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Monday, June 19, 2023

Updates from Vizag, Bhuj & Naliya

Construction of SBC-2, the second final-assembly line for the Indian Navy's six-boat SSN project, should be completed by the end of 2024. Thus, it can be concluded that the various hull-sections fabricated by Larsen & Toubro at its Hazira industrial facility will start arriving at SBC-2 from early 2025 onwards. This in turn implies fabrication of hull modules have already commenced at Hazira with the DMR-292A/292B steel that is being produced by SAIL.


সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da, apropos to your information regarding Multi Domain War on which PLA is readying itself against its adversaries, including India,

are there any effective steps being taken by GoI such as 'encouragement of ethical hacking' ?
Counter Malware Attack etc.?

For Surveillance Issue, the GoI is in agreement with the USA.

The Chinese companies were barred from competing in 5G Network Installation.

There was an allegation labelled by Chinese Company 360 Security Technologies of Phising attack by Indian State backed Hackers through Various Emails targeted Wuhan Medical Facilities probably to ascertain the root of Covid - 19, may be that was used by the PRC as pretext with help of the PRC Sponsored Red Echo Groupto float malware, though effort were on by CERT-In.

That was the Reason both India and PRC maintained silence in the Issue.

However as the USA responded Russia in kind after Russia targeted US Power Distribution system.

These are much older articles:

Regarding Manipur, since MHA is failed ascertain the level of Tribalism, it is high time to declare President's Rule in Manipur.

Kindly share your views.

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da, this British Professor has shed the lights on Manipur Violence, which no so called
National Media tried to focus:

Ved said...

Hi Prasun,

These are great Pics. Is S4 already built? Why S2 and S3 both at dock? Isn't one of them be on patrol?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Now Blinken has visited China. What's the expected outcome? Is US is falling into the pressure of China assuming that China is irreplaceable. So what's there in the future? How will Modi's recent visit to USA bring any positive outcome for India? Please explain in layman language.

joydeep ghosh said...

@dear Sumant nag

modi govt will never 9mpose presidents rule in Manipur its the bjp govt in power and if done it will mean admission of mistake that too even after HM visit when he claimed situation under control and everything hunky dory whereas reality is there has been a unprecedented spike in violence after HM visit

sio this govt which lives by 1 ton ego per sq. inch will never admit that this started due to its distorted notion of idea that was brought in through court order, after which violence started in may

I have repeatedly said that people dont understand the gameplan, since bjp rss cant comprehend the indian diversity it sees all in one prism of how to fan bitter animosity between 2 religious groups & destroy societal harmony, & no matter what it doesnt deviate from it in any state cloaking it in nationalism

so my friend Manipur, like Uttarakhand where gameplan of bjp rss succeeded will continue to burn


Joydeep ghosh

Harsh said...

Prasun sir,
1) Coming to your assertion of Chinese attempting to ruin indian civilian infrastructure, there were news reports of china buying 15,000 shahed drones from iran. Is there any truth in this?

2) If China tries that, couldn't India block chinese shipping through the Indian ocean? That would cause much greater harm to them.

3) What is the range of the Scalp-EG missiles that the Indian rafales use?

4) Were the recent long range Indian air force missions over the Indian ocean about possibly training to cut china's Sea lines of communication in the event of war?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUMANTA NAG: India at present does not have a policy of retaliating in the sme kind against countries that launch cyber-attacks against India. Regarding Manipur, the PM’s silence is both baffling & disappointing. Consequently, I cannot but conclude that Manipur continues to be regarded as being in Indi’s backwaters by India’s ruling elite.

To VED: S-4 has been fully built & s floating in the wet basin. But S-2/Arihant is undergoing its periodic refit & refuelling, while S-3/Arighat has completed her sea-trials & S-4 is now beng fuelled.

To ASD: As for NaMo’s visit t the US & its outcomes, much f it was explained in the previus thread, while this is the latest:

To HARSH: 1) China has had such drones for the past 20 years. 2) Yes. 3) About 700km. 4) Possible.

To RAGHU: All that I had stated about the F414 industrial offsets was proven last night in this telecast:

Both Ret'd Commodore Maolonkar & former HAL CMD confirmed that the turbofan will not be licence-built & no crucial casting technologies & metallurgical formulae will be shared. As I had explained earlier, no one parts with such technologies since a sharing of IPRs will only tantamount to creating a business competitor & this turn tantamounts to a criminal breach of trust on the part of the publicly-listed foreign OEM's Bar of Directors. It is that simple & yet we see several internet fanboys still hoping for miracles to happen.

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

you say
Regarding Manipur, the PM’s silence is both baffling & disappointing.

that's odd, when everyone knows what pm is doing whole and sole only optics

even what he did with sengol literally declaring himself Maharaja Sengol'eshwar the shahtang full flat naman was targeted at tamil nadu Brahmins from where he hopes to compensate the loss of seats in lok sabha 2024

so prasun da and sumanth talking about manipur is bad for his optics when he is going to USA to showcase to Indian diaspora 'sab changa si' hope that he doesn't say 'abki baat Biden sarkar'; do remember 'abki baar trump sarkar' cost India USA ambassador for 2.5 yrs.

so no he won't say anything on manipur. btw full chance this ethnic dispute will spread to other NE states.

Joydeep ghosh


Is PM waiting for US trip and then initiate tough action plan??


