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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MAKS 2015 Show Report-1: Russia Is Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Case

Moscow today is trying to deal with several crises at the same time. Firstly, there is the severe economic crisis brought on by the collapse in the price of crude oil and the continuing bite of Western economic sanctions brought on by the Russian annexation of Crimea and Russia’s support of the civil war in eastern Ukraine. With the Iran nuclear deal moving forward, it is highly likely that large amounts of Iranian crude oil will come on the market in the coming years. This in turn has caused futures contracts for crude oil to plunge, damaging Russia's ability to meet spending targets for its ambitious military goals. Moscow’s refusal to diversify its economy in the heady days of US$100 per barrel of crude oil is now coming back to haunt it. The war in eastern Ukraine shows no signs of stabilising anytime soon, either. In fact, the NATO alliance is claiming that upwards of 50,000 Russian troops are mobilised along the border with Ukraine. The Kremlin will face tough decisions in the near-term as social spending has already been cut dramatically and the threat of social unrest due to high military spending ($18 billion in 2015, or 4.2% of Russia’s GDP) in the face of further social security cutbacks is very real.  
Secondly, Russia’s population is declining in quantitative terms, which in turn is posing a severe strain on the availability of skilled human resources. And this is happening at a time when the Kremlin may well be required to launch low-intensity military operations against Estonia and Latvia in order to secure the interests of the Russian-speaking disenfranchised citizens of these two countries. Russia’s previous National Security Doctrine, which was signed into law in 2009 by then-President Dmitry Medvedev, has been superceded by the current military doctrine that President Vladimir Putin signed into law in December 26, 2014, which cited “NATO’s military buildup” as a key driver for the changes.
The new doctrine, beyond explicitly stating that NATO’s expansion is the main external threat facing Moscow, calls for reinforcing three geopolitical fronts that Russia sees as part of its existential security. In the coming years Russia will focus considerable resources in developing and maintaining a strong military presence in the Arctic, the recently annexed Crimean peninsula, and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. Each of these three regions is vital for Russia’s goal of checking NATO expansion, while simultaneously maintaining access to potential natural resources, as in the case of the Arctic, and warm water shipping routes. Russia’s military expansion in the Arctic has been a major goal for Putin for much of the past decade. The new military doctrine officially puts special focus on the region and advocates a greater Russian role in the region to help ensure access to potential energy resources on the Arctic seabed against possible Danish, Norwegian, Canadian, and US claims. The US estimates that upwards of 15% of the world’s remaining oil, 30% of its natural gas, and 20% of its liquefied natural gas are stored in the Arctic sea bed. Moscow has undertaken a construction blitz across the Arctic in a bid to ensure that it remains the unchallenged military power in the region. It is presently building 10 Arctic search-and-rescue stations, 16 deepwater ports, 13 airfields, and ten airspace surveillance radar stations across its Arctic coast. Simultaneously, Moscow has created a Joint Strategic Command North (JSCN) from components of the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet in order to maintain a permanent military presence in the region. It is likely that this command will ultimately become a fifth military district. Bottomline: Russia’s strategic focus in the years ahead will continue to be Euro-centric, and not not Eurasia-centric.
Thirdly, even though Russia is already the world’s second-biggest arms exporter (accounting for 27% of the global export market, with the US staying ahead with 31% market-share, and being followed by China with 5%, Germany with 5%, France with 5% and the UK with 4%), it is facing increasingly tough competition from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with each passing day—especially in South Asia, the Middle East and Central America.
Fourthly, the PRC’s weapons manufacturers have succeeded to a large extent in back-engineering several weapons, sensors and fire-control systems that were on the drawing boards during the last years of the Soviet era, and whose production-engineering data were easily available from various countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Since 1991, the PRC had struck several military-industrial partnerships with several CIS-based original equipment manufacturers (OEM), especially in Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, for the purpose of obtaining critical research and development (R & D) inputs that are required for developing and producing new-generation weapon systems for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Consequently, Ukraine’s total arms exports grew steadily, from $20 million in 1994 to $600 million in 1997 and $1.5 billion in 2001. In 2002 the Industrial Policy Ministry of Ukraine and the PRC’s Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND) signed a protocol on cooperation in the military-industrial arena.  In that same year, Ukraine became the world’s fourth-largest weapons exporter and sold weapons and military technologies to Beijing worth $700 million, which accounted for 31% of Ukrainian exports that year. In 2011, 43% of Ukraine-built weapons were sold to the PRC, while in 2013 Ukraine became the PRC’s second-largest trade partner in the CIS, while the PLA became Ukraine’s biggest military customer in Asia.
Since 2002, the following Ukraine-based firms/enterprises/R & D institutes have had military-industrial partnerships with the PRC: Aerotechnica-MLT Ltd, ARSENAL Central Design Bureau State Enterprise, ARSENAL State Enterprise Plant, AVIAKONTROL Joint Stock Company (JSC), AVIONIKA  Ltd, BURAN State Enterprise Research Institute, CHERNOMOSUDOPROEKT, Chernomorsky Shipbuilding (formerly the   Nikolayev South Shipyard Soviet Shipyard No. 444), Engine Design Bureau of Kharkiv (EDBK), FEODOSYA State-Owned Optic Plant, ISKRA Ltd, Ivchenko-Progress OKB, Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau, KVANT Research Institute, Kyiv Plant Radar JSC, LUCH KYIV State Design Bureau, LVIV State Plant, Motor Sich JSC, MORYE Feodosya Shipbuilding Company, ORDZHONIKIDZE Sevastopol Marine Plant, PROGRESS Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau, RADIONIX Ltd, Radioizmeritel Plant, Scientific Research Institute for Aeroelastic Systems, Scientific and Technical Enterprise Electronprylad JSC, State Enterprise Malyshev Plant, Ukroboronprom JSC, Ukrspetsexport JSC, Ukrspetstechnika JSC, YUZHMASH Southern Machine Building Plant Association, VIZAR ZHULIANY Machine-Building Plant, and Zorya–Mashproekt  State Enterprise.
Ukrainian officials in August 2001 had conspired in the illegal sale of 12 Ukraine-owned Kh-55 strategic cruise missiles—six each to China and Iran (known locally as the Soumar GLCM), plus four Kolchuga passive surveillance systems to the PRC. Also smuggled out of Kiev by August 2001 were detailed production engineering data packages of a long-range land-attack cruise missile (LACM) called Korshun, which had by then been developed by Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk-based Yuzhnoye State Design Bureau, with production tooling being built by the Yuzhnoye Machine-Building Production Association, or Yuzhmash. The Korshun’s powerplant was a redesigned RD95-300 turbofan that bore a strong resemblance to the 36MT engine developed by Russia’s NPO Saturn. This turbofan was subsequently re-engineered in the PRC by its 624 Engine Design Institute, or the China Gas Turbine Establishment (GTE), and its related Chengdu Engine Group. Dimensions of the Korshun, which was identical to the Raduga-developed Kh-65SE LACM (first displayed in August 1992), included a wingspan of 3.1 metres, length of 6.3 metres, diameter of 0.514 metres, and a mass of 1,090kg. 
Range of the LACM was then claimed to be 600km when carrying a 500kg warhead. By late 2003, the General Armaments Dept of COSTIND, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp’s (CASC) 3rd Aerospace Academy (also known as China Haiying Electro-Mechanical Technology Academy or CHETA, or the 066 Base in Hubei) and 8359 Research Institute had, along with the Beijing University for Aeronautics & Astronautics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China State Electronics Systems Engineering Corp, Sichuan Aerospace Industry Corp and the Tianjin Institute for Power Sources had completed fabrication of the first six prototypes of the 800km-range Chang Jian CJ-10 LACM (a direct copy of the Korshun), and on August 10, 2004 the first test-firings were conducted at an instrumented offshore range in the Bohai Sea. Its configuration features a cylindrical body with two retractable wings, four non-retractable tailfins as well as a retractable engine inlet. The CJ-10 made its first public appearance during the October 1 military parade in 2009. In early 2005, flight-tests of another variant of the CJ-10, having a range of 1,200km, were carried out. The CJ-10 has since been deployed by China with both conventional HE/FAE and tactical low-yield nuclear warheads, with the latter developed by a consortium of China’s 7th Research and Design Institute, owned by the China National Nuclear Corp, China Metallurgical Equipment Corp (CMEC) and China Southwest Institute for Nuclear & Fluid Physics.
CASC’s 3rd Academy’s Beijing Xinghang Electromechanical Equipment Factory (159 Factory) is the final assembly facility for the CJ-10, while Beijing Hangxing Machine Building Factory (239 Factory) and the Xinxin Factory in Shanghai produce the various on-board components of the CJ-10. The LACM and its ALCM variant carries a range of different 770lb or 1,100lb warheads. The GLCM variant of the CJ-10 has a length of 7.0 metres, launch mass of 1,350kg,  warhead mass of 300kg,  cruise speed of 0.9 Mach. Thus far, the PLAAF has operationalised 20 H-6K bombers capable of launching the CJ-10’s ALCM variant. There are presently three operational, road-mobile, CJ-10 Brigades: the 821 Brigade, 96215 Unit in Liuzhou, Guangxi Province; the 824 Brigade, 96317 Unit in Dongkou, Hunan Province; and a third Brigade in Jianshui, Yunnan Province
Another highly successful military-industrial partnership between the PRC and Ukraine concerns the PLA Navy’s Type 052C Luyang-class guided-missile destroyers (DDG). Each of these DDGs come equipped with six forward vertical launch stations (VLS) each containing six revolving long-range surface-to-air missile (LR-SAM) launchers (for 36 Hong Qi-16 LR-SAMs) located below the bridge and behind the main gun; and a rear VLS station equipped with 12 Hong Qi-16 LR-SAMs forward of the helicopter hangar. Thus, a total of 48 Hong Qi-16 LR-SAMs are carried on board. The two-stage HQ-16 LR-SAM is ‘cold-launched’ vertically from a tubular launcher. The missile’s first stage has a diameter of 700mm while the second stage has a diameter of 560mm. The total launch mass is 2 tonnes, while the missile’s length is 9 metres. It is armed with a 180kg HE fragmentation warhead and has a maximum speed of Mach 4.2. The HQ-16 has a slant range of 125km and a service ceiling of 30km. The missile’s proximity fuze has an effective range of 35 metres, which goes active when the missile is 35 metres away from its target. The HQ-16’s guidance mechanism comprises initial inertial navigation, radio command mid-course correction, and active terminal guidance. When in range for an effective lock-on with the on-board X-band monopulse radar, the terminal guidance phase, lasting 20km, gets underway. The HQ-16 has been developed to specifically counter incoming intermediate-range/tactical ballistic missiles and supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, and is therefore not cost-effective if deployed to counter only manned combat aircraft. For naval target tracking and engagement, the Jiangsu Province-based Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (NRIET, but also more commonly known as the 14th Institute) has co-developed with Ukraine’s the KVANT Research Institute, the shipborne Type 346 S-band multi-function active phased-array radar with four antenna arrays, each of which has a maximum range of 150km, a maximum resolution of 0.5 metres, and can  scan a 0-120-degree arc in azimuth and 0-90 degrees in elevation, with a peak power output of 1mWe. The HQ-16 LR-SAM itself is a re-engineered version of the Soviet-era 5V55R LR-SAM and Ukrainian companies that were consultants to the PRC for developing the HQ-16 and its land-based HQ-9 LR-SAM variant (the FD-2000 being its export variant and already sold to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) were YUZHMASH and the VIZAR ZHULIANY Machine-Building Plant.
Other naval products that have been co-developed by the PRC with Ukraine’s assistance include the Type 382 radar (originally the Fregat-M2EM), Type 344 radar (originally the Mineral-ME), Type 345 radar (originally MR-90)—all of which were re-engineered by the Nanjing Marine Radar Research Institute/No 724 Institute; the SUR-17/Type 517B air surveillance radar with Yagi antenna that was re-engineered by the Yangzhou Marine Electronic Instruments Research Institute/ No. 723 Institute; and the Type 344 multifunctional fire-control radar that was re-engineered by the Xi’an Research Institute of Navigation Technology (XRINT) No 20 Research Institute. The Type 344 (Mineral-ME) and Type 382 (Fregat-M2EM) radars are installed on board the PLA Navy’s Type 054A Jiankai-class guided-missile frigates, while the Type 346s are on the PLAN's Type 052C/D Luyang-class DDGs and on the aircraft carrier Liao Ning. In addition, a seabed-based SOSUS network, developed jointly by Ukraine and China, has been under installation along China's territorial waters since 2012. 
The PLAN’s sole aircraft carrier Liao Ning too has been refitted and upgraded with Ukraine’s military-industrial help. In another development, the PRC’s Nanchang-based Hongdu Industrial Aviation Group (HAIG) inked a contract in 2009 with Ukrainian engine manufacturer Motor Sich for the supply AI-222-25F turbofans—each valued at $2 million—for its production-standard L-15 ‘Hunting Eagle’ lead-in fighter trainer (LIFT). The first tranche of 12 engines was delivered in 2011. The tandem-seat, twin-engined L-15, co-developed by HAIG and Russia’s Yakovlev OKB, made its maiden flight on March 13, 2006. The first L-15 prototype, powered by twin non-afterburning ZMKB-Progress (Lotarev) DV-2 engines, was rolled out on September 29, 2005. The third prototype, powered by twin DV-2F afterburning turbofans, first flew on May 10, 2008, and was powered by twin non-afterburning AI-222-25 turbofans. The fourth prototype first flew on June 8, 2009, and was powered by two afterburner-equipped AI-222K-25F turbofans. The sixth L-15 prototype, which was rolled out on August 15, 2010,  features a stretched nose that can house a multi-mode fire-control radar, HOTAS controls, and improved glass cockpit avionics with three AMLCD-based multifunction displays. Powered by two AI-222K-25F turbofans delivering enough thrust for sustained supersonic flight, its maiden flight took place on October 26, 2010. It features a three-axis quadruplex fly-by-wire flight control system. The L-15 has a maximum takeoff weight of 9,500kg, maximum speed of Mach 1.4, maximum climb rate of 150 metres/second, load sustenance of +8g/-3g, service ceiling of 16,000 metres, loitering time of two hours, and a structural airframe life of 10,000 flight hours. Unit price quoted for the L-15 is US$16 million. The L-15 is likely to be procured in future by the air forces of China, Myanmar and Pakistan.
Ukraine has also sold the PRC four Project 1232.2 Zubr hovercraft at a cost of US$315 million. While the first two were built (and delivered on April 12, 2013) by the Crimea-based MORYE Feodosya Shipbuilding Company in Feodosiya (now in Russia-annexed Crimea), the latter two are now being licence-assembled at the China State Shipbuilding Corp-owned Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou under the supervision of Ukrainian technicians. Ukraine has also helped the PRC upgrade its fleet of Su-27SK heavy multi-role combat (H-MRCA) aircraft by supplying kits for upgraded N-001 mlti-mode airborne radars (from RADIONIX Ltd), OMUT internalu jammers for Shenyang J-11B H-MRCAs, as well as  upgraded ZSh-7APN Sura-K helmet-mounted display systems (HMDS) and upgrade kits for the OEPS-27 infra-red search-and-track (IRST) sensors. 
In addition, Ukraine has also helped the Sichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Corp and its Luoyang Optical-Electronic Technology Development Centre (LOEC) to develop both an indigenous HMDS as well as the Hongguang-1 IRST sensor for the Shenyang J-11B, Chengdu J-10B and Shenyang J-15 MRCAs.
Lastly, Ukraine in 2001 supplied the PRC’s 601 Research Institute at Shenyang with one Su-33 carrier-based H-MRCA prototype (the T-10K-3) along with related production-engineering data as well as the source-codes (crypto-keys) for the aircraft’s fly-by-wire flight-control systems and its digital databus. The T-10K-3 aircraft had made its maiden flight on February 17, 1990 in the former USSR. Also sold by Ukraine were the production-licences for the LIMAN ground-radio jammers, mobile GPS jamming systems, and road-mobile troposcatter-based communications relay systems like the TS-504 and multi-point TS-510/GS-510 systems, which are re-engineered versions of Ukraine’s R-423-1 Brig-1 troposcatter system.
When it comes to military-industrial cooperation with Belarus, in 1998, in the Chinese city of Hubei in Siogan Province a joint assembly plant called ‘Sanjiang Volat Co Ltd’ for the production of multi-wheeled tractors and chassis for various purposes with capacity from 20 to 75 tonnes was established. The founders of the joint venture with a capital of 52.2 million Yuan were Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (MWTP), with an authorised capital share of 30% and Sanjiang Aerospace Corp with the 70 % share. MWTP contributed technologies and accessories for building multi-wheeled heavy-duty vehicles. In accordance with the agreed-upon business statutes, in the first five years of operation 70 % of all components for the plant should have been delivered by MWTP. Subsequently, the share of Belarusian components was intended to be reduced to 30%. But the PRC, known for its outstanding talent for re-engineering, exceeded the plan, and now MWTP provides only the wheel-hubs. The production facilities of Sanjiang Volat Co Ltd are designed to produce 300 multi-axle vehicles per year to meet the needs of the defence, oil, construction, mining and forestry industries. The industrial partners have since September 2009 also created a joint production facility for hydro-mechanical transmission (HMT) of heavy-duty vehicles and wheeled tractors. This facility is known as the Wuhan Sanjiang Import & Export Company Ltd (WSIEC), a subsidiary of China Sanjiang Space Group (CSSG).
With Kyrgyzstan, the PRC has joined forces to develop an indigenous version of the VA-111 Shkval supercavitating rocket-propelled torpedo, which achieves a high velocity of 230mph (386kph). The Shkval is fired from the standard 533mm torpedo tube at a depth of up to 328 feet (100 metres). The torpedo exits the tube at 50 Knots (93kph) and then ignites the rocket motor, propelling the weapon to speeds four to five times faster than other conventional torpedoes. The weapon has an 80% kill probability at a range of 7,655 yards (7,000 metres). The torpedo is guided by an autopilot rather than by a homing head as on most torpedoes. Manufacturing know-how for the torpedo’s cruise-control sub-systems has been procured from Ukraine, while Kyrgyzstan’s Dastan Engineering JSC has supplied the autopilot’s manufacturing know-how to the PRC. 
To Be Concluded


