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Monday, February 26, 2018

No-Brainer Shipbuilding Schemes, Plus DSAR-SRVs Ready For Delivery, But DSVs To Be Available Only In 2021

The Indian Ministry of Defence’s (MoD) decision to procure two Project 1135.6 Batch-3 guided-missile frigates (FFG) off-the-shelf from Kaliningrad-based Shipyard YANTAR JSC (a subsidiary of Russia’s United Shipbuilding Corp), with another two to be licence-built by the MoD-owned Goa Shipyard Ltd (GSL), is a total no-brainer on both industrial and commercial grounds, as is as spectacularly outrageous as an earlier botched scheme early this decade to acquire two LPHs off-the-shelf from a foreign shipyard, followed by two identical LPHs each being licence-built by a private-sector shipyard and an MoD-owned shipyard!
The two Project 1135.6 Batch-3 FFGs, each costing US$775 million, which will be delivered by Russia in 2021 and 2022, are the Admiral Istomin and Admiral Kornilov, both of which were launched in November 2017 at Kaliningrad. Their construction was halted in the wake of the Russia’s annexation of Crimea in April 2016 after which Ukrainian gas turbine-builder Zorya-Mashproyekt refused to deliver further М7Н1 marine propulsion suites (each comprising two UGT-16000/DT-59 and two UGT-6000/DS-71 marine industrial gas turbines) to Russia. Now, India will procure the two М7Н1 marine propulsion suites from Zorya-Mashproyekt and will then trans-ship them as customer-furnished equipment to Shipyard YANTAR JSC for installation on-board the Admiral Istomin and Admiral Kornilov.
These two FFGs will be similar in configuration to the three Project 1135.6 Batch-2 FFGs that the Indian Navy had procured directly from United Shipbuilding Corp between April 2012 and June 2013. The only significant difference will be the incorporation of VL-cells for the 9M317ME SHTIL MR-SAMs. GSL will take at least eight years to deliver the two Project 1135.6 Batch-3 FFGs, since it has never built any FFG to date and therefore faces severe human resource constraints. Matters would be much better if GSL were first to adopt the ‘crawl. walk and then run’ approach by teaming up with Shipyard YANTAR JSC for undertaking the approaching scheduled mid-life refits of the three Project 1135.6 Batch-1 FFGs that were delivered between June 2003 and April 2004. This would then transform GSL as the only Indian shipbuilder capable of servicing and refitting all ten Project 1135.6 FFGs.
The ideal solution for boosting up the Indian Navy’s warship strength on a fast-track basis would have been to procure not three, but six indigenously designed Project 17 and seven Project 17A FFGs from the MoD-owned Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Ltd, nine Project 1135.6 Batch-1/2/3 FFGs off-the-shelf from Russia, six next-generation missile vessels (NGMV) and 16 shallow water ASW vessels from the MoD-owned Cochin Shipyard Ltd under the ‘Buy (Indian)/Buy and Make (Indian)’ category, with the MoD-owned Garden Reach Shipbuilding & Engineering Ltd (GRSE) being contracted for building the seven next-generation corvettes (NGC) of imported design, whose deliveries are are required to commence in 2023.

While the SW-ASW vessels will each have a length of 70 metres, breadth of 10 metres, draught of 3 metres, maximum speed of 25 Knots and a crew complement of 60, the six NGMVs will have 80-metre hulls and a maximum speed in excess of 35 Knots. For the NGC requirement, the St. Petersburg-based Northern Shipyard (Severnaya Verf), a subsidiary of United Shipbuilding Corp, has offered a version of its Project 20385 guided-missile corvette, which has a displacement of 2,500 tonnes, a length of 106 metres, width of 13 metres, a speed of up to 27 Knots, a cruising range of 3,500nm, an endurance of 15 days, and a crew complement of 99.
Meanwhile, UK-based James Fisher Defence (JFD) on February 23, 2018 successfully completed building of the first of two new innovative third-generation submarine rescue systems (DSAR-SRV) for the Indian Navy, which are due for delivery next month. Both DSAR-SRVs incorporate an innovative new system design and tightly integrated components to ensure time-to-first-rescue (TTFR)—the time measured between system deployment and commencement of the rescue—is minimised. In the event of an accident, this maximises the chances of a successful rescue, which is crucial in protecting the lives of submariners.
Under the £193 million contract awarded in March 2016, JFD is providing two complete fly-away submarine rescue systems to the Indian Navy, including the two DSAR-SRVs, two Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS) equipment, Transfer Under Pressure (TUP) systems, and all logistics and support equipment required to operate the DSAR-SRVs. The full, certified systems will arrive in India in June 2018. The DSAR-SRV is capable of diving to deeper depths with a crew of three and up to 17 rescuees, while the medical hyperbaric complex can treat and decompress up to 90 personnel at any one time. The LARS has been designed to handle the SRV in conditions up to and including sea state 6, while two self-contained generators are capable of providing a fully redundant electrical supply to the entire system.
Earlier this month, JFD had completed the first stage of harbour acceptance trials of its first DSAR-SRV at Glasgow’s King George V dock. As part of this process, the DSAR-SRV was comprehensively tested in a variety of conditions. The DSAR-SRV’s hull previously underwent factory acceptance tests in December 2017 at the JFD-owned National Hyperbaric Centre in Aberdeen. These tests included thorough pressurised testing on the system’s pressure hulls and command module—all of which were completed successfully. Upon completion of the harbour acceptance trials, the DSAR-SRV was integrated with the rest of the rescue system at a site in Glasgow, including the offshore handling system, intervention suite and 90-person decompression facilities.
Last December JFD had commenced a training programme for a team of 72 Indian Navy personnel on its DSAR-SRV. This training ensures that, in the event of a real emergency, the crew is prepared to mobilise quickly and efficiently to successfully effect a rescue with minimal TTFR. Training was provided at a specialist facility, The Underwater Centre in Fort William, with the first phase involving Indian Navy officers and sailors that lasted for five weeks. This initial phase covered chamber operation, ROV training and familiarisation, and in-water submersible training. After this initial period, JFD continued training on the operation of submersibles, culminating in cross-training on the Indian Navy’s two DSAR-SRVs, following their sea acceptance trials (SAT. In order to enhance the training experience for the Indian Navy, JFD also teamed up with U-Boat Worx, which provided its Super Yacht Sub 3, a three-person submersible, to allow the trainees to become familiar with submersible operations, ahead of more in-depth rescue submersible training.
However, the two DSAR-SRVs—one meant for each of the Indian Navy’s two operational fleet commands—will not become operational until their host vessels, the 3,000-tonne diving support vessels (DSV), become available by 2021. The Navy’s sole submarine tender, the USSR-origin INS Amba (A-54), was decommissioned way back in July 2006. In September last year, the MoD-owned, Vizag-based Hindustan Shipyard (HSL) emerged as the lowest bidder for building the two DSVs, each of which costs Rs.1,010 crores (US$156 million). The first DSV is due for delivery within three years of contract signature (concluded last December), while the second one will be delivered within 12 months of the delivery of the first vessel. HSL had won the contract for supplying the two FSVs through a competitive bidding process. HSL beat Larsen & Toubro, which quoted Rs.1,584 crores—the highest bid, while the MoD-owned Goa Shipyard Ltd’s bid price was Rs.1,086 crores and that of the MoD-owned Cochin Shipyard Ltd was Rs.1,188 crores.


Curious said...

China's ocean observatory in Maldives sparks fresh security concerns - Times of India -
Has India completely lost the plot in Maldives? We are probably bearing the brunt of years of neglect under UPA

Arun said...

Dear Sir

How many Pakistani troops are Deployed Along the HAJI PIR Bulge

And would an Operation to Retake haji Pir will also Involve the Air Force

Arun said...
According to this article,Pakistan is evacuating PoK people who live near the LoC and is moving them to safer areas fearing Indian attacks.Looks like the day of reckoning is approaching fast just as you had predicted Prasun da.After we get back PoK,what do you think that the Indian government should or will do with the people who came from various places in Pakistan and settled in PoK?

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,

A scathing report on workings of the MoD.

Best Regards

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CURIOUS: LoLz! Don’t you think the US & France have a lot more to worry about than India about China’s presence in the Maldives? After all, both Diego Garcia & Reunion Island are also in the vicinity. Hence, if anyone’s red-lines are threatened the most, they are those of the US & France & they will, unlike India, do something decisive to arrest this trend.

To ARUN: At most only 2 infantry brigades. Of course the IAF will take part in any offensive AirLand campaign.

To RAJ: LoLz! The report only repeats all the systemic shortcomings that were identified in several other similar reports before. The most important question that needs to be answered is this: what gives rise to such systemic shortcomings? The answer is simple & two-fold: non-existence of a long-term integrated perspective plan (LTIPP) for force modernisation that also includes the issue of military-industrial modernisation. And both of these cannot be put down in black-n-white or articulated into a roadmap unless & until there’s across-the-board agreement between the Govt of India’s executive branch, the armed forces HQs, the bureaucrats, technocrats & industrialists. And such an agreement can be reached ONLY AFTER an over-arching National Security Strategy or Strategic Defence Review is periodically undertaken once every 5 years at the very least in order to prioritise the spending priorities—at least that’s how the rest of the world approaches this issue. In its absence, the end-result is India planning to acquire a fleet of SSBNs since the mid-1980s & realising only in 2015 that one also requires SSNs to protect such SSBNs at sea!!!

