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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

'Desi' Active RF Seeker For Astra-1 & Astra-2 BVRAAMs, QR-SAM & Akash-1S E-SHORADS

Technological convergence coupled with engineering innovation have resulted in the indigenous Ku-band active RF seeker developed by the DRDO’s Hyderabad-based Research Centre Imarat (RCI) being adopted for use by three different types of guided-missiles: the Astra-1 beyond visual-range air-to-air missile (BVRAAM), the land-mobile QR-SAM for both the Indian Army and Indian Air Force, and the Akash-1S E-SHORADS for both the Indian Army and Indian Air Force.
Given the huge requirement within a short timeframe for this seeker, parallel final-assembly lines are now being created within the state-owned Bharat Dynamics Ltd, VEM Technologies and the Kalyani Group.
It may be recalled that during the DEFEXPO 2018 expo at Chennai, Kalyani Group had unveilled its version of this seeker, which was then known as ‘Netra’. VEM Technologies, on the other hand, had been showing its version of the same seeker since 2015.
The maiden test-firing of an Akash-1S surface-to-air missile equipped with this Ku-band actiove RF seeker was conducted on December 5, 2017 from the Launch Complex-III at Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in Odisha. This was followed by two successive test-firings on May 26 and 27, 2019.
Following a final round of user-trials of the QR-SAM and Akash-1 before the year’s end, series-production of up to 4,000 rounds each of the QR-SAM and Akash-1S will commence next year.
The very same RF seeker will also equip the projected Astra-2 BVRAAMs powered by SFDRs.


Buddha said...

Sir nice article ...
Sir if possible plz do provide detail of QR-SAM
Are three force gonna have them and in what quantity ....
Will Akash 1s be cannister- version
What is the status if HAL ' light utility helicopter
Who are best suited for Finance Minister and
Sir what is the status of Sagar Prahari Bal that was thought of after 26/11

Arpit Kanodia said...

if we going for canisterized QR SAM then why we need Akash 1S, what is the actual advantage of 1S over QR SAM?


Now Pakistan with china will develop a ASPJ jammer operating in ku band thereby rendering AKASH SAMs, QRSAMs and ASTRA BVRAAMs which are supposed to be mainstay of Armed forces in coming decades.....Negating the gain obtained after decades in single blow

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BUDDHA: Have already uploaded QR-SAM data—the same as that was uploaded earlier after Aero India 2019 expo. Have also detailed the quantities reqd above. Akash-1/Akash-1S will not be cannister-encased.

To ARPIT KANODIA: Different SAMs have different functions. The LR-SAMs & MR-SAMs are all meant to force hostile combat aircraft to reduce their cruising altitudes & as a result the targets descend down to the engagement envelopes of QR-SAMs. In addition, E-SHORADS & MR-SAMs work best over plains while QR-SAMs are best suited for highlands & mountainous terrain.

To AMIT BISWAS: LoLz! CETC Corp of China has developed jammers as ASPJ pods since the previous decade itself. They are the KG-300 & KG-600 pods.

Kaustav said...


One Article - Two Qureies

1. AESA Radars are obviously better. Does this tech also help in detecting the faster flying or stealthier UFOs?

2. The fabled EM Drive of the UFOs. You have written or shared some information about this drive & the possibility of Humans adopting or developing this Holi Grail technology. How can UFOs violate the known laws of physics as these drives enable them to change or switch trajectory horizontally or vertically nearly instantaneously though seemingly flying at high supersonic or hypersonic speeds?
Please elaborate as you have posted some links on both matters. Thanks??!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: 1) Not just AESA technology, but also long-range passive IR sensors with auto-tracking capabilities (like on laser-designatopr pods & IRST sensors) have increased the chances of tracking & observing UFOs for longer durations. 2) Here is the best & latest explanation from the person who had exposed it all:

Periodic Table:


So if PAF fighters mount an operation inside India having chinese origin ASPJ operating in KU band , will QRSAM,ASTRAA BVRAAM, AKASH1S will be effective or dud

rad said...

hi prasun

great article on rf seeker.

I have a very uneasy feeling of having the same seeker on all missiles , sams and air to air.
All it needs is to have the digital signature of the seeker by a Digital memory EW pod to render it non effective for all the air defense missiles in india!! How to avoid that?
there seems to be a duplication of the ranges of both the akash and the qr-sam as both reach out to 30km. do both have 2 way data link?.

In the pic that shows the qr sam being fired there seems to b e a bulge just after the nose cone , i have never seen it on any sams so far. Any idea what is it?

the FOG drift seems to be 10 degress per hr!! That is totally un use able!! as current
ones have .01 nmhr and below . what gives?

what are the advantage of the qr sam over the akash? as both posses active seekers?

can i infer that the qr sam is equal to the mica sam in all parameters?

Is the c dome sam good enough for mach 2.5 ascm??

Glaginye said...


As usual very informative article.

I read recently that IAF is pushing for 36 more Rafale's. If so then what happens to MMRCA 2.0. Will we be decreasing the #'s there.

What is the actual timeframe for deliveries to happen post MMRCA 2.0 winner.


Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

What to take from this news report - A full blueprint will transfer like we have for Gnat and Bofors.

Russkie smells suspicious

Buddha said...
How you view this report...
Is it true or fake news..
This is welcome news ....

Ankit Kumar said...

Hindustan Shipyard Limited has chosen Turkish Anadolu Shipyard (ADIK) as a partner for building 5 FSS worth 1.2 billion USD for Navy.

Earlier talks were there about South Korean tieup. But...

I also went to the website of ADIK, and according to themselves only, they have no design of a FSS to market. Further the biggest Ship they can build according to themselves only is about 17000 tons and 158 metres. Here we are talking about 40,000 tons. This is fishy.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

China-India Nuclear Dynamics:

To AMIT BISWAS & RAD: The principal objective of SAM engagements is not to destroy the aireborne targets, but to force the airborne targets, especially combat aircraft, to abort their missions prematurely.

To RAD: As I have explained above to ARPIT KANODIA, different types of SAMs have different applications over varyiong types of terrain. There are fixed control-fins on the QR-SAM’s nose. FOGs are never used continuously for 1 hour, but only for minutes & seconds.

To GLAGINYE: MMRCA 2.0 won’t happen.

To SIDHARTH: LoLz! No one will either offer nor accept 100% ToT for producing only 114 aircraft, rest assured. At best, only 35% ToT will be possible.

To BUDDHA: Firstly, AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM has only 70km max range while R-77 has 80km range. Secondly, a BVRAAM that’s not compatible with the aircraft’s MMR can never be integrated, meaning the source-codes of the Derby can’t be synchronised with those of the NO-11M ‘Bars’ PESA-MMR. Thirdly, the Astra-1 was integrated with the ‘Bars’ due to India sharing the ‘desi’ active RF seeker’s source-codes with Tikhomirov NIIP, developer of the ‘Bars’. A similar arrangement is now not possible between RAFAEL & Tikhomirov NIIP. Lastly, the speculative & ill-informed nature of that news-report is confirmed by usage of the term ‘may be’. In other words, it is 100% FAKE NEWS & I have brought this to the attention of the Press Council of India so0 that such ‘desi patrakaars’ are permanently barred from publishing such IDIOTIC & false news-reports in future.

To ANKIT KUMAR: Then it means either it is FAKE NEWS, or it is just mere speculation.

Ankit Kumar said...

The CMD of HSL twitter account says so.

Ashish said...

Hi Prasun Da,
You mentioned above that MMRCA 2.0 will not happen. Can you shed more light on this. If this is the case, then what would be IAF's recourse to procure aircrafts? Kindly elabotate in detail..

Sumit sen said...

Dada so we will order only 36 Rafale more or order for more in numbers coming in??

