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Saturday, December 20, 2014

Significant Project Milestones Of S-2/ARIHANT S-73 SSBN

Project Commencement Date: November 20, 1988
Commencement of Civil-Engineering Activities at Kalpakkam for Land-Based Nuclear Propulsion Plant (using a 83mWth pressurised water-cooled water-moderated reactor designed by Russia’s Afrikantov OKBM) also known as S-1, or ‘Half Boat’: 1989, with work being completed by 1999
Commencement of Metal-Cutting for S-2: January 5, 1998
Keel-Laying Ceremony Of S-2’s Hull: June 21, 1998 carrying the hull codename P-4102
Criticality Attainment of S-1:  November 11, 2003. S-1 became fully operational on September 22, 2006
S-2’s Hull Launching Ceremony: July 26, 2009 at the Indian Navy-owned Shipbuilding Centre (SBC) at Visakhapatnam, with S-2 being christened as ARIHANT
Attainment of PWR Criticality on-board S-2/Arihant: August 10, 2013
Commencement of S-2/Arihant’s Sea-Trials: December 15, 2014

DRDO-Developed Low-Drag Glide-Bomb Data
The 1,000kg low-drag, high-explosive aerial bomb has been developed and is being produced by OFB Khamaria. The bomb, with a designation of Mk12, has a length of 4,000mm and weighs about 930kg. 
The DRDO-developed 100km-range, 1,000kg low-drag glide-bomb has been jointly developed with Russia’s Joint Stock Company ‘Scientific Production Association Bazalt’ (JSC SPA Bazalt) and its local industrial partner Basant Aerospace Pvt Ltd. 
While the DRDO developed the on-board MINGS-based inertial and terminal navigation system, the glide-kits and rear-end structural sections have come from JSC SPA Bazalt. The PGM will be used primarily against static targets like bridges, railway junctions, and logistic hubs for POL and ammunition storage. 
The Russia-origin glide-kit will also be used by the IAF’s existing Mk11N high-explosive, 1,000lb low-drag aerial bombs.


dailyindiadefence said...

CORRECT and educative in most details but the reactor took many turns from Russian design with their help. Please do clarify fuel used in PRP and fuel used in S2 and sources.

SS said...

Seems like ISRO had already conceptualized a future heavy lift ULV (unified launch vehicle) using a combination of cryogenic and semi cryogenic engines with modular vehicle design catering to different class of payloads.

Ved said...

Hi Prasun,

1. Where are the missile silos in Arihant. At the centre or at the rear?
2. Arihant design is one of its kind or inspired by any other submarine?

Mr. RA 9 said...

India tests 1000 kg guided Glide bomb which can hit target 100 kilometers away:

Is it laudable. Kindly comment.

DAshu said...

some good news indeed

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Have uploaded more visuals above to explain some of the fitments.

rad said...

HI Prasun
Please give us more details on the glide bomb that has been tested, there are reports that it has been tested a couple of times in 2013.
it seems to have a attained a glide range of 100km , I suspect that some sort off propulsion system is also incorporated otherwise it cant glide 100km unless it is dropped from 40,000ft which does not make sense in a war scenario.Is there terminal guidance?.

KSingh said...

Sir, have you been hearing all this latest drama on the Rafale deal? Apparently the MoD and Dassualt are AGAIN at loggerheads.

Any truth to this?

Is the March 2015 deadline out of the window now?

shaun said...

@rad ,

what makes you think a propulsion system needs to be incorporated with that 1 ton bomb ??

or what makes you think that it can't be glided 100kms when released at lower altitude ??

