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Monday, November 16, 2015

Pakistan Tests New Joint Services 'Air-Sea Battle' Concepts During EX Sea Spark 2015

Pakistan’s on-going EX Sea Spark 2015, jointly conducted by the Pakistan Navy and the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) in the northern Arabian Sea, has seen the participation of the PAF’s ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle KE-3 AEW & CS platform for the very first time in a simulated joint services warfighting environment.  
During this exercise, the PAF’s ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle KE-3, apart from providing airspace surveillance of Pakistan’s Makran coastline, also extended airborne battlespace management support to not only the Pakistan Navy, but also for the PAF’s MRCAs operating out of Masroor air base.  
The PAF’s Masroor air base in Sindh province is presently home to No.2 ‘Minhas’ Squadron flying F-7P Airguard L-MRCAs (which in future will convert to the FC-1/JF-17 Thunder L-MRCAs), No.4 Squadron with four four ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle KE-3 AEW & CS platforms, No.7 ‘Bandits’ Squadron with upgraded Mirage-3EA/Mirage-3DP MRCAs, No.8 ‘Haiders’ Squadron with Mirage-5PA maritime strike aircraft (to be replaced in the near future by up to eight FC-1/JF-17 Thunders armed with CM-802A and CM-400AKG anti-ship cruise missiles), and No.22 ‘Ghazis’ Squadron with Mirage-3D/E MRCAs.
Immediately west off Masroor air base is an underground base—one of three that Pakistan now possesses—housing some of Pakistan’s nuclear warheads and SRBM/TBM ballistic missiles, which are kept there in a semi-recessed state. It is for this reason that the Masroor air base is equipped to provide ‘hardened air-cover’ for such nuclear WMD storage sites. The other air bases tasked with providing hardened air-cover include the air base at Jacobabad, Rafiqui air base in Shorkot, and the air base at Sargodha.
The four ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle KE-3 AEW & CS platforms worth US$278 million were ordered in early 2008 from prime contractor China Electronics Technology Group Corp (CETC). Xi’an-based Shaanxi Aircraft Corp built the aircraft. For operating these aircraft, the PAF secured approval for raising No.4 Squadron on November 27, 2010. This Squadron was raised on August 10, 2011 at the PAF’s Masroor air base. The first ZDK-03 Karakoram Eagle KE-3 arrived there on November 29, 2011, and its acceptance sorties was flown on December 29 the same year. The full-strength Squadron was formally commissioned on February 26, 2015.


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Gopu said...

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasan da

1. in last thread when i said 4 LPH india seeks should hve incline allowing NLCA mk2 to operate you said India does not aim to have such expeditionary force, but id i am not wrong some time back you had said India will setup a 15000 expeditionary force. As for assisting ships if more private players join ship building will it be a issue to ramp up number?

2. IJT and BTT40 programs are both expected to be shut, as you predicted, but if LIFT is not avaialble then what can be done

3. now it seems even buying 3 C17s is not a option so IAF is trying for up to 5 low used 2nd hand jets, why?

4. how many P8I will IN get in total and how will LRMR differ from MRMR


Joydeep Ghosh

Unknown said...

Sir, I couldn't find any info on internet on india's interest in THAAD ABM

except for this link.....

Watch after 3:00

In this video a Pakistani analyst is claiming that America is going to arm india with ABM systems

So is "THAAD" , your hunch? Or advise? Or is there really some effort by india in this direction ?

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

1. Do Indian army have Tactical Nuclear Weapons in their inventory. I think we tested sub kiloton bomb during 1998.

2. What happen to Prahaar (missile). Is it closed project or we are developing it for tactical nuke project.

All the Pakistanis in their forum are thinking that we don't have tactical nukes and they only have it. (And they are so proud of their Nasr Missile & TNW.)

Please explain.

S. Kumar

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,,

This is continuation of my last post.

In one of the Pakistan defense forum one Paki Guy has posted the following about their Nukes.

"It is a low yield neutron bomb with very little amount of radio active material. It kills life in a short radius while disables permanently in a larger radius but the radiations die very quickly and the area and materials are usable within a few a hours depending upon the exposure and target materials. For example if a div of indian armoured corps penetrates into thaar desert, we have no problem in roasting the invader with fast neutrons from a tactical warhead. It kills all the life in that radius and most of the tanks and armoured vehicles will be perfectly working only the crew inside will be roasted and the rest will be suffering with blindness, extreme radiation burns and dying shortly with more pain. However after few hours the area will be fit for life and Pak army will use the same tanks and artillery but in other direction."

Is it true or this guys like their generals are living in Fools paradise.

Please comment about both of my post.

S. Kumar

SK said...


What kind of production clearance was given by RM Parrikar to the Varunastra Torpedo system recently? Has its industrial production began? Can you tell more about this torpedo and its utility? Where will it be deployed? Is it possible to develop its submarine deployed version?

Unknown said...

Prasun sir, will the defense budget see a major increase next year because of the 7th pay commission or will we shrink capital budget to compensate for the increased revenue budget?
Also, I am very worried about the future Indian navy underwater fleet. What should be the ideal submarine force by early 2030s when the kilos and hdws retire and what in your opinion is the best way to get to that force level,both nuclear and conventional.

birbal said...

HI Prasun da,

Isn't it a IRONY that the ONES who worry about the country, the ones who are PATRIOTIC never get a chance to RULE/ DO something for the country ( Subhas chandra Bose, Sardar Ballabhai Patel ) and here Mr Jay Bhansali, S.Kumar, to name a few ( going by their writings ) and the ones who never bothered about the country does ( Jawahar lal nehru, Rajiv gandhi, A.K.A )....SADDD..!!!!

buddha said...
sir plz comment on the article

Unknown said...

Isis seems to have made a significant inroad in india. Some highly educated youngsters seem to have been much motivated. Modern minded youths esp. ladies suddenly starts watching religious videos 24/7, personally witnessed such examples in a wst bengal medical college , planning to go dubai , justifying burkha, ploygamy , and fighting with parents who are protesting such orthodoxy.preaching benifits of islam to hindus. Even avoiding home calling parents incomplete muslims ... this 2 case I recently witnessed shocked mes

Magicbullet said...

Dear Prasun , Saurav Jha is tweeting that pukis are well short of artillery ammo and hence this hullabaloo over TNW...please share your thoughts..

Arpit Kanodia said...

Seems like Pakistan is pretty desperate

NYT leaked a letter that was written to them in reply to there editorial ( by Press Attache in Pak Embassy in Washington.

""Pakistan’s so-called turmoil

Re “Nuclear fears in South Asia” (Editorial, April 7): You paint a picture of Pakistan as recklessly expanding its nuclear arsenal. But Pakistan was not the first to introduce nuclear weapons in South Asia. It was forced to develop a nuclear capability for self-defense due to its troubled history with India and that country’s accumulation of conventional and strategic capabilities. Nevertheless, Pakistan has consistently declared that its nuclear weapons are for deterrence, not war. Pakistan has no desire to engage in a conventional or nuclear arms race in South Asia.

Similarly, the editorial’s warnings about so-called internal turmoil in Pakistan are off the mark. Pakistan continues to deal effectively with the menace of terrorism. On the economy, only a glance at the International Monetary Fund’s latest review shows that the country is in far better shape than you assert. Time and again Pakistanis have proved their resilience and determination in difficult periods. Recycling theories about impending economic disaster or terrorists posing a serious threat to the state structure serves no purpose.

Nadeem Hotiana, Washington""

DAshu said...

is there any back channel negotiations going on to implement mussy's 4 point formula regarding J&K ? if no then why these gentlemen (mr mani and mr khurshid ) are making such comments in pak ..

Rajesh Mishra said...

When a small town like Molenbeek can do so much harm to a strong Republic like France, then what will happen when the whole Europe converts in to a huge Molenbeek.

Unknown said...

Mr ManiShankar Aiyer is a National asset. One shouldn't underestimate his role. You need such people to unite the nation and at the same time confuse the enemy. When he says Dialogue should be uninterrupted and uninterruptible what he really means is, ' we will keep talking till the end of time itself but we wont actually resolve anything. Coz if issues are resolved then the dialogue will end!!! Afterall no one keeps negotiating even after an agreement is reached. And then asking Pakistan to help bring Gandhis back in power is like asking the French to help bring Hitler back in power.....lolz

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun Da,

Don't u think that India should have common law whiz shall be enforced across states, religions & class.

Thanks ,
S Thakur.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


Suspected ISIS Operative Held In Kolkata:

19 Indians Join ISIS"

To DASHU: It has gotten worse. Watch this:

To MAGICBULLET: LoLz!!! The ones that are raising a hue-and-cry about Pakistan's TNWs are not Pakistanis, but the US & its European/Scandinavian allies. The same goes for allegations about Pakistan's supposedly rapidly expanding nuclear WMD inventory.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: BTW, Salman Khursheed & Mani Shankar Aiyar belong to that group that never fail to read the works of Chanakya, Machiavelli, Zhuge Liang, Kautilya etc etc. Hence their total ignorance of what exactly constitutes grand strategy, strategem, & statecraft. Here's proof of this in a recent interview of Salman Khursheed in Islamabad:

Mayur M Manapure said...
See how riled they are..Cricket nahi Khelne milra to yeh Harqate..

Unknown said...

Omg if shiv Sena is declared a terrorist organizations then that would make me an ex-terrorist .... I fought and won my university election with shiv Sena support...lolz

Mayur M Manapure said...

We all supported a terror outfit didn't we... my whole family used to vote for this Party in Thane...I don't know why in the world they think that playing cricket would solve every problem the two nation ever had...PCB is bankrupt since the attack on Sri Lankan team...its a good policy to starve these fools of any economic opportunities.

maverick said...

Hi prasun,

How true is this report ?

Gopu said...

Could you provide some comments on this article? SCL has a smaller scale fab already, so are there any new strategic implications for this project?

Jaiprakash seems like a big business house with no experience, while HSMC according to their website seems like a paper company with an "experienced team Non Resident Indian (NRI) of Silicon Valley".

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Prasun da,

your comment on "November 17, 2015 at 6:58 AM" "Salman Khursheed & Mani Shankar Aiyar belong to that group that never fail to read the works of Chanakya, Machiavelli, Zhuge Liang, Kautilya etc etc. Hence their total ignorance of what exactly constitutes grand strategy, strategem, & statecraft." do you mean they fail to read or never fail to read ... ? bit of confusion

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


Unknown said...

Sir, is it possible in future to develop an unmanned version of Tejas ?

It will definitely have longer range & great endurance, since no human support system will be required.
That much amount of weight can be substituted with fuel !!!

Anonymous said...

Dear birbal,

Thanks for your comments.

You have said in your comments that those who are PATRIOTIC will never get a chance to rule. This is correct.

Reason is many Indians are ignorant or never care about India. See I am working in gulf countries and I am an IT Professional. When India launches Indigenous GSLV rocket it failed in 2011 or 2012. That whole day I was upset. Some of my office Colleagues (All are Indians and all are IT Professionals) came to me and asked me why you are upset. I told GSLV Failure. Most of the people ask me what is GSLV? And they are asking me why you are worried for this failure. In this answer you can come to know that even educated Indians who have 24x7 internet in their computers don’t know what is happening in INDIA in science, development, defense, Politics, War etc. and they never care about India.