The other main hurdle is the practice of maintaining 2 separate files for every procurement exercise: the MoD File & the Service File—an utterly wasteful & duplicative practice. No one else in this world follows such a practice.

Ankit Kumar said...

105mm Field guns and 120mm heavy mortars too have been used now. Are we looking to get full blown exchanges of 155mm and rocket artillery soon before any big action in coming weeks?

Further what is the status of Indian Coast Guard and its program to acquire 14 EC725 SAR helicopters ?

capricorn said...

> propaganda or RSS in internal trouble??

> how many total rafales india is buying? how many additional storm shadow missiles?

>is india developing/looking at SWARM weapons like DARPA ??

Anik said...

Prasun da,
I heard someone saying that 155mm artillery was used in Uri sector on 24th of this month to pulverize pakistani posts holding advantageous positions. Is it true?

Also Communists are back in Nepal and their PM is threatening to reconsider Gorkha soldiers joining IA. What's your opinion about this article:
Was it a mistake by GoI to bring democracy in Nepal? What will be the solution to tackle this pro china regime?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANKIT KUMAR: 120mm mortar isn’t ‘heavy’. The only heavy mortar in-service with IA is the 160mm Soltam mortar that hasn’t been used since 1999. As I had explained earlier, the PA is highly reluctant to introduce 155mm howitzers for fear of vertical escalation, while the IA too is not in favour of bringing in medium artillery howitzers like M-46 or FH-77Bs at this stage. Hence the IA is using its T-55 medium tanks in direct fire-assault mode by firing both HE & HESH rounds.

To ARITRO DATA: LoLz! Why accord any attention at all to such delusional caricatures who in any case have a very low sense of self-esteem & hence are always psychologically insecure & consequently face an identity crisis on 24/7 basis? Rafale nos are due to go up to 80 while SCALP=EG LACMs to be acquired will number more than 150. No SWARM-type mini-drones are being developed in India for military applications.

To ANIK: Those are all misleading tweets. As I had explained earlier, the PA is highly reluctant to introduce 155mm howitzers for fear of vertical escalation, while the IA too is not in favour of bringing in medium artillery howitzers like M-46 or FH-77Bs at this stage. Hence the IA is using its T-55 medium tanks in direct fire-assault mode by firing both HE & HESH rounds. As for Nepal, the predictions are not entirely true, but yes the Nepali politicians are hopelessly corrupt & are beyond redemption. It takes decades for any democracy to mature & Nepal has just begun crawling. But if they ever try to prevent the Gorkhas from joining the IA, then there will be a popular violent revolt there, since lakhs of Gorkhas are dependent on the IA for salaries & pensions. Therefore, Nepal won’t rock the boat beyond a certain red-line drawn by India, rest assured.

Ved said...

Why is the procurement process in defence so pathetically slow in India?
It appears that every dept. blames some other dept. for the delay. Is there something which can/must be done? Even the industry is aware of the same and also all foreign OEMs. It doesn't matter which Govt. is at centre.

Sometimes I wonder why would any Govt. allow this to happen? Is it because of non availability of funds or a tactic to negotiate hard.

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasun

Werent the T-55 tanks phased out or are there still some in reserve which as you mentioned are being used in the direct fire role.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VED: Why? Elementary. When it comes to military procurements, the Union MoF & MoD & Service HQs all function in compartmentalized silos. That’s why I had stated yesterday that India is perhaps the world’s only country that maintains 2 separate files pertaining to the same procurement exercise: the MoD File & the Service File. Both these should be combined into 1 unitary file & the project team-leader should be a uniformed officer that’s answerable to the Defence Secretary. This & only this will solve the problem once & for all.

To SARABVIR SINGH: LoLz! None of the upgunned T-55s have been phased out, rest assured. They are still held in reserve. You may also be overlooking one weblink I had posted last year—December 11, 2017 to be precise—in which it was reported that the IA had deployed 2 Troops of Tanks in the Uri Bulge. Watch from 26.20 till 27.05:

And this was followed by this report mentioning the same thing:

Arpit Kanodia said...

If we want to build those Frigate in India. Then why not we giving orders of P-17A to GSL?



The Ministry of Defense is organizing a Defence Indigenisation Expo at Coimbatore on 5th & 6th of March. The MoD's intention, it seems is to showcase hundreds of items which can be taken up for local production by MSMEs.

Given your years of experience, how successful have such initiatives been in the past ? Are small scale, medium scale industries really interested in taking up local production of defence items ?

Thanks & Regards,


Anonymous said...

The step by step action of Maldives Yameen shows that he is confident of China covering his back and I won't be surprised if China has conveyed as much to him. His refusing to do a friendly Naval exercise, Milan, with India, shows he is dead-sure of his position and China's backing. His position is almost a dare...

I can imagine Indian position of trying not to be provoked into a position where there is no fall back and may get internationally awkward if any of its "possible" actions backfire.

Are we not getting ourselves tied in knots with our own rope or do you think there is a bigger game plan in process that is still overtly not visible. If so what could that be?


Ashish Gautam said...

Hi sir, got some info regarding the development of kaveri using M88 engine tech by french as published in La Tribune. So they gonna use kabini core engine or M88 Core? Please provide detailed information on this matter.

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1.Why IN buying 4 ships meant to suuit russian conditions the earlier 6 were suited for indian conditions, what baffles why should we buy 2 half built FFGs why can Russia itself keep them just giving Indian shipyard the designs? if at all GSL has to build these FFGs why not 4 FFGs as you have said many times shipyards in India need to build atleast 4 ships to recover money, why cant you feed in the matters to the powers that be?

2. heard somewhere IA is looking for a total of 480+240 truck mounted howitzers & more may be ordered for which Nexter is front runner, but DRDO and OFB are hell bet on stopping it at 480, how true?

3. Just heard the Maharashtra govt has given the mumbai pilot led consortium chance to build 6 seater and 19 seater planes, just asking why cant DRDO/NAL assign the same consortium to build the SARAS if at all they need to build it, why burden HAL with starting a separate production line

4. now that princeling Xi Jinping is the new emperor of China what are the implications for India


Joydeep Ghosh

Ankit Kumar said...

1. When will the first 6 Talwars get an upgrade to VLS SAM system?
2. More ships, yet no movement on helicopters? Is there light at the end of tunnel yet?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: By now it should be evident to everyone that this ‘idea’ about GSL entering the FFG-building fray was the brainchild of the previous RM who had his own agenda for his home-state of Goa & such ideas surprisingly are not even being exposed as hopeless,uncommercial * impractical decisions! This is very much like the earlier decision to set up a HAL-owned MRO workshop for Ardiden/Shakti engines in Goa 2 years ago with Turbomeca. Now just imagine this: the helicopter’s airframe & everything else is built in Bengaluru but the engines have to be ferried to & fro Goa before/after overhaul! Naturally the MRO costs for the Ardiden/Shakti engines will shoot up due to increased air-transportation costs. Would it not have been better to set up such a workshop somewhere in northern or north-western India where the Dhruv ALH’s variants are deployed, so that both an engine & airframe workshop can be established in either of those areas for the sake of quicker turnaround times?

When it comes to shipbuilding, the cake is big enough to be divided among MoD-owned & private-sector shipbuilders, PROVIDED the concept of market segmentation is followed. Under such a scheme, production of inshore coastal patrol vessels, interceptor craft, training vessels, hydrographic survey vessels, fleet tankers, tug-boats, hovercraft & SSBNs/SSNs should be entrusted to the private-sector, while the MoD-owned shipyards focus on DDGs, FFGs, corvettes, NOPVs, missile-tracking vessels, SSKs, aircraft carriers, LPHs, MCMVs, LST-Ls, LCUs & OPVs for the ICGS. However, the MoD’s Dept of Defence Production & Supplies wants to have its cake & eat it as well & hence shipyards like HSL & CSL were awarded contracts for supplying interceptor craft for the ICGS! In GSL’s case, when it was asked how soon it could start supplying licence-built MCMVs, the answer was 8 years! Now if it takes 8 years to learn how to build MCMVs, then just imagine how much longer it will take to supply FFGs of foreign designs. So yes, the very idea of allowing GSL to enter the FFG production fray is totally flawed & instead GSL should have been made to begin by undertaking mid-life refits/upgrades of such Russia-origin FFGs in order for its human resources to climb the MRO services provisioning curve. This then will free the IN to get rid of its Naval Dockyard in Mumbai that now undertakes periodic refits/repairs of such FFGs. As for P-17A FFGs, all 7 of them can be produced by MDSL & there’s absolutely no need for the Indian taxpayers’ money to be spent on two shipyards (MDSL & GRSE) learning & equipping to build FFGs of the same design, UNLESS the orders are for more than 12 FFGs of the same type.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: These are regular ‘melaas’ organized by the MoD for indugenising those sub-systems & components that are not serviced by their OEMs any more due to their obsolescence. Secondly, the quantum of such components reqd is very low & hence they attract scant attention.

