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Friday, August 9, 2019

Indian Navy Places Bulk Order For SDRs, Plus Project 15 DDG MLU Details

The Indian Navy will be the first of the country’s three armed services to induct new-generation software-defined radios (SDR), following a contract signature on August 8, 2019 with state-owned Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), the producer of the SDRs. It was on November 29, 2017 that the Defence Acquisition Council of the Ministry of Defence (MoD) had cleared procurement of these SDRs, valued at Rs.490 crore (US$70.64 million). More than 260 SDRs of different types are being procured under the Indigenously Designed Developed and Manufactured (IDDM) category.
While the MoD-owned Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) designed and developed the SDRs, it was assisted by multiple agencies, including the Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (CDAC), Centre for Artificial Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR), and the Indian Navy’s Weapon and Electronics System Engineering Establishment (WESEE). The contract involves the replacement of existing hardware-based legacy communication sets with software-based multi-band, multi-functional and multi-role/mission radios. This is to enable secure communications for improved information sharing and situational awareness. The SDRs feature domestic waveforms capable of providing a wide range of frequency usage and capability enhancement. The DRDO had worked on the Integrated Development of Software-Defined Radio (INDESDR) project for eight years. Following the development of the radios, the DRDO conducted user-trials for five different SDRs, all of which will be seamlessly interfaced with the Indian Navy’s new-generation digital network (NAVNET).
On October 16, 2018, Vedanta Group’s Pune-based Sterlite Tech, a digital networks and telecom solutions company, bagged a Rs.3,500 crore contract from the Indian Navy deal to design, build, operate and maintain the NAVNET. The multi-year contract includes design, execution, operations and maintenance of the NAVNET. Sterlite Tech will build a robust integrated communications network that would provide a secure, reliable and seamless digital highway to the Indian Navy for administrative and operational applications. This network will give the Indian Navy digital defence supremacy at par with the best naval forces in the world, Sterlite, which also manufactures optic-fibre cables domestically. The initiative includes creation of an independent high-capacity end-to-end communications network, linking multiple static Indian Navy sites and India-administered islands, and includes the setting-up of highly secure data centres and Big Data content delivery software-defined next-generation networks. This is the first time an integrated end-to-end digital network at such a scale is being built in India, empowering the Indian Navy to secure the country’s borders till the farthest posts in India. The technology will also enable the Indian Navy to ride new-age applications with advanced security solutions while bringing real-time situational awareness and faster decision making.
Other Services Networks
At the apex-level is the Army Strategic Operational Information Dissemination System (ASTROIDS), which connects Army Headquarters to the Command Headquarters and forward to the Corps Headquarters while rearwards it will connect to the national command post, the other Services and other national level entities. The latter portion dealing with the national strategic level will be enabled through the C4I2SR (Command, Control, Computers, Communications, Intelligence, Information, Surveillance and Reconnaissance) System when it gets established.
The Army Static Switched Communications (ASCON) system’s third-tier, commissioned in September 2006, is called Mercury Thunder and it forms the backbone communications network of the Indian Army. ASCON provides voice and data links between static command/formation headquarters and those in peacetime locations. It is of modular design so that it can be upgraded as better technology becomes available. As a back-up, the Indian Army also deployed the static fibre-optic Army Intranet, known as the Army Wide Area Network (AWAN) February 24, 2006. Mercury Thunder builds on Mercury Streak that created an optical fibre cable (OFC) network for the Army in 1995, and Mercury Flash that provided a microwave network in 1998. Mercury Thunder enables the integration of its predecessors with a satellite-based overlay that enables seamless transfers over all three systems. It enables the transmission of real-time battlefield data to top commanders during hostilities and also enables a qualitative improvement in relief and rescue operations when natural disasters strike. Mercury Thunder raises the number of channels on which voice conversations can be simultaneously transmitted from 120 to 10,000. Since ASCON supports a mix of voice, data and video transfer, the number of channels available at any given time would depend on what mix of the three was adopted.
Field-level Command Information Decision Support System (CIDSS) is under the command and control of the GOC Corps Commander. Field-level ‘Project Sanjay’ Battlefield Surveillance System (BSS), ‘Shakti’ Artillery Command Control and Communications System (CCCS), Air Defence Control and Reporting System (ADC & RS) and Battlefield Management System (BMS) are all bound by the CIDSS as the backbone, also configured to integrate field-level systems like the EWS and ELINT (the Samyukta/Himshakti systems). in an effort to present a holistic picture to a commander and his senior staff officers to ease the decision-making process. The second vital link will connect the Corps Headquarters forward to the Battalion Headquarters. This will be the Tactical C3I (Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence) system or tac-4g, which will use the 4-G cellular telecommunications networks already established by BSNL, as well as those if private-sector service providers like Reliance JIO.
TAC-4G is based on a flat-IP network architecture which provides flexible and fast communications between many users. This includes fast-and-secure communications between different points and support of concurrent running of multiple applications, many of which require high bandwidth. The high flexibility of TAC-4G along with additional inherent capabilities such as information security, on-the-move network infrastructure, and support of multiple applications, positions the system as an optimal solution for addressing the complex military communications requirements. TAC-4G also supports a wide variety of multimedia applications and allows quick and easy addition or removal of applications. It also implements the ‘network-centric warfare’ principle; allows various-level commanders the highest level of control and effective activation of various warfighting, logistics and maintenance forces; allows, real-time battlefield management and control; uses the cost-effective commercial cellular network providers’ infrastructure, which allows shorter implementation time and fewer risks in comparison to other alternatives that are not based on COTS infrastructures.
Air Force Network (AFNet) is an Indian Air Force (IAF) owned, operated and managed digital information grid. The AFNet replaces the old communication network set-up using the troposcatter technology of the 1950s making it a true net-centric combat force. The AFNet project is also part of the overall mission to network all three armed services: that is the Indian Army, Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force. Commissioned on September 14, 2010, AFNET is a fibre optic-based network on which the integrated air command, control and communications system (IACCCS) of the IAF rides. It also provides a real-time sensor-to-shooter loop, which will enable IAF commanders to make instant decisions to order the weapons to be deployed. AFNet is a dedicated fibre-optic network that offers up to 500 MBPS encrypted, secure bandwidth. It incorporates the latest traffic transportation technology in the form of IP (Internet Protocol) packets over the network using Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). A large VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) layer with stringent quality of service enforcement facilitates robust, high-quality voice, video and conferencing solutions. All major IAF formations and static establishments have been linked through a secure Wide Area Network (WAN) and are accessible through data communication lines. Decision-makers can now get intelligence inputs (for example, video feed from UAVs, real-time air situation pictures from AEW & CS platforms etc.) from far-flung areas at central locations seamlessly.
AFNet can be described as a perfect example of public-private partnership. The Rs.1,077 crore project, which started in 2006, was developed by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (Department of Telecommunications DoT), HCL Infosystems and Cisco Systems in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence (MoD). The DoT started the project in the previous decade to set up a dedicated fibre-optic network for the exclusive use of Indian armed forces at a cost of Rs.10,000 crore. As per the agreement, the DoT is required to lay about 40,000km of optical fibre cable connecting 219 army stations, 33 naval stations and 162 points for the air force (so far, work pertaining to the air force and navy has been completed). In exchange, the armed forces have released the frequency spectrums.
SDR Manpack For Indian Army
SOFTNET Combined SDR-Tactical Data-Link
BNET-AR Combined SDR-Tactical Data-Link For Tejas Mk.1A L-MRCA
Airborne Internally-Mounted Fire-Control System For BrahMos-A ALCM
SATCOM Terminals For India’s Strategic Forces Command
These are the very terminals now being used by the authorities in the Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir and in Ladakh for command, control and communications.
BrahMos-1 Quad-Launcher For Project 15 DDG Mid-Life Upgrade
Other Elements Of Project 15 DDG Mid-Life Upgrade
Following exhaustive competitive evaluations, Spain-based INDRA, in which US-based Raytheon owns a 40% stake, had in late 2016 bagged the contract for supplying through the MoD-owned Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) the naval version of the 3-D all-digital LTR-25 L-band air/surface search radars for both the four Project 15B guided-missile destroyers, and for the seven Project 17A guided-missile frigates, as well as for the mid-life upgrade of the three Project 12 DDGs (that will replace the THALES-BEL RAWL-02/PLN-517/LW-08 L-band air-search radars). Each LTR-25 unit is composed of a primary radar integrated with a secondary radar and an operation and power generation sub-systems. The LTR-25 is capable of digital beam-forming, direct radio-frequency sampling, monopulse technique of operation in elevation and azimuth, clutter-rejection, as well as ballistic missile detection and tracking.



Why the three armed forces are running in theee different approach instead of joint planning and ececution of future communication and data links

Anonymous said...

1.What about the 5G Huawei equipments that will form future telecom?
*Will the govt go passive aggressive as US ?or
* waiting to cancel Huawei as a retaliation action against any move by China, so as to not be the first to start any tradewar?.
* Or India is of the opinion that Huawei is of indisposable to the telecom industry that is high price sensitive as India?
2. Doesn't most of the so-called "indigenous"equipments already have significant Chinese made components in them?
Can you suggest good articles on the Indian pov on the matter.

Susan said...

Prasun da

In some of the blog by retd.PAF officer are claiming during 27Feb aerial dogfight,Pakistani are listening radio chatter between the IAF ground controller and pilot because IAF dont have
secured radios.

Even they claim there Falcon 20 aircraft successfully jammed the IAF communication during
27Feb aerial dogfight.

Is it true?Pl share some info on Falcon 20 aircraft of PAF.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: It is hoped that the service-entry of SDRs & SDR-based networks at the CIDSS-level will be the point of departure for the creation of integrated operational commands, especially the Joint Operations Information Room (JOIR) & the Joint Aerial Reconnaissance Evaluation Cell (JAREC).

To VIMAL: No cellular comms service provider has opted for Huawei's 5-G solution as yet. In fact, the Govt of India favours an indigenous 5-G solution, with technology providers hailing from Israel, Taiwan etc etc.

To UNKNOWN: This is the blog:

The assessments & conclusions are all pure BALONEY.

Meanwhile, in response to deliberate PLA incursions in two areas of northwest & northeast Bhutan last June (where the PLA still remains dug-in), the following 2 responses are noteworthy:

In addition, the 14th Dalai Lama's succession plans are also to be discussed, since the Communist Party of China (CPC) has already decreed that it (and not the Almighty) will have the final say on how, when & where the the reincarnation takes place! Of course, such competitive benchmarking of supernatural capabilities between the CPC & Almighty is only possible inside totalitarian China.

And as an added worry for China, Pakistan has drastically scaled-down the rollout of the next phase of CPEC-related economic schemes. Consequently, the traditional friendship with China that was “sweeter than honey, higher than the Himalayas, deeper than the oceans & stronger than steel is now transforming into ”sourer than Pakistani milk, smaller than Pakistan’s foreign reserves, shallower than a Lagoon & softer than toilet tissue-paper"!!!

And finally, the Vatican has decided to join forces with India:

Suman Chatterjee said...

Sir I would very much appreciate if you kindly write a piece of Indian Army's Sniper Rifle and Light Machine Gun (LMG) acquisition program. Thank you.

Kaustav said...


As per my information, you are right on 5g, as Sheila. My Bhatija, a young engineer with BSNL, stated that for 5G trials, BSNL is using Nokia and Utstarcom and of course our own Tejas systems. This is excellent news actually.

With reference to the Taliban, of course they would like to talk to India. They know that Pakistan only looks at Afghanistan as a client state for strategic depth. PAKISTANI actions in NWFP & FATA would make the blood of every self respecting Afghan boil for revenge.

Anonymous said...

What is affecting the CPEC? Why is Pak pulling back from the embrace now?


Anup said...

If we have SDR ready,then why IAF order from Israel?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: Ground report from Srinagar:

Not a word from the UN about J & K being a disputed territory:

Several interesting factoids about PoK, especially Gilgit-Baltistan:

And finally, this is what fate has in store for anyone who desires to 'liberate' J & K from across the LoC:


It seems you are also enjoying twitter trolls haha;)

voiceoftheneglected said... ... ve/274724/

** Something sinister bound to happen ?
** Will they try to blow some of our naval assets using special ops which might cause huge casualties and tag it was India's flag false operation / non-state ?
** Hopefully we put counter offensive and bait them to several poisoned asset and give them back nicely ....
** And more of psych ops is required ....

What is your views ?
Is there some way as civilians we can help to gather such OSINT data ?

Prajjwal Dalal said...

Hello Prasunji!Great article.Never knew about those network system except of Shakti before.

1.There is world wide narrative being setup about locking down valley,hence violating basic rights of people by various int. media groups.How would/could we counter this narrative?

2.You said that Taliban signaled to India that later should talk to India directly.If India do talk to them,want the Kabul become uneasy since we had an image of supporting democratic government in Afghanistan among st it's population?

3.Will China retaliate by saving Pakistan from FATF Black-listing?If so,then how should India respond?

TO HARPREET: Actually I do watch Pakistani media regularly and I don't have any kind of effect from it.The questions I posted in the blog was of my teacher which were part of a conversation in spare time.But as I said,his brother works in CNN and influences his opinion,so I guess this is were the questions and narrative originated. I have noticed one thing that a lot of NRI Indians are having this kind of narratives.The reason why I do ask such questions on this blog is because of getting familiar with facts for future conversations.Today he sent me RSF article and called the actions of GOI as "Quasi-fascism"!This is so much of "Abb is duniya main kuch nahi rakha" attitude.

Thanks sirji...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAT: I had already explained it in the last thread & here it is again:

To ANUP: It was all explained here:

To VOICEOFTHENEGLECTED: That RETARD had also made several such ASSUMPTIONS before & this latest one is no different. The origin of such speculation was this erroneous report:

That report had SPECULATED that the JeM seminary was to be used for imparting training for seaborne terrorist incursions. In reality, the seminary is being used for imparting training on riverine interdiction/infiltration techniques, since almost all along the LoC there are several rivers & nullahs over which no fence can be erected.

