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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Maritime ISR Outposts Taking Shape

As per an agreement inked between Mauritius and India on March 11, 2015, the latter had committed to funding the construction of an airport capable of accommodating twin-engined jetliners as well as LRMR/ASW platforms like the Indian Navy’s P-8I. As of now, construction of the runway is nearing completion, along with an apron capable of housing two P-8Is (on periodic deployments) at a time.

A similar agreement had been inked on June 26, 2018 between Seychelles and India under which a similar facility was to be built at the former’s Assumption Island. However, construction has yet to begin.

Such far-flung facilities are required to keep tabs over the underwater trenches where hostile SSBNs will likely be deployed for launching SLBMs against Indian targets in the western, central and southern hinterlands.

In February 2018 India secured access to the Port of Duqm in Oman for military use and logistical support by/for the Indian Navy. This was one of the key takeaways of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s two-day visit to Oman, where he met the then Sultan of Oman, the late Sayyid Qaboos bin Said Al Said. An annexure to the Memorandum of Understanding on Military Cooperation was then signed between the two countries.

Following this, the services of Duqm Port and its dry-dock have been available for maintenance of Indian Navy warships. In September 2017, the Indian Navy sent a Class 209/Type-1500 SSK to this port along with the Project 15 DDG INS Mumbai, plus two P-8Is to the nearby Duqm Airport.

The MoU on Military Cooperation was signed in 2005 and renewed in 2016. This has provided the general framework to strengthen bilateral military cooperation ties. On the other hand, the MoU on cooperation in maritime security between Coast Guards of the two countries, signed in May 2016, has provided a firm foundation for deepening institutional interactions.

Also, the ongoing UAE-financed airport construction activities at Yemen’s Perim Island in the Bab El Mandeb Strait, and at Socotra Island to the east, have the potential of turning these navigational choke-points into strategic SIGINT stations that can be assessed by the Indian Navy.

Another potential chain of ISR outposts can be created in the Comoros group of islands.

But the most critical cooperation of a trilateral nature (involving the US, India and Oman) has been in the arena of undersea warfare.

This involves the setting up of a US-funded and owned SOSUS network of seabed-based hydrophone arrays that begins from Diego Garcia and stretches northward via Seychelles all the way up to Oman’s Masirah island, and from there to coastal Porbandar in Gujarat, terminating at an onshore forward operating base (FOB)—INS Sardar Patel—which was commissioned on May 9, 2015 in Porbandar.

Supplementing this FOB is another upgraded FOB at Mandvi, plus a storage-cum-launch complex for BrahMos-1 supersonic multi-role cruise missiles at the Indian Air Force’s Naliya AFS.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Hardik Thanki said...

Hi Prasunji,

DRDO is exploring Rolls Royce offer of engine co-development and HAL is. Patterning with Safran. Which of these endeavours have a high chance of success?

Could India buy out GE aviation part with Rolls Royce for F136 engine which was designed for F-35 but cancelled. It seems that Rolls Royce is looking for reliable large market for itself in India.

Please answer both the queries.

Thanks & Regards

Hardik Thanki

Kaustav said...


Some immediate dangers. Technologically backward India again shows dependency with the
LAC not yet sorted & Airtel gives 300 crore contract to Huawei for network switches /equipment. Meanwhile Aiyar nails it perfectly again

Swaminomics : Toolkits? We need to worry about Chinese hackers -

dailyindiadefence said...

Thnks Prasun
PM Modi needs to be congratulated for setting up a base at Agelaga island
and good of a Institute of Australia has to tell us as Indian Navy supports
the Mauratian Coast Guard and has a NSA from India who must be handling this.

Sanjay said...

Mr. Prasun I was gonna ask you about this only

author said...

How good are the astra seeker compared to counterparts ?

just_curious said...


1- maritime outposts are a good development wonder why this was not done long back ago consdering the large indian diaspora spread across the asia pacific region... will probably need one more indonesian island more towards the china sea to bottle china more development need on gujrat coast to ensure gawador will not be come nuisance in the future?
2- --the stream of radicalized youth seems never ending? what did the abdullah & muftis gain from enouraging radicalization?
3-With Aussie PM pitching for Biden & others to formalize QUAD.. how will it affect Indo-Russian relations? what will be needed to be done to assuage the russians? is the linking of Chabahar to INSTC one of the ways to engage them?

just_curious said...

one more question.. what is the expectation from the US def sec-Austin' llyod's planned visit to India

NoMoreChicoms said...

Seems like Subramamian Swamy's analysis from Himalayan Challenge is correct?
2) Yuddh Abhyas footage released. American infantry have better markmanship than us. Secondly, BMP-2 is terminally outdated compared to Styker that they brought. After USAF "lost" in Cope India, they promptly upgraded their aircraft with AESA. Meanwhile our Army is going to be blissfully ignorant of obvious shortcomings?
3) CCP and Myanmar coup? General explicitly says it right here:
4) CCP hacked Indian power grid during 2020? Why are states still buying power generation equipment from Chinese OEMs?
5) Comments?
6) Deal for IAC-2 with QE-CVN blueprint from UK?
7) Can Tempest 6th-gen replace expired FGFA? Therefore, TEDBF can be prioritized over AMCA.
8) Any details to share on desi-Iron Dome?
9) ISTAR on track?
10) More CH-47 coming up?



(1) Did India purchase the Sosna missile from Russia?

(2) Is India developing a surface to air version of the R -73 called SAMAR (Surface to Air Missile for Assured Retaliation) ?


DAshu said...

Will these be manned and maintained by IN?

Chanakya Chatterjee said...


Why is no one speaking about the elephant in the room ..