To KANE: As I had stated before, leave it to the US, UK & France to sort out the grand strategy WRT The Maldives.

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Kindly read the earlier thread on the LCA-AF Mk.2 in which all this is explained in great detail. Kabini core-section’s testing was an experimental project & it was long ago discarded as an option for the Kaveri turbofan.

To JOYDEEP GHOSH: 1) Those 4 incomplete FFGs will be tropicallised through customer-supplied hardware exactly as was the case with the Batch-2 Project 1135.6 FFGs. 2) The 480 + 240 Caesar motorized howitzers (MGS) are reqd only for the IA’s Southwestern & Northern Commands. And neither DRDO nor OFB will be able to stop it, rest assured. 3) Saras is an EXPERIMENTAL aircraft at this stage & has not received its certification of airworthiness from any certification authority—local or foreign. And without this, no insurance coverage will be forthcoming for either the aircraft or its aircrew or its passengers. So who on earth will bother to invest in this aircraft’s series-production? 4) No negative implications at all.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Henry Jackson Society: “Wolves in sheep’s clothing: How Islamist extremists exploit the UK charitable sector”

Ved said...

1. So it will be Safranised Kaveri with M88 core. So what does 1bn$ investment in Kaveri as a offset lead to with no ToT of M88 core?!!

2. If we are successful in ATAGS why can't we have our own MGS? Why Nexter or other MGS are considered?

Anonymous said...

"undertoke field-based investigative research on issues relating to the marginalised communities in India"

Sir do these kind of articles are truly legitimate and accurate?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANKIT KUMAR: 1) Every warship undergoes a mid-life refit-cum-upgrade after fulfilling 13 years of service. 2) That’s because the procurement effortss were planned in a haphazard manner. Since the IN has had a long experience in operating Sea King helicopters (a clone of the Sikorsky SH-3), the IN shouls have acquired not 4 (for only INS Jalashwa) but at least 12 more SH-3s & then should have contracted Sikorsky Aircraft to have them upgraded to the Super SH-3 standard so that thery can an assured 20-year service-life. Details of the upgrade package are here:

Similarly, the IN’s existing 18 Sea King Mk.42Bs & six Mk.42Cs should have been upgraded. These along with the now-being upgraded Kamov Ka-28PLs would have given the IN the desired shipborne ASW/SAR capabilities for the Project three 15 DDGs, 3 Project 15A FFGs & 4 Project 15B DDGs, plus the six existing Project 1135.6 FFGs and 3 Project 16 FFGs. Even for the Indian Coast Guard, procurement of Super SH-3s ought to have been considered as the most cost-effective but value-added option, as opposed to even thinking of procuring the EC-725s. Only this type of helicopter-type standardisation can assure high serviceability-levels & lower direct operating costs.

Similarly, for single-engined LUHs for shore-based flying training, HAL should have been contracted for developing a naval variant of the LUH with tricycle undercarriage. But it appears that while the LUH is being developed for the IA & IAF, no one paid attention to the naval reqmts. This is yet another glaring example of the absence of long-term integrated perspective planning.

To VED: No one has ever claimed that the industrial offsets obligation for SAFRAN/Snecma Moteurs will be worth US$1 billion. Nor does anyone share any ToT for any engine cores. 2) Because the overall design architecture of the ATAGS is derived from the proven design blueprints of the Bofors FH-77B, from which even the Dhanush-45’s design was born. So when it comes to MGS, there are no design blueprints available from any OEM & hence development of a truck-mounted version of ATAGS will take at least a decade. And the reqmt for 155mm/52-cal MGS was yesterday! The reqmt was formalised way back in the latter half of 1999.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RON: This is even better:

To VED: As expected, only cosmetic band-aids are being proposed, instead of undertaking foundational reforms within not just the MoD, but also within the Union MoF:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This conference is now underway:,%201430%20H.pdf

Speakers yesterday included:

Admiral R C Wijegunaratne, CDS, Sri Lanka Armed Forces:


Today’s sessions will focus on maritime connectivity. Issues to be discussed will include:

India’s Deep-Water Ports:

Enayam Deep-Sea Port:

Vizhinjam Deep-Sea Port in Trivandrum:

EX Milan 2018 Curtain Raiser:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This is the US way of reminding India to 'walk the talk' about globalisation, & stop being a 'refusing-to-develop country:

This only shows how shoddy India's Union MoF has been over the past 2 years.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This flying vehicle had a wingspan of 8.4 statute miles:


Prasun Da,

In this piece Lt Gen Panag argues that India doesn't have the capability to win a war against Pakistan

Please do share your views. Thank You

Anik said...

Nag missile was test fired in top attack mode.

When can we expect it to entre service? What about HeliNa?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: He is talking about the unwinnable full-scale conventional war & not about limited high-intensity war. In India, there's no officially published military literature to date on how to go about waging limited high-intensity conventional war with limited war objectives, i.e. recovery of PoK. Hence, unless such objectives are articulated & issued as official war directives, no one from the armed services will bother to explore such options in detail on-the-record. And this is exactly what is widely known as the 'doctrinal dilemma'. After all, one cannot proceed along a particular path unless the path & destination are identified foremost. And the only way of determining the path & destination is an official on-the-record National Security Strategy. It is only out from a strategy that doctrines flow out--this being a universal practice. So, unless there's a strategy in existence, no warfighting doctrine can emerge & without doctrines, warfighting tactics & identification/procurement of hardware reqd for implementing such tactics cannot be done. That's the chain-link & flow of matters that has to be adhered to & so far no one in India except your's truly has bothered to articulate all this in writing.

To ANIK: It's fake news. PROSPINA was explained at an Aero India 2017 poster here:

And here's yet another FAKE NEWS:

AEW & CS platforms like A330-220 are reqd to be airborne non-stop for 12 hours & therefore the mission requirements themselves prevent such platforms from being of a dual-use nature, i.e. for AEW & CS and aerial refuelling. I therefore fail to understand why these 'desi patrakaars' have this unending urge to engage in speculation that violate all known laws of physics! Either they are really dumb/stupid/uneducated, or they they are deliberately engaging in malicious tactics in order to portray DRDO officials as being the world's laughing stock.

Anonymous said...

Sir is this true


Ved said...

Dear Prasun,
The source seems to be DRDO. It's not fake it seems.

Prranshu Yadav said...

Sir, can you tell us about the status of DARIN3 upgrade of jaguars? I have read that the deal to install Honeywell engines is facing resistance from defence ministry due to single vendor situation and the new autopilots are malfunctioning.



(1) Today the Afghan Government said that they are willing to allow Taliban to become a full fledged political party. Meaning Afghan Government has given into pressure from Pakistan, right ?

(2) Today's press release from MoD said that LMG's & Carbines will be procured from India's Pvt sector as well. This means these pvt sector players will have to tie up with foreign manufacturers, whose names you had outlined in the previous thread, isn't it ?

(3) What are these pollution control vessels they are talking about ? Which foreign manufactures, manufactures such vessels ?



Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RON: LoLz! First this ‘desi patrakaar’ claims that SEF will be abandoned in favour of Tejas Mk.2 & immediately below this nitwit claims that instead of only SEF even twin-engined combat aircraft will be evaluated as options. So which of the two versions is true? Will no MRCA of imported origin be procured, or will the competition now include both single-engined & twin-engined MRCAs? Can you make any sense out of it?

To VED & VIKRAM GUHA: Again, both of you are ignoring the detail. The Tweet quoted earlier claimed that what was tested was PROSPINA equipped with MWIR seeker. But neither PROSPINA nor the claimed MWIR seeker are mentioned in the PIB release below:

Anti Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM) NAG were successfully flight-tested today in desert conditions against two tank targets at different ranges and timings. NAG ATGM has been developed by Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and today’s flight tests have once again proved its capability. With this, the developmental trials of the missile have been completed and it is now ready for induction. Director General (Missiles and Strategic Systems) Dr. G Satheesh Reddy, said that with the successful test flights, the technologies pertaining to ATGM to engage targets in different conditions have been established. Chairman, DRDO & Secretary, Department of Defence R&D Dr. S Christopher, congratulated the NAG team for the achievement.

To DILBERT: Again, you are making wild assumptions. I had never stated that it was only India that was to have formulated such plans for PoK. All I had stated was that the Indian AirLand campaign that would commence from March 2018 would result in PoK being liberated. Such a campaign can last for either a week or even drag on for 3 months, depending on the circumstances on the ground. Hence, you must not presume that a calculated & probable prediction is the same as a prophecy. It is always the circumstances that determine the type of final outcomes, just as was the case in December 1971 when no one had even imagined or assessed that Dhaka would fall within 16 days.

To PRRANSHU YADAV: Honeywell F125 turbofan procurement was never part of the DARIN-3 package. DARIN-3 is strictly an avionics upgrade package. Autopilot malfunctions can be due to various reasons, including EMI. It does not mean that such malfunctions can’t be rectified or that the auropilot itself is of faulty design.

