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Friday, May 19, 2017

Profiling The Indian Army's UFH Procurement Saga

It was in 2006 that the Indian Army (IA) had zeroed in on the need for air-portable ultralightweight 155mm/39-cal howitzers (UFH) and had even drafted a GSQR for its procurement. At the same time, the Indian Air Force (IAF), taking a cue from the IA, too finalised its ASQR by 2007 for heavylift helicopters required for airlifting such UFHs. The Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) Defence Acquisitions Committee (DAC) had approved procurement of an initial 145 UFHs for equipping an initial six artillery regiments on June 19, 2006 and an RFP was issued to ten manufacturers on January 14, 2008. 
ST Kinetics was the only one to submit a technical and commercial offer for its Pegasus UFH on June 30, 2008. The report of the Technical Evaluations Committee (TEC) was next submitted to the MoD’s Director General (Acquisitions) on March 23, 2009. Since this was, again, a single-vendor situation, the process was put on hold, which was around the same time that ST Kinetics got blacklisted by the MoD. The MoD subsequently tried to initiate procurement of such UFHs from the US through the direct Foreign Military Sale (FMS) route, with a Letter of Request being issued by the MoD to the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) on May 19, 2009, asking for the BAE Systems-built LW-155/M-777 UFH. An IA delegation next visited the US between January 9 and 16, 2010 for further evaluations of the LW-155/M-777. Following this, the DSCA offered to despatch two 4.2-tonne LW-155/M-777 UFHs for ‘confirmatory trials’ to India and requested 84 rounds of 155mm ammunition of different types made by the MoD’s Ordnance Factories Board (OFB) for the purpose. The trials were completed in a haphazard manner in Pokhran, Ladakh and Sikkim.
Back in 2007, it should have become obvious even to someone with below-average IQ that regardless of which howitzer would be ordered (the LW-155/M-777 or the Pegasus from Singapore’s ST Kinetics), the only available heavylift helicopter that is certified to airlift both these howitzers in an underslung configuration is the CH-47F—meaning while the howitzer could be selected after a competitive bidding process, the helicopter would have to be procured under a sole-source contract. This in turn meant that, in order to avoid corrupt practices while procuring the CH-47F, it was preferable to order the 15 CH-47Fs not by the direct commercial sale route, but via the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route. Instead, exactly the opposite was allowed to happen, i.e. Boeing and Russia’s Rosoboronexport State Corp were invited to: present their commercial bids in July 2009 and send their respective platforms—CH-47F and Mi-26T2—to India for in-country flight-trials on a no-cost-no-commitment basis. At the same time, the MoD conveniently forgot to coordinate matters with IA HQ and IAF HQ for the sake of killing two birds with one stone, i.e. requesting BAE Systems to send the LW-155/M-777 to India so that the IA and IAF could create a combined evaluation team for conducting competitive firepower/mobility evaluations in which both the CH-47F and Mi-26T2 too could have participated.
However, all this was not to be. Consequently, this is how matters played out in a dysfunctional manner: while both Boeing and Rosoboronexport State Corp submitted their respective proposals to the IAF in October 2009, the DAC cleared the proposal for buying 145 LW-155/M-777 UFHs via the FMS route only on May 11, 2012 through the FMS route (even though Army HQ had forwarded all paperwork to the MoD as far back as July 2010 when the UFH deal was estimated to cost only Rs.30 billion (US$477 million). In addition, an Army ‘maintainability evaluation team’ had visited the US from February 8 to 25, 2011 to examine the LW-155/M-777. However, it was only on August 2, 2013 that the MoD officially requested the US for the sale of 145 LW-155/M-777 UFHs, whose price had then escalated to $885 million. Subsequently, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSAC) on August 7, 2013 notified the US Congress of a potential FMS of the LW-155/M-777 worth $885 million along with SELEX LINAPS Digital Gun Management Systems (DGMS) using the FIN3110 inertial navigation units (INU), warranty, spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, maintenance, personnel training and training equipment, as well as engineering and logistics support services and other related elements of logistics support.
When the LW-155/M-777 was deployed to Sikkim for in-country high-altitude firepower/mobility trials, the absence of the CH-47F was direly felt and consequently, the trials could not be conducted in the areas specified by the IA due to the absence of in-theatre certified heavylift platforms. It is due to this reason that the LW-155/M-777 was: unable to demonstrate its direct firing capabilities by day and night; unable to demonstrate its compatibility with the IA’s Firing Tables (because the IA had not yet ordered BMCS modules and 850,000 modules were ordered in only early 2016 from URENCO and Nexter Systems); unable to demonstrate its air-portability in underslung mode; unable to demonstrate its sighting system at nighttime; and unable to demonstrate its built-in communications system at high altitudes. 
The IAF too refused to airlift the LW-155/M-777 in underslung mode with its existing Mi-26Ts in Sikkim and Ladakh simply because A) the IAF’s existing Mi-26Ts are not certified to carry this weapon underslung and consequently the IAF does not have SOPs in place to carry out such a heavylift operation; and B) the IAF therefore did not have in its possession the hooks and cables required for rigging the LW-155/M-777 to the Mi-26T in underslung configuration. 
It was only on February 15, 2016 that the DSCA finally submitted a $737 million offer for India to acquire 145 LW-155/M-777 UFHs, following which the Cabinet Committee on National Security cleared the acquisition on November 15, 2016. The contract was thereafter inked on November 30, 2016. The contract entails a 30% direct industrial offsets clause, under which around $210 million is now being invested back into India b y BAE Systems in the form of an UFH assembly, integration and test (AIT) facility in India in partnership with Mahindra Defence. In future, another 500 UFHs are likely to be ordered, if the options are exercised. The first two LW-155/M-777 UFHs were air-freighted to India in fully assembled condition on May 18, 2017 and this will soon be used for compiling the ballistics chart (using OFB-made ammunition and imported BMCS modules) for usage in the plains and mountains. This chart will subsequently be uploaded into the LINAPS. Three more UFHs will be delivered in September 2018. The delivery schedule will gather pace from March 2019 onwards, with five UFHs being delivered  every month till all 145 are inducted by June 2021.
Meanwhile, the final round of ‘confirmatory trials’ of the first three production-batch OFB-built Dhanush-45 155mm/45-cal towed howitzer are now underway, with successful conclusion of such being expected by mid-June 2017.
Next in line is the procurement of 814 155mm/52-cal motorised mounted gun systems (MGS).
This will be followed by the procurement of 1,850 ATAGS 155mm/52-cal towed howitzers.


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Prasun K. Sengupta said...

M 777 UFH Arrives:

Dhanush-45 Plains Deployment:

Dhanush-45 APU’s APU:

Dhanush-45 Firing:

Dhanush-45’s Auto Loader & Flick-Rammer:

Dhanush-45’s Elevation and Depression:

Dhanush-45 in Sikkim:

Dhanush-45 MRSI Burst:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BHOUTIK: LoLz! It’s best to forget such fairy tales. What matters most is that the PRC has been upstaged & national honour was saved & WB was prevented from becoming a laughing stock.

To SHEN: If naval 155mm howitzers are perceived by you as being better/superior substitutes for MBRLs, then the same argument should also apply for land-based versions as well, i.e. do away with MBRLs & instead use only 155mm tube artillery. Why is something good for land warfare & unsuitable for amphibious assault warfare? Hence, do introspect, meditate & think before blurting out senseless bytes. Also, do watch in you spare time all WW-2 documentaries when even then, despite the availability of larger calibre/greater diameter naval guns, naval MBRLs were widely used during the island-hopping amphibious assault campaigns. No wonder the PLA Navy too has developed such LSM-mounted naval MBRLs even for obstacle-breeching operations.

To AVIRAL: That’s a decision that was long-awaited & I had personally advocated in this blog in 2013 itself that rather then going for unfamiliar French & US designs, the DAE should focus on only 2 types of reactors: the indigenously developed 700mW PHWRs & the Russian VVER PWRs of the type at Koodamkulam. Reason for this is simple: the DAE cannot muster the quantum of skilled/trained human resources for operating so many different types of PWRs & therefore its reactor construction programmes should follow only that path where indigenously available trained human resources are available in plenty. So the latest decision has NOTHING to do with the NSG, r4est assured.

IB. R & AW & NTRO should all be brought under Parliament’s oversight through a national legislation. Only this will guarantee the long-term professionalism of such agencies. Everything else being tried out is just band-aid.

To ANIK: Maybe for an airborne hypersonic testbed.

To SCRUTATOR: If naval 155mm howitzers are perceived by you as being better/superior substitutes for MBRLs, then the same argument should also apply for land-based versions as well, i.e. do away with MBRLs & instead use only 155mm tube artillery. Why is something good for land warfare & unsuitable for amphibious assault warfare? Naval artillery guns cannot match the salvo-type fire-assaults launched from MBRLs for simultaneous area saturation prior to establishing a foothold on an island being invaded. How can a 76mm or 127mm gun be compared with a 212mm rocket? Which of the types of weapons can carry greater HE content?

To ASD & PRATAP: I had already stated all that I had to about the fate of KJ in the previous 2 threads itself. Does anyone really still think that KJ will be released & will therefore live to tell everyone how & where he was forcibly entrapped & abducted?

To ARPIT KANODIA: LoLz! All kinds of conspiracy theories will now do the rounds. BTW the QC representing Pakistan was paid 5 Lakh Pound Sterling as lawyer’s fees! And yesterday at a public address at the GHQ in Rawalpindi, the PA’S COAS stated on-record (before a selected bunch of friendly journalists) that it was the PA that was overseeing & managing the ICJ hearings, it is the PA that is taking all decisions related to the Indus Waters Treaty, & it is also the PA that is the final decider for all mining contracts to be given in Balochistan & PoK’s GB area. It’s all available here:

Meanwhile, an overflow of wailing & cursing yesterday over the ICJ verdict:

And curtain-raisers from the IMDEX Asia 2017 expo:

To RAFALE-LOVER: 1) Do Bhimber-Kotli or Kel fall inside Chicken’s Neck? 2) Shit happens & it happenjs everywhere. 3) What for? 4) He is a confirmed, certified nitwit who only specialises in trying to portray India as the world’s laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

I am a big fan of MBRLs (when compared to tube artillery); especially for land based assaults! Question was only about how the MBRL might function on a ship - especially how if might effect the rate of fire.

The way I compare MBRL vs Tube Artillery are on the following factors:

Amount of ammunition delivered:
MBRLs like Pinaka can deliver 100kg ammunition in one rocket that's equivalent to explosive content from about 15 artillery shells (even though 15 shells may have higher radius of destruction than 1 Pinaka! And a battery of Pinakas can unleash complete devastation in few seconds!!

The 52 caliber guns with 25 liter charge chambers are able to match the lower/mid end of the MBRL ranges. But Pinaka 2 would outmatch all unguided artillery shells!

Rate of fire:
Kinda of related to the first point. MBRLs outmatch tube artillery (given the amount of ammo delivery almost simultaneously)!

This probably is the one area that tube artillery may just even out with MBRLs - even when you take the barrel changes into consideration!
Shells cost around $1000 each; add another $1000 per shell for barrel depreciation (assuming $1 million per barrel and 1000 rounds service life). So 15 shells (one Pinaka equivalent) will cost $30,000. But if we assume the actual radius of destruction the cost may drop to around $10,000-$15,000 of artillery shell equivalent per Pinaka.

Field Availability:
Long drawn out wars require continued barrage of shells which means the barrel would need to be changed maybe in about couple of weeks - and hence need to be sent back to the factory!! MBRLs enjoy continued supply of rockets to the field!!

Coming back to the Naval MBRL. I am curious if there was one launcher (with 12 rockets ready to fire), it would still take 3-4 minutes to change out the rocket containers - basically reducing the rate of fire to around 3 rockets per minute or 300kg explosive per minute - roughly equivalent to 150kg (via around 20 shells) of explosive weight from tube artillery. Naval guns do have a very high rate of fire! So, it seems to match up!!

But if a ship carried 2,3 or 4 launchers then of course it can wreck havoc on the land targets in few seconds. Is you estimate that when MBRLs are deployed on ships there would be several launchers (perhaps even get rid of the Naval gun)??


Anonymous said...

As always, Thank you for letting us know the stupidity of Indian defense procurement.

john said...

Is it possible to make BMCS in India? Are we developing indigenous BMCS ?

Harsh said...

Hello prasun sir,
1. Recently I observed that all defence deals signed by modi govt big or small are concluding by it a coincidence or something may happen in 22/23.
2. Which gun system is front runner according to you in the mounted gun segment? Also I came across a news that said mounted and wheeled segments have been merged and now the requirement is 814+180=994 guns. Is it true?

Unknown said...

Thanks for another informative post Prasunda. Regarding the M777's, I find it quite nice to know that the Mahindra & BAE JV will be back in business and its Prithla (even ahead of Faridabad) facility will be roaring once again. I actually did my summer internship at that plant.

Rafale-lover said...

1.Sorry sir but I am unable to understand which region is Chicken-neck? Is it in J&K or POK?

2.If I am not wrong,even Kalyani is working on ULH which they said that will be ready till 2018.What happened to that one?

3.You said that Gripen/F-16 is not economically possible.So how is more Rafales possible considering that fact that they are more expensive then gripen/F-16?

4.When we will be able to use NAVIC into our various Military platforms like Missiles,Aircrafts,Howitzers,etc?

5.Is NAVIC better then GLONASS or Beidu?

6.How can we denuclearize Pakistan?

mad max said...

Hello Prasun, Hope you are dong well! Than you for the article. One question : Bharat forge has also claimed to have made a Ultralight howztizer locally, why was this also not considered as it would fall under Make in India programe of MOD's DPP 2016 and it would also give boost to the local industry! you thoughts on this. Thank you

Millard Keyes said...

Before heavy investment in hardware what needs to be established is intelligence like MOSSAD. Here's a taste
If Indian intelligence is half as potent as Mossad India can always have an upper hand against China and Pakistan and the immediate neighbourhood.

Pratap said...

Interesting development in Afghanistan. Gulbuddin Hekmatyar meets Indian ambassador in Kabul

soi said...

How many Dhanush howitzers will be inducted or ordered in future other than the 114 presently orderd?

AVIRAL said...

414 expected

Anik said...

Kashmir, Manipur, Nagaland, Punjab,Goa,Telangana and Hyderabad are illegally occupied by india-Arundhati Roy. There days ago she said 70 lakh (I don't know how 70lakhs) indian troops cannot suppress Kashmiris..It seems to me that she has been planted by some foreign intelligence agency. These kind of people are encouraging pakistan to open up against india on kashmir...How to control these people Prasun da??

Arpit Kanodia said...


Maybe a silly question, and only you able to explain, I am just unable to grasp this that this is corruption or something else.

India last year ordered 2 VVER-1000 at rs 40,000 crore which produce around 2000 MWe. Which means around 6 billion dollars Order for 2000 MWe.

Yesterday, GoI given approval of 10 700 MWe PHWR reactors at cost of 70,000 crore. Which means around 10 billion dollars Order for 7000 MWe.
By calculation 2 reactors cost around 2 billion and produce 1400 MWe. And in 6 billion India able to construct 6 such PHWR and able to produce 4200 MWe.

While we paying Russians same amount of money, and still there reactor capable to produce almost half of the electricity in same cost.

Why we even ordered there reactors? Isn't that would be beneficial for India to directly ordered all PHWR reactors instead of going for Russians? What benefit Russian reactors provided to us?

Anonymous said...

Prasun sir,

Thank you for this story on the M 777. Could you please shed some light on the indigenous programs:

ATAGS- which design will be chosen? the Bharat Forge one or the Tata SED one?

and when do you think the ATAGS will go into fleet production?
Also, Bharat forge had talked about their version of a 155 mm light gun to compete with the M 777. Could you please share your thoughts on that as well

Thank you sir

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SCRUTATOR: The proposal I had shared with IN HQ & DRDO called for four Pinaka-1 MBRL launchers per LST-M & 1 per LSM. Thjat will ensure the critical mass required for massed fire-assaults.