Biden seems more than eager to get on the right foot with Russia and focus on China as the adversary/ challenger

All that drama with the Saudis was only to get OPEC to cut oil production and give Russia a breather with crude prices breaching 80$ plus per barrel.

That is something Russia needs and the only russian need that hurts India

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Have uploaded additional text & slides above.

To KAUSTAV & RADHA: Here’s the image of SAMAR (Surface-to-Air Missile for Assured Retaliation):

From its looks, it is just a CONCEPTUAL design & poorly engineered. Why? Because it looks straight out of a civil war zone & developed by non-state actors. Firstly, worldwide, the trend is for developing combined RF-guided & IIR-guided SHORADS. The days of standalone RF-guided SHORADS & IIR-guided SHORADS are over. Secondly, SHORADS is not for terminal air-defence, i.e. SHORADS is best employed against low-flying combat aircraft & powered PGMs like cruise missiles, as per cost-benefit analysis. On the other hand, terminal air-defence systems like AK-630M six-barrelled cannons, again as per cost-benefit analysis, are reqd for intercepting gliding PGMs. After all, an R-73E missile costing some US$1.5 million cannot be employed against unpowered gliding PGMs like Spice-1000/Spice-2000 costing only US$800,000.

Coming back to the SAMAR, possession of just the missile isn’t enough & a passive target acquisition system like an IRST sensor is reqd, like this one:

Therefore, until the entire solution has been designed & engineered, there’s no need to jump in glee to any conclusions.

And talking of solutions, why is the IAF’s CAS wearing the Army’s camouflage clothing:

While powered hypersonic missiles are already entering service, starting with the Russia’s ZIRCON & now this:

India’s BrahMos-2 (i.e. ZIRCON), which was unveilled in scale-model form back in 2014, has yet to be test-fired.

To HARDIK THANKI: The offers from Rolls-Royce & SAFRAN are for different turbofan development projects. The F136 was developed for VTOL solutions & hence it is unlikely to suit any of the IAF’s turbofan reqmts.

To AUTHOR: It is comparable to its Western, Israeli & Russian counterparts.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Work on such outposts had begun back in 2011 itself. It is only now that they are reaching fruition after the foundational agreements were inked with the US. 2) This cache was smuggled via the WB straddling Jammu since the OGWs from the Kashmir Valley went to Punjab to communicate via 4G cellulasr comms with their Pakistani handlers, while 4G services were banned in J & K UT. This itself shows the intellectual deficiencies within India’s security establishment. 3) Countries like Russia & Vietnam along with RoK can easily be accommodated under a QUAD + arrangement. 4) The US SECDEF will formalise some new annexures to the existing bilateral military cooperation mechanisms, one of which I have uploaded above concerning deep undersea warfare & its related situational awareness domain. Let’s see if any of the ‘desi patrakaars’ can follow this up. In addition, the US SECDEF is expected to discuss developments in Nepal & Bhutan, particularly China’s machinations in those 2 countries. Because, if China tries to employ military coercion against Nepal & Bhutan, then India will require large-scale US military hardware assistance, especially high-altitude long-endurance turbofan-powered UAVs for persistent ISR, and versatile heavylift platforms like the bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey. These 2 items have already been identified by India’s MoD as priority acquisitions, because it is now confirmed that the PLA’s Tibet Military District is well into raising 3 additional combined-arms brigades to add to the 3 existing combined-arms brigades.

To NOMORECHICOMS: During his forthcoming visit to India, the US SECDEF is expected to discuss developments in Nepal & Bhutan, particularly China’s machinations in those 2 countries. Because, if China tries to employ military coercion against Nepal & Bhutan, then India will require large-scale US military hardware assistance, especially high-altitude long-endurance turbofan-powered UAVs for persistent ISR, and versatile heavylift platforms like the bell-Boeing V-22 Osprey. These 2 items have already been identified by India’s MoD as priority acquisitions, because it is now confirmed that the PLA’s Tibet Military District is well into raising 3 additional combined-arms brigades to add to the 3 existing combined-arms brigades.

To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) SOSNA is a SHORADS system like the Strella-10M. India has procured only the upgraded IIR-guided missiles for the IA’s Strella-10M systems. 2) No, as I have explained above.

To DASHU: Yes.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Two very interesting & revealing reports:

PA's COAS Viewing Mechanised Exercises in Cholistan:

Kaustav said...


Exactly! Why is the IAF getting into this in a half assed manner instead of providing inputs to developing agencies?! It's just like those Surface to Air Missile mockups being presented by a Air Marshal from a BRD workshop! Does this get them promotions or publicity?

Kaustav said...


As succinctly put by Gen Malik & by you many times, there is no way that India can militarily hope to take either POK or liberate Tibet/Xinjiang & with that recover Aksai Chin, Shaksgam valley or other desirables in Karakoram ranges such as J&K princely state claimed Tareem Basin or Kailas Mansarovar area, etc. However, there seems to be a scope for open rebellion from the respective ethnic communities here. The hypothetical question being, aside of your often mentioned Indian shortfalls from ISR to offensive airlift capabilities & myriad other such shortfalls, has India even envisaged or war gamed such eventualities in PoK, forget Tibet & Xinjiang, since short of regime collapse of PRC even open unlikely rebellion won't create such situations! Maybe the US has, doesn't seem likely anybody in India has even put up a paper or thesis about that

Kaustav said...


Again, things progress at the usual poor nation's dithering pace - poor in ideas, technology, money, initiative & decision making

just_curious said...


