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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

India's Project 78A SSN Construction Programme Being Accelerated With French Partnership & Mentoring

Official Statement: France’s President Emmanuel Macron dialled India’s PM Narendra Modi on September 21, 2021 to talk about strengthening cooperation in the Indo-Pacific and also boost, as Macron’s office said in a statement, India’s strategic autonomy. Macron assured Modi of France’s continued “commitment to the strengthening of India’s strategic autonomy, including its industry and technology base, as part of a close relationship based on trust and mutual respect”.

Translation: An apex-level agreement has been reached under which France and India will officially announce their decision to cooperate in both military-technical and military-industrial matters related to Project-78A—the Indian Navy’s (IN) plan to procure six indigenously-built nuclear-powered attack submarines. What will come next is the inking of a government-to-government agreement between India’s Ministry of Defence and France’s Direction Générale de L'Armement (DGA, or Directorate General of Armaments) that will formalise such cooperation. It will also officially enable France to supply the enriched uranium fuel for the India-built pressurised water reactors (of Russian design) for the entire service-lives of the six SSNs.

Principal beneficiaries of this G-to-G agreement at the industrial-level will be France’s NAVAL Group and THALES, while on the Indian side the prime industrial contractor will be Larsen & Toubro. While the six SSNs will have the same double-hulled design as that of the three nuclear-powered SSBNs now being procured from L & T by the IN, they will have reduced submerged displacements (about 4,800 tonnes, as opposed to the SSBN’s 6,000 tonnes), and will incorporate (just like the French Navy’s Barracuda-class SSNs) a hybrid propulsion system that will provide electric propulsion for economical cruise speeds and turbo-mechanical propulsion for higher speeds. In addition, each of the SSNs are likely to incorporate a pumpjet propulsor that combines a shrouded rotor and a stator within a duct to significantly reduce the level of radiated noise and avoid cavitation.

It was in 1984 that construction began of India’s Rattehalli Rare Materials Plant (RMP), located near Mysore in Karnataka State, which is a pilot-scale gas centrifuge uranium enrichment plant with several hundred gas centrifuges, and is capable of producing several kilograms of highly enriched uranium (HEU) each year. Construction of the pilot-scale gas centrifuge enrichment facility at began in 1987, took four years to complete, and began operating in 1991. The plant is operated by Indian Rare Earths Limited (IREL), which is a subsidiary of India’s Department of Atomic Energy (DAE). The DAE first confirmed the existence of the plant in 1992. Items that the IREL initially imported to outfit the RMP, such as vacuum pumps, vacuum furnaces, machine tools, vacuum bellows-sealed valves, and canned motors for centrifugal pumps, were subsequently indigenised. Thereafter, work began on producing low enriched uranium (LEU) for submarine-based pressurised water reactors (PWR) at a large uranium enrichment centrifuge complex, the Special Material Enrichment Facility (SMEF), in Challakere Taluk, Chitradurga District of Karnataka. Between 2009 and 2010, an area of approximately 10,000 acres in the Chirtradurga District of Karnataka was diverted for various military-technical and military-industrial purposes. Within this area, 1,410 acres in Ullarthi Kaval and 400 acres in Khudapura were allocated to the DAE’s Bhabha Atomic Research centre (BARC) for the purpose of developing the SMEF. In 2011, India announced publicly her intention to build this industrial-scale centrifuge complex in Challakere Taluk, Chitradurga District (Karnataka). This site has since been dedicated to the production of both highly enriched uranium (HEU) and LEU for military and civilian purposes, although industrial-scale production has yet to commence. BARC has been allotted many more acres in Ullarthi Kaval compared to Khudapura (1,410 versus 400 acres respectively).

Despite such investments, the fuel for powering the INS Arihant S-73’s (India’s first in-country built SSBN) PWR (and for the INS Arighat as well) had to be obtained from Russia. The PWR for this SSBN is the third-generation OK-700A/VM-4SG model, generating 89.2mW thermal (29.73mW electric) and producing 18,000hp when using 44% enriched uranium. The PWR was developed by the OJSC N A Dollezhal Scientific Research & Design Institute of Energy Technologies (also known as NIKIET) and which is now part of JSC Atomenergoprom. Such PWRs were series-produced in Izhorsky Zavod, at Kolpino, near St Petersburg, and at the Nizhny Novgorod Machine-Building Plant (Afrikantov OKBM). In India, JSC Atomenergoprom authorised the DAE to licence-produce such PWRs. Such PWRs have a total technical service life of 35 years and require refueling after 17 years. The reactor core of such PWRs comprises between 248 and 252 fuel assemblies. Each fuel assembly contains tens of fuel rods, and these vary from the traditional round rods to more advanced flat fuel-rods. The point of the flat fuel-rod is to enlarge the surface of each fuel-rod so as to improve the thermal efficiency. Most of the uranium fuel assemblies are clad in zirconium. The fuel assemblies in the middle of the reactor core (weighing about 115kg) are enriched to 22% U-235, while the outermost fuel assemblies are enriched as much as 45%.

It remains to be seen whether France will assist India in developing a fourth-generation variant of the OK-700A/VM-4SG PWR that will feature a higher reactor density (capable of using France-supplied uranium enriched to more than 60%), resulting in a higher power output close to 40mWe and becoming a lifelong PWR that does not require refuelling thrughout its service-life.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BUDDHA: I would not worry much about Afghanistan at all for the time-being, because far-reaching developments of a positive nature have been taking place in India, albeit at a snail’s pace. Consider the following:

It is up to you whether you choose to laugh or cry after reading them! I hope matters are now taken to their logical conclusion & all the on-going nonsensical/delusional Nautankis & Tamaashas being played out on various Indian TV channels (especially the Hindi-language ones) soon come to a stop & far more serious matters get discussed/debated. Meanwhile, do watch this:

Afghanistan’s Erstwhile Private Contractors (Guns for Hire):

UK Royal Navy’s Dreadnought SSBN:

And here’s some good news:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BUDDHA: Life under Taliban in Afghanistan:

Anonymous said...

So essentially West has split the orders. UK/US get Australian. France gets Indian.
Why is France crying ?

Hardik Thanki said...

Hi Prasunji,

For Australia would Virginia Class be a better choice than Astute Class because the Virginia class is a much mature design.

Thanks & Regards

Hardik Thanki

The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

Please elaborate on the armament being considered for the SSN?Can you please also elaborate on the Delfin class SSBN under development presently!What is its status?Will it use same reactors?What about its missile armament?What about the torpedoes for the submarines Scorpenes,SSN's and SSBN's?

Raghu said...

Interesting happenings in China as per the following article



Karnflakes said...

Considering the acrimony between Russia and France won't the Russians block any such upgrades by France their reactors ?

Pratap said...

Sir, this was inevitable. The next logical step should be to order 3 additional Scorpenes as stopgap and scrap the P-75I project and use that money to expand the SSN project from 6 to 9 boats. And, while it's too early, I think we should start talks with France to join the FCAS project as a partner. It could be the perfect replacement for Su-30 MKI from mid 2040 onwards.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VENKY: France isn’t crying, but sobbing.

To HARDIK THANKI: Virginia-class SSGN is too big & far too expensive for Australia.

To THE INDIAN: Armament will be the same as SSKs, i.e. torpedo-tube-launched HWTs (p;robably F-21) & SLCMs like Nirbhay. Nothing new to reveal about the IN’s definitive SSBNs. Each of them will use a 190mWt PWR.

To RAGHU: War with China:

China’s Increasing Poor Population

To KARNFLAKES: Russia has excellent ties with France, Germany & Italy in western Europe.

To PRATAP: Life on board a Royal Navy SSN:

Karnflakes said...

You are right .. statements from the EU are difficult to sift through .. it's the eastern Europeans with the acrimony.

Nabin said...

Sir what pwr will use in upcoming indian ssn.

Kapil said...

Prasun sir, this is great news but hope France is not taking us for a ride. I have some questions

1) Now that the French are on board, wouldn't it be better to use the modern Suffren design as the base instead of the obsolete Arihant which is a obsolete Soviet vintage design?

2) How many torpedo tubes will it have? Standard 6 or 8 like Akula?

3) Will the armament component also include BrahMos and hypersonic BrahMos-2?

4) What are the advantages and disadvantages of a double hull design?

5) Can we expect French help for our future SSBN class subs also? Can they supply the design of the M51 SLBM?

6) Finally, will our SSN be of the 4th generation or are we going to have to settle with 3rd generation?