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANKIT KUMAR: In that case HSL is positioning itself to emerge as L-3 or L-4 in the competitive bidding process, since neither of the two shipyards have had any experience in building vessels of such tonnage. In any case, ultimately such vessels are most likely to be built by shipyards that have built larger vessels, like CSL or Reliance Defence & Offshore Engineering.

To ASHISH: It all boils down to the money factor, i.e. if the IAF opts for a total Rafale fleet of 80, then it will be preferable to opt for 50 additional MiG-29UPGs as the more cost-effective option.

To SUMIT SEN: Yes, because the IAF requires a minimum of 80 Rafales.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Budgam Crash Update:

Derby BVRAAM Nonsense:

ACM B S Dhanoa:

Dr Samar Mubarak Mand on Youm-e-Takbeer:

Kutchi Canal:

Sumit sen said...

Dada just 80? Any chance of numbers going beyond that?

Unknown said...

If the softnet SDR developed by HAL can be fitted in jaguar fighters then why are we importing SDR from Israel for the tejas

Kunal Jadhav said...

Hello Prasun,

Please answer my following queries:
1) Nag and helina with cooled IIR seeker have been succesfully tested in 2017, then why is army still not inducting these missile. Why is army still ordering additional Milan2T and konkurs and not going for 3rd generation ATGM.
2) When will LCH enter service ?
3) Why is supreme court still dragging the Rafale case for so long. When can we expect follow on orders for rafale to be placed ?
4) According to your earlier reports J&K lacks adquate SAM network, why is Army and MoD not placing orders for MRSAM and QRSAM on priority. If orders are placed then when can we expect it to be operational.
5) Will Army place additional orders for Chinooks and Apaches ? If yes then how many.
6) When can we expect ATAGS to enter service ?
7) When can we expect navy will start manufacturing SSN. Please can you share some details. Am I right that hull/body will be of Scorpean and Reactor will be similar to Arihant. Please correct me if I am wrong.
8) There is lot of noise going around regarding follow on Project 75I. Will it ever see the light of the day or it will be put to rest in favor of SSN program ?

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,
Who will be our next DM? anxiously awaiting the announcement.

Why have you mentioned AKASH 1S as E SHORADS? Didn't under stood the prefix E.

How does this KU band seeker fare against the seekers of other BVR missiles viz American and European seekers?

Is there no better missile in Russian inventory than R77?

Buddha said...
How you perceive the statement.

Anonymous said...

IAF are still struggling with the narrative. Did not expect to see this from our most professional of services.


Buddha said...
India's World - India's Foreign Policy
Modi 2 has lot more challenging situation waiting at its doorstep...Which requires immediate attention...
Major economic development is also a challenge..

Some weeks ago you are hinting that potential F21 deal may give us chance to get iranian oil ..What is going on on that front...

Pierre Zorin said...

Looking at BVRAAM ASRAAM etc I sometimes wonder if mahatma Gandhi was a pioneer when his last words were HAI RAAM - High Altitude Interceptor to Reduce Air to Air Mobility - another version of air defence!

Ujjwal said...

Important development
Though KSA has 50% IPR of the project, their rapprochement with Russia made the project dead. Ukraine may complete the project only if they can find a suitable partner.
Dealing with Ukraine is very problematic due to Russia.Problems also emerged while procurement of Gas turbines from Zorya and upgradation of An-32 fleet. Even after contract signature, upgradation works of An-32 fleet was severely hampered due to instability of Ukraine.
These might be the reasons behind selection of C-295 and ignoring An-132.
Thanks, Regards.

Rahul Banyal said...

Hello sir, i have a request. When you post your answers to specific questions, then kindly post them along with or after the specific question. Because it will help in better understanding of your reply when it is posted after the question. Thanks

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Awan is from Chakwal and son of a Major and his elder brother retired as a Colonel. Gen Javed Iqbal Awan started his education from Military College Sarai Alamgir Jhelum where he was a average to just pass class student. He joined Pakistan Army and passed out with merit and joined 9 Battalion of Frontier Force Regiment.He always held highest andn top most appointments due to his outstanding networking and links and remained as instructor In Pakistan Military Academy, Command & Staff College and then remained as 111 Brigade commander as a Brigadier. As a Maj Gen he commanded an Infantry Division at Bahawalpur, Infantry Division at Jhelum and then remained as Director General Military Operations at GHQ. As Lt Gen he remained as Adjutant General & then commanded a Corps at Bhawalpur. At the same time he remained as Colonel Commandant of Frontier Force Regiment. He retired from Pakistan Army in May 2015.He was settled in Rawalpindi and got arrested by the counter-intelligence wing of the ISI in Aug-Oct 2018 timeframe for leaking secret information to a hostile foreign intelligence agency. He came into knowledge of official secrets during his tenure as DGMO.

DAshu said...

Are they discussing the modalities of unilateral surrender(return) of WMD here

What could be the REAL subject of discussion between Afghan NDS chief and Pak CoAS?

what do you foresee about the future of PTM?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Looks like from December 2014 till now Pakistan had no intention of implementing its National Action Plan, as indicated here:

Pakistan has decided to integrate a few points of its National Action Plan (NAP). The Federal Interior Ministry says that because of the lack of ownership, the NAP could not become the leader of the rules, options and responsibilities that determine the responsibilities of various stakeholders. It is clear that after the attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar in December 2014, the NAP was formed with the consensus of all political parties. Under this, actions were to be carried out against organisations and armed groups involved in terrorism across the country, while at the provincial level, the Apex Committees (AC) were formed. In the National Security Committee’s meeting on March 28, chaired under PM Imran Khan, the Secretary of State said that the NAP could not provide any comprehensive plan with financial resources or timelines. To the extent that its partners and the law-enforcement executors of the plan were not identified, the military forces achieved their own successes. According to the suggestions of the meeting, the Federal Secretary of Interior told the PM that there was no clear explanation for federal-level cooperation, monitoring or critical reviews of the NAP. In addition, it was not possible to take any responsibility in the absence of non-determination of the responsibilities and timelines between the federal government and provincial governments. The PM approved the formation of the National Security Committee for Interior, including its terms of reference. This committee will be responsible for revision and validation. The Secretary of Interior emphasized that apart from the National Counter Terrorism Authority (NCTA), there should be a central database of NAP, in which the Joint Assessment Framework data should be investigated because information on multiple issues were being reported. He said that without the key performance indicators of performance--namely 'Performing Indicator', it is not possible to monitor and analyse all points of the NAP. He also advised for integrating a few points so that they could create exchange groups. These specialist groups will identify the creation of the terms of reference, execute them, identify partners, monitor mechanisms, timelines and resources.

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The proposal to integrate the first and second points of the NAP, which includes the proposal to execute convicted executives in terrorist cases and two-year validity of Army-administered courts. These points were approved for making specialist groups, which will be represented by the Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Law and Judge Advocate-General Branch, Provincial Department of Interior, Department of Counter-Narcotics, National Assembly, and Senate. The Secretary of Interior proposed to integrate NAP’s points no. 3, 7, 13, 15 and 18. He said that these are the same in their composition, to be handed over to the specialists’ group so that they can prepare a detailed implementation procedure. According to these points, militants and armed groups will not be allowed to work. It will be ensured that the banned organisations will not be active again, terrorists' communications networks will be disabled, militancy in Punjab will not be tolerated, and sectarian organidations will be strictly dealt with. The Federal Interior Ministry in the National Security Committee for Interior also suggested that the NAP should be combined at Nos. 5, 11 and 14. According to Article 5, the violence, sectarianism, insecurity, and hatred-producing newspapers, books and other materials will be banned. Apart from this, there will be restrictions on the print and electronic media of terrorists and their organisations. Internet and social media usage will be prevented for terrorism. In order to effectively execute the NAP, 14 groups of experts will be formed, including the strengthening of Counter Terrorism Department (CTD), religion-based accessibility, madrassas and FATA reforms, establishing peace in Karachi, political reconciliation in Balochistan, repatriation of Afghan refugees, and specialist groups for three-border border security. The contents of the meeting have revealed that as soon as these groups of experts are formed, the National Security Committee will ratify the re-modelled NAP and submit it to the National Security Council for Interior Affairs and the Federal Cabinet. PM Imran Khan expressed concern, saying extremist groups are rooting in the field of religious education. According to the PM, many renowned religious scholars have been forced to leave the country and the extremists have gone into the hands of religious zealots. The decision taken against the banned organisations will not be retained. He praised the provincial governments to deal with the issue of Tehrik-ul-Haq movement of Pakistan and said that a strong action against TLP was taken. "Operation against such organizations should not be reduced because they include many players who are involved in spreading chaos in the country."