In this situation How can India produce “A VERY GOOD KNOWLEGEABLE, VISIONARY & PATRIOTIC” Indians. This is the fate of our country. Even we have knowledge, hard work, still Indians don’t get respect anywhere in the world especially in Gulf Countries. Indians are treated as Servants or Slaves.

S. Kumar

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

China is serious about CPEC Project. Looks china is slow & steady in the project.
I think India & Iran are the big losers.

Please comment.

S. Kumar

RK said...


What is the status of the Varunastra Torpedo? Has it been cleared for the series production? Any comments?

PATRIOT said...

Sir, how does this article:

Fit with the speculaiton that India will be getting more than 36 Rafales and some made in India? THis seems to put a nail in the coffin- we are only getting 36 Rafales it seems.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@S Kumar, That was year 2010.

And there is serious lack of Grand Strategic interests & ignorance of understanding in geopolitics, not patriotism.

Arpit Kanodia said...

And I know why people were upset after the failure of launch. This failure not just a simple failure, but it also shattered apart the Indian Manned Mission by 2016. Which is now impossible best by 2025.

Unknown said...

Sending 4 to 6 tons communication satellites to GTO is much more important... Thats where the money is. Sending humans a few 100 km into LEO is too expensive and has limited utility other than boosting national pride

sweet said...

any pics from the ongoing Indian armed forces exercises in the west?

Arpit Kanodia said...

@Jay Bhanushali Or sending man to moon or mars?

You first need to crawl, walk and then run. There are no shortcuts.

Unknown said...

@arpit kanodia
Isro will definitely send man into space before 2019, on gslv mk 3.

Crew module has been tested twice. Some more tests are required for crew module. Our 200kn cryogenic engine is also progressing well.....

India's future interplanetary manned missions depends heavily on development of semi cryogenic engine. According to Isro its design is ready & godrej is currently building 2 such engines.

So bhai...
Don't loose hope. Isro is working very hard & our space program is heading towards right direction.....

Unknown said...

You completely missed the point... It is easier to built a launch vehicle for a communication satellite than to make one which is a human certified... Our priority should be the former while the latter can wait for another decade or so..

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

Please comment on below? When Airbus agrees to compensate Germany with delay in delivery & for shortcoming in capability, why cant the same rule be applied by India when it comes to the delay by UK firm in delivery Quartz nose cone for LCA as an example? if i am correct, this has never happened in India.

S Nair said...

Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel. :)

সুমন্ত নাগ said...

@Jay I agree 100 %

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

Any idea what was actually discussed during Gen. Changlong's visit?

Best Regards

mg6357 said...


Look at this article:

Can you shed more light on it ?
How many such ships will we induct ?

If the information of tracking targets at 2000 km away is true then how will Pakistani Joint Services 'Air-Sea Battle' Concepts will fructify against India (because a single Radar ship sitting as far as near Mumbai coast can track all of Pakistani aerial and naval activities) ?

rad said...

HI prasun
air marshal deo seems to be well on his way in achieving his dream of the glide bomb and its variants.Seems that the Iaf is behind it and they are about to do carriage trials . I personally appreciate his efforts of spending his own money. .I think he is driven by a dream and hope it comes true .
All it needs is a magnanimous nationalistic person to head it with funds and direction and i am sure things can happen.Of course like good indians, there will be jealous people who will cite some laws to stop him .we should be like the Israelis when a couple of nerds get together and provide low cost solutions. HOw successful do you think he will be ?.

rad said...

to s kumar
I join issue with you .when the GSLV was a successful,all the news channels were busy broadcasting how this bitch killed her own daughter and other sleazy stuff. They sent reporters to tail every person involved in the case , shoving the mic into their faces as though that was the greatest scoop .Totally forgetting the hard work put up by ISRO scientists.
In america they name the air force bases after test pilots and brave people who laid down their lives for the nation,eg Edwards air force base etc. Eglin afb etc.
Here the politician name the various schemes after them selves ,like the all the yojanas ,starting with nehru then indra and then rajiv. The ass holes think t he nation is theirs family property to name any thing after them.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Prasun Da,

Why is that militancy or terror has roots in islam ...

Anonymous said...

Dear Rad,

Another thing I noticed is when ever there is a negative things going in India, it is highlighted by our News Channel & Papers which is echoed in all news papers & channels world wide. For example "For beef eating, man is murdered" etc.

But any Big achievement India did, it is not focused by our News channels or international news channel or papers.

Our News Channel should learn from CNN, BBC etc. They will hide things which affect their countries or they will report it in very softly.

To much of Media freedom also affecting our countries growth. We should try to learn more from China.

This is another headache for development in India.

S. Kumar

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun

Whether the above company done all the R & D and produced this equipment’s or Importing & Assembling using Screw Driver Technology.

Please give your comments regarding these achievements.


rad said...

to S Kumar
regarding the night vision device company Tonbo, which has been in the news for making night vision devices. The imaging sensor tube is imported .Only a couple of companies in the world make it, and all buy from them. THe USP of Tonbo is the processing that is done with the image. Tonbo has succeeded in fusing thermal imaging with normal CCD image so as to have a multi spectral image. This is to have the advantage of both spectrum's. It is all about cost effectiveness.
May they live long!
The future is sensor fusion , the rafale MFD has a display that projects radar,EW threats, irst threats, moving map etc on one single display for better pilot situation analysis.
The elbit NG cockpit display has taken it to another level , ie all sensor fusion is displayed in 3D!!! .That is why even such a big company like boeing has roped tham in for the next gen f-18.

Akash said...

e Ruskies aren't stupid by any chance. Wait for the consecutive portions of the show report to read about China's dilemma & how the Su-35 is still a long way away into the distant future.

This is what you had said. but recently Russiahas signed a contract with China for the delivery of 24 Su-35. The deal is worth 2 billion with the unit su price being 83 million. This was revealed by Rostec CEO . Kommersant first published the news about the deal and Sputnik had quoted them.
There is still no confirmation about this deal from either Rosboronexport and there is also no mention of this deal in Rostec's official site.

Can you say what is really going on? Why is Russia so eager to sell China their latest stuff when all they do is just copy and reverse engineer and violate the IPR. If China receives the Su-35,their state agencies and r&d ins will be able to lay their hands on the cutting edge Snow Leopard pesa,L band wing mounted aesa,L175 Khibiny esm and ew suite and ofcourse the supercruising item117s engines. Not very good for us.

Wont we take up the sale of the Sukhoi with the Russians and lodge a protest. the sale of Su-27Sm or Su-30MK2 would have been acceptable to us but the Flanker-E,its just too much to stomach. Its something very similar to backstabbing.

Lets hope the deal doesnt goes through.

Anonymous said...

Dear Rad,

Thanks for your comments.

Dear Prasun,

Please read this link

This "HIGH KNOWLEDGE INDIANS" always has Foot & Mouth diseases like cows.

This Congress intellectuals are thinking they are more than the nation. Very soon you can see the state of Congress all over India Like Tamil Nadu Congress. Very Soon 2017 Mani Sankar Iyer's Tamil Nadu congress is going celebrate "50 YEARS" of NOT in power in Tamil Nadu.

S. Kumar

Gopu said...

Can you verify the credibility of this article?

"The French shipbuilding giant DCNS has sold smaller submarines to India, Malaysia, Chile and Brazil, but its chairman and CEO said Tuesday that only Australia is being offered advanced sonar and stealth technology similar to systems on French nuclear missile submarines."

If true, this means either French marketers are unscrupulous in their claims (promising the "best" deal ever for every new competition) or the French double-crossed us.

Or the author thinks bigger subs are more advanced when this difference in Indian vs Australian subs has more to do with the relative depths of Indian vs Pacific Oceans.

Common Sense said...


The French are doing what every vendor does! Lockheed Martin and Saab promised India the "world's best" F-16 and Gripen, respectively, during the MMRCA competition RFPs were issued. A few months later, they promised just the same to Brazil, with their proposals carrying a new paint scheme.

The only thing "unique" that France or anyone can offer Australia will be particular subsystems, so India or anyone else can't buy, say, the sonars or quieting equipment, the Aussies choose.

Arpit Kanodia said...

Sir, whats your take on this?

SATYAM said...

Hi Prasun,

What are the technologies related to conventional submarine manufacturing that India has not mastered yet?


Jon said...

There is a very interesting statement in the below mentioned report. Is it accurate:

"An astonishing 90,000 Pakistanis - a plane load every day - are reported to have been deported in 2014, mainly from Europe, as they have sought greener pastures by riding on the coat tails of Syrians, Iraqis, and Afghans."

buddha said...

please come soon sir..we miss you.......................

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BUDDHA: Your wish has been granted!!! Here, watch this over southern India:

To JON: it gets even better: A PEW research poll released on Thursday showed that Pakistanis had the least unfavorable view of ISIS among all countries polled. While countries such as Turkey, Indonesia, Jordan and others had over 75% unfavorable rating for ISIS, only 28% Pakistanis expressed an unfavorable view of ISIS.

To SATYAM: It's not technology, but manufacturing processes through either back-engineering or licenced-production. Technology is the outgrowth of R & D of the kind not being undertaken in India as yet.

To ARPIT KANODIA: It is indeed true. Deliveries will commence in late 2017 & the Air Regiment will be commissioned into service only 5 years later.

To GOPU: The conventionally-powered version of the Barracuda SSGN will contain the same type of CMS, IPMS, etc as those on board the Scorpene SSK. Only differences will be the AIP module, plus a piggy-back location for carrying diver propulsion vehicles. But such modules are today being available by DCNS even for the Scorpene.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To S KUMAR: MSA had made disparaging remarks about the Govt of India (& not just about NaMo) while in Pakistan. And not once, but twice. The first one was here: (from 15.56 till 18.43)

The 2nd one was in this programme:

What he has done is be loyal to his paymasters. After all, he would be a nobody he wasn’t sponsored for the Rajya Sabha seat by the Congress & he would have had to vacate his free palatial house in Delhi & retreat to some unknown corner of India & no one would even care who he is. He is also trying to defend the indefensible, i.e. previous UPA-1/UPA-2 govts had never stopped Pakistan from talking to the Hurriyat Conference separatists on Indian soil. In permitting such meetings to take place, the UPA-1/2 govts as much as signalled that the elected state govts of J & K had no locus standii. This was utterly demeaning for India’s democracy & therefore had to be corrected. And that’s what the present Govt of India has done. If anyone wants to talk about J & K then b y all means talk to the duly elected representatives of the state of J & K, & not with non-state actors who have no demonstrable popular grassroots support. However, such elementary truths don’t seem to get inside the thick skulls of the Congress party leadership!!!

About TONBO Imaging, its NRI founders originally wanted to do this start-up in India, but they got disgruntled with the Indian system & decided to register their corporate HQ in Singapore. The worrying part is, whenever such start-ups commence operations in places like Singapore, then they are immediately approached by Singaporean middlemen acting at the behest of China-based OEMs & eventually the innovations end up in China. I know of at least four Indian NRIs (not PIOs) who are right now based full-time in some Chinese hi-tech industrial parks & are conducting R & D work there.