Thanks for sharing this vital info PrasunDa.

Is it possible that France will lease 1 or 2 SSNs to India, shortly?

Karnflakes said...

Sir what is the status of the north south corridor .. with Afghanistan out of the picture for now the main beneficiaries are Iran and Russia 2 of Washingtons adversaries.. Do you think the sanctions will block this endeavour ?

Millard Keyes said...

France will never share anything like that purely because India is not a signatory to the NPT and some privileges belong to NATO members only.

Just_curious said...

1-wouldn't this raise heckles with the ruskies?? After they were the ones who gave us the nuke subs n tech and now we sideline them..
2- can't spectra be adopted on Tejas and the 8222 pylon be used for an aam?Now that the French have become can be jointly enhanced in future
3- french are good with EO space can a das system similer to f 35 be developed with their help? Ditto for sub mast optronics

Satya said...

Dada, I am not happy with this at all. France's military hardware is cutting edge including submarines but they are not the best in the world. We should work with Russia instead. They have the best submarines in the world after the US. Modern Russian submarines are faster, stealthier and can dive deeper. The Yasen and Akula subs can go 500-600 meters deep in the ocean while Western subs only go 300-350 meters. Even in the 80s they had the Lira class which could go as fast as 40 knots. The fifth generation Husky SSN they are working on would be the best option for us. If they refuse to share that, then second best option is smaller Yasen without the VLS cells. Don't think Russians would mind sharing that with us. France can nothing comparable to offer.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To UNKNOWN: Have already explained it all ABOVE.

To KAPIL: The only ones to take Indians for a ride are FELLOW INDIANS, kindly rest assured. 1) As IK have explained several times before, switching from a double-hulled to a single-hull design will be cost-prohibitive as it will involve a time-consuming (up to 8 years) certification of almost 200 industrial vendors by their French OEM counterparts. This will result in the same kind of production delays that was witnessed when MDSL switched from the Class 209/!%)) SSK design to the Scorpene SSK design. There’s nothing wrong or inferior at all with the existing SSGN design that Russia sold to India. 2 Six. 3) Only torpedo-tube-launched BrahMos-NG. But since the VLS cells behind the Sail won’t exist, that space can easily be utilised for housing VLS cells containing SCALP SLCMs or evemn a host of underwater autonomous vehicles for ASW purposes. 4) A double-hulled design weighs more & therefore requires more propulsion power. But in nuclear-powered submarines, extra weight does not matter at all. 5) No, because that deal was sealed way back in 2011 with Russia. But France can come in as a supplier of sub-systems. 6) When we talk about generations, it primarily deals with PWR technology, not pressure-hull technology or weapons technology. So the SSN’s PWR will contain Gen-4 technologies.

To VIKRAM GUHA: Unlike Russia, France does not have any extra vessels of this type for lease.

To KARNFLAKES: Sanctions won’t be applied against trade corridors.

To MILLARD KEYES: Changed Rules for a Changing World & Unchanged Rules for an Unchanged World.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) In what way are the Ruskies being sidelined when the pressure hull design remains the same as that of the Arihant-class SSGNs? 2) Not on Tejas, but on the MWF the possibility exists, that is if the DRDO fails to develop its own ‘Mayawi’ EW suite for the MWF. 3) Not French, but European, i.e. SELEX, comprising British, French & Italian industries.

To SATYA: Totally wring as far as diving depths are concerned. All SSNs & SSBNs can go down to similar depths. The 300-metre figure applies only to SSKs. Only those SSNs of the USSR that had hulls built of Titanium could dive deeper & cruise at faster speeds. But their downside was they had very limited lifespans & hence even the USSR gave up making such SSNs after the Project 705 Lira-class boats. Russia has already given India what was reqd for both the SSGN & SSBN reqmts. Hence the issue of Russia sharing anything WRT Yasen family of SSGNs does not arise.

Praksh said...

Prasun da

What happened to this plan to provide 2 RAF fighter sqns and 1 USAF sqn for Air Defence of India?



The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

1) Any information on purchase of torpedoes for the Scorpenes?
2) 190 mwt reactor for the SSBN will be a new design?
3) The SLBM for the Delfin class is as yet under development?If so is it the same design which you had earlier stated?
4) Will the SSN be a true SSN or will it carry guided missiles like the new generation Brahmos or Nirbhay?
5) Any information on the mine hunters being procured for the Navy?

Anonymous said...


1) Now DRDO has issued a statement denying any plans to test Agni V or the next 20 days. Is GoI succumbing to international/US pressure and denying clearance or MIRV testing ?

2) I yes, what is the point in India having an alliance with the US if that is going to obstruct its development o a credible nuclear deterrent ?


Sanjay said...



Was he the guy who was declared mad because he said that the U.S was behind Gen Zia's death?

Who do you think was responsible?


Which CIA plan is he talking about according to which J&K would have been made an Independent state as a whole including POK, GB in 1988?

3)Did the Americans offer money to the Pakistanis to shut their Nuke program?

Thank you


Aryan said...

Sir, how do you this in advance? There has been no official announcement yet or even a media report about this yet. We should wait for the official announcement, but if this is true, then my question is, why France as partner/mentor? Why not Russia? What can the French give us which Russians can't or won't? Is French SSN technology superior to that of Russia? Pls explain.

Anonymous said...

"Sources' claim to Rajat Pandit that it will be at least two years before India first tests an MIRVed missile. How reliable is this ? Is it going to take that long ?


just_curious said...


1- ISTAR reqmt resurfacing again. The same boeing 737 shud be used for P8I should be used for commonality-- .. will these actually materialize in the near future?
2- anything to be expected from Modi's US visit. Biden's speech in UN was extremely pacifist..

Arun said...

Sir,according to this article and this graphic , several defence deals between India and US are in the pipeline such as 6 c-130js,6 P8Is,weapons for special forces,heavy duty winter clothing,drones,NASAMS and AWACS.

1)I remember you telling someone that it would have be better for India to go for the c-130j compared to the c-295.If this report is true,a c-130j deal is in the pipeline.Your thoughts on this?
2)I am not well versed in military matters but I remember you stressing on the need for India to buy more CH-47s,C-130Js,etc to improve our troop transportation capability which in turn would improve our offensive punch.India recently signed a deal for 56 c-295 and then this potential deal for 6 c-130s.It seems as though a lot of attention is finally being given to this area.Adding the 56 c-295 and the potential 6 c-130js to the transport capability that we already have,how many more do we need to buy to ensure that this troop transportation gap is filled completely?
3)I remember you mentioning artillery as another problem area a couple of years ago and some attention seems to have been given to that too with M777,K9s,etc.What else/how much more needs to be procured to fix this gap?

Anonymous said...


When the Delta IV SSBN itself uses a pair of VM-4SG rectors to generate the required 180 MWt, would'nt that type of arrangement for India's S-5 SSBNs save time and effort, rather than going in for a single new 190 MWt reactor (that may have to be built to suit the SSN requirement as well) ?


Soumya Ray said...

1. Which & why an indigenous EW Suite is going onboard transport C-295MW that seeks to replace ageing Avro aircraft of IAF? Does that mean that it will seeing frontline deployment? Is it a standard feature in all IAF general transport planes or specific to tactical transports?
2. Is EW Suite an indirect reference to MAWS, RWR, ECCM, flares & chaff? Or is it something more like ELINT/COMINT/ISR?
3. What MSMEs will be part of the Tata-Airbus consortium?
4. What are the IAF specific enhancements being sought from Airbus?
5. What component & sub-assemblies will be manufactured indigenously and what will be sourced directly from OEM?
6. Does Tata possess necessary real estate such as hangar & runway to undertake factory level tests before delivery? Will the final integration happen in India or in Spain?
7. Is it really an ideal replacement for Avro in its class? Wouldn’t C-130J-30 or AN-32 be much better choice given that they are already in service?
8. Why such an expedited contract signing – with 3 weeks of Cabinet approval?
9. Who were the other bidders?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRAKSH: Nothing happened & it never took off. Further details are available in this book:

To THE INDIAN: 1) None. Nothing has changed. 2) Single OK-650B PWR at 190mWt—the same that powers the Type 971 SSGN (Chakra-2) that was returned to Russia 2 months ago. 3) The SLBM is still under development. 4) It will be SSGN capable of launching LACMs & ASCMs launched from torpedo-tubes. 5) None.

