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Monday, September 21, 2020

A Dysfunctional National Security System Without A Coherent National Security Strategy

This explains it all:

And while the air-defence networks of the Indian Air Force and the Indian Army are gearing themselves up to match the conventional aerial/airborne threats from across the LAC, from across the Working Boundary in the Chicken’s Neck area of southern Jammu unabated violations of Indian airspace are taking place almost on a weekly basis by HexaCopters originating from Pakistan for the continuous supply of weapons required for carrying out terror-strikes:


DAshu said...

Very very true. Is the situation still the same? I hoped for some rectification.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: Institutionally, it is very much the same. Only limited improvements have come about, like the commencement of procurement of BNET-AR SDRs & the Spice-2000 PGMs with HE warheads that were sought way back in 2014, but were approved only in mid-2019. The most worrying part, however, is the unchecked flight of HexaCopters from the Shakargarh & Sialkot areas into southern Poonch & northern Punjab areas of India. Even the much-hyped-about arrival of the Rafale MMRCA is apparently not able to deter Pakistan from frequently violating India's airspace.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Russia's EW Forces:

Anonymous said...


Is'nt having an MEA official on our delegation at the corps commander talks in Moldo a bad sign ? The MEA with its Nehruvian ideology tends to push towards a sell-out.


The Sanatani Bhartiya said...

The basic problem is that we are faced with a totally dysfunctional political leadership interested only in retaining power through all and sundry means and making merry least bothered about the country.This is what happens when the undeserving gain power through questionable means and use them to ensure retention in power!I am not saying this about Modi just yet but your opinion is sought!Despite all your efforts it looks as if the corridors of power are least interested in carrying out their assigned duties.Your opinion please!

panic said...

Given the drone menace from Pakistan is increasing.
Is India going to place anti drone system on border with Pakistan.
If they haven't done it allready.
DRDO has developed a anti drone system.
It's a window of opportunity for Pakistan as Indian's entire focus will be on the border with giant belligerent neighbour CHINA.

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun

The seminar was totally unbiased and well done. It clearly tells the problems India faces internally all that you highlighted many times. I loved the part when NAK Browne said that during the election when the whole campaign was based on the one issue which was forgotten after the election and nobody talks about it all of them went into hiding who I guess will come for the next election. I feel sometimes nobody understands that most politicians take the common public for ride with PR stunts,drama and some form of appeasement on religion,cast or demography etc. just as current goverment is doing and the previous goverments have done to get power.. Anyway thanks for the link.



Ganesh said...

Hello Prasun,
Thanks for the write-up.
This is sob and sorry situation. The psyche of Indian mindset is to sleep until something is jolted upon. The general expectation that a superhero comes and saves all the gullible is never going to change. Per se, the change must come from individual self and that gives the confidence to change the society.
Personally, I don't buy this argument that military is ill equipped and there will always be perennial problems of not having the required at right time.
The irony is the leadership (more civilian and to lesser extent the military) lack of vision and improvisation to do the needful. Nothing will ever change until the mindset of leaders do not change.
The positive change is that the populace at least most do not have herd mentality and those with discerning mind are progressing and I am positive the leadership will also change.
Doing Rafale shastra pooja for showmanship is not appreciated. However, if the existing weapon systems are used effectively; this will change for the world of good.
Now about my queries, it is still open, this is not a taunt, but the fact that free sermons and expectations have zero weightage, unless self takes up the task accordingly make it work. Thanks, Ganesh

Anonymous said...

Are there any anti drone systems available in the market ?


asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Can you please explain briefly how IA/BSF should deal with the illegal dropping of arms by Pakistan? What can be the feasible solutions?

Rajesh Mishra said...

Why can not now the Indian forces advance in to G&B? This will break the link between China and Pakistan. If not, then what are the obstructive problems ?


Why is West Bengal turned to safe haven for terrorist...recent arrests from murshidabad have indicated penetration of suspected AQ members...why is WB police and administration not taking any steps to control unchecked expansion of madrasas ??

bhoutik said...

Prashun bhai, reading reports of winter preparation for troops in the north. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but since i'm failing to find any mention of it, have to ask - is meat supplied for troops (not counting fish)?

Kaustav said...


