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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

MAKS 2015 Show Report-1: Russia Is Stuck Between A Rock And A Hard Case

Moscow today is trying to deal with several crises at the same time. Firstly, there is the severe economic crisis brought on by the collapse in the price of crude oil and the continuing bite of Western economic sanctions brought on by the Russian annexation of Crimea and Russia’s support of the civil war in eastern Ukraine. With the Iran nuclear deal moving forward, it is highly likely that large amounts of Iranian crude oil will come on the market in the coming years. This in turn has caused futures contracts for crude oil to plunge, damaging Russia's ability to meet spending targets for its ambitious military goals. Moscow’s refusal to diversify its economy in the heady days of US$100 per barrel of crude oil is now coming back to haunt it. The war in eastern Ukraine shows no signs of stabilising anytime soon, either. In fact, the NATO alliance is claiming that upwards of 50,000 Russian troops are mobilised along the border with Ukraine. The Kremlin will face tough decisions in the near-term as social spending has already been cut dramatically and the threat of social unrest due to high military spending ($18 billion in 2015, or 4.2% of Russia’s GDP) in the face of further social security cutbacks is very real.  
Secondly, Russia’s population is declining in quantitative terms, which in turn is posing a severe strain on the availability of skilled human resources. And this is happening at a time when the Kremlin may well be required to launch low-intensity military operations against Estonia and Latvia in order to secure the interests of the Russian-speaking disenfranchised citizens of these two countries. Russia’s previous National Security Doctrine, which was signed into law in 2009 by then-President Dmitry Medvedev, has been superceded by the current military doctrine that President Vladimir Putin signed into law in December 26, 2014, which cited “NATO’s military buildup” as a key driver for the changes.
The new doctrine, beyond explicitly stating that NATO’s expansion is the main external threat facing Moscow, calls for reinforcing three geopolitical fronts that Russia sees as part of its existential security. In the coming years Russia will focus considerable resources in developing and maintaining a strong military presence in the Arctic, the recently annexed Crimean peninsula, and the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea. Each of these three regions is vital for Russia’s goal of checking NATO expansion, while simultaneously maintaining access to potential natural resources, as in the case of the Arctic, and warm water shipping routes. Russia’s military expansion in the Arctic has been a major goal for Putin for much of the past decade. The new military doctrine officially puts special focus on the region and advocates a greater Russian role in the region to help ensure access to potential energy resources on the Arctic seabed against possible Danish, Norwegian, Canadian, and US claims. The US estimates that upwards of 15% of the world’s remaining oil, 30% of its natural gas, and 20% of its liquefied natural gas are stored in the Arctic sea bed. Moscow has undertaken a construction blitz across the Arctic in a bid to ensure that it remains the unchallenged military power in the region. It is presently building 10 Arctic search-and-rescue stations, 16 deepwater ports, 13 airfields, and ten airspace surveillance radar stations across its Arctic coast. Simultaneously, Moscow has created a Joint Strategic Command North (JSCN) from components of the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet in order to maintain a permanent military presence in the region. It is likely that this command will ultimately become a fifth military district. Bottomline: Russia’s strategic focus in the years ahead will continue to be Euro-centric, and not not Eurasia-centric.
Thirdly, even though Russia is already the world’s second-biggest arms exporter (accounting for 27% of the global export market, with the US staying ahead with 31% market-share, and being followed by China with 5%, Germany with 5%, France with 5% and the UK with 4%), it is facing increasingly tough competition from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) with each passing day—especially in South Asia, the Middle East and Central America.
Fourthly, the PRC’s weapons manufacturers have succeeded to a large extent in back-engineering several weapons, sensors and fire-control systems that were on the drawing boards during the last years of the Soviet era, and whose production-engineering data were easily available from various countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Since 1991, the PRC had struck several military-industrial partnerships with several CIS-based original equipment manufacturers (OEM), especially in Ukraine, Belarus and Kyrgyzstan, for the purpose of obtaining critical research and development (R & D) inputs that are required for developing and producing new-generation weapon systems for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Consequently, Ukraine’s total arms exports grew steadily, from $20 million in 1994 to $600 million in 1997 and $1.5 billion in 2001. In 2002 the Industrial Policy Ministry of Ukraine and the PRC’s Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND) signed a protocol on cooperation in the military-industrial arena.  In that same year, Ukraine became the world’s fourth-largest weapons exporter and sold weapons and military technologies to Beijing worth $700 million, which accounted for 31% of Ukrainian exports that year. In 2011, 43% of Ukraine-built weapons were sold to the PRC, while in 2013 Ukraine became the PRC’s second-largest trade partner in the CIS, while the PLA became Ukraine’s biggest military customer in Asia.
Since 2002, the following Ukraine-based firms/enterprises/R & D institutes have had military-industrial partnerships with the PRC: Aerotechnica-MLT Ltd, ARSENAL Central Design Bureau State Enterprise, ARSENAL State Enterprise Plant, AVIAKONTROL Joint Stock Company (JSC), AVIONIKA  Ltd, BURAN State Enterprise Research Institute, CHERNOMOSUDOPROEKT, Chernomorsky Shipbuilding (formerly the   Nikolayev South Shipyard Soviet Shipyard No. 444), Engine Design Bureau of Kharkiv (EDBK), FEODOSYA State-Owned Optic Plant, ISKRA Ltd, Ivchenko-Progress OKB, Kharkiv Morozov Machine Building Design Bureau, KVANT Research Institute, Kyiv Plant Radar JSC, LUCH KYIV State Design Bureau, LVIV State Plant, Motor Sich JSC, MORYE Feodosya Shipbuilding Company, ORDZHONIKIDZE Sevastopol Marine Plant, PROGRESS Zaporozhye Machine-Building Design Bureau, RADIONIX Ltd, Radioizmeritel Plant, Scientific Research Institute for Aeroelastic Systems, Scientific and Technical Enterprise Electronprylad JSC, State Enterprise Malyshev Plant, Ukroboronprom JSC, Ukrspetsexport JSC, Ukrspetstechnika JSC, YUZHMASH Southern Machine Building Plant Association, VIZAR ZHULIANY Machine-Building Plant, and Zorya–Mashproekt  State Enterprise.
Ukrainian officials in August 2001 had conspired in the illegal sale of 12 Ukraine-owned Kh-55 strategic cruise missiles—six each to China and Iran (known locally as the Soumar GLCM), plus four Kolchuga passive surveillance systems to the PRC. Also smuggled out of Kiev by August 2001 were detailed production engineering data packages of a long-range land-attack cruise missile (LACM) called Korshun, which had by then been developed by Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk-based Yuzhnoye State Design Bureau, with production tooling being built by the Yuzhnoye Machine-Building Production Association, or Yuzhmash. The Korshun’s powerplant was a redesigned RD95-300 turbofan that bore a strong resemblance to the 36MT engine developed by Russia’s NPO Saturn. This turbofan was subsequently re-engineered in the PRC by its 624 Engine Design Institute, or the China Gas Turbine Establishment (GTE), and its related Chengdu Engine Group. Dimensions of the Korshun, which was identical to the Raduga-developed Kh-65SE LACM (first displayed in August 1992), included a wingspan of 3.1 metres, length of 6.3 metres, diameter of 0.514 metres, and a mass of 1,090kg. 
Range of the LACM was then claimed to be 600km when carrying a 500kg warhead. By late 2003, the General Armaments Dept of COSTIND, the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp’s (CASC) 3rd Aerospace Academy (also known as China Haiying Electro-Mechanical Technology Academy or CHETA, or the 066 Base in Hubei) and 8359 Research Institute had, along with the Beijing University for Aeronautics & Astronautics, Shanghai Jiaotong University, China State Electronics Systems Engineering Corp, Sichuan Aerospace Industry Corp and the Tianjin Institute for Power Sources had completed fabrication of the first six prototypes of the 800km-range Chang Jian CJ-10 LACM (a direct copy of the Korshun), and on August 10, 2004 the first test-firings were conducted at an instrumented offshore range in the Bohai Sea. Its configuration features a cylindrical body with two retractable wings, four non-retractable tailfins as well as a retractable engine inlet. The CJ-10 made its first public appearance during the October 1 military parade in 2009. In early 2005, flight-tests of another variant of the CJ-10, having a range of 1,200km, were carried out. The CJ-10 has since been deployed by China with both conventional HE/FAE and tactical low-yield nuclear warheads, with the latter developed by a consortium of China’s 7th Research and Design Institute, owned by the China National Nuclear Corp, China Metallurgical Equipment Corp (CMEC) and China Southwest Institute for Nuclear & Fluid Physics.
CASC’s 3rd Academy’s Beijing Xinghang Electromechanical Equipment Factory (159 Factory) is the final assembly facility for the CJ-10, while Beijing Hangxing Machine Building Factory (239 Factory) and the Xinxin Factory in Shanghai produce the various on-board components of the CJ-10. The LACM and its ALCM variant carries a range of different 770lb or 1,100lb warheads. The GLCM variant of the CJ-10 has a length of 7.0 metres, launch mass of 1,350kg,  warhead mass of 300kg,  cruise speed of 0.9 Mach. Thus far, the PLAAF has operationalised 20 H-6K bombers capable of launching the CJ-10’s ALCM variant. There are presently three operational, road-mobile, CJ-10 Brigades: the 821 Brigade, 96215 Unit in Liuzhou, Guangxi Province; the 824 Brigade, 96317 Unit in Dongkou, Hunan Province; and a third Brigade in Jianshui, Yunnan Province
Another highly successful military-industrial partnership between the PRC and Ukraine concerns the PLA Navy’s Type 052C Luyang-class guided-missile destroyers (DDG). Each of these DDGs come equipped with six forward vertical launch stations (VLS) each containing six revolving long-range surface-to-air missile (LR-SAM) launchers (for 36 Hong Qi-16 LR-SAMs) located below the bridge and behind the main gun; and a rear VLS station equipped with 12 Hong Qi-16 LR-SAMs forward of the helicopter hangar. Thus, a total of 48 Hong Qi-16 LR-SAMs are carried on board. The two-stage HQ-16 LR-SAM is ‘cold-launched’ vertically from a tubular launcher. The missile’s first stage has a diameter of 700mm while the second stage has a diameter of 560mm. The total launch mass is 2 tonnes, while the missile’s length is 9 metres. It is armed with a 180kg HE fragmentation warhead and has a maximum speed of Mach 4.2. The HQ-16 has a slant range of 125km and a service ceiling of 30km. The missile’s proximity fuze has an effective range of 35 metres, which goes active when the missile is 35 metres away from its target. The HQ-16’s guidance mechanism comprises initial inertial navigation, radio command mid-course correction, and active terminal guidance. When in range for an effective lock-on with the on-board X-band monopulse radar, the terminal guidance phase, lasting 20km, gets underway. The HQ-16 has been developed to specifically counter incoming intermediate-range/tactical ballistic missiles and supersonic anti-ship cruise missiles, and is therefore not cost-effective if deployed to counter only manned combat aircraft. For naval target tracking and engagement, the Jiangsu Province-based Nanjing Research Institute of Electronic Technology (NRIET, but also more commonly known as the 14th Institute) has co-developed with Ukraine’s the KVANT Research Institute, the shipborne Type 346 S-band multi-function active phased-array radar with four antenna arrays, each of which has a maximum range of 150km, a maximum resolution of 0.5 metres, and can  scan a 0-120-degree arc in azimuth and 0-90 degrees in elevation, with a peak power output of 1mWe. The HQ-16 LR-SAM itself is a re-engineered version of the Soviet-era 5V55R LR-SAM and Ukrainian companies that were consultants to the PRC for developing the HQ-16 and its land-based HQ-9 LR-SAM variant (the FD-2000 being its export variant and already sold to Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan) were YUZHMASH and the VIZAR ZHULIANY Machine-Building Plant.
Other naval products that have been co-developed by the PRC with Ukraine’s assistance include the Type 382 radar (originally the Fregat-M2EM), Type 344 radar (originally the Mineral-ME), Type 345 radar (originally MR-90)—all of which were re-engineered by the Nanjing Marine Radar Research Institute/No 724 Institute; the SUR-17/Type 517B air surveillance radar with Yagi antenna that was re-engineered by the Yangzhou Marine Electronic Instruments Research Institute/ No. 723 Institute; and the Type 344 multifunctional fire-control radar that was re-engineered by the Xi’an Research Institute of Navigation Technology (XRINT) No 20 Research Institute. The Type 344 (Mineral-ME) and Type 382 (Fregat-M2EM) radars are installed on board the PLA Navy’s Type 054A Jiankai-class guided-missile frigates, while the Type 346s are on the PLAN's Type 052C/D Luyang-class DDGs and on the aircraft carrier Liao Ning. In addition, a seabed-based SOSUS network, developed jointly by Ukraine and China, has been under installation along China's territorial waters since 2012. 
The PLAN’s sole aircraft carrier Liao Ning too has been refitted and upgraded with Ukraine’s military-industrial help. In another development, the PRC’s Nanchang-based Hongdu Industrial Aviation Group (HAIG) inked a contract in 2009 with Ukrainian engine manufacturer Motor Sich for the supply AI-222-25F turbofans—each valued at $2 million—for its production-standard L-15 ‘Hunting Eagle’ lead-in fighter trainer (LIFT). The first tranche of 12 engines was delivered in 2011. The tandem-seat, twin-engined L-15, co-developed by HAIG and Russia’s Yakovlev OKB, made its maiden flight on March 13, 2006. The first L-15 prototype, powered by twin non-afterburning ZMKB-Progress (Lotarev) DV-2 engines, was rolled out on September 29, 2005. The third prototype, powered by twin DV-2F afterburning turbofans, first flew on May 10, 2008, and was powered by twin non-afterburning AI-222-25 turbofans. The fourth prototype first flew on June 8, 2009, and was powered by two afterburner-equipped AI-222K-25F turbofans. The sixth L-15 prototype, which was rolled out on August 15, 2010,  features a stretched nose that can house a multi-mode fire-control radar, HOTAS controls, and improved glass cockpit avionics with three AMLCD-based multifunction displays. Powered by two AI-222K-25F turbofans delivering enough thrust for sustained supersonic flight, its maiden flight took place on October 26, 2010. It features a three-axis quadruplex fly-by-wire flight control system. The L-15 has a maximum takeoff weight of 9,500kg, maximum speed of Mach 1.4, maximum climb rate of 150 metres/second, load sustenance of +8g/-3g, service ceiling of 16,000 metres, loitering time of two hours, and a structural airframe life of 10,000 flight hours. Unit price quoted for the L-15 is US$16 million. The L-15 is likely to be procured in future by the air forces of China, Myanmar and Pakistan.
Ukraine has also sold the PRC four Project 1232.2 Zubr hovercraft at a cost of US$315 million. While the first two were built (and delivered on April 12, 2013) by the Crimea-based MORYE Feodosya Shipbuilding Company in Feodosiya (now in Russia-annexed Crimea), the latter two are now being licence-assembled at the China State Shipbuilding Corp-owned Huangpu Shipyard in Guangzhou under the supervision of Ukrainian technicians. Ukraine has also helped the PRC upgrade its fleet of Su-27SK heavy multi-role combat (H-MRCA) aircraft by supplying kits for upgraded N-001 mlti-mode airborne radars (from RADIONIX Ltd), OMUT internalu jammers for Shenyang J-11B H-MRCAs, as well as  upgraded ZSh-7APN Sura-K helmet-mounted display systems (HMDS) and upgrade kits for the OEPS-27 infra-red search-and-track (IRST) sensors. 
In addition, Ukraine has also helped the Sichuan Changhong Electric Appliance Corp and its Luoyang Optical-Electronic Technology Development Centre (LOEC) to develop both an indigenous HMDS as well as the Hongguang-1 IRST sensor for the Shenyang J-11B, Chengdu J-10B and Shenyang J-15 MRCAs.
Lastly, Ukraine in 2001 supplied the PRC’s 601 Research Institute at Shenyang with one Su-33 carrier-based H-MRCA prototype (the T-10K-3) along with related production-engineering data as well as the source-codes (crypto-keys) for the aircraft’s fly-by-wire flight-control systems and its digital databus. The T-10K-3 aircraft had made its maiden flight on February 17, 1990 in the former USSR. Also sold by Ukraine were the production-licences for the LIMAN ground-radio jammers, mobile GPS jamming systems, and road-mobile troposcatter-based communications relay systems like the TS-504 and multi-point TS-510/GS-510 systems, which are re-engineered versions of Ukraine’s R-423-1 Brig-1 troposcatter system.
When it comes to military-industrial cooperation with Belarus, in 1998, in the Chinese city of Hubei in Siogan Province a joint assembly plant called ‘Sanjiang Volat Co Ltd’ for the production of multi-wheeled tractors and chassis for various purposes with capacity from 20 to 75 tonnes was established. The founders of the joint venture with a capital of 52.2 million Yuan were Minsk Wheel Tractor Plant (MWTP), with an authorised capital share of 30% and Sanjiang Aerospace Corp with the 70 % share. MWTP contributed technologies and accessories for building multi-wheeled heavy-duty vehicles. In accordance with the agreed-upon business statutes, in the first five years of operation 70 % of all components for the plant should have been delivered by MWTP. Subsequently, the share of Belarusian components was intended to be reduced to 30%. But the PRC, known for its outstanding talent for re-engineering, exceeded the plan, and now MWTP provides only the wheel-hubs. The production facilities of Sanjiang Volat Co Ltd are designed to produce 300 multi-axle vehicles per year to meet the needs of the defence, oil, construction, mining and forestry industries. The industrial partners have since September 2009 also created a joint production facility for hydro-mechanical transmission (HMT) of heavy-duty vehicles and wheeled tractors. This facility is known as the Wuhan Sanjiang Import & Export Company Ltd (WSIEC), a subsidiary of China Sanjiang Space Group (CSSG).
With Kyrgyzstan, the PRC has joined forces to develop an indigenous version of the VA-111 Shkval supercavitating rocket-propelled torpedo, which achieves a high velocity of 230mph (386kph). The Shkval is fired from the standard 533mm torpedo tube at a depth of up to 328 feet (100 metres). The torpedo exits the tube at 50 Knots (93kph) and then ignites the rocket motor, propelling the weapon to speeds four to five times faster than other conventional torpedoes. The weapon has an 80% kill probability at a range of 7,655 yards (7,000 metres). The torpedo is guided by an autopilot rather than by a homing head as on most torpedoes. Manufacturing know-how for the torpedo’s cruise-control sub-systems has been procured from Ukraine, while Kyrgyzstan’s Dastan Engineering JSC has supplied the autopilot’s manufacturing know-how to the PRC. 
To Be Concluded