Isnt bhuj too near to border for comfort as radars deployed..i mean PAF can deploy drones and take it out quicker

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

@ Joydeep Ghosh, 1. my name is Sumanta Nag, I don't know who else is the Sumant you have addressed , 2. I have previously said in different Forum and also here in Prasun Da's blog, it does not matter for me who XYZ, Tom Dick Harry in power, not even military dictatorship, but what Prasun Da marked, for the decades Indian Ruling Clans or Elites could not figure out to deal with the Tribalism. For that they have taken leaf out British colonialists , that is not to interfere in between Tribals, in addition give them quota system, but use Force to contain Tribalism, that is they tried to leave assimilation of Tribes to mainland India themselves, while Tribalism lay emphasis on 'Bhumi Putra' concept, that bound tp clash with multi pluralistic ideology of Indian nation. which sometimes are counterproductive. At least PM should and must have make a statement to all stakeholders.

In my opinion What was needed immediately accession of the north eastern princely states, the regular visit of the Head of Sates to the region, Investment in HDI development, including infrastructure, health care improvement, not forced but welfare initiative for assimilation of the Tribes i.e. while Tribals be allowed their rights in Natural resources of Land, that is while taking away and benefit the mother nature, which they were doing for Thousands of years, but settlement of mainlanders to their not in a forced way but a cooperative way and vice versa the Tribals in Mainland, they may also be encouraged to take more responsibility in social harmony building. That was the way. Passing away of Both Baba Sahib Ambedkar and Patel have done no good. My own experience has thought me that as a Friend Tribals are most trustworthy and loyal to their duties.

Anonymous said...


Lying in bed and daydreaming was the best thing I did all day.


asd said...

Dear Prasun,
I wanted to know about your view upon recent visit of Blinken to China. Whose win will it be: China or US?

Dhanu said...

are bhai asd- that looks like a perfect HSC question and therefore should have marks allocated with it- I reckon with such critical nature of a question- 20? What do you reckon? And don't forget to publish the marks Prasun got from answering it.

Ved said...


In the slide you have mentioned S4 SSGN. Isn't S4 a SSBN? Am is missing anything?

asd said...

Dear Dhanu,
Not everyone is born legend like you!!!

Anonymous said...


How effective have the Storm Shadow missiles been in Ukrainian service ? Given the dense and effective Russian AD, wo'nt most fired Storm Shadows be shot down before they reach their targets ?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH, SUMANTA NAG & AMIT BISWAS: This poster effectively sum up the situation:

To AMIT BISWAS: Further to the west is Naliya AFS with Barak-8s, which will act s the first line of air-defence.

To DHANU: How HAL will be able to provide product-support to Argentina is anyone’s guess, given that there are no direct flights between India & Argentina. This alone will jack up the direct operating costs of the Tejas L-MRCA in Argentina. Therefore, the writing on the wall is that Argentina will eventually opt for upgraded F-6s.

To ASD: Definitely the US, no doubt about it.

To VED: The SSGNs can either house more ASCMs ike BrahMos-1 or lesser SLBMs like the K-4.

To T9BK8E: Not quite, because Storm Shadow’s flight-path can be pre-programmed to avoid the engagement envelopes of air-defence networks.

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Prasun Da, I simply could not justify some times that how the Hon'ble PM maintains deafening silence in some Grevious situation as if sometimes it is seen that he is bound by some supernatural force to open his mouth or he is competing with his predecessor Dr. Manmohan Singh, with due respect to both, at least Dr. Singh was under pressure from Congress High Command, and ultra - left behind, leftists, who is Hon'ble PM is bound to ?

Why GoI is in policy thrombosis to deal with PRC, sometimes CCP learns after getting their own medicine. India is targeted by Hackers with malwares for decades, mainly from NKorea, Pakistan and PRC, except one or two occasion, that by Indian Individuals, Government choose not to retaliate.

Despite this:

AniOne said...

Dear Prasunda,

Just in 🔥

Larsen & Toubro + DRDO sign contract for realisation of 2 Air Independent Propulsion AIP System Modules for Kalvari Class Submarines of Indian Navy

Developed by Naval Materials Research Lab of DRDO with L&T as prime partner, an association more than a decade


Again your foresight delivers.

I am increasingly convinced India needs you as President which has all the executives power to usher us in new era.


Prudhvi said...

Dear Prasun, Would like to ask what is the design on which INS arihant was based on. I believe its a Russian design based on Delta class sub?

Gessler said...

Hi Prasun ji,

It seems India is joining the Artemis Accords. There was no way we'd have been sharing a stage with China in the Russo-Chinese cooperative ventures, plus there is no domestic industrial wherewithal or financial capacity to pursue independent resource-extraction anyway, so this makes perfect sense I'd say.

Whats your take on this?

Among the 20-odd Accords members, we'd be one of only about 5 who have independent space access, and in a few years hopefully one of only 2 with independent human spaceflight capability.

We appear to have a sound basis to negotiate for significant work shares in future space infrastructure programs (space stations, bases, cargo missions etc) - hopefully equivalent to the role played by likes of EU or Japan.

Waiting to hear your views, as always thanks in advance!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUMANTA NAG: Maybe he is saving it all for his next ‘Mann ki Baat’ edition!

To ANIONE: Here is the original statement:

To PRUDHVI: S-2/S-3/S-4 are all based on a Rubin CMDB-supplied SSGN that ws never put to series-production. SSBNs S-5/S-6/S-7 design will be derived from the Project 0995A Borei-II SSBN.

GESSLER: Not just the Artemis mission, but also the ‘Planetary Defence’ mission. Under the former, with ISRO’s full-scale RLV space shuttle, India will have a crucial role to play in retrieving space debris for disposal back on Earth. Regarding the latter, ISRO will be empowered to develop specialised space-based sensor4s capabole of early detection of meteorites & asteroids. Also interesting are these two: