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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Indigenously-Designed RF & Optronic Seekers For DRDO-Developed PGMs


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sntata said...

Dear Prasun,
1. Will you please give us details of the PGMs currently being developed by DRDO?
2. A C130j aircraft crashed today killing all 5 crew. What the hell is happening to our Armed Forces?

vrp said...

can BARAK2/8 be converted to LR-AAM? will it be cost saving and advantageous?


Dear Prasun,
I'm a novice; but from the images I feel that the seekers are bulkier. In the age of miniaturization engineering I don't think it is good. It may be refined further. By the way, I want know whether they are world class like developed by Israel/USA. Will they fit into the requirements of IA/IAF. Especially Nag missile may be fitted with these seekers.

rad said...

Hi Prasun
Each of the seekers displayed require a nice description from you as to any collaboration involved , how did we suddenly get the tech especially from the private sector.
The companies VEL and Data paterns should be declared a bigger navaratna companies and encouraged with interest free loans and other goodies so that they are always on the cutting edge.
It seems the sensor of the nag is still imported. what happened to the collaboration with israel to make IIR and MMW seekers?
Why are these MOD arsholes going slow on them. I have a feeling there are powers that dont want us to acquire these tech and bribe some nincompoop MP to ask a question and ground the acquisition like the airbus tanker. Also the cryogenic fiasco comes to my mind how beautifully they delayed our cryo engine by framing Nambi narayanan. Now why is the POlice officer not taken to task for falsely rigging a case against the top scientist and damaging the strategic interest o f the country?.This unaccountability by babus have screwed the county.

Gessler said...

Sir, what do you think would be the fundamental change in approach (if any) that could be adopted by an NDA-led govt. of NaMo? How could they affect our defence production or national preparedness towards territorial aggression/incursion by neighbours?

Unknown said...

sir why on earth are the armed forces and mod in deep slumber when it comes to procuring long range air defence platforms...?? china leaps forward by procuring modern systems like s-300 and now the s-400, while we are still dependent on the 1960s pechora system that is static and can be easily an actual war scenario i fear our air defence systems will have the same fate as the iraqi systems in op desert storm

abs said...

Was talking to a few psephologists, they remain highly pessimistic of BJP being relevant nationally after 10 years, due to the huge demographics change that are about to set in with the Muslim population increasing as a share of voters and first time voters. This is a scary scenario. Your thoughts?

abs said...

Cntd. and with this I don't see any future of India. We will always be an RDC nation. With increasing corruption,crime,and anarchy and who knows 40 years down the line India might be Talibanised too.
All my hopes are now dashed.

Reddy said...

Dear Prasun,
Could you please throw some light on the insurance aspects of C 130 J?


Millard Keyes said...

What's the point of "new technology" when basic mro is not even up to scratch! So either there are saboteurs infiltrating the MRO teams targeting important assets and thus creating a demoralised and uncertain military OR it's just the national apathy that since 1947 has seen an upward curve in all spheres of life and just showing NO respect for others or the nation. How about new slogans for the IAF - "Want to end your career on a HIGH? - join the IAF or "Ever seen the bottom of the sea? - try the Navy". How about turning the negative into positive and encourage all would be jihadists and martyrs from around the world to join either the IAF or the IN because instead of making a name by killing others through suicide bombings they can make a name as martyrs in peacetime courtesy crashes and explosions in planes and on ships/submarines. Unless India develops time travel or teleport technology by 2025 a 50% reduction in personnel and assets will be achieved for sure. People did travel from A to B sitting on the ass in ancient times, but Indian politicians are deluded if they think they still can do the same in the 21st century (albeit a different meaning to the word ass).

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SNTATA: You were off the radar screens for quite a while….welcome back! The PGMs being developed are all mentioned in the filenames of the photos above. Will try to dig up some more details & upload their data/posters. Regarding the C-130J-30, just as I had predicted in the previous thread, the DFDR & CVR are being sent to the US for data-retrieval. Kindly read this:

To VRP: Barak-2 is a LR-SAM for the IN while the Barak-8 is a LR-SAM for the IAF.

To SOUBHAGYA: The MMW seeker is bulkier than its final intended production version & is therefore being subjected to further refinements by incorporating components like system-on-chip, etc. The IIR seekers are on par with the best that’s presently available globally.

To RAD: The DRDO’s labs like IRDE have had industrial tie-ups with OEMs from France, Israel & the US for sourcing some critical components, while the private-sector has teamed up with these very same OEMs for suitable packaging assemblies. That’s how the R & D gestation periods have been compressed. That’s extremely fine by me, for as long as the end-user has no complaints with such smart industrial partnerships. DATA Patterns’ AMLCD displays are today considered to be far more ruggedised & tropicalised than those being offered by SAMTEL Display Systems.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To GESSLER: Arey bhai, it is all about the MONEY-FLOW. If defence spending is regarded as ‘planned’ expenditure by the Govt of India, then most of the problems will be solved. Since August 15, 1947, defence spending in India has been under the ‘non-plan’ account. If the armed forces are given a guaranteed allocation for five-year periods, then planned procurements will take place. If not, then ad hoc purchases will occur. Secondly, it has to be decided what is to be purchased & in order to do so, a holistic ‘Strategic Defence Review’ must be undertaken to find out who are India’s adversaries, & what are their intentions & capabilities & limitations. Only then one find out exactly what’s required to neutralise such threats. What, why, when, where & how. That should be the approach towards force-modernisation, & not the type of nautanki/tamasha that’s been played out since late 1999. For instance, the IA & IN should be asked whether they need 8 x 8 APCs & if yes, then a combined GSQR/NSQR should be drafted & the Kestrel APC should be selected for further R & D, while the industries involved in making them should be taken into confidence about the final estimated volume of orders. Similarly, in case of the LCH, the MoD should have asked the IA & IN to draft their own GSQRs & NSQRs for the LAH version of the LCH & detail their requirements in terms of numbers reqd. This combined procurement exercise ought to be made mandatory for several other types of hardware.

To SOURAV PAUL: Don’t worry…for the Barak-2/8 are on their way.

To ABS: I don’t share their pessimism. For, if that were to be the case, then the Muslims of Gujarat would have fled en masse from that state long ago. That hasn’t happened. If the NDA govt of the future can practice secularism in terms of service deliverance, then a lot of the misconceptions will automatically disappear. My main worry is the total absence of enlightened figureheads among the various Muslim communities of India (barring the Dawoodi Bohras) & the total reliance by these communities on the Maulanas & Maulvis who have consistently failed to uphold the principles of the Quran Sharif & Al Hadith during their weekly Friday sermons, & consequently, the hapless Muslim audiences during these weekly ‘Khutbaas’ always tend to emerge totally clueless & confused after such sermons, utterly unable to distinguish between the ‘golden period of Islam’ that existed for only as long as the Holy Prophet was alive, & the subsequent history of Muslim rule throughout the world that had enjoyed a limited civilisational status only during the rule of the Ottoman empire. The rest of the history of the Muslim Ummah has not been noteworthy in any way, be it in the fields of arts, fine arts, or science & technology. And no one is seen as being available to rescue the Muslims from this abyss. Only those Muslims who are discerning & want to do something worthwhile with their lives by working hard can be counted upon to deliver & that too if they migrate to either North America/Europe, or climb the ladders of Bollywood, or are blessed with intellect & industriousness like Azim Premji or A R Rahman or Dr A P J Abdul Kalam.

Raw13 said...

A.R Rahman converted from Hinduism to Islam. He was born Dilip to a Tamil Mudaliar family.

rad said...

Hi Prasun
China is getting the s-400 sams now. I dont think they are a great threat to low flying ac as it depends upon the track radar that can give clues only up to radar horizon, aprox 50 km when both the target and antenna are at 100ft. Can an awacs cue the sam .
That brings a wonderful proposition that if we are able to target incoming ac with an AWACS and also guide the SAM it would be great. The awacs has enough transmit power to do a long range data link to the sam that may be kept way forward near the FEBA. It would be a direct sensor shoot scene rather than handing over the data to a ground based air defense unit.As the SAM and the awacs are Israeli i dont think there could be a problem. please comment
My fear about the c-130 crash seems to be true ie CFIT, looking at the initial reports.

Unknown said...

a few questions..
1. is it true that we are buying second hand us mraps.? if yes how many?
2. is it true that china is getting s-400 ? when?
3.on what basis was the barak 2 selected as our primary ir defence sam ? was there any competition or was it yet another single vendor deal.?why was other systems such as s-300 pmu2 and s-400 that were already available and quite mature by that time neglected?

Iceman said...

1.What is the status of Indian navy's 16 shallow water ASW project?it doesn't make sense to replace 4 abhay class corvettes with these 16 vessels.can you shed some light on it?
2.In the previous thread you have mentioned that there are about 700 t-90's in the army and 600 more to follow,but some reports says india's t-90 order exceeds 1600.can you shed some light on it? you have any idea when will the varunasastra torpedo will be inducted?can varunasastra be integrated with the scorpene subs and the follow on subs?
4.what is the annual production rate of arjun tanks?
5.does India produce ammunition for 155mm 45cal gun?


Prasun Da / All ,

The illustrated manuscript of the Mewar Ramayana is now digitised and available online . It is available for download in the below link.



Pawan said...

Dear Prasun ji, Please elaborate about Indian interest in MRAP of US in afghanistan. what other type of armament India can acquire from US surplus in Afghanistan.


Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,

Will Indian companies be able to compete in the defense market of Oman & Qatar for the sale of NOPVs ?

Turkey ( apart from the West) is a major player there .


Sujoy Majumdar

Defense and Aerospace said...

Hi Prasun ,

The writer here argues that young people in India are developing a fascination for Russia & they are no longer very much interested in migrating to the US

Are these assertions true ?


Reddy said...

Yes It's true we all like Russia, or to say it correctly we like USSR.
What I do not like in India also comes true in Russia as well. Ex:
Corruption, Roads and Driving Discipline, Infrastructure, Tech Start-ups, etc are in very sad state in Russia (as well as in India).

But Putin is undoubtedly one of the best son Russia/USSR have.

Anonymous said...

Will this could be a reason for C-130J crashing?


abs said...

Very Many Thanks.
I do agree with the rot in the Muslims and I somehow do not see a ray of hope till the Muslim society isn't sanitised of the Mullahs/Maulvis who have a sort of a Veto on the dos and don'ts of the Muslims. This is a tough challenge for India.
Recently spoke with Shahid Siddiqui in Twitter and asked him of the Muslim Population figures. Shahid Siddiqui being a man whose 'Tweets' do portray the 'progressiveness' that they should portray, answered 'They are less than even 15%. Communal elements among both Hindus and Muslims tend to exaggerate the numbers to serve their narrow ends'.

Anonymous said...


1. Will the K-4 be MIRVed in the future ? Or will MIRVing be left for its follow on ?

2. Will the follow-on to the K-4 be the 6500km-8500 km range SLBM you have mentioned in the past ?

3. Have both K-4 tests unto this point been successful ?

4. How many tests are needed to operationalize K-4 ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ABS: Kindly browse through this:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAVI N: If that was in deed the case, then all other aircraft with fake chips would also have crashed by now. Since this hasn't happened, there's no reason for the IAF's crashed C-130J-30 to be the exception.

To REDDY: Military aircraft after service-induction don't have any insurance coverage. They are insured ONLY DURING the ferry flight by the OEM & after the logbooks of the aircraft are delivered to the customer, the insurance coverage immediately lapses.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Yes they will be able to & this has officially been communicated to India by both countries. Previously, India-made warships could not compete due to the presence of Russia-built hardware, which Qatar & Oman didn't desire. Now that the NOPVs have US-origin & Europe-origin hardware like 76/62 main guns, IPMS, BDCS, bridge equipment, powerplant, comms suite & air-conditioning systems on board, the NOPVs & even warships like Project 28 ASW corvettes are attractive pieces of hardware.

Bhaswar said...

With respect, you had yourself pointed out that the seeker for Nag derived all its critical components from foreign OEMs, ergo how can we call it an indigenous product?

Similarly, Data Patterns et al have been sourcing core components of their products from outside so at best these products were assembled in India perhaps even the configurations are our designs but at the end of the day we cannot design most of the core components.

As such aren't we just graduating to a higher level of screwdriver-giri?

SUVO said...

Prasun Da,
How many D-30 122mm gun Indian Army have? Why not OFB modernize this gun like China's PL96 Towed gun or The SH2 artillery system or Israel's Soltam 122mm self-propelled howitzer or Serbian SORA 122mm Self-propelled howitzer.
Instead of making Dhanush,the OFB should modernize & make TRUCK MOUNTED VERSION of 122mm D-30 & 130mm M-46 & 155/45 cal M-46 GUN.

Ex Intelligence said...