India hasn't shown any inclination or desire to force the issue of unilateral recovery of POK without corresponding rebellion & discontent from the residents of theses occupied territories with Paxtan. Ofcourse, if there is such a demand, India is duty bound to try & liberate these oppressed citizens of India in occupied territories. Even Mr.Pravin Sawhney doesn't accuse India of this & while critical of India, just wants India to be better prepared against PRC but to settle with Paxtan which is of course asking for the same, but Why is this Mr. SUDHEENDRA KULKARNI ( yes, exactly this quisling of a peacenik has crawled out of the woodwork again) ranting on about this matter which impinges on India's security & probably gives another propoganda handle for PRC & Paxtan to needle us with

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Since you were asking about what the future holds, here are four plausible scenarios:

To SATYAKI: Not necessarily, because India wants to avoid the issuance of different official statements from different officials from China, which present confusing interpretations. But if China persists in doing so, then India from now on will also do the same, i.e. issue 2 different statements, one from the MoD & one from the MEA. Also, since India has now convinced the world that the non-delineation of the LAC on a map is what has been causing all such faceoffs since the mid-1980s, India reckons the time is now right to bring international pressure upon China agree to the delineation of a common LAC on a unitary map, instead of continuing with the existing practice of clinging on to 4 different definitions of the LAC.

To THEINDIAN: Unfortunately, in India institution-building is not regarded as a noble act & consequently, wrecking of existing institutions has become the norm, as evidenced by the recent abhorant & utterly shaneful behaviour of some Rajya Sabha members.

To PANIC & ASD: What you are suggesting is DEFENSIVE OFFENSE, i.e. a reaction. What is reqd is OFFENSIVE DEFENCE, i.e. increasing the costs for the adversary through a major, sustained operation lasting for some weeks. For instance, in retaliation against the 9/11 terror attacks, the US flattened 3 countries, i.e. Afghanistan, Iraq & Libya. Similarly, since all such HexaCopters originating from Pakistan take off from the Chicken’s Neck area adjoining the WB in southern Jammu, there are 2 options: 1) Collect all the forensic evidence from the crime scene, then through FATF contact the Chinese manufacturer of the HexaCopters to ascertain the identity of their buyers & then expose them through the FATF’s good offices. 2) If the 1st option is obstructed by China, then the IAF must undertake a 7-day non-stop bombing campaign of ALL the Pakistan Rangers observation posts & their administrative offices straddling the WB within the Chicken’s Neck area. If the PAF decides to enter the fray, then the IAF must identify all those main & forward air bases from where the PAF’s combat aircraft take off & then must undertake a search-n-destroy air campaign with BrahMos-1 & SCALP-EG cruise missiles, with the principal objective being the destruction of all available PAF combat aircraft on the ground, thereby causing heavy attrition losses. The IAF has both the capacity & capability to do this & only strong political will is reqd to give the go-ahead.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To REMO & GANESH: In feudal societies, plain-speaking is often frawned upon & is not at all appreciated.

To VENKY: There are several available, but they are not the long-term solutions.

To RAJESH MISHRA: Not possible now since the manpower-heavy deployments of the IA are focussed along the LAC. To advance into GB, the IA & IAF will be reqd to undertake a fierce series of fire-assaults to cause maximum attrition among the Mujahid Force formations that the PA likes to forward-deploy as sacrificial lambs. Only after that can the IA’s ground formations advance into GB, starting with the conquest of Oltinthang & Goma in Baltistan.

To AMIT BISWAS: Blindly blaming the WB State Govt is quite easy, but in reality, no one from the WB State law enforcement machinery or Home Dept is obstructing the arrests & investigations. In the latest case, the initial information came from Israel, which is passed on to the Union MHA, which then contacted the US for accessing the WhatsApp chatter & only after all the evidence was gathered did the NIA start making the arrests. In this case, no one from Delhi either sought the State Home Dept’s support, nor was the State Home Dept made aware of this operation. Had institutions like NATGRID been established & made functional after 26/11, the various law enforcement agencies & depts. would not have been functioning within individual silos as they now are.

To BHOUTIK: LoLz! Everything is supplied & is served in a freshly cooked manner. The whole of last week was devoted to several reports of such processes being airede by several TV channels all over the country.


My question is not doubting intention but why WB Police or kolkata police STF fails to nab them and check the expansion of jihadi mindset elements from village who are at budding stage ...why NIA has to resort to these..after khagragarh WB police and admin should have been more pro active atleast on headquarter level if not local police...given the track record of eliminating naxalism in jungle mahal recently why can't they create a STF to deal with this

DAshu said...

Sir, your reply to RAJESH MISHRA says how easy for chini to stop India from taking PoK back. They just need to move 2 div to LAC and done.really?

Your 2nd option in reply to "To PANIC & ASD" - looks like a formal declaration of war that a bold leader would have already done and India is not known to have one.

The mere fact that they are now discussing to make G&B a normal province through law speaks how fearful they are of India's retaliation.

Btw Only 9 days left for September to be over.

hoods007 said...

Hi Prasun we use over the horizon - surface wave (OTH-SW) radars in our coastal surveillance and protection system.if not , do you see any practical use of this since it is capable of monitering the 200 NM limit of EEZ.

2.apart from BMDS radars like green pine, does india operate OTH-B radars? are there plans to build one? Russia recently cleared their 'container' OTH radar for export. was it aimed at us or Iran?

Manivannan Sermaiya said...

Dear sir,

To communicate with nuclear submarines is there any other options available apart from ELF radars.
Presently only three countries uses ELF radars to communicate with there nuclear submarines. India, China and Russia.
USA has no such radar stations as they decommissioned their ELF radars. Than what method they are using to communicate with their submarines.
Satellite communication is possible only after nuke subs come to the surface of the ocean.

hoods007 said...

Prasun the russian Armata platform made of high nitrogen steel(HNS)?
2 According to you what should be the ideal size of Indian army

Paresh said...

Is India doing any kind of research on these lines?

Researchers eye new enabling technologies for electric field sensing - John Keller, Aug 21st, 2020

U.S. military scientists are reaching out to industry for enabling technologies to advance the performance of atomic vapors for electric field sensing for applications ranging from airborne electronic warfare (EW) to naval anti-submarine warfare (ASW).
Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., issued a broad agency announcement in August (HR001120S0062) for the Science of Atomic Vapors for New Technologies (SAVaNT) project.
DARPA researchers are looking for high-performance atomic vapors for electric field sensing and imaging, magnetic field sensing, and quantum information
science (QIS).
Atoms are constants of nature; they are not subject to manufacturing variabilities, defects, impurities, or aging, which makes them suitable for precision
measurements, DARPA researchers explain. One example involves atomic clocks, which are accurate to a fraction of a second over the age of the universe.
Still, such high-precision quantum devices typically require laser-cooled and trapped atoms kept at microKelvin temperatures to mitigate thermal noise
effects. This means laboratory-scale expansive setups.
Yet vapor-based technologies operate at or near room temperature without complex laser cooling and trapping, but still offer the advantages of the
pristine nature of atoms.
The ability to manipulate atoms with light has advanced tremendously over the past couple of decades, and includes powerful quantum methods like electromagnetically induced transparency and spin exchange relaxation-free (SERF) magnetometry.
Scientists have used atomic vapors like Rydberg electrometry and SERF magnetometry for quantum information systems, and it may be possible to achieve additional significant breakthroughs in vapor-based devices.
The DARPA SAVaNT program aims to develop techniques to mitigate main decoherence mechanisms to realize the full potential of atomic vapor based technologies. The program has three technical areas based on applications where atomic vapors should have the biggest benefit: Rydberg electrometry; vector magnetometry; and vapor quantum electrodynamics (VQED).
SAVaNT seeks new technologies for important military needs like low size, weight and power (SWaP), high-sensitivity electric and magnetic field measurements, and application that require scalable room-temperature quantum memories and interfaces. A common scientific challenge will be to improve atomic coherence in vapors,
and will depend on dominant decoherence mechanisms.
SAVaNT will be a four-year program in two phases and three technical areas. The first phase focuses on demonstrating the physics of Rydberg electrometry; vector magnetometry; and vapor quantum electrodynamics. The second phase will demonstrate an integrated benchtop physics package, and characterize technology
tradeoffs of Rydberg electrometry; vector magnetometry; and vapor quantum electrodynamics. Rydberg electrometry uses atoms to sense electric fields, and has notable
advantages over antennas, such as extremely large operational bandwidth accessible with one device; potential for high sensitivity; and self-calibration.
The focus is on improving sensitivity and instantaneous bandwidth of Rydberg electrometry.
Vapor magnetometers demonstrate one of the highest scalar magnetic field sensitivities of any device, yet it requires expansive magnetic shielding and complex active cancellation of ambient magnetic fields. The focus is on achieving vapor-based vector magnetometry of quasi-DC fields ranging from 100 Hz to 1 MHz with high sensitivity and accuracy in a small package. Vapor quantum electrodynamics, meanwhile, seeks to demonstrate a room-temperature, vapor-based quantum electrodynamics platform in the strong-coupling regime.

Susan said...

Here's the detail video on weapons recovered in Akhnoor sector which was sent by Pakistan.

Is this act of war against INDIA.How we respond.


Prasun Da,

Is Bangladesh purchasing Su 30s ? According to Flight Global Bangladesh Air Force has ordered 12 Su 30s.


asd said...

Dear Prasun,

What's the way to deal with islamic radicalization in India? Can you please suggest?

thehundered said...

"The crucial Essential Commodities (Amendment) Bill, which removes cereals, pulses, oilseeds, edible oils, onion and potatoes from the list of essential commodities and removes stockholding limits on them

the Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2020, which removes the penalty for certain offences, was passed.

The National Forensic Sciences University Bill, 2020 and the Rashtriya Rakash University Bill were passed in quick succession.

Thereafter the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation and Amendment of Certain Provisions) Bill, 2020 to relax time limit on compliance with tax laws, GST payment and filing in view of the coronavirus pandemic."

Ayush said...

Prasun da, please watch this whole video. Najam Sethi being honest after a very long time. I have never seen such an honest discussion of fault lines in Pakistan before. A perfect social political and economic storm is going to hit Pakistan. Anti PA sentiment is growing everywhere. I have myself seen how Pakis are mocking PA all over the social media . Hope GOI and our military are also watching these developments closely. Time is ripe to deepen it further. Aag lagi hui hai petrol chidak ka time aa gaya hai.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: You are still not getting the big picture. Kindly tax the mind even harder, for I had already explained that due to law & order being a state subject, all the available tools & hardware reqd for engaging in pro-active law enforcement efforts is not available to each & every state, especially the electronic snooping hardware of the type possessed by central agencies like the ED, DRI, Income Tax Dept, NTRO, NCB etc etc. And that’s why NONE of the State-level STFs or Special Branches are capable of being pro-active on matters of serious crime. They all have to be dependent on the SIB at the State-level & the IB at the federal-level. In addition, foreign intelligence agencies are prohibited from communicating with any state-level law enforcement agency in India & hence all the cards lie with India’s Central agencies. And that was the very reason that the NATGRID was proposed post-26/11, so that all the available actionable information can be available in a properly formatted manner so that any agency at either the state-level or national-level can benefit from such a database. For example, if the BSF busts a cross-border narco-trafficking syndicate, all the obtained information will first go to the Union MHA & only if the Union MHA thinks fit will the data be shared with the State-level Home Affairs Dept. If not, then all that the BSF is reqd to do is to file an FIR at a local Police Station & that’s the end of it as far as the BSF is concerned. So, since the WB Police or Home Dept does not possess the kind of electronic snooping gadgets that the NTRO or IB or R & AW possess, it cannot be expected to be in the know of subversive activities that are of a trans-national nature & especially the NTRO will prefer to share only with the NIA since both are central-level agencies. The Khagragarh-type syndicate became visible to the WB Police only when those retards making IEDs failed to handle the explosives properly & a catastrophic accidental explosion took place, which in turn alerted the WB Police, i.e. it was just by chance.

Hence, in conclusion, if pro-active law enforcement is to be expected, then must have a c vilian version of the military algotythmic alliance, i.e. information networks of various State-level & central-level enforcement agencies being networked together/data-linked together. In other words, the existing systemic deficiencies & isolated silos must be gotten rid of.

To DASHU: Exactly so, because as I had explained several times before, surplus manpower & hardware assets are still being retained for redundant theatre commands like Southern Command, Western Command & Central Command of the IA when they should have been redistributed in the previous decade itself to the Northern & eastern Command & a new North Eastern Command should have been created. For, it does not take a genius to realise that declared nuclear weapons states will never invade their neighbours through international boundaries (IB), but only through undetermined borders like the WB, LoC & LAC. Since such restructuring & rebalancing of forces has not taken place as yet, the IA now finds itself short of the strategic reserves reqd for maintaining both qualitative & numerical superiority along the contested frontiers. Consequently, the punitive aspect of India’s conventional deterrence posture is steadily eroding by the day, as witnessed by the regular flights of Hexacopters from Pakistan via the WB into southern Jammu & northern Punjab.