1- what is iran playing at? isn't this sucidial act(2nd time) of losing friends if the following is true. how will this affect Chabahar? what will India need to do to keep such acts from happening on its soil?
2-- how will india 7 Bangladesh handle this?
3-- -- a new Agfhan peace process? why would anything change? interesting to note in this article is that the US now wants turkey to play the role of Qatar-mediator.. what is happening here? the only way this will go is like all other farcical attempts before includng the current trump admin one. porkis are averse to anything indian now add the turks to the mix..
4--whats with the ultra left-Islamist combine thereat in the US democratic setup .. similar to the Labour party in Uk . how does india deal with these -- what could possibly lure indian americans like pramila jaypal & ro Khanna to target India?
5-- Turks biting more than they can chew? --

Millard Keyes said...

PA's COAS is viewing exercises in Cholistan because his secret desire is to find out "Choli ke piche kya hai"

Bharat108 said...


Anonymous said...

It does seem likely that after 20years Americans maybe going back. Many a countryman had hoped that they would de-fang Pak but alas Pak like a cat have 9 lives and actually made them bleed. What are your thoughts regarding this?


DAshu said...

Why V-22 Osprey?
GoI is yet to have an adequate number of Chinooks(at least 60 as per you), C-17s, C-130s. Or is it like India trying to have the minimum required platforms?
And btw why should India care about Nepal when that country clearly walked into CCP's lap happily?
Don't you think PA is the only winner in the current Afghanistan situation, or I am wrong here to assume this?

Chanakya Chatterjee said...


On the topic of v22 ospreys ... Since we can't accomodate full scale awacs on our flattops, can't we modify 4 ospreys into AEWC platforms. They have space and capacity to carry what the Embraer jets do and can provide far longer reach endurance and capacity than the helis.

Just asking ... 2 on vikramaditya and vikrant could make the carrier groups more potent than the plan groups as far as detection ability goes

Sanjay said...
The general makes it clear for everyone that we should forget about retaking POK or Akasai Chin and instead focus on Defending what is left with us. Better to create IBs on both LOC and LAC.

1) You have also mentioned that retaking POK will take weeks and the general also said that given the timeframe it will take to retake POK will force a cessation of hostilities and also the nuclear factor?

2)He said he doesn't know what will happen after 50-60 years.Do you think in such a timeframe Pakistan could be denuclearised or circumstances make it ripe for us to take back pok or atleast some territory if not whole?

3)He talked about developing Biological weapons capabilities as deterrence against nations which have such capabilities.Which nation was he talking about?

4)When will fighter jets start operating from DBO Airfield or is it a liability in case of hostilities?

Thank you


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

History of Ismaili Shias Explained:

PAF Documentaries of Late 1970s:

Typical PLAAF Radar Station:

PLA-BDR LORROS of the Type at Kong La Northeast of Hot Springs:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: Procurement of armed UAS platforms makes sense only for the IN for conducting anti-piracy operations. Neither the IA nor IAF will be reqd to use armed UAS platforms either along the LoC or LAC as they can easily be shot down. Instead, this is what the IAF should acquire:

And this what the IN wants to acquire:

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) This is a classic case of playing on the backfoot, because after the emergence of ISIS, everyone in India focussed only on those Indian Muslims who were headed westwards for joining ISIS, but not a word was mentioned by anyone anywhere (except in this blog) about the Shia Muslims of India heading westwards to join the Shiite anti-ISIS coalition. Now India is the paying the price. 2) They will all be run-of-the-river dams that will not store/hoard any water supplies. 3) The US is trying to move the goalposts through facesavers for the Biden Administration. But it won’t work & instead it will only allow Kabul to buy more time for strengthening the Afghan National Army, which is a good sign. 4) Thery are the fringe elements that function as anarchists. 5) Why blame Turkey when India herself is unable to impose the writ of law in the northwestern & northeastern portions of UP?

To VIKAS: Not quite. For, while US military forces may go back, they will be replaced by privately-run mercenary forces.

To DASHU: Because while the CH-47Fs are heavylift helicopters, they still have low cruising speeds, unlike the V-22 Osprey tilt-rotor that has superior cruise speeds at higher altitudes. This was amply proven when the US had deployed its V-22 in Nepal for earthquake-relief operations. India does need to closely monitor the China-nepal IB to Nepal’s northwest along the China-India-Nepal trijunction as it is the easiest & fastest invasion route by land in case China decides to mount a limired land offensive against India’s northwestern UP portion.

To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: As I had explained numerous times before, the below-deck maintenance/storage bays of INS Vikramaditya are designed only for accommodating Russia-origin platforms like Ka-28PL, Ka-312 & MiG-29K. The same applies to IAC-1 as well.

To SANJAY: What Gen V P Malik stated is exactly what I have been stating. The way-overdue rebalancing of IA’s warfighting formations to the north, coupled with the raising of tailor-made IBGs, will take at least another 3 years to achieve & if at that time domestic instability within GB reaches a point of outright rebellion like what happened in East Pakistan back in 1971, only then can India’s military intervention become permissible on humanitarian grounds. As for DBO ALG, the asphalting of the runway is of utmost importance for it to become a forward air base & work on this will

just_curious said...


1- IN leasing 16 panther 365's from pavan hans.. IN seems to be adamant on panthers, it looks more like trying to shut out HAL from the 111 tender than the usefulness of panthers that is driving the decision..naval 226T cud also get the jo done sensible or stupid?

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,

Good news at last.

Arpit Kanodia said...

sir, i dont get it, why they going with LORROS as static site? I mean what you achieve by that? Isn't it deploying solutions like these on mountain peaks would be superior

No one gave a good answer that, why PLAGF have to go with static sites, including SIGINT/ELINT stations? I think even Indian Army deploy such assets across LAC, but all are mobile.

Raj Gupta said...