To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) Not at all. Since 2002 the Afghan Govt had wanted the Taliban to join the political mainstream and that same position remains. It was always the Afghan Taliban that had refused such offers since 2002 because they never had & still do not recognize the primacy of the Afghan Constitution. 2) Yes. 3) These vessels were designed by Rolls-Royce & built by ABG Shipyard which is now up for sale.

RJS said...

Dear Sir ,

Just two points regarding your reply to Sanjay Majumdar -
1-How does one frame a NSS and go on the record . Surely one cannot exoect the GoI to endorse such a proposal/ doctrine drafted by the armed forces w.r.t recovery of PoK , go about arming oneself with the requisite weapons and have the same in the public domain .

2-What if this limited high intensity war turn into an unlimited conventional war ? Please note that I'm not bringing in the Nuclear dimension in here , though it remains a valid threat perception ? In short , what's to prevent Pakistan from turning the Operation - Grab PoK into a reverse 1965 , by rushing across the IB to grab chunks of territory in the Punjab or further south ? Again this too is very much in the realms of the possible .

Thanks in advance ,

Warm Regards ,

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RJS: 1) Why? What’s so difficult about it? Doesn’t China always say that it will take over Taiwan at all costs & with all available options, including military? Did you read the Parliamentary Resolution passed by India in February 1994? If it says that India will recover PoK then how exactly do you recknon such a recovery will be done? Will the occupier surrender it to India on a silver platter? And where’s the need to keep all this secret when India’s intention was already confirmed & placed on-the-record in February 1994? Intentions can never be transformed into the will to achive any objective unless publicly demonstrable capabilities & capacities exist. 2) It is IMPOSSIBLE for either country to engage in deep-thrust AirLand campaigns into one another’s territory. Looks like you haven’t read my explanations on this subject in the previous thread. Whether you do or do not bring in the nuclear dimension is immaterial, because both India & Pakistan will, rest assured, if either country is faced wsith the prospect of losing larhe chunks of territory. And no one can object to self-defence in the form of using nuxclear weapons inside one’s own sovereign territory to destroy the invading forces. And the biggest dilemma for Pakistan is that it refers to J & K (inclusive of PoK) as disputed territory, meaning it is not sovereign Pakistani territory & therefore Pakistan cannot ever explode nuclear weapons as an act of self-defence inside any portion of J & K, whereas India can because India has always stated that the entire undivided J & K is a sovereign part of India. That’s why all countries with nuclear WMD arsenals are not worried at all about facing any existential threats from overwhekming hostile conventional war-waging forces. Instead, they all without any exception only plan & equip for waging high-intensity conventional wars with limited objectives in mind. And that was precisely why the the multinational coalition of 1991 during the 1st Gulf War (which included all nuclear-armed powers with the exception of China), even though it was huge in terms of conventional might, was not mandated to capture the whole of Iraq & destroy the entire Iraqi armed forces, while in 2003 even a nuclear-armed US & UK were morally constrained to wage all-out total conventional war against non-nuclear Iraq & therefore great emphasis was then laid on creating a numerically inferior invading force that focussed on capturing only the centre of gravity (Baghdad) ASAP, instead of attacking all Iraqi military targets countrywide, including economic targets.

As I had stated several times before, wars are not like games played on X-Box or Nintendo. They are carefully wargamed & planned & are not fancyful imaginations of the type you’ve outlined above that will never even remotely be in the realms of the possible, kindly rest assured.

But yes, this is very much in the realm of the possible:

As is this (China using Maldives-registered cargo vessels to violate the sanctions leived by the UN against North Korea:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Figure of Rs.525 crore or approximately Euro 79 million per Rafale, which Opposition parties have been citing, is based on the manufacturer’s 2007 bid at the then exchange rate (I Euro = Rs 66.60). This was the cost of a “bare” Rafale, without weapons, avionics and other specific customisations for the IAF. The IAF said that because only 36 Rafales and not 126 were being procured, it needed them to be more potent. Meteor BVRAAMs, SCALP-EG air-launched LACMs, 75^ serviceability and some special requirements were insisted upon by the IAF. It even asked for two separate maintenance support flights for redundancy. These imposed additional costs which were not even thought of in 2011. Another 36 Rafales would have been ideal for the IAF fleet, in terms of operational capability and reduced logistics support footprint. As per the in-built escalation formula, the 2007 bid for each of the 18 Rafales (to be procured off-the-shelf) would have amounted in 2015 to Euro 100.85 million (Rs 765.4 crore at 2015 exchange rate of 1 Euro = Rs 75.90). Similarly, the 2007 bid price quotation in response to the IAF’s RFP for every Eurofighter would in 2015 have worked out to be Euro 102.85 million, higher than that of the Rafale. In comparison, the price of each of the “bare” 36 Rafales bought in 2016 was Euro 91.7 million (Rs.696 crore at the 2015 exchange rate), lower than both the earlier Rafale and Eurofighter bids. The additional costs were for the weaponry (Euro 710 million), spare parts (Euro 1,800 million), weather and terrain compatibility fits (Euro 1,700 million), and performance-based logistics support (Euro 353 million). Under the 2007 RFP bid, a fixed escalation of 3.9% per year was envisaged for the entire delivery period of five to six years, while the negotiations in 2015-16 lowered it to an index-based escalation factor of 3.5%. This resulted in an assured saving of at least Euro 200 million to the exchequer.

And a big blow to all the 'desi bandalbaazes' & their conspiracy theories regarding the F-35 JSF & cancellation of SEF:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Indian Army using Made-in-China DJU Phantom quadcopter mini-UAVs for tactical recce:

OEM of this UAV:

From this it can perhaps be inferred that the same type of UAV shot down by the PA on had originated from the Indian side of the LoC:

Curious said...

What is the status of arjun weight reduction effort. Have the army's expectations been met and can we now expect these machines be inducted in large numbers?

Arun said...

Dear Sir

I want to Bring to your ATTENTION TWO STATEMENTS by Serving LT. GENERALS of Indian Army
in the last TWO days



Please read these Two News Articles

Both LT Generals are Saying that a Conflict with Pakistan is

2 A Bad idea because of the Nukes

So does this mean that There is a Faction in the Army that will REFUSE a Conflict with pakistan

So Pakistan can AGAIN get away with all kinds of Mischief

So all your Forecasts about POK will go wrong

The Second Lt General is also saying that PUBLIC pressure is leading us to War

I am sure pakistan must be Very happy to see such Weak Generals

Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun,
What's the status of induction of Thales GS-100 or GM 400 radar? Do you have any field pic of its deployment.
Can't GSL be helped by other indian yards like MDL to help build extra P17 class instead. Why rely on foreign shipyard for ToT.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARUN: This is what I call a typically simplistic way of making blind assumptions—the perfect recipe for muddling through. Firstly, did any of the 2 Lt Gens claim that it is India that’s engaging in brinkmanship? Secondly, did any of them explain or reveal on exactly how many fronts is Pakistan now embroiled in? Thirdly, did any of them factor in what Russia told the Pakistani Foreign Minister during his recent trip to Moscow? If you want answers to all this, then you will have to take into account the views emanating from the other side as well & the situation in Pakistan is now one of desperation as it has run out of almost all its offensive options—be they diplomatic or military. If you want an objective analysis of the prevailing situation, then you must factor in the kind of dire isolationist situation that Pakistan is now faced with, all of which is explained here:

Hence, it will be an utter fallacy to just stay focussed on the LoC while turning a blind eye to what’s happening all along the Durand Line & along the Iran-Pakistan border.

To CURIOUS: The prototytpe of the weight-reduced Arjun Mk.1A is still being fabricated & it will be available for field-trials only by this year’s end.

To INDIANRADARENTHUSIAST: All GS-100s have been delivered & are operational. There’s absolutely no need for GSL to engage in any FFG construction. MDSL can easily build more if it is allowed to. If the IN requires more imported FFGs ASAP, then it can easily acquire them directly from Yantar Shipyard, which can supply them within 3 years, as opposed to 8 years that GSL is asking for.

Anonymous said...

1)r Ruskies really more technologically more advanced than US? do they have HEU on 1st place?

2) did PA conducted nuclear tests after 1997? which weapons do have have right now plutonium r uranium based?

3) March is finally here when CCS meeting will be held? this time do u thing only Defense sec will there or all armed forces chiefs will be present?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

RJS said...

Dear Sir ,

Thank you very much for the detailed answer . It was very illuminating . Could you please share links of your previous threads where in you had detailed such an explanation , if it's not too much trouble ?

Thanks in advance ,

Warm Regards

Sumit sen said...

Dada what is the current status of our SSN? When can we see first submarine? And when will we order follow on scorpene submarines? As u previously said project 75i tender will not proceed.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Kindly furnish your valued comments.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RJS: VMT. Do check out my replies on February 2015, 2018 in the previous thread. Meanwhile, the LoC is steadily hotting up but only around the Uri Bowl & southern Poonch:

Despite this, cross-LoC trade hasn't stopped from the 4 designated Trade corridors of Chiliana-Tithwal, Chakothi-Uri, Titrinote-Poonch, Tatta Paani-Mendhar.

And here's the latest dire analysis of Pakistan's haemmoraging economy:

And these are the cases where the Govt of Pakistan is required to pay up for contract violations:

Saindak Copper Gold Project's Reko Diq Mine:

To JYOTI SEN: Status? It has yet to take off & no procurement contract has been signed.

