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Monday, October 1, 2018

From Prithvi To Pralay

Although precision-guided, conventionally-armed surface-to-surface battlefield support missiles (SS-BSM) first developed by the US began to surface in the late 1980s and were subsequently combat-proven throughout the following decade in the Middle East, it was in the late 1970s  that precision-guided SS-BSM solutions first emerged from the USSR, and were followed by those from China and Israel. The first precision-guided BSMs to enter service were the 70km-range 9K79 Tochka and the 400km-range 9K714 Oka built by KB Mashynostroyeniya’s (KBM) Votkinsk Machine Building Plant.
These were followed in the late 1980s by China’s 600km-range DF-15/M-9 ballistic BSMs developed and built by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp’s (previously known as the 5th Aerospace Academy) Academy of Rocket Motor Technology (also known as the 4th Academy), and the ballistic 290km-range DF-11/M-11 Hatf-3/Ghaznavi BSM, developed and produced by the Sanjiang Missile Corp (also known as the 066 Base).
However, the most widely employed and fielded precision-guided SS-BSM to date remains the Lockheed Martin-built MGM-140 Army Tactical Missile System (ATacMS), which weighs 1,670kg (3,690lb), is 13 feet (3.96 metres) high, has a diameter of 24 inches (2 feet, or 610mm), finspan of 1.4 metres, and has a weapons payload of either 560kg (1,240lb) or a 227kg (500lb) unitary warhead. Service ceiling is 50km, while the range is up to 300km. The powerplant is an Atlantic Research-built 40,000lb (18,144kg) static thrust solid-propellant rocket. Inertial guidance is provided by a Honeywell H700-3A ring-laser gyroscope coupled to a GPS receiver using secure, high-accuracy PY-code navigational updates from the US’ Navstar constellation of GPS satellites.
The M74 warhead dispenses 950 M42 anti-personnel/anti-materiel (APAM) sub-munitions that are cast forward at a 45-degree angle over the target area, producing a 33,000 square-metre (360,000 square feet) footprint. Another type of sensor-fuzed munitions, once dispensed, glide to their pre-programmed target area, and each selects a target within its assigned acoustic segment of the formation. Once a target has been acquired by the terminal infra-red seeker, the weapon guides to terminal impact and uses a tandem shaped-charge warhead to destroy the selected armoured vehicle. Effectively, 18 ATacMS equals the impact of 792 155mm artillery rounds. ATacMS’ launch can be as much as 30 degrees off axis, and the missile is steered aerodynamically by electrically-actuated control-fins during the descent phase, modifying the flight path from a ballistic parabola. Offsetting the launch angle and descending semi-ballistically complicates the enemy’s ability to trace trajectory back to the launch vehicle.
Russia’s answer to the ATacMS was the 9K720 Iskander-E SS-BSM. Built by KBM, it is a 3.8-tonne solid-fuelled, single-stage BSM with a range of 280km and capable of carrying a payload of up to 480kg, which includes cluster sub-munitions, high-explosive fragmentation or penetrating charge unitary warheads, plus thermobaric (fuel-air explosive) and electro-magnetic pulse detonation warheads. Claimed to have a CEP of 7 metres, the Iskander-E comes equipped with dynamic gas thrusters and aerodynamic fins for controlling the missile in flight. A ring-laser gyro-based inertial navigation system (RLG-INS) brings the missile into the target area, where an optronic sensor scans terrain around a target and compares it to the image downloaded into its on-board computer before launch. This makes the missile independent of GPS navigation and resistant to jamming. The missile has a 10-year shelf-life.
In India, the Indian Army (IA), which had closely followed the development and employment of the 9K79 Tochka and the 9K714 Oka precision-guided SS-BSMs, also keenly desired such a rocket-artillery capability, since they could be swiftly employed for causing heavy attrition losses of dug-in, multi-echelon enemy land forces formations in the plains that stood in the way of an advancing IA Strike Corps over a frontage of up to 70km in depth and 120km wide. This consequently gave rise to the requirement for SS-BSMs like the liquid-fuelled Prithvi-1 in the 1990s and the solid-fuelled Pralay for the future battlefields.
The first Prithvi-1-equipped Missile Group was 333 (raised in June 1993 and commissioned in October 1995), followed by the 444 (raised in October 2003) and ultimately the 555 (operational by January 2005), each equipped with a total of 75 liquid-fuelled, conventional warhead-armed, 150km-range SS-BSMs, including reserve rounds). The three Prithvi Missile Groups formed part of the ORBATs of the Indian Army’s three dedicated Artillery Divisions—40, 41 and 42.
Each Prithvi Missile Group is made up of two Sub-Groups that in turn are made up of two Troops. Each Troop has two mobile autonomous launchers (MAL). Thus, each Group has 8 launchers and almost 24 support vehicles (including the Fuel Carrier, Missile Transporter, Oxidiser Carrier, Warhead Carrier). However, in times of hostilities, the missiles will be pre-fuelled (the shelf-life of the liquid propellant is 10 years) before being deployed to their launch sites where only three vehicles—the MAL, power supply vehicle and one Mobile Command Post (MCP)—would be employed. The Prithvi SS-150—officially described by the DRDO as a tactical surface-to-surface missile and by the Army as a battlefield support missile--is fuelled by a liquid propellant (a 50:50 combination of isomeric xylidine and trimethlyamine), with the oxidizer being inhibited red fuming nitric acid (IRFNA). The propellant has a 260 specific impulse as specified by the IA, which required a range fluctuation between 40km (with a CEP of 110 metres) and 150km (with a CEP of 220 metres) when using dry-tuned gyros for inertial navigation and this could only have been achieved by a variable total impulse best generated by liquid propellants.
Following its launch, the SS-150’s ascending trajectory takes it to an altitude of 30km following which it adopts either a steep downward trajectory at nearly 80 degrees, or a lift-augmented descent trajectory. As far as the latter option goes, there are six flight-path variations available (which are pre-programmed prior to launch) in order to defeat or confuse anti-ballistic missile defences. All Prithvi-1/SS-150 SS-BSMs carry up to five types of conventional warheads. It is evident from all this that the SS-150 will, during, hostilities, be employed for massed but effects-based fire assaults against largely static targets like troop concentrations and POL storage sites, this being done in order to severely degrade the hostile force’s theatre-level and strategic reserves before they could become effective in the forward tactical battle areas.
Although the DRDO had in the previous decade developed a solid-fuelled Prithvi-3 Precision-guided SS-BSM with a CEP of 30 metres at its maximum range of 600km (through the adoption of RLG-INS units imported from the TAMAM Division of Israel Aerospace Industries), the IA was dissatisfied with its solid-propellant’s low burn rate of 10 millimetres per second and instead had specified a solid-propellant with a burn rate of minimum 70 millimetres per second. This became available only in 2015 from the DRDO’s Nashik-based Advanced Centre for Energetic Materials (ACEM), following which it was decided to develop the Pralay precision-guided SS-BSM as a derivative of the cannister-encased, land-mobile Shaurya SS-BSM, which can carry a 1-tonne nuclear warhead over a distance of 750km, weighs 6 tonnes, has a diameter of 0.74 metres and is 10 metres long.
The Shaurya’s solid-fuel, two-stage solid-fuelled rocket accelerates the missile to six times the speed of sound before it reaches an altitude of 40km (125,000 feet), after which it levels out and cruises towards the target, powered by its on-board fuel. The Shaurya has already demonstrated a CEP of 30 metres out to a range of 750km.
The Pralay on the other hand has been designed to have a maximum strike range of 500km and weighs 5 tonnes. With a 1,000kg all-conventional payload (five types of warheads are available), it can travel a distance of 350km and if the payload is halved, then the Pralay will be able to go as far as 500km. In both cases, the CEP attained will be 30 metres. The time taken from missile-launch till warhead detonation over-target will be considerably lesser than that attained by either the Prithvi-3 or Shaurya, primarily due to the usage of higher energetic solid-propellants with high burn-rate.
But it needs to be noted that the Pralay will NOT be used by the IA to hit targets located 500km or 350km inside hostile territory. Rather, the Pralay’s MALs will be located in the IA’s rear-areas—typically located 150km inside friendly territory—and will be used over a frontage of up to 70km in depth and 120km wide inside enemy territory, with the width and depth of the frontage being determined by the integral ISTR capabilities of the IA Strike Corps’ Battlefield Surveillance System (BSS) network, comprising both land-based optronic sensors and MALE-UAV assets using land-mobile SATCOM-based VSATs for battlespace network connectivity.
And shown below is the LRDE-developed Aslesha Mk.2 man-portable S-band active phased-array low-level air-defence alert radar that is now undergoing user-trials at some of the ALGs located in Arunachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This is perhaps for the very first time that anyone has explained through the above slides that the Prithvi or Pralay never had anything to do with nuclear warhead delivery & therefore ARE NOT part of the tri-services Strategic Forces Command. Instead, they are part of the IA's conventional forces ORBAT. Will explain in following uploadings what exactly is the composition of the IA's Artillery Divisions, & how do the Strategic Forces Command's terrestrial strategic assets get enmeshed with such Divisions & for what purpose. For instance, if BrahMos-1 LACMs are part of these Divisions, what will be their roles & how will they be employed & by whom, if the IA's ISTR capabilities are limited to well-defined frontages & depths that do not extend out to way-beyond-the-horizon?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

PTV Shows J & K as part of India & PoK under Pakistan's illegal occupation:

Pakistani Senior Civil Servant Stealing Kuwaiti Official's Wallet:

12 AK-47s Stolen from OFB:

Ashish Gautam said...

wow sir, loved this thread with such great detailing n info. u r amazing. just loved it.
written in deep depth with great amount of info. maza aa gya. looking forward for next update. baht bhadia, may god bless u.

Prranshu Yadav said...

Great article sir👍. I have two questions,

1.You mentioned that Shaurya can carry a 1 ton nuclear warhead over a distance of 750 km. 1 ton is roughly 1000 kg. If Pralay is based on Shaurya, then why does it carry a 1000 kg payload for only 350 km when Shaurya can carry a 1000 kg payload for 750 km?

2.Can you please briefly describe the five different types of warheads available for the missile?

Enigma said...

Prasun sir,are there any areas in Pakistan that used to historically be a part of Kashmir or be ruled by Kashmir but now come under Pakistani Punjab or KPK?I know that Mansehra is one of them.Are there any other places like that?

Anonymous said...

The Vehicles in the one but last 2 slides says Transportable Satellite Terminal. So does the Battlefield Surveillance System including Satellite link, targeting and satellite video coverage as well result optimization?


Ved said...

Dear Prasun,
Excellent explanation of Dharma in previous thread.
Even if in a conventional limited war India defeats Pak, will Pakistan just accept it or will use nukes. What would otherwise deter the Pak from using nukes if they accept total annihilation by India. What if no amount of threats work from stopping them. Even if it is a remote possibility what are the options with us?

Buddha said...

Explanation of Dharma on binary level just awesome .
Very detail and resourceful post .
Following your advice of intense reading ...Going to purchase 34 books on defence and politics.
Looking for your advise and name of some books where detail in depth analysis of vedas and puranas can be found in english ...
One thing sir ...I always regard as my hero ..
Hoping some day to meet you..
Buddha ...

turbojet said...

Prasun da, good evening.

I have a important question. What is the actual proven speed of LCA Tejas as per your knowledge ? Some are saying it is Mac 1.1 and some other are saying Mac 1.6 . Some saying speed of Tejas at IOC form is Mac 1.6 and it will be Mac 1.8 in FOC form. But personally I don't believe speed of Tejas to be Mac 1.6 . If it is then when was it tested and proven ?

If speed of Tejas is just Mac 1.1 then I don't think it is worthy to be called a fighter and useful in today's era battle environment.

Dearly waiting for your reply.

buddha said...

what Hal really wants to legged behind they are...?

Kapil said...

Sir why is Gen Rawat behaving like a motormouth by publicly declaring our strategic/tactical intent in interviews after interviews? When you plan some action you don't shout from the rooftop.

Kaustav said...


Many thanks for the write-up and update on the solid fuel Prithvi3, the Shourya and the Pralay. Which brings me to my little query :
1. Has the Pralay Missile system been tested, specially in September 2018?
2. Is the Prahar Missile system, with it's payload & range constraints as effective as the American ATACMS, or is it a combination of the Pralay & Prahar as a BSM ecosystem?
3.Why does reducing the payload by half not result in range being doubled and even the CEP being same?

The Shourya weighs 6 tons, carries a 1 Ton(!) N-Warhead, and flies 750kms with a CEP of 30mts. Then 500kgs or less of N-Bomb payload would take it to 1500 or more kms! The Pralay too weighs 6 tons(?), but has a range of 350kms 30 m CEP with a 1Ton conventional warhead. Halving the warhead gives a variation of 400 kms (on banner image) to 500 kms with the same CEP. In contrast the defunct P-3 had 600 kms range, 30m CEP with 500 kgs. reduced payload.
Though, that is a rather simplistic query, maybe warheads and range are a different function given the sensor capabilities and range requirements of around 300kms for enemy territory frontage of 70 km × 120kms ahead of IA strike corps from 150kms in the rear echelon safe from enemy strikes.
Some further explanation of warheads , Nuclear and Conventional, as well as the CEP being same from 350kms to 750 ons would be interesting and ofcourse 6tons weight for both the Shourya and Pralay is surprising!
Thanks and looking forward to more details on the Prahar, since the Pralay does not seem to have been tested yet, officially;-)

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: VMT. Lekin aur mazaa aanaa abhi baaki hai in this very thread. Yeh sirf Matinee show tha. Chaar aur shows dikhaana abhi baaki hai.

To PRRANSHU YADAV: 1) Because the Shaurya flies a semi-ballistic trajectory or even a ballistic trajectory, whereas the Pralay like the Prithvi is just like the BrahMos-1, i.e. it stays powered right up to its terminal stage. Furthermore, the Pralay uses new-generation higher energetic propellant compared to what was used in solid-fuelled Prithvi or Shaurya & even Agni-1/Agni-2/Agni-3/Agni-4/Agni-5. All these earlier missiles had a lower fuel-burn time, which translated into lesser speed, lower thrust-levels & consequently a higher time of flight. For the Pralay & the definitive Agni-5 & K-4 SLBM, higher energetic pro9pellant usage will result in far higher fuel-burn rate, lesser flight time & smaller physical dimensions. 2) Available warheads are the same as those developed for Prithvi, as detailed above. Only the IIR-guided anti-armour sensor-fuzed submunitions have yet to be developed & work on this is underway. But such submunitions are already available on the Smerch-M MBRL & i8n future will also be available on the Pinaka-1/2 MBRLs.

To ENIGMA: Not that I know of. Maybe certain portions of Chitral which house the Ismaili Shias, who acknowledge the Aga Khan as their spiritual leader.

To KANE: Of course. In fact, the Strategic Forces Command too has its own secure standalone command-n-control-comms network now using the GSAT-6 satellite in the GSAT-6A too was to be used for a similar purpose. But with GSAT-6A’s loss, one will have to wait for the GSAT-32 satellite to be launched in October 2019. Will upload data on all elements being used by the SFC for its command-n-control-comms network later above as part of the main narrative of this thread.

To VED: VMT, but I had forgotten to delve into the ‘Karma’ issue as well, which too has been mistranslated & misinterpreted as being a fatalistic virtue regardless of the outcome. In reality, Karma refers to principally 3 choices or pathways available to every human being, with each pathway having its own merits & demerits. Consequently, the path to be adopted or chosen depends on the application of wisdom in the decision-making process. And wisdom can be gained only by adhering to the tenets of ‘Dharma. Hence, Dharma & Karma are intrinsically inter-linked.

Coming now to limited conventional war, it will be possible only along & over areas that are not demarcated on the ground & are not delineated on survey maps, i.e. along the LoC. If Pakistan wants to use nuclear WMDs in any area inside undivided J & K then it will risk alienating for eternity the Kashmiris on both sides of the LoC. On the other hand, if India chooses to capture the Chicken’s Neck area or Kartarpur Sahib, then too Pakistan will find it impossible to employ TNWs against any advancing IA offensive formation since their usage will aleniate the Sokhs from Pakistan forever, while usage of TNWs in Chicken’s Neck will contaminate the water reservoirs in the nearby Marala Headworks located at the mouth of Chicken’s Neck.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To UNKNOWN/BUDDHA: VMT, but I had forgotten to delve into the ‘Karma’ issue as well, which too has been mistranslated & misinterpreted as being a fatalistic virtue regardless of the outcome. In reality, Karma refers to principally 3 choices or pathways available to every human being, with each pathway having its own merits & demerits. Consequently, the path to be adopted or chosen depends on the application of wisdom in the decision-making process. And wisdom can be gained only by adhering to the tenets of ‘Dharma. Hence, Dharma & Karma are intrinsically inter-linked.

To TORBO JET: Mach 1.6 is at medium altitudes, whereas Mach 1.1 is at sea-level.

To BUDDHA: It is not just HAL’s fault, but the IAF & ADA are to be blamed as well. HAL cannot proceed to make structural modifications to the airframe unless SDA freezes the Mk.1A’s design, while the IAF too needs to freeze its final configuration standard, instead of sequentially coming up with new fitment reqmts. But the buck finally stops with the MoD & therefore it is the RM & her defence Secretary who should take all responsibility for such organizational dysfunctionalities.

To KAPIL: Why not? Why not make the adversary sweat & keep it second-guessing? As it is, such soundbytes from the IA’s COAS caused Pakistan’s Emergency Committee of the Cabinet to hold a meeting 48 hours ago, followed by the PA’s Corps Commanders’ meeting yesterday. Let them sweat it out now, since they know very well that in this month & next month as well they are most likely to be at the receiving end of some heavy & persistent fire-assaults from an IA whose WWR stockpiles have now been adequately replenished. The only folks in India who need to keep their mouths shut are the ‘netas’ of various political parties.

