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Wednesday, January 6, 2021

PLA's Training Schedule For 2021 Kicks Off In Lhasa Under WTC's Tibet Military District

China’s President Xi Jinping, also General Secretary of the Communist Party of China’s (CPC) Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), on January 4, 2021 signed the first order of the CMC for 2021, this being the mobilisation orders for the projected training exercises of the People’s Liberation Army’s PLAGF, PLAN and PLAAF and for the People’s Armed Police that are planned for this year. To commemorate this event, a gramd show of force was staged by the Tibet Military District at Hanbo in Lhasa, which included a display of the TMD’s warfighting assets, as well as a flypast over Lhasa by the newly service-inducted Z-20 medium-lift helicopters.

And while the PLAAF has over the past two years accelerated the deployment of HQ-22 MR-SAMs and HQ-17 SHORADS in both the Tibet and Xinjiang military districts, the PLAGF has begun service-inducting the LY-80 MR-SAM in greater numbers.

PLAGF 85 Air-Defence Brigade HQ (above) with LY-60 MR-SAM
The PLAGF has since May 2020 been constructing a heliport in Tianwendian opposite DBO ALG at 35 19 51.07 N, 78 10 43.57 E. The heliport area was surveyed in August 2019 and civil engineering works began in October 2019. In addition, a new unmanned SIGINT station has been set up east of DBO ALG at 35 20 24.30 N, 78 8 59.48 E.
WTC’s 76 Army Aviation Brigade HQ at Dalachi (above) 36 37 43.46 N, 105 0 13.01 E

Meanwhile, just 89.4km north-west of Tuting ALG in Arunachal Pradesh, the Linzhi Airport is presently being transformed into a dual-use airport/air base through the construction of a new parking tarmac, two new taxiways, a warehouse complex for housing a complete SAM Battery, and a nearby SAM deployment site capable of housing a Battery of HQ-22 MR-SAMs of the PLAAF.


DAshu said...

Sir, Is this the dress rehearsal of the action India will go through in the coming months? By seeing this GoI might have already asked armed forces to create some kind of excuses like war wastage reserve not sufficient or lack of weapon system the list can be unending, etc.

Why EU (Germany in particular) so subservient to CPC?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Video of yesterday's flypast over Lhasa:

Meanwhile, a newly inducted but unidentified PLAAF Air-Defence Brigade (from the Southern Theatre Command) at Kirgilik in southern Xinjiang yesterday began "informationised" training, in an exervcise called "Cloud Computing Network 2021-1". The Brigade is practicing to pass sensor data using data-links to off-board systems in "the cloud" while operating in areas where it cannot access conventional means of processing sensor data.

Hardik Thanki said...

Hi Prasunji,

Reading Reports about Pakistan-China joint air excercises, one thing stood out that the chinese have been running air tatctis better than the pakistani. Now what I find surprising is that Pakistani training philosophy is like western countries, so how come they are being beaten in this excercises? Has their training degraded or Chinese are getting better.

Thanks & Regards

Hardik Thanki

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARDIK THANKI: LoLz! The PLAAF exercises with the PAF for the sake of getting to know more about the IAF's air combat tactics. So, if the PAF comes out inferior, it means that the IAF's air combat tactics are inferior, since such bilateral air exercises are not gladiatorial contests, but are instead all about learning & experiencing. Hence, don't believe such FAKE NEWS emanating from either Pakistan or China.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: It is part of PSYOPS. But do rest assured that the PLA will not be engaging in any kinetic operations that causes large-scale bloodshed. Both the CMC & PLA firmly believe in counter-attacking, i.e. they always launch military campaigns as a defensive measure, just like in 1962 when the PLA launched offensives in both NEFA & Ladakh ONLY AFTER Pandit Nehru has stated on October 12 of that year that he had left it to the Indian Army to choose the time, place & method of freeing India's lands from the 'northern invaders'.

Meanwhile, the IA is now very reluctantly implementing what to ought to have have been from 2004 onwards:

The Indian Army will dedicate two Strike Corps for the mountains facing China as part of a larger restructuring plan. The existing strike corps—I Corps and 17 Corps—will be slightly restructured to focus on the northern and eastern theatres respectively, to tackle any threat from China. The restructuring is likely to be implemented by this month. The Army currently has four strike corps—the Mathura-based I Corps, the Ambala-based II Corps, the Bhopal-based 21 Corps and the partially-raised 17 Corps. I Corps, which was earlier responsible only for the western theatre bordering Pakistan, is now being realigned to also look at the northern theatre. Similarly, the Panagarh-based 17 Corps, which is the only existing mountain strike corps, will keep its focus only the eastern theatre. Currently, I, II and 21 Corps focus on the western border facing Pakistan, while only the 17 Corps focuses on China. The plan is to get the I Corps to also focus on the northern theatre with two Infantry Divisions. The 1st Armoured Division, earlier part of the Corps, is likely to be employed as an Army HQ reserve focussing on the western theatre. The first of the IBGs—self-contained, agile, Division-sized fighting units—has been by the Himachal Pradesh-based 9 Corps, and is meant for the western border with Pakistan. The Army is also planning to realign a division from an existing Corps to focus exclusively on the central sector with China. This division is likely to be under the Army’s HQ Central Command and will focus on the central theatre, thereby strengthening the offensive options in case of any protracted conflict with China. The western theatre is being re-organised in such a way that two Strike Corps continue to focus on that front with adequate support from the existing Pivot Corps (those deployed for defensive options) to retain the offensive options against Pakistan.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Latest PLAAF Ad Showing Stealthy UCAV:

Making of Su-57:

Making of JF-17B:

just_curious said...


1- Any insights from the recent chini-pak games you wud like to share? say new strategy u observed/read/analysed which need to be countered, any new manuveures etc.. it now clear that it will be a 2 front war nxt time around
2- will pakis now go for the J11 C after the current excercise to counter mki's?wonder why didnt they go for it earlier
3-u replied that drdo is blocking funds for pvt cos to develop UAV's, isn't this a criminal act.. how is the MoD allowing this
4- EU- china trade pact .. typical western hypocrisy... the chinese have clicked the mute button on hk with this...
5- Xi calling on armed forces to be ready .. what is he planning gues... an attempted raid on taiwan is in the offing in the comming yrs..
6- rustom 2 flt tested for 8 hrs with autonomous take off landing.. can u share more on this.. how closer is it to be considered for the armed forces?


So many rivets r used for fastening in frontal hemisphere of Su 57

just_curious said...


new news/roumers floating around
5- ISI prodding US rights commission to write a letter to US congressman to withold sig siguar deal
6- C-295 deal back on the table &
7- the usual DPSU cyclical act-- strke by BEML employees

Kane1966 said...

Hello Prasunda, good day, could you please share the MTOW, Empty wt, payload of Tapas bh 201, i do not believe wiki or drdo sites which say its empty wt is 1800 kgs and its payload is max 350 kgs. If itscenoty weight is actually 1800 kgs its very close ro the mq9 reaper class. Thanks


Prasun Da, wishing you and your family a very Happy and prosperous 2021.

Why is the Indian Air Force purchasing SPICE 2000 and HAMMER? They are both essentially the same type of weapon

This is similar to the procurement of Mig-27; Specat Jaguar and Mirage-2000 by the IAF in the 80s. All similar types of aircraft and yet the IAF had to splurge taxpayer's money.

Thank You

3rd ~ EyE said...

are the russians behind the chinese w.r.t manufacturing process ? the external revets and boltons on the frontal section of fuselage of Su57 looks sub optimal to J20

Indrajit said...

Prasun da....I was seeing the video of SMASH. It is a pity that inspire of having premier AI institutions both in academia and private sector; we have to import this from outside. With the right ecosystem and environment this is very much within our reach.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) You can go through this:

2) No, because the PAF wants a twin-engined solution, i.e. the Shenyang FC-31. 3) The MoD has not even uploaded its annual reports for 2019-2020 & 2020-2021. And its homepage still shows the video of former IN CAS Admiral Robin Dhowan! If the Defence secretary can’t even ensure that his Ministry’s homepage is kept updated, then how can one entrust him with the defence of the realm? 5) He has been making such calls ever since he took over as President in late 2013 because he knows that for a largely conscript military force, maintenance of operational proficiency is a very tall order. Secondly, it will take at least the mid-2030s to make the PLA corruption-free & until then it will remain a compromised military force. 6) What’s so great about it? All that one needs is: a digital flight-control system that can be a much smaller version of the one developed for the LCA Mk.1; and a mission computer linked to a digital autopilot (all shown at DEFEXPO-2014). All loitering drones since the past 20 years have had such avionics. What matters most is how will all these perform when the production-standard UAV takes to the skies. 7) Acquisition cost of the licence-assembled C-295s will be 2.5 times more than the acquisition cost of off-the-shelf C-295s.

And this could well be the grand finale for the much-hyped Project 75I SSK programme:

To AMIT BISWAS: The same is the case with South Korea’s KF-X, as shown in this video:

Now compare those with the F-35 JSF:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KANE1966: All data on all DRDO-developed UAV platforms is available here:

It will be highly premature to speculate on the MTOW of the Rustom-2/Tapas because the definitive diesel engines (desi ones) are yet to be installed.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: The very same to you as well. Only Spice-2000s have been ordered. Contract for the AASM/Hammer has not yet been signed, just like the contract for BAE Systems Mk.45 Mod-3 127mm naval guns. Now the IN is fast-tracking the procurement of these guns by inking a G-to-G agreement with the US under which 3 such guns will be procured from existing US Navy stocks.

To 3rd-EYE: Even the J-20’s airframe features extensive riveting, especially on the frontal fuselage section. Only way to overcome this deficiency is to either spray such rivettings with radar-absorbing paint or apply radar-absorbing material strips over them.

To INDRAJIT: LoLz! The ‘right eco-system’ eco-system has been ELUSIVE for the past 50 years & that itself accounts for the human resource brain-drain that continues unabated. Perhaps all are now awaiting the arrival of a super-advanced microchip made of Cow-Dung (which even the likes of INTEL cannot come up with) or a super-duper image-enhancing liquid made of cow’s urine that can be applied on an existing IRDE-developed night-vision device that can be mounted such SLRs/assault rifles/carbines/SMGs!

On the other hand, folks like me who lay stress on common-sensical solutions had long ago proposed to the MoD that the MAREEM AIP project be expanded both horizontally & vertically in scope/applications by developing its modular containerised air-mobile AIP versions that can be secure/assured electricity suppliers in remote areas like J & K UT, Ladakh UT or Sikkim or Arunachal Pradesh, where it is quite difficult & expensive to lay electricity transmission lines for fulfilling various public utility reqmts. That way, the R & D investments on the MAREEM project can be amortised in very short timespans while at the same time the acquisition costs of such AIP modules for the IN can also be drastically reduced. Even the NDRF as part of HADR operations ought to be equipped with such modular containerised air-mobile AIP systems. This is what is known as CIVIL-MILITARY FUSION at both military-technical & military-industrial levels.

Anonymous said...

Sir what do you make of ISRO scientist Tapan Misra's claims about being poisoned and multiple attempts on his life. Apparently he was working on Synthetic Aperture Radar, with military and commercial value. If foul play, which agencies / countries could be involved, or am I reading too much into it.


Anonymous said...


1) You state that PLA will not initiate kinetic operations against us since they believe in counter attack only. What then explains the new PLA policy of going to war to safeguard ``development interests"? Does this not indicate that PLA would initiate kinetic operations, at least on a small scale to break the current stalemate ?

