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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

LCA-AF Mk.2 Can Still Become A Reality. Here's How

A revised roadmap dealing with the propulsion system for both the Tejas Mk.1A and the LCA-AF Mk.2 multi-role combat aircraft (MRCA) is slowly but gradually emerging, following the satisfactory conclusion of recently-held negotiations between India’s MoD-owned Defence R & D Organisation (DRDO) and France’s SAFRAN Group.
If and when it is implemented (it is still awaiting authorisation from the Govt of India), the planned 83 Tejas Mk.1As will use the GE-supplied F404-IN20 turbofans, and after these engines reach the end of their total technical service lives (TTSL), they will be replaced by a new 98kN-thrust (with afterburning) turbofan that will use the M88-2 engine’s core section supplied off-the-shelf by France’s SAFRAN, while up to 60% of the turbofan’s components will be derived from those already developed by the DRDO’s Bengaluru-based Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) for the Kaveri turbofan. All these modified components (including second-generation single-crystal turbine blades) will be co-developed with the help of military-technical mentoring by SAFRAN. So, for 83 Tejas Mk.1A MRCAs, the turbofans to be procured should comprise 83 F404-GE-IN20s, plus 83 of those turbofans that will be co-developed by GTRE and SAFRAN.
For the LCA-AF Mk.2 MRCA, the turbofan to be co-developed by GTRE and SAFRAN will, from the very outset, become the definitive propulsion system. However, the question of exactly how many LCA-AF Mk.2s need to be ordered has not yet been answered by the Indian Air Force (IAF).
This, in turn means that GTRE and SAFRAN will have until 2026 to come up with the definitive turbofan for the commencement of airworthiness-related flight-test regime for both the Tejas Mk.1A and the LCA-AF Mk.2’s weaponised prototypes. Initially, however, the LCA-AF Mk.2’s flying prototypes will be powered by F414-GE-INS6 turbofans.
As I had explained earlier, it all depends on how or whether at all SOUND COMMON SENSE can be or cannot be applied. Let me elaborate: the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 platforms, even after re-engining, will be able to stay in service for only another 15 years. Since these aircraft are now used for tactical air interdiction and battlefield air-interdiction (since the deep-strike roles will be taken over by the Rafales and several Su-30MKIs, while tactical interdiction/defensive counter-air roles will eventually be taken over by up to 150 single-engined imported MRCA like the F-16 Block 70), there exists a market for fourth-generation battlefield air-interdiction/defensive counter-air  MRCAs—roughly 160 aircraft—required for replacing the Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 platforms. This is where the LCA-AF Mk.2 ought to come in, but the project will have to be INTELLIGENTLY managed, i.e. make the MoD-owned Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) the prime contractor answerable to IAF HQ, while reducing the DRDO’s Bengaluru-based Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA) to just a design services provider. HAL in turn should be empowered through sufficient managerial autonomy to appoint its own clusters of public-sector/private-sector vendors as sub-systems/components suppliers, so that HAL does only final-assembly and systems integration. Above all, HAL must be allowed to come up with a financial plan under which such an industrial consortium will be required to put up 80% of the LCA-AF Mk.2’s non-recurring developmental costs, this of course being offset by a guaranteed, irrevocable order for 160 LCA-AF Mk.2s. HAL in turn must be able to guarantee a fully functional/ certified, weaponised LCA-AF Mk.2 at best by 2028 (if developmental work commences in 2018). If this is done, then the IAF will not have to worry about incurring additional costs for force modernisation and it will then stop opposing the LCA-AF Mk.2’s service-induction. Similarly, the Indian Navy (IN) should be bold enough to use a variant of the LCA-AF Mk.2 as a shore-based maritime-strike platform. Meanwhile, the tandem-seater version of the Tejas Mk.1A can be made to serve as lead-in fighter-trainers (LIFT) for both the IAF and IN.
All this is definitely doable from both financial and military-industrial standpoints, but it will require enormous amounts of sound common-sense to be pooled from within the Union Ministry of Finance, MoD, and the IAF and IN HQs so that a comprehensive project management roadmap can be articulated and adhered to without any deviations.
Interestingly, the IAF has mandated that IF the fifth-generation AMCA is to be indigenously developed by ADA, then use must be made of F414-GE-INS6 turbofans for that portion of the flight-test regime that is dedicated to the optimisation of the medium-weight AMCA’s airframe (the Su-57 FGFA on the other hand is a heavyweight fifth-generation MRCA), flight-control logic and the digital fly-by-wire flight control system.
What Is Required For Design/Performance Optimisation Of LCA-AF Mk.2
For achieving the required angles-of-attack, instantaneous/sustained turn-rates and climb-rates (i.e. agility metrics), the LCA-AF Mk.2’s airframe will have to sport LEVCONs of the type already developed for the IN’s LCA (Navy) Mk.1 MRCA.
For all-passive target acquisition-cum-tracking beyond the range of the biological Mk.1 eyeball, an infra-red search-and-track sensor will have to be mounted aft of the nose-section and just ahead of the nose landing gear section, since this will get rid of the obstruction of field-of-view posed by the fixed aerial refuelling probe (supplied by UK-based Cobham) mounted in the MRCA’s starboard side. Two IRST sensor options ought to be explored for installation: either UK-based Selex ES’ Skyward, or the IRST-21 from Lockheed Martin.
