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Tuesday, August 28, 2018

De-Mystifying Pakistan Army's OP Koh-e-Paima

Origins of OP-PLAN
Resurrected OP-PLAN
OP-PLAN Based on Flawed Assumptions & Brain-Dead Operations Analysis
A Series of Deceptive Military Briefings for Ignorant Civilian Decision-Makers
Political Ownership of OP-PLAN Despite Strong Reservations
Spectacular Debacle at Muntho Dhalo (Camp Badr) & Staring at Outright Defeat
Pakistan Army’s Depleting Fortunes, Military Reverses & Growing Civil-Military Discord
Complete International Isolation, Plus Fears of Indian Vertical Escalation
Clinton-Sharif Meeting That Sealed Pakistan’s Fate
Unilateral & Unconditional Pakistani Withdrawal, But No Ceasefire by India, While a Policy of Denial Led To Internal Revolts & Severe Demoralisation Within Pakistan Army
 Assessments & Lessons Learnt
Inferences for the Future
Incidentally, 1999 was not the first that Pakistan had engaged in such double-crossing. Back in 1982 another such incident had taken place, which had then led to the Indian Army and Indian Air Force launching OP Meghdoot along the Siachen Glacier. What follows below is a narration of what transpired between 1982 and mid-1984.
(to be concluded)

Escalation Ladders Explained


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Sujit said...

Prasun sir, another well informative article.
1-Sir, ada is saying that amca will be geometrically stealthy and material stealth will come in later versions which implies that drdo has not been able to develop stealthy materials and coating 2012 there was news reports that an iit kanpur professor has developed a coat which can make aircraft virtually invisible..was that a hoax? Or real? If real then why are we not using it?
2- don't u think that drdo is doing a mistake by building amca with just 4ton internal fuel? Even f35 is touted to have nearly 7ton internal fuel then with our amca which will be larger than f35 we must increase it to atleast 8.5 ton.
3- m not able to understand the news reports which are saying that amca will have first flight in 2032 , when ada has already relaesed rfi to build td..
4- why are we not pursuing any strategic bombers e.g.tu160..granted our present area of interests are within our fighter's range but strategic bombers will play a pscycological havoc in our enemy minds.and i seriously believe that if india wants to be a serious world power then it must have strategic bombers..another doklam type situation fly a bomber near that spot or continuous ceasefire violation by pak ,fly a bomber over j&k airspace,,the message will be respect hard power..i think iaf is too short sighted.

Arun said...

Dear Sir

My only regret regarding Kargil is that we didn't shoot down their
F 16s which had been locked on by MiG 29

Similarly in the closing stages when Clinton had intervened on Fourth July , we could have bombed Across
the LOC
( and simply said:oops did it hurt )

God knows when we will get the Next Opportunity

Pratap said...

Prasun bhai check this

capricorn said...

can you say anything about govermnet actions against the urban naxals and anti india itellegensia?? they can create good trouble before 2019 elections

Unknown said...

Hello sirji.After a long time,here are my questions:
1.Recently,Sheerin Mazari said that they are going to draft a proposal on Kashmir Conflict.My fear is,like ABV govt. almost ran into Mushraff's trap,this govt. can also fall for this new drama.Your thoughts?
2.Which aircraft is the best MRCA in the world as per your personal opinion excluding India factor?
3.How far has India progressed in manufacturing of Rifle Optics like Red-dot sight?

Anonymous said...

Hello sir, wishing you well

wrt to your analysis of ex Gagan Shakti, i had a few questions,

A battalion of 560 troopers were para dropped.
Also in ex Shatru Jeet in 2016, 1900 troop brigade was para dropped.

1) How effective are such battalions and brigades when dropped into enemy territory (thinking Tangail Airdrop) against regular battalions of 800-1000 and brigades of 2400-3000+ troops?

2) Are all parachute regiment battalions inclusive of para sf, TA, RR parajump trained/qualified?

3) What artillery is included in 1 and 17th para field artillery regiment and air defense artillery battery?
I would also love to learn how are their charges/ammunition etc packed and dropped safely withstanding shocks and jerks?

4) what wheeled light combat vehicles (as mentioned in your article) are attached to this battalion level drop?

5) Can such brigade level force not cut off GB and surround enemy from behind, as soon as hostilities commence and FCNA is committed to frontlines? Or is mountain Airdrop too risky?

6) wrt to drop of 14 garud commandos followed by para sf to capture an enemy ALG, can such base defend against enemy air/missile attack for the lack of SAM covers, AAA placement etc?

7) For rushing forces towards frontlines via multiple ALGs we have built (similar to airlift for defense of Srinagar, 1947) can we earmark regular units and leave para regiments for above mentioned roles inside hostile area?

8) How many aircraft will we need to deploy an entire brigade level group? Looks like it will take a lot to mobilize enough for 3 battalions + support units
And what is hard/soft drop?

Thanka in advance, looking forward to learn!



Why does the DRDO MAWS is called dual colour whereas SAAB MILDS MAWS as per your early post has UV based detection..

Which SPJ too be used in super su 30 MKI and when will the project to of mid life upgradation will begin for su 30 MKI...

What's the production rate of MIRAGE 2000 I/TI and Mig 29 UPG fighters by HAL..

Sir Any update about IA plans to initiate cross border raids across Loc??

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: LoLz! VMT, but it is now an undeniable fact-of-life that MSA had along ago in the late 1980s been afflicted with the same virus that had afflicted Pakistan’s officialdom back in 1947. Hence, all of them without fail & reflexively resort to oozing out historical distortions whenever the opportunity presents itself!

To SUJIT: LoLz! 1) Where’s the proof of this breakthrough? Has it been patented? 2) Let DRDO/ADA first offer the LCA-AF Mk.2 & only after that should it be allowed to venture into the AMCA arena, not before that. 3) RFI i8s to fabricate only a metallic airframe for RCS measurement-related effort as well as for some wind-tunnel tests. 4) Do France & the UK operate such strategic bombers? If not, then why should India?

To ARUN: Just hang on a little bit more since I’m still scanning several more pages to reveal the full extent of the planning phases of OP Koh Paima. It will also include ALL details on the various briefings given by the GHQ & FCNA to the bumbling politicians of Pakistan. Only then wsill the full picture emerge, since a lot of the details had hitherto been unavailable.

To ANUP: LoLz! Why are you so surprised? Didn’t you know that all law enforcement-related rules & regulations of India are still adhering to the Police Act of 1864? Why has no one to date bothered to amend such regulations & start from 1950 when the Indian Constitution was adopted? Does it mean that while India is physically independent, but mentally & legally she isn’t independent? And why are all these alleged Maoists sympathisizers being picked up all over India except from Andhra Pradesh & Telengana from where the PWG was born? Is it because of the 100% efficiency of the GREYHOUNDS STF? If yes, then why have other states failed to raise similar STFs?

To ARITRO DATA: Just follow the example & exploits of the GREYHOUNDS STF. Everyone should ask why are the PWG & Maoists so active in all other parts of India except inside Andhra Pradesh & telengana.

To INTOLERANT PERSON: 1) LoLz! It will just be a conflict resolution formula based on the very same 4-point formula that was earlier being peddled by both Nawaz Sharif prior to 1999 & later by Pervez Musharraf. So don’t worry for there won’t be any takers for such ludicrous proposals this time or anytime in future. 2) Right now it is the Lockheed Martin F/A-22A Raptor. 3) India has achieved a lot of progress in building everything about such optronic sensors EXCEPT for the most critical component of such sensors.

Sujit said...

Thnku sir for clarifying everything.but sir regarding uk and france ,my personal opinion is they dont need bombers cauz they arevpart of nato and thnx to usa they do get bomber support plus its not financially viable for them to have bombers and moreover their location makes bomber requirement redundant.sir , a gutfeeling tells me that we are going to see bombers in iaf soon..again its just my gut feeling sir..hehe
Sir, can u predict the timeline when we are going to see our ssn in indian navy service?
And why gov is signing comcasa when army has already raised alarm about it?

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

Almost all queries raised by you can be find here. Anything Mr. Jaitely misses. And how crown prince counter.

Ashish Gautam said...

wow sir.... bhadia thread... maza aa gya... looking forward for upcoming updates... :)
wassup?? how r u these days??
thanks for article about upcoming turbofans, that article too is very well written & contains in depth info about it...
In your reply to Sujit u told him that since UK & France too don't operate strategic bombers then why should India go for them??
In this context my question to u is that, do UK & France have enemy neighborhood like India is having?? Do they have such a big population to protect which India is having?? why shouldn't IAF & IN operate strategic bombers equipped with good enough EW as well as armed offensive & defensive systems on-board?? Though they are prone to be shooted down by SAMs like S400 etc... but still they can be very useful as a psychological tool of war like a Nuclear weapon is.
& 1 more thing which u once asked me in thread of Tanks that "why should be AC provided in it as tanks are mainly used in night warfare??" I would say It should be provided coz it is not compulsory that tanks will always be used in night warfare as they may be used even in day time if situation demands, as in war, conditions & situations are very dynamic....
2ndly when being used in day then to keep its internal electronics & inside environment cool ACs must be installed on-board tanks; after all tank crews are also humans & they too need comfortable environment if possible to provide for them...

Sujit said...

Prasun sir since now its evident that amca will take a long time, then why are we not going for redesigned fgfa?.i think a little design tweak is required like the gap between two engine intakes needs to be levelled..i wud say that a little bit yf23 design elements should be implemented to fgfa and we cud get a stealth aircraft that time russian would have come with the new refined engine..

Madhusudan said...

It looks like Modi Govt is failing to convince the public about various issues.

The Rafale issue will be a thorny issue and there is no proper explanation by Modi govt how the deal is not corrupted and how it went to Reliance. There is no proper communication. Modi's PR is utter failure.

Now yesterday's arrest of Urban Naxals. Even though it was past due, but the way they got arrested by MH ATS has invited many condemnation by left journalists and congress. I wish the GoI will have proper evidence to expose these urban naxals.

Modi government failed to counteract Mr. Gandhi's Europe visit. All the newspapers in India hailed Mr. Gandhi's visit as success.

Similarly, Modi has not very effective in reaching out Malayalis when the whole Kerala got flooded. There has been many questions how the GoI will rebuild Kerala. One thing BJP and GoI fail to find that Kerala is a state where 50% or more of people hate Modi, BJP and RSS because of insecurity. People have been asking what will happen to beef if we vote for BJP? Beef is a main food item among the malayalis.

Most of the journalists and writers from Kerala are left leaning and they work in various media. The writers will never leave any opportunity to degrade Hinduism or make fun of Hindu culture.

So 600 crores of rupees Central government aid for flood affected Kerala is innadequate. Of course, Modi government said that GoI will fund the repairing of houses that collapsed as well as roads. This will be more than 10000 crores commitments. But Modi government and a Christian representative Mr. Kannanthanam (he is an as**, even BJP Kerala doesn't like him) didn't convey this messsage to Kerala people. Meanwhile, Communists, Muslims and Congress have been blaming Modi for not issuing the money. And they hailed the uncommitted aid of $100 million (Rs 700 crores) by UAE supreme Sheikh. Muslims and Communists put up banners around Kerala saying "we hail UAE sheikh. Thank you for your aid, which is more than our PM has offered." Some of them even started a campaign they form a United Dravidian party (it will be an irony how the money comes).

Even the CM of kerala praised UAE Emir, even though there was no aid provided. When UAE ambassador clarified about aid, then whole Communists, Muslims and Congress started spreading the rumors that Modi government has stopped the UAE aid.

Any direct aid to Kerala will not find the affected people. Before the flood itself roads in Kerala are the worst in South India, Bengal and Gujarat. Corruption is rampant. This is place where the Mosques and Churches are super rich, but help only their own people. The Hindus are and will be the greatest sufferer in this national calamity.

Already almost 99% of temples are controlled by government of Kerala and whatever money the temples gets goes to government treasury. Already Kerala government issued notice that some temples must provide minimum of 4 lakhs to CM fund. Why not similar notification on churches and mosques? Other than 2 Kerala temples, most of the temples are more than 60 years old, and need a lot of restoration and maintenance. However, Kerala government is not concerned as far as temples conditions are concerned and only interested in milking the money from temples.

For BJP and Modi government this would have been a golden opportunity to get 1 or 2 seats in 2019 election. But they lost the opportunity. Of course, I do not deny the effort by RSS and Sewa Bharati. Among all the political group, they did the maximum help and restoration. But people of Kerala are left leaning in general. Hope Modi's PR team will take a note on this.

Anyway, I am really worried what would happen in next year's election. With all support from media, Rahul Gandhi is becoming more stronger, but foolish. People will ignore his foolishness for a while when they hear the lies spread by media. For Modi it would be really tough to come back to power.

Kihsore said...

Many countries has produced documents for future engagement such as

1. china: Made in China 2025
2. germany: Industry 4.0
3. UK: innovate uk
4. EU: Horizon 2020
5. Japan: always on the futuristic thinking after since 1900s
6. Israel: Always aggressive on tech innovation for the last 3 decades

what does india planning to do? any policy? ofcourse many states are actively pursuing things but a overall policy wont be good?

Rajesh Mishra said...

It is not good but now there will be a lot of corruption in Kerala regarding the distribution of the money and other necessities to the peoples. People again will now be getting 10 Paisa out of 1 Rupee sent. This is irrespective of whether this money has been sent from the UAE(???), Central Govt., State Govt. or from the other states. Kerala is in deep peril but there the people are very sincere and hardworking.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VSJ: 1) Such paradrops during daytime are successful only in areas that are undefended & where air supremacy can be attained. The other option is to conduct air-drops ate nighttime in areas that are not more than 10km inside hostile territory but which need to be backed-up by both heliborne infantry, i.e. air-assault forces; plus fast-moving mechanized brigades (including an armoured regiment). 2) Mo. RR & TA are not. 3) Only mortars & very old 105mm pack howitzers, plus Igla-S MANPADS. 4) Only Maruti Gypsies & Nissan Jongas. 5) Of course not. A mere Brigade cannot be para-dropped just for such a purpose. 6) Yes. But those Garud elements were pathfinders, not exactly capable of taking over an ALG. 7) Yes, but PROVIDED air supremacy is first established. 8) All 10 C-17As will be reqd at the same time.

To AMIT BISWAS: That MAWS was of earlier vintage & now even MILDS comes with dual-colour sensors. SPJ for Super Su-30MKI will be wingtip-mounted & DARE-developed jammers. About 4 per year by HAL for Mirage 2000. MiG-29UPG upgrade is being done by an IAF Base Repairt Depot, not HAL. IA always has such plans. That’s not the issue. It is all about the GoI putting those plans into action.

To SUJIT & ASHISH GAUTAM: LoLz! Both of you seem to be underestimating the need for strategic bombers by France & the UK, while overestimating India’s need for such platforms. The UK has Falkland Islands to protect, while France has Reunion Island in Indian Ocean & New Caledonia in the south Pacific to protect. And yet those 2 countries don’t require strategic bombers any more. And whenever France or the UK have since the 1980s ventured out to protect their distant islands, no one else from NATO gave them any bomber coverage. The bombers that the US, Russia & China have were all of Cold War vintage & they’re now used for launching ALCMs. In the Indian context, An-12Bs were used as strategic bombers in both 1965 & 1971 & in future even C-130J-30s can be used in such a role.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Can you give me just 1 example in the world history of armoured warfare when MBTs were used in the afternoon by either India or Pakistan? Have you ever been inside such an MBT in Rajasthan or anywhere else in the Thar Desert in the afternoon? If you would have been, then you would never have made such a remark, because anyone who goes inside an MBT there in the afternoons especially in summertime will not stay conscious for more than 1 minute. And no such air-cpnditioning system has been developed anywhere in the world for operating inside MBTs in such temperatures because the amount of heat generated inside the MBT is far greater & much faster than the cool air that’s reqd to flow inside the MBT. So, if you want to develop such an A/C system & win a much-coveted Nobel Prize from Norway or any other similar prize from the DRDO, you are most welcome to try. If you succeed in developing the product, I myself will nominate you for the prizes.

To SUJIT: Exactly what kind of alarm has been raised against COMCASA? FGFA is still not available. The definitive turbofans have yet to surface. There’s no FGFA as of now. Only the Su-57 exists but it is not conforming to the FGFA specs. What is therefore reqd are more Rafales, at least 80 of them.

To SIDDHARTH: It is now no longer an issue about the Rafale’s pricing. Instead, the INC has trained its guns against the industrial offsets about which no one has the complete answer BECAUSE they are still being negotiated. Therefore, all the INC can cry about is alleged crony capitalism.

To MADHUSUDAN: There are no proper answers to the Rafale deal’s industrial offsets content because this the FIRST such deal in India involving INDIRECT industrial offsets. Prior to this all offsets content was of the direct industrial offset-type & hence all those howling (like Shourie, Sinha, Bhushan etc etc) haven’t got a clue as to how indirect industrial offsets work/are executed & hence when they are cornered in any debate, their standard escapist answer is “ that is not how I understand it”.

Those arrested 2 days ago ARE NOT urban naxals. They may at best be sympathizers, but none of them are Naxals. The last urban Naxals were eliminated in the previous decade itself in Andhra Pradesh by The Greyhounds STF & prior to that within a mere 6 months, all urban Naxals operating in West Bengal were eliminated in 1972. How come so fast? Elementary: free the law enforcement forces from politicisation & let them do their constitutionally mandated jobs within the existing legal framework & they will always produce professional results. But that is not the case today in any state or Union Territory except in Andhra Pradesh & telengana, where the Greyhounds operate unfettered & hence are 100% successful.

The ‘Pappu’ only made a fool of himself yet again through all his answers during his recent Euroipean junket. And this can be proven beyond reasonable doubt in any court of law, rest assured.

Rebuilding a state afflicted with humanitarian disaster is a national effort. The stink was the origin of the CMO which WRONGLY claimed that the UAE was to donate Rs.700 crore for flood-relief & rehabilitation. As always there will be the odd retards trying to whip up communal hatred through hate mongering & these retards need to be dealt with harshly as per the rule of law. Financial allocations for flood-hit states are always made AFTER a thorough survey & audit of the quantum of devastation caused & hence a definitive figure can emerge ONLY AFTER the survey/audit is completed within a 30-day timeframe. No one in the world can create miracles by concluding such surveys/audits within 7 days! And the INC is NOY getting any stronger since it clearly till this day lacks the kind of funbders reqd for sustaining a nationwide electoral campaign process. Nor does the media dictate what the electorate ought to/ought not to do. Media peddles a commodity (news) that is highly perishable & has very limited shelf-life within a person’s brains.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KIHSORE: India too has launched many such documents that are available on-line.

To RAJESH MISHRA: Don’t worry, for India’s domestic tourism dynamism will work wonders & ensure that Kerala is back on its feet within 1 calendar year. Meanwhile, do read the uploaded pages above & you will see that each page teaches us a lot about how the adversary’s mind functions & what are their institutional weaknesses. I uploaded the pages because I had received several requests to do so by those who are both war veterans, ex-servicemen as well as serving officers who are studying at various command-and-staff colleges, colleges of warfare, etc etc. The inferences to be drawn from the above pages will be listed down by me in this thread as the concluding part.

Meanwhile, this is what happens when anyone claims to try establishing a Riyaasat-e-Medina inside Nayaa Pakistan:

Dutch Police Arrests Pakistani Who Plotted Murder of MP Wilders Over Cartoon Contest:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...