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Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JON: Extraordinary times require extraordinary measures. If Canada prevails, then this will set such a precedent that all the Caucasians will band together & forcibly deport all those who are either of Pakistani origin or have Pakistani blood running in their veins.

Meanwhile, do watch this ground report from Afghanistan that was aired last night.

What is hilarious is, despite the best efforts of the Pakistani anchorperson to elicit anti-India responses from all those she interviewed, the result was always the opposite. Even average Afghan women, it emerges, harbour strong anti-Pakistan sentiments.


rad said...

hi prasun
why has the defense ministers of germany dropped out of visiting india? is there some thing in it? Again why has Australia put conditions so that we cant buy uranium from them? is it uncle sam`s bidding?.Seems one step forward and two steps backwards. They seem eager to join us in an anti china front but give china uranium on the other side!!??Its not that the fools who brought in this laws are not aware of what china is doing with their uranium.They are using it to make plutonium and target the west ! crazy Australians.
Is it not better to drop the lca mk2 and get along with the mk1A and save funds for the AMCA?. Dont we need some one like EADS , LM,BOEING, SUKHOI to help up in the amca rather than do it the lca way.The specs of the amca is so cutting edge that we dont have a single tech with us apart from Fly by wire and composite construction!. Who do you think is a better collaborator?.
Again,is there space for the AESA elm -2052 radar and its cooling hardware in the tiny nose of the LCA?.This after shoving the refueling probe in the nose ?.

spanky's Blog said...

Hi Prasun,
Thanks for the detailed response. And I agree with you that India needs both but for different services. The NOPVs should go to the Coast Guards for coast security. For blue water dominance the Navy needs DDGs. The author doesn't even touch upon that. I think the write up was done just to create sensationalize some issues.

Apart from him, I strongly believe that Indian navy doctrine is currently flawed. why is navy taking up responsibility for Indian coast security? This is not it's JOB. Navy should only concentrate on blue water dominance except during war where it should commit its ASW assets for detecting enemy submarine near our coast. Everything else should be left to coast guard. I think after 26/11 our planners screwed up a big time regarding this.

Would be glad to know your view.

Also there is another masterpiece for our esteemed friend broadsword. he says that LCA MK1 will be accpeted by AF in numbers of 120. Again in the same paragraph he says the following

"It will have an under-wing pod for electronic warfare and jamming, aerial refuelling capability, better air-to-air missiles and rearranged internals for easy maintenance."

1. AFAIK, if you add under-wing pod for electronic warfare and jamming, it will need re certification which means another 100 hours of flying.
2. aerial refuelling capability --> This has not yet been tested as the cobam just delivered it. testing and certification on flying will take another 100s of hours of flight time if not more.
3. better air-to-air missiles --> WTF??? what is better air to air missile. How do you classify better? Its either will be certified for BVR missiles or VR missiles. OR it will be certified for new class of missiles. Seriously wht he means by better GOD knows.
4. rearranged internals for easy maintenance --> REARRANGED INTERNALS?????? Doesn't he know if you change the aircraft internals it needs to be validated and certified. Not to mention thousand pages of maintenance documents which needs to be re written???
What does he smoke when he writes.... or just copies from somewhere else. How can you write without logic is beyond me.