And now, to some disinformative bullshitting:

Such bullshitters don’t even know whether the PLAAF or PLAGF own & operate SAM systems like the HQ-7, HQ-9, HQ-16, HQ-17 & HQ-22.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HOODS007: 1 & 2) No. 3) Russia has already exports the Resonans-E OTH-B radars to Algeria, Egypt & Iran. 4) All new-generation MBTs use HNS. The first one was the US, followed by Japan, France, the UK, then Russia & now India.


To PARESH: Simple answer is, NO. Because the DRDO isn’t like DARPA. Likewise, since DARPA is not like the DRDO, it does not do any R & D on life sciences-related subjects like this:

To SUSAN: Of course it is, since airspace violation was involved what India claims as the IB (while Pakistan calls it the WB). And since all the land inside Chicken’s Neck area is owned by Pakistan Rangers & is known as Military Farms, Pakistan cannot say that non-state actors are operating from such areas. So, will the BSF now use its 105mm LFGs to destroy the Pakistan Rangers outposts dotting the Chicken’s Neck area, or will the IA destroy them with medium field artillery, or will the IAF bomb them?

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Yes, the BAF had ordered the Su-30SMs back in 2017 itself.

To ASD: There are several ways of de-radicalising the brainwashed. In case of Islam, it is up to the clergy-class to come up with innovative methodologies in the mosques & madrassas. In case of non-Islamic religious faiths, a similar approach needs to be adopted by the clergy-class of those faiths. Lastly, objectivity must be adhered to, instead of non-factual sentimentalities. For instance, no proud native of Odisha will ever accept that Emperor Asoka was ‘Great’. Similarly, natives of Karnataka will never forgive the Marathas for launching repeated invasions against the Kannadigas. Likewise, several Rajput-led kingdoms had teamed up with foreigners like the Afghans & Mughals for fighting against rival ‘Hindu’ kingdoms.

To AYUSH: Trust me when I say that such personalities are always heavily biaised when it suits their own interests. How many such folks have to date objectively analysed & admitted that the entire erstwhile princely state of J & K belongs to India as per UNSC resolutions? All of them continue to insist that J & k is a disputed territory & GB has never a part of J & K. And this was revealed here:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Interesting reads:

Hardik Thanki said...

Hi Prasunji,

Can you explain how do different datalink system communicate with each other? We have NATO Standard for Western Systems and GOST standard for Russian Systems? So could different systems adhering to same standard communicate with each other?

Thanks & Regards

Hardik Thanki

Edward Kenway said...

Sir, do you think India should place orders for T-90MS to counter Pak VT-4 accquisition?

murthy said...

your answer @ September 23, 2020 at 6:59 AM

I beg to differ from your esteemed opinion but during Chandra Babu Naidu's rule in ANDHRA PRADESH, IB chief Venkateswarao purchased all those fancy hacking stuff from Israel Company directly and used for election purposes and snooping opposition.
Present govt suspended him but the suspension was lifted from CAT.



India Today published an article today that states India is on the brink of purchasing 30MQ9 Reapers from U.S.

However, they did not provide any details about the weapon, sensor package. Will you please provide some information about this?

As ever, thank you.

Susan said...

Prasun Da,

How we counter these paid narrative by likes of Sudheendra Kulkarni.

rad said...

hi prasun
how do you rate the paki vt-4

what about the gunbarrel burst , whose fault. uae has bought arty shell from us how come /
what do you infer in the joint indo chinese statement?. those videos of chinese soldiers crying is true or false?
the abhyas seems to have a radar transparent cone in front ? EW DEW. jammer , decoy???

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARDIK THANKI: That’s why no one in India uses Russia-origin data-links. All data-links used by the 3 armed services are either of India-origin or of Israel-origin.

To EDWARD KENWAY: Not at all, because the T-90S is still far superior to the VT-4/MBT-3000. But the T-90MS is reqd for countering the PLAGF’s ZTZ-99A MBTs.

To MURTHY: LoLz! Not any fancy hacking stuff, but IMSI Catchers to eavesdrop on cellular comms.

To VIKRAM: LoLz! Today it is “on the brink of”. Yesterday it was “on the verge of” & the day before that it was “on the edge of”. How many more FAKE NEWS of such types can we expect in the times ahead?