To SATYAKIK: No such statement was issued. No one will launch such missiles when the UN is in session. The only statement issued was this:

To SANJAY: 1) I don’t believe in Wikipedia. 2) Only conspiracy theories. 3) No.

To ARYAN: Was there ever any official announcement about the ATV project that formally began in 1989? And as I had explained several times before, it is not about choosing between Russia & France. Instead, it is about cooperating with BOTH. And why not, if both can contribute? Hence, in case of the six SSGNs to be built, France can supply all the sensors of the same type that are on the IN’s Scorpenes, while Russia will continue to supply the high-strength steel reqd for building the pressure-hull. India does not as yet have the capability to supply such high-strength steel, since the DMR-249A is for warships & the DMR-249B is only for SSKs & hence cannot be used for SSNs of SSGNs or SSBNs that are required to dive to deeper depths.

To ASWATTHAMA: 1) It is FAKE NEWS like the ones often peddles around by the NEW INDIAN EXPRESS. 2) Single OK-650B PWR at 190mWt—the same that powers the Type 971 SSGN (Chakra-2) that was returned to Russia 2 months ago.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) FAKE NEWS. 2) Of course. It is all about the QUAD’s priorities, i.e. 1) ensuring the ramping-up of COVID-19 vaccine production by India for supply to the global recipients, especially after China-made vaccines with 50% efficacy rate are causing several outbreaks of the pandemic worldwide. Agreeing to create new supply-chains so that industrial de-coupling from China can happen ASAP, especially in the arena of semi-conductor production, for which India has already been identified as a future global manufacturing hub. 3) Agreeing on common industrial standards for 5-G & 6-G telecoms networks that do not use any China-made hardware. 4) Seamless cooperation on cyber security. 5) Laying of submarine CABLES FOR 5-G & 6-G telecoms networks, thereby avoiding China-laid cables. 6) Improving seaport connectivity for Central Asian Republics. 7) Creating financial institutions reqd for financing infrastructure development projects that will undermine China’s BRI ambitions.

To ARUN: 1 & 2) The mistake has already been formalised with yesterday’s inking of the C-295 contract. 3 & 4) In addition to more heavylift helicopters, one also requires more attack helicopters.

To SSHRAY: 1) The very same suite that is now on the 3 EMB-145I ‘Netra’ AEW & CS playtforms. 2) No ELINT/COMINT sensors reqd. Only RWR/LWR/MAWS & countermeasures dispensers. 3) The very same who are involved with TATA for the AH-64 Apache airframe production programme for Boeing. 5) Only airframe sub-structures, nothing substantial. 6) Yes. 7) C-130J-30 Super Hercules would have been a far better choice. 8) The contract has been under negotiation for more than 8 years.

Pratap said...

Prasun da, I was reading about the Barracuda nuclear submarines and I was surprised to find that the reactors on the new French boats have to be refueled every 9-10 years. Virginia and Astute don't need any refueling. Does France lag behind in this area? Nonetheless we did the right thing by going with the Russian OK-650B reactor which too doesn't require any refueling throughout the lifetime of the submarine.

Sanjay said...

Mr. Prasun

Not Wikipedia but somewhere in a article regarding this book
I had read that Ambassador Blackwell was declared mad because he said that the Americans were responsible for Zia plane crash?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Meanwhile, for totally nonsensical reasons, some Indians are wailing & moaning about the AUKUS partnership, totally ignoring the facts about India's own nuclear-powered submarimne programmes. While Australia will receive its SSNs by the end of this decade, India has accumulated a total of 13 years of nuclear-powered submarine operations with the two leased SSGNs (Project 670 & Project 971) between 1988 & 1991 & again between 2011 & 2021, plus another 10 years of operations of INS Arihant S-73. Today the IN already possesses two domestically-built SSGNs, with another one due for delivery by 2024. Here is one IDIOTIC Op-Ed by a former IN Rear Admiral:

He perhaps has inadvertently confirmed what I have been stating over the years about Russia supplying the fissile materials (moderately enriched uranium) off-the-shelf for the IN's SSGNs.

Then we have these 'desi patrakaars' whining about the US not sharing critical undersea warfare technologies with India:

These IDIOTS are unaware about the US-based Continental Electronics being the supplier of VLF comms systems now operational at INS Kattaboman.

China’s Position on Afghanistan

Mystery of Gen Zia-ul-Haq’s Death Explained

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRATAP: Not true. The PWR of the Barracuda SSN can be operated non-stop for 35 years without refuelling. In reality, what matters is not the PWR's design & engineering itself, but rather those of the heat-exchangers & the water pumps attached to the PWR vessel. And more recently, the introduction of electric propulsion, with does away with the need for reduction gearboxes, thereby freeing internal volume within the pressure-hull for other applications.

To SANJAY: Not when he was the US Ambassador to India. Perhaps later.

Kaustav said...


Not quibbling about the now returned Apparently more advanced INS Chakra(2), Akula Class, and the relatively less advanced Arihant class though it's really more a matter of design perception & reactor capabilities, my Query - WHY IS THE IN SO SECRETIVE ABOUT SHOWING OFF THE INS ARIHANT & IT'S SISTER SHIPS when so many proud IN personnel have toiled on the project at Vizag & it's a matter of pride for many submariners proudly wearing the 🐬?!

All nations showcase life & work onboard their submarines, nuclear specially both as a way of encouragement, motivation & even deterrence. It's not necessarily revealing a state secret since the Arihant is already commissioned & doing patrols. Why leave so much space for unnecessary speculation?

The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

1) Won't the reactor OK650B be insufficient for powering the Delfin class SSBN which is actually utilizing two such reactors!
2) Will the Netra suite when it is utilized on the Airbus have a much better performance or the same capabilities?Is the suite truly indigenous?
3) Is the purchase of the ISTAR scheduled from the US or DRDO is going to build it?
4) You said submarine cables! From where to where and for what function?Communication as well as Internet?
5)Your opinion on whether this administration will allow US access to Indian soil for Afghanistan!

rad said...

hi prasun
can you confirm if the balance beam antenna on the aew 145 will be used on the a 319 aew or the newly developed 360 rotodome will be mounted?.
will it be worth while to make c-295 aew platform as airbus has the all the engeneering and test data making integration faster and cheaper?.
do we have the algos to compensate for the rotating antenna?. i suspect not as that could be the reason why a 4 faced dome was built.
work on the 190 pwr reactor has begun ? is it the russian copy? what is the time frame of production after testimg > I guess it will be shorter as we have some expericance ow . will it be radically different from the arihant reactor?

Anonymous said...

Hello sir,
So, with the AUKUS birth, and increasing SSN need than ever before, can we expect India scrapping P-75i and going with 3 additional Scorpene, and prioritising SSN project with increased numbers like 10+ (than previous 6).
Will there be joint production by L&T and MDL, or just L&T?

- Atul

Millard Keyes said... on top of a Tata or Mahindra platform a feasible solution?

Kaustav said...


Late Revelations, I believe. Guess the Amreekis now have sufficient control, development or maturity of these techniques or technologies either invented or more probably rediscovered, redeveloped or gifted.

Meanwhile, Samir Saran getting it right but the world is catching on very late. That PRC has risen far above the developing world is beyond doubt, but rotten apples abound & PRC's vindictiveness towards others not helping at all.
It is surprising that how Chinese involvement in the W,H.O, World Bank and the I.M.F and WTO is going to create a big crisis in the financial system.How the European and American business and commercial circles were ignorant about the Chinese engagement with all the above world agencies.The news that that China is trying to give a second term for the Secretary General of WHO is disturbing.How these Europen and American officials could work in support of China also is really surprising.Regarding the Wuhan Covid crisis we have heard of the involvement of many American scientists and the Chinese were exploiting the democratic system of the countries in Europe and the U.S and the fragile set up of these countries.Will China export a financial crisis? Chinese property giant Evergrande which was contributing 2% to China to its GDP is in deep financial criss.This property giant owes $300 Billion to its depositors and share holders. The protests in front of the Evergrande's main office is beyond control and one woman had committed suicide in front of their building.This poses a great threat to the Chinese economy.The biggest property giant is scrambling for funds and all over China protests are held and even local police are unable to control these protests. It is reported that at present 800 big time projects of Ever grande remain unfinished and the million people deposited with the Company are staring at a bleak future.The Company build 600000 homes annually and financial management was done in debt. The Company has amassed a huge debt load of 56 times bigger than a decade ago. How this happened? Besides building projects Evergrande has built a football team of their own,also built a world class football stadium for this,hostels and all facilities for the trainee football players; recently built an Electric car project and not even a single one has come out o this Factory. What is the way out? Bail out by the government and this is the Lehman moment for China. Will the Chinese government could help the property giant? Let us consider these information also- many major Corporates in China have gone bankrupt recently and the Chinese Corporates owe a$1.3 Trillion in the next 12 months. Will be Very interesting to watch the Xi's circus in the days to come.