India's first indigenous microprocessor (Shakti) developed by IIT Chennai:

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, there were reports that the army fears if comcasa is signed then it will compromise secure communication plus there has been many article written by ex military officers against it..
Are rafales capable to tackle j20? Can it track j20 from far away cauz j20 looks stealthy atleast from front if not from back and side.and is it true that rafale use active cancellation tech? Do we hv anything like active cancellation tech in development ?

kishore said...

those chips are designed by iit but india do not have manufacturing ability, intel made them free of cost at its US facility

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Thanks, dada ... I think I have some work to do to understand the processor Arch also where we use it, say kind of sensors for commercial and as well as strategic

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

Pakistan finally get its hand on Mi35 Helicopter. How many they have.

Arpit Kanodia said...


But all tanks battle in Iraq, all fought in day.

And the avg temperature in thar and Iraq is pretty same.

Arpit Kanodia said...

Might be because battle fought in Feb 1991, not June or July.

just_curious said...


How correct is this report -- .. why would someone replace a @100kg missile with a 150+kg missile.. why not use the QRSAM

Also can you share the specifications for indigenous QRSAM

Enigma said...

Greetings sir.Have you been following the Geert Wilders issue?Imran Khan,in his first speech in the senate,wanted stronger international standards on blasphemy and wanted to raise the Geert Wilders "blasphemy" issue in the UN.And one of the 1st things that the newly convened Punjab Assembly did was to raise a resolution against Geert Wilders' "Prophet" Muhammad cartoon contest.And a few days ago,a PTI fella went to Mumtaz Qadri's grave and paid respects to him.As an Indian,I am extremely happy that Pakistan's priorities are messed up.Imran khan is facing a lot of pressure from the conservatives to break ties with the Netherlands.One analyst(Myra MacDonald) said that if Pak breaks ties with The Netherlands,the EU could respond by taking away Pakistan's GSP+ status and damaging Pak's economy.How likely is it according to you?

Anonymous said...

What has been troubling me about Imran Khan is not his overt statements but the enormous influence his wife has been having on his change from a playboy politician to a very religious orthodox tendencies. The folowing texts from wikipedia lets a small glimpse into his turn to being a devout follower of his wife's religious preachings:

From Wiki:

My interest in Sufism started 30 years ago. It changed my life. Sufism is an order with many levels, but I have never met anyone who is as high as my wife. My interest in her began with that.
— Imran Khan in an interview, regarding his marriage to Bushra.

Khan and Bushra reportedly met for the first time in 2015. According to Dawn, Khan, noted for his increasing inclination towards Sufism in recent decades, was a frequent visitor of Baba Farid's shrine in Pakpattan, where he would pay homage to the renowned 12th century Sufi saint. He usually visited the town in the evening escorted by his private guards, and would later stay for a few hours at the Maneka family's residence, his local hosts, after which he would return to Islamabad. The Manekas were influential locally, and shared a "spiritual relationship" with Khan. Bushra, who was at that time married to Khawar Maneka, was a known and respected Sufi scholar, spiritual mentor and faith healer, also referred to as a pir or murshid, and this is what reportedly drew Khan closer to her. She has been described as a leader of pilgrimages to Baba Farid's shrine. During his visits, Khan would often consult her on spiritual matters whenever he found himself in a "difficult situation."

End Quote

When I connect that dot with the video that you shared the other day on the strange religious practices that even the Pakistani commentators found beyond weird... and the fact that Imran Khan almost certainly believes that his becoming the PM is the blessing of Pir Bushra.... I am forced to wonder how much could be influenced to fight the untimate fight - Quayamat ki Shuruyat ...

What is your view? Is it possible that he maybe/could be that much influenced by Bushra to begin something that could lead to a catastrophe?


CSC said...


Pls provide ur inputs on this esp on the timelines


Pratap said...

Prasun bhai, US is again warning of sanction over S400 deal. Russia often exaggerate the capabilities of its military hardware, but the way Amerika is losing shit over S-400 has made me believe that S400 is really the beast Russia claims it to be. Is US concern strategic, commercial or both?

Murthy said...

you are being afraid as if they are invincible and world super power.
right now they dont even have toilet papers to wipe their ass leave alone pulling off something big, they know the world and the west has no stomach for any paki attack on india or in any other place. the maximum they can do is organise some mujra stage shows at best. hope she dont end up like that.
he lost the game already as army summons him to GHQ,
he must pray that next time they dont ask him to come with his wife.

parthiv said...

Hi Prasun K Sengupta,
Can you upload few more pages of how sartaj's meeting went in india and the outcome.


Ashish Gautam said...

Sir, whatever I wrote about tank AC is based on general observation....
Yes I haven't been into its crew compartment in summer etc...
But I know that there are tanks in world which do come with AC on board... Though I don't have any detailed information about their coefficient of performance, cooling capacity etc.... So can't comment upon their COP in conditions of Indian subcontinent region. I only said if it's possible to provide then it should be provided. As u told that it gets hot too fast in summers then that's also sure that it will take time in cooling down in summer eve or night time.... So an AC can b used to cool it down in comparatively less time.. .. though again I would say since I ain't domain expert therefore I can't comment on its COP & even availability etc.
Btw is republic Tv having backing of intelligence people?? How do they reach Neerav Modi's London address, approach his bro etc... Or is it just propaganda??
Seems indian govt won't bring these thugs to justice in this incarnation....

Ashish Gautam said...

Sorry to post it again....
In ki bkchodi ka to level he alag hai....
Broadsword vale uncle 😉

Unknown said...

Hi Prasun,

Rafale deal is increasing been politised by Indian left and it's supporting media and intellectuals to the pint that one journalist wrote is this bjp's bofors in a newspaper daily only to be reprinted in various vernaculars later.

Ajai Shukla is at the forefront of these attacks and of all people even arundati Roy now spoke about it.

Seems tough time a head for IAF. First modi screwed them and now the opportunitist opposition.

Srinivasa Nanduri

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KISHORE: That’s correct. The chips come from Singapore & Malaysia.

To SIDDHARTH: About 4 of them in the Risalpur area.

To ARPIT KANODIA: There are 12 different types of deserts worldwide each with their own unique characteristics. The ones in Iraq or Iran cannot be compared to those in Thar, Arabian peninsula or Sahara. In addition, armoured warfare using MBTs & ICVs are best undertaken at night to take advantage of reduced visibility both on the ground & in the air, so that the element of surprise can be taken advantage of. But given the advent of ISTR sensors like SAR even nighttime armoured/mechanized assaults will no longer be kept as secrets. Nor will future wars in the Thar/Cholistan deserts involve armoured thrusts i8nto one another’s territory, i.e. no battles will be fought anywhere along the IB due to the nuclear overhang & international pressure. However, along the area that Pakistan refers to as the WB & the LoC it will be a free-for-all. And that was exactly why in early 1999 (as written in the pages uploaded above) when Musharraf was asked where exactly India might counter-attack in the plains, his first prediction was that the IA will open a second front in the Chhamb-Jaurian sector, i.e. the Chhamb-Sialkot sector—a point I had explained earlier in the thread dealing with CHHAMB.

To JUST_CURIOUS: The Pentagon or US Defense Dept will obviously seek to uphold the national security interests of the US. Why should anyone expect them to be sympathetic to India? And why should the US make an exception for India but not for Turkey? Therefore, will the US create a precedent for India & allow Turkey to invoke this type of precedent in favour of its case for procuring the S-400? This has nothing to do with Cold War mindsets whicvh by the way still prevail to a large extent in India. As for SR-SAMs for the IN, that story is FAKE NEWS & that’s exactly why the heading of that story ends with a question-mark.

To KANE: Well, it seems even the Muslims gave the ‘Dera’ system, & not just the Sikhs! In Pakistan it is fairly common practice to lay claim to the title of PIR, because a Pir is someone who is related by blood to the direct descendants of the Holy Prophet. And that’s precisely why such Pakistanis always piss of the Arabas whenever the Pakis try in vain to establish that they are ‘Better’/Superior Muslims’ than any other Muslim on this Earth! In my view, Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi has totaled pissed off Allah ever since he declared his intention to establish a 21st century Riyaasat-e-Medina inside Pakistan & consequently both he & his country will be at the receiving end of the wrath of Allah.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CSC: LoLz! If you insist.

Claim: A prototype SWiFT will be fitted with a Russian NPO Saturn 36MT turbofan engine
Reality: 36MT turbofan is meant to be used only once in a single flight. It is not a reusable turbofan. So how can any prototype of any flying vehicle be using this turbofan? Will the flying vehicle make only a single flight???

Claim: The big final unmanned combat aircraft (UCAV) named Ghatak has a seven-year deadline to lift off.
Reality: Dream on, dream away. Here even the Rustom-1 MALE-UAV is still elusive, & so0meone is daydreaming about Ghatak flying in another 7 years!

Claim: The expert committee that oversees the Ghatak program is headed by Dr. R Chidambaram (Principal Scientific Advisor to the government), with former DRDO chief & current member of the Niti Aayog Dr. V K Saraswat and former ISRO chief Dr. K Radhakrishnan.
Reality: Are any of them certified aeronautical engineers or are airframe designers with a proven track-record? None of them are. Sop what exactly do they have to bring to the table in the arena of aerodynamics or flying platform development? This is similar to appointing Dr Kota Harinarayana as the ADA Director—a person with no prior experience in airframe design n development. And we all know now what has been the end-result.

Claim: The DRDO chief’s chagrin is based on the perceived hypocrisy of countries and governments that readily offer their aircraft and weapons for sale to India, but step back when it comes to sharing useful technologies for India’s indigenous weapons programs.
Reality: This is the ultimate hypocritic statement from a DRDO Cgief. He ought to go back into the history opf the LCA Mk.1 in the late 1980s when Singapore wanted to become a 30% risk-sharing shareholder in the R & D project & it was the DRDO then that p[revented this from happening, by giving the excuse that it did not weant to share critical technologies with Singapore!

To PRATAP: It is BOTH. After all, why should the US make an exception for India but not for Turkey? And if an exception is made, then tomorrow there will be Indonesia & Vietnam citing this exception to buy the S-400 from Russia.

To PARTHIV: The details of that visit are well-known & well-chronicled. What I am uploading are only those details that remained unknown inside India thus far.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

More clarifications WRT the allegations being made by the INC & its pappu:

Claim: There was no “decade-long delay”. From 2004 to 2007, the Indian Air Force (IAF) framed the fighter’s requirements; from 2007 to 2011, the IAF conducted flight tests and only in 2011 did the IAF select the Rafale and Eurofighter. In 2012, the Rafale was found cheaper and price negotiations began with Dassault. The role of the government began only in 2012.
Reality: Total hogwash. It was the GoI through its MoD that orchestrated a terribly delayed MMRCA competition process just so that the UPA-1 govt could have its 123 Nuclear Deal with the US & that’s why the MMRCA competition was inclusive of US-origin platforms. The IAF had already decided by 2006 to procure the Rafale & that’s why then French President Jacques Chirac had proposed the sale of 40 Rafales to India in 2007, while advising India not to waste money on upgrading its Mirage 2000s.

Claim: If the UPA’s delay had compromised national security, why did the NDA wait for more than one year before buying the Rafale in 2015? In fact, security was compromised by reducing the number of Rafales from 126 (in the UPA tender) to just 36, and doing away with the “Make in India” component.
Reality: Because the NDA-2 govt realised that any licence-built Rafale will be 2.7 times more expensive than an off-the-shelf Rafale. Consequenbtly, a new deal had to be negotiated that brought in genuine employment-generating & aviation-related industrial activity into India through the indirect industrial offsets route. Make-in-India of foreign products under licence made sense only for as long as the USSR exsited, when contracts were part of the Rupee-Rouble exchange medium. Even the Su-30MKI procurement was wrongly handled, resulting in India having to pay far more for each HAL-built Su-30MKI.

Claim: The UPA did not buy the Rafale, so there is no question of bribes. If there are questions of “collateral considerations”, they relate to Anil Ambani, and how he mysteriously replaced Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) in the deal.
Reality: Because HAL is incapable of deriving benefits from indirect inbdustrial offsets. And that’s precisely why the UPA-2 govt awarded such offsets contracts related to the AH-64E & CH-47F contracts NOT to HAL, but to TATA & Dynamatics.

Claim: Why is the government refusing to release the real figures, both of Dassault’s 2007 bid and the cost of the current contract. The defence minister had vowed to release the figures, but then backed off, citing a secrecy agreement with France, which does not even apply to commercial aspects.
Reality: The CAG will release the figures by next year. What’s the hurry?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Claim: The Rafale price in Dassault’s 2007 was hinted at by then defence minister Manohar Parrikar, who said in April 2015 that 126 Rafales would cost about Rs 90,000 crore. That comes to Rs 715 crore per aircraft. Why is the government refusing to release the real figures?
Reality: Again, just calculate how much more expensive it would have been to procure a HAL-built Rafale. It would have been 2.7 times more expensive on a per-unit basis.

Claim: In the absence of official figures from the government, the deal price of Euro 7.8 billion for 36 fighters indicates a far higher cost than what the government claims–a multiple of more than three times higher.
Reality: Totally wrong, since the nett figure will be Euro 3.9 billion, since 50% of the value of the contract will be ploughed back into India’s economy through the 50$ indirect industrial offsets route.

Claim: The India-specific enhancements are a fiction, meant to hide the full cost of the Rafale. The Joint Statement issued in Paris by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and French President Francoise Hollande in April 2015 mentions that 36 fighters would be in the same configuration as the 126 fighter tender of 2007.
Reality: The term ‘enhancements’ includes the 7-year performanmce-based logistics guarantee that was not part of the RFP.

Claim: The cost agreed to by the government in 2016 is far higher than the 2007 bid. In that respect, it contradicts the Paris Joint Statement of April 2015, which pledged a contract at a more favourable price.
In abandoning the “Make in India” component of the 126-fighter tender of 2007, where 108 fighters were to be built by HAL, the NDA government has surrendered a great opportunity to build up India’s aerospace industry. These fighters should have been built in India.
Reality: Total hogwash, since licenced-production involves the GoI forking out the funds to produce the Rafale at 2.7 times more price than an off-the-shelf Rafale & licenced-production isn’t any form of industrial offsets since no money or workshare is brought back into the Indian economy, whereas the 50% indirect industrial offsets creates both a global supplier chain for Indian vendors (by spending 50% of the contract value within India), as well as enables such vendors & their French partner OEMs to co-develop new products for captive markets, such as regional commuter airliners.

Claim: The Offset Guidelines give the defence minister the responsibility to approve all offset contracts. Besides, it is no coincidence that Dassault has abandoned HAL and chosen Anil Ambani, who is known to be close to the BJP.
Reality: No industrial offsets contracts connected to the Rafale deal have as yet been approved by the MoD. They all are still being negotiated.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Claim: There is a laid down procedure for approving an IGA. This was not followed at the time Modi announced in Paris in April 2015 that he had asked France to supply 36 Rafale fighters.
Reality: The IGA was neither inked nor approved in April 2015. It was inked only in the second quarter of 2016.

Claim: The opposition has no quarrel with the selection of the Rafale. It was a mistake to bring down the numbers from 126 to just 36 fighters, leaving the IAF short of numbers.
Reality: If the INC is so worried about the depletion of the IAF’s combat aircraft fkleet strength, then why did it not approve of the re-engining of the MiG-23BNs & MiG-27Ms with AL-31F turbofans in the previous decade? This clearly is the fault of the UPA-1 govt.

Claim: The contract for 36 Rafales was concluded on highly unfavourable terms and at a far higher cost than the 2007 offer. The cost that was agreed upon was unfavourable to India.
Reality: Again, the nett cost to India of the 36 Rafales is only Euros 3.9 billion due to the existence of the 50% indirect industrial offsets content.

Claim: The CCS did indeed approve the transaction before the contract was signed in 2016, but no CCS approval had been taken by Modi before his Joint Statement with Holland in April 2015, which committed India to buying 36 Rafales.
Reality: Never in the history of independent India did any CCS oir CCPA ever have to approve a decision to begin the process of negotiating any procurement contract. Evben the creation of price negotiations committee does not require CCS approval. CCS approval is reqd only after a deal has been completely negotiated & is then only awaiting contract signature.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

IA, PA Soldiers Dance Together in Russia:

Sardar Shaukat Kashmiri:

Is China Detaining Uighurs in Secret Camps?

Arun said...

Dear Sir

One Table that you have posted about Artillery , is not understandable

This table has some data from January to August regarding Field Guns ,mortars MBRL s etc etc - Own and Enemy

If India is the "enemy " then how we come we had lesser guns in that period

Because it is the Artillery which won us the war

Please explain

Kishore said...

is india benefiting from WTO?

While WTO supports open trade, The question arises as:

how can same rules benefit Bigger and smaller countries? for example:
India vs nepal
India vs srilanka

has India lost the bargaining capability due to WTO as india has 1.3 billion population market for US/CHINESE products? on the other hand didn't chinese got the most benefit out of it and India lost the maximum market?

CSC said...


Thanks for your reply .. So bundelbaaz lives up to his track record, once again

Sujit said...

Prasun sir , what is this crap that we are hearing nowadays? First NASAM and now it real or hoax?? Cauz m seriously going to write a letter to pmo if this is real..enough of this crap.cannot resist it

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: LoLz! The bottomline is this: can it be proven in any court of law that crony capitalism is detrimental to a country’s national interest? If crony capitalism can produce more than the desired/specified results, then why not? Isn’t the showing of undue favours to sick DPSUs & giving them contracts on nomination basis instead of allowing them to openly compete on a level playing field also crony capitalism? Isn’t the proven un-commercial sinking of money into loss-making public-sector industrial entities like Air India also a form of state-sponsored crony capitalism? How can any Govt justify spending 2.7 times more than the off-the-shelf acquisition price of a licence-produced foreign-origin product & hail it as being socialism? Why did the Govt of India not procure all its Su-30MKIs directly from Russia & save the money used for setting up industrial facilities for licence-producing them & can the GoI explain how such to-be-saved money could have enabled HAL to set up brand-new final-assembly/test-n-integration facilities for producing ALHs, LCHs & LUHs in the previous decade itself that should have generated tens of thousands of new jobs? And what’s the use of licence-producing airframe & turbofan parts (not the entire airframe & turbofan, mind you, due to Russian restrictions on manufacturing technology transfer) when the aircraft tyres & cockpit canopy transparencies are not allowed for licence-production by Russia? Can a Su-30MKI take off & land without tyres & cockpit canopies? If not, then why are several ‘desi imbeciles’ now chanting the mantra of ‘self-reliance’ when in reality the most critical/crucial components of any platforms WERE NEVER allowed for indigenous production? What kind of self-reliance is this? Not only is it dubious & a ‘dhakoslaa’ (deceit), but in reality this ensure perpetual reliance on foreign OEMs for the most critical parts/components that plays the most crucial role in limiting an equipment operator’s operational sovereignty.

But of course, such ‘desi bandalbaazes’ cannot be expected to delve deep into the detail of such issues since they are not domain experts, so they just resort to rhetorical phraseologies in order to make others as confused & utopian as they themselves always are.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: In any armoured vehicle, there are 2 types of A/C: 1) air-conditioning or air filtration systems for operating in an NBC contaminated environment, & 2) air-cooling for dynamic hardware like engine, gearbox & vectronics suites. There’s no central air-cooling available for crew. But what is available are individual crew cooling systems like these:

But such systems can be used only in non-Russian armoured vehicles since vehicles of Russia-origin have extremely compact crew-stations & therefore cannot accommodate crew wearing such individual crew cooling systems. In addition, it is next-to-impossible to install new electrical wiring inside such Russia-origin armoured vehicles & therefore none of the available individual crew cooling systems can function inside such vehicles. On vehicles like Arjun this is not the problem as there is ample internal space available for installing additional hardware.