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Unknown said...

good morning sir !

it is an open secret that china is going to reverse engineer su 35 also.
otherwise what is the point of buying only 24 fighters ?

sir, you've said that russia is forcing china to pay for illegaly copying su27 fighters.
any news on that ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The Ruskies aren't stupid by any chance. Wait for the consecutive portions of the show report to read about China's dilemma & how the Su-35 is still a long way away into the distant future. It will be in 4 parts & I've uploaded only the 1st part. The 2nd part will be uploaded later today.

Pawan said...

Dear Prasunji,

Welcome back to India. I can see from the blog that your tour has been quite fruitful :)


DAshu said...

this is what called meticulous planning to achieve national goal. Wish India had done the same ; alas !!!

Siddharth said...

Prasun da,

Was India sleeping when China is procuring or stealing the Soviet technologies from former CIS states.

Arup said...

Sir, Welcome back.

1. What news do you bring from Zhukovsky regarding our Pak-Fa? According to broadsword, IAF vice chief had effectively vetoed the Fgfa and the entire project seems to be on the backburner. Are things really as bad as that?

2. Has the IAF reduced Fgfa orders from 214 to 144? Have you heard anything abt this from the Knaaz or UAC officials.Or initial nos will be 144 and more will be procured in later tranches.

3.Are there any plans to acquire some Pakfa with the Izdeliye 117 engines off the shelf to stabilise & check the depleting squadron strength.

4. Any new developements regarding our Mki fleet. Will IAF order another batch taking nos to 350 as you had long ago predicted.

5. Has UEC agreed to export AL-31F and its variants to China for powering the J-11,15 and J-10 family? How well are things in that front.

6. Is Iaf interested in the Thunder E1 E2
Kh-59mk2 standoff missiles which were shown for the first time at this Maks. Ita high time we buy something akin to the low Rcs kh59 for our su and MiG-29 fleets.very smallRcs,a 300 kgpayload,long range,the new kh sure is a beauty.

Arup said...

And sir is it true that IAF have rejected a proposal to jointly develope a 5th gen powerplant for T-50?


Dear Prasun,

If Chinese have gone wrong somewhere by building the Tibetan railway, Pakistan is day dreaming about the near impossible CPEC, then where India stands??? The plain under the Himalaya is prone to destruction because of earthquakes and tremors. Then how far it is feasible for Indian railway to build the the world's tallest bridge over Chenab river??? Even the legend like E. Sridharan has questioned the stability of the bridge. I want your view.

Unknown said...

This shows how past mistakes come to haunt you. The Chinese had no other choice but to beg borrow and steal Soviet era vintage technology. When you use tank regiments and army battalions to suppress a hunger strikes and a peaceful student protest movement against high level corruption,inflation, political nepotism etc , there are bound to be consequences.
Can you even imagine UPA government sending an army with mbt and apcs to kill people of Anna Hazare movement in Delhi?
Before 1989 the chinese were buying hi tec stuff from europe and Israel but this came to a halt after the massacre.
So china import of technology from Ukraine was more out of desperation rather than some long term planning.
Also the problem with steeling is that you are always a decade or two behind the guy you copy from and if that guy himself has outdated stuff then you are in a lot of trouble.
Also your engineers and scientists find it more difficult to do real R&D once they become used to spoonfeeding.
India has been the best example of how good domestic policies and smart diplomacy can help further national goals and Even mask to an extent,many of your domestic handicaps.
Which other country has the luxury of buying cutting edge millitary equipment from both USA and Russia.
We are probably the only nation which has managed a strategic partnerships with Israel, Iran and 4 of the 6 GCC countries including Saudi Arabia and UAE.
Indian R&D has lagged behind because there was simply no money to invest.
In R&D there are no guarantees. The high risk was not worth it coz we could stay ahead of the enemy just by buying something that the enemy could not because of his own terminal stupidity.
If india grows fast enough for long enough then all else will fall into place without too much effort.
Respect for a nation comes from how she treats her citizens and not from her military might or wealth.
This is precisely why most indians in the 60's,70's and 80's preferred USA instead
of USSR ,And today we prefer UAE more than Saudi Arabia.
I do recognise that the Chinese have achieved a lot in the past 2 to 3 decades but i don't think we should try to use their approach coz it migh have been their best option but its not necessarily the best approach out there.

Murli said...

India growth shooting up:

sakshi said...

1. BBC on Indian Railways, this time with out the crap of poverty and aid but some sort of British contribution rhetoric, but as a whole, way better than any Indian channel can present.

2. Maitri Express

3. The last train in Nepal and India'e help to nepal

Nepal is a perfect example of how small countries turn to garbage when run by few individuals with dogmatic views. Nepalis are least faithful to India.

4. How did US and UK turned blind eye to china's covert invasion of CIS countries with these partnerships?

Murli said...

Good Progress by India

Murli said...

I read somewhere that even the Pakistani cruise missiles are versions of Ukrainian systems. How true is this?

SK said...


Last year, I had written to PM abut using this opportunity of Ukraine in getting at least the Engine Technology and Aviation designs for indigenous construction. If India could use some smart diplomacy and money, it could easily get engine technologies of VK2500 turboshaft Engine, a small turbofan for trainers, a large turbofan for transport aircraft and Zorya turbine technologies for warships. The design of Y-20 is the lengthened version of AN-70 aircraft with turbofan. It won't hurt to copy/reverse engineer and establish a large aircraft manufacturing industry at present, when we are buying billions worth of support aircraft.

Ukrainians have already made money on these technologies by selling them to China. Additional money by selling the same designs to India will not be ignored or rejected, especially when they are in such sort of internal trouble and desperately want CASH.