Anonymous said...



1) If there was to be no test of the A-5 due to the UN meeting, why was a NOTAM put out in the first place ?

2) Almost 3 years since the last A-5 test. Is'nt this too long a gap? Such a hiatus in testing could also lead to quality control and other such errors being undetected.

3) This was what I meant when I said DRDO denied any A-5 test

Hope this changes in the next few months.


Satya said...

Prasun da, thanks for the reply

1) Can we expect the first SSN and first S-5 class SSBN to join the navy before 2030?

2) Will the Akula that we returned enter service with the Russian Navy?

3) Do you think it is wise to spend 3 billion dollars to lease another Akula for 10 years? Do we really need it?

4) So is the so-called indigenous reactor being developed for S-5 SSBNs and SSNs basically the OK-650B with BARC's sticker on it?

5) Did Russia also supply the blueprints for S-5 SSBNs? The design of the submarine looks very similar to the Borie class sub.

6) Do you see any possibility of India joining the French led FCAS project? It could be a replacement for Su-30 MKIs starting mid 2040s.

7) Is the 13k tonnes future Project 18 destroyer a real thing or just an internet imagination?

8) When will our Submarine launched ICBM become ready for testing and induction?

Ranveer said...

Prasun da

a)Can we expect more robust response to Pakistani terror attacks now that the Americans are out of Afghanistan?

b)At the end of the article it was mentioned that if China's aggressive behaviour continues Quad could also become an alliance one day?


Sanjay said...


Gen Zia responding on question of Chinese troops coming down from KKH to protect Pakistan he said only in a WW3 situation could that be the case.

He also said it has the potentiality to be use used by Pakistan's friends if required.

Well we know how it was used to give BMs and nukes to Pakistan.



pm said...

Sir what if we compare arjun and current leopard tanks where do they differ

murthy said...

India's Semiconductor Failure

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: The reason is that the design of the boat is that of a SSGN, which, if revealed even visually, will contradict all claims of the DRDO about such boats being SSBNs. On top of that, no SLBMs to date have been fired from such SSGNs.

To THE INDIAN: 1) You are ASSUMING that India’s definitive SSBN will be a lookalike of the Project 677BRDM Delfin. Reality is totally different. The Delfins all used two Gen-3 PWRs each rated at 90mWt while the single OK-650B can produce 190mWt. 2) It will be the same. 3) DRDO has claimed that it can develop such a platform’s mission sensors all by itself. 5) Had already given it in the previous thread. 4)

To RAD: Yes, the very same antenna. No need for rotating antenna nowadays. 190mWt PWR design will be supplied by Russia. That’s why a similarly equipped Project 971 SSGN was leased to India for 10 years, so that hands-on operating experience could be gained. And do watch this:

India’s Semiconductor Failure

To ATUL: Only time will tell.

To MILLARD KEYES: The IA had done that way back in 1971 itself when the French ENTAC mikssile was molunted on a Mahindra-built Jeep & used during the war. Subsequently, the Milan-2 too was mounted on a Gypsy.

To KAUSTAV: Forget all these ‘desi’ think-tanks who mostly regurgitate stuff from alreadyu-published Western source-materials & instead read this book:

And do watch this: India’s Semiconductor Failure:

To SATYAKI: 1) NOTAM only mentioned an experimental air vehicle flight-test, not Agni-5. It was the band of ‘desi patrakaars’ who indulged in needless speculation. 2) You are ASSUMING that all BMs are always kept in fully assembled state. In reality, they are all in recessed state, wth each stage dedcoupled from one another. 3) Of course the DRDO had to deny & squash all ‘desi’ rumour-mongering.

To SATYA: 1) The SSNs will take priority over SSBNs. 2) Yes. 3) No reqd, PROVIDED the GoI decides to employ the three L & T-built boats as SSGNs. 4) Yes. 5) Yes. 6) What then happens to the AMCA, about which the outgoing IAF CAS & the ‘desi’ internet fanboys have been harping about? 7) It won’t have 13,000-tonne displacement at all. 8) By the end of this decade.

To RANVEER: 1) Totally unnecessary & nonsensical whims about AUKUS & QUAD being linked or related. 2) That app;ears likely, since post-August 15 there have been no drone overflights of Indian airspace from Pakistan.

To SANJAY: Thje present Karakoram Highway stays closed for 5 months every way due to inclement weather.

To PM: Leopard-2 variants are far ahead of the Arjun Mk.1A. The former has 1,500hp engine, don’t forget that.

hoods007 said...

Hi Prasun

The S2 and S3 are now in commission, with S4 now getting ready which is supposed to be followed by larger S5 but in between there is supposed to be s4*. Why the different nomenclature for this one? Is it some kind of 'special mission' sub for playing around with submarine cables like the one that russian and US have?

Kaustav said...


Thanks for the updates as usual. Two things, I know for a fact both from personal verification & standard navy or submariner logic :-

1. The VL missile launch tubes are a revolver mechanism & would be best suited for launching Cruise Missiles rather than Ballistic Missiles ( my belief is a 4(VL tube) x 3(Missile per VL) = 12 missiles.

2. It goes out on regular patrols to the delight of 3 generations of submariners who always wanted submarines on perpetual patrol. The images of Arihant released/available all reveal what Vizag knows for knows. It's an SSGN for sure & I would like to believe that INS Arighat has taken over patril duties since INS Chakra has been now returned.

DRDO is being silly. India doesn't even jave such a nuclear deterrent posture where nuclear tipped ballistic missiles are at the discretion of being fired by independent commanders. It might be so in future, certainly not now.

There has been misuse of funds & cost overruns as is normal with such projects & limited oversight on a new project where expertise was built up over the years. Vizag & L&T also know more about building & servicing Nuclear boats than MDL ever will with either SSK HDWs or Scorpenes. The eastern sea board has SSN/SSGN & in future may see SSBNs.

An old man's view - The enemy knows, instead motivate younger generations. Submarine arm recruitment has already been increased as compared to other branches as more manpower & multiple crews are required.

Unknown said...

Hell sir,

1) as you replied to someone above that, Arihant is an SSGN design (I read somewhere that Arihant is based on Akula-1 SSGN design, is it true?)
And you also confirmed that "no SLBM has been fired from these type of SSGN design".
So, what's our plan to make Arihant (an SSGN design performing as SSBN) launch K-15 and k-4(in future)?

2) you replied "Yes" to someone's question "Has Russia gave us the design of Borie class SSBN for our S-5 SSBN?"
I just want to confirm again for my satisfaction, is it really true?

3) SO, we have two design blueprints from Russia (according to your replies above), that is, akula-1 SSN and Borie class SSBN.
Which design is India considering for the SSGN program? The improved akula-1 or Borie class?

Sanjay said...


1)Did Americans overflew Iranian airspace without thier permission?

2)Did India put the condition on providing bases to Americans that they will have to bomb NWFP,FATA and Balochistan first?(I think we all know these areas are indeed hotbeds for terrorist organisations so bombing these areas along Durand Line would make sense)

Thank you


Raj Gupta said...

Prasun da

Gen Manekshaw mentioning why we lost Chamb because on the the Western front he wanted to go on full offense but the top political leadership wanted offense only on the Eastern front so his original plan was changed.


Chanakya Chatterjee said...

Your comments on something a little out of topic

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ GUPTA: Not quite tue, because the IA did launch a major offensive in the Shakargarh Bulge & had made it to Zafarwal, but could nopt move further due to the extensive minefields laid by the PA.

To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: About time. India should learn a lesson or two from Iraq, which has been unrelenting in its efforts to bring back all its stolen ancient Sumerian artefacts back from the US.

Zhuhai 2021 Expo:

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

There have been many events after the last time you connected the dots. What's up? Is something cooking? Has time arrived for India to get back PoK? Please do share your view.

The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

1)What are the takeaways from Modi visit to USA?
2)Are we going to utilize S500 technology along with S400?
3)Has the US stopped Israel's Iron dome funding?If so why?
4)What is the story behind the Iran China relationship bitterness?
5)What is going on in Sri Lanka?China games on our footsteps?

Praksh said...