Clown Prince getting married . Soon INDIA will turn into a Islamistan

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BHASWAR: There are various definitions of indigenous. It can be indigenous by build, or by design, or by packaging. There is no such hardware as being 100% indigenous in every aspect. Not even the US, or Russia or China has achieved such a level of indigenisation to date.

To SUVO: There should be no veering away from procuring 155mm/52-cal howitzers, period. 122mm & 130mm guns are hopelessly inaccurate when compared to their 155mm counterparts. Furthermore, unlike China, India does not manufacture such howitzers.

To ANUP: What for? That MiG-29KUB which had crashed was owned by RAC-MiG & it was a prototype & was not part of the consignment on order from the Indian Navy.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

These 'desi' news anchors have a very bad habit of making more use of their hands than their tongues! And what is far more worse is their inability to ask the all-important questions:

1) How can Ravi Shankaran afford to live on his own expenses in the UK since 2006?

2) How can he afford to pay the fees charged by the Queen's Counsel for fighting his case when he hasn't bagged any major procurement contract?

3) Who therefore has been fiancially sponsoring Ravi Shankaran's prolonged stay in the UK? Is it a person, a company, or a country?

DAshu said...

the poor shiv chap is at again

DAshu said...

regarding Ravi Shankaran those 3 questions holds important clues if not all the answers .
You are asking these questions means everyone knows who is/are behind and supporting him and you are not disclosing them here yet but I have faith that you will disclose the truth at some point of time .:)

Rajeev Chaturvedi said...


1. Did Russia protest when IAF helped MRF to develop tyres for Sukhoi-30MKI?

2. BHEL manufactures Oto Melara 76/62 naval guns. Do they actually produce under licence or buy parts from Melara and assemble them here?

3.Has there been any development on Avro replacement so far? The deadline for Avro, LHD and other many procurement items have passed already. So has it moved a bit or all are in cold storage because of Mr Antony?

4. What is happening on Rafale deal? One day Antony refuses to sign, another day they are close to signing, third day French Embassy says that next government will sign, fourth day again the same raga of it being very costly. What the hell is the actual picture?

5. Its being reported in France that Dassault will not be responsible for QA/QC of Rafales produced by HAL in India. If that is true them who will ensure that HAL does not start producing "flying coffins" again?


rad said...

Hi Prasun
Can a Sam be controlled by an AWACS , has it been done?
What is this new tender for awacs platforms for ?, is it for a new generation of awacs or is it for the derivative of the emb-145 which is still not qualified.

Anonymous said...

Ahaha Chinese are so hilariously deluded .. They claim to deploy forces that don't exist induct equipment with trials the results of which are never published. But they just "claim" that thier shit works . We should just lie like they do and just boast about how awesome our equipment is .
Important material regarding the China fraud economy .
(How china fooled the world by. Robert Peston)Their Politicans and officials indulge in corruption the level our netas dream about . Their house of cards will fall soon enough . It is us that have to be vigilant and pick up the pieces and grow out economy .

Pintu said...

Prasun Da, should not we concentrate before hand procuring this ? As I think if not my memory betrays you have rightly opined some times ago, that we should have better concentrate on development of this type of basic necessary equipments,including RPG, etc., before taking up projects like MBT, I may be wrong though.

Satya SELEUCUS bichitro ei des, (lol)( True Seleucus , a peculiar country is this ---- Alexander the Great to Seleucus Nicator , in the Bengali Historical Drama, Chandragupta(1911), written by Dwijendralal Roy),


Prasun Da, don't we have any facility like this in India, where as talks do generate about making ours country an Aerospace Hub, when we lack those basic facilities, should not there be any plan to utilise the service of TAL Mfg Solutions.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SOURAV PAUL & PAWAN: Those US-owned MRAPs declared as surplus articles are the cheapest that’s available since they now have only ‘scrap value’ in financial term,s but are usable for several more years & come along with a huge quantity of spares. And since these MRAPs also come equipped with electronic IED neutralizers, they will be good buys at bargain basement prices. However, they won’t be used by the CRPF for counter-Maoist operations. Instead, they will be used within Afghanistan itself by the ITBP detachments, whose numbers will go up after the NATO/ISAF forces begin withdrawing.

To DEFENSE & AEROSPACE: Not true at all.

To DASHU: These ‘chaps’ claim to have delved deep into this ‘story’ & yet somehow always fail to ask even the most basic of questions whose answers can well unravel the whole mystery. Guessd they’re always just too lazy to walk the extra mile!

To RAJEEV CHATURVEDI: 1) Why should Russia protest? On what grounds? 2) BHEL does only final assembly & makes the cowlings. Gun barrels & all other sub-systems & fixtures are imported. 3) Nothing has moved & it will not move for as long as the logical choice is not acceptable to all, i.e. zeroeing in on the C-130J. 4) It will be signed after the new government is sworn in. 5) Dassault Aviation will be responsible for QA/QC of all HAL-built Rafales, bit product liability for these licence-built Rafales will rest with HAL.

To RAD: No such thing has been tried to date. The CABS-issued RFI last year had clearly stated that CABS wanted eight radomes, including one for EMI tests & one for fatigue tests. That means six more available for installation on the aircraft. This is nothing new. Maybe the ‘desi’ journalists have just discovered this after a deep year-long slumber! Airframe to be selected will be the Airbus A330-200.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SOURAV: Cannot be anyone from China. Most likely an expatriate Chinese sitting in HK or Canada or Australia. TAR’s high-altitude makes it extremely difficult for the PLA to locate their TBMs & NLOS-BSMs there & hence their permanent launch-sites are further inland in Qinghai. Such missiles cannot be fired from just any site: they need permanent launch sites made of concrete & these are just not there anywhere near to the LAC. Consequently, even if the 2nd Artillery Corps has 100,000 TBMs, they can’t be used against India. In terms of force-level deployments, here again the PLAAF comes out much weaker since there are not just enough air base enclaves within TAR. Existing airports along the LAC can’t be used as air bases in the absence of such air base enclaves & adequate ground-based ATC/ATM infrastructure—which again is existing in only Lhasa Gonggar & Shigatse. Having road & rail networks along the LAC does not automatically translate into the capability to quickly mass manpower & hardware, since such networks have vulnerable nodes & internodes that can effectively be knocked out. Furthermore, the quantum of troops requiring acclimatisation before entering TAR is minimal at the moment & the IA actually outnumbers the PLA in several areas along the LAC & that too from commanding heights (high ground). So, even if the PLA decides to pump in more manpower from the plains & highlands, most of them will be unfit to fight as they will remain afflicted with dyssentry, malaria & diarrhea—which is what had happened in 1986-1987 at Sumdorong Chu. Finally, India has more than enough stocks of war material that’s required to be consumed over a 20-day period. Nothing more is reqd since any limited high-intensity war between two WMD-armed countries will at most last for only 14 days at worst. Bottomline: both countries know each other’s strengths & limitations & therefore none will try to needle each other by climbing the escalatory ladder.

To PINTU: 1) The IA wants flamethrowers for its North East-based infantry formations, & that too not for counter-insurgency operations, but for bunker-neutralisation operations—something I had explained in detail a year ago in a thread dealing with the PLA’s force-modernisation. 2) No one in India is presently equipped with such R & D facilities for either developing & producing MILSPEC tyres, or for re-treading them.

Anonymous said...

Okay, the main issue is not that guy but the Titanium Mining in AP

Pawan said...

Dear Prasun ji

Thanks for answering queries.

You mentioned in one of your reply that logical replacement for AVRO is C-130J but do you think India can afford such expense aircraft in as large number given that it cost $200Million a piece ( including maintenance contract)

SUVO said...


IS indian army interested in TOS-1A Heavy flamethrower system ?

rad said...

Hi prasun
are the air frames for awacs , and roto domes meant for the local awacs system evolved from the emb-145 or for imported stuff. Why have they ordered for a rotating dome when all are going for the fixed dome with 3 radar arrays in a triangle?. Are the DRDO guys again trying to bite some thing they cant chew?.
Whats the take with the local awacs how far has it progressed and have they got into some bottle necks?.
Our awacs will be targeted by chinese supplied hq-9 and f-2000 sams with 300km range how are we going to tackle that, and how are we going to take out the pak awacs?. HOw do you rate the s-300 against the Barak-8 apart from the range difference
India and israel have signed a anti ballistic missile defense co operation agreement , wont the US play spoil sport and arm twist Israel?. This is in the light of US funding the arrow systems etc .
What would be the outcome of it, another morphed version of the arrow?.

prateek said...

what are your views on this sir ??
or in general on various conspiracy theories one keeps on hearing about secret societies at ivy league universities in us controlling everything ?

prateek said...

do u really think sir that NSA can tap into any nad every communication on earth ??
how secure are we..specially in military context..are our govt/military comms also compromised??


Dear Prasun,
I had never thought that India had once upon a time defeated China. The Chola incident. Got it from wikipedia. One day you criticized me being pessimist and describing the Chinese as 9 ft tall. But yeah!!!now I'm certain that we Indiansare 9 ft tall and hence taller than them.

Ex Intelligence said...

AAP gives part ticket to illegal Bangladeshi to contest from Assam

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Interesting documentary on Muslim voting patterns in India:

To Anon@3.33AM: It has been a well-known fact that India has supplied (during the Cold War era) & supplies the bulk of the titanium ore required by the US.

To PAWAN: It’s all about economy of scale. The more one purchases, the lesser the unit-cost & life-cycle costs become.

To SUVO: Nope.

To RAD: As I mentioned yesterday, the preferred airframe is the A330-200. Rotating radome is definitely a bad idea & the preferred solution will ultimately be one that is nearly identical to the ones on the A-50I PHALCONs. None of the LR-SAMs of China you’ve mentioned has a 300km-range. It’s no use having a 300km-range LR-SAM when the target engagement/illuminating radars themselves have a range of no more than 150km. The US will never play spoilt-sport when it comes to ensuring India’s core national interests. If it were to, then it would never have allowed Canada to export the unsafeguarded 40mW CANDU-type ‘Cirus’ PHWR to India in the 1960s. For, one musty take nore of the fact that India too has been reciprocating for decades now by supplying titanium ore to the US (read my comment above).

To SOURAV: Just because the TEL is road-mobile does not automatically mean that the missile can be launched from any surface. Soil conditions play a very big role. That’s why missile-firing sites are always pre-surveyed & prepared with concrete surfaces. Till today, there exists no TBM that can be fired from any type of surface without any ground preparation. 105mm LFGs, although once suitable for mountain warfare, have been outstripped & outsmarted by 155mm/52-cal motorised howitzers & 155mm/39-cal airmobile ultra-lightweight howitzers. And both these types of howitzers will definitely be inducted into service by the IA.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SOUBHAGYA & SOURAV: You ought to read the account of the Battle of Chushul, when AMX-13 light tanks were transported in knocked-down condition by the IA & then reassembled & put to use. That’s how Chushul was saved. Had the IAF too been pressed into battle at that time for according close air-support, today more than two-thirds of Aksai Chin would have belonged to India. Back in 1962, the PLA neither had combat aircraft nor armoured support all along what is today known as the LAC. All that was reqd was the grit, balls & audacity—all three of which the IA & IAF had, but the civilian decision-makers didn’t have & consequently they suffered from mental fatigue & total psychological collapse.

ratin said...

As election near vote bank politics starts , my question - Muslim demographic percentage in 2014 india .

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,

Two interesting links .

The new type of frigate that the US Navy intends to construct

Report to US Congress on Navy Shipboard Lasers

rad said...

HI Prasun
The radar of the s-300 sam is capable of detecting ballistic missiles upto 1000km says wiki ,ie 64N6 BIG BIRD E/F-band radar.Cruise missile targets at 300km away. So i presume it would be no problem to detect high flying awacs!.
Whats the position of our emb-145 awacs

Anonymous said...

Prasun da,

recently read reports that Myanmar made their second indegenous frigate with stealth characteristics. How did they get this much grip on shipbuilding and from where did they get the design. If this way goes, our smaller neighbours will have more frigates and submarines than Indian Navy.

Sreenivas R


Prasun Da ,

For high altittude warfare why doesn't the Indian Army procure a tank like the Russian NONA S ?

They can very easily be air dropped by the C 17 at high altitude areas in Arunachal , Sikkim and Ladakh .

Thanks ,


Anonymous said...

What is the status of the project 17a frigates. Karn

Gabbar said...

@ Ex- Intelligence

Thats a dumb comment about the effects of Rahul potentially marrying anyone he chooses, Afghan or not.... So ridiculously unintelligent.

Makes me wonder about your handle : Ex- Intelligence meaning no more intelligence left in you?

It sure doesn't seem like you were either in the IB or R&AW like you are implying... so wannabe!

Anonymous said...

Funny .. Defense personnel cannot marry non citizens . But the prime ministerial candidate can . 13

Defense and Aerospace said...

Hi Prasun ,

Japan has opened up its arms export market for the first time in almost 50 years .