To ARUN: That table shows NOT the no of artillery units deployed, but the quantum of rounds fired from differen t artillery assets. That’s why it shows more rounds being fired by the PA especially from October 1998 till mid-1999. Indian field artillery deployments increased between late May & mid-June but the IA never engaged all its targets in one go. Instead, up to 100 howitzers opened up against one target at a time, especially the 155mm & 130mm & 195mm howitzers along with BM-21 Grad MBRL. Hence, the amount of TNT dropped over 1 target by the IA was far higher than that of the PA, which was firing at all 3 sectors (Drass, Batalik & Kaksar) in northern J & K. But overall, since the PAF did not conduct a single strike sortie, the combined quantum of TNT drooped over targets by both the IA & IAF was far greater.

To KISHORE: The WTO was structured to ensure growth for 2 types of countries: one, those who were heavily industrialised, & the other were those that relied heavily on agricultural production. In India’s case, since the manufacturing sector has remained stunted in growth terms while the agricultural sector remains the source of livelihood of far far more people than should be the case, in nett terms the WTO regulations have not been beneficial for India. But that’s not the WTO’s fault. Instead, the fault lies with India’s ‘netas’ of the 1980s & 1990s who totally failed to ensure the double-digit growth rates of India’s manufacturing sector in the 1980s & 1990s.

To CSC & SRINIVASA NANDURI RAMANUJAM: LoLz! Like I had observed before, the quantum of ‘Desi Bandalbaazes’ in India is showing exponential increases!

Prranshu Yadav said...

Sir, why this deal when we are developing Nirbhay?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To INTOLERANT PERSON: 1) That happens because the Indian agencies were nopt created through Parliamentary legislation, whereas in all other countries such agencies have parliamentary sanction. Hence, due to this, Indian agencies do not have any legal cover, nor any accountability. Consequently, when Indian agents are caught, they have no legal cover from India & therefore India has to take recourse to plausible deniability—which is disgusting in the 21st century. 2) There are no books about China’s Ministry for Public Security, China’s counterpart of the CIA. 3) The most interesting part of this thread will be uploaded over the coming 48 hours, rest assured.

To SUJIT & PRRANSHU YADAV: Of course it is fake news. That website comes out with such bullshit 99.99% of the time.

capricorn said...

Prasunda, seems like the supreme court and high court judges are all biased towards these urban naxals and always find excuses to defer judgments for the majority.

case in point is the preferential treatment meted out to these dissedents(plot to kill modi and you are a dissident only!!) and the deferring of ram temple case to next year.

when can these rats be removed. is not there a provision to check power of the courts by the parlament??

just_curious said...


1- DRDO looking for component manufacturers for aesa radar..has the uttam passed all the tests? last heard - air-ground algos were still being developed... or is it for prototypes for further testing or entirely diff aesa radars for diff purpose eg ground based aesa radar etc..

2 is bimstec turning to be a real deal from an Indian perspective to define its immediate geography & keep chinese @bay

3 This piece from economictimes looks suspiciously paid news to put seeds of doubt in people's mind[while the facts are correct but publishing them now that on the front page of economictimes 1sep 2108 ]..your take

4 today's economictimes [1st sep 2018] has an article which states that the MoD is initiating the process of procurement of @6 L assault rifles for the army [this is over n above the urgent requirement of @72k assault rifles of 7.62 x 51 type]. INteresting bit was that it states that the new RFI is for 7.62x39 mm rifles.. why should the IA do that & not stick to a consistent ammo type

just_curious said...


1 your take on the following --
can India create a base for itself in the pacific?
2 further to my earlier query on the new RFI for >6L assault rifles.. IA has a strength of @11L if @6L is for 7.62x39 & @2.5L for 7.62x51 then what about the remaining @2.5L req? can't still fathom why can't the govt standardize on a single caliber..what about the army reserve force what do they make do with?
3 why does the govt not have guts to go ahead with single vendor deals as long as they are transparent & costs are examined & on par with the prevailing mkt rates for the being jaguar engine upgrades and other similar items

Anonymous said...

Came across this article by Kai Friese of Outlook this interview of British Author Neville Maxwell who claims, and I quote:
“China Was The Aggrieved; India, Aggressor In ‘62”

Here is the full interview.

This Interviewer Kai Friese, Indian (Anglo-Indian?) and the Author seems to be playing a very dangerous & subversive game.

Would love to know your view on this if you could make time from your busy schedule.


Ashish Gautam said...

Arey sir vo bandalbaaz to baht badi chiraand hai.... Bhabi ji ghr pe hai k vibhuti bhayya se b badi chiraand....
Uski to bat ab Mai karunga he nai until unless vo koi akhnd chutiapa punah prastut nai krta....
Tank k AC system ki information k liye thanks. Litrally uski itni detail jaankari nai thi.... I thought ambient temperature control hoga usme....
Anyways 1 chiz clear krni thi regarding calibre difference in army's rifle requirement...
Is it actually 7.62*39mm for 6.5 lakh tender
7.62*51mm for other tender of 2.5 lakh guns....??
Or is it some clerical error??
In case it's different to fir q hai 2 alag alag length of ammo ki requirements??
Coz if it's same then logistically it will b easy to manage it.... & If am not wrong 51mm length vala ammo can also b used for LMGs...
Kindly clearify.
Thanks & regards.

Rajesh Mishra said...

All threads were highly interesting but this thread is most interesting especially due to its timing. I hope the PM, FM and RM read this with your replies and fire them towards the INC.

The historical logic that emerged was that : You should not purchase any Rafale, You should not purchase 36 Nos. of Rafale because they are exorbitantly costly, but you should purchase 126 Nos of Rafale.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARITRO DATA: Who is or isn’t an ‘urban Naxal’ can only be determined by undeniable material evidence being presented by any prosecution. This can take the form of communications intercepts, or captured military/explosive hardware procured by the arrested persons that were meant for supply to the Naxals, or the arrested persons acting as facilitators by offering the Maoists safe sanctuary or false identities in order to shield them from law enforcement agencies. Only that will ensure a fool-proof case for the prosecution. But so far, no such evidence has surfaced & one will have tgo wait for the chargesheet to emerge that will detail all the evidence gathered. However, past experience tells us that this is not how India’s law enforcement work. Instead of gathering iron-clad evidence & only after that proceeding to make arrests, the agencies have time & again botched up the legal processes by first arresting the suspects & thereafter proceeding to start gathering evidence, i.e. putting the cart before the horse. Thiese are thus classic 19th century law enforcement techniques.

To JUST-CURIOUS: 1) Here’s the data:

What it means is that the LRDE has completed development of a technology-demonstrator AESA-MMR in the laboratory & is now ready to graduate to the pre-production prototype development stage, which will involve both ground-tests & airborne flight-tests. So, prototype fabrication will take at least 3 years, followed by ground * airborne tests that will last another 4 years. Hence, the production-standard AESA-MMR will be available only in 2026.

2) BIMSTEC has already made rapid advanced due to Iran constructing eight dams over various rivers in Bhutan. In return, Nepal & Bangladesh have decided to become risk-sharing financial shareholders in companies that will be set up for not only the power-generation component, but also the power transmission & distribution components that will be built in north-eastern India. The road-rail links connectiong Myanmar to even Nepal & Bhutan will be operationalised as soon as tunnels now being built in Nagaland & Manipur are commissioned into service. These are often reported in TV channels of Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan & Nepal, but no TV channel in India seems interested in reporting such developments.

3) Russia rejected private-sector companies simply because since the 1950s the Soviets & now Russia have always been working with the DPSUs & PSUs in all industrial sectors. 4) Here are the 2 RFIs of IA:

7.62 x 39 SLR:


The IA is now sending confusing sngnals & it should finalise once & for all whether it wants 7.62 x 39 or 7.62 x 51.

5) Unlike other countries, India does not believe in retaining overseas bases in foreign countries. Instead, preference is shown to accessing logistics support facilities of the type in Djibouti, Singapore, Seychelles, Sabang in Indonesia, & Oman.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: On the surface, the views of Maxwell APPEAR to be convincing. But if one delves deeper into the detail, Maxwell is dead-wrong is most aspects. For instance, India published her first detailed survey maps showing NEFA (Arunachal Pradesh) & Aksai China as being part of India way back in 1954. And China published its first official maps only in 1958! And between 1954 & 1958 there was ZERO objection from China to the official maps produced by India. India would have been the aggressor had her maps shown territory that had already been claimed in official Chinese maps. But that was never the case since India;s maps appeared in 12954 whereas China’s maps came out only in 1958. Hence, factually, Maxwell is dead-wrong.

To ASHISH GAUTAM: VMT. Here are the 2 RFIs of IA:

7.62 x 39 SLR:


The IA is now sending confusing sngnals & it should finalise once & for all whether it wants 7.62 x 39 or 7.62 x 51.

To RAJESH MISHRA: VMT. Here is another report that almost demolishes all that the INC has been claiming:

But that report has some factual errors. For instance, this claim: The Rafale deal of 2016 involved a 50% offset clause that will involve 30% investment by Dassault for military aerospace R &D and 20% for manufacturing Rafale components in India. Importantly, none of the 36 aircraft being supplied to India are likely to have parts produced in India (by offset partners).

Reality: 30% R & D investment is not only by Dassault, but also by SFARAN/Snecma Moteurs & THALES. 20% manufacturing of components has nothing to do with Rafale, but has to do with Dassault’s Falcon family of business jets, as revealed here:

Military R & D component of the indirect industrial offsets also includes this:

The only Rafale-related & Rafale-specific industrial offsets component is this:

To VSJ: Data on heavy paradropping capabilities of the IAF:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Have uploaded more slides above that explain the endgame of OP Koh-e-Paima.

Rajesh Mishra said...

"The IA is now sending confusing sngnals & it should finalise once & for all whether it wants 7.62 x 39 or 7.62 x 51."

So, please tell what is your choice. I think in the flat grounds and against the enemy army it should be 7.62 X 51. But in the mountains, forests and against the terrorists it should be 7.62 x 39. Pl reply.

Just_curious said...

Thx for ur replies, so the 7.62*39 rfi is indeed correct info which means the govt seems to have planned to again planned to keep out the pvt sector since ghataak rifle of the same calibre is already made by the Ofb. the govt looks to have caved in to ofb unions pressure or the govt us hell bent on wooing them in election year. This is backhanded way of direct nomination instead of competition..

2 looks like p75i is back on the table. :)

Ashish Gautam said...

thanks for info about both calibre's sir. but if its possible to get its answer from any person sitting at higher level then do let me know.
2ndly is it possible to file a PIL in supreme court by any retired army man regarding this calibre difference increasing army's logistical burden, therefore to decrease burden & standardize 1 calibre supreme court ordering for single calibre selection which can hit enemy at longer ranges with better kill power???

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, your prediction is coming i saw news report that russian has finally offered india to jointly design and develop nuclear attack submarines..which means the official scriptplay has began..but the report also said that the russians are linking it to the p75i submarine project.this is a bit of confusion..i hope the p75i dont even get official nod.and the navy go for all ssn fleet

pimpale said...

Dear Prasun,
At the time of OP Koh-Paima all the Musharraf clique was sure that India won't retaliate,they thought that Indians don't have grit to take action ...after 2nd a July they thought that harsh environments won't permit Indians to take decisive action to take mid range and they will be forced to negotiate with Pakistan but after Clinton - Shariff declaration it was Shariff that betrayed the Pakistan...and that is general narrative in there mind...later on blame game started in between Shariff - Musharraf regarding Kargil fiasco as what army gained diplomacy and political leader ship lost it, was responsible for it ...In my opinion to musharraf wanted to prove his point that India won't go all out war with Pakistan, to avenge Kargil boost morale of Pakistan in all in his theory he carried out or tacitely approved Parliament attack ....kindly give ur insight on this.

bhoutik said...

the engine nozzles in the above photo seem unusual to a novice like me. little explainer if you have the time please...

capricorn said...

looks like scamress has completely infiltrated SC and HCs. Now son of congress leader set to become cji.


Prasun Da,

Just wanted to bring this development to your notice. A startup in Kerala has developed an APS for MBT. Not sure if MoD will accept it as they generally give preference to DPSUs & do not like to purchase from Pvt Indian Companies



Kishore said...

2 questions of historical context.

1. is nuclear tests by vajpayee govt (of course PV Narasimha rao was instrumental) a blunder or natural necessity?

2. India with it's 1.3 billion population and with worlds 5th or 6th largest GDP not in security council with veto power? what's Indian govt position on this? will india ever get that seat? why should india be in such a group if permenant security council seat with veto powers are not given? for any reason that could be shown to india for not being one, china has similar reasons that should be used to remove such a veto.

Ashish Gautam said...

Sir ye abi Mila mere Ko... Regarding environment control system to b bought for T90.
Pls iski further details btaiye ap.
Ppt ka to SB kuch smjh a gya... But in depth details ap he btaiye.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJESH MISHRA, JUST_CURIOUS & ASHISH GAUTAM: Common-sense dictates that ammo commonality exists between the imported/licence-built SLRs & the OFB-developed/-built SLRs. Consequently, the 7.62 x 51 solution is the only one that ought to be on the table. The OFB is perfectly capable of coming up with an optimum solution, provided it is allowed the final say & matters are not vetoed by the DRDO’s ARDE. For instance, the OFB was successful in developing the towed Dhanush-45 & motorised Dhanush-52 howitzers without any inputs from the DRDO, which was left to pursue matters on the ATAGS. Hence, OFB Ishapore must be fully encouraged to develop the 7.62 x 51 version of the Ghaatak SLR, while other OFBs can chip in for developing related items like 40mm UBGL, 40mm grenade rounds, night & telesxcopic sights, etc etc.

To SUJIT: There’s no money for either Project 75I or Project 76 SSKs. Only option therefore is to go for additional Scorpene SSKs fitted with L & T-built AIP module. Only this will free up money for the SSNs. As it is there’s not enough money even for the 4 projected LPHs, without which India cannot claim to be the nett security provider in the IOR. And the reason why the meeting between the MoD on one hand & Reliance/Naval Forces & L & T/Navantia was cancelled was because the MoD got wind of the fact that the Reliance/Naval Forces bid for the KPHs was cheaper & therefore would be emerge as L-1. And if this had happened at a time when the GoI was being attacked for the Rafale-related industrial offsets destined for the Dassault/Reliance grouping, then the GoI would have been facing a douyble whammy! So once again, national security reqmts had to be sacrificed at the altar of political expediency. Aisaa hi hota hai Incredible India mein!!!

To PIMPALE: The PA’s gameplan was simple: interdict NH-1A in order to have a tradeoff with India under which the IA would be reqd to withdraw from the ridgelines along the Siachen Glacier. But since such a plan would never be digested by Pakistan’s civilian decision-makers, the entire plan was presented in such a way to Nawaz Sharif & Co so as to appear as a gambit aimed at bringing the J & K issue into the international limelight. But to the detriment of Pakistan, no one bought this idea at that time because A) the US was looking at exploring all means by which it could strike a strategic partnership with India, & B) the US wanted to maintain unrelenting pressure on Pakistan so as to secure logistical & human resource support for a paramilitary plan aimed at capturing OBL from within Afghanistan. It is the second factor that compelled the US to totally reject any notion of the so-called Kashmiri Mujahideen (whose United Jihad Council was then closely allied to the Afghan Taliban regime) calling the shots in Kargil.

To BHOUTIK: Nothing unusual at all. It has been like that ever since the F-15 took to the skies. That’s exactly how the nozzles look like when any turbofan operates in military power thrust-levels.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: LoLz! I donlt see any engineerting drawings that are reqd to prove that a functioning APS has been developed. All I saw was a fan=art that does not represent any functional characteristic of an APS. Patents are applied not for aesthetic designs or CADs, but for engineering drawings & related industrial production details. And that fact it is a mere fan-art is illustrated by the poor siting of the projectile launchers & sensors for inbound projectiles. And anyone who claims that such drawings are derived from ‘mind projections’ is definitely a certified insulter of the all the physical sciences. Yet if such folks still persist that they have derived an optimum solution that defies all engineering-related logic, then they definitely need to obtain psychiatric counselling ASAP. And those who are heaping praise on such drawings & upholding it as a shining/glorious example of start-up genius are in even greater need of going back to Standard 8 for beginning to re-learn all about physics from scratch, especially those ‘Babus’ at the MoD’s Dept of Defence Production & Supplies.

To KISHORE: 1) It was a necessity as far back as the mid-1970s & had India continued testing between 1974 & 1979 as proposed by Dr Henry Kissinger, then by 1979 India would have emerged as a founder-signatory of the NPT. 2) India’s greatest mistake was to looby for China’s membership to the UNSC’s P-5 grouping since the 1950s. India can become a permament member of the UNSC with veto power ONLY IF she totally aligns herself with the West. But such a move will make both Russia & China hostile to India.

To ASSHISH GAUTAM: The ECS is what I had explained yesterday. Here’s another explanation:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Recent revelations from Malaysian External Intelligence Organisation (part of the Research Department of the Malaysian Prime Minister's Office or JPM) that shed light on Malaysia's policy regarding the South China Sea:

Latest analysis of Pakistan’s Economy:

Harsh said...


Recently I have seen pics of ghatak platoons of several regiments armed with Brügger & Thomet MP9( with sound compressor). When I did a bit of searches I found only 1568 pieces were ordered back in 2012. Is that number enough to equip all the ghatak platoons? The advertised effective range of the weapon is 100m. Does the use of sound compressor increase the range?

Sujit said...

Very truly said sir " incredible politicians of incredible india"..damn i always wonder how can they sleep peacefully at night? Dont they hv any soul and wisdom?..bjp is actually digging its own grave.kuch galat kiya nahi to darr kis baat ka..anw..i seriously wish by the time i join navy atleast they should give green light to 1st ssn

Sujit said...

Pradun sir,now su35 is also in the mmrca2 race..any guess sir who wud be winning this time?? I really wanted to know except the rate of sortie per day between su35 and rafale,is su35 as advanced as rafale?

Kaustav said...


Once again hats off to your keen sense of humour and such a tragi-comic state of affairs :-

1. The Army does not know what assault rifle, either Calibre or Quantity it wants. Ditto for howitzers
2.The MoD can't decide on purchase of LHDs because of costs and political compulsions. Ditto for submarines and other much needed acquisitions.
3.The nation could not decide whether it wanted to be a nuclear power or not, whether in 1974 or later.
4. Finally considering the above confused state of the nation and it's governing bodies and arms, it is quite natural and justified for India as an impoverished, refusing to develop nation to not be a member of the UN Security Council as we would hardly know what to do with it.

Anonymous said...

The statement in the last slide is quite startling!

More blood, their critics (Kargil operation critics) argued, of Pakistan's brave soldiers had flowed in this calamity called Kargil, than put together in the two wars Pakistan fought in 1965 and 1971.

I am shocked that more Pakistanio soldiers actually were kiled and injured in KArgil operation than 1965 and 1971 included! It never occured in my remotest imagination that this could be the case. Is that a fact or is it a exaggeration?

From that perspective, this was a bigger defeat for Pakistan Army than 1971. Amazing!!!


The Engdoc Society said...