To KAUSTAV: VMT, but there’s a lot more to come, so kindly stay tuned. 1) Will dwell upon Prahar as well, but Prahar is part of the SFC’s arsenal, & is not part of the IA’s conventional rocket artillery stockpile. 2) Again, Prahar being nuclear-armed cannot be compared with any conventionally armed SS-BSM. 3) Because the Pralay’s warhead section is far greater in terms of volume than that of the Shaurya or Prahar. The Shaurya flies a semi-ballistic trajectory or even a ballistic trajectory, whereas the Pralay like the Prithvi is just like the BrahMos-1, i.e. it stays powered right up to its terminal stage. Furthermore, the Pralay uses new-generation higher energetic propellant compared to what was used in solid-fuelled Prithvi or Shaurya & even Agni-1/Agni-2/Agni-3/Agni-4/Agni-5. All these earlier missiles had a lower fuel-burn time (which I had already explained above in the narrative), which translated into lesser speed, lower thrust-levels & consequently a higher time of flight. For the Pralay & the definitive Agni-5 & K-4 SLBM, higher energetic pro9pellant usage will result in far higher fuel-burn rate, lesser flight time & smaller physical dimensions. Solid-propellant with low burn rate of 10 millimetres per second is now being replaced by solid-propellant with a burn rate of minimum 70 millimetres per second.2) Available warheads are the same as those developed for Prithvi, as detailed above. Only the IIR-guided anti-armour sensor-fuzed submunitions have yet to be developed & work on this is underway. But such submunitions are already available on the Smerch-M MBRL & i8n future will also be available on the Pinaka-1/2 MBRLs.

Meanwhile, word from across the IB/WB/LoC is that Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi is trying to negotiate a deal with the US involving the release of Shakeel Afridi in return from obtaining the blocked coalition support funds. Similarly, the Pathan who had opposed the export of Shaheens/Falcons from Pakistan to the Arab Sheikhdoms, is now finalising a deal that involves the export of 150 Sheheens/Falcons to the UAE’s royal families. And see this for a good laugh!:

Kaustav said...


Thanks as usual.

1. But has PRALAY with an One Ton WH been flight tested yet? If so, when?

2.The new PRAHAR must be an unique missile, in that it can carry a N-Warhead, albeit sub-kiloton tactical. It's applications and range should be just as interesting. Do elaborate!!

3. Even the Americans are going in for Pralay type SS-BSMs with high energy propellant with ranges upto 500 kms to replace the ATaCMS. Interestingly, the description of these DeepStrike system seems like Prahar rather than Pralay. Curiouser and Curiouser!!!

Ashish Gautam said...

Great.... Eagerly waiting for it.
Sir, tefhnicallt what is weight of missile mountable nukes?? Pls tell me weight in catogry of there yields if possible. Thanks.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

dada do u believe in MK gandhi getting us freedom so subhas babu
... also do u believe in ahimsha ?

Chanakya Chatterjee said...

Anonymous said...

Reading through the entire history of the project development, work distribution, work progress analysis, monitoring and corrective steps show a high degree of professionalism in the setup and management. This has mostly public sector organisations. A real commendable eco-system development and management!

Why is it then, that this professionalism is severely lacking in the aeronautical eco-system development? It's not that we have not the experience in multi-agency project distrubution, monitoring and management, as is evident from above. What has been the principle causes for this lack of professionalism, for example in the Tejas, LCA MK2 or even the UAV development.

Why this utter mess in that respect?




Will you please elaborate on that Karma part that you explained to a fellow poster ? Does the Law of Karma really suggest that if you do bad deeds you will have to pay a price for that in your life ? I ask because I don't see that happen to a whole lot of individuals, both pat & present, who have committed heinous crimes during their lifetime.

Thank You

Anonymous said...


1) One of your photos shows the burn rate of the Pralay booster as ``5.5@5.5Mpa". Since the usual units used for burn rate is mm/s, should'nt the burn rate be 5.5 mm/s ? It could be that the specific impulse is high, however....

2) Wo'nt using next generation propellant for a tactical missile be expensive?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: 1) Not yet. But it will be towards the end of the year. 2) Will do so. 3) Both the US & Russia are going for hypersonic air-launched BSMs by modifying some of their existing SS-BSM as air-launched nuclear-armed BSMs. The Prahar too needs to be further developed along this line as an air-delivered TNW-equipped munition. Meanwhile, these are interesting:

To ASHISH GAUTAM: That info is openly available through various search-engines. Meanwhile, have uploaded above the specs of the S-400 LR-SAM & a photo of the IAF’s Aslesha Mk.2 manportable LLAD radar.

To TECHNOLOGY, PHOTOGRAPHY & TRAVEL: LoLz! Strength only respects strength. That’s precisely why Mountbatten, Wavell & Clement Attlee ALL had stated in the 1960s itself that the termination of British colonial rule over India was expedited due to the INA & the subsequent trial in the Red Fort of the INA’s soldiers & officers, which had caused mutinies to break out in several parts of India at a time when there were 300,000 Indian natives carrying British-issued weapons, and the total number of Anglo-Saxon Caucasians ruling India at that time was less than 800,000 and the total population of undivided India at that time was 29 crores. As for Ahimsaa, which level-headed non-Muslim Indian will believe in it when they all are given to worshipping fully-armed, multi-headed & multi-arm Gods & Goddesses (with the probable exception of Narada)! If practicing Ahimsa was so appealing & attractive & viable, then the Indian Communists & the RSS would not have gone for each other’s throats, the Maoists would not have taken to armed insurrection, the UP State Police Force & its other counterparts throughout India would not have resorted to staging ‘encounter killings’, & ‘Parakram-Parv’ & ‘Vijay Divases’ would not have been celebrated. I therefore hope that I have made a compelling argument here against the utopian concept of ‘Ahimsaa’. But I do respect & admire the late Mr. M K Gandhi for setting a personal example of practices of both personal & community hygiene.

To SHUBHOMOY CHATTERJEE: That’s total hogwash & absolutely outlandish, kindly rest assured.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: That has happened because ADA & not HAL was entrusted with the LCA’s developmental process. ADA was a brand-new baby of the DRDO in the mid-1980s, whereas the DRDL that was driving the various missile R & D programmes was in existence since the early 1950s & therefore had adequate time to muster & mobilize a team of professionals who had hands-on experience in developing guided-missiles.

To VIKRAM GUHA: That’s absolutely right, because each & every action has consequences that follow. In other words, we can reap only what we sow. As for those who are not-quite ‘model citizens’, even if they don’t suffer directly, they do so indirectly since often their near-n-dear ones have to pay the price for someone else’s sins.

To SATYAKI: 1) It should be written down as 55mm/sec. Even for much lighter missilers like the Barak-8 SAM, the burn-rate for the booster is 7.5mm/sec & 15mm/sec for the sustainer rocket’s propellant. 2) Not at all. Instead, it will reduce the prices since economis of scale will be created through mass application of such new-generation solid propellants.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Dada, thanks for your honest words ... now I am convinced about your clear straight intentions for the welfare state of Indian Union !! these were the arguments which i had put in very long back in friend circle and proved to some extent even MK Gandhi was in not any 100% practitioner pf ahimsha !!

Harsh said...

Sir, please identify the rifle

It is being reported by Jane's that India is purchasing 6000 spare missiles in s-400 deal. Is it true??

With individual efforts of hundreds of zealous defence fanboys...the rafale scam propaganda has been beaten on social media but still some satraps are blabbering.
How many seats you predict for BJP in 2019 gen elections??

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Another great read.

How does pralay compare with its chinese counterpart. And will their be longer range missiles planned like Chinese have?

Is India going for t14 armata. After all that it has achieved via Arjun tank experience will it ditch it for t14. Why not just additional t90ms with better engines. And we can rework t72. Why t14.
With rupee in freefall and economic situation in bad state do we need all this?

Why not workout what existing?

Srinivasa Nanduri

Enigma said...

So India will go ahead and buy the S-400.Sir,I remember you saying that THAAD is better and that THAAD would have greatly diminished the deterrent value of Pakistan's WMDs.Is there now no chance at all that India will procure the THAAD in the future?

Rajesh Mishra said...

"Narada" has been provided as a great example of the non-violence. Lollllllllllll.....


Thank You PrasunDa.

Based on your experience, will you please suggest some authentic source ( books, websites etc) from which I can study in detail more about the Law of Karma ?

Thanks again

Anonymous said...


We still see warnings from the U.S about the S-400 contract. Why so if there is a certainty that it will be signed? Hope GoI goes through with this for the IAF.


Ashish Gautam said...

It's good info sir. Ashlesha mk2 k bare mei if u have any updates about range extension, power reduction, processing capabilities increment then do share.
Thanks n regards.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARSH: That’s the 7.62 x 39 version of the MCIWS. 6,000 SAM reloads is far too large a number for 5 sqns of S-400 LR-SAM. 1,500 is a more realistic figure. Rafale-related false propaganda will continue until the CAG’s audit report arrives. At the same time, the false propaganda WRT the AW-101 procurement must also stop.

To SRINIVASA NANDURI RAMANUJAM: Pralay is comparable to the best that exists worldwide. But the longer the range of such conventionally armed BSMs, the lesser the accuracy & greater the CEP. Since, BMs like DF-16 or DF-21 aren’t conventionally armed. The Armata is still in the process of attaining performance maturity & therefore even the Ruissian Army is going slow in terms of procuring them. 62-tonne Arjun Mk.2s built with HNS will be ordered in larger numbers, i.e. about 600 of them, plus several BLT Arjuns & Arjun ARRVs. 1,000 T-72Ms are being upgraded v& will have the supercharged V46-6 engines will be turbocharged to obtain 1,000hp output. In addition, 1,000 TIFCS fire-control systems from ELBIT Systems/ALPHA Technologies will be fitted. The only system not yet available on such upgraded T-72Ms is the wind/meteorological sensor. Without this sensor, ballistics calculations won’t be accurate. I wonder why the France-supplied sensor on the Arjun Mk.1/Mk/1A/Mk.2 has not yet been selected for installation on the to-be-upgraded T-72Ms ort even on the partially upgraded T-72CIAs.