What weapon systems , (apart from the US-2 ) do you think Japan would like India to buy from them ?

Thanks ,

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RATIN: Between 10% & 14%.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Excellent informative links. VMT indeed! Kindly allow me to reciprocate by recommending this:

‘Remote Viewing: Martial Art for the Mind’ at:

Also, do browse through this:

To RAD: Ballistic missiles, yes. Cruise missiles cruising at treetop heights? Definitely no, given the laws of physics. High-flying AEW & CS platforms, may be yes, but present-day AEW & CS platforms equipped with AESA-based radars can easily engage in directional jamming. EMB-145I is still undergoing validation of target recognition algorithms when operating from different air bases throughout the country, hence the recent CABS RFI for procuring additional GPUs for the EMB-145Is.

To SREENIVAS R: It’s not exactly stealthy, but incorporates some limited faceting in the hull’s forward section. It is for these vessels that the Union of Myanmar Navy has acquired HUMSA-NG sonars from BEL.

TO KARN: Metal-cutting has not yet taken place since the detailed design of the FFG is still underway.

To Anon@11.46PM: Why not? Of course they can. But the ‘foreign’ life-partner has to undergo a security vetting. Of course it is another matter that Smt Sonia Gandhi did not undergo any such vetting before getting married to the late Shri Rajiv Gandhi. Why? Because some citizens of India are more equal than their counterparts.

To DEFENSE & AEROSPACE: Actually, there’s very little that India can buy from Japan off-the-shelf, since the majority of Japan’s military hardware too is imported from the US & a few from Europe. But some form of industrial collaboration between electronics giants like MELCO, Fujitsu & NEC Corp on one hand & BEL on the other can be expected.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: In fact, the AMOS turret housing twin breech-loading 120mm mortars can easily be integrated with either the BMP-2 ICV’s hull, or that of the Kestrel 8 x 8. Either of them will be excellent options for high-altitude warfare.

By the way, recall my cribbings some time back about the DRDO or BEL being unable to come up with an indigenous meteorological radar for the Army’s field artillery regiments? Well, looks like someone in Army HQ has taken note of them & has issued the following RFI:

Plus, this RFI for 30mm air-defence guns:

Anonymous said...

I assure you sir , military officers must leave the service before marrying a foreign national. Karn

Thomas A said...


I wanted check out on recent Indian Success on terrorist. Especially by NIA folks.I don't see anyone reporting the same. Are we happy critics?

Do we see ourselves negatively always. i just hit one article.


Yes PrasunDa .

I remember you talking about the meteorological radars .

Thanks for sharing the RFI links but given the snail's pace at which procurement takes place in India I wonder when the deals will be signed for the radar or the 30 mm artillery guns

Case in point , the deal for the V SHORADS have not been signed till date . Last heard they were testing the Igla S & the RBS 70 in Ladakh .

Thanks again


Amit said...

Can varunasastra be integrated with the scorpene sub ?

GOOGLER said...


why the devil will ITBP number inside Afghanistan be increasing and what do they need MRAPs for? What will they doing in Afghanistan?

2)And you don't believe the CRPF will be receiving a single ex US army MRAP for use IN INDIA?

3) will the IAF be procuring an additional c-130j to reaplce the one that was lost?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: No, such ‘peeks’ are impossible, unless one willfully allows them & that’s highly unlikely. It’s like saying that the IAF will allow the USAF a ‘peek’ into the Su-30MKI. Secrets of any sonar are not the hardware elements, but the acoustic processing algorithms, which cannot be hacked into without source-codes. The diameter of the AAA cannons is listed as being ‘30mm or more’, meaning even 35mm & 40mm are welcomed. Kestrel 8 x 8 should be 75% indigenous by build. A-50I PHALCON’s target recognition algorithm is IAI’s proprietary data & has not been shared with India. GPU = ground power unit, used for aircraft start-ups.

To THOMAS A: NIA has nothing to do with these investigative break-throughs. Success goes to the various state-level ATS squads, helped by some technical intelligence supplied by NTRO.

To VIKRAM GUHA: Matters will start moving after October this year.

To AMIT: Yes, it can, provided it works & provided its fire-control system be integrated with the SSK’s SUBTICS combat management system.

To GOOGLER: With the withdrawal of NATO/ISAF forces later this year, there will be a greater demand for the ITBP contingent’s size to be increased for providing both point- & area-level protection for various Indian companies, agencies & diplomatic/industrial installations. CRPF does not require MRAPs. What it requires is the authorisation to create its own information gathering/intelligence agencies within the Maoist-infected areas. Follow-on six C-130J-30s have already been ordered.

rad said...

Hi Prasun
Has the IA shown interest in the kestrel apc or is it an unsolicited offer. Has the IA got over its tracked APC only mindset in favor of wheeled ones . I think it has been proven on the deserts of iraq. On what platform is the kestrel based on?.
What is the likely time frame when the desi awacs will be made operational?.What is the best way to take out an enemy awacs. Is firing a long range anti radiation missile like the kh-31p version feasable. IN china can aslo equip pak with the missile on the jf-17.
Its clear that the central forces are not capable of tackling the maoists.Is int time tto stop being coy and bring in better trained special forces to wipe them out like what happened in punjab?.

GOOGLER said...

The fleet of 12 C-130J-30s will now only be 11, will the IAF order one more to account for this 8% loss in capability of its fleet?

And how will an intelligence wing (which the CRPF already raised a few years back) protect against 15kg+ IEDs? Thats when you need a MRAP. The US had all its intel assets on the ground- CIA,NSA, FBI, US Army intel etc on the ground in Afghanistan and still felt the need for the MRAPs.

RD said...

There is no end for mishaps-

There is a serious issue with our navy-

Regarding the lack of minesweepers, how much safe is our ports from hostile mines. When will the deal with Kangnam be finalised & how do just 8 such ships will protect both naval & commercial ports.

abs said...

It appears the Manifesto of BJP has done a good job in the National Security Front? What Say?

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,

The BJP has pledged today to revise India's no first use nuclear doctrine.

(1) Is this decision triggered by the fact that Pakistan today has the world's fastest growing nuclear arsenal ? A fact that even experts in the US are now acknowledging .

(2)DRDO says that AMCA will be rolled out by 2020 . Is there any need for the AMCA when the FGFA will probably do exactly the same job ?

Thank You


Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,
In the book 'Mission R&AW' one R&AW officer mentioned that Hamid Ansari could not protect R&AW agents during his stay in Iran as ambassador. What is this incident? Why didn't he protect the agents? If this is true How did he become VP of India, just because of he is a Muslim?

There are many revelations in this book. Can you elaborate couple of them?


Anonymous said...

Do you have any information of wether the scorpene subs that are being manufactured without the AIP can/will be fitted with the DRDO made AIP in a future overhaul ?

Vikram said...

Dear Sir

There is a LOT of Time between NOW
and 16 may when New Govt comes in

Do you think that Pakistan will
provoke the New Government as
soon as possible either by LOC
firing OR
A spectacular Terror strike

And Sir Would The PRESENT Govt Of
Man Mohan Singh DO ANYTHING
if such a situation ARISES BEFORE
the New Govt is in office ie BEFORE 16 MAY

So If Man Mohan Singh will DO NOTHING Then Pakistan can AGAIN GET AWAY with its mischief

Rajeev Chaturvedi said...


1. Baba Kalyani is promising that he will develop an indigenous ultra light 155mm/39 cal towed artillery gun. Its range is between 22.4 to 30 km and rate of fire is 1-2 rounds sustained. Its bit heavier than BAE/ST Kinetics, weighing about 4.5 ton. I recently saw the folio on this gun.

What do you think of this promise? Can he deliver the gun and will it be competitive against BAE ULH which India wants through FMS? How costly it might be?

In addition, his 155mm/52cal gun is about $2 million a piece. Slovakian Yugo MGS is about $0.6 million a piece which Bangladesh bought. Hence, is the price right? Moreover, what is the price being claimed for Tata's MGS and L&T's version of MGS?

2. Navantia's LHD Juan Carlos and DCNS's LHD Mistral are about $700 million each. Instead, Indonesia bought Makassar class from S Korea for about $250 million each. Given the fact that S Korean Company STK is the main builder of Mistral class LHD, if India selects S Koreans for a joint development of LHD as per Indian requirement, will it be a prudent and cheaper course?

Are there any technological differences between these LHDs?

Can you please elaborate on this further?


Gessler said...

Sir, some progress seems to have been made with BrahMos-1 Block-3 after the recent test firing from Pokhran -

Anonymous said...

Pierre Zorin,
Some time back, when you lost your mother you lamented about Indian health systems and other systems. Your lost is unmeasurable, I understand.
My humble request you is, in certain cases India is better than US or any Western countries. But we can improve our nation, by working in India. It is always easy to criticize our dilapidated system by sitting on green prosperous area. What Kennedy said is is very much valid, "ask what we can do for our country, but ask now our country can do for us."

FYKI, read this news about US Health care.


PrasunDa ,

I found this video interesting. In this video DARPA testifies before the US SASC Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities

I fail to understand why the DRDO can't provide such testimonials before the Parliament .

Also , one of the DARPA members is Dr.Arati Prabhakar . I wonder if post here retirement she can be looped in either by MoD or by DRDO.

Best Regards,


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: Kestrel was jointly developed by the DRDO & TATA based on the GSQR prepared by the IA. The IA wants tracked ICVs, but wheeled APCs.

To GOOGLER: 11 C-130J-30s is more than enough for the IAF. What the IAF requires more are C-130Js to replace the HS-748s. IEDs can’t be acquired off-the-shelf & therefore they have to be made, a process which takes time & raw materials that are easily traceable (that’s how the LTTE’s IED/RPG production efforts staged out of Madurai & Trichy were busted in the previous decade). Unlike Afghanistan, Maoist-infested areas in India don’t share contiguous frontiers with other countries & are therefore far more easier to cordon & keep under surveillance through grassroots-level intelligence networks. That’s how the Greyhounds succeeded in wiping out the Maoist menace in Andhra Pradesh & consequently all the Telugu-speaking Maoist leaders are today holed up in Chattisgarh & Odisha. What the CRPF needs most therefore are not MRAPs (which are good against heavily-armed insurgents, but are useless against the Maoists), but a family of UAVs for maintaining persistent airborne surveillance.

To RD: Whenever the annual defence budgets suffers from financial cutbacks, the armed services have no other option but to cut down on MRO expenses. The existing Project 255 Natya-class minesweepers have enough life left in them for them to be subjected to an upgrade programme that will see them equipped with new-generation ROVs & magnetic sweeps. Fir safeguarding India’s commercial ports & naval bases, the IN requires no less than 16 GRP-hulled MCMVs.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ABS: Not yet. Because the devil always lies within the details. And these details have not yet been spelled out. Therefore, it is still premature to begin clapping. But do read these:

In Our Gaseous State

The key to acquiring more military teeth is expansion of the GDP & reducing the import bills for hydrocarbons. Only then will there be enough moneyflow reqd for military spending. Next comes the Strategic Defence Review, without which it is impossible to know exactly what tools one requires to fix any shortcoming. After that comes the administrative restructuring of the MoD for ensuring a seamless decision-making process. And lastly, the MoD needs to relocate to a brand-new building that can be built as a Greenfield project (similar to what has been done for the MEA). Just appropriate all the tens of acres of land that is now being wasted (by playing host to all kinds of ‘samadhis’ & ‘sthals’ that are meant only for deitifying the country’s past netas in a vain attempt to immortalise them) & on them build the new MoD building as well as an accompanying national war memorial.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: The proposed revision is worthless to say the very least, since India never did possess a functional WMD employment doctrine. The only doctrine that existed was a ‘draft’ nuclear doctrine. Therefore, for starters, a finalised WMD employment doctrine ought to first be articulated & then formally adopted. If this is not done, it will forever stall the IA’s long-held plans for raising its projected Strategic Rocket Artillery Corps (SRAC). Only one to be rolled out will be the ‘desi’ version of the FGFA by 2020. AMCA will at best be visible in full-scale 3-D only after 2030 & that too if by then an indigenously developed new-generation turbofan is made available by the GTRE.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAVI N: That’s because institutions like R & AW & IB were not created through proper parliamentary legislation & therefore are not reqd to be protected by any kind of legal means. Conversely, what this means is that these agencies almost every day in the course of their activities are in violation of international laws & covenents governing the operations of such agencies. This deficiency can only be rectified once such agencies are formally established through parliamentary legislation so that their actions/activities are all made legal & they are also made accountable to Parliament’s select committees. All other democracies throughout the world except India have enacted such legislations & it is high time India did so too. Only then will IB & R & AW will have their official websites & overnight their sources of information/inputs will increase dramatically, as has been the case with the intelligence agencies of all other democracies.