Superb article...really really insightful on whole kargil episode...this has lead to few questions

1. Has all the shortcomings have been done away with
2. Seems PA is always on the parole for inflicting wounds on India. what possibilities and worst case scenarios exits today
3. Even the PAF, PN and air defence of Pakistan have improved post kargil scenario. What options Indian armed forces have on table if Pakistan resorts to such misadventure
4. Does in India such covet planning can ever happen supposedly some indian rogue general elevates to such post and installs his men over there
5. Do Pakistan really started preparing the nuclear arsenals or it was a hypothetical game played by Clinton administration knowing the ignorance of Nawaz Sharif
6. What benefits US got after convincing Pakistan for backing down
7. What exactly are the casualties on either discussions with some retired IA personnel who were part of Kargil war tells me the actual figures were double and triple the officially acknowledged figure...moreover that did no account the casualties suffered by BSF, CRPF elsewhere on LOC and other International border lines

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARSH: You must be referring to this:

That is the MP-9 SMG/carbine that is used for short-range/close-quarter firefights. SLRs/assault rifles are used for longer-range engagements up to 700 metres. MP-9s have been acquired in several successive tranches for the IA & Assam Rifles. The JVPC on the other hand is the SMG/carbine for the CAPFs.

To SUJIT: It is now almost confirmed that the MoD’s ‘Strategic Partnership’ policy is not meant exclusively for the provate-sector, but is also inclusive of the DPSUs. This can be both good or bad, depending on the implementation methodology applied. For instance, MDSL teamed up with France’s Naval Group can team up for building for Scorpenes that have AIP modules, while Larsen & Toubro can team up with Russia for SSBNs & SSNs. It cannot be that MDSL enter the SSBN/SSN production scene & :arsen & Toubrfo enter the SSK production arena. If such market segmentation is done, then everyone will get a share of the cake. As for P-75I project, long gone are the days when the IN could operate morte than 2 types of SSKs since the Russians do not follow the Soviet-era practice of Rupee-Rouble trade or barter trade or offering military hardware to India at rock-bottom friendship prices. The Ruskies also demand cash payment in Euros. Since this leads to a financial crunch, it is far better from a cost-benefit anaylsis standpoint to eventually operate only 1 family of SSKs, i.e. the Scorpene. A fleet of 18 AIP-equipped SSKs of the Scorpene family will be just fine, thereby enabling the Type 866EKM & Class 209/Type 1500 SSKs to be decommissioned by 2026. As for Su-35 or MiG-35 for the IAF, neither of them can as yet compete against the Rafale from either technological or operational flexibility standpoints.

To KAUSTAV: LoLz! VMT indeed, but 71 years of unabashed brainwashing & historical distortions on topics like national governance & industrial policy-making have reduced India’s polity to a bunch of delusional & arrogant self-righteous entities. Consequently, one hears outrageous remarks like “the US needs India more than India needs the US.” Little do such morons understand the hard realities of gaping power differentials! Even China does not make such outlandish claims.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: That statement is an obvious exaggeration, but what is true is that OP Koh-e-Paima thoroughly exposed the intellectual bankruptsy of both Pakistan’s military & civilian decision-makers, as well as that of the country’s national security state paradigm. I have just uploaded the last section of slides above, & what is to follow will be the lessons to be applied in future based on what had transpired in the past.

To THE ENGDOC SOCIETY: VMT. I have just uploaded the last section of slides above, which will answer some of your queries. 1) Not at all. In fact, since limited high-intensity wars will be the norm across both the LoC & LAC, there’s an urgent need to re-strucure & re-balance the armed forces of India accordingly. 2) That will be explained in the concluding part of this thread. 3) Not to the extent desired. There still exist enormous chinks in Pakistan’s armour & the military power/force differential is still in India’s favour. 4) No chance at all. Indian mindsets are totally different due to India’s perception of the world being totally different as a welfare state. In national security states like Pakistan, a siege mentality always persists & every policy-making methodology is therefore highly securitised. 5 & 6) Those are answered in the slides I’ve just iploaded above. 7) The casualties on both sides were higher if one includes the figures from areas throughout the LoC & the Working Boundary. But the casualty figures given out by both sides in 1999 were limited only to the sectors of northern J & K where OP Koh-e-Paima, OP Vijay & OP Safed Sagar were conducted.

To DASHU: That is typical of the national security state paradigm, where reality is always hidden & instead historical distortions take precedence in all walks of life. The same is the case with China as well. And this then is the end-result:

To KISHORE: Agreements like FTAs are not meant for implementation in perpetuity. Instead, periodic reviews & amendments are always carried out. As for CPEC-related financial dependency of Pakistan, China is in a vulnerable position due to its total dependency on Pakistan for accessing the contiguous air-corridor from Gwadar to Xinjiang whenever China feels the need to evacustae its citizens from either the Middle East or Africa. That part of the CPEC has not yet been made public & that’s why there was utter consternation in Beijing when the new Pakistani federal govt had stated that it will table all CPEC-related projects in Parliament. It remains to be seen whether or not the PTI will do so, but China has already objected to this. In addition, China has been applying enormous pressure on Pakistan to let go of its dreams of extracting the Kashmir Valley from India by any/all means & Beijing instead wants Islamabad to opt for conflict resolution in such a way that Pakistan gets to keep the entire PoK with itself, i.e. settling for the LoC becoming the permanent IB between India & Pakistan. For, it is only in this way that China will be able to successfully implement the CPEC & ensure contiguous air connectivity with Pakistan while at the same time permanently gain sovereignty over the Trans-Karakoram Tract, which includes the Shaksgam Valley. If China can achieve this, then this will geographically further isolate India from both Afghanistan & the Central Asian Republics, while ensuring all-weather China-Afghanistan land/air connectivity via Xinjiang. Hence, the Indian armed forces’ Two-Front War scenario of 2007 vintage is no longer valid or applicable & instead a Two-Front War scenario Version-2 has emergedm which I will explain later in this thread.

Ashish Gautam said...

Happy Krishna Janmashtami sir ji.
May God bless.

Nitin said...

Thank You for the answer WRT India status at UN . But as the history / past actions or inaction can not dictate the future of 1.3 billion people (just like the abolition of the slave trade), what decisive actions India is going to exhibit? or what kind of logic can the UN come with, not to upgrade India's status?

The following should have proper representation:

1. Germany and Japan being the world economic super powers,
2. India being the economic super power based on GDP and with the resposibility of the well
being of the 1.3 billion people (two indians among the every 11 people walking on the
3. brazil having the responsibility of taking care of huge landmass with amazon forests,
4. african Union with the huge landmass and population

on the other hand power is skewed in favour of few:

Europe has two veto powers, France and UK.
They are asymmetrical.
if France and UK can have veto power based on the GDP, so can be Germany and Japan.
Based on the population numbers they are nearly equal too. France can transfer Veto power to EU which would be logical and that should satisfy Germany too.
UK and Russia can have the SC seat and Veto power given the historical context, economy and nuclear ability and landmass.

if china and US can have veto power based on economy, population and landmass, India fits the bill in every sense. same with AU, and Brazil.

in summary, Brazil, AU, INDIA and JAPAN are the prime candidates that needs to have proper responsibility and representation.

in the current UN structure such an accommodative thing is not possible. The reasons are these 5 veto powers just do not want any reforms. so these aspiring countries should have given a notice to UN that their representation will be ended say by 2025 or 2030 just like brexit. Hope India and other countries can pull such a simple logical feat by givng notice to UN by delcaring that by 2025 India is willing to come out of UN. What do you say?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To NITIN: LoLz! What you are recommending is a suidical course, unless you want India to end up as being another North Korea-/Cuba-type country. Neither Germany nor Japan make as much noise like India about becoming permanent UNSC countries with veto power. And despite that, these 2 countries wield far more power & influence, i.e. the key to becoming an influential world power is economic prowess & excellent/decisive national governance. In both such arenas, what exactly is India's global ranking? Brazil & South Africa are not the kind of role-models that one ought to adopt, that's a given. India may well have 1.25 billion citizens, but what's the productive rate of such a large population? Has India been able to mobilise such human resources as productively as China has managed to do thus far--by both fair & unfair means?

Bottomline: the key to achieving positive global influence & clout is economic prowess/excellence, which in turn translates into decisive superiority in military power & that in turn enables one to engage in both military coersion through muscle-flexing (but not engaging in direct military contact & yet achieving the objectives) & COMBATIVE COOPERATION of the type China displayed at Depsang in 2013 & Chumar in 2014 & Doklam in 2017. Without that, nothing else is possible. And Iran & Turkey, whose economies are now in total meltdown, are realising this the hard way as the price to pay for their strategic defiance of the US. Hence, it will be far more common-sensical to stop overestimating India's strengths & stop ASSUMING that India is at the centre of the world. And BREXIT is all about economic choices, whereas UN membership isn't about such choices at all.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Croatian pistols-manufacturer seeks Indian industrial partner:

Parthasarathi said...


My question is on what basis this budgeted price of the defence procurement is fixed ? Take an example of Project 75(I) class of submarines. Total cost is estimated USD 8 Billion.

Source :

Now arguably the best submarine ( diesel-electric) of the world is Japan's "Soryu" class.

Source :

Cost of on Soryu class is less than 500 million USD.

Source :

If Japan can make a Soryu class within USD 500 million then why we are spending so much extra ?

Sir, would be obliged if you kindly put some light on this.

Best regards,
Parthasarathi DasGupta.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Dada, what the fuel tanks capacity of Arjun mk1 and mk2

just_curious said...


1 here is an interesing read - pls share your view on the same.. looks to be a steal unless there are hidden maintenance costs

2 It would be great if you could share the reason for the unexpected army downgrade of the assault rifle spec from 51 mm to 39 mm calibre

3 what can be expected as outcome for the indo -us 2+2 talks.. will comcasa be signed / final draft agreed

4 Not long ago monesweepers had been touted as esential req for IN.. they now seem to have been put in cold storage .. any updates on their procurements

5 what can be expected out of INdo -japan & indo-S Korea defence co op.. since both countries heavy rely on US for their own defence needs.. can India get a logistics base like what we have got in Oman.. also does India have an agreement eith Vietnam for such a logistcis base for the IN & IAF which cud be used against china

Unknown said...

Hi Prasun,

The narrative about winding up operations of kargil, gives a very bleak picture of Pakistan. Even today nothing seems to have changed. Don't think Pakistan will give up it's dream of at least getting kashKmir valley that easily.however, some ppl like bhadrakumar, MSA would be totally happy with converting LOC to IB.

That's the biggest fear, if Indian govt. Either upa or nda succumb to this and give up claim on what is legally ours.

I do not see any strategic vision in govt. Of India. Everything is politicised to get votes.

No economic progress, no social harmony, no national security policy.

The story about AE&WS is particularly heart breaking. Why choose a inferior plan and why set limitations to ourselfs. When will this change. Billions of dollars wasted like this and our armed forces starved for good guns, footware, decent working infrastructure, etc., Etc.

Will we ever change. We get what we deserve and the picture is not pretty, modi is pappu. God save us all.

Regarding comcasa, why the delay and will India ditch s400 for arrow or thaad?

And will MOD finally ditch dreaming of p75i, c295, A200 AE&WS and A330MRTT and choose additional scorpenes, upgrading AN32REs and boeing for refuler and ae&ws instead. Especially Boeing, It will have platform commonality with P8i and USA would be happy too.will they do it.

Srinivasa Nanduri

Ashish Gautam said...

I have a question regarding ARDE & IOF tussle.... Why govt don't keep them as a team competiting with others in any tender??
I mean ARDE+IOF on one side & others on other....
Even if they do work as a team as I think IOF produces ARDE made designs on testing stage (I can be wrong here too plz clarify if is it so) then why ARDE vetoes IOF in-house design???
Just coz of their attitude of being so called DRDO appointed scientists?? Or any other reason? Do let me know.

Enigma said...

Greetings sir.
1)Mike Pompeo and Jim Mattis are coming to India to meet our Foreign and Defence Ministers and also our PM day after tomorrow.The Defence Minister said in July that India will go ahead with the S-400 purchase,regardless of the threat of sanctions.And recent reports indicate that that position has not changed.What if we merely agree to sign COMCASA and ask them to issue a waiver for the S-400 but sign COMCASA only after the waiver has been granted?
2)Mike Pompeo and Jim Mattis will visit Pakistan before visiting India and It's interesting that they are going to Pakistan first.They cut off 300 million USD aid to Pakistan a couple of days ago.Are they going to read out the riot act and convey some sort of warning and then relay the response to India?
3)Have our war wastage reserves been replenished for the POK operation?

Arun said...

Dear Sir

The last few pages that you have loaded are absolutely beautiful

They teach some basic military concepts to civilians like us

I have become a fan of CLAUSEWITZ

Many thanks to you

And for Pakistani Generals , I would say that they come across as

Anonymous said...


1) Being non-nuclear powers, Germany and Japan are dependent on the U.S. for protection. This imposes severe restrictions on their sovereignty. All the influence that they may exercise is under this overarching constraint.

2) In order to become an independent pole of power in a multipolar world, we need a credible nuclear deterrent in addition to economic strength. One without the other is useless.

3) With over 5 times our GDP and several hundred nuclear warheads on long range SLBMs and land based missiles in 25 years time, our national power would be evident with or without UNSC permanent membership, etc. All that hard power should be what we aim for.


DAshu said...

Making LOC as IB will be the biggest blunder in Indian history for sure, But I'll wait to see you input on interesting 2 front scenario, I thought 2 front scenario was off the table, but obviously I was wrong .With this changed scenario it makes lot of sense to align with US(west) fully is the only option left for India I guess.Hope those decision makers of India read, observe and digest what you are point at.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Ashish Gautam said...

Can bluebird also transfer video in real time?? In dense EW environment?? & Can also b used as a suicide bomber??
Can it guide any laser guided munition within range of few KM if it's having any laser emitter on-board??

Anonymous said...

The more I read about this man, our ex-raw chief, the more I think he must have been turned by Pakistan's ISI.

His comments in Timesnow confirms my suspicion, I feel.

What kind of an officer of intelligence in the highest echelon would utter something like that...

I wonder what kind of harm he must have done to the countries security during his tenure!


Kishore said...

do you think India will ever get POK?

Satya said...

Prasun ji, Apparently Russia has conducted world's longest surface to air missile test Is this the ABM system that India is about to acquire from Russia? Did you have any convo with Russian officials during army 2018 in Moscow?

Ashish Gautam said...

Apki ek pic mili... On net.... Seems u had less hairs on head around 2008-09....:p :p Or b kuch Mila.... Leave it.... Past it past.... But apka enthusiasm AJ b vahi hai..... Jo pehla tha.... Very hard worker u r.....
Apart from journalism u did something related to engg etc too??

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To Parthasarathi DasGupta: 1) The price quoted for the P-75I project is inclusive of licenced-production of the SSKs, plus the cost of training the human resources for building the SSKs. Since a new SSK design requires an entirely new set of machinery for production, this adds to the cost. Instead, if an improvement of an already licence-built SSK is to be produced, then the legacy industrial production infrastructure can be utilised. So, if a variant of a Scorpene SSK were to be licence-built under P-75I, then the total project cost will be halved. 2) Contrary to popular belief, the Soryu-class SSKs are not the best SSKs, although they may well be the world’s best double-hulled SSKs. Single-hulled SSKs have lesser displacements & therefore are faster & more agile underwater. But Japan excels in producing high-precision machining equipment & this is what enables Mitsubishi etc etc to produce very high-quality propellers. Back in the 1980s the then USSR had somehow through industrial espionage managed to order a few of such machines from both Mitsubishi & Norway’s Kongsberg.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: It is enough (inclusive of the 2 externally-mounted fuel-drums) to give such MBTs a range of 450km.

To JUST-CURIOUS: 1) LoLz! If that was the case then China would have now already bought it. So let’s stay away from such absurd daydreaming. 2) There’s no logical reason for it. Perhaps the specs will be changed again when it comes close to releasing the RFPs. 3) It should be signed. There’s no logical reason from withholding signature. 4) No updates at all. 5) Why should India seek bases from Japan or RoK? The IN already has access to Cam Ranh Bay in Vietnam for logistics support & replenishment of perishables.

To ASHISH GAUTAM: DRDO does not have any scientists for weapons development. Scientists are there only for the life sciences arena. For weapons development all that the DRDO has are engineers who study foreign patents & learn from them. OFB came into being 200 years before the DRDO’s birth & therefore the OFB ought to be the leader in the field of weapons development of hardware like howitzers & their ammo, armoured vehicles, small arms & ammo. As for the SpyLite mini-UAS, all the specs are listed out in the PDF brochure. But I don’t think they will be used for military purposes & instead they will be reqd for monitoring this on-going crisis which will drive India’s farmers towards a bloodbath:

This was a disaster always waiting to happen & it will happen & until it happens, the moronic ‘netas’ who had caused all this, will never learn their lessons! So, let the mayhem now begin!!! And after seeing that videoclip, it is entirely up to you whether you want to laugh or cry about it.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ENIGMA: 1) Frankly, no one has so far come up with a convincing narrativce that explains why India requires LR-SAMs like the S-400 when the Akash-1 & Barak-8 are already being procured. India urgently requires the COMCASA because without it the IN will never come to know about the probable locations of China’s SSNs anywhere within the IOR. 2) Only Mike Pompeo & the US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff are going to Islamabad. 3) Not yet. That’s because the MoD did not release any extra funds since September 2016 for procuring the urgently-reqd stockpiles. Instead, money was directed to be sdpent from the existing defence budgets that in turn caused several contracts due for award in 2017 & 2018 to be postponed. In any case, for this GoI, there are far more urgent matters that require large-scale spending nowadays, as revealed by this very GoI here:

To ARUN: VMT indeed. But what Clausewitz had stated was in fact also stated thgousands of years ago by Chanakya/Kautilya as well as China’s Zhuge Liang.

To SATYAKI: 1) In what arenas of activity have Germany & Japan been restricted or compromised? 2 & 3) Where exactly do you see multipolarity? As far as we all can see, therw is still only 1 superpower in both economic & military terms, there’s only 1 predominant form of economic existence—the capitalist form. & there’s only 1 predominant military alliance worldwide, which is NATO. There is no other alternate form of economic existence, nor is there a COMECON or a Warsaw pact. The Russians & Chinese are the world’s worst oligarchic capitalists, with the US-Russia annual trade being worth US$13 billion & the annual US-China trade being worth US$500 billion. It is only the dumb & arse-fucked Pakistanis who are daydreaming about a multipolarity & hoping that a China-Russia-Iran-Turkey-Pakistan combine will constitute the second pole!

To KANE: LoLz! What more can expected from an IPS officer! Only in India do IPS officers get every chance to join the intelligence agencies & hence no career specialisation in intelligence matters takes place. Therefore, the end-result is always flawed assessments of the type being peddled by such retired officers from the IPS cadre.

