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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Western FMBTs Profiled

The General Dynamics Land Systems AbramsX MBT features an autoloader, unmanned turret, hybrid electric powerpack that gives 50% more fuel efficiency, and reduced weight for improved mobility. It weighs about 62 metric tonnes and has a power-to-weight ratio of 25 hp/tonne.

Main Ground Combat System (MGCS) has been co-developed by Rheinmetall and KNDS, a joint venture consisting of Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) and Nexter Systems. The MGCS weighs 61.5 metric tonnes and has a power-to-weight ratio of 25 hp/tonne.

Another option from the same Franco-German OEM partnership is the E-MBT (above), which has a four-man crew concept (2-man turret, two-person chassis). The turret hosts a 30mm RCWS for shooting down UAVs. In addition, the E-MBT is ready for the integration of ASCALON (140mm smoothbore cannon) and other turrets in the future.

The 59-metric tonne Rheinmetall Panther KF-51 MBT with 130mm L-52 smoothbore cannon has a power-to-weight ratio of 27 hp/tonne.

Nexter Systems’ Leclerc MBT Scorpion/XLR weighs 57 metric tonnes and has a power-to-weight ratio of 27.52 hp/tonne.

The 48-metric tonne Mitsubishi Type-10 MBT (below) is powered by a 1,400hp diesel engine and has a power-to-weight ratio of 27 hp/tonne.

From the above, the following can be inferred: 1) The Heavy-MBTs are here to stay at least for the foreseeable next 20 years.  2) Thanks to High-Nitrogen Steel (HNS), weight reduction of Heavy-MBTs is now possible, with as much as 8 metric tonnes being reduced. This in turn has resulted in new-generation MBTs weighing not more than 60 metric tonnes, and this in turn enables them to achieve favourable power-to-weight ratios required for high mobility on the battlefields. 3) The Heavy-MBTs’ new-generation turrets will become totally unmanned, with the tank crew being accommodated in the hull. 4) The principal armament will be 120mm or 130mm or 135mm smoothbore cannons, while the turret-mounted RCWS will contain 30mm HMGs (capable of shooting down mini-/micro-UAVs) that will replace the existing 12.7mm HMGs. 5) The turret-mounted ammunition autoloaders will be designed for handling only unitary rounds of various types, thereby doing away with the rotating carousels carrying two-unit rounds. 6) The content of vectronics will increase on account of the incorporation of see-through-armour suites, active protection suites, all-electric gun-control/turret traverse systems, and health-and-usage-monitoring suites. 7) The 1,500hp diesel engine coupled to an automatic transmission will continue to be the favoured powerpack. 8) Lastly, the turrets will be able to accommodate launchers for both mini-UAVs for battlefield surveillance and for short-range loitering PGMs.

New-generation Light Tanks, weighing not more than 35 metric tonnes and powered by 1,200hp powerpacks, will have high power-to-weight ratios as well, but they will be employed as part of mechanised Battalion-sized quick-reaction combined-arms integrated battle groups capable of dominating high-altitude mountain passes and river-valleys over mountainous terrain. However, they will have to be accompanied by 8 x 8 vehicles armed with anti-armour guided-missiles like the helicopter-launched RAFAEL Spike-NLOS missiles.

GDLS MPF Light Tank
BAE Systems M-8 Buford Light Tank
NORINCO VT-5/ZTQ-105/Type 15 Light Tank
Hägglunds-Bofors-BAE Systems CV-90-120T Ghost
Hanwha K-21 Light Tank
Boxer Light Tank
PL-01 Light Tank
CVRDE-Designed ZORAWAR Light Tank


just_curious said...


1-this is good stuff, where does T14 stand against these. also is Arjun Mk2 officially dead? who does it compare with these prototypes... are tanks still relevant?will zorawar have a 120mm gun ? 105mm or a 125mm gun?
2-- terrorists masquerading as political parties are now openly baring their teeth in canada. will that ch*** Trudeau final see light? also read that its will be made of RHA not HNS..
3- what is wrong with the germans. their foreign minister is more interested in ukranian affairs vs germans who are on the streets. what are the germans gaining from antognising India & how wil india payback , which it should.. lest not forget that germany historically has sheltered khalistanis.. Germans generally seem to be hostile to india...Never believed that there was a so called global cabal of leftist but its there beyond doubt.. it seems more ideological.. be it teh germans or the dems cosying up with the porkis.. its an irony that they are itching to go into a full scale war with the real leftist..classic hypocrisy of the champagne leftists...

Anonymous said...

IAF chief saying ISTar program is on track, what is the schedule for the same? Also which aircraft is being used for istar platform.

Anonymous said...

1. US tank has hybrid drive claims 50% improvement in fuel efficiency. Others?
2. How does the crew get in get out safely?
3. So 58-62 tonnes is normal.

Soumya Ray said...

Dear Prasun

Can you share information on regarding onboard equipments, crew complement, deployment,...etc. on the recently launched Diving Support Vessels of HSL?

Thanks and Regards :):)

just_curious said...