2) Do'nt PLA have the opportunity to initiate operations near the Depsang plains to try cut SSN off? How successful is such a PLA attempt likely to be ?


Karnflakes said...

Prasun sir. Cheaper energy storage solutions are available ..why would anyone use a boro hydride based solution like in the mareem on top of that I don't think any indian organization has a nice way of storing and transporting hydrogen..

rad said...

HI prasun
how true are the report that pak pilots are flying the quatari rafales ? Is it not a real danger that all the parameters are going to be jeopardised/ Morover the french have no gut to scold teh quatari extremists. Also the agosta is beong closley examined by the chinese engineers?

Ved said...

"Contract for the AASM/Hammer has not yet been signed". If i recall correctly, I understood from your earlier post that Hammer can not be integrated with IAF Rafales because they use litening LDP and would require sharing of source codes. Have i misunderstood the concept?

Indrajit said...

Prasun da.....Would you like to consider suggesting a Talpiot kind of a program for me if we can do this one thing right, it will correct many wrongs and can have an everlasting effect on the whole defense community.

You can call me a dreamer but it is dreams that keep us going.

Sanjeev said...

Insurrection in the US today! Doesn't it present the best opportunity for the Chinese to conduct a go for land grab either in the Himalayas or in Taiwan Strait?

Anonymous said...

Dear Sir,

Read your article in the Force magazine. With this interoperability between PLA-AF and PAF & not with standing what happen on the 27th Feb 2019, what should worry the IAF? Have PAF managed to mitigate IAF's advantages.


asd said...

Dear Prasun,

1. What's your view on recent allegations by a renowned ISRO scientist about claim upon his life by poison? Is UPA to be blamed for the same? Was it indulged in anti country activities?

2. Further you are too critical to our country's development especially in defense. How are you safe? Are you not afraid of any attack?

sanjay said...

Prasun Sir
1)Our Artillery has 3 Pinaka MK1 in service and one more on order

2)Again from above video the ADG Artillery says the M777 can fire the Excalibur PGM when FH-77Bs are also 39cal?

3)He also said PGKs have been ordered which ones he is refering too have they entered service?

Will the 6 more regiments ordered all will be delivered by 2024 and they will fire MK2 rockets with range of 60 km?

5)Why has the MK1 Enhanced been developed when it will be ordered and which ones will fire it?

6)Have the tunnels in J&K, Ladakh, AP ,Sikkim come up which will house Prahaar and Shaurya missiles because the approval for the induction of Shaurya has been granted by National Security Council when will it's production start?

7)How does Pakistan has Ababeel with MIRVS because it has been mentioned in U.S DIA Report that it has MIRVs?

Thank You


Why only the M777 can fire the Excalibur PGM when FH-77Bs are also 39cal?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SATYAKI: 1) That is referring to naval skirmishes that may take place in the South China Sea where China has reclaimed shoals & reefs & converted them into permanent military outposts. 2) Not any more, especially after the IA staged a counter-mobilisation to have a mirror deployment, as I had explained a few times before.

To KARNFLAKES: Power generation & energy storage are two completely different aspects. AIP deals with the former, while NiCad or Lithium-Ion batteries are meant for the latter.

To RAD: Not a single Pakistani citizen is allowed to even enter the air base housing the Qatari Rafales. Nor is it true that the PAF will be receiving PL-15 or PL-10 or PL-21 AAMs for its JF-17s. In fact, the PL-15 hasn’t even entered operational service with the PLAAF thus far. And the PL-10 is nothing else but a PL-8 (Python-3 clone) put inside a new airframe.

To VED: The Litening LDP’s source-codes have already been shared with THALES & that’s how that LDP got integrated with the Rafale & hence AASM/Hammer can easily be made compatible with the Litening LDP. On the other hand, the source-codes of the EL/M-2052 AESA-MMR or NO-11 ‘Bars’ PESA-MMR have not been shared with MBDA & hence Meteor BVRAAM cannot be carried by the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3, Su-30MKI & Tejas Mk.1A.

To INDRAJIT: The only thing I will suggest is the application of sound common-sense & logical reasoning, which are today extreme rarities in India. And hence we have FAKE NEWS like this being peddled by the ‘desi patrakaars’:

Like I had stated before several times, no one in this world can licence-build either 4th-gen MRCAs or 5th-gen MRCAs because it is impossible from both technological & financial angles.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

o SANJEEV: LoLz! There was a crowd of 2.5 million assembled in Washington DC out of which less than 500 became anarchists & stormed Capitol Hill. The US criminal justice system ensured that matters got back to normal in a few hours & it has been business as usual since then. Those guilty of breaching the law will surely be dealt with, while it is the exact opposite in India, where ‘dharnas’ & ‘satyagrahas’ carry on for months & no one gets convicted for any wrongdoing. Hence, it will be totally wrong to view developments in the US through Indian optics & perceptions.

To RAT 2: There’s nothing to worry about, since the IAF still possesses critical qualitative edges of the type not found within either the PAF or PLAAF, such as NCTR modes of operation & possession of meteor BVRAAMs by the IAF. If the PAF’s Mirage-IIIs, Mirage-Vs, F-7Ps & F-7PGs were today reqd to log 3 sorties per day for high-intensity aerial warfare, most of them would crash by Day-2 due to sheer structural fatigue & block obsolescence. Consequently, the PAF will be left with less than 10 effective squadrons available for aerial warfare. That’s why the PAF closed its airspace to Indian commercial airliners last year for a long time, i.e. to conserve the service-lives of its combat aircraft.

To ASD & ANJAN: If the alleged poisoning took place in 2017, why is this ISRO chap making a noise about it only now? What’s his motive?

To ASD: Is it unlawful to be critical? Do people in India disappear or get decapitated like they do in Pakistan? Lastly, how can any ‘chowkidaar’ ever cause me any harm when I am the ‘chowkidaaron ka chowkidaar’? And BTW, this PLAN SSN yesterday left its homeport of Yulin on Hainan Island & is now headed for the IOR:

And here’s the navigation route:

To SANJAY: 1 & 4) This gives the authentic data on Pinaka MBRL:

2) Excalibur & Krasnopol-M PGMs can both be fired by any 155mm howitzer. 3) read the PDF file above to know more about PGK. 5) Refer to the PDF document. 6) No. That was ‘desi patrakaars’ speculation. Shaurya TBM hasn’t been ordered by anyone. Kindly read the annual reports of Bharat Dynamics Ltd for finding out which missiles have been ordered & for what. India’s national Security Council is just an advisory body & does not have any executive authority & hence cannot order or approve anything. 7) Chins supplied them off-the-shelf.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Why China's PLA Won't be Able To Fight Any war For The Next 2 Years:

Full Dress- Rehearsal for Republic Day Parade-2021:

Have uploaded more data & slides above.

Technology, Photograpy and Travel said...

Dada , Su57 engine's Fan Blades seem to use some new design , Some mesh kind of structure !!!

Karnflakes said...

I understand the difference between storage and production of energy.No one in the world considers hydrogen an energy source only an energy carrier.. hence used for storage.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

This is the air-intake grill:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for answering my question, it explains the rationale behind some of their decisions.

What do you make of the "Fatah-1 Guided Multi Launch Rocket System (MLRS)" test yesterday? Is this really one of their own or a re-branded PLA system?


Anway said...

1) Startling revelations in USI Report on stress level in #IndianArmy due to prolonged exposure to CI/CT environment-- poor leadership, humilation by officers, conflict with seniors & subordinates, excessive engagement (AWWA etc), restriction on mobile phones, leaves among others.True?

2) Project 23900 amphibious assault ship good for IN?

rad said...

hi prasun
you have circled the riau islands is there a sosus sensor there ? again the blue circles denote waht , p8 bases?
whycant indonesia say that the various straits are idonesian as they fall within the nation boundaries and stop the chinese from using them? is it scared? especially if china can say the whole of soth china sea is theirs?
china is very advance din electronics and better than india . how come it soes not have the
NCTR mode on its radars??even when it has aesa radars, whats he big deal.?
How does it give an edge over the NCTR mode less fighter.SO it measn the F_16 does not have it?
Paf closed it airspace to india to avoid unneccessary scrambles?
surely china will suppor the f-7pg eben though teh mirage 3 spares are hard to come by. now who support the mirages ? france ?
what about the chinese gettinf the tech form the agostas?? it coulds be a quid pr for the chineses subs to be supplied.?

Harsh said...

Sir, I know F-18SH & Gripen-E use different versions of GE F-414 Engine.
Still, is there any spare parts commonality between both the variants.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KARNFLAKES: In that case you ought to have known how hydrogen is generated & stored inside the MAREEM AIP system, and not raised any fuss about either storing or transporting hydrogen. The details were uploaded here long ago:

To RAT2: Fatah-1, Hatf-9/Nasr etc etc…what’s the difference between them? One carrying conventional warheads & the other carrying tactical nuclear warheads? No wonder the ISPR video shoed the ‘test-firing’ from a rather long distance so that the design details of the TEL & rocket could not be easily discerned.

To ANWAY: 1) That is of 2008 vintage & it only goes on to justify what I had earlier stated, i.e. the armed forces should never be used for internal security, especially of the type that calls for boots-on-the-ground deployments. 2) No, because no one is in a big rush to capture any of India’s offshore island territories.

To RAD: That is the Natuna Besar island (the Riau archipelago is further down south closer to Singapore) that, like Labuan or Brunei can support P-8A Poseidon deployments & ISR flights over the South China Sea. Straits are international sea lanes of communication & hence are not named after any country. But within such straits lie territorial waters over which countries do have jurisdiction. China used to be advanced in consumer electronics for as long as it was allowed to import the latest microchips from the US & Taiwan. Not anymore. And if you read my first-ever comment in this thread, you will realise that the PLA faces serious sensor fusion shortcomings at the frontline & hence has to rely on fibre-optic cables for transmitting the data to a faraway rear-area for the data to be analysed by cloud-computing servers. It also reveals that decision-making on the battlefield remains sub-optimal since, for instance, the respective air-defence networks of the PLAGF & PLAAF are not exactly integrated & hence due to the fear of blue-on-blue engagements, the decision-making has to be done at higher HQs located far to the rear. NCTR mode remains dormant in all US-origin airborne fire-control systems found on all US-origin MRCAs & the mode can only be activated through the activation of the source-code of that mode, which can be done only by the OEM after obtaining US govt authorisation. In Pakistan’s case, that authorisation has not yet been given, nor can Pakistan on its own upgrade the DFRM-based EW threat library of its airborne jamming pods of US origin.

To HARSH: In terms of hardware, there is 90% commonality. Difference is only in thrust-ratings & the FADEC’s software.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Iran Drone EX:

IRGC Underground Missile Storage Tunnels:

CIA Document Reveals True Intention Of Malaysia’s Formation:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

The 2 ultimate ZAALIMs who are presiding over the RIYASAT-E-HARAAM:

Karnflakes said...

I have read up on the hydrogen generation of the mareem before I commented . Unless you are proposing boron hydrids as fuel which is expensive as all hell .. If submarine AIPs were so economical we would see the EU countries deploying them as peaker plants .

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KARNFLAKES: Again you are going into an irrational tizzy. Economic/financial viability is not technology-centric, but project viability-centric. If an AIP-based power-generation system is proven to be the most secure & assured generator of energy within an environment where other forms of energy generation are either missing or cannot be deployed, then that solution becomes both financially & operationally viable. EU-countries unlike India do not have to generate electricity at the kinds of altitudes that are in need of electricity for prolonged periods. Hence, it is futile to compare apples with oranges.

Anonymous said...