Prasun da
Why was Cope India discontinued after 2010? Please Elaborate

Raj Gupta

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VED: here’s the official statement:

To ARPIT KANODIA: Static LORROS sensors are always sited on permanent observation posts by both countries. For temporary battlefield deployments, both armies deploy mobile LORROS & related battlefield sensors, like this of the PLA-BDR:

To RAJ GUPTA: EX Cope India 2018:,from%2003%2D14%20Dec%2018.

Raj Gupta said...

I am very sorry but I should change my question Prasun da.
Why was there a gap of 8 years?
Why are these air exercises with USAF so irregular? When do you think next will these exercises occur?
Also when will the the Fighter aircraft of IAF and JASDF exercise as I think it was scheduled for 2020 but delayed due to pandemic?

Raj Gupta

AniOne said...


VMT for your detailed reply to my query. Hope you are doing well.

As you predicted, things are happening in the exact way.

1. Gilgit Balitistan assembly passes resolution to apply to become the interim province of Pakistan and Barrister Hamid Bashani is analyzing the decision here.
He is echoing what you mentioned before that this is done to save CPEC at all cost.

2. Quad will become Quad++ with many other nation-powers interested in coming on board.

Now what will be the plan of action in next 6 months based on these two developments.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ GUPTA: The Indian Air Force on April 4, 2016 dispatched four Su-30MKIs, four Jaguars, two IL-78MKI mid-air refuellers and two C-17 Globemaster-III strategic airlift aircraft from its Jamnagar air base for the Eielson USAF airbase in Alaska for the Red Flag exercise that was held from April 28 to May 13, 2016. Such exercises are held every year with foreign air forces either in India or abroad with the air forces of the US, Russia, the UK, France, Singapore, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Oman & the UAE. In future, such exercises will be conducted with Japan’s ASDF. Hence, all in all, a very high tempo of bilateral & multilateral air exercises. In future, Bangladesh & Myanmar too should be invited by India.

To VED: Primers on INS Karanj:

To DASHU: Is Gilgit Balitistan Province a Done Deal for India & Pakistan?

Quetta & Wellington Staff Colleges Compared:

Bunkers for PoJK:

PoJK ORBAT (info taken from a previous thread in this blog):

Just as I had predicted on February 26, 2021 at 4:12 AM: Pakistan to source VOVID-19 vaccines from India:

Disinformation Being Spread by India-Based Russia-Baiters About India’s Involvement in Afghan Peace Process:

What Defines New Economic Powerhouses? Those dominating the global semiconductor market (South Korea & Taiwan):

Cooperative ISR in Indo-Pacific:

China’s HQ-17AE SHORADS:

Russia’s Missile-Based Coastal Defence Systems:

DAshu said...

If India won't retaliate now then Sadly it can now safely be concluded that Loc is indeed going to be the IB for sure very soon.
Then the reality check is done by 1st you and very recently one general conveyed India's normal and regular alibi of not fully prepared to do anything regarding PoK thanks to CCP factor.

Better to stop dreaming about becoming Afghanistan's neighbor and recovering our land.

NoMoreChicoms said...

1) Will USA be subsidizing the price of V-22, like it did for Pakistan during the Afghan-Soviet War? Otherwise, it's way too exorbitant. Better to prioritize LCH, Kalyani guns, and Kestrel on the ground.
2) Secondly, what will Bhutan give us in return for our help? Bhutan has treated Hindus and Tibetans badly. All of the other monarchies in South Asia have had to give up power, and yet the current regime in Bhutan is spreading anti-India sentiment. Nepal is a no-brainer though since they are same people as rest of India.
3) Chinese preparing for something in summer... in their media they're saying India needs to be taught another lesson. Meanwhile, Indian media prematurely celebrating like in Doklam.
4) According to Swamy, India needs to have a war with China to send the correct language to their CCP elites. Why people like Swamy and Chellaney not in power yet?
5) Subramaniam Swamy saying to cancel Farm Bills and he also is saying that Bhindranwala is Sant. Akal Takht also declared Bhindranwala a shaheed. Should GOI change stance on this topic?
6) Is Modi most autocratic leader after Indira?
7) Thoughts on Navalny? Ruskis saying he's a CIA agent. Also who is Putin's successor?
8) Is Anglo presence at diego garcia and cocos island a challenge for Indian SSBN's?
9) Analysis?
10) Can China flush IA infantry posts by flooding Brahmaputra?

Harish said...
In recent years suddenly people like him,Arif Aajakia and Tareek Fatah have suddenly started popping up.Why?


Kaustav said...


Only 1 suggestion - People like Swamy & Chellaney are publicity hungry idiots masquerading as Hawks. Fighting a war to defend your land is necessary & winnable. But death & destruction of our soldiers for an expeditionary conflict into Tibet or across LAC is something the Indian Armed Forces haven't prepared for, don't have necessary equipment, training & maybe even ISR or doctrine for that. Ignore both loudmouths. Let's build a economy that will surpass PRC & provide a quality of life to Indians like that of the Amreekis. Initiating war will not only cost India it's international support but also ruin the economy cost the life of our soldiers & result in a likely debacle. Let the Armed Forces defend India & let the country develop its capabilities & economy.

Due apologies, Prasunda



1 Your assessment regarding the temporary cease fire along the LoC is absolutely correct. Pakistan is indeed receiving 45 million COVID vaccines from India

2 While India based pro US individuals are indeed suggesting that Russia wants to keep India out of Afghanistan the statement released by the Russian Embassy is also incoherent. It states eventually India will be involved in the Afghan peace process.

So is it true that Russia tried to keep India away from Afghanistan?

Thank You

Praksh said...