Ever heard of tossing a Bomb . This 1 ton bomb have no propulsion system . it have satellite and INS guidance and control surfaces for gliding.

shaun said...


there will be degradation of range at lower altitude but i don't think it have been developed for taking out SEAD operation. It will be employed to destroy infrastructures , formations etc and with estimated 650 kg of payloads ( maybe nuclear warhead ) it will create immense sense for any war scenarios.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SHAUN: That’s because you’re evidently unable to grasp what the term ‘design derivative’ means. There can be several derivatives of a baseline design & none will bear any external resemblance. That’s why the Project 16 FFG’s design is derived from that of the Leander-class FFG’s baseline design. If your definition of ‘design derivative’ means that there has to be resemblance of external superstructures, then I can only conclude that you’re afflicted with incurable terminal stupidity. Furthermore, MoD-owned shipyards don’t share proprietary ship designs, as per MoD regulations. Transferring such proprietary designs from one shipyard to another is a cost-prohibitive exercise--go talk to the shipyards to learn why this is the case. Only those ship designs whose IPRs are owned by the IN’s DND can be transferred to more than one MoD-owned shipyard whenever concurrent construction of ships of a single design is mandated by the end-user. That’s why no OPV designed by GSL will ever be built by any other MoD-owned shipyard, & no CSL-designed FPV will ever be built by GRSE.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: Have uploaded the data above via visuals pertaining to the glide-bomb. Even when launched from 30,000 feet cruising altitude, the 1,000kg glide-bomb can go out to 100km over flat terrain. Therefore, it does not require any type of propulsion system.

JSC SPA Bazalt has since 2002 developed a wide range of glide-kits and rear-end structural sections for bombs of different weights & these have been shown at several expos worldwide since 2004. Solid-rocket propulsion is reqd ONLY FOR that version of the Sudarshan LGB which will be employed for striking targets over high mountainous terrain so as to reduce drift & ensure high terminal velocity.

Rahul said...


1.How many Brahmos block-3 units,TEL has the IAF ordered?How many batteries of Brahmos does IAF plan to have ? And how many missile rounds were ordered or will be ordered?

2.Where will IAF deploy the Brahmos launchers? Will they be stationed in the forward air bases or will be garrisioned in camoflagued fortifications whose locations are classified?

3.What is the build status of INS Aridhaman? Will she be launched for outfitting in mid to end 2015?

4.How many torpedos,cruise missiles can an Arihant class carry in total? Will this no approach 30? Most SSK carry 18 weapons internally to be launched from torpedo tubes.

5.Can u pls provide an image of a glide kit for a 1000 kg bomb or attached to a 1000kg bomb. The poster shows OFAB-250 having a range of 60000m when launched from 30000 ft. How is it possible for a 1000 kg glide bomb to have a 100 km range when launched from alltitude? It must be using a different planform arrangement.

6.What will be the terminal seeker for such a glide bomb? Imaging infrared? And who will develope and produce such a kit.

7. MDL has almost completed the fabrication of the hull and some parts of P-15B first vessel as evident from Google Earth images. Modular shipbuilding is indeed paying off and the ship is being fabricated at a very fast pace. Is there any info available on the no of VLS she will have for Barak-8ER? It seems the no will be limited to the previous 32.
And any headsup when the first P-17A will be laid? the Arihant class carries a total of 96 C303s decoys -a mixture of jammers and target emulators.
Is this WASS decoy system also present on all the upgraded Shishumar and Kilo class subs?
Are the expendable jammers and decoys imported or they are made here in India.

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,
Do you have any idea about this spy satellite and the "undisclosed foreign customer"?

In the article it could be South Africa. But why do they need this sophisticated satellite? Why so much secrecy in launching this rocket?


SS said...


As per the visuals above INS Arihant should be able to carry 6 K4 SLBMs or 18 K15 Sagarika SLBMs in its silos. Thats a surprise. VMT


Dear Prasun,
Recently I came across a news criticizing the Arihant project that it is at par a technology demonstrator. Its reactor will run out in very short span of time. What's your say? Thanks in advance.

Reddy said...

decent summary of launch vehicles

shaun said...

Mr Gupta , you didn't answer my question yet. If you want to scale down your answer to "derivatives", tell me and every one over here , how Barracuda and kora class have similarity at the "baseline design" level ??

rad said...