Prasun sir,
my first post sir

1) can u explain whether the "command theatre" is a better idea, since I've been reading recently to Pravin Shawney and other 'force magazine' authors ?
2) Have indian armed forces taken networking and interoperabilty especially army and airfoce?
3) are our internal intelligence agency IB and NIA have taken steps to increase their presence?
4) finally, does the "BJP" have any idea of changing our colonialized HISTORY NCERT TEXTBOOK

thank you

Ranveer said...

Prasun da

Everyone keeps talking about PLA light tanks and that they are deployed against us opposite Eastern Ladakh but the ORBAT of PLA 4 th and 6th Divisions shows that they contain ZBD-04 ICVs T-99 and T-88C tanks only where are the ZTQ-15 light tanks deployed?

Am I missing something?


Anway said...


Fake news?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Thanks for your response to my earlier queries. Your are really eye opener for us. Really feel blessed to be here.

I have one query. Is it true that Super Sukhoi-30MKI will get scaled version of Uttam AESA radar along with BEL developed IRST? Any update about the Super Sukhoi project?

Praksh said...

You mentioned in one of your threads from July that the army has to date ordered 443 Nag ATGM and 13 OFB Medak built NAMICA-2 when will they be delivered are they for testing or Full induction into the army?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Have uploaded more slides & updates above.

To YOGESH: 1) In layman’s terms, theatre command HQs have always existed for the 3 armed services, but in different geographical locations. For instance, while the IA’s Southern Command HQ is in Pune, that of the IN is in Kochi while that of the IAF is at Thiruvananthapuram. Consequently, such geographical distances prevent each armed service from cooperating & planning together because they have different geographical areas to both OPERATE FROM & OPERATE IN. This consequently prevents the creation of SINGLE INTEGRATED OPERATIONAL PLANs (SIOP) & hence each armed service in wartime will be reqd to fight their own individual battles/campaigns without cohesion, thereby leading to huge wastages of both human resource efforts & consumption of ammunition stocks. Hence, there is a dire need for putting all 3 HQs of each of the 3 armed services under one single roof so that joint warfighting tactics can be formulated for implementing SIOPs. Presently, the system is dysfunctional & is creating avoidable duplications. For instance, why should the IA possess NLOS-SS-BSMs like Prithvi-150 or BrahMos-1 when the IA’s forward observation capability via MALE-UAVs is restricted to only 70km inside hostile territory? Shouldn’t the IAF be entrusted with such long-range weapons due to the IAF’s superior ISR capabilities that enable it to look 200km inside hostile territory? Shouldn’t then the IA ask for & get NLOS-SS-BSMs that have a range of no more than 90km so that they can safely be launched from areas 20km inside Indian territory? 2) Again, networking & inter-operability have existed since the 1960s, for instance the presence of IAF liaison officers within IA Battalions for communicating with IAF combat aircraft for providing immediate close air-support. But again, technological advances have seen to it that the presence of IAF personnel within IA fighting units isn’t reqd since software-defined radios (SDR) today enable the IA on the ground or Army Aviation Corps RSH/attack helicopters to safely communicate with airborne IAF combat aircraft. Hence, the need of the hour is to accelerate the provision of SDRs to all 3 armed services so that they can seamlessly communicate with one another in real-time. 3) Not quite, since India has not yet fully grasped the imperatives of a surveillance state, which is today a strategic inevitability in the digital era. For instance, in the list of top 20 cities worldwide that have the maximum no of CCTV cameras for urban surveillance, the first 2 cities are in China, London comes 3rd while the Indian city with the most CCTV cameras—Hyderabad—comes a distant 16th. 3) Not quite, since it is adopting a faith-/theology-based approach, instead of a scientific approach. Here are some examples of scientific approaches that ought to be adopted:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RANVEER: All available evidence, even the official PLA video-clips, show the South Xinjiang Military District’s PLAGF formations being equipped with only Type 88C & Type 96 MBTs. The PLAGF’s Type 15 (ZTQ-105) MBTs are deployed only with the 3 Brigades of the Tibet Military District & they are all based opposite Bhutan & Arunachal Pradesh, as shown in these 2 official videoclips:

Even opposite Sikkim the PLAGF has deployed Type 96 MBTs. The FAKE NEWS about Type 15 MBTs being deployed in Ladakh was spread by ‘desi patrakaars’ (especially those from mainstream English-language TV channels) who blindly assumed that the PLAGF’s deployed forces along the LAC hail from the Tibet Military District, thereby totally ignoring the ORBAT of the South Xinjiang Military District. Secondly, the showcasing last October of the Type 15 light tanks in desert camouflage paint-scheme in parades led many to erroneously conclude that such MBTs would be used against the IA in Ladakh. In reality, such MBTs are meant for the PLA Marine Corps elements that are deploted to overseas bases like the one in Djibouti.

To ANWAY: The press-report refers ONLY to the setting up of ‘desi’ ASSEMBLY LINES, and not manufacturing lines. What that means is that the airframes will arrive in India in only semi-knocked-down condition, with only final assembly taking place in India.

To ASD: VMT. I had already replied to that query in the previous thread & here it is once again:

By 2019 the Uttam AESA-MMR laboratory model had only 11 modes of operation available (developed since 2015) out of the 21 asked for by the IAF. Hence, the outstanding modes will be developed & made available for flight-testing only by 2025 at best, following which series-production will begin by late 2027. Only then can it be offered for ONLY the MWF & MiG-29UPGs. No other aircraft will be upgraded with this radar. If the LRDE shares the Uttam’s source-codes with MBDA, then the Meteor can be integrated with these 2 aircraft-types. All 83 Tejas Mk.1As will have only EL/M-2052 AESA-MMR since the contract for the radars has already been inked. What was shown at Aero India 2019 was just a static mechanical mounting of the Uttam AESA-MMR’s antenna front-end. There’s a lot more to be done & all that can be done only on board an airborne test platform (similar in size to an An-32RE) that can also accommodate all the flight-test recording equipment & processors, since no Tejas Mk.1 PV or LSP can carry such equipment due to total lack of space. Even the list of various LRUs of the Uttam’s back-end have not yet been finalised & won’t be until the airborne flight-tests commence on board an airborne An-32RE-type testbed. This is how it has been & continues to be done all over the world & therefore India won’t be an exception. Hence, don’t be carried away by FAKE NEWS being peddled about the Uttam’s functionality being ensured by 2021. No publication or individual peddling FAKE NEWS can ever substitute sequential scientific & engineering processes with whimsical claims. The AESA-MMR for Su-30MKI will therefore be the very same that is now on the Su-57’s frontal nose-section.

To PRAKSH: Here are the figures for the requirement of NAG & NAMICA:

First NAMICA was delivered last August & you can find out more about it at the OFB’s Twitter handle:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Atmanirbharata in Satellite-Based Navigation:

Bangladesh Shipbuilding Industry:

OFB Exports to Myanmar:

BPJ Deliveries Continue:

HMVs for Pinaka MBRLs:

Acid said...

It says 400 nos of hmv .actually how many regiment of pinaka mbrl will be raised.and approx timeframe?

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Thanks always for providing truthful information as usual. However, I don't understand how journalists are publishing news without thinking twice and common man like me are getting confused.

1. However w.r.t. the Tejas Mk1A do you think that everything is in the right track? HAL is expected to start delivering the machine in this decade.

2. In case of high intensity war, how Tejas Mk1A will be useful against PLAAF in the high altitude? I'm certain Rafale will be in the lead role; but will it survive against the S-400 of China? What should be IAF's strategy?



1. CAG report had stated that IL-76 due to non-availability of hangars remained in the open. Are other aircraft in the IAF inventory facing this same issue?

2. Indian Navy had said that the Mig 29K faced engine issues mainly due to high salt and sand intake. Do engines of western aircraft of the IAF also face this issue?

Thank You

Karnflakes said...

Thanks for your answer.
With the recent steps from the US with regards to the Dalai Lama and Taiwan do you think that the US will renounce the one china policy and if that happened would India follow.

aarpee said...

Mr. Prasun

You keep saying that only 40 howitzers were upgunned by Soltam but media sources keep saying that 180 were upgraded by Soltam and 300 are now being upgraded by OFB but in one of your older threads you mentioned that 9 regiments have been upgunned as Part of Artillery Profile 2027 can you clear our confusion?


Anonymous said...

How many A2A Missiles can Tejas MK1A carry in AD Configuration?


NoMoreChicoms said...

1) BMP-2 had mediocre operational record when it was released and is way past obsolete in the modern, high-intensity battlefield. Army should be ashamed for sending jawans into these tin-foil death traps. Stop-gap purchase of at least 750 BMPT-72 should happen ASAP.
2) FRCV looks like MRCA all over again; it's a RFP designed around the end product Army wants (Armata platform, like MRCA was designed for Rafale). Like MRCA, there are only 2 viable contenders; the rest are there for drama/additional paperwork. MoD should sign G2G deal with either Russia or South Korea for FICV, either BMP3-Manul or K-21, and tie FICV into FRCV, ie: import FICV and then co-develop non-IFV derivatives of the platform.
3) Interestingly, BMP3-Dragun, predecessor of BMP3-Manul, is very similar to ZBD-04A. Possible that KurganMash Bureau designed ZBD-04A for Chicoms?
4) French selling Ardiden engine, same engine we paid for on LCH, to Chicoms. Can we force frenchies to stop selling them this? French can't claim it's only for civilian use without putting into context Chicom military-industrial strategy. Otherwise, WZ-10 will soon be deployed in Ladakh...
5) This think-tank says morale in Army really low... thoughts?
6) Sir, even Ruskies getting scared of Winnie the Pooh aka XITLER
Average Russian does not believe in SINO-RUSSIAN alliance
India should develop Russia and Iran to contain China
7) When will India buy T-90M Proryv-3?
8) Does India's S400 have ABM capability? Is it more ABM system or XRSAM system? And is it intended for China or Pak?
9) Is India interested in exporting weapons to Iran and Syria?
10) Is IAF scared of using Rafale in Tibet/Turkestan? How is SPECTRA vs HQ SAMs?

just_curious said...


1- why didn't the union govt allow for participation of real residents of Gb to take part in the recently concluded DDC polls. they should have involved the GB govt/political activists in exile to take part in it.. that way it would have been a counter to the sham paki elections in J&K
2-the US today officially junked its one china policy .. shouldn't india now move to recognize taiwan ?-
3- what are rudram 2 & rudram 3 missiles
4- any updates on IJT 36 spin tests.. no news abt it since the tests were initiated
5- any news on new tests for nirbhay
6-whats happening on the caracal carbine deal .. its neither junked nor taken ahead, if nopt carcal offering then which one will taken up

Unknown said...

Prasun da

Have the 80 ELK 1895 SATCOMs been delivered to Indian Army?
Which SATCOMS are in service with the Army do you have any detailed thread?



Rajesh Mishra said...

Sir, Just to ask you that what is happening about the Sukhoi-30MKI upgrade program? Please reply.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ACID: All the figures & facts are mentioned here:

To ASD: That’s because publishing is today a money-making industry. 1) I’m still awaiting the rollout of the first Tejas Mk.1A prototype. But as I had explained numerous times before, trying to expect the capabilities of a M-MRCA from a L-MRCA design is futile & irrational. Hence, it is the MWF that will be the optimum solution & in fact, had it not been for the IAF’s totally flawed ASQRs drafted in the mid-1980s, the Tejas Mk.1 would have been a MWF from the outset. 2) LR-SAMs are used against high-alttude cruising targets like bombers, not M RCAs that can quickly drop altitude & resort to terrain-masking. Hence, the Tejas Mk.1A will not venture deep inside hostile airspace & will instead be employed as a defensive counter-air combat aircraft for intercepting inbound PLAAF MRCAs.