To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) It has already been countered & that’s why even the BBC & Al Jazeera English can make such reports:

What we need to counter are disinformation dissemination efforts like this:

By producing more revelations like this:

The Pakistanis are earnestly hoping that there will be an eruption of public protests & bloodbaths of the type that was witnessed from 1989 till 2004 & that tens of thousands of J & K natives will cross over into PoK as refugees. But the reasons this will not happen are two-fold: 1) from 2004 onwards there is a fence along most of the LoC, so physically walking over into PoK is not possible, unlike the 1990s. 2) All the abetters & facilitators of unrests used to make use of the weekly Friday sermons to whip up public frenzy through religiosity-inspired Khutbaas. But this time all such troublemakers have been rounded up over the past 2 years, especially those hailing from the Wahhabi/Salafist NGOs working with the Jamaat-e-Islami. In other words, India is applying the population pacification methodology successfully applied by the Central Asian Republics since the early 1990s, & not the Israeli methodology as is being falsely propagated by Pakistan through programmes like these:

2) Of course not, since Kabul itself is insisting on direct talks with the Afghan Taliban. 3) China cannot do anything like that because FATF deals with currency-related matters concerning non-China currencies & usage of money transfer mechanisms that are located within Europe, like the Luxembourg-based SWIFT electronic transfer software.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the link. It is explained simply and clearly. Its pretty much what many people in India were saying. Maybe we actually helped them realise what CPEC actually was. What does this mean for the BRI as a whole, if its flagship CPEC is dead on arrival?

If Pak turns its back on China, this could seriously affect their comfort level in Afghanistan and Central Asia as well as middle east. I sense an opportunity.


Pierre Zorin said...

Israel shows of next gen armoured vehicles:

Anmol Chaudhary said...

What is the NSA doing in the valley? If not just taking stock and talking to locals.

Is ours truly well? Some weekend watches please.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAT: here’s an interesting alternative to the BRI:

Ladakh’s unique geographical location should offer India a huge counter-offensive potential in terms of leveraging connectivity to the Eurasian region and China. The best way to blunt the CPEC is to think about India’s own “Belt and Road” idea. Narendra Modi should offer Xi Jinping an alternative energy corridor originating from an Indian port running across Ladakh to China. Why not use the Aksai Chin highway jointly? The proposal could spring multiple advantages, ranging from attracting Chinese investments, earning transits fees, to nudging Beijing to depend on India, thereby buying guarantee against any Chinese misadventure across the Line of Actual Control. China stands to gain from a more reliable economic corridor through India than risking investments in terrorism-plagued Pakistan. A fresh thinking was also needed to draw on the growing opportunities for uplifting the Himalayan region in terms of promoting sustainable economy and tourism, besides environmental protection. It is time for the government to set up a Himalayan authority. Some beginning seems to have been made when the chief ministers of eight Himalayan states met recently in Mussoorie. But for that to happen, the resetting of J & K was an imperative. The separation of Ladakh from J & K could now become the kernel in India’s long-term domestic and foreign policies. It would be a coup de maître to deal with multiple challenges.

To ANMOL CHAUDHARY: Everything’s well & truly alright, as reported here:

The tragedy of J & K leading up to the present-day is beautifully summarised & contextualised here & is a MUST-SEE for all concerned:

Contrast that with this compulsively hostile narrative from TERRORISTAN:

Have also uploaded above a few new slides above. Am also working on developing a standoff PGM, to be known as TRISHUL, which will require pinpoint penetration accuracy as illustrated here:

And finally, a few weekend showings:

Azaad said...

Mute reader of this blog
My real concern is we all familiar to expansionist neighbour after wind up of usa from middle east in future unhindered china with help of pak may enter to or fully invade india as did in Tibet and singkiang and no one would help us and we r not ready on two front war and no match to pla just like right now pak is no match for india.

rad said...

hi prasun
great detail about the net works and data link . I wonder what it took to integrate these various protocols? it is difficult for the common jingo to absorb so much.

why can we ask israel to do the 5 g tech for us , of course it will be pricey but ensures safety , moreover we can absorb the tech and get ready for the 6g when it comes?

what do you make of the LM offer to co develop the LCA mk 2 ? , vivek lal say there are no riders attached to the offer?.is there some thing behind it like trying to know the the level of tech india has?

can they solve the area rule goof up of the LCA?

how would you rate our SDR to the Israeli stuff?

the LCA mk2 has mind boggling state of the art specs , why havent we asked for the f 414 epe engine that goes up to 26,000 lbs of thrust?

it could be a costly fighter 60mil$ at least ??

if drdo guys get it right it should have the performance of an f-16 ?? with canards.

addition of canards increases drag while keeping the wings same ,though better turn rate and others etc , how do they over come it.?

just_curious said...

why is lakshasweep not being made as a strategic outpost like andaman for both IN & IAF to block cpec shipping lanes & choke them

Buddha said...
My point of view, as a Pakistani, on revocation of article 370 about
Sir plz do see the vdo

Arpit Kanodia said...

Azaad, no match for PLA? How you concluded that?
If that was the case why not PLA just pushed back IA in Doklam. Why any self respecting superior force ever do that?

Furthur, from where they bring acclamatized soldier. Also, please point out the PLAAF air bases, and how they achieve air superiority?

If not, how you thinking we are no match to PLA? Are they superman or batman?

Arpit Kanodia said...

Also, why assuming India will not employ verticle envelopment over China.

Indian Army already building series of Heli bases for Rudra and LCH across LAC. These are for what? For fun?

gourav said...

Hi Prasun,
How are you?
What is the update about Rustom 2.? How it fare compared to other UAVs of same class?

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, looks like this independence day may become a lilbit bloodier.. There have been hundreds of communication from Pakistan to states like bihar and up,specially after 8th August.. Some msgs like "just go on to the streets and die" hv been intercepted.. They are waiting for 15th August.. My view is why simply we dun cutoff communication between India and Pakistan?.. And is the gov of India prepared to tackle threats all across India?.. Had it been already wargamed?

Unknown said...

how do these radios compare to the stealth data link MADL on f35

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

According to Hamid Mir, Pakistan assembling heavy militarily presence near LOC - moving heavy artillery - they want full scale war or limited scale aggressive war. Hope India foreseen this and ready - Sukhois are already armed and position at forward bases. Let's capture POK this time.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SIDHARTH & PAWAN: LoLz! They are expecting OP KABADDI ver-2 to take off anytime now, hence the panic. meanwehile, this tweet ( was totally distorted & presented as a news-ticker on this TV programme:

While this tweet ( will have exactly its intended effect, i.e. both China & the US will buy into it & will agree with India to initiate a thorough crackdown on the native Jihadists in J & K. And this nitwit ( has yet to find out that so far close to 19,000 WhatsApp messages have been intercepted from across the Loc that are desperately seeking to provoke communal violence within J & K. But the objective ground realities are these:

Meanwhile, a tsunami of a different kind (unlike what Pakista is desperately expecting) is fast arriving, i.e. the revelation of all past discriminatory practices of the Sunni Muslims of the Valley against the Shias of northern J & K & the Ladakhi tribals:

The faultlines were totally exposed yesterday here:

If this continues to persist (I have reasons to believe it will), then the Valley-based Sunni Muslims will have to remain in a penitant state for at least the next 20 years since no one from now on have any sympathy for them.

Meanwhile, the dirty side of the so-called 'Desi Journalists' continues to get exposed:

And this is the hotel declared as a SUB-JAIL by the J & K Police:

Centaur Lake View Hotel:

And finally, this Pakistani retard must be thanked for stopping all train services from pakistan to India, since they were used for the large-scale smuggling of drugs/narcotic substances into India:

But what will hurt him the most will be the cancellation of the cross-LoC barter trade convoys, which was the main source of Hawala funding for the APHC separatists.

Lastly, this excellent programme on the HVF in Avadi:


It shows the latest tranche of upgraded T-71CIA Ajeyas being fitted with new-generation 'desi' ERA plates as well as the OFB-developed RCWS.

PS: Strangely, Dr Amitabh Mattoo ji seems to maintaining an eerie silence!!!

Kaustav said...


The YouTube link on the HVF T-72 was scintillating to the least,though not exactly enlightening. 😀😀
As for the rest of the expose' on the Quisling politician journalist Nexus who are still interested in the old guard Congi Muslim league/Pakistan Nexus for 70 years, is truly a delight.
My query, is international media hurting India in the least diplomatically? I would expect it isn't. But commentators with domain expertise like Dr.CCFair seem to think that India might be losing the information war to Pakistan even though she whole heartedly and logically as usual supports the actions of the GOI as a necessary step. However, being of the liberal mindset, she is obviously unhappy that it is the BJP (read RSS) which did the honours.
Are her liberal leanings prejudicing her, or does the NDA Govt need to rethink the image, that is being projected about it?

Raghu said...

Dear Prasun,

Apart from Brahmos, what are the upgrades with regard to radars and other sensors, EW equipment, sonars, surface to air missiles etc. that can be expected for the Project 15 DDG mid life upgrade?

Zito said...

Azaad, no match for PLA? How you concluded that? "" - where have I heard the last bit...reminds me of ...Oh yes- Clint Eastwood movie Dirty Harry! Here's how the conversation goes: "Mayor: Callahan, I don't want anymore trouble like you had in the Fillmore district. Understand? That's my policy.
Harry Callahan: Yeah, well when an adult male chases a female with intent to commit rape, I shoot the bastard. That's my policy.
Mayor: Intent? How did you establish that? (similar to what AK asked Azaad)
Harry Callahan: When a naked man chases a woman in alley with a butcher knife, and a hard-on, I take it he's collecting for the Red Cross."

I reckon IA after firing along the LOC should ask the following to Bajwa "I know what you're thinking. 'Did he fire six shots or only five'? Well to tell you the truth, in all this excitement, i kind of lost track myself. But being that this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well do ya, punk?

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, it is being said that the SFDR variant of astra that india is developing will be more powerful than meteor cauz of a special fuel jel made of boron additive is being used..could u plz put some light on this element?..they are already boasting a range of nearly 350km in power ON mode..i know its impossible to hit a moneuverable fighter aircraft at that does that mean it will come in two versions? One for conbat aircrafts and combat support enablers??.
2- can the MAWS integrated pylon developed for su30mki be used for tejas mk1A?
3-pakistan has stationed fighter aircarfts at skardu airbase.probably jf 17s..are we going to see some action on 15th or before? Whats ur RV session on this concluded??
4- all jf 17s are armed with maws..while our su30 are bereft of it..will it hamper bvr capability?? Howz the bvr capavility of jf 17s?? Heard its not that it?

Anonymous said...
Based on your knowledge let’s discuss what are PA options right now?
I don’t think they will be any kind of attack until FATF meet?
What do u think



Whats happening in russias seems radiation leak happened....whats your sources input sir

Ayush said...

Sir, the whole Western media from BBC to NYT to Economist everyone have started anti-India propaganda over Kashmir. They are being aided by their sepoys along with Islamists and far left in India. Khalistanis are also making noices in Punjab against the move by GoI. I know that the credibility of these media houses is low even in their own countries and that all countries that have spoken have either supported India or remained silent, which is good. But I think this nexus of Islamists and left is planning something very sinister in the coming days. I hope GoI is prepared. Also sir, I think Pappu and cabinet ministers of UPA have decided to throw Congress in gutter of history by toeing the same line Pakistan

Anonymous said...

game is on
indian govt asked for RAW footage of the viral BBC clip of 10000 protester
if they are unable to do so what will be the govt next step

Prarap said...

Prasun da, I agree with the assessment of some readers about the coverage of western press. The most outrageous fact is that none of the reports even mention the cause of problem in Kashmir - Islamic terrorism. Even Indian media hides this reality. I blame our govt for this. They should have spoken about it and even exaggerated the threat of radical Islam, but they didnt. It's time to set the narrative and start calling it what it is - radical Islamic terrorism, just like Trump and many other western leaders do. This is enough to raise global alarm bells given how the Islamist ideology is bleeding the whole world.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: It would have been scintillating had the focus been on the CDVRDE & not on the HVF. But let me fill in the blanks. The Arjun Mk.1A too will be built of HNS steel & as a result, its maximum fully-loaded weight will now come down from 68 tonnes to 62 tonnes, which in turn will increase its power-to-weight ratio as well as all-terrain mobility. The 63-tonne Arjun Mk.2 with Cummins 1,500hp engine of course will have been better all-terrain performance. In addition, the Arjun ARRV repair/recovery vehicle too will enter series-production (44 units) later this year, which will be followed by the BLT Arjun (120 units).

Next, about J & K: The PA’s COAS accompanied by X Corps GOC Lt gen Bilaal Akbar (formerly the Chief of Staff at GHQ) visited the LoC’s Bagh/Forward Kahuta sectors yesterday:

From this, we can be fairly certain that the PA will conduct some artillery fire-assaults in the Poonch & Uri sectors pretty soon.

Then we have this crying woman:

She can henceforth rest assured that her mass-murderer & remorseless husband will definitely face the gallows in the time to come. By the way, the news-reports filed by THE WIRE were all filed from the Maisuma locality of Srinagar near Lal Chowk, which used to be JKLF boss Yasin Malik’s command centre for stone throwers. And the reasons why the communications blackout exists throughout J & K are these:

What the ‘desi patrakaars’ like Anuradha Singh Jamwal need to understand & absorb is that the Right to Life supercedes all other rights when it comes to adherence to the social contract struck between any govt & its citizens. Unfortunately, the opportunists choose to cover themselves with the cloak of victimhood & seek short-term claims to glory. Such opportunists include:

And finally, we have this:

The Indian EAM Minister meeting China’s Vice President is no small matter & I can now confirm that events in J & K did figure prominently in this meeting, not because of the commonly speculated reasons, but because Beijing was keenly interested in competitively bench-marking its on-going civilian pacifications in Xinjiang with what India has undertaken in J & K.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAGHU: I have uploaded several slides about the project 15 DDG mid-life upgrade above, which will answer all your questions.

To SUJIT: 1) What’s the use of having a 350km-range LRAAM when the MRCA’s airborne MMR itself does not have a range exceeding 130km? Nor is the Astra-2 with SFDR have an on-board active radar with a range exceeding 20kim. Hence, such BVRAAMs are meant for conducting speedy interceptions & not interceptions over long ranges. 2) No, because it all depends on the available underwing area & the size of the main underwing pylons. Hence, a differently designed kit housing both MAWS sensors & ELT-568-type active jammers is reqd. 3) Those JF-127s at Skardu are meant for the air-defence of Olthingthang. But for attacking such targets, the IA can always use Prithvi-2s (relifed Prithvi SS-150s retrofitted with IAI/TAMAM-supplied ring laser gyro-based inertial navigation systems) to knock out such logistics bases. 4) No it won’t for as long as the Su-30MKIs don’t break formation & are always within the effective neutralisation hemisphere of the EL/L-8222 ASPJs.