BTW I have small request. Can you do a quick and small write up regarding the Current Tejas situations. too many people are making the water muddy and I am getting confused as to what is going to happen. Please do a short write to make the matters clear for laymen like us.



Sir doesn't this contradict EVERYTHING you have been saying about there being no wrongdoing on India's part in the AW-101 affair?:

And we are still left without an answer to what the hell the IAF is going to do with those 3 AW-101s we have sat in storage in Delhi. What a mess this whole affair has been.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@raw13 Instead of writing here, start to use your punitive brain.

You think a country which is offshoot of Anglo-Saxon by racially and culturally, is in China's hand? Lolz. Why you making fool of yourself?

Further, India already importing uranium from Kazakhstan, Russia , France and latest one is Canada, so its upto Australia to think when the whole world has no problem in supplying Uranium, what they doing wrong?

On other thing, the India already signed Civil Nuclear Cooperation Agreement with Australia, the report was from Parliamentary Committee, not a official govt. stance.

On Kunduz, Kunduz has a long history of Taliban and Al Qaeda, and we all know about this. *cough* Kunduz Airlift.

But a fall of city and then recapture, means the whole country fall in the hands of Taliban and Kabul Govt. is non functional?

If that so, then this can be concluded before Zarb-e-Azb and even now, TTP and many terrorist groups running the Pakistan, not Army.

Arup said...

1. Arup Raha says IAF will have 13 squadrons of Su-30Mki. But wont we be having 16-17 squadrons once the deliveries of 314 are complete?

2. The chief didnt mention which variant of Tejas will IAF induct if HaL cranks up production per annum and ADA/HAL combo can flight test and validate that the radar,missiles and Ifr work properly.
will it be 100 Tejas mk1a? Now if we induct 100 mk1a then what about the 83 mk2 originally planned? Will the orders lead to a reduction in no of mk2 procured?

3.Which are the 2 squadrons of Mig-27M and Mig-21Bis to be decommissioned this year?

4.Everyone is so gung ho about Mk1A getting the much needed ew self defensecapability,a crucial addition which was all but absent un mk1. But why isnt anyone bothered about this fact that the ew capability will come in the form of a pod carried externally on a hardpoint. Now this was already planned as part of final oprrational clearence of mk1 . Then why make a show out of it? Again Ajai says thr ew pod is being developed now. Is he mistaken or Dare is indeed developing a new one?

5. The carriage of an ew pod will reduce the no of missiles/bombs carried if the no of hdps stay the same and hdps are already in short supply on the Tejas. Isnt it possible to package a self defensive jammer within two aam pylons like what was done for AAR-60(V). jammer+ missiles on the same hdp. This type of packaging already exists for F-18 Hornet. This will be a very innovative thing to do for Tejas .


Prasun Da,

(1) Some sections of the desi media are claiming that F 16 will be inducted by the Indian Air Force. Any truth in these reports?

(2) Now that the K9 howitzer has been selected when can we expect to see them in Indian Army colors?

Thank You

Anonymous said...

Hi Sir,

Can you tell us, what will be the formula for year 2034 & 49 squardons for IAF ( as told by Arup Raha ) ?

S Thakur

Arpit Kanodia said...


The article saying the remote control gun is locally developed, any detail about this?

And this isnt better to make a virtual wall in WB by deploying a grid of sensors, automatic and remote controlled MGs, instead of creating a physical wall over WB?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: It is the GMR version of the Daksh ROV. You can read all about it here:

And here are the specs & images:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Also, see this:


Prasun Da,

Thanks for sharing this link from FORCE. Absolutely splendid pics of Chinese Ballistic missiles.

This of course is a serious problem for India because as of now there are no BMD system in place to intercept these Chinese missiles in case of any eventuality.

CSC said...

Will eagerly await part 2 of maks.

Some questions here.

I am puzzled as to why a 7500 ton ddg has only 32 sams. Understood that 32 reloadable sams are also carrier, it's still not a replacement for sams in vls ready to counted saturation attacks.

Some of that empty deck space maybe for 8 to 16 nirbhay, but is the rest of the space for 32 extended range barak that iai is working on or for a low to mid range Sam to make a more balanced multi tiered air defense system.

Rail guns or dew weapons don't seem a possibilitu before the post 15b series as electric it demands for such guns, even if available in the next few years are beyond the existing call city of the 15 series

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: Don’t worry, Australia will come around. China being a signatory to the NPT is bound by its mandatory regulations on accounting for fissile materials obtained from imported natural uranium, just like India is by signing the additional protocol with the IAEA. Question of China obtaining weapons-grade fissile materials from imported uranium therefore does not even arise. As for abandoning the Tejas Mk2 MRCA in favour of the AMCA, what you are forgetting to take note is that before you learn to make a Toyota Lexus, you must first master the making of Toyota Corolla & before that the Toyota Corona. There’s no way anyone can skirt or bypass the evolutionary R & D processes, rest assured. Those who tried to bypass it have failed most miserably. Take HAL’s instance: despite being unable to develop the HTT-35 BTT in the early 1990s, it was roped in by ADA for prototype development of Tejas Mk1/LCA Navy Mk1 AND YET, HAL still cannot even develop a functional IJT like the HJT-36. This byfar is the best illustration of what happens when one tries to bypass the evolutionary process.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To TRUTHSTALKER: Those are all allegations being made by the ED. Proof of the pudding lies in its eating. Let the ED produce concrete evidence of the paper trail that is required for mapping the money trail. If the Italian court could not achieve this, what chance in hell does the ED or CBI to do so? Until any concrete evidence about any wrongdoing is presented in any Indian court of law, no ‘maai ka laal’ can contradict me or my conclusions about ;’affair AW-101.

TO VIKRAM GUHA: 1) Only those interested in obtaining advertisement revenue from Lockheed Martin are spreading such false canards. The final-assmebly line at Fort Worth is 1-mile long. Tell me which state (LoLz!) in India will be able to spare land for hosting such a production facility? 2) Not just the K-9 Vajra, but also its accompanying K-10 ammo resupply vehicle & K-77 automatic fire-direction vehicle. Contract signature is still a few months away.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Most of these new-generation ballistic missiles like the DF-16, DF-21D & DF-26 are meant for use against Japan & US Navy’s carrier battle-groups, & not against India.

To RAW13: More skeletons out of Gilgit-Baltistan’s closet:

And here’s wahat the Afghan Ambassador to India said yesterday:

Your days as a standup comedian are numbered, rest assured (LoLz)!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SPANKY’s BLOG/SWAROP: IN’s doctrine isn’t flawed. Instead it was the then CNS of the IN, Admiral Sureesh Mehta, followed by his successor Admiral Verma, who both went overboard trying to please their then political masters in the UPA-1/2 govts just so that both these Admirals, after their retirement, could secure plum postings abroad as Ambassadors & High Commissioners! As for the conclusions & assumptions of the’desi’ bandalbaaz, he is dead-wrong, BECAUSE matters have completed changed ever since the NP-2 prototype of LCA (Navy) became available for flight-testing. It then quickly became evident that the NP-2 was not only more agile than the Tejas Mk1 version, but could also host additional internal volume for some critical mission avionics. Thus, this in many ways came closest to what the IAF wants & now the IAF will order only 40 Tejas Mk1s, while ordering 80 of the LCA (Navy) Mk1 versions (minus their tailhooks). It is for this very reason that the IAF’s CAS was extremely reticent about naming any specific version of the Tejas to be ordered, & it is also for this reason that Cmde (Ret’d) Balaji has become the ADA Chief. For the past 1 week he has given a series of presentations to IAF HQ on the positive results achieved by the NP-2’s flight-testing to date, & this has made the IAF extremely happy. Now it’s all about installing on board NP-2 some of the critical mission avionics specified by the IAF, especially the internally-mounted CW/pulse EW transmitters. AS for AAMs, as I had already stated above, the Targo HMDS/Python-5 combination & Derby will go on board. Internals are already re-arranged on the NP-2 as it is the LCA (Navy) Mk1 version. But the ‘desi bandalbaaz’ has yet to grasp all this. EVERYONE’s assuming that the IAF’s CAS was talking about the Tejas Mk1 version, whereas in reality he was referring to the LCA (Navy) Mk1 version that will be ordered for the IAF, PROVIDED HAL can assure accelerated delivery-rates. I’m already working on a dissection of the IAF CAS’ speech which will explain in far greater detail how & why the IAF is highly enthused by the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 option.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

One of India's ace trojan horses in J & K has delivered! Watch the JKLF's representative in PoK exposing the atrocities within PoK:

Didn't I say earlier that Yasin Malik was a trojan horse!

birbal said...

Hi Prasun da,


Really refreshing and to-the-point explanation to SPANKY’s BLOG/SWAROP's query on IAF's immediate future Tejas, which according to you will be the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 and also why Cmde (Ret’d) Balaji has become the ADA Chief.

Wow a agile Tejas( due to LEVCONS and slightly aerodynamically better airframe on the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 than the Tejas mk1) with AESA based DRFM jammers and digital RWRs and the deadly Targo HMDS/Python-5 combination & i-Derby ER BVRAAM plus the Gen5 Rafael LITENING 5 targeting pod which has air-yo-air FLIR/IRST capability providing passive detection of air targets plus color CCD HD-TV the new Tejas will beat F-16As any time,
AND with further improvements like angular canopy, more streamlined airframe resulting in less drag plus weight reduction measures like lightweight undercarriage/landing gears and removal of dead plates, which i think will further lead to more weight reduction, THE NEW TEJAS will be a world BEATER in it's current configuration and will even MATCH the J-10Bs, if not the eurocanards like the JAS-39E Gripens etc.

What do you say Prasun da??? Correct me if i am wrong..

And last but not the least it is really heartening to read that you are already working on a dissection of the IAF CAS’ speech which will explain in far greater detail how & why the IAF is highly enthused by the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 option.
WOW... with the part 2 of your report on MAKS 2015 coming , which is long overdue,
it's really exciting times ahead in your blog.


With regards,


Unknown said...

looks like your prediction is going to be true again !!!
4 more scorpene class submarines

but sir, is p75i really dead ?
have we aquired capability to build conventional submarines indigenously?
also what can we expect from modi's moscow visit? pakfa? mki?

Anonymous said...

Dada , From a layman`s perspective what i gather is ,specially regarding LCA ; the moment the naval guys put their heads together things started moving in the right direction.

What i do not understand is why IAF did not take ownership earlier ?

Jon said...

Forward movement on Indo-Japanese Nuclear deal?

birbal said...

Prasun da,

As you mentioned earlier before going to MAKS-2015 that IN is going to purchase 3 more follow-on Scorpene SSKs under Project-75, here is the proof

With regards,


Anonymous said...