To KAUSTAV: Panchsheel was a formally inked agreement that had a validity of onl;y 8 years & had expired in June 1962. And no such agreement has formally been renewed in any form.

JOHN: One slide above clearly shows the HEMRL-developed BMCS modules.

To HARSH” The preferred contender for the MGS contract is the Caesarm whose photo appears above. The wheeled SPH reqmt has now morphed into the tracked SPH, i.e. T-9 Vajra. Even the MGS is wheeled since it uses a truck as the mount for the 155mm/52-cal howitzer.

To SARABVIR SINGH: VMT. That plant of Mahindra defence will also assemble the 500 LW-155/M-777 UFHs that will be procured in future.

To RAFALE-LOVER: 1) It is now a part of Pakistani Punjab. 2) Kalyani Group’s UFH design originated from a East European country. It never was an in-house design & no one has ordered this UFH to date. 3) 44 More Rafales will be ordered in the 2nd tranche. 4) It is already in use. 5) They are all comparable. 6) Next year.

To MAD MAX: Kalyani Group’s UFH design originated from a East European country. It never was an in-house design & no one has ordered this UFH to date & therefore when competing against the M-777, the latter emerges tops since it is a combat-proven system in widespread use. Even the M-777 now qualifies under the Make-in-India scheme of things.

To SOI: 414 in all. 300 more to be ordered.

To ANIK: Just boycott them & don’t give them any credibility & they will eventually disappear into oblivion. After all, why argue with idiots afflicted with terminal stupidity?

To ARPIT KANODIA: Not a silly question at all, but one that is almost never asked. The cost differential is because of the then-secret annexe of the 1989 KNPP contractual agreement, about which I had written in the thread dealing with the S-2 SSBN project. The now-not-secret annexe had constituted the contract for the 3 SSBN: S-2/S-3/S-4 & the shore-based S-1 at Kalpakkam. So the costs for implementing this contract were part of the cost of the KNPP project. That’s why the ATV project’s funds have never come out of either the DRDO’s annual fundings, or from the MoD’s annual budgets.

To Anon@2.43PM: VMT. Design of ATAGS is neither from Kalyani Group/Vharat Forge or from TATA. The baseline design is that of the Dhanush-45 & it thus bears a strong resemblanmce to the OFB’s Dhanush-52. Hence, the DRDO & OFB will be the joint IPR owners of the ATAGS. Bharat Forge & TATA will be the principal sub-contractors for supplying the APU, all-electric drives & barrels. BEL will supply all the vectronics. ATAGS should go into production by 2020.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

China's way of garbage disposal in Karachi: illegally dump them along Karachi's coastline!

Subhaanallah indeed!

Anonymous said...

That sounds like good fire power (with MBRLs) on the landing ships!!

If ATAGS will go into production starting 2020, then why order an additional 300 Dhanushs. The original order of 114 still haven't started induction process; they'll presumably take several more years to induct all of them. Why not restrict Dhanush to 114 numbers and add that 300 number to the ATAGS order??


Rafale-lover said...

1.Sir this article is from 2012:

In which it says that DRDO was looking for co-development of Iron Dome system in India.And Israelis agreed to give full ToT for Iron Dome to manufacture it locally.But somehow, in 2013, it was said that the plan was dropped.Don't you think that we must re-think about it?It can protect our position from Pakistani Rockets or Artillery Shells in case of Kargil-type conflict?

2.Sir why Tank-Ex was cancelled even though it was just of 48 Tons? Should we re-visit that program with little modernization?

3.Sir what is current status of our BMD deployment?Cause now GOI asked for this:

4.Are we today capable of Intercepting Pakistani Missiles?

5.Sir what is reality behind Shaheen-3 Missile?

john said...

Thanks for the reply.

For the past 10 years India is trying to establish two semiconductor making facility and even Govt. is ready to provide subsidy. I know it is too expensive. Toshiba plant is for sale. Is there any progress ?

Anonymous said...

i dont if it ri8 to ask you this question im curious to ask this have u seen 'Fast n furious 8' movie where the antagonist hacks 'AKULA class Nuke submarine' remotely from untraceable plane starts sub moves out of harbor without any crew and launches both torpedoes and nuke missiles without human interference. So my question is it remotely possible to do that? does Russians subs are that automated can be operated without crew? with comparing Western counterparts how are they in nuclear sub manufacturing and are we getting any of that Tech from ruskies?


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Two news that I came across today:

This shows that they are making some progress technology wise and its a very cheap options. These thing cost like $2 million each and now with these upgrades, probably $5 million. They could sell a lot of these and reduce their own operational costs.

This is the really disturbing one. With this they will have 10-12 AEW aircraft. With this how does it impact IAF operations? Why are these so cheap? Are they planning to do most of the work at home? I read somewhere these can talk to both f-16s and 17s.








Gd said...

Hi Prasoon,

Millard Keyes said...

You heard Gerald Shastri Prasun and said "whatever name was that". Today I noticed Al Jazeera correspondent- "Nicholas Haqq". May be a new brand of Jasoosi Duniya is not that far off!

Irfan said...

Dear Sir

Pakistan is Rapidly Adding JF 17 Squadrons to its Air Force

How does it affect IAF's Edge over PAF

India should have bought More Mig 29s and Mirage 2000 earlier
and we could have replaced all our Mig 21 s and Mig 27s

Our Su 30 Production rate is too slow

Abhinav said...

Prasun sir,
Can you verify these claims::

Picture of what he claims to be a new OFB 7.62×51mm assault rifle::

Meanwhile an interesting news. A new OFB LMG which appeared to a direct copy of PK machine gun was displayed at the expo

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1. i found this amazing discovery channel video about Arjun tank, it reveals many things that many people dont now; with exception of you :-)

2. you say MoD will go for 500 more LW-155/M-777 apart from the 145; it proves me right finally. if you remember when you used to say LW-155/M-777 was meant only for MSC for fighting in mountains of sikkim & Aunachal i had said what mountains of Uttarakhand, Himanchal and Ladakh but you kept on saying first 145 and then option of 80 more so toal only 225 will be ordered. now you yourself are saying you say MoD will go for 500 more LW-155/M-777.

3. i had Huge arguments on twitter with people with regards to HTT40 some guys actually said i oppose Make in India as i said why duplicate resources/manpower when we already have Pilatus PC mk2, do you think just for sake of Make in India India should develop HTT40

4. some people are saying India should never have gone to ICJ on Kulbhushan Jadhav as it will give Pak chance to drag india to ICJ even on kashmir or even IWT

5. Donald J. Trump landed in Saudi Arabia as his 1st ever #foreign visit, how big is that shift considering he has rabble roused against islam. however thats not the news the real news is first lady Melania Trump not only didnt cover her head but also shook hands with saudi king. Not only that first daughter Ivanka Trump didnt cover her head and was walking hand in hand with her husband. Isnt the Saudi are the same people who dont consider women equals, dont allow them to drive and make a fuss when they see a women even with some skin visible. They wont make a issue of this bcoz they need weapons from USA and know they cant antagonize them. It is only when they see women from their own country or other country they create fuss, hypocrites

6. the re election of Rouhani is a big step to opening up of Iran and marginalizing of theocracy/clergy in Iran, r views


Joydeep Ghosh

SUVO said...

PRASUN DA, Thanks for another informative post.Thanks for the reply.
So,in near future we have the Shore bombardment capacity through naval-MBRL.

(1) Read this:

(2) Sorry,off-topic.
DADA ,If you have time,please see the Bengali movie "POSTO".

Abhinav said...

The new 7.62×51mm chambered assault rifle unveiled by OFB at International Police Weapons Expo has barrel similar to INSAS

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

one more

7. you said four Pinaka-1 MBRL launchers per LST-M & 1 per LSM but question is what typpe of weapons will they augment ior replace and where they will be fitted exactly to effective - inside the ship belly & pop out when need in front or mid ship near. Any comparable system

8. ACM Dhanoa has asked officers to be ready for eventualities in a letter, is it the precusor of what can be expected in next few weeks to come


Joydeep Ghosh

ConcernedCitizen said...

Hi Prasun,

How do you see the new proposals for strategic partnership for defence production? Although a lot of details havent been in the public fora, initial assesment seems to be that it is oriented towards big industries with lots of financial power. Do you think this could lead to creation of possible monopolies or oligopolies in the defence industry?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SCRUTATOR: Dhanush-45 is already in series-production & the first 3 units are the ones undergoing confirmatory field trials. ATAGS being a 52-cal hopwitzer is more suitable for plains-based warfare, whereas Dhanush-45 is suitable for both plains-based & mountains-based warfare due to its shorter turning radius when negotiating mountain roads.

To RAFALE-LOVER: 1) Iron Dome isn’t meant for intercepting massed salvoes of ropcket artillery. 2) Because hybrid solutions are always found to be inferior to integrated solutions. If T-72’s hull today were to be integrated with the turret of a Arjun Mk.2, then this will call for a more powerful powerpack to be installed on the T-72’s hull, i.e. one delivering at least 1,200hp. And the SVRDE isn’t developing such a powerpack. 3) How can it be deployed when even its development isn’t complete as yet?

To JOHN: Acquiring such facilities doesn’t make sense if the only byproducts are meant solely for the armed forces. The domestic telecommunications industry, cellphone manufactuirers & consumer electronics manufacturers all need to make use of the semiconductor byproductts. This will never happen in the foreseeable future & therefore it will be unwise to make such corporate buyouts.

RON: LoLz! Those things don’t happen in reality, rest assured.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANTHONY: 1) Such machines can be used only in areas like FATA & that too at a time when the PA is finding it quite expensive to use US-supplied helicopters. The additional 3 Saab 2000 AEW & CS platforms are meant for use in the theatre facing Iran & therefore the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has funded this procurement. They’re cheap because they all use pre-owned airframes (and not new-build) that were originally used as civilian commuter turboprops. This won’t impact the IAF in any way since the IAF already possesses combat-proven EMP-based countermeasures that will cause any airborne AEW & CS to end up in a fireball, rest assured.

To AMIT BISWAS: The date is available in ISRO’s website. Acquiring oil/gas from Oman or Iran or Iraq is far cheaper than acquiring gas/oil from Russia’s Siberia.

To IRFAN: Totally untrue. Let me repeat it yet again: According to the latest data obtained from PAC Kamra, it has so far overhauled 3 x JF-17 that had entered service with the PAF in 2007. Since this tantamounts to a a mid-life refurbishment/overhaul, and assuming that the JF-17 has been logging in an average of 25 flight-hours per month, this translates into an airframe half-life of 9 years or 108 months or 2,700 flight-hours. Consequently, the total-technical service life of the airframe is 18 years, or 216 months or 5,400 flight-hours. However, the Klimov RD-93 turbofan has a half-life (TBO) of 700 hours, or TTSL of only 1,400 hours of operation. This in turn means 4 x RD-93 will be required to power each JF-17 throughout its service-life. And to date, only 200 RD-93s have been ordered by AVIC/CATIC from the Moscow-based Chernyshev Machine-Building Plant subsidiary of United Engines Corp (UEC), with an option to procure 300 more. Thus, if this option is exercised, it will give enough RD-93s for powering no more than 110 JF-17s, since some RD-93s will be used by the Myanmar Air Force’s FC-1s, as well as by AVIC/CATIC-owned FC-1 prototypes at Chengdu. So far, only 50 JF-17s in Block 1 configuration and 33 in Block 2 configuration have been delivered.

To ABHINAV: Those are earlier prototypes that have since been improved through additional fitments.

To SUVO: Watch what an exasperated & deeply fatigued COAS of the PA had to say 2 days ago:


To CONCERNED CITIZEN: The final proposal is still months away & when fully unveiled, it will tantamount to putting the cart before the horse—how & why I had already explained several times in the past.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 2) I didn’t say that. What I said was that there’s the option for an additional 500. But if the 414 Dhanush-45s are delivered fairly quickly, then there will be the need for only 250 UFHs & that too only for Sikkim & Arunachal Pradesh, where they are reqd to be airlifted by CH-47Fs. In J & K & Uttarakhand the Dhanush-45s will be used. 3) Even the Ouragan/Toofani & MiG-21s & MiG-27Ms were all ‘Make in India’ projects. What good did that do for India’s aeronautics industry? That’s why wasting time & resources on projects like HTT-40 BTT, HJT-36 IJT & Ka-226T doesn’t maje sense from any angle. And only the HTT-40’s airframe & wiring harnesses are being made in India. The engine, gearbox, cockpit instrumentation, avionics, navigation lights & ejection seats are all imported. You must highlight these to those morons/duffers who were arguing with you. 4) If the J & K issue goes to ICJ, then I can guarantee that the ICJ will give its final verdict within 5 minutes (and not 5 days) by pointing to Pakistan that it has utterly failed to implement UNSC 47 resolution’s 2nd point that calls for Pakistan to withdraw all its citizens—civil & military—from the soil of J & K. In other words, the ICJ will label Pakistan as the party in illegal occupation of sovereign territory. As for IWT, again it is China & Pakistan that have been violating all the legalities. China last decade built a dam on the Indus River near Ngari & never even bothered to inform India or Pakistan about it. And Pakistan has been violating the IWT by failing to increase its water usage capacioty & as a result 45% of the waters flow into the Arabian Sea every year. Legally, therefore, India has a right to demand a greater quantum of water usage since Pakistan isn’t using its share of the waters in a productive manner. As for the KJ case in the ICJ, Pakistan now wants to avoid at all costs the granting of consular access to India because the moment this happens, the game’s up & it will emerge that KJ was forcibly entrapped/abducted by Pakistan & KJ will state that his confessional video was extracted under duress. There are many in Pakistan who are now wondering why Sartaj Azia had said in December 2016 that conclusive evidence was lacking for prosecuting KJ when the FGCM court martial process had already begun in September that same year! And mind you, Harish Salve in his televised submission had also named Iran as another aggrieved party. So now even Iranian law-enforcement authorities will be called by the ICJ to submit the results of their investigations of this case. 5) Everything you want to know about POTUS’ visit to KSA can be found here:

6) Iran wants to buy four EMB-145I NETRA AEW & CS platforms from India. 7) The MBRL launchers will all be in the top-decks of the LST-Ms. 8) It means the availability rate of all IAF combat aircraft is now close to 80%, & that intensive flying training is now underway to master the various navigation routes for ingress/egress of hostile airspace in lieu of doing all this during hostilities.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Sartaj Aziz’s PC Yesterday:

IN’s 2nd ELF facility coming up:

Millard Keyes said...

On Facebook I saw a group of Sikhs holding up a banner MODI STOP BURNING CHRISTIAN CHURCHES NOW. What is this? Is this the work of khaki pants, burning churches? If this is happening in India how are they any different to Pakistani fundamentalism? 21st century and they are still carrying on habits of the dark ages. Any idea Prasun what's going on?

Rafale-lover said...

Thanks for clearing my doubts.
I do have some doubts related to KJ's case when I read both of your previous articles:

1.By understanding it,I am sure that India has upper-hand in ICJ in every matter.But only thing which wonders me that why KJ had 2 passports with different names?

2. Isn't it violation of Passport Laws?

3.If yes,why Police allowed him?And what your take that why he decided to have 2 different passports with 2 different names?

4.In case he is already executed(as some reports are coming),what should be India's next step?

Anonymous said...

hi prasoon. may end monsoons are hitting kerela. within 2 to 3 weeks it will reach of india and say by june end of july first week, it will be touching northern india including J&K. will military operations under monsoons is a possibility given its effect on mobility of vehicles etc.



Rahul said...