Gen Durrani mentioned that Pakistan should not say that the war is not an option for J&K.
He said that military operation simultaneously with other factors can be used to achieve the aim.

But don't you think if Pakistan has this option then so does India but maybe he didn't give this option to India because the local people across the LOC will not support India so India must now start to cultivate support for its vision across the LOC but ofcourse it wouldn't be easy given the changes Pakistan has done there in the last 72 years.

I believe the Taliban takeover in Pakistan has emboldened these Pakistanis.

2)He believes India's actions on Article 370 etc etc inJ&I are beneficial for Pakistan. Do you think that's the case?


pm said...

Sir does Indian army have requirement for weapon platform like Garuda 105?

pm said...

Sir What do you think of this analysis?

pm said...

Does India have this option too?

Anonymous said...

Hello Prasun sir,
1) which submarine design has Russia transferred to us for our SSN program?
Bcz, we are planning to install pump jet propulsion to our SSN's and from what I know, the only Russian submarine possessing this tech is Borie class.

2) does our INS Arihant based on Akula-1 class SSN?


Raghu said...

Hi Prasun,

In light of India's failure in chip manufacturing, where is this likely to lead to? Do we have the necessary support industry and manpower to undertake such a massive project?



rad said...

Hi prasun
there is a news of a l-70 40 mm bofors being able to fire proximity fused shells as a deterent to drones. Proximity fused shells are hi tech ..where did they come from and how was the whole fire control sysytem achieved?
Has the rotodome awacs being dumped after all this research? what came about it?
the later GAS trx module antenna will be more sensitive will it have a 50% range increase compared to the old one . Is there a plan to put a belly mounted SAR antenna as well on the A319 awacs?
what is the difference between the akash 1s ... and akash Prime ? can the older version be modernised with an active seeker
what is this new VEDA missile ?
dont you thik

Raj Gupta said...

Prasun da

Methinks this is a good eye opener on China-Pakistan nexus. Not only you have large scale civilian cooperation through CPEC, Afghanistan has now become part of belt and road military alliance. Unfortunately, China now has to feed the babies. This is quite the literal display of Pakistan's founding myth and fabricated national identity.


Kaustav said...


An alternative view of Australia & importantly Asia, Japan & INDIA. India is nobody's lapdog the US knows that & remember about welcomes extended to visiting Heads of State. India never places it's eggs in one basket & always hedges bets. It will continue to do so. India trusts No One & only looks out for itself. This is the way it has been & always should be. India owes nothing to anybody but it's own citizens.

The AUKUS agreement presents Australia as a defeatist nation -

Kaustav said...


For almost three years, the Chinese Communist regime insisted that a newfound commitment to the rule of law and to the independence of the judiciary meant that its government couldn’t possibly intervene in Kovrig’s and Spavor’s cases. Now, by some constitutional miracle, their government was able to cancel, commute, or otherwise disregard their sentences and put them on flights back to Canada.

The speed of the two Michaels’ return is almost as shocking as their initial detention. There was no attempt by the Chinese government to pretend that this had been anything but a quid pro quo all along, no procedural fig leaf to hide the fact that their indignant protests to the contrary had all been part of a lawless bluff. I would expect more shame from a terrorist organization.
In case we didn’t know it before, it is pellucidly clear now: this is an evil regime. Lest we forget, this is a regime that, in addition to engaging in hostage diplomacy (again: remember the case of Kevin Garratt?), is well into its third (or fourth? one loses track) ongoing genocide.

When we engage with the Chinese government, we deal with an outlaw regime that holds us in even lower contempt than the rule of law. And when we do business under their laws, we should do so with the expectation that those laws mean nothing, or rather will mean whatever the regime says they mean in its sole interest.

After the gratitude must come the reckoning by Howard Anglin

Kaustav said...


Meanwhile, the other rogue state after PRC continues to make asses of the US of A repeatedly but more importantly makes itself a nuisance to India & a mortal danger to Afghanistan which is now a defacto province of Afghanistan. Just as Afghanistan has itself to blame, India too is at fault for not defending itaelf robustly. Incidents such as the UAV violations of Indian airspace, open support to terrorists & separatists, denial of MFN status make it clear that Indian Rulers are full blown to Idiots irrespective of the regime. The US & UK might play it's oen double games or actually not undertand that in Pakistan it's the 'arsonists that pretend to be firefighters'. There are no real firefighters or peaceniks in Pakistan because Pakistan believes that what they are doing is the only way to ensure their security, existence & power. Pakistan will behave only through fear & punishment, which India cannot impose on them, forget PRC and it's churlish behaviour in Barahoti exemplifying a Rogue state.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Is it true

Black box said...

Hi Prasun,
If situation arises that India wants to recover Gilgit Baltistan and pok , is it not possible to use the existing helicopter and aircraft’s available with the Indian airforce and army for trip and material transport , or is it necessary for us to provide the deficient transport , will us agree to Indian Indian request if such need arises .
2) Can India recover Aksai chin from China with the existing manpower and equipment which are available at present or do we need some more time .

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da, what happens to you ? New thread is upcoming ? BTW, what's your take on NKorea's new Missile Hwasong-8 ? Is it a Hypersonic Missile or they just tested a Glide Vehicle on the upper stage of a Missile ? What's the difference between Akash 1S and Akash Prime SAM ?

Talibans are desperate for Flight Resumption by India. What's cooking behind ?

Thanks in Advance.

Chanakya Chatterjee said...


One thing you can and should adoot from the tv industry whose historicals and mythologicals, I direct ...

When you are writing a new article and vanish for a day or two ... Pls write a note saying, new post coming soon


Anonymous said...

The Indian army chief of Artillery recently said they need a reliable artillery, does he imply lots and lots of issues in ATAGS ?


Prudhvi said...

Dear sir, so our SSN’s would be some what similar to Trafalgar SSN in many specs? Similar tonnage and similar reactor output with pumpjet.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Just got back from the Airshow China-2021 at Zhuhai. Will upload details later.

Chanakya Chatterjee said...

Hi Prasun
How accurate is this and are there any updates

Raghu said...

Hi Prasun,

How will the new bill presented in US Senate by 22 Republican members for sanctions against persons etc. found helping Taliban take over Afghanistan and the Panjshir Valley clashes and specifically mentioning Pakistan's role play out? Republicans are not in a majority in Senate. Is Pakistan likely to be sanctioned or is it just a pressure tactic to get some concessions on air corridors and other help against Afghanistan based militants?

Also interesting is how thr Pentagon is in discussions with the Russians of all.people for securing usage of air bases in Central Asian Republics

Your insights would be welcome.



Sanjay said...

Mr. Prasun I thought you were making a thread on Zhuhai airshow but didn't know you have gone there this time in person.

I think your first trip after the pandemic to any airshow/expo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,
Has the deal for MQ9-B has signed? Some of the channels have said that it is signed during Mr Austin's India visit and some say that it is yet to be signed. Please clarify.
Once signed, what is the lead time for the 1st delivery & Last.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASD: Not so soon. The re-balancing of the IA won’t be completed for at least another 3 years.

To THE INDIAN: 1) The greatest takeaway is the about the on-going global decoupling from China & the possible emergence of India as an alternative industrial hub for the global supplier chain, especially in the arena of semiconductors & microchips. 2) Yes. 3) No. 4) Iran does not agree with China’s perception of the Taliban. 5) Both Sri Lanka & Pakistan are facing similar problems, i.e. both don’t produce anything that brings foreign-currency revenues & hence they both are heavily import-dependent.

To PRAKSH: 1) Pakistan’s economy has never been as bad as it is now. The only source of foreign currency earnings is from overseas remittances. Nothing is being exported from Pakistan. When this happens, the country is a basket case & today both Pakistan & Afghanistan are faced with the same problems & challenges & are consequently becoming alike in all respects. 2) If they are beneficial for Pakistan then why is IAKN repeteadly stating that he wants such actions reversed by India?

To PM: No. When 155mm tube artillery assets are available, one does not require 105mm howitzers anymore. No are public-sector businesses viable. They never were anywhere in this world.

To ATUL: 1) It is a design that was never accepted by the Russian Navy for service-induction & the design selected back in 1989 was for the SSGN, not SSN or SSBN. The SSBN’s design came much later back in the previous decade. Pumpjet propulsion from non-Russian sources can also be incorporated. 2) No. The term’ Akula’ is for SSBN, not SSN or SSGN. Here’s the data:

Project 941 Akula SSBN:

To RAGHU: India can become a major player in microchip production, but not on her own. She has to strike industrial partnerships with one of the world’s major semiconductor foundries.