To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) You can see it with your own eyes & reach the desired conclusion:

Srinagar AFS:

2) No, because Western carrier-based MRCAs are subjected to far more exhaustive flight-tests across different operating environment. Since all the flight-tests of MiG-29K were conducted in the White Sea in the northern hemisphere, the MiG-29Ks started giving problems the moment they were flying over seas in the southern hemisphere, where water salinity-levels & moisture content are greater. Hence, as I had explained before, the IN had to carry out exhaustive & expensive flight-tests yet again for a re-certification effort.

To KARNFLAKES: No, the US will not renounce the One China policy, but will continue to further dilute it in various ways WRT both Taiwan & Tibet.

To AARPEE: The upgnning contract was for 180 units of M-46, but work by OFB stopped at 40 units after one of the upgunned M-46s suffered from barrel-burst. The case then went all the way up to the Indian Supreme Court & is still underway. The SHARANG upgunning contract is for 300 units of which 16 have already been delivered.

To MIKE: Up to 7 (seven).

To NOMORECHIKOMS: 1) Here is the OFB-proposed FRCV, which is a modifi8ed BMP-2:


2) The FICV should be one of the elements of the FRCV project. Failure to do this wll defeat all the objectives of the FRCV project. 3) The turrets & armaments of the PLAGF’s ZBD-4 ICV family were all supplied by Russia’s Kurganmashzavod JSC, just as the Z-10 attack helicopter was designed by Russia’s Kamov OKB. 4) France will have to ensure that the Ardiden engines are used strictly on civilian helicopters. And France can do it. 5) Total nonsense. 7) Negotiations are still underway. 8) It is optimised for ABM but can also function as LR-SAM against slow lumbering targets like AEW & CS platforms. 9) No, that’s Russia’s & China’s exclusive domain. 10) Not at all.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Because it is illegal to do so before the delimitation of constituencies is worked out. 2) Not junked, merely diluted. 4) Perhaps that entire project must be condemned to a permanent tailspin as it is only causing financial wastage. 3) All the data was uploaded here:

To UNKNOWN/HARISH: Yes. Data on India-developed & made SATCOMs was uploaded in this blog on August 9, 2019, including this:

To RAJESH MISHRA: As I had stated before, the IAF has asked Russia to develop 2 extra enhancements for the Super Su-30MKI: internal low-band jammer suite & addition of operating modes for the AESA-MMR like traffic collision avoidance & weather monitoring mode. Work is now underway in Russia on such fronts. And here’s data on OFB-related developments:

Assam Police with AMOGH Carbine:

Assam Police with Ghaatak SLR:

Opposing mechanised forces in Rezang La (PLAGF in red, IA in green):

Harish said...

Sir I read your August 9 thread
Some questions arise

1)You mentioned SATCOMS For Strategic Forces command what are they used for?

2)For what role the Handheld and Manpack SATCOMS Used for?

3)Why 80 ELK 1895 SATCOMS were specifically ordered by Army's LAC facing commands i.e Northern,Central, Eastern commands?

4)What about the brigade of Western command that is deployed in Himachal Pradesh don't they have SATCOMS?

5) When will the P-15 DDGs refit with Brahmos missiles and other new systems begin and by what time all the 3 ships upgraded?



voiceoftheneglected said...

Sir ,
Necessity is mother of inventions

Considering the ied threats is far more serious and very real for indian armed forces operating area than nato led forces in afghnstan , do india also designing something similar to counter ied threats ?

such designed vehicles could have saved pulwama type attaks too. is it correct to say ?

Anway said...

As a defence expert, what is ur thoughts about HAL TEJAS current develop versions.
Tejas squadron ready?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To HARISH: 1 & 2) For communicating between the various SFC formations/units & the National Command Authority. 3) They were procured ONLY for Special Operations Forces. 4) They are equipped with these:

ELK-1895 SATCOM Terminal:

5) The MLU is already underway at the IN’s Naval Dockyard in Mumbai & is clearly visible on GoogleEarth imagery.

To VOICEOFTHENEGLECTED: IEDs come in various versions & hence tghere’s no unitary solution for combatting all types of IEDs. MPVs are protected against burued landmines while the IED used at Pulwama was of a totally different type, i.e. a vehicle filled with explosives that was rammed from the side on the targetted bus.

To ANWAY: I had already spelt it all out here:

And here’s China’s social credit system explained:

Pakistan DG ISPR’s PC on 11-1-2021:

China Using MALE-UAVs for Weather-Monitoring:

Tibet’s SWAT Gear:

How Reincarnation of TAR’s Living Buddhas is Validated:

DRDO-developed winter survival gear:

DAshu said...

Sir, when these people gonna realize that CCP achieved its goal without firing a single bullet? Now they are dictating everything as per their wish.

I am wondering how humidity is maintained when these heaters on or troops are managing without humidifiers?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Two excellent webinars:

Discussing the India-China Standoff:

Optimisation of OFB:

Raj Gupta said...

Why did IAF set up a airspace surveillance radar in early 1998 to monitor PAF C130s at patnitop does it still exist?

What were the C130s upto?

Thank you

Raj Gupta

rad said...

hi prasun
i dont get it why russia has beeen asked by us to develop low band jammers? arew we not up to it or theisraelis > we have been using israeli stuff like th el-8222 wb as well . now where does that fit in?

Anway said...


Harsh said...

Sir, additional orders for K9 vajra-t expected? 50 or more?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To RAJ GUPTA: The radar station was established there to track the C-130 flights taking off from Chaklala air base & heading for North Korea via China for ferrying in components of the Ghauri-1 IRBM back to Pakistan.

To RAD: The pod-mounted ASPJs procured by the IAF from ELTA are effective for only mid-band & high-band jamming. Normally, low-band jammers are known as escort jammers & are carried by escorting MRCAs. For reasons unknown, the IAF wants its Rafales & Su-30MKIs to have internal low-band jammer suites as well. DARE had developed internally mounted mid-/high-band jammers for the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 (shown at Aero India 2015 expo) but has yet to develop low-band jammers.

To ANWAY: It is such folks who resort to large-scale rumour-mongering & end up painting China as being 9 feet-tall. All they rely on are images posted by WEIBO & gossip emanating from WeChat & then proceed to make irrational assumptions. Here are some examples of some exhibits shown in China of mock-ups of AESA-MMRs which these rumourmongers have used to claim that J-14s & J-16s & J-20 all have AESA-MMR on-board:

To HARSH: What for? Just because of this(?):,Complex%20(ASC)%20in%20Hazira.

But the exact opposite of what this ‘desi bandalbaaz’ has claimed to be the case, has come out in the open here:

One can easily note that the PLAGF presence in Depsang is confined to only ZTZ-96 MBTs, PLZ-07 tracked self-propelled 122mm howitzers, Type-89 tracked MBRLs & WZ-551 6 x 6 APCs. In other words, a very light force incapable of undertaking a full-scale military campaign throughout the Depsang Plains & they won’t stand any chance against the IA’s T-90S MBT/BMP-2K ICV combination. There’s no sign whatsoever of either ZTQ-105/Type 15 MBTs or ZBD-04A ICVs.

Instead, after the K-9 Vajra tracked SPHs, L & T should be contracted for supplying the tracked ammo resupply vehicles.

To DASHU: Interesting reads:

IA COAS’ Press Conference Yesterday:

Surprisingly, not a word about the transformation of the IA aimed at engaging in joint warfighting.

NSA Ajit Doval’s sermonising to JNU:

Travelling Along NH-219

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: No one had the guts yesterday to ask the IA's COAS yesterday why exactly has the Leh-based XIV Corps ever since its raising in late 1999 had been given only 2 Divisions (3 'Trishul' & 8 Mtn Div) till last May when the rule-of-thumb mandates that every Corps-sized formation of the IA must have at least 3 Divisions.

Pathetic state of cellular comms connectivity in Ladakh:

Sinopharm Vaccine 'Most Unsafe' with 73 Side Effects:

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

What's this, what purpose and who will be the end-user. Seems Glock pistol framed inside some kits.


How deep is this Nexus??

Anway said...

Finally,CCS clears Rs 48,000 crore deal to buy 83 Tejas fighters for IAF
But as per HAL previous record First Prototype maybe after 2025...

Abhinav said...

Are they travelling to locations opposite Eastern Ladakh to forward areas transporting MBTs no snow so maybe from last summer
The PRC needed G219 for connecting Xinjiang to Tibet any other importance?



Anonymous said...

How do think the centre is handling vaccine drive ( with efficacy results yet to be published) and how should have done it properly ?


asd said...

Dear Prasun,

Today CCS cleared deal for 83 Mk1A crafts. If everything goes right, can it play a good role in India's plan to capture PoK assuming dissimilar air combat?

Sanjeev said...

Ideaforge got a big order for drones today. Does it actually design and manufacture its drone in India? Or are most parts imported from China or other places and assembled?

NoMoreChicoms said...

1) Only in India, will you see a BMP-2 being rebranded as a futuristic and cutting-edge. In which other society is reinventing the wheel considered futuristic? To make matters worse, most of the video is poorly photoshopped. OFB is anti-national, Naxalite, and owes allegiance to the Chicoms.
2) While this country is run by clueless people, tiny South Korea is much better prepared to defend itself:
India should get K21, K9, and BMPT-72 asap.
3) LCA MK1A CCS approval but no prototypes publically shown yet... big reveal at Aero India!
4) Can we pass through the Karakorum Pass? The goal would be a limited move into Turkestan to reach the town of Dafdar, thereby cutting off China from PoK. Are there any quick pathways from the Transkarakorum Tract to Dafdar without going through Kashgar? This is basically highlands terrain warfare? I don't see how India can get PoK back without dealing with China first.
5) Modern-day Indian maps don't show India bordering Tajikistan, even though Pandit Nehru said that J&K had a border with the Soviet Union (Tajikistan) and the Hunza controlled land further North than in the current map including the town of Dafdar. So why is this gone from modern-day maps? Commie appeasement?
6) Qing China never administered any terrority south of the Kun Lun Range. So why is India not pointing out the Chicom revisionism? Secondly don't the Hans hate the Qing for being foreign invader Manchu dynasty? Chicoms don't understand the difference between sovereignty and suzerainty.
7) So Rafales with SPECTRA face no challenge from HQ SAMs?
8) How can France enforce any dual-use provisions for Ardiden turboshaft? It's much better if all the whimsical idiots in this country make it conditional to stop the sale of that engine in exchange for more Rafale orders. France can figure out which is the more profitable option and act it's best interest.
9) LCH being expedited given the current situation?
10) What's the difference between strike corps and IBGs? And does Army realize that having large defensive, pivot corps are bad posturing and waste of finite resources.
11) We need offensive mindset. For example, how does Army armored company request CAS from airforce? How long does it take for IAF to respond? Have these parameters ever been measured and optimized? We need more scientific inquiry and mathematical modelling in Army and Airforce HQs. Remember that during WWI and WWII the British top brass were considered largely incompetent, so Army should avoid hyping their institutional practices and focus on reforms, like Goldwater-Nichols Act.

Defense and Aerospace said...

Hi Prasun,

Cabinet has given the approval for the procurement of 83 LCA-MK1A. Based on current capacity, how many LCA-MK1A can HAL roll out per annum?


Parthasarathi said...