The selected IRST sensor will have to be seamlessly integrated with the Elbit Systems-developed TARGO helmet-mounted display system (HMDS) so that it can present a synthesized image of the tracked target on the HMDS’ visor along with superimposed fire-control cueing data required for slaving the IIR sensor on-board the all-aspect RAFAEL-built Python-5 SRAAM when operating in both lock-on-before-launch and lock-on-after-launch modes.
For the on-board AESA-MMR, the modes of operation should include multi-target detection and concurrent tracking/fire-control (for mid-course guidance for the Astra-1 BVRAAM), terrain avoidance, weather search, traffic collision avoidance, moving ground target indication, Doppler beam-sharpening, and synthetic aperture ground mapping. Although the DRDO’s LRDE laboratory began developing the ‘Uttam’ AESAR-FCR since 2012, its full-scale model displayed at the Aero India 2017 expo in Bengaluru last February revealed that a lot more work is required in the area of weight reduction. In addition, unless an environment control system (ECS) is indigenously developed for meeting the AESAR-FCR’s co9oling requirements, additional developmental work will have to be undertaken to integrate the AESAR-FCR with an imported ECS.
This, in turn, will necessitate the acquisition by the DRDO’s LRDE and CABS laboratories of a turbofan-powered airborne testbed that, apart from hosting the prototype AESAR-FCR/ECS combination, will also have to accommodate all the data servers required for the real-time recording-cum-monitoring of all the performance parameters of the prototype AESAR-FCR/ECS combination. An alternative option—if available—would be to ship the prototype AESAR-FCR/ECS combination abroad to a country which is willing to offer the services on a commercial basis of a suitable airborne test laboratory.
The ADA-designed cockpit for the LCA-AF Mk.2 (which was unveilled in 2013) has already been deemed as ‘deficient’ by the IAF, which has since then been showing its preference for the Cockpit-NG suite that was originally developed by Israel’s Elbit Systems and can easily be provided by the HALBIT joint venture of Elbit Systems and HAL.
In fact, the IAF also prefers the same Cockpit-NG suite for the F-16 Block 70s that are on offer from Lockheed Martin and it needs to be noted that Elbit Systems had originally developed the Cockpit-NG suite for the global F-16 mid-life upgrade market, and now even Saab has selected the Cockpit-NG for its JAS-39 Gripen-Es.
For comprehensive self-protection, the LCA-AF Mk.2 will be required to internally accommodate a wide-band self-protection jammer, integrated digital radar warning receivers-cum-jamming transmitters, laser warning receivers and missile approach warning system (MAWS) sensors (similar to what Sweden’s SaabTech has developed and is now supplying for installation on-board the HAL-developed Rudra, LCH and LUH helicopters).
While the DRDO’s Bengaluru-based DARE laboratory has already developed the jammer as well as the integrated digital radar warning receivers-cum-jamming transmitters (that have already been installed on the upgraded Jaguar IS/DARIN-3 flying prototypes), the LEDS laser warning receiver will have to come from SaabTech, with the MAWS being the AAR-60V2 MILDS-F from Cassidian of Germany.
The LCA-AF Mk.2’s airframe will be required to internally host four integrated digital radar warning receivers-cum-jamming transmitters, two LEDS laser warning receivers (preferably on re-designed wingtips) and six MAWS sensors in a distributed-architecture layout in order to ensure all-aspect hemispheric coverage.
The LCA-AF Mk.2’s airframe will be required to internally host a new-generation jet-fuel starter, as well as an on-board oxygen generation system (OBOGS).
The DRDO-developed aircraft stores release and ejection mechanism (ASREM) will have to be incorporated into yet-to-be-developed dual ejector-racks and triple-ejector-racks similar to RAFAUT of France’s AT-730 triple ejector-rack (that contains three TG-480 ejectors) and AUF-2 dual ejector-rack.
Incorporation of an actuated cockpit canopy opening/shutting mechanism, along with a retractable aerial refuelling probe (also available from Cobham), should be desirable for incorporation as well.
It is only after incorporation of all the above-mentioned elements that a final call ought to be taken on the required quantum of fuselage stretch and increase in wing area of the LCA-AF Mk.2. It, therefore, may well be that the current estimate of a 1-metre fuselage stretch required for incorporation is premature and needs to be worked out again in finer detail in close consultations with the IAF and IN.
List Of Major Sub-Systems On Tejas Mk.1
Composites-Based Airframe Content
DRDO-Developed Components
Involved Private-Sector/Public-Sector Industrial Vendors
Critical Foreign Components On Tejas Mk.1
The image below depicts the airframe design of the LCA that was proposed to ADA by GE Aero Engines way back in 1987. Had this design been adopted by ADA then itself, several of the aerodynamic shortcomings witnessed later in the ADA-designed Tejas Mk.1 L-MRCA could have been eliminated at the very outset.
And this is what the IAF had in mind when it was decided in the 1970s to indigenously develop the LCA.
And finally, the F-16 Block 70 on offer to the IAF has the potential of being upgraded to the F-16U Falcon-21 configuration during its projected mid-life deep upgrade, which is explained below in graphic form.
The F-16U Falcon-21 had been designed by Lockheed Martin as far back as the early 1990s and it can accommodate several of the fifth-generation sensor-fused avionics that are presently on-board the F-35 Lightning JSF family of MRCAs.