Why exactly is the NP 2 Kh 3002 performance much better than the IAF version? What exactly does it do better, ITR, STR, AoA, etc
Also, how does it differ in terms of avionics from the IAF version. Why does it have more internal volume?
When will HAL/ADA definitively announce the exact configuration of the NP2 variant to be ordered for IAF?
Will NP1 then be the LIFT version?
How many production lines will be ultimately sanctioned for 120 plus aircraft. 1 as of now with expanded scale or 2 lines.

Siddharth said...

Prasun da,

Are we going to see some kind of aerodynamic refinement in LCA NP2 - customized for the IAF.

What will be the normal weapon payload capability of NP2.

How it is better than current LSP 8 or Tejas MK1.

EW suite to placed externally or internally on NP2.

LCA NP2 for IAF will be in LIFT configuration.

Arpit Kanodia said...


1) What you think how much time it require to HAL/ADA for Tejas Mk1 (Navy) for starting the deliveries to AF? I am asking this question because NDTV claiming it will be within a year, which is a mind boggling figure.

2) Maybe your this prediction also coming true

I hope your SSN's prediction also come true.

3) What you think about nationalist movement in PoK? Similar like events happened in valley after Jan 20, 1990.

rad said...

hi prasun
you were talking about the naval version of the lca which is more agile etc. How does the lca compare to the jas-39 in agility with these new levcons. I heard the agility or the sustained turn rate of the jas-39 was better to the f-16 in certain aspects.again .Is it that easy to fit a aesa radar on the lca given space constraints?.

CSC said...

Good to know that once in a while an amateur like me can make a correct prediction. I do remember having asked on this blog that balajis appt as APA Chief would start to turn things around.
Also pls to reply on the SAM numbers issue

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Subho said...

I hope the irony in the whole LCA-NP being touted as the savior for the beleaguered IAF is not lost on anyone; Not so long ago,a serving CAS was fighting the Navy & the Army tooth and nail & trying to stall their efforts at owning and operating their own air assets or "mini air-forces" as he called them. Look who's having the last laugh now !

prateek said...

sir , i had posted a query a few days back that you didnot answer.
I am sorry to nudge you again , but,there is hardly anything available on the net about the topic , specially something that could be understood by a layman.
please answer the query this time, sir...
i am reposting the query below..

sir ,
you might have read this article, if not please read & give your perspective/critique..

" "...

the gist of the article is that the various systems like TCS,BMS,CIDSS,ACCCS,BSS,NEWN,AF-NET which are under development or at various stages of deployment can't seamlessly communicate with each other.
is this allegation true, sir ?
if yes , what are reasons due to which army opted for this situation.
by reading the article one gets the feeling that the senior officer cadre of the indian military is completely inept.

hopefully you can also tell your readers about these systems in some detail & how are they going to effect network-centricity.

i wish you will explain in some detail sir , i hope to learn on this topic.

SATYAM said...


Are you schizophrenic? Even before one of your answer can be answered you throw a few dozen questions. And by starting this slug fest with some other idiot you have reduced this blog to thrash can.

You fond of trolling do that in your own blog.



Thanks for highlighting that those Chinese Ballistic missiles are directed towards the US & Japan and not India.

However in case they are in the event of a Indo-China confrontation, India is basically defenseless, correct? China on the other hand can deploy its S 400 to intercept Agni.

Please do shed some light.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PALLAB: You seem to have counted all the chickens even before they’ve been hatched! You’re forgetting that ASSUMPTION is always the mother of all fuck-ups. There’s no space anywhere inside the airframe for housing any kind of internal jammers or MAWS or AESA-MMR or IRST sensor. Those will have to wait for Tejas Mk2. In any case, defensive counter-air/ground attack aircraft don’t require AESA-MMRs, only heavy-MRCAs & deep-penetration MMRCAs do.

To PIYUSH DAS: Project 75I was dead a long time ago, sometime in 2001 itself. Conventionbal SSKs were built in-country since the late 1980s. For Moscow, contracts for upgrading the 6 IL-78MKI AAR tankers, 57 additional Mi-17V-5s & mid-life refits of 3 P-15 DDGs & the first 3 Project 1135.6 FFGs are likely to be inked.

To ASHISH & SIDDHARTH: had already explained that earlier. The Tejas Mk1 version suffers from having one of the lowest aspect ratios ever in any MRCA, resulting in high induced drag in combat—this being due to faulty design of the compound delta-wing. That’s why the Tejas Mk1 in weaponised modes does not fulfill the agility reqmts (especially sustained turn-rates) as mandated in the IAF’s ASQR. The LCA (Navy) Mk1, on the other hand, possesses LEVCONs that overcomes (to a great extent, but not entirely) the agility shortcomings. In addition, the landing gear of a fully weaponised Tejas Mk1 prevents the aircraft from landing with full weapons-load, whereas the LCA (Navy) Mk1’s landing gear does not suffer from this shortcoming. The ASPJ will be pod-mounted externally, just like it is on the MiG-29K.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: It’s all about financial availability & political will. Only these 2 factors can make things happen. If these are lacking, nothing will move ahead. For instance, while the IAF wanted 10 US-2i amphibians from Japan for search-and-rescue purposes of its pilots who would have to ejected over the high seas in case of mishaps during peacetime/wartime, the Indian Coast Guard wanted 6 units for anti-piracy operations. So far so good. But then comes the insatiable passion of many Indians for tying themselves up in knots, i.e. the Indian Navy objected to the IAF's proposal & wanted to do the SAR mission. This jurisdiction issue remains unsettled till now. On top of all this, the Govt of India's recent decision on the OROP pensions issue now means that there's no money left for spending on procuring the US-2i amphibians. Therefore, all three armed services & the Coast Guard now have to prioritise their spending requirements, & procuring the US-2i is simply not on any list of their priorities. Above all, one cannot implement a 'Make in India' policy for just 16 amphibians. Thus, politically too, the PMO has lost all interest in the US-2i amphibian. That's the stark reality for you! In addition, a Rs.3115-crore contract for 164 Litening-3 LDPs has been awaiting approval from the Cabinet Committee on national Security (CCNS) since November 2014 just because some ill-informed bureaucrat in the PMO wants to explore ‘Make in India’ options at a time when the entire contract is finalized & 30% direct industrial offsets have been agreed upon! The CCNs has also been sitting on already-negotiated contracts for 10 A330-200 MRTTs worth Rs.9,000 crores since mid-2014, for Spice-2000 PGMs worth Rs.700 crores, for Black Shark torpedoes worth Rs.650 crores since 2012, & for 2 more A-50I PHALCONs worth Rs.5,000 crores.

To RAD: AESA-MMR is out of the question for any version of the LCA—be it Tejas Mk1 or LCA (Navy) Mk1. In any case, defensive counter-air/ground attack aircraft don’t require AESA-MMRs, only heavy-MRCAs & deep-penetration MMRCAs do. LCA (Navy) Mk1 being loighter than the F-16 will be more agile as well.

To CSC: It’s not so much about predicting or prophesying, but more to do with calculating the probability factor based on certain ground realities, & then proceeding to read the writing on the wall.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

SUBHO: That’s the reason why the IAF’s CAS had decided to play it safe & declare that all that the IAF wanted as TEJAS, & not Mk1 or 1A or Mk2. But he perhaps forgot that the IAF’s model of choice is not even Tejas, but LCA (Navy) M1, because the IN never uses the term ‘Tejas’ in any of its literature. Probably, even A B Vajpayee decided on the term ‘Tejas’ after seeing only the TD-1 & TD-2 all painted up in colours of the Indian Tricolour! That’s why I had a good laugh after this christening ceremony.

To PRATEEK: The short answer is: Army-centric systems like TCS, BMS, CIDSS, ACCCS, BSS etc etc can all communicate amongst themselves, but they can’t communicate with their counterparts being used by the IN or IAF—with or without SDRs. It’s no use adopting software-defined radios if there is no linkage between the different theatres/areas of operations of the 3 armed services. And for as long as the armed services have different theatre commands, they all will fight their battles on their own & not in any coordinated or synchronised manner. Thus the IA’s Western Command will not have seamless communications links with the IAF’s Western Air Command or the IN’s western fleet. Seamless integration is possible only if unified tri-services theatre commands are created & for this to happen, a Chief of Defence Staff is reqd. It is a chain of events that needs to happen.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: LoLz! Trust me, the PLA does not need S-400s or even S-500s to intercept inbound ICBMs or IRBMs or MRBMs. For close to 20 years now they’re conducting intense R & D on ground-based high-power lasers & the PRC today is already well ahead in building land-based APARs for BMEWS’ early warning component.

To JON: This interview proves beyond a shadow of doubt that Pakistan is only interested in securing itswater-supply sources from the Kishenganga River & that's why it is obsessed with J & K:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SOUBHAGYA: The short answer is: people get only those leaders that they deserve. After all, these so-called leaders are not fallen angels who parachute down to earth from the heavens, are they? They all hail from amongst us. Therefore, unless we collectively reform ourselves en masse, we will continue to churn out such retards as ‘leaders’. Within India, while the emphasis has been on spreading higher education for fulfilling the demands of industrialisation, this does not mean really the most talented & enterprising human resources are mentored. For instance, bulk of the IITians are the byproducts of coaching classes, & most of them are not the brightest or innovative. That’s why we have IITians like the present Raksha Mantri who does not seem to realise (based on his recent speech to the DRDO) that India cannot undertake technology development of any type, certainly in the military arena. Because, technological breakthroughs cannot take place UNLESS the scientific breakthroughs take place first. Thus, scientific & technological breakthroughs will WITHOUT FAIL always take place in developed countries, & not in China or India. What is happening inside China & India is all back-engineering or reverse-engineering of technologies already developed elsewhere. This is commonsensical, but 99% of Indians are devoid of common-sense. Don’t believe me? Let me give you evidence that you can verify on-the-spot on any street in urban India. Go to any shop for making duplicate documentation & you will always read the term XEROX. What folks fail to realise & accept is that the term XEROX denotes the OEM’s brandname for the machine used for duplicating documents. It does not denote the process, which is actually referred everywhere else outside India as ‘photo-copying’. Try telling anyone in any other country that you want to make a XEROX copy & see what the reaction is. Now do you realise how stupid people can really get? And you expect such folks to distinguish between religion, sects & cults???

Being ‘Soubhagya’, you may indeed be the blessed one to seek such explanations from me, but your ‘Durbhagya’ is that you will be extremely hard-pressed to find sanity or logical reasoning or common-sense around you if you are residing in India.

rad said...

hi prasun

you said that the aesa was not needed on the lca. Is it true that the Iaf is asking for an aesa for the large order?. The levcons bring down the landing speed , can we have the brake parachute container area for a towed decoy or some ew equipment?.What makes you say that the lca navy will be more agile than the f-16?with this low thrust to weight ratio? and excessive drag.How does the lca navy compare with the vigen jas-39?
Is there any way these bureaucrats can be taken to task for sitting on defense files, is it possible to eliminate t hem altogether and put technocrats and qualified people instead?. If some body can do , it is Mody.