HI Prasun
great scoop on the glide bomb, fantastic just made me hungrier for more info.thanks

rad said...

look up the denel raptor glide bomb copied by pak named h-4 or something, they do have a rocket motor.
Pray tell me how a glide bomb released at low altitude can glide to 100km! even assuming it has been released at 800kmh in low level.
I am quite familiar with toss bombing and even with toss bombing i wonder how a bomb can reach out to 100km.please explain.
Its a no brainer that all glide bombs today are guided with INS,GPS , laser gyros etc ,my question was did it have a terminal seeker ?. Again dont tell glide bombs dont have terminal seekers.The spice 1000,250, and many others have eo terminal guidance.

rad said...

hi prasun
I remember basant aerospace show casing a glide bomb in aero india 13 of an american origin bomb.Have they taken the glide bomb kit and attached it to a russian bomb, cant we make a simple glide bomb by ourselves?.

Reddy said...

the NYTimes report timing is not coincidental. everything is calculated to put the right pressure at the right time at the right target.

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

Given that it has now been decided that IAC-2 will be nuclear powered, has the R&D work on a bigger nuclear reactor started?

Best Regards

rad said...

hi prasun
After making this glide bomb we should start developing terminal seekers for it just like the israeli spice 250 . Literature states that the f-16 can carry 16 of them . I am just imagining what a couple of sukhois can carry , may be 32 each!!. The isralis will gladly sell the spice 250 to us as well, what destructive power they can wield!!.
Even if we take it for granted 50% miss their targets or get shot down, which is very unlikely, theoretically we could take out at least 20 HAS in an airfield in one go when each is programmed to attack an individual HAS . The bomb having GPS ,MEMS ,FOG, IIR terminal guidance.Today even the a small bomb like the american SDB can penetrate the wall of a HAS.
I was wondering why did they have to
to design a new low drag bomb when the mk 84 type of low drag bombs design are easily available.

Reddy said...

Today I have seen the washington post report in idrw about the so called chinese "military plane" crash.

The post/ reporter tried to contact the chinese fire dept but the hilarious part is: the post didn't know whether the killed ones are pilots or "passengers"?

passengers in a fighter jet? WTF?

that is the professionalism from the washington post...not bad..

Shaun Dave said...

@rad , i did tell that there will be degradation of range at low level but the question is , on what scenarios this 1 ton bomb can be employed not certainly SEAD operation but for bigger static targets in the form of formations and infrastructure and thus in such case it can be employed from standoff distances and higher altitudes. If you want to make a very smart bomb by adding terminal seekers then the very purpose of making low cost bomb with bigger warhead fails .Unless some details come out from DRDO my estimated guess , the whole programme is all about to make a large dumb fly to its target big enough where CEP in two digits is not a problem. You can say the inspiration for this bomb lies with our nuclear bombs and pinaka missiles !!

rad said...

HI Prasun
Please give us some dope about the ISRO aesa radar developed for tracking space objects , is it a version of the green pine ?. The claim is, it is totally indigenous.

Shaun Dave said...

@rad , why you need a dope when you can get everything from the below 3 articles

Gessler said...

Might find this interesting -

S200 solid rocket booster (SRB)'s static ground test.

Anonymous said...

that video is available on youtube for over 2 years


Hi PrasunDa,

I wish you and your loved ones a Merry X-Mas & a Happy New Year.

Just wanted to share with you something that I stumbled upon.The evaluation result for the Arjun vs T-90 trial

CAG remarked that stringent conditions were applied in case of Arjun but the conditions for T-90 were very lenient.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

Also, is it true that DRDO had to install black box in RENK transmission, to stop Army from sabotaging tests?


SS said...

Hi Prasunji,

The above article speaks volumes about why India Navy's Air arm although being very small didn't approach HAL for MRO of Rolls Royce pegasus engine powering Sea Harrier. Indian Navy established its own facilities to keep the engine abreast with latest technology.

