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Thursday, March 31, 2022

ANI Peddles FAKE NEWS About IAF Ordering JDAMs For Tejas LCA

It all began with a poster (below) displayed by Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) in the India pavilion at the 17th Defence Services Asia (DSA-2022) exhibition, underway between March 28 and 31, at the Malaysian International Trade & Exhibition Centre (MITEC), Kuala Lumpur.

That the poster contained several inaccuracies is self-evident, especially when compared to another poster (below) that was designed and publicised by the DRDO last January.

ANI’s ‘Desi Patrakaars’ WRONGLY ASSUMED that since the HAL poster showed Boeing-built JDAMs, therefore the Indian Air Force (IAF) would be arming its Tejas Mk.1 and Mk.2 L-MRCAs with JDAMs.

However, a quick check at the US Defense & Security Cooperation Agency’s (DSCA) website reveals that the export of JDAMs to India was never proposed (see

Instead, the HAL booth at the DSA-2022 expo hosts a full-scale mock-up of the SAFRAN-built AASM Hammer precision-guided munition (PGM).

To give the benefit of doubt to HAL, it can well be that HAL showed the JDAM in its poster to assure the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) that in case it ordered the Tejas Mk.1A L-MRCA, then HAL would be able to integrate the JDAM (which the TUDM already has for its eight Boeing F/A-18D Night Attack Hornets) with the aircraft’s weapons management avionics suite.

The IAF on its part will be procuring NOT the JDAMs, but the PG-HSLD PGMs.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAGHU: Hope the above answers your query.

To ANUP: LoLz! Letter of Intent isn't the same as a firm contract. Unless HAL obtains EASA certificate of airworthiness for the ALH & LUH or Do-228, no one will operate them for commercial flights. And that's why existing civilian operatots are procuring these:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Excellent discussion on the missile mis-fire incident:

Lofty & unrealistic claims by the Indian Defence Secretary on military hardware development in India:

End of the MBT? ATGMs & LAWs in Ukraine:

US Navy’s Latest Drone Network:

Drone Employment by Russia & Ukraine:

Sri Lankan Economic Crisis Explained:

Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar & Nepal are all basket cases now.

Ashish Gautam said...

Prasun sir morning, i hope u doing good.
Sir, CCS has cleared 15 LSP series LCHs of procurement. If i am not wrong these are ordered basically to pave way for full scale production variant after reviewing and updating them. What's your opinion on it??
As these LSP series one's don't have maws, DIRCM etc. Chatter of provision to add MMW type radar (just like longbow) being added in LCH FSP version also going on. Sant missile integration also not yet done with LCH. Kindly add your comments on difference between LSP & FSP version of LCH.
2) also sir, how effective are DIRCM on Helis, planes and tanks too?? Your opinion on it esp after seeing ongoing rus-ukr war.

raza said...

Why no maws or rwr on lch sir??Also why are the indian forces inducting different sam systems with identical ranges??

buddha said...

Sir can we expect a dedicated thread on Russian military adventure on Ukraine and how it fails or succeeds in achieving its goal..
Why so many loss of Russian side and what lesson can India learn from this misadventure if it desires to capture POK Gilgit Baltisthan ...
Looking at the resistance Chinese think tank will not persist on Military sollution vis a vis Taiwan..

Aviation said...

Prashun da, i have few questions regarding the incident of 27th February. I hope you answer them all and clear some of my doubt.

1.Can you tell me why didn't we react harshly during the 27th February air skirmish even after pakis had already dropped their bombs on our territory?

2. Was IAF so naive to think that pakis won't react? Why those outdated Mig21s was dispatched to the forward position instead of datalink equipped Sukhois?

3. After the humiliation of 27th February IAF chief was heard saying that if there was Rafales than that humiliating incident wouldn't have taken place. So that means the entire fleet of Sukhois are useless against older paki f16 block 52 with a PESA radar?

4. They also launched their AMRAAM towards our Sukhois, why didn't they react?

5. If this is IAF's situation with the pakis than what'll happen if they goes against PLAAF?

6. What is the point of spending billions on a force which can't even react to an act of war that was launched against them by a much smaller airforce?

7. Incident of 27th February are a deep cut for an indian like me who had much faith on IAF but Ran*iRona like this is like the salt rub on those deep cuts -

Don't know what they expect by complaining to those americans about those AMRAAMs whereas they let pakis to integrate their air launched nukes to those F16s.

8. Last question, is IAF incompetent or GOI is a coward or incident of 27th February didn't happen cuz it's been 4 years and i am still having a hard time digesting the fact that we let something like this happen to us.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Simply put, LSP-series production in very limited numbers is meant for the shopfloor technicians & engineers to gain proficiency in the overall production processes & practices so that when SP-series production gets underway, all the involved human resources are fully skilled & proficient 7 no mistakes take place during final-assembly of the airframe. MMW radar is MANDATORY for any attack helicopter that has to launch missiles like SANT. Without a radar, no fire-control solution can be passed on to SANT-type missiles. DIRCM is effective, but you will notice that the Russians are not using light aeroscout helicopters for seeking out lurking MANPADS of the Ukrainians. Instead, the Russians are using only Mi-28Ns, Ka-52s & Mi-35Ms without any light aeroscout escorts & hence are suffering losses.

To RAZA: Beats me. Hopefully they will feature on the LSP-series LCHs & LUHs.

To BUDDHA: Why so many losses? Because the Russians are using legacy hardware to bear the brunt of Ukraine’s firepower. No T-90S MBTs or BMP-3 ICVs or T-14 Armata MBTs are being employed in battle. All one sees are T-72B2 MBTs, BMP-2 ICVs, BRDM APCs etc etc of 1980s vintage.

To AVIATION: You ought to read this:

1) Why, Simply because the IAF did not possess the requite tools reqd for pursuing a punitive air campaign. 2) Who said the Su-30MKIs had data-links? On that day not a single IAF combat aircraft & AEW & CS platform had data-links. They were all communicating with one another on VHF/UHF radios that were not jam-proof. That explains why the IAF’s A-50I & EMB-145I AEW & CS platforms have as many as 12 VHF/IHF radio antenna on their airframes. They are clearly visible. Procurement of BNET-A SDR-based tactical data-links began only late in the year 2019. Even L-band data-links weren’t available to the IAF at that time & hence the IAF’s combat aircraft could not directly communicate with AEW & CS platforms. 3) Of course. The Rafales come with MIDS data-links as standard fit. On top of that, the IAF had for years been asking for COMJAM platforms but this reqmt has yet to be met. 4) Of course the Su-30MKIs reacted by employing their EL/L-8222 ASPJ pods. That’s how they evaded the AIM-120C-5 AMRAAMs. 5) The result will be the same, since the PLAAF has airborne COMJAM aircraft. 6) That question can only be answered by the country’s clueless ‘netas’ who do not even allow a discussion on national security matters in Parliament. Instead, they waste the Indian taxpayers’ money on futile matters like the alleged corruption in the AW-101 deal. 8) It is not the IAF’s fault. If anyone is to be blamed, then it is the executive branch of the Govt of India (i.e. Union Cabinet) & the MoD.

Sanjay said...

Mr. Prasun

Thanks for clarifying that the news of JDAM procurement is fake because the ANI report mentioned 80 km range for JDAM. I couldn't find any version with this range.

Thank you


joydeep ghosh said...


unannounced & uninvited visit is something that Gen Zia did in 1987 for which RAW was criticized, if Wang Yi visit was known then it should have been called unwanted and unneeded visit which is what it turned out to be

Joydeep ghosh

Anonymous said...

Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Myanmar & Nepal are all basket cases now.- All our neighbors. Isn't it a worry ?

India should come up with an option similar to Instrument of Accession for Sri Lanka, Myanmar & Nepal now :)

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

In your reply to BUDDHA on so many losses of Russian hardware in the Russo-Ukraine war, Russia is using its legacy hardware, what stopping/strategy of not using T-14, T-15, T-90S and BMP-3 latter two in large numbers

Anonymous said...


1) Around which year can we expect induction of the Pralay in adequate numbers ?

2) Around which year will DRDO PGMs such as SAAW, NGARM etc enter mass production ?

3) Around which year will the ATAGS begin induction ?


Anonymous said...

Continuing my previous question:

4) Around which year is the Nirbhay CM likely to start induction ?

5) Is GoI likely to procure Brahmos II/Zircon in spite of all west imposed sanctions on Russia ?

6) Will GoI succesfully get delivery procure the remaining 4 S-400 regiments ?

7) Is there any possibility that Russia will coe under the Chinese orbit and end up backing Pak instead of India in the military-technical sphere ?


Aviation said...

What's your thoughts on this?
America did helped us with ISR related stuffs during galwan clash but letting russia go entirely into the chinese camp will be big mistake for us.

Aviation said...

2025-2027? You see anything happening? Cuz after seeing the western/american reaction on ukraine invasion chinese will think 10 time before invading taiwan. Compare to the taiwan india is a soft target. Americans won't be involved directly, no sanction from the west, will send a message to the QUAD/SE Asia/Japs that no amount of grouping can save them from the angry poo.

Kaustav said...

India isn't exactly in a very happy place right now. Let's not get too high. A common market might help, but that's it. Instrument of Accession for J&K isn't a blazing success, is it?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SANJAY: VMT. I cannot fathom what pleasures such ‘desi patrakaars’ derive from peddling such fake news from time to time.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: You’re wrong yet again. The visit of Gen Zia was unannounced but he was definitely invited to India for the sake of formalising along with the then Indian PM the de-escalation & de-induction of troops along the IB in the aftermath of OP Brass Tacks. Here’s the press conference of that visit:

And here are the related news-reports:

No visit can be labelled as unwanted or un-needed since there is no harm in hearing what the other side has to say, as evidenced by this earlier incident:

To DASHU: Of course it is, but it also gives India leverage when negotiating with the West in terms of explaining to them what India’s strategic priorities are right now & therefore India should be spared from applying pressure on Russia. After all, the Russia-Ukraine conflict is the consequence of the West’s failure to evolve a new security architecture in the aftermath of the Cold War & the continuance & expansion of NATO has led to such a grim state of affairs around the Carpathian mountain ranges in northeastern Europe. During the Cold War, while the Warsaw Pact’s offensive OP-Plan called for offensive land campaigns being launched through the East German Fulda Gap & Romania, NATO’s offensive OP-Plan had envisaged a 5-day counter-offensive from West Germany into Poland & from there into Ukraine & all the way up to Minsk in today’s Belarus. By Day 5, nuclear Armageddon was envisaged.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SIDHARTH: Because the advanced hardware is being kept as Russia’s strategic reserve. Even the armoured vehicles now being used by Russian separatists in Donbaass are 50-year old T-64Bs & BTR-70s.

To T9BK8: 1) That very much depends on the rate of series-production. It must be at least a minimum of 60 Pralays per annum for a 10-year period. The same goes for BrahMos-1. 2) By the end of this year. 3) By late 2023. 4) No one knows. Presently, even the configuration of the land-based TEL of Nirbhay is unwieldy. Contrast that with the TEL of Russia’s 9M729 cruise missile LR-GLCM:

5 & 6) Yes. Why not? 7) Never.

To AVIATION: 1) The US provided arctic clothing & a small number of Excalibur 155mm GPS-guided projectiles. Russia on the other hand supplied India with a far greater quantum of military hardware, especially ammunition rounds, MBRL rockets & other air-launched PGMs & missiles. 2) That’s an erroneous & highly speculative generalisation, especially by what’s meant by the term ‘war’. Will it be just a localised friction like what had happened in 1967 at Nathu La, or will it be a limited high-intensity air/land campaign all along the LAC, or will it be an all-out conventional war involving deep-strikes into each other’s hinterland? In my view, China won’t opt for the latter two options due to the very high stakes involved in the international relations arena as Beijing has opted to repose greater faith in the Russia-India-China (RIC) grouping. That explains the Chinese FM Wang Yi’s conciliatory tone during his recent visit to India & the follow-on visit to India by Russia’s FM Sergei Lavrov. Now it is up to India to come up with a realistic/pragmatic defence posture for eastern Ladakh, as explained here:

To KAUSTAV: Being the pessimistic optimist that I am, I would rather smell & exploit opportunities amidst all the crises. There are plenty of opportunities to cash in on, like climbing up the ladder of global value supply-chains, locally producing all the 53 reqd APIs for the pharma manufacturing sector & boosting the ISR grid related to maritime domain awareness throughout the IOR.


Anonymous said...


1.) With regards to accidental missile firing, was the missile really a BrahMos ? If so when did IAF get ground launched BrahMos ?
2.) Will the Naval Dhruv be selected as NUH for the navy ?


AKS said...

Dear Sir,

Whether any feasibility study dne for introduction of NOTAR in LUH/ALH/LCH till date? If not, do we have that capability?


Aviation said...

Prashun Da, what's happening in Sri Lanka?

It's Stalin, right after his visit from mini pakistan (Emirates)-

Are we doing something?

Anonymous said...

NaMo Meeting Russian minister & not meeting with west countries. What this is all about?
Lot of noise being generated & what is happening with Pakistan

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

1. you say iaf should forget abt UAE Mirage 2000 just heard Greece has asked for them from UAE

2. the links you shared abt China with krushchev saying abt 5 km land give take but problem is India cant afford that if we try trade China will want till Leh and Kargil something we can ill afford, its something like 'kandhe pe uthao to kaan mein m--tna'

3. but the cold shoulder given to Wang yi will either result in another skirmish with India losing more ground

Joydeep ghosh

Indrajit said...

Prasun da,

Why is US trying to dislodge Imran Khan? The general election was not that far away. What are they going to achieve by preponing his exit by an year or so?

Chanakya Chatterjee said...

Finally after abolition of the huge mistake named 370, Kashmir is on its way to nice normalcy

Raj Gupta said...

So Prasun da

1)The India-China border clashes getting worse every year.
I think you concede that something like a 1967 clash is possible which resulted in high casualties for us. Another humiliation for us or we escalate?

2)If we don't concede to West on Russia who will help us in our 4.5 gen Tejas Mk2(UK) 5th gen AMCA (France) fighter program also TEDBF and other tech Russia can't provide,?

3) Seeing that Chinese used Western technological help to empower themselves and went against the West the West will be careful not to empower India?


Raj Gupta

Sanjay said...

Mr. Prasun

What are India's strategic priorities are right now?

Thank you


Kaustav said...

The IAF always had ground launched Brahmos. The Air Launched Article is new & has just started to be inducted post development. As for it being a Brahmos-1 or Prithvi-2, that is not really material as far as non-military aspect is concerned.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BHVK: The IAF has had BrahMos-1 since 2014. Read this:

To AKS: No such work/study has been done. The capability does not exist in India.

To AVIATION: Sri Lanka & Pakistan are both now in political & financial meltdown.