I wrote a detailed email to PM LAST YEAR. After two months, I got reply from a lady in scientific bureaucracy of DRDO/MoD saying that these ideas were not feasible and some additional bureaucratic nonsense.

I guess more things change, more they stay the same.

Unknown said...
American economic power play.
Obama showing Xi who's the BOSS.
He has chosen his time well too,just when the enemy is vulnerable and hurting on the inside.
This threat in itself is a major humiliation for the Communist party . I am sure this article will get blocked in PCR.

Prav said...

@SK ISRO is already building a large semi cryogenic engine which has its origin from blueprints provided by Ukraine ..

indian said...

Have got some resource to depend upon? Thanks.



Welcome Back home.

Just had 2 questions.

(1) Based on feedback provided by the US State Dept. the US think tank Carnegie stated last month that in less than 10 years from now,our friend Pakistan will have the third largest stockpile of nuclear weapons after the US and Russia

Do you think India should also start to mass produce nuclear weapons to counterbalance the nuclear arsenal of Pakistan?

(2) In your opinion how will this migrant crisis in Europe pan out? It seems there is no solution in site.





Just like you had predicted....P 75I deferred (see cancelled) by MOD

Did not understand about the Electronic Warfare package for the Navy. What is being referred to here? Plz do explain.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PAWAN: VMT. Indeed it was, although I don’t need to go to any such expo to find out what’s the latest. For me it was more of an opportunity to meet up with old friends who are still active in the aerospace industry. Following that I was off to Fujairah for 3 days to visit a newly set-up facility for dismantling & recycling airframes & aircraft parts, in which I have a business stake.

To DASHU: It all began in 1978 when the 4 modernisations were formally adopted as state policy under Deng Xiaoping. By 1982 the roadmaps for all 4 modernisations were formally articulated & adopted. Since then, there has been no looking back. Thus, it is all about ‘planning the work & then working the plan’.

To SIDDHARTH: Nope. India wasn’t sleeping. It was wide awake but in dire financial straits because an arsehole who had won the general elections way back in the mid-1980s was the PM from late 1984 till 1990 & he was far too busy scratching his buttocks after being stung by the Bofors & HDW scandals & therefore, while he was always blabbering about taking India into the 21st century, he has brain-dead when it came to articulating the roadmap for the journey ahead. He was thus neither a politician nor a practitioner of realpolitik nor was he economically astute & consequently he drove India to virtual financial bankruptsy by the time he stepped down. And today his son is carrying forward this discredited & shameful inheritance!

To ARUP: 1) I don’t need to go to such expos to gather news updates. They come to me anyway through various industry actors & sources. Nor should you ask me about all the bakwaas spewed out by the bandalbaaz. You should instead ask him for clarifications. 2) It is all bakwaas spewed out by the bandalbaaz. 3) bakwaas spewed out by the bandalbaaz. 4) That will happen early next year. 5) Nothing of that sort has happened. 6) What for? Far better PGMs are coming with the Rafale & Super Su-30MKI. 7) No one has ever proposed to co-develop any kind of powerplant for either combat aircraft or helicopters. And no one ever will.

To SOUBHAGYA: Only time will tell. But the state of J & K is not as seismically active as the Northern Areas.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JAY BHANUSHALI: Money was never the problem for India. The problem historically since independence has been the utter lack of grey matter within the skulls of successive decision-makers, due to which innovative ways of financial resource mobilisation were never even attempted, & subsequently, there was lack of strategic visioniong which in turn led to the absence of roadmaps dealing with areas like basic/higher education, public health & hygiene, industrialization & infrastructure development.

To MURLI: You must have read it somewhere in this very blog, since no one else has explained the linkages between the Korshun & the CJ-10 & Babur LACMs.

To SAKSHI & SK: Having observed, noted, witnessed & studied how Chinese industrial espionage works, here are a few pointers on how & why they have succeeded. Firstly, China did a technology audit of what was required for PLA force modernization. Secondly, by the late 1980s itself China had started penetrating the targetted R & D institutions, especially those located within the yet-to-emerge CARs with whom China had contiguous land borders. Thirdly, for targetting the Soviet military-industrial infrastructure, the Chinese made use of ther North Koreans as surrogate agents spread throughout the Soviet Far East & these were all highly successful operations that were run in the latter half of the 1980s. At that time, all hospitality workers, domestic helpers & GROs working in the Soviet Far east were all North Korean females. I had myself witnessed one such operation involving the design blueprints & production-engineering data reqd for producing the Krasnopol-M laser-guided 152mm/155mm projectile. Fourthly, when the USSR got dismantled in late 1991, all that one needed was readily available cash in huge quantities that could be pumped at those institutions, factories & scientific/engineering human resources that had already been targetted. This happened between 1991 & 2001. After that the window of opportunity closed forever. By then China had obtained all that was required for playing both technological leapfrog as well as engaging in back-engineering the reqd solutions. It is today impossible for anyone, China included, to replicate such operations. Opportunity knocks at one’s doors only once.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) This is just for preparing the ground for a military operation aimed at de-nuclearising Pakistan, rest assured, just as was the case with Iraq’s WMDs way back in 2002-2003. 2) It is all about supply-and-demand. There obviously is a demand for such workers in several European countries that are faced with declining populations.

To VIKRAM GUHA: The EW suites are meant for the 3 P-15 DDGs that are awaiting a mid-life refit-cum-upgrade & for the 3 P-15B DDGs & 7 P-17A FFGs. EW suites are long-lead items that need to be ordered fairly in advance.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Pak jingoism at its very best regarding the 1965 war. Here again, Gohar Ayub Khan alleges that the PA’s MI paid Rs.20,000 to the IA’s then DGMO Sam Manekshaw as bribe:

Meanwhile, India's fierce retaliation against Sialkot in response to the PA's terrorist infiltrations in J & K seems to be having the desired effect:

Mayur M Manapure said...

Pakistan has lost int'l support on Kashmir: ex Pak envoy.
"Kashmir is an emotive issue in Pakistan because of the failure of its leaders to inform their people that Pakistan no longer enjoys international support on the matter," says Husain Haqqani, former Pakistani Ambassador to the US.

This Haqqani is pain in ass for IRP...

Arup said...

Sir,Please write an article on the Fgfa program,where it stands now and where is it headed. I was also startled by the fact that the IAF vice chief had vetoed a project of such a magnitude and so in order to clear things out have asked the ques.

Selling AL31 engines to China would have created a huge business opportunity for their aviation complex . Its good for us they have declined. So what will PLAAF do now? Since the Taihung 10 series dont come close in matching the potential of their Russian peers. Will China again look to Ukraine for a way out?

Any updates on MTA and Ka-226T?

Pawan said...

Dear Prasunji,

This article raise very pertinent points about reliability of US as defence partner. But most importantly it raise a issue about continuous support of Pak by USA inspite of fact that It killing Americans in Afghanistan & its pak politicians are openly declaring Ashraf Ghani's a Govt as illegitimate.

Rasayan said...

Thanks for the nice article...
Since Russia is facing a tough time and India is a growing economically well, how can India encash this opportunity to its benefit? What exactly Rostec chief meant when he said " Russia expects India to stand by it during these "difficult times" when it is facing economic hardship due to sanctions imposed by the West".
There are already many collaborative works between Russia and India and most of them are running behind the schedule.
Should not Govt of India take a serious note on this joint collaborations and initiate new ones like a unified approach on modular vehicles or rife development for all the uniformed services?
Do you see any significant progress in the following joint work/assembling by Russia and India soon or they will all be largely delayed...
Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA)
Russian-Indian military-transport aircraft (MTA)
Super Sukhoi
new or modification of PWR for the submarines.

Prav said...

There are other sources ..


Thank you Prasun Da.

The DESEAVER MK 2 designed by Elbit is used on the P 15 & P 17.

Does it mean that the DESEAVER will be upgraded or will the Navy go for other Electronic Warfare systems available from the US?

Thanks again.

CHINTAN said...

Prasun Sir,

Do you think it is possible to make Sanskrit the official language of India? In other words will Sanskrit be acceptable by the common man on the street? Thanks.

Rithu Ghosh said...

@Chitan, Why do you want it. The purpose of language is easily and effectively communicate to the world for a LAYMAN. Sanskrit nor formal education was part of majority low caste Indians. Sanskrit as language is dead and resources available on it well translated long back.

And if your are looking it from cultural perspective Sanskrit origin goes to Super set of Indo-European stream. The Entire south India follows Dravidian languages of origin dating back to Proto-Dravidian language stream. *Current linguistic studies see Tamil as older than Sanskrit (*Yet to reach final consensus)

Some linguistic experts argue Proto-Indo-European language as super set both the streams.

Now if you come from background believing NASA has agreed or MIT saying it could be used as programmable language. Kindly ignore my remarks and Sorry hurting your belief.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Sam Manekshaw must be very unhappy with those meager amount of Rs.20,000 so he finished all the Pakistanis from the surface of Bangladesh. Anyhow India should strongly support the combined US and Russian efforts to completely denuclearize the Pakistan666.

Unknown said...

Dear Prasun da,
1. What is the detection range of a Hull mounted Sonar & towed array sonar in active or passive mode against submarines & warships?
2. What is the detection range of submarine Sonar active or passive mode against enemy submarines & warships?
3. If the submarine is in static position & waiting for enemy,in what depth it will be waiting?
4. What will be the depth if it's trailing the target?
5. It is said the CBG's SSN's duty is to protect the CBG from enemy subs but how it detects the enemy sub in static & radio silence until it fires torpedo or missile against the carrier?
Thank U.

Singh said...

Sir, does this not conflict with your stated opinion that there was no wrongdoing and the AW case is over:

I guess we will never see those AW-101s flying our PM :(

indian said...


that was great.

Mayur M Manapure said...

And article's last line...
“Elimination of terrorism will be Pakistan's gift to the international community,”

After 70 years of its creation...Islamic Republic Of Pakistan will be finally making a worthwhile contribution to the world....

sangos said...

It would be safe to assume that Russia is falling into China's tight economic embrace. So while Russia militarizes the western borders and the Artic as a bulwark against the USA, Russia is mobilizing the CIS to form a economic alliance for now dumping the US$ and Euro

CHINTAN said...


You suffer from a tremendous sense of Inferiority Complex and NO I don't say this bcoz you hide behind a pseudo name but because with every statement that you have made you only reflect that you are a frustrated and unhappy individual, possibly a freeloader.

So don't bother I have no interest in answering your question. In any case this is NOT your blog & I do not need un solicited advise.

Anonymous said...

rightly said.

IDRW said...

So sir, I guess you've seen the news about India's interest in the miG-35 now the MMRCA is dead and the Rafale purchase is a dead horse?

I guess this means that when NaMo visits Putin later this year we are going to hear the news about 126 MiG-35s for the IAF!

Anonymous said...

Ritu Ghosh,
If you don't know about a topic stop blabbering your mouth.

There was not much in common among so called "Dravidian Languages". I am a Malayalee, the entire Malayalam grammar more closer to Samskrtam than Tamil. Many of the Malayalam words originated from Samskrtam as well. Similarly, Kannada and Tamil and Telugu and Tamil. All these languages (Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam) have alphabets very closer to Samskrtam than Tamil.

Having said that, Samkrtam was indeed a spoken language among the people of India until the middle age, not just the language of higher class. Samskrtam was indeed the language of education and education was not restricted to lower caste. Even in late 1800, in Kerala, the lower caste reformist, spiritual leaders like Sree Narayana Guru studied Samskrtam and taught Arurveda to students. Yes, there were oppression of lower caste, especially they were prohibited to enter the temples.

Then what is this Dravidian Language. Dravida is basically the collective name of South India, similar to Vidharbha, Indus Valley.

Moreover, Samskrtam is an oral language. What this means that it did not have definite script. Right now it has Devanagari script. Previously, something similar to Pali. Before that, we do not know. This could be one of the reasons why Indus Valley Civilization scripts are not decoded yet.