As for TONBO’s expertise, it specializes in product innovation using existing technologies that have already been commercialised. And such innovations are in demand from only those countries where full platform development takes place. India does not fit into this category. To give you a good idea on what exactly constitutes an environment in which such innovations are sought after, do read this:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AKASH: The PLAAF’S Su-35S Air Regiment is still 7 years from becoming fully operational, as I’ve explained above. The Ruskies thermsel;ves had stated last June that they were hopeful of inking the Su-35 contract with China by the year’s end. So why all this unnecessary paranoia from your end? And the ROSTEC conglomerate is the owner of Rosoboronexport State Corp. How can anyone replicate or back-engineer the Su-35 when the design data is not being shared with China? The Su-27SKs & Su-27UBKs were back-engineered by SAC because A) the Ruskies had passed on production engineering data on the airframes of these aircraft to China; & B) the Ukrainians knew everything about the source-codes (crypto-keys) of the FBW-FCS of such aircraft. The Su-35S is a totally different aircraft, with brand-new FBW-FCS & totally different DFCC. Therefore their replication is totally out of the question. Nor will a mere 24 aircraft tilt the balance of power in China’s favour by any measure. Thus, your paranoia is totally unjustified & unnecessary. Only a buffoon will lodge any protest with Russia against this sale. Nor is there any backstabbing. Hence you do need to give your discredited conspiracy theories a permanent burial.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: That’s not true by any measure. And thank God the evidence was revealed yesterday:

About ISIS, you ought to take note of some hard realities, which is folks from India are not only going to fight in Iraq/Syria for ISIS, but also against ISIS. Here’s the proof:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Russian joint forces briefing on operations in Syria:

Russian Tu-160s, Tu-22M2s & Tu-95s launching cruise missiles & dropping gravity bombs:

Unknown said...

Ok. If Chinese don't want to copy su35, nor does it do anything for power balance,

Then why they are buying only 24 jets ?
24 is good only for one squadron, what difference will it make ?

Anonymous said...

Hello Prasunda.

Long time reader of your blog.
Could you please share your view on two front war theory !(pak-china nexus and what India need to do to counter )

According to the author below ,if chinese move transgress in to Arunachal Pradesh ,Indian army cannot follow or stop them as per 2013 aggrement ? is that true and do you think it is possible two front war ? ie in case there is mumbai like attack and if india retalliates in POK .what will be china response in case chinesse collateral ?

I dont agree with author view and not sure why is he giving advantage to pakistanis when we all know they don't have any money or ammunition to fight 1 week high intensity war with India nor china will risk impact its economic relations with us by going on war again .Your thoughts!

But however would like to know what india needs to do to take care of this nightmare senario if china goes to war with us in east simultaneously with pakistan on west LOC ?
Jai Hind.

S Singh

Unknown said...

Prasun sir, you did not reply to my question, maybe you missed it.. I am posting again

Prasun sir, will the defense budget see a major increase next year because of the 7th pay commission or will we shrink capital budget to compensate for the increased revenue budget?
Also, I am very worried about the future Indian navy underwater fleet. What should be the ideal submarine force by early 2030s when the kilos and hdws retire and what in your opinion is the best way to get to that force level,both nuclear and conventional.

VMT in advance

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANUP: That's only 10 An-32REs. What about the rest of the 86 contracted for?

To S SINGH: LoLz! There are several assunptions in that scenario that have failed to factor in prevailing ground realities. Presumably the author of that scenario is unaware of the prevailing deployment footprint of the PA due to on-going LIC operations This requires a detailed rebuttal & I will do so later tonight. As for the supposed restrictions of the 2013 agreement inhibiting IA patrols from intercepting the transgressing PLA patrols, all I can say that as far back as last August & last September, the IA successfully intercepted & even confronted such patrols & these were even shown on certain Indian TV channels! That's not where the problem is. The problems lie elsewhere & have been reported here:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PIYUSH DAS: And exactly how many Su-30MKKs & Su-30MK2s have been ordered for the PLAAF & PLAN to date? In the tes or in the hundreds?

Rituraj said...


Is the situation so bad for the Indian military? Sawhney is a knowledgeable person. How much of this is true?


Arpit Kanodia said...

Finally, White gloves are off

""""The Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs was told on Thursday that dossiers given to the United States and United Nations Secretary General on India’s alleged involvement in terrorism in Pakistan did not contain ‘material evidence’.

Testifying before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, which met with Senator Nuzhat Sadiq in the chair, Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz said the dossiers instead contained the “pattern and narrative” of Indian involvement.""""

""""Mr Chaudhry struggled to explain the omission of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) from the joint statement issued after the meeting of Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif with President Obama in Washington on Oct 22.

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed had pointed out that while the joint statement welcomed regional connectivity projects and named Afghanistan-Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement, the Central Asia South Asia Electricity Transmission and Trade Project (CASA-1000) electricity corridor, the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) natural gas pipeline project, it curiously remained silent on CPEC.""""

raw13 said...

The potential sale of SU35 is not the main thing. It is what may also materialize, i.e. its engines being co-developed (improved) and produced in China for the J-10C, J-11D and J-20. There is a talk of it already. This could also just be the first batch of 24. In couple of year another 24 and so on. One thing, it will give PAF/PN confidence to order it too if they have the money or can agree the terms. The Russians have said they have no objection to PAF buying it.

Akash said...

Sir,It was you who had said in the Maks 2015 thread that any deal for Su-35 was unlikely and is a distant dream. For the first time Chinese airforce will lay its hands on an aircraft which is superior in every way to what we have. Previous to this the Bars radar was a gen ahead to what the Su-30MK2 had . Now they will get Irbis. We are yet to receive any T-50 prototypes.
Do they plan to buy any more in the future? And what about their deal for Amur subs?
And there isnt any press release from Rostech on the deal uptill now.

Rajesh Mishra said...

China is developing on its own superior stealthy fighter aircrafts, then why it wants to purchase only 24 of the Su-35.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@Rajesh Mishra The hilarious part is that China already claiming they developed full mature version of ASEA radar for J-11, including jetengine that can surpass Russians.

If J-11 is so advanced with AESA radars, then why buying SU-35?

raw13 said...

China's fighter production is limited by Engines. It is still trying to master the technologies and more importantly the process of manufacturing the engines. Same quality and capability of engines each and every time. Their SU-27s are also getting old and need replacing. If you factor in the fact that they also need to replace 100's of F-7/8, it makes sense to get 4-6 Squadrons of SU35's. J-31 and J-20 are years away, once development freezes (currently each new planes improves on the previous), they need to mature, just look at the time lines of LCA\F-35.

Russia also needs help big time, due to the drop in oil prices. They have technology which is mature right now (SU35 has been operational with RuAF for a while) and can be traded and chinese have a need for a mature systems right now and have tonnes of money. They also want to help each other, hence this is a strategic purchase, it shows the kind of relationship the two nations have. Its also a reminder to Modi before he visits, where he is in the pecking order.

PAF have also said they wills tick to RD93 engine and its versions for JF-17. See report from Dubai. Russia has agree to transfer knowledge and equipment to overhaul and repair engines at PAC. PAC's long term plan is to licence manufacture it at PAC and be part of the team to improve the RD93. Russia sees profits and influence if its engine is part of the exported JF-17s. Russian also like the fact that we don't bad mouth their technology.

Koovie said...

Prasunji, I guess this comeing form the CEO of Safran says it all:

The plan we’re supposed to do in Bangalore, we won’t do it for this 36-aircraft deal,”

“But we’ll continue to have other business with them. We have other projects with Hindustan Aeronautics.”

That's the dream of >36 Rafales for the IAF over as far as I am concenred.

Is there any reason why things have taken such a turn for the worse on this front recently? You had been predicting >100 Rafale for the IAF a few weeks back but now it will be a pitiful 36 only.

Good day sir

Anthony said...

Unknown said...

Sir, RM said that he is preparing a roadmap for iaf's future inventory.

Are we going to have the same debate again, like
How many mmrca we need?
Which mmrca we need?

Why suddenly we need to prepare that roadmap again ?

Grateful for your answers sir.....

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAW@4.59PM: Before you blurt out further bullshit about the Su-35 deal, do bother to do some research on the agreement inked on on December 11, 2011 for protecting Russia’s intellectual property rights in the field of military-technical cooperation, an act meant to stop China from copying Russia-origin weapons designs. Try to analyse what are the implications of this agreement & what are the roll-back clauses that China will now be forced to comply with.

To AKASH: You're assuming that the Su-35S destined for the PLAAF will be the very same version in service with the Russian Air Force. The PLAAF's original reqmt back in 2008 was for 48 aircraft in the first tranche, followed by another 80 in successive tranches. Clearly that has not happened.

Prav said...

@Raw13: The BS part -----
"technology which is mature right now (SU35 has been operational with RuAF for a while) and can be traded and chinese have a need for a mature systems right now and have tonnes of money."
TLDR : The chinese are getting 24 aircraft with no tech transfer beyond that for MROs .

Akash said...

Sir,The Super sukhoi being sold to PlAAF,will they be monkey models with downgraded radars,ew and esm gear like what was prevalant during the 80s and 90s. At the very least will the pesa's performance be limited in the no of targets tracked,max look up search and detection range,no nctr and inferior eccm capabilities as well as low RBS resolution?
I mean will they adopt the American practise of selectively degrading things depending on the customer nations like Raytheon ALQ-184(V)9 have DRFm missing.
In the past they didnt export them downgraded stuff,did they ?

And official reports on the sell are yet to emerge. Nothing about this on Rostec .

Pls sayinbrief on the standrd they will get

Mayur M Manapure said...

Madrassas are a threat to liberty: Tufail Ahmad at India Ideas Conclave 2015

There are 3 more parts to the JNU chronicles

Hindus’ freedom from intolerance : A reply to the news peddlers of the West

Prav said...

What do you think this means,,,

What Aziz left unsaid was that Pakistan would not accept the emergent quasi-alliance between the US and India or India’s ambitions as the pre-eminent power in South Asia. Pakistan just made available to China on a 42-year lease 2300 acres land in Gwadar, which has a naval base and where China is constructing a massive airport. Indeed, taking other trends in regional politics also into account – Russian-Iranian coordination in Syria, thaw in Russia-Pakistan relations, Pakistan’s refusal to join Saudi-led military intervention in Yemen against pro-Iranian Houthis and the overall upswing in Pakistan-Iran relations in recent years, etc. – the stage is being set for a strategic entente involving Russia, China, Iran and Pakistan.

No doubt, Washington watches with profound disquiet this “Geopolitical realignment”, which consolidates China’s strategic presence in the Indian Ocean and signifies a radical rethink in the Pakistani policies, distancing the country from its traditional role as the US’ key ally in the region, which would of course render ineffectual the US’ containment strategy against China (and Russia and Iran.)

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRAV: Obviously RAW13 was unable to make sense of "the roll-back clauses that China will now be forced to comply with". He fails to understand that the Russians are masters at playing poker/hardball, while the Chinese aren't, & are instead adept at only brinkmanship up to a point.