To SUSAN: These are all delusional personalities who have no understanding of what constitutes REALPOLITIK. Here is another delusional & senile personality:

And more of the same bullshit circulating around since yesterday:

To RAD: This is the PA’s VT-4/MBT-3000:

And here’s everything there is to know about it:

The nosecone of the Abhyas PTA houses the radar altimeter only.

I will be incommunicado for the following 3 days as I am proceeding on a series of operational sorties along the LAC & LoC. Will be back online on September 28.

Ganesh said...

Hello Prasun,

Joining the dots with regard to the existing situation (again as per me); there is something immense is being prepared by the defense forces. Reasons - Settling with an agreement that there will be no force enhancements to force levels at the LAC. I see a possibility of fighting force rotations to utilization of acclimated to better work. There could be positive move on the FATF front with Riasat-e-Madina being black-listed.
Your thoughts please. Thanks, Ganesh

Anonymous said...


How true are reports of PLA deploying S-400's on their side of eastern Ladakh ? Given that they have only a few systems, dose'nt this look like a rumour by journalists ?


bhoutik said...

- is the story above correct?

rad said...

hi prasun
you being allowed to teh LAC and LOC is a sure indicator of the importance and credibility you cary.
are other being allowed as well?

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

In your reply to EDWARD KENWAY - T-90S is still far superior to the VT-4/MBT-3000. But the T-90MS is reqd for countering the PLAGF’s ZTZ-99A MBTs.

1. ZTZ-99A MBT can be deployed and used in Ladakh region or Arunachal Pradesh region.

2. How our Arjun MBT (Mk1 and Mk2) stands against ZTZ-99A MBT in terms of all important parameters required during the actual war

3. T-90 powered by 1000hp engine in comparison to VT-4 1300 hp engine. Power to weight ratio of Vt-4 is better compared to T-90 - 25 hp/tonne vs 18 hp/tonne.
What factors to be taken into the consideration to compare MBTs

4. Seems rest of the world able to build the new tank and make it operational and in India, case tanks are built and operationalised in paper only - too much shouting on the main gun and engine - still no progress and achievement - on load mouth

Anonymous said...

Two days back, DRDO fired a missile from Arjun tank.
The picture and video showed Tank EX firing the missile, is Tank Ex back in reckoning ?
Why was it dropped ?


Samar said...

Prasunji, Thanks for your insightful analysis on matters of strategic importance. Can you tell me about the future development and production of AMCA engine? Does this 110 KN class engine includes wet thrust or dry thrust.Thanks

Manivannan Sermaiya said...

Dear Sir,

If China can prevent as from taking military action against Pakistan in GB area to liberate it (to protect their CPEC) , why can't we do the same with regard to Taiwan.
By continuing CPEC projects inside POK without our approval they clearly violated our sovereignty over kashmir vally. Then what prevents Indian government to directly engage with Taiwan through diplomatic chanels and upgrade our relationship to strategic one?

If they can pin down our army and reserves in LAC we can do the same by threatening to invade Tibet when they plan to attack Taiwan. Do you see that is possible as their main objective is to annexe Taiwan to main land China like Russia did to Crimea.

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Recently in news again I came across about home grown gun and its barrel burst. As you have repeatedly told that it is common for a gun. Then why such negative hype against it. They are saying that it is going to its drawing board stage. Why are not people discussing with the people before reporting it in news? May you please clear the air?

Prranshu Yadav said...

Sir, a while ago, you had mentioned that the radar of Brahmos can operate in SAR mode. Can you please elaborate on that?

KIDDO said...

Dear Prasun. Hope you are back and are doing well.

I wanted to ask u about the repeated instances of industrial "accidents" in the recent months aka coinciding with the Ladakh Stand-off - First Assam and now Hazira are the major ones and there have been some minor incidents as well. Is there more to it than what meets the eye? Seems strange that this should be happening in quick succession.

Or is it just a case of ill-prepared/understaffed during the COVID era? Thanks

buddha said...

Simply your absence is felt everyday..
Like many thing ,visiting this blog...going through Q&A ...getting what's right going on..becomes quiet a norm in our life...
Stay safe ..Stay healthy sir...Many questions are going round..After your come back will ask you...
It has been more than 10 years I am visiting your this blog and the previous one....More to follow..

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

During recent aerial wargames exercise in Russia, a Su-30SM was shot down by Su-35 via cannon fire (friendly fire). Does this establish the fact Su-35 is and will remain more manoeuvrable than Su-30SM or Su-30MKI in an aerial dogfight - even after the latter upgrade to Super Su-30MKI level.

