inkling about this & that’s why it was the first to raise the bogey of ISIS becoming prominent inside Afghanistan, this being an attempt to pressurise Kabul into quickly making uncomfortable concessions, & also to secure China’s support for the peace talks. But now, after the release of the 1st video 2 days ago by the so-called Afghan ISIS, it can clearly be seen that this video was shot somewhere in Chitral inside Pakistan, i.e. another propaganda tool devised by the ISI. All such bluff will soon be called by the Afghan NDS & Pakistan & China both will be cornered for good over the next 60 days.

As for India’s options, clearly the costs payable by Pakistan for indulging in terrorism inside India will have to be increased manifold. This can easily be done & is being done already in various ways, but not through direct-action inside Pakistan by any Indian citizen. And that’s why Pakistan can never produce any proof of India’s meddling in any corner of Pakistan. If at all any proof is reqd to be produced, then Pakistan will have to claim that Indian entities are operating in Balochistan or FATA out of either Afghanistan or Iran, since India does not share any common land boundary with Pakistan’s western areas. This in turn will tantamount to Pakistan directly questioning the effectiveness of territorial sovereignty of both Afghanistan & Iran, & neither of these 2 countries will take such insults lying down. They will then ask how come Pakistan has since the early 1990s allowed a UK citizen like Altaf Hussain to remain as the Pakistani MQM party’s leader & whether this translates into the UK meddling in Pakistan’s domestic politics. So, all in all, Pakistan is in a bind & will never be able to come up with any coherent counter-narrative. Consequently, the entire world will keep shouting at the PA with these words: Tum hi ne dard diya, ab tum hi dawa do.

BTW, the Afghan National Army has asked India to supply 13 more Cheetal LOHs to add to the 3 already delivered.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Not to forget that nitwit called Manu Pubby, who was consistently alleging that there was wrongdoing in the AW-101 helicopter deal! That nitwit is now splurging out more disinformation from THE ECONOMIC TIMES.

Abhay Jain said...

Prasun Sir,

1) Do you see any solution of Afghanistan in foreseeable future as innocent people are being slaughtered like goats?

2) What is so unique about taliban that the most powerful force ever couldn't defeat them to their satisfaction?

3) Has NATO achieved it's objective in Afghanistan for what they entered on it's soil or they have created Iraq 2.0?

4) Do you think Afghanistan National Force has become mature enough to handle taliban on it's on? Who will bear the expenses of such massive force?

5) In his latest press hearing Ashraf Ghani sound really piseed of pakistan or he is under pressure of his domestic audience and NDS?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ABHAY JAIN: 1) Any problem that lasts for years cannot be solved overnight. It is always a slow & painful process. 2) The Taliban were militarily defeated on the battlefield. That's why they're resorting to individual suicide attacks. 3) Of course. NATO now, led by the US has a firm foothold inside Afghanistan through its military bases that will remain till 2022. 4) They already have. Kabul will now have to be fortified l;ike Baghdad's Green Zone. It is not an expensive effort as popularly believed. Only fighting positional battles are expensive. The Taliban have no stomach left for engaging in such warfare & therefore are resorting to suicide bombings. 5) He's genuinely pissed off because he's clearly aware that Pakistan had been trying to browbeat Afghanistan into signing a peace accord with the Taliban, thereby giving the latter the political legitimacy that Pakistan so desperately desires. And to put unbearable pressure on Kabul, the PA's GHQ invented the spectre of ISIS' rising influence inside Afghanistan. But thanks to NATO intelligence agencies & the NDS, this Pakistani gameplan has now been exposed & the truth has come out. You should take note that ALL talk about ISIS inside Afghanistan has originated only from within Pakistan.

Abhay Jain said...

Thanks a lot sir, really appreciate your replies

Sk said...


There are often references by Indian ex-military officials that Indian armoured corps will be quite enriched if India bought squadrons of A-10 Warthog to go along tanks/IFVs. However, the suggestion has been consistently rejected by US military officials as they don't intend to sell A-10s. At the same time, Soviet developed Su-25 and their upgraded versions are available in the market either from Russia or Georgia.

So, is there any possibility to opt for this one or a better version in JV format of this aircraft? These would be needed in a ground offensive in the case of air superiority. What has been the IA/IAF thinking on this issue? MoD cannot forget that these A-10s were crucial in Afghanistan for mountain top attacks for which even Mirage-2000 had to struggle during Kargil. Any idea?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SK: Tankbursters like A-10A or Su-25 will be successful only on battlefields crawling with armoured vehicles, i.e. full-scale conventional warfare involving overwhelming responses. In the Indian context, such battlefields will not exist in future because no full-scale conventional warfare is possible under a nuclear overhang. That's why the Indian Army's future manoeuvre warfare doctrine advocates the utilisation of Combined-Arms Armoured Brigades operating in conjunction with integral attack helicopter & LOH detachments, i.e. the integrated battle groups. Such formations will therefore require only selective close air-support from fixed-wing MRCAs equipped with lightweight standoff PGMs.

Full-scale overwhelming conventional response is a thing of the past & will never again be witnessed in the sub-continent, either in the northern front or the western front. The nuclear overhang ensures this. Therefore, at best there will be high-intensity limited conventional war like OP Vijay & OP Safed Sagar of 1999. That is the reality of the day & therefore I've stated countless times before that this reality should be grasped & embraced & articulated through a 'strategic defence review', which then would become the transformational foundation upon which all comventional force modernisation plans should be predicated. Pnly then can a planned & effective tri-services force structure emerge. Without this methodical approach, all that is & will take place are compartmentalised force modernisation efforts that will lack a powerful punch.

CSC said...

For a layman what is the difference in capability and functionality between these LPAR radars and the Indian swordfish

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1. you said 'Re-usable means using one missile to launch different payloads in one sortie itself. It does not mean the missile landing & taking off again.' it is exactly this reason i asked the question, how Brahmos/Brahmos NG/Brahmos 2-K all flying supersonic/hypersonic on their entire path can be used to drop variety of payloads, as per me the super/hyper speed and flight path will have effect on the missile body structure, and also there wont be enough time to selective drop different payloads.

2. The recent outburst of Afghan Prez Ghani is being referred to his habit of blow hot blow cold strategy that he uses to only keep his domestic constituency happy, so should we Indians take it seriously?

3. From what you said to #SK i think the NDA govt is licking its wounds at not alllowing the IA to do a reverse Kargil in 1999, as per me if the IA had done that Indias claim over GB/POK would have increased? If IA had done it CPEC would never had materialized

4. The answer you gave to #nagarajan its last portion is the reason i asked the question that when Altaf Hussaian supposedly asks India to help save mohajirs in karachi,what is Indias obligation, why should we even help them?

awaiting response


Joydeep Ghosh

rasayan said...

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da,

1.Speak of the devil and he doth appear. I found this link on that nitwits twitter feed

2. Will the Super Su 30 possess any on-board mission avionics/sensors that are required for terrain-hugging flight navigation? And if yes then can the Rafale deal be cancelled?


CSC said...


Why is everyone so keen on the cancellation of the rafale deal.

That plane is needed and in atleast 5 squadron strength to operate on both the Western, Northeast and north east frontiers, parallely if needed


Prasun DA,

For all those media pundits in India who were saying that India needs to purchase the F 35, there are some real bad news for them. The US based National Security Network has released an in detail study of the F 35 describing it as one of the worst fighter ever built.