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Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUVO & ABS: There’s total gloom-n-doom across the IB & LoC. The conclusion reached there is that the POTUS announcement & US Secretary of State’s subsequent statement means that the US is now playing a ZERO-SUM GAME, i.e. ditching Pakistan for good. Which in turn now means that even the F-16s of the PAF may face grounding due to non-supply of spares (that at least will eliminate all prospects of IAF F-16 Block-70s dogfighting with PAF F-16 Block-52s in future!). Even China is now asking privately for how much longer will it have to block Masood Azhar from figuring in the UNSC’s Sanctions List (watch: And the stupid Chinese have only themselves to blame because they (unlike the rest of the world) just can’t understand Urdu. For instance, while China ASSUMES that Pakistan has suffered huge material losses in the War on terror, in reality the Pakistanis in general do not consider them losses at all because each & every death of an innocent Pakistani civilian is always hailed as a sacrifice, embracement of martrydom (hence all such dead being labelled as Shaheed, or martyr), makling kurbaani (sacrifice) & ‘jaanon ka nazraana paish karna’ (offering their lives for a worthy & noble sacrifice)—all of which are voluntary acts that are not the result of any coercion! So if this is the official Pakistani national narrative, which country on Earth can be expected to admit that Pakistan has suffered huge involuntary losses of human lives? And up until May 2014 all TTP footsoldiers were labelled by the ISPR as ‘miscreants’ & they all morphed into terrorists only in June 2014 when OP Zarb-e-Azb was launched. So how can Pakistan on one hand claim victimhood when on the other hand it always reiterates that those civilians killed were never victims, but instead were ever-willing Shaheeds?