To ENIGMA: The S-400 at present is just a conventional LR-SAM that can intercept airborne platforms & BMs like what China & Pakistan have. For intercepting MRBMs & ICBMs, far more advanced two-tier LR-SAMs are reqd. Russia for i8nstance does not rely on the S-400 for BMD, but instead relies on its existing S-300Vs & V-2500 LR-SAMs & in future will acquire the S-500.

To VIKRAM GUHA: The best books available are explanations by Swami Vivekananda of the Vedanta philosophy. It is no secret that mostly physicists—both theoretical & experimental—worldwide tend to get attracted towards the Vedantic explanations.

To MISHRA: Yes, the contract will be inked. However, there are ways of overcoming the CAATSA-related sanctions since CAATSA is the end-product of US Congress legislation whose impact can be neutralised by the executive decisions of the White House.

Ashish Gautam said...

62 tonne Arjun is its GVW??
or wmmo and fuel may add some more fat?? One more thing, total fuel tank capacity is including those two barrels mounted outside or is it 1600L only for internal tank?? In case if exluding barrels then whats total internal capacity??
Sorry read your reply to Srinivasa that's y putted these questions.

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Thank you for your reply.

On another topic, Boeing and Saab made a clean sheet design and won tx trainer program .some articles said they did this in a year. For last few decades India is working on LCA and now hal on so-called this mark 1a.

Will it ever see service entry?

This is disgusting and disturbing to see.

What about mk2 mwf. Will it's design frozen?

Srinivasa Nanduri

Anonymous said...


VMT. If the MCIWS is indeed in service, why go in for the AK-103? Wont it be better to mass produce the MCIWS itself ?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: LoLz! Aslesha Mk.2 is not MPR or HPR, only a LLAD radar to be located in the valleys for low-level air-defence where radars cannot look out to more than 50km at best due to surrounding mountain clutter/masking. Total weight of a fully armed & deployed Arjun Mk.2 will be 62 tonnes. Only in green condition with all armaments fitted but without ERA panels & without ammo stockpiles & without fuel load & without TWMP does the Arjun Mk.2 weigh 54 tonnes when built with HNS steel.

IAF’s S-125 Pechora SAM Deployment at AFS Adampur:

MiG-29UPGs at AFS Adampur:

70+ AK-56 SLRs smuggled out of OFB Jabalpur in Madhya Pradesh ending up at Munger in Bihar:

To KAUSTAV: Some recent examples of yellow journalism from nthe ‘desi’ patrakaars:

Such reports, which are devoid of any formal attributions & documentary evidence, are often used for disinformation purposes. For instance, the nitwit who authored the 2nd report did not even bother to check if high-altitude para-drops for such emergencies are undertaken at all. Secondly, why should a high-altitude para-drop be conducted when C-130J-30s capable of paradropping at far lower altitudes are available? Thirdly, this nitwit did not bother to ask anyone what purpose will such a paradrop serve if RHIBs too are not paradropped & if during such paradrops the RHIBs & the paradroppers are always rigged abreast by a rope so that each of them do not float away over vast distances, especially in rough sea states that are common in the high seas. Lastly, in the so9uthern Indian Ocean where Sea-State 5 & above is always the norm, only a certified IDIOT will consider launching such a rescue operation!

I still remember the day about 10 days before December 5, 1992 when a combined team of US Navy SEAL Team-6, Indian Navy MARCOS & Royal Malaysian Navy’s PASKAL (totalling about 30 personnel) took off from Diego Garcia in a US Navy C-130H whose final destination was the Somalian coastline & this combined team along with their rigged-up RHIBs were air-dropped at a low-altitude at nighttime. The mission of this combined team was to undertake a recce of the designated area of the Somali coastline where the US Marines were to disembark on December 5, 1992 as part of the Unified Task Force (UNITAF) peacekeeping/peace-making mission in Somalia.

And since 2005, exercises simulating such conditions & missions have regularly been conducted in both India & abroad by the naval SOF elements of all such countries, althout they have never been publicised.

Meanwhile, here’s yesterday’s press-conference given by the IAF’s CAS:

The laughable part is that the CAS had an inkling of all the stupid questions that would be asked by the ‘desi’ patrakaars & therefore he had brought with him written answers to all such questions! As for the LCA, he stated that the IAF has so far contracted for only 40 Tejas Mk.1s, of which 20 are in IOC-standard & the other 20 will be in FOC-standard (he did not commit to any date on attainment of FOC status). RFP for procuring 83 Tejas Mk.1As has been issued but HAL has not yet responded with its reply. Maiden flight of 1st Tejas Mk.1A is expected in EITHER 2020 or 2021. Total no of Tejas Mk.1/Mk/1A//LCA-AF Mk.2 sqns to be procured is 12, comprising of 1 sqn with Tejas Mk.1 IOC-standard, 1 sqn of Tejas Mk.1 with FOC-standard, 4 sqns of Tejas Mk.1A & 6 sqns of LCA-AF Mk.2 comprising108 aircraft, with the grand total being 231 LCAs in Mk.1/Mk.1A/Mk.2 configurations.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...


Jasgill said...

Thnx sirji apki knowledge ko salam, indian news channels ko hua kia hai yeh sarkas jida lagte hai

rad said...

hi prasun
i saw the video about adampur and was shocked to see the mig-29 upg again trailing smoke !! a dead give away in air combat?.
i though thought the engines were new after the upgrade and were not smoky??

we seem to have at last hit the spot as the astra cleared final trials . Now my question is when we used russian agat seekers the astra could be integrated on to the su-30mki now when we use our own seeker how can that be done? may be on LCA but how can it be done on Mirage 2000, mig -29 etc? french have given access to th e mirage codes?
i rate it as good as the mica what are ur views.

the anti radiation missile uses the same air frame of the astra and hence less lethal warhead and range ,where as the world over the ARM missile are 250 kgs compared to the astra 150 kg. Is it not unrealistic to ask the DRDO to make a light weight missile and ask for the performance of a HARM missile ? what is the idea?

you mentioned the seals, marcos and paskal were air dropped into somalia waters in the night , i wonder how they were recovered after the rece ?

i cant help laughing when we still use ancient pechora missile to guard our bases whose electronic signal details are known world over and are easily jammed like Israel did decades ago?

is it worth while to build the 126 mrca that are supposed to bought ? would it be again another su-30 saga where the prices of a unit being built in India is goiing to be more than from the native country? as u said and call it locally built?

Anonymous said...

@HARSH, @Prasun, I dont think it's MCIWS. Tts an AK with Israeli FAB furniture. Drdo MCIWS is long lost Dream, it's now a piece for showcase. I haven't seen any activity around it for long. That's my understanding.

S. Nair

Buddha said...

Once you said Indian should consider arming pinaka artillery in its missile boat ...Has this type of project been approved ...
Arming chechish of T72 with mig 23 aircraft canon
..Has this project approved
Can we see air launched version of pinaka 2 guided missile for Indian air force for ground attack purpose
Your idea of T55 converting into personal carrier and assault vehicle was superb and economic.
But govt of India is too fool to understand ..
Super sukhoi status ...Will this be innitiated 2018_2019
Can the window of direct purchase of 1st tranche of super sukhoi30 MKI direct from Russia is still open
Some odd feel is that Americans will be awarded some big ticket purchase in lieu of recent russian arms deal to keep them calm.

Samar said...

Dear Prasun da,

Thanks a lot for your detailed information. I have a query, a few years back there was news that a real Prahar missile(export version Pragati) not dummy was sent to an arms show in South east Asia and brought unprotected over weeks time. So there was fears of tech leak. Suddenly there was no more news about Prahar. After a gap of many years again focus back on Prahar. Can you please explain?


Kaustav said...

Thanks again Prasunda for Air Chief's logical statement for procurement of LCA versions. Personally speaking, we should either dump the MK1A or the MK2 atleast for the IAF. It is difficult to believe both aircraft can be ready in time for replacing the retiring aircraft squadrons.
Maybe that is what reduced the notional 18 LCA/MWF squadrons to 12, making way for early induction of 110 multi role fighters like the F16. INfact cancelling the Mk2/MWF and buying 200+ F16 or even F35 would be wiser and faster.
Yellow journalism will continue and ACM Dhanoa was quick to dismiss such alarmist news with the right perspective. There is ofcourse no protection from sheer drivel and pointless trash like MARCOS diving for Cdr. Tomy or IE HK Rout motormouth.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SRINIVASA NANDURI RAMANUJAM: The Tejas Mk1’s tandem-seat version was available for development as a LIFT from 2006 itself. Why it wasn’t developed as a LIFT remains a mystery till this day. Mk.1A version of Tejas won’t roll out till 2020 or even 2021 & until it flies, we won’t know what nit will be capable of. Mk.2’s design has not been frozen as yet.

To MISHRA: No one said that MCIWS is in service. What I had stated earlier is that the 7.62 x 39 VARIANT of the MCIWS SLR is in service. The two (MCIWS & 7.62 x 39 variant of MCIWS) are completely different.

To RAD: The integration of Astra Mk.1 BVRAAM’s ‘desi’ Ku-band seeker with the fire-control system of the NO-11M BARS PESA-MMR was done in Russia by Russians. Only structural integration work was done in India by the DRDO. NG-ARM’s weight will be much more than that of Astra Mk.1 since the former has dual seekers as shown in the poster on the thread dealing with DEFEXPO 2018. The combined long-range recce team wasn’t recovered since there was no need to exfiltrate until the arrival of the USMC contingents on the Somalian shores. S-125 Pechora’s electronics sub-systems have all been upgraded & they are now solid-state digital. The Israelis never jammed either the V750VK or S-125 SAMs. Back in October 1973 the Egyptian SAM sites were all located, engaged & destroyed by Israeli armoured formations in the western bank of the Suez Canal. And the guy who conceived of & implemented this brilliant outflanking manoeuvre was Maj Gen Ariel Sharon. The no of MRCAs to be bought is 114. The number of DPSAs (Rafale) reqd is 126.

To S NAIR: Seeing is believing:

No need to assume or reach understandings based on blind assumptions.

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Thank you again.

With s400 being signed what backlash can we expect from USA.

India per president Trump is proposing a trade pact, will it assuage some bruised egos their and help India USA relationship?

India today said IA selected Sig 716 and caracal 816. On net the reviews placed caracal above Sig and mku was ready to partner with caracal for both 5.56 & 7.62. why not make that happen. Why Sig for one and caracal for other. It doesn't make sense. And what will happen to Punj Lloyd investment on iwi guns. Why does MOD not work in holistic way.

Also, I saw an interview of Chinese ambassador in tribune again harping on China plus India concept. What is their end game here? They are not willing to address Indian security, strategic or economic concerns caused by China, but want partnership of some sort. Sounds nonsensical.

Also what is the deal with tribune. This was 4th article that was prochina is saw in that paper in 6 weeks. In one it said China already controls Indian economy so it's both hypocritical and futile to restrict our neighbours, second talked about Asian century and why India should join BRI to address infrastructure deficit and 3rd was about how great chinese infra is in Tibet, how better they r militarily and 4th is this.

Srinivasa Nanduri

Rajdeep said...

Hi Prasun,

1) For the Prithvi and future incendiary warhead configurations, what is the kind of spread achieved for the sub-munitions and is it tunable. Also what is the ball-park cost of a Pralay like missile. Would it be cheaper than the Brahmos?

2) Thanks for the 2 slides on the S400. Will you be uploading some more details about the 48N6E2 and *E3 missiles the differences and the seeker. Is the performance comparable to Aster 30 Block1NT in terms of hit probability for ballistic missiles?


4) I was going through the specs of the Brimstone 2 missile. The quoted range is ~50 Km. Was wondering why the SANT though with a similar weight is only ~10-20 Kms.

5) Regarding your previous reply on only using a passive seeker for ARMs and never active seekers. Isn't is best to keep the mmW seeker switched off so long as one has a fix with the passive seeker. But if the radar being targetted is switched off wouldn't it be best to travel towards the position of last contact and try to track and hit it with the mmW seeker. Also out of curiosity can ARMs in principle target a moving ship by tracking its radar?

Thanks for educating us.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRATAP: The new-generation hypersonic missiles are still undergoing development in Russia & are not yet available. For the moment, therefore, the existing SAMs of the S-400 will be more than enough for interceptiong TBMs like Ghaznavi & Shaheen-1.

To SRINIVASA NANDURI RAMANUJAM: Only a shortlisting has been done, with the final selection still being some time in the future. China wants India’s ENOORSEMENT of the BRI so that China can gather more support from developing countries for rejecting the IMF & WB & ADB. But India cannot endorse BRI because CPEC is the BRI’s flagship project. It’s that simple an equation. So no matter how hard China tries, nothing of that sort will happen. Plus, China needs to expand the scope of the BRI in oprder to keep its industrial factories running for exporting goods & services & also for sending large pools of manpower abroad for construction projects as this will reduce the widespread labour unrest that now prevails inside China & which threatens the CPC’s stranglehold over the country.

The good news is that Russia, Uzbekistan & Kazakhstan are now going to order large amounts of India-built components found in USSR-era military hardware, since Russia’s tiff with Ukraine has caused a severe loss of supplies from Ukraine for PC boards & other micro-components that go into combat aircraft & armoured vehicles. And unless such industrial bottlenecks are cleared, Russia’s exports of weapons will suffer long delays. That’s why later today among the 23 agreements to be inked between Russia & India, a lot of them will concern industrial tie-ups between Indian & Russian MSMEs. Interestingly, the Indian Military Art Room in National Defence University, Kazakhstan, displays an Indian map that shows the whole of undivided J & K as being part of India:

A rare view of the SOLTAM-upgraded M-46 towed 155mm howitzer:

Konkurs-M ATGM’s FLAME launcher with a new uncooled thermal imaging sight developed by IRDE:

7.62 x 39 variant of MCIWS SLR surfaces again:

Assam Rifles’ recent successes in the North East:

Rural Assam:

Wonder why the state govt there cannot install the DRDO-developed mountain foot-bridges there. It is a bridging system wherein the modules, each weighing less than 18kgs can be carried by soldiers, assembled to form a bridge of maximum span 35m and erected over wet/dry gaps within 90 minutes.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: here’s another programme on the MiG-29UPGs of the IAF’s No.47 Black Archers Sqn:


Pakistan’s Billion Dollar Criminal:

The PA in 1965 in Chhamb Sector:

I wonder whether it is such a good idea to introduce kids to weapons at such events:

To JASSS GILL: Don’t worry, for the hammer has now begun falling on some of the mischievous ‘desi’ patrakaars:

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...


Now this Desi patrakar has committed again.... should we handle it......btw one serious question remains to be answered how IAF is going to integrate S 400 with its existing let us know

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: LoLz! This IDIOT obviously has a total distaste for the laws of physics & hence misses the all-important point, i.e. inter-operability & compatibility ALWAYS depends on the integration of IFF capability. And the air-defence systems of all 3 armed services of India DO NOT make use of either NATO-specific or Russia-specific IFF operating protocols. Instead, ALL Indian IFF transponders—ground-based, sea-based or land-based—use the NSM operating mode, i.e. National Secure Mode, under which it is India-developed IFF source-codes & target fingerprinting algorithmns that are made use of by such IFF transponders. That such matters are beyond the understanding of this IDIOT is proven by the fact that not once is the term IFF used in that idiotic & physics-violating report!

Furthermore, the S-400 being LR-SAM, its principal objective is to deter combat aircraft from launching standoff PGMs like tactical cruise missiles & also shoot down inbound SEBMs & TBMs & cruise missiles. Of course combat aircraft can fly terrain-hugging flight profiles to evade detection by the S-400’s radars, but then such aircraft won’t be able to launch PGMs from such altitudes & will instead enter the engagement kill-zones of Barak-8 MR-SAMs, Akash-1 E-SHORADS & the SpyDer-SR & QR-SAM SHORADS. So, in short the S-400 completes the kill-zone loop comprising LR-SAMs, MR-SAMs, E-SHORADS & SHORADS. But all this will never be understood by armchair dickheads who have virtually no respect for any of the physical sciences!

Ashish Gautam said...

Sir once you told me about problems of MIG29's new radar whose MTTR was reduced to 64hrs instead of 150hrs. Then if am not wrong u also told that IAF was interested in ZHUK-AE, so in this upgraded MiG29 which radar is being installed?? correct me on any fact if am wrong.
2ndly will there be any follow on orders for S400's remaining 7 systems?? As IAF earlier asked for 12 systems but govt is only purchasing 5 ryt now.
If yes then by when??

Anonymous said...

Hi PRasun,

Why the IAF insisted on S400 and the Defence ministry approved it instead of making use of our homegrown PAD PDV and ELTA LRTR systems that we acquired in 2001? we could have saved 5.3 billion us dollars!!


Will IAF go for mobile version of s400 or static version....Also how effective the s 400 systems against ECMs deployed by PAF/PA.....differences between chinese deployed s 400 and future indian s400 if any???


In second MiG 29 video , we can see the upgraded mig 29 looks very pathetic with paint peeling off near canopies of the aircraft....if u observe this the quality of upgrades from 11 BRD???? Shame on us of its true.....Also they have shown the IACCS workstation......could u please elaborate about IACCS deployment and whether entire indian airspace situation picture is available now at any single location like naval centre in gurgaon or it is yet pending???

Kishore said...

India: Modi sees bright future at meeting with India’s and Russia’s whizzkids

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Nahin, you are confusing the MiG-29UPG’s Zhuk-M2E MMRwith the performance specs of the Kopyo-M MMR of the MiG-21 Bison. It was the latter that was giving problems. Both MiG-29Ks of the IN & MiG-29UPGs of the IAF use the Phazotron JSC-supplied Zhuk-M2E MMR, seen here:

Russia’s AESA-MMRs like the Zhuk-AE/FGA-29 & the FGA-35 have a MBTF of 500 hours, still 400 hours short of what MMRs like the RBE-2 & EL/M-2052 AESA-MMRs offer. This is the Zhuk-AE AESA-MMR:

And this is the FGA-35 AESA-MMR:

And this is the Kopyo-M MMR:

Russia is still trying to master the production & usage of processor chips built with Gallium-Nitride & it is this that has held up the development of AESA-MMRs for both the Super Su-30MKI & the FGFA’s NO-36 AESA-MMR. Therefore, it would have been better for both the IAF & IN to opt for a MiG-29-specific version of the NO-11M BARS PESA-MMR that Russia had offered to India back in 2005 itself. Here it is:

The MiG-29UPG can now also launch the Kh-35 anti-ship cruise missile:

As for the S-400, it is not ‘system’, but SQUADRON. Only five Sqns are being procured now, with another 7 Sqns to follow later in the following decade.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANUP: NOTHING is ever unbeatable.