Dear Sir

How does the Army look at the Present Situation where they have been given a Free hand
to retaliate against Pakistan on the LOC

Pakistani COAS was complaining that " India has become EXTREMIST nation "

It looks like his Men have been beaten badly

Also Pakistan was complaining to UNMOGIP about India's Firing

And Defence Minister said recently that "Agressive Domination of LOC "
By Indian Army was Very satisfying

However Indian Army has still not released any official statement so far
after May 1

AVIRAL said...

“We will not tell you what we are going to do," Union Minister Jitendra Singh was quoted as saying at India Today Editors' Roundtable conference.

"We will definitely do something decisive. But, I can't tell you what that would be.

“The security agencies will do whatever is required. You will see the results yourself," India Today quoted him as saying.
"This chapter of disturbance in Kashmir will come to an end very soon," Singh added.

Gd said...

Hi Prasoon,
Your thoughts please on this article.

Gd said...

If you search that term you will find its origin in 2014-15.
Above link might clear your doubts.





Gd said...

Hi Prasoon,
Isn't this case of too little too late?

Anonymous said...

Are these EMPs indigenous? DO many nations have them? Can they be used to bring down fighers too?


Pratap said...

Prasun, India is testing Nexter's Trajan and Elbit's Atmos for 155mm/52 cal TGS deal for 1580 guns and one of these will be selected soon. Will this be scrapped? Or will IA have a foreign gun in this category along with ATAGS?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAFALE-LOVER: LoLz! Did anyone from the Govt of India ever say that the Passport showed by Pakistan is a genuine one? Did anyone from the Govt of India ir from KJ’s family say on-record that KJ had converted to Islam & had assumed a new Muslim identity? Did Pakistan ever shopw any material evidence to prove that KJ had 2 Passports? If these are mere ASSUMPTIONS being belched out my journalists in both India & Pakistan,then why the hell are you getting sucked into this whirlpool? As of now, India has only claimed that the abducted person is an Indian citizen called Kulbhushan Jadhav. Pakistan on the other hand has not presented any evidence anywhere to prove that KJ & Hussein Mubarak Patel are one & the same person. So it is now up to Pakistan to prove that Hussein Mubarak Patel is indeed KJ. If it cannot, then it means the negation of all of Pakistan’s legal claims. This & only this is the very reason why India has gone to the ICJ. Do you now understand India’s stratagem? So don’t get taken in by all the delusional bullshit put forth by the likes of Karan Thapar, who BTW was taken out of circulation immediately after he tried to confuse the Indian public through his Op-Ed in the INDIAN EXPRESS on this issue. As the saying goes, you reap only what you show. That’s why stay Hoshiar, Hoshiar, Hoshiar’ & Saavdhaan, Saavdhaan & Saavdhaan.

To KUNAL: Did the monsoons prevent the IA from capturing Haji Pir Pass in late July 1965?

To RAHUL: Where’s the need for any statement from the IA?

To AVIRAL: It always pays to keep a big stick while speaking softly. Suffice to say that all options are on the table & they will be exercised whenever the need arises.

GD: Hard choices are only for those who have forcibly occupied PoK, which has been recognized by the UNSC has constitutinh sovereign Indian territory. Anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional, period. As for the D Company in the near future there will be an incident in which a Dhow carrying members of this Company will be intercepted in the high seas by the IN while the Dhow will be trying to head for the Straits of Hormuz.

To AMIT BISWAS: What’s with the all-caps? Something wrong with your keyboard? MGS is always the best option because the MGS is inclusive of the truck & howitzer whereas a towed howitzer’s usage involves a separate towing vehicle.

To ANTHONY: Such EMP-based DEWs were already explained by me back in 2015. Do read it up.

To PRATAP: Not scrapped, but the number of ATAGS reqd will be reduced once the MGS is ordered. Why should Trajan or Atmos be ordered when the Dhanush-45 & ATAGS are on-line for procurement?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: Here's something to get you up-=to-date on the Arjun family of MBTs:

63 Cavalry, the GHOST REGIMENT of 1971:

Rail Convoy of M-46 & Sarvarta:

Rail Convoy of T-72CIA:

Rail Convoy of T-55s:

Aerial Ordnance of IAF:

PoK’s Cave Dwellers:

Tarapur Nuclear Power Plant:

Thorium-based Fuels:

Thorium Reactor Designs:

Thorium-based AHWR:

Oil & Gas Reserves Around Andaman Trench:

India's 1st Strategic Oil Reserve Cavern:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: Yesterday, the war between Sunnis & Shias was formally declared in Riyadh when the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) clearly identified Iran as being the source of all terror. POTUS also seemed to agree with King Salman about it, although POTUS had 3 days ago extended the sanctions relief to Iran for desisting from further ballistic missile test-firings. But POTUS also said that the Muslims, Christians & Jews will have have to live together in peace, i.e. negotiate a regional peaceful co-existence treaty with Israel ASAP without waiting for the emergence of an independent Palestinian State. The KSA in turn returned the favour to the US by inking a $110 billion weapons procurement programme that will keep POTUS happy since he has mimicked NaMo’s ‘Make in India’ slogan with his ‘Make in USA’ policy.

But for Pakistan, yesterday was its worst day after December 16, 1971 because:

1) PM Nawaz Sharif was not even invited to make a speech at the Arab-US Summit in Riyadh, despite Pakistan being the Muslim Ummah’s only self-declared nuclear weapons state.

2) All earlier ISPR-initiated propaganda about ex COAS of PA Gen (Ret’d) Raheel Sharif accepting the position of heading this anti-terror Muslim military alliance only so that he could mediate between Iran & KSA have now been proven to be totally false & misleading.

3) It is now emerging that the present COAS of PA Gen Bajwa had sent his Lahore Corps Commander to meet Raheel Sharif to dissuade him from taking a leadership role in this Muslim military alliance, But Raheel Sharif paid no heed to it.

4) While POTUS in his speech had mentioned Turkey, Afghanistan & India as being victims of terrorism, Pakistan was not even mentioned in any manner, thereby denying Pakistan the right to claim victimhood.

All of the above led Pakistan last night to go into uncontrollable crying & wailing & total shock. Already, there is much talk about Pakistan being insulted in Riyadh by both the Saudis & the US for NOT recognising its nuclear weapons state status & instead being dictated by the US to stop asll anti-Israeli activities. And yesterday there were large-scale exchanges of mortar fire between Iran & Pakistan. So what comes next? Will an insulted Pakistan now trying to defy the US & threaten Israel & Iran with nuclear WMDs? Will Pakistan acquiesce to the KSA’s demand for attacking Iran by land via Baluchistan? Will the Shias of Gilgit-Baltistan take the cue & begin large-scale civil disobedience agitations inside PoK? Has India already decided to side with any party? If yes, was this what IA COAS Gen Rawat was hinting at when he earlier this month spoke about forging strategic partnerships with Iran & Iraq? (historically, India had sided with the forces of Ali, as explainbed in the Al Hadis:

Is this what is going to be discussed between NaMo & Putin when the former goes to Moscow by the month’s end? Whjy has this visit been brought forward, when such Summit-level meetingsd are normally held towards the year-end? Will this meeting also involve discussions about cooperation in the UNSC in case India embarks upon limited-duration high-intensity warfare across the LoC in the weeks to come?

Anonymous said...

1) Will an insulted Pakistan now trying to defy the US & threaten Israel & Iran with nuclear WMDs?

sir can u clear my doubt regarding why would PA threaten Israel with N-WMD where it is so far away country and i see no major rivalry(otherthan its relation with IND) and with KSA n Israel coming together for peace treaty?

2)Has India already decided to side with any party? If yes, was this what IA COAS Gen Rawat was hinting at when he earlier this month spoke about forging strategic partnerships with Iran & Iraq?

if IND joins Iran n Iraq then how would our relationship affects with GCC? becoz u know largest of our remittance and diaspora are present in Arab peninsula?

3) India embarks upon limited-duration high-intensity warfare across the LoC in the weeks to come?

this is what our HM is mentioning about permanent solution in Kashmir but with no permanent RM how can a limited edition warfare can be waged? when do u think fireworks starts Sept?


Anonymous said...

What is the utility of a towed artillery system vis-a-vis a truck-mounted system? In this era of precision mutions, lesser number of truck mounted systems should be more cost-effective than towed systems, especially in terms of manpower, commonanity and survivalibity. Please comment.



Kapil said...

Prasun, dont mind me asking this but are we really going to see high intensity limited war by IA to liberate POK in a month or so? Or is it just your imagination?

Gd said...

Hi Prasoon,
Looks like writer took que from you on taking Haji Pir..

Arpit Kanodia said...


Actually whats going on? This is like everybody know about this and everybody feeling it, but nobody uttering a word.

Seems like Dark times ahead.

mad max said...

Hello Prasun,

Thank you very much for reply to my comment about Light weight Howitzers, much appreciated and enjoyed reading your views about KJ as given in your comments above and agree with your thought totally.

I would request you to kindly shed some detailed light on the following:

1) Your thoughts on the Three dams to be built by China in POK in Gilgit Balistan region - wont it affect our chances and what measures can we take against such construction activity by China in POK. I suspect that India is deliberately allowing china to take up all these projects including CPEC as it will benefit India in the end. kindly let have your thoughts in regards to the same.

2) I have been find any up dated information on our New Vikarnt and its contruction process, likely date of launch whether 2018 or as CAG 2023, however cannot find anything interesting to read can you please update.

3) In regards to scorpene submarines will we go ahead and place a follow-on order for another 3 or 6 or not, or will MOD ot place any further order on DCNS due to the data leak what do you think your opinion. also the new order for submarines under strategic partnership model being floated around , in your opinion who and which model of submarine should India choose - DCNS-imporved scorpene submarine or Barracuda( by the way which submarine is better Scorpene or barracuda), TKMS -HDW214, swedish KOKUMS, OR Kilo class from Russia- which ones do you think India will choose and why!

3) Still waiting for you to conclude your article about K9 Varja howtizers, eagerly waiting for it.

4) Will India buy additional Rafael apart from 36 already Bought? will India also consider buying 57 rafael for the navy or choose boeing F18 super hornet?

5) How would you rate indian torpedo Varunshastra v/s what are available in International market is inia torpedo equally effective?

Thank you and look forward to your opinion and advice to my questions above.

Enjoy your day.

Ludwig said...

Prasun Sir, Since MTA now stands cancelled, what is the plans for replacement, Since C-295 you say will not go through?

Rafale-lover said...

1.Sir what's your take on this Video on Kill Switch/Hardware Trojan?

2.You earlier said that there's isn't any problem of Illegal B'Deshis who got legal documents.But whenever I talk to any person from NE, especially those from Tripura,Assam or Manipur, they all do have one common complain that Illegals for B'Desh are making them Minority.So why can't any govt. take action on that? And what's the real solution?

3.You earlier mentioned that whenever there would be Caliphate born from ME,it wouldn't affect India.But on the same time, we come to hear many theories like Ghazwa-e-Hind were any foreign Islamic Army will conquer India.And infact, it's very popular in Pakistan and B'Desh. So wouldn't it affect us?

Aviral said...

Prasun da,
You said India will launch a high intensity offensive inside PoK. After your revelation Discussion are being held in various forums and also some central ministers are giving some hints. Pakistan definitely must have got some tip off. Will it really happen or the government is simply dropping hints to signal Pakistan that India will hesitate on taking military action if things in Kashmir escalate??

youngbengal said...

Prasun Da, which store u meant here ? "since the IAF already possesses combat-proven EMP-based countermeasures that will cause any airborne AEW & CS to end up in a fireball",

Arpit Kanodia said...


You can check credibility of this channel, by watching this video.

Stating, India in Pokhran-1 India exploded Uranium device

While again in Pokhran-2 we exploded Uranium devices. Lol.

buddha said...

Sir if a missile boat incorporate pinaka mbrl..Will it be based on pinaka 2...Because of its extended range....
Can prahar missile be incorporated because of its 150km range and 200kg ordinance capacity....
Is there any role be thought on for shaurya missile or it is left in for good.
Strategic partnership work with Russia on SSN has started or it is left for the next decade to come....

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RON: 1) Pakistan had already threatened Israel before & the time is fast approaching when Iran too will be threatened. But for the threats to work, Pakistan needs a credible, survivable sea-based nuclear WMD capability that it now lacks bu wants to acxquire it from North Korea via China. That’s when the US, Israel & India will step in to de-nuclearise Pakistan. 2) India requires countries like Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman & Nigeria because they are the prime suppliers of light sweet crude with low sulphut content which most state-owned Indian refineries can process. The crude oil from KSA & UAE are of a different type that the private-sector oil refineries can process. That’s what Gen Rawat had hinted at when it comes to creating strategic oil reserve caverns at 5 locations throughout India. 3) Highly probable, but this will be of the attrition-type, i.e. using airpower to significantly degrade the rear-area defences of the PA throughout PoK. The decisive campaigns will be waged next year, i.e. 2018. Given the present state of the PAF, it will not be surprising at all if India acquires air supremacy over Pakistan within 4 days of the decisive campaigns being launched.

To ANAND: I entirely agree with you & I have been stating this since late 1999 itself in various publications, including those published by the United Services Institution of India.

To ARPIT KANODIA: That letter was actually sent on March 30, 2017 & news about it has only just been leaked out. Then there was the congratulations on Twitter by NaMo for both the Afghan President on his birthday & for re-elected Iranian President Rouhani. And finally the public mention in Riyadh by POTUS of India being a victim of terrorism. These are all public signallings. More like ‘interesting times’ & not ‘dark times’. The plutonium device blasted at Pokhran on May 18, 1974 had a yield of 8kT & it weighed 1,400kg.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MAD MAX: 1) Such mega-projects won’t benefit India since they are tailored to meet only Pakistan’s reqmts. What PoK needs are several mini-/micro-hydel projects that are eco-frioendly & sustainable. Thje disastrous after-effects of suich mega-projects will be similar to those of the 1960s when the Mangla Dam was built & due to which tens of thousands of Mirpuris were permanently displaced & they still haven’t been financially compensated. 2) I had posted the weblink in the previous thread & here it is once again:

3) The IN requires at least 2 Scorpenes with AIP plug-ins ASAP. Meanwhile, the 2 pre-scheduled SUT HWT ejection tests from the Kalvari have been unsuccessful & now the only option left on the table is to order the Black Shark through DCNS. There will ne NO MORE procurement of conventional SSKs after the 2 additional Scorpenes. Only SSNs will be procured. 4) Yes, 44 of them for the IAF & most probably 57 for the IN. 5) Varunastra HWT is now only sirface-launched while the submarine-launched version will be the Shakti thermal HWT.

To LUDWIG: Efforts are on to revive the MRTA, rest assured. Also, additional C-130J-30s Super Hercules orders are expected.

RAFALE-LOVER: It’s just a possibility, but not probability. 2) Complaints based on mere assumptions/perceptions can’t stand the test of law & objective ground realities. 3) Ghazwa-e-Hind began with the conquest of Sindh by Mohd bin Qasim & ended with the demise of the Mughal empire in 1858.

To AVIRAL: LoLz! The ministers are talking about total;ly different matters, i.e. about ushering in normalcy in J & K through improvements in law-enfoprcem,ent techniques. They haven’t got a clue about the actual imperatives. For instance, in late 2014 when I had suggested to the PMO that the PIB, DAVP etc etc should launch a countrywide audio-visual campaign aimed at educating India’s citizens about all the barbaric/horrific atrocities committed by the PA & the Pathan/Pakhtun tribesmen against the non-Muslim & Muslim inhabitants of the princely state of J & K between October 1947 & late 1948, the suggestion was liked but wasn;t followed. Again last year when I questioned why all the publicity was being given to atrocities in Baluchistan but nothing of that sort was being revealed about similar atrocities conducted in Poonch, Baramulla & Skardu in 1947-1948, it was then that matters started moving & I’m glad to state that the PMO finally got this wake-up call & matters are now proceeding in the right direction. So, don’t be too taken in by these political neophytes who are today belching out soundbytes in installments. They still don’t comprehend the crux of the matter & are almost clueless about the desired end-state.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To YOUNGBENGAL: Refer to my thread on the DEW co-developed by DRDO & RAFAEL of Israel.