To AMIT BISWAS: This is what happened at Severodvinsk:

And this is what happened after a Russian Ammo depot in Krasnoyarsk Blew Up:

To RON: LoLz! The Pakistanis tend to delude themselves into believing that everyone else in the world thinks & behaves in ways that they do. And this exactly is their Achilles Heel. The days of the early 1990s are long gone & after 9/11, the pace of ‘what goes around comes around’ has quickened & one therefore is already seeing popular mass uprisings in erstwhile FATA & a rise in violence inside Balochistan (for which one can only thank the Iranians). On top of all this, there are several localised incidents to keep the Pakistani establishment busy:

Edhi Foundation Shut Down all Phone Nos:

United Shia Movement Wants a Ban on Animal Sacrifices:

Karachi today is staring today at the outbreak of a massive man-made epidemic. So, let the PA & PAF attack India by all means, & then wait for the wait for the overwhelming counter-attack along the LoC. In reality, Pakistan is feeling the loss of Ladakh, the source of the Indus River, whose waters it had always wanted to covet.

To AYUSH: This time around, the J & K Police & the CRPF & some intrepid Kashmiri Pandit journalists have done excellent work to pre-empt all such foreign nefarious designs. The reports filed by all foreign newspapers & broadcast TV channels were all from Srinagar & not from the countryside, where the majority of the population resides. Hence, let’s relax, as this too will pass by the end of this week.

To UNKNOWN/SHUBHAM: As I had stated earlier, the US is already into &-g cellular communications technologies, while India is only gearing up to usher in 5-G. That should tell everyone how much the technological gap is.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To GOURAV: Rustom, Sohraab, Tapas, etc etc are all harmless tech demonstrators & will never see the light of day as operational MALE-UAVs, kindly rest assured. The three armed services know about it as well & hence their wish to acquire Guardian/Sea Guardian MALE-UAVs from US-based General Atomics.

To JUST_CURIOUS: Because they are too shallow just like the islands of Maldives & therefore can’t support large-scale human habitation. And do read this:

To RAD: Have uploaded above a slide on the SATCOM terminals used by the Strategic Forces Command & these are the very same terminals now being used in J & K & Ladakh by the security forces for command, control & communications. MWF AF.Mk.2 will have to be powered by a 110kN-thrust turbofan from GE & therefore ADA will be well-advised to work together with GE & Dassault Aviation by roping them in as project consultants. If Lockheed Martin can come up with a better offer, then by all means let it be contracted as ADA’s project consultant.

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, isnt it possible for iaf awacs to share target's weapon quality track to a fighter aircraft for long range engagement?? That said , what wud be the max speed of sfdr? Will it reach mach 6??
2-Could u plz explain the role of a high band jammer, a mid band jammer and low band jammer??
3-do u think there will be some disturbances on august15 ?? Mumbai is on high alert after jem sleeper cells have been activated..

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

o AYUSH & PRATAP: The bastard who was speading rumours through tweets ( is none other than the person who was invited to India to take part in the INDIA TODAY Conclave in March 2013. He can be seen seated next to AVM (Ret'd) Kapil Kak & was later asking questions to the then COAS of the IA, Gen Bikram Singh:

And at the same time he was invited by NDTV for that TV channel's Barkha Dutt-anchored daily talk-show at 10pm, where he steadfastly maintained that the PA would never carry out BAT operations across the LoC with the intention of beheading IA troopers.

Anonymous said...

Prasun Sir, What is the total number of Arjun MBT's that the Indian Army plans to field?

Regards, Mohit.

joydeep ghosh said...

prasun da

1. will you still say that my feeling abt something happening in J&K that i wrote about in your last thread are dumb talks, bcoz from what i see something is really going to happen in next few days

2.i really thought selection of S Jaishankar as EAM was really a good idea since a man well versed with diplonatic langauge was chosen, but he seems to have committed a blunder assuring China (where he is on tour) that India doesnt want to change positions on LOC or LAC where as HM has clearly stated in parliament that both PoK/GB & Aksai Chin are part of India. so EAM's assurance are diametrically opposite to the declaration.

3. i still strongly feel if kargil sector erupts again on LoC china will do something on LAC especially south of DBO

your views

Joydeep Ghosh

nag said...

Dada pak threatening usa of withdrawing forces from afgan border

Azaad said...

Can anyone explain in post 370 abrogation situation and Ladakh being a ut how much this situation affect the Indus treaty?

Azaad said...

And one more question
As I understand that before of this reorganization bill a valley girl married to Pakistani he would got de facto citizenship of Kashmir and now after 31/10/2019 same person would b de facto indian citizen.
So how would peace prevail?
Lots of debate but nowhere any clarification.
If we allow them then it would take two to three generations for prevalence of peace and normalcy but if nrc like Assam imposed then within year may be two conditions would b normal.
And one more thing what would be fate of heirs from that marriages?

Anonymous said...

What would be GOI action if any terrorist attack happens
Air strike or IA surgical strike


Arpit Kanodia said...

All citizenship question's answers are in Citizenship Act 1955.

Even now when an Indian marry a Pakistani, she remain indian. It is upto her to revoke her Black passport and adopt green passport.

And as for child, it is clearly defined if either parent is Indian, the child by birth is indian.

Further, J&K constitutionally never provide citizenship, there is no thing like Kashmir Citizen.
These are permanent resident and not indian citizens, there is no concept of dual citizenship in indian constitution.

Only separatist like JKLF APHC were idiots who thought permanent residency means kashmiri citizenship.

Arpit Kanodia said...

sorry i meant to say "These are permanent resident and not kashmiri citizens "(instead of i wrote indian citizens)

Arpit Kanodia said...

Also about the indus treaty, the contract or treaty was between Govt of India and Govt of Pakistan. Not between State of J&K and Pakistan.

Here is PM Nehru and President Ayub Khan signing the agreement.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) LoLz! Well, I’m happy to say that you are not alone when it comes to such Kaalpnik (imaginary) feelings. Maybe you ought to make some quick money by becoming a professional TANTRIK. And here are some more instances of ‘feelings’ being spread by folks across the IB/WB/LoC:

And the fears are so widespread that yesterday even a Bull earmarked for ‘Qurbaani’ yesterday went out of control & sought refuge at the Police Station B of Okara Div:

2) Again you are misreading the reality. Not changing the status/position on the LoC/LAC means that they will continue to remain temporary ceasefire lines as per international law & will not become permanent boundaries. 3) Right now, China has far more sinister matters to worry about, such as the pro-democracy protests now underway in Hongkong SAR, prevailing tensions along the Korean peninsula, the on-going trade war with the US, & fears of India raising the Xinjiang bogey if China so much as hints about siding in any manner with Pakistan. In any case, since Russia has already decreed that the re-organisation of J & K is an internal constitutional matter of India, no one has the right to pass value judgements about it—something China will take very seriously since Beijing definitely does not want to adopt a view that opposes Moscow’s views. And why so? Simply because Russia remains China’s only source for weapons imports now & hence China will not under any circumstances try to destroy Sino-Russian relations. Plus, China eagerly is awaiting India’s decision on Huawei’s plans for unveiling 5-G cellular telecoms services in India. Will Beijing therefore rock the boat at such a critical juncture? Now let’s see what other kinds of ‘feelings’ are aroused within your inner self. In any case, the ‘feelings’ would have been credible had they emanated from a human being hailing from a Type-1 civilisation (like Luke Skywalker of Star Wars fame), but since we mortal human beings on this Earth & especially in India belong to the Type-0 civilisation, such ‘feelings’ tend to portray us as the world’s laughing stock. No wonder the judiciary of this country today is investing time on trying to trace out the genealogy & descendants of Lord Ram, while others are racing towards 6-G & 7-G cellular comms networks!!!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: The Pakistan hypocrisy and faux outrage over the future of Kashmiris is breathtaking in its chutzpah. But can India get back POK, Gilgit and Baltistan legally? For answers, watch this:

Meanwhile, more duplicitous entities are being busted by the day:

But what is eerie is that no one from the Kashmir Valley is even mentioning the prospects of truth-n-reconciliation among the various communities of J & K & Ladakh. If this is their idea of being in a state of denial, then I’m afraid such irreconcilable folks are indeed headed for far darker days of the kind the Uighurs are now undergoing in Xinjiang. For, if the natives of Jammu & Ladakh have all the reasons to celebrate while the residents of the Kashmir valley choose to sulk & whine, then no one from the world (except Pakistan) will have empathy towards such irreconcilables.

Meanwhile, some bizarre tweets are emerging, ones that are sans any contextualisation or credible assessments:

Maybe their originators have been afflicted with the same virus of ‘feelings’ that seems to be afflicting JOYDEEP GHOSH’s neurological processes.

And also do browse through this interview of the present-day DRDO Chief:

To NAG: Well, in that case the Afghan Taliban will be in for hard times since they will no longer be able to cross the Durand Line with impunity, since the PA will not be there to give covering fire that is reqd for facilitating the infiltrations of the Afghan Taliban & their Pakistani Jihadi supporters across the Durand Line.

To AZAAD: Why such the IWT be affected? If Pakistan wants to abrogate the IWT, then it will also be reqd to, as per law, return back India’s money worth US$500 million with interest at today’s rates that India had lent Pakistan in the early 1960s for inking the IWT. In any case, the IWT has been endangered by China because Beijing has without seeking anyone’s approval or consent built a dam across the Indus River at its point of origin in Ngari prefecture in TAR. One can see the dam on GoogleEarth at these coordinates: 32°31'29.30"N, 80° 9'25.51"E

About citizenship, it depends. If one of the marital partners is a native of PoK, then he/she will not be processed as a Pakistani citizen, but as an Indian citizen, since India has always officially stated that PoK is an integral part of India. That’s why when one former CM of erstwhile J & K state married a native of PoK, she was immediately welcomed into the Valley as an Indian citizen. It was only after the 1972 Simla Agreement & that too due to Smt.Indira Gandhi’s insistence that Pakistan decided to issue Pakistani Passports for the residents of PoK.

To RON: How many times do I have to answer this? I have already dwelt at length about OP KABADDI Ver-2.

Varada said...

Joydeep Ghosh- poor man all that he is left with are "hard"feelings that usually occur watching female Pakistani news anchors....The alternative is mafia vendetta feelings and summoning a wiseguy. With Ron the underworld don, it is an ICSE or HSC question this year which at question 2B reads: "If I have written about Op Kab 2.0 3 times before, once more to remind X about this, how many times do I have to answer this?" - obviously it is a trick question as no numerical solutions are possible. Stay tuned for my answer after the exams.
भ्रष्टाचार भ्रष्टाचार सर्बोत्र भ्रष्टाचार - भ्रष्टाचार हि उत्तरं भ्रष्टाचार हि धर्मं.

Anonymous said...


Isn't Pravin Sawhney the editor of Force India? Any reason why he's continually adopted a stand extremely critical of the Indian armed forces particularly the Indian Army vis a vis the PLA? He's been quite consistent in his unsparing criticism from what I've observed over the past few years.
Further, he indulges in fear mongering about China's capabilities and it's ability to deploy them against India implying that we've lost the war against the Chinese even before a single shot is fired.

This was evident during the Doklam stand off.

So much so that he's had his run ins with senior ex Indian Army officers on Twitter even as we speak and the result makes for painful viewing seeing two ex IA officials slug it out in public.

Granted, the IA has been more involved in COIN operations for nearly 3 decades now and it must have effected it's primary role advance fighting force. In terms of force modernization and upgradation too, there's much to be desired but I've seen him pour scorn over the IA's network centric plans and capabilities being built up claiming it as still born ideas against what the Chinese have and have planned in the next decade.

Any reason why he's been so persistently negative about our capabilities ?

Thanks in advance.

Warm Regards,


Raghu said...

Dear Prasun,
Thanks for the updates on DDG15 upgrades. One last query, will the 3S-90 single-arm launchers and Shtil SAM missiles combination be retained or will they be replaced with newer SAMs in vertical launch cells?

Anonymous said...

I hate to break it you but Naik is not coming to India as you told before
Why Malaysia PM is so stubborn screwing their ties with India over this lunatic?
Briefly bring out the facts behind this



Any hint about the khauf nak action plan he is referring to

Anonymous said...

Greetings sir,
Some excerpts from Imran Khan's speech in Muzaffarabad,POK today:
"We have information and we have had two National Security Committee (NSC) meetings. The Pakistan Army has full knowledge that India has made a plan to take action in AJK," he shared in his address. "Like the action they took in Balakot after Pulwama, according to our information, they have made a more sinister plan now.
"To shift the world's focus away from occupied Kashmir, they want to take action in AJK."
Addressing Indian Prime Minister Modi, the premier said: "This is my message to you: you take action and every brick will be countered with a stone."
"The Army is prepared; not just the Army but the entire nation will fight alongside our military. Aggressive war is against Islam, but when Muslims have fought for the sake of freedom, they have defeated the biggest armies.
"We will be ready, we will respond to whatever you do — we will go till the end."

What do you make of this?Is he s*** scared that India will try to liberate PoK?If they are so sure that India will try to liberate PoK,will they try to preempt and attack J&k?War seems to their only option since their diplomatic efforts have failed(some of their closest allies have deserted them).They probably will not attempt a terrorist attack either since they are in danger of being blacklisted by FATF.War will hit their already weak economy even harder but that seems to be their only option.Many Pakistanis seem to be angry with Pakistan's response and are demanding war.

Unknown said...

there are some rumour of 200 rafales
which states - 57 will be for navy
but the rafales cannot fit on lifts of vikrant and vikramaditya.
modi is supposed to visit paris next month.
if this deal will be signed in next 1 month then there will be another political storm.
and the money used in this will make tejas mk 1a dead. and also weaken the MWF prospectus.

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1. lets not talk about why you mock my views, fact is i said about things before they happened and some of them did happen, i hope others dont happen :-)

2. IAF reportedly giving 5 vayusena medal to 5 balakot pilots, but reports say 6 pilots took part in it and unlucky 6th pilot couldnt release his bomb due to malfunction (not his fault), why leave him out he should also have been given the medal

3. HAL is asking for 72 more Su30mki orders, so now the numbers are 272 + 40 + 18 + 72, does IAF need these many jets

4. recently a terrorist organization in tripura surrendered enmass i hope now we have such orgs only in manipur nagaland that need to be tackled

5. anything on su30 crash last week i just hope they dont become the next flying coffin

your views

Joydeep Ghosh

arunapallav said...

Commented as anonymous.Apologies.Enigma here.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RS: Yes, he is. All I can state is that all the articles written by me for FORCE magazine that have exposed the inadequacies & shortcomings of the PLA over the past 3 years have been published without any kind of objections. But journalists by nature are loathe to admit their mistakes & wrongs. Here are a few examples:

Here, she is too dumb to tell the difference between populism & realpolitik. The former is dependent on emotions/sentiments while the latter is also about being cold-hearted & brutally logical. Despite this, she has been made responsible for reporting on foreign affairs!

This ignorant retard does not even know that during the Emergency, all political detainees were kept in prison lock-ups & were not under house arrest.