To AMIT BISWAS: All S-400s, S-300s, V-2500 & even the S-500 are land-mobile. Only the S-200 LR-SAMs are launched from static launchers. No pod-mounted airborne escort jammer can successfully jam the high-power illuminators of today’s MR-SAMs & LR-SAMs of any make. Hence, the solution is to either descend to low-level flight-profile in order to avoid detection & tracking by the fire-control radars of LR-SAMs & MR-SAMs, or use towed active decoys. The only hard-kill solution for destroying the fire-control/target tracking radars of LR-SAMs & MR-SAMs are 1) anti-radiation missiles, & 2) EMP-emitting tactical cruise missiles like the SAAW. The 5 S-400 Sqns of the IAF will be identical to the Russian & Chinese S-400s in terms of performance parameters. What was shown was not the IACCCS workstation, but only the air situation picture around AFS Adampur. Entire airspace situation picture is available only at a hardened, underground facility located in the foothills north of Haryana. Detailed data on the number & type of each radar used by the IAF, number & type of radars reqd in future, details of the upgrades carried out on legacy radars, detailed progress on IACCCS’ implementation through SATCOMS on-board AEW & CS platforms & airborne operational data-links, & its future augmentation through the usage of the IAF’s GSAT-7A satellite, & latest figures on every type of PGM either acquired by the IAF or to be procured in future is available in a 5-page article written by me in this month’s issue of FORCE magazine. For the PAF, the IAF’s air bases at Adampur, Halwara, Pathankot & Bhatinda will be the very first targets to be struck (as was the case in 1965 & 1971) since it is these air bases that house the assets reqd for air operations over the Chhamb-Sialkot sector. Hence, the IAF will be reqd to deploy aerostat-mounted medium-power radars from Bhatinda, Ambala & Poonch in order to provide gap-free airspace surveillance coverage for the threatened air bases in northern Punjab.

Rakshit said...

hello sir,

1. what is your take on the current news that INTERPOL chief has vanished from china since 10 days when he was on tour to china ?
2. Why india lags behind china in terms of multi layered SAM defence system and continue to use soviet era S 125 SAM sytem at some bases when AKASH and SYPER are present in our inventory ?
3. Why china went with S 400 when it has HQ 9 SAM system ? Does chinese SAM system are inferior to russian one ?
4. How indian navy plans to tackle type 055 destroyer? and how it compares to our destroyers ?
5. Now J 20 is near operational is it big threat for indian air force during any short term conflict with china ? how does their smaller J 31 counter to SU 30 and rafale of IAF ?
6. Does DF 21D and DF 28 really have the capability to sink an aircraft carrier as china do have many military satellite in orbit
7. How you see china and russia being on one side and India and US on another side. How china able to produce many weapons mainly missiles capability and india is almost very dull.


Ashish Gautam said...

acha ok ok..... got it. thanks for clearing my confusion.
Su35 is in 114 MMRCA 2.0 competition this time??? read it somewhere....
1) aap itni information kha se dhoond k laate ho???? how u do so much data mining???
2) did u tried to join any of armed forces in your time?? SSB face kia apne sir??
thanks n regards.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAKSHIT: 1) Very intriguing, isn’t it? Honeytrapped perhaps? Only time will tell. 2 & 3) What makes you ASSUME that India is lagging behind China? The FN-6 VSHORADS & HQ-7 SHORADS are of 1980s era vintage while the HQ-9 LR-SAM is a clone of the firstvrariant of the S-300 LR-SAM that was fielded in the early 1980s. That’s why China had no other option but to import S-300PMU1, S-300PMU23 & S-400 LR-SAM Regiments from Russia. The LY-80E MR-SAM entered service at around the same time as India’s Akash-1. 4) Very easy, just use the BrahMos-1 in combination with S-70B Seahawk NMRHs. Type 055 DDG is the PLAN’s first DDG with an integrated mast, whereas the IN’s P-15A DDGs have had such masts for the past 5 years. 5) Has anyone conclusively proved that the J-20 is a stealthy platform with supermanoeuvrability & supercruise capability? The jury is still undecided on whether or not the J-20 constitutes a truly 5th-gen MRCA. Same goes for the FC-31. 6) Not at all. At best they will use EMP-generating warheads for wide-area effect, & not for pinpoint strikes. 7) China-Russia relations are not strategic in nature & Russia does not cooperate with China on nuclear weapons-related matters. In India’s case, Russia has been actively assisting & mentoring the development of India’s strategic weapons & weapons-launch platforms.

To ASHISH GAUTAM: If India can afford to purchase Su-35s for MRCA reqmts, then surely there’s enough money to buy 126 Rafales off-the-shelf as well. But you should take note that the Su-35 being equipped with a PESA-MMR like IRBIS-E, cannot undertake low-level flights since the IRBIS-E does not have the terrain-avoidance operating mode. So that automatically rules out the Su-35 from the competition. Samjhe? Elementary analysis karnaa chahiye. 1) Karnaa padta hai, aur woh isliye ki bahut bandalbaazi ho rahaa hai aaj kal. For example, is baar na AK-103 SLR da koi contract sign hua hai, aur naa hi chaar (4) frigate kharide gaye hai. Matlab yeh donoh khabarein saraasar ghalath theh, i.e. fake & paid news. 2) Nahin. Naa hi SSB ki koi jaroorath thi. Ab jaake dekhiye MiG-29UPG ka scramble Amadpur hawaii adde se:

IAF Day Promo for 2018:

Aakhir mein, itne Hawaii zahaazon ko crash karne ke baadh, sirf ek hi baat ki kami thi, woh bhi pichle subah IAF ne kar dikhaayaa. Abb woh microlight joh Slovenia ke Pepistrel se kharidaa gaya tha, usehbhi crash kar diya:

AQbb IAF ke sirf doh kism ke Hawaii zahaaz hai joh ki abb tak crash nahi kiyaa gayaa, IL-76MD aur C-17A Globemaster-2. Toh chale dekhteh hain aane waalein samay/waqt mein kya hotaa hai.

Finally, it now appears that the AK-47s were stolen from the COD, not OFB Jabalpur:

And this:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ASHISH GAUTAM: Prakriti ka karishmaa dekhiye:

Aakhir mein ek bandalbaaz ko jail mein jaane ka samay aah chuka hai. Kamaskam teen saal tak sarkari hotel mein sarkari mehmaan bankeh rahegaa. Abb baari hai baaki bandalbaazon ki. Hoshyaar! Hoshyaar! Hoshyaar!

The Engdoc Society said...

Dada great great info and very interesting and hilarious explanations u r giving in comments thread.

1. Tell us how many submunitions does prithivi pralay and prahar has

2. Do India has s300 previously like China as procliamed by some people

3. Can the recent purchase of s400 and its radar can be integrated with S300, akash and other Israeli products

4. Any info of no of missiles India are buying and no of simultaneous engagement India can take it up with this system

5. Where exactly these squadrons will be based in countering the threats

rad said...

hi prasun
i remember you saying that the s-400 system we will be getting will be far more advanced with longer range ABM capability. NOw you have mentioned they will b e identical to the chinese and russian systems?

the adampur video is scary to watch as the long dry grass near the runway can catch fire due to the exhaust of the mig-29? is it on purpose that the grass is let to grow for camouflage?. more over FOD problems will be there.

as we have signed the s-400 deal , what will happen ? will there be sanctions and of what kind .?
Pakistan will surely pressurize chine to sell the russian variants of s-300 will that be possible given russian copy rights?

pse give us a link to ur force magazine write up

to take out a radar installation why cant we use a brahmos with its Imaging radar with pin point accuracy and long range rather than a ARM?

can the pakis use their babur missiles in a mass multiple launch to take out the s-400?

will it not be feasible to put a larger ARM seeker with better resolution and sensitivity on to a brahmos and to make it into a non stoppable accurate ARM as we seem to have attained some basic skill in making ARM seekers.

how did kalyani make netra radar seekers ? they are basically a mechanical forging company and to make seekers just like that is not possible ?

i was given to understand only ALPHA and data patterns were making them?

you mentioned adampur , batinda etc will be hit in the opening of a war.MY assumption is that this time it will be wave of cruise missiles for sure. So we seem to be open to the attack .What are the options and what have we done ?

rad said...

hi prasun
we seem to have tested the astra well in many scenarios , i wonder how they tested the missile on to a 9g uav ? I don t believe the british target UAV is capable of puling 9 g leave alone the PTA?

i am waiting for the day when it will be announced that an IIR seeekr will be put on a n astra. These seekers are available from Israel and france , ukraine , russia etc, and like the astra which used Russian seekers initially we can start developing the IIR seeker as well.? or should we start to make a the version in the league of the python -5 , asraam etc?


Exactly as intimated by you...refer last two paragraphs

So how come india will transfer money now....which currency does russia prefer dollar or euro

Deepak said...

Sir, during the winter season, can hovercrafts be used over Sutlej river for transportation till shipki la pass?


Is there still gaps in western sector radar coverage????