Which powers are interested in keeping the Tibet issue alive and use it as a pinprick against New Delhi and Beijing?
What did Brajesh Mishra do to sabotage the 2003 statement by India and China?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANWAY: The plan of action is simple, as explained 2 days ago by the Indo-Pacific Command’s Commander here:

And these explanations:

Indo-Pacific Axis:

India-Japan Defence Cooperation:

To DASHU: Sadly, almost everybody is trying to analyse matters only from a military focal-point & that’s why the larger grand foundational narrative refuses to emerge, as beautifully explained here:

Further confounding matters are the adoption of religiosity-inspired regressive nationalist obfuscations, like this one:

But of late, some home-truths are emerging, along with rational assessments, like this one:

And this one:

The CRUEL IRONY is that while the PANJ PYARES (five Kashmiri Pandits) were over-zealous in showering their generosity on a defeated Pakistan at Shimla in 1972 (with the sole dissenter being Mohd Yunus, a Pathan Indian), Pakistan showed on mercy on the Kashmiri Pandits back in 1989 & was responsible for the forced exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from the Kashmir Valley! Sadly, the surviving members of the Kashmiri Pandit community either in India or abroad have not made any effort to confront those PANJ PYARES whose successors continue to live lavishly & are thriving till this day, and are not even displaying any feelings of guilt or remorse.

To NOMORECHIKOMS: 1) Not subsidy, but extending credit facilities for deferred payment schemes. 2) By its very existence as a sovereign country, Bhutan ensures that the length of the LAC does not get extended. Asking for or expecting anything else is foolhardy & self-destructive. 3) Nothing of that sort is likely to happen since the terrain elsewhere, like in the Northeast, does not favour China as the IA is perched all along in dominating heioghts. 4) He can have his war if he can marshall the guts to send any of his family-members to do the fighting. And while he spews venom against Islam & Muslims, he steadfastly refuses to do the same when it comes to his daughter who is happily married to a Muslim. Consequently, I believe that folks like him require urgent psychiatric counselling. 6) Yes, because in his first year as PM he refused to introduce reforms through legislative bills in Parliament & instead rushed in to issue various ordinances, i.e, the exact opposite of cooperative federalism. In addition, while in opposition, he used to critise all the welfare schemes of UPA-1/-2 that were named after the Gandhi family, while after coming to power, he has launched various welfare schemes all from the PMO, which gives no credit to his own concerned ministries or to state govts. 10) Impossible, because the IA’s posts are located a heights that cannot drown unless the world’s sea-level rises by another 120 metres!

To HARISH: They all have their own agendas, like either for financial gain or for extracting revenge from their enemies.

To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) VMT. 2) Not true, as explained here:

To PRAKSH: It is India’s own core interest to keep the Tibet issue alive, as beautifully explained here:

There was no sabotage by anyone because the statement itself was flawed & within a year China started giving exceptions to the statement, like although China had recognised Sikkim to be part of India, the IB separating Sikkim from TAR had never been delineated & demarcated. In addition, China stated that while the IB between China & India would be drawn up through mutual negotiations, the exception was the Tawang Tract, which China would never surrender to India.

Ashutosh said...

Dear Sir, IL 38 of indian navy were upgraded starting from 2001. Last upgrade was made in 2009. Now for a service life remaining for next few years, is it logical to develop a light weight torpedo system for it? Are such platforms kept in reserve for emergencies/ war time.?

Mohan said...

Prasun sir,
Here i have to disagree in response to NOMORECHIKOMS to NDA first term. Here my Response:

1.Nda 1 did gst which is the largest corporative federalism in independent india. The producing state let go of his indirect taxes and made a one form of indirect taxes. For example let usa get all state to let go of it direct taxes and agree to make one direct tax. The is a grate achievement for GOi in gst.
2 another reform was bankruptcy law (IBC Code) which saved many npa(bad loan) to get sold and shifting of management. which save PSU bank to go bust( which i personally want to get privatised)
3.while your most of the hate is against nda 1 scheme but because of the scheme india have 99.9% toilet coverage, 99.9% electricity coverage, JAM Trinity has made direct transfer possible, ( which i personally feel did get elect namo in 2019),and various other schemes.
What was the situation in 2014 toilet coverage, electricity coverage, bank account,gas connectivity we all know
3.will it is vary easy to criticize namo in nda2 to get reform haphazardly put we all khow happen when these labour reform, farm reform, land reforms were tried by previous govt they fail and sometimes govt falls. So this time with covid crisis GOI has golden opportunity to get the reform done.

Raj Gupta said...

I read in one of your threads about the Panj Pyare. The reason given by one of the Panj Pyares was that Bhutto was begging his feet.The questioner was maybe Mohd Yunus. name of the pyare if i remember correctly was PN Dhar. Can we believe this begging his feet response?

Raj Gupta

rad said...

hi prasun
will it not be easy for china to destry the undersea hyrophones by that you have mentioned above .? can it also set up a an array of sosus from pakistan etc
in the case of war can china send in a a surprise commando force to take out the mauritian base and the syechelles base? it looked so unprotected?
after the surface launced astra, meteor.akash , akash ng , MR sam , xrsam ,vl astra come on line, will we be self sufficient in sams ? what aout CIWS sams>

Rajesh Mishra said...

If India does not liberate the G&B and POK in right time, then China will capture the G&B and POK in their right time. So then India will have to fight directly against China. Can you see or find any other short cut or opportunity ???

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHUTOSH: All types of fixed-wing MR/ASW platforms need to be armed & the IL-38SDs have been retrofitted with underwing pylons for launching both lightweight torpedoes & Kh-35E ASCMs.