This retard fails to explain what the ‘early harvest’ will comprise. In fact, it will comprise only the exchange of maps of India’s central sector of the LAC, which will prevent standoffs between IA & PLA patrols along this sector. Contrary to popular speculation, such exchanges of maps will NOT lead to the demarcation & delineation of the LAC in this sector. And this is because of incessant Russian pressure, which wants to begin commerce with India ASAP as part of its Eurasian Customs Union initiative, under which Russia wants to supply gas to India through pipelines going through Aksai Chin, Rutog & entering India via either southeastern ladakh or Uttarakhand.

Now, has this retard ever considered that the near & dear ones of the detained politicians of J & K are also confined to their residences or guest-houses due to fears of them being targetted by angry mobs or supporters of rival politicians?

Then there’s this development:

The truth is that these 2 along with Engineer Rashid had volunteered to the Govt of India to create a political alternative in J & K. The Govt of India consequently gave them a chance to prove their capabilities & supported them in every possible way (especially through financial assistance of the kind mentioned by A S Dulat in his book). But about 4 days ago it emerged that these wannabe aspiring politicians had made a strategic mis-calculation & had decided to engage in double-dealing by siding with the sulking & whining NC & PDP (most probably they were promised financial offers from these 2 parties which they could not refuse). Hence, the subsequent crackdown against Shah Faesal (who was trying to fly to Istanbul) & Engineer Rashid.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAGHU: Barak-8s will go on the three Project 15 DDGs.

To RON: I have never stated that Zakir Naik will be deported from Malaysia to India for sure. Nor will he be sent to Pakistan since he has already declared that the largest persecution of Muslims worldwide is taking place in Xinjiang. His statements can be seen here:

Now he has created more controversy inside Malaysia by maligning the Malaysian-Indian citizens. So, the only hope for him now is Turkey.

To AMIT BISWAS: It is highlighted by me yesterday, i.e. the FAKE NEWS being peddled. Here they are again:

As for the IAF’s procurement priorities, it is not additional AEW & CS platforms, but SDR coupled with tactical data-links.

To ENIGMA: Here’s the whole speech:

What he stated yesterday came straight from the motivational manuals of the PA’s Command & Staff College in Quetta. The main elements of this manual can be read here:

Then we have the distortions & denials of historical factoids from this retard:

The factoids state that the Instrument of Accession document was used for finalising the Karachi Agreement of 1949. It is all explained in great detail here:

Finally, by invoking the example of Tipu Sultan’s way of warfighting, PM Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi has already accepted total defeat, i.e. just as Tipu Sultan went down fighting against the colonial Brits 7 lost everything in the process, Pakistan too by fighting against India to the last drop of blood will lose everything in the process & just like colonial Brits, India will stand to reap all the benefits.

To SHUBHAM: They are just RUMOURS. Only the Reliance Defence-owned Pipavav shipbuilding facility is bankrupt & is up for liquidation.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) How can you accuse me of ‘mocking’ your views/feelings when I am the one advising you to cash in & become prosperous through the effective utilisation of your Almighty-bestowed powers/virtues? Don’t you desire to become rich-n-famous? 2) That’s the reality of living in the real world. Do watch something related:

3) As I stated numerous times before, the Umbrella Agreement inked between India & Russia in the year 2000 had stated that the IAF would ultimately possess a fleet of Su-30MKIs numbering 350 in all. 4) What about the remnants of the LWEs spread out over Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha & Maharashtra? 5) Any aircraft will become a flying coffin when human errors caused by negligence occur. Also, do watch this:

Maharaja Ranjit Singh's Statue Vandalised In Lahore:

Wonderful activities being carried out by the patrons of Khaalistaan, I guess!

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, exactly how many brahmos are in active service?? And are all of them been modified to their actual range of 450 km after Mtcr?,
2-pakistan has only babur cruise missile to attack us..what is the actual range of it ? And are we presently hv missile defence to tackle this missile? Heard it has terrain hugging capability.
3-been reading for a while that india will launch brahmos first before launching troops to capture pok... are all strategic sites of pakistan hv already been located? Specially the babur and nasr launching sites?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The present COAS of the IA, Gen Bipin Rawat, is expected to become India's first Chief of Defence Staff. He will have a gigantic task ahead of him, the foremost being a rejigging of the various existing IA & IAF theatre commands that are not exactly structured for joint warfighting. For example, for the western/northern fronts where limited war is possible only across the WB & LoC (since possession of nuclear weapons by both India & Pakistan ensures that conventional war will not be attempted by either side anywhere along the IB), the IA's following formations will be committed to offensive conventional operations:

HQ Northern Command in Udhampur
3 ‘Trishul’ Mechanised Infantry & 8 Mountain Division (MD) at Leh under 14 Corps
19 ‘Dagger’ Infantry Divison at Baramulla & 28 MD at Gurez under 15 Corps
10 ‘Dah’ Infantry Division at Akhnoor, 25 ‘Ace of Spades’ Division at Rajouri & 39 ‘Talwar’ Infantry Division at Yol under 16 Corps.

HQ Western Command in Chandimandir
1 ‘Airawat’ Armoured Division at Ambala & 22 ‘Ram’ Infantry Division at Meerut under 2 Corps; 26 ‘Tiger’ Infantry Division at Jammu & 29 ‘Silver Mace’ Infantry Division at Pathankot & 71 Mountain Division (MD) under the Yol-based 9 Corps; 7 ‘Golden Arrow’, 9 ‘Pine’ & 15 ‘Panther’ Infantry Divisions at Ferozpur, Meerut & Amritsar under 11 Corps; and 40 Artillery Division at Ambala.

Similarly, along the LAC, only 2 theatre commands will be operations-oriented:

HQ Eastern Command in Kolkata
3 Corps in Dimapur (Nagaland) is responsible for Eastern Arunachal Pradesh and India-Myanmar border. It comprises three Mountain Divisions (MD)—2 MD at Dibrugarh, 56 MD at Zakhama & 57 ‘Red Shield’ MD (Leimakhong in Nagaland). 4 Corps in Tezpur (Assam) is responsible for Western Arunachal Pradesh and Eastern Bhutan. It has three Mountain Divisions—5 ‘Ball of Fire’ MD (Bomdila), 21 ‘Red Horns’ MD (Rangiya) and 71 MD (Missamari in Assam). 33 Corps in Siliguri (West Bengal) is responsible for Sikkim and Western Bhutan. It comprises three MDs—17 ‘Black Cat’ MD (Gangtok), 20 ‘Kirpan’ MD (Binaguri) and 27 ‘Striking Lion’ MD (Kalimpong). 23 ‘Seval’ Infantry Division at Ranchi

HQ Central Command in Lucknow
6 MD at Bareilly & the Dehra Dun-based 14 ‘Golden Key’ MD

So, this means that the following two theatre commands are now redundant, but somehow they will have to be accommodated for use either along the LoC or the LAC:

HQ South Western Command in Jaipur
4 ‘Red Eagle’ Infantry Division at Allahabad & 33 ‘Dot’ Armoured Division at Hisar under 1 Corps; 16 ‘Sudarshan’ Infantry Division, 18 RAPID & 24 RAPID at Kota at Ganganagar under X Corps; 36 RAPID at Sagar under 21 Corps; and 42 artillery Division at Jodhpur.

HQ Southern Command in Pune
11 ‘Golden Kataar’ & 12 ‘Battle Axe’ Infantry Divisions at Ahmedabad and Jodhpur under 12 Corps; 31 ‘White Tiger’ Armoured Division at Jhansi and 54 ‘Bison’ Infantry Division at Secunderabad under 21 Corps; and 41 Artillery Division in Pune.

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Your assessment many many times detailing need of a COAS is now becoming a reality, as usual you are right and congratulations for that.

Pakistani PMs speech was interesting, but more interesting was that of so-called AJK's PM. Can't understand why they are so nervous and sure of attack by India. Even op kabbadi Version 2 cannot start without a reason right? So i guess there will be large scale mayhem in valley followed by India action.

Al Jazeera and TRT are now promoting Pakistani view point, a new cycle of psy-ops is started by Pakistan and add to this China's request to discuss India Pakistan situation at UNSC:

Surely interesting days ahead.

Halted/ faltered economy, indifferent USA,no defence modernization, and China Pakistan Factor, has modi chewed in more than what he can? Heart says no. But there is a clear dilemma here.

Srinivasa Nanduri

just_curious said...

Prasun ,

-China fingering us again... time to pay back ..

dont understand why is the modi govt keeps asslicking Ji when is he is clearly bent to undermining India

High time we start raising HK, Taiwan, Uyghur, huawei and any other issues & hurt them where it hurts most.. raise the dam issues on brahmaputra, indus rivers which are clearly built to blackmail India.. It just pains to see how the so called past leaders of our nation were so stupid to not ensure India's security

- You mention 350 Su 30 MKI wotz the point of having additional ones in the current model where russia is looting us .. any additional ones should be Super Su models with a lot of make in india model with a lot of indigenous content


Will CDS have any meaningful role or ceremonial in status. Will 5 star CDS be equivalent to cabinet secretary or what as 4 star officers are currently equv to cabinet secretary..what will be the role of defence secretary in terms of AOB/TOB of GOI if new CDS is appointed...will it be hoilistic integration with shortage pf aerial and naval assets now??

Laagta hai rawat ji ne bahut makhan lagaya hai doval ji ko is post ke liye.....ab airforce aur navy wale pareshan hain wo kare to kya kare

voiceoftheneglected said...

What is closed consultation that China suggests ?

Enigma said...

Greetings sir.

The UNSC will meet tomorrow to discuss the India-Pakistan situation.They accepted Pakistan's request to discuss the current situation.Should we consider this to be a setback?And do you personally think that the UK will support India,given the fact that the UK has a large Pakistani population that happens to be a vote bank?


asd said...

Dear Prasun,

I have a query about the downing of F-16 in February 27 dogfight. After going through the link

I'm again under confident. Well not about the fact; rather how to lie to the maximum level technically so that it's difficult for you to believe in your existence itself. What's your say?

But what can India do to thwart such false propaganda? Any suggestions from you? Can India defend itself against such false claim?

Unknown said...

Thank you for the explanations with examples. I can see the pattern you were hinting at.

Arpit Kanodia said...

The CDS would be operational head or he only manage the budget and procurement?

Rajesh Mishra said...

Sir, It seems that at present you will not agree without POK inclusive of Gilgit and Baltistan. Me too. Is it OK?

Prajjwal Dalal said...

Hello Prasunji!

1.I found one interesting comment of SM regarding CDS news,would love to have your views:
"India needs a CJCS & Theatre Commands (US Model-Goldwater Nichols) & Not the Outdated British CDS."

2.Since CDS post has been announced,could we expect Joint-Theatre command like that of Israel or US and common communication equipments for better synergy anytime in future?

Thanks sirji. Anyways, Happy belated Independence Day to you and all the readers.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SRINIVASA NANDURI: VMT, but I would have preferred such a policy decision to be announced in Parliament, so that all-party approval in full view of everyone could have been witnessed. Instead, yesterday’s announcement tantamounts to only an executive order that can be overturned by another such order by another future govt-in-power.

Meanwhile, as expected, neither BBC News, nor Channel 4 News nor Sky News covered this event yesterday:

Only THE DAILY MAIL & THE SUN and RT covered it, here:

To AMIT BISWAS & ARPIT KANODIA: Firstly, the CDS will be an advisory post & not ceremonial or executive. Secondly, he will have a four-star rank, i.e. a full General. He will be on par with the NSA & the two together will be strategic players, i.e. offer policy options to the PMO & cabinet Committee on National Security. The CDS will not have any executive powers & therefore will not be in command of any warfighting formations or assets.

To ASD: The issue can be put to rest only if the PAF produces radar-derived air situation picture showing the downing of 2 IAF-operated MRCAs & the safe return of all its own MRCAs. If the PAF cannot produce such evidence, that automatically means it is lying. The IAF on its part had already made public such evidence to bokster its point-of-view. One therefore need not go any further on this issue & thus let it now be laid to rest forever.

To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) Geographical theatre commands for joint warfighting are imperative, especially for the ground forces & for the pre-positioning of their logistics-related units/assets-all depending on where exactly the wars will be fought. Post May 1998 it has been the case that all of India’s future wars involving territorial disputes will not be fought over the plains or deserts, but on highlands & mountains. For, as I have explained above, crossing the IB anywhere for overwhelming ground offensives is a no-go for India since: 1) India does not possess any veto powers in the UN; & 2) going deep into the territory of a country armed with nuclear WMDs will be suicidal, since the latter under the UN Charter has every right to use all means of defence at its disposal, meaning it can use nuclear WMDs inside its own soil to destroy the invading Indian forces. This is the point that hardly anyone in India understands till this date. 2) Joint geographical theatre commands are possible only if all 3 armed services agree on common threat perceptions & this can happen ONLY AFTER a common declaratory military strategy is worked out by both the NSA & the CDS. 3) While geographical theatre commands make sense for only the ground & naval forces, airpower being indivisible & omni-directional cannot be divided into geographic commands as is the case today. Hence the IAF will be reqd to give up its existing geographic commands & instead adopt the US model of having an Air Command Command, Air Transportation Command, Aerospace Command, Strategic Command, Maintenance Command, & a Training & Doctrine development Command.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS, VOICEOFTHENEGLECTED & ENIGMA: Well…yes & no. Yes because it was conveyed to India in advance by China that such a move will take place & that’s exactly why Indian EAM S Jaishankar in Beijing had stated that both countries should respect each other’s core concerns, i.e. a veiled warning. This is how it will work out:

According to the UN’s definitions, both open and closed meetings are formal meetings of the 15-member UN Security Council, though closed meetings are not open to the public and no verbatim record of statements is kept and the council issues a communiqué. Consultations are informal meetings of the council members and aren’t covered in the repertoire. The session will neither be recorded nor telecast live and Pakistan won’t get to address the members. A letter sent by Pakistan’s FM Shah Mahmood Qureshi to the UNSC President on August 13 had demanded that a representative of the Pakistani government should be allowed to join the meeting. If this request were to be accepted by the UNSC, then an Indian representative would also have to be allowed to participate in the discussions. In addition, much depends on the format of discussions and their outcomes–such as whether there is a binding or non-binding resolution. In case of J & K, it comes under Chapter 6 of the UN Charter, i.e. it is non-binding. So, when the UNSC members meet, they will most likely recommend that the issue not be sent by the UN Secretary-General to the UNSC for an open debate.

For, if an open debate is to be held, that will throw open a Pandora’s Box, from which it will emerge that:

1) It is Pakistan that first violated the status quo of J & K in April 1949, by annexing Gilgit-Baltistan (then called the ‘Northern Areas’) through an agreement with the government of ‘Azad Kashmir’ and the political party, All Jammu and Kashmir Muslim Conference.