As for India’s role in Afghanistan, the US has at last admitted that democratic way-of-life can never be re-engineered, but is instead an evolutionary, organic process. So when it comes to dealing with tribal societies like those in Afghanistan, only India can be of any help in pacifying the local populace by expanding its scope for the developmental projects that will generate more job opportunities through agrarian reforms. India has had decades of experience in such fields, having successfully transformed various Indian tribal societies since the 1960s from wandering tribes to settled communities, along with introduction of matching administrative & land reform-related legislation. So from now on, expect Kabul to expedite—with IMF & WB funding—construction of several dams (with Indian engineering assistance) along the Kabul River that will result in greater agriculture-related activities being undertaken through northeastern Afghanistan. Concurrently, expect Black Water’s mercenaries to use all available means by air & land to destroy all the poppy-growing plantations in southeastern Afghanistan, which in turn will stop the Afghan Taliban money-flow into Pakistan & the PA will be deprived of much of its customary pocket-money.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To FARIS: 1) Today, technologies are available to deploy active/passive TAS on auitonomous surface or underwater vehicles, instead of TAS arrays being tethered to the warship’s stern. In fact, such vehicles can even cruise ahead of the warship & provide early warning of submerged threats at extended ranges & for prolonged duration. Then the warship‘s panoramic sonar can be used solely for warning of inbound torpedoes, thereby giving enough time to the warship to deploy its active/passive torpedo countermeasures. 2) Heavy APCs with remote-controlled weapons turrets are reqd only if the APC goes to the battlefield only along with MBTs. If a heavy AIFV like the Russian BMP-T terminator is brought into play, then such vehicles can ably support MBTs in clearing dug-in infantry-launched ATGM/RPG ambushes, leaving the coast clear & safe for lightly-armoured APCs to fo0llow. 3) The only remaining big-ticket order is for the 12 Rafales. China, after having destroyed the manufacturing sectors of most ASEAN member-states through price undercutting & keeping its currency artificially under-valued, has now reduced such countries to mere suppliers of raw materials & is now generously doling out developmental funds at commercial interest rates. The day therefore is not far when countries like Malaysia will regrettably end up just like Laos & Cambodia, i.e. vassal states & when such countries are unable to repay their debts back to China, they will be asked to part with their real-estates, just like what China had demanded & received from both Tajikistan & Sri Lanka.

To NAG: It is not exactly Brimstonbe or Hellfire, but it is more than adequate to do the job & it has promising growth potential as well.

To SATYAKI: 1) HELINA can & will eventuially arm the LCH. The weaponisation work for the LCH is still on-going & hasn’t yet been completed. Only the flying platform has been demonstrated. Its self-defence/countermeasures suite has not yet been installed/integrated. 2) That is for the sake of testing out a modified double baffle muzzle brake. 3) S-2/S-3/S-4 can all be armed with either K-4 or B-04 SLBMs.

Prasun K. Sengupta said...

To SUVO & KAUSTAV: Meanwhile, the headless chickens at REPUBLIC WORLD TV channel need to take a break WRT Durga idol immersion being postponed by a day in Bengal. The decision was taken only on the merits of crowd control-related law-enforcement & by no means tantamount to minorioty appeasement. Imagine on the very same day 2 different processions being allowed to navigate along the same streets, which will not only cause traffic congestion, but also stampedes. Furthermore, the involved communities on those days will be highly charged emotionally, with the Shias being like this due to the passion of embracing martyrdom, while the non-Muslim Bengalis being in a highly intoxicated state & possibly smoking something that makes them go into orbit. Sanity & logic therefore demand that de-confliction be achieved. Furthermore, the Shia community (who adhere to Sufism) has never had any incident of communal violence with any non-Muslim community. Such clashes have always involbed only the Sunni natives of India. In fact, the Shias have always held ‘Hindus’ in high esteem because it was the ‘Hindu’ King of Sindh that had given sanctuary/protection to the direct descendants of the Holy Prophet inside Sindh at a time when the Sunnis led by Mohd bin Qasim were baying for their blood, as explained below:

History of Muharram:

Raja Dahir:

To AVIRAL: Indian Army’s Carl Gustav LAW & 106mm RCL Attacks in Kotli District PoK 21-7-2017:

Indian Army Firing Bofors L-70 40mm cannon across LoC:

Watch from 36:40 till 41:50 how the ISPR tutored/brainwashed anchorperson shakes her head in disbelief when a former Pakistani Foreign Secretary demolishes the muth of Indian interference from Afghanistan into Pakistan, & then prevents him from completing his explanation:

john said...


Is it true that we are looking at six V-22 tilt rotor Osprey.


Sparco said...

What is the timeline for induction of S3 and S4 hulls. I mean officially put into service. And when will the first ssn rollout?

Unknown said...

1.I quote some old news article's line:
"In April 2016, it was reported that the missile was successfully tested on 31 March 2016 from INS Arihant, 45 nautical miles away from Vishakhapatnam coast in Andhra Pradesh.". So does this mean that K-4 is fireable from S-2?