During the ongoing Armenian-Azerbaijan 2020 War, the performance (self-protection) of T-90, T-72 and BMP is very poor - Pakis and Chinni are watching very carefully.....How good our these similar machines are

just_curious said...


guess your trip was fruitful...
1- DAP 2020- pls share the pros n cons
2- 72k additional sigs given go ahead - what happened to caracal carbines?
3- india -srilanka 50k mm line of credit.. have the rajyapakshas turned around?
4- why isn't India raising the issue of CPEC thru GB in the UN ?
5-Pls share some details about the tank fired missile developed by DRDO and how does it compare with its peers

Ujjwal said...

1. Want to the current situation of eastern ladakh. What new have been known from your operational sorties in last few days? Please let us know in detail.
2. What is new about the recently tester laser guided ATGM?
3. If any ATGM currently with IA is optimized to be used in high altitude areas like ladakh?
4. Is it true that India is considering stake buy of Embrear ? Does is make sense ?
Thanks, Regards

Anonymous said...

The ATAGS barrel burst , why were tests stopped ? They could have done root cause analysis and testing in parallel ?
Will it go the Arjun way ?

Why cannot there be a 23 litre chamber version of it ? The bigger chamber increases the pressure , hence the weight to some extent.
Then also makes logistics complex .


Unknown said...


1. How many Su-30 are permanently stationed with TACDE? How many Rafale would have to be permanently given to them?

2. What is the amount of explosive in the SAAW?

Pratap said...

Hi Prasun - I have been reading your blogs for a while but still not figured out your profession - sure something to do with defence aviation or security analyst / journalism (no maybe not journalism given your frequent desi-bandalbazz comments :-) ).

Your operational sorties comment made me ask this question. Do you mind enlightening me :-)




Hope your trip to the LAC went well.

Today India Today reported that India has started to deploy Nirbhay cruise missiles at the LAC. Is this news true?

Thank You

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To GANESH: You can rest assured that this will be a non-contact war of attrition since the PLAGF cannot survive at altitudes above 14,000 feet AMSL. Nor will Pakistan be black-listed & instead it will continue to be grey-listed.

To SATYAKI: LR-SAM like the S-400 will be useless as AEW & C killers due to the presence of mountain ranges in the theatre of operations. Instead, LR-SAMs like the S-300PMU family & the HQ-9/FD-2000 have been deployed by the PLAAF. The S-400s are deployed ONLY ALONG the Taiwan Straits.

To BHOUTIK: Correct from ONLY his perspective. There are multiple perspectives, since there were multiple players involved, as I had explained in a previous thread dealing with the ‘Thandrong & Wangdung Incidents’. Here are the other perspectives:

The above all prove that contrary to widespread belief, small-arms fire was indeed resorted to back in 1986. And it was this incident that led to India initiating work on nuclear weaponisation.

To RAD: I was not just there, but elsewhere along the LAC as well, since from 2016 onwards I have been involved with developmental activities related to coming up with novel ways to use nano-scale technology to process Lithium Titanate Oxide (LTO) materials. Such work has since led to the commercialisation of a unique, large format, nano-lithiumtitanate (nLTO) battery cell, having key advantages over other lithium-ion battery (LiB) technologies, even those that use LTO materials. These benefits were leveraged to create a portfolio of battery solutions that could be used in the electric grid, transportation, and industrial sectors—all in very high-altitude areas since such solutions are not at all affected by the vagaries of weather or sub-zero temperatures. In addition, they are scalable & can be used for a wide variety of applications, ranging from central heating for long-durations, all the way to providing power for all kinds of tactical & in-theatre communications grids i9n an uninterrupted manner. The reason why India’s armed forces require such solutions include: they are maintenance-free; they do not emit any heat or noise signatures; they are scalable & can be manpack-mounted, animal-mounted & vehicle mounted. And needless to say, there are huge commercial applications of such solutions in remote areas as well as in areas afflicted with hu8manitarian/natural disasters.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SIDHARTH: 1) Any MBT can be deployed only along flat terrain such as plateau areas, but never within narrow valleys of the type prevalent in Arunachal Pradesh. 2) Arjun Mk.1A has far better survivability features. 3) That’s why the IA wants the T-90S to be upgraded with Russia-origin 1,300hp engines. 4) Not true. Indian industry has delivered, but such MBTs cannot be deployed in areas where the IA’s QMG & MGO Branches are unable to build MLC-70-class bridges for ferrying such MBTs on transport trailers. 5) The fate of any such aerial confrontation between a Su-30SM & Su-35 will be determined purely by the aircrew proficiency of each aircraft-type.