AB said...

Prasun Da,
An excellent write up and analysis from your side.. In awe of your research which puts your blog many tads above others..

I have few doubts which i hope you can provide some clarity

1. Rafale off the shelf and so called Make in India via consortium (which you have mentioned before)
- (a) What is the status of both these deals?
- (b) What time line are you suggesting for off the shelf and MII deals
- (c) whats the final numbers under both and total approximately?
- (d) whats the cost you are estimating and Is the cost such a bother or masses are just painted a color as needed by so called corporate journalism nexus?

2. in Indradhanush 2015 exercise, why RAF has to raise the issue of a NDTV based senior reporter Vishnu Som's claims of 12-0 scoreline diplomatically? Whats the real reason?

3. In your own words, Super Su30 MKI can be a superior bird or a challenging proposition post deep upgrades/MLU in MKI's.
(a) Is there any detailed document or link where we can ascertain whats really the Super30 upgrade..What it really comprises? Whats the super 30 MKI advantages over Su 30 MKI present form?
(b) with MKI produced in India running a bit late its speculated that the line is busy till 2021.. Thus when is the MKI MLU or Super 30 upgrade estimated to initiate?

4. Regarding PAKFA/T50/FGFA program : Whats the real status of Indian FGFA project? Newsreports suggested that India is keen to procure 50 birds (3 sqds) directly.. and you are suggesting all this is just gas.. In such a situation and probable economic issues with Russia, wont it make sense that India becomes a major partner in investiment and R&D for this project and bail out the whole project and earn lots of russian goodwill.. In the sense, we get blue prints of many things and tech know how which helps us progress indigenously..

5. Black project of K family - K4 and KX series? Whats the status? Are we still testing and abstaining from any publications?

6. Whats your views on lethality of Brahmos various blocks.. has India really adhered to MTCR regime and range restricted to 290kms as claimed? or that is a Chip enabled limitation implying it can be unlocked for a much fuller range? If so whats the best guesstimate for the Brahmos range?

7. For long Arjun Mk1 and 2 are said to be excess weight.. But what about the chances of a light battle tank? Cant we down configure based on Arjun Story?

8. lastly many approvals in DAC but limited movement afterwards.. How do you see that? When we will really show urgency in Defence modernisation for all 3 forces particularly the IAF?

RD said...

If it goes like this then China doesn't even need any reefs, islands or bases to project their power in future.

Is this really possible.

Anonymous said...

RD, it is indeed possible. I vaguely remember about floating rocket launching sites. However, the question is how much cost to build and how much will it cost to maintain. Considering the typhoons that have been battering on South China sea towards Chinese Mainland, to main such a system will be of huge challenge. At the same time, it is easy to make peace with China's neighbors at no cost than building such projects. So if Chinese want to waste money and want to flex its muscles, then they will go ahead with the project. Otherwise it will go ahead to make peace with its neighbors. The latter may be time consuming, but it would be ultimately good for China.


raw13 said...


Only you seem to think Taliban have been defeated on the battlefield. USA, UK, NATO think otherwise. And believe me they were the ones fighting the Taliban. Read comments made by retired US/British generals. Suicide bombing is a form of terror attack, that has huge psychological impact. It stopped western forces making friends with Afghan people and the insider attacks made them even more weary of the ANA & ANG. Read the reports and docs of ex-servicemen they hated the afghans, mainly because of this tactic. Read how ISIS are using them in Iraq. You clearly lack understanding of its use and impact on battlefield. Not that such actions can ever be condones.

HEATH said...

1)Prasun sir, when can we expect the agrement for IAF Mi-35s and Garuds to go with them for the Afghans to be announced? I am still VERY skeptical this will ever materilsie- this isn't how the Indian establishment I know works.

2)IF this were to happen, would those Mi-35s of the IAF deployed to Afghanistan be replaced by AH-64Es eventually?

3 When will the Ah-64E and CH-47F deals be signed? India has the fastest growing economy in the world now, shouldn't we be seeing the fruits of this? we DESPTERALY need to modernise

4) When will the S-70B deal be signed?

5) When will the A330 Mrtt deal eb signed?

6) When will the IAF's AW-101 fleet be formally inducted and start flying the PM? I don't like seeing him flown around in those ancient junk Mi-17s

Kindle said...

Sir, when is the Super MKI upgrade actually going to happen? I've been hearing about it for over 3 years now!!! When will the first operational IAF Super MKI enter service? We are getting further and further away from the cutting edge even with our most high end jet!!

2) Reading the economic times it seems like the Rafale deal is stuck and it looks like this time it is dead for sure, what alternatives is this Govt looking at? Talks for 36 EFT? Super hornets perhaps?

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,

Maybe, Dr. sahab going maniac, and become a fool of highest order.

Unknown said...

After Home, Defence Ministry Issues Diktat on Restricted Media Interaction:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Mayur M Manapure said...

No good deed goes unpunished...

Gessler said...

Yes I did take sort of a break from much web-activity due to college and exams. Now I'm comparatively free(er).

^^ Afghan citizens carry out a 100-meter Indian flag onto the streets as part of the celebrations as the Indian-built Salma Dam begins to fill up its reservoir. Praises of
India, flowers & gifts being handed to workers at the dam and much Bollywood songs in the background as per a source I know on forums.

I wonder when the new Afghan Parliament building, also being constructed by Indian companies, will reach completion...more celebrations ahead!

Unknown said...

Thanks dear,your news made my day.

Gessler said...

^^Oh it's already been posted, but never mind! I do have some new questions for you though, sir ji. I must say, being the enthusiastic fanboy I am, your statement about the potential and/or impending IAF CAS missions in Afghanistan sort of gave me a mental orgasm.

I have but one question for you right now...after the impending eventuality of Pakistan ceases to exist (as we know it), how do you think India's role in regional & international matters could become? How will China's stance toward India change, if at all?

What sort of benefits/downfalls could such a development have on the Indian economy?

Rituraj said...


What kind of Terrain Mapping/Terrain Following Radars are available to India? Is there any Russian radar capable of this feature ? Can Sukhoi in its upgrade get one ?

BTW have they decided on the Super-Sukhoi Radar Yet?


Dear Prasun,

I would like to take you back to history of 2002 Godhra riots. Who set fire on Sabarmati express??? Muslim mob or it was just an accident??? If the mob commit it, why don't they accept their fault??? What is court verdict??? It is ambiguous. One committee set by UPA govt. was in favor accident that led to fire. Another by Nanavati commission that concluded that, It was the Muslim mob. Whom to blame??? Did justice prevail in Godhra train burning???

rasayan said...

Tejas coming in large numbers!!!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Today is PAKISTAN PAINDABAD Day. To commemorate it, there were some documentaries aired yesterday. Here they are:

Pakistan Navy’s Air Arm:

JF-17 Thunder MRCA final assembly line at Kamra:

Mayur M Manapure said...

Most funny comments I've read were how come Pakistan is able to make a fighter jet when they haven't been able to come up with a decent passenger car or even a locally designed motorcycle.

Ashutosh said...


Janes today is good.Are we planning anything like this

Small Cruise! can be further developed for maritime role?

Ashutosh said...

If you get some time, kindly answer my previous query on Naval Dhruv.