To RAW13: The question you should be asking is why have the PLAAF & PLANAF both inducted only 1 Air Regiment of J-11B/J-11BS aircraft, & not re-equipped at least another six & four of their Air Regiments with such aircraft as per their original plans? And why are all their J-15s powered by AL-31Fs, & not the FWS-10A? If you want the answers, then do buy your copy of FORCE magazine's November 2015 issue & read all about it there. And as for the RD-93 overhaul workshop, all the components, including rotables & consumables like additives, lubricating fluids & grease will have to be imported from Russia. Which means Russia can shut off the tap anytime it wants to.

To ARPIT KANODIA: Confirmation of the absence of any material evidence within the dossiers of India's covert war inside Pakistan came 4 days ago here (from 44.46 till 45.38):

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRAV: Interestingly, a similar seminar has been underway since yesterday at the USI in Delhi. Here are the details:

In China, there are 2 principal think-tanks that are taken seriously by China's civilian & military decision-makers. First & foremost is the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), which is the think-tank for the Ministry of State Security. The academician who is heading the India desk there spent two years in India studying Sanskrit & Hindi. That should give you an idea of how deep & far they go to specialise on a particular country.

The 2nd think-tank of consequence is the China Institute of International Studies, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They publish papers out in the open. For instance, their analysis of contemporary Indian trends can be read here:

In contrast, most think-tanks in South Asia--India or Pakistan--are just academic institutions that do not benefit from inputs from their respective country's decision-making bodies or intelligence agencies. Thus, you will find only 1 or 2 papers being published a year by either IDSA or ISS & these papers don't have any meaningful content. In the UK, USA & China, it is entirely the opposite & they have access to classified information as well as briefings, based on which their concept papers are drafted.

Just yesterday at the USI, a former Rear Admiral who markets himself as a strategic thinker had opined that since India's security concerns vis-a-vis China are related directly to the One Belt Road (OBOR) initiative'[s overland Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB), India should wholeheartedly join & support the OBOR's Maritime Silk Road (MSR) initiative. But this 'strategist' was left red-faced when I pointed out that the main reason why the PLA was downsizing its army was for the sake of allocating more resources for the expansion of the PLAAF & PLAN (which unlike the Army can traverse great distances & stay engaged in various theatres outside China's immediate periphery). Such is a sad state of affairs prevailing within the lecture/seminar circuits in Lutyens' Delhi!!!

Prav said...

Why are people too lazy to pick their own names .... The 2nd "Prav" is a different commenter .
In other news Pakistan tries it's hardest to remain a laughing stock in the international community

Arpit Kanodia said...


This one is latest

Did Pakistan's FO implying that Sartaz Aziz lied in Senate?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: Of course he's a habitual liar. He did the same in June 1999 when he came to Delhi & claimed that the LoC was not demarcated on maps. When he was shown the original maps showing the LoC being mapped out & precisely defined & duly co-signed by the DGMOs of both the IA & PA in 1972 at Suratgarh, he just shut up & left in a huff. Again on July 4, 1999 during the meeting with President Clinton when the same claim was made by Nawaz Sharif, the then US Assistant Secretary for South Asia Karl Inderfurth again produced the signed copies of the LoC maps! That's when Clinton slammed Nawaz Sharif & Co & Sharif had no choice but to comply with the US diktat. That's when Sharif's statement about the PA's unilateral withdrawal from Drass, Kargil, Turtuk & Batalik was prepared & the then Pak Foreign Secretary Shamshad Ahmed Khan was asked to leave the meeting room by US officials so that he would be unable to interfere with the drafting process of the statement.

Prav said...

@Arpit ... That's what is called damage control ... In India almost everyone knows the evidence against Pakistan ... From captured terrorists to GPS data and communication intercepts . The international community knows of this( the US and UK brought out most of the SIGINT after all ) .The only thing Pakistan has ever been able to bring up are uncircumsised terrorists or weapons supposedly made in India..Despite the fact that most "AK 47s" that terrorists use are actually Type 56s made in Chinese factories (with the original made in Russia AK 47 being a collectors item at this point ). Pakistani politicians can fool their own people with these empty dossiers ( which as it turns out are merely conspiracy theories printed on paper .) Pakistan could have just saved a few trees and emailed a link of to the UN and Obama.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAVI N: Well, that's the Muslim Ummah for you! I rather surprised that you're surprised by this turn of events. For, closer to home, while Pakistan may offer asylum to a few hundred Rohingyas, India has already accommodated few thousand Rohingyas. That should tell a lot.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Excellent short documentary on INSIDE INS SINDHUKIRTI:

Clearly visible are the LAMA-EKM AICS multifunction consoles, the PIRIT-M IPMS console, & BEL-built composite comms system terminals. To my knowledge, never before has the interior of any Type 877EKM SSK been shown in such detail on any other Indian TV channel, especially the 'Battle Room'.

Anonymous said...

kind of a side note really, but it seems Ukr delivered 40already, 8th batch of 5, is it not. The rest (60 plus) are to be upgraded in India. At least thats what i have been reading. Is that not correct?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH: That's correct.

To RAVI N: You may find this interesting:

ISIS Footprint in India:

ConcernedCitizen said...

Hi Prasun,

Do you think with the completion of the J&K railway and the all weather road link, the ability to move in troops during eventualities would be boosted enough to potentially reduce troop levels in the valley. Do you think these projects can pave way to potentially repealing the AFSPA in J&K?

Anonymous said...

Most of the Syrians (upto 3 million) are in camps in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey.

Gessler said...

Prasun ji, your thoughts needed :

Prav said...

How good are these pl-10? These have off-bore capability upto 20km. :

Are the seekers in these chinese? Do you see these equiping JF17?

Rajesh Mishra said...

If Laden was caught in Pakistan666, does it automatically mean that Bagdadi will also be caught in Pakistan666.

Mayur M Manapure said...

Prasun Da can we expect more of this in future....

Unknown said...

Sir, can you throw some light on China's ABM capabilities ? Do they have credible interceptors ?

Magicbullet said...

Do look at the latest video of hajam"a apas ki baat where he discusses the US visit of bad seems we have the pukes by their balls...all the six points that raheel seems to have on agenda have one way or the other guy india involved in them ...please share your views on this

ConcernedCitizen said...

Hi Prasun,

Do you know whether India has such facilities?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CONCERNED CITIZEN: Such buildings are not built to serve as mere construction marvels, but to serve a vital purpose & they emerge after years of deliberation & analysis. Russia has taken 15 years to do such ‘deep’ analysis & introspection & only after all this has such a structure emerged, along with tailor-made weapons like the Object 148 T-14 Armata MBT, Object 149 T-15 Heavy IFV, Object 693 Kurganets-25 Tracked APC family, and Object 695 Kurganets-25 IFV. The point I’m trying to convey is that without a comprehensively-researched integrated strategic defence posture, there cannot be joint warfighting doctrines & consequently, no weapons development to serve such doctrines. That’s why I’ve been consistently harping about the need for India to conduct a strategic defence review. Without this, what has happened is this: The first airpower doctrine of the IAF was published in October 1995, while the doctrine was revised in 2007, and the third emerged on September 17, 2012. The IA released its pro-active strategy doctrine on October 22, 2004, followed by a 76-page doctrine on sub-conventional warfare laying down guidelines and strategies for conduct of counter insurgency operations in urban and rural areas, and another "Doctrine on Perception Management and Psychological Operations" and "Doctrine on Air and Land Operations" on June 16, 2010. The In has yet to come up with one of its own. What this tells you is that each of the 3 armked services will be fighting its own individual wars on different fronts & therefore will not require the kind of integrated C4I HQs (National Control Defense Center) of the type that both Russia & China now possess.

To MAGIC BULLET: That fella is extremely angry with India because his country’s criocket team is being denied revenue-earning business by India. ICC rules dictate that whenever matches are played, it is the host country that gets to keep all earned revenues. If the match is played on neutral territory, like the UAE, then both countries get to share the revenues 50-50. In this case, since India has asked Pakistan to play on Indian soil instead of playing in Sharjah, the Pakis are pissed off & this clearly shows in that TV programme you’ve referred to. As for what’s really the reason why Afghanistan has lost all trust & faith in Pakistan, watch this programme that was aired last night:

Anonymous said...

What do you think of the picture?


Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

I am watching Info in Youtube. They are the one who told that Syrian Army chemical attack during 2013 is a false flag.

Now they are telling that Paris attack is stage managed with false flag and it is the pretext to launch full scale war against IS and later against Bashar Assad. Then the west will place a puppet regime in Syria.

What is your opinion?

S. Kumar


Prasun Da,

Can you please shed some light on today's AAD test? From various news reports it seems that today's test was successful.

So what are they trying to validate from these tests - rocket motor, warhead?

Please do provide some insights.


Sarabveer Nihal said...


The current defence minister of Canada, Harjit Sajjan, has quite a bit of history. I came across information that his father Sardar Kundan Singh Sajjan used to be the head of World Sikh Organisation which is the front organisation of the Babbar Khalsa International, the Khalistani terrorist organisation. This Mr Kundan has been on the forefront of defending terrorists who bombed the Air India Flight in 1980s and many other similar Khalistani events.

Seems like quite a unique separatist family !!! What do you think will be the effect on India-Canada relations?

Anonymous said...

Dear Raw13,



buddha said...
nice informative vdo

Stolen said...

Sir, everything I am reading in the news these days points to the fact we are not going for anymore than 36 Rafales and that too with ZERO ToT, zero MAKE IN INDIA contet and very little industrial benefits to us at all.

The comments by the Safran CEO and other articles I have seen laltely seem to indicate that this deal really is the turd we all hoped it wouldn't be which surpsrises me because I didn't think Modi was this impotent or niave. Who does he think he is serving by getting India such a shitty deal? 36 Rafales aren't going to change a damn thing, why are we even bothering?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To STOLEN: What you & others before you seem to be FORGETTING or OVERLOOKING is that the Su-30MKI contract too was inked in a similar manner: In November 1996 the 40 Su-30MKIs were ordered OFF-THE-SHELF from Irkut Corp & in December 1998 this was increased by 10 to 50 Su-30MKIs. It was only in December 2000 that the licenced-production contract for 140 Su-30MKIs was inked. Nowhere in any news-report has it been mentioned that the IAF will receive only 36 Rafales & no more. No one from France or anyone has said such either. All that the SAFRAN representative had said was that licenced-production or military-industrial ToT wasn't going to be part of the 36-aircraft order. Now, to re-interpret such an elementary remark & twist & turn it into something for one's own liking may well be a habit for many, but not for me. So, if you want to make such assumptions which have no factual basis, then be my guest & wait for time to prove who's right & who's wrong.

To SARABVEER NIHAL: With the passage of time & greying hair, folks do tend to mature. Let's hope the present Canadian Defence Minister comes into this category.