To RAD: Proximity fuzes are available even for 30mm rounds, leave alone 40mm rounds. The rotodome design was discarded after the CABS HS-748 AEW technology demonstrator crashed in the previous century. No belly-mounted radar of any type will be installed on the A320 AEW & CS platforms. Akash-1S features only the Kalyani Group-developed ‘Netra’ active RF seeker, whereas the Akash Prime features both this new seeker as well as higher energetic propellants to increase the missile’s range to 40km.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ GUPTA & KAUSTAV: Diminishing Returns for BRI:

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVELS: Yes, the videos of such past standoffs in that area are already available on YouTube.

To BLACK BOX: 1) Not so soon. The re-balancing of the IA won’t be completed for at least another 3 years. 2) It is absolutely IDIOTIC to even contemplate the recovery of Aksai Chin simply because it is a totally desolate piece of territory where permanent human habitation is not possible. That’s why even before 1962 India had set up border outposts only out to those areas in eastern Ladakh that were considered favourable grazing grounds for the nomadic Ladakhis.

To SUMANTA NAG: Any SRBM or TBM that is powered by solid-fuel can achieve hypersonic velocities for the warhead. The Taliban wants to resume the export of Afghan-produced dry-fruits to India, so that it can earn revenues by taxing such businesses.

To VENKY: Yes, not just for ATYAGS, but for Dhanush as well. After-sales support from the OEM is part of the reliability package.

Update on XVII MSC:


To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: It is still in the arena of high speculation.

To RAGHU: It all depends on how the US Congress acts in a bipartisan manner when it comes to an honest introspection on why the US was unable to defeat the Taliban’s insurgency over a 20-year period. If a thorough investigation & fact-finding process is carried out, then chances of both Afghanistan & Pakistan being sanctioned alike are very high.

To SANJAY: More from Airshow China 2021:

L-15 LIFT:



Command Centre:

Armoured Vehicles:

AG-600 Amphibian:

Kaustav said...


The US is ready with it's Air Breathing Hypersonic missile not just a rocket powered one.

Proof of concept, in free flight it might be, but it exists just as much as the Tsirkon/Zirkon/Brahmos-II.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRABHAKAR: Only 2 Sea Guardians have been leased for the Indian Navy. Nothing else has been signed for anyone else. Also, for the Project 15B DDGs & Project 17A FFGs, 13 pre-owned 76/62 naval cannons have been leased. For the Sea Guardians, under the auspices of COMCASA, US satellite transponders are being used for flight-control & navigation of the Sea Guardians, because the supposedly ‘desi’ encryptors required for using the GSAT-7’s transponders have yet to be developed. The ‘desi’ encryptors are too slow even for the IN’s LINK-2 network.

To KAUSTAV: Here is the AGM-183A missile:

CPEC Delays Explained:

What Really Happened in Wuhan:

Iran-Azerbaijan Tensions:

Apparently Iran favours using its Chieftain MBTs against Azerbaijan’s T-72s.

3rd ~ EyE said...

Are these accounts true ?

VSJ said...

Welcome back!
1) What type of shells qualify for latest tender for 33000 155mm Terminal guided munitions? Since it states laser guided rounds, Desi or exaclibur?

2) What will be the forward movement on our towed and mgs front now? Seems like Dhanush delivery is thorughly unsatisfactory, MGS is faraway and ATAGS seems to be in retrials.

3) SSN designing is all good but there seems to be no plan or capacity to arrest the fleet strength to 15, which will be 6 scorpene, 1 akula and 4 arihant and 2 kilo plus 2 type209 (on their last legs) by 2028. Pakistan alone will have 11 by then.

4) An actual scary scenario, what happens when millions of these radicalised zombies from desert next door start returning "home" as per their god given right? Pakistan will face acute water shortage by 2025, while it already faces a banana economy and massive food shortage.
And why is USA STILL giving away $2.7 billion in IMF aids to them? Stockholm syndrome?

The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

1)The SSN design sold to us was not accepted by the Russian Navy!Why?
2)If so is this design different from the Project 971 Schuka class boats?3)What are the approximate design parameters of this SSN class and stated capabilities!
4)Has it been designed by the Rubin bureau or Malakhit bureau?
5)Does it mean that the Russians sold us an unproven SSN design and we bought it?

Satya said...

Sir, the last paragraph of the thread is confusing. Who needs French assistance to build 4th generation variant of the reactor on Arihant SSGN when Russia has already supplied the design of OK-650B for our SSNs and S-5 SSBNS??

The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

Are you talking about the Project 685 known by NATO as the MIKE class?

Raghu said...

Hi Prasun,

One can judge the contours of the Quad and the interrelationships of the countries involved in the Quad process fairly well in the following link

My concern is the US views are not totally in alignment with India and vice versa w.r.t. Pakistan. What tactical compromises can we expect from the US with respect to Pakistan and how will it affect Indian interests in the short as well as long term? A similar situation seems to be prevailing with Russia too insofar as Afghanistan bis concerned.



Anonymous said...


What do we conclude about this? Any serious PLA/Pak interoperability with the intention to precipitate a war for J&K/Ladakh as Praveen Sawhney is saying ?


সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da, I think as you have stated, it is time to create a list of forced disappearance happened through out PoJK and Pakistan in last three decades, and held UNHRC accountable to stop all sorts of nonsense. Continuous counter bombardment with narratives and supported evidence is a far better option rather rejection.

Sanjeev said...

Hi Prasunda,
wrt 17 corps, is the current 17 corps a slimmed down version of what was originally planned? If so any plans of completing it to the originally planned strength?

Prudhvi said...

Ok sir, do you think the arihant class has it genes from Yankee II (Project 667AM Navaga M)?

just_curious said...

1- why is there no hullabo about a live terrorist caught recently unlike kasab, just because no amrikans are dead. why is there no hetic paraleys in UN or FATF grouping?
2-recent news about some Sr level IA gen stating issues with ATAGS & Dhanush . Are they genuine or an excuse for imports?
3-13 pre-owned 76/62 naval cannons for future IN ships whatever happened to the BAE MK5 guns

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To 3RD-EYE: Of course not. It is all nonsensical speculation.

To VSJ: 1) In all probability, the Excalibur. 2) There will always be hiccups with initial delivery schedules & production standards. But as the human resource proficiency increases, the quality & rate of production improves. 3) Arihant-class will number only 3. All speculation of 4 was spread by INDIA TODAY since 2013. 4) If the US financial bailout is denied, then the Saudis will step in to fill the void since the Saudis require PA manpower for protecting the holy sites of Mecca & Medina—a point everyone overlooks when discussing Pakistan’s strengths & weaknesses.

To THE INDIAN: 1) I have repeatedly stated that the design was for SSGN, not SSN. In the former USSR there was always competitive bidding by the two rival submarine design bureaux—RUBIN & MALAKHIT. Just because one of them lost the bid did not mean its design or production quality were inferior. It was all explained here years ago:

2) Project 971 SSGN’s displacement is more than that of the Arihant SSGN. 4) RUBIN. 5) Not at all. 6) Project 685’s design was never offered to India. Instead, the design shared with India was derived from the Project 667BDRM Delfin, which featured a tear-drop hull design that is applicable to both SSGN & SSBN designs.

To SATYA: You are disregarding the laws of physics & consequently trying to compare apples with oranges. PWRs come in different dimensions & hence each PWR is designed to fit into a particular hull design. One cannot insert a 190mWt PWR into a hull that’s designed to accommodate only a 90mWt PWR. That’s because everything else also changes along with the PWR’s physical dimensions, like water-pimps, pipings, heat exchangers, water coolers. OK-650B PWR is meant ONLY for larger SSBNs, not for Arihant-class SSGNs.

To RAGHU: The US will not make any great compromises WRT Pakistan due to the Saudi & Iranian factors, i.e. the Saudis require PA manpower for protecting Mecca & Medina, while the US wants to retain the option of using Pakistan against Iran.

Afghan Economy Meltdown & Rising Civilian Unrests:

Taliban’s Sharia Punishments Commence:

Taliban in Pakistan:

Massive Gwadar Protests:

Taliban Infighting Intensifies:

AUKUS Debate:

SCO’s Inability to Control Afghan Situation:

To SANJEEV: Not at all. The XVII Corps has 3 Mtn Divisions at its disposal.