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The Interior Minister told the meeting that Cyber Security and Financial Task Force have been seeking special attention. Advisor Finance, Hafeez Sheikh informed that the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is re-analyzing Pakistan, while Pakistan has submitted the National Risk Assessment Document. However, the caretaker body did not accept the risk assessments for the outfit organisations. Advisor Finance Hafeez Sheikh said that the meeting of Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering will be held in August this year, in which Pakistan will submit a report on measures related to Terror financing. Remember that the FATF monitoring will last upto September 2019 and before that all relevant institutions have to take steps to improve the rating of Pakistan. A committee of specialists has been formed to monitor and monitor the financial support for terrorism, including Secretary Finance, Financial Monitoring Unit, Department of Interior, CTD, ISI, FBR, State Banks, Security Exchange Commission and representatives of Military Operations Directorate. Several militants and extremists have been mainstreamed in Balochistan, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In this regard special events were held in Balochistan, but there is no policy in this regard. Secretary Interior told the meeting that there is no such policy under which the people who are armed are to be included in the national mainstream. Pakistan's reconciliation, maintenance and national mainstreaming policy is not available. There will be thousands of people who have left anti-state activities and are now awaiting joining the community. The meeting approved to form a group of specialists, including the Secretary, Interior, Secretary of Law and Justice, Provincial Secretary, IG Police, Representatives of the Civil Forces, Intelligence Bureau, ISI representative and civilian specialists in law. Together, they will devise the policy implementation procedure. The Federal Federal Interior Ministry has suggested that the implementation processes should be set up immediately, with attractive pay-scales, and a DEirector-General in Grade-19 or -20, three officers of Grade-18 or -19, besides six officers of Grade-17 and other necessary staff should be provided. It has also been suggested that the PSP Officers, Retired Officers or Retired Military Officers may be suitable for this deployment and this unit should be duly chaired by the Policy Support Unit, which is the Department of Interior Is under. The meeting also suggested that provincial appeals committees will be rebuilt, besides which they have Terms of Reference besides a provincial Action Plan. The Interior Minister has followed the decisions of this meeting and has since issued notification of making specialist groups and Provincial Governments have been informed about the amendments and other decisions in the NAP so that the provincial governments can be aware of their obligations and responsibilities.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Awan

Brig Raja Rizwan Ali Haider

No wonder the Pak PM & his wife are in Mecca for seeking forgiveness:

While this Bastard's heart is bleeding for Palestinians & Kashmiris, but not for his fellow Pashtun citizens:

Instead, they keep spreading FAKE NEWS like this:

Which is now backfiring due to what's transpiring inside southern Kashmir:

Consequently, Pakistan has opened a new front with this:

And this 'desi bandalbaaz' even after all these years still can't tell the difference between a Jaguar IS, Mirage-2000 & Tejas:

Ludwig said...

Prasun Da, I hope you are well. Again Great job Tracking the progress of Indian SAM systems.

What is the status of the SRSAM project for the Indian Navy? Will it be QRSAM? Will we see an IR guided version of QRSAM?

Also, Rajnath Singh as Defence Minister. What are your thoughts? What are your thoughts on the Defence Planning Committee?

Arpit Kanodia said...

sir have you watched this?

this might be prelude to Iftikhar Chaudhary 2.0


Prasun Da,

Any idea why Amit Shah was made Home Minister ?

BJP won 353 seats because of him.

So someone like Ajit Doval could have been made Home Minister just like S Jaishankar was made External Affairs Minister.

Thank You

Anonymous said...

Ajit would have been great, he actually understands implementation. However he is not the flavor of the month at the moment. The PAF raid did it for him I am afraid. Prasunji who is in the know may shed more light on the matter.


DAshu said...
do watch at 3.30 a separate JAMMU AND KASHMIR representative in OIC, but you said before they consider that land mass as part of India.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: That is 'Sardar' Masood Khan, a retired Pakistani career diplomat who had served with Pakistan's UN Mission, & is now the 'President' of the 'Azaad Kashmir' portion of PoK.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Why? Because through that Ministry the various agencies like IB, NIA, CBI, ED, DRI etc etc can be controlled & operated, which is reqd for both subverting & intimidating political opponents, as well as those indulging in tribalism.Uf anyone really wants to know how India functions in remote areas of the country, then do watch these:

Not exactly 'model citizens', I would say.

To ARPIT KANODIA: As Hassan Nisar had recently observed, it is Pakistan's past that is now coming back to haunt it now, i.e. once a precedent was set by Pakistan's judiciary back in 1999 through the ratification of Gen Musharraf's PCO, from then on it was compromises all the way through for the judiciary, & there's no turning back now no matter who tries & how hard one tries.

To KAUSTAV & BUDDHA: Encounters in the Pacific Ocean:

What remote-Viewers Saw About Other Worlds:

Su-57's Production Line:

Kaustav said...


Thanks & queries most people have are exactly these....Firstly, are these hypersonic aircraft more terrestrially advanced tech, copied/adapted than actually ET origin and Secondly, how do they violate the laws of physics that usually apply when flying at hypersonic speeds, I e. being able to change directions, shapes not exactly suitable for hypersonic flight as we know it, etc.


Pinkal Shah said...

Dear Prasun,


1. Nag and helina with cooled IIR seeker have been succesfully tested in 2017, then why is army still not inducting these missile.

2. Why is army still ordering additional Milan2T and konkurs and not going for 3rd generation ATGM.

3. When will LCH enter service with Indian Army & IAF?

4. Why is supreme court still dragging the Rafale case for so long. When can we expect follow on orders for rafale to be placed ?

5. According to your earlier reports J&K lacks adquate SAM network, why is Army and MoD not placing orders for MRSAM and QRSAM on priority. If orders are placed then when can we expect it to be operational.

6. Will Army/Air Force place additional orders for Chinooks and Apaches, if yes then will it be follow-on contract or new one?

7.There is lot of noise going around regarding follow on Project 75I. Will it ever see the light of the day or it will be put to rest in favor of SSN program?

8. What is Status of INS Vikrant Aircraft carrier?

9. Has Indian navy placed order on BAE Systems 127 mm Mark 54, Mod 4 Naval Gun for P17-A Frigates & Vishakapatman Destroyers, if not then what issue is delaying such critical hardware/weaponary for ships?

10. Any progress on additional purchase of Mig-29 Aircraft from Russia, additional one squadron order of SU-30MKI?

11. Will india cancelled S-400 order due to US pressure or it will be continued & delivered as per contract?

Await your early response.

Thanks & Regards,
Pinkal Shah

rad said...

there seems to ba a torrent of negative comments about the r-77 and its unreliability ? how far is it true?

can we assume the astra has a range equal to that of the mica missile .? given our newbie experience in making missiles ?

has there been any confirmed kills with the r-77 in its history?

i hope the advanced versions of r-77 and r73 will come along with the super su-30?
why cant we order the later version for our su-30 if teh older stuff is indeed unreliable/

the atulya radar seems to be a knock of of the flycatcher??

we dont seem to be making radars mounted on a mast like the giraffe series that help in low altitude intruder detection , unfortunately the shorads , qrsam radars are hust truck mounted and not elevated??