Moreover whats the maximum distance between s400 sam launcher and radar should be during deployment ??? My concern is if they are deployed at single location it may be a lucrative targets for loitering munition of PAF

Unknown said...

Prasun Sir,
Despite of being strategically important why pakyong airport aka "engineering marvel" has short runway (why single?) dimensions (1700x30 m)that too at high altitude (4500 feet)......while china has 8 out of 10 high altitude airports in world with highest at altitude of 4411 m with runway dimensions (4200 x45).
In tibetan n other high altitude regions they've numerous airports with multiple runways having better dimensions.


Unknown said...

Prasun Sir,
Please do some detailed analysis of such high crash rate of jets and helos n other accidents eg:- amunition depot fires in our armed it bcz of our men or machines or both.....ur take


Enigma said...

Sir,your thoughts?

Jacob987 said...

Mr Prashun, who do u think is the winner of the IA rifle deal? Sig 716?

Satya said...

Prasun bhai how is the testing of 77N6-N and 77N6-NI missiles progressing in Russia and when will they be available for India? Has the order for Israeli long range radar been placed?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JASSS GILL: LoLz! What you refer to as ‘low confidence’ is in fact ‘high confidence of the quiet type’ of the IAF’s air warriors, whereas the ‘high confidence’ of the PAF pilots that you’ve referred to (to me it is ill-conceived and disaster-inviting arrogance) tantamounts to unrealistic over-expectations that always tend to produce disasters.

To THE ENGDOC SOCIETY: 1) All the data is available in the slides above. 2) No. 3) Of course. It is all about IFF integration when operating in the National Secure Mode (NSM). 4) About 2,000 rounds of SAMs of various types. 5) Exact locations can vary, they can be changed thrice in a single day.

To RAD: Wrong. What I had stated that for starters the S-400s will come with SAMs currently available. Later, the 77N6-N and NI SAMs will follow. Flames from the afterburner do not reach the surrounding grass-based landscape. ARMs are used against LLAD radars whose locations can constantly change. Only fixed HPR sites can be attacked with PGMs. Pakistan does not possess Baburs in the quantities reqd for undertaking saturation attacks. Astra-1 is a BVRAAM & therefore like all other BVRAAMs worldwide, it does not have to pull high Gs because the targets to be engaged themselves will not pull high Gs when being attacked by BVRAAMs. Only SRAAMs are reqd to sustain high G forces. Astra-1’s airframe has not been designed for manoeuvring like a SRAAM & hence the question of equipping Astra-1 with IIR does not arise.

To AMIT BISWAS: The US & European sanctions prevent India & Russia from using the Belgium-based SWIFT software & clearing house electronic transfer of money. Instead, both countries have established bank branches in each other’s capital that will undertake electronic banking activities on a bilateral basis using each other’s respective national currencies. Such branches operate under each country’s EXIM bank rules & regulations & are not used for any form of retail banking activity. There are always gaps in ground-based airspace surveillance for every country & the gaps vary in different altitudes. Only the large-scale usage of AEW & CS platforms can ensure gap-free airspace surveillance. All IAF SAMs are land-mobile & therefore their locations can be changed thrice every day during hostilities. This is what was done way back in 1971.

To DEEPAK: What for?

To ANMOL JUNEJA: That’s because Pakyong Airport was carved out of a mountainside, whereas in TAR there are several high-altitude plateaux.

To UNKNOWN: It is too early to tell who the eventual winner will be since the evaluations are still underway.

Anonymous said...

Going through the Radar specifications of Zhuk-ME, I saw that the specs for:
Target detection range for targets of 5 sq.m in air-to-air mode
-- In Look up headon aspect = 120 km
-- In Look up Tail on aspect = 50 km
-- In Look down headon aspect = 110 km
-- In Look down Tail on aspect = 40 km

So from the view of a Bandit on tail at 150 km away, looking at a aircraft like Mig-29 UPG, firing his BVRAAM similar to Astra flying at 4000 km/h(1.1 km/s), it would have around 40 seconds when the radar can get the reach to identify and detect. For the pilot another only 30 seconds take evasive measure.

So basically on flight back from inside enemy territory, a BVRAAM loaded enemy 4th gen aircraft could be very dangerous and Mig-29 could be a vulnerable target.

Am I correct in that assessment? Or am I missing something here.


Kapil said...

Prasun sir,

1) Was the deal for six nuclear attack submarines also signed during Putin's visit?
2) Recently there were reports that Russia has test fired the world's longest surface to air missile. Which interceptor missile was that - 77N6-N or 77N6-NI?
3) When will the deliveries of QRSAM and MRSAM begin?


Prasun Da,

1. Was listening to a panel discussion on Rajya Sabha TV today. Some panelist including former foreign secretary Shashank stated that Russia wants lots of Indians to migrate to Russian Far East in order to tackle growing Chinese presence. Is this true ?

2. When the newer AK 15 was available, why did India opt for the AK- 103 ? Even Russia plans to replace the AK 103 with the AK 15



CSC said...

Did not hear any news of the super sukhoi upgrade during putins visit. It's all nice and fine to buy rafale and other new aircraft in l mk1a which will arrive in many years. Why not upgrade the sukhoi and order the 42 more that you had predicted. So the Russian aesa is not matured yet, can't we use the 2052... Also the al 41 engines and the newer ew capabilities would make the sukhoi a far more potent machine.

Why don't we start upgrading squadron by squadron as tech becomes available and later add stuff missed out in mid life upgrades. There is no end to tech development, why do we keep waiting...

You invariably end up being proven right, is there a time line you foresee for the upgraded sukhois to start being available to the iaf

Varun said...

Prasun sir, for 5 billion India is getting 5 regiments with each regiment having 2 batteries with 4 launcher each. How many regiments did China got for 3 billion? Your friends Mr Sawhney also says that Russia has agreed to consider the transformational S-500 Prometheus for sale to India

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE: That’s precisely why the MiG-29UPGs come equipped with ELT-568 jammers that are located at both frontal wing-roots & also at the root of the starboard vertical tailfin. Such jammers effectively neutralize the Ka-band active seekers of BVRAAMs. On the upgraded Mirage 2000Ns the same role is performed by SPECTRA internal suite, plus CAIMAN jammer pod, as shown here:

To KAPIL: 1) LoLz! That was signed as a protocol annexe as part of the contract to supply UInits 3 & 4 of the KNPP power generation nuclear reactyor cluster. 2) What weas test-fired was the 53Т6 BMD interceptor from Kazakhstan. For intercepting MIRVed IRBMs & MRBMs the Almaz-Antey S-500 Prometheus’ development commenced earlier this year for eventually replacing the S-300V & Antey-2500 ADMS. The 77N6-N & 77N6-NI SAMs will be cone-shaped like these:

3) QR-SAM deliveries to the IA will commence by 2020. Barak-8 MR-SAM orders have not yet been placed but it will be a more agile variant of the Barak-8 since the IAF does not want to induct SpyDer-SR SHORADS in large numbers under the SL-QRM reqmt. The IN refers to SHORADS as SR-SAM while the IA refers to SHORADS as QR-SAM. Therefore, it can be conclusively stated that an optimal SAM-based air-defence network is one that includes LR-SAMs, MR-SAMs & SHORADS. Had the S-400 LR-SAM been a do-it-all system as has been claimed here ( by this IDIOT, then Russia would never have felt the need to develop & field the S-350E Vityaz MR-SAM & Pantsyr SHORADS!

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: 1) LoLz! The largest migrations to Russia’s far East are seasonal in nature & almost all of them hail from North Kore, not from China. Except for the Ladakhis no other Indian will be able to survive the harsh climate of the Far East, rest assured. So it doesn’t matter what kind of outlandish & bizarre claims are being made by others. 2) As I had stated yesterday, nothing was inked 2 days ago WRT AK-103 & therefore it now stands proven that this as well as talk about Goa Shipyard Ltd licence-building 2 Project 1135.6 FFGs was 100% FAKE NEWS. There is a large reqmt for replacements for existing AK-47s bought from Romania & Bulgaria since the late 1980s & for that the TAR or Trichy Assault Rifle was developed. This TAR has since been ordered by several State Police Forces & CAPFs, while further development led to the MCIWS' body being integrated with the 7.62 x 39 barrel & ammo magazine of the TAR. It is this resultant hybrid of the MCIWS & TAR that is now in series production for both the CAPFs & the Rashtriya Rifles & Assam Rifles, with excellent feedbacks coming in so far.

To CSC: Super Su-30MKI project cannot commence unless & until Russia completes the development of the AESA-MMR. All R & D-related work is complete from the Indian side & only the Russian part needs to be completed before systsms installation can commence. No other AESA-MMR can be installed on the Su-30MKI without authorisation from the aircraft OEM since the OEM is the sole owner of airframe design as well as systems architecture design & software interfacing. Without such interfacing source-codes, systems integration is impossible. Nor can deep upgrades be carried out sequentially since this greatly increases the downtimes for the aircraft fleet. AL-41F installation can beasily be done at the air bases itself since this does not require any structural modification to the airframe.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD & ASHISH GAUTAM: Feature on Indian SOF training:

And looks like one of the DRDO's prototype weapons that had mutated & had gone AWOL has at last been apprehended:

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: Incredible things transpiring in Incredible India:

Monkey drives KSRTC bus in Karnataka:

Western Railways' Woes:

To VIKRAM GUHA: Some excellent reading on the BCCI affair of the 1980s that was linked to the Altaaf Khainani & Kalia Hawaala businessmen of Karachi:

Anonymous said...