4- now interpol being puppet--

Anway said...


Another MiG 29K crashes. 4th crash. 41 remaining...

Kaustav said...


Are the 2-man crewed new Chinese MBTs for real or just fan boy stuff

Raj Gupta said...

Russia finally taking off the velvet glove... about time

Novorossiya will soon be liberated. Once Russia wins we will have the green signal to liberate PoK. We just need to wait for China to busy with Taiwan or some major internal issue to act.

Anonymous said...


Light Tank on the way.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...



Leclerc MBT Scorpion/XLR


JAX Brimstone Anti-tank Guided Weapon

IDEX Challenges:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) The T-14 Armata MBT is part of Russia’s FRCV family of armoured vehicles & I had detailed it before. Light Tanks like Zorawar will have 105mm rifled-bore cannon & I have explained above why this is the case. 2) Let the Canadians handle their own internal problems as they have any material impact on India. 3) These are all parts of REALPOLITIK, aimed at squeezing as much as possible from India for the forthcoming UNGA voting session. 4) As that news-report has stated, India was unable to provide the kind of evidence reqd for issuing Red Corner Interpol notices. Indian law enforcement agencies need to work harder.

Russian MBTs & Their Usage Have Both Technical & Tactical Flaws:

To CHINTAN: Under the US-India DTTI scheme of things, Lockheed Martin is helping the DRDO’s CABS with systems installation & EMI-minimisation expertise since Lockheed Martin has the airborne testbed aircraft reqd for such activities. CABS does not have the reqd airborne testbed aircraft. For the IAF, the selected platform will likely be the Bombardier 5000, which has not yet been ordered.

To VENKY: have uploaded explanations above for the benefit of CVRDE & IA HQ. Hope they take heed.


Each of them will carry a DSAR that the IN procured from UK-based James Fisher Defence.

To KAUSTAV: It is an on-going R & D effort, and is not likely to fructify in the near future.

China in Taliban-Ruled Afghanistan:

To ANUP: Have uploaded its diagram above.

To RAJ GUPTA: IRIS-T SAMs for Ukraine:

NASAMS for Ukraine:

Foreign Weapons Supplies To Ukraine:

HIMARS Employment by Ukraine:

2S5 Giatsint-S Usage by Ukraine:

Ankit Kumar said...

Hi, What is the status of Darin 3 upgrade. Has HAL started delivering D3 Aircrafts to IAF?

And are all the Mirage 2000 aircrafts upgraded?

Soumya Ray said...

Hello Prasun

1. Why does LCH Prachand exhaust nozzles faces vertically upwards towards the rotor blades instead of sideways or rearend like its counterparts? Would it not damage the blades and neutralize, to some extent, the aerodynamic lift force?
2. Does the hybrid electric propulsion in AbramsX TD refers to combination of gas turbine and fuel cell?
3. In the previous thread, you wrote that debris from exo-atmospheric BMD interception can result in harm to the civilian population. Wouldn't the combination of offshore exo-atmosphere interception and atmosphere heat due to friction cause small debris to disintegrate? Can you elaborate and point to any such study?
4. By not intercepting the BM outside DPRK airspace, isn't the three Powers (Japan, ROK, USA) not adding to its ego and fuellling its warmongering stance?

Thanks and Regards:):)

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASD & KAUSTAV: Here is an excellent assessment:

Can India Catch Up With China?

To ANKIT KUMAR: Deliveries of upgraded Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 began 3 years ago. Last of the upgraded Mirage-2000Ns will be delivered to the IAF early next year.

To SOUMYA RAY: 1) For the same reasons that the nozzles of the AH-64 APACHE & WZ-10 also have such uppward-facing nozzles. This is for reducing the IR signature of the exhaust plumes with the help of main-rotor downwash. 2) Kindly read this:

3) That depends on whether the incoming missile is an SS-BSM, ICBM, MRBM, IRBM or TBM. For instance, the Chinese rocket debris that landed in India last April was neither detected by India's radars not intercepted by any interceptor missile:

It is not even known if the Govt of India lodged an official protest with China about the prospects of such debris causing fatal harm to Indian citizens! 4) Not quite, since it can be hailed as a display of strategic restraint, thereby acquiring moral ascendancy.

To RAD: USSR’s TopGun School:

rad said...