While IAF with its diverse array of Air craft seems disappointed with MRO of its fighter engines done by HAL (Recent articles pointing to IAFs dissatisfaction on MRO results of its Aircraft engines). Although an outsider cannot pinpoint the exact reasons behind this outcome one can clearly distinguish the differing approaches of ownership taken by Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. Your thoughts. VMT

Anonymous said...

that was great information.
the audit pinpointed that Indian Army (some agents in Indian Army) are really sabotaging our products and it seems some of them want foreign products (mostly from russia) to squeeze as much money as possible from tax payers

Jicky said...

Dear prasun da, I hope you are doing well. We all know you are very busy person but in past you always had time for us. Please reply the questions from past two threads. We want our Prasun da back.

Reddy said...

Prasun, would you call recent unrest in NE as intel failure?

Anonymous said...

Am I the ONLY FOOL to visit this site very often for no reason?

AMAR said...

Hi Prasun,

Can I please request you to return back to active blogging.

The fact that you answer the questions of the readers sets your blog apart from hundreds of other such blogs.

I realize this is a thankless job and there are people like Subir Bhattacharjee who are big time Spammers , but in the interest of the other loyal followers of this blog please do answer our questions.

Unknown said...

please answer sir

Unknown said...

please answer sir

Unknown said...

Dear sir ,am new entrant to this blogging site and am an amateur.Please bear with me if you find my queries amateurish.When India is unable to produce a decent AR of it's own,should our R&D in defense field feel embarrassed and stop claims of developing sophisticated weapons for our defense forces.

sakshi said...

should we consider the NE Violence as a failure of IB, State Police, State Police Intel, NSA, PMO, RAW, MI?, given the location and history of the volatile region?

IB, State Police, State Police Intel are the field staff to manage peace..THEY FAILED.

NSA, PMO did not visibly shown to have taken some concrete steps to maintain peace in NE in their capacity.. THEY FAILED.

today India has asked Bhutan to help..and such a job is the duty of RAW AND MI.. THEY FAILED.

and another failure is on the part of Media which likes only Bollywood and BCCI..THEY FAIL EVERY TIME AS USUAL..

AND India and Indians fail every other second and minute for their "reactive" attitude.

At least the ISI is honest in their attempt to destroy India..wake up guys..Be Honest to your Duty and TO YOUR MOTHER LAND.. said...


In PrasunDa’s absence let me shed some light on the massacre carried out by BODOS in Assam, primarily because I had the misfortune of having to spend over 15 years in this tribal shithole called North East.

The problem in NE was started way back in the 70s when Indira Gandhi decided to carve out 3 states out of Assam, viz Meghalaya, Nagaland and Mizoram. Since then all these NE tribals across NE are of the opinion that only when they get their own state will they make progress.

Therefore, these tribals like Khasis, Mizos, Meitis , Ahoms etc have taken tremendous pleasure in extorting and subsequently killing people who had settled in the NE from other parts of INDIA, since these tribals have always blamed their backwardness to the presence of “foreigners” who come from other parts of India.

This also explains why a strike is called every Jan-26 and Aug-15 across NE when the Indian national flag is burnt at public places.

Please note that despite receiving thousands of crores of rupees of subsidy from the Central govt, almost 100% reservation in education & jobs in their state, 0% income tax and myriad other such facilities , NE remains the most backward region in INDIA.

Earlier this year it was Nagas vs Assamese in the Nagaland-Assam border, Meitis vs Kukis in Manipur and Khasis as usual killing Marwaris, Bengalis, Biharis etc in Shillong. To make matters worse various militant organizations in the guise of students union like KSU etc go out of their way to spread communal hatred. Ergo, these sectarian killings will go on in the years to come.


Reddy said...

Thanks Sujoy

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da,

After all the tall claims made by DRDO about their ability to develop RAM for Stealth aircraft it seems they have made little or no progress. According to this article on HT, India wants stealth-coating technology from the US.