Tololing said...

Hello sir,seeing as china is acquiring s-400 systems from russia.
Its really sad to see that our next generation sam would be only 100 km MRSAM,god knows only how far project has progressed.While s-400 has 3 missiles 400 km,250 km and 120 km.Supported by medium sams.

Under these conditions don't you think IA air defence procurement has been short sighted and chaotic.A few spyders a couple of years back, just 30 km akash,still no sign of MRSAM.Seems like there is no vision or intent as far as air defence is concerned.
Why don't we follow chinese lead and acquire s-400?

Also why was kashtan CIWS in first talwar batch replaced by just ak-630 gun ciws in second batch?

Ved said...

Hi Prasun,

I am tired about this Rafale deal. Seems there is another logjam.
I wish i stop reading about it but i can't.
Such a long time to conclude a military deal, Must be a world record....

But i do admit that negotiations are for our own good. I am just so eager to see Rafales in India colour. Patience is running out....

Pawan said...

Dear Prasunji,

Pakistan has fallen for Aseemanand bail Trap. Ch Nisar "the Army's Minister" issued a statement against this after indian deputy high commission was given demarche. can't believe they are naive and fool or perhaps it was catch 22 for them.

Please share any further details abt Afghan request to india for helicopters or other armament. I think this news indicate what you were predicted few days back.


Unknown said...

aap sabhi ko swantantrata diwas ki hardik shubh-kamnaye !!!

Pawan said...

Dear Prsunji,

Could not resist sharing this article with beautiful pic. it shows that Iran has come long way since 1979 revolution and know about behaving like a nation state.

rad said...

there is a pic in the hindu showing the naga leader muviah with strange looking gun toting body guards observing naga Independence day in hebron in nagaland. why cant we take him out with a well aimed laser guided bomb ,
they seem to have strange looking sub machine guns, what is that?.

Siddharth said...

Happy Independence Day to all my Indian Brothers, Sisters and Comrades.

Rituraj said...


Best Wishes on the Independence Day..

Pintu said...

Happy Independence Day to all :)

Ved said...

Greetings to you Prasun and all dear members on independence day.

blackurrant said...

interesting article.

Unknown said...

prasun sir, is it true that pakistan's independence day is actually 15th august !

at a zee news show anchor was telling that pakistan actually celebrated its 1st 2 independence days on aug 15th !

blackurrant said...

Prasun Sir,

I am posting a link from a pakistan's mission in australia's website which states the following ( your comments on the same will be appreciated.

I, s/d/w/ of aged
adult Muslim, resident of
hereby solemnly declare that:
a. I am a Muslim and believe in the absolute and unqualified finality of the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace be upon him)
the last of the prophets.
b. I do not recognize any person who claims to be prophet in any sense of the word or of any description whatsoever after
Muhammad (peace be upon him) or recognize such a claimant as prophet or religious reformer as a Muslim.
C. I consider Mirza Ghulam
Ahmad Quadiani to be an impostor nabi and also consider his followers whether belonging to the
Lahori or Quadiani group, to be NON-MUSLIM.

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,

Maybe you like this story

Lieutenant-General (Retd) Hamid Gul passed away on the day of Indian Independence Day.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

PLAN Recruitment Video:

PAC Kamra’s AMF:

Why Pakistan Remains a Deeply Traumatised Country:

Piyush Das, the above programme will answer your diubts on Pakistan’s independence day.

Typical Pakistani Distortion of History Showing Sikhs Massacring Muslims:

Balochistan Report Ground:

ISPR-produced documentary on the PA’s 323 ‘Siachen’ Brigade:

Note the PA’s Aviation Corps using Eurocopter AS.550 Fennecs & NORINCO-built sdingle-barrel 25mm AAA.

Total Govt Apathy in Chitral Afer the July Landslides:

Hilarious debate on whether Pakistan should be an Islamic State or a Muslim-majority State;

Finally, something on the Salma Dam in Heart, Afghanistan:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: Wow! That's so sad indeed! I'm sure we all will be missing his spectacularly outrageous conspiracy theories that always used to allege that India was/is/will always be on the wrong side of history. As to the date of his passing away, that's what is known as Divine Justice (LoLz)!

He must have possibly had a massive cardiac arrest after he discovered that an Afghan govt delegation (including the Afghan Foreign Minister & Chief of NDS) had visited Islamabad 3 days ago & had refused to meet both the COAS of the PA & the DG of ISI, & instead met onjly the civilian leaders of Pakistan to deliver 1 simple messge: ADIOS BASTARDOS!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Will answer all other outstanding queries tonight, & also comment upon the extremely depressing I-Day speech of NaMo yesterday.

For those interested in having a good laugh, watch how the Congress' Yuvraj who aspires to be a leader does not even know to read Hindi:

This guy is a total writeoff in all spheres of life, rest assured.

Anonymous said...

Salute to Indian Soldiers on our Independence Day!
I read some where about an Italian's experience with fighting with Sikh soldiers during WW II. That person or his son commented that as long as Sikhs in Indian military Pakistan never conquer India. May be the reason why Pakistan tried its best to separate Punjab from India by supporting Khalistan.

Our babus and politicians like Yuvraj destroy our country.


Raj said...


Has Lockheed Martin really offered to manufacture F-16 IN in India with Tata ASL ? That too at a price of USD 50 million ?

Instead, how much they will charge for F-18 E/F Super Hornet ?

Rahul Banyal said...

Sir, i have few questions and hope you will give answers to those-
1. India conducted nuclear test in 1974 and in 1998. Can these two be compared? If yes then which of these two was successful( in any mean be it political,technical or other)
2. Is it really important for India to be in UN? If yes then why so and if NO then what will be the consequences?
3. Can the govt restructure Indian army? Like merging forces like BSF , ITBP with army and put under defence ministry. And other like CRPF, CISF añd others under HM? And then deploy them.

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,

Its look like from ISPR's video the situation of PA is worse in Siachen. Even after sitting further on top, Indian Army situation seems in well manageable limits.

What kind of new technologies PA using in Siachen?

Pintu said...

Prasun Da, it appears that Pakistani - Punjab is paying a heavy price for being abode to 'Sarkari Jihadists'.

1 )

And as it appears, Pakistani Media like Dawn started blaming LeJ. Next in the line there would be so-called panelists across Pakistan, propagating conspiracy theories..

Now, how do you view this attack against seat of Home Ministry of Government of Punjab in Pakistan, is this because of Sarkari Jihadists gone out of the control of even P.A. / I.S.I. or a ploy by both of them (PA / ISI), cornering the Civilian Government at the power in Islamabad ? Or consequence of playing 'Good Cop / Bad Cop' with 'Good Terrorists / Bad Terrorists' for too long and messing up everything all round.

2), the link you have referred to me regarding my queries in your previous thread, about research in India about IRST Systems in India, it appears that,research on this is going on certain period of time, from the 2and half year old video it appears that Ms. Anand Raji, Scientist 'E', DARE had given presentation on Novel Method For Classification Of Point Targets In Infrared Image Sequences, includes IRST, as it appears research on IRST going on DARE. Now coming back to BMD, can a programme be launched by MoD, comprising 2 different approach, in classified in 1. Interceptor Missile 2.Radar.

While DRDL under DRDO may have a tie up with BDL for making a missile, DARE can work with BEL for development of RADAR, while specific time period be given to them, with active participation of IA as an user.

3)DARE has a pogram for IRST,as that video confirms, now what is the status of it, and when and where may we see its application ?

4)Regarding present blockade of work in Parliament is not it a high time to come up with a new law where non-performing MP / MLA's (who only engage in slogan shouting, table thumping and other theatrics rather than effective contribution in smooth proceedings of Parliament or Assembly(ies), with constructive criticism, and successful implementation of projects in their respective constituencies by utilising the fund provided to them) may be barred to go for re election again ?

5) Why GoI is not re-investigating death of Sri Lal Bahadur Sashtri, and declassify all the documents related to Netaji ?

Thanks for answering my previous question.

Pintu said...

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,

Maybe PM Narendra Modi also reading this blog.

He gave the speech without any bulletproof screen, teleprompter. And even met with general public without any SPG cover.

CSC said...

Is the appointment of Shri balaji as head of ada in place of the make in India resistant iaf people a move in the right direction?

After all his record as head of the naval lca program is quite good

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ: Don’t believe all this baloney. The IAF & the Govt of India have both zeroed in on the Rafale & the story ends there.

To RAVI N: In that case you ought to read about the Sikh chieftain Hari Singh Nalwa & how he scared the shit out of the Pathan & Pashtun tribesmen in KPK & FATA during the time of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The Yuvraj is a cunt afflicted with terminal stupidity.

To BLACKURRANT: This is what happens in a country that proudly proclaims itself to be an Islamic republic & yet violates each & every tenet of Islam! It is universally recognised that the ‘Islamic’ era was the one that existed only for as long as the Holy Prophet was alive, since his wisdom guided the existence of his flock. At that time there was no territorial entity as an Islamic kingdom or Khilafat or empire. After the Holy Prophet passed away, his guiding wisdom also went along with him (except for his reminisces as codified in his Al Hadis), & since all Muslims believe that there can be no other person wiser than the Holy Prophet, it stands to reason that all the succeeding Muslim Khalifas could never establish any Islamic territorial; entity. Consequently, all that the Khalifas could rule over were Khilafats (Caliphates). That is why till this day, none of the Arab kingdoms or emirates use the word ‘Islamic’ to denote the names of kingdoms. KSA, Kuwait, Oman, the UAE, Egypt are all kingdoms or emirates or sultanates. All these Arab countries truly believe that to use the term ‘Islamic’ to describe their kingdoms will tantamount to blasphemy. And yet countries like Pakistan continue to commit such blasphemy of the worst kind by describing itself as ‘Islamic’. Does anyone then really believe that this will go unpunished? Hence one sees murder & mayhem on an industrial; scale inside Pakistan, as if the Gods of Yore are taking revenge for all the blasphemy committed by Pakistan since its birth.

To RAD: Those SGs are home-grown ones made by factories located along the China-Myanmar border in southern Yunnan province.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PINTU: Here are the explanations:

1) This slain minister is being heralded as a ‘Shaheed’ when the poor bloke had no intention of becoming one. A ‘Shaheed’ is someone who looks death in the eye & challenges it & if he/she loses, then without any rancour accepts his/her fate & embraces martyrdom (shahaadat). I’m sure Lt Col (Ret’d) Shuja Khanzada had no intent to go through this procedure not did he wish to die this way. He just ended up being a victim of vindictive terrorism & died a horrible death. By now means can he be classified as being a ‘Shaheed’. This cycle of vindictiveness will NEVER end because of the very nature of the country whose constitution itself is self-contradictory & therefore the masses of that country will always have a warped sense of reality. It’s all explained beautifully here:

2) LoLz! Be careful with words! What is going on inside the DRDO isn’t research or R & D. IRST systems have already been developed elsewhere & there are several available scientific papers & filed patents for reference. It is called research when someone or a team of scientists & technocrats for the very first time create a solution that can be engineered & exploited on an industrial scale. Like discovery of electricity & its AC/DC means of transmission/distribution. ALL (100%) of the work being undertaken by the DRDO is not fundamental research or path-breaking applications-based research, but merely back-engineering, i.e. studying & anaylsing what & how others have already developed, & trying to replicate the developmental & engineering processes. Therefore, to even label any DRDO staffer as a scientist will be doing great injustice to the likes of J C Bose or Meghnad Saha, who were the real scientists in terms of breaking new ground. We have to be very careful when using such terminologies. Make just 1 mistake & EVERYONE ELSE will ASSUME this to be the gospel truth & the mistakes & miscalculations will just keep multiplying from then on.

3) That is not exactly an IRST, but an passive IR sensor that can be used in place of an active radar-based TCAS sensor for UAVs & UCAVs. Watch that video again & pay heed to the lady’s verbal narrative. It’s clearly explained there.

4) Of course. They should be shamed in public & coercive deterrence measures like this should be used to prevent them from wasting the Indian taxpayer’s money. The Madame Speaker also appears to think along similar lines.

5) LBS’s death was no conspiracy nor was it unnatural. If the truth about SCB’s death were to come out, it will be highly embarrassing for the whole country since the entire official national narrative taught to all Indian schoolchildren since 1951 will be discredited & a ferocious national debate will ensue to claim true ownership of India’s freedom struggle. On one hand there will be the Congress, which was recognised & legitimised only by Imperial Britain. On the other will be the Bangkok-based India Independence League during WW-2, which spawned the birth of the Provisional Govt of Azad Hind (which was officially recognised by some 11 countries then) & the Azad Hind Fauj.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CSC: Not necessarily. It all depends on what form & shape the Tejas Mk2/LCA (Navy) Mk2 will take. The IAF rightly wants radical enhancements, while the Navy is unlikely to go for an operational single-engined MRCA. Therefore, as yet there’s no clarity on the future of the Tejas Mk2 & LCA (Navy) Mk2. To give an additional pointer from a design standpoint, the storage/MRO deck of Project 71/IAC-1/INS Vikrant has no provision whatsoever for the LCA (Navy) Mk2—but only for MiG-29K.

To ARPIT KANODIA: That’s the way it’s meant to be. A simple look at the rampart from where the speech was given will reveal that there’s no way any sniper can target the rampart as there are no nearby structures like skyscrapers that can house any sniper. Therefore, the bulletproof glass panel was meant to shield only those who were psychologically afraid & who lacked common-sense. Elements of Dansum-based 323 Brigade are at an altitude of between 16,000 feet & 18,000 feet. Only one observation post is above that. Suffice to say that the PA is utterly useless in high-altitude combat.

To RAHUL: 1) No. The 1974 test was to validate the physics of nuclear fission. It was not a weaponised explosive device (i.e. warhead) like the ones of 1998. 2) Of course it is mandatory. Without membership to UN, one becomes an international outcaste. 3) Not so easy. Only a true visionary leader can do that.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Balance of the answers will be uploaded later today.

SK said...


What is your opinion on the US Ambassador's view of co-production of jet fighters ? Which fighter is he recommending and for what price ?

Rahul Banyal said...

Thanks for your reply.
Why Russia keep selling weapons to China? No doubt China is big market but in long term China is going to hurt Russian weapon industry. As China is master of reverse engineering. And selling those reverse engineered weapons to those countries which used to buy russian weapon systems. Currently there is news about iran buying over 100 fighter aircrafts from China and these aircraft are chinese varirant of Su-27. So it means a potential loss of 4-5 billion USD for Russia.

rasayan said...