In the future warfare stealthy UAV with air to surface missiles will rule the battlefield. The trailer we have already seen at recent Armania - Azarbizan war. Now Azarbizan will settle Pakistani settlers at Nagorno-Karabakh and will change the demography once and for all. Mission accomplished.
India should invest in stealthy drones armed with Helina and Rudram 1.
Private organisations like TATA and Ideaforce must be in loop.
Your opinion please.
Best regards

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SIDHARTH: It is part of the evolving range of small-arms being developed by ARDE & OFB for domestic reqmts. Presence of Picatiny rails reveals that the pistol can be equipped with various types of sights. But this tme IA HQ needs to be held accountable for the final selection outcome, since we all know by now that the OFB was taken for a great ride by IA HQ when the latter constantly shifting goalposts for new-generation SLRs (both 5.56 & 7.62) by first insisting on lethality effectiveness till 300 metres, then asking for 400 metres & finally insisting for 600 metres. And the Trichy assault rifle, Excalibur & Ghaatak all fell victim to such never-ending changes in GSQRs.

To AMIT BISWAS: That is talking about only a single element of the eco-system’s supply-chain. If the problem is to be tackled, then it should firstly target the Jain Marwari traders/financiers who are in overall command-n-control of this trans-border smuggling business. They are based in Gujarat, Rajasthan, MP, UP, WB & Assam. It is they who lubricate the both the trans-state & trans-IB logistics networks. And ultimately, it is the BSF that is ultimately responsible for ensuring that nothing illegal takes place anywhere along the IB, not the WB State Police. Therefore, in my view, the only & best option is to legalise the supply of cattle to Bangladesh by officially exporting them through various Border Trading Hubs that ought to be set up by the Govt of India. That way, both central & state govts will be able to earn tax revenues. Presently, all the money made is going into the pockets of the traders, thereby denying the Govt of India the vital tax revenues.

To ABHINAV: No. As the video commentary states, the convoy is travelling from southern Xinjiang towards training grounds further south, i.e. to Xaidullah, which lies 84km to the north of the Karakoram Pass.

To RON: Irrational comments made by politicians who have no respect for the laws of the physical sciences.

To NOMORECHICOMS: 4) No need for that. Instead just destroy the bridges of NH-219 highway between south Xinjiang & Aksai Chin & that will cut off the PLAGF’s logistics-support networks. 5) India never had a common border with Tajikistan & instead has one with Afghanistan’s Badakhshan province at the Wakhan Corridor. 6) India had pointed it all out between 1959 & 1960 when both countries sat down to exchange their respective claim-lines & as I had explained before, India presented historical documentation in support of her claims while China showed no such documentation & instead only kept making oral claims. 7) Not just the SPECTRA, but also the RAFAEL-supplied X-Guard towed decoy. 7) Not just France, but the whole of EU along with the US have imposed military sanctions against China after the June 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre. 9) I don’t see any evidence of this. All HELINA firings to date have been from the Rudra & not from the LCH. 10) Strike Corps is made up of Divisional-sized formations, whereas the IBGs are Brigade-sized & hence it is the Corps Commander (not Divisional Commander) who will exercise direct control over the movements & operations of the IBGs. 11) All that can happen only after joint warfighting concepts are embraced & software-defined radios & SDR-based tactical data-links are widely deployed. And most importantly, the IAF must get out of the attack helicopter business & the IA should be the sole operator of all types of attack helicopters for delivering immediate air-support. The IAF must instead focus on attaining battlefield air-superiority & undertaking both deep-strike & tactical interdiction as part of its quest for achieving air dominance.

Declassified US Framework Document for Indo-Pacific:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANWAY, ASD & DEFENCEANDAEROSPACE: Here are the details:

HAL will deliver 73 Tejas Mk.1A single-seaters and 10 Tejas Mk.1 tandem-seaters by 2026. Cost of the deal is Rs.45,696 crore, besides design & development of infrastructure sanctions worth Rs.1,202 crore. The indigenous material content of Tejas Mk.1A will be 50%, which will be enhanced to 60%. First flight of the first of two Tejas Mk.1A prototypes will take place by the end of 2022 and the first IAF squadron would be completed by 2024, which sounds like a very tall order & instead 2026 will be a more realistic target. The MoD had given the initial clearance for the contract in November 2016 and the IAF had issued the Request for Proposal in December 2017. Fabrication of the front fuselage of Mk.1A has been outsourced to Dynamatic Technologies, the middle section to VEM Technologies, and the rear section to Alpha Design. Wings will be manufactured by Larsen & Toubro. Two separate final-assembly lines will be set up by HAL in Bengaluru & Nashik for delivering 16 aircraft per annum. The Mk.1A will comes with Digital Moving Map Display & generator, with 2-D maps and 3-D perspective view, besides provision for Global Navigation Satellite System (like Navstar & Glonass), Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System-based positioning system, GPS Aided Geo Augmented Navigation, and Satellite Based Augmentation System. There are more than 70 Indian industrial vendors involved in outsourcing of parts for the aircraft. On maintainability alone, the Tejas Mk.1A will have the 43 improvements out of 57 planned on the MWF. Quick-release fasteners will make it easier and faster for maintainers access, considerably reducing the turnaround times times. Importantly, quick release fasteners will remain with the panel and therefore minimise FOD chances. A number of LRUs will be repositioned for better access for the IAF’s MRO ground-crew.

Here now are those issues that need special attention:

1) The 2 Mk.1A prototypes or LSPs (one single-seater & one tandem-seater) will need to complete their airworthiness certification-related flight-tests within 120 test-flights (60 for each aircraft-type) & within 18 months. Only then can the final design be frozen for the SP-series aircraft.

2) Concurrently, weapons integration efforts involving lighter & small-size PGMs (both home-grown & imported) are reqd, since the Tejas Mk.1A will be the tactical interdiction & battlefield air superiority workhorse for the IAF.

3) Unlike the 2 IAF Tejas Mk.1 squadrons that have yet to have their own full-mission flight simulators & cockpit procedures trainers, HAL & ADA will have to ensure that such aircrew training aids become available BEFORE the SP-series Mk.1As start being delivered.

rad said...

hi prasun
can you justify the cost of the LCA deal that seems to cost as much as a SU30mki. Of course we have to bite the bullet and make it here . BUT is it due to the low produtivity scost of HAL. what ails the deal.

what isyour take on the asmi machine pistol .. looks good on the out side .Again seems expensive at 50000 a piece. Looks like a cross between an MP7 and UZI.

we have the el 8251 jammer why the new russian stuff for the lower band >is it tecnically hard? I believe the low band version is for the l band and s band surveilance ground based radar. will russian stuff be as good as the isrtaeli stuff.?But then again internal jammers wont have that level of ERP of big jammers like the el8251?
does france have any equal to the el 8251 jammer ?

Anonymous said...

dear sir,
1) is china going to manufacture j20b in 50-80 by 2021? have they succeeded in ws10 engine or propaganda as usual?
2) what do u make of the current SM situation. today "twitter" has suspended a few nationalist kashmiri's accounts and a police officer too
3) , seems like booden is trying to make up. how will us of a and india relationship would progress under booden raj?
4) which caliber should u think army must take up? 7.62x39/7.62 nato or fancy, revolutionary rounds like 6.8/ 6.5 grendel as grendel seems to mitigate all the disavantages of 7.62x39
5)is there any way to improve the ballistics of 7.62x39 further like how americans worked on 5.56?
thank you

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PARTHASARATHI: Usimng drones for attack is nothing new & was first employed en masse during the 1982 wars in Levanon & Syria by Israel. The IAF has had Harpy anti-radar drones since 1996 & harops since 2012. And as I had explained a few times before, any armed drone won’t last for more than 1 minute when operating inside contested or hostile airspace. The Armenians were overwhelmed because they totally failed to appreciate Azerbaijan’s war-waging capacities & capabilities that were never a secret. And Nogorno-Karabakh has always been part of Azerbaijan & even the UN adheres to this standpoint & hence it was Armenia that had to vacate territoriesd that it had illegally occupied. Looking at such events through Muslim/non-Muslim prisms does not help anyone.

To RAD: LoLz! Everyone, especially ex-IAF veterans, has said that producing 4th-gen MRCAs is not cheap since lots of industrial automation is reqd. But the higher acquisition costs are nullified by much reduced life-cycle costs since a 4th-gen MRCA will be far less maintenance-heavy & will have a longer service-lifespan. ASMI machine-pistol, when equipped with SMASH-type situational awareness augmentation sights, will be hughly lethal. Instead of a single escort jamming pod, far greater jamming effectiveness can be achieved by escort jamming platforms like EA-18 Growler, i.e. equipping a Su-30MKI or Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 with 4 or more escort jamming pods.

To YOGESH: 1) J-20s’s series-production won’t pick up steam until China succeeds in developing a turbofan capable of supercruise & that day is at least another decade away. 2) They are now being restored. 3) Nothing will change. 4) 7.62 x 39 & 7.62 x 51 are the best options. 5) Such options always exist. Even for 155mm field artillery rounds, ramjets are being made use of.

To DASHU: Looks like India has given a free run to the US for all Tibet-related affairs:

Excellent analysis:

To SANJEEV: Except for the battery & surveillance payload, everything else is locally sourced & built for the SWITCH UAV.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

PLAGF Training in Defensive Warfare North of Arunachal Pradesh:

ASMI Pistol & Mirco-UAV Jointly Developed by DRDO & IA:

Sidharth said...

Prasun da,

Why British meddling into our internal matters still wants India to be its colony. Have they attempted during 1962 when India and China were at war with each other. Or there are too many Jaichands in this country.

Unknown said...

Mr. Prasun

1)IAF has 4 Sqn of SPYDER-SR and IA 4 Regiments of SPYDER-SR each Sqn or Regiment has 18 Launchers.
Is it correct?

2)You few days ago mentioned that a PLAN SSN is headed to IOR so now will INS Chakra be out at sea and this information must have been provided by USN P-8A operating out of Malaysia?

Thank you


just_curious said...


1-what nonsense is happening in the UK...
this is a rather timid response .. we should start debating scottish independence --
2- WHO still toeing chinese line .. china is not even alloeing it to enter wuhan.. it first resisted the investigation now has declared 2 of the WHo members as cornoa +ve , which essentially means they will be under lock n key
3- has there been any weight reduction in tejas empty weight as a part of HAL design fine tuning? Also has realignment of LRU's & cabling increased space to carry more fuel?



(1) Saurav Jha said that the actual flyaway cost of the Tejas MK-1A is Rs.300 crores, if you strip away ancillary allocations related to infrastructure etc. Is this figure correct?

(2) Can the Tejas Mk1A be armed with French/ European weapons like Meteor and Hammer?

Sumit sen said...

Which MAWS will be fitted into Tejas mk1A? Will it be Israeli? Since they are providing AESA, EW Jammer.

Harsh said...

Sir, Starstreak missile is being offered to be produced at BDL. Does this increase its chances of Induction in Indian army.

Does this missile have some edge over other VSHORAD options?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SIDHARTH: If that is called ‘meddling’, then this too qualifies as meddling by self-styled ‘model citizens’ of India:

In the UK’s House of Commons, such debates are common & do not infringe upon anyone’s sovereignty. Meddling can take place only if the House of Commons passes a resolution or legislation that directs the UK Govt to take any form of executive action, which I can assure you will never happen.