You mentioned a definitive K4 slbm in one of your posts above. Is'nt the definitive SLBM a future missile different from the K4 with a longer range ?


Anonymous said...

When my information changes, I change my opinion. What about you, sir?
S Nair

joydeep ghosh said...

@prasun da

hi putting few questions after long time

1. one one hand you praise S 400 as LRSAM but have also said its ineffective as it doresnt have Satellite back up, why two versions?

2. recen upgrades deal on INS vikramaditya are reported to boosted performance of Mig 29k, does it help boost turnaround time

3. you are wrong when you said only IL76 n C17 have not crashed also on the list are Il78, P8I, Tupulev bears

4. you once said you will write about MGS still waiting for that thread

5. from whatever you said about the Pralay i think it can also be used to launch ground launched versions of iaf's PGM just like GLSDB by saab n boeing

6. manyt are sayig Pakyong airport in Sikkim is strategic, but the way i see it iots more of breather from Darjeeling unrest for Sikkim.

7. no one is talking abt pro royal govts loss in Bhutan and victory f opposition that wants to break India shackles

8. there were reports that Kulbhushan Jadhav was to be exchanged with a ex ISI chap picked up in Nepal supposedly by RAW, how true is it

9. seems the consigliere to Don Trumpiaoni is giving him wrong vise with regards to China, Israelm., Iran, and he is is squeezing where he should and releasing where he should not
how can world be blind to the plight of hazara in pak afghan, Palestinians in Gaza, Uighurn Kazak in east turkistan, and Tibetan in Tibet

10. think Pak has gone up by offering Kartapur sahib corridor on its own, now India cant figure what to do

11. i feel Tejas mk1a isnt needed going to LCA mk2 is better sense

12. i feel re-engine of newer frames of Mig27 (around 60) and the 40 stored Mig23 with AL31F IS REALLY GOOD idea but then it virtually means 110 MMRCA should also be bought off the shelf is better sense, virtually killing Make in India

hope to get answers

Joydeep Ghosh

Kishore said...

Isn't space junk pose a threat to aliens who want to come to earth for their missions?
You did not publish my earleir comment on russian speciality schools such as sirius at sochi and letovo.

Kishore said...

why did you start commenting in hindi? it is pissing me off to no end

rad said...

hi prasun
SOF training link didnt work for me

its quite obvious that the s-400 deal is only meant for ABM threats only , . The radar range given the horizon is approx 400km for a ac at 35000 ft , which fighter ac will be at that height at the time of war ?
what is the real role function of the s-400 in the indian context?

if the pak awacs is at 300 km away from the border then it will have a max 100 km look range into india and that too in the face of heavy jamming to complicate things , what about the Indian scenario will our awacs do the same, or be bolder by moving closer?

you said the parliament and the south and north block are targets for the PA , I believe the attack will be in the form of a PGM cruise missiles rather than a fighter as it would be suicide coming so far deep into India, a net centric extensive shorads with barak 8 should do the job?? why the s-400?

now tell us more about the xrsam where does that fit in?

The net is abound with articles that claim the SFDR is the xrsam and the desi meteor in the making??-when will it mature

is it not time now to start developing a AESA radar seeker ?

i am surprised russia has still not developed the aesa radr for the super su-30mki given its industrial maturity . Now can the drdo charlies do the uttam in time . But if reports are to be believed it seems to be ready for integration on to an LCA ,correct?

capricorn said...


Ved said...

Dear Prasun,
Do Russia and China have a strategic alliance against US or the the CIA has been successfully preventing it to happen till date. What happens if they form an axis against US?

Kindly also share the latest on the indigenous nuclear submarines. What's happening after INS arihant induction and what is the status of K4 and K5 SLBMs.

Ved said...

Dear Prasun,

Is this true? " India is buying only two missiles with S-400 : very-long-range 40N6 (400 km) and the long-range 48N6 (250 km) surface-to-air missiles from Russia".

Ashish Gautam said...

Thanks for all info sir. Hmm smjh gya that Su35 cantc afford trrrain hugging mode flying as of now....
I find Gripen a good contender though things may vary on ground.
920L ka Jo additional tank behind cockpit lagaya hai MiG 29 mei it makes it look bulky... 😐😐
ABI after this upgrade endurance kya rhega iska under various load conditions???
Ye defence cyber command ka kya scene chal rha hai??? NTRO kamchori krii kua?? 😜😜 Ya fir vahi defence or civil services ki apas ki ladai??😛😛
Jokes apart but I think NTRO k work area mei defence services etc nai ata shayad.... What u say??

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SATYAKI: The term ‘definitive’ means final frozen design of a type of missile, & not last of any missile model. The K-4 is still undergoing improvements & so its design is not yet the final definitive one. But it does not mean that after K-4 there won’t be any other improved performance SLBM.

To S NAIR: Not to do so would be an act of fallacy.

To JOYDEEP GHISH: 1) Because I do not present my PoV as a cocktail or ‘bhelpuri’. I’ve already explained above against which type of targets the S-400 is effective & against which it isn’t. 2) Only the deck-based refuelling system has been improved. The FADEC’s upgared to BARK-88 standard for the RD-33MK turbofans hasn’t been included as yet. 3) Are P-8Is & Tu-142s part of the IAF’s fleet inventory? That’s why always pay attention to the detail. 4) I have already given given all relevant details on the MGS in the DEFEXPO 2018 thread. 5) Not yet, but such loitering PGMs are better if they’re air-launched. 6) Pakyong can only accommodate regional commuter turboprops & An-32REs. Had the IAF possessed IL-214 MRTTs, then they too could have used that runway. 7) And go where? Into atheist China’s lap? Is that ever possible? 8) Not true at all. 9) Who says he is blind? Hasnlt he imposed sanctions on China WRT persecution of Uyghurs? And why blame only the US WRT TAR when all other so-called Buddhist countries of this world are also keeping quiet about TAR? 10) No such offer has officially been made. It was only a trial-balloon. 11) Let the Tejas Mk.1A first surface. So far as of now it does not exists in any physical form. `12) Neither MiG-23BN nor MiG-27M airframes are in storage. They have already been left to rot & corrode.

To KISHORE: How can space junk pose any threat to any alien visitor when such visitors never make use of the same methodology of inter-planetary or inter-stellar travel that we know of? The comments are in Hindi using English alphabets & words. Do you have a very low threshold of tolerance for such communication techniques?


To VED: No need to discuss such conspiracy theorties. Russia’s airlines are stiil flying airliners supplied by Boeing & Airbus & Western turbofans are powering the Sukhoi SuperJet & no one has imposed any sanctions on them. Bilateral US-Russia trade stands at US$14 billion & is not decreasing due to any sanctions.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAD: Then try this link:

S-400 LR-SAM like I stated before will be used for BMD & CMD to a certain extent. It can work as an AEW & CS killer only if the AEW & CS platform is operating at 40,000 feet altitude ASL & that too along a very narrow airspace corridor, i.e. 200km away from an S-400’s TEL. In the PAF’s case, the usage of AEW & CS platforms is only for airborne battle management inside Pakistan’s airspace, i.e. strictly for defensive purposes since the lumbering turboprop platforms cannot escape at high-speed in case they are operating close to the IB/LoC. And since such platforms will always be escorted by no less than 2 MRCAs, the only way to attack the AEW & CS platforms is to stage diversionary air-attacks by either real MRCA platforms or decoy cruise missiles so that the PAF MRCAs on CAP are diverted to other areas, thus leaving the AEW & CS the only target in the sky for hypersonic LRAAMs like the Novator KS-172. Even an air-launched BrahMos-NG can do this job by incorporating an X-band monopulse active seeker. The principal challenge here is to provide mid-course guidance cues to such a LRAAM for 280km from the launch aircraft, which is impossible as of now. Therefore, only a friendly high-flying AEW & CS platform can provide long-distance guidance cues to the launch aircraft via ODL airborne data-links, with the launch aircraft relaying such cues via the ODL to the LRAAM that will be 270km ahead of the launch aircraft.XR-SAM is a follow-on to the MR-SAM & LR-SAM. SFDR is meant for both XR-SAM & a LRAAM that will use both SFDR as well as air-breathing ramjets. It will externally resemble the French ASMP. Uttam AESA-MMR is at least another 8 years away from being integrated with any Tejas airframe. Why else do you think the EL/M-2052 is being spoken of as being the SESA-MMR chosen for the Tejas Mk.1A?

To ASHISH GAUTAM: It makes the MiG-29UPG look bulky but in reality it does not affect the aircraft’s power-to-weight ratio at all. Endurance will go up to 1.5 hours of flight without refuelling. NTRO is not involved in any form of cyber warfare. NTRO is strictly limited to passive cyber surveillance. Offensive cyber warfare is a totally different affair. For instance, if a civilian residential area is to be saturation-bombed, then 1 hour before the bombing commences, the local telecommunications network of that area will have to be hacked so that recorded messages asking the people to immediately evacuate that area are sent by voice as well as by SMS to all telephone/cellphone users of that area. This is what Israel had done in 2006 before it conducted saturation-bombing of residential suburbs of southern Beirut. That’s how offensive cyber warfare works to create psychological panic & paralysis.