To SATYA: No, that’s the S-500 that was test-fired.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SRINAVASA NANDURI RAMANUKAM: A fundamental quandary that has long dogged India in the realm of foreign affairs & that has become even more acute with India’s ascent in the international order is what has been referred to as India’s lack of an “instinct for power.” Power lies at the heart of international politics. It affects the influence that states exert over one another, thereby shaping political outcomes. The success & failure of a nation’s foreign policy is largely a function of its power & manner in which that power is wielded. The exercise of power can be shocking & at times corrupting, but power is absolutely necessary to fight the battles that must be fought. India’s ambivalence about power & its use has resulted in a situation where even as India’s economic/military capabilities have gradually expanded, it has failed to evolve a commensurate strategic agenda & requisite institutions so as to be able to mobilise & use its resources most optimally. India faces a unique conundrum: its political elites desperately want global recognition for India as a major power & all the prestige & authority associated with it. Yet, they continue to be reticent about the acquisition & use of power in foreign affairs. In what has been diagnosed as a “mini state syndrome,” those states which do not have the material capabilities to make a difference to the outcomes at the international level, often denounce the concept of power in foreign policy making. India had long been a part of such states, viewing herself as an object of the foreign policies of a small majority of powerful nations. As a consequence, the Indian political & strategic elite have developed a suspicion of power politics with the word ‘power’ itself acquiring a pejorative connotation in so far as foreign policy was concerned. The relationship between power & foreign policy has never been fully understood, leading to a progressive loss in India’s ability to wield power effectively in the international realm.

Cont’d below…

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

A state can promulgate law & pursue strategy once it has not only achieved a legitimate monopoly on violence but also when it is free of the coercive violence of other states. It is no surprise therefore that India’s ability to think strategically on issues of national security remains at best questionable. George Tanham, in his landmark study on the Indian strategic thought, pointed out that Indian elites have shown little evidence of having thought coherently and systematically about national strategy. He argued that this lack of long-term planning and strategy owes largely to India’s historical and cultural developmental patterns. These include the Hindu view of life as largely unknowable, thereby being outside man’s control & the Hindu concept of time as eternal, thereby discouraging planning. India’s friends & enemies have long stopped taking India seriously as a military power. A nation’s vital interests, in the ultimate analysis, can only be preserved & enhanced if the nation has sufficient power capabilities at its disposal. But not only must a nation possess such capabilities–there must also be a willingness to employ the required forms of power in pursuit of those interests. India’s lack of an instinct for power is most palpable in the realm of the military, where, unlike other major global powers of the past and the present, India has failed to master the creation, deployment and use of its military instruments in support of its national objectives. A state’s legitimacy is tied to its ability to monopolise the use of force and operate effectively in an international strategic environment, and India has lacked clarity on this relationship between the use of force and its strategic priorities.

To DASHU: Rest assured that the 'netas' have no inclination whatsoever to understand the hard realities simply because they just are not well-read & well-versed on matters like world history. Instead, they excel in engineering & causing nationwide catastrophies like this:

Harsh said...

Sir, plz tell the number of smerch MLRS in service with Indian army. Various online sources give figures from 28 to 62. Also any idea of rounds of reserve smerch rockets. Is it true that we purchased only 70km range rocket variants for smerch and not the 90km ones??

Kaustav said...

Lolz..Prasunda, great explanation on India again, As for Porkistan, their hope that hoping that a China-Russia-Iran-Turkey-Pakistan combine will constitute the second pole which could well be the very pole to be put up their aree.

Unknown said...

@ Prasun at 06:00 AM, @ Srinvias Nanduir

Symptoms have been well diagnosed. But the causes for such way word thinking in foreign policy, employment and exercise of military power etc as understood by Mr. George Tanham is misplaced and displays a lack of understanding of India. Which is not surprising given that Mr. George Tanham belongs and practices abhrahamic faith, most probably Christianity and hence confuses the concept of eternal time with lack of planning or hindu view of life as unknowable. The problem of India and its people of all religions (emphasis added) is deep rooted lack of self-confidence reflecting in their daily way of life on account of prolonged colonization. As a result India’s founding fathers failed to develop Indias grand narrative during its foundation days. They never had that sense of self respect or self confidence to establish a national grand narrative which would have acted as the backbone of the state. You can see this lack of self respect in the use of english language and not local languages, poor work ethics, dismal punctuality, poor quality of work execution, chalta hai attitude etc. Situation is such that "Ahimsa" is mistook as "unilateral nonviolence". Whereas Ahimsa also implies violence for self defense or to uphold Dharma. Dharma is again confused to mean only "religion". Ahimsa as a concept has been given such importance, due to misguided understanding, that it is still propagated to be the only & most effective tool used by MK Gandhi and congress to give India its independence. It is this lack of self-confidence and self-respect which is behind many problems affecting Indias decision makers and also the masses. Have you not seen the average indian in amazing awe of white skinned westerners including the netas? Lack of self-confidence. Exercise of power for Dharma is justified, where what is Dharma is self-defence and self-sustenance which includes use of force. Alas, lack of understanding of these concepts by mediocre minds is mistook as conceptual error in Hindu philosophy. Such is the sorry state of affairs that the Nazi “haken kreuz” is conveniently labelled by mediocre minds as “swastika” whereas it literally means “crooked cross” and has its origins not in Hinduisms but christain socialism. Its all coming out on account of lack of understanding of basic concepts.


Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

its a very out off scope question dada,
Were you ever able to ponder on or reason out why Arjuna requested for Sri Krishna instead of his army ?

Rajesh Mishra said...

Now for how many years the respected advocates are expected to fight over Rafale. Also that who is behind this? China or Pakistan? Please reply.

Anonymous said...

In the last slide under the headline "Assessments and Lessons learnt", and I quote, From a historical perspective, one of the most striking feature of Operation Kargil was how it was a repeat of the key faulty premise on which the earlier Operation Gibralter and Operation Grand Slam had been planned, that is, that India would not strike back heavily. In all three cases, the planners were overcome by desires and sentiments that prevented them from fully appreciating the realities. False foundations for war planning are often outcomes of well-meaning motives and objectives but are drained of the discipline of objectivity, of wholesome appreciation of the context.


History is indeed our abiding teacher. It broadens undertanding and strengthens critical judgement. But do we let ourselves learn from history? ... end quote.

It is indeed a mystery how within the span of a generation of Pakistan Army's actions against India, almost all their Army chiefs and generals have made similar mistakes, primerily of miscalculating how hard and sustained India's reaction would be!

1. How does one attribute this major lacunae in their military strategic thought, training and preparations, considering that they must be studing their actions and their own military history in their senior Officers Staff College and other training academies, as also in the field?

2. From the earlier slides while reading through the FCNA Commander, Ganeral Hassan of the "Kargil clique", you read about his thesis where he postulates.... the Hindu is still caste bound and is not a fighter and will always give way when pressure is put by the militaryly superior in mental make-up but even if weaker in numbers, if they are western muslim invaders, like they did for centuries before.

Their military leadership seems to think that the "hindu" Indian Army is still like the armies of centuries before and will capitulate. This also seems to be the general driving thought process while planning Op KP.

If you think that is a correct assessment, then do you think this could turn out to be another time of such false Pakistani Army bravado for another adventure.

I say this as General Joshi is appointed as commander of the 14th Corps, based at Leh instrumental in securing Kargil sector as well as the north western border.

I hope no idiot general in Pakistan there starts to think that with a Brahmin(there caste equation in assessing India's fighting forces) as the GOC 14th Corps, time is ripe for another Kasmir adventure!!!


Unknown said...

Nothing related to Defense Prasunji,but just a general talk.I have seen many people ridiculing Trump callling him Insane,racist,etc.But somehow,I agree with you on the point that how an insane could be a billionaire.
1.What's your take on his Racist attitude(as alleged)?
2.Do you think that he behaved immaturely?
3.What's the best point you like about him?
Thanks sirji in advance.

Ashish Gautam said...

Hi sir...
Hope u r fine.
I have a question for u.
Looking at upper caste agitation against atrocities act overrulling by bjp... U think that BJP would be able to save it's govt in MP & Chtisgrh??
Coz Raj is already gone out of its hands...
TMC has strong hold in bengal...
So in MP & Chattisgarh is it possible??
Shivraj also giving mindless statements...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARSH: It is 36 mobile autonomous launchers.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: LoLz! The answer was given by Napoleon Bonaparte, who had once remarked that he would rather have an army of Donkeys led by a Lion, instead of an army of Lions led by a Donkey!

To RAJESH MISHRA: You must be referring to this PIL:

The Supreme Court will dismiss the PIL as soon as the PIL applicant that he is not in possession of any material evidence which proves that the Rafale deal was mala fide. And this is especially so after it has been officially revealed by the GoI that the CAG is already conducting an audit of the Rafale deal. Consequently, the Supreme Court has no legal grounds for issuing any stay order. Neither China nor Pakistan is behind this. Instead, those Indian citizens who are congenital retards are behind this, inclusive of the INC party-members.

To KANE: Have uploaded 3 more slides about which many Indian citizens are not aware of. They contain very interesting insights.

To INTOLERANT PERSON: 1) I have yet to come across any evidence of POTUS being a racist. 2) Since he is not a career politician, his behaviourisms can’t be stereotyped with those of career politicians. 3) He is delivering what he had promised to do during his campaigning. In fact, under his presidency the US economy is booming & there’s now no dearth of jobs in the US. The average US citizen is very happy with such a state of affairs since he/she now firmly believes that the US govt is delivering on its part of the social contract that it had forged with its citizens. One only wishes that India’s politicians would learn some lessons from this.

Jasgill said...

Sir your reply to HARSH IA have only 36 smerch MLRS. My question only 36 smerch MLRS are enough or can smerch are perfectly perform on china border

just_curious said...


1 Read this.. .. if true its is moronic on the part of IA planners who keep changing specs. how could they not know the tentative costs of acquiring 51mm calibre weapon earlier? I still feel that the change is to keep the OFB unions happy in election year @the cost of national security.. your take? there was no hurry to open an RFI now it could have waited for another 6 months post elections.. the procurement already has been delayed by decades

2 HTT 40 has gone cold post departure of parrikar.. is it because it is perceived as his pet project & hence the subsequent def ministers do not want to pursue it lest he gets the fame?

3 what do you make of this -- if true.. is US on the verge of another change of track ...

Anonymous said...

COMCASA is signed. What are the full implications for India?

What are the positives and the pitfalls of signing it, from the perspective of USA's America First worldview?


Anonymous said...


Now that India has signed the CISMOA,

1) How will this affect the assistance we have been receiving from Russia with nuclear submarines, SLBMs and related tech. ?

2) Will the U.S. eventually be able to armtwist GoI into imposing severe limitations on the size of our nuclear deterrent (no MIRV, etc) so as to prevent us from having a standalone credible minimum deterrent vis a vis PRC ?

3) What about possible U.S. penetration into the C&C for our SFC?

4) Would this give extra leverage to enable the U.S. to restrain us from nuclear retaliation in the case of the first use of a tactical nuke by Pakistan?

5) What happens to the Super Su-30 program as well as our planned acquisition of the S-400?


Newcomer said...

Sir i have a question way off topic..
Regarding ISRO spy case..
Do you think Nambi Narayan is innocent..?
If so, then didn't India went through a serious sabotage process?
Then why aren't any one responsible gets arrested or not even a re inquiry is conducted..?
Is Nambi Narayan innocent or he is out only to save the moral and prestige of ISRO..?
Our judiciary is flexible like rubber to those who have money and power that is been proven by Salman khan time and again..
Please do care to respond..

Enigma said...

Greetings Sir.
1)India signed COMCASA today.I found this extract of the joint statement interesting: "Noting the importance of infrastructure and connectivity for the Indo-Pacific region, both sides emphasized the need to work collectively with other partner countries to support transparent, responsible, and sustainable debt financing practices in infrastructure development."There were reports a few months ago that India,America,Japan and Australia might create a new alternative to the BRI.Is this an indication of that?And what form will it take in your opinion?
2)The US cancelled USD 300 million aid to Pakistan a few days ago.Pakistan supported Iran's stance(against the US)a few days ago.Pompeo said that US would closely watch what the IMF would do and warned against the possibility of the loan being usd to pay off debt to China.When Pompeo went to Pakistan yesterday,he was welcomed by a low ranking official(he was welcomed by India's foreign minister herself in comparison).And a couple of days ago,Zalmay Khalilzad(who is very anti-Pakistan and called it a state sponsor of terrorism)was appointed as the US special advisor to Afghanistan.It seems as though the America-Pakistan divorce has been finalized.Is the endgame near?How do you see this playing out in the coming weeks and months?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JASSS GILL: MBRLs & MLRS are area-saturation weapons & therefore they are always used over flat terrain, like the plains. They are totally ineffective over mountainous terrain. Thjerefore, China has NEVER used MBRLs anywhere along the LAC. Instead, the PLA’s heavy MBRLs are all deployed along the grasslands/steppes facing the Central Asian Republics, in Xinjiang & in Qinghai & Inner Mongolia.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Due to the absence of coherent Operational Instructions (war directives) from the MoD, the IA is at a loss when it comes to articulating its force modernisation plans. The same is the case with the IAF & IN. That’s precisely why each armed service is procuring different types of software-defined radios & tactical data-links. All this at a time when it has been proven since the early 1990s that in future wars, airpower will be the predominant game-changer. And yet we see the IA’s Aviation Corps not being strengthened & expanded—something that even the Soviets realised in the late 1980s & created their own Army Aviation ai-assault units after drawing the correct leasons from the Afghan war. As for SLRs, if 7.62 x 39 is the chosen option, then that should apply to both imported & home-grown SLRs. One cannot operate both imported 7.62 x 51 SLRs & indigenous 7.62 x 39 SLRs at the same time. 2) Both HJT-36 & HTT-40 were redundant in the previous decade itself when it was decided to go for the Hawk Mk.132 AJT & the PC-7 Mk.2 BTT. And those civilian decision-makers who persisted with sinking money into the HJT-36 & HTT-40 projects should be imprisoned for displaying criminal negligence, as should those who in the early 1990s prevented HAL from developing the HTT-35 BTT. 3) There’s no change at all. And here’s why:

So, no matter what kind of twists & spins the delusional new Pak Minister for Foreign Affairs tries to give, the future scenario for Pakistan in the international arena is quite bleak. In the end, the PA will be reduced to a supplier of expendable cannon-fodder for the Saudi Arabia-l;ed coalition that’s involved in fighting against Iran’s proxy wars in the Middle East/West Asia & this in turn will enrage Iran even further.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: Inking of COMCASA was NEVER about if, but when. And that was because India had already started building the infrastructure reqd for implementing COMCASA since 2009 by first inking the White Shipping Agreement with the US, followed by building 1) Indian Information Management and Analysis Centre (IMAC) in Gurgaon; & 2) National Command Control Communications and Intelligence Network (NC3I Network). The NC3I network and IMAC are also linked with the prestigious National Maritime Domain Awareness (NMDA) project. In the NMDA project, the NC3I network functions as the communications backbone, & the IMAC is the nodal centre but will in the near future be rechristened as the NMDA Centre. All servers & connectivity-related hardware for both NC3I & IMAC were supplied by CISCO & Raytheon. Now, such hardware will be networked with those of the US & Japan for developing a Common Operating Picture (COP) and a Single Integrated Air Picture (SIAP) in the IOR, inclusive of real-time inputs from the US-Japan ‘Fish Hook’ SOSUS network that I had explained back in 2016. The India-based servers will now be fitted with both encoders & decoders to enable compatibility with the US-/Japan-based servers. Thus, a network will be created to ensure seamless & real-time maritime domain of awareness for India, Japan & the US. This network will be totally different from the IN’s own tactical network that uses the IN-specifc LINK-2 channel of data/imagery/comms connectivity & standalone servers & hence the IN’s operational secrecy protocols won’t be compromised in any manner—which almost all ICT-illiterate ’desi patrakaars’ (cock-sucking scumbags) can’t figure out & hence they write outlandish fairy-tales about India’s networks being compromised by COMCASA, or India being denied advanced military hardware due to non-signature of COMCASA. In reality, COMCASA was never about accerssing advanced hardware of US-origin, but it is all about network connectivity in order to optimise the conduct of network-centric warfare. For learning more about all this, do go through these:

To KRITAVARMA: 1) The India-Russia military-technical/military-industrial cooperation is hardware-oriented, whereas the COMCASA is software-centric/network-centric, as I’ve explained above to KANE. They are two exclusive domains without any form of interference. 2) Why should such a scenario ever exist? Those are unwarranted & ill-informed fears. 3) I’ve explained above why that is an impossibility. 4) Again, unwarranted & ill-informed fears. 5) The Super Su-30MKI upgrade will proceed as planned, that I’m 100% sure of. As for the S-400 LR-SAM, let’s see what emerges in the coming days ahead.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To NEWCOMER: There NEVER was any such case of espionage. It was all a frame-up & tyhere never was any credible case. The judiciary can deliver verdicts only on the basis of evidence presented in a court of law. Once cannot blame the judiciary iof witnesses turn hostile by being ‘bought off’.

To ENIGMA: 1) That is already on the works. An announcement it will be made in the near future. 2) That aid was cancelled last January itself, it is not a new cancellation. As for what the future holds out for Pakistan, here are some assessments:

Also, if you see the photos of today’s meetings of the Indian & US civilian & military officials, you will see that officlals from the USMC were present at the delegation-level talks, meaning joint amphibious exercises near Tuticorin are now in the works. Japan too is interested in staging such joint exercises.

And finally, we have a 'desi patrakaar' claiming earlier today that military exercises between India and the US date back to 1992. In reality, the exercises began in October 1963:

A precedent-making operation will take place in India during November. A US/UK/Indian exercise (SHIKSHA) will seek to. (1) augment, exercise, and improve the Indian air defense system, (2) train Indian air defense personnel, and (3) familiarize US and UK personnel with operating conditions in India. One USAF Hghter squadron, two mobile USAF radar units, and one RAF fighter interceptor squadron will deploy to India. In addition, Australia will provide some .communication personnel and aircraft.

From 26 October to the 20 November 1963 the Indian Air Force held an air defense exercise called SHIKSHA. In addition to IAF Hunter, Gnat and Canberra units; the RAAF fielded a Canberra detachment, 64 Squadron, RAF a Javelin detachment out of Kalaikunda,and the USAF an F-100 Squadron, the 356th TFS out of Hindon.

Ashish Gautam said...

Sir why there was no announcement on CAATSA & S400 deal future?
Coz v have promised earlier to Russia about purchasing it so y no announcement??
Still bone of Contention or USA offered arrow/thaad?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Programmes aired to celebrate Pakistan's Defence Day yesterday:

Speech of Pak PM at GHQ:

Speech of PA’s COAS at GHQ:


Mianwali Air Base:

Masroor Air Base:

PN’s Ormara Cadet College:

Pratap said...

Prasun ji, What is this defence day celebration about? Saving Lahore? Are Pakistanis so illiterate that they believe in whatever shit PA feed them? Lahore was within the firing range but IA did not move forward as ceasefire was declared a day after IA had captured Dograi 10 km away from Lahore. So losers pre-empted a possible fall of Lahore, announced ceasefire, and thus claiming to have saved Lahore lol what kind of (sorry to use this word) chutiya mulk is this

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRATAP: Yes, indeed it is a ‘Chutiya Mulk’ that weaves its own revisionist national narrative & worships the ‘Qaatil-e-Azam’ as the Qaid-e-Azam. And that’s also why the PA’s COAS paused in his speech after praising the ‘freedom fighters’ of ‘Occupied Kashmir’, which was the signal for the gathered audience to symbolically clap (watch his speech if you don’t believe me). Of course the COAS fails to mention which ‘Occupied Kashmir’ he’s talking about, i.e. whether it is J & K or PoK. But most hilarious was the speech yesterday of PM Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi in which he claimed that the history of Greece was ‘Greek Mythology’ & that the greatest kingdom to exist thus war in this world was the Riyasat-e-Medina—all this of course being what his so-called ‘Sufi’ wife has been drilling into him! It will thus be interesting to watch the West’s reaction to such a running down of the West’s civilisational past, as well as reactions from the Arabs, who have always taken strong exception to the average Pakistani’s claim of being more pious & pure than all the other Muslims of the world. And last but not the least, here’s a prediction about Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi:

Pakistan's official narrative of 1965 states that since J & K was disputed territory, India had no right to counter-attack across the IB & should have kept hostilities limited to only J & K. The 'chutiyaas' conveniently forget that no one, not even the UN, considered or leballed J & K as disputed territory & both India & the UN always had stated that J & K was an integral part of India & therefore an attack against J & K constituted an attack against entire India & therefore India had the right to retaliate at a time & place of her choosing. Here's the revisionist & self-righteous narrative of the 1965 war:

In reality, it was Pakistan that suffered the most, because after the war the US imposed a military embargo on Pakistan for 10 years, whereas the US by 1967 had supplied India ALL the weapons & sensors that India had ordered in 1964-65, all of which severely depleted Pakistan's war-waging capabilities by 1971.