To VIKRAM GUHA: There's nothing--no data or photo--to prove that today's AAD test-firing was a success or failure. Even the PIB hasn't bothered to release any photo of this test-firing. Whenever a missile is fired at an 'electronic target', it means only the guidance system is being subjected to the test. The missile therefore does not carry any explosive warhead. The AAD presently uses the Ku-band ARSEEK radar seeker, whereas the future lies with Ka-band seekers. That should tell you enough about how the Indian taxpayer's money is being spent.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To S KUMAR: In that case let these nitwits prove their allegation with undeniable proof. Why spew out needless conspiracy theories? Far better to read balanced & well-researched reports such as these:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


What this 'desi bandalbaaz' has failed to mention is that over the next 5 years, 10,000 ANA soldiers will be trained in/by India in counter-insurgency warfare. This is over & above the 4 Mi-25 attack helicopters to be supplied. Another 4 Mi-25s will be supplied once the IAF begins receiving its AH-64E Apaches.

mg6357 said...


Look at this tweet.

As per Manu Pubby's claims we have are close for selecting EC-725 helicopter.
Is this different from S-70B Indian Navy selected ?
Are we going to have 2 different helicopters in the same category ?

Arpit Kanodia said...

very informative docu @buddha

This is clearly describing how big powers create grand design & utter hypocrisy, which India still lack.

Anonymous said...

The Su-30 deal was done in tranches involving local production and TOT. The Rafale deal as per your assertion will also be done in similar manner, and i hope for betterment of IAF. Now the question is way back in 80s there were discussions that Mirage 2000 deal would also happen in tranches with local production and TOT. Why it didn't happen? Was it a political decision, military decision or soviet ploy to keep indian in their orbit by offering Mig29?




This is a unique perspective that the author provides. According to him the chances of a terrorist strike in India has gone up many folds because the LeT is under pressure to replicate the success of ISIS in Paris

That said, please share your own views.



Mayur M Manapure said...

Why the hell everybody thinks ToT serve any purpose. Germans gave us everything while selling HDW Type 209. Kya kiya uska. If we had made any use of that, we wouldn't have been waiting for Scorpenes. MDL itself would have had a homegrown solution.

Arpit Kanodia said...

Wajahat Khan explaining PA's operation in Shawaal.

Arpit Kanodia said...


In the Wajahat Khan episode, the PA using T-59 tanks instead of artillery for direct fire.

My question is why they using tanks as artillery? There is serious lack of artillery in Pakistan Army or they dont want to transfer there artillery pieces from East to West?

birbal said...

".....Now, to re-interpret such an elementary remark & twist & turn it into something for one's own liking may well be a habit for many, but not for me. "
Well said Prasun da....

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To MG6357: Does that post mention for which reqmt is the EC-725 being sought? Is it for the shipborne reqmt, or is it for the CSAR reqmt of the IAF? In my view, it is for the latter.

To SANTOSH: It didn’t happen because the USSR then seduced India with the offer for co-developing the SSBN (under the ATV Project). Back in the early 1970s when the DAE (not IN) had asked for seed money (Rs.30 crores) for establishing the ATV Project Office, the money wasn’t forthcoming. But within 2 weeks after Emergency was declared, the Rs.30 crores was approved from the PMO by P N Haksar. Then the DAE came up with some hair-brained proposal for installing a PHWR inside a pressurized hull!!! The IN was horrified when presented with this proposal & quickly struck it down. Again in the early 1980s the DAE tried to initiate this project through Dr Raja Ramanna, but this time the DAE proposed the West Germany Auto Hahn PWR design which was actually designed for an ice-breaker. Again the IN, this time through Capt B K Subbarao with the full blessings of the then IN’s CNS, Admiral O S Dawson, tore through the DAE’s proposal. This made both Dr Raja Ramanna & Dr V S Arunachalam furious because they were eagerly anticipating some Rs.100 crores in R & D funds just for developing a ‘technology demonstrator’. That’s when the plot was hatched to ‘fix’ Capt B K Subbarao. The rest of this saga is history. The DAE, knowing full well that its Auto Hahn-derived PWR could never be considered seriously for installation on-board any submarine, thenj along with the DRDO sought Defence Minister R Ventakaraman’s help in soliciting military-technological assistance from the USSR for developing a SSBN design based on proven technologies that were risk-free. But a bait had to be dangled in front of Moscow, This bait subsequently took the form of the Kudankulam PWR project, plus acquisition of MiG-23BNs, MiG-23MFs, MiG-25Rs, MiG-27Ms, MiG-29B-12s, and Type 877EKM SSKs. This what had happened.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY: I totally disagree. That’s because anyone try to map Pakistan’s mindset will conclude that such an attack/strike will unify all of India under NaMo. Instead, Pakistan’s objectives would be much better served if it could stoke communal passions & orchestrate communal violence by providing the spark like the torching of the Sabarmati Express in Godhra, thereby portraying NaMo as a divisive figure & discrediting him in the eyes of the Indian masses.

To MAYUR M MANAPURE: That’s because for the past four decades successive Govts of India have successfully created the mirage of achieving self-reliance through licenced-production, when in reality this caused enormous damage. The formula instead should have been joint product development with countries that were proposing such ideas since the mid-1970s, like France & the UK. But since this did not happen, ab sab ke gardanon par yeh ToT ka bhooth savaar ho gaya hai. Aur kuch log toh itne brainwashed ho gaye hain ki they think the likes of Air Marshal Deo are India’s messiah, since he can come up with models of PGMs in his garage workshop! So forget about wind-tunnel tests, forget about CFD & finite-element analysis, forget about thinking of what will end up inside such PGMs & let’s just build such models anyway! The rest will come from God. All the DARPAs & ONERAs & R & D institutions of Russia, Israel, Germany, France & the UK are thus all a bunch of morons for investing so much money on laboratory R & D. Instead, all of them should have sought Air Marshal Deo’s consultancy advice a long time ago on the art & science of developing new-generation PGMs & should have adopted his garage workshop-based design methodologies!!! Yeh to hai haal is desh ke jingos ke! Throw rationality into the dustbin & keep dreaming just because the late A P J Abdul Kalam had encouraged everyone to dream big. If only he knew what kind of spectacularly ridiculous propositions such ‘ignited minds’ would spew out (LoLz!).

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: For that you ought to see Part-2 of the programme here:

And also these:

You must take note that when it comes to LIC operations, the PA is extremely wary of absorbing casualties & therefore to protect themselves from snipers hiding within sangars along ridgelines, the PA had no option but to bring in Type 59 medium tanks as the advance party. The PA, unlike the IA, does not have APCs of ICVs made of steel. All their M-113 APCs & their clones are built of aluminum. Even as far back as 2004 these Type 59s were used for direct-firing across ridgelines.

Lastly, also watch how the Pakistani censorship authority (PEMRA) works nowadays:

Anonymous said...

In your reply you mentioned the following deals: MiG-23BNs, MiG-23MFs, MiG-25Rs, MiG-27Ms, MiG-29B-12s, and Type 877EKM SSKs. Of all this the Mig23MFs and Mig 23BNs are mere duplication and their roles could be better full-filled by Mig29Bs and Mig27Ms respectively. So what was the rationale for acquiring these aircrafts?


Chakra said...


Those EC-725s are for the Indian Coast Guard as had been reported recently. the ICG has been crying out for a long range SAR helicopter for decades and only now is the process moving a long. This current proposal itself was mooted more than EIGHT years ago post 26/11.

Brutas said...

Prasun sir, I thought you had said the IAF was going to get V-22s for their CSAR requirement?

Prav said...

The offical policy on clows,

Chada said...


When people believe in freedom, that does not disappear with age. The Canadian Defence minister comes from a family that belives in freedom for their people. If you ever get a chance to interact with sikhs in the west, they never say they are indian. Either they are hardcore Khalistani or they are soft Khalistani. Few are supporters of India.

Mayur M Manapure said...

Even engineer are leaving there jobs and joining the Hizbul ranks...
Your views sir?

RAVI said...


Numbers of commentators have been saying that the new gen in kashmir are more militant, more hardcore, more fundamentalist. look at the pak flags issue. have a read of this, khasmir becoming a battleground for influence

Mayur M Manapure said...

I don't know in this age when there's abundance of opportunities for qualifieds to grow and have a fruitful life, these morons choose to fight the Union instead. It's right that a monetary package (aka Lollypop) isn't going to solve any thing and you need to do actual work on ground. But who the Fuck's going to invest in the place which see bandh and stone pelting on weekly basis. At one place people In POK and Gilgit-Balitistan want to join India and these idiots are going berserk.

Mayur M Manapure said...

That's not the solution bro. Kashmir was not that bad in early 80's when My father who was in Air Force then travelled there in public transport which was utterly impossible after the 90's. We are not Chinese to replicate Xinjiang. They haven't been able to sort that too. It's the people who have to decide whether they want to progress with rest of the India or just purge themselves into demand for azadi. See these people who praise these "jihaadi" also protest for a Separate IIT in valley.

Arpit Kanodia said...

But this is necessity to bring back the Kashmiri migrants to valley.

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

1. When will be Rustom-1 will get IOC & FOC and enter into service?
2. When will Rustom-II first Prototype will fly?

Already Nishant UAV is closed. And India is left out to use only foreign Made UAV.

S. Kumar

Unknown said...



Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

Is this true?

I think India is fooled by everyone. This amarrrican's will tell one thing and do another thing. What to do? India should do course correction with Russia and depend with Russian than this western idiots.

Please give your comments.

S. Kumar

Unknown said...

Sir, is it true ?
Did Russia informed india before beginning syria airstrikes ?
Why so ?

Arpit Kanodia said...


What this means, operationalised? This was non operational before?

And on other question, how you see current world events. Can we compare this SU-24 shootdown event with the event of assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria?

Rajesh Mishra said...

Putin will do something worthwhile certainly against Turkey. Will it be so?

buddha said...
sir can u post some light on the topic

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJESH MISHRA: Turkey has already produced & displayed radar-tracks clearly showing that the Russian Su-24M had violated Turkish airspace & overflown Turkish territory despite repeated warnings by Turkish military ATC. The violation not occurred not once, but twice by the same aircraft. The tracking data was clearly shown yesterday on Al Jazeera TV. Looks like Russian ground-based ATC controllers inside Syria fucked up. Also, Russia & Turkey had failed to coordinate their airspace-control ROEs, while Russia made arrangements with the US & had arrived at mutually acceptable ROEs.

To ARPIT KANODIA: Only the supply of lethal weapons component of the SPA wasn’t operationalised until last March, when delivery of the 3 armed Cheetals took place. Don’t read too much into the Su-24M shootdown. Russia should have coordinated matters with Turkey just as it had done with the USAF.

To PIYUSH DAS: Because that’s what friends do.

To S KUMAR: Why go straight into a tangent & have this irrepressible urge to start breeding conspiracy theories? FYI, all the airstrikes conducted against the TTP by the PAF have involved F-16s, because the JF-17s, F-7PGs & Mirage-3s are not up to the task. Furthermore, the JF-17 is perhaps the only light MRCA in the world that does not have a tandem-seat operational conversion trainer variant, believe it or not. Which means the PAF has no choice but to send its young pilots for first convert to the F-16, using the B & D variants for this task, & only then proceed to the JF-17. This in turn results in very high utilisation of the F-16B/D versions. I therefore wouldn’t be surprised at all if those eight F-16s to be ordered would all be the tandem-seater D versions.