To BUDDHA: It doesn’t make any difference because the same Pinaka launcher can fire both types of rockets. Why require Shaurya or Prahaar when the BrahMos-1 wioth extended range is already available & will be joined later by the Nirbhay LACM—both of which offer pinpoint accuracy?

Meanwhile, enjoy these:

Minorities Discrimination inside Pakistan:

PIA Excels in Drugs Trafficking:

The Man Who Knew The Future Of Pakistan:

Future Distorted Predictions of Pakistan Spread by ISPR-financed 5th Columnists:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

More data on India's thorium-based power generation nuclear reactors:

The 1st 500MWe PFBR at Kalpakkam is expected to be commissioned in October 2017. 5 more FBRs of this same design will be built.

Anonymous said...

Regarding towed vs truck mounted artillery gun:
Won't decoupling the mobility aspect from the artillery aspect provide more 'availability'.

As in, if the gun were mounted on the truck then the availability of the gun is now dependent on the engine, transmission etc of the truck - if any one of the truck's systems were to break down then the gun cannot be moved to its intended destination!!
But a towed artillery gun can be hitched to any 'working' truck and moved around.
(hitching a 'broken' MGS to another truck may not be that feasible - especially over rugged terrain or mountainous roads as it's not designed for that activity)

Doesn't this crucial advantage warrant towed artillery trucks in preference to mounted ones??


buddha said...

Sir sukhoi 30MkI is falling from sky at an alarming rate... What should govt do to avoid such fall

Anonymous said...

What are the chances that anything shown by the gov will be seen as propaganda and be dismissed?

This should have been done when it was quite. The people in J&K are pretty literate and into politics. The challenge is I see how do you filter the news about muslims being killed for transporting cows or eating beef? How do you make sure the BJP politicians do not bad mouth Kashmiris? And how do you affect the interactions on the ground, like blinding of teenagers? The re-education only works if its done in the concentration camp conditions or when population is in the receptive mode.

The three questions I posed above make sure population is not in receptive mode.


Unknown said...

Greetings dear Prasun,

It's been a while since I've posted a comment on your blog. How ever I've been following your work and you are as superb as usual.

1) I have a query based on the news that the government had tried to make Hindi compulsory for all grades till 10th in all CBSE schools. You mentioned in a previous comment that the tamils had fired an ultra heavy weight torpedo against it. What did they do exactly? All I read was that they had vaguely protested against it, especially the DMK.
What kind of protest did they do? What about the other southern states? Did the Centre take their protest or are they still trying to get Hindi in the south?

2)How do you think the current leadership at the Centre views the southern states, especially with the embarrassing remarks by Mr. Tarun Vijay? Is the Centre trying to impose itself and it's strong hindutva ideology down south or are they showing more sensitivity?

3) I guess all this boils down to the old Aryan - Dravidian divide. I have searched high and low for more info on this, but have not found any thing conclusive. So id like to know from you sir : Is there really an Aryan - Dravidian racial divide or is there just a linguistic divide?

4) Coming back to military matters ,now that the extended range of brahmos middle has a land attack role, do you see an 550km range anti ship version any time soon? You once said that may not happen, but has the navy changed it's mind?

5) WHY ON EARTH is Pakistan shelling iran? Are the Pakis out of their minds? They can't possibly make so many enemies and survive.

6) Considering Iran's military has been hard hit by sanctions, can it possibly prevail in a short war with Pakistan?

7) Do you see the North Korea problem leading to war?

8) You have predicted a short war between India and pak this autumn right? And you said we may take the chicken neck area. But isn't that in punjab province of pak? Won't that put us in a legal fix as it is not one of the "disputed regions"?

9) Considering the abysmal vote turn out in kashmir, as we losing kashmir? What is the real condition with respect to the youth there sir? All the channels give differing accounts.

10) As the three year anniversary of the modi government approaches how would you rate it overall with respect the upa 1 & 2?

Thanks sir

Ludwig said...

Sir Vis a vis the recent NEWS about IA Fire Assault on Pak Positions, HAS it begun?

Kaustav said...


In the context of the situation created by Canada and resident Khalistani terrorists and sympathisers, Canada needs to be taught a lesson and made to suffer some loss to humiliate them for being a terror sponsor and for giving safe sanctuary to Khalistani terrorists and bombers of the Air India Kanishka.

This is necessary in view of the denial of entry to the retired CRPF official to humiliate India. A fast reflex knee jerk action is required. We can educate them about their wrong policies later.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Not a single scientifically authentic blood group or DNA study so far is able to say that Dravids or so-called Aryans or the different castes in India have any basic genetic differences so as to put then genetically in any different groups.

Aditya Kamble said...

Very enlightening article...

Rafale-lover said...

Some questions based on your earlier posts:

1.You repeatedly used "Liberation of GB" is going to happen.Does this Liberation will end with it's merge with India?

2.You earlier said that now MoD has decided an industrial consortium comprising Dassault Aviation and its Indian counterparts from both the private-sector and public-sector will supply up to 153 locally-assembled Rafales.But now you said 44 wil be further ordered.So what about remaining 109?
3.How long we have to rub our wounds on NSG Entry Issue with China?

4.What's the progress on TATA Kestrel?

And Finally very disturbing and shocking developments:

5.Should we assume Canada to be taken-over by Khalistanis?

6.What the hell is happening:

7.Very Animalistic Attitude of "We the People":

Thanks in Advance sir...

Arpit Kanodia said...


Whats your view on this video

AVIRAL said...

Prasun da
Why is army releasing vedios of fire assaults. Its an unusual step. Is army trying to escalate these fire assaults into full scale high intensity was. Meanwhile Pak ISPR released its own vedio on Twitter but in the vedio its seem they are targeting civilian structures made of wood and they no way appear to be military bunkers.

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Himanshu Jaatav,

In your comment section you quoted “Apart from fake Tamil jingosm, this shows Yazidi is clearly Dharmic faith”. I don’t know what do you mean Tamil Jingosm. Sometime truth will bite more.

a) Regarding Yazidi religion you need to know more. Please watch & read this below links and come to conclusion.

Why Yezidi Baba Sheikh visits Murugan Temple

b) Regarding “Dharmic faith” I don’t know what is the definition of Dharmic faith. Truly speaking Jewsish Brahmins came to India during second century after Christ death and hijacked the ancient Shiva Religion (Saivism) and renamed into hindisium. During Chandra gupta era they created the four varnas (the Brahmins: priests, scholars and teachers, the Kshatriyas: rulers, warriors and administrators, the Vaishyas: merchants, the Shudras: laborers and service providers.) This created the caste system and this is the reason for all the shits happening in India.

S.Senthil Kumar

Anonymous said...

ok now two videos come out from both sir can u authenticate these videos say which one was speaking truth?



Sir it seems IAF rookies took a serious note of the instructions from ACM dhanoa, and to keep up the tempo and availability of su 30 >80%, alas this is the result

Arpit Kanodia said...


I was reading this, and I shocked to read this

"""As for the manner in which the army had responded to the crisis in its assessment and conduct up to that point, Tipnis recalled that there had been a

total lack of army-air force joint staff work. When the army found itself in difficulties, information/intelligence had not been communicated by Army Headquarters in any systematic manner to Air Headquarters. There had been no call for a joint briefing, leave alone joint planning, both at the service and command headquarters; just repeated requests for armed helicopter support… . There had been no joint deliberations at any level."""

Does the situation improved, or it is as same as of Kargil?

Rahul said...

Dear sir

The loss of another SU 30 is very bad news

What is happening

Just Two months ago ; One SU 30 had crashed

Ni8 Dweller said...

Hi Prasun Da,

In a latest article Ashley Tellis has this to say on Indo-US relations

"First, he said, it is possible that the world is facing the end of relations centered on strategic altruism. Tellis argued that, for decades, the United States has focused on transforming relations with India on the presumption that a strong India was in American national interest. This worldview may be coming to an end.

Second, Tellis said that, for necessary geopolitical reasons, the relationship will likely persist, but with more irritants. Disagreements over U.S.-Indian economic ties and domestic problems within India will potentially prevent the United states from being as committed to a strong relationship as India."

Are situations that bad?


bhoutik said...

@Sanjay Sharma

Gd said...
Pls watch this

AVIRAL said...

Prasun da
DRDo will be testing Nirbhay missile on 25/26 of may but this report by indian express is saying that the missile is being tested without rectifying problems in navigation equipment and mission computers. It says DRDO has not incorporated recommendations made by the committee for changes in tge missile. What will you say on this:::

AVIRAL said...

Pakistan media claims that they have made forward and air bases operatonal and their jets have made flight over sieachin.

What will you say prasun da???

Unknown said...

Opinion Prasun



It seems Pakis are winning the information war against India. Turns out the comments attributed to Arundhati Roy were part of a FAKE NEWS propaganda unleased by pakistani & dimwits in Bollywood & Indian meida fell into the trap.

Now they are publishing retractions

I'm hoping Indian media realises that publishing such FAKE NEWS can lead to mayhem across the country.



joydeep ghosh said...

Prasun da

1. looks like before MoD the OFB has heard your idea it plans the MGS version of Dhanush

2. Whats happening with Su30mki its the 6 jet down in last 5 year, another flying coffin??

3. both nepal and sri lanka rocked by chinese debt trap are in turmoil, whats next as per you


Joydep Ghosh

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Rajesh Mishra,

I am one of the person reading your questions & comments & Parsun writings regularly.

In last comment you quoted "Not a single scientifically authentic blood group or DNA study so far is able to say that Dravids or so-called Aryans or the different castes in India have any basic genetic differences so as to put then genetically in any different groups".

As per my understanding, I think you have not done your homework before posting your comments. Please see the below links.

There are lot of DNA research done regarding Aryans Dravaidian thoery. But these research outcomes will never be publish in India. You know why.

Past 5 to 7 years there is a massive campaign in India by big so called "SCHOLARS" like Subramaniam swamy, NS Rajaram, Rajiv Malhotra and others saying that Aryan Invasion theory is wrong and British created to divide India. And they are saying that Dravidians got Black color because they are near equator. Yes Tamils are black in color because tamilnadu & Lemuria/Kumari Continent are in the equator line. Ok I accept this theory. But why tamil Brahmins like Subramaniam swamy who was born in Madurai district which is south of tamil nadu is in white color.

Ask so called SCHOLARS, if British created Aryan-Dravidian divide, now Brahmins & RSS are ready to accept that whole Indians are one people One Race and we all are “ONE INDIA” and......and........and....whole India is "ONE CASTE".


Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Rajesh Mishra,

Continued from previous comment......

At the bottom Line, whole of Ancient India Spoke Tamil. In Indus Valley and Sumerian Civilization
all spoke Tamil Language which is Bhrami Script.

3000 Years before people from iran, turkey and from Europe came and settle in North India. This is not Invasion they are migration. After Jesus died, jews are Prosecuted, jews came to South India during 2 Century BC in Maharashtra and Uddupi Karnataka Region. They are south Indian Bahramins who created devangiri script and hijacked the tamil Shiva religion and created Hinduism by Sankracharia Group. And Devangiri Language like Telugu, kannada, Hindi etc are created.

During Chandra gupta era they created the four varnas (the Brahmins: priests, scholars and teachers, the Kshatriyas: rulers, warriors and administrators, the Vaishyas: merchants, the Shudras: laborers and service providers.) After this fellows only caste system created not by British.

You know SANSKRIT is North Indian Dialect of TAMIL. This Aryans cant spell Tamil language. Because Old tamil is poetic form that “PAKRIT” means PA + KHATHAI meaning talking in poetic way.

So Pakrit is refined and called as SAMASKRITHAM which is called Sanskrit.

Murugan in Tamil is called “KANDAN”. But this Aryans can’t pronounce properly and they pronounce “SKANDAN”. S Sound is added.

Tamil Nadu have 75000 Temples which more than 50,000 temples are Siva Temple others are Murugan Temple and Mariam an temples. There is no one “BRAMA” Temple. No Tamil Sangam Literature talk about Brahma. There is no god called brahma. This brahma is created during Chandra Gupta Period.

When we ask Brahmins why there is no temple for Brahma, you know what is the answer they gave….. when Siva’s wife Parwathy is bathing , brahma hiddenly watching her bath. So Shiva got angry and cursed brahma.. that’s why there is no temple for brahma.

See how cheap these idiots are. And these fellows are telling that in Sanskrit Upanishad have reference to Messenger Mohamed. This was conveniently used by Zakir Naik kind of people.

When people tell you called as Tamil jingoism or Tamil Chauvinism.

If you really want to seek the truth….. Kindly check all the facts and come to conclusion.

S.Senthil Kumar

Anonymous said...

Hei Senthil,
Did you study in Commie school or Missionary school? or a Hardcore Karunanidhi Slave?
What you said above is called "Tamil Jingoism." Sankaracharya established Hinduism! What a nonsense.


Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Sanjay Sharma,

As a tamil, We are not going to accept Hindi as mandatory in CBSE Schools.
First we will try to block. But this RSS-Modi groups will not stop. Tamil People
Will come out to streets same like Jallikattu. If Hindi is imposed all over india, every state will start to Impose their language in their states. As per Great SCHOLAR Subramaniam swamy Imposition Of Hindi is a stop Gap Solution. Their long vision is Sankritazation of India. That mean no other language should survive. Only Sanskrit is future India. And as per RSS, Bahamians are custodians of Sanskrit and all other caste people should clean the Brahmins toilet.

One of my collegue is UP guy. He always talk about his hindi language. I asked what is your mother tongue. He said Hindi. I asked what your grand father and grand mother spoke. He replied Bhojpuri. That means your mother tongue is Bhojpuri. How your mother tongue changed to hindi. He kept silence and never talk about his Hindi greatness again.

Truly speaking every ethinic group should be identified by its Language, culture, religion and Tradition. This is strength of India. Everyone should talk in their languages and keep their traditions alive. No one should impose other traditons, languages by force. Only English should be communication language. This RSS-Modi groups are hell bent to make ONE INDIA, ONE LANGUAGE, ONE RELIGION and ONE TRADITIONS.
But why they never spoke about “ONE CASTE” for Whole India. Ask the so called scholars like subramianm swamy, rajiv Malhotra. If they declared whole India is One caste. All Indians are Upper Caste then India is a SUPER POWER. Why Modiji cant do this. One Order from PM Modi is enough to transform whole India. Why they are not doing.
Because that is called “CHICAGO SECRET”.

You know how Bangladesh got Freedom. Not by Indian Army or by Indra Gandhi. It is because Pakis Imposed Urudu as language for all Bangladeshis. At that time 90% Bangladeshis are muslims. But they Revolt against urdu and Bengali language won the war. Even Muslim Religion cant save whole Pakistan. This is lessons learnt from past. Maratis, gujaratis, rajasthanis all forgotten their languages. Now this Jewish Bhramin start showing their color to south India especially in Tamil Nadu.

Until India has more division it will be United otherwise it will brittle.

S.Senthil Kumar

rad said...

hi prasun

painfull to hear about he su-30 , what on earth are the russians giving us?

do our ac carry tac beacons and do the pilots carry homing beacons? emergency radios. if not then it is criminal negligence .

Anonymous said...

Media in India is controlled by Leftists. GoI is losing that battle. It is not FAKE news from Pakistan. It is Indian media (not Fair Observer) started the news about Ms. Roy's claim on India. She might not have uttered those sentences, but definitely there no fire without smoke. Her intention on India is to harm and discredit India in foreign media.
And look at tweets of another couple journalists and wife's comment. Basically inciting violence. Still considered as intellectual! and so holy.