Anonymous said...

Prasun sir,
1) Why doesnt India consider Denel Rooivalk attack heli with an arrangement similar to what turkey did for its T 129 ATAK heli platform ? ( Now Denel has been taken off blacklist)
2) Should DRDO revive Bhim SPH project with Denel or stick to L&T K9 thunder ?
3)Denel is in financial mess....shouldnt our public or pvt defence players take advantage of this ?( whether buying good platforms completely just like kalyani did for its artillery manufacturing with RUAG or possibly take over if possible)
4) I've read pakistan is showing some interest in Rooivalk heli....n since this Denel project is not commercially successful.....india shud show some interest ( this Rooivalk platform was on my mind for a very long time even before india went "apache")


Kishore said...

pakistan never failed to convey good news to us

Ashish Gautam said...

Ek hypothetical sawallll...
Bs itna bta dijiye ki under leadership of Modi (beyond 2019) do u see any full fledged war between Bharat & Muslim Pakistan triggered by anything like another Mumbai or massive 93 blasts etc??
If it happened, what fate u foresee for both nations?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANMOL: 1) It is too late now for anything else since both the IAF & IA have opted for the Boeing AH-64E Apache Longbow & in addition the homegrown LCH too is under development. Furthermore, the Rudras of the IA too is now in series-production. So, all in all, a huge number of HELINA ATGMs will be acquired, along with AGM-114 Hellfires. In fact, the IA should now start working with companies like Cyient & Bluebird to co-develop helicopter-launched mini-UAVs for battlefield surveillance. 2) The Bhim SPH project is permanmently closed, now that the K-9 Vajras have been ordered. 3) Actually, DENEL has nothing worthwhile to offer to India. Indian OEMs like Kalyani Group & TATA & OFB are far more capable than DENEL today & can deliver PROVIDED weapons development projects are conceived & steered & overseen jointly by the OEMs & the armed services. For example, Kalyani Group, DRDO & NAMMO of Norway can today easily develop hardware like this:

To KISHORE & KAUSTAV: Those who continue to insult humanity (like the present-day regime led by Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi is doing) can never be sheltered by any religion. Instead, they always end up as perpetrators of religiosity-inspired bigotry. That’s the writing on the wall & that’s exactly why India should make it clear to Pakistan that now is not the time for any talks/discussions, leave alone negotiations. In fact, what India’s MEA spokesperson should have remarked yesterday (in response to the statement of the PA’s COAS about seeking ‘revenge’ for those Pakistanis killed along its borders) was that the this was an admission by Pakistan about its poor state along all 3 of its borders—with Afghanistan, Iran & India—where Pakistan-origin terrorists are the real causes of all such incidents along all 3 borders. Unfortunately, India’s civilian decision-makers are not at all well-versed in information warfare & hence such God-given opportunities are never exploited. Meanwhile, China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi is now in Pakistan on a 3-day visit—very unusual for the rather long-duration visit. It will therefore be a stock-taking visit by Wang Yi & during this visit he will also do some straight-talking about keeping the real military-specific CPEC projects under wraps (instead of tabling them in Pakistan’s Parliament) & also for sorting out the particulars of Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi’s forthcoming official state visit to Beijing.

To ASHISH GAUTAM: O yaar, nuclear weapon-states NEVER engage in full-fledged war or all-out conventional war. Instead, as far as possible, they engage in non-contact war in the domains of space, cyberspace, economy and information-related perception management & combative diplomacy, i.e. psychological warfare.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

More programmes on PAF Day yesterday:

PAF weapons displayed at Peshawar & Lahore:

Ashish Gautam said...

Acha ok. Thonkuuu.😁😁.
Gudnyt, ab sone ja Raha hu.

Kaustav said...

VMT, as usual excellent analysis. But I believe we should as a people stop commenting on those SOBs while they stew in their own juices.
The following could matters can be best explained by you : -
1. The long period of 67 months which will be taken for the only RAFALE with India specific enhancements to be type certified should make it quite clear to our indigenous LCA Fans about what it is going to take to make MK1, Mk1As FOC/combat ready and then MWF/Mk2 let alone the AMCAs.
2. The Pralay missile is to be tested this month but a larger area is to be evacuated than before. Why? If it is simply a SRBM based on solid fuel PDV/ or a 2 stage solid fuel Prithvi, then protocols to follow should remain the same. Unless it is not something like the Russian Iskandar or the American ATACMS. Could you shed some illumination on what PRALAY is?

just_curious said...


pls share your views on the following 2 articles,-ending-dependence-on-India-for-trade-570459 .. how it impacts future of indo nepal relations .. sounds far fetched ..

long ago drdo had initiated a project to replace the isreali lahat missile for arjun & had shared some reports on successful trails .. there has been no reports since then .. any updates on it? missile firing capability was 1 of the key upgrade req requested by the IA for arjun

Kishore said...

finally good news on maldives, better late than never but alas it is not from india but from big boss as india's manuevers invite chinese risk.
Hope US/UK/EU block maldives tourism and flights and currency.

Kaustav said...

The Nammo Artillery shell looks like a Brhmos...Concept logic breeds similarities.

Anonymous said...


1) If nuclear powers only fight conflicts in the cyber, space and psychological domains, how can we ever hope to capture PoK by force ?

2) How accurate are estimates of Pakistan having approx. 150 nuclear warheads? I recall you saying that they have only a dozen or so strategic warheads and some more tactical weapons.



Which branch do u believe , of pakistan armed forces can give tough fight to its indian counterpart- army, NAVY or air force in case full blown war breaks out in any theatre????

Just a simple question sir , ignoring all other factors and only considering the capabilities of each forces


This bandalbaaz is at his best yet again sir

Why don't u counter him face to face

Unknown said...

Hi Prasun,

Thank your for your reply.

Have another one.

Nepal has done military drills with china, signed totally nonsensical deal of port access with china, seemed more like reluctant partner in bimstec and now refused to be part of military drills under bimstec.

It has also spoken to Pakistan about reviving saarc minus india.

So, second wicket after Maldives out for India?

Srinivasa Nanduri

Pratap said...

Prasun ji, thank for the reply.
Pls explain the following -

1) What is America's long term policy wrt to dealing with Pakistan? One year has gone since Trump announced his South Asia policy but there's no change in Pakistan's behaviour. Taliban khan has already declared that Pakistan will not fight someone else's war. How long before US patience runs out and it finally decided to destroy terror hideouts (at least those that are focused on Afghanistan) in Pakistan itself as Pompeo had warned when he was CIA chief?

Also a linked question, Are strategic agreements being signed between India and US a prelude to some big event that might happen in the future like the one that happened after Soviet India trety of 1971?

Anonymous said...

Prasun sir,
In recent tender cartridge specification for assault rifle has been specified as 7.62×39mm....n there are some news reports abt Russia offering AK-103 to my ques is why we r nt asking fr AK 15 instead of AK- 103.....recently armenia has signed a contract for licence manufacture of it with Russia.

Ashish Gautam said...

Ye log itni bandalbaazi Bhari bkchodia laage kha se hai bhaiyya??? Or log junko kuch detail pata nai hai bechare inki baton mein easily aa jate hai...

just_curious said...


nepalese PM is becoming a slippery customer [maybe wants to live upto his name literally oli---oily] to with China turning nepal into away from india & also the way china jumps to support its 'f(r)iend', why isn't india being more proactive towards taiwan .. eg cud start with this & then take it further as to make Chinese squirm ...

will the jag engine upgrade ever happen ..'coz if they are expected to be used only until @2032 then there is hardly 10 years of useful life remaining with the re-engine process taking up @3yrs..

just_curious said...

can you clear the air about assualt rifle procurement.. if its 7.62x39 the why the recent hoopola over ak 103 when u already have ghataak [the govt seems to be bent on rewarding the order to OFB anyways]...
also what happening here ..
had thought that the IA team which had gone for evaluation was meant for the 7.62x51 mm rifle evaluation..
what is the caliber for CQB's is it 7.62x39 or 5.56x45[the thales rifle currently only comes in 5.56 caliber]

Arpit Kanodia said...


What's your opinion on this

On 22 July 2015 the Supreme Court of Pakistan suspended Bibi's death sentence for the duration of the appeals process.[37][38] In November 2015, Bibi's lead attorney, Naeem Shakir, announced that, after two postponements in 2015, the Lahore High Court would hear an appeal in Bibi's case on 26 March 2016.[39] The hearing was rescheduled for 13 October 2016, but on that morning when it was the turn of the case "Asia Bibi against the state", one of the three members of the bench of judges of that section -Iqbal Hameedur Rehman[40]- refused to be part of the bench[41], which led to the postponement of the hearing to an undetermined date. The Judge later resigned in a handwritten letter addressed to Mamnoon Hussain, the President of Pakistan, without stating any specific reasons for his resignation.[40] On 26 April 2017, chief Justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar declined a request for the hearing of the case of Asia Bibi in the first week of June made by her Muslim lawyer Saiful Malook.[42]

Minority Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti said that he was first threatened with death in June 2010 when he was told that he would be beheaded if he attempted to change the blasphemy laws. In response, he told reporters that he was "committed to the principle of justice for the people of Pakistan" and willing to die fighting for Noreen's release.[6] On 2 March 2011, Bhatti was shot dead by gunmen who ambushed his car near his residence in Islamabad, presumably because of his position on the blasphemy laws. He had been the only Christian member of Pakistan's cabinet.[46]

Rajesh Mishra said...

(1) Is it that AK-103 is most reliable and cheaper.
(2) Is there any latest report which claims that 7.62*51 is not worth its salt for use in the front line. Kindly reply.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ARPIT KANODIA: That shows how ‘free’ that cursed country’s judiciary is. And the irony is that neither the Holy Prophet nor does the Quran prescribe any such blasphemy laws. These laws or edicts were all born during the reign of various Caliphates & therefore they never had any divine sanction. Hence, all those who today invoke divinity by stoking mis-placed sentiments of religiosity & related bigotry (like all those Pakistan-based groups/tanzeems) are in fact expediting the self-destruction of all those countries who are self-proclaimed ‘Islamic Republics’. This is a foregone conclusion.

To AMIT BISWAS: LoLz! If the PA, PN or PAF could have given India a tough fight, then they would never have felt the need to raise various Jihadi tanzeems. The very reason they were raised is that Pakistan after 1971 & after 1999 never wanted to puck up a military fight with India since they suffered huge psychological reverses in both 1971 & 1999. In the slides above, it is clearly mentioned that even in 1999 the PA was convinced that in the years ahead India will prevail over Pakistan in every conventional warfighting sphere, i.e. the differentials will be un-bridgable.

To SATYAKI: 1) Of course, because of the UNSC resolution No.47 which clearly states that Pakistan as the aggressor must remove all its citizens from PoK. Hence, if the limited war were kept limited to only the WB & LoC then no one will raise the nuclear bogey, since nuclear WMDs can be justifiably used only if aggression is committed against a country’s sovereign territory. Pakistan unlike India considers J & K disputed territory. 2) To date, no one has conclusively proven the maximalist estimations of Pakistan’s nuclear WMD arsenals.

To KISHORE: Here are a few more programmes aired over the past 48 hours:


Pakistan Navy:

Balochistan Freedom Movement inside India:


IA Trains Foreign Cadets

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: The Pralay will be solid-fuelled SRBM that will contain loitering projectiles with terminal guidance sensors within it & hence its ground-strike footprint will be greater. Hencve the need for sanitising a greater quantum of landmass for range safety reasons. Essentially, the Pralay is a Shaurya but with reduced quantum of internal fuel so that greater internal space is available for the terminally-guided loitering projectiles. Meanwhile, this project has been dragging on since 2015 with no end in sioght as yet:

And why is the Chinese FM meeting the PA’s COAS if everything is honky-dopry in Nasyaa Pakistan:

To JUST_CURIOUS & SRINIVASA NANDURI RAMANUKAM: The Nepal-China agreement refers only to the export of Nepal-built goods to those overland ports & seaports. If goods from China’s seaports were to traverse from southern China vua TAR into Nepal, the transportation costs will be horrendously expensive. It is far cheaper to import goods arriving at Kolkata port & then have them transported by land to Nepal & that’s why Indian Railways is now conducting survey work to establish a rail-line from Raxaul in Bihar rioght up to Kathmandu. Hence, the China-Nepal agreement is only for symbolic purposes & has no substantive value attached to it. Re-engined Jaguar IS with DARIN-3 avionics suite will be flightworthy for another 20 years & not 10 or 13 or 15. Cooperation on space applications matters involving India, Israel & Taiwan has already being going on since the previous decade, but folks in India don’t talk about it much.

The Indian and Nepali Prime Ministers signed a memorandum of understanding for a preliminary survey of a 100km Raxaul-Kathmandu railway. In 2012, China overtook India as Nepal’s largest contributor of foreign direct investment. Since 2015, a period when the Nepal-India border was blocked and the relations between the neighbouring countries were at a low point, the Himalayan country has actively sought Chinese assistance to strengthen its trade and transit relations with China. In May 2017, Nepal signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with China to participate in the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) but the biggest breakthrough came this year in June when Oli visited Beijing. The two sides agreed to build the trans-Himalayan Kerung-Kathmandu railways. Though there are more than 50 flights a week connecting Kathmandu with Chinese cities, the railways are expected to be a game-changer in bilateral relations—a point made in the joint communiqué after Oli’s visit. Since the 1950s, China’s primary concern in Nepal has been to prevent it from being used as a base for Tibetan activism. But the Chinese engagement has broadened in recent years. China wants to see that Nepal, like other smaller south Asian countries, becomes an important participant in the economic networks it is creating across Asia. India is doing the same with regional groupings such as BIMSTEC.

To JUST_CURIOUS: Projectiles launched from EMRGs are dumb-rounds as of now & have not yet been tested anywhere with rocket propulsion. So that makes mincemeat of any claims by China about EMRG-launched rocket-assisted projectiles. Secondly, no one has as yet perfected any terminal guidance sensors for such projectiles & without them the projectiles will go haywire & land at least a few km away from their intended targets. The future therefore belongs to field artillery & naval rocket-assisted projectiles like the ones already developed by the US, Italy, UK & now Norway.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: Here’s the big picture:

As per the IA HQ’s Weapons & Equipment Directorate, total requirement is for 7,68,496 units of 7.62mm assault rifles worth US$1.9 billion for the IA’s 382 infantry battalions and 50,035 SLRs for the IAF and IN, 3,76,680 units of 5.56mm CQB carbines for the IA and 41,655 for the IAF and IN, 41,005 7.62mm LMGs for the IA plus 2,727 for the IAF and IN, and 5,569 8.6mm x 70 sniper rifles. The first tender in 2011, for a dual-calibre SLR chambered for two types of ammunition (7.62mm x39 and 5.56mm x 45) was withdrawn in 2015. A second attempt, in 2015, to buy modified INSAS-1C SLRs was scrapped after the IA opted for a SLR chambered for the heavier 7.62mm x 51 round in 2015. The purchase of 1,300 units of 9mm MP-9 carbines/sub-machine guns for select ‘Ghaatak’ infantry platoons and 1.3 million rounds of accompanying ammunition initiated in 200 under FTP procedures attained closure only in 2015. Switzerland's Brugger & Thomet, Israel Weapon Industries and H & K were vying for the $4.44 million contract. As of now, the SLRs and CQB carbines will be ‘Made in India’ under the categorisation of ‘Buy and Make (Indian)’ through both the Ordnance Factory Board (OFB) and private industry at an estimated cost of ₹12,280 crore. RFIs for these were issued in June 2016. Out of this grand total, the procurement of 72,400 7.62mm x 51 SLRs and 93,895 5.56mm x 45 CQB carbines for Rs.3,547 crore (US$553.33 million), 17,000 units of 7.62mm LMGs for all three armed services for ₹1,819 crore (US$283 million) and 5,719 sniper rifles along with 5,500 telescopic night sights (using uncooled thermal imagers and being MIL-STD-1913 compliant so that they can be fitted on Picatinny rails) for the IA and the IAF for about ₹982 crore (US$152 million) will be procured through the fast-track procedure (FTP).

The 400,000 AK-103 7.62mm x 39 SLRs are reqd ONLY for 50 Assam Rifles Battalions, 20 CRPF Battalions, 20 BSF Battalions and 62 Rashtriya Rifles Battalions to replace their existing AK-47s acquired from Bulgaria’s KINTEX since the early 1990s.

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...



S&T Motiv


Sig Sauer

For the SLR and CQB carbine propcurements through the FTP route, the IA had issued RFPs to 17 foreign OEMs in February 2018. The OEMs included Sig Sauer of Switzerland, Kanpur-based MKU with THALES of France, Caracal of the UAE, and Reliance Armaments teamed with S & T Motiv of South Korea. FN Herstal of Belgium and Germany-based Heckler & Koch refused to bid. US-based Colt Firearms & Italy’s Beretta withdrew from the competition in May 2018. These OEMs were opposed to contract clauses like parking nearly 15% of the value of the contract as a performance bank guarantee, the removal of the force majeur clause which allows an OEM to suspend a contract due to unforseen consequences like war or a natural disaster and the requirement for the winning OEM to deliver the first batch of 25,000 SLRs and carbines in the first nine months and the remainder within three months. This deadline can be extended only by another three months after which financial penalties kick in. Nevertheless, in May 2018 a nine-member "empowered committee", headed by an Army Brigadier, went to the US, Australia, South Korea, Israel and UAE to conduct on-site firepower trials.

Cont'd below...

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The IA under the FTP route in late 2010 had failed to finalise the import of 1,000 sniper rifles worth US$12 million for the Para SF despite evaluating Finland’s bolt-action SAKO TRG-22/24, Israel Weapon Industries’ semi-automatic Galil 7.62mm x 54 sniper model and Sig Sauer of USA’s SSG-3000 bolt-action, magazine-fed rifle. Comparative firing trials of these rifles were conducted in late 2009 in the respective countries by an IA team led by a Major General. Sig Sauer, however, under a special albeit inexplicable waiver granted by then Defence Minister A K Antony was permitted to conduct firing trials at the Infantry School in Mhow in April 2010. The IA’s QRs drawn up in support of the sniper rifle requirement in its tender issued in August 2009 was framed by ill-informed officers of the Infantry Directorate at Army HQ with seemingly little or no field experience. Surprisingly, the QR mandated no accuracy standard for the sniper rifles at a minimum strike range of 800 metres—the fundamental requirement for such a weapon system—but absurdly required them to be fitted with a bayonet. For the latest requirement for 8.6mm x 70 sniper rifles, RFIs were first sent in December 2016 to Blaser Jagdwaffen GmbH of Germany; Steyr Mannlicher of Austria; SIG Sauer of Switzerland; Israel Weapon Industries of Israel; Kalashnikov Concern (Izhevsk Machinebuilding Plant) and KBP Instrument Design Bureau of Russia; Armalite and Barrett Firearms Manufacturing of the United States; and Nexter and PGM Précision of France.