To RON: Interestingly, there is no evidence by way of photos issued by either the PIB or the PM’s Twitter account about any face-to-face meeting between the Indian PM & Russian FM.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 2) China’s claims were articulated back in 1960 when both countries jointly sat down to establish one another’s territorial claims & the entire deliberations are available online. As per those deliberations, China does not want Leh or Ladakh. 3) China 2 days ago declared its intention to incorporate Afghanistan into CPEC & as part of this will be building the TAPI pipeline all the way up to Fazilka, India. China wants India to be a part of it so that it will be able to make money out of such a venture. Whether or not India cold-shouldered Wang Yi or cold-shoulders China in future will become known when India decides to accept or reject the gas supplies reaching Fazilka. In the meantime, India has practically forgotten to raise the issue of China-occupied J & K over the decades. Do watch this:

To INDRAJIT: Only IAKN & his party are claiming this to be the case. Actually, it iks a self-inflicted wound, as explained here:

To RAJ GUPTA: 1) The PLAGF suffered far higher casualties than India back in 1967 & that’s why it was China that had first asked for a ceasefire then. 2 & 3) Hence the only option is for India to empower herself by investing in her own human resources. As the following discussion proves, high-tech investments into India can only flow from the West, since China & Russia are both great military powers & not technological powers:

To SANJAY: The above 2 discussions clearly spell them out.

To KAUSTAV: Will such actions ever be possible in India?

Spies & Blunders:

Will this be Australian future SSN?

JMSDF’s latest FFG:

Russian BTG Composition:

rad said...

HI Prasun
can u elaborate on the TARA bomb.. seems new.
the publised CEP of the HSLD bomb seems to be dismall, given the classified nature , what would the real CEP?

what ever happened to the glide bomb kit that the russians were supposed to give us?

what efforts have bneen taken to manufacture API medicines?

the russian tel for cruise doesnt seem to have FCS , where as the indian stuff seems to have a comand post built in?

Alot of russian mbt have been knocked out by anti tank missiles . It is clear seeing the pictures that ERA protection was there but they failed to stop the war head penetration by the missile . I believe the lesson learnt is that APS system is the only reliable protection and should be inducted immediately. Do u agree on that?.

up yours said...

Imran Khan shot his own foot, trying to save his seat. Bajwa is taking over the narrative.

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

really if 1960 is what is then where did the 1959 claim line come from??

IMHO China will continue to stake claim to newer areas, as you only have said China claims are based on historic happenings and if memory serves right over 200 yrs ago Tibetan forces had entered Ladakh and reached up to Leh, so this gives China a reason to stake such claims

Joydeep ghosh

Aviation said...

Many comments were made by imran khan that day in that jalsa. Many in india didn't even noticed other than republic tv trying to defend the leftovers of partition with their cringe response on twitter.

Will it ever stop? Every other day you'll hear some mohammadean got arrested for killing a hindu or trying to carry out a terrorist attack. India now has so many bangladeshi and rohingyas that the terrorist organisation doesn't even need indian mohammadeans to carry out attack on hindus. How long should we try to fool ourselves to think that they want to live in peace among us. Demographic changes has already started showing it's colour in bengal. The way muslims attacked hindus behind the guise of political violance in the aftermath of bengal election. The more i see things like these the more i start appreciate Wirathu and his actions for the sake of the survival of his own people.
I know you may not answer my question and it's okay.

Aditya said...

Sir, Any chance of collapse/dismemberment/breakup of Pakistan due to ongoing situation?

Will Imran prove to be Mujibur 2.0?

just_curious said...


1- desi JPL??? ...IIT Madras in collaboration with General Electric (GE), has established an ‘Expanded Gas Turbine Combustor Testing Facility at National Centre for Combustion Research and Development (#NCCRD). This is the 1st such facility to come up in an academic institution globally.
2- Now that Amca is taking shape how close id the composite material to the one used on F 35 (bismaleimide epoxy resin)
3- Russian troops withdrawing from some areas..what is the current status.. has an agreement been reached?
4- that fu***ng brown saheb -daljit singh needs to take note :) add Indo-Aussie FTA.. its a complicated world for sure..btw India can easily say we are supporting Sri lanka using russian oil..
5- U opine VLS do benefit subs but US is adding extra VLS modules to its virgina class under blck iv & v iterations
6- - Bajwa also prasing US/ EU .. certianly taking matters into his own hands now..

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: TARA is the acronym for Spice-2000 PGM. CEP of PG-HSLD when using CA-code GPS guidance is 30 metres while it is 6 metres when using PY-code guidance. Glide-Bomb kit from Russia is on board the Gautam & Gaurav gliding bombs that have same tail-kit GPS guidance components as PG-HSLD. The Russian TEL does have FCS panel in the front-end of the vehicle. As for Russian MBT losses in Ukraine, here are the estimated figures:

And here are the videos:

Destroyed MBTs:


Panzerfaust 3 LAW:

Key Lessons:

From the above, it is evident that the Ukrainians are ambushing the MBTs by first firing at the powerpack in the rear to disable them & after the crew abandons the MBT, the Ukrainians get inside the abandoned MBT’s turret & attach explosives to the armoured carousel containing the rounds & this is then blown up, leading to catastrophic detonation of the ammunition bustles & the subsequent separation of the turret from the hull.

In addition, the Ukrainians have resorted to firing their LAWs from dominating heights of abandoned buildings at steep angles, which then causes the Russian Army to fire back at those areas of the buildings with MBT cannons. The end-result is then portrayed as Russian destruction of civilian infrastructure—typical information warfare & psychological warfare tactics.

StarstreakMANPADS Downs Mi-28N:

Stinger MANPADS Downs Mi-35M:

Su-25 Damaged by Stinger MANPADS:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: LoLz! The 1959 claim-line was reiterated by China in 1960 during the bilateral talks in which India presented all kinds of documentation on past treaties & traditional/customary trading rights & trading land-routes, whereas China failed to present any such documentation. I had explained all this several times before since May 2020 with attached weblinks of the discussions.

To AVIATION: All this has been well-known since the 1980s itself, but what remains unanswered is why no crackdown has been undertaken against such Ulemas in any corner of the country, when worldwide several Muslim-majority countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia & Southeast Asia had harshly cracked down since the late 1980s itself.

Meanwhile, here are the full presentations of gen Bajwa & IAKN at the Islamabad Security Dialogue-2022:

Can you spot the sole Indian invitee at this seminar? Here’s a clue: he is perhaps the most quoted, respected & adored Indian citizen since about 2018 by Pakistan’s strategic community.

Here he is again as a participant in the seminar sessions:

Coming to the 'wishful' wishlist of the Indian MoD for indigenising military hardware, it makes no sense to dfevelop 127mm naval guns when the industrial capability exists in-country for making 155mm/52-cal barrels for howitzers, plus 155mm rounds & their bi-modular charges. Hence, the IN ought to specify its reqmt for 155mm/52-cal naval guns that can also fire ramjet-powered projectiles. Producing wishful wishlists without application of mind will only lead to unrealised projects.

To ADITYA: Not yet, because Pakistan’s armed forces are still being propped up by Chinese financial assistance, while at the same time 62% of Pakistan’s annual capital account spending is done by the armed forces.