Having said that, Tamil could be the first language with a script. However, Indian lefties who prefer to give credits any other civilization or cultures than native Indian culture, have not done enough to prove why Tamil letters have no definite consonants, but they speak with different consonants. I mean, even though Tamil language has one "ka", when a Tamilian speak, depending on the words, s/he has different way to pronounce "ka".

Samskrtam was not the language of Proto-Indo-European. In fact it is more kind of mother language of many of the languages in Europe and South East Asia. It was spoken well in throughout the present India, Present day Pakistan, and some part of Afghanistan on the west, present day Myanmar, Thailand, Combodia, etc. It is not used because we Indians "love" to project Indian civilization was bad, 600 year old civilization of British was better. Latest excavation at Indus Valley and surrounding places prove that the place was a major city with more than 100,000 populations. Please read Michel Danino's research.

Those who worship the so called "Aryan Invasion Theory" and related caste system, please note that this is a hypothesis without any clues. The only people who stick to this theory are Indian Leftists and Western scholars who do not want to credit Indian civilization. The recent studies on migration of people by biologically and linguistically prove that migration didn't happen to India from Central Asia, but in opposite direction. That means, Indian culture include Samskrtam, Vedic culture, etc are native of mainly present day India.


sweet said...

@Mayur M Manapure


Cant even believe that they made such a statement.

What's supposed to be their duty, they think it as their 'gift' to international community.

lachit said...


i enjoyed it

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MAYUR M MANAPURE, SWEET & LACHIT: Leave alone India & the J & K issue, for what petrifies Pakistan most from an existential standpoint is YouTube! That’s why YouTube stays banned in Pakistan for almost the past 2 years, apparently because it poses a threat to Islam! And this at a time when throughout the Arabian peninsula, where Islam was born, no one country there has banned YouTube. This says a lot about the fickle nature of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan & what kind of Islamism prevails there.

ARUP: Ukraine can’t help China when it comes to turbofans. All R & D on turbofans & their design bureau are located inside Russia. China has no choice but to pay financial penalties to various Russian OEMs. The haggling now underway involves the quantum of penalties to be paid.

To PAWAN: These foundational agreements should all have been inked at least 2 decades ago! It was the UPA-1/2 govts that shield away from them on the kind of ideological grounds that stood totally discredited in the early 1990s itself. National security decisions ought to be made in an objective & cold-hearted manner, & not emotionally. And there’s always a flip side to any narrative. For example, while some in India may assume that the flooding of India’s cellphone & data-card markets by cheap Chinese offers has good Indians totally addicted to Chinese products, the Chinese in turn tend to assume that since India offers a US$50 billion market for China-made consumer products, Beijing’s decision-makers will be less & less inclined to militarily act tought against India along the LAC.

As for the US supporting Pakistan, nothing comes free. There will always have to be a payback from Pakistan & this payback will be far greater than anything Pakistan can bring to the table for the US. That’s why Pakistan had no choice but to take part in a trilateral dialogue starting yesterday with Afghanistan & India that is now underway in Kabul. India’s Minister of State for external Affairs is now in Kabul. Of course you won’t get to read anything about it in the ‘desi’ media, since these ‘desi’ chicken have their heads stuck deep inside the arse of the ‘Indrani-Sheena’ tamasha. That also explains the extremely poor coverage being accorded by the national TV channels of the 1965 war’s 50th anniversary commemorations. Sad & depressing, but true!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RASAYAN: Is India really doing that well on the economic front? To be noted is that the depressed prices of imported hydrocarbons has also reduced the purchasing powers of the oil-exporting countries & this is having a negative impact on India as well. Matters can worsen even more if China further devalues its long-undervalued currency. As for the other points raised by you, I will dwell upon them in a new thread that will constitute part-2 of the MAKS 2015 show report.

To VIKRAM GUHA: Deseaver Mk2 is only 1 component of the total EW suite. There’s also the Kavach countermeasures dispenser & other active phased-array jammers like ELM-2222S NAVGUARD that are now available.

To CHINTAN: LoLz! Why zero in on Sanskrit? Even in ancient times Sanskrit was not easily accessible to commoners due to its complexity in both the written & spoken form.

To RAJESH MISHRA: Inshallah, tathaasthu!

To SUDIPTA PATHAK: 1) Depends on the depth of the seabed. In shallow waters it can be 5nm & in deeper waters it can be 16nm. 2) Same as the earlier answer. 3) It will be suicidal to be static when stalking for targets. 4) Between 50 metres & 100 metres in submerged mode. 5) Enemy sub cannot be static when it is trailing a CBG that’s cruising at 32 Knots speed.

To SINGH: Not at all. The ED is nowhere near seizing the already-delivered AW-1011s from the IAF’s possession.

To SANGOS: Not quite. At a time when Russia is eager to project itself as being a market economy & being part of the WTO, no one in Russia will even dream of discarding the US$ or Euro or Yen. Why? Because whar are the alternatives? Ruble? Yuan?

To IDRW: MMRCA dead? If that’s so, then why procure MiG-35s? For flying displays during Republic days & Aero India expos? Rafale purchase being a dead-horse? Where did that come from? Did the PM or RM or Union FM make any announcement about it?

To RAVI N: Yes indeed there are several words in all southern Indian languages that have the same pronunciation as Sanskrit words. It will therefore not be wild to infer that the two most ancient civilization states prevailing were those of Kumari Kandam in the IOR, & the Sumerians in today’s Iraq & Iran. And civilization & culture indeed would then have spread northwards into the Indo-Gangetic plain & thence westwards all the way towards Central Asia & the Caucasus, instead of the ridiculous ‘Aryan Invasion’ theory mischievously propagated by the colonial British as part of attempts to justify the supremacy of Caucasian race over the Brown-skinned race.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Dalit Muslims of India:

Documentary on PMA (KAKUL):

Documentary on Pakistan Navy's SSG:

sakshi said...

We are already late to unfurl our flag

sakshi said...

Prasun, you are saying US will denuclearise pak.
Do you expect Azad Kashmir, Gilgit and Baltistan coming back to us in this process?

Mayur M Manapure said... will come back...

Pawan said...

Mayur & Sakshi: God Grace, Amen.

Unknown said...

Why didn't iaf buy the surplus mirage 2000-9 from uae , it should have been economical to maintain 100 mirages and would have fullfilled number gap originating from mig retirement ? ... regards sudipto

Abhay Jain said...


what do you think of this development?

are we serious about DEW technologies.

Can you please explain the following?

what is fiber laser and what country we have been collaborating with upon this tech?



sakshi said...

Does any modern Indian Navy ships have this 3D Scab capability?

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1. i think MoS MEA VK Singh is in China attending the military parade, btw anything expected out of trilateral dialogue

2. You said that long battles spread over large areas are passe now only short battles will happen in future, you also say the work on de-nuclearization of Pak has started, in that aspect will the short battle doctrine still apply post denuclearization or balkanization of Pak

3. You say China will be wise enough to sit out the denuclearization or balkanization of Pak, if so then will it have a effect on China staking claim over Trans Karakoram tract/Saksgam valley or Aksai Chin, forcing it to give up on them bcoz as far as i think China has been holding on to these 2 area with hope of getting direct access to Arabian sea.

4. recently bunch of akash mk1 missiles was ordered, how many more do you expect to be ordered, also to me no of akash mk1 orders says akash mk25 is dead

5. how many pinaka mk1/2 expected to be ordered

6. Why is Myanmmar not part of SAARC

7. The recent division of Nepal into 6 federal areas is being said by some as license to the tarai nepal areas to talk of merger with India, you views

8. As i had said sometime back the bubble of China is set to burst, looks like it will happen eventually

your views


Joydeep Ghosh



You made this profound observation in this thread that Russia might have to start a border war with Estonia & Latvia to secure its borders.

1. Do you think Russia can win such a war given the fact that US tanks are already in Estonia & NATO can get involved? Russian armed forces are in dire need of human resources and are scouting for talent in Central Asia.

2. If such a war happens can INDIA afford to remain neutral and not side with either Russia or NATO?

Many thanks for your help.

Anonymous said...

Joydeep Ghosh,

Let me take out some burden from Prasunda by answering some questions.

>> 6. Why is Myanmmar not part of SAARC

ASEAN was formed much before SAARC. Being a Buddhist country Myanmar's culture is more closer to Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam.

Moreover, why should it wants to be a member of SAARC - the most fucked up organization in the world? If there was free trade, No politics and more friendly business conditions, SAARC would have been #3 entity in the world behind US and China, if not #2 in terms of GDP. But because of the "equal power" demand from Pakistan and bad politics between India and Pakistan screwed up SAARC. If there was no enmity between India and Pakistan, we could have had better living conditions and higher education among the SAARC population.

>> 7. The recent division of Nepal into 6 federal areas is being said by some as license to the tarai nepal areas to talk of merger with India, you views

Better not to take any piece of land from Nepal, even if some portions/sections of Nepal want to merge with India. India should not allow such propaganda, and should nail it out these rumors at the very beginning for the betterment of India- Nepal relationship. Nepalese may feel this as Indian hegemony.

>> 8. As i had said sometime back the bubble of China is set to burst, looks like it will happen eventually

China is not going to burst similar to Indonesia had. Its economy will prosper and it will continue to be developing. Its economy was built on strong market bases such as manufacturing of small items. It has strong engineering base as well as educational institutions. It is already started venturing into manufacturing large, expensive, higher level goods, such as heavy industry, ships, building materials, etc. Now the world is so much depend on Chinese products that, any cost adjustment will have global repercussions. Similarly banking sectors in China.

Moreover, China is peacefully sitting on US Currency Bonds. If China sells US bonds, dollar will collapse. If US reduces the dollar rate, dollar will again be affected. Catch 22 situation for US.

Chinese Communists may be ruthless, but they are staunch nationalists and proud of Chinese culture, unlike Indian communists and some Indian politicians. Chinese leaders are visionaries, many of the top leaders have degree higher than Masters. I read somewhere that previous Chinese premier Mr. Hu had photographic memory, one of the a few people in this 7 billion population.

Therefore, if China bursts, there will be havoc in the world economy and ultimately another great great depression, followed by a war. I do not think other industrialized nations will be ready for that, especially the Europe, which is fighting a war internally in order to survive after 10 years.

China could have become very close to US in terms of power (and GDP) if it had freedom of speech, fair elections and free market systems. Two things can unstable China. One is the massive people uprising against the communist regime. I think that is impossible, or will not happen in the next 20 years. Secondly aging population - similar to what some of the Western Europe is facing today (and Japan and Russia). That will take another 30-40 years. But considering the Chinese billion population, aging population will not have much affect. 3rd of course, massive natural calamity such as multiple earthquakes, floods, typhoons, etc. The probability is very less for that.

So for India the best thing is with respect to China is "share the cake and eat together"


Prav said...

@RaviN China is already burning through US treasuries ... no dollar crash yet ..
And don't kid yourself , with the amount of industrial and infra overcapacity that China has and the amount of debt that was taken on to fund said capacity a bigger crash is coming...
And considering Chinas billion population "aging" is a much larger problem . All the countries you mention are developed and and afford to support their pensioners and a large part of Russias petro wealth is diverted to supporting pensioners . China has no such luxury with its economy being labour driven .

sakshi said...

immoral white dhotis

no wonder how easy it was for the british to conquer and rule india.

Arpit Kanodia said...

Sir, any opinion about this Christine Fair's article

She perfectly described the nature and psyche of Pakistan, further how current Pakistan's policy reverted back to its pre-2003 conditions.

And how Pakistan trying to wage a civilizational war with India (without any civilizational roots), which has no end.

joydeep ghosh said...

@Ravi N

are you forgettting that India is the birthplace of buddhism and just yesterday PM Modi organized a cogregation of buddhist nations from bhutan to Japan

as for China matters, i think you dont know that all the tech prowess of China is basically poach9ing of tech brains from other countries or by industrial espoinage

China has been keeping its industry running in many ways, a examp[le is the 6 or more ghost cities built in central china desert where thye cities have everything from roads, bridges, hopitals, buildings, apartments, offices, stadiums but no one lives in them as they are
good 500 miles away from population with no road/rail link. by engaging to build these ghost cities China has kept its industry busy, but for how long

get the point


Joydeep Ghosh


Prasun & Co,

It seems even your best buddy is doing more business with us Pakistanis than you Hindus

Also, Tukey has accepted Pakistan as a partner in their 5th gen stealth program. As a reminder Pakistan is already purchasing the J 31.

