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Thursday, December 26, 2013

Tejas Mk1 MRCA’s Projected Operational Configurations

Though the Tejas Mk1 MRCA will fully certified as an operational platform only by 2016, as it exists today, the MRCA’s tandem-seat operational conversion trainer variant is probably the best available lead-in fighter trainer (LIFT) with significant export prospects.
The slide below shows the various external add-on sensors, target acquisition/designation systems and dissimilar air combat training aids that will make the Tejas Mk1 a truly potent MRCA.   
The slide below shows the lightweight precision-guided munitions available for the Tejas Mk1.
The slide below shows the PGMs and sensors/fire-control systems for the Tejas Mk1 in the defensive counter-air mission configuration.
The slide below shows the Tejas Mk1 in the tactical interdiction mission configuration.
Finally, the slide below shows the Tejas Mk1 in the battlefield interdiction (close air-support) mission configuration.

Multiple Ejector-Rack Options Available