To KARN: The first four Scorpene SSKs won’t have AIP plug-ins. The last two will be able to accommodate such plug-ins as well as some related interior modifications. Only during their mid-life medium-refit will the first four Scorpenes be able to incorporate such modifications.

To VIKRAM: Pakistan is too involved in looking inwards & trying to solve its own domestic problems. What has been worrying Pakistan the most has been the steady inflow of former bureaucrats, diplomats & armed forces officials into the BJP & this, Pakistan suspects, will only result in India making greater use of its armed forces as a potent instrument for implementing its state policy (whether it means issuing policy statements by armed services chiefs or initiating intelligence-driven surgical operations like what the TSD was doing).

To RAJEEV CHATURVEDI: 1) If Kalyani Group can master the science & art of making 155mm/52-cal towed howitzers, then I’m sure he will be able to developed ultralightweight 155mm/39-cal howitzers as well. Made-in-India products will always cost more than those that are available off-the-shelf. TATA or L & T haven’t quoted any prices so far, but they will contain substantial imported materials. If the goal therefore is indigenization & possessing all IPRs, then a motorised version of the Bharat-52 ought to be developed. 2) The Indonesian Navy’s LPDs are no way close to the LPHs that are being offered to India. The LPDs of Indonesia are more suited for disaster-relief missions.

To GESSLER: Progress on weapons development, yes. But what about developing the transportation infrastructure reqd for deploying such weapons to their peacetime storage silos & their wartime launch-stations?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: That kind of work-culture can only prevail in countries where talents are recognised, nurtured, appreciated & rewarded. In India such a work-culture & mindset doesn’t exist. That’s why the likes of Cmdre (Ret’d) A J Paulraj didn’t stay back in India to further develop sonar-related technologies. Instead, they migrated. And that’s why the likes of Capt (Ret’d) Subbarao, who had done a lot of self-initiated hardwork & research on nuclear submarine propulsion, were vilified, ostracized & persecuted with extreme prejudice by India’s scientific establishments throughout the mid-1980s & that too after the then Indian PM himself had once officially proposed that Capt Subbarao (the poor chap even had to learn law during his incarceration so that he could fight his own case, & he eventually won!) ought to have headed the nuclear propulsion component of the Project ATV Office! With such prevailing despicable attitudes & regressive mindsets among the officialdom, those who are smart enough & innovative will always choose to migrate abroad where their talents will be nurtured, appreciated & rewarded, & will never even dream about coming back to India, kindly rest assured.

Millard Keyes said...

To Anon: What you say is true and you might recall I did put US as an exception in my comments about healthcare. Prasun's response to Vikram G explains things perfectly. If India was so open to innovation, why would skilled and talented people migrate overseas? How many times have people been given the opportunity to clean up the mess? It is not willingness from honest and patriotic people that is the issue in India, it is the sheer dumb politics that keeps India in a, what Prasun says RTDC mode.

sntata said...

Dear Prasun,

"Did US Hackers Targeted and Leaked Su-30 MKI Faulty Display problems on purpose?"

Quite possible isn't it?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SNTATA: Absolutely impossible, rest assured. Why? because it is a standalone mission planning system that is used for drafting the flight/mission planning data, which is then burnt on a CD-R & is then uploaded on to the mission computer of the Su-30MKI. No thumb-drives, no data-cards, no USB ports, etc. Simply put, the blanking is caused by hardware lying between the mission computer & the AMLCDs & HUD, i.e. wiring harnesses & connectors. To be safe, the mission computer, which does all the processing tasks of the AMLCDs & HUD, should also be subjected to fault isolation diagnosis, just to be safe. Everything else that one hears about, like hacking etc, is pure baloney, rest assured.

SUVO said...

Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd and BAE Systems JV has proposed its FH-77B05L52 package that includes BEL-built components, along with a ToT offer that will enable GCF to receive via ToT all drawings and production-engineering data required for locally producing the 155mm/52-cal barrel & other mechanism.
(A)Is there any progress regarding this FH77B5L52 package?
(B)Any development of a motorised version of the GCF-built 155mm/39-cal FH-77B,or 155mm/45-cal Dhanush for which OFB already has agreement with TATA Motors?

rohit said...

Dear Prasun da:

1. I went through a documentary on SOSUS

Even though the SOSUS is gone as per the documentary , there must be something advanced now in place to detect maritime activates from thousands of miles by US and it's allies.As per documentary only Akula class subs were able to defeat SOSUS and submarine detection capability of US and it's allies.It has been a long time since then and the technology is on another level.My question is keeping this in mind are there innovations and secret technologies incorporated on INS Arihant.If not US and it's allies must be having know how of all the Indian Navy submarines,including the weapon tests carried by them.

2.Since Russian ballistic missile subs where not able to defeat SOSUS they deployed another tactics by not venturing into the SOSUS zone but by developing and deploying long range SLBMs so that they can target their enemies from Russian waters.Now in Indian scenario we are developing K4 with 3500 KM and as said our subs will have to venture into the chinese waters to carry a strike.SOSUS which has been disclosed long back I believe Chinese must have developed such a intrusion detection system,if they may have then having an SLBM with 3500 KM range would be just minimal deterent and to counter this we should develop SLBM with over 8000 KM range.
3.Do we have any intrusion detection technology like SOSUS to monitor others.
4.Which Submarine is the quietest of all and is DRDO aware of the same?


Yes Prasun Da . You have nailed it .

Unfortunately I do NOT see any sign to suggest that this despicable mindset is changing for the better in India and in all likelihood will not change in our lifetime .

Suffice to say that more & more talented Indians will make a beeline for the West in the days to come .

Thanks again ,


Anonymous said...

@Vikram Guha,
What Prasun said is that "was" tha case (migrating to west) but that is not the case. Now money matters, who pays most gets most of the talent.

Anonymous said...

To add more clarity to my earlier post, what prasun said was right. people were migrating for money and freedom in job and un-cultured govt jobs/babugiri, and no-private industry or no-private research. Thw major factor WAS and IS money. The next is OPPORTUNITY in the field we studied. Now the time has come to experiment in the country and is improving.


some companies like reliance is still not doing anything/enough to introduce R&D in their companies. RIL still makes money in brute way, by manipulating govt and govt policies. But Tata, L&T, Godrej, Mahindra are some of the companies that spend money on R&D which is a ray of hope.

2nd Issue is:

Govt funded institutes like IIT, IIM, RECs etc. People studying in these institutes are emigrating to west for the sake of making money.

Instead Govt should hand over all the IITs and IIMs for DRDO, HAL, ISRO, IAS, IAF, IRS, Banking centres NEEDS and other private indian companies needs. if any one after getting subsidized studies and emigrating, Govy should charge them all the money GOI invested in them.

Can anyone tell me why working in UK/US and working in India for 1 hour for the same work earns entirely different amount of money? Can anyone justifies that?





Indian railways should create rail research centre and should be mandated to stop importing any material and technology for IR in 12 years time.


Calls to western companies customer care is a smooth experience and call to indian banks or govt centres is a pathetic experience.

most of the indians are mother fucking people, they dont mind to sell mothers, daughters and wives given a good amount of money is offered to them.

am i absurd? let me explain.

a soldier or country or farmer is EQUAL to the mother, daughter and wife.

remember adarsh scam? remember grabbing farm lands? remember cheating on the country by scams?

This is called mother fucking and selling moms, daughter and wives for the right kind of money.

My God, please show me the right path and guide me in the right path, PLEASE... PLEASE USE ME FOR THE SERVICE OF MY COUNTRY...

Gabbar said...

Anon @ 3.45 am:

What are you high on? Cant be just ganja. Seriously, go get a life.

sathead3 said...

I think you misunderstood the article quoted by @SNTATA re US based hacking and SU-30MKI. The article is not claiming that the faulty displays are the handiwork of US based hackers but rather that the leaking of the documents faxed by India to Russia highlighting the problem is the handiwork of US based hackers. Now that does make sense. The point is to humiliate India and Russia by leaking the documents.

rad said...

IT is surprising that the mission data is written on cd-r rather than a portable drive, flash memory stuff. The only deduction i can make is it can be esily destroyed , what else culd be the advantage?.

Jaidev said...


What is going on? Why is this stupid St. Anty not appointing a Naval Chief? Its been more than six weeks. What the hell??

I don't understand any logic to delay the appointment. If suppose, Admiral died in office what would he do? There must be some procedure for appointment of a four star admiral.

This stupid's main problem is that he is very slow and unfit for being a leader. He should be taken to a main road and beaten black and blue with a broken chappal.

If a war comes upon us, will he still do election campaigning and not think about the nation?

Six weeks, a blue water aspirant navy, without even a chief!!!! What an ass!!!


@ Anon 1:24 AM

I found another piece of information that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that Prasun Da's asserion of Indian's migrating abroad is correct.

29% of all Defense & Aerospace startups in the US are started by Indians .This is a two year old article so suffice to say that the percentage has increased to 30% + as our friend Manmohan & party has compelled a lot more Indians to migrate to greener pastures.And I am just talking about the Defense & Aerospace sector . According to this article from FORBES , Indians start the maximum number of start up companies across industries

Anonymous said...

@Vikram Guha,
thats true, and they should pay any money they owe to IITS and IIMs with any interest rate.

GOI paid for their money from poor people taxes and they are serving another country...

Greener Pastures? This is just bullshit.. that means they look for their own personal benefit rather for the Motherland..

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,
I have a two questions related to UAVs in India
(1) What are the technologies related to UAVs that the Indian Government & Indian Pvt companies have already mastered ?
(2) What are the technologies that GOI & Pvt companies are yet to master ?

On a separate note you or any of the other posters on this blog may choose to use this simple tool to check if your favorite site is vulnerable to Heartbleed

As always , many thanks .


Anonymous said...

for all those people who says greener pastures, what do you guys say if any one retired from Indian Army starts working for Pak Army or ISI or SL Navy for better money and respect, do you consider that they looked for greener pastures?

how different are these things?
nothing much, both are contributing to their employers with their knowledge..

F said...


Do the MKMs have a standalone mission planning system that enables data to be burnt of a DVD for use onboard the aircraft? What about the F/A-18Ds?

Has or will the IN specify a towed array for its future Scorpenes? If I'm not mistaken the standard fit only consists of bow and hull mounted arrays.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUVO: Short answer to both is NO. Nothing of that sort is either happening or being contemplated.

To ROHIT: 1) Of course there have been advanced replacements, no doubt about that. Now, instead of fixed installations, there are underwater remotely-operated sensors mounted on autonomous vehicles that are all networked & are far more cost-efficient. In terms of acoustic signature, the S-2/Arihant incorporates 1990s-developed technologies, but will still not be able to elude SSNs of the US Navy or Royal Navy or the French Navy, rest assured. As for monitoring Indian weapons tests or warship trials, the US Navy’s survey vessels have been regularly carrying out surveys & seabed mapping in the Bay of Bengal since 2006. Nothing can stop that. 2) The Soviets/Ruskies decided in the mid-1980s to launch their SLBMs from underneath the arctic ice-caps. K-4 SLBMs can be launched from the Bay of Bengal against targets in southeastern China only. 3) Not yet. 4) The USN’s Virginia-class SSGNs.

In case you really want to know how far ahead the US is in terms of military R & D, then do watch these:

Electrogravitics & Thomas Townsend Brown:

Project Aquarius:

Classified Career:

Secrets of Project Red Light:

Underdogs of New Energy:

Secret Projects at McDonnell Douglas:

Technology from Extraterrestrials:

Remote Viewing Life On Mars:

Remote Viewing Aliens and UFOs:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: During the colonial era, the Brits used to practice what was known as the ‘Love-and-Kick’ policy when it came to human resource management. What this meant is that the Caucasian/Gora superior will give a pat-on-the-back to the native worker every morning & will also ensure that the natives get access to the basic amenities like food & accommodation. In return, the very same Caucasian/Gora will instruct the native to put in extra working time in the latter half of the day for the sake of maintaining the work schedules/deadlines. And this went quite well for the natives. Today, in the post-colonial era in India, even that is absent, since the policy is to just keep on kicking sand any show of love, compassion, etc. This is especially so within the armed forces & the present-day officer corps is regarded as being aloof & indifferent to the needs & reqmts of the other ranks, at the very least. While in the West, an innocent/honest observation made by a private about living & warfighting conditions in his blog or elsewhere will immediately attract attention from his superiors as part of an attempt to rectify matters/shortcomings, In India the posture adopted will be that of taking extreme disciplinary action against the private for A) not taking his superiors into confidence, & B) for speaking the truth. In such an environment, how can one ever get to the stage of problem-solving?