Unknown said...

Prasun da,

Using Lca NP2 for AirForce version? LCA MK empty weight is 6500Kg while LCA NP1 for Indian Navy empty weight was 1600Kg more than Air force version i.e,8100Kg which was to be reduced to 7100 Kg i.e, only 600 kg higher Has it been done? Last report by a person attending the Aero india was that it is 1400Kg higher at 7900kg. That leaves a payload of 2100Kg at MTOW of 13.3T.

There are reports that LCA mk1a will weigh 5500Kg empty and if LCA np2 weighs 6100Kg than you assessment is right.

Earlier report in 2008 was levcons from NP version will be added to LCA airforce version from 41st aircraft. This may be the reality.

Unknown said...

Prasun da,

As far as LCA mk2 for Airforce is reports say 6.2T as empty weight 10T as clean weight and 15T as MTOW.

My estimate for LCA navy MK2 is 7.7T as empty weight, 12T as clean weight and 16T as MTOW. It will be 8g fighter as compared to IAF 9g and 20 % larger wing area as compared to IAF version and length of 14.56m as compared to 13.7m,both having 10T thrust GE414 engine.

birbal said...

Yah Prasun da, maybe I was too excited. To be honest i was OPTIMISTIC, but i forgot that i live in a country where, as you said common sense hardly prevails. Learned a lot from you just by reading your comments especially NOT assuming but proceeding by calculating the probability factor based on ground realities. Thanks.

But you had earlier written to a query SPANKY’s BLOG/SWAROP that the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 could host additional internal volume for some critical mission avionics specified by the IAF, especially the internally-mounted CW/pulse EW transmitters.
ISN'T the CW/pulse EW transmitters PART of jammers??

Doesn't the MiG-29K has the Virgilius AESA-Based Internal EW Suite or is it only on the MiG-29UPG??

You said that scientific & technological breakthroughs will WITHOUT FAIL always take place in developed countries, & not in China or India. Then from where did the Chinese got the AESA technologies for their land-based APARs for BMEWS’ early warning component??

You also said that the Chinese are conducting intense R & D on ground-based high-power lasers for close to 20 years. Do you really see them developing high-power lasers for defensive or offensive purpose, since as you have told they believe in reverse engineering, and for reverse engineering they have to somehow OBTAIN the technology from elsewhere. LASERS are the weapons of the FUTURE. As far as i know only the US, Israel(Elbit) and the French(Thales) and SelexES have the know-how of the advanced Fibre-based laser technology and they will never sell that technology to the Chinese.
Recently the DRDO demonstrated 10kw fibre laser which i think it was definitely with the help of Israel.

With regards,


Unknown said...

Prasun da,

LCA MK1 trainer version for IAF is based on IN LCA NP version with levcons and similar cockpit shape with lesser drag and marginally higher L/D ratio.

I think IAF is considering single seat version of IAF trainer as they will get more space behind the pilot for more avionics and more efficient air frameas lca mk1a


Prasun Da,

(1) Since you raised the topic of lasers here is the latest report on lasers, rail guns from the US Navy

(2) Some good news for start ups if this proposal sees the light of the day

(3) I have saved the best for the last: BANDALBAZZI


Anonymous said...

why is he saying this?

Retired Air Marshal M. Matheswaran, a former deputy chief of the Integrated Defence Staff, said the LCA was obsolete.

“It is a very short-range aircraft which has no relevance in today’s war fighting scenarios. If you are trying to justify this as a replacement for follow-on Rafales, you are comparing apples with oranges.”

He said the plane was at best a technology demonstrator on which Indian engineers could build the next series of aircraft, not something the air force could win a war with.

“We would like to have the MMRCA (Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft) variety of aircraft. At least about six squadrons, to my mind,” the head of the air force, Arup Raha, said at the weekend, referring to the Rafale class of fighters.

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

a bit surprised to see you havent answered any of my querries

a few more though

17. you were against reviving Bhim SPH but L&T has got deal make its own SPH for IA (total 25+ as per ajaishukla), doesnt it make use of MGS less effective

18. Do you feel it would a better idea to have V22 based AEW platforms rather than E2Ds for nuke powered IN carrier

hope to get answers


Joydeep Ghosh

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The reqmt for tracked SPHs is for only 120 units, plus 80 K-10 tracked ammo resupply vehicles & 20 K-77 Artillery Fire Direction Centre Vehicles. No order has been placed so far & no contract has been inked. Therefore no one has as yet 'bagged' anything.

Next contract will be for 812 motorised SPHs, for which the Caesar will win the race hands-down. That will be followed by the contracts for 145 LW-155/M-777s & 300 more Dhanushs to add to the 114 already ordered.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: AESA-MMR is useful only if the MRCA is to be used for tactical interdiction inside hostile airspace, which necessitates the adoption of terrain-hugging flight profile for ingress & that’s where terrain-avoidance mode is reqd. For close air-support for contact battles, the MRCA can safely launch lightweight, small-diameter LGBs from standoff distances, thereby staying free from SHORADS & VSHORADS threats, which in turn means no ASPJ pod is reqd. Escorting aircraft like Su-30MKI will ensure air-dominance as they will be armed with their full complement of AAMs. LEVCONS or canards cannot be employed for thrust reversing & can never substitute brake parachutes. LEVCONs add additional wing-area to the LCA (Navy) Mk1 & this in turn confers greater agility to the aircraft at slower speeds at lower altitudes (between 5,000 feet & 10,000 feet) where dogfights using cannons are fought. And by the time such engagements begin, the airborne LCA (Navy) Mk1 would have already consumed about 40% of its internal fuel capacity. Consequently, the aircraft will become lighter & therefore thrust-to-weight ratios will still be favourable when using the WVRAAM/HMDS combination. The T/W ratio figures that are always touted in brochures & catalogues all relate to the aircraft in clean configuration, & NEVER in fully weaponised/loaded configuration. One therefore must be careful before taking such figures as the gospel truth. That’s why when calculating agility metrics, manoeuvrability parameters always becomes far more important than T/W ratio.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To Anon@2.18PM: He's saying this because he fears that funds earmarked for the Rafale will be diverted for procuring the LCA (Navy) Mk1 for the IAF. Flying technology demonstrators like the EAP, Grumman X029, Rockwell-MBB X-31 & Su-47 Berkut are used only for proving new aerodynamic concepts or super-manoeuvrability characteristics. They were therefore never weaponised. The moment any airborne platform gets weaponised & has a functional fire-control system, it is no longer a technology demonstrator. That's what the history of combat aircraft R & D teaches us. Perhaps the retired AM has started going senile & therefore cannot focus on such details.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BIRBAL/PALLAB: The jury is still out about the feasibility of installing internal jammer in the bulkhead that's there on LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-1 just aft of the cockpit (this was previously the tandem-seat on the NP-1). Only further flight-tests will be able to determine whether such a configuration is possible or not. CW jammer is reqd for countering SAMs & semi-active BVRAAMs, whereas pulse jammer is meant for use against inbound BVRAAMs using active terminal homing. Since the IAF won't be using its LCAs for tactical or deep interdiction, for for only defensive counter-air & CAS missions, they won't face any threats from SAMs of any type. Instead, only fire-and-forget BVRAAMs MAY have to be neutralised through a pulse jammer in the worst case. In addition, a dual-aperture MAWS sensor suite also needs installation near the root of the vertical tail-section for early warning against inbound WVRAAMs & BVRAAMs. It is this configuration that seems most probable for final selection by the IAF.

Only MiG-29UPGs have ELT-568 AESA-based pulse jammers. MiG-29K carries the EL/L-8222 ASPJ pod for countering SAMs.

birbal said...

Thanks Prasun da.

Fully understood about the usage of jammers on aircrafts. So the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 basically don't require the EL/L-8222 ASPJ pod pulse jammer. The only thing it might require is the ELT-568 AESA-based type of pulse jammer meant for use against inbound BVRAAMs.

Regarding the dual-aperture MAWS sensor suite for early warning against inbound WVRAAMs & BVRAAMs, will it be the DARE developed dual-color MAWS sensor suite developed in collaboration with Virgillius as told by you earlier.

A little bit insight on future laser technology would be helpful.

With regards,


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PALLAB: DARE isn't developing any MAWS. It was always the MILDS-F MAWS sensor from Cassidian. DARE is only developing the installation architecture of this MAWS that includes work on internal wiring, ensuring electrical power-supply for the MAWS sensors, & devising the warning symbology that will be displayed on a standalone AMLCD panel in the cockpit--this AMLCD panel being similar in size to the AMLCD panel used for the RWR. If the ELT-568 AESA-based jammer is to be used, then it will require three transmitters--2 facing forwards & one facing rearward. The latter can be mounted on the vertical tail section similar to the one mounted on the MiG-29UPG. For the antennae of the 2 frontal transmitters, the only feasible location will be on both sides aft of the cockpit, & accommodated in bulges that will pose minimal aerodynamic drag.

KIK said...

Sir, are the retired ACM's fears unfounded or not then? Are we looking at a situation where the MoD is about to divert such funds for the Rafale towards the LCA?

As I have feared, we will never get the Rafale now....

CSC said...


Thanks for ur input on lca, has some good in sight.

By the way, when I said prediction, I had mentioned in my prediction.... That given balajis track record as naval lca project head and the govts show of intent in appointing him as head of ada... So yes I had factored in basic analysis of track record, intent, conducive environment Factor etc

Arpit Kanodia said...


What is the problem with America, ever they think in right mind? Now, they want a waiver for Pakistan (which was a international proliferator) in NSG.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KIK: Yes, those fears are indeed unfounded. Simply because follow-on orders from the IAF for 86 LCAs will only come AFTER at least one fully functional prototype clears all flight certification hurdles--a process that will take at least 24 more months. And no one inside the Govt of India is stupid enough to wait for another 24 months to order the Rafales. In fact, the to-be-placed order will be for 80 & not 36. Therefore, it is UNWISE to stoke fears of any find, especially those based on heresay. However, if you still want to cling to such fears & allow your BP to rise to alarming levels, it's entirely your choice & prerogative, for it is your body & your blood that will be affected, not mine.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: That 'Opinion' is too full of 'ifs' & 'mights', for starters. In reality, the PAEC wants safety devices/sensors for the Karachi-based civilian PWRs that it is procuring from China & which will be under full-scope IAEA safeguards. Therefore, to procure such devices/sensors, NSG approval is reqd. Even China does not manufacture such devices/sensors, & is importing them for its own PWRs. It therefore does not mean that the NSG will welcome Pakistan as a declared nuclear weapons state or will permit Pakistan to import uranium ore.