BTW - When are you losers releasing your Caste & Economic Census ;) ;) It seems more and more people in India are embracing Buddhism, Christianity & Islam.

I suspect Indian Government will never release that report.

sakshi said...

@from lahore,
yes, the more deals you get with anti-US parties, the more you are attracted by US, not for their love, but for their lovely embrace. you know how good their embrace is..

Prav said...

@From Lahore : You can sign as many deals as yo want .. but nothing will ever get built (just like you CPEC} on the ground unless China bankrolls it and considering their consideration such funding will not be so forthcoming.
BTW :Do you want to compare the well being of well being of minorities in Pakistan ?It's best you stop throwing rocks from your glass house ..

Prav said...

*Edit for corrections*
@From Lahore : You can sign as many deals as yo want .. but nothing will ever get built (just like CPEC} on the ground unless China bankrolls it and considering their situation such funding will not be so forthcoming.
BTW :Do you want to discuss the well being of minorities in Pakistan ?It's best you stop throwing rocks from your glass house ..

sweet said...


Darling, history has thought us well. The Iran-Pakistan gas pipeline has been in discussion since 1995. And we seen the progress already.

The CPEC is more than a decade away-- if at all it has to become a reality. Neither the deal is finalised and already the clowns from your side are claiming it to "beneficial to the whole region."

It is yet to be finalised and estimated at 46 billion$, but over the time, many changes and delays will result in a reality that will not be the one the Pakistanis are dreaming about--and there are many doubts over its feasibility.

'keep calm and carry on' is the mantra India has adopted. India is not new to ridiculous claims made by Pakistanis, and believe me, many many ridiculous claims were made by Pakistani leaders all along, all of them went bust.

Partner? in 5th gen fighter?......sounds awesome, totally go for it darling.

J-31 you say darling? show me the contract signed by the Pakistanis for it. Has it entered service yet? you were to buy j-10 as well right? so where will you get the money to partner with turkey for development of 5th gen, and buy dozens of j-10 and buy dozen more of j-31?

last i checked, your govt. was borrowing loans to repay earlier loans.

raw13 said...

Its strange seeing Modi on the platform of Buddhism. His record is well know, on how he treats minorities. The current federation of India was the home of Buddhism, yet your culture completely destroyed it. Now it is found outside india. So pray tell me what is he celebrating it?

Prasun, you should remove all hate filled comments.

A year or so ago Prasun you were constantly saying that the LAC and disputes with China will be settled and China is desperate to do so. What is the game plan now?

here is part of CPEC, but if any progress in Pakistan causes pain, best not to look at this:

sweet said...

@Proud Pak

It wasn't long back when it was brought out- the claims by Pakistanis of being the sole and true inheritors of IVC.

The international community had labelled Pakistan as "failed state","epicentre of terrorism","international migraine","terror sponsoring state"....and not just the international community, even the terrorists accused Pakistanis of speaking with "double tongue". The BEST FRIENDS-Chinese-accused terrorists living in Pakistan for all the troubles in their region.

Pakistanis, a lot with colossal inferiority complex were deeply humiliated and ashamed of these events, seemed like there was no end to it. It had forced Pakistanis to look at themselves and do some soul searching. There were no immediate answers to the problems, and the right people remained silent. This silence created a void - a void that was hijacked by the pseudo-intellectuals and radicals. To make themselves feel superior, they started floating weird theories, theories which had no factual evidence, theories which were not endorsed by academic community. Through careful, deliberate manipulations the history was distorted just for the purpose of 'feel good' feeling within the Pakistanis.

Aabra-ka-dabra, it worked out exceedingly well. Pakistanis now walk thumping their chests thinking they are sole inheritors of the IVC legacy.

Brilliant move....

Here is what you do. Gather all other clowns like you in your land of pure, all of you stand in one place, shove each and every artefact, each and every brick of the remaining buildings up your arses; shove that whole IVC thing up your arses and bend over with your arses pointing to sky. Now the whole world will see for itself that since all of IVC is up your arses, they will hence be compelled to declare Pakistanis as sole, true inheritors of IVC.

And then you can have a holiday named "pak-e-gand mein indus". And continue this ritual every year.

indian said...

I didn't read the full article but the title is enough for me to feel better.

Truth alone triumphs said...

My dear Pakistani friends,
Pakistan needs to buy at least 1 aircraft carrier from china to counter Indian hindoo baniya aircraft carrier and prevent Indian hegemony in the Indian ocean. This will be the first ISLAMIC AIRCRAFT CARRIER.
Pakistan needs to buy at least 2 SSNs to protect its Gwadar and Karachi port and at least 1 SSBN to have true second strike capability .this would be the first ISLAMIC NUCLEAR SUBMARINES.
If India gets 4 helicopter carriers than pak should buy at least 1 helicopter carriers which would be the first ISLAMIC HELICOPTER CARRIERS.
The PAF must immediately order 36 j10b to counter the 36 Rafale of IAF and increase order of jf17 block 2/3 to 270 to counter the super sukhoi.
But this is not enough
The moon also belongs to ALLAH and Hindu baniya India and christian america ,Russia and EU, Buddhist china and japan, have all made it NAPAK by sending their KAFIR SATELLITES there. These satellites have pictures of Hindu gods, Jesus Christ and Buddha on them. So whenever Muslims show respect to moon for eid or when Pakistanis respect their national flag they are doing shirk. This is the conspiracy of CIA R&AW and MOSSAD to make all Pakistanis sin and hence go to hell (jahannum) and burn eternally. So now Pakistan needs to change its flag and remove the crescent moon or stop respecting the Pakistan national flag as this amounts to shirk and then for making the moon pure (pak) again Pakistan must send at least 3 MULLHAs TO THE MOON to find those satellite with idols and images of Hindu gods, Jesus,Buddha which were purposely landed or crashed by other kafir nations and destroy them and then do Islamic rituals to make the moon PAK again.
This would be done using the first ISLAMIC SPACE LAUNCH FACILITY in Pakistan on the FIRST ISLAMIC SPACE MISSION.
This requires a defence budget of at least $50 billion per annum
So Pakistanis must literally eat grass for the rest of their miserable lifetime.

Mayur M Manapure said...

^^Seriously bro... I know you want to explain shit to the ignorant... But what's the use...are they even going to read it...The last Para of yours was enough...don't waste your energy.

Ram Bharadwaj said...

Has the IAF asked HAL to abandon the IJT-Sitara? Is the IAF Seriously considering Textron Scorpion for IJT?

bhoutik said...

* the british lease of Diego Garcia to US expires next year in 2016. what happens then? would it not be ideal (for India) for it to go back to Mauritius? any Indian activity in this regard?

* is obock in Djibouti going to the Chinese? if it is - what will India's responses be? and are there diplomatic moves underway (by India) to prevent such a development?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

For everyone’s weekend viewing pleasure:

PAF Masroor:

PAF Mushaf:


Pakistan Navy:

PN’s Naval SSG:

Mayur M Manapure said...

Magicbullet said...

Hey Prasunda...happy Janamashtmi to you...dada does our hindu fart blows only till 40KT...please enlighten the ignoramus

Cane-an said...

Hi Prasun,
What is the status of the Tata-Airbus joint-venture? When do you think the first deliveries would be made?

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

@magicbullet fart can be mostly dependent on the design and i not sure what more design changes have been incorporated after 2nd frat testing .... lets hope they have mature to levels of 1980 or 1990 american devices ...

Anonymous said...

"For everyone’s weekend viewing pleasure"...??

are their facilities good? or bad? just asking I can not understand urdu.

if their facilities are good, I won't be happy or feel pleasure to view them...

or feel pleasure as they are funny?

Unknown said...

sir, kaveri engine may not be good enough for tejas. but is it a good engine in 80KN class ?
how long can it last before it will need overhaul, in current 80KN configuration?
what are our significant achievements regarding turbofan technology ?
how far do you think we are from developing a f414 type engine ?

china has developed indigenous engine for z10 attack helicopters. does it mean that they are near any metallurgical breakthrouth for turbofan engine ?

can you throw some light on k100 novator missiles ?

thank you !

Anonymous said...

very rare for bbc to report something fav to india.

Millard Keyes said...

"Rafale purchase being a dead-horse? Where did that come from? Did the PM or RM or Union FM make any announcement about it?"- No Prasun. How can they make such an announcement without consulting their supreme brains trust and an IDRW avid fan first? IDRW received a personal phone call the night before - from the PM and the DM, while he was still half asleep and suffering from a major bout of flatulence!The National Leadership dismissed the Rafale (Squall) because the PM said a squall usually rises in the sea therefore more applicable to the Naval Rafale. Seeing India will primarily use it on the inland they would rather await a "Cyclone" which is now on the drawing board. This is precisely why the Typhoon was rejected because India is not venturing into the South China Sea ... hope you get my drift!

CommomCense said...

Can you do a report of Indias.Current Defense programs like the LCH,Agni 5 and also from a private defense Industry perspective (WRT what are they working on)

Unknown said...

Extrajudicial killing in Baluchistan

Mayur M Manapure said...

Pintu said...

Retd. Air Commodore propagating the same which is being spread for 50 years.

Jon said...

Interesting Article on Zia Ul Haqs death:

Mayur M Manapure said...

Well I admire the zeal by which they are doing it for the last 50 years.

Pintu said...

^^^^ True, the root cause being subjugation to and upholding of Two - nation theory.

Pintu said...

Dead Pakistani Tank crews and their abandoned tank

Khemkaran, graveyard of Pakistani Pattons, trophies either seized or damaged .

Capturing a deserted village in Sialkot, Pakistan

Capture of Hazi Pir Pass, 28.08.1965, though it was returned after Taskhent Treaty.

Pintu said...

2 different Point of Views expressed here in in the front of Kashmir during 1971 war.

Regarding debacle while an offensive launched to capture Jayasree point.



Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This interview finally throws light on Musharraf's 4-point formula for J & K and how the UPA-1 govt almost conceded Pakistan's sovereignty over Gilgit-Balitstan, a development fraught with devastating consequences for India:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


Here's something that's a bit more closer to reality:

Mayur M Manapure said...

That's it sir....Its time to gas The Family and their cunts "chamchas". Their acts and decisions over the years had been no less than high treason. :|

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir, Dont you think after Gurdaspur Attack, PM Modi done a great mistake by not doing any retaliatory strike across LoC, like limited airstrike on HQ of LeT? By not doing so, it only embolden the ISI, that India will never retaliate against terrorist strikes on civilians and critical infrastructure.

Pawan said...

OMG! Can't believe MMS and Natwar could have done so much damage to india's strategic interests. Still MMS said history will judge him!

rad said...

hi prasun
more goodies on the maks please , especially missiles of all kinds. How has the embargo on russia hit them?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

SSG’s counter-terror ZARRAR detachment:

PAF’s No7 Sqn:

Pakistan Navy’s Marines & Visit to Sir Creek:

PA’s Army Aviation School:

concernedCitizen said...

hi Prasun,

I have observed that you have often quoted Pakistani news interviews as sources for your hypothesis, and I have seldom seen you quoting interviews given to Indian news anchors. Do you feel like there is a dearth of capable journalists in Indian television or maybe they are not as competent as their Pakistani counterparts?

AniluvG said...

Dear Prasunda

Can you let us know about the status of K4 and K15 and if it is any different from Agni series and if yes how? It is said that it has a different fuel ?

Whats the status of the SSN program and India is going to go with Russia or France on this front ?

Anonymous said...

all those links are just useless. nothing to see or gain, just time waste.

Unknown said...