Why the Indian tanks could not perform better and were out in the semi-final of International Army Games in Russia? Was there an issue with the machines?

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

What do you make of this report about issues with the Iranians?

Best Regards

Vijay said...

Dear SIR

There is MORE BAD news for RAFALE DEAL

France has REFUSED to Integrate ASTRA ; BRAHMOS NG and NIRBHAY

This means that we will be forever be dependent on French Weapons

They are saying that we will LOOK into it AFTER India signs the
deal for 36 planes

This is definitely a DEAL BREAKER

Now we can safely say that IT IS OVER

Let us GET more SUKHOIS even SU 35

Ved said...

To save faces ( Both Indian and French) this deal has to be completed with some give and take.
It just can not be scuttled now. Integration of Indian or Non-French missiles will take some time to resolve because this is completely new demand by IAF. What all weapons IAF is demanding is still not clear. Astra, Brahmos and Nirbhay may be in the list.

What is your views Prasun?


Hey Prasun,

Look, more good news from the USA. Several Indians arrested trying to enter US illegally (Lolz)

Soon, the USA will impose 100% restriction on the entry of Indians.

Mayur Manapure said...

^^Look who's talking. Pakistani Passport is one of the worst passport when it comes to ease of access. And FYI, Indians are granted most no of visas by the US.

raw13 said...


Why do you worry about people speaking Hindi? From what I have been told by indians and read it is not a language that is national by any means. There are 22+ official national languages. Why do you try to fit everyone into the hindi mold?

Arpit Kanodia said...

@raw13 If you dont know Yuvraaj is Doon School passout. Anything you know about Doon School? A school where the student sing the prayers from Muhammad Iqbal. Actually most of the school in India sing the prayers in assembly from Muhammad Iqbal without any haterness. I am damn sure you dont know anything about this. Lolz.

Arpit Kanodia said...

And just as some funfact,

Watch this video, and this is reality in India actually if you dont know. If like my case, I live in New Delhi, if I employed in Banglore, then I have to learn some primitive Kannada, to understand the signboards, able to understand stations names in Namma Metro or public transport. And this is the case all over India.

BTW, just as some more fun fact, check the assembly proceedings of Kerala or of Maharashtra or of Karnataka.

Unknown said...

What is the status of hal/nal regional jet?
Is it dead coz now we can order airbus c295 for 50 to 70 seat civilian version for that?
Can we make a civilian version of mrta/ il 214 project with russia ?
If we do so,it will save lot of foreign exchange.
It will compete directly with the a320 family and the 737 family of jets for the 150 to 220 seat passenger aircraft market.
The humongous demand for these jets will fuel 100% localization and create an aerospace ecosystem which is so badly needed for this country.
They will have such a great cost advantage that low cost airlines are bound to order them.

Unknown said...

sir, keenly waiting for your views on modi's I-Day speech.

BTW in today's speech in dubai...
he seems to be unpredecented statesman in india's independent history.

& sir, which other aircraft in world is comparable to rafale in terrain hugging & terrain masking ?

radha said...

hi prasun
The concept of LCA + seems to be viable with new EW and aesa radar with derby and python missiles, albeit with reduced thrust and AOA etc. Is it do ab le or another tall claim b y hal??. Should be good enough for CAP over india especially with awacs control. Will it b e the selex or the elta aesa ?
What is the current status of integration of the derby and python missiles. what would be the ew system to go on board , the dare ew system or virgilius.? Will it b e necessary to carry the elm- 8222 pod .

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prsun da

hope to get the answer to previous querries, however a few new querries

5. India sat on option of 6 C17, and ordered just 3 C17 last week, but now unfortunately just 1 C17 is left for sale, i think IAF will have to make do with 10 C17s or if it needs more it will have to give bigger order (more than 6) to keep the line working with option for differed payments

6. I may be wrong in this; IAF chief is set to visit UAE where he is set to visit the Mirage 2000 squadrons specifically, with many issues discussed during PMs visit including defense, it makes me think that UAE will go for quid pro quo with India and France where in UAE which is itching to buy 60 Rafales will order more Rafales, and instead of replacing/upgrading its Mirage will transfer them to IAF bcoz now only IAF has capability to upgrade Mirages to latest standard, that will swell IAF Mirage fleet. Also with more Rafales ordered cost of Rafales will come down and IAF can order Rafales at lower cost. (if not wrong UAE and French prez Sarkozy had agreed to something like that)

7. France has said no to offset but yes to make in India, this to me basically means no subsystems to be made in India, only assembly from SKD/CKD kits (you said that long back).
It also means that if a pvt company is to assemble Rafales it will assemble over 200 jets (if i am not wrong sometime back you said a pvt playe will need to assemble atleast 200 jets to break even)

8. I think the latest rise in cost of Rafale is result of Dassault upgrading Rafales from F3 to F3R standards that will roll out by 2018, around time when IAFs jets come off the shelf

9. Now talk is HAL wants IAF to make do with Tejas mk1A, this means that mk2 is well over a decade away and by the time is will come its effectiveness may be irrelevant


Joydeep Ghosh

Devopriyo said...

Hi Prasun,

This is really interesting

Devopriyo said...

.....and it gets more interesting

Maverick said...

Dear Prasun,

Many thanks for the elaborate reply earlier. In continuation to that

a) Since the existing PWR design from S-2 Arihant cannot be scaled up for S-5/S-6/S-7 SSBNs for obvious reasons explained by you, has any R&D work started in this regard for a brand-new PWR design. Going my the usual cycle of development even S-5/S-6/S-7 SSBNs will only see light of the day in the next decade along with the SSN's. That is if the DAE get its act done correctly.

b) Regarding "Rated power of 83mW (actually it is 85mW) is mWT, i.e. thermal energy generated; & not power generated (mWe)." why can't the DAE just specify the mWe as 25MW instead of misleading common people with Thermal Energy rating ? Are they too embarrassed to openly admit that this is all they can come up with. Will they be able to develop a HEU PWR more quickly since the Indian industries acquired the necessary fabrication skills for the production process (Agreed that there are no short cuts for the validation process)

c) If IN chooses Nuclear Propulsion for the IAC-2, then what will be correct approach to proceed. Using multiple Arihant PWRs may be a quicker approach but it will occupy too much space in the hull or if we wait for Brand new PWR Design then it will take more than 15 years. May be it would be prudent to stick with conventional gas turbines like the Rolls-Royce MT30

d) Do you see any chance that the IAF gets the 3 C-17s it was cleared to acquire, now that only one unsold aircraft is left with Boeing.

Gessler said...

Prasun ji, to what extent do you think the following development will effect the export of arms from India?

Also, your views on the purchase of 3 additional C-17s being cleared and Boeing saying only 1 left and production line closed. Seems like another blunder on part of GoI/MoD.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Yes. But they will be useless if thr airframe itself is not heavily modified to take the stresses & strains of low-level high-speed flight. 2) Of course. That’s a routine process. 3) IAF will never go for T-50 PAK-FA. 4) He made those remarks at the behest of the Brits. Multinational moves to balkanize Pakistan are already well underway. 5) No such strategy is in motion. Any catch is purely accidental. 6) Exactly my point. 7) Not necessarily. Again, another multinational coalition will do this job. More about this later.