To RAJESH MISHRA: Here they are:

High-Speed Submarine Drone


Newest Cruise Missile

Hypersonic Weapon

Kapil said...

Prasun da, what did Russians tell Khwaja Asif?

capricorn said...

prasunda, is it true that hindus now remain in majority in just 4 districts of jammu now? i have been seeing posts on facebook. this is SHOCKING!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Looking at the heating up of the western border, are we going to see something spectacular in the coming days?

Pierre Zorin said...

Have a look at this. Slightly off defence topic but these guys are fabulous - whilst Indians are fighting over Hindu and Tamil etc look at this as a result of India's diversity

john said...


There is a confusion regarding NAG seeker from media reports.

MWIR- Medium Wave IR Seeker or MMW RF seeker ?

Pls clarify.


Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Prasun Da,
IS it possible to mount NAG on Safari or similar platform or mine protected vehicles ??
and have some other mine protect vehicle to contain some radars , say like uttam and some land target acquisition radar with optronics , if we club them togeather and using in the bombarding of the pak posts is it a viable solution ?? or do u think having mig27 guns on these mine protected vehicles using similar radars to provide targets will it help in providing aircover and also target bunkers ..?

Anonymous said...

The articles by the Generals are saying that Pakistan has improved quantitatively and qualitatively wrt India.

How so, what have they done?
Is this really true, given their financial situation?


capri4791 said...

Prasun, is this true about tejas mk2 ..

if true, what would be the specs ?? will it have a better stealth profile ? what engine [GE 414 epe- co developed]

Anonymous said...

Why does POTUS keeps sending senior people to Pakistan? Its a constant stream. Are they trying to make up?


RJS said...

Dear Sir ,

Thank you very much for those links .

From whatever can be gleaned by your extensive comments and Lt Gen Panag's incisive two part article on our NSS and current state of preparedness on the Airland Campaign to retake Pok , I don't think we're going to make any such attempts. At best we can probably make an attempt and retake Haji Pir Pass . What're your thoughts on the same ? Any predictions given your vast knowledge and inside info?

Thanks in advance

Warm Regards ,

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Seems like Indian media and Congress have found banking irregularities and Rafale plane purchase as twin points to attack Modi govt. How bad will this affect further rafale purchase. Is there still a glimmer of hope that we will get more Rafale jets.or it's going to be repeat of 1989, when defense procurement went for halt on various things.

Srinivasa Nanduri

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARITRO DATA: What’s so surprising about it? Most of those who were forcibly evicted from Kashmir Valley have since settled down in urban cities all around India.

To TUSHAR: Just wait & see.

To JOHN: MMW seeker is still in the design stage & has not yet been field-tested.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: What for? ATGMs have shaped-charge warheads meant for tearing through RHA panels of the type not used in any bunker. Instead, HE & HESH warheads of the type found on tank-fired projectiles are far more effective & lethal. After all, the bunkers are at distances ranging from 70 metres till 3,000 metres.

To MPATEL: The question that you must ask them is why then are they spending all this money for attaining conventional parity with India when they themselves claim that their possession of nuclear WMD prevents India from undertaking deep-strike offensive campaigns anywhere inside Pakistan. Surely then, even the PA therefore believes just like the IA that high-intensity conventional war remains a distinct possibility.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CAPRI4791: LoLz! The Secretary DRDO must be asked that how can a country that does not even make TV sets with LCD or LED display panels ever succeed in making 20-inch AMLCD s for the Netra AEW & CS? Then he will be forced to admit that those AMLCDs were imported from Belgium’s BARCO, while the RWR, LWR & MAWS all came from SaabTech of Sweden. Next we come to the A330-220 AEW & CS being developed by CABS. Aurbus Military is supplying both the aircraft & the fixed all-composite radome for this platform, just as Embraer as the EMB-145’s OEM had also supplied all design & structural data on the mounting for the S-band AESA radar antenna. Similarly it was British Aerospace that in late 1989 had supplied the rotating radome for the HS-748 testbed since British Aerospace as OEM (by virtue of buying over Hawker Siddeley) had all the design data reqd for retrofitting the HS-748 Avro with the radome. And that’s precisely why the DRDO to date has not released any photo showing wind-tunnel tests being conducted on scale-models of the radome-equipped HS-748 or A-330-220 or AESA-antenna equipped EMB-145. In fact, I have yet to come across photos of NAL conducted wind-tunnel tests of the Saras, perhaps because the Saras’ design was done by Russia’s Myasishchev OKB under the project-name ‘Duet’ & NAL simply bought over all IPRs of this project. Coming now to the LCA-AF Mk.2 & Tejas Mk.1, neither of them have been contracted for as yetm fir had they been ordered then by now the IAF would have had a project overseering team in place for both aircraft-types. As to when the LCA-AF Mk.2 fly, the first indicator of that will be the emergence of the LCA-AF Mk.2’s cockpit simulator, which will be used for testing & validating various iterations of the aircraft’s flight-control logic. So until such an engineering flight simulator emerges, one must not expect the aircraft’s flying prototype to be rolled out. BTW, no such engineering simulator seems to be in existence as yet for the LCH, LUH & HTT-40 BTT. What does this indicate?

To RAT2: They keep going there at Pakistan’s invitation, meaning behind all the rhetortic about standing up to the US, there’s a calibrated behind-the-scenes capitulation to the US, UK, French & German demands.

To RJS: Only time will tell who makes what moves & when. As I had explained before, it is the enabling circumstances that always act as the final drivers, and not emotions or sentiments.

To SRINIVASA NANDURI: LoLz! Such ‘iregularities’ have existed since the 1950s itself, the only difference now being that such ‘irregularities’ are now being termed as ‘scams’. But the BJP engaged in the same type of antics against the UPA-2, for instance with the AW-101 helicopter procurement. This, coupled with the public display of pathological hatred by the NDA against the UPA-1/2 has forced the UPA-related parties to strike back in equal measure. This is exactly what happens when emotions take precedence over reason & rationality. Thje NDA-2 should have refrained from Day-1 on hammering the UPA-1/2 in every available public forum & should have instead focussed solely on deliverables & only after achieving some demonstrable tangible gains/improvements should the NDA-2 have begun its public verbal attacks just 1 year before the general elections. But no, that has not happened since the decision-makers now are all letting their hearts do all the thinking while leaving their brains dormant.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: What do you make of these:

Those are thermal imagery generated by the LANTIRN-2 pods & superimposed on the F-15E's HUD.

Jay said...

How many Russian aircraft came with a simulator, and when did the SU-30 MKI simulator finally arrive? How many sorties in a day can SU-30 MKI do?

sbm said...

Hi Prasun,
Back in 2017, when ACM Dhanoa said their was no overpricing in the Rafale deal, his interview included the following:

"The IAF chief said a plan was in place to deal with the "drop-down" -- or dip -- in IAF squadrons.

He said the government had ordered two squadrons of Su 30.

"The drop-down will be made up by two Rafale, two Su 30, two LCA squadrons and 80 more aircraft which will give four more squadrons," he said"

Does this mean an additional 2 squadrons of Su-30 have been ordered?

Pierre Zorin said... Is Russia using the same sort of propaganda like North Korea, are these weapons Putin mentioned in his address still in conceptual stage and he is simply exaggerating these as if they are existent or pure bluff? Some things sound fishy because how can there be a missile with unlimited range because a missile will require fuel and no missile can have infinite amount of fuel.

Anonymous said...

Will the problem of illegal immigrants ever be solved? Are they not like time bombs waiting to explode?

Also China has been creating disturbances in North East India with the help of ISI. Is India giving a befitting reply to the Chinese for their misadventures? Like covertly or are we still playing the good boy card?


Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

1. How Brahmins & BJP Manipulate History

I read thirukural completely. Not even in one place it mentioned caste, religion, varnashrama dharma.

varnashrama dharma is against human ethics created by invading Arayans to suppress the whole Indian community. Now they start telling that tirukural is influenced by vedas.

2. The Indus Valley Decipherment Hoax

You can see how this RSS Sanskrit scholars manipulate the history and how they were caught.

3. Indian Constitution will be replaced by Vedic Dharma.

I heard from BJP circles that there is a plan to replace Indian Consitituion created by BR Amemdkar to Vedic Dharma once Modi come to power during 2019. Is it true.

S.Senthil Kumar


Prasun Da,

I have a thought regarding India's mediocre [defense] procurement process, so wanted to run this idea past you to get your views :

MoD needs to move from the system of exhaustive GSQR to minimum requirements followed by decision matrix based evaluation of available equipment, followed by open reverse bidding. This will speed up acquisition process phenomenally.

Please share your view.



Rajesh Mishra said...

@Senthil Kumar: Indus valley script has to be a secret and difficult business language of the ancient Melluha (Mallah) Sindhi businessmen, which later evolved and opened to some extent before getting vanished.

Ganesh said...

Dear Senthil Kumar, keep up the work comrade, spew non-sense after non-sense so that the delusion and self gratification of conspiracy theories can make your day and screw others too. Being your co-linguist, I do not share your thought process of Tamizh supremacy. We will be recognized special or great not only by getting Tamizh as classical language in India but by being intellectually and temperamentally superior in thoughts and equally matching deeds.