Ganesh said...

Thiru Senthil Kumar, please do not get provoked by anything, this is a defense blog managed by a very kind person sharing facts. Please do not Sully the environment here. The dravidian propaganda is dated now and elections are far away. A request from one Tamizhan to another
Nandri, Ganesh

Rajesh Mishra said...

Dear Senthil Kumar
Way before year 2000 when internet newly arrived and there were no websites on such topics, I read on a Kurdish liberation site that Yezdi people have Molec (Malik) as their God, who travels on a huge Pea-Cock named as Muruga. Without any South Indian connections, but having visited Mahabalipuram and Kalpakkam so many times I immediately understood that Yezdi God has to be only the Lord Murugan (Kartikeya) flying on the pea-cock. My opinion was happily supported by many muslim Kurds then. Later on some other Kurd sites were developed who were also of this opinion. Later knowledge gathered was not any revelations but simple common sense.
TO BE CONTINUED at my liberty …. As I am somewhat old and not so well.

anupam said...

Hello Senthil Kumar,

why are you tying yourself in knot over Aryan Dravidian divide. It was way back in time. Now if you want to really stretch yourself I can assure you we all were lemur once.
And No Genetics will tell you ,Aryans lemur or Dravidian lemur which is honest,hard working, intelligent. So the whole theory is of no practical use.

India is a vast country and its inevitable to have people with different color, feature and shape. And his also prove in ancient time there was lot of ingress egress adding to such diversity genetically. Tell me another country in the world except America which has such diversity.

If I agree Tamil was spoken all over India , the you should accept now its not. How declaring whole of India as one cast help your persecuted mindset. And which caste it would be ? would you be willing to call yourself "Brahmin" if it's chosen. What someone wants to declare whole of India as one religion ? Would you like that ? You have an example in our neighbor, and you know how successful it is.

Regarding Tamil jingoism, its similar to what has happened with sikhs in punjab , kashmiri in J&k, Marathas in maharastra, Naga, Mizo and Bodo in assam etc. Bottomline is it's all political with very few people in top to gain. Fact is we all know such state can not survive for long outside Indian Dominion. All such events are blip and eventually die down.

Here is my humble advice to you.
you tube and social media has given us lot of information and perspective and also some new age scholars. But everything you see and quote from these sources might not be true.

Heberian said...

Hello Prasun

Long time since I bothered you. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Could you please share your thoughts on :

Thank you!

bhoutik said...

read somewhere that lee kuan yew invited India to be a founding memnber of asean, but India rejected it. if this did happen - what were the reasons for the rejection...

about the sukhoi from tezpur going missing - reports say it's near the tibet border - is there any chance of chinese getting their hands on it's crashed parts

The Xeno said...


Your are imagining ancient India as having fixed boundaries. Cultures weren't growing inside a box. Concept of territorial nation states is very recent if you look deeper at history. Indian society as we know today had it's adolescence and pollination and flowering and all, long before certain lines were drawn(genetic and otherwise) . It was the confluence of various creed or whatever you may call it, such as Indo-European, Dravidian, Caucasoid, Mongoloid, Tibeto-Burman, Austro-Asiatic and some yet to be named perhaps. The original inhabitants of India were the pre-Dravidian tribals, the adivasis or Scheduled Tribes, like the Bhils, Gonds, Santhals, Todas, etc. Their presence in India pre-dates the Dravidians, the Aryans and everyone else whatever be. So stop rotating this self-centric chakra around yourself.

Bottomline: Our gods are a family, we swear by the same constitution. Our vocabulary is a common vocabulary today, whatever different script or word or folkstory we use for it..

The Xeno said...

For starters :

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SCRUTATOR: LoLz! Why are you ASSUMING that automotive malfunctions will take place only on MGS & not on any other truck? Secondly, what is this ‘any working truck’? You want a Stallion to tow a 155mm howitzer? That’s not how battlefield logistics functions. Every piece of hardware is synchronised with the other & there are no ‘spare working trucks’ to do the extra-hauling, since overlooking this aspect affects the teeth-to-tail ratio of any fighting formation. BTW do yopu know how many FH-77s were lost in mid-1999 when they went crashing down into the ravines while being ‘towed’ to theior positions in Drass, Batalik & Turtuk?

To BUDDHA, RAD, AMIT BISWAS, RAHUL, JOYDEEP GHOSH: It must be noted that flying in the North East isn’t like flying over the plains. The weather over mountainous terrain can change abruptly within minutes & therefore a decade ago I had suggested to the MoD & IAF HQ that whenever all IAF or IN combat aircraft fly over either mountainous terrain or over the seas, they should each be MANDATORILY be equipped with a rangeless ACMI pod because only this piece of kit gives real-time GPS-based navigational updates to ground stations located at the air bases. In other words, if an aircraft goes down, thenm its last known position right down to the 7th decimal point is easily available & consequently SAR operations are easier to conduct. Taiwan’s ROCAF, South Korea’a ROKAF, Japan’s ASDF & the USAF elements deployed in South Korea & Okinawa have made this practice mandatory. So why can’t the IAF & IN? This will not only save money, but will also make SAR efforts much more easier & faster.

To MANDARLAL: LoLz! Being literate doesn’t make one educated. Thus, a literate person who isn’t discerning can easily be won over by propaganda, which is what is happening worldwide with all those professing allegiance to ISIS. The only ones who have traditionally bad-mouthed & mocked the Kashmiris are the Pakistanis & Chinese. No one has intentionally blinded any teenager. Rather, with the exception of a few collateral casualties, most of the teenagers have courted such punishments by defying the writ of law. If they had engaged in similar acts in Choina, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or any of the Central Asian Republics, they would have either lost their lives through summary executions, or would have rotted in prisons for some 30 years. Therefore, the Indian law-enforcement machineries have been far more lenient than they should have been & that’s why no one in the world except Pakistan has even bothered to raise this issue, thereby rewarding India’s superior moral stance.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: That video-clip is from the PA’s operations in North Waziristan & not anywhere along either the WB or LoC. Regarding OP Vijay/OP Safed Sagar, it must be noted that the IA & IAF had never wargamed for such warfighting scenarios, leave alone joiunt services training. Consequently, hardware like combat aircraft or attack helicopters or field artillery or air-launched PGMs that the IAF & IA had possessed at that time were never specified for operating over such high-altitude terrain. This was a world’s first when it came to high-altitude warfare & therefore there were no field manuals or battle studies to fall back on & everythging therefore had to be analysed, absorbed & learned on the battlefield itself. That all this was successfully done & applied within a limited span of time needs to be appreciated.

To AVIRAL: Release of video footage of the IA fire-assaults was targetted at both Pakistan & China. The PA is under the false assumption that the mere presence of Chinese citizens inside PoK will deter the IA from launching high-intensity limited campaigns along the LoC. By releasing such video footages, India is signalling that it is determined to recapture what is rightfully occupied Indian territory & that India is not fearful of any kind of China factor.

To NI8 DWELLER: I’m afraid events have since overtaken what Dr tellis had PRESUMED. For instance, read this:

Then on May 26 Japan & India will probably unveil the Japan-India Belt that will be similar to what the BRI is all about.

To AVIRAL: That particular news-reporter has long been known to have an imagination so vivid that it defies all laws of physics. As for the PAF, just look at the dilapidated state of the Mirage that was used by the PAF’s CAS to fly fropm Sargodha to Skardu:

Give them another 4 days & they along with the F-7Ps & F-7PGs will start suffering attrition losses.

Meanwhile, 2 Chinese nationals were kidnapped from Quetta yesterday:

To SHANTANU KUMAR & HEBERIAN: That piece has several factual errors & will therefore dwell upon in detail later today, rest assured.

To BHOUTIK: That’s true. India was invited to be a founding member of ASEAN, but obviously Pandit ‘Chacha’ Nehru had other grandiose self-righteopus ideas of his own. In fact, immediately after China’s first nuclear weapons test at Lop Nur in 1964, it was again LKY who had stated that if nothing else, India should at least immediately conduct its own nuclear test, even if it meant dumping that nuclear device into the Bay of Bengal.

The Xeno said...


And stop this language debate once and for all. You are being delusional if you think someone is trying to impose anything on you. The gov't had just proposed a three language formulae( Regional language/Mothertongue, Hindi & English). Hindi was never intended to be made compulsory but the govt only recommended its adoption into as per 3 language formulae for CBSE students. Like English is necessary for meaningful global communication & integration, Hindi is being promoted (and not imposed) for national integration. I don't see you having any qualms about learning English. Why this bias about Hindi, a true organic mixture of various languages including Tamil? Learning Hindi is just USEFUL. How would you like to communicate with say an Asami or Gujrati or Marathi? Don't try to Stalin'ize it..

bhoutik said...

were similar invites extended to japan or s. korea?

kattayikonan said...

As per your assumption arians arrived here some 6000 year ago the quoted scientific study didn't supplement your arguments. It says the both settled here more than 60000 years ago. At that time there is no Aryan or Dravidian

Anonymous said...

Regarding Towed artillery:

Yes, the trucks towing the guns can also break down - but those trucks (Ashok Leyland's Field Artillery Trucks) cost around 1/20 of the cost the artillery gun they tow. As such, an artillery regiment can have a couple of spare trucks! But the same won't be possible with MGS - a simple radiator, transmission or engine failure of the truck would mean stranding of the entire gun system.

But you're right that the large turn-radius is a drawback on the narrow-n-curvy mountainous roads. I guess that's why they'll be a separate/specific regiments of MGS.


Gd said...

Spot on.

rad said...

hi prasun
I am sorry to ask the same question again but as i was worried last night about our pilots. What i want to know ,have our boys been given the emergency locating radio like the one scott o grady used when his f-16 was downed in serbia.?
dont you think it is a criminal negligence if not ??

given the safety record and the spare parts supply by the russians and them again trying to screw us with the price of the ffga just like they did with the gorshkov. I am dead against buying the so called stealth fighter . what is the guarantee that they will not fall out of the sky like the su-30 after spending 25 bill$ ???

what would be the fallout of the ffga deal being cancelled with the russians ? as it seems to be heading to?

i would rather go for the rafale or the f-35 which uncle sam will eagerly give us just to make russian ffga uneconomical.

Unknown said...

Oh boy, looks like my humble query to prasunji has opened the Pandora's box. So sorry guys. It was never my intention.

To Senthil Kumar : Dear friend, I fully side with you on this. Never did I say that I wanted hindi imposed in the south.
On the contrary, it's the opposite. I know full well the agitation that went on in TN in 1964. And I don't want another such thing since I know any attempt to enforce hindi will result in that.

That is why I asked prasunji whether the current government was showing sensitivity to the sentiments in the south, since he always has an idea what is occurring in the background that the media is not telling us?


Arpit Kanodia said...

You're genius.

PAF F-7 P crashed in Bianwali.

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Rajesh Mishra,

Thanks for your comments. At least one Non-Tamil accepted one of the naked truth that Kurds/Yezidis God is Murugan which has connection with Tamil. For your information, Indus valleys Civilization Scripts are deciphered. All the seals are in Tamil which is early Tamil script. But great Indian so called SCHOLOARS like S.Swamy, R. Malhota, NS. Rajaram try to fix IVC with Sanskrit. But they failed miserably. Now they start calling IVC as Sarasvati Valley Civilization.

I did not study in “Commie school or Missionary school? or a Hardcore Karunanidhi Slave?”

Please see below link. Download the Pdf and read it.

This is the book written by RSS Founder brother in Marathi before 1947.

Book says “Jesus, the Christ, was a Tamil Hindu”

So RSS Co-founder Babarao Savarkar is also Tamil Chauvinist. Very Good.

@ Xeno,

Bottomline: All Indian Gods are Tamil gods. You take Shiva, Rama, Vishnu, Muruga etc. But Aryans/Brahmin hijacked the great religion and created their own stories which suits their Political needs. As usual you can call me Tamil Chauvinist or Tamil Jingoism.

@ Ganesh Nandri,

I am not disturbing the environment. I know this is defense blog. When Hindi Imposition and Yezidis topics surfaced I put my comments. I dont wnat to disturb Defence discussion. But one small suggestion you don't want to spend billions in defense.

2000 years China is under Indian Control. Why because of Buddhism which preached the peace. Early Indians worshipped Shiva, murugan, sun god etc. But there is no religion called Hinduism. After Jewish-bramins created Hinduism they converted all Buddhist to Hindus. After that china is out of Indian Control and then China India rivalry start.

Indian Military having so much of weapons. But this does not give you guarantee to Victory. Only winning the hearts will fetch you the real victory. Winning the hearts of neighbors is not easy. First win the hearts of all people in India First. Forcing Your GOD’S language SANSKRIT and world SCIENTIFIC language HINDI will divide the whole India.

S.Senthil Kumar

Harsh said...

Prasun sir, just unimaginable. How your words come true. Today a PAF F-7P fell out of the sky in mianwali.



Doesnt the latest crash of sukhoi exposes IAFs dubious record of flying unworthy fighters just to maintain high availabilty/sortie rates??

Also latest message to officers from CAS Dhanoa fell in to deaf ears it seems...the level of preparedness of IAF is fully exposed when they could not even trace/locate their own aircraft after crashing, forget about detecting intrusions by PLAAF and PAF in northern and eastern borders...

Also the SAR is going on even now... we gaga over having inducted sophisticated sensors/radars/ but we cant locate a crashed fighter. It appears to me that IAF is ill equipped to fly in these remote areas w/o any credible infrastructure/radar coverage/equipments to conduct sorties and with such exorbitant costly fighters that it has/seeks in future it is just risking losing thousands of crores of fighters...your take sir??

having said that even the IAFs denial of siachen intrusion by PAF is farce in the scenario that radar coverage is weak in mountain regions, when even IAF could not locate their own fighters..Do you believe that our radar network is capable to detect the intrusions in jnk , himachal, uttarakhand, sikkim, arunachal and even borders with myanmar??This incident doesnt allow us to believe so

why cant IAF just stop flying till they get ACMI pods suggested by you atleast during flying over mountains/sea??

Arpit Kanodia said...

@Senthil Kumar

Cut the crap, we all know your intentions. So, dont hide into a cloak. You trying to prove Tamil superiority not over just North India or West or East. You even going one step ahead, and trying to prove superiority over Kanarese and Malayalis.

And as for this issue

One of my collegue is UP guy. He always talk about his hindi language. I asked what is your mother tongue. He said Hindi. I asked what your grand father and grand mother spoke. He replied Bhojpuri. That means your mother tongue is Bhojpuri. How your mother tongue changed to hindi. He kept silence and never talk about his Hindi greatness again.""""

I can only laugh on this, I also know a friend who is from Sahranpur, ethnically, but born in Mumbai. So he also speak Marathi.

So, do I ask him why he speak Marathi instead of Hindi?

You are so much delusional about such issues, people speak language according to where they living, with whom they talking to and where they are born.

And are you sure that if he start to speak in Bhojpuri, then you able to understand him. LoL, you not? So keep your logics in your pockets. Nobody need such idiocy here.

And as for imposing Hindi, nobody trying to impose Hindi anywhere. If that so, then all other languages in India already on verge of extinction like in Pakistan.

Lol, Jesus was Tamil. ROFL. What next? Obama was also Tamil? As he was black? Color is your definition to identify ethnicity?

Arpit Kanodia said...

BTW, with time,

India's culture become more one. Even languages start to become one with time.

That is inevitable in my thinking, because today's India is more connect. More people talk to each other.

Some languages go extinct, some languages merge into one.

But afterall, culture and languages hold evolving nature. Even western culture start to merge with India.
And hindi, as right now exist is also go extinct.

The Xeno said...