Mention has been made of a certain "Scorpion Mutation Bomb" manufactured by Textron. Will you plz explain what benefit this bomb gives to the armed forces.

Thanks for your help

sujoymajumdar said...

Sorry, forgot the link in my previous post

Anonymous said...


it is Scorpion munition from Textron and

guess that was error in reporting

Sreenivas R.

Pintu said...

LOL, Mutation Bomb :P

Anonymous said...

Indian Listed companies have highest ghost employees in the world in their pay list and that secret report consequently destroyed it seems.

what bothers is 3 of the top private companies involved in this.

The ghost employee salaries are directly credited to promoters banking channels, it discovered.

Even satyam computers has had 7500 ghost employees when the promoters were arrested.

If satyam can have 7500 ghost accounts, how many ghost accounts much bigger companies can have? God Knows..

Can you please shed some light on this..? said...

@ Sreenivas R,

Thank You

I suspect this is what the media meant

The Scorpion networked munition system.

However, almost all the Indian newspaper have referred to this as the "Scorpion Mutation Bomb".


Gessler said...

Sir, any comments on Indian Army's Operation All-Out against Bodo militants in and around Assam?

An explanation of the situation here and what needs to be done, in your view, would be appreciated.

F said...


In most armies, a battery of MANPADs/V-SHORADs usually contain between 4-8 launchers. Is this correct?

Most reports mention the Malaysian army ordering 9 Jernas launchers, 3 Blindfire trackers and 3 Dagger radars - a battery would consist of 1 launcher, 1 Dagger and 1 Blindfire. I have been told however that more than 9 launchers were ordered. Do you know the exact figure?

I was under the impression that ASTER 15 or MICA was GAPU's main choice. Was surprised to learn from you that the LY-60D is being considered. I was under the impression that the 3 services are very wary of buying Chinese gear.

Is there any reason why KBM is not working on a design to replace Igla S?

sakshi said...

as things go by, the only solution through which India can have a jet engine is awarding a secret contract to ISRO from PMO.

Pawan said...

Dear Prasunji,

Please update about IA assault rifle competition progress.


raw13 said...

How do you see the current play between Russia and NATO and it's resultant impact on the South Asia?

sangaioinam said...

Wrong racist bigoted info/analyses on Northeast!

AniluvG said...

Dear Prasunda
Wishing you a very Happy New Year !
Hope you are in pink of your health.

Your blog is so interesting that I have read it a couple of times. I was searching the three articles that you promised /intended to write after the Indian Army/Force Magazine stupidity in ref to Net security threat and what India should do.

Also request you to provide links/ story/news item and books which you like. It's a great help. Your views and reviews are so refreshing , it's not funny what crap the media comes out more often than not whic I actually realised after reading your review.

Trust you are extremely busy and it's hard to write always. I sincerely wish you contribute to your blog more often as in the year 2012. I secretly wish this is your resolution as well for 2015.

Anonymous said...

Interesting discussion -

Anonymous said...

@ anon December 31, 2014 at 12:36 AM

myfoot, it was from may.

you are still a kid in this domain..

Anonymous said...

This is for the two-nation apologists:

Gessler said...

Happy New Year 2015, sir ji!

Pintu said...

Happy New Year, 2015 Prasun Da, everybody here and there loved ones.



I wish you and all your loved ones a very Happy New Year.

Best Regards,


SS said...

Wishing you a very happy and prosperous new year prasunji... :-)

rad said...

hi prasun
If the rafale deal flops then we can drive a hard bargain with the russians and opt for more su-30s with aesa tech and other cutting edge stuff , given the present financial situation russia will be oblige willingly. The ruble is half of what it used to be and so a 100 mill $ sukhoi will be only 50 mill !!!.Personally i think 20 billion for 126 ac with tech is just too expensive. Just look at the basics, we can get 200 sukhois for 50% for 10 billion ie if the ruble stays this way!. Or we can order super sukhois direct from them with aesa radar better engines avionics and weapons and in 5 years time after contract we can have a deadly airforce .!
We can bargain for any thing now and to fill the void in avionics we could always rope in our israeli friends who will oblige as well.
I wouldnt blame the french who are refusing to guarantee the workmanship of HAL,who in the world will ? ,our own airforce does not trust them!!!!