Unknown said...


the you tube link of Dr Nagaswamy you mentioned is quite informative. my suggestion you take down his observations point by point and rebut them with solid archaeological or scriptural evidence. you should call off the bluff of Dr Nagawamy by going through his works and doing independnent analysis. And i believe personally that neither BJP nor RSS nor Dravidian Parties nor Congress or other parties are capable to decipher indian civilzation/tamil civilization. A person as an individual have to discover the same, which requires hard work and reading of multiple interpretations on the same subject by quality authors. Say in my personnel case I read Mridula Mukherjee and Romila Thapar for aryan invasion theory. i also read its rebuttal in the book "The Aryan Invasion Theory: A Reappraisal" by Shrikant Talageri (ISBN 81-85689-40-7) and developed conclusions on my own.

Best Wishes


Anonymous said...

ok why Chinese were arresting these people?


Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Rajesh Mishra,

Indus Script is Dravidian Script.

Russian scholar Yuri Knorozov, Finnish scholar Asko Parpola, Indian Scholar Iravatham Mahadevan, Indus Scrpit Specialist Dr. R. Mathivanan all suggest it is a Dravidian Script. But this so called Sanskrit Scholars are trying to deny and try to hide this facts and comes with foolish "Sanskritic" hypothesis.

Why.... If IVC is dravidian Civilization then "Aryan Invasion" theory will become true and strong. Then the whole Indian sub continent Politics will change upside down. God worshiped in IVC is Murugan.

That's why IVC Script will remain SECRET. But day will come world will accept the truth.

S. Senthil Kumar


Prasun Da,

Vishnu Som from NDTV tweeted today that FGFA isn't happening (link below)

Is this true ? GoI has scrapped FGFA. Maybe because Russia was playing hardball.


Arpit Kanodia said...

@Senthil Kumar Is it true if BJP come to power in 2019, then gods send the aestroids to hit earth? And everyone die?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JAY: Neither the Sovoets nor the Russians supplied any flight simulator until 2008, when the Su-30MKI FFS was delivered. For MiG-27M, Mi-17 & MiG-29 the FFS were all imported from former Eastern European countries. With performance-based logistics, Su-30MKI can undertake 3 sorties daily.

To SBM: LoLz! The ACM was referring to the Su-30MKI order that was placed by the previous UPA-2 govt that had brought the total no of Su-30MKIs ordered to 312. That only leaves another 40 Su-30MKIs that are YET TO BE ORDERED (since the 2000 umbrella agreement had specified a 350-unit Su-30MKI fleet) & these last 40 Su-30MKIs will be the first all-new (not retrofitted/upgraded) Super Su-30MKI-configured aircraft. As for Tejas Mk.1, only 4 squadrons are budgeted/funded, with the March 2006 contract being for for 20 that were to be delivered between April 2009 and December 2010, while a second contract inked in December 2010 called for 20 more to be delivered between June 2014 and December 2016. As for Tejas Mk.1A, the figure of 80 to be ordered is only subject to the Tejas Mk.1A prototypes meeting all the specified ASQRs.

To TUSHAR: The only illegal settlers known as of now are the Rohingyas. No one has so far been able to come up with verifiable figures of illegal migration from Bangladesh. All previous figures touted since the late 1990s were second-guesses because of the presence of the ‘Chit Mahals’ along the India-Bangladesh border & the patterns of daily cross-border movements as collated by the BSF. But such daily cross-border movements were two-way. But this was deliberately overlooked by those second-guessers based in delhi & elsewhere in northern India who were totally unaware.ignorant of/about the ‘Chit Mahal’ enclaves. After the exchange of these enclaves in 2015, no one from officialdom now talks about illegal Bangladeshi migrants & it is now emerging that in Assam there has been a substantial presence of Indian citizens from West Bengal who have been living in Assam purely as seasonal workers who are dependent on demand=supply patterns. Hence, just wait for another few months when the final results of the national citizens’ register for Assam come out & the truth will finally emerge, i.e. politicians had created this bogey of unchecked illegal migration from Bangladesh to the North East in order to take cover behind this bogey so that this could become the excuse for not being able to deliver the goods/services that they had promised to do to the residents of the North East. And to claim that China & Pakistan have been creating disturbances in the North East by using Bangladesh as the base is highly insulting to both Bangladesh & India & all those who have put forth this conspiracy theory should seek urgent psychiatric counselling.

To VIKRAM GUHA: That will tantamount to the tail wagging the dog, because how can procurement practices be streamlined/optimised if the process of identifying the procurement priorities itself is not streamlined/optimised?

To RON: Because they are suspected of harbouring & sheltering ETIM separatists.

Rajesh Mishra said...

Dear Senthil Kumar: Srikant Talageri is the simplest truth and not the Whitzel.

Both the South Indian and North Indian scholars are equally correct in claiming that the Indus valley script belongs to them. This so because the Indus valley script is related only to the Brahmi script. Unfortunately Brahmi script was equally popular in both South and North India.

Senthil Kumar said...

@Arpit Kanodia,

Cool Down.

"RSS ideologue Golwalkar in his writings like ‘Bunch Of Thoughts’ argues that territorial nationalism, which is the basis of Indian Constitution, is a barbarism, since according to him a nation is ‘not a mere bundle of political and economic rights’ but an embodiment of national culture —in India, ‘ancient and sublime’ Hinduism. It sneers at democracy, which Golwalkar sees as alien to Hindu culture, and lavishes praise on the Code of Manu, whom Golwalkar salutes as ‘the first, the greatest, and the wisest lawgiver of mankind’".

First RSS/BJP will send this kind of messages to test the water how Indians react. Once they see no opposition they will slowly announce in the parliment their views and Interest.

Finally India will get "Code of Manu Dharma"

You referred authors are against Aryan Invasion Theory. You never mention authors who supports Aryan invasion theory. Please ready both sides and come to a conclusion.

Supreme court says No one can change Caste that means as per Manu Dharma once you born as Shudras till death you cant change. Shame on you guys dividing your fellow humans on caste.

I want to tell you I am not a Hindu. I am Shivaite Shiva Follower. Evey one is equal before God.

S.Senthil Kumar

Unknown said...

@ S Senthil Kumar

"Why.... If IVC is dravidian Civilization then "Aryan Invasion" theory will become true and strong. Then the whole Indian sub continent Politics will change upside down. God worshiped in IVC is Murugan."

Look at it this way, if Indus Valley Civilization is Dravadian because God Worhsipped is Murugan, then Tamil culture extended to northern parts of India too. The IVC also has sanskrit scripts and reference to other gods like shiva. so murugan existed with shiva and other gods in IVC. Tamil existed with sanskrit just like murugan existed with shiva. even in present day times, tamils worship different gods. the shankracharya of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham, uses tamil as well as sanskrit. So both languages co existed then as they are co existing now. neither language is at conflict with each other because Murugan (a dravidian god) can be worshipped (not reviled) in IVC as in present day tamil nadu. Hence people across india co existed and were not necessarily at conflict as postulated by the Aryan Invasion theory? this is just food for thought. After all the past governs the present does it not.



Anonymous said...

Dear prasun,

While a lot of very informative threads has come from your blog. It also has been seen for sometime that there are people writing threads on 'Aryan -Dravidian' divide, Indus valley civilization, Vedas and so on. I do not claim to be a historian but i have done a good reading of history and also of those people of different ideology who write history. There seems to be a deliberate attempt to put up writings on the so called Aryan Dravidian fault line which is propagated by many break India forces sympathetic to Leftist, faith conversion ideologies who want 'We are different people' idea to be peddled again and again. Why should a blog which talks of defense, security,conflict, and such topics allow such blogs. In case if some one is suggesting that what is mentioned above is also part of National security then let there be informed people invited and let there be an all out debate on facts else stop such people from putting such blogs and lets focus on security and defense issues.

sbm said...

Thanks Prasun. I understand your point about the Mk1A but isn't it the case that so far only 2 squadrons of Mk.1 Tejas have been contracted for?

With respect to the Su-30MKI fleet, is it correct to say that HAL is currently working on the order for 272 aircraft placed - which will be completed in a couple of years - and after that it is to begin work on 40 more aircraft which have already been contracted for (making total confirmed Su-30MKI orders a total of 312) and then 40 all new Super 30s will be ordered?

Thanks again.

Pratap said...