The CRPF requires 900 bolt-action sniper rifles worth Rs.20 crores. In early 2012, five vendors—including Germany’s Walther, Switzerland’s Brugger and Thomet, South Africa’s Truvelo, Italy’s Sako/Baretta and a Czech manufacturer—were then vying for the tender dispatched in 2010. Competitive firing trials were conducted at the CRPF’s Kaderpur firing range in Haryana on the Delhi-Sohna road. This procurement was re-tendered after an earlier attempt by the CRPF to acquire 807 sniper rifles—433 bolt-action and 374 semi-automatic models—was summarily rejected in 2010 after the Qualitative Requirements were rejected on operational grounds. Brugger & Thomett, Russia’s Rosoboronexport, Germany’s Heckler & Koch and South Africa’s Truvelo were then competing for this contract. The QRs for the re-tendered sniper rifles were finalised by sharp-shooters from the National Security Guard who regularly practise their marksmanship and related disciplines with their 180-odd H & K PSG1A1 weapons inducted into service shortly after their raising in 1986.

OFB’s EOU for Sniper Rifle

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

Seems you and this gentleman are on the same page.

Anonymous said...

The 4th foundational agreement that US wants India to sign ie. Basic Exchange and Cooperation Agreement for Geo-spatial Cooperation (BECA):
1. What exactly is the give and take in Giospatial data?
2. Does India get the geo-spatial data that US has available for example for its Afganistan command or Pakistan's NWFP, specifically that it uses for its drone strikes etc.?
3. Would India be expected to give its Geo-spatial data aquired through the NAVIC system?
4. Would India have access to US Pacific Command, CENTCOM or for example the geo-spatial data available to its Diego Garcia Naval/Air fecility.

5. Or would it be unidirectional, i.e Indian geo-spatial data from multiple sources to be given to US?


buddha said...

The Rafale Truth EXPOSED | Times Now Exclusive
Nice explanation....


Prasun Da,

In this list released by BDL for Public Procurement what does the "Percentage of Local Content " mean ? For example it says 10% local content for explosive material. Does this mean remaining 90% will be imported ?

Thanks, Sujoy

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

What began in 1952 when Pakistan began the process of living well beyond its means has now come for a most hard ending, with China's Foreign Minister Wang Yi being forced to make an unprecedented 3-day-long trip to Pakistan to ensure that the CPEC does not come to a grinding halt, especially after rising protests from Pakistani businesses against the FTA that Pakistan had inked with China in 2006 & which China now refuses to re-negotiate. This indeed is a daunting challenge for Beijing, which as a rule makes public-interest policies strictly behind closed doors & in extreme privacy. Now, with Pakistan threatening to release to its Parliament all the mid-term & long-term plans envisaged under the CPEC, China is now scratching its head about how to deal with the 'Kingdom of Clowns'. More details below:

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Yes, the rest will be imported. We too have our own share of 'desi' clowns within the decision-making loop.

To VR: Indeed it is, but it is still undergoing final refinements.

To KANE: It is more about obtaining 3-D geospatial data & locational coordinates, since the US maintains a global database of such data, whereas India has to date developed such data packages only for select areas in the immediate neighbourhood. The US does not need such data at all since ot has its own global database not just for Earth, but also for the Moon & Mars, where India wants to go & thus BECA isn't limited to only locations on Earth, but also includes locations/coordinates on the Moon & Mars.

just_curious said...


very detailed inputs on rifle procurement .. very much appreciated :).. looks like the babus.IA have tried their best to make it as difficult as possible

what's with this report ..

vinod said...

Sir, your views on the following:
As china and Nepal are getting closure, all the Gurkha that were joining the Indian army, will now be taken by china as the Chinese will be willing to pay more than the Indian army. What implications do you see regarding this.


Unknown said...

@prasun recent news coming that india is looking forward to a trade deal with the US. What is This deal all about? Will thus be a wind win situation or a one way street. Look forward to your views.



rad said...

hi prasun
terminally guided sensors??? who is doing it will it not be prudent to initially import them rather than make in India . The IIR sensor is a road block how are they going to over come it?? will Us give theirs to integrate on to the pralay??

we should boycott denel for for the fact they are supplying darter missiles to pak .How far is the depth of co op between Pak and SA.?? HAs the joint venture of brazil and SA on missiles going .I hear the darter is contemporaneity??

Anonymous said...

One would think that it is obvious that US has this massive geospatial data from multiple sources and since years. They have extensive number of military satellites as well as the GPS navigation satellites. They have even the data generated by their flying the drones and their worldwide surveilence systems.

But like you keep saying, very correctly indeed, that every nations works in its self interest. And US is no exception. So I am asking myself what does the US get from having India sign this agreement, if it already has all the geospatial coordinates and data that one can have - like you said even Moon and Mars!

Why does it want India to sign it if it doesn't get from India something that is substantial and in the US interest?


Kaustav said...

Why is it not feasible for the IN/MOD to be logical and declare that a total of 18 SSK Scorpene(6+3+9) class AIP submarines and 6 SSN Nuclear attack submarines (Indo-Russian) is what will make up the 24 Submarine fleet envisaged by the IN, in addition to the 6 strategic (3+3)SSBN/SSGN Arihant class and larger planned class? Is it a negotiating tactic with the French and Russians? Because this is the fastest way to go with 18 Indo-French conventional SSKs and 12 Indo-Russian SSN/SSBN/SSGN. My expectation is ofcourse that the smaller Arihant class would end up as SSGNs after the lager follow on SSBNs are ready.
Your views please?

Rajesh Mishra said...

"Red Heifer" is finally born in Israel after 2000 years on 28/8/2018. End of the global muslamic terrorism.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: Why? LoLz! Because both sound common-sense & logical reasoning departed from the sub-continent along with the colonial Brits back in 1947! Inrerestingly, when Lord Louis Mountbatten was appointed as the Supreme Allied Commander for Southeast Asia by the Allied Powers during WW-2, his rank was elevated to that of a four-star Admiral. But after the end o9f WW-2 when he reverted back to the Royal Navy, he was not allowed to retain his rank of Admiral & instead he had to revert back to his earlier rank of a one-star Rear Admiral. Such hard-nose realism can only emerge when it hits one’s pockets so deep that one is forced to decide between opting for either ill-conceived grandeur, or opting for maintaining a decent survival-standard. And that moment has arrived, thanks to various international & national factors that are related to economics. Consequently, the US’ CAATSA legislation will be used as the excuse for not opting for Russia’s Amur-1650 SSK offer & the un-commercial proposal for Goa Shipyard Ltd licence-building only 2 Project 1135.6 FFGs. In any case, the IN has specified that it wants a proven SSK for Project 75I & a design whose hull can easily be integrated with the DRDO-developed MAREEM AIP module. To date, only France’s Naval Forces (DCNS) has given the IN & DRDO full access to that portion of the hull-design of the Scorpene that is reqd to be modified for accepting the MAREEM module. Hence, by default, Naval Forces can now bid in such a manner due to this headstart that it can easily outbid all other competitors from Germany, Russia & Sweden in both pricing-levels & delivery schedules. This is the IN’s ‘desi improvisation’ way of ensuring that SSKs bought under Projecty 75I have substantial hardware commonality with the 6 Scorpene SSKs. And since L & T is prime industrial contractor for producing the MAREEM modules, it has no reason to complain at all. Yet, we have recently seen some heavy-duty lobbying by L & T via ‘paid news’ in favour of the Amur-1650 SSK—which even the Russian Navy refuses to induct into service! So, we canm at last rest assured that the strategic partnership between Naval Forces of France & the MoD-owned Mazagon Dock Shipbuilding Ltd will be ‘nominated’ to undertake Project 75I. L & T on the other hand will be more than happy to keep executing contracts for the SSBNs & SSNs.

Another far-reaching exercise now underway is the IA’s long-overdue ‘Re-structuring & Re-Balancing’ under which up to 80% of the combat & combat-support assets of HQs Southern Command & Central Command will be re-allocated & right-sized to the Western, South-Western & Northern Commands. Brigade-sized Integrated Battle Groups will consequently have 1 armoured regiment, 2 mechanised infantry regiments, 1 artillery battalion, one ISTR battalion (replacing the obsolete recce/scout battalions), 1 EW Battalion, & a composite aviation regiment comprising 1 flight of medium-lift utility helicopters & LUHs for CASEVAC, 1 flight of RSH helicopters & 3 flights of attack helicopters & Rudra helicopter gunships.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: You are ASSUMING that it was the US that wanted India to ink BECA. In reality, it is the opposite. The US had use only for the LEMOA. And it was India that wanted CISMOA & BECA because without these two, India would have been unable to respond effectively within the IOR to requests for humanitarian assistance of a multilateral nature. For instance, India was unable to respond inj a large way during the earthquakes in Nepal since Indian UAVs could not operate beyond line-of-sight over Nepal. And geospatial data on Nepal’s terrain features was not available with India. But the US had it & couild have easily shared it with India had CISMOA & BECA been inked by India back then.

To RAD: Alright, let’s then a walk down memory lane & trace out what has come out in bits & pieces about Pralay & its payloads. These should prove refreshing:

I can only express utter shock at TBRL being allowed to perform dynamic testing of terminally-guided submunitions in areas that are in close proximity to such populated areas. These ought to be conducted in either Rajasthan or offshore off Odisha. IIR sensor fabrication for supersonic long-range targetting is no longer an issue, since high-end Gallium-Nitride chips are now available from abroad. It is the target recognition algorithm’s development that is the principal challenge.

To UNKNOWN/KUNAL: It is not any FTA, rather it is a reciprocal tariff rationalism regime in order to harmonise the bilateral balance of trade.

To VINOD: LoLz! Foreigners joining the PLA? Has that ever happened before? And will all such foreigners be allowed to join the Communist Party of China? Because China’s laws mandate that anyone joining govt service has to automatically become a member of the CPC.

Anonymous said...

Sir, how many helicopters in each flight of mi17, luh, attack helps etc?

Whats the make up of ISTR and EW battalion?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VSJ: All that is now the subject of discussions, following which a final decision will be taken. It will likely involve the construction of new composite heli-/UAV-bases like these:

To ARPIT KANODIA: Excellent recent presentation on CPEC & its after-effects:

China's War on Terrorism in Xinjiang:

2 More A-50I PHALCONs To Be Ordered:

And finally, the truth is out from the ex-RBI Governor:

anupam said...

Prasun former RBI governor mentioned what went wrong regarding NPA. But isn't he responsible somewhere. This is a laundry list of everything which can and went wrong. So what was his role in preventing/stopping the loot.
Or just like any bureaucrat trying to he pushed the can down the road without owning any responsibility.


Unknown said...

@anupam having been in one of the infrastructure companies from.2004 onwards let me tell with all responsibility that it was a norm that 10% of loan amount would line up pockets of chairman of that psu bank, congress politician (few I can name also) and the family of owners who siphoned the inflated bank india. But the rbi ex governor would.not like to mention that psu chairman's were also involved as that would indict him for dereliction in his own duty. A lot of thenoverinflated loan money went to.indonesia and got invested in purchasing coal mines in till the govt came with an order that all coal exported at international.prices and not at a lower price. This put paid to fortunes of.some mega thermal.power plants in india which are now being offered at re 1 token value as net worth has totally eroded. In fact if the upa2 government had not changed I felt pretty sure that there would have been an economic disaster in India with trust element in businesses getting lost due to mass scale corruption, which I myself was witness to unfortunately.



Kaustav said...

VMT logical thinking and cost awareness seems to be dawning late but atleast better than never. Hope commonsense prevails across all the three services to make better use of existing assets and judicious use of technology. The IN has ofcourse been a pioneer in this thanks to their unique situation of high Cap-Ex investments, more technology and the smallest budget with the constraint to control a humongous area. The IA after being wasteful, due largely in part to its unwieldy size, big budget, too much of manpower has started displaying the sense required of late. While no doubt, new technology and equipment are required, better use of existing armour and other weapons as ofcourse better training and deployment of the huge manpower ( with low technical skills) would help the IA a lot to be a leaner, meaner and a wiser force.
Which brings us to the IAF, the service which has suffered from everything starting from a skewed mission-vision statement, wasteful expenses and a overwhelming dominance of the Fighter Pilot way of thinking. They of course need their 18 squadrons of SU30 MKI, the planned 18 squadrons of the LCA Mk1/Mk1A and importantly the MWF/Mk2. That ofcourse means a total of 06 squadrons of the MMRCA, ideally Made in France Rafales with extensive BRD Overhauling and upgrade facilities in India. But till logic prevails and new aircraft come in, how about better use of the existing combat aircraft and a focus on force multipliers right from more AEW&C, Electronic Warfare, more Mid Air Refuellers to Ground assets and long endurance UAVs. They would do well to hand over their rotary aircraft to the IA keeping only some for SAR. However, that would be too revolutionary for this service, which I have always felt is more hot air, bloated and less effective than the other 2 services.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANUPAM: Well, can you kindly identify or flag what exactly were the mistakes or crimes that the ex-RBI Governor is responsible for? You won’t be able to flag any, simply because the RBI Governor’s role is to devise & implement MONETARY POLICIES—which does not involve any transfer of funds to any party, whereas it is the GoI’s Union MoF that’s responsible for devising macro-economic plans & coming up with the requisite fiscal policies for putting those plans into action. Hence, all economic & related financial activities like project implementation & mobilising/securing/disbursing the funds for such projects are under the purview of the Union MoF & not the RBI. And bureaucrats can only propose, whereas political decision-makers are always reqd to take the final call—as the Indian Constitution mandates. Consequently, bureaucracy can never be blamed for any flaws in executive decision-making. And it is only when the political decision-makers refuse to take responsibility & point fingers towards the bureaucracy that administrative paralysis sets in & the resultant cascading effect cause the economy to become stagnant. And that’s exactly what happened between mid-2004 & mid-2014.

To BUDDHA, KAUSTAV & RAJESH MISHRA: This presentation yesterday finally puts an end to all the ill-informed perceptions & misinterpretations about the Rafale deal by both ‘desi bandalbaazes’ & the three musketeers (Bhushan/Shourie/Sinha):

IAF AM S B P Sinha:

After this, only someone who has been bitten by a mad dog will bother to question the Rafale deal.

And this for the AMCA fanboys:

However, it is only when one delves into the finer technical details that the most critical question WRT AMCA’s R & D activities arises: since India does not have the capability to derive or draft its own specifications of MIL-standards & therefore uses either NATO MIL-STD/STANAG or its Russian GOST counterparts as compliance benchmarks, how the hell will ADA secure access to technical data of either MIL-STD/STANAG or GOST data that are specific to fifth-generation MRCA performance parameters & airframe/engine/avionics/accessories design/development activities, especially when none of the US or Russian OEMs engaged in developing/producing fifth-gen MRCAs are willing to part with their MIL-STD/STANAG or GOST standards? So, all those delusional internet fanboys should think about this before going ga-gas & making any further tall claims that go against all the laws of the absolute physical sciences.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: That unfortunately is the case because back in 2007 when China suddenly started insisting on issuing stapled visas for those Indian citizens hailing from J & K and Arunachal Pradesh, the armed forces asked the then GoI what would be India’s conventional deterrence strategy in case China & Pakistan colluded to launch a two-front war against India. The then GoI had no answer to this in its Operational Instructions (war directives)—a criminal act of negligence! Consequently, the armed forces had no choice but to conduct EX Divine Matrix’ in 2009 to wargame exactly such a two-front scenario from which it emerged that a two-front war was indeed a possibility along the LoC & LAC in J & K state. And consequently, there was no other choice but to abandon the practice of ensuring threats-based war preparedness & adoption of a capabilities-based war preparedness posture. But for this to ensure full-spectrum conventional deterrence, all 3 armed services were reqd to place utmost emphasis on joint warfighting & synchronisation of the wearfighting effort in order to release the financial resources reqd for acquiring tr-services force multiplier hardware. And all this could only be possible if the reforms-related efforts were a top-down approach, i.e. the GoI issuing clear-cut war directives. This hasn’t happened till now. Instead, band-aid efforts like creating a defence Planning Committee have been resorted to, which then causes a rat-race among competing services reqmts for force modernisation. Consequently, both the IA & IAF are now opposed to the IN’s acquisition of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, while the IAF is now opposing the existence of the IA’s & IN’s aviation fleets, while the IA is insisting that it is the predominant of all 3 armed services & hence both the IAF & IN are reqd to play only support roles for the IA. And the clueless civilian ‘netas’ as expected are continuing to muddle their way through!!! BTW, China had in December 2010 stated that it does not have any territorial disputes with India in the western sector since it never recognizes J & K as being an integral part of India & therefore the Sino-India LAC’s length is only 2,000lm, & not 4.057km if one were to include the LAC along J & K plus the area along the Trans-Karakoram Tract (inclusive of the Shaksgam valley). And till today China has not backed off from its December 2010 statement.

To PIERRE ZORIN: MOSSAD’s Hunt for the Red Prince, Ali Hassan Salameh:

Millard Keyes said...

I have seen that doco. I wish Mossad did the same for Sajjid Mir and those behind Mumbai 26/11

Anonymous said...

Dear Prasunda,

This is in reference to your link of RBI ex gov. Rajan and Anupams question and your reply regarding the role of RBI governor.

Well according to this book the role of RBUI governor is very wide ranging and it would be exhaustive here to list them all. But a few of them when listed here, would high-ligh the shortfall that Rajan showed during his governorship.
1. Role of Audit commettees of RBI in statutory and internal auditing of banks (Page 16) - here it needs to be highlighted that RBI during his governor ship failed miserably in auditing P&B while foreign exchange transactions (loans and SWIFT logs)of millions were being sent from India (without secured deposits even) in Nirav Modi & MEhul Choksi fraud case.

2. That brings us to the role of RBI and its governor in foreign exchange monitoring and regulation and control. Where the foreign exchange regulation and control and audit functions that were completely driven out of the window in thesame Nirav Modi MEhul Choksi case .... it is almost unbelievable. All happening during his tenure when audits of foreign-exchange flow of P&B was audited by RBI.

There are many other aras that deal with NPA and you are possibly aware of so I will refrain from adding here but are clearly under the RBI gov's responsibilities. It is clear Rajan let the ball drop.

Now the red flags that you mention:
I read the reply of Rajan that you linked twice and quite a few red and orange flags came to my mind (I may be reading too much into it). Here are a few...

Red Flag 1: Right in the outset he says the blame of the NPA's are due to adventurous bankers ready to jump into loan agreements... but I am yet to meet any GM manager level public sector banks who are adventurous!!! Most I am have seen are worst than the civil servants in govt. Unless of course, there is huge bribery involved.

Red Flag 2: Then he goes on to say that we should not blame Bankers of corruptuion UNLESS you can find material gains. Well he very well knows the GOI will not open an IB investigation on all the GM's - 200 to 300 - who signed off on these massive NPA loans, raid their houses and look for property (nami or benami) and other money, jewelary, passport, all of a sudden. The economy would shake up if it did. Besides a trip for the entire familay of the banker in Switzerland and France all expenses and shopping paid is also bribe whose money trail at least can not be followed.