As for UAVs, who ever now needs the Rustom-1 or Rustom-2 when the Israelis are already upgrading the IA’s & IAF’s Heron-1s to Super Heron configuration, using FIAT AVIO-built diesel engines? Furthermore, OEMs like ELBIT Systems have already developed multi-band SATCOM antennae of the phased-array type that are cheaper, smaller & far easier to maintain, compared to the parabolic antenna developed by the DRDO. Lastly, while the DRDO is still toying with slotted-array antenna for SAR payloads, IAI/ELTA is already offering smaller & lighter AESA-based SAR payloads. Now, if you were the customer, what would be your first & only choice? To obtain the solution that promises the most bang for the buck, or settle for a solution that is technologically 10 years behind the latest available options?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To LACHIT & RAVI: Mayur is right. Just wait for winter to set in properly & all such miscreants will go into deep hibernation for the next 6 months. The problem, like I repeatedly said, is only in certain localities of Srinagar. That’s why in northern & northeastern Kashmir & in all of Ladakh there’s not even AFSPA for those areas! In any case, I’m waiting for the day when some hothead directly from ISIS puts a SUPARI on those dimwits who are displaying ISJK flags. ISIS does not like its flag being subjected to such perversion & would definitely want to make an example out of these dimwits. Thus, ISIS will decapitate ISJK, just as ISIS is now threatening the LeT . And that’s the reason why proximate security has been increased for & around Hafiz Saeed, & that’s why ISIS has been claiming that both the LeT & Afghan Taliban are mere puppets in the hands of the PA & ISI. And that’s exactly why Pakistan’s rulers are getting paranoid by the day about ISIS. So it’s now high time the God-fearing Deobandi/Barelvi Muslims of the Land of the Pure got arse-whipped & decapitated by the Wahhabi/Salafist Muslims who consider themselves to be ‘superior Muslims’. And we all will probably have the last laughs. As for those from India who want to join forces with ISIS, I for one would issue them one-way ‘Tatkal’ exit visas so that they can venture out into the meat-grinder now being operated by Russia & the US-led air coalition.

To CHADA: Why do I get a feeling that you switch off your brains whenever making comments like the one above! Of course the Sikhs who are citizens of countries like the US, UK, Australia, NZ etc etc will never say they’re Indian; they’re already citizens of other countries & it is to these countries that they ought to remain loyal at all costs. Nor does India want their support or loyalty or sympathy. And if, even while residing in such liberal democracies abroad, these Sikhs think that they’re not free & yearn for freedom, then they’re definitely suffering from some congenital defects inside their brains—that is, if they have brains at all! As it is these overseas Sikhs pledge their loyalties to various India-based Taksals in Punjab state. Consequently, in a hypothetical Khalistan too all these competing Taksals will end up at each other’s throats. As it is these Taksals are always pitched against one another since the 1980s, always fighting for donations from overseas & the SGPC & SAD can’t do a damn about it. Therefore, unless & until these Taksals put aside their petty feuds—which is impossible—Khalistan will remain a pipedream.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SANTOSH: The MiG-29B-12 when it was offered for the IAF was an air-superiority combat aircraft without any ground-attack capability, as was the MiG-23MF. Hence the MiG-23BN & MiG-27M were ordered as tactical interdictors. Delivery of the MiG-29B-12 then got delayed because its entire fire-control system was compromised through industrial espionage in the early 1980s itself when the CIA successfully recruited a deputy designer from Phazatron JSC, called Adolf Tolkachev, who also had access to NIIP Tikhomirov & therefore also supplied all relevant design/performance data of the Sapfir-23 & Sapfir-25 & Zaslon radars to the CIA. He was caught in the spring of 1985 & was executed by the KGB with a bullet to his head in October 1985. All this resulted in the delayed delivery of the MiG-29B-12, & the delivery therefore of the MiG-23MF as a stopgap air superiority combat aircraft. India of course was unaware of all this industrial espionage inside the USSR till the early 1990s.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Excellent interview of Baloch nationalist leader Brahmadagh Bugti:

Russia’s National Defence Command Centre:

Indus River Waters Treaty:

Bangladesh Bloggers Under Attack:

ISIS UpFront:

birbal said...

"..... As for those from India who want to join forces with ISIS, I for one would issue them one-way ‘Tatkal’ exit visas so that they can venture out into the meat-grinder now being operated by Russia & the US-led air coalition. "
Hahaha.....Nice HUMOR to start the day with Prasun da....

"Why go straight into a tangent & have this irrepressible urge to start breeding conspiracy theories?"
ABSOLUTELY. As Prasun da would agree Always THINK First, ANALYSE, INTERPRET ,then STEADILY come to a CONCLUSION, why Harakiri....LOLLLL

".....Now, if you were the customer, what would be your first & only choice? To obtain the solution that promises the most bang for the buck, or settle for a solution that is technologically 10 years behind the latest available options? "
BINGOO.....Prasun da...

Have a GOOD day everyone....

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

Thanks for your comments.

Regarding Rustom 1 & 2, I am satisfied with your answer as a Customer. But being INDIAN I am not satisfied. I want India to develop this product even though the developed technology is 10 years behind. In due course India can fill the technology Gap and deliver latest world Class Technology Product. Still India is in the learning Curve. Everyone should support DRDO & other Indian Companies. If you analyze the performance of DRDO for 30 Years, last 10 years their Performance is not bad and day by day improving. There should be great integrator in this country to bring DRDO, ISRO, DAE, Private companies, Universities & R & D Centers together to challenge the world.

Yesterday I watched the video of Russian SU 24 aircraft hit by Turkey. Putin told that it is back stabbing & it will be a serious issue in relation with Turkey.

My opinion is Turkey already lost the support of Israel & now it is digging its own graveyard by playing with Russian FIRE. NATO is a LION with out teeth. It cant safeguard turkey.

What is your opinion about turkeys action and what is your further predication regarding Syrian War theater.

S. Kumar

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

Please read this.

After Syrian War Next war front is ready.

S. Kumar

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

This article gives better info what is in the mind of Putin & Russia.

S. Kumar

SUVO said...

TURKEY backed the ISIS.The ISIS selling smuggled Syrian oil in Turkey worth $800 million.TURKEY trained various terrorist groups just like Pakistan and sending them into Syria and they fight under the banner of ISIS.TURKEY also a NATO member.RUSSIA bombs the ISIS,so Turkey shot-down the Russian Su-24.By this,the US-NATO gives the signal to Russuia THAT "don't poke your nose" here.
PRASUN DA,What is your opinion about the Turkish shot-down of a Russian warplane.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To S KUMAR & SUVO: It is akways best to watch the radar-tracks to determine what really happened. In this case, both Russia & Turkey produced radar-tracks that clearly show the Su-34M violating Turkish airspace & then being shot down inside Syrian airspace after it had exited Turkish airspace.

Russian flight-track with radar data:

Turkish radar-track:

If Russia calls it back-stabbing, then it should make public any backdoor or behind-the-scenes arrangement it had with Turkey for avoiding such incidents, just like the arrangements Russia has with the US for this theatre of operations. Back-stabbing means going back on one's word or failing to keep one's pledge. In this case, did Turkey make any such promises, commitments or agreements?

As for who all have armed ISIS, to just put the entire blame on Turkey will be foolhardy. Most of the GCC member-states along with Jordan were the initial financiers & trainers. One of them has been exposed here:

Kuwait uncovers extremist cell that brought arms from Ukraine to ISIS:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To S KUMAR: Regarding indigenous UAV R & D, your POV can't be digested, because if the customer doesn't want a homegrown solution, then there's no market for it & consequently such indigenous solutions won't have any buyers, thereby making it an unproductive effort & a waste of time for everyone. And why won't the customers (India's armed forces) procure such homegrown solutions? Simply because in case of mission failure or battlefield deficiencies, it will be the armed forces that will be blamed for the lapses, & not the DRDO. Therefore, procuring inferior homegrown solutions is simply not an option & no political decision-masker will even dare to make the mistake of forcing the armed forces to opt for inferior solutions.

Nor do I see the DRDO making any tangible progress in the reqd quantum. Reason for this is the managerial & administrative mindset of the Govt of India's decision-makers, especially the civilian bureaucracy that always tends to favour the public-sector over the private-sector--as mandated by the Rules of Business of the Govt of India due to which the MoD's Secretary for Defence Production & Supplies is a member of the Board of Directors of every DPSU. Naturally, therefore, if he/she were to favour the private-sector's competing solutions, then he/she would stand accused of criminal breach of trust (CBT) by the Central Vigilance Commission.

Thus, the transformation that you dream about can only come if the Rules of Business are changed so that the bureaucrats are empowered to ensure a level playing field whenever competitive bids are called for procuring the optimum product/solution. Right now this isn't happening. And we all know that the great bulk of innovations come not from any govt-owned laboratories, but from private entrepreneurs. Therefore, even the DRDO is hamstrung from freely engaging with such entrepreneurs & is forced to deal only with govt-funded IITs. This being the case, there's no chance for the DRDO becoming either a full-fledged product-developer or an innovative solutions-provider since it is being made to function with its hands tied-back.

Anonymous said...

It is Sukhoi-24 aircraft not the Sukhoi 34M which you have mentioned in your comment above.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

That's right, it's a Su-24M & NOT Su-34M.

Rajesh Mishra said...

The communications between F-16 to SU-24 at critical juncture were jammed and cutoff by NATO and allies. That is why the 10 warnings issued within 5 minutes were not heard by SU-24.

Is this possible.

Prav said...

Indian colonel killed in Kashmir

tolerance in india, its all the news everywhere.

Arpit Kanodia said...

@raw13 How many times you traveled in state of Jammu & Kashmir?

Prav said...

@Prav(November 25, 2015 at 11:42 PM) Please find an original name under which to post your spam .

bindy said...

The bitter backlash against Bollywood star Amir Khan's remarks about "growing intolerance" in India tells us a few things about the world's largest democracy.
At a journalism awards ceremony, Khan said there was a growing sense of fear, insecurity and despondency in the country, and that when he discussed things with his filmmaker wife, Kiran Rao, she wondered whether the family should move out of India.
"It is disastrous and big statement for Kiran to make to me. She fears for her child, what the atmosphere around us will be, she feels scared to open the newspaper every day. There is a growing sense of disquiet, and despondency. You feel depressed, you feel low. Why is this happening?" Khan said.
Many believe Khan was spot on. In drawing-rooms in recent months, friends and acquaintances have told me that they worry about India - the dull economy, shambolic criminal-justice system, unchecked corruption, the fussing about non-issues, and now the acts of intolerance and the coarse and polarised levels of debate - and they would prefer their children to leave. There is a sense that the immense hope that Prime Minister Narendra Modi had offered before sweeping to power last year is fast slipping away.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Since Modi has come to power, many of the corrupt people are feeling some sorts of handicaps and are not able to concentrate properly and even living in high towers have started fearing from the unknown.

Rajesh Mishra said...