To PRUDHVI. No. From the Project 667BDRM Delfin, which featured a tear-drop hull design that is applicable to both SSGN & SSBN designs.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) There indeed is & it is all reflected in proceedings of the FATF. 2) Those are all teething problems associated with initial production batches. 3) I made a mistake by mentioning 76/62. Actually the 13 units are 127mm Mk.45 Mod-3 naval cannons.

Raghu said...

Hi Prasun,

Turkey seems to have formidable Electronic Warfare capabilities which it has used in conjunction with its UAVs to decimate air defence systems.

The KORAL, in particular, seems very effective. These systems, if exported to Pakistan, would be a formidable counter to the S-400 and other aur defence systems of the Indian Air force



just_curious said...

1-So you say the US will spare the paki arse.. wonder what makes US wanting to do that esp now. what is the US psyche that feels Iran as a bigger threat the the pakis?
2-why would Saudis only depend on pakis to protect Mecca & Medina, why can't their own forces protect it or any of the other frm the 56 odd muslim majority countries? A fear of coup by their own is a bit far fetched i feel as they will certainly pick the most loyal ones. pakis inherently are opportunists ,why the trust in them? wasn't there some rumour last year when IA chief Navrane payed a visit to Saudi that they were to discuss a possibility of deploying indian soldiers. Alternatively Indonesian or Central asian would be a good fitas these countries are the more neutral ones of the 56 countries
3- Something which I had asked some time ago -- how realistic is this?

Black box said...

Hi Prasun,
1) regarding Aksai chin how much in percentage of grazing land has been lost by India after 1962 till date from our initial military out post set up in China controlled aksai chin .
2) Why does Saudi Arabia need Pakistani army to protect Mecca and madeena in case of any attack, it it not self sufficient?
3) Why is it taking Saudi so long to remove houthi rebels you had mentioned earlier it it would be matter of months

pm said...

Sir can you make a thread for Qatar's policies, why it does what it does? It has become a headache for the whole region.

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

1. In one of your previous reply (in one of your thread), the AK-203 to be procured/manufacture locally will be for the CAPF, RR or units fighting terrorisms insurgency in Kashmir. For Indian Army regular infantry improved INSAS rifle 7.62 x 51 mm will be procured. What now is heard in the News that these AK-203s are for the Indian Army regular infantry + SIG716. Has this changed


Who will be at the other end, any guesses

Kapil said...

Prasun da,

1) If US is still willing to suck up to Paxtan then how can we expect any support from them for the liberation of Gilgit Baltistan?

2) Why is India not using its influence to get EU to withdraw Paxtan's GSP+ status? It was given in return for respect of human rights. We all know the state of human rights in that Islamist hellhole.

3) Now that Russia has waived royalty fees for AK-203s, the long pending deal is close to conclusion. Should we know also go for AK-19 carbine that could be manufactured in the same factory instead of buying from the UAE? What is your opinion on this?

4) Why does KSA need PA to safeguard Mecca and Medina? Is Saudi army not capable enough to protect their own country? What is the threat to these cities anyway and from whom? Iran is an enemy but no Iranian Shia proxy would threaten to attack those cities or fire missiles towards them for religious reasons. Then what's the threat for Saudis?

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

---- First Demand Driven Satellite Mission for ISRO. Its really annoying and heart wrenching about how Antrix - Devas plan gone down is water , which is now Jeff Bezos and Elon Mask are offering. This is the God Yore's justice bound to happen:

Raghu said...

Hi Prasun,

If the OK-650B PWR is meant to power SSBNs, exactly which reactor will power the new SSNs that the Indian Navy is planning to induct?



Prranshu Yadav said...

Hi sir and everyone else. I posted a new article about the utility of tanks (or the futility of tank on tank warfare) on my blog recently (link below). Hope you all enjoy it.

Pratap said...

Prasun da, what is happening between Iran and Azerbaijan + Turkey? Are Sunni extremists Turkey and Azerbaijan planning to invade Shia extremist Iran?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Although my question is different from defence, still I would like to ask you. Once you told that Kerala in the early days of COVID managed it well thanks to the uniformly spread population. Now what happens???? Now it is the most contributing state in COVID. Please share your views upon it.

Anonymous said...

The K9 vajra is being inducted into Ladakh. But this was never planned. When will addln numbers be ordered? Should be atleast a hundted.Another C17 in the making ?


Jigvisha said...

Can a billionaire donate in national defence fund with condition that the particular donated amount be used for a specific purchase

I know it might be stupid question

but plz consider.


murthy said...

Britain to carry out ‘offensive’ cyber attacks from new £5bn digital warfare centre

Sanjay said...

Mr. Prasun

Interesting report


Sanjay said...

Might? The most dumb question ever asked! Before considering its use just who on earth would be that billionaire? Elon Musk? Anil Ambani? Donald Trump?

just_curious said...


1- what "compromises" is jaishankar speaking about, what possible nasty surprises await us & has the US now reverted back to India-Pak hyphenation? will pakis get away again ?
2- what is the status of HJT-36 spin tests. How will it fit the IAF training plan?

Satya said...

Sir, pls give updates about the situation on the LAC. The Han communist army has increased it's deployment in Eastern Ladakh. They also intruded into Uttarakhand and went back after destroying a bridge. The lack of response from our civil military leadership is very disappointing. They are just silently watching the situation while the Chinese are still sitting inside our territory in Ladakh. If they can come inside Uttarakhand, why can't we go inside Tibet to send a message? Why can't the IA intrude into Tibet from Sikkim or Arunachal where we are sitting on dominating heights?

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

Seems SwamyJi doesn't know about the S-400 missile system. According to him, it's an AAM missile and contains Chinese electronic components and Major is not correcting SwamyJi

Unknown said...

Mr.Copymaster get the fuck out and stop copying names.


murthy said...

Catching Criminals With Their Relative's DNA

cold cases get solved

murthy said...

Libya's 'Game of Drones' - Full documentary - BBC Africa Eye | BBC Arabic

chinese and turkeys drone prowess.

india no where to be seen.

may be we are a country of peasants.

murthy said...

in the below video indian intelligence agencies can learn how can they use/study/analyse daily satellite data taken from commercial satellite imagery available on daily basis and also flight data records etc.
BBC has done quite impressive job.
hopefully our agencies can learn this too.

Unknown said...

Is the new ssn of 4800 tons class design finalised? When will the construction start? Will the reactor be the same VM 4SG ?

just_curious said...


1- the new IAF chief holding onto 114 MRFA hope. your view on it. He also mentioned ISTAR jets
2- Putin was to visit India in Oct is it still on? if not, does it mean cracks in the indo-russian relations?
3- during eurostatory 2020- it seemed 130 mm main gun(talking abt KNDS concept tank) was the way to go but the new challenger -3 is still sticking to 120 mm that too from Rheinmetall. why?
4-Is there new bramhos version called bramhos X -with 4.5 mach speed being developed?
5- news about UK retiring their CJ 130J's .. should India buy them?
6- what would be your ideal submarine fleet size & combination of types for the IN to control the IOR region?

Murthy said...

Does Indian agencies take/store/analyse/act on the daily satellite imagery of pakistan, chinese navala bases, airports, airfields, sam sites etc and based on their activity of appearing new ships/ new air assets track the origin of the naval or air assets using flight radar data/ shipping data, social media posts of the interesting personnel, so they can build up gradual and near real time intelligence?

hope they do by forming dedicated data and geo spatial engineers for this purpose...

Now a days many European and us companies sell day to day satellite imagery, hope our babus understand the value of this..

had been the case we could have prevented kargil (anyway in those days day to day imagery was not available), but atleast we could have sensed chinese build up with least surprises.

we all know we have naval fusion centre but that may be of different purpose ..

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


IAF Commemorative Film:

Reality Finally Arrives in Pakistan:

Pakistan’s Rising Violence in Tribal Areas:

Manivannan Sermaiya said...

Mr Prasun

Has Indian armed forces ever done any military exercises inside Afghan soil in previous government. Do they have the training necessary to function inside Afghanistan if required.

rad said...

HI prasun ' what is the status of the manpads being developed in house are we getting some help, where are we sourcing the dual band image sensor?
why has the present air chief started to talk about fighter imports after bhaduria quit office. ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Will answer all outstanding queries later today. Had been busy with some ISR taskings.

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,

"Had been busy with some ISR taskings."

Above line seems very RAWish type? :)

buddha said...