To CSC: Unlike his predecessor, Cmde Balaji hails from the end-user/operator community & therefore his appraisals are always realistic & pragmatic. His predecessor made ADA the laughing stock in February 2013 when he publicly admitted that when designing the Tejas Mk1, he had never factored in parameters like the aircraft's life-cycle costings or reqd maintenance man-hours per flying hour!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

o DOWNRIGHT: What else can you expect from lesser-evolved retards whose line-of-sight/field-of-view never extends beyond their noses??? Therefore, relax & chill out.

To JON & RAJ: You will enjoy the first half of this hilarious discussion:

2 days ago, the Sindh Police published advertisements in the Karachi editions of all newspapers about six persons against whom FIRs were lodged & they were in police custody when they were 'picked up & taken' from their lock-ups & whisked away by the Sindh Rangers between November 2014 & January 2015. And these 6 persons have never been seen anywhere since then. In other words, the advertisements were published to imply that in case any of the 6 are killed & their bodies are found anywhere in Pakistan, then the Sindh Police should not be held accountable for their mysterious, extra-judicial killings.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: VMT. Now here are some more genuine technological breakthroughs:


The Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer is the mainstay of the US Navy’s surface combatants. There are 62 active destroyers of this class, and up to another 42 planned. Each packs more than 90 guided-missiles (SAMs & LACMs), as well as other weapons systems. Starting in 2016, the US Navy will start to convert 34 of the newest DDGs in the class to hybrid drives. This will be accomplished by integrating an electric motor into the DDG’s main reduction gear. It will be able to operate on fully electric power at speeds below 13 Knots. Above that, it will continue to run the quartet of General Electric gas-turbine engines. A typical ballistic missile defence mission involves operating at low speeds, where the electric system will be used. The US Navy says if the electric drive-train is used half of the time, it will be able to extend the DDG’s fuel supply an extra two-and-a-half days between refuelling. That is thousands of barrels of fuel per deployment.

By the way, word-of-mouth messages going around Delhi are stating that in a Union Cabinet reshuffle in the near future, a new Defence Minister could be appointed in place of the present one.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Russian Warship Launches LACMs Against ISIS:

Watch how LPG quotas are used in Pakistan by both the Pakistan Army & politicians. Start watching from 18.17 till 29.00

To JOYDEEP GHOSH, SK & KUNAL JADHAV: Will answer all your queries later today.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This is what's meant by Indians having a big heart:

On the other hand, these so-called Islamic Republics, especially Pakistan, neither have the imagination, nor the guts/balls to pull such a thing off!

birbal said... mistake, it should have been Cassidian, NOT Virgillius,DIDN'T do my homework properly.
Anyways just read the PDF on the AN/AAR-60(V)2 MILDS F - Cassidian MAWS. It says the MILDS F comprises up to six sensors. Going by all your comments on the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 i have come to the conclusion that all the six sensors can't be mounted on the fuselage of the aircraft as there is no space for them. You have written earlier that the dual-aperture MAWS sensor suite can be installed near the root of the vertical tail-section. This means that the only space available for it is the root of the vertical tail-section which means only a particular section of the sphere will be covered and NOT FULL. Am i right?? A picture was shown of a pylon mounted sensor. I think it can be done for the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 but that space will be taken-up by the RWRs which also will be pylon mounted as REPORTED by you earlier, OR CAN it be done for BOTH.

The AN/AAR-60(V)2 MILDS F - Cassidian MAWS is designed to detect the radiation signature in the UV solar blind spectral band that is emitted from an approaching hostile missile exhaust plume, which means it will be not able to detect the missile once it burns out it's fuel and is coasting which is a DISADVANTAGE i think. While the IR based MAWS like the DAS on the F-35s and the DDM-NG on the Rafales can detect missiles in air from the body heat alone due to friction with atmospheric air and also they can act as short range IRSTs.
So my question is won't it be feasible for the DRDO/DARE to for IR-based MAWS in future for the Tejas mk-2 instead of an UV-based one?? Your views...

When according to you will the fully functional prototype of the Air Force version of the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 with MAWS, jammers, & pylon mounted? RWRs fly??

I REALLY wish Cmde Balaji with his realistic & pragmatic approach come out smiling and give to the nation the SECOND COMBAT READY fighter after the HAL Ajeet.

With regards,


Kunal Jadhav said...

Is it step towards denuclearize Pakistan or to please Iran on historic nuclear deal with with US ? US is talking about making similar deal like it is making with India. Please can you give a clear picture what is actually fishing out there.

I read read all your answers to queries relating tejas mk1(navy).But to make matters more clear i request you to explain in new thread.

Kunal Jadhav said...

Is also TATA(TASL) partnering with Cobham mission system to produce air to air refueling pod for Tejas ?

rad said...

If the Lca is going to be used for CAP then i am sure that it will end up dog fighting.Some videos showing the lca rolling in clean configuration is impressive.How good is the tusker pod in ew situations? there seems to be little literature regrading that, it looks like the old alq -131.
what makes you say that the ceasar 155mm sph will hands down? automation ?cost?reliability. In that case we will have 3 types of guns if k-9 is selected.How good i s the k-9.will every lca have its own litening pod?.Can it be used as an irst in air to air mode.

Rituraj said...


Since India hasn't signed the CISMOA, BECA and LSA like founding agreements. How does that affect both Chinook and Apache helicopter deals? What will be missing on Apache helicopters and on Chinook? Can you specify this issue in detail?

Or have they found a way to deal around it?


joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

i did a bit of reading for this querry, and learned

16. LEVCON with dog tooth extension can give a jet maximum agility even at high speed, can this be done in NLCA mk1/Tejas mk2


Joydeep Ghosh

hoods said...

any news of the FICV program?

Anthony said...

You have to look at this in context. Pakistan has been holding up number of important global agreements on nuclear (ie fissisle material cut-off treaty). Infact they have been the only country. However they have managed to turn that around to say that an exception was made in the case of India. Why not them otherwise they will hold up those agreements until they get the same treatment. They have held up those agreements for over 10yrs now. Also for that agreement to get through, USA-China agreed that China would be allowed to grandfather nuclear reactors to Pakistan for it to allow the wavier to India in the first place. That is why China has supplied them 3 reactors of 300MW and is now supplying them another 8 of 1000MW. The French and the Brits are on the side of Pakistan, as they want their cut. These are advanced reactors because China will be building the same ones in UK. What is concerning USA is the realisation that Pakistani nuke technology is quite advanced, especially the fact that they have managed to create TNW for very small warheads.


Prasun DA,

(1) Thanks for sharing the news, it will be rally good if Parikaar is removed. He is totally an incompetent person. Just another loud mouth. Suresh Prabhu will probably be a better Defense Minister.

(2) Here is a nice read of why Russia is getting involved in Syria. It is to prevent color revolutions in other parts of Asia.

(3) Any idea why the Indian Navy has no plans to induct 155mm naval guns?

Thank You

joydeep ghosh said...

@vikram guha

may i try to answers your qurries, opinion are mine

1. Prabhu or Parrikar both will not look good defmin if they dont ave much cash to spare, best option is to break up up OFB, DRDO labs convert them into company and go public, also as MoD is largest landlord in india it can sell some land thereby generating more cash on its own.

2. ‎Russia‬ it seems is paying back ‪US‬ for what it did in ‪Afghanistan‬, it knows US wont prop up a ‪mujahedeen‬ this time as last time it morphed into ‪AlQaeda‬. Russia came to ‪Syria‬ with idea of cutting down US / west backed ‪rebels‬ that will give ‪assad regime‬ breathing space. Once assad regime starts htting ‪Islamic State‬, Russia may strike Islamic State in ‪Iraq‬, may leaving out the ‪Kurdish‬ enclaves.

3. i think the 155mm naval guns will be seen in the next gen DDGs once the Raput class start to retire, those DDG will/may have Nirbhay LACM, Brahmmos ASCM and Barak 8 and will weigh close to 9k tons close to light cruiser category. dont see 155mm naval guns in current ships


Joydeep Ghosh

buddha said...
DOCUMENTARY - SUKHOI Fighter Jet Aircrafts Family History - From Su-27 to PAK FA 50

Magicbullet said...

Hi dada , has the surely down and the eventual rollback of pak crown jewels begun

Donatello said...

Sir, if what you are saying is correct (80 Rafales coming from France off the shelf) then what are these reports about no more additional (over 36) coming and that the MOD has officially turned down this request by the IAF?:

The government has turned down the military’s request to expand the acquisition of 36 fighter planes from Dassault Aviation SA to plug vital gaps, officials said, nudging it to accept an indigenous combat plane 32 years in the making.

This is coming straight from Defence ministry officials

It looks like th writing is on the wall sir- 36 Rafales only.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DONATELLO: So you want to believe a news-report attributed to anonymous officials rather than believe what the IAF's CAS stated on October 3? Is that how your mind functions? If yes, then 'Allah hi Hafiz Hai'!!!

To MAGICBULLET: It's far better than that, for the gloves have at last come off & looks like the White House, 10 Downing Street & 7 Race Course Road are putting into effect a unified plan of action. Do read these:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANTHONY: Chinese reactors are advanced??? How many of them are operational inside China? And who is supplying all their reactor function-monitoring sensors? Check it all up with your sources within the IAEA & the answers may stun you.

To RITURAJ: It won't have any adverse effect at all, since, just like the P-8Is, all comms radios & IFF transponders on the AH-64Es & CH-47Fs will be of Indian origin (i.e. HAL- or BEL-built).

To KUNAL JADHAV: Tejas doesn't need aerial refuelling pods to carry. What it needs is hydraulically actuated retractable probe for RECEIVING fuel.

To VIKRAM GUHA: To be fair to the present RM, whosoever becomes the RM will simply be overwhelmed by the enormity of the problem existing within the MoD. The greatest problem is the prevailing trust deficit & this is because the ghosts of the past that created all this mess in the first place haven't yet been exorcised. I'm referring here to the HDW & Bofors scandals, both of which remain unsolved till this day. If anyone were to clear the mist on the HDW case, then that will lead to a highly decorated war hero (former CNS Admiral Nanda of 1971 war fame) being declared as the one that started all this wheeling-n-dealing & agency middlemen brokering for the Navy, & this in turn will lead the trail to the late Admiral's sons & their involvement in the Gorshkov's purchase during the NDA-1's govt's reign. On the other hand, this govt can indeed & should officially ask the Swedish govt to declassify all the investigative reports filed by the Swedish Police in the late 1980s, which will finally reveal all the financial impropriety & also unmask the conspirators. Why the Govt of India isn't asking Sweden to do so remains a mystery. Unless these two cases reach closure, not a single soul within the MoD will be able to work with a clear conscience.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: That will depend on the altitude at which the aircraft is flying. But in 99.9 cases of air combat, tighter turning radius at slower speeds is what matters most. At higher speeds, it is the roll-rate & pitching up or down that matters most.