To UNKNOWN/AJAY: 1) IAF has only 4 SpyDer-MR LL-QRM Sqns while the IA has only 1 Regiment (not 4). The remaining 3 Regiments will be made up of the ‘desi’ QR-SAM. 2) Probably the Project 971 INS Chakra S-71 will be in the southern Indian Ocean, while the USS Georgia (SSGN-729) is presently in the Persian Gulf. Whether or not France & the UK have any SSNs in the IOR remains unknown. But the USN P-8As will be in direct contact with Australia’s RAAF-operated P-8As flying out of Christmas Island & the IN’s P-8Is flying out of Port Blair.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Just debates, nothing more & no call-to-action by anyone. 2) The WHO has no choice. Why so? Because this explains it all:

3) No reduction in weight at all & in fact, more weight has been added due to incorporation of inflight refuelling probe, external ASPJ pod (EL/L-8222) & later on the 2 under-pylon attachments housing the MAWS sensors. Rejigging of internal LRUs & wiring harnesses won’t create any extra volume internally & hence fuel capacity remains the same. That’s why the inflight refuelling capability has been added because such precious 4th-gen assets can no longer be housed at forward air bases like Amritsar & Pathankot. Instead, they will have to housed further inland like in Halwara, Adampur, Srinagar/Avantipora, Gorakhpur, Bagdogra & Hashimara during wartime.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: LoLz! The flyaway cost of each Tejas Mk.1A without the imported hardware content (as per HAL’s quote) is Rs.162 crore, while its negotiated acquisition cost per fully-equipped Tejas Mk.1A works out to Rs.550 crore—the increase being due to the F404-GE-IN20 turbofans (Western turbofans always cost far more than their Russian counterparts because of the latter’s far greater total-technical-service-life). Acquisition cost of a Su-30MKI is more than Rs.430 crore (US$70 million) each. This is because only 52% of the Su-30MKI by value is currently made in India, a little more than the 49% agreed with Russia in the contract signed in 2000. Of the 43,000 components that go into a Su-30MKI, 31,500 components--or 73%--are now being built in India. Further indigenisation is blocked since the India-Russia contract mandates that all raw materials that go into the Su-30MKI--including 5,800 titanium blocks and forgings, aluminium and steel plates, etc--must be sourced from Russia. The contract also stipulates that another 7,146 items like nuts, bolts, screws and rivets must be sourced from Russia. HAL has also partially indigenised the Su-30MKI’s AL-31FP turbofans. About 53% of the turbofan by cost has been indigenised, with the remaining 47% comorising high-tech composites and special alloys--proprietary IPRs that Russia will not part with. Even so, HAL builds 87.7% of the AL-31FP’s components in India. 2) With AASM/Hammer yes, because that involves MIL-STD-1760A interface with only the Tejas Mk.1A’s weapons management computer. Meteor BVRAAM cannot be integrated due to the refusal by both MBDA & ELTA of Israel to share with one another their respective source-codes for the Meteor BVRAAM & EL/M-2952 AESA-MMR. If & when the Uttam AESA-MMR becomes available then integration with Meteor BVRAAM will be possible, but will be expensive. Hence, the best bet is to integrate the Astra-2 BVRAAM powered by SFDR & ramjets with both the EL/M-2052 & later the Uttam AESA-MMRs.

To SUMIT SEN: The same MAWS that is now on board the IAF’s AH-64E Apaches & CH-47F Chinooks. The sensors will be housed within this add-on under-pylon structure:

To HARSH: It is just an offer & only a non-binding MoU has been inked & by no means a production contract.

Ground-report from Panggong Tso Lake:

IA-developed RoV:

IRKUT Corp Final-Assembly Line:

IA-conceptualised ASMI Machine Pistol:

Tejas Mk.1A:


Russia is doing anything to increase its engines TTSL??

rad said...

hi prasun
what will be the sensor that goesointo the desi made pylon fitted MAWS.? US made one form the apache?

Anway said...

Indian Army Demonstrates Drone Swarm Capability with Range of 50+Km
75 Drones were part of Formation

Swarm Drone from ???

Ranveer said...

So Mr. Prasun 1)only 1 SPYDER-MR regiment in IA or SPYDER-SR?

2)The 4 Spyder-mr sqns of IAF will they provide cover to S400?

3)This col David Hume from U.S he has written book on DSSC, Wellington in a interview with Pak channnel he says IA is unprepared for fighting in NBC environment and says IA officers engage in extrajudicial killings and informally accept this in DSSC any analysis on his his wo rk what is fact and what is assumption?




1. All these systems on board the LCA-MK1A are imported, isn't it?

Engine F404 - USA
Radar EL/M 2032 - Israel.
Inertial navigation and gyroscope - France
Catapult seat Martin Baker - UK
Radome - UK
ECM pod and targeting pod are - Israel
DASH helmet - Israel
EW suite Elisra - Israel

2. Why did the IAF opt for French and Israeli avionics for the Su 30MKI when those same systems were available from Russia?

3. Did the other operators of the Su 30 like Vietnam, Indonesia also opt for non Russian avionics like India?

Thank You

Anway said...


Off the topic question.

She works 21 years as a journalist.

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

I'm confused again. As far as I remember you had shared few images from HAL presentation about Tejas Mk1A. In that there was no mention of either the ASPJ or the MAWS. I am certain one of them was missing. I asked you about it and you told me that if it is not mentioned means IAF hasn't mentioned about its requirements.

Now again you are talking about accomodating the ASPJ/MAWS. Is IAF changing requirements again and again?

Second question is that whether HAL can match it's words with actions. What's your say about it?


H I Sutton (@CovertShores) Tweeted:
New article for RUSI

China’s apparent efforts to survey within other country’s territorial waters may go unchallenged

Nod to The intel Lab (@detresfa_ @Obs_IL ) and @MarineTraffic

So china is also deploying SOSUS china version ....

Kaustav said...

Both ASPJ & MAWS are External on Pylons in LCA Mk1A, as no internal volume available. This will not be optimal or as effective 360 degree coverage as internal MAWS with sensors installed on various sections of aircraft.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To AMIT BISWAS: Russian turbofan OEMs have been unable to overcome the TTSL of 4,000 hours, while Western OEMs offer 6,000 hours & 8,000 hours TTSL.

To RAD: The IA & IAF have so far procured multipke types of MAWS for ts Rudras, Apaches & Chinooks. There’s the Saab on Rudras, then the MILDS from Hensoldt of Germany, & finally from Elisra/Elbit Systems. The IN’s MAWS are from Northrop Grumman. No standardisation at all! Meanwhile, do note from one of the earlier videos that the IA's in-house expertise has developed a twin launchers for Konkurs-M ATGM from the BMP-2K's turret, replacing the earlier single ATGM launch-rail.

To ANWAY: Here’s the video:

In my view, such drones can effectively function as closed-loop, autonomous MULES for conducting the air-maintenance taskings at forbidding heights in remote areas, just as in the cities they can be used in support of organ donation/organ transplant processes. Such use will dramatically reduce the direct operating costs of utility helicopters now being used for the same purpose. In fact, such MULES were first proposed by Israel back in the previous decade for CASEVAC & IAI had at that tme even teamed up with TATA for offering it to India, but somehow nothing came of it. The need for such MULES arose again in 2017 during the Doklam standoff since the IA then reqd autonomous but pre-programmed hexacopters that did away with the need for data-linking with ground control stations, and hence being jam-proof.

As for such hexacopters & quadcopters being used as self-destructive killer-drones, the demonstration yesterday used sub-munitions that are already being used by Pinaka rockets, i.e. both HE-Frag direct-impact & air-bursting sensor-fuzed munitions. Such drones too can be pre-programmed & have autonomous navigation without being jammed. But such drones won’t be able to loiter & seek out their targets & hence will require targetting by other ISR means.

As for the ex-NDTV talk-show anchor, she may have started out as a broadcast journalist, but that was only for a short spell & full-time talk-show anchors have absolutely no time to practice any form of journalism. Although we may empathise with her, it nevertheless must be stated she has come out of this as a pretty stupid person who perhaps deserved to be taken for such a ride.

To RANVEER: 1) yes, because the IA wanted to replace its OSA-AKs & Strella-10Ms with Spyder & hence procured the version that can fire both Derbys & Python-5s. The IA’s reqmt is for 1 such QR-SAM Regiment for each of its 3 Air-defence Brigades in support of the 3 existing Strike Corps. Hence, the remaining 2 Regiments will receive the ‘desi’ QR-SAM. Ultimately, each Air-Defence Brigade will have 1 Regiment of QR-SAM, one Regiment of Akash-1/1S & one Regiment of Barak-1 MR-SAM. 2) Yes, both the SpyDer & Akash-1S. 3) LoLz! This is a classic case of the devil lurking within the details. The IA has always had a declaratory policy which states that any foreigner engaging in acts of terrorism is regarded as a combatant & is & will be shot, i.e. no prisoners being taken. This, however, does not apply to those who are citizens of India (that’s why they are referred to as MILITANTS, thereby leaving the door half-open for them to surrender & subsequently be rehabilitated) )& hence these are always given a chance to surrender unconditionally & only when they don’t are they engaged & killed in action. To therefore ASSUME that all such killings are extra-judicial is a FALLACY on that Col’s part & I can only assume that he was not told about the distinction between foreign terrorists & local militants & hence combined the two to arrive at his hypothesis.

Kaustav said...


Kindly update on a new thread the Swarm Drones being suddenly tom-tommed both by IAF & IA. Please cover any RMA or restructuring in ORBAT to restructure of Commands. This looks too much like propoganda & internal consumption especially the technology, AI, Swarms, even new small arms & protection part. Restructuring & jointness of operations ofcourse is long overdue, hopefully it will be done

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VIKRAM GUHA: 1) You forgot to include the 2 most critical on-board systems of imported origin, i.e. the flight-control actuators from MOOG of the US & the NiCad batteries from SAFT of France. 2) At that time the same were not available from Russia & that’s why the Russian Air Force took more time to order its Su-30SMs (version of the Su-30MKI). 3) Only Algeria, while the rest had all ordered Su-30MKKs & MK2s, not Su-30SM & certainly not the IAF-specific Su-30MKI.

To ASD: Arey yaar, it is you that is mixing up things between the Tejas Mk.1 & Tejas Mk.1A. The former has no ASPJ & MAWS while the latter has EL/L-8222 ASPJ but no MAWS fitments AS YET. Once DARE fully develops the INTERFACE BEAM ASSEMBLY containing the frontal & rearward MAWS sensors, I’m sure the IAF will specify it for both the Tejas Mk.1A & Mirage-2000Ns & Jaguar IS/DARIN-3, since such a system has already been specified for the Su-30MKI as well & all that is reqd is a MIL-STD-1553B databus software interface with the on-board Mission Computer. Both HAL & ADA need to work in mission-mode with the IAF’s hand-holding & only such a formula will produce success. And if everything else fails, then I am always there to provide my unsolicited services to both the IAF & HAL.

Now watch these: Pakistan Panics:

BRI Projects Stalled:

Eyeball-to-Eyeball Standoff at Rechin La:

To AMIT BISWAS: It was back in 2016 that I had explained China’s SOSUS plans & work effort here:

China’s principal objective is to bring the entire South China Sea under its domain of maritime awareness so that its SSBNs & SSNs can operate there unimpeded in support of the PLAN’s ‘Bastion’ strategy that calls for creating a sanitised area from where the SSBNs can safely launch their SLBMs.


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Why PIA’s B.777-200 Was Impounded in Malaysia:

Pakistan’s BROADSHEET Fiasco:

Pakistani Gold Smuggler:

This was the guy who along with the Bhatti brothers of Pakistan was used for forcing Dawood Ibrahim's hand in agreeing to smuggle the Pakistan-supplied explosives into Mumbai in early 1993. The Bhatti brothers impounded several of Dawood Ibrahim's gold smuggling consignments after they had left Dubai in the northern Arabian Sea & used such operations to blackmail Dawood Ibrahim into submission. And it was this very network that had supplied the POF-made RDX & other components of IEDs by sea.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like he has more than anyone else


Ranveer said...