To AB: VMT. 1) All those issues are being thrashed out now. Final figure will be 189 Rafales to be acquired. 153 will be licence-assembled. 2) Why the hell did this moron from NDTV write a report in the first place? Didn’t he know that such exercises are never conducted for bean-counting, but for evolving SOPs related to multinational coalition air campaigns? 3) No such document exists in the open domain. It is restricted material. Super 30 upgrade packages will begin being installed on series-production aircraft from 2017. 4) FGFA prototypes cannot take off unless the definitive turbofan to power it is available. Russia is still in the process of developing it. 5) They are not black projects by any chance. Everyone knows about them, thanks to the DRDO’s loudmouths. 6) BrahMos-1 Block-3 has 550km-range. Rest are 290km-range variants due to lesser fuel being loaded on-board. Nothing to do with any chip. 7) They are not excessive in weight. One cannot design & develop a MBT for which a 1,500hp engine is reqd & end up powering it with only a 1,400hp engine. Therefore it was never a design fault. No one needs a light battle tank. 8) Limited movement is due to lack of effort by the Govt of India to mobilise the necessary funding for such procurements.

To SK: He was trying to pull a smart one in favour of the F-16IN since he assumed that since NaMo was going to the UAE, he would be shown the F-16E/F by the UAE. As you are aware, the UAE’s F-16Fs have been showcased in the Aero India expos since 2011.

To RAHUL: Russia has been very selective in selling offensive weaponry to China. All Chinese clones of the Su-27 are suffering from several cases of premature engine failure. Iran will never that stupid to buy sich weapons platforms from China.

To RASAYAN: Had India sent the Arjun Mk1 to the tank mobility/firepower competition, then the results would have been far better. Like China sent its Type 96 MBT. The IA’s T-72M1s are no match for the T-72B3s operated by other competitors like Serbia, Tajikistan, Venezuela, etc.

To RAJ: That is a minor administrative matter & by no means a major roadblock. The Iranians obviously want a greater workshare to provide employment for its masses.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HEATH: 1) LoLz! What makes you think such a detachment is already not operational there? Who do you think is teaching the Afghan Air Force to operate the 3 already-delivered Cheetals? 2) Where are the AH-64s of the IAF? No contract has been inked so far! Mi-35Ps will more than suffice & this will be only for an 18-month period. They will not be reqd beyond that. 3 & 4 & 5 & 6) Those questions should be posed to the PM & His Union Finance Minister.

To KINDLE: Answered that above. 2) Don’t trust the ’desi’ journalists to present the truth.

To ARPIT KANODIA: Such sanctimonious & condescending morons always derive pleasure from self-pity. One by one all his predictions regarding Afghanistan & India proven to be totally wrong & were all ISI-inspired.

To GESSLER: Right now, its’s endgame time in Afghanistan. After being roundly double-crossed by Pakistan, there is no end to Afghan anger against Pakistan. Over the past 4 days, Pakistani currency & flags have been burnt on the streets of Kabul, the Afghan religious clergy has issued a Fatwa saying that Jihad against Pakistan is justified, & Kabul has since been ratcheting up tensions. So where are matters headed from here? Knowing how predictable the Pakis are, it will be obvious to see Islamabad again resorting to nuclear sabre-rattling, but this time against Kabul. This then will be the final straw that breaks the camel’s back. The whole world will never tolerate a nuclear WMD-armed Pakistan intimidating a NPT signatory country. This is when the clarion call will be issued by the P-4 (minus China) for denuclearising Pakistan. It will take only a week of sustained air campaigns & SOF operations against 77 land targets for Pakistan to be de-nuclearised. If China is clever, then it will realise when to cut its losses & gracefully take a back-seat. This sequence of events, which can begin by as early as the end of this year or even early next year, will set off yet another process of the territorial break-up of Pakistan. The IAF will function as part of a multinational air coalition comprising the air forces of the US, the UK, France & Russia, all of whom have flown with the IAF during bilateral air exercises & therefore have agreed-upon SOPs & rules of engagement. Pakistan will thus be denuclearised just as Syria was forced to surrender its entire stockpile of chemical weapons.

It therefore appears that the Holy Prophet’s prophecy about China coming to the aid of India & India in turn going to the aid of Sindh will eventually come true!

To RITURAJ: All present-day MMRs of the IAF & IN are capable of terrain-mapping & terrain-profiling. But that does not make them terrain avoidance radars. All AESA-MMRs have terrain avoidance operation modes.

To SOUBHAGYA: Of course the fire was intentionally set by the Muslim mob. That has been proven by a court of law & by the Indian railways BoI beyond reasonable doubt.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To GESSLER: It is all about the negatives list that I had explained earlier. Henceforth, there will be an approved list of items that will be exportable without seeking licences or approvals from anyone. Previously, there was a huge committee that used to discuss each application for months & finally approve the export & that too only a 1-year period! That’s how the fucked-upon morons used to operate!

To MAVERICK: 1) Only academic work has commenced. Materials-related infrastructure development has yet to begin. 2) It wasn’t the DAE’s fault. It was fault of the arsehole from the Congress party who got totally mixed-up while publishing this data for the very first on a Congress electoral propaganda booklet back in 2009. 3) IAC-2 is still almost 2 decades away. Plenty of time to come up with an upscaled PWR. 4) Rest assured that Boeing can at any time assemble additional C-17As. It has already stockpiled enough fuselage & wing structures as spares for assembling more C-17As than it has officially acknowledged to have done so far. These are standard marketing tactics.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 5) Already answered that above. 6) IAF does not have the resources or inclination to procure additional Mirage 2000s from anywhere else. 7) Correct. 8) Nope. Standard cost escalation every year takes place at a rate ranging from 2.5% to 7.5%. It is a universal phenomenon. 9) Tejas Mk1A does not exist nor does anyone in India want it. If HAL wants, it can make them & fly them for recreational joyrides for its staff, provided it is not at the Indian taxpayer’s expense!
To RADHA: No one wants Tejas Mk1 or LCA+. Just stick to the agreed-upon roadmap for securing the Tejas Mk2 MRCA with the IAF-mandated enhancements. CAPs are always mounted only with GCI cues. AEW & CS platforms are not reqd at all.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ: Admission by an ex-ISI officer about R & AW successfully recruiting a personal staff of the then DG-ISI Lt Gen Hamid Gul in the late 1980s:

SK said...


What is the status of Prahaar/Pragati missile system? The features of this missile seem very similar to ATACMS missile system of the US. Is there any further development going on? Even China produced a rocket which can fire till 160 km. Any info ?

Reddy said...

Prasun, Is Modi Govt planning to use any Indian Islands for Strategic purposes like Financial centres or Entertainment Centres or Manufacturing Centres etc something like that with special laws exclusively for them?

Mayur M Manapure said...

What's ur say sir..?

Arpit Kanodia said...


Whats the status on HSTDV? Did the DRDO shed his plan to go ahead single handedly and tied up with ISRO to test the hypersonic flight profiles in RLV-TD?

Anonymous said...

I used to wonder how could PA precisely say this many militants have been killed. Two days back, when I checked a Pakistani news paper it said "40 terrorists killed by air strike in North Waziristan." If Pakistan can count the number of terrorists/militants killed in air strike, then I can only say, Pakistan Army has best eye in the universe. And they keep on killing terrorists/militants by this air strike, but how come these guys come up again to kill Pakistanis again and again?