Pierre Zorin said... very interesting. President Reagan speaks about a US-India collaboration in a LCA! Which one is it? What happened to it? I think Prasun you touched briefly but forget what transpired. The rest of the items, Terrorism, Afghanistan, Nuclear non proliferation...nothing seem to have changed!

rad said...

hi prasun
the rafales have to be test 1500 hrs to validate india specif items , what are they?
does it mean we cant use them in emergency fro a raid to Pakistan with meteors that have already been validated?

Murthy said...

in remote viewing, in what medium they exchange information?

spoken? mental? how does humans ask the questions and how do they receive the replies and how do they interpret the replies?

some years back, near to my village one woman used to answer queries raised by people, like missing persons, troubles in life etc. the question and answer is straight. and also in my district one guy used to tell who has stolen the gold chain, where are the missing person etc and here we need to go with a teen male child and he applies some leaf juice to the palm of the boy and the boy can see and tell openly what he is seeing in his palm. he used to solve these kind of things.
Can they also get information related to industrial R & D?

Buddha said...
OTA : Serve With Honour | Patriot With Major Gaurav Arya
Nice documentation.

Ujjwal said...

Is it real or fake news ? Is IAF going to retire R-77 soon?
You have earlier informed that i-derby ER can not be integrated with Sukhoi's radar. If R-77 will retire in coming months then which russian made BVRAAM will replace it or it will be replaced by SFDR powered Astra mk2 ?
Thanks, regards

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da,

what may be the effect and how the situation can be tackled by the present NDA 2 , as the trump administration removes India from GSP ?

Thanks in Advance.

joydeep ghosh said...

rasun da

1. wth just happened even bjp internal survey said they were winning 220-230 seats so how did and where did the 70 more seats come from

2. just saw 2007 video where a 1991 us war general said they were looking for regime change in 1. somaia, 2. iran, 3. iraq, 4. lebenon, 5. syria, 6. yemen, 7. sudan, 8. libya, of these thry managed 4 while the rest seems impossible. your take

3. when Hezbollah started participating in syria & iraq wars against ISIS like regular ary not only Israel most western nations had predicted its downfall just like ltte iduring it final yrs, but instead the reverse happened, reports say now Israel is dumbfounded and expects the Hezbollah to use its expertise gained against ISIS against them, how can that happen

4a.IF IAF wants to add 50 more Mig 29 to create a 6 squadron (126/21 per squad) fleet then we have 34 from Russia & 15 from Malaysia recently retired but IAF will still be short by 8 as 69 + 15 + 34= 118 thats still 8 short, where can we get these, only option is from the 45 Mig 29s seized by Russia in Crimea.

4b. while i think india will never buy them as it will upset Ukraine, i think Russia may supply all of the to Iran, your take

5. sometime back i said China may do some activity in DBO, but looks like it wants to make Demchok the new Doklam

expect India to not chicken out like in 2004 during vajpayee govt ara


Joydeep Ghosh

Anonymous said...

1. What happened to caracal carbine deal ?

2. Does IAF want to replace R-77 ? What are possible contenders ? Will they be only ASTRA (good move from localization) ?

3. Will part of S Korean aircraft guns be assembled in India like K9, by L&T ?



Thank You PrasunDa, for clearly explaining why Amit Shah is being made Home Minister.

Here in Bengal I was speaking with a few BJP-RSS members, who told me that within the next 5 years BJP will divide Bengal into two parts. Some of these maps of West Bengal minus the northern parts are already being circulated on social media

This is what I heard on the streets. But obviously you will have a far better view.



hoods007 said...

hi prasun

what exactly is Akash NG? how is different from Akash 1S. and how will it work or used w.r.t MRSAM( barak 8)? there seems to be no reliably info on it in open.

voiceoftheneglected said...

Anything cooking or got cooked ?

Why such knee jerk action from pakistan ?

Brown Desi said...

Hello Prasun, would love to know about your opinion about this latest write up by one of better PAF officers:

I for one, don't agree to with some parts but the rest has some teeth to leave a mark.

Brown Desi

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: The answer is simple: there are still several domains of Physics that are still awaiting discovery. For instamce, several of Srinivasa Ramanujan’s theorems remain unexplainable & are therefore in the domain of theorectical physics. Hence, Physics as a subject is still awaiting new discoveries & explanations.

To PINKAL SHAH: 1) Nag is already in-service while the HELINA is still undergoing refinements. Testing is not the same as operational user-evaluations. 2) Simply because the armoured vehicles used by India’s potential adversaries are still vulnerable to such ATGMs. 3) Only after it obtains its certificate of airworthiness in FOC-standard. 4) The Rafale case is over as far as the SC is concerned. Even the ‘Pappu’ has since apologized to the SC for resorting to lies & disinformation. 5) Orders have already been placed, but the rules of engagement have remained the same as they were in mid-1999. Those need to be changed. 6) They will be follow-on contracts. 7) The weay it is structured, it will never take off. 8) It won’t proceed for sea-trials until 2021. 9) No contract has been inked. It takes about 54 months for a contract to be inked after DAC approval. 11) The paperwork is ready & the contracts await signature. 11) Only time will tell.

To RAD: If the R-77 is being described as being inferior in relation to the Su-30MKI, then why is no one suggesting that even the MiG-29UPGs be rid of the R-77s? Obviously therefore a lot of FAKE NEWS is being peddled around by the usual bunch of ‘desi’ patrakaars’. Range does not matter at all, as proven by the AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM’s inability to engage the Su-30MKIs last February. What matters most is the top speed of the BVRAAM & the type of terminal seeker that it possesses. R-77s have not yet been fired in any wars thus far. The time has now come for BVRAAMs to be equipped with dual-mode seekers. The Ashwini & Rohini are both mast-mounted radars. 1,500 hours of tests are reqd for certifying all the 14 IAF-specific mods on the Rafale, which I had detailed in the thread dealing with ‘Rafale Costings’.

To PIERRE ZORIN: He was speaking about providing the GE-developed F404F2J3 turbofans for the LCA & Lockheed Martin assisting in developing the FBW-FCS.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MURTHY: These two links will explain it all:

As for the science of RV, do read this:

To UJJWAL: Rest assured that these are all FAKE NEWS. All R-77s will be replaced by the Astra-1 & later the SFDR-equipped Astra-2.

To সুমন্ত নাগ: A big US delegation led by the Commerce Dept is arriving in India to sort out all the misunderstandings.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) They came from WB, MP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra & the North East. 2) The vrest are still ‘works in progress’. 3) ISIS wasn’t an organized military outfit & it engaged in irregular warfare. Hezbollah won’t last beyond 48 hours if the entire brunt of Israel’s IDF is employed against it. 4) Additional Rafales will therefore definitely need to be ordered. 5) China wonlt do anything like that at all since it now requires India to offset its trade war losses in the US.

To VENKY: 1) 2) Rest assured that these are all FAKE NEWS. All R-77s will be replaced by the Astra-1 & later the SFDR-equipped Astra-2. 3) There will be some direct industrial offsets content, perhaps like integrating the turrets to the BMP-2’s hull.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: here are some more insights:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HOODS007: Akash-1S & Akash-NG are one & the same.