2.How will US transport all it's logistics in AFG. if pakistan won't give them route? Ofcourse they can't use air-corridor since it would be expensive.

3.What happened to CLGM? I read your old article in which you suggested using CLGM instead of Helina on LCH.

4.I have seen a video of a guy who was ex-SSG commando who said that APS massacre of children was done by Pak.Army itself.Is it true? Weren't TTP enemies of Pak. Army?Then how?

nag said...

Dada can russians give us high powered naval reactors say 150mwt in future

asd said...

Dear Prasun,

When the LCH will be completing the required trials and formally inducted into armed forces?

soi said...

Hello Prasun Da, Thanks for the reply again.

1.( now IAF has come to terms that 4.5 Gen aircraft is same perhaps better than 5th Gen, Who are these folks? If 36 Rafale are ordered what can be the Offset/TOT if any? Your views on the same.

2.Would the new 36 Rafale acquisition have any effect on Foreign Single engine fighter deal , If any? Concern do we have this much budget.

3.This one always riddles me, If we have so much money to spend on these foreign fighter jets, why not spend on our Private and Public Industry's R&D(I am saying private sector should also be involved in major R&D ), We can get the tech as well as production line. Unlike now where we are only pitching up for a production line?

Soikot Banerjee

Millard Keyes said...

I thought T-72 was superseded by T-90 but it looks the T-72s are evolving. Seeing India has a huge number of these shouldn't the CIAs be better of upgrading to BMZ standard? Would T-90 upgrade make them at par with Tagil standard?
Another part to clarify: didn't you say in the previous thread Super Sukhoi is a fantasy in India to upgrade without any OEM input and no such project exist in Russia? Your link to 45 or 48 (I forget)Mi-17 said the Russians were paid money for intellectual property. I am no good sifting through the old threads but everything I read is stored in memory :)

Laxman said...

1. Shashi Tharoor says, "If China genuinely believes that Doklam is its sovereign territory upon which India is transgressing, it is capable of destroying BRICS to “reclaim” its land – maybe just after the summit, which it can portray as a last-ditch opportunity for peace that India failed to seize."

Irfan said...


When will India sigh the FGFA -- PAKFA deal

Why do we get contradictory news every now and then

sbm said...

Do you think that India will ever obtain its desired total of 12 S-400 squadrons and a BMD system using the AAD and the S-400?

I see that the rumour mill for another 36 Rafales has started again - prefered if the number was 44. Likely you think?

Will India ever get a 5th Gen fighter? I mean the PAK-FA story is going on - and on - and on. AMCA is nowhere in sight...

Singularity said...

To see the sheer lack of responsibility, shame, competence, leadership and empathy in the people in power across the political (and administrative) landscape is certainly a great indicator of where the country is headed. This clown and his cult is wildly popular and politicians continuously queued outside his 'gufa' for his 'blessings'. Perhaps, we should make the daughters of these power-hungry imbeciles 'sadhwis' at these deras for a few years. Chinese will never pose a bigger threat than the selfish short sighted stupidity of the vast majority of my countrymen...

Kaustav said...

Our political leaders from Mr.Khattar to Ms.Banerjee shall suffer the fate of Nero for fiddling while Rome burnt, but it is India that shall bear the brunt of their follies and burn because tha masses usually get the Leadership and fate they deserve.

SUVO said...


Ashish Gautam said...

Sir I have a question which is different from others.....
My question is that what is the amount of that "CONSIDERABLE LOAD" which LCH & RUDRA can carry to Siachin heights for attack purpose?

Laxman said...

2. How do you think maldives situation will pan out

joydeep ghosh said...

@Prasun da

1. whatever said in this abt netaji's lost treasure including priceless artifacts could that be true

2. you have said IN disposes expired ammo by dumping them in Southern Indian ocean, but this is inviting a ecological disaster

3. you say republic TV of Mr. India wants to know are shouting nonsense about a simple security issue actually his former home timesnow too is doing the same, god koi humko inse bachao


joydeep ghosh

abs said...

Prasun Da
Something interesting that I came across.

Sanjay Sharma said...

Dear Prasunji

1) What is the current status of the maoist movement?? How much has the threat reduced since 2009 Dante Wada massacre??

2) Any chance of a resurgence of the khalistan movement in punjab?? Especially given the poor governance in the state thanks to successive incompetent governments??