To Anon@1.24AM: Not WAS, but IS & WILL. And that’s because money does indeed matter & such money is only available OUTSIDE India. Even the DRDO is today cribbing about the Union MoF arbitrarily slashing the annual sanctioned R & D outlays. In fact, it has today become far more easier to migrate abroad within a globalised environment & that btoo for India-registered OEMs that have R & D centres abroad. Consequently, one cannot blame corporate entities like RELIANCE for failing to set up R & D centres within India. To give you a simple example, when a private-sector OEM (Kalyani Group) has already developed a 155mm/52-cal towed howitzer (Bharat-52) with more than 90% local content, why is no one from the MoD even inviting this OEM to organise mobility/firing trials at the earliest at IA’s Mahajan Field Range at Pokhran on a no-cost/no-commitment basis? Why does the MoD continue to patronise the OFB’s 155mm/45-cal Dhanush solution at a time when the IA itself has stated since the mid-1990s that all its future field artillery howitzers will have to be 155mm/52-cal systems? If indeed matters to now come to this, then why shouldn’t the Indian OEM be allowed to export its 155mm/52-cal solutions to Afghanistan or Sri Lanka or Bangladesh?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SATHEAD3: Leaking such documents causes no harm at all to India-Russia bilateral ties. Those documents were all of a confidential nature, but were by no means ‘Top Secret’.

To RAD: CD-R is used for the sake of avoiding duplication & ensuring OPSEC. One CD-R can be used for uploading the mission data to the mission computers of ALL aircraft that are involved in that mission. That’s the universal practice. It does not mean that the CD-R is stored inside an internal disk-drive when the sorties is undertaken. It is not the CD-R that remains inside the aircraft, but rather the data from the CD-R is uploaded into the mission computer. The data is embedded within the CD-R only by the mission planning system at the air base. Therefore, the CD-R stays within the air base & never gets airborne.

To JAIDEV: Only 6 weeks??? This RM recently stated that under his watch it takes a minimum of 6 months to appoint a new armed services chief!!! In any other navy, it won’t take more than 72 hours to announce such an appointment.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) Almost all of the reqd components related to airframe, propulsion, encrypted data/imagery transmission & their exploitation on the ground have been mastered. 2) Ones remaining to be mastered include long-range navigation systems using RLG-INS, autopilot & airborne collision avoidance.

To Anon@10.35PM: That has been happening since the 1980s.

To FARIS: All mission planning systems are standalone for every aircraft-type. Such systems can either be desk-top-based or even briefcase-based. For the IN’s SSKs, thin-line towed-arrays are being sought. Scorpenes have cylindrical bow-mounted & flank-array sonar suites.

Reddy said...

Thank You Prasun for your answers.

Please find some torrents for remote viewing:

You may need to use chrome for automatic transaltion into english.

On a separate note how difficult is this remote viewing to be mastered.. asking you just for the sake of information..

Reddy said...

And do you expect US guys to use this remote view to see MH370?

Mr. RA 13 said...

"In such an environment, how can one ever get to the stage of problem-solving?"

Right! That is why problem solvers are always surrounded by other problems.

Reddy said...

Dear Prasun,
Will it do any good/work for DRDO or ADA to setup R&D centres in countries like UK/Germany/ France? given they have plenty of high end technicians and they want to work for any company that pays good money? Ofcourse GOI may limit such centres research only on critical technologies, for the sake of keeping cost to minimum possible level.

rohit said...

Hi Prasun Da: Thanks for your answers.

K-4 SLBMs can be launched from the Bay of Bengal against targets in southeastern China only as you said.Since it will be known fact that the Indian SSBN can only launch a nuclear strike from bay of Bengal if it has to strike south China,the area for tracking/targeting the Indian SSBNs for the Chinese or its allies would be very less.The Indian subs won't have the capability of targeting these regions from Antarctic , by the way was this thought of developing a SLBM of range 3500 thought process of Navy,Government or the DRDO.

Thanks for the video links but i wonder if people at DRDO even have time to see them.
If you search secrets of the Indian military you gets results which shows some links talking about alien space ships in Leh,Kali 5000 " I don't what the hell this is and what has DRDO shot down with it till date" and super weapons of the ancient Indians,antigravity,vimanas.

Dear Sir, Did the ARDE and DRDO do a thorough analysis of the guns like AR 15,MP 7,AK 12,FN SCAR,HK 416,Heckler & Koch G36 before developing the MCIWS?

rohit said...

One more question Why is BJP thinking of renewing the no first use policy when we have a policy in place that any nuclear strike will be followed by a massive retaliation.
What do you think BJP will do with the delayed military projects.Do you think they are going to give go ahead for 12000 Km range ICBM and 8000+ SLBM.

P.I.O. said...

Prasun ,

A number of Indians living abroad would want to come back home especially those who are in their 50s & beyond but they don't come back not only because of monetary reasons but also because of lack of civic sense , corruption , caste based discrimination and other such social evils .

Migration from China to US has come down drastically because Chinese cities are now world class cities & compensation levels in China is also very high. Corruption is rife in China but they are ruthless when weeding it out. Often with a bullet to the brain. And relatives are billed for the cost of the bullet. On the contrary , corruption in India will never come to an end .

rohit said...

Dear Prasun Da:

Don't you think western world has deliberately made Mahabharata & Ramayana mythological epics so that we Indians firmly believe that they are in fact myths and the men,technologies,weapons are just imaginations.

Unknown said...

wht are your veiws about the mciws ?
it looks to me it is a long stroke piston derivative of the ar-15...has it passed army trials..if indeed it is an ar-15 derivative then it would not be able to accomodate a folding stock..can it still qualify for use by the army?


Very true PrasunDa .

INDIA could have achieved independence from the Brits at the same time as the US had we been able to steamroll our differences and put up a unified front against the Brits. We got an opportunity in 1857 & once again squandered it .

The point that I am making is that we seldom accept that there are some serious flaws in our mindset that exist till this day. We are content to remain slaves of Western nations even today as long as they say a few nice words in return .

Now, compare this pathetic mentality of our's with the take no hostage mentality of the Japanese or the Chinese and we will realize why we are eons behind these countries.

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,

(1)Is the IAI-HAL Naval Rotory UAV ( I think it was named NURAV) making any progress ?

(2) Aviation Week in a recent article suggested that the size of the UAV market in India is around $2 billion over a 10 year period . Is the figure of $2 billion accurate ( more or less) ?

Thanks & Regards,

Jaidev said...


So finally the cat has come out of the bag convincingly.

Mr Baru clarified how MMS was emasculated and castrated by Sonia. With so many examples and actual facts from PMO,

I was wondering why MMS didn't commit suicide, when he was being castrated?? I mean being a poodle for ten years, out of which last five were like a neglected and often kicked poodle..

Also its eye-opener when you read the role of this snake St Anty. He was the one undercutting MMS and Defence forces, simultaneously.

Its unbelievable. And these two mother-son combo are still asking for votes. I wonder why haven't people of India started throwing shoes, eggs and onions on them so far??

Anonymous said...

What is coming out now about Sonia Gandhi is that she is more powerful than the PM, President and Military chiefs of India. This reminds me the former USSR, where the Communist party leader was more powerful than the president of USSR.
Anyway, now I've got the feeling that when she said her inner voice told her refuse the PM job was actually the call from Pope. Ever since UPA came to power, huge conversion was going in tribal area. States such as for AP, and Tamil Nadu have huge increase in Christian populations.


Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,
I know I am using your blog to spread some information. But I feel that as an Indian citizen, I feel that others should understand what our Gandhi family has did to India.

So kindly publish this comment from me.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JAIDEV & RAVI N: Of course the can of worms has now been opened & looks like everyone concerned can no longer digest all the shit that's been going on since 2004 (under UPA-1/2) & hence the time has now come to blurt it all out. This is the latest:

And there's no reason at all to doubt the contents of this book.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) The NRUAV project was scrapped permanently in 2009, after being born in 2006. 2) The figure is accurate.

Reddy said...

Good News: India and Russua signed for KKNPP 3 and 4 units.

Agni 1 clears Night trials.

Millard Keyes said...

What PIO said is exemplified by comments from people like RaviN. How backward and stupid do you have to be to drag Christianity into India's political turmoil!Even though Catholicism and real Christianity are poles apart - still what has this got to do with any national issue? We agree that if people get better offer they will migrate to the West and yet after all this university education there are people sitting there worrying about someone deciding to change their religion if their son got free education as opposed to being kicked away from schools because they are a scheduled tribe! How many of these converted people have thrown IEDs at the police or torched the civilians? One can see that even in China they are not opposed to the missionaries even though they are meant to be Communists and here in India there is a huge group of people sitting on their religious backsides letting the world pass by.

Millard Keyes said...

Congress party has given Nehru and his cronies Indian idol status. Once it was anathema to say a word against the great leaders like Gandhi and Nehru but there in lies the silly mindset of the Indian masses - accept anything without questioning. There is No doubt that Gandhi was a great man but he certainly was a poor visionary. Nehru was a great politician but he was the Judas type - sacrificed many an able leader as collateral damage to rise to power. It is an irony that Sonia Gandhi could have been a great Italian PM in Italy with the political prowess she possesses when Italy really lacks a stable government - and yet she learned more than politics in India from Indira Gandhi and stayed back to pull the puppet strings. However, if people believe this Hindu Nationalist ambiguous guy Mr Modi will deliver salvation they are up for a greater shock. Unless people learn to examine all claims they will remain the same gullible electorates. From what I know can't see even 1 decent, visionary and able Leader emerging. May be DRDO now needs to develop an indigenous intelligent lab being to assume leadership of the nation!

Von said...

Dear Prasunda,

There was a lot of hoohalla when the night-trial of Agni-I was postponed twice. Yesterday the missile was night-tested successfully for the first time and everyone is happy.

What I want to know is why is night-testing so special. The missile has been tested so many times during the day. How is it different from night trials? Agni missiles do not have an optical seeker, do they? Then why does it matter?

Ex Intelligence said...


Gandhi family preferred Priyanka for PM

Gessler said...

@Pierre Zorin

Sir, I don't think Modi ji is being supported by everyone because he's an equal of Abraham Lincoln or JFK or anything...he's just the best strong candidate from strong party currently available, that's all. We cannot have a weak PM.

If not Modi, who else do you think we should support for PM this time? Rahul Gandhi? Mayawati? Mamata Banerjee? Mulayam Singh Yadav?

All those options are much worse than Modi.


Pintu said...

Prasun Da, there is some question pondering in my mind..

1) In the light of Tejas Naval Variant NP-1 recent flight as informed by ADA, which also reports the first supersonic flight attained by NP-1 on 22nd March, did they resolve landing gear issue and weight reduction ?

2)Regarding Telecast of ISRO's Launch Missions such as PSLV, GSLV, MOM, Chandryaan, if we view the rocket launch of NASA, ESA, Roscosmos or even CNSA,it appears to be in the same league of comparison, if some body try to compare a cricket match telecast of sky sports to that of DD Sports. No view of on board camera, no sound of rocket, only blurry Rocket view, annoying commentary by DD Commentators, overlapping even the ISRO announcements being made prior rocket launch, even after T-1 minute countdown, now there is very much needs to improve, Now, here is an excerpt of a reply in Face Book "XXxDean Sumith To Mr Bahalia. Xxx And you are telling me that there will be no on-board cameras? It is against the International Space Treaty and common sense, if there will be no on-board cameras, because how would scientists have confirmation of the satellite separation, and it is a rule that they should provide evidence of the launch to the Launch Authorization Board(LAB), to prevent any mishaps. only ISRO scientists at Byalalu ISTRAC facility in Bangalore have access to the on-board views, because their work is to track satellites.xXX" So, what prevents ISRO to give on board views for live streaming, and what prevents the telecasting agency to put up HD Cameras that can zoom upto higher altitude or show the rocket launch in slow motion, as the same is done by some space agency like KARI ? Kindly share your views

Pintu said...

Even, not a single comment from ISRO, in FaceBook, after repeated complaints about such drawback regarding Telecast issue,it is better that ISRO TV should be commissioned, and the rocket launches should have been telecast by that channel exclusively.

SUVO said...

Why MoD continuously neglect the Bharat-52 gun? Just because of the OFB? They must organize the field-trials of Bharat-52.Otherwise same should be happen this time also like the GHN-45 gun.At that time GHN-45 is the best gun which overshoots the NATO & Russian guns.Bharat-52 is the modernize version of this gun.So it should be more lethal with high level of accuracy.
Prasunda,can Bharat-52 fire ERFB shells and smart ammunition like BONUS, SPACIDO.
Is there any gun name M-46/10 which is 155mm 52 cal & made by Serbian defence industry Yugoimport-SDPR.

Thakur said...

Hi Prasun Da,

Can you give me link/source for unbiased facts & thoughts about history, present & remedies ( potential) of J&K ?

S. Thakur

Anonymous said...