BTW, this 'Unknown' they think is called as "Intolerance".

ConcernedCitizen said...

Hi Prasun,

Thanks for your prompt reply.

Do you think considering turkish president's remarks that "It is routine for jet fighters to sometimes fly in and out over [national] borders... when you consider their speed over the sea,"

during the episode when Syria shot down Turkish F4, the current Turkish justification of shooting down the Russian war plane bears a hint of hypocrisy?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PM: That Treaty was renewed with Russia as the USSR's successor state in the early 1990s & again after 2000.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BINDY & RAJESH MISHRA: Here are a few pointers worth pondering about:

1) According to a PEW Research poll conducted between April 5 & May 21, 2015, 8 out of 10 Indian citizens were staunch believers in religious tolerance.

2) Aamir Khan & his family earns an estimated Rs.32 crores per annum, or Rs.2 crore & 60 Lakh per month, or Rs.64 Lakh per week, or Rs.13 Lakh per day. Of course the bulk of such revenues come from the Indian cinema audience, meaning they’re not boycotting him & his family. The same applies to any other filmstar. Therefore, at a personal level how he perceives intolerance to be growing in India is totally perplexing.

3) Aamir Khan made a terrible mistake when giving his interview, whose complete transcript is here:

It is clear that his wife Kiran Rao didn’t SAY, but merely ASKED a question. Aamir therefore clearly made a mistake by misquoting a question as a statement of intent coming from his wife. This is where all the trouble started & everyone began giving their own spins. Presumably Kiran Rao was asking a question/wondering aloud as part of any bedroom/drawing-room/living-room conversation that any married/live-in couple would like to engage in, & was perhaps seeking a convincing answer or explanation. But whether Aamir came up with such an answer remains unknown & undisclosed. In any case, even posing such a question is outrageously preposterous (stylish, perhaps), since, given the financial status of this Khan family, it can easily afford to have ‘Z Plus’ proximate security protection if at all any of its members are to ever encounter any form of physical threat emanating from any kind of intolerance anywhere inside India. Nor will a transfer of residence to any foreign country guarantee the sought-after security, given the transnational reach of any hardcore, diehard & determined madcap that harbours any grouse against Aamir Khan & his family.

4) Quantitatively speaking, intolerance levels in India have definitely come down over the past 68 years, this being inversely proportional to the rising levels of literacy & education. This can neither be disputed nor challenged & is easily borne out by data available from the Union MHA. But what has increased are: A) coverage & reportage by the mass-media/social-media of incidents of intolerance or infringement of the law of the land; & B) Increasing efforts by the State/Govt to show ZERO tolerance for such violations of the law. It is for the state govt of any concerned state to enforce the law , since law & order is a state subject. One cannot hold the Union Govt responsible for any failure to uphold the law in any state.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

As for any growing sense of fear, insecurity and despondency in the country, yes it will grow whenever a Rajya Sabha MP like Mani Shankar Aiyar chooses to pooh-pooh any politician for being a former ‘Chai Wallah’ & scoff at his/her prime ministerial aspirations. It is such filth of society & such regressive, ethnocentric mindsets that show scant regard for dignity of labour & look down upon the very idea of vertical social mobility (Sanskritisation).

The same goes for those (especially the Pakistani news-media) who portray NaMo or Gen (Ret’d) V K Singh as being anti-Muslim just because they gave analogies involving dogs, which in turn were mischievously turned upside-down & presented as being comparisons. If a Pakistani can’t tell the difference between an analogy & comparison, then that’s neither NaMo’s fault nor that of any Indian citizen.

Perhaps we all need to learn a lot from the Parsi community, which, despite becoming extinct by the day, has never sought any reservations of any kind, or vote-bank, or any identity-politiking, or any other form of socio-economic assistance. This is what typifies a ‘Khuddar’ (proud) community with a high sense of self-esteem. Maybe that’s why NaMo too seems to be enamoured by this community, if one reads this:

If I’m not mistaken, even the tiny Dawoodi Bohra & Ismaili Shia communities share similar traits with the Parsis.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CONCERNED CITIZEN: That would depend if the airspace violations were a one-off affair or a series of consistent violations. If it is the latter, than the matter becomes serious. But what is surprising is why the Ruskies are using Su-24Ms for ground-attack & that too with unguided gravity-bombs. Why not use PGMs instead that can be launched from safe, standoff distances? As the Russian radar-track shows, the Su-24M did enter Turkish airspace, albeit only for a short while while in transit. The Russian combat aircraft should have stayed at least 10km away from the zero-line boundary. Previously, when the bombing campaigns began last October, the Ruskies were using only low-flying Mi-24 attack helicopters to attack targets close to the zero-line. But why the sudden urge to used DPSAs like the Su-24Ms for such ground-strikes remains a mystery.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Thanx for your intelligent replies. BTW is there any chance of the entanglement of Armenia and Kurds in the imbroglio of Russia and Turkey.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Looks like the Yuvraj is hell-bent upon proving himself to be a thoroughbred buffoon, just like his late father:

To RAJESH MISHRA: Unlikely. Russia today is not the superpower the USSR used to be. Therefore, Russia will retaliate against Turkey through economic sanctions for a few months, but will not risk any entanglement with NATO as a whole because Russia simply cannot stomach it in the long-run. On the other hand, Russia has to keep its temper under control if it wants France & UK to join as coalition partners for bombing ISIS. Putin has already said it on record that it regards France as its partner in such an effort & has already directed the Russian Navy's task force in the Mediterranean Sea to coordinate its activities with the French task force led by the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaul.

Rajesh Mishra said...

For Yuvraj Show, Charlie Chaplin would have been better. LOL...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Interesting Read:

Audio Recording of Turkish Warning to Su-24M:

Why Turkey Shot Down the Su-24M:

birbal said...

" Perhaps we all need to learn a lot from the Parsi community, which, despite becoming extinct by the day, has never sought any reservations of any kind, or vote-bank, or any identity-politiking, or any other form of socio-economic assistance. This is what typifies a ‘Khuddar’ (proud) community with a high sense of self-esteem."-
Har Hindustani ko bolna sahiye- Haa ME KHUDDAR Hoooon...
As Prasunda would agree Always LIVE with a high sense of SELF-PRIDE/SELF-ESTEEM...
High SELF-ESTEEM with INTELLIGENCE goes a Long way......LLOLLL

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

China is marching forward in many fields. We Indians can fight & talk about cricket, intolerance etc. and waste our energy, resources and time.

Most of the Indians have "Foot & Mouth" disease. (Eg. Mani Shankar Ayer, Recently Aamir Khan got affected) Until this disease is cured in India level we cannot move forward.

S. Kumar

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

What is your opinion on OFB Developed Dhanush Guns?

1) Will this project Succeed?
2) If yes how many guns will be inducted & time frame.
3) Is there any next version of R&D work is going on for this guns with longer range?
4) I heard DRDO is also developing this type of guns.
5) What is the advantage & disadvantage of DRDO developed guns & OFB Developed Guns?

Please explain


Gessler said...

One more bit -

RASAYAN said...

Hi Prasun,

I was asking about your opinion on clashes b/w Russian and US/NATO in such a congested airspace. Now, it has happened. If this shooting is related in support of the ethnic Turk rebels residing in Syria then Russia is also right in supporting the russians in Crimea.
I am wondering that many incidents of violation of NATO or corresponding country's airspace by russia has been reported before and the NATO member country escorted such fighter planes out of their territory but no shooting was done. This is unfortunate and I hope Russia will learn from its mistake. I have not idea what VP has in his mind and how to send strong message to turkey, it is to be seen.

rad said...

HI prasun
i dont understand why we are still test firing prithvi missiles when they have been phased out. Is there some thing more to it like testing ASBM tech and the like as suggested.
Like pakistan turkey has become an islamic state by supporting ISIS due to Erdogan.They dont seem to learn from history.How far is it true .what is the depth of support to isis from turkey?

Arpit Kanodia said...


This is a full fledged test, or just dummy test to test the ejection of the missile from Arihant in which motor of K-15 is not fired after ejection from sea.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

birbal said...

" The supply of full complement of 36 fighters to the Indian Air Force (IAF) will be completed within seven years of signing the deal."
" ...the clause for 50 per cent offsets, as mandated in the 126 aircraft proposal, shall be applicable to the current deal."

WHAAATTT...36 aircraft over 7 yrs which means about 8 aircrafts per year if the first aircraft arrives 2 yrs from the signing of contract!!!DOESN'T make any SENSE. So when the future tranches will be ordered it will take about 20 yrs to supply the 189 aircrafts???

France have agreed to the 50 per cent offsets in the current deal of 36 aircrafts!!!Again DOESN'T make any SENSE!!! Something must be missing in the report like another 44 aircraft in semi-knocked down condition as told by you earlier!!

Prasun da ONLY you can explain these....

"Sources said Dassault was keen to include improvements in the SOP, with limited change in pricing, but the Indian side did not want to introduce new elements in the negotiations."
What IMPROVEMENTS are they talking about??

With regards


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PALLAB/BIRBAL: The delivery timeframe is correct. Everything else concerning the offsets data is WRONG. Only about 15% of the contract value will comprise offsets of the direct-type that will be used for re-equipping & upgrading the air bases in Ambala & Gwalior with ground-support hardware, similar to what was done WRT the C-130J-30 Super Hercules & C-17A Globemaster contracts.

To S KUMAR: The total reqmt for Dhanush is 414 units, of which only 114 have been ordered & OFB can deliver only about 14 of them per annum. DRDO is developing the 155mm/52-cal ATAGS. Dhanush is 155mm/45-cal.

Indeed China is marching ahead in many fields, inclusive of ceramic forgeries. Watch this:

And as for coastal security post-26/11, even after 7 years, critical shortfalls remain:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Hope someone in India's officialdom takes note of this:

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA), which has an army of 850,000, 398,000 people in the air force and 235,000 in the navy (as per figures released in 2013), is presently a territorial muddy-boots military focussed on defending the rule of the Communist Party of China (CPC) against all enemies—foreign and domestic—with limited ability to fight jointly. To correct this anomaly, President Xi Jinping on November 26, 2015 at the end of a 3-day meeting, announced a major forces restructuring programme, under which all branches of the PLA would come under a joint military command-and-control structure. “Encourage the composition of forces to become broader, more integrated, multi-functional and flexible, and focus on seizing the high ground of future strategy for military competition” he said“. Xi, who is also Chairman of the Central Military Commission, said that the reform aimed to “build an elite combat force” and called on some 200 senior PLA officials to make “breakthroughs” on establishing joint command-and-control structures by 2020. The restructuring will unify the PLA Army, PLAN, PLAAF and the 2nd Artillery Corps under one unified warfighting command, and will also involve merging the General Logistics Dept and General Armaments Dept. The Ministry of National Defense’s focus will consequently be directed more toward administrative and diplomatic matters, while the number of non-combat personnel and institutions will be scaled back. Plans call for thinning the ranks of officers and traditional ground forces, and helping elevate the role of the PLAN and PLAAF, in order to better project joint warfighting forces over longer distances. The restructuring will also consolidate China’s existing seven military regions to four. This restructuring therefore will shake the very foundations of China’s existing USSR-style military system and will transform into a US-style joint command structure that will pack more punch. Xi also said that the PLA will build a new disciplinary structure and a new legal and political committee to make sure that the PLA is under the rule of law. The PLA began practicing the use of a joint command-and-control system during a series of nationwide military exercises that began in July 2015. The PLA’s last major overhaul—carried out under Deng Xiaoping in 1985—had reduced the number of military regions to seven from 11, and had resulted in the dismissal of some 1 million soldiers.