What should be ideal road map for Indian air force ..Regarding fighter aircraft and force multiplier tanker and lift capacity.
Does govt thinking to purchase UK airforce stock of 130 Hercules.
How you see the impending coal driven electricity crisis looming on Indian economy and society..
After OFB is it time for HAL to get some Reformation
Can Tejas MK1A and MWF along with next tranche of Rafale balance depleting IAF strength or production of 100 more Upgraded SU30MKI required.
With Chaina going hard for its time lime to capture Taiwan and other target
How US lead power block thinking to resist CPC from doing so..
Has Indian SSN road and work been started or just roaming in the wonder land of fantasy..
Is there any update of any sort of resistance in Afganistan against Taliban or it's just gone case..
Sir can you write a blog of indian aired force rocket artillery and missile force of present and the near future and how with limited aircraft it can deliver powerful punch
Is US Avenger drone still in the Indian defence planner .

just_curious said...


1- Can you share an article on the so called rocket force, what would be its composition , which rockets will it be comprised of(desi| videshi) & what is their induction status, by when will the force be operational. what will be its size, will there be additional recruitments or will it be carved out of the IA only or will it also have elements from IN & IAF. guess it will be for both fronts
2 - whatever happened to the additional 21 migs procurement? any updates on super sukhoi?
3- why is mistral being certified for A2A role for rudra & Lch , why not AMRAAM or any other ccm?

Sanjay said...


Former NSA Mk Narayanan's articles from 2018 and 2020

In 2018 he had written that China is only a matter of concern but not an imminent threat.
Pakistan is the more immediate threat not only because of terrorism but also because of its increased nuclear capabilities (including TNWs).

After 2020 clashes he wrote that that should increase cooperation with NAM and strengthen the Mountain strike corps not focus on stockpiling state-of-the-art equipment.

He also mentioned Iran and Vietnam as allies who have been sidelined due to India focussing on West mainly U.S.

1)When did India start having allies?

2)Is this guy serious?

Thank you Sanjay

Anonymous said...


1) If India does set up a dedicated amphibious force, what will be its approximate manpower ?
2) What helicopters will the navy use from the 4 LHDs it is planning to acquire.
3) How long will it take for India to be able to build up survelliance capabilities in Indian ocean so to not depend on US.
4) Will Indian SRBMs/TBMs use the same launch platform or will it be different for each ?
5) Haven't heard much about Brahmos-NG. Are the forces not interested in it ?


Sanjay said...

Really frustrating - someone is using my name and then choosing Unknown as well as my name....I am a decent person never use foul language and treat my mouth like a mouth not a smelly arsehole.... so please

Amol pimpale said...

Prasunda where r u....!!!
Blog is missing u...!!!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MURTHY: As I had repeatedly explained, drone warfare is possibly only within uncontested airspace where no airborne or ground-based air defence systems & networks are in existence. That’s why whenever ground-based or shoulder-launched SAMs like Igla-1 or FN-6 were available in North Africa, Saudi Arabia & Yemen, such drones were inevitably shot down. Acquiring daily satellite imagery with one’s own satellites is not reqd on the naval front since the COMCASA & BECA foundational agreements enable India to obtain & exchange such imagery with countries like the US & Japan. Back in 1999 all this was not possible, nor was it reqd had the IA & IAF been authorised to cross the LoC & attack the administrative bases of the PA close to the LoC (within a distance of 10km) with tube & rocket artillery.

To ANUP: The IAF had already stated back in 2016 itself that a minimum of 80 Rafales were reqd for ensuring conventional deterrence.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) The 114-unit MRFA project has degenerated into a cruel joke because of its irrationality. For, as I had already explained, if the MRFA is to be a Gen-4 platform & given that no one in the world has to date licence-built Gen-4 MRCAs, then how the hell can any Gen-4 MRFA ever be licence-built in India? Of course there will always be the usual internet fanboys that will continue to overlook this stark reality only because they are totally clueless about COST-BENEFIT RATIO. 2) No, the visit is still on. There never was any crack & all talk about it is FAKE NEWS. 3) The 130mm cannon has been designed in such a way that it can easily replace the 120mm cannon without any structural modifications to the turret. 4) No. 6) 12 SSNs & six SSBNs. 7) No one in the world uses attack helicopter-launched BVRAAMs simply because auch platforms do not have the kind of fire-control radars reqd for BVR engagements.

To Manivannan Sermaiya: No such exercises were conducted inside Afghanistan. All Afghan military & Police personnel were trained within India.

To RAD: 1) While the DRDO has the in-house expertise & capacity to design MANPADS, especially their solid-fuel propulsion system & navigation avionics, it remains dependent on imports of critical hardware like the 7 mano-metre/4 nano-metre microchips reqd for the IIR sensors. And given the on-going global shortage of such microchips, it is anybody’s guess as to when such ‘desi’ MANPADS will undergo ‘user-trials’. BTW, the ongoing microchip shortages will certainly take a toll on all existing R & D projects of the DRDO. 2) The 114-unit MRFA project has degenerated into a cruel joke because of its irrationality. For, as I had already explained, if the MRFA is to be a Gen-4 MRCA platform & given that no one in the world has to date licence-built Gen-4 MRCAs, then how the hell can any Gen-4 MRFA ever be licence-built in India? Of course there will always be the usual internet fanboys that will continue to overlook this stark reality only because they are totally clueless about COST-BENEFIT RATIO.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VED: It may look, sound & feel like it, but that isn’t the case, kindly rest assured.

To BUDDHA: All that had been explained & discussed several times before. Suffice to say that what the IAF requires today are a baseline Rafale fleet strength of 80 M-MRCAs, commencement of the Super Su-30MKI upgrade project & finalisation of the MiG-29UPG fleet’s mid-life upgrade details, acceleration of the Tejas Mk.1As airworthiness certification & the MWF’s developmental phase, expansion of HAL’s final-assembly capacitiers to enable the delivery of 26 Tejas Mk.1As per annum & the same for the MWF by the middle of this decade, procurement of at least 6 A330 MRTTs by using pre-owned (second-hand) A330 airframes, acquiring an additional 6 C-17As & 12 more C-130J-30s, Converting all existing IL-76MDs into IL-78-90MKI aerial refuelling tankers, upgrading the existing IL-78MKIs into IL-78-90MKI tankers, and finally acquiring six of the CABS-developed A330-based AEW & CS platforms. Additionally, a maritime patrol variant of the A320-based AEW & CS must be developed for the ICGS, but as a HALE-UAV solution, i.e. using the CABS-developed multi-mode S-band AESA radar but mounted beneath or within a turbofan-powered UAV under a HAL-private sector industrial partnership. Such an unmanned platform can even function as an AEW solution for both the IAF & IN. And if a ground-moving target indication mode of operation for this radar can be developed by CABS & LRDE, then such a HALE-UAV can even be used by the IAF for ISR purposes along India’s IB, LoC & LAC. Then there’s the need for developing a variant of the ‘Uttam’ AESA-MMR for acting as a fire-control sensor for ground-based AAA & anti-drone directed-energy air-defence systems. Lastly, series-production of both the HAL-developed LUH & LCH needs to be ramped up with private-sector industrial participation.

To BUDDHA & JUST_CURIOUS: Everything about rocket artillery had been outlined in this thread:

To SANJAY: I had met him way back in 1989 in Singapore & he had not given me the impression of being an intellectually endowed personality. Such folks are singularly incapable of functioning as NSAs, since by profession they are used to working in insulated silos & hence are incapable of engaging in full-spectrum strategic visioning.

To BHVK: 1) It will have to be at least a Brgade-strength formation. 2) Most likely the SH-60MRs & LCHs, although the AW-101 or S-92 are also prospective contenders. 3) An eternity 4) Different for each. 5) It is still under development.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASD: That’s because of the non-adherance to mandated norms like self-isolation, i.e. indiscipline & non-enforcement by the state’s law enforcement machinery of thje mandated norms.

Meanwhile, good news at last about the 'Ghar Wapsi' of Air India. This should be accompanied by the setting up of MRO infrastructure under a private-sector partnership model involvimng more than 1 industrial house. Otherwise, all AI-owned aircraft will once again have to go to Singapore for being repainted in new livery!

To VENKY: Everything was planned under contingency measures. If wheeled MGS are acquired for high-altitude terrain warfare, then the reqmt for tracked SPHs for such regions won’t be necessary.

To JIGVISHA: It will be impossible in the military R & D arena because of the DPP norms that mandate competitive bidding. However, any provate-sector entity is free to do whatever it wants to on its own.