Despite all sanctimonious talk (about not retaliating with
fire-assaults against ‘brotherly’ Muslim Kashmiris inside J & K’s Kashmir
Valley) and bombastic bluster (about possessing full-spectrum strategic
deterrence), all signals from across India’s western borders clearly point toward
Pakistan being irretrievably bogged down by strategic and operational fatigue. And
all this is due to—according to several retired senior Pakistan Army (PA) officers—India’s
waging of multi-dimensional ‘Hyperwar’ against Pakistan on the psychological, military,
economic and diplomatic fronts.
In fact, so lopsided is the present-day field
deployment of the PA (with an alarming 57% now engaged in active LIC operations
as against the peacetime norm of 33.33%) that hardly 11.6% of the PA is now
being allowed rest & recuperation, again against the norm of 33.33%. Simply
put, the PA even in the foreseeable future will be unable to go on the offensive
in any theatre along Pakistan’s eastern front against India since, as per the
PA’s own sequential OP-PLAN, it will be required to consolidate its gains along
the Durand Line after the waging of the eight LIC campaigns (between 2004 and
2015) throughout the FATA badlands, while at the same time begin undertaking
internal counter-terrorism campaigns all over Pakistan, to be followed by the
launching of counter-extremism campaigns.
Clearly, therefore, the PA is neither capable of, nor
is it equipped and stockpiled for waging any kind of LIC against its Indian
counterpart, leave alone mulling any form of escalation at both the
conventional and sub-conventional levels. Hence all the talk within Pakistan about
the PA not retaliating in equal measure against India along both the LoC and
the WB. But most importantly, since India late last September finally broke out
of years of paralytic indecision and inaction on Pakistan’s 29 year-old proxy
war, the aggressive Indian posturing backed up by actions on the ground have together
produced two decisive results:
1) It has finally called Pakistan’s nuclear bluff and signalled
that India’s armed forces will no longer be restrained from mounting punitive
conventional or sub-conventional ground campaigns inside hostile territory with
limited objectives in mind.
2) Throughout both the WB and LoC, India has seized
and consolidated her moral ascendency, meaning that while India is free to take
unrestrained retributive
covert or overt operations against the PA, the PA on the other hand cannot do
so due to its severely lopsided ground deployment footprint along its western
and eastern borders.
This consequently has severely demoralised the civilian
population residing within PoK, especially in areas adjacent to the LoC
stretching all the way from Bhimber right up to Kel. While the IA today can do
a repeat of what it did in 1993 (when through artillery fire-assaults it closed
down the 200 mile-long Muzaffarabad-Kel Highway), the PA can no longer do what
it did in early 1999 (when it interdicted the Srinagar–Kargil–Leh Highway by infiltrating its infantry forces over a frontage of 180km to a depth of 10km from Drass
to Turtuk) under OP Badr because the IA is today sitting atop all dominating
heights along the LoC and can therefore conduct artillery fire-assaults from no
less than five different locations in order to bring all traffic along the Muzaffarabad-Kel Highway to
a complete standstill.
to the troubles of the civilian populace of PoK, especially those residing
close to the LoC, are the apathetic responses of both Islamabad and the
so-called AJK Government, all of which is glaringly illustrated in the two
following video-clips:
Headed For Financial Bankruptsy
The following three reports detail the extent of financial
unsustainability of the country as it now exists:
The most glaring indictment, however, cam earlier from the
United Nations Development Program in Pakistan’s outgoing country
representative, Marc-André
Franche, in the following interview:
The five main points of this interview were:
Pakistan's Progress on Development Isn’t Fast
Franche is quoted as saying he
is frustrated that a country full of “capable and intelligent” people isn’t
making more progress on reducing poverty and modernising the state. “The
fact that even in 2016, Pakistan has 38% poverty; it has districts that live
like sub-Saharan Africa; that the basic human rights of minorities, women and
the people of FATA [tribal regions in the northwest] are not respected; that
this country has not been able to get its act together and hold a census; or
that it has not been able to push for reforms in FATA, an area that is
institutionally living in 17th century. It is extremely preoccupying,” he said.
The Country’s Political Class Uses Its Power
to Enrich Itself
The UNDP official said that
the country’s elites needed to change their lives to help Pakistan. “You
cannot have a political class in this country that uses its power to enrich
itself, and to favour its friends and families. This fundamental flaw needs to
be corrected if Pakistan is to transform into a modern, progressive developed
country,” he is quoted as saying. He said that elites take advantage of cheap
labour while partying in London, shopping in Dubai and investing in property
abroad: “The elite needs to decide, do they want a country or not,” he is
quoted as saying. Franche also had a word for the propertied classes: “I have
visited some very large landowners, who have exploited the land for centuries,
paid nearly zero money for the water, and how they almost sometimes hold people
in bondage. And then they come to the United Nations or other agencies and ask
us to invest in water, sanitation, and education for the people in their
district. I find that quite embarrassing,” he is quoted as saying.
Local Governments Need Real Power
Franche said that provincial
governments in Pakistan don’t have enough power. “Only KP [the
Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province] has a decent law that gives real power and real
money to the local government. Local government does not mean that you just
elect them and deny them fiscal resources or power,” he said.
Pakistan’s Media Is Manipulated
He also said the media should
be one of the pillars of democracy, but “unfortunately,
the level of dependence of the government on military authorities, and the
degree by which a lot of media in this country is manipulated by powerful
sources, are sources of erosion of democracy and erosion of the institutions
that are the foundations of this country.”
Country Needs More Opportunities
“The apartheid of
opportunities in Pakistan is horrible, which is why so many young people are trying
to leave the country,” Franche is quoted as saying. “Pakistan will not be able
to survive with gated communities where you are completely isolated from the
societies, where you are creating ghettos at one end and big huge malls for the
rich at the other end. It is not the kind of society you want your kids to live
(to be concluded)