2) Its second violation took place in 1963 through the Pakistan-China boundary agreement that resulted in China ceding some territory to Pakistan and Pakistan recognising Chinese sovereignty over hundreds of square kilometres of land in Northern Kashmir and Ladakh.

3) The 3rd violation by Pakistan came in 1969, when a Northern Areas Advisory Council (NAAC) was created, followed by the Northern Areas Legislative Council (NALC) in 1994. Pakistan’s Ministry of Kashmir Affairs & Northern Areas retained all law-making powers until the 2009 Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment & Self-Governance Order, which created an elected legislature and the office of Chief Minister.

4) China will be at the receiving end of the US, UK & France for not only its annexation of Xinjiang in 1950, but also for its ongoing brutal social re-engineering efforts in Xinjiang & for mobilising the PLA to brutally crack down against the pro-democracy protestors in Hongkong SAR.

Hence, China by asking for closed-door consultations on J & K has ensured that nothing substantive comes out of this exercise, while only being seen to do something symbolic just for the sake of making fools out of the Pakistanis.

Harbhan said...

You mention 3 (Trishul )Infantry division is now a mechanised infantry division.Does that mean it will have 4 Armored regiments and 6 Mechanised infantry battalions distributed among 3 mechanized brigades. I am going by the organization of the parent formation of 33rd Armored division which started out as a mechanized infantry division in the 1980s

Pierre Zorin said...

I suppose if it were the US, they would first secure all the sites from which Pakistan could launch any nuclear missiles, destroyed all signals and radars then commenced a major ground and air offensive to decapitate Pakistani infrastructures then cornering the government to surrender. India dos not possess such capability hence have to forever remain scared of the Nuclear retaliation. Really India's focus should be how to emasculate Pakistan of the nuclear capability first shouldn't it?

Enigma said...

Greetings sir,
What do you make of Rajnath Singh's statement?


voiceoftheneglected said...

Suddenly Pak accepting the loss of its troopers.
This was never a pattern observed.
Is it like creating reasons to declare war ?
I think they are ready to escalate to an all out war .

Anonymous said...

Is India winning information warfare against Kashmir because lot of international media is towing PA point of view but none of the Government said anything....what do say?
2) do India have deficiencies in winning information
3) with billion population I think India is way behind spreading its narrative


Ayush said...


1) Will Modi continue to bow before China? After what China has done at UNSC it's time for us to go all out on Tibet, South China Sea and Hong Kong.

2) I know no one takes them seriously anymore, but why is that little island called UK supporting Pakistan over India?

3)Is Russia playing double game with us? As per Raza Hasan Lashkar of IndiaToday, Russia was for a open debate but was prevailed upon by US.


Any military significance for this

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: 5-7 PA soldiers are being KIA/week on the Western front along the Durand Line, whereas 10-12 PA troops are KIA/week due to engagements in the Eastern theatre/WB/LoC.


To HARBHAN: Yes, something along those lines.

To RAT: That is perhaps why the natives of Kashmir have since 1846 or even in ancient times never produced their own indigenous rulers. Instead, they have preferred to be ruled by those hailing from outside the Valley. Consequently, governance there will improve only after a non-Kashmiri CM is at the helm of affairs.

To JUST_CURIOUS: Wait for the reaction from the UK’s indigenous Anglo-Saxon Caucasians.

To VIVEK: Information War’s disinformation always gets defeated by factoids if the latter is disseminated in time, which is what happened this time when the China-Russia rift came out in the open. For, despite Russia saying that the affairs of J & K were the internal matter of India, China persisted in going to the UNSC. In turn, Russia retaliated by threatening to go for the open session option, which would have totally exposed China’s human rights duplicity WRT Xinjiang & Hongkong SAR & it would then have been an isolated China versus the other 4 UNSC permanent members—all of which are officially democracies. Hence, the Russian position needs to be examined seriously & not been seen as being anti-India.

To AYUSH: 1) It has already started, since NaMo’s ongoing visit to Bhutan is aimed just for that reason & India along with the US, France & the UK will now ramp up enormous pressure against China on the Dalai Lama succession issue. Thus, China now has an enormous Achilles Heel that now lies totally exposed. 2) The UK in fact supported India’s PoV during the informal consultations at the UNSC. 3) Not at all. In fact. the China-Russia rift came out in the open. For, despite Russia saying that the affairs of J & K were the internal matter of India, China persisted in going to the UNSC. In turn, Russia retaliated by threatening to go for the open session option, which would have totally exposed China’s human rights duplicity WRT Xinjiang & Hongkong SAR & it would then have been an isolated China versus the other 4 UNSC permanent members—all of which are officially democracies. Hence, the Russian position needs to be examined seriously & not been seen as being anti-India.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: No, not that. But this is:

If China faces instability inside both Xinjiang & TAR at the same time, it will be an international public relations disaster for the PRC.

To ENIGMA: I’m afraid almost everyone in India is confused with RM Rajnath Singh’s statements, as exemplified by this group discussion broadcast yesterday, in which Ret’d Deepak Kapoor was the only one talking sense, although in crouched terms:

So, first things first. India presently talks about STRATEGIC DETERRENCE, & not nuclear deterrence or conventional deterrence. It therefore means that India’s deterrent policies & postures are a combination of both conventional & nuclear. Secondly, the announcement on the creation of the post of CDS reqd a supporting statement on India’s strategic deterrence options & hence the RM’s statement. Third, the meaning of the term NFU. It can mean no-first-use against a non-nuclear weapons state, & it can also mean not being the first to use nuclear weapons against a declared nuclear WMD-armed state inside the territory of such a state. So, that leaves only 1 option on the table, i.e. being the first to use nuclear WMDs in one’s own territory as an act of self-defence—as I had explained yesterday in my reply at 6.45AM & as Gen Deepak Kapoor had stated last night (i.e. being the first to use nuclear WMDs in self-defence, meaning using them inside sovereign Indian real-estate).

So, how will this translate as a realistic option on the ground? Elementary. Just as the PA intends to use TNWs over territory that it cannot defend conventionally, i.e. the Chicken’s Neck Area sandwiched between India’s northern Punjab & southern Jammu, India will resort to the use of TNWs inside her own territory in southwestern Jammu (or even in Chhamb west of the Munawwar Tawi River, which was part of the undivided princely state of J & K) in case the PA decides, just like in 1965 & 1971, to launch a sudden ground offensive in the Chhamb-Sialkot sector.

And as for China’s declaratory NFU policy, it applies to only those countries that don’t possess nuclear WMDs. China’s NFU declaration does not apply to those countries that are declared owners of nuclear WMDs. That is why I have stated time & again that there are very few in India who understand the meaning of the term MILITARY POWER & what STRATEGIC DETERRENCE (combination of conventional & nuclear) really tantamount to. And yesterday’s NDTV group discussion was a stark illustration of the prevailing confusion among both intellectuals (both ‘desi’ & the PIO-types) & the political class.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

1st time, Kandahar’s figs exported to the Indian market through #Chabahar

2nd consignment of 80 tons of Afghan dry fruit, figs & Shakarpara to #India by sea

The kind of self-righteous rhetoric oozing out from these two talk-shows will be the very reasons why the liberation of PoK is a strategic inevitability:

'President of AJK' meets PA COAS:

Conclusion: Heating up of the LoC this time will not be tolerated by the natives of PoK & this will create enormous popular uprisings within PoK.

Meanwhile, expect a surge of PILs from Kashmiri Pandits seeking legal compensation for their displacement by Kashmiri Jihadists since 1989. This by itself will create enough worldwide condemnation of the Jihadist uprisings of the type waged by pakistan, JKLF etc etc & this alone will transform the human rights violations narrative that in turn will psychologically force the Kashmiri separatists & their sympathisers to forever shed the sterile excuse of VICTIMHOOD & in the process lose all hope of international support for their cause.

And also watch out for a convergence of interests emerging between Russia & India on the issue of restoring India's geographic contiguity with Afghanistan via the Wakhan Corridor & consequently, on the need for liberating PoK for all means.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This Tweet provides corroborative substance to what i had stated on August 15, 2019 at 6:56AM:

Anonymous said...

If India has PoK to take back PoK I what kind scenario will it will be?
1) going to ICJ and telling Pakistan to vacant the occupied land?
2) using mighty Military Power to take it back but to take this step their should be some kind of triggering point because even if unrest happens in PoK nobody pays heed to them like there has been no discussion among legislators in India for past 5 yrs
3) India never has aggressive posture to initiate hostilities and PA will never make same mistake it did in Kargil because all it’s forces were in western front thereby maintaining status quo of PoK

Gautam Singh said...
Prasun Da, why does GOI keeps supporting those kashmiri political snakes who dance to the tune of ISI.

sbm said...

A most interesting thread. What do you make of the petitions with people like Kapil Kak and Ashok Mehta arguing that 370 was key to the grounds of J&K accession into India (does not make sense to me)? Will any of the petitions succeed?


Does supreme court has any power to override presidents order

Harbhan said...

There was/is an independent armored brigade in Ladakh. While this armored brigade become part of the 3rd(Trishul) Mechanized Division or will it continue to stay as an independent armored brigade

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

A lot going on on internal security and on diplomatic front, but my question is where is the money to sustain it. Our economy is in doldrums since last 2 years at least and NAMO is at best giving platitudes. Spending thousands of crores on bsnl and air India and various psu and handouts while killing economy with gst and tax terrorism. Will India ever recover from de-monitisation and I'll prepared GST?

I see no hope.

Srinivasa Nanduri

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RON: 1) India should have done that in the early 1970s itself. Now with Pakistan threatening to go to the ICJ, Islamabad will be held accountable by the ICJ for the following:

Two of Pakistan's main arguments against the removal of Jammu & Kashmir's special status under Article 370 are that it would lead to changes in demography and that it is violation of the UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions. Both these arguments are not only false and malicious but it is Pakistan that has been guilty on both these counts. Thus, the state subject rule has been held in abeyance in GB since the 1970s. This was done to deliberately dilute the Shia/Ismaili character of the region by facilitating the migration of a large number of Sunnis from Pakistan. From 1998 to 2011, due to large-scale migration, it is estimated that the population in GB surged by 63%, as against 22 % in so-called 'AJK', where the State Subject Rule was still in force. This kind of social engineering has led to severe sectarian strife, especially under General Zia and later on as in 2012, as well as dilution of the local culture and identity. Among Pakistan's machinations that have been violative of the UNSC resolutions are the following:

(i) It manipulated letters of accession from the Mirs of Nagar and Hunza even though they had no power of accession since they were under the suzerainty of the Maharaja of J&K. Yet, it suppressed these letters from the UN hoping to include these areas in the plebiscite.

(iI) The Karachi Agreement of 28 April 1949, supposedly signed between a Minister in the Pak Government, the 'President' of so-called AJK and the President of the Muslim Conference under which the administrative control of GB was transferred to Pakistan. The travesty was that neither was anyone from GB a signatory to this agreement nor did the so-called AJK Government have any representation from or administrative control over GB and neither did the Muslim Conference have a political presence there. Subsequently, Ibrahim Khan, one of the supposed signatories denied publicly that he had actually signed the Agreement! Despite these dubious facts, Pakistan has been exercising control over the region and lecturing India on constitutionality.

(iii) On March 2, 1963, Pakistan further violated the UN resolutions, when it ceded about 1,868 square miles (5,180 square kms) of GB to China in the Shaksgam Valley even though it was accepted that the sovereignty of the region did not rest with it.

Following the Karachi Agreement Pakistan governed the area through the draconian colonial-era Frontier Crimes Regulations (FCR) right up to the 1970s. The FCR, akin to martial law, did not allow any political activity and gave the authorities blanket powers to arrest and interrogate any person. In 1974-75, the Northern Areas Council Legal Framework Order replaced the FCR, introduced rudimentary administrative and judicial reforms, but did not empower the people of G-B. In 1982, Zia-ul-Haq proclaimed that the people of G-B were not part of the State of J & K and extended martial law to GB declaring it 'Martial Law Zone-E' (A to D being the four Provinces). In 1994, Benazir Bhutto introduced the Northern Areas Legal Framework Order that vested all executive powers with a Federal Minister. The August 2009, Gilgit-Baltistan Empowerment of Self-Governance Order changed the name of the region from Northern Areas to G-B. However, the elected Legislative Assembly was functional only in name as the unelected Legislative Council headed by the PM of Pakistan took all decisions.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To GAUTAM SINGH: It is all fun-n-games. But kindly rest assured now that all the snakes have been identified & isolated & will soon be eliminated.

To SBM: VMT. The petitions fly in the face to established factoid, the most important of them being that the Instrument of Accessions were all signed between the DOMINION of INDIA under the 1946 India Independence Act, following which the princely state of J & K became an integral part of India. Article 370 on the other hand was a time-limited (& therefore a temporary provision) contractual agreement of joint governance between the state of J & K & the REPUBLIC of INDIA. The over-arching legal verdict of the case, therefore, will rest on the cosmic reality that states: changing times require changing rules & unchanging times require unchanging rules.

To AMIT BISWAS: Yes, provided the merits of the case are properly assessed/examined/analysed & are then juxtaposed with objective ground realities. Only then can a final decision based on WISDOM emerge. And wisdom in turn is dependent on the cosmic reality that states: changing times require changing rules & unchanging times require unchanging rules.

As for Pakistan, these are the objective ground realities:

And yesterday the FM of Pakistan was demoted to sit together with a two-star PA Maj Gen:

At least they could have made the Chairman of the JCS sit together with the FM.

But maybe the PA is reconciled to fighting to the last man, last drop of blood & last bullet, just like Tipu Sultan. And everyone knows what happened to Tipu Sultan:

So now, the only available options for the scumbags in Islamabad are 2-fold: desperately pray that the Indian Supreme Court strikes down the Re-organisation of J & K State (which will not happen); & go all out & make Arundhati Roy’s delusional musings as Pakistan’s over-arching narrative on the J & K issue!!!

To RON: Here are some future musings on POJK:

India’s legal case at ICJ for reclaiming POJK:

Buddha said...
Will Afganistan get respite in near future from this regular menace of bomb blast...
Has the great game of annexing gilgit baltistan and pok begun along with International effort of denuclearization of pakistan....
Do you foresee the balochistan getting freedom from punjabi pakistani rule..
Why Indian CDS will not be 5 star general..
Will any reform take place in HAL and OFB to be effective and self reliant...
What is tha status of assault rifle ghatak ...Will it see the bulk induction in Indian army..
With CDS coming will the Air force army despute over attack helicopter be resolved and will LCH find in over 100 number in army aviation crops.
Will this govt do anything for lifting economical distress of India and jobs for Unemployed Indians.
What may be right way as per you to lift Indian farming way ahead from the present chaos.
Is there any road map to truly address the issue.