3) Any chance the bjp's fringe element inspired policies will lead to a movement for dravidanadu?
Is there any popular support for it in the southern states??
Currently the south is the only part of the country that is relatively free of such violence.

4) From information you've given us sir, it seems the main missile threat from pak are CMs like babur, but pak does not pose a threat as far as conventionally armed BMs are concerned.
While China poses a threat through the use of BMs and not much through the use of CMs due to their subsonic speed. Am I right sir?

5) But what about the reverse engineered versions of klub that can be air launched from h6 bombers? Does that not pose a grave threat due to its 2000km+ range and supersonic speeds which negates the disadvantages of subsonic missiles like CJ10?

6) I've read that china has 1600 BMs arrayed against Taiwan. How many ballistic missiles do you estimate they have deployed against us sir??
Also please if possible give us their names and ranges.

7) Sir you said that the US has great influence over Chinese wealth in its banks because the reserve currency is dollar not yuan. Does that mean sirji that even if Chinese overtakes the US in nominal terms say between 2025 and 2030, China will still not be economically as powerful as US?

8) If that's the case sir, how long do you think it will take for China to eventually eclipse the US as the world's pre-eminent power. Maybe 2050-60 or later?

9) I have trouble understanding how exactly economic sanctions work. If possible sir can you please give us a suggestion of a book or video to help us better understand how international sanctions work?

Thanks a lot

RJS said...

Dear Sir ,

I realise that quite a few posters have drawn your attention to the above articles and you've responded to their queries as well citing China wouldn't dare seek armed conflict for fear of losing the Indian market and perhaps for fear of permanently pushing India into the US - Japan camp.

While all that is well taken , what if in spite the Chinese not wanting such an outcome , are forced to seek such an armed conflict as now seems likely on the LAC.

Allow me to elaborate - the 19 th National Congress of the CCP is scheduled this winter around November .

One of the principal points in the agenda is to re elect Xi Jinking for a second 5 year term as well as replace half its politbureau , the CMC and other such high ranking committed with Xi acolytes.

While on the face of it this seems an open and shut case there seems to be enough indications that this is not going to be so as Xi has rubbed a lot of important people the wrong way particularly those belonging to the factions of former Presidents -Jiang Zemin & Hu Jintao- the so called Shanghai & Beijing factions within the CCP , using the anti corruption drive to target members of this clique.

Wouldn't Xi be tempted to pre empt this and ensure his re election unanimously by rallying the nation behind him .And what better way to do so than by initiating a short devastating border war against India by portraying her as the aggressor. After all one of the reasons Mao initiated the 1962 war was to consolidate his position within the party following the disastrous fall out of the Great Leap Ahead campaign .There are plenty of precedents both within China and in such totalitarian States where when individual power and pelf are threatened the country's well being is sacrificed to ensure the political survival of that one individual .

Apart from this , there are also plenty of chatter on the internet and in Chinese defense forums suggesting an ultra nationalist clique within the PLA & the CMC not excluding the CCP who seem itching for a showdown .

My question is simple - assuming what Mr.Tharoor says is right and there's a good chance he is , given that the Chinese are loathe to act in haste and at this very moment may well be planning to prosecute their war using the methods outluned by Lt Panag in the blog ( link as attached above ) as well as the SCMP link , how good are our defences against such an onslaught and more importantly if we want to grind the Chinese offensive to a halt without ceding any territory what should our response be ?

Thanks in advance ,

Warm Regards

sam said...

Plz throw sime light on this

Millard Keyes said... what are the vehicles with those huge guns, radar and MBRL type but looks different?

Millard Keyes said...

Australia has one of the harshest environments in the world and ADF selects vehicles that could endure this harsh environment. Should it not have been prudent to obtain such vehicles and platforms in India which shares similar environment in the border regions? (hawkei) (Bushmaster)


Anonymous said...

Does this article has any merit? do you aadhaar database is secure? what steps GOI should to have robust security database?


rad said...

hi prasun
you said the helina is in production. pse post latest pics of the helina .There seems to be a version with extra length of booster.will 100 per year be sufficient ? does it mean the other European missiles are out off t he race.

what is this dhruvastra?is it a launcher or a new missile ?

Similarly the qr sam seems to have a thicker mid body section for more mass of fuel and there is a slight taper to the front.More dope on it pse

has india agreed to russian ps-90 engines for the il-214 as per russian news?