HI prasun
great article on soviet top gun

can the ak 630 reach out to 4 km as per latest RFI issued for air defence guns?

will it not be more cheaper than the rheinmetal 35 mm ahead . IN which screnario do air defence guns beat SAM like the qrsams etc?

china declared it did an ICBM interception, .. i presume it should be based on the s-400 missile . HOw does china compare with india on anti ballistic defence ?

you mentioned that the darin 3 upgrade jaguars had terrain avoidance capability due to the digital map generator. Is it a hands off capability tied into the automatic flight control sysytem or its giving only cues to the pilot?

dont u think a jaguar on a anti tank mission with sensor fused bombs is a sitting duck flying over a armoured coloumn ? we seem to need the version with stand of glide capability.?

are we developing the jstars type platform with the US. In what other ways apart form Testing can the US help us > Obviously we are going to make the aesa radar ourselves. will the SAR mode software algorythym devloped for the UTTAM radar be enough for the platform or some thing more has to be done.

the a320 type awacs platform is comming by the end of the decade i suppose . will it be equal to the US awacs that has datalinks where the operator can directly give data link inputs and upload to the fighter air target situational awarness scene by BNET rather than the voice commands?
can the pak swedish awacs do that?

what is your optimistic awacs deadline for its introduction. Will the present 6 nos be enough?. does it mean that the rotodome veersion has been put in the back burner?

the vulnerability of a tank to of the shelf drones with shaped charged warheads dropped on the top of a tank seems scary as per videos on ukraine. I was thinking we can easily do that with a drone carrying the warhead of a milan missile with a weight of 2 kg .
Where the cots drone with AI can easily be figured out to drop a warhead on the top of a tank. The last part can be easily done by TONBO imaging

the same concept can be take out bunkers , hidden snipers , fly acroos the border to takeout terrorists etc. ur views pse.

Raghu said...


Not all seems to be well on the Chabahar port operations



Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Maiden B-05/K-15 SLBM Firing from INS Arihant S-73 SSBN:

NOTAM issued earlier had shown a length of 740km for the flight-path.

Anonymous said...


Fake news?


just_curious said...


1- will IAF rehaul its 3 Mi 26T's?
2- if IAF really want to go for MRFA & want 5 gen elements in the fighter, then why can't it just stick to a combo of TEDBF with some 5th gen elements to it & make it 4.5 gen+ with additional 36 RafalesF4.5/5 with some 5th gen elements co-developed with the french that will also possibly make the french support us in the EU when needed..

just_curious said...

4- What can the H748's be used for ? can't they be turned into AEWS like Netra 1?
5- Can we have the french align as a strategic partner by way of us taking up the barracudda subs in a mix of conventinal + Nuclear(we can tweak it to fit BARC designed reactor)
6- Read that DRDO is working on upgrading it to @90KN with an afterburner section. can we engage french here while we loop in RR for the higher rated 110-140KN completely new jet engine. The 90kn kaveri can be used on Tejas Mk1A(both wit6h IAf & those that get exported) & Rafales(@80).

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANUP: It is 100% true. Details are in the following thread.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) No, as they are stored in the open & are therefore for disposal as scrap. 2) It is all about the sequencing of product development. Presently, the sequence calls for fitst developing the Tejas-AF Mk.2 MWSF, followed by the AMCA Mk.1, followed by TEDBF for IN, followed by AMCA Mk.2. Developing AMCA Mk.1 & Mk.2 is more challenging and hence after Tejas-AF Mk.2, the TEDBF’s development needs to be brought forward so that it can replace the twin-engined Jaguar ISZ interdictors & MiG-29UPG M-MRCAs from early next decade. AMCA Mk.1 prototypes can follow early in the next decade. For an IAF variant of TEDBF, an all-new final-assembly line needs to be opened for rolling out 24 TEDBFs annually, probably in Nashik next to the 3rd final-assembly line for Tejas Mk.1A (with the first final-assembly lines being in Bengaluru). For AMCA variants, an all-new greenfield final-assembly line needs to be created, probably in Hyderabad, under the PLI-linked strategic partnership scheme. If the IAF opts for TEDBF’s land-based variant, then at least 80 of them ought to be procured, while the IN ought to go for 60 carrier-based TEDBFs, if the IN succeeds in procuring 3 aircraft carriers in total. 4) HS-748 Avros can be used only as museum exhibits, since their spares availability has drastically reduced & hence they can’t be maintained in airworthy condition for long. 5) As I have explained several times before, it is cost-prohibitive to create an all-new shipbuilding facility for an all-new single-hulled nuclear-powered submarine design, especially since the entire industrial eco-system has been built between 1989 & 2007 for series-producing double-hulled nuclear-powered submarines. However, selective technological solutions can be inserted into existing submarine designs, like du8cted propellers, cylindrical-array bow-mounted sonar suite, electric propulsion, etc etc. No changes to the PWR & its compartment is reqd, since India has already tied up with Russia to procure 190mWt PWRs for its S-5/S-6/S-7 SSBNs. 6) DRDO is working only on developing the non-afterburning version of Kaveri for the projected stealthy UAV project. Also, production orders for GE’s F404-IN20 turbofans for Tejas Mk.1A have already been placed & cannot be cancelled now. Same goes for the GE F414 turbofans for Tejas-AF Mk.2 MWF & TEDBF & AMCA Mk.1, since development of a 90kN-thrust turbofan will take at least another 7 years. If anything has to be developed, it should be the 130kN-thrust turbofan for AMCA Mk.2.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Unimpeded Violations of Indian Airspace Continue:


OFB Medak:

Anonymous said...

IAF is mum on TEDBF. My guess is GoI is waiting for detailed design of it. Once done, IAF will be roped in. When is detailed design due for TEDBF ?