You are gazing the endless sky through a very narrow prism for reasons best known to you. You are also confusing cultural shifts with "hijacking" and maybe migration with "invasion". I don't think you have really grasped the ancient Tamil wisdom embedded in their legendary poems. Which language/culture is older in existence is really moot because they both had origin somewhere, a very very long time ago. Moreover, we have concrete proof of admixture, and therefore, no Indian today can be the "original inhabitant" of India except a few tribes who probably still exist. All such linguistic/caste/regionalist divisions exist in the mind and map only. Both Dravidians & Indo-Aryans borrowed and absorbed Lexical and Mythological and cultural borrowings from each other, right from the time they met in the subcontinent (or perhaps even elsewhere). Indo-Aryan languages and the culture acquired a separate identity, and interaction with Dravidian languages formed the key part of the substratum of Vedic Sanskrit and vice versa. Both absorbed tenets of each other. Both grew. Clearly, many of the Sangam-age writers were well-versed in Sanskrit.

There's no pride in being old, pride is in adapting, changing and surviving. Reality is a principle, nameless and formless. Mortal humans(and politicians) just try to suit their individual preferences. See through the eyes of linguists and anthropologists. Every culture is beautiful, every language is musical. You must have heard :

குறிஞ்சி - தலைவன் கூற்று
யாயும் ஞாயும் யாரா கியரோ
எந்தையும் நுந்தையும் எம்முறைக் கேளிர்
யானும் நீயும் எவ்வழி யறிதும்
செம்புலப் பெயனீர் போல
அன்புடை நெஞ்சம் தாங்கலந் தனவே.
-செம்புலப் பெயனீரார்.

Red earth and pouring rain
Who is your mother and my mother?
How your father and my father are relatives?
Which way you and I meet?
But regardless, in love our hearts have mingled
as pouring rain becomes red when it falls on red land (Kuruntokai)

Rajesh Mishra said...

And how much time the installation of these ACMI pods will take on these aircrafts.

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

1) Now Whole American News Media like CNN, Fox News started to show that Putin is the new villain of the world. And this news media channels also started to find fault on Trump because he is supporter of Putin. And trump also want to downsize NATO.

After Russia Ukraine Problem, all talk about Cold War 2.0. But trump sees as Russia as friendly country. What is the mood in strategic circle regarding current US-Russia relationship?

2) One Year before I asked your opinion about Illuminati & its connection. You answered me that you are not supporting Illuminati theory.

I have gone through so much of sources to find about illuminates. My conclusions are
a) Jews treat themselves as superior to others. That’s why they called themselves as “GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE”.
b) They never accept Jesus and prosecute him. They are waiting for their Messenger.
c) To control the whole Humanity, JEWS did so much of bad things. That’s why many countries in ancient times punished them.
d) Now RothsChild and the team cleverly setup the banking system and control the whole world. (Please watch the above videos)
e) If you connect the dots of Jews, Rome Jesuit, illuminates, Freemasonries ideologies controlling the whole humanity and keep them as slave is their ultimate goal.
f) We all are pawn in their great game.

Do you agree now and please give your comment.

@Arpit Kanodia,
I newer said Jesus was a Tamil. Marati Sarvarkar told in his book. Bahasaheb Ambdekar told whole India spoke tamil. He is also Marati.

I gave one link about Jesus as Tamil Hindu. Without Reading the book you started to comment. My friend one person gives one statement and he shows some Proof, first you should verify the proof is correct or not then you should comment. You don’t want to agree all things which I say. Trust me but you should verify the proofs & evidences before comment. That makes a statesman.

About Jesus & Tamil Connection Please watch.

S.Senthil Kumar

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD & AMIT BISWAS: Both of you are ASSUMING that tools like emergency locator beacons or SAR sensors can overcome weather limitations. In reality, nature can be manipulated, but never conquered. The IAF first introduced emergency locator beacons for its aircrew back in the early 1990s, but even these can malfunction in bad weather. SAR sensors cannot penetrate thick jungle foliage of the type prevalent in the North East. All it takes is a single lightning strike to cripple all electronics on board an aircraft & its FBW-FCS & the aircrew’s emergency locator beacons can never recover from such an EMP. Then the only choice is to bail-out while the aircraft descends into an uncontrolled spin & crashes. The thick jungle foliage below also makes it highly difficult for the parachuted aircrew to touch down safely with their emergency locator beacons intact. It is a combination of such factors that is hampering the search-and-rescue efforts & I have no reason to believe that the ill-fated Su-30MKI had suffered from any equipment malfunction induced by either human error or material malfunction.

To SCRUTATOR: LoLz! There are never any spare trucks, period. The teeth-to-tail ratio can never be compromised. Not in India & not anywhere else as well. Spare holdings of hardware are always held in the rear areas & never on the frontline.

To AMIT BISWAS: Radar coverage in the Siachen area is foolproof thanks to the deployment of Bharini & Aslesha radars along mountain ridges. Detecting & tracking airborne aircraft in the skies is totally different from tracking aircraft downed in nthe valleys or ravines or inside forests.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SHANTANU KUMAR & HEBERIAN: Here are the clarifications:

Claim: Matter of fact, short of total genocide, no country regardless of its war-withal can hope to achieve a decisive victory with a “short war” in today’s world.
Reality: Decisive wars were won through OP Iraqi Freedom in 2003 & in Libya in 2011 & earlier, in Kosovo in 1999. In Afghanistan too the US won the war. Maintaining enduring peace in a post-war period over territory in which the war was fought is a totally different ballgame. The 2 cannot be combined into a single mission or endstate.

Claim: Pakistan has successfully locked down over 30% of our army in internal counter insurgency roles that not only sucks in combat troops from their primary roles for prolonged periods, but also alienates the local population in the valley.
Reality: 200,000 PA troops are today deployed throughout the Durand Line & 35% of the PA has since 2009 been fully engaged in low-intensity campaigns and the PA presently has a deployment ratio of 54.6% (about 150,000 troops), resting and re-equipping ratio of 12.7%, and the remaining 33% undergoing the training cycle. Situation of the PA is therefoe far worse than that of the IA.

Claim: Fifty years later, sentiment in the valley is very different. And this “turning move” has been achieved by Pakistan with a ridiculously low investment of merely a few hundred terrorists and psychological operations.
Reality: Unrest in J & K is limited to only 5% of the Kashmir Valley’s landmass & 3% of the total landmass of J & K. Furthermore, no resident of J & K is this time crossing over to PoK for sanctuary nor are they applying to the UNHCR for refugee status. Far more Pakistanis, on the other hand, make a daily beeline for the UNHCR.

Claim: Another substantial part of our army is locked down in the North East insurgency and we are still trying to build adequate force levels against our much stronger adversary all along our border with China.
Reality: The PLA is nowhere near the LAC & is instead located in the hinterland of Lanzhou, Sichuan & Yunnan provinces. All along the LAC, the IA far outnumbers the PLA in terms of deployment footprint. The PLA knows only too well that if it were to match the IA’s deployment along the LAC, its troops will die in large numbers by contacting Cholera, Malaria, Typhoid, and Dyssentry, as was the case in 1986 during the Sumdorong Chu/Wangdung incident.

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Claim: Most worryingly, Pakistan and China have achieved military interoperability, which is the capability of their two armies to execute joint missions against a common target.
Reality: How can 2 armed forces that don’t even communicate in the same language ever achieve even a micron of inter-operability? Have the mechanised/armoured formations ever exercised jointly?

Claim: Secondly, Pakistan has leveraged its geopolitical position far more strategically than India has been able to. India has traditionally relied on moral high ground to achieve global consensus and support.
Reality: It is due to this alleged ‘leveraging’ perhaps that today Pakistan is for the very first time since its birth is staring at a ‘3-front concundrum’, which has further stretched the PA’s deployment footprint.

Claim: On the other hand Pakistan’s dependence on the US has reduced dramatically with China filling in the gap.
Reality: How that anyone even dream of reaching such a hairbrained conclusion when all the CPEC-related concessionary loans being extended to Pakistan by Chinese financial institutions are all US$-denominated & not a single one is Yuan-denominated?

Claim: Firstly, the only area where India could try a meaningful riposte to Pakistan-sponsored insurgency would be Baluchistan. By tying in China’s stake of keeping Baluchistan under control, Pakistan has made it extraordinarily difficult for India to make any aggressive move in its south without threatening Chinese interests.
Reality: Totally hilarious delusion. It is now the Saudis who are now saying that the land invasion route to Iran for the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT) will use the Sistan-Balochistan area as the springboard.

Claim: The same is true for any Indian military action in the theatres of Kashmir or Punjab. Any Indian operation that endangers thousands of Chinese citizens working on the CPEC project in Pakistan will draw the wrath of China and give them the loco standi to initiate hostilities against India.
Reality: Even China supports UNSC Resolution 47, meaning J & K is a sovereign part of India. Therefore, in the event of hostilities breaking out along the LoC, China will be the first to evacuate its citizens from the war zone, exactly as it had done in Libya in 2011 without any offensive military intervention.

Claim: Pakistan has correctly appreciated that the force levels which India will be able to muster against it will be more or less evenly matched, and in the event of Indo-Pak hostilities, they can depend on China for their logistics supply chain as well as splitting the Indian armed forces’ resources and focus by mobilising PLA divisions along the border with India.
Reality: It is the most imperfect & erroneous appreciation. The IA & IAF far outnumber the PA & PAF when it comes to deployment footprints for offensive operations in northern Punjab & inside PoK.

Claim: India is at the risk of being perceived as the obdurate party incapable of setting aside bilateral issues for the larger good of the region.
Reality: The PRC is already perceived to be equally obdurate not only by ASEAN, but also by the US, RoK, Japan & Taiwan when it comes to the South China & East China Seas. If the PRC gives a damn about such perceptions, then why should India be sensitive to such perceptions?

Conclusion: The author’s observations are all cut-and-paste clones from the book “The Dragon on our Doorsteps” which itself is replete with several factual errors & erroneous conclusions, a tiny fraction of which I have disproved above.

bhoutik said...

@xeno @senthil

when we r talking about dravidian and indo-aryan, we r speaking about linguistic groups - not 'races'. it's important to remember that. we r all racially one. and dravidian and indo-aryan did'nt have to meet each other - one could simply have evolved from the other. certainly more plausible given the similarities. english/german/french etc. did'nt meet each other, they evolved. no reason why same did'nt happen here. we r all adivasis. some just more travelled and evolved within the subcontinent more than the others.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJESH MISHRA: Such pods are already integrated with all frontline IAF aircraft. But the pods are used only during dissimilar air combat exercises, & not during routine training flights--a decision that needs to be reversed.

Meanwhile, more targetting updates for the IN:

To ARPIT KANODIA & HARSH: About nine F-7PGs/FT-7PGs have been lost since 2002. Prior to the crash of May 25 in Mianwali, there was another crash in Jamrud tehsil of Khyber Agency on September 24, 2016 in which Flight Lieutenant Omer Shahzad was killed. In November 2015 an FT-7PGs, crashed near Kundian, Mianwali in which female pilot Marium Muktiar died.

Kaustav said...

Dear SSK

The driving interest of the people of India at large is survival, followed by material gains, a secure future, getting their children educated and set up in life. This can be where they live or by migration within India or by immigration outside India.

A very miniscule microscopic percentage of the population is actually worried about language, culture, religion, caste of brahmins JEWS and our ancient glories MISCONCEPTIONS. Ver few care about either Tamil, Hindi, Sanskrit or any language. The language that helps to earn wealth get education and communicate effectively is adopted with alacrity by the wise opportunistic Indian.

So KEEP IT SIMPLE SENTHIL and read all the trash on the net you want but believe nothing. The language and culture of the World and India is Wealth and Material success.That is DHARMA.

VARUN said...

Any fresh information on GTRE kaveri engine. Role of france /Snecma in its development after rafael fighter deal. I read some mysterious sounds during supersonic / afterburner part of flight. present status time of its completion. Can you write a new report on kaveri engine.

Anonymous said...

This is interesting.
The Muslims talk about Ummah or Khilaphet. Look at the difference among Middle East Nations just on a TV network. May be they are in union in funding terrorists.

Qatar is one side have unofficial diplomatic relationship with Israel, have US military base. On the other hand, it funds Islamic fundamentalists such as Syrian Opposition, Taliban and possibly ISIS. And they would be hosting World Cup football in 2022. Where it is heading?


rad said...

hi prasun
what is this new version of QRSAM offered by iai which is a modified version of the barak 8? wouldnt it be expensive given the aesa radar? will it mean the death of the surface launched version of the astra? what gives??

Anonymous said...


Afraid you are just parroting without any proof. You have the French, German and English theory wrong to start with.

What are French? Celtic tribes
What are German? Saxons, Goths, etc...
What are English? a mixture of Danes, Angles, Celtics, Britons Picks, Saxons, etc...

reading material to start with:

These people intermixed too either by force or otherwise but are considered different races.

If you were to say English and roman Italians were the same, people would laugh at you. That's the same as saying a north indian is the same as south indian. They are completely two different races. Genetics is never wrong. Nor are people blind, a north india looks very different to a south india and temperament is different too. Bengalis are a race that is very different to a Gujrati.

If these races are the same then its the same as saying all humans are the same and that would not be far wrong either, because we are.

We could also say humans and bananas are the same because we share over 50% of the same DNA, I guess it depends on the level you are going too for comparison and the sameness.

The answer is driven by the politics. The current climate is to build 1 nation. That can only be achieved by trampling or destroying other nations and their culture. The other solution is let it be, let us live in a federation of nations.


john said...

Is it true that five member FGFA panel submitted a report against FGFA (T-50)?

If so what is the next option ? There are lot of Plan-B reports in media.

When can we expect Tejas MK1A AESA Radar/EW Suite selection?

Ni8 Dweller said...

Thanks Prasun Da. Between the fireworks possibility that you hinted is talked about now in upper echelons of power in US,

“India has sought and continues to move to isolate Pakistan diplomatically and is considering punitive options to raise the cost to Islamabad for its alleged support to cross-border terrorism,” Lt Gen Vincent Stewart, the head of US Defence Intelligence Agency, told the committee.

“Increasing numbers of firefights along the Line of Control, including the use of artillery and mortars, might exacerbate the risk of unintended escalation between these nuclear-armed neighbors,” warned the director for National Intelligence, Daniel R. Coats.

It seems we've started climbing the ladder of escalation in an overt manner.

Rafale-lover said...

1.I read your previous old article on LCA Mk2.In 2012,you wrote that it's going to fly in 2014-15.Sir what went wrong between 2012 and till today that it's been delayed to atleast 5 years?

2.In 2008, you wrote article on Akash E-SHORADS.Do you think that canisterization Mk2 variant in future will solve the problems faced by Mk1?

3.Can you please write or refer something on China's ABM capability?

4.Sir will GB ever be with India? You used "Liberation of GB" in previous posts.Will it later include joining with India?

bhoutik said...


what can a lonely parrot do but parrot away yaar

no whites consider danes, french, etc as different races. try telling them what ur telling me.
you mention different tribes - tribes formed on the basis of distinct culture and language, but they're the same race. i argue that my point remains solid. from what i understand, the gene pool in india solidified way back.
don't get me wrong, i'm not implying for destruction of cultures - the opposite in fact. i'm a bengali. tamil history is my history, my pride. my blood. but taking a bullshit marxist/white nationalist racist fantasy line to spite your unruly/stupid brothers isn't the way to go. instead take charge of the country.

Unknown said...

Dear prasun
1) If India and allies does defeat Pakistan and denuclearises it, won't that throw a monkey wrench in Saudi Arabia's plans to checkmate iran? If that's the case then won't they try to punish us by an oil embargo of some sort?
I know they need to sell oil as much as we need to buy it, but they have huge cash reserves, while we have inadequate oil reserve.
I think it would hurt us a lot more than it would hurt them.

2) Speaking of oil reserves, how many days strategic oil reserves have we built up till now? What is our target and when, if at all, will we reach it?