I remember a scene in Star Wars movie - Attack of the Clones. Clones are being produced in factories. I guess Pakistan has become such a factory to produce the clones of terrorists/militants to attack the world. Some clones malfunction and attack the production facility - Pakistan establishment.

Couple of days back I met an Afghani. I asked his relatives in Kabul and felt sorry for the loss of lives. He said, "when we have such a batmas padosi near to us, peaceful life is impossible. One day we will be a strong nation, that time we will reciprocate like our padosi does now."


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

I guess the time has come so I better share some good news with you all, which has been under discussion between the involved governments for the past 1 year.

Regarding the elevation of India-UAE bilateral ties to the comprehensive strategic partnership-level, it has a strong military-industrial cooperation link, which will be realised over the next 2 years. Under this, India's Antrix Corp will supply a clone of the GSAT-7 multufunction satellite equipped with a MIL-SATCOM payload plus a ballistic missile warning system sensor specifically for the GCC's collective integrated air-defence network, along with a customised ground control station that will be located in the UAE. Options call for two more such satellites to be supplied by India. All these satellites will be launched by Arianespace.

The UAE, on behalf of the GCC, will also be contracting Antrix Corp for procuring two exact replicas of the RISAT-1 overhead military reconnaissance satellites, & their ground control station. The PSLVs will launch them.

These two landmark, game-changing, prestigious projects now constitute the pillar of India's evolving & deepening strategic relations with the GCC member-states & a demonstration of India's determination to ensure geo-strategic stability in the Persian Gulf area, especially with India's civilisational Arab partners like the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Oman & the UAE. It will also enable India in the near future to post a Defence Attache in Dubai--a development that had been opposed tooth-and-nail by Pakistan up until recently.

The UAE will also be pumping in up to US$75 billion in funds to expand & improve the transportation infrastructure within the Central Asian Republics with the help of Indian companies who will be executing such infrastructure development contracts over the coming 7 years.

Meanwhile, Pakistan is predictably fuming, squealing, shrieking, cursing, wailing, whinning, etc etc etc. It is also accusing the UAE of sabotaging the latent potential of the Gwadar deep-sea port. All this & more can be viewed here:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAVI N: You may find these interesting:

To ARPIT KANODIA: Those are over-ambitious projects requiring a great deal more of ground-based support infrastructure for R & D, the kind of which is not yet available & will take time to be built.

To REDDY: The proposal for an offshore financial services centre, prepared in the mid-1980s by Dr N K Singh, was recently retrieved & all the dust over it was dusted off. It will next be tweaked to suit present-day conditions & by early next year something concrete will be announced.

To SK: Why use the Prahaar as a NLOS-BSM when the solid-fuelled Prithvi-3 is available as a much better option in terms of warhead mass?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Here's another terminally stupid conspiracy theorist from across the border engaging in speculative theorising about NaMo's recent visit to the UAE:

Abhay Jain said...

Prasun sir,

If possible please share your source to confirm the bomb you have just exploded.

It's not that I don't believe you but it's a such massive news I can't believe my eyes.



Curly said...


So that $75 billion agreement announced during Modi's visit won't be used for infrastructure development in India? A great disappoint meant to me.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ABHAY JAIN: Source cannot be divulged. At the appropriate time the announcement will be made by both countries. Until then you are most free to reserve your judgement on this subject.

To CURLY: Do you really believe that India needs such overseas funding? In case you do, then do watch this:

It is these funds that need to be mobilised from within.

To NOT IMPRESSED: What a stupid thing to say! MILSATCOMs for the IA or IAF will be launched only after the reqd ground infrastructure for exploiting such space-based assets is in place. And FYI none of the GGC member-states are Paki-lovers. They all have eyes, noses & eyes for detail. So don't underestimate them.

Not impressed said...

Sir, you had said in a blog post in 2013 that GSAT-7A for the IAF would be launched in 2014, it is 2015 and it is still yet to be and a GSAT for the IA is nowhere on the horizon! For sure the IA can build the requisite ground infrastructure for this- the signals corps of the IA is top notch and ready to undertake any such commitment.

CURLY said...

Prasun, what makes you think any of those selfish fucks in the temples are going to open their vaults for the good of all Indians? Those billions will continue to sit behind closed doors for the rest of time, they are not going to be used for such positive activities.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To NOT IMPRESSED: LoLz! In this case it is not the IA or IAF personnel or resources that is responsible for providing connectivity for the ground segment, but BSNL. And as we all know, BSNL is running huge losses & is not exactly a well0run corporate entity.

To CURLY: I agree with your sense of pessimism. But sooner rather than later, someone with guts has to catch the bull by the horns & call a spade a spade. There is now no other option but to monetise all these stashed-away bullion for the country's betterment.

Maverick said...


Regarding the news you have just exploded, I have few queries,

a) If the proposed satellites (GSAT & RISAT) are going to built for GCC then how would Iran and Israel react to it.

b) I recall that once you mentioned that the infrared sensor component for ballistic missile warning system on GSAT was supplied by Japan, will they be forthcoming to supply the same for the GCC or did India acquired the know how to built them domestically.

c) On all the components on-board these satellites how much of the critical components are made in India. Since Israel helped/supplied India on the RISAT satellites components.

d) For the oil/cash rich GCC countries what prevented them to acquire a similar system from West till date, and it looks like India already had the Western blessing for this endeavor otherwise they will not be able to launch the satellites through Arianespace

e) What are the chances that these GCC be given access (If proposed) to restricted codes of a IRNSS at a later date, or to expand the coverage by launching more satellites (then the current proposed 7) to cover all of central asia and africa

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MAVERICK: A) Israel won't react negatively & will in fact welcome it as it will be seen as a deterrent against Iran's ballistic missile arsenal. In addition, GCC member-states like KSA & Qatar are now quite predisposed towards having military cooperation relations with Israel, albeit behind the curtains. Iran too won't have any reason to complain as these are defensive surveillance systems. B) Japan won't have any objections at all since such a deal cannot proceed ahead without the approval & blessings of the US. And this agreement has the full-fledged support of the US & EU. C) Israel's inputs on the RISAT-1 are nil. Israel only supplied the IAI-built RISAT-2/Polaris off-the-shelf for the NTRO. D) The GCC member-states did not express a need for such systems until recently as a deterrent against Iran's ballistic missile arsenal, which now for all intents & purposes will be employable only as carriers of conventional warheads for deep strike--a tasking that the obsolete Iranian combat aircraft of 1970s vintage cannot perform with effectiveness. E) So far the GCC member-states haven't expressed such a need.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Unknown said...

sir, your news about strategic partnership with uae, just made my day !!!

but sir RISAT-1 was termed as a spy satellite by chinese news xinhua.
i don't think iran will respond positively, on india providing such systems to gcc.

& sir, how do you see economic future of gcc countries with oil losing its sheen.
do these countries have any plan B, in case there is any breakthrough alternative energy sources ?

thanks for ansering.....

Arpit Kanodia said...


Did the Iranian reacted positively, when they attacked Israeli diplomat in New Delhi?

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,

How the ISRO fulfill the demand of cloned RISAT-1 and GSAT-7?, in a case when ISRO not even able to ramp up production and launch more RISAT-1 for Indian Forces, which atleast required 6 in number?