After FATF, Pakistan faces threat of being blacklisted by EU but Pakistan is a beneficiary of EU's preferential trading GSP+ program. This provides Pakistan tariff free access to EU. This treatment was given in return for respect of human rights but EU neglected worsening human rights and support for terrorists and recently extended it for 2 years. India should have lobbied against the extension and Pak exports would have come crashing down.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SBM: Yes, it's 2 Sqns & not 4 Sqns (my mistake) of Tejas Mk.1. Regarding the Su-30MKIs, the first of two 40-unit orders have yet to be placed & therefore it is not reflected in HAL's order-books. This is because back in early 2011 when the Super Su-30MKI project was first revealed at the Aero India 2011 expo, the expectation was that the order for this variant of the Su-30MKI would start rolling out if IRKUT Corp by 2014. However, a combination of factors--like IAF-specific customisations to be undertaken by DARE & HAL, plus unavailability of the AL-41F1S turbofans from NPO Saturn--all combined to push the Super Su-30MKI delivery dates further beyond & that's why the 2012 MoU on procuring the 40 aircraft could not be converted into a firm order & hence all the prevailing confusion. But in terms of numbers committed for orders, the total fleet strength back in the year 2000 was pegged at 350. So from that, one has to substract the attrition losses suffered thus far & this will give you the final/definite/ultimate Su-30MKI fleet strength. Out of this grand total, 50 of them will each be configured for firing a single underslung BrahMos-A & later these along with the Super Su-30MKIs will each be able to carry three BreahMos-NG or three Nirbhay LACMs since both these LACMs will incorporate identical navigation/fire-control avionics like the IMA seeker, RLG-INS etc etc.

Regarding annual production rates of J-10s & J-20s in China, all kinds of wild figures are being quoted. No more than 20 J-10s have been produced every year since the previous decade, while only 3 LSP-series J-20s have been handed over to the PLAAF's CFTE for air combat tactics evaluations/formulation. Therefore, to claim that the J-20 has entered operational service with the PLAAF is totally wrong & 100% untrue.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To S SENTHIL KUMAR: No country can move ahead until it acknowledges its mistakes. India is one such country that has not even bothered to correct all the historical narratives/constructs that were handed down by the colonial Britishers. Consequently, the biggest loser has been the concept of sincretic cultural nationalism & as a result religious & cultural faultlines are constantly at odds with one another, all of which make debates/discussions extremely TOXIC and from these flow out various ideological slants aimed at achieving narrow objectives. Take the examples of colonial British constructs like the ‘Indus Valley Civilisation’, ‘Aryan Invasion’ & the primacy of Sanskrit in various sacred texts. The inhabitants living along the Rivers Indus or Saraswati were NEVER confined to any valley, but were spread throughout the plains of northern & western undivided India. The earliest form of Sanskrit is that used in the Rig Veda (called Old Indic or Rigvedic Sanskrit). Amazingly, Rigvedic Sanskrit was first recorded in inscriptions found not on the plains of India but in in what is now northern Syria. Between 1500 and 1350 BC, a Caucasian-stock dynasty called the Mitanni (hailing from the area around the Caspian Sea/southern Caucasus ruled over the upper Euphrates-Tigris basin, land that corresponds to what are now the countries of Syria, Iraq, and Turkey. The Mitannis spoke a language called Hurrian, unrelated to Sanskrit. However, each and every Mitanni king had a Sanskrit name and so did many of the local elites. Names include Purusa (meaning “man”), Tusratta (“having an attacking chariot”), Suvardata (“given by the heavens”), Indrota (“helped by Indra”) and Subandhu, a name that exists till today in India. The Mitanni had a culture, which, like the Caucasian migrant settlers of northern India, highly revered chariot warfare. A Mitanni horse-training manual, the oldest such document in the world, uses a number of Sanskrit words: aika (one), tera (three), satta (seven) and asua (ashva, meaning “horse”). Moreover, the Mitanni military aristocracy was composed of chariot warriors called “maryanna”, from the Sanskrit word "marya", meaning “young man”. The Mitanni worshipped the same Gods as those mentioned in the Rig Veda (but also had their own local ones). They signed a treaty with a rival king in 1380 BC which names Indra, Varuna, Mitra and the Nasatyas (Ashvins) as divine witnesses for the Mitannis. While modern-day ‘Hindus’ have mostly stopped the worship of these deities, these Mitanni gods were also the most important gods in the Rig Veda. This is a striking fact. As David Anthony points out in his book, The Horse, the Wheel, and Language, this means that not only did Rigvedic Sanskrit predate the compilation of the Rig Veda in northwestern India but even the “central religious pantheon and moral beliefs enshrined in the Rig Veda existed equally early”.

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The founding language of the family from which Sanskrit is from is called Proto-Indo-European. Its daughter is a language called Proto-Indo-Iranian, so called because it is the origin of the languages of North India and Iran. The earliest speakers of Proto-Indo-Iranian emerged in the southern Urals and Kazakhstan. These steppe people, representing what is called the Andronovo culture, first appeared just before 2000 BC. From this Central Asian homeland diverged a group of people who had now stopped speaking Proto-Indo-Iranian and were now conversing in the earliest forms of Sanskrit. Some of these people moved west towards what is now Syria and some east towards the region of the Punjab. The people who moved west were possibly employed as mercenary charioteers by the Hurrian kings of Syria. These charioteers spoke the same language and recited the same hymns that would later on be complied into the Rig Veda by their comrades who had ventured east. These Rigvedic Sanskrit speakers usurped the throne of their employers and founded the Mitanni kingdom. While they gained a kingdom, the Mitanni soon lost their culture, adopting the local Hurrian language and religion. However, royal names, some technical words related to chariotry and of course the gods Indra, Varuna, Mitra and the Nasatyas stayed on. The group that went east and later on wrote the four Vedas, we know, had better luck in preserving their culture. The language and religion they bought to the subcontinent took root. Unfortunately, while their language, religion and culture is celebrated, the history of the Indo-European people who brought Sanskrit into the Indian subcontinent is sought to be erased at the altar of cultural nationalism. Hence, popular national myths in India urgently paint Sanskrit as completely indigenous to India. Both national myths, whether Arab or Sanskrit, have been attempting to imagine a pure, pristine origin culture uncontaminated by unsavoury influences. Unfortunately the real world is very often messier than myth.

But were these migrating Caucasian Mitannis the original & true Aryans? Most unlikely. Why? Because a community that is characterized by a very high levels of spiritual maturity & consciousness can hardly be expected to remain in an agrarian & pastoral state of material existence. Exceptional/unmatched spiritual maturity always ought to be accompanied by extraordinary material/technological maturity as well. But nowhere is there any archaeological evidence to prove this. Hence, it is highly probable that the four Vedas were COMPOSED not by anyone residing in individed India, but by those ‘Aryas’ (noble ones) residing somewhere in the southern Caucasus areas—probably someone like the extra-terrestrial Annunakis associated with the Sumerians. The Caucasian Matanni settlers in northern India probably put the Vedic verses into writing or brought written texts with them, but by no means were they are original COMPOSERS of such texts. Instead, they were likely only mentored by the extra-terrestrial Aryas.

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Once we accept the migration theory & reject the invasion concept (as propagated by the Caucasian European colonial invaders of India), then the debate gets far less toxic, since the element of one-upmanship/racial stock superiority is done away with. The only missing component then remains the transfusion of racial stocks between the Caucasian Matanni settlers & the original brown-skinned natives of ancient India, with the ones with exceptional/unmatched spiritual/material maturity/advancement probably being those that originated from the now submerged continent of Kumari Kandam in the southern Indian Ocean. This then leads us to the definitive question: which of the two predates one another? This can only be answered by verifiable archaeological material evidence whose excavation from the depths of the southern Indian Ocean is a highly expensive affair & we all know what kinds are deplorable crumbs are fed to the ASI by way of funds. So, only those countries in possession of deep-sea submergence vehicles or ROVs will be the first ones to obtain convincing answers to the burning questions. Until then, it is no use composing conspiracy theories about religiousspiritual/cultural superiority or vintage. So what do we do in the meantime? Elementary: just try one’s level best to apply sound common-sense.

For instance, has anyone ever wondered why the colour of Saffron has sacred/holy connotations? Is it because the Gods & Sages descending from the heavens above used to wear Saffron-coloured dresses/outfits? If so, then why? My simple hypothesis says that those ‘flying/airborne’ Gods & Sages wore such outfits for the very same utilitarian (and not religious) reason that today’s astronauts/cosmonauts and military aircraft pilots flying over the seas & oceans too wear Saffron-coloured flight-vests/suits. Is it now possible for you to connect the dots b y resorting to a rationalist’s approach? Kindly spare a thought to this.

And as an unsolicited gift to you, I’m sharing the weblink of the Tamil version of the History Channel documentary on the IA’s cross-LoC strike operation of September 2016:

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...


High on gyan would take some time to digest !!


bhoutik said...

if the people who settled in northern India came from west asia, shouldn't they have been of asian (west asian) stock instead of caucasian?

Ram Mohan said...

Let's assume the earth was colonised and educated by alien civilisations. that then begs the question, if humans needed intelligent input from an outside source who made the aliens? tracing back through the line there has to be an intelligent origin and that intelligent origin has to be God of the Universe.

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

Thanks for your reply.

Some of the members are thinking that I am deliberately putting writings to break India. And this guys are thinking security means something army, missiles, navy, technology etc.

Serious security threats for India are NOT from Pakistan or China. It is internal Security which threatens Indian Union. Any country can win war on external enemy but it cannot win its internal civil war. China spends more money on Internal Security than External security.

Whole Indian country is having fault lines starting from religion, caste, education, finance, culture, language etc. Why.... India is NOT a single Country. It is a federation of multiple countries like European Union.