3) Any chance of Pakistan balkanising following their denuclearisation?

Would love to get responses from you on my previous enquiries when you find time, sir.


The Xeno said...

@Anthony @Bhoutik

The racial debate just keeps thriving by perpetually jumping within the context of Religion, Gods, Names, skin or blood. The difference is not linguistic either. Even though Dravidian languages are based on a different model than Sanskrit there are thirty to seventy per cent Sanskrit words in south Indian languages like Telugu and Tamil, which is much higher percentage than north Indian languages like Hindi. This only gives credence to what is a superficial distinction in the first place. Dividing them and placing them at odds with each other serves the interests of neither but only serves to damage their common culture(which is what most of those who propound these ideas are often seeking). Basically, Indians, whether white or black, so-called Aryan or Dravida and others, have similar DNA. No one has to feel that the other is foreign to them. They need not feel that they are racially different from the other or that they are losing their culture or that they to assert themselves against the other. Hindu culture has never suppressed indigenous cultures or been opposed to cultural variations, as have the monolithic religions of Christianity and Islam. They did not make everyone have to visit a single holy place like Meca, Rome or Jerusalem. Nor did they find local or tribal deities as something to be eliminated as heathen or pagan. We are a part of the same culture. Language & Dharma is to unite people. Not Divide. I would go one step further and say that, there is fundamental unity among humans. Africans, Indians and Europeans are the same people who developed different skin colours and diffent cultures because of climate and environment. "Vasudev Kutumbukamm" is not just a catchphrase. It's the ultimate truth.

The seeker said...


For better or for worse, India won't be a part to it.

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Rajesh Misra & Kaustav & bhoutik,

First I am tamil by ethnic and Indian by nationality. I have no intention to show tamil supremacy against any indian or any language. I am a Hindu by religion. Most of tamils converted to Christian or Muslim. I was so upset by them. Later I try to understand why they are converting and what is special in abramic gods then Hindu gods. I met many of them and discussed. Nobody converted to chris/muslim on interest or love in their god. Just they want to get respect & dignity for themselves and their family. Because of untouchability’s in hindu religion.

Later I started to read/research/analyses who we are. Being a tamil I am able to read tons of Tamil Sangam literature. Try to understand about KumariKandam/Lemuraia. Nowhere in sangam literature caste, bhramin, sutra kind of things found. 90% of literature talks about Shiva, muruga, Vishnu etc. To your information 60% of artifacts and other archaeological evidences found in India are in tamil. Very less about Sanskrit or other languages. This is a naked truth.

Then my interest in doing research extended. I started to looking about Sanskrit, who is this Brahmins how other languages evolved. Start understanding about IVC, Sumerian Civilization, nova, great flood, Egyptian pyramids, jews, Torah, jesus, bible, gensis, buddism etc. After doing so much of studies I come to an understanding Tamil should be an early spoken language. From there Hebrew, Aramaic, Sanskrit, European languages should have evolved. Tamil script got evolved in different forms in different regions. Only Shiva, muruga should be the first god known to humanity.

See in Ancient Babylon Shiva is the god. He is called as NIMROD who is the hunter. Complete reference about him found in genesis.

Murugan is called Tamruz

After Kumarikandam/Lemuria submerged. Till that Shiva, muruga, sun gods only worshipped. After delugue, people start moving to different place. One is IVC, Sumerian Civilization etc. From there Abraham Story Starts and Egypy Civilization, Jews Torah, Genisis, jesus, bible, Msuslim, makkah, Kuran things happened.

After Jesus percecusion jews ran all over the world. One set came to South India. They hijacked the loca[ Indian traditions,religion. They took tamil literature and start translating into Sanskrit text. From Sanskrit devangiri script was created which took, kannada, telugu, hindi, marati, punjabit, Bengali etc evolved with regional languages. During Chandra gupta era Varnashram & caste division is created. From 3 to 7 century AD thousands of Tamil Siddhar are massacred. They called themselves as bhramin. Tamil Sankrit fight is not today. It is 1500 years of fight.

Bottom line all this relgions hindu, islam, chris. Jewish relgion are created/developed/evolved on vested interest. Nowadays I am not calling as Hindu, Now I am calling myself as Shiva Follower.
Please do the research without any vested interest. You will come to know who we are.

S.Senthil Kumar

Millard Keyes said...

Prasun I know you love democracy. But this is your blog and I earnestly plead you to put an end to this LTTE type discourse. It is distracting and especially when it escalates and drags on and on and 90% full of assumptions it is better taken somewhere else where we are here to discuss and learn defence related technological and strategic issues. Thank you.

The seeker said...


Your understanding of the read/research/analyses are based on completely wrong premises and thus completely flawed. Since you call yourself a Shiva Follower you should know a couple of things about him. Since he was free from desires, Lord Shiva never obsessed over things. It is a fact that desires always lead to obsessions, and these in turn make us self-destructive. Shiva was a ‘neelkanth’ because he swallowed poison named ‘halahala’. I hpe you too can follow him and swallow all that poison and suppressed it in your throat. The important lesson to take back from this incident is to take negativity in our stride, and turn it into positivity.

Kaustav said...

Ok and thanks. As I said, the Internet is free. I am sure all Indians take pride in our collective history or mythology as you prefer it. All versions are welcome and truly appreciated.

Regarding the OFB proposal for a 155/52 MGS system based on Dhanush or a MGS derived from the ATAGS which is also based on the Dhanush incidentally; will take the same time. Incidentally the ATAGS has atleast been test fired.
Logically, therefore a 155/52 MGS derived from ATAGS would be available earlier.
The OFB and Indian Army could ofcourse see enlightenment and ensure the the balance 300 Dhanush (after the delivery of 114 towed Dhanush 145mm) as 145/52 MGS. They would work great in the mountains and be available before ATAGS.

jew said...

Tamil is everything LOL..... Somehow "Tamils only" escape from the cultural/language invasion of jews. Rest of the India/world could not survive. Dear Senthil (Mr. know all/everything) this is a defense blog. I accept, Tamil language as well as Tamil people were there even before the earth was created. Please spare this blog from your vast knowledge.

many thanks

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

What's going on the LCH front?Is everything progressing ok. When can we expect IOC?


rad said...

dear senthil kumar

spare us other bloggers , jingoes ,the lessons in history, anthropology, religion in the sweet name of allah , buddha ,christ, krishna ,shiva , muruga etc .PLeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaase.

ps Dont dump brahama and vishnu all together for shiva they may take offence!.

Harsh said...

Prasun sir, I think a correction is required to your latest update in this article.
The number of ATAGS i.e. 155/52 towed howitzers required is 1580, not 1850.

Anonymous said...

If I may humbly add my 2 bit on this issue. Of course with the permission of Prasunda...if I may.

Anyone who is convinced on the superiority of their race would actually end up being called a racist and rightly so.

When an entire race is convinced about their superiority, that would end up being the root cause of a genocide. From Inca, Maya, Turks in Armenia, whites over indigenous folks or the concept of "Aryan superiority" in Germany are all there to read and understand.

It would be therefore far wiser to try and convince ourselves that our superiority - if at all there is any substance to that claim at all - it is a gift of wiser and other greater civilizations that have gifted us this.

A good example would be the claim of Dalai Lama - a truly great soul of this generation and a world wide respected leader of a great people - staying that we are "chela" and the Indian culture is our "guru".

What great humble utterance of a truly great man of a truly great religion among religions.

Dear SSK, I do not want to advise you, as you are a widely read person it is obvious. But a study of the Dalai lama's approach would not harm.

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Xeno,

You quoted “Dividing them and placing them at odds with each other serves the interests of neither but only serves to damage their common culture(which is what most of those who propound these ideas are often seeking). Basically, Indians, whether white or black, so-called Aryan or Dravida and others, have similar DNA.”

1) According to you there is no Aryan Dravidian dividie. WE all are one DNA and one PEOPLE one RACE. Very good. Now as per your Bhramin DHARMIC principles I Was born in GOD’s Leg. So I am defined as Sutra. Can I convert and become Brahmin.
Can you help me to convert to Brahmin. If you make me as Brahmin I will stop talking in tamil. And I will start preaching Hinduism and try to talk only in SANSKRIT. Please help me. You quoted tamil sangam poem in previous post. Show me one SANGAM literatue/Poem about FOUR Varnashman Principles.

2) You are talking about SANSKRIT Greatness & mixing of Sanskrit in Indian languages. First show me one Archeological Site and excavation anything about Sanskrit script found.

Please see the below link. Keezhadi excavation in tamilnadu is the latest ASI Excavation, As per ASI it dates back to 2 to 3 Century BC.All the scripts are in Tamil. Not even single SANSKRIT found. And Roman Coins are found shows trade with roman empire. Now tell me where is your so called mother of All Languages “SANSKRIT”.
Latest News. ASI Stopped Excavation. Why there is no SANSKRIT found.

ASI Site Chief is transferred. Now you can start preaching Sanskrit is MOTHER OF ALL LANGUAGES.

Dear Rajesh Misra & Kaustav & bhoutik,
Watch the following videos.

Nalalda Univerity

Origin of Temple,

Salvation Bracelet of Christianity & Aaseevaham of Tamils

Siddhar Phenomenon & Color Concept

People are taking about Amazing Facts on Kundalini Yoga

S.Senthil Kumar

rad said...

hi prasun
please give us more dope on the ramjet powered AAM being built with russian help??

please tell us more about the abhyas decoy ,aerial target. Is it india`s version of the aerial decoy the Israelis used? how is it comming along ?

Pratap said...

US defense intelligence chief says India is considering punitive actions against Pakistan Is he indicating about a limited war?

Meanwhile here's a Pakistani debate on this congressional hearing. This Pakistani guest on the left talks about India waging a possible limited war. Watch from 1:50 https:/

bhoutik said...

if civilization based on tamil lang. started earlier, no one would be happier or prouder than me.

someone mentioned here that we're "white or black" - thats a weird way to describe us. we're brown all of us - from extremely light-brown nearing whiteness on one end to extremely dark-brown nearing black at the other - but brown noionetheless. lets stop borrowing and applyinng other peoples political vocabulary on ourselves.

to those who r bothered about this conversation being off-topic, i apologise and u r correct. beg forgiveness, could'nt help myself. shutting down.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Nag (Sheshnag/King Cobra/Cobra Dragon) is the oldest Sanatan Hindu God of the world while migrating in seashore hugging mode from Ethiopia to South Indian peninsula inclusive of Srilanka. Mind it, it was during the old ice age when Srilanka and Kumari Kandam were connected with India. This time period was ~ 100000 to 80000 BC. Gond and alike tribals went to central India, so the Nag remained as their God. Primordial Hindi (Nag language) with enough of cobra like nasal sounds was their primitive language. Yaxa are the oldest Gods and they stayed at the joint South Indian peninsula, where they created the first paradise on the earth called Kumari Kandam. Yaxa Gods created their own language which now we call as Tamil. So “Tamil is the language of the Gods and of the First Paradise”. Perhaps on the popular demand, the Yaxa Gods also modified the Nag language i.e. the “primordial Hindi or the people’s language” into the Sanskrit. So the “Sanskrit is the language created by the Gods. Obviously Sanskrit is not the mother of all the languages but certainly Sanskrit is the mother of all the I.E. group of the languages.
Now mind it that Sheshnag and his Cobras defend the Shiva, Vishnu, Bramha, Buddha and all Jain thirthankras eternally. This is called being God of the Gods.
To be Continued at my own time………
(BTW, I feel somewhat ashamed to disturb this great defense website in this manner.)


guys lets boycott this idiot senthil and enjoy this.....i just wonder how prasun sir predicted this much earlier

T 90 SM Videos


to prasun sir

1. IDRW says scorpene test fired a torpedo..recently you said SUT HWT ejection test failed...any new info??

2. These days your blogging activity is slow in momemtum :) :) ....can we expect any big bang news from you anytime soon , which is keeping you busy ??

3. any info about the two pilots missing since crash of su 30 mki in rupa valley of arunachal pradesh???

4.Can you update us about the ongoing DRDO projects to develop indigenous air borne missiles?? today we got to know about SFDR (solid fuel ducted ramjet) AAM,ASM Rudra M II

5.whats the potency of anti ship ballistic missile of chinese origin???
I remembered you said cruise missile /standoff missile are launched against actionable intelligence of stationary locations whereas CBG including AIRCRAFT CARRIERS, FFG,DDG are mobile targets...kindly share your views


in this video TOR SAM has been integrated with TATA this the precursor for S 400 contract to evaluate indian platforms for integrating russian S 400 and other SAM required ??

Rajesh Mishra said...

Here I want to clarify that the selected Brahmins with my surname (with nine other surnames) were sent to Egypt from India by sage Kashyap anytime between 3100 BC to 2000 BC for the so called repair of the degenerating society in Egypt. Here I do not know the Abraham connections if any. After the tensions arising between the ruling Pharaoh and the Moses, only people with my surname then working perhaps as Jew priests came out of the Egypt with Moses around 1300 BC. In the way, contradictions with Moses were developed due to the infamous idol of the Golden Calf and my ancestors returned back to India after spreading Mithraism/Mitraism on the way in Iran. In short all other Brahmins never left the India.
Egypt has been named “Mishr” after our surname.
But bigger surprise is that Egypt itself has been named as “Egypt”, after the surname of the Gupta Dynasty of Sri PKS (PK LionGupta).
Western history experts (perhaps Greeks ??) say that before 2600 BC or before the Pharaohs, the Egypt was ruled for thousands of years by the Scorpian Kings or Hidden Kings or Secret Kings.
Now : Egypt << Gypt << Gupt << Gupta = Hidden = Secret
Who knows, human history may be a big joke of the Indians.

Arpit Kanodia said...

Maybe that's why Hitler established the Occult Ministry. LoL.

Finding history for benefit of humanities or toward your nation is totally different thing. And molding it into proving it as racial superiority totally different.

And that is my personal belief, and I am not try to enforce this to anyone.

But a person who believe in God like Vishnu, Shiva while disavowing Bhrama. That's how religions are created, not new scientific studies.

This is not the argument of where Shiva was born or even he is a myth or real entity. But once you considered someone as larger than life, I think that person lost power of reasoning.

And that indoctrination that speaking here.

SK dont try to enforce your indoctrination and bullshit here. You are far from logics.

@PKS Sir,, I dont think this blog is right place for creating new religions.

If a person refused to question the entity of God itself, even for sake of reasoning, I dont think a person like that ever reach to "RIGHT" conclusion.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: Maybe this will usher in some commonsensical realisation:

Deciphering Extra-Terrestrial Binary Codes:

Meanwhile, Iran yesterday fired mortar shells into Pakistan:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

NISAR & GSAT-19 & GSLV Mk.3:

ISIL Targets Russia:

Ujjwal said...

Which torpedo is this? Is the news authentic?
Thanks, regards

Gaurav said...

Hi prasun da

If the above is true then I think MOD is making a mistake . Which DRDO system we are talking about..akash mk2 or Astra SAM? Giving almost everything to DRDO is a mistake. Now DRDO will take 5 years to deliver and that too likely be substandard.we are inviting the foreign vendors for trials then abruptly cancel tender after 5 years causing losses for both us and vendors
.this had become a trend. I think out of 5 tenders only 1 goes thru after long wait.the SPYDER system was front runner here and had also make in India plans.we have canceled do many tenders in the past that people laugh at us and a time will come when all foreign vendors will quit .then can DRDO come to rescue? Tell me one formidable system that DRDO has produced with 70% indigenous content...

Your thoughts please

Gaaurav - kol

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Very insightful article about how we acquired new howitzers from USA.