To VOICE OF THE NEGLECTED: Those are the usual random tantrums. Far more serious are these:

Pakistan Now Has a Parasitic Economy:

Pakistan’s Islamophobia Rant at OIC:

But that very same country never tires of persecuting its own Muslim citizens:

Then they get so-called Kashmiris from the UK to explore & dissect ‘Hindutva’ in a bid to justify the existence of the ‘two-nation’ theory:

While their own Madrassas engage in gross human-rights violations & facilitate the creation of violent societies, such as in Toba Tek Singh:

And lastly, the spectacularly outrageous functioning of Pakistan’s Supreme Court, which has been dramatically revealed through this episode:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

From the on-going Shangri-La 2019 Dialogue in Singapore:

And the first FOUNDATIONAL MISTAKE made by the new RM Rajnath Singh:

Instead of asking each of the three armed services for their respective national security perspectives, the new RM should have asked the HQ Integrated Defence Staff (IDS) to prepare & present a unified national security threats assessment, and after studying that, he should have asked the HQs of the 3 armed services to draft their respective ‘HAULING DOWN’ reports describing the states of readiness-levels of the 3 armed services in various domains.

Instead, now that the very first step to be taken has been the wrong one, everything else that follows will build upon the wrong step & will consequently be WRONG as well—this being the writing on the wall!!!


Gadha gadha hi rahega sir.....kadi ninda karne waala kaada vaar nahi kar sakta

Anonymous said...

You have sent the link for Indian Army proposal to buy 16400 LMG. I asked about the caracal carbine order (94000 pieces ).
It seems to be in a limbo or discarded.

Thank you

Buddha said...
The saga of crashing begins again..

Anonymous said...

I think when you say foundational mistake, it is because the CIDS is nit a 4 star general. That needs to happen, then he can sit on same table as the three Chiefs of Staff.
Ideally senior most of chiefs of staff can be transferred to that position, solving some of the regular bureaucratic issue of seniority,


Buddha said...
Sir is there any problem in the airframe or other reason may lead such catastrophic accident...

voiceoftheneglected said...

Another loss.

Is it because of any upgrades or because of non-upgrades that caused this ?

Buddha said...
Gravitas: China's Weapon Of Choice In Trade War: Rare Earth Metals
India Watch: Profile of Retained NSA Ajit Doval
The importance of NSA Ajit Doval's elevation to cabinet & India's security architecture

Why it won’t matter whether Rahul stays Cong chief or not. Unless he admits to these 10 mistakes
Sir how you see ajit doval nsa elevation in rank

The plight of Raga...
Can Amit shah prove to be effective enough to solve kashmir problem but as you said it is a military prob 1st to solve ...
Is it better to have military person as Defence minister ....
Will additional Su 30 MKI and Mig 29 upgraded will be signed after new budget...
Would it be better to approach Raghuram Rajan to take the job of Finance Minister than ex Defence Minister who is quiet unknown in the arena of finance and probably has no idea of how it functions

Vinod J said...

Prasunda, What are your thoughts on IronVision Helmet Mounted Display System displayed by Elbit during Aero India 2019. How different it is from what is currently operated by indian rotary wing

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

0930-0940h Chairman's Introduction:
Lt Gen Vinod Bhatia, PVSM, AVSM, SM (Retd), Director CENJOWS
0940-0950h Inaugural / Opening Address
Overview of Indian Ground Based Air Defence: Current Capabilities and Future Challenges
Lt Gen PS Rajeshwar, AVSM, VSM, CISC
0950-1000h Theme Address
Evolving a Strategy for Capability Development and Self Reliance in Air Defence
Air Marshal RKS Bhadauria, PVSM, AVSM, VM, ADC, VCAS (TBC)
1000-1015h Special Address
India’s Ballistic Missile Defence Programme: Implementing New Technologies to Compliment Current Air Defence Capabilities
Dr Satheesh Reddy, DS, SA to RM, DG MSS, DRDO
1015-1030h Keynote Address
Army Air Defence: Rapidly Changing Air Threat Scenario: Countering UCAVs and Drones
Lt Gen AP Singh, AVSM, DG AAD
1100-1115h Technological Advancements in in Military Grade UAVs; Weapons and delivery means
Brig Jagroop Singh, DDG (Ops & C&R) AAD
1115-1125h Tactical Innovations in Employment of UAVs
Air Commodore Ops, IAF
1125-1140h Air & Missile Defence Systems
Shri Saurabh Kumar and Shri Gaurav Nigam, HEXAGON
1150-1210h Threat to Vital Installations from UAVs and Countermeasures
Officer from CISF
1210-1230h Air Defence Missile Technologies.
Industry Perspective
1230-1310h Panel Discussion:
Anti-UAV Systems–Trends and Technologies; Integrated Approach to Counter the Threat
Chairperson: Lt Gen Kuldip Singh, PVSM, AVSM, (Retd), Former DG AAD
ACNS Ops (AD) Indian Navy
Brig Jagroop Singh, DDG AAD
Scientist ex DRDL, DRDO
Industry Representative
Chairman: Lt Gen Satinder Singh, AVSM, Commandant, AAD School
1400-1420h Integrating Anti UAV technologies into existing inventory

1420-1440h Technologies for Up-gradation and Refurbishment of AD Missile Systems

1440-1500h Converging Technologies of CRAM, Counter Cruise Missile and Counter UAV
Academia/ DRDO
1500-1550h Panel Discussion: Capability Development and Self Reliance in Critical Technologies for Air Defence
Chairperson: Lt Gen Satinder Singh, AVSM, Commandant, AAD School
Discussants -Maj Gen AChannan, ADG Army Design Bureau,
-Indian Navy, PDASR
- Industry Reps


Hello sirji!

1.Debate is all going on between S-400 vs.THAAD.But I wonder why we are not considering Israeli David's Sling/Arrow-3 combination.Won't it be better alternate?
2.You said that R-77 AAMs would be replaced by Astra-1/2 in future.Do you think the later is superior to the former?If so,then why till this date no short range AAMs are developed in-house?

And a personal question if you don't mind:
-Which 10 books influenced you most and are played a role in your character development?

Thank you....

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BROWN DESI: It is full of dramatised theatrics. For instance, the call-signs of IAF pilots are not individualised like ‘Nandu’ for operational sorties, and are therefore not known to any ground-based air-traffic controller or ground-based intercept commander. Individualised call-signs are used only among the sqn fraternity & that too on the ground & not when airborne. So, for the PAF retired Air Commodore to relate ground-to-air comms intercepts in his monologue is sheer fantasy & utter baloney. Secondly, he makes contradictory claims, such as either one Su-30MKI was shot down by an AIM-120C-5 AMRAAM, or that an AMRAAM caused damage to a Su-30MKI that led to the H-MRCA making an emergency landing. Frankly, if the latter is true, then it means that the PAF can expend its entire stockpile of AMRAAMs against Su-30MKIs & yet that would lead to NONE of the Su-30MKIs being shot down, but in stead recovering safely back to IAF air bases, being repaired & then taking off again on operational missions! If the Air Commodore wants to indeed present such a narrative, then I would welcome it since it will then ensure that the IAF will numerically prevail over the PAF & secure air supremacy in a matter of 72 hours.

Here are more interesting nuggets:

MAWS on PLAAF’s Upgraded J-11:

Note that the frontal MAWS sensors haven’t been installed anywhere within the airframe (since these mods were carried out by China without seeking any IPR approval or certification from the Russian OEMs).