Ram Bharadwaj said...

The Indian Express article quotes a final price of 8.6 Billion dollars for 36 jets. Is that amount correct?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: LoLz!!! This test-firing was conducted 1 week ago, but reported only on November 26, 2015. It involved firing only the booster rocket of the K-15/B-05 SLBM that separates from the missile after it lifts above the surface water at a height of a few tens of metres fro the water surface. And during the Int'l Fleet Review next February, a ceremony will be held during which the S-2/Arihant will be symbolically 'handed over' by the DRDO to the IN by the President of India. But this ceremony is not to be confused with the commissioning ceremony, which is still months away.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAM BHARADWAJ: Absolutely not. That figure is 100% wrong.

birbal said...

Morning Prasunda,

You had written "The delivery timeframe is correct"
which means the 36 aircraft will be delivered over 7 years. Why SOO..LONG???Don't you think it's too long a timeframe to deliver just 36 aircrafts!!!
Does it mean No follow-on contracts???What it will it defend???
What is the use of buying just 36 aircrafts??? W
Taking about 9 months JUST to sign a contract for just 36 aircraft doesn't MAKE ANY SENSE...!!
It would have made PERFECT SENSE had the numbers been more and 50% of the contract value would have come into play....

Ram Bharadwaj said...

There are 2 news flashes appearing on some forums on the Net

- Missile test from Arihant
- Test firing of LR-SAM

Is it true?

CHADHA said...


Here, a great news.


Seems like Ukrainian situation is improving and the An-32s will be modernised finally.

Must be a big disappointment to you !!!! or Do I dig all your previous posts against An-32s and Ukraine?

isi13 said...


As long as the Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone. In fact, they may be featured in articles and films, stereotyped for their colorful uniqueness:

United States — Muslim 1.0%
Australia — Muslim 1.5%
Canada — Muslim 1.9%
China — Muslim 1%-2%
Italy — Muslim 1.5%
Norway — Muslim 1.8%

At 2% and 3% they begin to proselytize from other ethnic minorities and disaffected groups with major recruiting from the jails and among street gangs:

Denmark — Muslim 2%
Germany — Muslim 3.7%
United Kingdom — Muslim 2.7%
Spain — Muslim 4%
Thailand — Muslim 4.6%

From 5% on they exercise an inordinate influence in proportion to their percentage of the population.

They will push for the introduction of halal (clean by Islamic standards) food, thereby securing food preparation jobs for Muslims. They will increase pressure on supermarket chains to feature it on their shelves — along with threats for failure to comply. (United States ).

France — Muslim 8%
Philippines — Muslim 5%
Sweden — Muslim 5%
Switzerland — Muslim 4.3%
The Netherlands — Muslim 5.5%
Trinidad &Tobago — Muslim 5.8%

At this point, they will work to get the ruling government to allow them to rule themselves under Sharia, the Islamic
Law. The ultimate goal of Islam is not to convert the world but to establish Sharia law over the entire world.

When Muslims reach 10% of the population, they willincrease lawlessness as a means of complaint about their conditions ( Paris –car-burnings) . Any non-Muslim action that offends Islam will result in uprisings and threats ( Amsterdam – Mohammed cartoons).

Guyana — Muslim 10%
India — Muslim 13.4%
Israel — Muslim 16%
Kenya — Muslim 10%
Russia — Muslim 10-15%

After reaching 20% expect hair-trigger rioting, jihad militia formations, sporadic killings and church and synagogue burning:

Ethiopia — Muslim 32.8%

At 40% you will find widespread massacres, chronic terror attacks and ongoing militia warfare:

Bosnia — Muslim 40%
Chad — Muslim 53.1%
Lebanon — Muslim 59.7%
Nigeria - Muslim 51.5%

From 60% you may expect unfettered persecution of non-believers and other religions, sporadic ethnic cleansing (genocide), use of Sharia Law as a weapon and Jizya, the tax placed on infidels:

Albania — Muslim 70%
Malaysia — Muslim 60.4%
Qatar — Muslim 77.5%
Sudan — Muslim 70%

After 80% expect State run ethnic cleansing and genocide:

Bangladesh — Muslim 83%
Egypt — Muslim 90%
Gaza — Muslim 98.7%
Indonesia — Muslim 86.1%
Iran — Muslim 98%
Iraq — Muslim 97%
Jordan — Muslim 92%
Morocco — Muslim 98.7%
Pakistan — Muslim 97%
Palestine — Muslim 99%
Syria — Muslim 90%
Tajikistan — Muslim 90%
Turkey — Muslim 99.8%
United Arab Emirates — Muslim 96%

100% will usher in the peace of ‘Dar-es-Salaam’ — the Islamic House of Peace — there’s supposed to be peace because everybody is a Muslim:

Afghanistan — Muslim 100%
Saudi Arabia — Muslim 100%
Somalia — Muslim 100%
Yemen — Muslim 99.9%

Of course, that’s not the case. because by then Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons


raw13 said...


I like the name. Just wish you were more accurate. In the UK muslims make up almost 5%, Pakistanis alone are over 3%.

A simple lookup is needed:

We have been taking care of our fundi's and now the operation has moved to urban areas of punjab too,:

but if I were you, I would be worried:

Unknown said...

Sir, Wikipedia says that both ins vikramaditya & ins vikrant can carry 30 mig29k .
But we have ordered 45 mig29k.

So, are we going to order more our we will fill the gap with Tejas ?

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasan da

my questions still remain

1. in last thread when i said 4 LPH india seeks should hve incline allowing NLCA mk2 to operate you said India does not aim to have such expeditionary force, but id i am not wrong some time back you had said India will setup a 15000 expeditionary force. As for assisting ships if more private players join ship building will it be a issue to ramp up number?

2. IJT and BTT40 programs are both expected to be shut, as you predicted, but if LIFT is not avaialble then what can be done, just learned even stage 2 training will be done on Pilatus

3. now it seems even buying 3 C17s is not a option so IAF is trying for up to 5 low used 2nd hand jets, why?

4. how many P8I will IN get in total and how will LRMR differ from MRMR

5. Dont you think Turkish AF is trigger happy shooting at others whether its Greek, Iraqi, Syrian AF

6. You always say China is mercantile in nature (till matters favor it follows, once its against it withdraws) but when it knows none will accept its claim over South China sea, why its still going ahead

7. You have said China, Israel, US have an army that roams the internet to find traces that are threat to them does india have such a workforce

awaiting answers


Joydeep Ghosh

Unknown said...

In vikrant wiki page 30 mig29k was written earlier. Page has been updated to→ 20 mig29k+15 Tejas.......

DAshu said...

I guess musshi's 4 point formula is on its way to get implemented by both the countries.

Mayur M Manapure said...

And that is completely against the Constitution. The Azad "Slave" Kashmir and Gilgit-Balitistan is the part of J&K and must be re integrated with the state. I bet since he is out of both state as well as Central government he had lost touch with the ground reality.


Prasun Da,

Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers Ltd. said yesterday that they received interest from at least a dozen countries, including the Philippines, Cyprus, Vietnam, Algeria and Egypt, for building offshore and inshore patrol vessels and landing craft utility (LCU) meant for transporting equipment and troops on the shore.

Are they saying the truth or is this another example of Bandalbaazi?



Magicbullet said...

Hey prasun,
Truly appreciate your ability to connect the dots and analyse the big it's been said in some forums ..the way in Syria is all about the oil pipelines to Europe ...when do you think the battle for the pipelines to sub continent will take place..after ask we are one of the largest consumers ...

Secondly your views on this sudden blizzard of missile test...whatsay...

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun,

Thanks for your reply regarding Dhanush and Chinas growth stories.

The New Great Game in Silk Road Project. Please have a look.

S Kumar
(Senthil Kumar)

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BIRBAL/PALLAB: The Rafale's airframe is a 1980s-era hardware like the Su-30MKI's airframe. Therefore, producing it takes time. Same goes for the time taken to upgrade the 51 Mirage 2000s of the IAF.

To CHADHA: Only you may know where & why I'm against Ukraine or anything to do with Ukraine. Because I myself don't know anything about it, perhaps because I don't have the luxury of having blinkered vision like you do. Secondly, always go to the source of information when quoting it. Here it is:

It does not say A WORD about the balance of the 96 An-32Bs to be upgraded to An-32RE standard. It mentions only the 40-aircraft upgrade package in eight batches of five aircraft at a time. So now, either you are manufacturing & reproducing false/wrong data, or your brain is lurking somewhere within your buttocks, instead of residing somewhere within your thick skull!

To DASHU: One man's personal view or opinion is not to be taken as a reflection of the true state of affairs on the ground. To draw conclusions from such remarks will therefore be an exercise in futility.

To VIKRAM GUHA: Interest, yes, but of an academic nature. Interest becomes serious only if a Letter of Intent for a potential procurement is issued. If not, then any other form of interest is of no use or value.

To RAW13: What Pakistan is doing is only killing terrorists, & not terrorism. For as long as the breeding grounds, enabling ideologies & their incubators exist within Pakistan for terrorism, there will be no dearth of terrorists springing up from within Pakistan. Even well-meaning neighbours like Afghan President Ashraf Ghani have nopw realised this, as have the Iranians. So now, Pakistan faces a three-pronged internal threat due to its own machinations, plus a three-front threat along its borders, with inbound artillery & mortar rounds from Afghanistan & Iran becoming the norm. On top of that are the increasing deportations of overseas Pakistanis. No wonder ever-growing numbers of Pakistanis are fleeing the hell-hole as they themselves see no future for their country. In fact,Pakistan had ceased to exist after 1971 itself when its founding ideology was smashed to smithereens. What exists today is just a facade on the edge of a precipice, just awaiting a slight nudge to slide into a bottomless abyss.

birbal said...

Prasun da thanks for the answer.

But will there be a follow-on contract for the Rafales in NEAR FUTURE with 50% contract value comprising of offsets??


Thank You PrasunDa

So in your opinion can the likes of GRSE compete in the international market? Do they have any USPs? Thanks again


Sethz said...

@ Joydeep
Your instincts are on target vis-a-vis the choice of design for the the 4 LPHs. The IN is indeed leaning towards picking the Navatia design for LPHs (Juan carlos class/Canberra Class) proposed by L&T over other flat deck designs such as the Mistral. This is with an eye on the possibility of operating the Naval fixed wing aircraft such as the NLCA-I or II.

@ Birbal
Dassault is probably going to take the stated 7 years to deliver the 36 units that are to be purchased off-the-shelf. However in that timeframe the IAF may boast twice the number fo Rafales. You say how. This answers that conundrum :

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