Pierre Zorin said...

I saw a news hour session with Geeta Dutta on News X and the solicitor Hingowani or something his name was so factual. He explains the whole saga of J&K and says that before India takes the matter up politically, the matter should be raised at ICJ pointing out that if Pakistan denies the accession to India by J&K, because the same law also formed Pakistan would mean Pakistan does nto exist legally. He said first and foremost India shoulsd clear the legality of the status J&K because it belongs to India and then India can talk about other issues. Apparently India is the one who decided to call it a bilateral issue and deliberately started calling areas illegally occupied by Pak as PoK giving legitimacy to Pakistan to continue this harrasment. What he said India should do is- first claim the land that is India's and prove its own legal status being the owner of the entire J&K which will expose Pak lies.

Pierre Zorin said...

I just realised you have posted that hingorani interview link - brilliant but also shows how clueless Indian leaders have been and how they betrayed their own people! The other part shows what a malicious and viral nation the UK has been throughout the Colonial era.

Pierre Zorin said...

A clear proof that you can't argue or debate with a Pakistani their brains are so warped: a fellow was saying India is occupying Goa Daman and Diu and should return to Portugal! (in IDRW) - how can anyone be rational with morons like that with no idea what they are talking about.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PIERRE ZORIN: LoLz! But such morons also exist in very large numbers in India too. For example, a prominent TV Anchorperson (Karan Thapar) had this to say:

"There’s no country with a longer association with India than Britain"

In reality, the two most ancient countries that have existed in various forms & sizes with geographic contiguity until August 1947 are India & Iran. So how can the UK have a longer association than anyone else with India??? Now do you realise how such morons have monopolised the mainstream English-language Indian TV channels?

voiceoftheneglected said...

After the removal of 370 ,what options does PA have ? Proxy war or real war ?.... Can they drop their SSG with hand held nuclear devices inside our territory and blow them ? Is this scenario war gamed by IA or even is possible ? The tactical nuclear device - in what form the PA has them ... What is Nasr ?

Psr said...

1.Sir Is it true that Indian Raw is training 600+ balochs in Jalalabad Afganistan and Indian consulate there is helping them mobilize funds.
2.Why doesnt India raise Balochistan issue at all International platforms as actively as Pakistan does about Kashmir.
Why do we need to give explaination about everything everywhere such as now but Chinese Russians neednot.

Enigma said...

Greetings sir,

Great statement by Rajnath Singh.He said that future talks(if any)with Pakistan would only be about PoK.I am pleasantly surprised to see the Indian Government not being passive for a change.First the Article 370 move,then the NFU statement and now this.Imran Khan too has been reduced to being a Twitter troll.Has our Government smelt blood and decided that this is the right time to go all out ?And what do you think will happen in the coming days?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PSR: 1) According to Pakistan it is true. But no one has conclusive evidence about it nor has any been produced so far. 2) Because India’s own official survey maps published to date all show Baluchistan as being an integral part of Pakistan.

To ENIGMA: Yes, because Pakistan is not only financially broke, but is also politically polarised from within, and there’s growing unrest within both the former FATA & also in PoJK. And what will happen in the coming days? Most probably the likes of Arundhati Roy, Kapil Komireddy & Rana Ayoob will be declared by Pakistan as being India’s conscience-keepers who are blessed with all-knowing wisdom, and they will also most probably be declared as Pakistan’s Sherpas for distributing Pakistan’s warped/distorted/self-righteous narrative all over the world through mediums like these:

At the same time, one needs to stop certain Delhi-based ‘Netas’ from appearing in such Pakistani TV talk-shows, since they only serve to portray India as the world’s laughing stock:

To VOICEOFTHENEGLECTED: You are being heavily influenced by Sir Frederick Forsyth’s novels. The world of pulp-fiction is very different from the real world.


And the fake ones are those shown in Bollywood flicks & uttered inside Cineplexes.

And here are the 'desi' seniles now trying to have their brief moments of inglory:

While these are the real bravehearts:

Sumit sen said...
Dada How Sukhoi can fit into the role of deep interdiction? We should order more Rafales instead. Your views?

Prranshu Yadav said...

Prasunji, IAF has decided to cancel the engine upgrade of Jaguars.

1. How long do you think Jaguars will be in service now?

2. What about the DARIN 3 upgrades now?

3. Do you think this was the right thing to do?

Manivannan Sermaiya said...


What is our nuclear command chain. If our PM and Precedent died who will command our Nuclear Weapons


What the hell 9n eart is this...have u seen it before??

Pratap said...

Prasun da, Russian MFA had supported India in a statement they issues after 5 august. Contrary to media reports, Russia did not call for an open session on Kashmir either. But Russia is also talking about UN resolution. It's clear that Russia did not support India 100% like France and US did. Are Russian playing games with us? What are the Russkies up to?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUMIT SEN & PRRANSHU YADAV: It’s FAKE NEWS, rest assured. HAL is already at an advanced stage of negotiations with Honeywell on this matter.

To Manivannan Sermaiya: rest assured that when all else fails, they will turn to your’s truly, i.e. Chowkidaaron ka Chowkidaar. Meanwhile, do watch this primer on the CDS:

To PRATAP: Beware of all FAKE NEWS emanating from Pakistan. Like this, which the UK has since clarified:

And also listen to the rants of a suicidal bunch of former Pakistani diplomats:

And a beautiful explanation by Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa:


But IAS officers are already insecure about CDS....will there be any change in role of service chief vis a vis defence secretary or a complete overhaul of AOB/TOB rules of MOD-DOD/DEFENCE SECRETARY

TheHundred said...
According to this gentleman in the video above, the Indian army is not capable of conventional warfare but according to the article below the Indian army was ready for limited action. I have been reading this blog for a couple of years and I know that the Army is not in great fighting shape ( lack of equipment) but is it really just a counter-insurgency force now? What are your thoughts Prasun?

TheHundred said...

Thanks for posting the comprehensive P-15 DDG electronic and weapons upgrades, which include Barak8 and Brahmos (16 Brahmos in total?). I would also like to know what type of MLU upgrades are involved in the p-16, P-16a and first 3 batch of Krivak frigates. Thanks

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Now an in-principle decision has been taken by the Pakistan to approach ICJ, isn't it suicidal? Also as per the opportunity, India can cash in the same about illegal occupation of PoK. I hope Kashmir issue is going to be solved within 3 years at max. What's your view?

Anonymous said...

The decision was taken after considering all legal aspects,” says Foreign Minister Qureshi

1)Knowing that they gonna lose and it is going to be suicide why Pakistan is going to ICJ
2)Are they gonna turn the case by distorting facts
3) I would like to congratulate him because he is doing what Indian pathetic leaders should have done 70 years ago


Govind said...

Sir please comment on the following video accusing Russia of secretly gobbling up Finnish island chains

Anonymous said...

China does not recognise Kashmir as part of India. China has usurped 38,000 sqkm of Kashmir. China supports Pakistan on Kashmir.

Despite this, India refuses to have diplomatic relations with Taiwan. India does not even recognise Taiwan as a country.

Your views on this.....why government is always silent on China instead of growing some spine?


Prajjwal Dalal said...

Hello Prasunji!

1.I think we are again losing media war.I got a call from a friend from US who said that almost daily,Kashmir is been highlighted in newspapers like NYT,WP,etc.Not just that,even MSNBC,CNN,etc are showing shows on it.Ofcourse in a anti-Indian narrative.What I do fear is that India would be projected as a aggressive state amognst the world like Israel is been shown.Your take?

2.I don't know why such folks were even given visa to enter India:

And this is not the first time.I heard Orya Maqbool Jan saying that he once visited Hyderabad and Kerela and asked some Kashmiri students living there that why would they want to live in country like India and tried indoctrination.

Similarly,I heard Nusrat Mirza(the guy who claimed that India used KALI to create avalanche),that he visited Chandigadh and met with many Sikhs and told them how Pakistan loved SIkhs and would love to help them get Khalistan.

Lastly,Amir Mateen(the guy who appears along with Rauf Klasra),said that he RECENTLY visited Sri Nagar and talked with many Kashmiris about plebisite.

Isn't these all case of blatant breach of Law?I don't know whether GOI will any day pick up wipe against these folks.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: There will be no changes to the Order of Precedence. And yesterday we had this shitty statement from the CAS of the IAF:

After this faux pas, I'm convinced that the CAS does not know how old (or young) the USAF's B-52 heavy bombers are, & how old (or young) the Ambassador taxis plying the streets of Kolkata are. Hence, I often wonder why folks in general in India are loathe to do their homework before wagging their boneless tongues!!!

To THEHUNDRED: Perhaps his opinion/perception is based on the quantum of factoids that he has obtained. The quantum can range between 20% or even 60%, but that still leaves a huge void that can contribute to supposition & the consequent fallacious conclusions...something of the ‘feeling’ experienced by JOYDEEP GHOSH in this blog from time to time. P-16 FFGs have been decommissioned while the P-16A FFGs have been periodically upgraded & the same applies to the ongoing MLU of the first 3 Project 1135.6 FFGs, which will see at least 182 items of Indian origin being installed.

To ASD & RON: If they insist on being suicidal, then by all means let them proceed full steam ahead.

To VIVEK: It was in 2010 that China suddenly began claiming that it has only a 2,000km-long LAC with India & not a 4,057km-long LAC, meaning China did not recognise J & K to be a part of India. But fast-forward to today, why then is China crying hoarse over the status of Ladakh? Why does it not take up the issue of Ladakh’s sovereignty & boundaries with whichever country (other than India) that China feels is the true owner of J & K? All this is because China always likes to move the goalposts according to Beijing’s mood-swings. China has not yet officially stated that J & K belongs to Pakistan or some other country. The day China mentions any country by name, on that very day India will officially dump her ‘One China’ policy for good.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRAJJWAL DALAL: This is happening because the ‘desi’ TV channels field ageing speakers like G parthasarathy who spend more time stammering & are totally incoherent in stating their PoV, as can be seen here:

The invited Indian panellists should LEARN to stick to the merits of the case & not engage in whataboutery/whataboutism. For instance, the 3 former Pakistani diplomats 2 days ago were claiming that the J & K issue requires Pakistan’s direct military/material support because: UNGA Resolution A/RES/33/24 of 29/11/1978 “Reaffirms legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity & liberation from colonial and foreign domination & foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle”; UNGA Resolution A/RES/3246 (XXIX) of 29 November 1974 Reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for liberation form colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle; UNGA Resolution A/RES/3246 (XXIX; 29 November 1974), UNGA Resolution A/RES/33/24 (29 November 1978), UNGA Resolution A/RES/34/44 (23 November 1979), UNGA Resolution A/RES/35/35 (14 November 1980), UNGA Resolution A/RES/36/9 (28 October 1981) all do the same as well. But what these former Pak diplomats deliberately hid from the audience was the fact that such UNGA resolutions only apply to occupied territories, not sovereign independent territories. So next, everyone in Pakistan is taught from childhood that J & K & Ladakh are territories occupied by India. And why so? Because the Instrument of Accession between the princely state of J & K and the Dominion of India has always been claimed by Pakistan as being a fraudulent piece of paper. Both these claims by Pakistan are 100% WRONG because: 1) The Instrument of Accession was signed & endorsed by then British Gov-Gen Lord Mountbatten. Are the Pakis willing to now claim that even an Anglo-Saxon Caucasian like the Gov-Gen was laying back in 1947? Here’s a copy of the document:

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

2) Back in late 1948 when the ceasefire agreement was being negotiated in Karachi, it was the Instrument of Accession document that was used by the UN’s Caucasian/Goraa mediators for sorting out various points of dispute & therefore the UN then accorded undeniable legal status & sanctity to this document. It is all explained here:

Consequently, it is PoK & not J & K that has been considered as ‘occuiped territory’ by both the UN all & its other member-states, EXCEPT Pakistan. And that’s why the UN has since 1972 considered the J & K issue as being an ideological dispute & not a territorial one. And by international law, the UN never mediates on any ideological dispute between 2 countries.

In fact, the GeoTV debate 2 days ago was singlehandedly choreographed by Bastard No.1 (Hamid Mir) who began distorting historical factoids 3 years ago when he claimed that J & K’s native separatists were equal to the likes of Bhagat Singh & Nelson Mandela because all of them it seems were fighting against foreign occupation. So, no matter what the rest of the world or the UN states, the average Paki is brainwashed into believing that the Instrument of Accession has no legal sanctity. And on top of this LIE is then built the entire warped & untrue Pakistani narrative about J & K. And sadly, there are some 5th columnists in India who continue to promote such Bastards by giving them publicity like this:

Then we come to Bastard Nos.2 & 3, both of whom have claimed to have visited India or have been to J & K. All such claims are 100% FALSE/JHOOT since none of them have to date shared any images/photos of their visits. Then this Naalaayak Bastard called Amir Mateen has been claiming that the SWASTIKA symbol of the ‘Hindus’ is of Nazi origin. Well, then someone should ask him if the Baltistan Students Federation too is a Nazi outfit, since its flag also happens to feature the Swastika, as shown here:

DAshu said...

I believe they won't go to ICJ and most probably will follow what Dr. Ayesha Siddiqa suggesting.

Anonymous said...


Won't the month long OFB strike negatively affect our position with respect to Pak at a time such as this, when we need adequate ammunition for a potential limited war?

Can ESMA be invoked to get the OFB factories working again ?


Kaustav said...


Pakistan PM finally admitted, why Pakistan has always attacked through J&K, rather than LOC.

murthy said...

as china called for a UN meeting on India's Kashmir (which india is saying kashmir is part of India) situation, why is India not calling for a meeting for Xinjiang Situation (which is china's part) and it's treatment on local muslims? or Tibet Buddist situation?

does India has the balls ?
does UN does conduct a meeting ?

Ved said...

Bang on Prasun

Anup said...

Everything true in above book?

Prajjwal Dalal said...

Hello Prasunji!

Thanks for clearing my doubts.

1.Rumors are surfacing that India is about to buy Tochka missiles from Russia in 30 days,with nos. as high as 200.Is it true?

2.Is there are any significant development in BMD program or it is as it was in 2014-15?

3.What tests we could expect in upcoming months?Or which tests are considered to be happening in next months according to you?

Thanks sirji...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SATYAKI: of course it will, ESMA invocation in such matters must be MANDATORY.

To KAUSTAV: They too are getting a hammering along the ‘WB’ that straddles Jammu. Here’s the proof:

That country is also getting hammered by rising incidences of Polio:


And the best development byfar from POTUS, who has now stated that the J & K issue is religious in nature, meaning it is not a territorial issue, but rather is an ideological issue:


And very soon POTUS will issue an update, in which he will state that the conflict is not between religions, but between Pakistan’s religiosity-inspired self-righteousness versus India’s all-inclusive secular national narrative.