To MOHAN: NDA-1 lasted from 1998 till mid-2004. From 2011 till 2013 it was the BJP that prevented the UPA-2 govt from passing GST-related legislation, i.e. it created political polarisation within Parliament & was dead-opposed to creating political consensus. And after the NDA-2 govt ushered in GST, it sabotaged its implementation through the terribly ill-thought demonetisation. Most of the electrical connectovoty & road/rail connectivity schemes had commenced back in 2009. Reforms can never be ushered in through ordinances in a federal polity. Instead, the NDA-2 govt would have been better off had it introduced reforms within those states that were ruled by the BJP & if successful, then such reforms would easily have been accepted by other states as well. And as for the efficacy of central welfare schemes, it is not just me that’s crying foul, but the BJP’s party leadership as well since it is now suffering the most, as explained here:

And finally, one now has to cater to ill-conceived policy decisions like this:

एक राजनैतिक सेना अव्यवसायिक सेना है:

Historically, all previous Govts of India have enacted common-sensical, well-meaning & well-intentioned reforms only when they have had their backs to the wall, when no other option had existed.

To RAJ GUPTA: In that videoclip Dr Karan Singh names & identifies all the five Kashmiri Pandits. Kindly go through it.

To RAD: No, it won’t be possible, because repairs can be conducted within a matter of hours & hence persistent underwater ISR won’t suffer. China already has its own SOSUS array & I had explained this in the DEFEXPO-2014 thread itself. Will China initiate war against Mauritius & Seychelles? Impossible. CIWS SAM is the same as SR-SAM, QR-SAM & LL-QRM.

I have updated the narrative above to include the islands of Yemen & Comoros as future potential ISR outposts.

US Blocks Arms Turkish Attack Helicopter Sale To Pakistan:

India’s Vaccine Diplomacy:

To RAJESH MISHRA: The window of opportunity is till 2024. And hence it is from today that India has to start building her own Himalayan narrative, as explained here:

rad said...

hi prasun
in the same light of china not atacking ourpost in mauritius et , will we be constrained not to attack gwadar becasue the chinese are there? the pakis will certainly hide behind the skirt of the chinese.
similary the 8 submarines comming to pak is to blockade the approaches to the gulf on behalf of china , how do we tackle that? thats a lot of money, inspite of china giving them cheaply . Can the IMF and other oppose that when they come to it for funding as it will mean IMF money being spent on arms?
where has china placed its version of sosus? is it a big deal to make that as we seem to have come of age in sonars etc? we can also lay them around the andaman islands as well?
the akash ng seems to have a better performance of the sl amraan with a better range and hope fully get a aesa seeker ? what would be the specs of the akash ng?
In the same light will the aesa seeekr go on board the xrsam? when is the first firing scheduled ?is there any input from russia as a quid pro for the expensive s-400 deal?
Can the saab eryeye jam incomming sfdr AAM and xrsams?

aarpee said...
1)Why he keeps saying that in Balakote strike our Air Force jets went in at night where the Adversary had no radar coverage because no nation keeps its radars operational 24/7 as no threat was imminent when everyone knows that after 14 February the militaries of both India and Pakistan had a heightened state of alertness and many were anticipating some operation even you Mr.Prasun?

It is written in this speech that
"The threats may be known,but the enemy may be invisible. Domination of cyber space may become increasingly important."
I can't interpret only counter terrorism from this?

3)Can our Rafales and Sukhoi cannot share data?

4)Will China fight full scale all-out war with us because Mr. Sawhney is saying that the stronger party will decide if it is a limited war or not?

5)So was Former ACM BS Dhania talking about only wining perception war not real war?

Thank you
I hope you will have the patience to elaborate.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: Yes, there will be limitations even if both China & Pakistan combine their resouyrces to create a single collusive front against India because Gwadar will contain a significant amount of civilian citizens from China, as explained here:

Blocading of international sea lanes of communications is not as easy as is being made out to be, be it the Hormuz Strait or the Malacca Strait, simply because of international conventions like UNCLOS & the need to take into account the concerns & imperatives of all countries that are located along such straits. Hence, any blocade of such straits is a no-brainer & consequently will never be attempted. All SOSUS underwater networks are for the most part located within territorial waters & China is no exception. For SHORADS & E-SHORADS the range is immaterial & instead it is the reaction time & the no-escape zone that are most critical. XR-SAM will have Ka-band AESA-based seeker & it has already been fabricated by Astra Microwave. Test-firings will commence within a year’s time. All AEW & CS platforms have internally-mounted jammers for defeating BVRAAMs & LRAAMs. The IAF’s EMB-145I Netra platforms have the same jammers that were developed by DARE for the Tejas Mk.1.

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

You had posted an excellent link to RAJESH MISHRA about the interview of Mr. Stobdan. But are our nasty fake patriotic headless chicken politicians are listening? Do you think that MoD is listening to the words of this legend? I don't think so.

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

After listening to the interview of Mr. Stobdan, I got really how our journalism is so worst. Nobody is interested to carry out some fundamental research on historical background of Indo China conflict. Only garnering some public sentiment by faking patriotism and fooling common man. I understand why you always say that common sense is so scarce in India. Further, your contribution to this country is always commended. I wish you guys oneday earn the Bhrata Ratna if no dirty politics is played!!!!


Why this hullabullo for 17 squadorn CO being transferred to EAC Hq

AniOne said...


An interesting report. While bureaucracy is at fault, legislature is also at fault. It appears that PM thinks by being tough of bureaucracy, he can achieve growth targets.