To Pierre Zorin

In life nothing can be perfect.we have to choosed amongst the lesser evils. being myself from gujarat i find modi delivering on many of his promises to the electorate hence virtually the opposition congress has been wiped out thrice. ofcourse no human being is a messiah including modi and he cannot overnight deliver or transform the system substantially in the country. but if he communicates with the electorate better, gives transparent governance, improves exisitng systems, creates better economic environment i am sure that will be better than what most others can told above, we have to select the best amongst the worst..this time it goes to modi


kunal, bhubaneswar

Anonymous said...

To Peirre Zorin

On Nehru and Gandhi would like to add that it is also observed in their conduct during the freedom movement that they had moulded the INC into a organization of cronies. goal was not clear and constantly changing. sometimes dominion status, sometimes poorna swaraj. during ww 2 conflicting statements like "india should support britain in its time of need"..civil disobedience used to last for a few months and then years of lull/no activity..comatose situation. it appeared that INC was very well managed by the british and it was an organization through which they held their control on the indian masses. INC was furterhing the interest of the British Masters.

had netaji not been alive, red fort trials not happended, indian military not started to revolt (post 1946)..india could never have got its freedom.

i have my substantial doubts on the ability of INC of having given india its freedom through non violence. although they made sacrifices, but were aimless (even today dont you see the Govt of India has no long term vision on almost everything; this is an indian cultural problem coming from the past of aimlessness)..nehru propogated his personal interest which culminated ultimately into INC becoming a personal fiefdom, typical of a fedual set up, wherein today the Gandhis are the Masters..they are thus petty thugs to me who are exploting the emotinons of our foolish country men.

In such context Hindutva seems appealing, which to me is the message of for the past two to three years narendra modi has been issuing the message of vivekananda..on womens day, while addressing women he said that you should be "Nation Builders".it is leaf taken from Vivekanandas thought. this seems ok. hence to select the best amongst the worst. Thats the reality.


kunal, bhubaneswar


PrasunDa ,

Since you have to blog I found these tools mentioned here to be useful if you have to promote your content

Best ,


raw13 said...

If it hadn't been for the likes of Ghandi and Nehru, you indians would not have the country that you have today. India would not have come into existence and nation states like europe with their kings/queens would be incharge and you would be kissing their rear like you do of Modi. People of the caliber or these two gents (G and N) could do what they did. Don't judge them based on what your italian ruler has done!

Then again you indians do like foreign rulers. How else could the brahmin impose their culture on the whole of india by getting them to except the status of slaves, willingly.

Kittu said...


Thank You for your Post.

The following page contains the medicines for your constipation Problem

Once you solve your problem please do come again.

Wishing you fast recovery..

Anonymous said...

it's Gandhi NOT ghandi.

He hardly livid 6 months after independence so he has not done anything special to India that has not been done to Indian Subcontinent countries including yours.

please do not forget the medication your friend Kittu suggested you.

Anonymous said...

*lived, typo in my earlier post.

Thakur said...

Hi Mr RAW,

U r wrong Gangki & Nehru were` not the only the only leaders/ factors for independence. There were several other e.g Bose,Lal-Bal -Pal, Bhagat singh ( to name a few ) and even Indian aBrmy/navy/AF of that time ( chk revolts)...Gandhi & Nehru were British boot-lickers, as they under them congress allowed to Indian soldeirs to get killed in WW-2 or else we could have be liberated somewhere around 1942 not in 1945. We lost many lives due to there follies, and still are paying for those deeds. As many wrong decisions were taken during foundation-laying of our country.. Those 2 stooges were favorite of Goras,as they were moderators..and then again Britain wanted them to handle India as posters boys..Remember they were not in favor of Total freedom..they were happy to be make a British dominion...It was due to some other quarters. And after 1947 only these in India & Jinnah in Pak were specifically advertised, to shadow works of others. But yes I agree that they were also instrumental in gathering crowd.

Thanks & Regards...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAW13: Kindly take the medications prescribed above ASAP.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Will answer all outstanding queries later today. In the meantime, do watch the all-new programme on HISTORY Channel, titled: Hangar 1 The UFO Files







joydeep ghosh said...

Prasun da

looks like u were correct about IAF training prblems


u had said Russia will only use Crimea to pressure the West, it annexed it and now looks like entire eastern and south eastern Ukraine is tilting towards Russia. It may have serious problems for India

You always keep saying India is not interested in BMD but test continue, why? the upcoming test of PDV is expected to be one of a kind exo atmosphere test

you said to #Googler - '11 C-130J-30s is more than enough for the IAF. What the IAF requires more are C-130Js' both are no different , and are C-130J-30 SH only difference probably will be the HS748 replacements wont be customized for Special ops but then again the design of this plane is such it can certainly be modifieid in future

also heard Sukhoi plans MRO for Su30 MKI in India means it has no trust on HAL

a sad news heard last week the historic INS Vikrant was sold for scrap, i still feel sinking it and converting it into diving station was a better idea


Joydeep Ghosh

sntata said...

Dear Prasun,

"Rise in Rookie Pilots Flunking training courses due to odd mixture of Training Jets"

Frightening!you have always been right about IAF Pilots' defective training program! The new government (Modi Govt)will have its hands more than full in Defence sector alone. Hope to God the first thing they will do is to double defence budget.

rad said...

HI prasun
There seem to be a lot of people scared of NAMO ! like raw 13 and people in his country, Because he knows that he and his country cannot fart around with india any more.I happened to see the reaction of some ex isi guys who came on Times now channel. They were truly scared and vented their anger on the very thought of namo being the PM. They know what will happen if they behead soldiers after he comes to power.
The damage the congress has done to the security of the country with a scared pussy cat like Mamohan singh and anthony is immense.
What would you suggest the new gov should do to take away the art of doing nothing in the DOD and passing the buck in purchases, sitting on files etc.
The new interceptor test that is going to take place soon seems to have a dual seeker , ie IIR and radar, is it the same as the pic shown by you . Give us some more details of the interceptor

Anonymous said...

Hello Prasun, can u tell if there is any info about the HULC programme is DRDO and any new news regarding it.

Rajeev Chaturvedi said...


Where do you stand on NFU?

Seems BJP manifesto has put the cat among pigeons. From Michael Krepon to Vipin Narang to Praveen Swami, all seem to have been bashing BJP, left, right and center?

Last I remember, neither US/UK/France nor Russia/Israel follow NFU. China also has now started playing dilly-dally with the NFU idea. Pakistan never followed it, neither it has any intention to do so in future.

Why is India, being almost forced, by every non-proliferation ayatollah, to stick to NFU? Bit strange !!!

kumar said...

sir ,
how many seats do you see BJP you think it can pull off 230+ ??

& whats your opining on narendra modi..don't you think he is a dangerous man.
haren pandya . ishrat jahan , sohrabuddin..the list is indeed long..(though i like his hardline stance , complete control & development done by him & how he has reigned is rss etc),4

this article sure paints atleast a little disturbing picture..though it also points out how able & effective modi is :)

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,

(1) Why is INDIA interested in the Multirole Transport Aircraft when C 130 Super Hercules is doing the same job that the MTA will do ?

(2) Last week Russia approved the sale of S 400 to China .

Don’t you think that INDIA should therefore develop ICBMS like RS 24 Yars armed with MaRV to counter the S 400 ?

Thank You ,


Pintu said...

Prasun Da, why successive Governments be it Congress led or non-congress coalition one, avoid releasing secretive documents on Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose or is this really true that opening the lid may damage India's relation with Big Powers ?

Mr. RA 13 said...

What is the stand of Modiji and his party on matters relating to Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose.

Pintu said...

Prasun Da, Suvo Bangla Nabobarsho, Poila Baisakh, Happy Bengali New Year 1421, to You and Everybody Here, Wish you all the best.

sntata said...

Dear Prasun,

"LIFT or IJT?? IAF you have to decide."

In this article it has been mentioned that a few years back DRDO offered IAF a trimmed down version of Tejas-1 as LIFT Aircraft which was turned down by IAF. So it is IAF which is the culprit in the outmoded training program for air force pilots! Now it appears as if IAF is scouting for an IJT whose specifications they mentioned are almost similar to Hawk Adwanced Jet Trainer, which we are already licence producing. Will this be another colossal blunder from IAF?

Ni8 Dweller said...

@Kumar - There are no black abd whites in politics, only people with ever veritable shades of grey. Instead of being worried about what he may or may not do. Read the below excerpt from Shekhar Gupta.

“I sometimes joke that I’ve never seen a human being resemble his mask more than Mr. Modi,” Mr. Gupta said. “The fact is that he will give you many new versions of that mask. The Mr. Modi you see today sounds very different — he looks the same, but he sounds very different from the way he sounded in 2007.”

Mr. Gupta said that if the B.J.P. wins, the next few years will see a “calmer, more catholic Mr. Modi.” The reasons, he said, are purely practical.

“He wants to be in power for a long time,” he said. “He is young by Indian standards, and that is not going to work with a purely polarizing agenda. What works in Gujarat doesn’t work in India.”

And if you're still worried then read about this most happening person in this election - Amit Shah

kumar said...

Am not worried..i want modi to be the PM..I JUST DON'T WANT N no. of allies sharing power..i badly wish that by some magic bjp wins 272 seats..this will give THE MAN all the elbow room & leg space to carry out development.

joydeep ghosh said...

Prasun Da

Suvo Bangla Nabobarsho

Poila Baisakh er Shubhechha

I dont know if any one has heard of this ; BSNL is all set to set up a technical university

looks like atlast indian companies are trying to follow footsteps of what chinese companies did decades ago


Joydeep Ghosh

SUVO said...

Prasun Da ,
Valo Thakben.

Defense and Aerospace said...

Hi Prasun ,

Did India lease any TU 22M from Russia ? There were a few reports suggesting that India did lease TU 22M from Russia .

Pawan said...

Dear Prasunji,

I am waiting for your replies to queries.

Please also help me with some ideas or provide link as to how India can get POK back.

Do you believe that wakhan corrider can help open transport channel from India to europe the way china is doing.
Thanks and Regards

Gessler said...

Sir Japan is saying their Mitsubishi ATD-X 5th generation stealth fighter prototype could take to the skies sometime this year.

What is your opinion on this so-called Japanese stealth fighter? Any info on it's capabilities? How do you think it matches up against the stealth fighters of other countries ike US, Russia & China?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To REDDY: Anyone can master the science of remote-viewing, since all human beings have ingrained psychic abilities. It is all about a matter of self-discovery of such abilities through certified trainers, which are available in the US. DRDO and its likes will never be allowed to set up R & D centres outside India on grounds of national security. There are no short-cuts in this area & the only viable option therefore is to imbibe a culture of R & D & respect/recognize such R & D achievements, just as China, Russia & the US have done it. There’s simply no other way.

To ROHIT: The IN had already stated as far back as 2007 that it wants a 8,500km-range SLBM. More R & D is reqd into areas of electro-gravitics & magneto-gravitics. It was the former that enabled the US to develop the miniaturised Trident D-5 SLBM. No one is talking about doing away with the NFU. The point of debate nowadays is about proportionate responses, i.e. whether or not to develop a family of tactical nuclear weapons—both ground-launched & air-launched. 12,000km-range ICBM is not reqd at all. Only 8,500km-range SLBM is. It was never the West that portrayed Ramayana & Mahabharata as being myths. It was the Indians themselves who created this mess. Thus, Valmiki’s Ramayan was forgotten & superceded by Tulsidas’ Ramcharitmanas. And it is the West today that’s devoting more & more resources towards realising all that’s been written in such epics, like the Sri Yantra.

To SOURAV PAUL: I have no doubt whatsoever that the MCIWS will be adopted by both the armed services as well as the CAPFs of India.

To VIKRAM GUHA: Very true indeed.

TO ANUP: Those flight-trials are all about the NLCA Mk1 in its existing configuration, & not with the re-engineered/re-designed landing gear.

To VON: Night-firing is not just about firing the missile from its ground-launcher. Since all Indian strategic missiles are kept in a disassembled state, the night-firing exercise actually involves getting all sub-sections of the missile in one location after dusk, assembling them into a complete missile, integrating the warhead & loading it on a launcher & then beginning the countdown for a night-launch. That’s what took place the last time & the entire process takes approximately 6 hours to complete.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PINTU: That flight of the NP-1 had nothing to do with the new landing gear. The existing landing gear was sufficient since the NP-1 took off & landed from an airfield. The new landing gears are meant for usage on board aircraft carriers. No space launcher anywhere ever carries on-board cameras for displaying images of stage separation.

To SUVO: Of course. Bharat-52 can fire all such types of rounds. The Serbian/Punj Lloyd upgunned M-46 has no product name as of now.

To S THAKUR: There are several of them. Just Google for them. As for history, it depends on how far back you may want to go. According to earliest recorded texts, Kashmir was developed as a habitable region during the reign of Asoka the Great.