But the Akash Regiments in service are in two holding corps in Punjab and are organized as Independent Air Defence Groups and two more Akash Regiment/group are on order?

The upgraded Schillka,Tunguska etc etc will remain in service for 10-15 years.

Thank you

Anonymous said...


Is there a possibility of deploying mechanised forces in Arunachal, Sikkim, HP & Uttarakhand? If yes, then in which areas?



Prasunda, in this article Rakesh K Simha wrote:

"China’s sneak attack in June 2020 that killed 20 unarmed Indian soldiers proved to be both a tactical and strategic blunder. The Indian Army’s devastating counterstrike not only killed 35-100 PLA troops, it also led to the capture of land that had been under Chinese control since 1962 "

Is it true that the Indian Army eliminated 35-100 PLA troops soon after the Galwan incident?

Anonymous said...

dear sir,
1. is there any update on arjun mk2( not 1a) which is supposed to have redesigned turret and hull? has funds for NGMBT been released?
2. can u elaborate more on on new 125mm gun based on ATAGS with new hydraulic recoil mechanism and with sensors, especially on maximum pressure and other parameters
3. naval deterrence is albeit the best. chinese plan seems to divert indian funds from navy. so if the 'so called new defence budget' is approved will navy get a substantial increase
? ur thoughts on submarine vs carrier debate.
4. how good is the fesability for IMRH as new mechanism such as twin-rotors and VSTOL seem to take off?
5. will army ever create special forces regiment ie, pulling para sf out of para
(airborne)?seems like para (airborne) generals aren't letting it happen as pointed out by lt.gen kaotch as severly degrades their assymmentrical warfare capability?
thank you

Anway said...


China have 2 to 3 aircraft carriers. But they have enough aircraft?

bhoutik said...

*will the chinese supply nuclear propulsion to nk?

*americans continue to disappoint. this col. who wrote the wellington experience - decides to go on a paki prop outlet. no sense at all.

*lot of chatter about the implications of the leftist censorship in the US & the urgent need to have Indian platforms & ecosystems. u agree that it is urgent? if yes - way forward?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To PRATIK: LoLz! Not quite. The ‘what, when,, where & how’ were not known to any ‘desi patrakaar’.

To RANVEER: Not quite, as they are only cantonment-based peacetime locations & during wartime they will be mobilised as part of 1 & 2 Strike Corps. The Schilka & Tunguskas are meant for the Pivot Corps formations.

To RAHUL: Not in HP, AP & Uttarakhand, but in Sikkim & Ladakh, as I had explained back in 2017 in the Doklam Standoff thread.

To SUJOY MAJUMDAR: LoLz! There was no strike or counterstrike at all. Instead, it was a brawl that escalated & went out of control. Figures of PLA fatalities vary & are still to be confirmed by the PLA. Nor was any land captured by any party at that time.

To YOGESH: 1) No updates. Nor is there anything called NG-MBT. There’s only the FRCV project on paper. 2) It is 155mm, not 125mm. Recoil mechanism is the same as that for Dhanush-45, but the elevation & traverse is now all-electric instead of the previous electro-hydraulic on the FH-77B & Dhanush-45. 3) The IN’s budget isn’t properly reflected in the annual defence budgets because funds allocated for all projects related to the SSBN & SSN programmes don’t form part of the IN’s annual budget allocations. If such funds are included within the annual defence budget, then the IN’s allocation will be shown as being much higher than is officially admitted. 4) Both are reqd & hence it cannot be an either/or scenario. 4) IMRH’s specifications have yet to be finalised. 5) Para (SF) Regiments & Parachute Brigade are 2 totally different formations with totally different roles/missions.

bhoutik said...

you reckon anything fishy with the suicide of Jerry James of broadsheet?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To ANWAY: Do read this:

To BHOUTIK: Unlikely, but this definitely is FISHY:

And here are a few interesting assessments:

Ladakh Situation:

US Strategy For Indo-Pacific

NSA Doval's Kabul Trip

Taiwan’s Killer Drones:

PLARF BM Drills:

Iran's BM Drills:

Anonymous said...

At this critical juncture how is the local 155 mm artillery going , on scheduled : Sarang and Dhanush.
K9 has almost completed its deliveries. Only 10 pending.
M777 must have been pushed faster.


Harsh said...

Sir, has the L70 upgrade completed? how many were upgraded?

rad said...

\ hi prasun
Icant see the drones dropping the ammo on the targets in the video posted by you . Neither can i see the ammo hitting the target or the drones performing a suicide attack ,or is the ammo a shaped charged warhead like in the sensor fuzed ammo.?more ove the size of teh explosion looks too big for the ammo that can be dropped from a small drone as in the video.

reminds of the fooling the IAF did in the initial years of fire power show in the desrt where a target would blow up evn if the fighter missed the target, obviously somebody with a remote blew up the target!! such deceit!

i hear the drdo has made a desi version of the moog flight control actuators?

Anonymous said...

sir by the 125mm gun, i meant the new 125mm smoothbore gun in development for FRCV which will eventually replace russain 2A46 in t90.
any update on t-90 proevv upgrade?
thank you

just_curious said...


1- the video on afghanistan makes for a depressing viewing..inspite of all the money pumped in & other types of support, India's leverage still remains where it was since the early 90's ie near zero. Given that there is a lot of dependency on a stable afghanistan .. a)-militancy in J&K,b) chabahar- with central asian countries wanting to use it, but the route is through afghanistan,c) emboldment of paki-china nexus to wage proxy war on India using afghanistan & d) becoming a base for anti-india a host of other terror groups-talibs, alqaeda, ISIS & do you think will this unfold.. the afghans inherently can't seem to co-exist
2- u had mentioned earlier that sections in taliban wud want to talk to India. Anything happening on that front
3- Since Qatar has become the defacto middleman for afghan issue. Can India leverage its influence with the arab states(GCC+) to get a deal for itself, what abt Iran's stance, any Indo-iranian joint stand on this vexed issue?chanahar afterall is at stake
4- Has Russia completely walked away from this mess now? , any indo-russian effort in this direction?russia itself seems to be in a slippery financial position given the west imposed economic ban
5- Can we expect a substanial increase in the defence budgets going fwd.. given all this
6- Will russia eventually join the QUAD. however loose the alliance maybe..

just_curious said...


A big if... Given that MK1A is now offcial , will US blackmail india on CAASTA using F404 engine req? what are india's options?

Ranveer said...

Mr. Prasun

But Schillka and Tunguskas are part of the Armoured Divisions which are part of Strike Corps?

Thank you

just_curious said...


what weapon is this--bullpup design --

Unknown said...

Prasun da

Is this a joke or reality?

Thank you


Anway said...


3rd ~ EyE said...

Is there a reason why there arnt much supersonic UCAVs in service ?
some sort of technical limitation or Economics ?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To VENKY: Both Sharang & Dhanush-45 are being delivered on schedule. Only the ATAGS now needs to be delivered.

To HARSH: The IA had 1,360 Bofors L-70 40mm & 464 ZU-23 23mm cannons of which only 200 L-70s were upgraded between 2015 & 2019. The ZU-23 upgrade contract did not materialise.

To RAD: That’s because the drones were not kamikaze drones as was being wrongly broadcast. Instead, the hexacopters were carrying the quadcopters that were carrying the sensor-fused sub-munitions (SFM). It was from these quadcopters that the SFMs were launched directionally. As to how these SFMs work, kindly refer to the Pinaka MBRL brochure I had weblinked earlier & it will reveal how such SFMs are powered & how they approach their targets. The ‘desi’ flight-control actuators have yet to certified by CEMILAC.

To YOGESH: 125mm smoothbore cannon isn’t for the FRCV, but for the Arjun Mk.2. FRCV will be reqd to be armed with either 130mm or 140mm smoothbore cannon.

To JUST_CURIOUS: 1) Not at all. As I had explained before, it is because of India’s support to the ANA that has forced Pakistan to fence & fortify the Durand Line. Just as it was the Pakistani sub-conventional threat to India that forced India to fence the IB & WB between 1984 & 1988, it is the Afghan or Pashtun threat to Pakistan that has forced Pakistan to fence & fortify the Durand Line. Hence the existential threat posed to Pakistan comes not from India, but from Afghanistan. 2) Yes & that’s why India now has an observer’s status in Doha. 3) Chabahar is up & running & expanding. And Qatar as always remains India’s wellwisher. 4) Russia will look to mending fences with the US in the time to come. 5) Not likely. 6) It can become part of the QUAD+ grouping. 7) Not quite, because unlike Turkey India isn’t a member of any formal alliance. 8) That is the OFB’s in-house design for a 9mm machine-pistol that was competing with ASMI, but lost out eventually.

To RANVEER: Not anymore. They are now the principal air-defence assets of the Pivot Corps formations.

To AARPEE: It is 80% true. Back in 1962 the IA did not capture even 1 PLA soldier as PoW.

To 3rd-EYE: There are both supersonic & hypersonic UAVs in service, but only with those countries that can afford to develop them. UCAVs are still in the distant future. Till today the UAVs aren’t even equipped with TCAS traffic collision avoidance systems.

China Connecting KKH-1 with Astore:

IA Innovations Displayed:

just_curious said...


your view on this subject- issues of tibetians in indian

Praksh said...

Mr. Prasun

1)Why did India say that it's Nukes were China-specific and sharing bit with world powers on paper?

2) What is non-lapsable defence modernization fund?

3) What does Indo in Indo-Pacific stand for is it Indian Ocean?
Thank you


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

DAshu said...

lolzzz This latest satellite images of chini village in Arunachal. It seems the west is hell-bent on starting a war between ruling elites and the Indian public.
Here are the standard response as always

1-That Was never under our control

2-Chinese have patrolled controlled it for years

3-We never controlled/patrolled it

4-War wastage reserve is very low cannot do anything forcefully.