It seems he wants to deflect the blame away from his Banker pals... so that these powerful banker pals do not blame him for his short-comings. A I-scratch-your-back- .... scenario.

Red Flag 3: The states the fact most NPA occued in UPA. It seems he is keen to drop that political bomb-shell - and he knows the newspapers will run with that story - and does not mention the fact what his banks responsibility were and why he failed to take action. And as per RBI gov's role he can do a lot. In theentire period of UPA rule till, even at the end, he also never mentioned this. Why now this diversion tactic.

Red Flag 4: Everyone knows NPA are not created in a day, yet he is happy to lob another diversionary tactic by stating that he gave a list of NPA's to PMO. Well that is his job. He must do that as part of his reporting. And by making that statement he ...again gave the meat to the media ... implying that PMO sat withit. PMO did not. It went ahead with the Bancrupcy law passage in parliament. Well he at least admits that in his reply.

But there are many others that I found on reading that document that you linked that this man is very "smooth" and slippery as well in deflection, subversion, blame deffusion and lobbing political hot potatos to direct the spotlight away from his office.

Would be happy to be corrected and changeing my opinion by your very views. Sp's please excuse... wrote in a stretch and fast ;)


Sujit said...

Prasun sir, happy ganesh pooja to u nd ur family.may lord ganesha bring prosperity and happiness in ur life..
Sir , today hindu business has reprted that reliance infra is going to supply prototype of arjun mk2 hull six months ahead of schedule..funny fact( it says mk2 will be less than 50 ton) it real? Or another ignorant journo ?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Will india procure more Rafale aircrafts? If yes, when will the contact signing happen?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: WRT Pts.1 & 2, ensuring the prevention of fraudulent transactions isn’t primarily the RBI’s job. That is done by the DRI & ED. 2) Loans are given based on project viability & it is the fiscal policies & efficiency of the administrations of the centre & state that determine the status of projects, i.e. when they become viable or unviable. RBI has no role to play in this. He has neither shielded anyone nor has he exonerated anyone. Instead, he has just laid down the bare facts. RBI does not exercise any executive control over state-owned banks, the Union Finance Ministry does & the state of health of all banking institutions of India is dictated entirely by the fiscal policies of the govt-in-power & the RBI is powerless to do anything in such matters. Nor is he pointing fingers at just one PMO. In fact, he has held all three PMOs—two previous & the present one—responsible. In short, he has been squarely objective in his assessments.

To SUJIT: Yes, that is correct. The detailed 3-D designing & welding optimisation work was done by DYNAMATIC & based on that Reliance Infra is fabricating the hull & turret of Arjun Mk.2, while Jindal Steel is supplying the High-Nitrogen Steel.

To ASD: As soon as money becomes available, follow-on tranches of Rafale will be ordered by 2020 to take the fleet strength to 80. These won;pt replace the MiG-21 or MiG-28s that some ‘desi’ bandalbaazes are claiming. Instead, they will replace the Jaguars in the deep-strike role since the Jaguars are now tasked with tactical interdiction role due to the retiring of the MiG-23BNs & MiG-27s. The 110 MRCAs to be procured in future will replace the MiG-21s starting 2022. And by 2021 work will begin on building more Scorpene SSKs (with AIP modules) under Project 75I.

And this is how cyber warfare is waged as a vital component of HYBRID WAR:

Putin’s Revenge:

Sujit said...

Woooahh prasun sir, that means its true , arjun mk2 will indeed weigh below 50t?? That means we can replace the whole t72 fleet with it? And if iam not wrong with all the enhancements that has been added, it wud be the best tank in asia? T14 armata since not operational..but sir how did this miracle happen?? How did cvrde managed to lower the weight from 68 to 50 tons?? Last time in ur thread u said that mk2 will have 60t means 8t lower but now we are getting reports of less than

Anvita said...

Sir, as your reply to ASD suggests that rafale may find additional orders but not through the MMRCA-2 procurement. So according to you which aircraft will be purchased through the mmrca-2 route??

Kaustav said...


Thanks again for the links and the explanation. From the same seminar this month by the Centre for Air Power Studies, his analysis, even with the two fronts taken separately, is alarming to say the least. While our netas are in lala land and our service chiefs bicker incessantly for handouts.

rad said...

hi prasun
i remember you saying that that the 110 mrca will not be ordered as there is no money and that the the move will kill the LCA due to funds shortage and ultimately we will get the LCA mk2?

american sanction on the s-400 seems real as they cant let turkey go ahead as the nato air defense system will b e at peril due to the s-400 whiffing at all the freq around.

what is the best alternative without buying US system for us?.

there are reports that the LCA mk2 will be in the class of the mirage 2000 , if so ?it has to be a total redesign. Will the basic air frame model of the LCA be adhered to ?.
what are the basic design faults besieging the LCA a s pointed in so many journals?. is that why its taking a long time to freeze design?

what made the gov go ahead with spike sr purchase? is there a quid pro to help us develop the local variant?

Arpit Kanodia said...


What's your opinion on this

This is from March 2004 about antimatter propulsion research in US Air Force Research Laboratory and sponsored by Munitions Directorate.

Tremendous Energy Density for Long
Term Continuous 24/7 Atmospheric
Mars Exploration Propulsion
CONUS Based Surveillance of
Worldwide Scenarios

Technology: Positron Energy Conversion-
Anti Matter Annihilation Energy From Annihilation of Positrons -180 Mega-joules Per Microgram

One Gram Equals 23 Space Shuttle Fuel Tanks Of Energy Single-stage- To- Orbit,
Long Endurance ,
Earth to Mars Propulsion
Options - No Nuclear Residue
Risk: High Risk -
Production, Moderation,Confinement, Conversion

Murthy said...

if putin is so great and plays a great game why did he forgot a simple fact that it is THE CASH that speaks? and in that process why did he not made sure Russia get progressed on technology/ knowledge based economy?
he is just a typical russian and with narrow emotional thinking rather than a strategist.
he is just selling his natural resources just like arabs and trying to sell weapons to the few 3rd rate R and D countries like India, China, Egypt, Iraq and to Iran(no money).
On the otherside west know how to hit below the belt, it reduced USD 2.6 trillion russian gdp to the current level of USD 1.2 trillion (1200 billion) with out firing a single bullet.
russia has indeed helped US by not electing hillary.
russia loses on every front. even russian lands are occupied by chinese and russia is just watching and unable to do anything abt it. it lost the game.
even yesterday the russian presentation of novichok pair on RT tv is a huge blunder and whoever was doubtful of UK claims made sure that UK is in fact saying it correctly.
russians as i know is just a bunch of emotional knee jerks who are doomded to fail eventually, just like pakis. they write their own death sentence.

Enigma said...

Sir,I always come here to ask foreign policy related questions.I don't know much about defence matters.But this question has been bugging me for a long time.You have said that the IAF will eventually end up with 80 Rafales.You have also said that the Rafale is much better than any fighter jet with the PLAAF(leave alone PAF).If that is the case then shouldn't we be ordering much more and have more than 150 at least ?80 seems to be too low.You had said this in March and I'm quoting you:

"Meanwhile, Dassault Aviation wi9ll also now be able to come up with a comprehensive industrial partnership offer for co-developing the AMCA since Dassault does not have any business plans for developing a 5th-gen MRCA on its own, & will therefore relish the prospect of teaming up with India for the 5th-gen AMCA on a risk-sharing basis & hence there will be no conflict of business interests of either Dassault Aviation or HAL. Concurrently, it will; enable Dassault Aviation to make lower-priced quotes for follow-on Rafale MMRCA tranches destined for the IAF. If this is achieved, then Dassault will easily be able to out-bid (i.e. emerge as L-1) all other competitors from the US, Europe & Scandinavia due to the obvious business & industrial synergies of the military-industrial aspirations of both France & India. For India, on the other hand, this will be politically palatable & controversy-free, the ultimate win-win formula. Thus, it makes sense for the MoD to do away with the single-engine/twin-engine distinction & treat the entire MRCA process as a military-industrial venture & not a pure procurement process, due to which additional Rafale orders will in future become a near-confirmed possibility. "

Is this still possible?Is there any possibility that the IAF will eventually end up with more Rafales?Our Air Chief also said a couple of days ago that the Rafale is very important.He also said that even if we get to 42 squadrons,we will be below the combined numbers of our adversaries(China and Pakistan).Low numbers of Rafale + low number of squadrons compared to the combined numbers of PLAAF and PAF.Isn't this very worrying?I don't know much about defence matters so please pardon me if this question is stupid but it has been bugging me for some time and I thought that you were the best person who could answer this.

just_curious said...


why is the newer AK 107 or the Ak 12 instead of 103 not being considered the following video talks about new 107 having a much better recoil management system ...

Pratap said...

That's great news Prasun da, if Arjun mk2 weights lower than 50 tonnes than IA will have no excuse to say no. IA should order 1000 tanks straight away. Rhe pro import lobby within the IA is responsible for lack of modernisation of army.

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

As you told 80 Rafale will be procured, then MMRCA contract is void then. Since it was asked for 126 units of aircrafts. Am I right? Why that much hullabaloo then!!!

DAshu said...

what would be the disadvantage(s) in terms of both objective wise and operational wise in case IAF possesses only 2 types of A/C i:e Rafale and SU-30 ?

Ravi_N said...

Hi Prasun,
In this week, two "articles" appeared on Rafale deal.
One not a regular article, but Vishnu Som's personal tweets on Rafale, in which he clarifies that there is no Reliance Defense in picture in the manufacture of 36 fighter planes.

Another one is from Mohan Guruswamy in Deccan Chronicle.
In this, he questioned the IAF officers how can they knew about the price when only 3 people (Modi, Doval & Ambani) from India knew about this deal before India signed the agreement with French Government. According to him, even Personal secretary didn't know.

Something is not matching in Guruswamy's article. It would be impossible for a government to hide a deal from its Airforce staffs and defense minister. So what is the truth in Mr. Guruswamy's article?

Do you agree with Vishnu Som's tweets?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAVI_N: LoLz! Both the folks you’ve mentioned are regurgitating old stuff & at times are either SPECULATING or are displaying an abject inability to understand the English language. For instance, Reliance’s website issued a press-release in 2016 itself in which it was clearly stade that the Dassault-Reliance Aerospace JV will supply only India-built components for Dassault Aviation’s Falcon family of bizjets. Hence, it is known to those interested in the finer details that the JV was NEVER created for even a nut or bolt for the Rafale. Coming now to this Guruswamy fella, he appears not to know the difference between taking/announcing a decision & signing a contract. The announcement was made in 2015 whereas the contract was inked in 2016. And the MoD’s Contracts Negotiations Committee *CNC) this time was headed by the IAF’s Deputy Chief & not by any civilian bureaucrat of the MoD, with the MoD’s Joint Secretary (Air) was only a passive participant as a witness. Consequently, contrary to other procurement projects where there are normally 2 separate files—MoD File & the Services File—for the Rafale contract there was only 1 unitary file. And all CNC meetings were videographed, as per SOPs, & this practice began in the late 1990s when all contracts related to the SSBN & SLBM developmental projects were taken & that was the FIRST TIME in the history of the Indian MoD that serving IN senior officials were heading the CNCs & negotiating with both Russian OEMs & Indian prime industrial contractors.

Bottomline: Only domain-experts who are well-versed with the MoD’s Rules of Business can make informed remarks/observations/comments, & not any Tom-Dick-Harry like the Vhushans, Shouries, Sinhas, Shuklas, Soms, Guruswamys etc etc.

To DASHU: That will be the optimal solution as both aircraft-types (especially the Super Su-30MKIs) will be truly excelling in ultra-low-level deep strikes, launching long-range standoff PGMs, as well as excelling in long-range BVR interceptions. The Rafale, however, will be a step ahead of even the Super Su-30MKI since its M88 turbofans are a generation ahead of the AL-41F turbofans that will enable the Rafale to fly 5 times a day while the Super Su-30MKI will be able to fly thrice per day.

To ASD: The reqmt for 126 was formulated back in the previous decade when there was no sign of the Super Su-30MKI. The Super Su-30MKI project became a reality only in 2011 & hence in the previous decade the focus was only on acquiring MRCAs with deep-strike capabilities, especially when operating in the low-level terrain-avoidance mode. However, it is still possible to procure 126 Rafales in the coming 15 years. But something else will have to be scarificed in order to make the financial resources available, i.e. either cancel the 110-unit imported design MRCAs or cancel the LCA-AF Mk.2 developmental effort & steer the Tejas Mk.1A’s developmental path along a realistic course. For instance, the citing of the Cobham-supplied AAR probe on the Mk.1A gives me the jittersd! Just look how far forward it is located:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRATAP & SUJIT: LoLz! Again both of you are committing the very familiiar ‘desi’ mistake of ASSUMING that the fully-equipped Arjun Mk.2 MBT will weigh less than 50 tonnes. In reality the hull & turret will weigh less than 50 tonnes WITHOUT the fitments like the 120mm cannon, powerpack, ERA tiles, vectronics & TWMP. So when all these are fitted, instead of the current weight of 68 tonnes, the total weight will go down by 8 tonnes to 60 tonnes, thanks to the use of lighter High-Nitrogen Steel (HNS). This then will enable a further tweaking of the powerpack for obtaining a power-to-weight ratio of 24hp/tonne. Similarly, the turbocharging of the T-72CIA’s 740hp V46-6 engines to deliver 1,000hp will give the T-72CIAs a power-to-weight ratio closer to 23hp/tonne. For the T-90S, the 1,000hp V-92S2 will bne uprated to 1,300hp for increased power-to-weight ratio.

To JUST_CURIOUS: Simply because the AK-103 has far better resistance to damage from weather-related adversities. For instance, I saw during one of the evaluations both the AK-101 & AK-103 being buried under 3 feet of muck & swamps & after recovering them 6 hours later they were still in perfect firing condition without any physical degradation. That’s why the AK-103 is preferred by the CAPFs, which will receive the great bulk of them, followed by the RR. The AK-103s won’t be issued to frontline IA infantry.

To ANVITA & ENIGMA: Of course its is highly probable that many more Rafales would be ordered. So far I have not heard anyone in authority stating that the IAF will procure only 36 Rafales & no more. And BTW, again one must pay attention to DETAIL & what the English language is all about. Everyone says that the IAF has an AUTHORISED strength of 42 combat aircraft squadrons. But what has been SANCTIONED by the Union MoF are only 35 combat aircraft squadrons, i.e. authorisation does not mean financial sanctioning. The figure had gone up to 39.5 sqns in the previous decade by including the photo-recce sqns equipped with Canberra PR.57s & MiG-25Rs plus the Hawk Mk.132 training sqns. But after decommissioning the Canberras & MiG-25Rs the sqn nos went down again. Right now the figure of 31 available combat aircraft sqns includes the Hawk Mk.132 sqns.

To MURTHY: LoLz! If Russia with its annual defence spending of US$66.3 billion can successfully (as is being alleged by several US institutions) cause political chaos in a country that spends US$700 billion on defence per annum, then it speaks volumes about a Russian population that is both committed & intellectually endowed with mastery over the physical sciences, due to which it can still produce hypersonic ASMs, supersonic torpedoes & hypersonic MIRVs for ICBMs & SLBMs.

To ARPIT KANODIA: Matters have advanced far far ahead of all that. That’s what one gets when spending an annual black defence budget of more than US$28 billion per annum.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: a fully functional & weaponised LCA-AF Mk.2 has to appear at all costs. If not, then India will never be able to establish herself as a leading/major world power. Why are you against buying US-origin systems? Do you want to ditch the GE-supplied F414s & C-130J-30s & C-17As? Of course the LCA-AF Mk.2 has to be a totally new design, & work has been underway since 2009 on the new design. How much time does it take anyone to come up with a new design? Spike-SRs were procured for replacing the 17 year-old C-90A LAWs from Instalaza of Spain.

To KAUSTAV: Regarding the escalation ladders of the Two-Front War scenario that were war-gamed in EX DIVINE MATRIX in 2009, I've uploaded above 3 slides that illustrate the ladders.

And this seminar yesterday ( had nothing of significance to offer despite the attendance of some high-profile speakers, the reason being that most are still clueless about what had happened back in 2007 in northern Sikkim's Finger Area (coinciding with China's rachetting up of tensions with the stapled visas issue) & since from December 2010 onwards China has refused to acknowledge J & K as India's integral territory, India too has retaliated since then by not reiterating anymore that TAR is an inalienable part of the PRC.

Sujit said...

Prasun sir, actually i got carried away by emotions so much that i forgot logical sense.hahaha..
Sir , to dashu u said that having a fleet of super su30 and rafale would be an optimal solution..dont u think that this will make us bankrupt? Cauz both are twin engined and su30 is maintainance heavy while rafale is also no less..with such budget wud it be possible to buy only super sukhois and rafale?
Can india reduce the rafale cost by asking daasult to integrate kaveri engine to it or it wud increase the cost?
Rafale SPECTRA has active cancellation stealth?? If yes then do we hv an active research on this stealth front? Cauz i think it wud make stealth shaping redundant..
Thnku sir

Kaustav said...


VMT again, Alarmist speculation aside, giving China the proverbial finger up it's proverbial vulnerable TAR;-) is the right thing to do under all contexts beginning from China's 9illegal occupation of Tibet, their claims over Indian territory, Aksai Chin, their continuous needling of India through various ways and given our traditional claim areas in Tibet namely the Kailas Mansarovar area, the multiple Indian rivers arising and thereon flowing through Tibet to India. While today, China is no doubt far ahead of India in economic clout and military might, the situation might change if India applies itself to allround development and is in someday a better position to explore and articulate it's own independent mission-vision statement in the world taking into consideration it's self-interest and security.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Truly shocking ground-report from Gilgit Baltistan about the abject deprivation:

Rajesh Mishra said...

Tactical nuclear weapons and Thermo-Nuclear weapons both are called as TNW. Is there a way to differentiate them.

rad said...

hi prasun
you said that the LCA re fuller probe was far ahead, what should be the position ideally? what can happen in this scenario

do u think it is better to import the the 110 mrca , buy more rafales and then ditch the mk2 LCA ? some thing has to give some where.

what is the time line for the ramjet engine missile and what are the various missiles the ramjet will be used on?

you mentioned that the target recognition algo was the toughest part of a IIR missile . Given our software strength you think it will be a problem given we have done it on the nag missile already and took nearly 20 years for it?.

Anonymous said...


Will the S-400 deal be finally signed next month ? Why should GoI go begging to the U.S for giving the green signal for this? They should be a sovereign decisino to go for the S-400 when the IAF chief has himself come out stating that this capability along with the rafale are absolutely essential.


Anonymous said...


Another question related to my previous post: if we have to dump the S-400 deal due to the absence of a CAATSA waiver, how can the rest of our strategic cooperation with Russia on nuclear submarines, Su-30 upgrade, SLBMs, etc. continue ? All this is worth far more than anything a U.S. alliance can get us. Looks liek the U.S. eventually aims to get us to give up our strategic programmes and turn into a South Korea like protectorate.


Unknown said...

Hi Prasun,

Why is India hell hent on S400 and new frigates from russia. Can't we go for THAAD instead and make more frigates in house by MDL.

Why risk sanctions and why this games oscillating between Russia and USA.

Next month when Putin comes why don't they instead order additional su30 mki.

It's tiresome to watch.

Srinivasa Nanduri

Anonymous said...

Are the 3 slides on escalation ladders part of the written nuclear doctrine of India? I was under the impression that the nuclear doctrine is still clearly defined (purposefully?).


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