KJ-800 escort jamming pods on PLAAF JH-7As:

To BUDDHA: After reading such Tweets, one really wonders how exactly such buffoons became Pakistan’s PM & the DG of ISPR:

Indian Army from 1990 till 2018:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

China’s only Type 09-II SSBN (Xia), was forced to take to the seas without its complement of JL-1/JL-2 SLBMs due to the latter’s considerably-delayed development. The JL-2 failed its validation flight in April 2009, which forced its manufacturer CALT to review a part of the design while extending the development by another three years, while the first Type 09-IV Jin-class SSBN was already in operation since 2008. The third-generation JL-3 SLBM perpetuates this annoying tradition. After being postponed for 24 hours, the JL-3 SLBM was test-fired in the early pre-dawn hours of June 2 from the Bohai Sea and it flew towards western China. Four KQ-200/Y-8GX-6 MRMR/ASW aircraft assigned to the 1. Naval Air Division, Eastern Theatre Command, provided overhead patrols over the ‘Bastion’. The launch-point was located between the Shandong peninsula and the Liaoning peninsula on the northeastern coast of China. This is consistent with the LN-0096 notification, issued by the Liaoning Maritime Safety Administration and active Sunday, June 2 from 02:30 to 12:00, which indicates the presence of a closed sea area "due to mission military " in the Bohai Sea. Note that a perfectly identical zone had already been reported a day earlier, on June 1, by the notification LN-0095 for a period ranging from 07:00 to 13:00. But without any apparent testimony, it is reasonable to conclude that the JL-3’s launch mission was postponed for unknown reasons. The target area was located in western China, around the Taklamakan Desert. Although no message to aircrew (NOTAM) was issued for this flight, there is still a local government announcement of the OTOG banner issued on June 2, which calls for farmers and pastoralists in villages around to locate a "big fallen component" in the vicinity, with a bonus at the key. The text indicates that the object will have fallen at dawn and asks all who finds it to "do not approach, do not try to disassemble, and not take a picture." Incidentally, a US Navy EP-3E 157325 FW416 departed Kadena at 2325Z for three successive days starting May 31 on an undisclosed East China Sea Mission.

JL-3 SLBM Test-Firing:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: Not a Gadhaa, but quite ‘Chaalaak’, since the joke doing the rounds in Delhi is that he has taken off for J & K/Siachen in order to escape the sweltering heat prevailing in Delhi!

To VENKY: The Caracal carbine contract is now being processed for final signature.

As for foundational mistakes, one does not need the CIDS when the Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee is equally empowered for being tasked with drafting a unified national security threat perspective. The Chairman CSC can in turn delegate or outsource this draft from the HQ IDS. By not doing so, each of the 3 service chiefs will give their own standalone assessments, with the result being a dysfunctional set of recommendations/demands. This is exactly what had happened when the IA HQ in April 2004 boastfully gave out details of the Cold Start warfioghting doctrine, only to retract it later when it was found out that such a doctrine will have to be airpower-initiated & airpower-driven in order to succeed. But since the IAF HQ was never consulted by IA HQ when drafting the doctrine, when asked, the IAF HQ flatly stated that it had nothing to do whatsoever with the Cold Start doctrine. And that state of affairs prevails till this day & consequently, even when the IA HQ is planning the type & composition of its respective integrated battle groups (IBG), the planning process is devoid of any operational inputs from the IAF HQ about the quantum/type of deliverable offensive airpower for effects-based operations. Therefore, the ability of any IBG to undertake effects-based operations becomes a big ZERO, i.e. a non-starter. So, one can thus rest assured that whenever anyone from the IA is talking about raising IBGs, he/she is just blowing hot-air & talking UTTER NONSENSE.

To HOODS007: A slight correction to what I had stated yesterday: Akash-1S has an unitary active Ku-band terminal seeker while the Akash-NG will have dual-mode seeker, i.e. the active Ku-band seeker along with a passive IIR sensor.

To BUDDHA/VOICE OF THE NEGLECTED: According to local eye-witness accounts, there was a loud explosion in mid-air, meaning one of the engines blew-up that caused the ill-fated An-32 to rapidly lose altitude & crash along a hillside. What has to be noted is that when the IAF had contracted Ukraine tio undertake the mid-life refit of the 96 An-32Bs, the re-lifing of its engines wasn’t included as part of the work package, which to me is rather bizarre. It can therefore well be that the IAF is now paying the price for such a mistake (i.e. not contracting for re-lifing the engines). This is what needs to be investigated.

Anonymous said...

Dear Prashun ji regarding caracal carbine which variant IA selected?, there is car817AR 7.62x51mm NATO / .308Win, and car816 5.56 x 45mm NATO,in there website it says 817AR with co-operation with mku for local manufacturing in India,
thank you

DAshu said...

Mr. Pravin Sawhney is spot on, today PA does not care about IA at all, they used to fear IAF which they are not anymore after 27th Feb debacle. It seems they fear Afghans and Iranians more than Indian forces.

PA's hands are tied slightly only due to their economic situation otherwise they showed the mighty US its place in this region through their proxies. see how the US is desperately trying to get out of Afghanistan at any cost.

Like you said many times they are trying to buy time just by enticing Indian leaders with negotiation offers due to Chinese pressure to get some breathing space.

Buddha said...
What’s wrong with Modi government’s defence policy?...
Here Editor sir is different from your view of Dekhlam.....

rad said...

hi prasun
dont you think we are jumping the gun by trying to make a dual mode akash ng seeker without having any experience in making IIR CCM? in reference to the akash NG, so far as i know the only dual mode seeker is on the stunner missile after to Rafael and raytheon got to gether as it is a complicated missile .
Do u think we can do it alone?

pics depict a akash missile more like the sparrow missile layout with mid body fins , in the same pic an astra with different mid body wings and a canted tail fin are there , what is its status / Is it an interim missile till the astra 2 come in??

it is shocking to know the engines were not uprated or changed on the an 132 , this criminal act should blamed on the officials who drafted the whole overhaul, some heads should roll!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the update on cold start.
How come navy is not a part of cold start , we should expect sea lanes around Pak and their ports to be completely blocked simultaneously.



If dual mode seeker is used for AKASH NG , how would be the placement of sensors inside the missile body ....please explain....

Ashish said...

Hi Prasun da,
(a) What do you you think is the significance of the Air chiefs visit to Sweden. Is there a hidden agenda, which does not meet the eye?
(b) Who do you think would win the order for the 111 LUH order. Do you think this contract would be signed next year?
(C) When do you think the LCH would go into large scale production. Will it include a MMR? There was a lot of articles that the airforce wants all its its attavk helicopters to be equipped with radar. Has any development taken place in this regard?
(C) Do you think India would go in for a repeat order for 36 Rafael and buy customized MIG 35 due to budgetary constraints. How potent is the MIG 35 in relation to Western 4.5 gen MMRCA's?
(d) Is India going to go in for Caracal carbines or are we going to go in for some other carbine?


Anmol Chaudhary said...

Hi Prasun.

Very interesting about the rv videos and links.

Shouldn't the Indian Security system have its rv resources, like their western counterparts.

To acquire targets, mitigate threats, and prevent collateral. I'm sure with a billion plus population rich with a spiritual and intellectual legacy, have great rv assets.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SARAN: Yes, the Caracal has been selected after competitive evaluations.

To BUDDHA: Yes, so what? Should everyone have the same viewpoint?

To RAD: Not at all. IIR-CCMs have to full far greater G-forces than E-SHORADS or MR-SAMs. The former is all-aspect while the latter isn’t.

To VENKY: Cold Start is the warfighting dopctrine for land-based offensive AirLand campaigns. The IN therefore has no role to play in it. The objective is to carry out effects-based operations against opposing military formations, & not to strangulate a country’s economy. That’s what limited war is all about.

To AMIT BISWAS: The Russians were the first ones to achieve success in this field, like this configuration:

To ASHISH: 1) Nothing to hide at all, since India is now procuring sensors for integrated EW suites from Saab, as I had explained earlier in the threat dealing with MAWS sensors. 2) Airbus Military’s AS.565 Panther is the best offer on the table due to its superior performance parameters. 3) LCH will go into series-production only next year since the final-assembly line at Tumkur is still under construction. The LCH won’t have any radar, just a nose-mounted COMPASS optronic sensor. 4) Definitely more Rafales will be ordered, but no MiG-35s will be procured. 5) The Caracal has been selected after competitive evaluations.