5-Given full freedom to armed forces to take necessary action(which is non)

and people will forget about it till a new image come out.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: LoLz! you got it about 95% right. Here's the primer:

The Tibetan rebellion broke out on March 10, 1959 which was brutally suppressed by the PLA. The 14th Dalai Lama escaped and entered Indian territory on March 31 along with some followers, and was subsequently granted political asylum by India. This upset the Chinese authorities a great deal as they felt that the rebellion had been instigated by India and was aimed at securing ‘Independence for Tibet’. However, this was far from the truth. The rebellion occurred due to the politics of repression followed by the Chinese in Tibet. Shannan Region abutting western NEFA was considered by China to be the hotbed of ‘Tibetan reactionaries’. This view seems to have been further reinforced by the fact that the Dalai Lama escaped to India through this region. The traditional routes from Lhasa to Tawang and beyond also pass through Shannan Region of Tibet. Shannan Region is considered extremely important by China. It is located southeast of Lhasa and is considered a gateway to erstwhile NEFA (Arunachal Pradesh). China had identified 28 routes leading from Shannan Region into NEFA. It is also one of the main grain producing areas of Tibet. So, the PLA’s reaction in Shannan was heavy and it employed nearly four infantry regiments (154, 155, 159 and 401) to quell the rebellion in Shannan and thereafter established permanent posts to dominate the border with India. Migyitun (in Tibet) was one such post on the border which was opposite and in close proximity to Longju (in India), a border post held by the Assam Rifles. The Indian post at Longju irked China and in a note dated June 23, 1959 it accused Indian troops of intrusion and occupation of Migyitun and some other places in Tibet and their collusion with the Tibetan rebels. It was at Longju in the Subansiri Frontier Division that the first armed clash took place between the PLA (2nd Company of 1st Regiment of Shannan Military Sub Command) and personnel of 9 Assam Rifles occupying the Indian post at Longju on August 25, 1959, which resulted in two Indian casualties. The issue was finally resolved through diplomatic channels and both sides withdrew from the area on August 29, 1960. However, after this incident, with effect from August 27, 1959, the defence of NEFA which till then was the responsibility of Intelligence Bureau (IB) under the Ministry of Home Affairs and Assam Rifles under the Ministry of External Affairs became the responsibility of the Indian Army. Though Assam Rifles was to continue to remain deployed on the border but henceforth, it would be under the operational control of the Army. After the Longju incident, Assam Rifles did not reoccupy Longju and instead set up a post at Maja, 10km South of Longju, on August 29, 1959. In the Subansiri valleys the main PLA thrust in 1962 was from Longju. In the 1950s, the road had reached only until north Lakhimpur, more than 500km away from the present LAC. The Govt of India ordered a party of Assam Rifles to proceed along the Tsari Chu and make a post at Longju, near the PLA garrison town of Migyitun. This was under the ‘Forward Policy’ and against the advice of the defence forces. China protested and finally the post had to be withdrawn. Strong differences of opinion emerged between India and China on what was known as the 'Longju Incident'. At the start of the conflict, a strong party of the PLA came down from Longju, Bissa and down the Tsari Chu valley until it had a major fight on its hands at the Shere Thapa heights. The PLA proceeded further down reaching Nacho village. The Indian forces had withdrawn till Talliha. From Menchuka Valley, to the east of Tsari Chu Valley, a party of Indian soldiers tried to flee down on an unchartered forest trail into the Tsari Chu Valley. They were trapped in the forest and four officers from their party died of exhaustion, including their Commanding Officer, Lt. Col. D. A. Taylor.

Kaustav said...


India should burn these down or destroy it. Arson, attack sabotage whatever. Do it even if it's in Tibet. Important to send message that nothing on border will be allowed to survive or thrive

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To DASHU: And here are at least 2 identifiable 'desi' nitwits who have been roped in to spread disinformation:

In fact, it was all started by this nitwit:

Between 1962 till to date, that area, although shown to be south of the McMahon Line in successive SURVEY OF INDIA maps, it has been under the effective control & occupation of China. And to make matters worse, back in 1993 the Govt of India decided to forego the McMahon Line forever & adopt the term LAC, which by definition means that the area-in-question right up to Longju to the north was effectively handed over to China. And this got further reinforced back in 2005 when both India & China formally agreed that any redrawing of the borders will not involve the displacement of settled populations. So now, by creating permanent settlements/villages on territories forcibly occupied by China since 1950 (starting with Aksai Chin), China will now have the last laugh when it will claim that as per the 2005 agreement, none of its settled populace will be movable--be they legal or illegal. And especially because in all these decades, India did not even bother to create such permanent settlements on territories that she considers to be her own. So now, will the MEA's China Study Group be held accountable for this mess, especially when it was the CSG that had recommended adoption of the term LAC & ditching of the McMahon Line back in 1993?

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: LoLz! What you are advocating can only be a possible option for those countries that have a very high degree of self-esteem & self-respect (that together constitute PROUD PATRIOTISM). Vietnam comes to my my mind as being one of them. On the other hand, the successive Indian political leaderships have only displayed the ‘baniya’ mindset vis-à-vis China. In essence, what China has being doing since 1987 is over-turning its own policies that it had suggested way back in late 1962 under the ‘Colombo Plan’, under which it sought India’s concurrence on leaving a 20km depth area on both sides of the McMahon Line totally demilitarised & uninhabited. Consequently, by going back on its own commitment, China is rapidly building up habitats within this 20km of hitherto-uninhabited land areas so as to give a sense of legal permanency to its occupation as per the 2005 agreement between China & India, as I have explained above. And this was also echoed last night by Lt Gen D S Hooda here:

Meanwhile, more grandiose plans of HAL:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Anatomy of COVID-19 Cover-Up in Wuhan A Year Ago:

PLAGF High-Altitude Habitat Details:

Roads North of Arunachal Pradesh Inside TAR:

India is indeed lucky to have such blithering idiots as her sworn enemy:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Altogether, there are now 11 SAM sites in TAR facing the LAC, with the new ones now coming up at Pagri, Nariyong Co (north of Bum La) in Cona County, Longzi (Lhatse County), Linzhi, and Bangda (Ngari Prefecture). These sites can house both HQ-9 LR-SAMs & HQ-22 MR-SAMs of the PLAAF, or LY-80/HQ-16 MR-SAMs of the PLAGF.

Anway said...


After above news, too much ho halla on Twitter by desi patrakaars.

Kaustav said...


Tee Hee, it seems he too has read your blog & have started making the right noises
1. Aeroengines - GTRE & HAL to work together on Aero-Engines & a new fighter engine complex to come up. No one can or will provide engine technology or know how whther its GE or others. Ergo imports which ofcourse reduces cost of aircraft.
2. AESA Radars & EW avionics - Indian avionics will progressively replace Israeli Elta AESA Radars & Avionics. Obviously, Uttam is too big, not ready & Indian avionics again too heavy or not ready.

In short HAL is realistic but covering up with future plans. You have taught them the right lessons. Hope the useful ones of using available technology & commonsense get more wider application. Big talk is Ok for interview, publicity & budgetary allocation

Harish said...

People have a look at it very good documentary.


PSS said...


The financial penalties is just a paperwork or will it be implemented strictly for Tejas MK1A considering legacy by MOD.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To KAUSTAV: LoLz! I did not teach him the right lessons, for he already knew them long ago. Perhaps I did succeed in convincing him to share the truth/facts with the audience-at-large so that all the lies & propaganda propagated over the past 70 years can be buried once & for all. If not, then silly & nonsensical propositions like licence-building Gen-4 MRCAs of foreign design & licence-building foreign-origin turbofans will continue to emanate from the undiscerning common public, including such queries being raised in this blog from time to time. And here are some more interesting tit-bits:

China’s Rare Earth Exports:

Compendium on China’s Air-to-Air Missile R & D:

PLAGF's tracked ATV:

Designed by Singapore-based ST Kinetics, this ATV is able to climb 35-degree gradient and normal speed is 40kph.

PLAGF Tactical UAS for Artillery Forward Observation:

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

Latest Book on Gumnaami Baba:

Washington Under Lockdown: A Tour of the Capitol Under Military Watch:

Chanakya Chatterjee said...


When there is so much deck space available on the vizag, kolkatta class ddgs as well as the p17 ffg and even the kamorta ... Why doesn't the IN install an additional 32 cell Barak ER and a SRSAM battery like maybe the C DOME as it's already integrated with the mfstar radar and in service on the Israeli small frigates. This would provide multilayer defensive capacity to all of them.

Further what's happening to the AD SYSTEM for vikramaditya and vikrant iacs.



just_curious said...


What do you make of these comments from the incoming US def sec esp on pakis..said will have a "regional" view--a term which to me says he is hypenating pakis- india again ... concerning??? will biden admin continue the hard stance of trump against pakis?

NoMoreChicoms said...

0) 11 SAMS sites!?! Chinkis are def planning for war. India should hit Pak first before China fully mobilizes. Chicoms have better ISR, force mechanization, and if they want to attack us will try to surprise or trap us.
1) Does LCA mk1a have CFTs? Or does IAF plan to increase refuelers to compensate?
2) Does LCA mk1a have a centreline droptank IRST? USA has such a device on F18E Block 3. Is DRDO working on IRST? If not DRDO can buy a Russian IRST and integrate it to a drop-tank?
3) Safran not willing to co-develop engine with India? Why are the Frenchies acting like Apple Computers? DRDO/HAL's only option now is going to Rolls-Royce. And also what are the options for thrust vectoring?
4) TEBDF is the next logical step after LCA mk2.. South Korea is following the same path for KF-X after KAI T-50 although they are far more ahead than India. AMCA is too ambitious right now, India should build something like F18 Block 3, F15-SE, or Su-57.
TEBDF Slides:
5) HTFE-25 and Roll-Royce tie-up... will this engine be used for MALE/HALE UAVs?
6) WJ-700 first flight... analysis?
7) What is this plane HF-73? Looks like desi version of Tornado? German scribbles means it comes from the esteemed Kurt Tank? Did this get cancelled because British refused to integrate Adour engine on desi aircraft like Marut mk2?
8) Can L&T make a conventional version of SSN for export?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


I was under the impression that Chinese actions over the past few months have conclusively rendered all the previous agreements invalid. If not, then we should rightfully be a laughing stock for the Hans.

The way forward for us is to capture real-estate in the Chinese part of the LAC and be ready to wage a war if it has to come to that. Unfortunately, the Hans are all too aware of our lack of steely balls and are willing to make use of it to win the war without firing a single shot.


Anonymous said...

Hi Prasun

How much of HAL's grandiose plans surrounding Mk1a delivery, Mk2 development timelines can be taken seriously?


Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To CHANAKYA CHATTERJEE: The top-deck visuals of those warships do not reveal what’s below-deck, i.e. there’s no spare internal volume available. INS Vikramaditya already has Barak-1 PDMS on-board while IAC-1 has Barak-8s.

To JUST_CURIOUS: That comment concerns the AF-PAK theatre & has nothing to do with the India-Pakistan equation.

To NOMORECHICOMS: 0) China won’t attack militarily because it knows only too well that it will not be able to achieve victory. In any case, deploying only two Divisions along the LAC in Aksai Chin hardly qualifies as overwhelming military superiority over India. Instead, the SAM sites are indicative of defensive measures against the superior deep-strike capabilities of the IAF. 1) One doesn’t require CFTs when aerial refuelling capability exists. 2) Any centreline pylon on any combat aircraft is always meant for carrying the heaviest offensive payloads & therefore must NEVER be used for carrying any other attachment, be it IRST sensor or LDP, with the only exception being an external fuel tank capable of sustaining supersonic cruise speeds. DRDO has a project for developing an internal IRST sensor for the MWF but with only 40% local industrial content, i.e. in the end it will be an imported solution. 3) No engine developer/manufacturer will ever commit the mistake of co-developing any new-generation turbofan for MRCAs. Hence, to single out SAFRAN/SNECMA Moteurs will be a fallacy. 4) Even TEDBF is an over-ambitious venture since its developmental timeframe directly clashes with that of the MWF. 5) Logically, its first application must be on the upgraded Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 aircraft. 6) What’s there to analyse? It is just a continuing evolution of MALE-UAS designs on China’s part. 7) It is just a paper design for which there were no takers. It was probably planned to compete against the Anglo-French SEPECAT Jaguar IS & was probably inspired by the Mitsubishi F-1 combat aircraft in the 1970s. 8) Nowadays, no one wants double-hulled SSKs & would instead prefer single-hulled solutions.

To ASHISH: That is precisely what I have tried to explain in the following thread.

To PRAKASH: They definitely are over-ambitious, probably due to the ASSUMPTION that the developmental timeframe of the MWF will be the same as that of the tejas Mk.1A. In reality, since the MWF will be a brand-new design, it will require being subjected to 2,000 hours of flight-tests that clearly won’t be possible within a compressed timeframe if only 2 flying prototypes are to be built. At least 4 flying prototypes are reqd along with six full-time experimental test-pilots. Can the IAF’s ASTE spare six ETPs for this tasking? I very much doubt it, especially if the Tejas Mk.1A’s developmental efforts have to be run concurrently.