To RAD: For CAP missions, the LCA will always get advance warning from ground-based airspace surveillance radars & will therefore have enough time to gain altitude & cruise at higher altitudes so that when hostile intruders are visually spotted, the LCA will be able to swoop down with no warning & engage them with the Python-5/Targo HMDS combination. This is how the Gnats in both 1965 & 1971 got the upper hand against the F-86 Sabres. Tusker ASPJ pod will be best-suited as a museum exhibit. I had uploaded its brochure sometime in 2013. The EL/L-8222 is a superior product. Ratio for carrying ASPJ pods is one for evry two aircraft, while for LDPs, ratio is one for evey four aircraft--the same ratio standard as that of the USAF & IDF-AF.

Why the CAESAR will win hands-down? Elementary. Consider the following:

1) It is the most widely exported motorised SPH/MGS & is also the most produced in quantitative terms. Logically, therefore, its per-unit will be far lower than its competitors.

2) It is the lightest when compared to all its competitors.

3) It is the only motorised SPH/MGS that is air-transportable by C-130s.

4) It already comes equipped with SAGEM's SIGMA-30 RLG-INS--the same that's also used by the Dhanush & the Pinaka family of MBRLs.

5) The Caesar os also the only one to have demonstrated its seamless interfacing with the Army's Shakti ACCS. In fact, some elements of Shakti that are installed on the howitzer & that are built by BEL & are also on the Dhanush, can easily be installed on the Caesar as well, thereby increasing the local industrial content in order to fulfil the direct industrial offsets obligations.

6) The TATA/DENEL offer is based on a product that has never been acquired by anyone, not even the South Africans. The IA ios always averse to procuring any imported product that has never been inducted into service by anyone else.

Based on the above 5 points alone, any common-sensical decision-maker will opt for the CAESAR.

AniOne said...


VMT for your last detailed reply on INS Kochi.

What exactly is going on in Maldives?

Are we warming up to Maldives again?

spanky's Blog said...

Hi Prasun,
Thanks for such a detailed reply.If the former admirals tried to suck up to political brass, they did screw up the IN doctrine, which is being currently followed. So my question is regarding that the Navy doing coastal duty as part of overall maritime perspective. Should the navy be bothered with this?
As for LCA whts made the difference? Does the addition of LEVCONS and strengthening of landing gear made so much difference? what about the problem of Tejas take and landing with full combat load? has that been solved also.
Sorry for so much doubts. With so many narratives being spewed out, its getting very confusing for layman like us. Too many cooks spoiling the broth.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the details on LCA Np2, i also benefited from your answers to others.
What is the status of Helina and/or CLGM? Are they finally incorporated in to Rudra with the mmW seekers? When will these go to production?
Also, why is the Embraer AeW&C not being announced as completed? Also, why would IAF not order say 10 more of these?

Siddharth said...

Prasun da,

Is there is something to cheer about new DRDO products:

Can you please start a new post - hard to browse over mobile phone.

raw13 said...

What is amazing about India is that you guys can't tell an enemy from friend. Akhlaq's had two sons, one was already in the airforce, the other was in the process of joining the army. What do hindus do, kill their father infront of their mother and sister and oh try to kill the brother about to join the army. Jinnah, god had blessed you with vision.

Prav said...

What is amazing about Pakistan is that you lot hold India to a standard so much higher than yourselves . What is the fate of minorities serving in Pakistans armed forces ? Prasun has elaborated on that issue in this very thread .

Prav said...

Last year, a mini-van was stopped at a police check-post in Chhawla village of Delhi’s Najafgarh area. Its driver had been contracted by the South Delhi Municipal Corporation to take carcasses of cows for cremation. His name: Santosh Kumar. His caste: Valmiki. Soon, boys riding motorcycles swooped on him, smashing his skull. In 2002, five Dalits in Jhajjar district of Haryana were lynched by a VHP mob at a police station. They were ferrying the carcasses of cows for which they, like Santosh Kumar, had the requisite licence.

In Dadri, a Homeguard constable was among those who is said to have compelled the local temple priest to announce that Akhlaq had eaten beef and stored some at his home. Five months before Dadri, video clips went viral showing vigilante groups in Punjab tonsuring a truck-driver and torturing him. The driver was ferrying cows. In March, two Muslims were arrested from Malegaon, Maharashtra, for allegedly slaughtering a cow.

India going to the dogs...

raw13 said...


You think awarding a medal to a minority officer (in Pak) (praising or not) is the same as killing a father of the serving airmen? You BJP supportes sure are smart ;-).

alexi said...

Here is a reason why Putin is embrasing Pakistani leaders:

Central asia is about to blow up. All the militnats that pakistanis army pushed out from thire border areas have come up to tajikistan. Putin knows only pakistan can help. afghan army is nothing. In 15yrs pakistanis are back in control. india needs to be careful soon many of these will be beheading indians too.

Prav said...

@Raw13 No.... the part about how the names of minority personnel are erased from the official histories .. Learn to read before questioning the intelligence of others . Your fixation with one incident is amusing like I said before take a look at Pakistan .. You did such a great job at removing hindus and sikhs that now you turn on your own . So much for brotherhood among muslims .
And Yes Jinnahs vision worked out so well in Bangladesh and now in POK and Balochistan .

rad said...

hi prasun
if one in every 2 ac has an elta 8222 then what will happen if the non equipped ac comes under attack form a amramm or sd-10 ?. Has the sd -10 been integrated to the jf-17?.Is the elm -8222 out dated, seems to be in service for a long time .What are the latest Israeli pod mounted jammers for ac.
If reports are true the glide bombs by senior IAF officers are going to b e tested.It seems carriage trial have taken place .I think going on the lines of the us navy which designs their own weapons for it, needs should be encouraged as we never know the talent that may be available.Though it is surprising, it is commendable that they have taken an initiative to do some thing .May be they got sick of the drdo. I wonder where they got the funding and wind tunnel testing etc?.The gps , inertial nav suite is no problem due to already being available by drdo.Looks like a high aspect ratio wing design.The body seems to made of composite and shaped for low radar refection, that is good for stealth.Is this feasible?.
Is the latest version , the I-derby missile equal to the aim-120 c that pakistan posses in range and ecm and other flight capabilities.?.

Govind M said...

Dear prasun da,
Please share your thoughts on this article about IAF's in-house development of stand-off precision weapons viz. Waghnakh, Vel and Varunasthra

Anonymous said...

Does the IAF or Aviation research wing operate any ISTAR aircraft now and does the IAF have any plans to acquire any such aircraft?

Arpit Kanodia said...


AS Kiran Kumar saying ISRO planning to extend the IRNSS to ASEAN and Gulf countries? Did the Govt. already approved this or he only describing his desire?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ALEXI: Putin embracing Pakistan??? If so, then why didn’t he even have the time to shake hands with Nawaz Sharif in New York? Stark reality is that the PA has either exposed its sheer stupidity by not first sealing its borders along the Durand Line before taking on the TTP factions (because that’s how COIN operations are conducted worldwide; through salami-slicing) , or deliberately allowed the Uzbeks & Chechans to escape to north-east Afghanistan. Why else do you think no country from Europe & North America is publicly praising OP Zarb-e-Azb, & instead they all arepersistently asking Pakistan to do more? A few Western journalists are now researching their reportage on this very issue & will soon publish their scathing criticisms of the conduct of OP Zarb-e-Azb & only then will Pakistani citizens will realise that they have been taken for a ride yet again by the PA’s propaganda. And all the now=pervasive nonsensical rif-raf about a new multipolar world (comprising Russia, China & Pakistan) emerging will die as quickly as they were born.

BTW, when Putin attended the UNGA session last month after a gap of 10 YEARS, he also met Obama & the two tacitly agreed to Russia’s military deployment inside Syria in support of ground offensives to be staged by IRGC’s Al Quds special operations forces. In short, Russia & Iran will conduct coordinated ground offensives in Syria against both ISIS & the Syrian Sunni Arab rebels for at least a 3 year-period & within 5 years the Russians will guarantee a smooth transition of power to a more broad-based govt, i.e. no abrupt regime-change like what had transpired in Iraq & Libya. The US, in return, has welcomed this since it is unable to spare troops for boots-on-the-ground there & the US in return will acknowledge Russia’s annexation of Crimea & will gradually ease the sanctions regime against Russia. Russia in the meantime has also worked out arrangements with Israel under which the IDF-AF will under strict orders not to target Russia-manned military installations inside Syria, or to target Russian combat aircraft flying inside Syrian airspace. Israel has happily obliged, since it was Russia that had earlier prevailed upon Damascus to unilaterally surrender all its stocks of chemical weapons 2 years ago.

That’s what big countries do: they play big games, not the kind of ‘gulli’danda’ that Pakistan is now playing with Afghanistan.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANIONE: Of course. Does Maldives have any other choice than to get its act together?

To SPANKY’s BLOG: Yes, they do make a big difference. As for full-combat load touch-downs/landings, flight-tests will be conducted AFTER the IAF has specified a new set of lightweight PGMs reqd for ground-attack for close air-support. The Griffin-3 is already integrated & qualified along with the Litening-2 LDP.

To RAD: Am clarifying for the Nth time that any ASPJ pod is meant to be used only against hostile SAMs, & NOT BYRAAMs. Fire-and-forget BVRAAMs with active terminal homing can be neutralized either by chaff, or by directional internally-mounted jammers like the ELT-568, & NOT BY ASPJ pods.

To ARPIT KANODIA: The Govt of India has approved such a proposal from ISRO.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SIDDHARTH, GOVIND M & RAD: That was one hell of a story, the kind that will make you stop laughing only after your trousers have fallen off!

I had stated way back last February when attending the Aero India 2015 expo that these full-scale models have all been fabricated by only one person in his garage: the IAF’s current Air Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Western Air Command, Air Marshal S B Deo. He himself confirmed this to me. It’s like me fabricating the body of a car without factoring in items like the weight & volume of its engine, gearbox, cooling element, tyre-rim diameter, transmission, etc etc. And if the Air Marshal is trying to pull off cheap publicity stunts like these to secure R & D funds from any party so that his post-retirement life may be a smooth-sail, then it is indeed deplorable. What is even more inexcusable is that these full-scale models were displayed at the IAF’s booth during Aero India 2015, & of all places, at the IAF CAS’ official residence on October 8 for the evening banquet!!!

Before the airframe of any PGM of any type is physically built, it first has to be designed & its CFD analysis has to be carried out. Its warhead section, navigation section & propulsion section all have to be designed in detail & only then will the physical dimensions of the PGM become apparent. Then a scale-model is built for wind-tunnel tests. Then, depending on whether or not the results from tests are successful, airframe fabrication will begin after its design has been frozen. NOW, were all these stages negotiated/passed before the fabrication of these full-scale models? The answer is a resounding NO. Therefore, will such fan-boy models ever become fully functional PGMs? NO. Has the IAF spent even a single paisa for fabricating these models? NO. Has anyone in this world ever designed the airframe of a PGM first & then tried to design its internal sub-systems for perfect fitment? NO. Will any sane individual or design authority ever adopt such a methodology to develop PGMs? NEVER. Consequently, by any stretch of imagination, will any of these PGMs as presently designed be worthwhile propositions? Absolutely NO, unless Air Marshal S B Deo is able to come up with a parallel set of laws of physics to challenge & disprove all the existing laws of physics that we’ve all learnt in school. So to all those jingos who wanna believe all this PGM shit to be true, beware...for if they wanna go ahead & lap it up all, then they will not only be called upon to defy all that they've learnt in school about physical science, but will also forever be condemned as those being afflicted with terminal stupidity.