I have a few questions about the lastest happenings:

1. How true is the Sunday Gaurdian article. Seems misplaced and wrong.

2. Why is there no mainstream media coverage for the AAGC unlike OBOR.

3. With another Hizb terrorist dead, will valley simmer again. Seems like a bloody Ramzan awaits South Kashmir. But its been a good week of India as 10 terrorists were killed.

4. Irainians are now firing at pakistani posts fairly regularly and indian army is doing targetted firing too. How squeezed is pakistani army. And will they try to bail themselves out by instigating more violence in the valley and afghanistan?

5. Canadian government calling Indian CRPF and India a genocidal force and country. What and how can India react to this. Are their any options at all.

6. There are lot of twitter talk that OFB is developing a MGS platform based on Dhanush. How true is this and is it even needed, given that IA will go for Ceaser MGS?

7. You said the Kalyani group developed ULH is based on east European design. I tried to google more info on it but found none. can you pls shed some light on this. And now that IA has already choosen one design and Mahindra is going to produce them under license, why is Kalyani group wasting money. They did the same for 155/52 howitzer, knowing fully well that IA will go for ATAGs & Dhanush.

Thank you.

Srinivasa Nanduri


ISIL Targets Russia:

Is this the reason behind cosying up with pakistan/ISI by russia to pursuade taliban to take on daesh in northern afghan borders??

In case there is a real turmoil in the central asia caused by ISIL/daesh how wil it affect IRAN and china particularly??? Bcoz the mujhahideen themselves admitted china and america supplied weapons to them...

In this video none of the mujhahideen have uttered kashmir can we assume JNK is out of crosshairs of ISIL/Daesh ??

Also this AL-JAZEERA video gives us an detailed perception of ISIL/TALIBAN/AFGHANISTAN and the tussle being played out by P5 COUNTRIES...Who funds AL-JAZEERA BTW???

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

First of all I must thank you for allowing my views in this blog even though many dislike my comments. Second this is Defence Blog talking matters related to defense as well as Geopolitical events. I am again sorry because most of the viewers are disturbed/irritated/Shocked by my comments and I got a good Name as "IDIOT".

When a person comes and talk in public some will praise some will curse. It is natural. May be my comments personally affects their understanding.

@ Rajesh Mishra

First thanks for your comments. At the end, I can see there is light in the end of the tunnel. There are some knowledgeable people who can understand the India's ancient past
without any bias.

You quoted "Yaxa are the oldest Gods and they stayed at the joint South Indian peninsula, where they created the first paradise on the earth called Kumari Kandam. Yaxa Gods created their own language which now we call as Tamil. So “Tamil is the language of the Gods and of the First Paradise”.

Excellent. I think you have done your research without any vested interest. That's why you are able to write boldly. Thank you once again. Your view on Brahmin is correct but the Brahmin you mentioned are North Indian Brahmins came Via Iran Kyper Pass. (This is called Aryan Migration/Invasion).

After jesus prosecuted, one group of jews came to South India during 2nd century AD via Maharashtra - Udupi and reached Kerala-Tamil Nadu. They are called South Indian

Until there is Varnashram and caste based discrimination you cannot see real “ONE INDIA”.

Viewers feel this is out of topic and they doesn’t like to continue for various reasons, so I will stop this debate here.

S.Senthil Kumar

rad said...

hi prasun
how come we dont have out own BAT teams, why are we on the defensive?? we seem to be scared of bat teams ??

what is this report of going for akash sams for 18000 crore ? has it been misquoted instead of the surface launced astra?

Ganesh said...

Hello Prasun, I wonder if Chinese cyber network can be hacked into by acquiring their end points. Thanks, Ganesh

Kaustav said...

1.Why do we persist in giving back the bodies of slain terrorists in Kashmir? Is it on the principle of getting his death recorded for closure & posterity or that death ends all enmity? Would it not be better to torch/destroy these slain vermin in public and kill/roast, if possible, any foolhardy terrorist mourner who might turn up at such public event!!!

2.Will it not be more logical for IA to order OFB to develop some 300 odd MGS based on Dhanush 155/45 after execution of the 114 towed Dhanush 155/45? The 155/52 ATAGS have already been test fired and it would make more sense to make MGS versions of the 155/52 ATAGS which is anyway based on Bofors/Dhanush rather than the as yet untested 155/52 towed Dhanush. Please clarify if possible.

The Xeno said...

1) What's this China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Practical Cooperation Dialogue about?

2) Seems Pakistan finally acquired Aselsan Pods

Unknown said...

Your views are guided by western indology and literature written by western historians to perpetuate concepts that don't have any historical or factual basis. Like considering Aryan as a racial concept, whereas aryan only stands for noble. You should read works of indian indologists like s talegari on aryan invasion. These are in books. Avoid using Wikipedia as it is one of the most unreliable researches. More on you ill-founded myths will get clarified once I share with you the latest link on an indology conference to be held in india on tamil nadu being the land of the Vegas.



Anonymous said...

what is it hes talking about need complete details regarding his statement


Rajesh Mishra said...

How many Chinese and Russian Su-30 have fallen so far. Please reply.

Anonymous said...

Is chinese strategy working? giving loans and then converting them into equities?

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Dear Sentil,

Sorry I comment at a very slow pace and generally very patient and observing only. But could hold my self so this comment. There is a saying by chanakya and few poets in Telugu "Vemana" and "Sumathi" who have advised that when you dare " be like a Lion" when you are not in position to prove or debate your point just leave with grace not with whimpers or a cat but cleverness of a "Fox", One more thing, Also never jump to a argument or debate with idea that you idea will be accepted.


Devopriyo said...

@ Senthil

Can you Please enlighten me what is the "Aryan Invasion / Migration theory" and what are the proofs supporting this other than "Lingusitics"?


SUVO said...

Some news:
(1) Egyptian military launched several airstrikes on militant training camps in Libya in response to an ISIS attack that killed 29 Coptic Christians.
.....When we change our "protective mode" into "preventive mode'?

(2) The amount of brainwashing is beyond comprehension.

(3) NIA has found strong evidence against kashmiri separatists who received funds from Pak-based terrorist group to create tension in valley.

(4) Pakistan's Punjab assembly today unanimously adopted a resolusion demanding the federal gov. to immediately take up the issue of violence in kashmir to the UN & request the world body to intervene.

(5) Gorur mangsho khaoa jemon uchit noy,Bachhur ke bonchito kore Gorur Doodh khaoao uchit noy.Moorgir Dim khaoao uchit noy...etc...etc..etc.

(6) The North India centric Indian politics can't understand Bengal's cultural height & intellectuality. There is a list of revolutionists who died in Andaman cellular jail & this list mostly occupied by the brave-hearts of Bengal.

Kapil said...

Prasun, your views on this report - Russia offers its future Karakurt class corvettes to India

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,
My sincere apology to post this comments.

Dear Kunal/ Aditya/ Devopriyo

Actually in my last comment I decided to stop the debate because most of viewers doesn’t like this debate and they feel it is deviating from the defense topic. That is the reason I stopped not any other reason.

Ok You are asking me proof for Aryan/Dravidian Invasion. Before that answer the following questions.

1.First Prove me any Sanskrit signature in Indus valley civilization and Sumerian Civilization.
2. There are 70,000 temples in Tamilnadu. Most are Shiva, murugan and Amman (Goddess) etc. Why there is no single Bhrama Temple.
3.Thousands of Sangam Literature talks about Shiva, muruga etc. Why no literature talks about varnarshram & caste division.
4.Why no Sangam Literature talks about Human CREATION theory. (As BHRAMA is Creator and Siva is destroyer). (Tamil literature supports only Evolution theory)
5.Prove me Ravana is as vedic Scholar.
6.Why Krishna & rama are mentioned as black in color and why ram land is called dravida desh.
7.Buddism spread to china and east. Why hindusim never went to China and to other countries.
8.Why RSS Co Founder write a book about Jesus as Tamil Hindu before Independence that too in marati.
9.Before all SANSKRIT Scholars talks about Sasnkrit is mother language. Now suddenly all started talking both Sanskrit & Tamil Shares each other. Why?. Now suddenly why Sanskrit scholars started telling tamil nadu as land of vedas.

10.From 2015 keezhadi archaeological excavations is going on. As per carbon dating it is 3rd century BC. Why no single Sanskrit script found in any artifacts.

First answer the above questions.

For Relaxation Just watch this videos.

Just watch about True Story of Vedas.

Shocking truth about Mahabharata.
War between 100 tamil chera kings vs 5 Panyda King. They are called as pandavas. Watch the entire full set of videos. It is war for agricultural lands resource. Mahabharata war happened in triunelveli Tamil Nadu. But Arya Bhramin translate into Sanskrit, own it and put lot of fake stories.

True Meaning of Sanathana Dharma

History Of Mankind

About Bull Fighting Jallikattu

Just watch this blog you will get tons of Information. He is a bhramin too. He know both Tamil & Sanskrit very well.

S.Senthil Kumar

Arpit Kanodia said...

Sir the video you provided

ISIL Targets Russia:

I found very interesting part at 3:53

The Afghans listening this song

Jhil mil sitaro ka sawan hoga. That is pretty interesting.

rad said...

hi prasun
please dont upload crap that deviates from the subject because people start exhibiting there sense and non sense .

Again there is news that the russian missiles are not reliable and the failure rate is high especially the aa -12 missile . Its so disheartening , we pay so much for a sukhoi and they give us dud missiles? please comment?

rad said...

hi prasun

the papers report that the akash has been ordered in lieu of the srsam? some in the ministry and drdo has gone cracked??

RJS said...

Dear Senthil ,

What superior reasoning skills you have ! Your theories are truly original and mind blowing !In the world of alternate history your version would be recognised as an even more extreme alternate history requiring a dedicated alternate alternate history .

I'm a believer .Sumer and IVC not having Sanskrit as their lingua franca? Ravan being a Vedic scholar .JP under Periyar starting out as a virulently Anti Brahmin and And anti caste organization extended to anti Aryans and anti Aryan history which means negation of RAM as an Aryan God and hence support to Ravan .But Ravan as per any version of the Ramayana , one picks up is a Brahmin.Problems galore ! Anti caste movement restricted to justice for the intermediate and backward castes with nary a word against untouchability .With the result that TN has among the highest statistics of anti Dalit violence in the nation today and a plethora of caste based parties - all a legacy of the JP / DK school of thought .
How different are you from the so called Aryan States of the north where caste violence is endemic .

In fact ,in the light of the above , all those who challenge you here deserve to have the crap beaten off them .

Anonymous said...

Iam wondering whether this is a religion-history blogs or something else. I don't find any defence related post for the past two or three days.

bobby said...

to prasun

i have question regarding type 209 sub tech transfer to india ?? how much of it was transferred to india and if they have this tech why dont they just starting making these subs with that knowledge with upgraded systems .

y always keep going to float new requirements every single time, i guess india has enough knowledge to make subs and sub grade steel.

just import AIP for these subs ,this can be as good as scorpenes.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Dear Prasun Da

please come back and post some thing .... eagerly awaiting ur posts ...

Anonymous said...

According to this Norway is planning to replace Javelin anti-tank missile as its ineffective against APS of modern tanks like the Armata of Russia.
India is investing in Javelin in future.
What is your opinion on missiles like Javelin given that sooner or later all armies will acquire APS for their tanks and other fighting vehicles?

Thanks in advance.

anupam said...

Prasun there some news that muslim nato is already faltering & Raheel sharif will be back. Whats ur information.
Also what do you think Europe USA relation going forward. And how the change impacts India .

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

hope you are keeping well

1. just got a big news

2. looks like Kabul NDS missed this

i hear now Afghans are now saying no to bilateral cricket with Pak

3. i though you will be excited about the news below but no response

4. with the cattle trade ban, beef ban brigade on rampage beating people for what they eat and what they do for living, my assertion is the UPA govt living in cuckooland was better than this NDA govt which is busy inflaming tension between communities and driving wedge in society for sake of votes.

For example, the current CBFC chief whop was once known to produce crass quality films, but now professes support for current govt and says that films quality is degrading and even says he will not allow Indian films to be shown aboard in film festivals with certification (nee editing) when the fact remains that international film festivals only accept uncensored unedited films. god if any save India

your views on any of these


Joydeep Ghosh

Devopriyo said...

Interestingly the Iranian embassy was the target - lets see where Pak - Iran relations go

Kchontha said...

Your blogs is entertaining and informarive. Kindly inform me regarding the progress of the AIP developed by the DRDO to be fitted on various indian submarines. Is there any Aip fitted submarine operated by PN? if so what would be IN strategies against it? Thanking you Sir.

Ram Bharadwaj said...

Hello Prasun

Pakistan has received 7 Sea-King Helos from UK.

- Did IN miss a great opportunity to augment its depleting fleet?
- Has IN sub surface arm lost some edge due to these new addition to PN?

Ram Bharadwaj said...

RM Jaitley tweeted that Kalvari class successfully test fired a Torpedo. What is the make of these torpedo?

Ganesh said...

Hello Prasun, off relevant topic of curtailing beef production, it is clear that economic constaints are put to those who are in business of pink revolution and degrade the standard of their living. In the long run India will become a true economic power make those fence sitter and opportunistic countries to behave and fall in line with majority Indian values. Kudos to present government to do the needful. However on the flip side it seems the short term goal is to make sure the forth coming assembly elections are won on this emotive issue rather than on quality of governance. Don't bother to respond since I wish to use your platform to share my thoughts as a one off case
Thanks, Ganesh

Thehundered said...

Prasun how much longer will the IAF be able to keep Mig-27's and Mig-21 bison's flying?

"India and France are currently holding key negotiations on the sale of 30 retired Jaguar Strike Fighter Jets from the French Air Force reserve. France has already decommissioned the SEPECAT Jaguars from its Air Force.

The negotiations underway are to buy 30 of these formidable fighter jets in as it is condition condition from France and the Indian Air Force plans to use the 30 Jaguar Jets for spares to maintain its current Jaguar fleet."

rad said...

hi all

Prasun has taken a sabbatical to escape all the nonsense being posted !!!!

so please refrain if you want him to come back !!!!!!!

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

Hope you are well and fine - no post since last week.

Apparently Insas Mk1C 7.62x51mm is the Ghaaatak rifle from OFB.

Millard Keyes said...

A few years old but note what Bruce Riedel concludes:

Anonymous said...

Seeing that the Pentagon has ordered the design and development of a prototype combined-arms squad consisting of human soldiers and “unmanned assets” to maximize troops’ performance on the future battlefield.


It is a interesting new phenomenon. Last year Google bough over Boston Dynamics which is involved in developing military purpose robot prototypes for DARPA. See

Even the Emirates are in the news lately for introducing a policing robot. See

How far in future, do you think that robotics in battlefield formations are going to be of regular use? Considering the terrain in the POK region and the necessity for carrying huge loads in weapons, ammunitions and other equipment for stealth ingress and egress, as must be the case for all surgical strikes, it would be amazingly useful to have a Big Dog type of career that can carry huge loads in extremely dangerous territory for hours without tiring. And it could also have mine-sniffing electronics and be the electronic eyes and ears of the platoon if built in with a warmth detecting / foliage penetrating radar.

Are you aware if any effort is on to assess such a tactical tool/equipment for the Para's in the militaries future war - scenario circles in the country?


joydeep ghosh said...


Prasun da

you will be happy to hear this, hizbul infighting is on the rise and looks like without arresting Zakir Musa IA can eliminate the terrorist (something you suggested)

tw do you remember i had told around 2 yrs ago that India should recognize Somaliland as independenjt nation & help it stand upon its feet in t=return for setting up a military outpost,well looks like UAE has took up the idea and has built a army/navy base in Barbera
& may use it to launch attacks on Yemen.

Though India didnt have to do that but if India had taken that it would have helped it control piracy as pirates again become active

you views please

Prav said...

So are the kundankulam deal also connected to the pwr reactors for the proposed ssn s ?

buddha said... is schocking

buddha said...
Is this possible

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