To ANMOL CHAUDHARY: LoLz! I guess when you are referring to “a billion plus population rich with a spiritual and intellectual legacy”, you must be referring to the following:

He who foresaw the BJP winning 300+ seats in the Lok Sabha:

He who has foreseen the total destruction of the TMC in WB:

She who predicted the death of Hemant Karkare:

She who predicted that the Saraswati River will be found to be flowing under the soil in Haryana:

Only problem is, none of the above are domain experts on national secuirity matters & therefore if one does not know what to look for, the “how to look for” capability becomes irrelevant.

On the other hand, after the IAF weas left totally clueless about the reasons behind the first Su-30MKI crash at Pokhran on April 30, 2009, your’s truly along with two more remote-viewers did a few RV sessions for finding out what exactly had caused the crash. The results were partly shared with the public by me here (i.e. the Su-30MKI’s FBW-FCS can suffer catastrophic failure only if there is a deliberate denial of electrical power-supply to the FBW-FCS through human intervention):

And sure as hell, the conclusions of the RV sessions were fully validated & proven true in December 2009:

And most importantly, none of the remote-viewers donned any Saffron-coloured clothing during all those RV sessions.

Murthy said...

That RV thing related to SU 30 is fascinating.
any help regarding AN 32 or MH 370?
Thank You.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MURTHY: Yes, it is indeed possible to apply RV techniques for unravelling those mysteries, but they usually involve ‘penetration’ of the on-board systems of the aircraft to find out what went wrong & why. The same applies to the situation prevailing on the morning of February 27 to find out what were the operational lapses & where exactly.

To DASHU: Pakistan commits to defence budget cutbacks:

Even individual parliamentarians have now resorted to begging for funds from abroad:


More conspiracy theories:

Which has totally pissed off Fawad Chaudhary who retaliated by exposing that conspiracy theorist’s identity:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The BANDALBAAZ from NDTV is at it again:

This nitwit can't even differentiate between an ELT (emergency locator beacon mounted on aircraft) an a PLB (Personal Locator Beacon, which is carried by all aircrew). The Sarbe-8 PLB emits on all international distress frequencies- 121.5 MHz, 242.1 MHz and 406 MHz. This beacon gets automatically activated when the aircrew carrying it experiences force in excess of 20 times the gravitational force. Sarbe-8s are being used worldwide & at this year's Aero India expo this PLB's NiCad battery was being offered at the IAF Booth for indigenisation.

shriranga said...

Namaskar prasun bhai, it's always delightful to read your blogs.
I have some questions.
1. On what points Airbus Panther scores over ALH Dhruv.
2. Instead of VL RF MICA or any other point defence missile system on ship, navy go for Indian QRSAM.
3. Low level altitude of Indian QRSAM is stated to be 30 mts. How it's will deal with sea skimming missiles which fly at around 5-15 mts. Altitude.

Anmol Chaudhary said...

Wow, fascinating. Thanks for sharing. It a threatening thought that places like the South Block and HQs can be RVd.

Of course a billion people come in all colours. It's more the lack of proper education which has left a vacuum, generally substituted by the influence of religion, with its distortions and corruption.

just_curious said...


Tons of questions :))

1- Japan's ambassador to India has openly invited India for joint development & mfg of 5th/6th gen aircraft.. what is your take on it when compared to offers from UK or opting for a franco-german fighter jet.
2- By when will the brahmos get its range extended to 650 kms? will the 800 kms brahmos see the light of the day as touted by ex drdo head-satish reddy. you mentioned previously that brahmos -NG dev is yet to start. what is holding it back?
3- will IAF go only for piece meal 36 rafales more.. Would'nt it be better for it to go for 3 sqd(@63)+ @36 rafale M for future IN carrier Vishal. so a cumulative of @100 rafales should give India a good bargaining right over having them manufactured here? even id there is no INS Vishal . they can be shore based as they have a very long range and can used similar to the current maritime Jaguars
4-what blow backs can be expected from US if India rejects US fighters on offer & how to mitigate them
5- what was the need for mmrca 2.0 tamasha when the govt could have easily gone the fms route & saved itself from the pressures of all competing nations esp when we are in a 'need to be in everyone's good books' position
6- Any updates on XRSAM, HAL basic trainer, indigenous AIP for scorpene's
7- Will tejas mk1 A see the light of the day. My take would be we hold back this order for suboptimal jets & convert some of the order into SPORT version for IAF & IN. Get countries like malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam & a few African+ latin american+middle eastern countries to buy the same so that the line is kept busy & focus on getting the MK2 out earlier
8- Why is HAL throwing money on developing unending list of trainers which no one asked for when it can use the same more judiciously(expediting serial prod of basic trainers, LCH, LUH completimg upgradtion of mirage/Mig 29 etc ) classic eg:- trying to revive hjt 36 when it is already declare dead
9- why are there delays in upgrades of mirages/Jags/Migs. why can't private sector orgs like taneja aerospace etc be roped in to help matters
10- Should IN partner for FREMM/BAE firgate 26 for future frigates rather than have the naval design bureau waste money on sub optimal designs
11- What next for kaveri engine the partnership with Safran seems to be getting nowhere

voiceoftheneglected said...

Good country = Those who are concerned if their actions makes other countries poorer, unhappier, more vulnerable, weaker.

Tops the list
1 - Finland
2 - Netherlands
3 - Ireland

Other notable entries

USA - 40
Russia - 41
India - 44
China - 61
Pakistan - 104 ( somewhere in bottom )

Going by the articles presented from Pakistan media , statements from political and military leaders , pakistan must be at first place in the list of good countries. However they managed to slip to 104. Probably sabotage.

On serious note , I really hope both Pakistan and India move in respective index

> For next 50 years what do you think Pakistan's objective as a nation will be ?
> Will they shed India centric approach ?
> Will china allow if at all pakistan miraculously takes that position ?

buddha said...
sir looks like those chinese UAVs gonna attrack pakistan to have more
can India go for two Airbus C-295 transport aircraft; ; one Lockheed C-130B transport aircraft; 12 BAE Systems Hawk jet trainers...those are also on cheap rate...

sir what about todays circulated news about BrahMos fails fresh this a matter of concern..
sir waste management and recyle plant is the need of hour all over india...does govt has any plan to deal with this...
your thought on these articles....

Murthy said...

"To MURTHY: Yes, it is indeed possible to apply RV techniques for unravelling those mysteries, but they usually involve ‘penetration’ of the on-board systems of the aircraft to find out what went wrong & why. The same applies to the situation prevailing on the morning of February 27 to find out what were the operational lapses & where exactly."

If RV can not solve the mystery surrounding MH370, I can certainly say it is not what it says it can do and your wording cemented my opinion.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: A lot of disinformation is being spread by ignorant ‘desi patrakaars’ in the print, electronic & broadcast media WRT the latest An-32B crash. So let’s get certain facts right.

1) After the An-32B crash in Arunachal Pradesh on February 23, 2000 the IAF began equipping its fixed-wing & rotary-wing air transportation aircrews flying over land with this PLB:

2) After the An-32B crash on June 9, 2009 in Arunachal Pradesh, the IAF began installing ELTs on those An-32Bs involved in flying over land. This was the ELT:

3) After the An-3e2B crash over the Bay of Bengal on July 22, 2016, based on my recommendation the IAF began all its fixed-wing & rotary-wing air transportation aircraft with this ELT:

And this is how this ELT functions:

Yet, despite such innovations, it must be stated that technology has still not been able to overcome all challenges posed by Mother Nature. For instance, SAR sensors still can’t produce the same results as a foliage-penetration or ground-penetration radar. In case of the latest crash, there was a choice of 2 types of navigational flying: A) either gain high altitude after takeoff & navigate using a handheld GPS navigator & upon arriving at the destination, adopt a spiraling down route to lose altitude & enter the valley just ahead of the ALG for visual final approach. This is possible only under very good visibility conditions, which wasn;t the case on that ill-fated day. Consequently, the An-32B aircrew probably decided to adopt the 2nd flying approach, i.e. after takeoff, maintaining a low-altitude flight route below dense cloud cover so as to maintain visibility & follow the course of the river below that leads to the village adjoining the ALG. The danger here is that cloud cover is never uniform laterally in terms of altitude & sometimes the aircraft does have to penetrate the cloud formations, which causes severe turbulence inside the aircraft. In that un-upgraded An-32Bs this can be dangerous in the absence of modern weather radars (that help the aircrew avoid such cloud formations & lightning-thunderstorms) & ground-proximity warning systems (GPWS) that warn the aircrew about approaching ground ahead or mountain ridgelines on the portside & starboard side of the aircraft.