Sir, telegraph recently reported that ajit doval was on a tour to israel, & they took him to their nuclear facility at dimona !!!
now thats something UNEXPECTED. what could be the possible reason ?

that same report also claims that we have asked iran, that if our navy could use chhabahar port ! would it be good for us to put our forces in middle east ? sounds good but at the same time could be the opening of pandora's box.

your take on these matters will be very helpfull.....

Jon said...

Looks like the 4 point formula is now history

AniluvG said...

Mr Anonymous
You r lucky that u r entertained by prasunda as he generally dosent tolerate "anonymous" . Let prasunda decide and kindly F... O..


Murli said...

Another reason why PoK kashmiris are desperate to join India.

Jon said...

Are the Indian Rafales likely to be primarily twin seaters?

Murli said...

Here is why Kashmiris are dying for love for Pakistan.


Prasun Da,

Defense Expo 2016 will be held from March 28 -31 in Quitol, Goa

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

PA COAS’ Speech:

Celebration or Commemoration of 1965 War: https://www? PwdkIoaO8SA&hd=1

PAF Combat Commander’s School in Sargodha:

PAF Samungli air base in Quetta:

PA’s Aviation Combat Wing:

PAF Recollections of 1965:

DAshu said...

I hate you for glorifying my enemy ... :)

Jon said...

"Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories." - Sun Tzu

Millard Keyes said...

Lao Tsu said, "Know thy stomach, know thy strength - because a thousand battles may produce ten thousand soiled undies".

Murli said...

The brave Indian army killed 120 Kashmiri's for demonstrating against the killing of fellow civilians.

Murli said...

Pak drones in action:

contains some good info. whether its copied, borrowed, stolen. they have one working and firing. they have pride in their products.

Arpit Kanodia said...


First definitely this is copied, borrowed and stolen.

Secondly, what pride you talking about killing your own civies and citizens using Drones? You feel pride when Pak Army use Tanks and artys on its own civilians?

Murli said...

That's exactly how we troll, leave alone India, we don't even bother to care for Pakistanis either.

Pintu said...

At last ISRO decided to release footage from on board cameras of GSLV D6.

Pintu said...

Anonymous said...

it was released long back and everyone saw it and the shitty quality it came with and u r such a stupid to post it now..

September 8, 2015 at 8:57 PM

-------It seems that you don't know how to READ.

R = Read , E = Examine, A = Analyse , D = Decide

I have decided to post it to prove, that ISRO actually do have the onboard cameras in its every launch vehicles, but restricts the live footage from public broadcast, Now, leave alone vehicles they have/had them in launchpads, and why? only to confirm the stage separation and any anomalies during launch, not for any pictorial presentation, else they would not be able to zero in the root cause of failures or aborted launches so quickly, or confirmation for stage separation and deployment of payload , they have decided to release the footage for Public consumption just now, if you can check you will notice cameras in the recently launched crew module.

I posted this in this very Blog, because here in I had once raised the question of ISRO not releasing live video feed from on board cameras. Neither I cherish about the quality of footage , which sucks I agree.

You stupid, now try to read carefully, before launch your self in to any conclusion.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@PINTU every country use onboard cameras for stage separation, this isnt new, you even found video of stage separation of Saturn V.

But if you talking about like this

Then this is just for PR, and no ISRO wont use such on-board cameras.

Pintu said...

Israeli Air Force's missile camera view.

Pintu said...

Arpit, If I can remember there is a footage for PSLV flight, there is a flick of seconds view from a camera looking towards cloud formed during the course of flight.

I will upload the same, when I find the same.

There are camera's in launch pads ,in ISRO, but that's in the vital areas , such as umbilical chords, but again the views are restricted to selected persons in the control room, and presence of them is only visible in the flick of seconds in the monitor, and swiftly cut down.

Yes, each and every space fairing nations do have the cams on board, even Iran use it, difference is the quality of the camera's they have placed.

I don't ever doubt the presence of such on board cameras in the Launch Vehicles, but atleast it is time for ISRO to start their own channels to broadcast those events or hire any professional crew if not Indian then overseas, so that we may be relieved from same boring views of DD Cameramen failing track the rockets.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@PINTU You talking about PR, ISRO already outsourced his PR to Doordarshan, even they not allow pvt. news channels inside Satish Dhawan Space Centre to provide coverage of launch, I dont know what the problem in allowing pvt. news channels for civilian launch, atleast for big launches like Chandrayaan and Mangalyaan.

Pintu said...

Agree. Arpit the still images they release in the Website are worthwhile, but live feed is really below the mark when compared to the other nations, hence, comes the question for tie up to experts in this field to enhance the quality to upscale PR.

whats in a name really said...

they may not allow pvt channels for launch coverage but they certainly allow NDTV inside nuclear subs, inside all DRDO labs, inside rocket and satellite assembly, inside battle field in live battle, what not...

u said, below the mark... there is a word to describe that rather than many line.. "3rd rate copy stuff".. my child

Pintu said...

Arpit, a photograph of LVM 3 X taking off :

while the video is not that worthwhile to be a treat for eyes.

Pintu said...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Anonymous said...

Seems like drums have started rolling along the durand line.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MURLI: And yet this very caste-ridden society stood united & defeated aggression ever since 1965! Here's some anecdotal evidence:

The UAVs of the PA are all China-supplied & the Bouraq is nothing but the CPMIEC-delivered CH-3A & I had written about it way back in September 2013. The only Pakistan-developed UAV is a tactical UAV that is used for coastal surveillance & is operating with the PN's No 47 Sqn.

To DASHU: Whaaaaaaaaaat??? What ever made you think along those lines? It means you have not watched any of them. For had you watched them, it would have become evident that almost all of them were attempts at self-glorification. Each & every one of those videos gives a very interesting insight into the MIND & PSYCH of the adversary, which is of utmost importance when it comes to drafting a comprehensive appreciation of the adversary's mindset, intentions & objectives.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ: Just last week the Pakistani Commerce Minister admitted at the floor of Parliament in Islamabad that there has been a 50% reduction in land border trade between Afghanistan & Pakistan over the past 90 days, after the former starting diverting such trade routes westwards through Iran.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Yet another suspected case of Chinese industrial espionage:

DAshu said...

I know sir . that I said sarcastically . obviously they are self-glorifying themselves

rad said...

hI Prasun
The camera unit of DD must be lined up and shot for their {"world class" videography of the gslv launch !@#$%^ , so should all the tv channels for ignoring the event and instead focusing on some psycho woman who killed her daughter.
Unless there is some thing classified about the launch there is no reason for such videography.I dont understand why the ISRO people who are performers, compared to the rest of india accept such humiliation from DD. They should have their own people and do a pro job . I just wonder if any country in the world would do this .

Pintu said...

Anonymous whats in a name really said...@pintu,
u said, below the mark... there is a word to describe that rather than many line.. "3rd rate copy stuff".. my child

------And you keep trolling, get a life dude.

paki_no paki said...

@ chadda,

failed false flag comments.

@sanker.. just a chamcha..



You made this profound observation in this thread that Russia might have to start a border war with Estonia & Latvia to secure its borders.

1. Do you think Russia can win such a war given the fact that US tanks are already in Estonia & NATO can get involved? Russian armed forces are in dire need of human resources and are scouting for talent in Central Asia.

2. If such a war happens can INDIA afford to remain neutral and not side with either Russia or NATO?

Many thanks for your help.

Unknown said...

What a terrible mistake was made by miserable Europe The Global Islamic population is approximately 1,200,000,000; that is ONE BILLION TWO HUNDRED MILLION or 20% of the world's population. They have received the following NobelPrizes:

Literature: 1988 - Najib Mahfooz

Peace: 1978 - Mohamed Anwar El-Sadat 1990 - Elias James Corey 1994 - Yaser Arafat: 1999 - Ahmed Zewai

Economics: (zero)

Physics: Abdus Salam

Medicine: 1960 - Peter Brian Medawar 1998 - Ferid Mourad

TOTAL: 8 eight

The Global Jewish population is approximately 14,000,000; that is FOURTEEN MILLION or about 0.02% of the world's population. They have received the following Nobel Prizes:

Literature: 1910 - Paul Heyse 1927 - Henri Bergson 1958 - Boris Pasternak 1966 - Shmuel Yosef Agnon 1966 - Nelly Sachs 1976 - Saul Bellow 1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer 1981 - Elias Canetti 1987 - Joseph Brodsky 1991 - Nadine Gordimer World

Peace: 1911 - Alfred Fried 1911 - Tobias Mi chae l Carel Asser 1968 - Rene Cassin 1973 - Henry Kissinger 1978 - Menachem Begin 1986 - Elie Wiesel 1994 - Shimon Peres 1994 - Yitzhak Rabin

Physics: 1905 - Adolph Von Baeyer 1906 - Henri Moissan 1907 - Albert Abraham Michelson 1908 - Gabriel Lippmann 1910 - Otto Wallach 1915 - Richard Willstaetter 1918 - Fritz Haber 1921 - Albert Einstein 1922 - Niels Bohr 1925 - James Franck 1925 - Gustav Hertz 1943 - Gustav Stern 1943 - George Charles de Hevesy 1944 - Isidor Issac Rabi 1952 - Felix Bloch 1954 - Max Born 1958 - Igor Tamm 1959 - Emilio Segre 1960 - Donald A. Glaser 1961 - Robert Hofstadter 1961 - Melvin Calvin 1962 - Lev Davidovich Landau 1962 - Max Ferdinand Perutz 1965 - Richard Phillips Feynman 1965 - Julian Schwinger 1969 - Murray Gell-Mann 1971 - Dennis Gabor 1972 - William Howard Stein 1973 - Brian David Josephson 1975 - Benjamin Mottleson 1976 - Burton Richter 1977 - Ilya Prigogine 1978 - Arno Allan Penzias 1978 - Peter L Kapitza 1979 - Stephen Weinberg 1979 - Sheldon Glashow 1979 - Herbert Charles Brown 1980 - Paul Berg 1980 - Walter Gilbert 1981 - Roald Hoffmann 1982 - Aaron Klug 1985 - Albert A. Hauptman 1985 - Jerome Karle 1986 - Dudley R. Herschbach 1988 - Robert Huber 1988 - Leon Lederman 1988 - Melvin Schwartz 1988 - Jack Steinberger 1989 - Sidney Altman 1990 - Jerome Friedman 1992 - Rudolph Marcus 1995 - Martin Perl 2000 - Alan J. Heeger

Economics: 1970 - Paul Anthony Samuelson 1971 - Simon Kuznets 1972 - Kenneth Joseph Arrow 1975 - Leonid Kantorovich 1976 - Milton Friedman 1978 - Herbert A. Simon 1980 - Lawrence Robert Klein 1985 - Franco Modigliani 1987 - Robert M. Solow 1990 - Harry Markowitz 1990 - Merton Miller 1992 - Gary Becker 1993 - Robert Fogel

Medicine: 1908 - Elie Metchnikoff 1908 - Paul Erlich 1914 - Robert Barany 1922 - Otto Meyerhof 1930 - Karl Landsteiner 1931 - Otto Warburg 1936 - Otto Loewi 1944 - Joseph Erlanger 1944 - Herbert Spencer Gasser 1945 - Ernst Boris Chain 1946 - Hermann Joseph Muller 1950 - Tadeus Reichstein 1952 - Selman Abraham Waksman 1953 - Hans Krebs 1953 - Fritz Albert Lipmann 1958 - Joshua Lederberg 1959 - Arthur Kornberg 1964 - Konrad Bloch 1965 - Francois Jacob 1965 - Andre Lwoff 1967 - George Wald 1968 - Marshall W. Nirenberg 1969 - Salvador Luria 1970 - Julius Axelrod 1970 - Sir Bernard Katz 1972 - Gerald Maurice Edelman 1975 - Howard Martin Temin 1976 - Baruch S. Blumberg 1977 - Roselyn Sussman Yalow 1978 - Daniel Nathans 1980 - Baruj Benacerraf 1984 - Cesar Milstein 1985 - Mi chae l Stuart Brown 1985 - Joseph L. Goldstein 1986 - Stanley Cohen [& Rita Levi-Montalcini] 1988 - Gertrude Elion 1989 - Harold Varmus 1991 - Erwin Neher 1991 - Bert Sakmann 1993 - Richard J. Roberts 1993 - Phillip Sharp 1994 - Alfred Gilman 1995 - Edward B. Lewis 1996- Lu RoseIacovino TOTAL: 129!