To KUNAL: I agree.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH & SNTATA: What I had stated earlier regarding the IAF’s flawed three-stage flying training curriculum was only the obvious. I just fail to understand why the IAF has such a strong fetish for conducting its flying training courses with such neolithic efficiency!

To RAD: The on-going deluge of memoirs by retired bureaucrats & civil servants containing damaging revelations about the regressive functioning of UPA-1/UPA-2 has only begun & more will be forthcoming, rest assured. Several ex-military officials too are in the process of publishing their memoirs. One of them will be dealing with the issue of SSKs & why, contrary to the IN’s expectations about continued licence-manufacturing of the Class 209/Type 1500 SSKs by MDL after the Supreme Court’s dismissal of the case against HDW, the UPA-1 chose to order the Scorpenes SSKs. Also, why did the MoD under Pranab Mukherjee agree to all 6 Scorpenes being licence-built by MDL. A lot of skeletons therefore are still awaiting their turn to get out of the closet, rest assured. As for NaMo, those interested I studying him ought to read his authorised biography, which is now selling like hot-cakes.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJEEV CHATURVEDI: No one is talking about doing away with the NFU. The point of debate nowadays is about proportionate responses, i.e. whether or not to develop a family of tactical nuclear weapons—both ground-launched & air-launched.

To KUMAR: If the spate of highly damaging revelations by former bureaucrats & civil servants continues, & if this aided by the spectacular public gaffes of the type being made by Rahul Gandhi during his electioneering, then the NDA will definitely stand to gain a healthy majority, with the BJP alone going past the 260 mark. And long before NaMo’s authorised biography had come out, I had mentioned in this very blog more than a year ago that the communal violence in Gujarat in 2002 had nothing to do with NaMo’s or the BJP’s support to the rioters. Instead, the then state govts of MP & Maharashtra had refused to send police reinforcements to Gujarat despite desperate pleas of help from NaMo. Secondly, the riots were the handiwork of fringe elements like the VHP & Bajrang Dal, just as the Babri Masjid was demolished by members of the Shiv Sena. Haren Pandya too fell victim to infighting within the VHP. Ishrat Jehan’s movements were always suspicious & ti9ll this day no one has come forward to explain the motives behind such movements in detail. Having said all this, it will be extremely foolhardy to pin all hopes on only one person, for that tantamount to only idol worship. Instead, emphasis ought to be laid on the team that constitutes the Union Cabinet. It is this that will decided whether or not the deliverables can be delivered or not.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) The MRTA deal was done long before the IAF had zeroed in on the C-130J. 2) The definitive Agni-5 will be a road-mobile ICBM armed with MARVs.

To Mr.RA 13: Duno what’s going on inside NaMo’s mind, but if I were in his place, I would certainly declassify all such documentation.

To Ni8DWELLER: It will be geo-economics that will dictate India’s national security & foreign policy options after the NDA returns back to power. That is a given. While this will elicit respect from the likes of China, it will elicit only envy from the likes of Pakistan.

To DEFENSE & AEROSPACE: Nope. It never happened.

To GESSLER: Japan has both the financial & human resources reqd for achieving such a feat. It’s that simple.

Pintu said...

Thanks Prasun Da, however, there are instances of showing on-board views and also during stage separation, which are the practice of other space agencies for a long time

Why can not ISRO show on-board view, no need to stream Stage Seperation ?

So, is not that necessary to confirm stage separation without the help on-board cameras by the Scientists of Byalalu ISTRAC ?

BTW, wish you a very happy and prosperous Bengali new year.

Kaustav Bhattacharya said...

Are we Indians net losers on the Indo-US nuclear deal or is it a case of win some lose some.

The only beneficiary seems to be the US Arms Industry who have notched up a lots of orders from India for Aircraft and Radars besides other collaborative deals.

On the other hand can India's Indigenous programme for generation of Nuclear power from Fast Breeder and Thorium reactors does not seem to be headed anywhere. Of course the Russuan reactors in Tamil Nadu is the only positive thing which would have happened anyway Nuclear Deal or no Nuclear deal. Your valuable comments and analysis please?

SS said...


Some time back ISRO had displayed a live footage of Stage separation of PSLV during its flight. The footage was telecast live in Doordarshan. It showed the successful separation of First stage and Ignition of second stage. VMT

sbm said...

Prasun, I will add this:

To develop an R&D culture a change is not only required in DRDO but in the whole attitude of Indians to the process.

R&D is as much about failure as success.

If there is a setback, and something either fails or isn't perfect - keep trying.

Also, the idea of starting modestly and making incremental improvements to build both confidence and ability has not been followed in India (one hopes that changes as the Dhruv and Tejas and Arjun evolve).

This would require the armed forces to accept "improvable" products rather than perfect products.


Prasun Da ,

The IAF plans to set up it's own R & D practice .

(1) Have they identified any city where this R & D practice will be set up ?

(2) Will the Indian Navy & Indian Army also set up their own R & D practice?

Thank You


Reddy said...

IAF setting up R&D and govt accepting it?

something must be wrong with these guys...

a donkey should do donkeys work and dog should do dog's work.

why they lack such a minimal common sense? or wrong reporting?

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,

(1) So , is there still a need for the MTA ? Shouldn't this project be scrapped in favor of more C 130 J ?

(2) Dassault is already flying the nEURON UCAV in concert with the Rafale . This is what India should have done as well . Develop the AURA UCAV ASAP or purchase the nEUROn or similar UCAVs from abroad .

Thanks ,



Reddy Garu ,

Not sure whether Govt. is accepting it or not because short sighted Govt like ours’ generally do not react positively to dramatic changes . I read about it on Saurav Jha’s blog so thought about getting some details from Prasun Da

That being said , the US , China , Israel , Germany among others all have dedicated R &D practices that are run by their armed forces .


Anonymous said...

There is nothing wrong in this.
In US, US Army, Navy and Airforce have their own research centers. They even fund projects to academic institutions, and even hire foreign postdocs for carrying out these experiments. One of my friends was working on one such project funded by US Army/Navy/AF.‎

Why Army/Navy and AF should have separate research programs separated from other academic institutions? The military can work on certain area/topic that is relevant to the needs of military. In India, I guess DRDO is not doing enough to what the military wants to do. DRDO carries out its own research and forces military to acquire such tech, sometime even outdated.
I heard, some of the common things that we use today were initially developed by US military some 2 decades back.
So I do not think IAF is not doing anything wrong to set up R&D. In fact I feel that DRDO should be broken into 3-5 divisions and each armed forces should be in charge of these individual divisions.


kumar said...

Sir ,
1)It is hard to contemplate that the CM of a state could not do anything against the rioters , at a time when his party was in govt. at the centre..
it is hard to believe modi was nowhere involved at least morally..JUST HOW ON EARTH ?he could have instantly requested central forces.
2)how can u conclusively say that haren pandya fell to VHP's infighting...didn't it have anything realted to the SIT which he desposed or was about to. ?
3) what about so many IPS officers in jail in gujarat..what could be sanjiv bhatt's motive to fight against modi ?? don't u see any validity in his arguments ?

4) In the end , who do you think will be india's Defence minister in the new govt ??
any chance of VK Singh to be atleast made Mos DEFENCE ?

Pintu said...

SS, can you recall which flight was it, or which year it was ? Then I can google, Thanks for sharing.

Reddy said...

Thanks for the replies. It might work for US and West where the management and policy decisions are intelligent and based on well defined data, executions are nearly flawless and corruption is minimal and resources are abundant and guaranteed, and on the top of that, everyone works towards a shared and defined goal.

In our case all those factors are in the opposite direction and I feel it further deteriorates the operational efficiency of the IAF. This is well evident in the case of IN fulfilling the duties of Coast Guard.

What it needs now is the better co ordination between public and private R n D institutes and our forces. Working on these lines may bring the desired results. I want to hear from Prasun on this topic.
Thanks to All.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PINTU: Yes, there are indeed, but too few & that too when the rocket manufacturer’s OEM has suffered a few consecutive catastrophic losses in mid-flight & therefore wants to obtain flight diagnostic data from all possible sources. Installation of on-board cameras is therefore not a regular occurrence since it is a cost-prohibitive exercise in a highly competitive business environment.

To KAUSTAV BHATTACHARYA: The biggest gain from the India-US nuclear deal has been the easy accessibility of natural uranium fuel supplies at commercial rates for India’s home-grown CANDU-type PHWRs. In addition, several types of safety monitoring devices & diagnostic systems can now be freely imported ONLY for those PHWRs that are under full-scope IAEA Safeguards. FBRs are still quite a distance away from being commercialised. Priority is therefore being given to the construction of 700mW PHWRs & the new-design AHWRs, plus the imported PWRs from Russia & France.

To SBM: It has nothing to do with DRDO’s R & D culture, but with the overall way the R & D projects ought to be guided & mentored by the country’s decision-makers within the MoD. Which in turn means that the four key elements making up the product development matrix—apex-level decision-making process, R & D institutions, the end-user & the military-industrial complex—all have to ensure functional synchronicity & harmonisation. This has not happened so far because the decision-making process at the apex-level itself is flawed. Consequently, the articulated directives are channelled towards compartmentalised silos & the end-product is therefore always found wanting in terms of specified performance parameters, no matter how hard one keeps trying. A simple techno-industrial audit of projects involving the Arjun MBT & Tejas Mk1 MRCA easily bears this out. Consequently, incremental improvements cannot even be contemplated unless the GSQR/NSQR/ASQR-specified modest gains are first achieved in full. That has been the crux of the problem since the mid-1970s. Only by ensuring functional synchronicity & harmonisation within the product development matrix will all the deficiencies be overcome, as it has been the case with the industrialised world. There’s simply no other alternative.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA, REDDY & RAVI N: This should have been done a long time ago, in the 1970s itself & that too by all three armed services. Today, almost all military-related R & D is being done by the DRDO’s technocrats & is being monitored by the MoD’s bureaucrats. The armed services have very little say simply because they lack the intellectual depth. The only exceptions to this have been the various components of the ATV project & that too because the IN at the very outset decided to occupy the driver’s seat. But the IA & IAF till this day do not possess institutions like rocket design/development institutes or even institutes devoted to rocket launch & maintenance training. The IN too requires its own R & D institutions devoted to nuclear reactor engineering, if not reactor physics, plus rocket propulsion & electro-gravitics. Such end-user-owned R & D institutions have to be set up close to existing centres of R & D excellence, such as Bengaluru or in the IN’s case, Vizag. As for the AMCA, it will not materialise for as long as the GTRE is unable to come up with a corresponding turbofan, rest assured. And if the likes of Japan & China themselves cannot develop their own 5th generation turbofans, I do not see India being able to become the exception.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) The MRTA is definitely required since it will one day replace the An-32Res, while the C-130Js are meant for supporting the internal re-deployments of CAPFs. 2) A twin-turbofan UCAV is already on HAL’s drawing boards & it will externally resemble the EADS/Cassidian-developed Talarion.

To KUMAR: 1) When a first-time CM has only 6 months of working experience as a CM, he cannot be expected to react with alacrity to any rapidly unfolding crisis situation. Everytime takes time to understand the art of governance. That’s why Rajiv Gandhi too could not contain the anti-Sikh riots in October 1984. Deployment of additional CAPF battalions is not an easy task & requires a lot of practice & also the availability of emergency airlift capacity. That’s why historically, communal riots in India have almost always never been nipped in the bud. Only exceptions were those when the IA’s formations were available in the immediate vicinity for staging flag-marches. 2) Haren Pandya’s death had everything to do with suppression of facts related to the SIT probe, but such facts would never have indicted NaMo, but the VHP & Bajrang Dal. And that’s why NaMo has learnt his lessons well & therefore in Gujarat today the VHP & BJ have no locus standi, & have been totally marginalised. And that’s why one does not get to see Togadia’s face anywhere anymore.

To REDDY: You may find these interesting:

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Prasun Da,

How do we connect Self Realization and the extra terstrial Life and visits.

Sorry Prasun Da a typical question after looking into the links u have provided

Unknown said...

Photography, Technology and Travel

Although you have refered this question to Prasun da, but as the same is related to a topic that interests me, so would like to submit the following:

A) extra terrestrials come from planets at a different frequency level than earth where the being live in harmony with each other..they are not infested with the animilastic tendencies which we humans have..therefore they are more spirtually evolved than the level most of us humans. there technology therefore is more advanced than ours by leaps and bounds and is at a very high level which we can also acheive provided we on earth spirtually rise..becuase by rising spirtually we inherently start knowing such secrets of working of nature which at present level we cannot

b) further, i believe visits of estra terrestrials will mever result in self realisation in us because self realisation requires two things i. SELF effort, ii. guidance from proper guru. look at any example of realised soul on earth, they all had made tremendous effort and had highly evolved gurus (exception to this rule are AVATARAS)eg. st kabir, swami vivekananda etc. Alos not that all these gurus we human beings in only human being can make another human being spiritually rise..thats the norm which i personally observe although i am personally not aware of any deviations..therefore coming and going of ETs does not make any difference as far as Self Realisation goes..


kunal, bhubaneswar, odisha

rad said...