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,
Further, now why NSA Ajit Doval wanted this talk so desperately? Even when Chaudhry Nisar blaming R&AW and India for APS attack. Which respectable country accept this kind of belligerence before talks?

Reddy said...

even if the govt can' take gold from Temples, it can print equivalent amount of money by assuming the gold held by Temples and gold deposits held by RBI are equal. No need to to ruffle sentiments but purpose being served.

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

you say'It will also enable India in the near future to post a Defence Attache in Dubai--a development that had been opposed tooth-and-nail by Pakistan up until recently.'

1. why on earth Pak is opposed to it, after all its between India and UAE, and has nothing to do with Pak, or is it that appointment has go to do something with D gang

2. PM or NSA reportedly submitted a dossier of huge list of Dawood property in the UAE, that he reportedly owns though various people including Jains, Agarwals (as per the audio intercepts played on TV) as well as through his brothers, do you expect UAE to confiscate or demolish those properties, i dont


Joydeep Ghosh



Reading your comments actually gives me a good laugh. While most people who post in your blog are probably kids I thought you were at least an adult.

For centuries temples & those associated with it are renowned for cornering resources. Do you seriously want people to believe that your temples are going to open their vault & hand over the valuables to the common people? Your country is still a caste based country where caste divides more than unites. This is why Modi& Co are not disclosing the results of the caste census.

In your effort to make Pakistan look BAD you cannot make India look Good.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@FROM LAHORE: As the city of Lahore was established by the son of Ram? Rofl.

But I know you still say your ancestors came here behind the cover of Muhammad Bin Qasim. Lolz.

Arpit Kanodia said...

Maybe USA also realized about the double standards of Pakistan.

Unknown said...

@arpit kanodia- Yup, you have good point there. but still iran is an important country in that region. but i think they won't respond at all. seeing the oil prices, & plight of their economy, i don't think they can ignore indian market.

@prasun sir,- is it true that iran once blinded an US Satellite using lasers ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To FROM LAHORE: Dude, who's the kid-on-the-block can be clearly seen by all the baloney that you've picked up from Pakistani school textbooks about 'evil Hindoos'. I see no hope therefore of any younger-generation Pakistani willing to disengage from his/her delusional worldviews. And thanks to that future historians will remember Pakistan's journey being: boil, burn, evaporate/vapourise, & finally, vanish/disappear.

To ARPIT KANODIA: No desperation at all, just to make a point about India keeping her word. Wait for the talks to begin & then see what surprises emerge out of them. No need to count the eggs until the chicken hatches them.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Not between India & UAE, but between India & the Emirate of Dubai. India already has a Defence Attache in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. 2) Again, they are all in Dubai, & in no other emirate out of the 6 that make up the UAE. But the crackdowns in Dubai are now inevitable & results will soon follow in the coming months, thanks to the 'squeeze & strangulate' process initiated by India & the Emirate of Dubai.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To REDDY: Best thing to do is to monetise the gold reserves by having the bullion deposited with the banks. As per the audit estimates, finances equivalent to US$1 trillion can then be obtained for investment purposes.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Who Cares said...

Hi Prasun,

Would GSAT 6 be used for strategic purposes? What could they be.?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To WHO CARES: GSAT-6 (INSAT-4E) will have 5 C-band & 5 S-band transponders to provide entertainment & information services to vehicles through digital multimedia consoles and to multimedia mobile phones.



Will the Super Su 30 possess any on-board mission avionics/sensors that are required for terrain-hugging flight navigation? And if yes then can the Rafale deal be cancelled?

VMT - Sujoy

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: I had already explained all this above as well as in a previous thread dealing with this topic. Mission sensors for terrain-hugging or terrain avoidance flight profiles are USELESS unless the airframe itself is strengthened to withstand the stresses & strains associated with sustained low-level flight. The Su-30MKKI's airframe, unlike that of the F-15E or Rafale, is NEITHER STRENGTHENED NOR CERTIFIED for undertaking low-level flights for deep interdiction. Only the Su-34's airframe is. Therefore, even if the Super Su-30MKI is equipped with an AESA-MMR with built-in terrain avoidance mode of operation, the aircraft's airframe will remain the same & therefore the Super Su-30MKI too will not be able to fly lo-lo-lo flight profiles.

Everyone dealing with this issue within the IAF knows this only too well & hence the decision to acquire the swing-role Rafale MMRCA. The thought of cancelling the Rafale's procurement therefore should not even be entertained.

Sethz said...

Super Sukhoi upgrade is in trouble over unresolved issues with the current MKIs according to the report below. Your thoughts ...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SETHZ: LoLz! you're saying the upgrade 'is' in trouble, whereas that malicious report is saying that the project 'may' be in trouble. And these so-called unresolved issues all concern existing Su-30MKIs & most of them have already been resolved after thorough forensic analysis & Boards of Inquiry. In reality, a deep upgrade is always a time-consuming process due to its complexity. First, the IAF has to select the sub-systems to be installed & in most cases these sub-systems are new & are therefore not already flight-certified. Next comes the selection & development of a suitable avionics integration test-rig in a laboratory. Only then can flight-tests commence on the actual aircraft & validate their performance & also ensure these avionics sub-systems are not compromised by electromagnetic interference. So far, DARE has not been able to offer the fully integrated avionics suite for flight-tests. That's what is causing the delay.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This is how facts are distorted to create 'war heroes':

This must be the world's only recorded 'hijacking' & hand-to-hand combat between 2 aircrew on board an airborne combat aircraft! Probably this poor bloke Rashid Minhas was so petrified at the thought of being taken as EPoW by the Indians that he insanely decided to go for the ejection button & make his escape while trying to sabotage the aircraft's stick & throttle, which in turn made it impossible for the T-33 to be aerodynamically controlled.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

And what will be the grand surprise set in store for visiting Pak NSA Sartaj Aziz? Will it have something to do with the hapless, suppressed & terrorised residents of Gilgit-Baltistan? Will the world at last get to hear first-hand accounts of state-sponsored torture & subjugation of the inhabitants of Gilgit-Baltistan in PoK? Hmmmmmm......only time will tell.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,

In Air to Air role armed with python 5 and derby, how effective will Tejas be and what radius of airspace in KM they can guard against enemy raid.

What air to ground weapons will Tejas be carrying apart from SDBs?

Siddharth said...

Prasun da,

Report expresses ‘shock’, ‘dismay’: Why Committee of Parliament is upset with the state of Defence

From this report, it seems, problem/SAGA related to Rifle acquisition will prolong continue. I don't have any valid reason, but have firmly believe that our DRDO is not going to build or produce the quality Rifle at par with M4 or H&K G36


Dear Prasun,

Rashid Minhas could have pressed the ejection button and have left out. Then the instructor would have done something to save the aircraft. Why did he sabotaged the aircraft??? Pakistan lost a aircraft!!!!!! Being a layman I am not getting which facts have been distorted. Plz. explain me...Thanks in advance.

Curly said...

So sir, how do you see these losers in the temples being made to hand over the hundreds of billions sat rotting in their vaults? They have not opened up such funding schemes for the good of Indians in hundreds of years, will they do so now? Not likely . These are the most backward and dumb in our country why will they suddenly change their minds and make use of that wealth for GOOD?

Gessler said...

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