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir,
On the Russian claiming sovereignty in Arctic.

India ne kaun sa zurm kiya hai?, that we cant make such claims in Arctic or in Antarctica?

Even there are territorial claims of British, French and even of Chinese in Antarctica.

Arpit Kanodia said...

On the other question.
Why GoI and Indian High Commission never try to reach/meet with this type of people and politicians in Pakistan, and make a political case in tilting the tides of PoK ?

Anonymous said...


Prasun's might ans on this line: Israel has over 5000 PhDs in GSM tech alone..

all u need is a name filled said...

US Hypocrisy

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

What is your info on this?

Best Regards

Sk said...


I think Russia is inching ahead to a major F*** up in its relations with India. Seems they are mis-estimating the entire issue. Do they understand implications?

Parikrama said...

Prasun da,
Whats this Su35 sale discussion between Russia and pak?
From where pak gets money for purchasing?
Or Russia plans a soft loan like Indonesia with 16 Su35 sale deal?

Whats the implication of all this on Indo Russia relations?
Is this a insecurity creation cum pressure tactic to ensure either India buys Su35 or India buys some other hardware be it FGFA/PAKFA/Ships/anything? Or really the failure of Shale Gas deal with China ($400 Bn deal) and tumbling of Crude has made the situation that bad for ruskies to sell to evn Pak?

If the relation is strained suppose, where do you see India cosying up? USA seems a bit too intelligent which talks somethings and does something else.. France UK all are good but how can India get away from Russian dependency really?

Whats the calculated risk taken by Russian DM and Perhaps President Putin in order to warm up to Pak with helos and su35 birds kind of discussion?



Prasun Da,

Will you please take a look at this report prepared by IESA & Roland Berger. It states that the Defense Electronic Market in India is worth $4 billion per annum(approx).

Is this market (Defense Electronics) really this big?

Thanks for clarifying.


Parikrama said...

Prasun da,
Whats your take on INS Vajrakosh? how you feel it can help India's west coast threat perception?
Other than p8I what you feel will be housed there (fixed wing/rotary)
With Karwar expansion also going on, which subs you feel be housed there in the base? Articles says over 20 submarines pens are there.. but where are the subs or subs planned for? You feel this may house India's future N subs?

Subho said...

Prasun, when can we expect to see Part-II of your article on Russian weaponry that may have implications for Indian defence sector and the 3 services.

BENUSED said...

Prasun sir,

With INS Vajrakosh being a brand new built BILLION USD base will it have modern fire fighting equipment (ie brand new advanced fire tenders ? and especially considering t is said to get an air station in the future it needs top notch fire fighting/ARFF capabilities including the latest fire tenders NOT the typical ancient TATa/Ashok leyland junk the majority of our fire departments (including those of the military) are stuck with.

You'd have thought that a proportion of that massive cost to build the base would be spent on totally cutting edge fire fighting kit. Even $20 million USD would buy plenty of brand new and cutting edge fire tenders and associated equipment.

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir, Isnt oath of British Armed forces is flawed?

I, (Insert full name), do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.

They swear to save the crown and Royal family, instead of saving country and her laws. I think this oath maybe more flawed than of the Pak Army.

Maybe Britain also need a little tap of French Revolution. Lol.

alex said...


what do you make of this authors claims:

how long before we are able to deploy similar systems?. Afterall we have the large pool of software gurus.

Sk said...

we should have done this decades ago.

hate some of the comments.

what had chenged, why friendly,

aniz said...

dear prasun,
what is the status on indeginous abhay ficv?
what is the status of milap carbine and desi ak 47?
what is your views on apache vs lch? does lch provide adequate protection in the same league as apache helicopter?
thank you in advance for your views and much appreciated.

truth_hurts said...


Now tell me how many of these awards have been won by the HINDUS. You are 1.3 billion and expanding at a rate of 10 million per month.

Also tell me where the word algebra comes from? or alchemy for that matter? The likes of Einstein, unlike little indians always said they are standing on the shoulders of giants. Most of these giants kept the worlds knowledge and expanded it for over a 900 years. Guess what religion they were from, come on little indian, guess!!! Yes they are the same people that gave you economic miracle whilst most of europe was in the dark ages. guess little indian guess.

Unknown said...

sir, does it means that iaf is not going to order more su30mki ?

is navy going to order more mig29k ? as 45 will not be enough for 2 carriers

reponse to truth_hurts said...


I don't care abt hindu or it's greatness. I like to irritate/annoy/frustrate you with simple words.

I don't like to type too many lines/ paragraphs to defend something. I don't like the concept.

Just got a chance to trash you. I did it. now just go and do that yourselves (you know what I mean.. hehehee)

Unknown said...

@anon at 5:31pm

Unknown said...

I am extremely happy with the news of paf buying the su35. India should welcome this news.they should infact push this deal behind the scenes.
This aircraft will require the Pakistanis to build a completely new infrastructure for maintenance and buy simulators for the same.also it will be much more expensive to run than anything else the Pakistanis have coz of its hourly running costs.The Russians will sell the missiles package separately as nothing the Pakistanis have is compatible with the su35.
So the per plane cost will easily end up north of $150 million mark at the very least.
Russian aircrafts are known to have low availability rates. Iaf su30mkis have a 50-55 % availability inspite of having such a large fleet.
So the pakis will have to buy larger numbers.
All this means, a significant increase in the defense budget for Pakistan.
Pakistan is already highly indebted and doesn't have the forex reserves for paying the ruskies upfront and will most probably buy these birds with borrowed money.
What this really means is that the Modi government has succeeded in scaring the shit out of Pakistan and the Pakis are going for expensive toys they can't afford.
This means India has managed to drag Pakistan into an Arms race by making it feel insecure inspite of having nuclear weapons.
This is one contest where the Pakistanis just can't win.After all,Indian defense budget is roughly as big as the entire budget of Pakistan.
And indian gdp in nominal usd terms is increasing by around $200 bilion per year. This is equivalent to adding the entire gdp of Pakistan every year to the over $ 2 trillion indian gdp.
If this deal really happens then it will be one of the major achievements of the modi government.
Let Pakistan stay poor and let its people stay deprived. I hope the paf buys atleast 100 su35s and 100 j10b and hopefully even the chinese j31 and j20 over the next decade along with atleast 150 jf17
They must also not retire their f16,mirage and the other chinese crap they currently have.
This might just give them the courage needed to do another kargil,thus giving india the ultimate opportunity to get back POK.

Pawan said...

Dear Prasunji,

Is it possible that Heron TP of purchased by India could be used in Afghanistan from Indian facilities in Tajikistan? Though it could alienate many afghans as drones strikes have potential to cause collateral damage.

eagerly waiting to read your comments on mine and others' queries.


lachit said...

u r wicked man hehehe
but enjoyed it never the less

do u have any info on the timeline of indias combat uav development and deployment
starting from rustom 1 to rustom 2 to aura ucav.

do u thing india posses the skills to develop uav equivlent to atleast chinese or israeli uavs in the comming days.

and what is ur opinion on nishant uav and the rustom 1 uav.
is the armed version of rustom 1 operationally and performance wise viable

lachit said...


please brush up ur history lessons.
not the pakistani versions.

"Also tell me where the word algebra comes from? or alchemy for that matter?"

the islamic maruders came looted and burned places of learning.
they took back our knowledge repacked/translated it and claimed it for their own.

but the truth cannot be hidden for long since slowly but surely every lie is being undone the arabic numerical system is now known as the hindu numerical system.

algebra , alchemy owes its origin/base from the ancient scholars and their works in ancient india.
which was translated and some improvements made by the arabs and definately not u porkis.

"Most of these giants kept the worlds knowledge and expanded it for over a 900 years."
stole it and kept it for their own benefit. they were not doing some charity.

"Guess what religion they were from, come on little indian, guess!!! Yes they are the same people "
u miserable little porkis let me tell u something islam in those times was much liberal.infact so liberal that their lifestyle gave serious heart attacks to the europeans.
a religion is the cummalative mirror of its adherents.
wicked people mirror a wicked outlook to a religion
like wise good people mirror a good outlook to a religion.
guess u little miserable porky people have no idea about it since ur busy with ur fantasis of getting 72 virgins.

"that gave you economic miracle whilst most of europe was in the dark ages. guess little indian guess."

guess little porky u dont realise the price we paid for it.
and by the way poky did those arabs spare ur ancestors.
guess not.
maybe they suffered so much that it is still reflected in ur present day insane and delusional is genetics and heredity i guess

Arpit Kanodia said...

@lachit I dont think UCAV like Rustom 1 required by armed forces, instead Rustom 2 equipped with SAR pod for intelligence gathering.

@PKS Sir Why DRDO failed to develop a decent UAV like Rustom 2 for armed forces? Even DRDO failed to conduct the first flight of Rustom, which was promised to do in 2014.

lachit said...

some reader might get confused with my answer to

"Also tell me where the word algebra comes from? or alchemy for that matter?"

i want to clarify that my answer (ie india)
was only in respect to who did the first foundational work and not who first named it.(like the arabic word "algebra")
arabs stole / learned etc the knowledge and improved / repacked and gave it a name. but the crux of the matter is that these own their origin to ancient india.

Unknown said...

What a pointless argument this is,who created what or who gets credit for what human achievements. How far back do you want to go? The real credit for all of the achievements of humanity goes to a handful of brave homo sapiens who left the African continent, who used rocks as tools , created fire,made clothes from tree barks ,and invented language thus passing on their knowledge to their kids.
We would not have Krishna,Buddha, Moses, Jesus, Muhammad even born if some hairy ass apes hadn't fucked each other a few 100 thousand years ago. So we owe it to the courage and libido of those great apes for everything we have today.
It is laughable for us to bask in reflected glory of our ancestors while our countries struggle to catch up to a country made by racist immigrants less than 400 years ago .

DAshu said...

where are you ???

Mayur M Manapure said...

lachit said...

@Jay Bhanushali said...


point is.....
let me try to explain with a analogy

lets say hypothetically u me and prasun r sitting together
and suddenly u have a disagreement with prasun
and u start beating up prasun with the intent to kill him




the crux is the matter is
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

and ever wondered why nothing good ever gets done in this country?
because any time somebody decides to do some something, a 1000 smart busy bodies suddenly decide to intervene while all this time they had nothing to do with it.

u found nothing wrong with truth_hurts comments.
no problem.
but u had to intercede in to my reply to truth_hurts
if i said anything wrong it was only fair u pointed it out to me.
but u made a broad sweeping generalization which is infact pointless.

this happens everyday in india. main reason why india is a REFUSING TO DEVELOP COUNTRY.
alas it is pointless
why do i even bother
i will not post comments in reponse to PORKIS crap
let the porkis spew nonsense and insult / destroy what ever good we still have left in this country.

and sorry if i hurt u in this reply, i never meant it personally
ur my countrymen so i replied

i hope ur dont mind me trying to get u killed at the hands of Jay Bhanushali atleast hypothetically lolzzz
i apolozie before hand

Unknown said...

sir,kahan ho ???

sweet said...

Here some good news for you:

Look at his face, is this how all you guys look?

more good news for you too...

Read the 'best rated' comments in the article. Here, let me highlight some best rated comments.....

JerzyGirl, NewJersey, about a day ago
"poor guy gets fired for speaking the truth"

OhMeeOhMy, Exeter, United Kingdom, about a day ago
"Is no one entitled to freedom of speech anymore?"

Patricia, San Diego, about a day ago
"What was wrong with what he said??"

jakeyboy, London, United Kingdom, about a day ago
"His comments were not only true but put politely and were constructive. What has a person got to say when confronted by a social problem? I suppose it is best to just tell lies if you want to keep your job in a PC society like ours."