To ANUP: Either meteor shower, or space debris burning up.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) LoLz! Just baby-steps. JPL-type facility is still far away. 2) All that will be tested on a full-scale mockup of the AMCA that will have to be hung midway inside an RCA measurement facility. 3) It is just a tactical re-adjustment/re-balancing of the deployment footprints. 4) It was already well-known that no oil/gas-producing corporate entity will permanently exit Russia, rather they have only SUSPENDED their operations inside Russia. Hence, at the end of the day, even by selling oil/gas at discounted rates, Russia stands to gain about US$328 billion in windfall revenues this year. 5) SSNs with different types of displacement require different types of cruise missile launchers. The larger Virginia-class can accommodate VLS cells, but 5,000-tonne SSNs like those of the IN can’t.

Aviation said...

Indian President is in Turkmenistan. Can TAPI become reality? Taliban is also in favour. If china finance the entire Afghan section of TAPI under CPEC should we join it? Without india i don't even think TAPI is financially viable for Turkmenistan.

How much indeginous is Gautam and Gaurav gliding PGMs? What are the major foreign components in them?

PG-HSLD is fully indeginous? Recently OFB DumDum has delivered a large amount of it to the military. How many of this have been ordered?

Mohan Raj said...


The first two explains their modus operandi and the last is the root cause of the problem.

Vivek said...
Looks like west is punishing India for its neutrality in Ukraine issue?

Kaustav said...


That particular guy needs a lot of goodwill as he has to market his book on AI & Cyber warfare, a subject of which his understanding is biased & not complete thanks to PRC spoon feed. He will need to market it

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MOHAN RAJ: Truth About Prophet Muhammad:

Pasmaanda Muslims:

To VIVEK Don't be taken in by wild claims & misinterpretations. Instead, go through this:

To KAUSTAV: Primer on Taiwan’s ADIZ:

Primer on PLA’s Command & Control:

India’s Maritime Strategy in IOR:

Roman Abramovich's Dirty Money:

Russia’s Future Strategy:

An Elite Russian Unit in Ukraine:

Pakistan's Crisis:

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

You have mentioned about a YouTube video link about Mohammad in a response to Mihanraj. But the fact is that Robert Spencer is himself a Islamophobist.

So do you believe in what he did say? Once you mentioned the point where prophet Mohammed has clearly dictated that Muslim community must change with time. Still it's living in the mediaeval age. Now-a-days, a Muslim is not considered muslim if he/she joins BJP. The person doesn't remain pious anymore. So mostly Muslim follow political Islam more than the religious/spiritual Islam. I want your point of view.

FYI, a Muslim youth despite of getting education from IIT still loved to be radicalised and entered Gorakhnath temple. Insha Allah!!! Education can't bring any changes in that community. This community is a curse for the society. First commit a crime and then play victim card.

Parthasarathi said...


Do tanks and attack helicopters have any significance in modern-day warfare? No tanks can survive against Javelin, Spike, or even SANT. No attack Helicapoter can survive against a good MANPADS.

What is the use of spending money on tanks and attack helicopters?

Best regards.

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

1. looks like you commonsense idea of using NLCA Mk1 as LIFT has now been adopted

2. this Russian withdrawal; is being dubbed as accepting defeat and face saving move to focus on east but I feel Russia has merely brought Ukrainians troops into a trap and after sometime most areas in centre n west will see pincer moves after all how can a 40 mile long conoy vanish in 24 hrs.

Joydeep ghosh

Anonymous said...

Having following combat in Mariupol through Russian media and telegram channels, the city looks like Grozny to say the least. No doubt Russians have decided to give up on Kiev, Sumy etc. since it won't be worth the time and effort.
I do think however Russians will capture entirety of South Ukraine and a offensive on Odessa will be coming soon.
Also makes you wonder how will India ever take PoK back, with big cities like Mirpur and Muzzafrabad.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASD: LoLz! I can cite examples of several ‘non-Muslim’ blacksheep that provoke violence & engage in fearmongering. Here are 2 examples:


Delhi Mahapanchayat:

So does that mean entire communities of such ‘non-Muslims’ are all regressive in nature?

To PARTHASARATHI: It all depends on the types of battlefields, none of which are same. As I had explained yesterday, there’s no way of knowing exactly how Russian & Ukrainian MBTs were destroyed beyond repair & hence one cannot ASSUME that all such losses were caused by ATGMs or LAWs. For FIBUA battlefields, ideal weapon systems for an invading force are micro-UAVs for scout/recce purposes, followed by unmanned armed ground vehicles. In India’s case, since FIBUA battlefields are ruled out, the IA’s armoured/mechanised forces won’t be facing threats from ATGMs & LAWs within confined spaces. Instead, the threats will emanate from ground-based hardened bunkers hidden within thick ‘Sarkanda grass’ vegetation within the Chhamb-Sialkot corridor. Such defences will have to destroyed by a combination of SAR-equipped UAVs & aeroscout helicopters for target detection/location, MBTs firing thermobaric rounds & attack helicopters/helicopter gunships firing guided-missiles fitted with thermobaric warheads.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 2) The 40-mile long convoy disappeared within 24 hours by dispersing within the adjoining forests. 1) As for the Tejas LIFT, here’s what the alternate history ought to have been, had sound common-sense been made use of:

1) Development & fielding of HAL-developed HTT-35 basic turboprop trainer (140 units for IAF & IN) between 1992 & 1996.

2) Development & fielding of HAL-developed advanced jet trainer variant (not intermediate jet trainer) of HJT-36 between 1996 & 2001 (120 units for IAF & IN) that would be powered by Rolls-Royce Adour Mk.871 turbofan.

3) Development & fielding of ADA-developed & HAL-built Tejas LIFT variant (90 units for both the IAF & IN) between 1996 & 2005.

4) Development & fielding of ADA-developed & HAL-built Tejas Mk.1 MWF variant between 2005 & 2011 (150 units in all).

5) Procurement of up to 150 MiG-29s between 1987 & 1993 off-the-shelf, followed by upgrading them to UPG standard between 2004 & 2009.

6) Procurement of up to 150 Su-30MKIs off-the-shelf between 2000 & 2007.

7) Procurement of 100 Rafales off-the-shelf between 2007 & 2011 (80 for IAF & 20 for IN).

8) Development & procurement of 80 AMCA Mk.1s between 2011 & 2020.

9) Development & fielding of 300+ HAL-developed & built LUH between 1996 & 2004.

10) Development & fielding of 140 HAL-developed & built LCH (120 for IA & 20 for IAF) between 2004 & 2009 & arming them with Russia-supplied ATGMs pending the arrival of HELINA & SANT ATGMs by 2015.

11) Development & fielding of up to 250 HAL-developed & built 7.2-tonne stretched variant of Dhruv ALH for the IA, IAF & IN between 2007 & 2015.

12) Re-engining the MiG-23BNs & MiG-27Ms by HAL with AL-31F turbofans & Jaguar IS with either new-generation Rolls-Royce or Honeywell turbofans.

Had all of the above been done, then a tremendous amount of funding could have been allocated for homegrown platforms/solutions, dramatic expansion of the domestic military-industrial complex, punitive deterrence would have been ensured against both China & Pakistan up till now, & sufficient financial resources would have been freed for procuring 6 additional C-17A Globemasters, six A330 MRTTs, 10 additional P-8I LRMR/ASW platforms, & expediting the development of locally-developed A320-based & A330-based AEW & CS platforms as well as MALE-UAVs & the standoff PGM-armed variant of Rustom-1 UAV.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Nepal-India Cooperation:

Pakistan's Crises:

Sri Lanka's Meltdown:

Shanghai's Meltdown:

This is a bad time for INS Vikramaditya to be dry-docked at CSL in Kochi, given the distinct possibility of airlifting perhaps the entire Rajapakse dynasty out of Colombo, given widespread & growing anger of the grassroots Sri Lankan populace against the ruling family. The situation in the island-country will only get from bad to worse as the situation is clearly unsustainable. Perhaps the time has come for Sri Lanka to become an integral part of the Union of India, as I don't see any other solution in sight, since even India cannot perpetually dole out grants-in-aid & lines of credit into a sink-hole.