Therefore, zillions of brickbats to the deserving journalist who broke this story & tried his level-best to make it all sound like the real thing! In fact, he has finally proven that he at best excels only in practicing yellow journalism. His reportage is also living proof of the fact that ‘assumption is always the mother of all fuck-ups’.

TheHundred said...

Prasun it seems like another one of your predictions came true..

The RFI for IJT is quite bizarre. For starters, it would mean that the IAF is now in the market for a new-design IJT, meaning the HAL-developed HJT-36 does not inspire any confidence and consequently, that project is a writeoff for the IAF and is a total financial loss as far as the Indian exchequer goes. In any case, I confirmed during DEFEXPO 2014 with NPO Saturn that the HJT-36’s AL-55I turbofan has a total technical service life of only 500 hours, which is unthinkable and totally unacceptable in the 21st century as it will make the HJT-36 the world’s most expensive IJT in terms of per-hour direct operating costs! But the biggest question is this: why does the IAF continue to cling on to an outdated flying training syllabus (that makes use of BTT, IJT & AJT) when all over the world almost everyone has adopted the BTT + AJT + lead-in fighter-trainer (LIFT) concept? For the LIFT requirement, the existing tandem-seat version of the Tejas Mk1 is the optimum candidate.
March 21, 2014 at 5:12 AM

TheHundred said...

"Now, WRT the existence of congenital defects, all I can say is that I’m absolutely aghast at the sheer extinction of only one intellectual virtue: COMMON SENSE. You would have noted by now that all the examples I’ve given above in the narrative relate to only one issue: inability to apply common sense from one’s mind. How else does one explain the fact that despite the IAF & IN operating Russia-origin helicopters like the Mi-17 & Ka-28 in such large numbers & both of which use identical engines & gearboxes, HAL or the MoD since the 1980s never even thought about setting up certified MRO facilities for such engines & gearboxes. Such a MRO facility, if set up, would have been a guaranteed money-spinner since it would have catered for not only India-based Mi-17s, Ka-28s & Ka-32s, but also for several tens of those operating in Nepal, Myanmar & Sri Lanka. "
March 19, 2014 at 2:17 AM

Have any certified MRO facilities for Mi-17s, Ka-28s & Ka-32s engines & gearboxes been step up yet or in the pipeline? Thanks

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To THEHUNDRED: Ati Chamatkaar! Mashallah! Subhanallah! Hurray!

VMT for sharing the good news. Hold on for another 6 months & similar good news will emerge about the HTT-40 as well. For no self-respecting air force will ever induct two types of new-generation BTTs at cost-prohibitive expense to the country's taxpayers! If both the existing Defence Minister & his Defence Secretary cannot digest this elementary truth, then they both require psychiatric counselling.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To THE HUNDRED: Not yet. The concerned parties are still holding 'discussions' about it. Just like they're discussing helluva lot about several other procurement matters.

birbal said...

Hi Prasun da,


You said that flight-tests will be conducted AFTER the IAF has specified a new set of lightweight PGMs reqd for ground-attack for close air-support. Will these new set of lightweight PGMs include the new SPICE-250 PGMs coming in QUADPACKS that was shown earlier in AERO INDIA 2015 PLUS that were shown by you in one of your MAY article Combat Hawk Project Explained, Missing The Woods F...

When do you think will the Air Force version of the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-1 first fly?

Please read the article specially the part on LCA Navy mk-2 where it is written about ADA's increasing confidence in its ability to tweak fighter aircraft design to squeeze out better performance specially under the WATCHFUL EYES of Commodore Balaji.

There are 2 photos of the NEW LCA Mk-2, first one showing a scale model of the LCA Navy Mk-2 and the last one showing the design layout of LCA Navy Mk-2.
The photos show that the basic LCA Navy design has been tweaked. It looks similar to the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-2 except that the fuselage of the aircraft has been broadened and the wing roots moved outwards, and the air intakes bulged out to align with the broadened fuselage.
It is written that the NEW design has been optimized for supersonic flight with perfect conformance to area rule. (Tejas LCA and LCA Navy Mk-1 do not conform perfectly to area ruling resulting in high supersonic drag.)
I have come to the CONCLUSION that it is NOT the design of the LCA Navy Mk-2, but OF the soon to be test flown Air Force VERSION of the LCA (Navy) Mk1/NP-1. How can it be of the LCA Navy Mk-2 when the WHOLE MK-2 praogramme is itself in the initial preliminary design stage as told by you??? Correct me if i am wrong..

My question is, is it POSSIBLE to TWEAK the DESIGN of the LCA Navy Mk-1 and make it COMBAT READY after about 2-3 years of test flight so that it is READY to enter production by 2018/19???

Thank you.

With regards,


rad said...

hi prasun
if the lca needs internal jammers to counter amraams and the like how is it going to survive? especially if there is no space to fit internal jammers?
is it possible to have a podded version of the elt 568, what would be the israeli equivalent?.
why are there some reports saying that the "DEO" glide bomb had done some carriage trials?
please give us some more info on the latest derby ER missile and how it compares with the amraam.
what were the other sph that were in competition with the k-9 thunder apart from the russian stuff?.

Anonymous said...

Interesting read, especially the second last paragraph

Best Regards

Sakshi said...

Nice blog it seems, ofcourse link is provided in one of the comments in this blog.

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

Good Read :

THE CROOK said...

Sir, when are we going to hear the news of the 80 Rafale direct from France offer? Is this now guaranteed. The way the Indian (and international media) are reporting it the 36 Rafales are a foregone conclusion and this is it- the Govt of India is forcing them to induct the LCA INSTEAD of more Rafales.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ: Inside INS Kochi:

Dr Abdullah Abdullah’s Interview:

Interesting analysis on how Pakistan is double-crossing China regarding Afghanistan & how Pakistan is using funds from Saudi Arabia to create the myth of ISIS inside Afghanistan:

Interesting analysis of Pak PM’s forthcoming visit to the US, & Pakistan’s deterrence dilemma (as per the SPD official being interviewed) due to India’s refusal to be deterred by Pakistan’s nuclear WMD arsenals at both tactical & strategic levels:

And this is the report that has caused all the flutter & rumour-mongering about Pakistan being offered entry to the NSG:

Kunal Jadhav said...

Sir, unfortuanately your prediction has come true...

Unknown said...

yup you were right
although reports are still unconfirmed buy it seems like a russian jet is shot down in syrian airspace !!!

but you said that this kind of things happen in FOG OF WAR.
i assume by this you meant "BY MISTAKE'

but here is no room for mistake !!!
afterall turkey can't say that they mistook it for an isis plane !!!

Unknown said...

Prashun sir any reality in this new or another piece of yellow journalism ...

G said...

Till no confirm reports on Russian Jet Shot down.

Anonymous said...


why does the IN insists on putting RBU 6000 on their ships when no other navy does except maybe the Rus navy?

rad said...

Hi Prasun
the el-m 8222 does indeed protect ac against air to air missiles as well according to elta brochure.
please compare the I derby er missile to amraam.
S-400 for india? some more crazy journalism?.

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,
Assuming that most of the IAF requirements would be fullfilled, what about the thrust. In some forums they say there will be improved thrust with introduction of blisks. What do you say?

Arpit Kanodia said...


Is the MoD become an idiotic ministry under current Raksha Mantri? How DRDO develop a system without test? And what is the link between strategic weapons like A4 and Astra? Deferring the test like of A4 and Nirbhay because Astra and Light weight torpedoes are delayed, there is any sense in this?

Dushyant hardaha said...

sir according to "The Economic Time" IAF is proposed to acqure s400 sam
why IAF is intreated in s400 sam?
when india have LR/MR sam

Anonymous said...


what is the thinking behind installing just 32 barak 8 in ready to launch condition on p-15a and storing another 32 missiles as reload? would it not have been better to install all 64 missiles side by side in ready to fire mode.was it done due to space constraints on ship? is this concept used on any other warship.


bhoutik said...

i remember little while back when China launched the "make in china" program hot on the heels of India's "make in India" program.

now, reports are coming in how China is increasing pensions, welfare for PLA veterans and serving, hot on the heels of OROP resolution.

simple coincidence, or is China quietly following developments here?

Unknown said...

i also noticed the same

when india launched make in india , almost simultaneously china launched made in china. and "MADE IN CHINA" advertisements were shown on bbc every now & then, for at least a month.

few days ago germany also launched "make in germany"

sir, is there any chance that china's economy is headed for a crash !
please say YESSSS !

buddha said...

some nice documentry

Anonymous said...

Prasun you were right (again!) about Balaji's classified presentations to the Air force. The air force now wants the Tejas Mk1A to be based on the navy's prototype.

james said...

Prasun can u give more details on range and specifications on Tejus Mk1A

Anonymous said...



Best Regards

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

You might find this interesting

Best Regards

Baldev said...

Prasun Sir, a few news reports have surfaced in the past 2 days suggesting that India is seriously considering the purchase of the Russian S-400 system. Kindly educate us more on this development.
Thanks in advance.

HOODS said...

does the indian navy have anything like eagle scan uav that can be deployed from a ship in its inventory or is it only limited to shore based UAV

CSC said...

Hi prasunda just said that arihants sea trials are successful over. It mentioned something abt nirbhay flirting trials. Is the arihant configured to carry nirbhay other than the k4 and k 15

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CSC: LoLz! Any country that builds a SSBN for the very first time requires at least 2 years to carry out sea-trials of the first-of-type SSBN. Also, sea-trials also include firings of on-board torpedoes, or missiles, be they ballistic or cruise or ASCMs—none of which have even commenced. Like I explained several times before, it is futile challenging the laws of physics.

To HOODS: Nothing like them exists with the IN. Only shore-based Searcher Mk2s & Heron-1s.

To DUSHYANT HARDAHA & BALDEV: Check out the latest thread.

To JAMES: Tejas Mk1A does not exist as yet.

To VED: That is still a decade away from introduction by GTRE.

To RAD: Yes, the EL/L-8222 can do both but SEQUENTIALLY, not concurrently. Only jammer pods using directional AESA transmitters can conduct concurrent jamming of different threats.

To ABHISHEK KUMAR: Have outlined the real state-of-affairs in the latest thread.

To PALLAB: The airframe to be ordered by the IAF will be that of the LCA (Navy) Mk1. But there will be changes like no arrester hook, different comms suite, etc.

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