To MURTHY: India cannot raise this issue because Xinjiang’s territorial sovereignty isn’t disputed & there are no prior UNSC resolutions passed about Xinjiang. But both the US & EU have already condemned China’s policies on Xinjiang at the UNGA. Meanwhile, on-going blatant violation of international law by China as it places its Coast Guard ships at India’s ONGC Block (0.61) in Vietnam. 20 China Coast Guard and other ships are now in the area, which falls under the Exclusive Economic Zone of Vietnam. Biggest incident since 2011 between China and Vietnam.

To Manivannan Sermaiya: Pre-emptive offensive first-strike can only be conducted when the launching country is 100% certain about decapitating its adversary’s nuclear WMD arsenals. And against a country possessing a survivable undersea-based nuclear deterrent, any offensive first-strike will never even be contemplated.

To ANUP: Everything that has been investigated so far (out of the several revelations made in the book) has turned out to be true.

To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) Total baloney & pure rumour-mongering. There are enough Prithvi-2s still available for usage as SS-BSMs. 2) No. It is still an on-going R & D process. 3) Pralay SS-BSM, Nirbhay GLCM & ALCM, plus the regular Agni-4 & Agni-5.

Anonymous said...


VMT. Then why is the govt. not breaking the OFB strike by applying ESMA (and dismissing the ringleaders, if possible) ? Why wait for many days ?


just_curious said...

apologies for multiple posts, was curious to know wha happens now that dRdo-safran deal of dead.. how will safran fufill its offset

Down south said...

Hi Prasun,
My question regarding P Chidambaram . Is swamy fighting a genuine case against p Chidambaram or will it end up like August Westland vvip chopper case where there is no final outcome .

Pavan said...

Dear Prasun,

This is an excerpt from the annual report of MoD "In February, 2014, Director General(Artillery) intimated
Research Centre Imarat (RCI) that ‘N’ missile, which was
under development by RCI, was not recommended for
induction into service. Despite this, RCI placed six supply
orders between March, 2014 and July 2015 for stores
valuing 14.43 crore, which were received by January
2016. As users had not shown interest in ‘N’ missile, the
project was closed in December 2015. The stores were
transferred to RCI inventory/other projects and are since
lying unused as of October 2017."

Which missile are they referring?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

With respect to your earlier response about Xinxiang, I have a say. You told that Xinxiang is not a disputed territory; so it can't be highlighted. But the gruesome act that has been carried out, it can be highlighted. India could have asked for a closed door meeting about it. China could have learnt a lesson. What's your say? Please enlighten me.

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

1. remember sometime back i said houthis in yemen are winning then you said Saudi led aliance is winning, it was true at that time, but now situation is a stalemate in north yemen and uae backed rebels rampaging in south yemen hurting saudi plans

2. this french offer is carrot and stick offer with regards to other projects or will it materialize finally into total 6-8 squadrons in tranches where cost of each 2 squads will be lesser than previous 2

3. NASA says debris from Indias ASAT test still not finished, in that case est to abandon ASAT test in future

4. you said had lot at its hand to do nuisance turns it wants to put everyone at its crosshair

5. i am not impressed with the power being concentrated with hm, nsa

your views

Joydeep Ghosh

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

5. Israeli F35S went into Iran and came out unscathed how is it possible without material support from Saudi or any other GCC member as refueling and escort was neeeded in this 900 kms to fro job, also some reports say just like understanding between Russia Israel over Syria similar understanding was reached to facilitate this op inside iran, that led to iran AF cheif being fired, how true is that

Joydeep Ghosh

Sumit sen said...
Dada we urgently need to sign this. Your's take?

Buddha said...
Discussion on CDS

Psr said...

1.What do u think on this.
We shud focus on only Gilgit Baltistan and not POK as GB will cut Chinese access to Pak and will connect India to Afghanistan directly.Kashmir will become a bigger headache when those 'bhatke huye yuva' will meet their POK analogs.POK is chanting for freedom from Pak but they don't want to merge with INDIA either.
2.Looking at Trump's past records,series of resignations,statements contradicting his diplomats and the Tughlaqi reputation he has earned ,there doesn't seems to be a definite US International policy on any issue.If Trump comes to power again Don't you think it will be difficult for US ,NATO or anybody to come under same banner and our hope of them taking Pak's nuclear arsenal or any country will want to follow US under Trump and hence multifurication of Pakistan.He looks such an idiot.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SATYAKI: Simply because these govt-owned industrial entities constitute huge vote-banks when viewed from a pan-India lens.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Of course India has starting making comments on Xinjiang, for starters this being raised by almost all India-based TV channels & this being on the advice of the Govt of India. The next step will be to start a mass-contact campaign via these TV channels to encourage Indian consumers to buy products made in Taiwan & South Korea & thereby voluntarily boycott made-in-China products. But rest assured that before this takes off, Beijing will panic & will publicly issue calls for starting to make amends. 2) They have already been embarrassed since 2010 when India stopped stating in its joint communiques that TAR is an inalienable & integral part of the PRC. 3) Because Iran has lots of fans in Shia-dominated northern J & K, especially in Kargil. A simple visit to Kargil Town will reveal how many posters of Ayatollahs Khomeini & Khameni dominate the streets there. 4) The press over there is free & it is up to India & Indians to contribute similar Op-Eds in those publications. 5) Why should France make any offers for additional Rafales when India herself has stated on several occasions before that more Rafales are reqd? The IAF has already stated that it requires a minimum of 80 Rafales. 6) No way, since the MWF AF Mk.2 will be ready for delivery only 8 eight years at best from today. There’s no LCA Mk.2 anymore. 7) The DRDO-SAFRAN joint R & D partnership is a long-term effort and decisive results cannot be expected within a matter of months.

To DOWN SOUTH: It all depends on the paperwork for the money-trail, which the CBI & ED seems to have traced & verified. If that’s the case, then it is an open-n-shut case against P Chidambaram. One will know the truth only if a chargesheet is filed, in which all such forensic evidence will be produced before a trial court.

To PAVAN: Those were new-build Prithvi-2 (SS-150-type) SS-BSMs fitted with TAMAM-supplied compact RLG-INS navigation systems.

To ASD: Closed-door meetings of the UNSC can be called only by the P-5 member-states of the UN. Any other country can openly bring it up at the UN General Assembly. Qatar has just condemned all that is going on in Xinjiang:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) It is the UAE-backed militia alliance that is now winning in Yemen. 2) I don’t believe in speculatives. The IAF has already stated several times before that it requires at least another 44 Rafales. 3) So now the ISRO must allow India’s private-sector companies & academies of excellence to collaborate in making deployable garbage collection solutions in space, just like Japan has done. For, in the years ahead, garbage collection & disposal in space will be a very big business. So, about time India started giving attention to the concept of ‘Space Jamaadaars’. 4) I had already highlighted it yesterday. Do read my comments of yesterday. 5) Actually (LoLz!), power is concentrated in my hands, for I am India’s only ‘Chowkidaaron ka Chowkidaar’. I thought by now you would have grasped it through your ‘tantrik’ vibes/feelings. So better try it again, maybe you will get lucky this time. 6) It is all true. And now, do watch these:

Iran’s New Bavar-373 LR-SAM:

To SUMIT SEN: I don’t believe in speculatives. The IAF has already stated several times before that it requires at least another 44 Rafales.

To SOI: 1) It will be good target-practice shooting for the IA along the LoC. 2) It is still undergoing final development after receiving crucial user-inputs from the IA. 3) 114-unit MRCA project is still devoid of the reqd funding & hence it will most likely never take off.

To PSR: 1) Gilgit is now the new pivot for India’s policy for a united J & K. 2) You are wrong. Remember what I had predicted about POTUS’ mediation offer. Well, Najam Sethi himself has confirmed it here:

That programme was unavailable in YouTube earlier this week, until he was told to upload this as well:

By listening to this, it is now crystal-clear that he has been totally domesticated by the ISPR as far as foreign policy commentary/analysis is concerned. From now on, he will be make spectacularly outrageous predictions like: the re-organisation of J & k will produce another 10 more Dawood Ibrahims from amongst India’s Muslim population.

Meanwhile, do enjoy the latest situational reports from Pakistan about the intense IA cross-LoC fire-assaults launched both in areas adjoining Poonch & along the Neelum valley:

More brain-dead conspiracy theories about Pakistan’s future options:

Pakistan’s Punjab hit by flash-floods due to India releasing waters of the Sutlej River:

China Power Hub Co Arrives to Re-negotiate Pakistan’s now increased debt due to devaluation of Pakistan’s currency:

China Bags 5-G Contract in Pakistan:

5-G Explained in Simple Terms:

DAshu said...

Sir, what to do about the economy? Is the economy really going downhill? Is govt doing anything to alleviate it? when can we expect the economic turnaround?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: LoLz! Remember how Japan's economy prospered due to the 1950-1953 Korean War? Time to try out something similar inside India now. Meanwhile, here's an example of Fulminations Vs Facts:

And while India's 'desi patrakaars' are still oblivious to this development, the US State Dept has already issued a statement on China's recent aggressive moves in the South China Sea:

And the IAF Court of Inquiry has found that the crash was a result of systemic institutional failure. Two officers, the chief operations officer (COO) and the senior air traffic control officer (SATCO), have been found to blame:

Finally, the bitter truth has emerged at last:

Lastly, the Asia-Pacific Group (APG) of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), the global watchdog for terror financing and money laundering, has put Pakistan in the Enhanced Expedited Follow Up List (Blacklist) for its failure to meet its standards. The APG of has also found that Pakistan was non-compliant on 32 of the 40 compliance parameters of terror financing and money laundering. The FATF, also known by its French name, Groupe d’action financière, is an inter-governmental organisation founded in 1989 on the initiative of the G-7 to develop policies to combat money laundering. In 2001 its mandate was expanded to include terrorism financing. Now, Pakistan has to focus on avoiding the blacklist in October, when the 15-month timeline ends on the FATF’s 27-point action plan.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

More revelations on the 'turncoat' new-gen Kashmiri netas, all due to A S Dulat's machinations:

It also proves what I had earlier stated about the arrest of Shah Faesal.

Susan said...

Prasun Da

Indian army had ordered 114 Dhaunsh artillery guns.6 have been delivered to Army in may this year.Are these 114 artillery guns are made from scratch or these are only upgraded to Dhaunsh 45 caliber from original 410 Bofors gun imported in 80s.


Unknown said...

1.There were reports in 2018 that government approved a plan to procure Heron TP armed drones from Israel, what happened to the procurement
2.can you describe about the avionics and ,armamentes of IAF apaches
3.Pak media reported that the Shias of
Kargil district are against the creation of Union territory of Ladakh. Is it right.
Joseph Jiju Alex

Ayush said...

Dada, according to reports France is offering the Barracuda nuclear attack submarine to India. Earlier this year it was reported that Russia has alsi offered to develop next gen nuclear attack submarine with India. Hope that India goes with Russia as they have the best nuclear subs in the world after the US. What is your opinion?

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

1. as things stand uae backed rebels i south yemen have lost major territory in the area, this will definately pit mbs and mbz against each other

2. china is uping the ante against us and seems it will have the last laugh in Skorea Japan spat that has even taken us by surprise

3. my calculation says the french offer of 36 Rafales is over n above the 80 required as stated by IAF and while 2 squadron each will be put in 2 North Indian AFBs where the infrastructure had to be setup, these 36 Rafales will probably be placed in Gwalior AFB that already has infrastructure to operate French mirage 2000 jets

4. do you expect brexit to have affect on Indian economy

5. even if MWF does see the light in 2022 and goes into production (200 numbers probably) after 123 lca mk1a are churned out i dont see any space for mmrca 2 or amca or f21 AS by 2040 IAF will have 370+ SU30 + 116 Rafale + 323+ lca mk1a & mwf thats nearly 850 jets or 42 sanctioned squadrons

your views


Joydeep Ghosh

Pratap said...

Sir, this is the closest we are at liberating POK ever since you made the prediction of a limited war. Will the world see India as an agressor If there is a war just to push loc back by a few KMs? Which are the areas along loc where PA has terrain advantage over IA? Are the armed forces ready for it or are we going to wait for the arrival of Rafales, Barak 8 and S-400?

Mohan said...

Prasun sir
Then no grass root level leader will emerge where he/she wil binded by india and its constitution.And IB and JKPG will keep running there train again?
Is there any light in yhe tunnel

Prajjwal Dalal said...

Hello Prasunji!
Some important points worth to be discussed:

1.According to Harsh Vardhan Thakur,ETP at HAL:
"Not like MWF is not approved. Mk-2 is an ongoing & approved project. MWF aspirations are absorbed into Mk-2 specs. It'll entail more budget & time, but at the end there'll be a more potent aircraft. Challenge is our capability & efficiency. We're taking enough potshots for that."
Is that true?Are we at correct path now?

2.What is interesting is that AMCA is getting frequent mentions in recent reports.For example,the FORCE article you shared of interview of DRDO Chied,had AMCA mentioned specifically.Similarly,here too AMCA is said to have definitive deadline.What it means is that some country other than Russia(as Su-57 is paused as of now),is helping of willing to help.Otherwise,this might be just another lollipop by ADA/HAL like they gave several times in past.What's your take on that?

3.And finally,some news report we need to worry on,perhaps:

Thanks sirji.And happy janmashtami to you and all the readers of this blog.

bhoutik said...

*have been very curious about the Bavar-373, prashun bhai if u cud throw some light on them - where the tech is coming from, how much they are manufacturing or assembling, etc.

*when india moves on POK, how likely is it that china would attempt a move on taiwan during that window?

*do u think the US made the right call in going for a VTOL aircraft like F-35? if yes, do u think yak-141 will remain a dead program or is there a possibilty it be revived with chinese funding?

as always, many thanks!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUSAN: They are ALL new-build Dhanush-45s, not recycled/upgraded FH-77Bs.

To UNKNOWN: 1) As I had stated since 2016, all these reports were FAKE NEWS emanating from the ‘desi patrakaars’. 2) They are all available on-line. Just Google for them. 3) The Shias are affiliated with neither the Ladakhi Buddhists nor the Sunnis of the Kashmir Valley. In fact, they identify themselves more with the Shias of Skardu/Baltistan. Here’s a videoclip that explains it all, starting from Turtuk:

To AYUSH: It’s FAKE NEWS, rest assured.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 3) Totally wrong calculation. 4) Today is the era of bilateral FTAs, i.e. the world is moving back from the WTO era to the earlier GATT era. 5) Let HAL first prove that the LCA Mk.1A is a functional warfighting platform. Until then, it will be premature to speculate on the IAF’s combat aircraft fleet strength.