Revising Down The Rise of China:

Soumya Ray said...

1. Low Orbit Pseudo Satellites - can it really provide reliable, persistent and versatile ISR at affordable cost? Is it really tangible or another of "for techies-by techies"??? What about turbofan variants of RPAs?
2. What kind of naval shipborne UAS does IN want – ship-borne rail-launched or VTOL
3. How does IA visualize the role of UGV – direct combat or troop support/casevac/transport or anything else?

Vinay said...

Prasun sir,

1) Does india possess israeli el/m 2060 pods and LORROS?

2) Wont these help us to rival chinese reconnaissance of LAC since el/m 2060 has SAR
(Since you mentioned chinese SAR equipped planes of the 1990s)

3) Do indian soldiers along LAC have enough encrypted radios?

4) How many Litening pods are present in iaf inventory?
I think we bought a good number a few years ago.

5) How would you rate EW pods of PLAAF against israeli origin pods of IAF and spectra? Who will have the advantage in aerial combat?

6) After you mentioned indian ACMI capabilities, I checked them out and it seems between 2010 and 2012, we bought a 100 such pods divided into 5 systems, according to a CAG report. Does that mean india is capable of handling close to a 100 sorties simultaneously?


Kaustav said...


This notion going around that SL, Nepal (& Bhutan too) should join India is going around on SM. Wouldn't it be more practical to have a commin market (BIMSTEC/SAARC) as well as integrated finances. Sub-nationalism would be a big problem. Bhutan ofcourse has got it right & is sitting pretty.

Unknown said...


There are some speculation that Starstreak Manpads have been used in Ukraine which is supposed to be much better, more capable & faster compared to other Manpads. Is there any Truth to this ... or is it just a rumor



just_curious said...


1 -HAL IAI MOU on civil aircraft conversion deal -- but they have only done for Boeing 767's.. will IAF opt for boeings and also pure refuelers? or will they be MMRT's? will IAF need separate refuelers? what happens to the existing IL78's will they be retained for refueling or be converted in pure transporters along upgradation to IL76MD stds. what will be the platform mix for refuelers, transporters AWACS fleets in the future?
2- Has the Rus-UKR conflict run its course? what nxt? has russia moved away from dollar dominated economy? if yes, how what will the ruble be based upon & how willl the system work?
3-Circus in Srilanka & Porkistan.. what will china do since it is still bearing the brunt of covid? that also brings the question why is it facing the brunt now given that it had the most severe& regular lockdowns in the whole covid period? Also will the nepalis/bangladeshis learn their lessons from these 2?
4- will LRLACM have a better future than Nirbhay?

Just_curious said...

7 will iaf use this hal-iai mou to get their isr/sigint platform as well?

Sumit sen said...

Dada today MOD signed MOU with Israel co. For tankers. Your take on this and which platform will we select or have selected?

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da


2. Converting grounded civil jets like 6 Air India jets into AEWC platform as well as 5 Jet Airways plane into mid air refuler with help from IAI are good common sense ioea

3. Govt is planning to return the 3 AW139 VVIP helos I feel that is stupidity

4. A US intel says there will be a full scale India Pak war in next 5 yrs, your take on that

5. I am very confused GOI insists on developing a 10 ton helo instead of 7.5 ton hel

6. looks like 350 Su30 mki wont happen as well as 21 Mig 29 wont happen, I presume Russia had proposed to IAF up to 60 more Mig 29s

Joydeep ghosh

Rajesh Mishra said...

Dear Sir, The Armenia war and more so the Ukraine war have firmly established that the Helicopters, MBT and other vehicles are utterly vulnerable against the onslaught of various small and suitable missiles and drones. Where the Indian forces stand in this matter?? If any weakness then can it be resolved within proper timeline. Kindly reply. Thanx.

thehundered said...

"The engines for all Russian helicopters, ships and cruise missiles and a substantial portion of fighter jet engines and ground-to-air missile and tank components are made in Ukrainian factories, which no longer supply Mr Putin’s forces."

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SOUMYA RAY: 1) Of course it has been possible since 2016 itself. 2) The IN wants both because rail-launched ones are to be used at aerial target drones & ASM simulating drones, while VTOL drones are reqd for reconnaissance & target localisation. 3) For the moment, only as mine-clearing vehicles & carrier-mules for hauling cargo.

To VINAY: 1 to 5) All those queries are answered here:\

Possessing such ACMI pods in such numbers means that several squadrons can practice air combat tactics/technicians throughout the country, and not have flight packages of 100 aircraft. In fact, it should be made mandatory for all IAF combat aircraft flying over mountainous terrain & over the seas to carry ACMI pods since they provide real-time GPS-based locational coordinates, which is crucial data for search-n-rescue in case an aircraft crashes due to bad/inclement weather or technical malfunction. This is because none of the IAF combat aircraft have SATCOM transceivers on board, as opposed to the J-10 M-MRCAs of the PLAAF & PAF.

To KAUSTAV: Yes, indeed bringing in BIMSTEC under the Indian GST system or a FTA will be the best option. Meanwhile, the AUKUS alliance has taken another step forward with the decision to undertake joint development of hypersonic missiles.

To CHAKRABORTY: Kindly read my comment of April 3, 2022 at 8:19 AM.

German BMP-1 ICVs for Ukraine:

To ANUP: IAI is a Boeing-certified MRO/Aircraft Modification entity.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) B.767’s MRTT variant is the KC-46A Pegasus, as shown here:

The A330 MRTT is explained here:

Between the B.767 & A330, the former is cheaper to acquire & modify and hence it is the preferable MRTT platform. The E-767 variant (that Japan’s ASDF operates) is the AEW & CS platform. Hence, for standardisation purposes, if the IAF opts for the B.767 MRTT, then its futuristic AEW & CS platforms with radome-mounted four-aperture AESA antenna array also should be the B.767, instead of A330 or B.777. 2) Of course not. It will go on for another 3 months at most. 3) Between Pakistan & Sri Lanka, China regards the former as invaluable & the latter as expendable, just like Beijing values Myanmar far more than it values Bangladesh. 4) Nirbhay is just a technology demonstration system. The operational weapon in final configuration is the LR-LACM in submarine-launched, warship-launched & air-launched configurations. 7) For COMJAM/SIGINT missions, the A319/A320 platforms will more than suffice.

To SUMIT SEN: Not MoD, but HAL.

To SUMIT SEN & JOYDEEP GHOSH: Explanation of MRTT options given above. 3) There is no other choice since operating only 3 AW-101 for VVIP transportation will be cost-prohibitive. The original plan called for positioning 6 AW-101s outside Delhi, with 2 each in eastern/northeastern India, western India and southern India. 4) Not full-scale, but limited high-intensity war. 5) Not 10-tonne IMRH, but a 14.5-tonne IMRH to meet the reqmts of all 3 armed services. The 7.5-tonne stretched variant of the ALH, had it been developed in the previous decade, would have been the ideal shipborne light twin-engined NUH (not to be conflated with the heavier IMRH). 6) Both will happen & that’s why BEL was recently awarded the contract for producing additional EW suites for the MiG-29UPGs. For the Su-30MKIs, thanks to my intervention, SATCOM transceivers too will be installed as part of the Super Su-30MKI upgrade package.