Mic01, Scarborough, United Kingdom, about a day ago
"Oh my goodness. Not even a Iiberal could justify this man losing his job for what he said - he said his opinions as logically and politely as possible. And just look at him! If even HE can't constructively criticize that community, who can?"

Majority of the Britishers seem to be in complete agreement with what that guy said. This guy is another victim of political correctness (PC) bullshit in UK.

Google 'Rochdale sex trafficking incident'and read the bastardised behaviour of British Pakistani community.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@Jay Bhanushali, theory of evolution is just like the theory of bigbang, you accept it, but never find answers of primitive questions. What about Gene-centered view of Evolution? It is beyond doubt proved, love to your children is nothing but to save your genes.

BTW, how can someone say Homo Sapiens arrived just from Africa? Because of just one proof, and totally ignoring all other facts?

Arpit Kanodia said...

I am quoting this from this blog which PKS Sir replied a query some years ago.

"If you were to look at the intervals between Homo-Erectus & Neanderthal, Neanderthal & Homo Sapien Sapien, & Homo Sapien Sapien & Cro-Magnon, you will see that the evolutionary period from Homo Sapien Sapien & Cro-Magnon was less than 100 years, which is impossible to achieve if one adheres to nature’s evolutionary timescale."

I searched this on internet, and this is amazingly factually right.

lachit said...

lolzz so much confusion
LACHIT IS A PROGRESSIVE HINDU with firm conviction in science.
i guess u got confused because i used the term inshaallah.

@Arpit Kanodia

"you will see that the evolutionary period from Homo Sapien Sapien & Cro-Magnon was less than 100 years"
the relation of Cro-Magnons to the earliest forms of Homo-sapiens (like Neanderthal) is unclear and further still unclear of its relation to Homo Sapien Sapien .
Cro-Magnon Man is believed to have inhabited Europe from about 40,000 to 10,000 years ago.
The replacement model proposes that Homo Sapien Sapien evolved from archaic Homo Sapien 200,000-150,000 years ago only in Africa
The regional continuity model proposes that Homo Sapien Sapien evolved more or less simultaneously in all major regions of the Old World from local archaic Homo Sapien Sapien evolved approx 50000 years ago

either way less than 100 years difference of evolutionary period from Homo Sapien Sapien & Cro-Magnon is diffult to believe.

Unknown said...

As Albert Einstein said “As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”

It means that in expanding the field of knowledge we increase the horizon of ignorance. For every answer you receive more questions will arise. As you learn more, you gain a greater awareness of what else there is left to learn, and you accept that you will always be ignorant of more than you would like.

As Socrates supposedly said "I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.”

And the various other hypothesis which are discussed endlessly without any agreeable conclusion , there is this principal -
Newton's flaming laser sword - If something cannot be settled by experiment or observation then it is not worthy of debate.

Thats the reason i quoted Darwin in my previous comments as saying, " the mystery of the beginning of all things is insoluble by us; and I for one must be content to remain an agnostic."

Unknown said...

I was telling that to raw13

Mayur M Manapure said...

Yeh lo ek aur specie...

Pintu said...

Arpit Kanodia said...

Just watch this video from 25 min

The Cro-Magnon just arrived on earth from nowhere (even without any logical linkage with there ancestry ), even with bigger brains than humans.

And if the homo sapiens are children of cro magnon, then by simple logic and by the Theory of Evolution, we should have bigger brains than Cro Magnon. But suddenly an event happened on earth, the Cro Magnon which was superior to homo sapiens in both terms, physically and in intelligence disappeared from earth, and suddenly humans arrived because of an unknown event.

Here is the problem, Humans ancestors are not Cro Magnon.

Arpit Kanodia said...

And seriously believing in Cro Magnon disappeared because of end of Cold age is not graspable.

Anonymous said...

The Wall Street Journal reported that foreign institutional investors pulled out $2.6 billion from Indian stocks in August, which has been “one of the largest single monthly outflows from the country since the global financial crisis”.

The Reuters report noted: “Apparently strong headline growth (8 percent, as projected by the government) is undermined by doubt about quality of economic data and a slow recovery, with job losses in construction and a summer drought hitting consumer demand”.

Arpit Kanodia said...

No one ask this primitive question.

1) How the fuck Theory of Evolution reverses itself in development of humans, and we become inferior to Cro Magnon?

2) How the homo sapiens survived the wrath of Cro Magnon? When humans are inferior to cro magnons in each and every term.

3) And the most important question, how the Homo Sapiens able to defeat the more superior race?

There are no logical answers of those questions. The fact is, the more superior race than us wiped out completely some 5000 years ago.

Unknown said...

I hope this helps

Arpit Kanodia said...

@Jay Bhanshuli No one denying the evolution, dont be in a myth. But the meaning of evolution become different in last decade. It become from body centered evolution to gene centered evolution.

Watch this.

Pintu said...

@ Anonymous September 13, 2015 at 10:30 PM

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: If evolution were to have taken place in a uniform manner globally, then all the chimps & monkeys too would have evolved in the same manner as the Homo Sapiens & today there would have been no chimps & monkeys. But the mere fact that they do exist till this day proves that evolution was selective & achieved through artificially-induced gene mutations, estimated to be about 67 in number some 150,000 years ago.

And as for the earliest settled populations of intelligent human beings, they are now believed to have existed in two areas: the continent of Kumari Kandam that lay to the south of present-day peninsular India; & the other in the area that today constitutes Iraq, southern Iran, Azerbaijan & the Arabian peninsula. While the inhabitants of Kumari Kandam were labelled as belonging to the 'brown race', those in ancient Mesopotamia were known as the Sumerians.

To BUDDHA: You may find these interesting:

According to the above, the world's first ever over-ground nuclear weapons tests were conducted in October 1944, & not in 1945, this according to documents declassified by the US in 1992!

Jay said...

Regarding evolution and other things you have a burning desire to know try lucid dreaming!
And just ask the lucid dream to take you back in time or forward in time(there is no guarantee about future I think,future can be changed) I have tried to use time-travel in lucid dream to go forward 10 years.Also tried to go back to "beginning of time"(which lucid dream interpret it as beginning of life on earth..I was actually expecting I thought I requested beginning of and I was somehow hoping for very natural place,but I found gigantic highly sophisticated machines precision drilling into rocks using powerful laser-type beams not drills..they were implanting something I guess.So my reading is life on earth was brought to earth by alien life form(just extrapolating from the lucid dream presentation).I was actually not interested in the topic at all at the time of viewing just was experimenting with what all can be done in lucid dream.Also tried jumping off the mountain,it was great.LoL.It is sad these things are not taught in school and how much information is there within us,hidden.It is mind blowing!

Arpit Kanodia said...

PKS Sir, That was my whole point. And after 150,000 years ago, the human evolution was so much intense and superfast, that two different species of humans even lived together side by side.

More interestingly when a new advance species arrive, the first thing they do they kill there previous less evolved ancestors. But this was never happened, if humans came from chimps.

On the other question
what you think about the the Philadelphia Experiment?

Watch the first part of the program

Bash said...

Kumari Kadam concept is not accepted widely (But criticized).

According to the modern science, the Lemuria / Kumari Kandam is a pseudo-scientific concept.[51][52][53] The attempts to mix the Lemuria myth with Tamil history have attracted criticism since the late 19th century.[54] One of the earliest criticisms came from M Seshagiri Sastri (1897), who described the claims of ante-diluvial sangams as "a mere fiction originated by the prolific imagination of Tamil poets."[55] CH Monahan wrote a scathing review of Suryanarayana Sastri's Tamilmoliyin Varalaru (1903), shortly after its publication, accusing the author of "abandoning scientific research for mythology".[56] K. N. Sivaraja Pillai (1932) similarly stressed on the need to closely examine the historical authenticity of Sangam works and their commentaries.[57]

In 1956, K. A. Nilakanta Sastri described the Kumari Kandam theory as "all bosh", stating that geological theories about events happening millions of years ago should be connected to the human history of a few thousand years back.[58] Historian N. Subrahmanian, writing in 1966, described the Lemuria myth as the most characteristic example of "anti-history" in Tamil Nadu.[39] He noted that these myths persisted in the minds of Tamil people despite modern education.[59] According to him, the land lost to sea, as described in the ancient Tamil legends, was a small area comparable to a present-day district, and submerged around 5th or 4th century BCE.[19]

The same view is also shared by historian K. K. Pillay. He writes

... to accept this is not to accept the view that the entire Lemuria or Gondvana continent existed in the age of the Tamil Sangam, as is sometimes believed. Some of the writers on the Tamil Sangam might have held that the first Tamil Academy flourished in South Madurai which according to them lay to the south of the tip of present South India. This view has been sought to be reinforced by the Lemurian theory. But it is important to observe that the Lemurian continent must have existed, if at all, long long ago. According to geologists, the dismemberment of the Lemurian or Gondvana continent into several units must have taken place towards the close of the Mesozoic era.[

Sakshi said...

what's happening here...?

Unknown said...

See what Raytheon removed from P8I radar:

Mayur M Manapure said...

It's a good development.

Unknown said...

sir, russia has always supported india's bid for UNSC. but it has opposed tne negotiating text at UNGA for UNSC expansion.

you say that big nations play big games. kya yahan bhi aisa hi kuch ho raha hai ?


Sir, please please tell me we aren't going to be stupid enough to fuck up the S-70B deal now. We had cleared it by DAC last year but since then NOTHING. It appears the MOD is being retarded (as usual) to do with the price. I had expected much better from this new govt, I'd have though they were more pragmatic but they seem as useless as the last bunch.

We NEED these helos ASAP, why are these 3 american helicopter deals (CH-47, Ah-64 and S-70B) deal being stalled by these clowns?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To UNKNOWN: That is well-known. But what counts is why were those modes removed? Was it because the IN did not specify for its P-8Is any land-attack PGM like the SLAM which reqd such precision targetting inputs from the ISAR mode? This is well worth considering before one goes into a tizzy on various conspiracy theories.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Excellent reminiscences:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

And now, let the awaited earthquakes commence!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

And now, let the awaited earthquakes commence!

Mayur M Manapure said...

qs said...

when a mumbai based muslim clerk issued fatwa against musician rahman, why didn't he filed a complaint to the police in chennai? same with khap panchayats and illegal settlements?

is he afraid to his fellow muslims?
does he believed in the authority of fatwa since it is a muslim thing?

@rasayan said...

Hi Prasun,

Thanks for answering the queries and waiting for the report 2 of MAKS 2015.
Why all of sudden Pentagon creates a cell (
Is there any big deal behind the scene?

Rajesh Mishra said...

El = Al = God or Godly

ALgebra << GebraEl << ZibraEl<< KshibraEl >> Kshipra El << God of Kshipra << God of River Kshipra << God of Ujjain << King Vikramaditya of Ujjain (of Hindu Sanvat Panchang Fame) << Angel sent from Lord Shiva << KaalBhairav

The Algebraic mystery gets solved.

BTW Algebra was also called by Arabs as Al-Hindusa. This explains a lot.

Rajesh Mishra said...

They enter as humanitarian refugees. Then they turn themselves in to proletariat and start demanding the skies. Then they say that they are muslamics and they start demanding the Chhariat, Mazhab, Jihaad and what not. Ultimately everywhere they will not settle for anything except for the rule of the Muslamic Caliphate.

Alex said...

Fact is no one believes any research or dig if the results are already pre-defined. This is the case with Indian researchers. But hey if 1.2 Billion of you guys do then it still doesn't make it historically, scientifically accurate. I saw a a British Children's book recently. It said that Hinduism started in Pakistan 4000 years ago, on the banks of river Indus, yet you guys here say it was india. Who is one to believe? is this the reason why the RSS/BJP want to re-unite with Pakistan?

Arpit Kanodia said...

Hinduism as religion started 4000 yrs ago? Thats hilarious, who still not able to understand what Hinduism was.

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