What are your thoughts and insights into this.


radha said...

hi prasun
if the straits cannot be blocaded against a aparticular country then what is this hul abloo about our advantage in the malacca starits ?
if china has warships in gwador then is it not fair target ? or if we post russian or american warships in our ports will china nad pak not attack? . we did attack chitagong?
do you think china will confirm to rules in timeof war ? they dont even now.
why is the west still not mounting aesa seeker in their missile like japan ? and why is uk seeking the help of japan to put their aesa seeker on the meteor when they can do it themselves? well we seem to be doing it.
though awacs have jammers to jam AAMs are they not vulnerable to home on jam or track via missile guidance ? how will the s-400 misisle over come a typical jamming scenario from a saab erieye awacs?
will the awacs have time to dive down close to the ground to break radar lock on detection of an incomming s-400?
what is the main advantage of the s-400 apart from the range and speed of the misisle which seem to have no equal as the russians say?
will our xr sam have the same hypervelocity speed to emulate the s-400 which i think it ought to to cover the long distance to be travelled?
why does pak favour turkish helis instead of chinese stuff ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AARPEE: 1) On that night the PAF’s Saab-2000 AEW & CS was airborne. Hence ground-based MPRs were not in use. But I guess he is unaware of this. I was not only aware of ‘some’ operation, but I knew by February 21 that the IAF had been tasked to retaliate. But I did not know what form such retaliation would take place & against which target. 2) The PM was referring to cyber-threats. Terrorists are always visible as they can always be engaged & neutralised. 3) Only after the Su-30MKIs acquire the RAFAEL-built BNET-A SDR-based tactical data-links. However, they can communicate via VHF/UHF voice radios. 4) Full-scale conventional war is impossible between 2 nuclear WMD-armed countries. China’s successive white papers on national defence have clearly stated that full-scale wars are an impossibility especially with its immediate neighbours. 5) The former CAS was referring to the battle of narratives, especially in light of the often false-claims that China makes in order to justify its actions & project itself as the ‘victim’.

To ASD: VMT, but I will be the first one to turn down any such reward by any Govt of India. Yes, India’s historical narratives in the post-independence era have been terribly distorted as they have all been the byproducts of colonial-era narratives. But to correct them requires objectivity, not sentimentality or religiosity.

62 Years Of Tibet's Repression:

To AMIT BISWAS: It is a routine posting. After all, after service-induction, it will take 18 months for each Sqn to achieve IOC capability & FOC will follow another 18 months after that, once TACDE begins distributing the training manuals to the concerned Squadrons.

IA SOF in J & K UT:


Maitri Setu:

Kaho Village in Arunachal Pradesh:

Cellular Connectivity in East Ladakh At Last:

To ANIONE: I have always maintained that the bureaucracy is never at fault. Prime blame must always rest with the political decision-makers because it is they who have systematically failed India when it comes to enacting meaningful & functional legislation. The existence of hundreds of colonial-era acts even today like the 1867 Police Act is one prime example. That’s also why today we continue to have District Collectors when there is nothing to collect! Collections were done only during the British Raj. But the biggest threat to the bureaucracy’s smooth functioning has been the creation & existence of the Central Vigilance Commission & the various Vigilance Cells in all the PSUs. Nowhere else in the world will one find such institutions that excel in witch-hunting!

Finally, leadership by example is sorely lacking today. I’m still reminded by the personal example set by the late Malaysian PM Tun Hussein Onn during the 1970s when he used to go around all his Ministries & personally explain to the bureaucracy his reasons behind certain decisions he had taken. In other words, he used to make compelling cases & that’s how he had won over even the dissenting members of the bureaucracy & through such exercises, even the loyalty of the bureaucrats to the greater cause of governance.

To ARPIT KANODIA & BUDDHA: Unlocking the Pineal Gland:

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1. now that DRDO AIP has officially matured and Scorpene subs are officially not due for upgrade before 2028 so why cant IN apply them to Shishumar subs 2 of which Shalki Shankul are undergoing SLEP that was suppoosed to end by end of 2021 but due to pandemic lockdown it has been delayed by 1 yr atleast after that Shishumar and Shankush are also due SLEP. So is it notetter to apply them DRDO AIP for these 4 subs also.

2. as per this S4 is indeed larger than S 2/3 that means there is indeed going to be S4* your view

Joydeep Ghosh


If vigilance won't be there then what mechanism and system should be adopted to check corruption at bureaucrats level...nowadays u can see each raids on IAS or state civil service officers revealing crores of cash..then how could they amass such wealth??

NoMoreChicoms said...

1) Chicoms reading your blog... they released video comparing to CAESAR... they also did one with BMPT earlier.
2) How safe is Tawang? CCTV released video in Shannan. Also most of the snow seems melted already. Why are they releasing so many propaganda videos from TAR?
3) Chellaney's assesment completely differs from yours. He's predicting a major flare-up.
4) Will IN acquire know-how on Khabarovsk SSN and its long-range nuclear Poseidon torpedo that can counter ABM systems. Alternatively, this could take out CVNs as opposed to paper crap missile Dong Feng.
5) How far away are we from hypersonic glide MIRVs like Avangard?
6) Is Anglo presence at diego garcia and cocos island a challenge for Indian SSBN's?
7) Everything going according to plan?
8) Why gov reluctant to enlist KIO? KIO and SFF teaming up will wreck havoc on Chicom rear areas.
9) Analysis? Turkey, biggest ISIS sponsor, launching Ghazwa-e-Hind Caliphate.
10) Off topic but you brought this up by needlessly insulting Swamy...
Yeh kya bakwas hai? Some children are just the diametric opposite of their parents. Hindus let their children marry whoever they want... certain other community will try to murder you if a Muslima marries a non-believer. However, Hindu tolerance must not be mistaken for weakness, which is what Swamy's message is about.
Secondly, why do you need to criticize all 'desi' personalities but turn a blind eye to pardesis? Are you going to call out Israel for effectively being an apartheid state for several decades now? Or Trump's Muslim ban?
Even liberal France has banned burqa, sharia (Muslim family code), and Wahhabis like Zakir Naik as part of the war on Islamo-(pseudo)leftism.
Kashmiri Pandits and Bengalis are anecdotally most confused Hindus out there thanks to the pseudo-leftist self-hating, low self-esteem ideology promoted by racists and Islamo-supremacists.

just_curious said...