To VENKY: It is the 120mm CLGM. Originally, the 120mm LAHAR from Israel’s IAI was tried for use as the CLGM but since the LAHAT was developed for being fired from smoothbore 120mm barrels, it was found unsuitable when fired from rifled-bore 120mm barrel of Arjun. Hence, it was decided to develop a CLGM optimised for firing from the rifled-bore barrel & that is the CLGM variant that was recently fired. Here is the photo of the CLGM:

Had already explained exactly why the ATAGS barrel had burst. It has nothing to do with lack of quality. In fact, it had been used to its expected limits & therefore it had to burst.

To SAMAR: Any turbofan with max thrust means thrust with afterburning. AMCA as of now will be powered by F414-GE-INS6 turbofans. The GTRE-developed Kaveri as of now is nowhere near to powering any aircraft & everytime it has been shown as various expos, it has always appeared as only a developmental technology demonstrator & not as an operational certified prototype. One just has to compare its images with those of either the F-404/F-414 & SAFRAN’s M88 to see the glaring differences.

To MANIVANNAN SERMAIYA: 1) Of course it can be done, that’s not the issue. The real question is: who has the guts & balls to take such a step? After all, none of the veteran retired diplomats who have been appearing on various TV talk-shows & webinars have to date advocated such a step being taken. And that itself indicates that they all are prisoners of the past & are unwilling to adopt 21st century mindsets.

To PRRANSHU YADAV: There’s nothing to elaborate since the various slides I had uploaded in the past showing the SAR seeker & its design architecture clearly explain everything.

To KIDDO: These are inevitable since the pandemic-related lockdowns have resulted in decreases in human proficiency & a degree iof carelessness.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) It still is another futile effort. For instance, military-industrialisation cannot proceed forward if totally IDIOTIC insurance policies are adhered to. For instance, all industrial sites have the same valuation criteria, meaning the criteria for an automated milk-products dairy is the same as a facility churning out BrahMos-1 missiles! Consequently, only an IDIOT will considering setting up industrial facilities for producing weapons in India. 2) As I had explained before, why procure different types of carbines from different OEMs? 3) Sri Lanka can only turn to India in its hour-of-need—this was always an established fact. 5) It is the CLGM & here it is:

To UJJWAL: 1) I had been travelling for a totally different purpose & have explained it above to RAD. 2) It is the CLGM & here it is:

3) Existing ATGMs can be used only up to an altitude of 14,000 feet AMSL. 4) Utter hogwash & those who were lobbying for it are equally DELUSIONAL.

To UNKNOWN: 1) That depends on the mission. And no operational combat aircraft are permanently based at TACDE. Their reqmts are all mission-based. 2) Kindly refer to slides in the followi8ng thread.

To PRATAP: By vocation it is licenced aeronautical engineering. By profession it is related to technological innovations of the kind I’ve explained above to RAD. And in terms of taskings, my work is related to operations analysis.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: Did that report specify whether the Nirbhay ground-launched LACM has been deployed with its integral warhead & turbofan? Has the RM drawn the 'Swastika' on its warhead? Have oranges been smashed by the TEL while on deployment? Were fire-fighting vehicles deployed to accord the customary fountain showers on the TELs? Were all-religions prayers offered at its operational induction ceremony? Or is it just the same old Republic Day Tableaux of the DRDO that has been deployed? Knowing the DRDO, such asntics are very much possible.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

BrahMos-1 Deployed in Ladakh:

Anirudh said...

@Prasun Da
Is the IAF actually considering to purchase 114 foreign jets? If so, what would be your choice?

Anirudh said...

How do you rate Abhijit Iyer Mitra?

PSS said...

Hi Prasun, Could india use 777x or used 777 platform for phalcon awacs new orders than using Ilyushin Il-76? Western aircraft has better availability and spare parts is easy to get for 777 series. Since airforce one for PM is using 777 could we use that for commonality than Ilyushin Il-76. Also, air india would be happy to sell old 777 due to less demand and buy new 777x if demand rises in future.