To RAJESH MISHRA: I had already explained it all on April 5, 2022 at 9:40 AM.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To THEHUNDRED: Not quite. Since 2014 Russian OEMs have already been manufacturing such engines. Here’s the proof:

Don’t buy into the reckless propaganda that the Western press is ceaselessly engaging in. For instance, the focus is all on Russian oligarchs while not a single Ukrainian oligarch has been subjected to any scrutiny. Such Ukrainian oligarchs were responsible for supplying weapons to almost all warring combatants in Africa & the Middle East & eastern Europe since the mid-1990s till 2014, which led to lakhs of people being killed, including in India. Hence, KARMA is now catching up with Ukraine & no amount of pleading/begging/running from pillar to post by the Ukrainian President will cause the war to stop. It is all explained here:

Rohit Gill said...

Why Indian media is engaging in anti Russian propaganda ? Who is funding these media people in India ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ROHIT GILL: No one is funding them, but for all such folks, their ultimate destination is either the US or Canada or the UK, where they hope to settle down after their mid-life, or at least gain some scholarships from think-tanks/special interest groups/lobbying firms. Such benefits/junkets are not forthcoming from Russia. That's why you see blatant disinformation & Fake News like this:

The IDIOT cannot figure out that the ski-jump tests at SBTF are only for the sake of ensuring compatibility with STOBAR decks, and not for demonstrating performance superiority in fully weaponised configuration. After all, no shore-based ski-jump can replicate headwinds/tailwinds prevailing in the high seas & it is such wind-conditions that dictate the max weapons load configuration of any carrier-based combat aircraft when taking off from vessels like the IAC-1.

And then we have this:

This dickhead does not even realise that it is SUICIDAL for a Jaguar IS with 2 underwing fuel tanks to engage in aerial combat with a Su-30MKI in clean configuration!!! And yet they somehow manage to sneak into institutions like the Delhi-based Centre of Airpower Studies!!!

just_curious said...

Prasun ,

1-NUH on import ban list .. what is the desi option ?? 7.5 T NUH as you have been suggesting?
2- You are suggesting that IAF will opt for additional SU 30 mki's(total 350).. why would they do that given the cost & dependecny on Russia in these times? also by when would the super sukhoi upgrades start?

sasi said...

1)Tejas mk1a/mk2/amca will hv SATCOM transrceivers?

2)why IAF not going for GATLING gun POINT air defence system, instead 40 mm gun against UAVs/cruise missle?

3)GOI approved development of marine diseal engine, can u give how much Tonneage for ships,this engine can be usefull?

4)drdo developing 300mm tube rocket,no headway,no news?

5)any drdo program for 70mm rocket for lch/apache?


Varun said...

Sir, there are some images of Tata Whap doing the rounds on social media which shows newly built vehicles getting ready for delivery to an unknown customer allegedly CRPF. It was first revealed in 2014. Why the heck did it took 8 long years for it to finally enter production? If an armoured vehicle took 8 years than AMCA will take no less than 25 years for sure.

Rohit Gill said...

Sir Russian ground force's BTG's have support of Smerch and Uragan like rocket artillery but in NATO armies rocket artillery is only available for division or corps level formation's . Do we have similar amount of fire power in Indian army ? If not then do we have plans to increase the strength of rocket artillery in Indian army ?

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da,

A. Can Kaveri Marine Gas Turbine be revived ?

B. Also, what is your view about 'Bucha' Massacre ? Do You think it as a western conspiracy to defame Russia ? Because some of the dead bodies contain Swastika mark stamped upon their forearm. As we know, Neo Nazis are active in Ukraine, their Azov Battalion is fighting alongside Ukrainian Forces.

Kindly Share your views.

Thanks in advance.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Developing & certifying a 7.5-tonne variant of Dhruv ALH will be a 6-year effort. Hence the ALH’s shipborne NUH variant can be developed within 2 years because all that is reqd is the development of a new main rotor-hub that can cater for housing the foldable main rotor-blades. 2) Even if they are not procured, the IAF will remain heavily dependent on Russia for its existing Su-30MKI fleet. Super Su-30MKI upgrade cannot commence unless Russia fully develops the new AESA-MMR.

To SASI: 1) Not as of now. 2) The IAF can easily use a variant of the AK-630M six-barrelled cannon for terminal air-defence. 3) For NOPVs & OPVs. 4) Nothing new. 5) No.

To VARUN: Why would the CRPF require 8 x 8 wheeled vehicles & that too in desert camouflage paint? More likely, they are meant for ITBP in Ladakh. The armament is also sub-optimal, i.e. only 12.7mm machine gun mounted on a RCWS.

To ROHIT GILL: 1) The Russian BTGs we are now witnessing are meant for FIBUA/urban combat. The rockets fired by Uragan-M & Smerch-M MBRLs during FIBUA engagements are all terminally-guided, i.e. precision-guided & hence one sees Ukrainian buildings totally burnet, but their structures are still standing & have not been demolished by such dire-assaults. FIBUA is a highly specialised tactic, as revealed by this video:

Kherson Ambush:

Targetting with mini-UAVs:

To SUMANTA NAG: 1) Of course. 2) It is highly premature to come to any conclusions regarding such incidents. But what is clear is that the West is over-eager to demonise Russia. For instance, never before has any Head of State/Head of Govt ever been invited to address the UNSC live via video conferencing. But one can expect countries like Poland to face Russia’s wrath in various non-military ways since Polish territory is being used for supplying weapons to Ukraine:

Starstreak MANPADS:

C-90 And Alconta-100 From Spain

Raghu said...


Another instance of fake news, it seems


sanjeev said...

Why can't we start a Uttam derivate version for Su-30mki? This way keep the entire avionics upgrade for Su-30mki desi and only approach Russia for engine upgrade?

Nikhil M said...

Hi Prasun

Can CATS warrior or similar expendable stealthy platform carry one Astra MK3 or MBDA Meteor in its belly ?
Can it fly undetected within 60 to 80 Km range of JF17 and J20 and shoot it down?


Kaustav said...

The NSTC is always on paper while the BRI exists. North South Trade Corridor is important but India clearly lacks the financial muscle for such a project. But good anyway

Millard Keyes said...

ANI = Another National Idiot?

Millard Keyes said...

The media is so corrupt around the world and yet blames Russian media from being controlled! I have been saying for a long time that the entire debacle in Ukraine is a result of Russian ASSUMPTION. Whoever designed the war strategy must have done so whilst full of vodka. They are wrong strategically, planning wise and even in usage of equipment. The Russians are fighting a war in Ukraine assuming this is 1975. Not only this is a morale sapping exercise but will bite Russia in the long term selling its weaponry because not everyone analyses and scrutinises the blasted tanks etc they assume all Russian weaponry is crap. Unlike the ignorant masses swallowing media rubbish I have been saying all along that the vintage equipment like BMP2, T72 and pouring in without planning is suicidal. Also shows how potent Western equipment is.

Anonymous said...

IDRW reports india will consider ukraine-russia conflict while designing tank. Is it not faster and cheaper to upgrade ATGM and get more numbers. Ukraine has huge number ATGM and manpads. Probably more than one ATGM is hitting a tank.
Our own tank design could take decades.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SANJEEV: LoLz! Uttam AESA-MMR is still work in progress & won’t be available to the IAF for any combat aircraft for the next 6 years. Do you want the Super Su-30MKI upgrade to be postponed till then???