HI prasun
Looking at seekers of cruise missiles they all seem to have imaging seekers either IIR or DSMAC this includes missiles like tomahawk and the later ones like storm shadow ,scalp , taurus etc why have we stuck with SAR Radar for the nirbhay or brahmos, arent we capable of making a seker like the above

Jaidev said...



Finally, we have a naval chief now.You once mentioned that he is a nice guy, quite soft-spoken but particular with details.

What do we expect from him? Will he bring some transformation in the Naval fleet functioning?


F said...


Was the CRV-7 ever certified for use on the PC- or PC-9?

If a country decided to use unguided rounds fired from an MLRS on a target at sea with target queing provided by a passive sensor [e.g. VERA and Kolchuga] picking up the target's ESM signals; would this possible?

F said...

P.S. PC-7 or PC-9

Gessler said...

Sir, you had told me previously that the smaller & lighter BrahMos-M variant will have the same speed as the larger BrahMos (i.e. Mach 2.8), but look at this article from ITAR-TASS :-

"The missile will be 6 metres long and have a diameter of 0.5 metres. It will be able to travel at a speed 3.5 times the sound velocity and carry a charge of 200 to 300 kg over a maximum distance of up to 290 km. The BrahMos missiles that have been tested up to date are two-stage cruise missiles 10 meters long and 0.7 metres in diameter."

They are also saying at the end of the article that "India intents to use BrahMos (they're probably suggesting a SLCM version of BrahMos-M) onboard the Scorpion-class (Scorpene) submarines"

I am confused, please throw some light. And please don't mind the horrific English wordings of the article writer. But he has mentioned some points which are confusing.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

very humble thanks for crisp explanation ... kunal, bhubaneswar ...

Just wanted to if any one else has to say more on this ... leaving the tech, and other things aside ... the idea of living in harmony across universe seems to be a great bliss

sntata said...

Dear Prasun & dear followers of our dear Trshul Blog,

Have you seen the thorough and in-depth interview with Modi on CNBC Awaz? It is being shown again and again. God, I was thinking that this guy Modi is another run-of-the-mill politician with a single agenda of development and corruption. I am astounded to find that he has a breadth of knowledge, clarity on what should be true governance and issues facing the troubled country and how they should be addressed, that at the end of interview there were tears in my eyes.
Dear Prasun and dear fellow followers of our beloved Trishul, I will be delighted to hear your views on the interview.

Anonymous said...

Dear sntata,
Kindly do a check on TV18, which owns 50% stake in CNBC. you will see the company behind the Idea.
Working in PR org outside India, gives you a view of whole money in marketing business. Back from 2004 the money spend here is beyond any logical explanation.
Not sure how many of you will agree with me but, questions, replies and core of the speech are provided by firm with very high level of expertise.It generates a lot of fear, when this kind of money is being pumped into a campaign for a person good or bad.

Below link covers just tip of the iceberg.

Prasun, Guys Pls excuse me for using Anonymous Handle.

sntata said...

Dear Anonymous @10-21AM,
Thank you very much for your link. It explains many things. What about today's Aap Ki Adalat show? Here again Modi gave a scintillating performance. Is it also doctored? I cant believe Rajat Sharma doing such underhand things!

Anonymous said...

Prasun Da ,

If an Indian citizen intends to start a Defense Business in India & manufacture weapons like Kalyani Group's 155mm/52 calibre towed howitzer what are the permissions/licences that he will have to obtain ?

Thank You


Anonymous said...

Dear sntata,
As we know, Rajat Shrama is a ex-ABVP. Worrying factor: person is having a clean wiki profile. Marketing wise Wiki is enough to handle common and naive searchers.But a clean Wiki should worry more informed Users.
As an experiment try, editing his wiki with fixed interview controversy :). Also Suggesting a comparison with his AK interview.
As i see, there are lot clean image guys created in last 10 years, who is now serving the purpose of in-term certifying NaMo.At this point we don't know who is who.
The Perception that NaMo was able to shield BJP from RSS/VHP othr right wingers is a parallel image on work. Middle level org + Enforcers, not mentioning intellectuals are still from right bastion.
what we can also see is that quasi govt fund been channelized. Read this together with recent publication of confidential reports from overseas.Provocation: Might be UPA2 socialistic/Welfare policy.(Context capitalist v/s left leaned policy)

what we do, go to liberal/apolitical forum and a sow seeds of doubt.we Indians needs to stand up and question our on heroes.
Still none of us can give a motive behind resource, money and interest being put behind this man.
So we are trying in our on small ways to get some disruption with AAP, at-least a few of them in parliament can damage the grand scheme. If at all Any.

Thanks, Signing Off, lots of ground to be covered. Sorry for disrupting otherwise calm blog.
Prasun, thanks for dais and being liberal admin.We hope influential people would join political stream in their own areas of expertise. ;)

Pintu said...

Anonymous, first question why are you trying to be hidden under Anonymous handle, while placing facts, anyways that's your choice, however, in my humble opinion, its nothing unusual or new for political parties to motivate voters for their favour, its up to sensible and adult voters whom to vote.

Anonymous said...

prasun what are your comments on te revelation that ajai shukla was part of the siachen give away conspiracy

Anonymous said...

sntata see this. hardly scripted or conspiracyyyyy

u can see different parts of interview clicking on `1,2, 3,4 and more on left side below

raw13 said...

@Prasun, Is the IA really going to the dogs? First you have regular fights between officers and soldiers and now another senior officer trying to become the chief through the courts. The morale seems to be constantly heading downwards. This will get worse if the IA ever manages to fill its full quota of officers.

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous
April 19, 2014 at 10:21 AM

first of all you are submitting you views using the anonymous can always mention ur name at the bottom of ur message to make it sound more authentic..why i am saying so is because by not doing so it appears for sure that you are propogating a hidden agenda..based on ur subsequent message of 05:02 am it is now quite clear that you are from the AAPs IT team based out of delhi (most likely)or may be its problem at all there is nothing wrong in it..well there are certain facts which will help an informed debate:

1. As i had explained earlier to Pierre Zorin..u have to select the best out of all the available candidates..for this u look at a persons track is a simple fundamental very basic way of evaluating anybody whether it be for job, education, admissions other words u measure a person on his merits..never forget this basic fundamental in life..period

2. corruption is a very important issue amongst many other issues like poverty, hunger, jobs etc..proper governance helps reduce corruption..lok pal bill shall also curb it but is not the only way..till the time the consiciusness of the masses rises corruption free india will be very difficutl to achieve

3. as a poltical party surivial of AAP is very important ..but if Arvind Kejriwal continues, he shall destry the party..a person who does not know how to build a coherent strong party, will 200% fail in governance..the fundamental truth here is that charity begins first at home..

4. the IAC movement was a very powerfoul apoltical movement in the country..splinter groups with personal ambitions have deeply damaged it..MArtin Luther Kind Jr never fought any election, yet his civil rights movement succeeded in America, which once upon a time looked impossible..fundamental truth behind this is one needs to be focussed and patient..never forget this..

5. third indians are emotional people and poiticains manipulate kejriwal is exactly doing this using corruption..else what explains his taking support of congress plus many more your mind friend and dont get carried away by your the best amongst all the candidates and help the country not a politial party..note one thing is AAP is a party of the common man, why does kejriwals picture appear in all of its posters..the posters of AAP should only have its symbol kejriwal is propogating his own interests though this poltical party..the british called these kind of people "thugs"

6. u are right election funding thorugh black money has to be curbed..but that takes time and shall happen once an environemnt towards it is created..this is what IAC did.but has been jeopardised..gradully things change

wish you all the very best

kunal, bhubaneswar

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Interesting documentaries: The Disappearance Of Flight MH-370: 14 Days That Gripped The World:

Flight 370 The Missing Links:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Interesting tenders/RFIs:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: In short, self-realisation only comes after attaining full-spectrum WISDOM, inclusive of spirituality. That’s what the Vedas & the Sangam Literature are there for.

To UNKNOWN: Do watch this:

Alien Technology

To RAD: Only those LR-cruise missiles that have the benefit of optical imagery obtained from stealthy long-range UAVs can make use of DSMAC or IIR sensors for terrain navigation & terminal targetting. But outside NATO, such stealthy UAVs are not available & therefore there are only two available options for obtaining long-range navigation data-points: GPS or SAR seeker. That’s why India has opted for the SAR seeker route, coupled with GPS navigation wherever the situation permits itself. For tactical cruise missiles, however, optical seekers or DSMAC is now possible due to the availability of ground-mapping systems like SAR pods & LOROP pods in case of optical imagery.

To JAIDEV: The appointments process was always expected to stir up a hornet’s nest since the policy of appointing the senior-most officer to the top job has been violated & this in turn will lead to several ligitations launched by senior officers from the IA & IAF. Transformation in naval fleet functioning cannot be attempted solely by the CNS of the IN. It’s all about the availability of financial resources & that’s the bottomline. And this is never under the control of either the RM or the CNS, but is controlled by the PM & his/her Union MoF.

To FARIS: Unguided rocket-pods have been certified on the PC-7 since the mid-1980s & Myanmar was the first one to do it for both the PC-7 & later PC-9. Firing MLRS rounds on inbound amphibious assault forces is possible & this was tried out even at Normandy during WW-2.

To GESSLER: Always refer to the data from the OEM & in this case, the data on air-launched BrahMos-1 was clearly shown at DEFEXPO 2014 in a poster. To date, no one has proven the usage of VL BrahMos-1 from SSKs. Therefore, to make promises for marketing is one thing, & to demonstrate it practically is another matter altogether. Presently, the IN is of the view that while VL BrahMos-1 is a practical option for SSGNs, it isn’t for SSKs.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PANKAJ: 1) It didn’t trigger any alarm at R & AW, but at DGMI, since the IA too was shopping for identical gear from the same shop. 2) There was no need to, since both the IA & PA shopping delegations meet each other face-to-face in the same shop.

To SNTATA: When you compare the contents of this interview with the revelations of Sanjaya Baru, K M Parakh etc, you will realise how the UPA-1/2 wasted 10 years of time in terms of squandering economic development opportunities. The revelations of Sanjaya Baru are far more factually devastating & damning, rest assured.

To ANUP: Nope.

To Anon@12.34AM: Why & how would someone who is not even remotely linked to the decision-making machinery of the GoI be possibly linked to such an issue?

To RAW13: You make it sound as if the IA is the only institution in the world that’s afflicted with such issues. Every such institution in the world is afflicted with such issues. Only difference is that in some countries such matters stay hidden while in others there are reported & written about.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: All those details are present in the various DPPs that have been brought out by the MoD since 2005. But going about it is a minefield. Why? Because, for starters, India officially does not maintain either a Positives List or Negatives List, meaning no one knows what India will permit to be exported & to whom. Only the Ministry of External Affairs has this list & it does not share it with the MoD or anyone else. When asked during DEFEXPO 2014 as to why such a list should not be available on-line, an Additional Secretary of the MoD stated that the MEA’s response was that on-availability of such lists will only cause damage to India’s bilateral relations with friendly countries!!!

Then there was another case of MKU Ltd being ordered to supply composites-built ballistic armour panels for the ICGS’s Griffon 8000TD hovercraft that were meant to be licence-assembled by GRSE. When MKU sought an export permit for its armour panels from the MoD, some joker at the MoD wanted MKU to first obtain an end-user certificate from the UK’s Griffon Hoverwork!!! Just imagine an Indian MoD asking an Indian OEM to seek an end-user certificate for supplying products that will ultimately end up being installed on board a platform destined for India!!!

Can anyone else please give me a more spectacularly outrageous example of the way the MoD likes to do business both within India & abroad??? If this is the mindset that prevails, then no one, not even God, can salvage matters.

SUVO said...

Prasun Da,
There was a news in 2013,May,in Jane's Defence Weekly,that-"The Indian Army began field trials in mid-May of two rival Towed howitzers,Nexter Systems' Trajan 155mm/52 calibre gun & ATHOS 2052 platform.They are undergoing 8-10 weeks of trials this summer in the Rajasthan desert."
What is the result of this trial?
According to you which is the best tracked spgh in between K9 & 2S19M1 MSTA-S?

Anonymous said...

Right now the armed forces are The the 2nd most favoured job among college graduates. It pays the most at the 'fresher' level.It is the same for NDA entries. Only a few very prestigious companies give more . in the near future a much higher calibre of officers will appear. Karn

Defense and Aerospace said...

Hi Prasun ,

Re the links for the tenders that you have posted .

(1) Which companies do you think will respond to the RFI for the Underwater Drones ?

(2) The simulator for the 737 can always be purchased directly from Boeing . Why are they going for an RFI ?


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