Pawan said...

Dear Prasun da

I have a political and a religion related question. Both having bearing on future Geo & political strategic status of India.

1. No matter what people may say but this BJP led Govt is still working better than Congress in almost all sectors except at creation of sufficient jobs. but it is also fact that incidents like Haryana or Yogi's behaviour are may clout minds of common people. So in such scenario do think UPA making come back.? and do you subscribe the view that Congress decimation is now a done thing for good.

2. My second question is about Hindu-Muslim relation which would have deep impact on sustainability and progress of India. All over world, non-muslims are complaining not only about muslims behaviour of not adapting in new environment but also trying to impose their beliefs/traditions on host culture, the very same beliefs/traditions which directly/indirectly made them refugees in first place.

Also how we can get rid of these conversion issue which I think deepest of reason for hindu-muslim rift.


aniz said...

dear prasunda
in your past references you have posted many times about saudi getting nukes from israel , but i havent seen any references anywhere. is there any corroborative evidence of it

what future holds for pakistan after potus

thanking you in advance and lookin for you r views on it

aniz bin yusuf

Sumit sen said...

Dada as u said that spike Sr will equip the mountain division and special forces. Then which 3rd gen agtm will equip the regular infantry of IA?

Srinivasa Nanduri said...

Hi Prasun,

Great article and as always enjoyed reading your replies.

As expected, Pakistan reacted the way it usually does when cornered. Todays attack DPL in Kashmir, killing 8 indian security personnel in a terror attack. Modi Govt., should have anticipated and better prepared for this in Kashmir. And Pakistani media saying 40% of Afghanistan is under Taliban, is it true?

Your comments about how Indo-China and Malayasia are been finlandized really sheds light on broader contours of Chinese diplomacy. What is India / EU and USA doing about it.

Pakistani media is full of chatter that Russia came to its support and they along with IRAN, RUSSIA and CHINA will veto USA and INDIA and will bring in peace per there terms. I do understand that it is more a statement of bravodo then reality but what is USA doing to bring in RUSSIA and IRAN on broad to its vision of solving the issue. US Senate is making things hard for President Trump. Will he be able to sanction More Chinese entities and sancation Pakistan too. It is much needed step but logistics might prove difficult with out Iran's support via Chabahar and Russian support for NDN / Central Asian route.

Thanks & regards,
Srinivasa Nanduri

Devopriyo said...

Prasun seems to have turned bond again😂😂. Look forward to the travelogue...

capri4791 said...

what is the difference between combat hawk & Hawk -I ? are they both combat platforms ?

Unknown said...

is barak8 deployed by the navy

Ashish Gautam said...

One more question....
What's the level of armouring in LCH & RUDRA, including cockpit & fuel tank armouring? What level of ammunition fire can they bear & fly safely?
Thank you

RR said...

ADANI GROUP with no base in Defence Manufacturing just announced that they have tied up with SAAB to manufacture GRIPEN in India
in PM Modi's flagship STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP programme if GRIPEN ousts the F-16 vigorously offered by USA's LOCKHEED but would not Trump have interest to see Modi takes F-16 as he is supposedly screwing Pakistan. It is because India has asked that and hates TALIBAN BUT THE full administration in USA ONLY TELLS PAKISTAN CHANGE YOUR WAYS AND HELP US IN AFGHANISTAN and Russia is taking advantage with China to fill gaps that may be left by USA's cut off of arms supplies.And Taliban cannot be wished away I can wager.

If India does not help USA in Afghanistan as TRUMP has asked India to do more, he will erupt if his new Afghan policy sees more Taliban attacks which are not abating ? What are Trump's plan on Iran as China Russia Iran and Turkey have joined hands and this is frustrating Trump. We lean on Iran for oil and transit hoping Chahbahar takes on Gwadar.

The MOD is ordering various planes RAFALES F-16 or GRIPEN and LCAs and another future generation fighter on the anvil and are the IAF making monkey of their inventory for support and maintenance ? The Navy is ordering two more varieties of Submarines P-75 I SSN though Scorpenes are there and Arihant class again so much diversity ????

IS THIS ALL POLITICAL AND ADANIs media reports, are favoured as BJP funders ? Is this all India's rope tricks in MOD ? India needs manufaturing but STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIP has been still born.ANSWER PLEASE WHAT MOVES MOD

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