To NIKHIL M: And whose AESA-MMR will provide mid-course guidance for such BVRAAMs? Because the Cats Warrior won’t be carrying any such radar. Don’t get carried away by flights of fancy.

To KAUSTAV: India’s economic interests are best served by building up economic linkages within the IOR, like BIMSTEC to begin with & then follow them up with FTAs like the ones inked with the UAE & Australia. Next, trade corridors ought to be established with the GCC region in the Middle East & with ASEAN & with North-East Africa (including Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland & Comores. These alone will create a sphere of influence & co-prosperity within the IOR for India. Of course, the prospect of an immediate north-south trade corridor from Iran till Central Asia also remains highly viable.

Australia-India ECTA:

We can enroll the Sadhguru’s global galavanting trips for doing the lobbying, like this:

New IA Recruitment Policy:

Slovakian S-300 SAM (with 45 SAMs) for Ukraine:

Between March 18 and April 5, 2022 the Russian Ground Forces lost 195 MBTs in Ukraine, which gives a loss rate of 11/12 MBTs a day. Within the same timeframe, they lost 135 AIFVs (7/8 per day), 203 ICVs (12 per day), 19 (1 per day) APCs, and 88 artillery pieces (5 per day).

Russian Forpost-R UCAV Destroys Ukrainian Field Artillery:

Turkey’s Drones in Ukraine:

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Considering the dire situation in Sri Lanka, what's your view on Indian states like Andhra Pradesh, Punjab where CMs are distributing freebies and increasing the debt sheet of the state. What's the fate of these states? How will GoI deal with this in case of crisis?

Aviation said...

What's your thoughts on this?

sasi said...

1)drdo working on THERMOBARIC warhead for MPATGM,same for 250-500kg bomb for fighters?

2)ur views abt lotiering munition by Indian private co?

3)Is it possible to fit drdo IRST in Tejas mk1a?(looks compact)

3)India still import 23/30mm ammo for fighter jets?

4)can lch modified to carry 30mm gun like apache without too much modification? (Only 25-30 kg Extra wt is added for gun+ammo frm now)

5)Is prahar missle ordered more in nos.?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...


Anonymous said...

Private military contractors should also be allowed along with this Tour Of Duty. These contractors will have a readily available pool of people to hire from. Most of the in-house maintainence and logistics can then be outsourced to private contractors.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Dear Sir, Niyazi Imran is being kicked out. Present situation is volatile everywhere. What the GOI can do it,s best regarding the defense matters and especially the POK ?? Kindly reply.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MILLARD KEYES: MiG-29B-12 Walkaround:

Who is Winning in Ukraine?

How MBTs Are Being Destroyed in Ukraine:

As I had explained earlier, Friday Afternoon Prayers Need Regulation in J & K UT:

Indian Pharma Successes:

EUV Remains Elusive for China’s Semiconductor Foundries:

UK PM in Kiev:

China’s Digital Currency:,Autonomous%20System%20Pvt%20Ltd%2C%20Bangalore.

The Indian Navy has conveyed its decision to support HAL’s indigenous IMRH project by specifying a requirement for 19 special operations transport variants & 41 multi-role variants (ASuW & ASW), according to Admiral R Hari Kumar, CNS. For the Indian Navy: HAL has proposed 3 separate variants for the naval IMRH, i.e. special operations force transportation, anti-surface warfare + anti-submarine warfare.

To VENKY: LoLz! As I had explained earlier, the IA will never venture into fully urbanised areas for engaging in FIBUA/MOUT. The last time the IA ventured into semi-urban areas was in 1971 into the Shakargarh Bulge, with disastrous results, as explained in this beautiful & detailed animation of the slugfest.

This is what needs to be studied.

To ASD: Freebies are alright PROVIDED there are other means of recovering back the money, like imposing additional taxes on petrol/diesel/gas supplies, i.e. giving with one hand & taking it away with the other. All Indian states & UTs adhere to this principle.

SASI: 1) Yes. Both Thermobaric & tandem shaped-charge anti-armour warheads needs to be developed for air-launched version of MPATGM that can be launched by the ‘Archer’ variant of Rustom-1 UAV. Also, HELINA should be integrated with Archer UAV. 2) It is a welcome development. 3) Not possible at present. 4) No need at all. Instead, a MMW radar needs to go on board the LCH. 5) Yes.

To RAJESH MISHRA: Not yet, because Pakistan’s financial meltdown has been completed as yet.

Kaustav said...

😆😆😆 Atmanirbhar Vishwagurus

Anonymous said...

Sadly India lost an asset in IAKN though foreign policy is out of bounds for civilian govt, but did good to destabilize internal situation.

Harsh said...

In your reply to Rajesh Mishra on April 10 9:38 AM you said "Not yet, because Pakistan’s financial meltdown has been completed as yet"

Did you miss a "not" between has & been?

rad said...


HI Prasun
it seems that the days of ERA are over as seen by the no of tanks with ERA destroyed in ukraine . After the ist era panel is activated and the hull exposed,a 2nd rpg is fired and penetrates the side of the tank very cost effective.
we see a lot of damage on the track of the tank that seesm to be undamged but the tank is out of operation. The israelis also faced this recently with modern Merkavas being destryed. So they deployed the trophy APS and suceeded to a major extent. DOnt u think we wake up and attach APS on all out tanks after this.?
There are pics that show helina on a rustom 1.
why has the rustom 1 been sidelined as we dont hear any news of it after a lot of research done?

Anonymous said...

Sir, now DRDO wants to use 8x8 BEML Tatra based MGS.
1. Why did they reject other contenders?
2. Is there a gun already selected e.g. ATAGS/Dhanush or other ?
3. Can they not ask TATA, kalyani etc to mount their guns in this truck ?


James said...

India's Stand on China Border Irrational but Nehru's Handling Was Irresponsible: Avtar Singh Bhasin

In a 42-minute interview to Karan Thapar for The Wire, based on his recent book ‘Nehru, Tibet and China’, published during the dark days of the pandemic and which hasn’t got the attention it deserves, Mr. Bhasin discusses in great detail, first, India’s stand and Nehru’s multiple mistakes on the western border and, then, separately, India’s stand and mistakes on the eastern border.

Anonymous said...


1) Will the Helina be inducted soon, or shall trials continue indefinitely for some or the other reason ?

2) Why is the order for the LCH (15 nos) so small ? Why not larger numbers ?

3) When will Pralay complete testing and begin induction ?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: here is the reigning Vishwaguru from Bharat:

To DASHU: By allowing the Taliban to fly its flag from the Afghanistan Embassy in Moscow, Russia seems to be indicating that it will be expecting the contract for constructing the TAPI pipeline.

To HARSH: Yes. In fact, until dissatisfaction prevails widely within PoJK, it will be unwise to mount the kind of military operation that India had mounted in East Pakistan back in 1971.

Signs of dissatisfaction:

Mapping the LoC:

To RAD: These explain it all:

Who is Winning in Ukraine?

How MBTs Are Being Destroyed in Ukraine:

To VENKY: 1) Dhanush-52 mounted on BEML-TATRA was dhown at DEFEXPO-2020. ATAGS too can be mounted.

To SATYAKI: 1) All trials are over & the HELINA/Dhruvastra will be integrated on to existing Rudra Mk.4 of the IAF & IA on-site at IAF & IA air bases. 2) They are LSP-series orders. Only after completion of this order will large orders be placed. 3) It will take at least another 2 years for all trials/evaluations of Pralay to be completed.