So, from all this we can conclude that the air crash took place due to 2 probable reasons: A) devoid of modern weather radar & GPWS, the ill-fated An-32B for reasons of maintaining visual contact with the river below, decided to fly low in between the valleys & entered a cloud formation that in turn disoriented the aircrew & this led to an inadvertent controlled flight into terrain (COFT); or B) the aircraft, while inside a cloud formation, was struck by a sudden bolt of lightning, which led to one of its engines catching fire & also resulting in catastrophic power failure.

There is thus nothing to suggest that the An-32B aircraft is old/obsolete. It still is a highly reliable platform that only requires avionics enhancements. Thus, in aviation parlance/terminology, there is no such thing as an old/obsolete aircraft. What matters is only whether an aircraft is airworthy or not airworthy.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VOICEOFTHENEGLECTED: Looks like the pin-pricks are truning lethal, given the following paranoic responses that stink of pathological/compulsive hostile towards India:

Hence, in an attempt to shore up morale, the PA’s COAS celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr near yesterday:

The entire situation is aptly suumed up by the participants in this conference:

And these reports:

PoK Locals Protesting Against Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Project:

And here’s Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi insulting his host King Salman with his arrogant behaviour & menacing hand gestures before the OIC Summit:

To SHRIRANGA: 1) Elementary: The AS.565 Panther has been in service as a shipborne NMRH since the 1980s & has therefore proven itself to be a proven platform, whereas the Naval Dhruv ALH has yet to obtain its certificate of airworthiness. 2) The IN already has QR-SAMs like the Barak-1, which have been in service since 2004. 3) If the DRDO-developed QR-SAM is to be adopted for naval service for countering sea-skimming subsonic ASCMs, then all that is reqd is the tweaking of the target acquisition/illumination algorithms. No changes in hardware are reqd.

Arpit Kanodia said...

Sir why don't they use TACAN and ILS in all ALGs?

rad said...

ho prasun
you mentioned that your recommendation was accepted by the IAF , in what from of adviser are yo to the IAF?

the US sold Bulgaria 8 f-16 blk 70 for 1.7 bill$ ie 200m $ per plane . If we order the India specific version it is definitely going to cost more.So why dont we just get more rafales that cost the same ?

after the selection of the korean 30 mm spaag biho what happened to your project ie ak630 mounted on truck?. the biho is to be used along with armored columns?
assuming the naval alh is certified ,will the weight and other specs be acceptable to the navy.both seems to be the same weight category?

will there be another shoot out for the 100 + naval light helis?

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

This is what make Modi 2.0. Your analysis is true

Anonymous said...

The Neelum-Jhelum Hydroelectric Project, I thought they didn't have the money to complete it. Has this changed?

The people on POK seem to be quite militant type. DO you think they will want to be part on India?

Kind regards,

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Finally someone else has spoken about the issue that I had repeatedly raised:

Hopefully all the 'ex-Chowkidaars' will take note of it & get rid of the theatrics.

murthy said...

is salute really a big issue?
typical Indian Mindset focussing on non issues.
what if some one does a best salute and involve in high level corruption and
what if some one does not know how to salue but does what is better in his job?

and certainly RV did not get us any details about MH 370 missing. My question was what happend to it and where it is now, but your answer was very disappointing one. I would rather hear from you saying that "RV is not helpful in MH370 case", that would have been more dignified ans.

Buddha said...
Security Scan - Naval Utility Helicopters
In Depth - AN-32 Aircraft

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MURTHY: Saluting is indeed a very big issue, for the devil is always within the detail, which you too are overlooking. The results of RV regarding the disappearance of MH-370 are already available but they will be validated ONLY AFTER the airliner's wreckage is hauled up from the depths of the Indian Ocean, which is now impossible because as of now there is no known piece of hardware/submersible that is capable of doing down to such depths to conduct even a sonar search. Therefore, to discredit RV techniques due to the unavailability of MH-370's wreckage (which in turn is due to the unavailability of very deep-sea salvage solutions) is a spectacularly ridiculous notion/perception/assumption. Hence, you need to guard against jumping to premature conclusions on such a serious issue.

To CHOLA: You are mixing up this project with the Daimer-Bhasha hydroelectric project.

To PRASUN: It was unsolicited advice which was accepted due to its intrinsic logic. AK-630M-based air-defence artillery is for meeting the IAF's reqmt. It will be foolhardy to ASSUME that the Naval ALH version will be certified in the near future. Such certification takes years to acquire.

To ARPIT KANODIA: Even TACAN & ILS cannot be substitutes for visual navigation & final approach prior to landing. The only solution is the procurement of IR sensors as visual aides when navigating through bad weather in order to maintain highly reliable situational awareness.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@murthy then why even wearing military uniform , does the uniform defines combat capability of a nation?

What is with all our politicians to wear kurta all the time

What is with our politicians to only wear nehruvian style.

Why we shake hands? Might be one want to backstab someone while shaking hands.

There is no end of it, if you want to question the whole courtesy and etiquette of humanity. Then be my guest.

Arpit Kanodia said...

And the salute tells us the nature of our elites. That they know nothing about defence, geopolitics and realpolitik.

Our ministers still struck in nehruvian 1950s that national power comes from FP not defence.

Why not hiring retired SFC commanders or service chiefs for RM?

AJS said...

Does India have operational OTH-B and/or OTH-SW systems? If not any word on planned acquisitions?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

More ill-informed speculation & disinformation being spread by the bunch of 'desi patrakaars':

The retard in the above videoclip it seems have no idea of the density of vegetation in rainforests. Also, since the An-32B was flying between the valleys, it was never visible on any ATC radar for obvious reasons.

This retard in the above videoclip never even bothered to check the crash investigation reports of the An-32Bs that have crashed to date. Had he checked them, he would have discovered that NONE of the IAF An-32Bs crashed due to any equipment/hardware malfunctions.

To AJS: No, such radars have not been acquired as yet by anyone in India.

Ashis Acharya said...

VMT for your valuable posts. I have following questions:
1. Why SAMs are much bigger in dimension than AAMs of comparable range? Is it because a SAM has to overcome higher drag due to denser air at ground level?
2. Do we have K100 missile in our inventory? Why AWAC killers can not be used for destroying fighters? Is it less maneuverable than missiles used for bringing down fighters?
3. What is present status of INS ARIGHAT?
4. Don't you think if Rafale comes L1 in the upcoming MMRCA tender that will initiate another round of political storm in our country? Opposition may start saying that initial contract of 36 Rafales were awarded purposefully, so that D'ASSAULT remains in a advantageous position for future acquisition of MMRCAs. D'ASSAULT need not include the cost of India specific modifications in their bid for the subsequent bigger contract. The same is true to a certain extent in case of the cost of maintenance infrastructure, PBL etc.etc. Other bidders will be in a disadvantageous position due to earlier acquisition of 36 Rafales. Can this be another obstacle in the acquisition process?

Ashis Acharya