Mr. RA 9 said...

A very very happy new year 2015 to Shri PKS and you all.

Mr. RA 9 said...

The new RM is providing hints of usefulness of SU-30 being almost as good as Rafale for the requisite purposes. On the other hand Russia is leaning to provide on lease the 4 Nos of SU-24 to Argentina in lieu of the equivalent Beef etc. What do you make out of such an opportunity, kindly reply.

Vimal said...

India has started the new year with a bang. At this rate, will surely beat last years figures.

and here:

Modi will make Bharat shine.

Pintu said...

@ Vimal, its a heinous and unpardonable crime in nature, especially from the persons responsible for keeping the law and order, but it appears that you are from a la la land where 'Rape' does not even take place ?

and instead , you are really enjoying news of crime against modesty of women ? get a psychological check up dude.

Unknown said...

Happy new year to all and prasunda..desperately missing him in his blog..please where r u prasun da..

Anonymous said...

What is Mr. Modi has to do with the rapes? In the previous era also women got raped in India. If I remember correctly, in early 80s there was some agitations by women groups in Delhi about the rampage rape culture. Remember that time Indira, a woman too, was ruling India (or her son Rajiv). Nothing has improved at that time, then came the Sikh militancy and people were afraid to go out in the night and rape subsided.
The problem with the Indians is, we do not what culture is good for us. While we talk about freedom, we do not know what exactly this freedom means. We think that freedom is to get dress improperly, to get drunk, to abuse, etc. We put our legs in two boats of culture- Western culture and Indian culture.

Best example is Tejpal and leftist intellectuals. Abuse is also committed by the guys like Tejpal and entire leftists intellectuals are silent by supporting him. Have you read Vinod Mehta's book? This guy has been abusing interns it seems. Have you seen any victims coming out and talking against Tejpal? NO. These leftists are supporting him. Because of social media, he was removed. Otherwise they would have made him the "king."
So what is Modi has to do with this?

Moreover, the rape is not just restricted to India. In US, every 6 minutes a woman is getting abused (even much more than in India). But the media there is not making that as the headlines, and sells stories. Last year, there was a news that one girl was abused by some College football team members, couple of them known to her. That didn't make into headline in any US newspapers, and at the same time highlighting the so called 'rape culture' of India. You should read Ms. Maria Wirth's blog.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Wishing everyone here a joyous, productive & prosperous 2015. Was busy with several seminars & on-site visits to commemorate the 1971 Liberation War, with particular emphasis on special operations & heliborne vertical envelopment operations undertaken during that campaign. Will start blogging tonight by uploading a new thread & answering all pending queries from the previous two thread & this thread.

bradshaw said...

Hi Prasun Da, Wish yo a very happy new year. I think you need to spend a considerable time now to answer all the queries for which we were waiting for last many days :)

Anonymous said...

@Prasun da,

Very glad to hear that you are fine and hearty. Was getting worried about the most important blogger i know of. Kindly say a 'hi' once in a while, so that the fellow readers would be glad that you are fine.

wishing you and fellow bloggers a very prosperous and happening 2015.

Sreenivas R.

dhaka said...

does the IN use Shore Integration Facility before launching ships?


Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

Wish you a very happy new year.

Do you agree with the assessment by Bharat karnad that Arihant is much bigger and it's reactor produces more power than what is being let out?

Best Regards

Ram Bharadwaj said...


There was an article in WantChina Times featured in which said that the Russians have refused to sell the Tu-22M Backfire Bombers to China.

Is it true??