Anonymous said...

Sir, Good both Dhanush and TATRA trucks are individually proven. Dhanush is 3-4 tons lighter than ATAGS.
Hopefully induction will be quick, not drag on. They should do so by having 4-5 Prototypes simultaneously.
The production can also be shared with TATA/Kalyani.


Anonymous said...



1) Will induction of the HELINA/Dhruvastra begin around now, and achieve substantial numbers in the next one and a half to 2 years ?

2) What about SANT ?

3) Can we expect Agni-5 firings with MIRVs to commence soon ?


Anonymous said...

Video from Russian MOD of Admiral Grigorovich-class frigate engaging a TB-2 using a 3S90M.


Anonymous said...



Does this news linked above not indicate that India has come around to kowtowing to the west, avoiding Russian oil, even though Russian crude is available at a discount ?

2) Should'nt India make it clear to the west that it is not willing to give up its strategic partnership with Russia ?

3) Would India be able to pay Russia for the remaining S-400's ?



26°06'21.0"N 68°13'59.0"E

What's here??

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

How Xi's Zero Covid Policy stretching Morale of common Chinese Citizen's too far.

and showing gross mismanagement of CCP Government.

Flashback to May 2021

when they brutally mocked mass Funeral in Delhi.

Meanwhile ISI seems to have scored a 'self goal'.

Kaustav said...


Many thanks 👍 for your variety of eye openers & mind cleansers. Meanwhile some useful & practical Atmanirbharta from the house of TATAs & Bharat Forge - As usual

Pune: Army Chief Inducts Indigenously Developed Specialist Vehicles Into Service

Karthik Barman said...

Why no urgency to replace BMP-2's? They are equivalent of Mig-21 coffins in modern warfare.

Kaustav said...


Is the Moskva or Moscow out of commission? Please verify.

Soumya Ray said...
There is a quite a great ‘misplaced’ euphoria among MoCA’s ministers & secretaries and media vis-à-vis successful inaugural flight of 17-seater Do-228 from Pasighat to Dibrugarh. One can clearly observe a lack of comfortable headroom while boarding, aisle space, overhead bins, full digital cockpit, etc. The plane indeed looks like a terminally sick hermit on his death-bed. The video says that the aircraft comes equipped with cockpit voice recorder, solid-state cockpit voice recorder, ELT.
1. Why this shoestring cadaverous aircraft when far better alternatives are available? Has it been designed from the outset keeping in view of NE’s people income level?
2. Wouldn’t C-295 (recently ordered for IAF) or ATR-42 or Bombardier Q400 be a better choice under RCS/UDAN?
3. NE India is notorious for its unpredictable weather conditions & terrain where even IAF have seen scores of accidents with it’s AN-32. How prudent is it for the Govt to endorse this plane?
4. What is your opinion over this aircraft’s suitability? Does it come equipped weather radar, GPS and have EASA/FAA certification?
5. Wouldn’t a pan-India common civilian fleet of regional aircraft with GOI provided viability gap funding to nudge pvt airlines to operate STOL aircraft to NE far more sensible?

Anonymous said...


Seen several videos as above. Why are these KA-52s shooting rockets up in the air ? How does this work ?


Raghavendra khushaan said...

is prasun calling sadhguru as vishwaguru, seen as a sarcastic comment or a real vishwaguru, i can't comprehend. because i don't see any save soil campaign echoing anywhere except chest thumping by sadhguru himself.

if saving soil campaign is being rallied and sadhguru is incarnated as vishwaguru, what about vivekananda and gandhi, who are vishwagurus in real sense....

Karthik Barman said...

How did these special ops forces turn the tide in the Ukraine war? What lesson can be learned? Why is the Russian air defence terrible?

buddha said...

শুভ নববর্ষ দাদা আপনাকে ও আপনার পরিবারের সকলকে।

Pranik said...

Karthik B- I have been saying that all along. Outrageous to showcase vintage weaponry in a parade termed "showcasing India's military might" observed by world leaders on R day! Soviet weapons design was built on 1940s mindset - conventional warfare get killed but attack in swarms overwhelming the enemy like mosquitoes- heaps will be killed but the enemy will soon get tired. Doesn't work in modern warfare and the only purpose BMP II like vehicles achieve is the " sarvach balidan" motto.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SATYAKI: 1) Yes. 2) SANT won’t be service-inducted until the arrival of helicopter-mounted MMW target acquisition radar, which has yet to emerge from the DRDO’s stables. 3) No. Instead the Nirbhay-derived cruise missiles & Pralay SS-BSM are getting developmental priority.

To ANUP & KAUSTAV: Those APCs should be armed with 8 HELINA or SANT missiles in this configuration:

To ASHWATTHAMA: 1) Not at all. It only means that the purchases are being spaced out. 2) India has already explained to the EU & the US that she also needs to support the economies of Nepal & Sri Lanka, noth of which are going bust. Consequently, to lessen her own economic burden, India has no other choice but to continue buying oil & gas from Russia at discounted rates.

To AMIT BISWAS: Storage sites for the PA’s SS-BSMs & GLCMs. The following threat will explain it all.

To KAUSTAV: Assessments of the strike on Moskva Slava-class cruiser:

To SOUMYA RAY: The uprated Honeywell/Garret engines, five-bladed propellers & glass cockpit avionics are all that’s new & all of them are imported to make the HAL-built Do-228 on par with the Do-228NG variant. But apart from Pawan Hans, no other Indian operator will buy HAL-built D-228s for commercial air transportation because the DGCA’s airworthiness certification isn’t internationally applicable & for this reason no insurance company will come forward to provide hull insurance for such aircraft. Instead, flag carriers like Indigo, Jet Airways & SpiceJet will continue to use ATR-42s, ATR-72s & Bombardier Dash 8-400 commuter turboprops on such routes. Even C-295 operated by TATA-owned Air India can be used for commercial air transportation since all of them have FAA & EASA airworthiness certification.

To BHVK: They appear to be like that, but in reality they pitch up slightly before adopting a downward trajectory.

To Raghavendra khushaan: No one dressed as a rockstar can be a genuine Vishwaguru, kindly rest assured.

To KARTHIK BARMAN: They can’t & hence while a few tactical victories can be scored, at the strategic level, Ukraine has already lost the war & will end up as the nett loser. As I have repeatedly stated, it is no use benchmarking FIBUA/MOUT with high-intensity all-out conventional war fought over open terrain.

To BUDDHA: And the very same to you & all your loved ones & all Bengali bloggers frequenting this blog.

Ashish Gautam said...

Shubho nov barsho prasun sir.
Request your comments on this report by the Hindu sir.
Is it gonna be 60ALH +51LUH? or only 60ALH?
How about problem of all 4 rotor blades folding? And time required to fold them? As HAL demonstrated 3 main rotor blades folding mechanism and tail rotor folding. Also navy had complaints regarding procedure being quite time consuming and manpower needed was more then competition.
2) also how about engine replacement time? Naval demand was of 45 min on ship but afa i remember ALH was taking more then that.
3) what other "modifications" gonna be on it sir? For ASW role or what?
4) If possible can u provide what "broad requirements" navy given to HAL to modify ALH n LUH to fit naval needs.?

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

To Raghavendra khushaan

Please do not make Gandhi as vishwas guru you might consider Ramana Maharshi as one such soul. not gandhi, in fact Bose and Bharath Singh can be considered such people

The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

Your comments please!