In this scenario we have multiple religion, language, caste, culture etc. So we the government of India should be very careful by implementing its policies. Both Congress and BJP failed miserably. Now the fault lines are increasing.

Conversion is rapid in Tamil Nadu & Kerala. Now this disease is spreading to other states.
Next Muslims are sidetracked and they become jihadist. Next backward Castes vs Forward Communities fight. Even this we can see in all schools, colleges and universities.

Now main threat to India is BJP trying to make ONE INDIA by one religion, one language, one culture etc. ONE INDIA policy will break India into multiple countries. Only UNITED INDIA will succeed in long term.

Take an example of Kurds who are Sunni Muslims. They are not mingling with either Turkey or Iraq or Syria. Everyone in that region is Sunni Muslims. Why they want to go separate. Because they are ethnically separate groups. Religion will become irrelevant in ethnic crisis.

I am sure India will face ethnic crisis in near future which will be a serious threat to Indian Union.

S. Senthil Kumar

rad said...

hi prasun

could the thermal video imagery bu manipulated to include the delta shaped object ,I see a halo around the ufo object as well?

rad said...

hi prsun
that brings me to the question whether the lightning 3 flir imagery is super imposed on the HUD of the LCA . What would be the normal detection range of an f-16 type ac by the lightning 3 flir camera?

Pravin said...

Prasun sir ,
1.But i have a problem if sanskrit language is foriegn than what is indigenous language because in current times various local and forigen language has influenced by sanskrit.

2 And if tamil is completly indigenous than why tamil people name are quite similar to rest of rest of india. jaggi vasudev is true spiritual leader or fake?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To BHOUTIK: Not from West Asia, but from the southern Caucasus region.

To RAD: The halo is the electro-magnetic force-field around the trainular craft. FLIR.thermal imagery can be superimposed on any HUD, but PROVIDED the HUD is of the wide-angle holographic type, so that both HUD symbology & FLIR imagery can be superimposed. So far the IAF has not introduced holographic HUDs on any of its combat aircraft. Optronic sensors of navigation/targetting pods have a discernable range limited to the horizon.

RAJ said...

ThisAfghan National Army officer is saying that their intel agency has received info that Pakistan along with China is planning something big using Nepal as a proxy to hit indian forces. Is this releated to Darjeeling violence last year?? Any insight?

bhoutik said...

i thought people from that region were eurasian mixed stock

Gessler said...

Hi Prasun ji, hope you are doing fine and thanks for another great thread!

I remembered reading in your blog regarding DRDO's supposed development of a smaller, 750-km ranged Nirbhay ALCM version for smaller aircraft like Rafale, Mirage, Jaguar etc. I want to ask, is this concept still on? Or has the upcoming procurement of SCALP-EG CALCMs and the speculated future nuclear-capable ALCM project superseded the need for a smaller version of air-launched Nirbhay?

Also - Do check out this helmet cam footage from the US special forces operators ambushed & killed in Niger by militants:

Thanks in advance!

Ashish Gautam said...

Hi sir, how r u?
Sir, I came to know that DRDO has introduced a concept UCGV capable of firing SAMs, having on board RCWS, high pwr DEW, APS etc...
Real news or fake?
If real kindly share information available to you regarding this matter.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ: LoLz! Nothing of that sort is happening. What Pakistan is now doing is canvassing for the postponed SAARC Summit to be held later this year in Islamabad. Here’s the info:

Meanwhile, both the PN & PAF yesterday fired one C-8-2A ASCM each in the Arabian Sea:

While China surprisingly is not funding the desalination plant in Gwadar:

And here’s another interesting factoid:

And how times have changed! Vietnam Peoples Navy personnel buying souvenirs on-board the USS Carl Vinson in Da Nang:

To BHOUTIK: There’s no racial stock called Eurasian. The only stocks are Australoid, Mongoloid, Negroid & Caucazoid.

To GESSLER: VMT. Only the upgraded Mirage 2000Ns & Rafales will be qualified for launching SCALP-EG. But this LACM is strictly non-nuclear. Even the 750km-range Nirbhay LACM will be non-nuclear. Only the 1,200km-range version of Nirbhay LACM will be nuclear-capable. BrahMos-A & later the BrahMos-NG too will be non-nuclear.

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Really? Then such a versatile UGCV’s IPRs could easily have fetched the DRDO more than US$500 million from global giants like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon etc etc since even they have been unable to mount all these on to a single vehicle! Everything you want to know about ‘desi’ UGCVs can be found here:

Kishore said...

is SAARC still relevant and useful to India? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Here's an excellent presentation on Indian civilization



Sir who are arabs and Iranians are they Caucasians ,majority Iranian do not look white actually they are brown but they still claim themselves white.

bhoutik said...

the field should be expanded to include us. we are visibly different from any of the others (while similar like everyone else),and genetic variations and commonalities can be found, just like with every other group. cause if we are a mixed breed so are the europeans. just look at them from north to south, east to west.

and people in the southern caucasus look more similar to west asians than europeans anyway. feels like bullshit.

Senthil Kumar said...


2) Before two generation most of the names are purely in tamil. For example Tamilselvi, Tamilselvan, Tamilmani, tamarai, Maran etc.

Later once english medium schools started new generation parents started to forget their old traditons and customs and try to keep name for their children more stylish.

For example earlier names will spell like Ganeshan, Murugesan etc. Recently they are naming as Ganesh, Murugesh etc.

3) Jayendra Saraswati, Swami Nithyananda, Asaram Bapu, RamRahim list goes on. Jaggi vasudev is in waiting list.

If you are true Guru you should come out of this Materialistic Life. But most of this gurus are CORPORATE GURUS holding millions of money, land, power, politics, business etc. People are fed up with this fellows.

S. Senthil Kumar

Rajesh Mishra said...

Iranian peoples are descendants of the Vedic Anu tribe.

The peoples from the Anu dynasty were driven out from Ayodhya ultimately by the Puru dynasty. Anu tribe moved to Iran and became popular as Anunnaki. Their vedic sage was the rishi Angira. These Anunnaki reversed the Veda in to A-Veda (Avesta) wherein gods are depicted as demons and the demons are the gods. This philosophy is the basis for almost all the western religions.


Prasun Da,

Vishnu Som from NDTV tweeted two days ago that FGFA isn't happening (link below)

Is this true ? GoI has scrapped FGFA. Maybe because Russia was playing hardball.


Kapil said...

Prasun da, please throw some light on this

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KISHORE: No, not really.

To RAJ: To use the word ‘Indian’ is a dead-sure fallacy. In those ancient times India did not exist. Instead, it should be labelled as either ‘South Asian’ or Asia-Pacific’.

To VINOD KUMAR: The Arabs & native Jews of West Asia are Semitic, whereas the Persians/Iranians aren’t. There are several strands of Caucasians today, like the Persians, the Slavs, the Nordics, the Gauls & the Anglo-Saxons.

To BHOUTIK: Yes wer are a mixed breed but the quantum & type of mixing varies & thus today’s Indians are part of the Australoid racial stock. Folks from the southern Caucasus like the ones from Dagestan or Astrakan look far more like the Persians & far less than Arabs. To fully understand you need to go through the following:

Human Anatomical Evolution:

Kingdoms of Ancient Sumeria:

5,500 Year Old Sumerian Cuneiform Tablets:

Prior to the end of the Ice Age 12,000 years ago, highly advanced communities existed throughout the world:

To RAJESH MISHRA: Anunnaki Gods of Ancient India:

Mount Kailash’s Megalithic Sculptures:

Sanskrit Explained:
Why Sanskrit is Taught in UK:

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: LoLz! Is that Twit by any chance the CAS of the IAF, or the RM of the MoD or the defence secretary? If not, then why pay attention to such numb-skulls?


In the racialist classifications of Carleton S. Coon, the Semitic peoples were considered to be members of the Caucasian race, not dissimilar in appearance to the neighbouring Indo-European, Northwest Caucasian, and Kartvelian-speaking peoples of the region.This is what I read from Wikipedia that arabs are also Caucasians by the way I once met an Iranian named Mostafa Kermani before that I never saw an Iranian I was surprised that nobody can identify him on first sight that he was a foreigner he was actually from Kerman province of Iran so thats why I said that many Iranians just look like Indians and Pakistanis or it is not necessary for a Caucasian to be white.

Anonymous said...

write your detailed comments on this?


VJ said...


Interesting "Two minutes from disaster - Jaguar about to crash!"

Senthil Kumar said...

Dear Prasun,

Ancient India is called as "EAST ETHIOPIA".

In all Sumerian Videos you can notice Nimrad, Semiramis and Tammuz.

Nimrod is Shiva, Semiramis is Parvathi and Tammuz is Murugan.

Sumerian Annunaki is Seven Saptha Kanis.

The Birth of Tammuz & Polytheism


S.Senthil Kumar

Ashish Gautam said...

Sir, why on ALH-WSI version HAL didn't used wings like that of those used in LCH? WHY MI17 Kind of design is used to mount weapons?
2) Can ALH-WSI & LCH carry upto 16 Helina ATGM or 76 Hydra rockets on all 4 hard points?

Kishore said...

can you pls control this guy senthil for heavens sake?