1-- UN has become a tool to use by the anarchists-- how does the UN absolve itself
2-- Did russia not want india's involvment in resolving Afghanistan issue & how does India- US overcome the following challenge-

Anonymous said...


Not a single missile test this year apart from some short range SAMs and the SFDR. No nirbhay, pralay etc not to speak of long range missile tests. Is there a slow down on the missile front due to pressure from the Biden admin on GoI ?


aarpee said...

How many IdeaForge UAVs did Indian Army order?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: As I had already explained several times before, what you are suggesting is akin to installing the engine meant for a Jaguar sportsmobile into a Toyota Camry. The MAREEM AIP was engineered with the express assistance of France’s NAVAL FORCES, i.e. from the outset the MAREEM was meant for compatibility with the Scorpene’s hull & not any other SSK’s hull. If the MAREEM is to go on board the Class 209/Type 1500 SSK, then the DRDO will be reqd to team up with Thyssenkrupp/HDW for engineering assistance. And since the ghosts of HDW & Bofors scandals have not yet been exorcised, the ‘netas’ of India will not authorise the re-commencement of business relations with HDW. So, kindly don’t worry about such matters & instead focus on conspiracies like this:

China's Spy OP in Canada Disguised As Cult

To NOMORECHIKOMS: 2) Such videos range from being one to two years old & do not reflect the latest realities. Hence, Tawang is as safe as Beijing & Lhasa. 3) He is the perpetual baiter & always raises the alarm for enjoying short-lived moments of glory. 4) Under international treaties, Russia is obligated to refrain from exporting any kind of nuclear WMDs. 5) About half-a-decade, given the abysmal amount of R & D funds that is made available in India every year. 6) Theoretically, because for at least another decade the IN wonlt be possessing either SSBNs or SLBMs. 7) LoLz! The Caucasians seem to repeatedly get things WRONG when it comes to India’s strategic deterrent. They are basing their surmises on this piece of yellow journalism:

As far as the Indian & Russian OEMs go, all have confirmed that there will be S-2, S-3 & S-4 all built to the same design, while the definitive SSBNs will be the projected S-5, S-6 & S-7 SSBNs. Hence, any talk of S-4 & S-4* being longer is pure daydreaming, Secondly, back in 2009 itself I had revealed (based on drawings supplied by Russia’s NPOM) that the S-2, S-3 & S-4 will be SSGNs equipped with 2 tubes, with each containing three VLS cells. Here are the drawings:

And that’s precisely why the two tubes exist in tandem & not side-by-side.

8) If India supports the KIO, then Myanmar too will support the NSCN factions as well as ULFA, not to mention the domestic chaos that will follow within Arunachal Pradesh, where Kashins were allowed to become naturalised Indian citizens back in the past. Therefore, crystal-ball gazing is all too fine when based in the UK, totally distanced from ground realities. 9) Then it will have to begin in Pakistan because the term ‘Hind’ includes all the land east of the Hindukush mountain range. So, let Turkey commence its invasion by first attacking & conquering Pakistan. 10) What is ‘Bakwaas’ for you is objectivity for me for ensuring a level-playing field. After all, charity always begins at home & hence folks like SS must walk the talk, i.e. ‘do as I do’ & not just ‘do as I say’. And unless one sorts out one’s own house & backyard, one must never point fingers at ‘pardesis’. Nor do I want to take on my shoulders the entire world’s problems as I do not suffer from the ‘zaroorat se ziada thekedaari karna’ syndrome. Finally, no religion preaches the imposition of supremacy & hence the concept of ‘Islamo-Supremacy’ itself is a non-starter. What exists across-the-board is just RELIGIOSITY—the ultimate wrecker of civilisations of yore.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: It has been historically proven beyond doubt that bureaucratic corruption has seeped in only due to political patronage. And that was exactly why there was a need for Lokpaals to exercise vigilance over the ‘netas’. But we have all seen how staunchly India’s political class is opposed to any form of Lokpaal. Consequently, for as long as there won’t be any institution to exercise vigilance over the political class, any anti-corruption crusade will be half-hearted & self-defeating.

Why China’s Man-Made Island’s Are Sinking:

To JUST_CURIOUS: 2) There is no challenge, since Pakistan’s narrative has now become self-contradictory, thanks to conspiracy theory-spreaders like this idiot:

When, ironically, this is the reality:

But it is inevitable that regardless of what transpires WRT Taliban, the Durand Line will be kept hot like never before & the PA will be faced with mounting casualties & demoralisation.

To SATYAKI: Nirbhay’s test-flights with the ‘desi’ STFE will soon commence.

IOL Tank Farm in Trincomalee:

India’s High Commissioner to Sri Lanka Gopal Baglay on March 14, 2021 handed over training aids worth SLRs.22 million to the Sri Lanka Navy for supporting the NMA at Trincomalee. The aids included a full-scale model of Varunastra HWT, TAL LWT and a Marine Gas Turbine cut-model.

To AARPEE: More than 200, for starters.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Newly-released book reveals exactly how Xi Jinping repeatedly lied to Donald Trump over the phone about COVID-19 just to secure the bilateral trade agreement in mid-January 2020:

aarpee said...

But here didn't the Army chief said that 120 Were ordered.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

As I had stated, for starters. 120 is for IA's Northern Command. The Central & eastern Commands too will procure them in future.

AJ said...

Prasun Da,

I see Lokpal as another bureaucratic layer and Lokpals would be bought off too. I think Police Reforms, Digitization of processes and enforcing netas to go through mandatory government education training like in France.

Lokpal to me is a disaster with good intentions.