To PRATAP: How can India be labelled as the aggressor when all she will be doing is liberating her own territory that has been illegally occupied since 1948? The PA has tactical advantages only in the Poonch & Haji Pir areas. But the PA has no offensive war-waging capability today when one examines just 1 parameter: the types of combat bridging systems inducted into service. Over the past 20 years, the PA has procured only 1 new type of combat bridging system, whereas in that same period the IA has acquired four different types of combat bridging systems. Similarly, the PA has not procured any combat demining systems, whereas the IA has acquired 5 different types of systems.

To MOHAN: Grassroots-level leaders will emerge & they will be a mix of both Sunni/Shia Muslims & Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley & Jammu. These links explain it all:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) LCA-AF Mk.2 was permanently terminated last year itself. And ANYONE who now claims that “MWF aspirations are absorbed into Mk-2 specs” is both a thoroughbred idiot & a compulsive insulter of the universal laws of physics. 2) AMCA remains a PIPEDREAM. Funding for the LCA-AF Mk.2 & AMCA & Su-57 FGFA has now been re-allocated for the MWF project. 3) Again, it is FAKE NEWS. Just like airframes, all engines too have half-lives. So a brand-new airframe can always use engines that have just undergone mid-life overhauls, just as an airframe after undergoing mid-life refurbishment can always receive brand-new engines. It is perfect mathematics & no one can ever mess with it.

Meanwhile, this arsehole is still dumb-founded after the shock-n-awe witnessed in J & K since August 5:

Sikhs in London Nabbed with Daggers:

Floating Nuclear Powerplant is what India needs if she has to be the first responder during HADR operations throughout the IOR:

And yesterday, the much-hoped for ‘Kayaamat ka Manzar’ that Pakistan was hoping for (i.e. genocidal violence breaking out throughout the Kashmir Valley) never took place. In fact, this was the worst Friday any Pakistani can ever hope for. And the following were the ones engaged for fear-mongering & disinformation dissemination: & his predictions:

Z A Bhutto raised Kashmir issue & he was hanged. Gen Zia raised Kashmir issue & he died in an air-crash. Benazir Bhutto raised Kashmir issue & she was shot. Musharraf raised Kashmir issue & he went into self-imposed exile. Zardari & Nawaz Sharif raised Kashmir issue & now both are behind bars. Next to embrace the same fate will be Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi.

Anup said...

Excellent article "The Quint". As per the article new leadership may lead J&K in future.
What about Kashmiri Pandits?
Rahul Pandita twit:-

Can you please explain?

Pierre Zorin said...

Prasun you gave me a brilliant idea to notch up a first novel and perhaps earn some money through it: The Curse of Kashmir.... 🤣

Murthy said...

Hi Prasun,
Is this not the right time to make Andaman and Nicobar, another singapore or Hong Kong?
even trump is suggesting US Companies to move production out of china.
Can we borrow UK model of crown dependencies where they got their own laws etc which is helpful in our case in writing new laws to attract global manufacturing.
we can setup news laws regarding no cap on FDIs, inward or outward money movement by establishing new bank, fair labour laws, consistent taxes etc where by india gets huge tax revenue and millions of new jobs? and whole eco systems of industries?

Anonymous said...

Hi Dada,

Here are important points from this:

1.sukhoi 30 mki is total failure. It is non functional

2. We are just buying Rafale as nuclear delivery platforms

3.IAf don't have any training format

4. You can't integerat wastern and Russian components

Look highly unlikely but is some or all points true...


Anonymous said...

How to deal with these kind of people who stick their nose where it doesn’t belong


Abir said...

If su30 is complete failure then america easily beat China and Russia in one day.


Hello Prasunji!
Sorry for not using my E-mail ID this time as I couldn't access through my phone.Anyways,

1.This is interesting thread with some great observations:

Why do BBC do have such kind of Bias when it comes to militancy in India?Is it colonial mindset or is UK govt. having some kind of demand from GOI?For example US do sometimes arm-twists us economically to teach us regarding some policies.Is there anything same for UK?

2.Sadly,I have dropped(or was made to) my plan to do my Bachelors in Canada,instead stay in India.On the bright side,I would get admission in Aeronautical Engineering(rather than Aerospace).Than the options remains to have Masters in Canada in future and settle there.Your take on this plan?

Thanks sirji.As always, would wait for your guidance.

Mohan said...

Prasun sir,
1.Us china trade war progress. Us is now going full out on economic front. Will china going to collapse in few years? I don't think china can sustain with such debt very long?
2.Is US going to withdraw all of its troops from afgAfghani? What is the future plan of Afghanistan?


We should import this ...sitting inside LoC we can hit islamabad ;)

RAT said...

Hmmm who said Dalali is a stinking occupation when it produces enough cash to buy your country out!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BHOUTIK: Bavar-373 & North Korea’s KN-06 Pon'gae 5 are one & the same & are re-engineered clones of the 1980s vintage S-300P, a couple of which were obtained by North Korea from Croatia in the mid-1990s. China’s CPC will later this year witness a coup attempt that will shake the administration of Xi Jinping. The VTOL variant of the F-35 will be used primarily by the USMC. And here’s something very interesting:

To ANUP: There are several options, some of whom were named in the articles I had weblinked yesterday. Meanwhile, to neutralise Pakistan’s plans for generating swarms of PoK residents making a dash for the LoC and in the process infiltrating several terrorists into J & K, the IA has since July 30 been systematically sanitising areas all along the LoC out to a depth of 5km inside PoK, so that not a single living soul can stay put in such areas. Here are ground-reports of the IA’s artillery fire-assaults:

Samanhi, Bhimber Sector:

Kotli & Tatta Pani, Battal Sector:

PA COAS Visits Gilgit:

To PIERRE ZORIN: The title then should be something similar to this:

To MURTHY: No need to copy the UK’s laws & instead just declare some of the islands of the A & N chain as offshore financial havens & even go to the extent of creating artificial islands there through reclaiming for the purpose of creating a metropolis on it.

To MOHAN: The only truthful factoid from that video is that India does not invest properly in its human resources & that’s precisely why nitwits like that creature get ‘invited’ to deliver such talks by equally dim-witted organisations. And since that creature is neither a licenced aeronautical engineer nor a professional pilot, he is most unqualified to pass such ill-informed judgements. Even if his observations were 25% true, then by now India would easily have been carved out between Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal and Sri Lanka!!!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It has been interested in talking to India since 2014, when some of them were invited to a Jaipur Lit festival. And they came & attended it. 2) The stretched option would still have resulted in an LCA, whereas the IAF has for the past 2 years insisted on a MWF. I had clarified this several times before & so let us not get dragged into futile utopian scenarios about Tejas Mk.2. 3) The Su-57E is nowhere near to becoming an operationally mature/functional MRCA. 4) Not at all. The US has been publicising its 6th-gen MRCA developmental plans since 2011.

To PRAJJWAL DALAL: 1) It seems the majority of Western & ‘desi’ news-reports on J & K are all confined to only a few select localities in & around Srinagar:

None of the above, including the NYT, have so far succeeded in fanning out into the countryside/rural areas (where the majority of the population resides) for fact-finding. Very few have ventured into the rural areas & here are their ground-reports:

Meanwhile, kindly read this:

2) Why settle down in Canada? Why not in the Sharda valley or Skardu, both of which will be integral parts of sovereign India by the time you have completed your Masters?

Meanwhile, I'm very happy that all the so-called 'netas' were turned back from Srinagar Airport yesterday. None of these hypocrites (especially the INC's Pappu & his mum & sis) ever set foot on even a single refugee camp in Jammu where the Kashmiri Pandits were housed throughout the 1990s.

Anonymous said...

China’s CPC will later this year witness a coup attempt that will shake the administration of Xi Jinping.

Wow sir based on what facts have you come to that conclusion

Kaustav said...


This WSJ article link posted by you Sir, about US seeking to block Chinese acquisition of Ukrainian Aerospace Company Moron Sich both for National Security Strategy as well as prevention of more international competition in the Aero-Engine sector is interesting on 2 very important divergent points of concern for India :-

1. Chinese Aero-Engine capabilities

2. US intentions to limit competition in high tech areas specially Aerospace as well as Electronics (Engines, 5G, etc.) The US seems to be even ready to go the socialist way to ensure feasible 5G technology uniform development.

Sir, could you please elaborate on these two matters of great interest?

Thanks & looking forward to the same.

Murthy said...

why is India not employing Ukraine engineers in those projects ?
while Indians can work in many industries in the west why not India employing foreign engineers or consultants?

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, it is now clear that india and france will sign iga for 114 rafale aircrafts which will increase to 57 for navy in future..some technical hurdles remain which will be hopefully solved by end of this year..i wanted to know how many years it wud take to build a rafale line at dral facility? And wud it be capable for producing 20 aircraft a year?..also sources say either govt. Will buy the shares of anil ambani or a private consortium will own up his u hv said constantly about single engine procurement..i dun think there will be any single engine wud be tejas mk1A and mwf..isnt it sir?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

1.Earlier in your blog I had seen you raising the issue of diversity of IAF inventory. Will this problem be sorted out after acquisition of new platforms?

2. How Pakistan is able to hide facts so easily. You can recall that one Italian journo had told about fatalities in Balakot strike to be around 170. Even if it is 30, how can someone hide it? Can you please enlighten? Is it so easy to hide facts?

Anup said...

You are not going to visit MAKS2019?

Anup said...

Your comment please

Anonymous said...

sir do we have thermonulclear(hydrogen) bomb some say that the test failed.
some say we collected data for computer simulation.
if yes then can the warhead be miniaturized enough for MIRV config on agni 6 or k 5.
what will be its approx yield.

murthy said...

india is just one of the 6 other non g7 invitees just to press to commit more on environmental issues.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

It is now OFFICIAL: Govt of Pakistan will soon introduce the 'KABAR' (Graveyard) Tax under which those dead bodies requiring burial will have to pay a tax for securing the burial space--this being the latest move to raise govt revenues.

In another development, looks like Huawei will lose out in India:

Wild Life Along LoC:

Gilgit's Woes:

just_curious said...

-OFB strike cancelled, is the govt back tracking?? U mentioned them to be a vote bank but how can a few lakhs be more imp than the whole country if anybody in power????
- read that HAL is now ready to cut tejas mk1a price by @50%. What loot it must have been doing all through these years..
-Why is India sticking to russians on all space related tech and not NASA. It this the cause of NASA repeatedly raising the Asat test debris issue?..
- given the sudden bonhomie between UAE & india. is a military/defence co operation on cards. what about the pak army(hired mercenaries) being employed by these arabs. Pak is counting on this point to get back at them. eg all sunni arab expeditons have pak army elements involved be it Raheel sharief or other..

Babu said...

isn't a good idea that Indian Govt should start massive public factories for creating public infrastructure like roads, hospitals, schools, govt buildings, public utility buildings, bus stations, railways, leisure facilities, libraries, parks, old age homes, orphanages etc?

mega factories for cement, steel, glass, fiber & plastic for panels etc?
we can see massive change in the country...
many places lack these facilities and our infrastructure is very limited when compared to the western world in general and if we compare per capita basis we will at the bottom of the list.

Ashish Gautam said...

Hello sir how r u? I have been reading all questions n answers here n as usual your detailed answers and this post is outstandingly beautiful...
Salute u "Chowkidaro k Chowkidar"...🙏
Just read this news in Dainik Bhaskar...
What's your comment on this??

Enigma said...

Greetings sir,
What are your views about this highly interesting article?

Main points:It says that Pakistan has been preparing for war with India for the past 20 days.The Pakistani Army believes that India wants to cross the Neelum river and push Pakistan back.A lot of focus is being given to a few sectors like Bagh,Leepa,Chhamb,etc.They believe that the war will happen between September-October.Your thoughts sir?


Anup said...

Your another prediction going to correct..

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANUP: The same is being reported here as well:

Meanwhile, business across the LoC is also suffering:

Grey Eagle:

I hope the IN isn’t expecting a seaborne attack anywhere along the Indian coastline, since the JeM plans to stage riverine infiltrations in northern Punjab & southern Jammu.

To ENIGMA & ASHISH GAUTAM: In other words, the PA is expecting the IA to launch OP KABADDI Version-2. When such an operation is launched, it won’t be a frontal attack & instead the PA will be totally be surprised when it is attacked from the rear by both the IA & IAF. Meanwhile, the PAF & PLAAF have launched EX Shaheen-8 ahead of schedule at Hotan & the PLA’s Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission (who is from the PLAAF) yesterday called on the PA’s COAS:

To SUJIT: had already explained several times before that: 1) licenced-production of imported combat aircraft has always been far more expensive than procuring them off-the-shelf, leading to financial ruin. 2) No one in this world has to date licence-built 4th-generation MRCAs. Hence, the Rafale will never be built in any form in India.

To KAUSTAV: It is crystal-clear that China is nowhere close to fielding reliable turbofans for military applications. Secondly, it is the interests of both Russia & the US to keep denying turbofan development solutions to China, which has since the 1990s being eyeing several such OEMs and R & D institutions of Ukraine, some of which are listed below:

To MURTHY: Do you really expect Caucasian expats to go to India where there’s shitty infrastructure of almost every type? Will they even be able to put their faith on India’s personal hygiene processes & practices?

To RON: FYI, Xi Jinping had already faced a coup attempt back in 2014 at the height of the anti-corruption campaign. The next coup will be attempted because the writ of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is being challenged with greater vigour with every passing day of the on-going pro-democracy protests in Hongkong SAR. And whenever this happens, China’s local brainwashed population inevitably reaches the conclusion that the it is the CPC to be blamed because the top leadership of the CPC is totally corrupted & hence they always tend to compromise the country’s national interests & that was why China had in the past been divided & colonised. This very line of argument had forced the CPC in mid-1989 to brutally crack down in Tiananmen Square. So if this is repeated in Hongkong SAR, it will give both Europe & North America to impose debilitating economic sanctions against Beijing, which in turn will usher in untold economic hardships & socio-economic instability within China, which in turn is likely to provoke internal insurrections & growing calls for regime change.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRAJJWAL DALAL: Aerospace Engineering:

Aeronautical Engineering:

Ram Bharadwaj said...

I had a basic question.

Can the IAF Su30MKI with the N011M Bars radar with an IRST and R-77 TAKE ON the PAF F-16 C/D 52 with AN/APG-66 radar and AMRAAM?

Is the F-16 radar with AMRAAM superior to the Su30mki?

Ram Bharadwaj said...

Prasun, What is the status of the upgrade of IN Ka31 and the Sea-king helicopters?